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Be Bold & 1 Answers

Cordlaine D. McGhee

Bold Answers


1. How well do you know yourself? Do you pay attention to the internal and external clues that signal your interest in something?

Over the last two three years I have grown more accepting to constructive criticism and positive self-reflection. From this transformation I believe I know myself much better than I did before and during my teens. Through discovery and reflection I have learned about my truly self and I now handle personal and professional situations with more patients and plan. I still have work ahead of me in my professional career life, but I am constantly growing more comfortable with my personal self. With my personal growth I have found my love for general creativity. This mostly includes painting, and crafts, but is growing as my skill in creative art grows. Finding my inspiration for my current projects the Valuer Movement and World51, Inc. came from connecting my memories growing up and my future passions. This connection was therapeutic and motivating, which gave me a strong feeling about heading in a positive direction. I have since applied some of my funniest, sad, or dreams with passionate social change.

2. What type of stories in the media make you most excited or upset?

The majority of pop-culture today characteristically finds me upset. The culture of Generation Y and the culture around this generation have been looked at by the corporations as targets. Although we all know as entrepreneurs it is crucial to define a demographic focus, some of the pop-culture and products that promote the pop-culture are simply taking advantage of people from thirty-five and under. With the internet, digital media technology, and social networking programs, the cultures of the world are have the accessibility to many downsides of pop-culture, and the phenomenons that surround this market. The easier access has become, the easier it has become for young people to develop a lack of self confidence when compared to the celebrities, money, power and prosperous images. The negative aspects of pop-culture have left these issues with little solution. The larger and more accessible social media, pop-culture and the phenomenon surrounding this culture, the larger social issues concerning womens empowerment, environmental consideration, and chronic illness become. A lack of direct mentorship has left women, children, young-adults, and anyone within such categories without a undeviating contact. The parents of today are finding themselves working 50-60 hour weeks, leaving little time for direct family activity, therefore children have become disoriented and unclear of the correct path. Pop-culture has sense filled this gap, and we are beginning to see the results of this unfortunate reality.

On the opposite end, there are also media stories that excite me. I enjoy hearing about new green inventions, international solutions similar to Generosity Water and AIDS Foundation. Hearing more and more about the success these groups acquire and the larger audiences they are able to reach, is extremely exciting to someone life myself, a social entrepreneur.

3. What keeps you awake at night? What gets you up in the morning?

Many nights I read myself to self, but on the nights that I am unable to sleep well, I am usually worried about my personal struggle with Type 1 Diabetes, and troubled with sleep-seizures. I sometimes worry also that I still have a long to-do list and I shouldnt being going to sleep, I will usually get up at this point, and entertain myself writing about social issue solutions, thinking about business ideas and visualizing my self in a positive light. However, if I do make it through a good-nights sleep, I am usually getting up with the excitement of what I can accomplish. This is when I to call all those close to me, wish them a happy day, and share good news! I also find myself wanting to accomplish everything and anything, my attention ability may sometimes be thrown off by this, but lately I have kept a clear frame of mind around building a strong group and business. I want to meet and build a network through the philanthropy community, and I want to be a part of strong non-profits that second me as their mentee. I also enjoy going to serve my Lord in a new way. All of these ideas and goals get me out of bed and jumping to my feet, waking up to sunny days is my version of fresh coffee.

4. What global issues are really important to you?

I believe people all over the world, no matter social, economical, racial or religious status, deserve and should have access to clean and drinkable water. Generosity Water is an organization that brought this issue to my attention, and I was able to grow a stronger network through my church working with them. Another issue that is really important to me is Womens empowerment on many different levels. I believe the importance of this issue and the curiosity that continues to grow from learning more and more, stems from my families issues with Women and depression. Also, my personal issue with depression and the consistent struggle I have faced with confidence and mentorship. Womens empowerment stems from a different personal story for every woman, however, I also believe that when we are ourselves are doing our best, we are at our best to help each other. I would like to bring innovation and mentorship into the social issues spectrum regarding womens empowerment, and use this same mentorship model efficiently to bring sustainable change and support towards different social issues worldwide.

5. Why have you gotten involved in certain activities or issues in the past? What has held your interest or prompted you to learn more about a particular issue?

From about twelve years of age I have been passionate for issues related around diabetes, and juvenile diabetes. I have experienced juvenile diabetes personally, and members in my family have struggled with adult on-set diabetes. This issue and the issues directly related to having such diseases have given me a personal passion for the negative phenomenon spreading throughout the adult population in our country, mainly due to poor food quality, overeating, and a lack of healthy lifestyles. I became more involved with the American Diabetes Association to learn about adult onset diabetes and what was currently being done to develop a cure. After moving to Los Angeles, I learned more about the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and was so excited to connect personally with this foundation, because I am type one as well. I became the founder and co-chair with, The 1s a adult type one peer group. This group is focused around bring type one adults together and sharing solutions for balancing a professional life and family life. This group has brought together nearly 40 members in the LA area alone. We have group gatherings nearly every month, and during these gatherings we talk about different topics relating to health care, insurance issues, nutrition concerns, new technologies in the field, and some meetings have included guest speakers, who are also type one. I want to see this group become the epicenter for people like me, because we working together have been a life saver for many of us, both literally and figuratively. I have personally learned a great deal about diabetes, and other people with the disease, we are a solutions oriented team, so that in itself brings out an encouraging environment, which has been the crucial element for its success.

6. Can you remember an experience that was really important and meaningful to you that you never followed up on because it seemed too new and different?

I started my college career in Hospitality and Events, I knew at the time I was very socially inspired as a person and I enjoyed being around the excitement of events and the work of different projects. However, the lifestyle was demanding, working nearly 50 hours a week, slowing me down and everyday while leaving work my mind was foggy and I felt a sense of frustration. I loved the elements of my position, but I was missing a connection to the structure of hotel culture professionally. I left the hospitality industry and moved forward to work within philanthropy. I felt this was a professional epicenter to combine my desire to help others, and my creativity for design and projects. Being from Alaska and then moving to Las Vegas and finally Los Angeles, new experiences or possible opportunities have never been intimidating for me. I more enjoy walking into the unknown, which members of my family commonly discourage, just to leave as a funny remark.

7. Have you ever been afraid to pursue something because it didnt fit in with the expectations of yourself and others?

Yes, I believe I hold myself to the expectations of society and others at times. I have wanted to pursue art as a career, more and more. However, I felt that this wouldnt bring a high enough income to put me in a category of middle to upper class. I knew my passions included sports, arts, social events, people, and developing change, but I felt society wanted me to be a doctor, psychologist, nurse, or lawyer. I knew these careers werent going to be the best for my income and importance, and therefore it took me off course and down a tough road before I was able to accept and believe philanthropy and business was my route. I reflect back upon this way of thinking and realize only when you are comfortable in your own skin you are a true success. This is where I developed the belief that when I am at my best, I am at my best to help others.

8. If you had the power to solve one social problem in the world, which one would you choose?

This question opens many doors, and those doors lead down many roads. I feel connected to many different issues, because of many different experiences during my life. However, if I had to narrow them all down to a single social issue, I would choose human equality. I feel and know there are many countries that do not have logical human law or rights in place. The ability to beat and treat women, children is simply evil. If the poor and the wealthy arent treated with equality, this cycle just perpetuates the poor becoming less educated and less able to obtain needs, and the wealthy with more to build benefit and the ability to feed their families with a silver spoon. There are also issues within established countries that have the privilege to live with certain laws in place, and still issues with domestic violence, racial favoritism and sexual oriented discrimination daily. I feel human equality is the right social problem to begin with, because there are plenty of other social issues directly connected to human equality.

9. How would you go about solving this problem, and what would the world look like once your solution was implemented?

I would like to start with gathering different opinions and variety of perspectives. I would like to travel and document the responses I receive from a list of questions, and then use this information as research. I would put this research together with the appropriate questions, and release this information in a TV based show, allowing me to break up the entire documentary into different issues and questions. The reality/documentary will be shown in short episodes and confirmed to show during a popular viewing time. I want to separate the issue information into short episodes to create interest without having to see an entire film on the topic. I believe that is what is most important, creating the interest. People are capable with todays information accessibility to conduct their own research on any topic of interest, and there are plenty of websites advocating on different topics, therefore, I think developing interest is what will classify this show as authentic. I hope to indirectly advocate for world peace and equality, and instead show current environments to inspire these thoughts within the audience. I want to promote this series as the innovating movement for a revolutionized chapter of change. I hope seeing the current world will continue to inspiring the individual, and motivate new popular culture social movements. I want to use this creative idea as the opportunity to develop social solution.

10. If you already are working in the nonprofit sector, do you believe fully in the mission and vision of the organization for which you are working? If you have any doubts, what are they? Can you outline your organizations goals clearly? Are they as ambitious as they are realistic?

Generositywater.org is an organization thats main mission is staying dedicated to ending the clean water crisis in developing countries, one community at a time. Through innovative awareness campaigns, strategic implementation and in depth accountability, we hope to inspire people to think globally and live generously. I believe their mission statement is, simply put, defined, the vision is recognizable, and has authenticity. The audience is able to read their statement and grasp the purpose, the process, and the progression of their organization without second guessing their purpose and drive. I personally believe in this organization, and I enjoy working with their organization because I know from my experience with their projects that they will continue making a difference for countries and the millions of people without clean water. To answer the last question, are they as ambitious as they are realistic? YES! This group is driven by faith and passion; they are people that revolve around their faith and believe in being authentic as a team to develop a strong change movement. They incorporate their movement efforts in with other organizational events, and with the churches people. They inspire and motivate involvement, and encourage opinion and suggestion, which is a crucial element in developing ambition within the team while remaining realistic in vision.

11. Have there been times when you have continued on in the face of doubt or opposition? If so, what kept you going? Do you consider yourself resilient?

There have been many times that I have had to face self-doubt, and through self-doubt I am now able to recognize the, head-games I find myself supporting. I developed a saying to help push me through these times, and visualize my success, I cannot open a door behind me, I can only close the doors of the past, but I can open the door in front of me, I will only close the doors of my future if I treat my future as my past Cordie McGhee. Although, there have been times I have failed a job, or friend, or employer, because I could not complete the tasks in front of me, I built my character through understanding where my skills were truly at, and how my future jobs could support strengthening these skills. However, there have also been times that reflect the opposite, and those are the times that I try to focus upon when reflecting on professional and personal experiences. The things that kept me going, well, that changes with different experiences. For example, I dont believe I would have moved to Los Angeles, and recommitted myself to Christ if I would have stayed in Las Vegas. While living in Las Vegas, I doubted the reality of Christ, and the honesty of people. The thing that kept my interest and my soul going was actually a friend I had made at the restaurant. I had moved to Los Angeles to work at this restaurant, and this friend invited me to attend Oasis Christian Church with her. I went, and I couldnt believe what I had walked into! I am so glad I moved to Los Angeles, and went to work at that Restaurant. I am not sure how I have made it through tough times before Christ, and am so thankful for the people I have in my life. This helped me to believe that Christ never has coincidences, and instead he has everything planned for his believers.

12. What big ideas do you have that youve never shared with anyone? Whats stopping you from sharing them and putting them into action?

Sharing is caring, and I do not hold many of my thoughts to myself. I enjoy feedback and therefore I like to share everything I think of, however, I am picky about who I share certain information with. The only thing that might stop me from sharing a big idea would be the fear that my idea might be stolen and accredited to someone else. There are a few things stopping me from putting them into action, and the first thing is that I do not have the financial income to put towards starting a copyright or patent, because there are fees that must be paid. I realize that there is a lot more work to establish my idea, my mission, and the implementation strategy for the idea to develop and become self-sustaining. It is not a matter of what is stopping me, but it is a matter of how I will eventually obtain these requirements.

13. At which activities do you excel? What skills come naturally to you? What do your friends and family identify as your strengths and skills?

I believe we excel at anything if we let ourselves. W are the only people that stand in our way from achieving our dream. It is alright if our dream changes, takes a separate route, or falls off the planned path, faith will bring us through. I excel at many different things, and have tested this in many different situations. For example, social events related to fundraising, non-profit and philanthropy, being hospitable to guest, clients, and entertainers of such events, have proven to me that I am very people oriented with great communication skills, professional presence, and a positive attitude. I enjoy challenging myself professionally, but also hold myself to high-personal and professional standards. I believe it is crucial to introduce yourself gracefully to any and all people because you can never pin-point future possibilities or opportunities. My friends and family believe I am positive, high-energy, driven, influential, natural leader, creative, innovative, passionate, artistic, approachable, charismatic, mutually comforting in social settings, and strong analyzer of professional situations.

14. Are you a risk taker? Indentify at least three instances in which you took a big chance on something or someone. What gave you the courage to take these risks?

I see myself as a risk taker, which stems from my background in believing the implementation fair-treatment should be standard. I have learned while living in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, you must have mutual respect for those around you, no matter if it is a homeless person living on the streets, or if it is Michael Jackson, people should be treated with equal respect. I took my passion for respect of others and went down to work at the Down Town Womens Center. I knew this was going to be a unique and possibly uncomfortable situation, but I wanted to experience this first hand. I knew if I experience something outside of my comfort zone, I would be humbled and better understanding of people and their situations. Understanding people and their unique stories, really brings a better understanding to future experiences. This understanding gave me the courage to go through with this experience and to volunteer at future experiences and share my experiences in conversations with friends and family members. Leaving my past-career in Hospitality and Event Management was a tremendous risk. I knew my parents and family wouldnt understand why, but I knew why and that was because I was unhappy. I might have been unhappy in the moment, but I could see myself as unhappy in my future with that career. I felt guilty that I was going to let my parents down, and that they had invested so much into my education, but I knew that the bigger picture was going to matter in the future of us all. I left my job before I had something else lined up, but I trusted God and had faith in myself that it would work out.

15. Do you ever question the way things work or the status quo? Do you ever wonder why things are done in a certain way and imagine how they might be done differently and better? Think of at least two issues or problems in your community. Why do you think these problems exist? What are the current approaches taken to alleviate these problems? Can you identify a different way to attack these problems?

Public education has been a problem nationally for several decades. I went to see a documentary called, Waiting for Superman and during this documentary many current issues were brought to my attention I had never really understood before seeing this film. After the film finished, I sat with several classmates and reflected on some of the issues addressed through the film, and we all came to understand that one of the biggest issues being addressed was accountability. The teachers of our current school system have little accountability, which causes a lack of motivation in creating higher achievement. One of the reasons this is the reality of our education system stems from unionizing the career in professional teaching. This creates a barrier for the teacher to underperform and receive similar salaries. Therefore, the children receive poorer education and our tax dollars remain in the pockets of the officials. Sadly, the system in its entirety is poorly formed to implement new solutions, but instead it makes the solutions process more difficult than letting the system remain broken. I would like to create a solution through implementing more accountability. I believe this responsibility factor could be implemented through removing unionized systems, and although many teachers would see the only the negative point of doing this, the numbers of students acceding and moving forward to college would increase, which I believe is far more important than adult teachers who lost passion for their teaching careers. I believe in all professions people should carry passion, and without it we become lazy and less productive. Lesson learned, step-up or move on, dont unionize.

16. Are there topics or subjects about which you know a lot and can talk knowledgably?

Juvenile Diabetes is a topic I know plenty about from personally experience. I enjoy working with young-children who have recently been diagnosed with Juvenile diabetes, and are having a hard time accepting and working with the disease in their daily lives. Chronic Illness and Health Care are issues I want to maybe become more informed about. I also have learned a lot about women in need. Volunteering at the Downtown Womens Center in Los Angeles, and working with personally with women in my family, I have developed a caring nature and passion for womens issues.

17. Are there issues that capture your attention or interest?

Chronic Illness, such as Juvenile diabetes, and Health Care coverage. Affordable higher education, and continued education programs. Womens issues and rehabilitation for women of domestic, sexual, and addiction issues have been a long time passion for me.

18. Think of three of your most creative or original ideas? Did you pursue them? If not, why not? As you revisit these ideas, how might you go about making them a reality?

1. One of my long time ideas was to write a book about living with Juvenile diabetes, and helping young children and adults who are also living with the disease better understand the functionality of proper care. I have pursued them here and there, but not thoroughly. I would really want to move forward with this idea, and feel that I need to focus my vision and organize my thoughts in moving forward. I think making this process a reality I need to refocus my resources. I started a group called the 1s and also have great contacts at JDRF and ADA. I need to round these groups together and work with them in making my book dream a reality.

2. Pursuing green product production, under a company called World51. World51 has been a developing idea for about 4-6 months, and I cannot narrow this idea down. I have tried to write several mission statements and vision statements and all I do is plant more seeds. I constantly reform what I want the idea and company to develop as and how it is going to develop. I know it will take time, patients is key here. I am trying to pursue these ideas, and through pursuing, I have learned more and more about digital marketing, and design. These ideas have motivated me to take a class or two in digital media and design. I am hopefully going to become a rockstar, because I love creativity and envisioning is one of my pleasures with developing World51. I am trying to be patient because it is a great idea and I want it to be just right, and for me to have the right experience to truly make it a success.

3. The final idea here, although I have plenty more, is a continued creative outlet. I would like to develop product and artwork, my creative juices are flowing 24/7, to develop a fashion and accessory line that develops as a brand. Right now, I am working with a couple of my classmates to pursue a similar idea, called the Valuer Movement, and we are trying to explore the professional process of copyrighting, trade-marking and bring the business plan to life. The next step is to finalize a merchandiser, confirm the product design, and schedule several retailer meetings to pitch our product and that we think would be interested in bringing our product into their inventory and store.

19. Are there social issues or problems that trouble you?

Sadly, I find I am pessimistic or doubtful of Government ran programs for issues such as education, health care and other programs concerning unemployment and welfare. I find myself either second-guessing or feeling confident there are alternative incentives to let programs fail or to not continue restructuring tribulations within current systems. I wish that our government was not split into separate parties, and I wish we could be a more centrally constructed and people run government, however, money defines the powerful and money runs all.

20. Are you pessimistic about them or do you have hope that things might change for the better one day?

I always have hope that our governments will reformulate over time with the social entrepreneurial and change mentality growing in popularity. I think some of the younger generations truly hold strong ideas and I look forward to having these future adults taking charge for change.

21. If you are hopeful, how do you think things might change? What can you do to make things change?

Although I am hopeful, I am not a politician, and mostly for the reason that I dont agree how things have and are developing. I am not entirely positive with any suggestions, however, I would like to see Corporate America have a cap, and the businesses that have pushed the middle man and small businesses out of work will have a market again. If the corporate cap was a gross income amount, an asset amount, or separate funds and accounts amount, or a combination of these, I wish there was a strictly enforced regulation.

22. Are there experiences or opportunities that you have always wanted to take advantage of but havent? Why havent you? What had you hoped to get out of these experiences?

One of my dreams is to visit Thailand and rural China and Japan. All of these countries have been extremely fascinating to me for a variety of reasons. I am looking forward to visit Thailand for a number of reasons and one of them being social service, I am looking forward to taking advantage of the opportunity in the fall.

23. How do you engage in learning in your life? From what sources do you get new ideas and perspectives?

Engaging in learning was not apart of my life growing up, I did not reinvest myself into education until I reconnected myself through Christ and Gods word. I did the basics and was a very average student growing up, however, today I push myself and try to set high standards around myself because I understand better when people say that the ones who work hardest are the most successful in life. I find the fundamental perspectives in my life typically come from my beliefs and fellow members from church. I also find ideas and inspirations through daily living. I always try to look through the best perspective point when working my way through the journey of life.

24. Are you afraid of conflict? How do you react when others challenge you or disagree with you? Is it important to you that most people agree with you or take your side?

Conflict is something every human being comes in contact with, and it will reflect upon your character when and how you react. For example, I had a conflict with my roommate and I had to just take a step back because I could read her character as aggressive and hard-headed. I try to listen and digest before responding. I dont mind if someone disagrees with my perspective, and it is not important that everyone agree with me. I believe each person has reached their point in life through a journey of experiences, therefore their current perspective or outlook will be sculpted around how they have experienced life thus far. I am sure that if I would experience life in a mirror image to the person in which I am disagreeing with, I would see the situation in the same light.

25. Think of an experience during which you pushed on despite difficulties and challenges. What allowed you to be resilient? Where did your motivation come from?

At 17, I was a senior in high-school, excited about graduating and looking forward to becoming a successful adult. My mother however was severely addicted to alcohol and it was causing a number of relationship and family issues in her life. Being her only daughter I had an extremely close relationship with my mother, and that year things took a turn. Our relationship began to disintegrate, and one evening I received a phone call from my mother and she was asking me if I could please come pick her up from the holding sell at the local prison. It was her 4th Dui and therefore she was going to loose her license for a long period of time. I was in shock, and crying, and mortified because I knew her name was going to be in our local news paper. I got up and was there for her through her whole process, I drove her for several years, because she couldnt drive, and also helped with her paperwork, etc. My motivation came from understanding that we all make mistakes, and reflection is what makes us learn. I wanted my mother to learn from this, and I wanted her to quit drinking and work on the issues that started her down this path. Thankfully, she agreed to enter herself into a rehabilitation program and has remained sober since I was 17. I am thankful that at such a young age, I could find strength to try and encourage my mother to seek a better life, and it has in turn given us all a better relationship and life.

26. The First Step: Finding Your Truest Self

1. What does your hair down / shoes off self look like? What are you doing during these moments? My hair down/shoes off self is pretty comfortable with the public. I dont mind, unlike most women, when people see me without make-up and with my pjs. I like to look nice and professional when the time calls, but other than that, I am pretty relaxed. I am usually reading, watching Netflix, maybe painting, spending time with my boyfriend and dog, or going out and loving the outdoors cycling or running the hills. I love museums and going to thrift stores.

2. What actions have you taken in your life that best reflect whats meaningful to you? Why were they meaningful? I have taken action to stop consuming alcohol entirely, stop drinking coffee or caffeine entirely, and eat breakfast daily. I put these habits into practice to help my health be more controlled and see the outcomes of a better life. These changes have meant to me that I am in control of my Diabetes and seizures. I have had a lot of support from my boyfriend in making them happen, but it is nice to know where I came from and where I am now.

3. What do you do that makes you feel most alive? Hot showers and yoga moves in the shower. I love hot water, I drink, I use it for tea and I shower in it. I feel that it is cleansing, relaxing, calming, and healthy. I feel that when I am balanced overall I am able to see through the chaos of life and live in a clear path. I know my faith and happiness benefit from balance.

4. If you had one word tattooed your body, what would it be and why? Perspective, because I enjoy learning about the perspective and opinions of others. I believe we can learn from everyone and their perspectives. I know my perspective is not always right, and is mine because of the experiences I have lived. I would like this as a tattoo to remind myself that the way that I see the world is only for me, and I must respect someone else if they do not agree or see the world differently. Perspectives are important.

27. Your inspiration: Moments of Obligation

1. What truly inspires you? What are you drawn toward? What motivates you? Get very, very specific. (You can list a social issue, task, role, emotion, or something else.) Women that are successful because of their intelligence, and drive. I love books about inner balance and strength. I love talking to my father, just his voice is soothing and helps me wipe my tears and push on. My father and my friends from childhood are inspiring and motivating.

2. How do you know these things inspire / draw / move you? What happens? These things move me because I am challenged internally to reflect on myself and to be open about what is truly discouraging me at the moment.

3. Whom have you learned the most from? Why are these people your most influential teachers? What have they taught you? I have learned a number of things from my best friend Robin, my father, my mother, my brother, my relationships, my masters professors and my Lord. My Lord is my most influential teacher because he is accountable and the most knowledgeable resource in my world.

4. Trace the decisions you made in your life that have led you to where you are today.

Working for my fathers small business, Trans Arctic Circle Treks in Alaska, was the first place that I learned about Hospitality. I worked at several other companies in the hospitality industry, and I then decided that I would like to attend the University of Nevada Las Vegas for hotel and event management. After completing my degree there, the economy was in a rut and my only job offer was at The Peninsula Beverly Hills, where I met my current relationship Christian, after leaving the hospitality industry because I wanted to pursue a masters is when I reconnected with Christ my Lord and God. I was re-baptized October 2009 for my 24th birthday. I had developed a relationship with the American Diabetes Assoc. and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund. From here I began volunteering more and more and building a wide network within the industry. I was slightly lost on the next step in my life, and therefore decided to pray. I was speaking to my Lord one night and waking up the next day, I will never forget this, I went to check the mail and I received a marketing postcard about the New Pepperdine GSEP program Social Entrepreneurship and Change. I knew then and there, this was the next chapter in my life. I spent a week trying to gather everything for the application, and entered it. I found out I was accepted, and fell to my knees, thanked my God and will never say again that he isnt always there for me. I have since pushed myself and let my creative angel fly. I havent been happier.

5. Now think about these decisions as possible moments of obligation. Does that change the way you see them? If so, in what ways? I dont think so. I more felt that they were obligations actually, because I was at such a pit in past situations that I felt like I had no choice. Although, I did, I only allowed myself the perspective that there was no other choice in life.

6. Describe your most significant moment of obligation. How do you know it was a moment of obligation? Deciding to move to Los Angeles alone, and with no support or friends or family in Los Angeles. I knew I was obligated to move because of the job situation, but now I look back and am happy I did.

7. As you think about a possible role for yourself in yourself in the nonprofit sector, think about what inspires / draws / moves you. How might that link to your career or your next job? Creative outlets have always inspired me, I am drawn to bettering the life of others through resilience and empowerment, my Lord moves me and I have recently made the decision that I am and my dream are first in my life. I can do this. I have to be the change that I want to see in the world.

28. Larger Than Life: Gall to Think Big

1. Which social movements, from today or from any point in history, resonate the most with you? Why? Have you been involved in any work that you would define as part of a social entrepreneur? The Environmental Movement of 1872, Civil Rights of 1776, and the Free Love Movement for Women lead by Mary Wollstonecraft in 1788. These rights have helped lead the foundation of human and environmental rights that are continuing to see improvement today. I am a part of the Downtown Womens Center, and have helped build their social enterprise store. The Generosity Water Foundation is apart of the church I attend, and I have helped in campaign efforts and have helped build their offices to a workable and strong central point for the foundation. I love offering advice and hands.

2. If your career (in its entirety think long term) allowed you to tackle a few big problems in the world (e.g., educational inequality, poverty), what would they be? Equal rights, fair trade, chronic illnesses, education, and clean water for everyone.

3. As a change maker, write down your most ambitious goal. How would you begin achieving this goal? Building World51 as a social enterprise, being the CEO, Creative mastermind, and Campaign Leader for every effort the enterprise would make. I am going to begin this through building a group organization with several cohorts, to better understand the business building process and start making the right connections. I am also going to build my digital design and digital arts skill. I want to be able to design the look and feel of my business, therefore I think this would be an important talent as I simultaneously focus my vision, mission and goals for World51

4. What would the world look like if you achieved the goal laid out in question three? Cohesive, beautiful, and cleaner.

5. How would your work impact your grandchildren? Absolutely. I believe World51 is a venture of sustainability for the world around every soul on earth. So not only my grandchildren, but the grandchildren in East Asia. World Now!

29. Finding Solutions: New and Untested

1. What are some of the most creative things you have done (could be anything from a pottery project to organizing a rally)? What skills did you draw on to accomplish that creative thing? The 1s group I established with JDRF. I created the name, the first meeting, the committee and the idea. JDRF was happy to take it on as a group and it has developed into 40 members, which are all type 1 diabetic adults. I drew on my struggle with diabetes, and my dream to write a book on my experience.

2. What is the biggest risk you have ever taken? This could be doing something new, putting yourself out there, taking an unpopular stance, or anything else you define as a risk. Was it worth it? How did taking the risk make you feel? What was the result? Moving to Los Angeles on my own, without ever truly being to the city. Starting a job here, and working my way around the city to find friends and places I enjoyed. I then decided I wanted more from life than a 9-5 and quit the job I moved here for. This wasnt a popular decision with my family, but it was something I am happy I have stood on and continued. The results have been amazing!

3. Is risk taking something that you do on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis, or never? Yes, probably on a 6th month basis. I actually enjoy risk, maybe I figure the worst is always out there, but the worst is only the worst if you hold that perspective. I live by the Lords requests and trust with my faith that I will always be safe.

4. If you were to take more risks in your educational or professional career, what types of things would you do? Probably apply for jobs that maybe I didnt entirely qualify for, but could learn from and grow with in my development.

5. What are a few issues in your community or our world that frustrate you? For example, maybe you dont understand why a certain system is so inefficient, or perhaps you wonder why something is the way it is when it could be so much better. Air pollution, sales tax, and education. All of these items are frustrating and they create a unhealthy environment in a variety of ways to different families. I feel a slight inefficiency with are state and city sales tax, because I dont see a strong outcome from the money collected.

6. Choose one of the issues you identified in the last question and outline the current approaches being used to address it. Brainstorm one or two new ways you might go about attacking and even solving that problem. With the city Sales tax, a city board controls the project priority, when truly the city should have their voice heard on what they see, as the residence of the city, as important. I think we would be able to see a lot more turnaround and proud residence, instead of angry citizens of the state.

7. This month, practice skepticism regularly. When you look at an issue or a problem, try to understand whats really going on and why things remain the way they are. Challenge yourself to ask why questions every day and see what you learn. Note how your approach to problems changes after you complete this exercise.

30. Visioning: Seeing Possibilities

1. Look back at what you have written thus far. Now answer: What do you wish for yourself, your community (however you define it), and the world? Include your thoughts on your professional career. My broad perspective would prefer to live in a world that we all enjoyed. I feel that many people live where they work, and I dont believe that is the right way in life. Only when monetary importance became priority and ruler did our life styles become focused souly on work, because now we focus our success, our happiness, and our families and personal lives around our success and jobs. I wish to own and run a business that is both a social venture, and social activist for the environment and empowerment of women. I would like education to be something people are excited about again, and I want to see a higher success rate for people finishing there general educations. My professional career will include a dual social venture, world partners, and international advocacy and audience.

2. Lay out the steps you need to take in order to achieve your professional vision. I need to work on establishing my partnership venture with Valuer Movement. I would like to be as involved in establishing the copyright, and trade-mark as possible. I feel like this is a extremely important establishment and I would like to know every bit of the process.

31. Dare to Live Boldly

1. My moment of obligation has led me to: become a self-reliant individual

2. By acknowledging this moment of obligation, I have the gall to think big about: being self established, and not working for someone else my entire life.

3. If I were to act on my gall to think big and develop a new and untested idea, it would be: developing my idea in a environmentally friendly product.

4. If my new and untested idea were fully enacted, I see possibilities that the world would be better in the following ways: Cleaner, healthier and access to more people for better health.

Ask Yourself:

Who am I? Cordlaine Dawn McGhee. A loving person, who enjoys projects, the arts, creating great food and great ideas, and always loves outdoor adventures.

Why am I here? To leave a memory and mark and become a motivator to the next generation.

What am I doing for others? I am leaving them with a smile at the moment, but I hope to leave them with possibility and motivation.

Begin charting your course: In my life so far

Someone Ive already taught or mentored: several co-workers at my previous job, my best friend, several members from my peer group, The 1s, about ways that I dealt with challenges, and my mom about the value of faith and the way that it can be incorporated in all parts of life.

Someone Ive already supported or helped: Members at the American Diabetes Association, JDRF, Downtown Womens Center, Goodwill, Generosity Water, and Oasis.

Someone Ive already encouraged or inspired: My mother and Christian Palencia

Someone Ive already forgiven: My Mother and Father

Something in my community Ive already changed for the better: Helping open the Social Enterprise Made by DWC.

Moving forward:

Someone I will teach or mentor: A student from the next Social Entrepreneurship and Change cohort.

Someone I will support or help: My partners in the Valuer Movement

Someone I will encourage or inspire: members of the iWe, and their many readers!

Someone I will forgive: ummmm it has to be a mutual effort

Something in my community I will change for the better: encourage recycling and poop pickup

Who are your heroes and how to they inspire you? Julia Roberts, Ashley Dobson, Jennifer Walker, Mona McGhee, Debbie Miller. All of these women have built strong souls within themselves, have been able to chase their dreams, and are self-established, and beautiful on the inside and out. They are happy, with a great laugh! Laughter is number one!

What more could you be doing to encourage, help, support or inspire those who look up to you? Accomplishing more, and putting out finalized products faster.

List of concerns:

MONEY MONEY MONEY, Networking, multi-tasking and learning digital marketing.

Causes I care about- things that get my creative juices flowing: Environmental sustainability, womens issues, health care and chronic conditions.

Things that upset me, or make my blood boil: dishonest people, billionaires that sit on their ass, and people with ego attitudes focused on people they dont know, and a lot of societal pop-culture.

Things that make me cry or feel indignant: If a man speaks to me with disrespect, family problems, or second-guessing myself or purpose.

Issues I always talk about with my friends: Health and Love

List your strengths: Independent, self-reliant, creative and caring, good listener, analytical, visual person, hard worker and follow up oriented, honest, driven, focused, self-controlled, trust worthy, opinionated, encourager, natural leader, enjoy building and graduating through development processes.

Things I am good at: painting, financially responsible, riding horses, snow-boarding, calling someone back, being courageous, inviting others to enjoy life with me, noticing the small details, developing image, creating business names, support and encouragement, diabetes knowledge, C.P.R., good with animals, enjoys cooking and punctual.

Things that make me feel good: painting, finishing projects, spending time with friends, making others laugh, I love April fools day, and seeing my parents, I love surprising others, quiet afternoons with Christian, going to Malibu, vacations to places I have never been, and having a good day at work.

Talents I would be excited to use more: Mentoring young diabetics who were newly diagnosed, painting, and creative arts, writing and developing the theme for my future book.

My unique background or experience: Has been living in Alaska and being raised in Fairbanks. Studying in Europe with the UNLV Hospitality College, and visiting Champagne, France and many other parts of the world.

What are the most important things you are going to devote your time and energy to your highest callings? Developing our business strategy, finding clothing manufacturer and trade marking our company.

How will you personally help address the worlds deepest inequities? I want to help women feel empowered through settling negative experiences in their lives, and believing in themselves to become the change they want to have in their lives and the world.

What is my job? To be a leader, a change maker, mentor, artist, creator and business partner, and all together become a future CEO.

What about my job really counts? All of it of course, but also accountability, listening skills, follow through, and developing following strategic plan implemented through company vision.

How well am I doing? I want to be doing better.

Is my job an expression of my personal values? Yes.

In my job, am I building a life of success, but not of significance? I connect better with significance. I will always connect better with jobs of significance.

The Nudge:

List some people who gave you a nudge who had significant influence on you, but probably didnt know it:

How will you thank them: Showing them the final project!

How will you intentionally nudge others: Through directing them towards my mentor organizations.

My motto is: Be the change you would like to see.

My big project is: World51, but first Valuer Movement.

My first step will be: Finalize and focus my business plan, mission, and vision.

My target date for the first step is: May 1st, 2011.

Who are the five happiest people I know? Lani Fraizer, Josie Gay, Dance Aoki, Sarah Carter, Terry McGhee, Hannah Munoz, Robin Miller, Christian Palencia.