January 2012 The Lowcountry Beacon A Month of Sundays Sunday Service: 10:00 am January 1 No Service January 8 "Marking Time" UU Rev. Lynne Garner January 15 "How Can We Build the Beloved Community?" UU Rev. Manuel Holland January 22 "Transcendental Experiences - Perhaps Even in Church" UU Dr. Andrew Reese January 29 "Searching for the first Jesus, the Historical Jesus" UU Rev. Jay Springer Children and Youth Religious Education from 10 am to 11 am. Refreshments following service. Our church is located at 110 Malphrus Road, Bluffton. For further details please call: 843-837-3330. Standing on the Side of Love in Bluffton and Hilton Head Island for over 30 years. From Rev. Manual Holland The following words were written by The Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman while Dean of Marsh Chapel at Boston University: The Work of Christmas When the song of angels is stilled When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock, The work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among the brothers, to make music in the heart.

Beacon (January 2012)

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Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Lowcountry Monthly Newsletter

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  • January 2012 The Lowcountry


    A Month of Sundays

    Sunday Service: 10:00 am

    January 1 No Service

    January 8

    "Marking Time" UU Rev. Lynne Garner

    January 15

    "How Can We Build the Beloved Community?"

    UU Rev. Manuel Holland

    January 22 "Transcendental Experiences -

    Perhaps Even in Church" UU Dr. Andrew Reese

    January 29

    "Searching for the first Jesus, the Historical Jesus"

    UU Rev. Jay Springer

    Children and Youth Religious Education from 10 am to 11 am. Refreshments following service. Our church is located at 110 Malphrus Road, Bluffton.

    For further details please call:


    Standing on the Side of Love in Bluffton and Hilton Head Island for over 30 years.

    From Rev. Manual Holland

    The following words were written by The Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman while Dean of Marsh Chapel at Boston University:

    The Work of Christmas When the song of angels is stilled When the star in the sky is gone,

    When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock,

    The work of Christmas begins: to find the lost,

    to heal the broken, to feed the hungry,

    to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations,

    to bring peace among the brothers, to make music in the heart.

  • 2 The Lowcountry Beacon, January 2012

    Standing on the Side of Love in Bluffton and Hilton Head Island for over 30 years.

    Programs, Meetings, and Special Events

    Board Meeting - Thursday, January 19 at 6:30 pm. The monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees is held on the third Thursday of each month in the UUCL Clara Barton Con-ference Room. Visitors are always welcome. Eating Without Meat - Saturday, January 21, from 5 - 8 pm Please RSVP to Cheryl at [email protected]. Knitters Circle - Wednesday, January 25, from 6:30 - 8 pm. Meets on the last Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8 pm. We make Prayer Shawls, Comfort Blankets, Wraps, Hats, Baby Clothes, and other items to give to members and friends of the congregation in times of need. You do not have to be a Knitter to be in this group. Our doors are open to those who crochet, quilt, weave, sew, and do macram. Bring whatever you are working on and come enjoy an evening with good company. For more information call Ann at 422-2598 or email [email protected]. Membership Committee Meeting - January 18 at 5:30 pm. Membership Committee meets the third Wednesday of each month in the UUCL Clara Barton Conference Room. For more information contact Ron at [email protected]. Newsletter Deadline - Sunday, January 15. The deadline for the Beacon is on the 15th of each month. Email Mary-Michael at [email protected].

    Membership Matters

    For this issue of the BEACON I would like to share with you a New Year's note that Rick Carkin, DRE at the UU Church in Manchester, New Hampshire sent to mem-bers of his Church this January. There is still that warm fuzzy feeling swim-ming in the core of my stomach from our wonderful Christmas Eve service. The sanctuary was bursting at the seams with over 150 people. Live music filled the air; there were many insightful readings and then my favorite part. The lights went down until they were fully out and we passed a flame to one another starting from the sin-gle flame of our chalice. Within minutes the room was filled with a soft glow of candle light and we sang "Silent Night." Have you ever noticed that the flame of our chalice is never diminished by all this sharing? In fact, the room glows brighter and brighter with every passing of the flame. As we are standing there holding a candle we each become a chalice to the Unitarian Universalist Faith. Do you share further? Remember, your flame wont go out by simply sharing. How often do you tell people in the world at large that you attend a UU Church? Have you ever invited a neighbor to come check out a service? Do you ever mention your church home in passing when you are out to lunch with buddies from work? Is there a family in your circle whose children would benefit from our teachings? The New Year is upon us. What resolu-tions have you made? Could one of them be to better connect to your church com-munity? Maybe join a committee? How about inviting someone to join you on Sun-day so they can attend their first UUCL service? We all make resolutions at the beginning of the New Year may one of yours be to reach out to help grow our community here in the Lowcountry. Wishing you all a happy New Year!

    ~ Ron Titus, Chair of Membership

    THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE - Ann H recently gathered a group of UUCL women for a fun evening of candle making. Using strips of beautiful beeswax, they created a variety of candles in different shapes and sizes. While molding the wax, the women shared stories of family holiday traditions and enjoyed wine and cheese and company. The candles - which burn beautifully - were displayed and sold during a December 11th and 18th fundraiser. A good time was had by all.

  • 3 The Lowcountry Beacon, January 2012

    Standing on the Side of Love in Bluffton and Hilton Head Island for over 30 years.

    New Member

    We are pleased to welcome Valerie Palmer as a new member of our extended fam-ily. Like many others Valerie is a transplant. She belonged to a UU Church in Philadelphia. Retired, she is the mother of grown children and is espe-cially proud of her 4 teenage grandsons and her 2-1/2 year old granddaughter. Her many interests include: reading, sailing, lifelong learn-ing, Toastmasters and all things Japanese. She also likes to travel. Valerie has completed the re-quirements for membership including signing the Member-ship Book and will be formally recognized, along with others, at a welcoming ceremony in the Spring. She is already active at UUCL as she was one of several representatives of this Congregation at a re-cent cluster meeting held in Charleston. Welcome, Valerie! We are glad to have you with us!

    From Reverend Manual Holland

    January and February will be very busy and very rewarding months for our members and friends. Our lives can be en-riched and our ties to the beloved community strengthened as we participate in these activities:

    Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Celebrations

    January 12th, Thursday at 7:30 pm Community Ecumenical Worship Service at Queen Chapel AME Church. 114 Beach City Road (Hilton Head High Choral Group directed by Larry Mercer) January 14th, Saturday from 8:00 am - 12 noon MLK Community Service Day 8 - 9 am Free breakfast for volunteers at All Saints Episco-

    pal Church, 3001 Meeting Street 9 - 12 noon Volunteers of all ages invited to help with vari-

    ous indoor and outdoor projects. (Wear work clothes, closed toe shoes and bring work gloves.)

    January 15th, Sunday at 10 am UUCL worship service. January 16th, Monday from 10am - 1:30 pm 10 am - 11 am MLK Memorial March begins and ends in

    Hilton Head High parking lot. 11 am - 12:30 pm MLK Memorial Program in Hilton Head

    High School Visual & Performing Arts Center. 12:30-1:30 pm Free Community Cookout in high school

    cafeteria provided by local hotels.

    Lowcountry American Dream Council

    January 28th, Saturday from 3 pm to 5 pm at UUCL. For more information contact Cheryl at [email protected]. International Association for Religious Freedom

    February 3rd to February 5th at the Hilton Hotel on Hilton Head. UUA President Peter Morales will be one of the key note speakers. For more information about the weekend, schedule and registration CLICK HERE.

    Wine & Cheese Reception

    February 4th, Saturday from 5:30 pm to 8:15 pm for Interna-tion Association for Religious Freedom conference attendees. Reception held at UUCL.

    Family Promise

    February 19th to February 26th.

  • 4 The Lowcountry Beacon, January 2012

    Standing on the Side of Love in Bluffton and Hilton Head Island for over 30 years.

    Care Committee Team

    Your Care Committee Team is available to coordinate compas-sionate care and support to members and friends in times of transition, need or crisis.

    If you are unable to leave your house and would like a visit from the church; if you are laid up due to illness or injury and could use a meal or someone to pick up groceries; or if you know of anyone in the congregation that you feel would welcome a check-in phone call, please let us know.

    If you would like to volunteer once or twice a year to help someone by providing a meal, giving a ride, etc., please let us know. This is a great way to stay connected.

    Your Care Committee Team:

    Dan, Care Committee Chair [email protected]

    Libba [email protected]

    Rev Manuel Holland [email protected]

    Marietta [email protected]

    Linda [email protected]

    And They Called It Puppy Love

    Congregation member Janice A has done "foster care" for the Hu-mane Society of Savannah for several years. In December she had a mother with her litter of 5 puppies. Janice cared for the ca-nine family until the puppies were weaned and ready for adoption. Jancie brought the puppies to the Sunday school classes on De-cember 11th and 18th. The puppies received lots of handling and loving and play time. Judging from their reactions the kids and the adults enjoyed the "socialization" time as much (or more!) than the puppies. Janice reports that all the puppies responded very well to the chil-dren, and appear to be happy, friendly, and potentially great fam-ily companions. They turned 8 weeks old on December 29th and were returned to the Humane Society for adoption. The shelter assures us that it will be easy to find homes for all of them. If you or someone you know is interested in adopting a wonderful companion animal please contact: the Hilton Head Humane As-sociation at (843) 681-8686 or the Humane Society of Greater Savannah at (912) 354-9515.

  • 5 The Lowcountry Beacon, January 2012

    Standing on the Side of Love in Bluffton and Hilton Head Island for over 30 years.

    Emily and Joanna Harrison are pleased to announce the engagement of their mother

    Ann Elisabeth Harrison to Peter Andrew Kandis III.

    A spring wedding is planned.

    As the first half of the fiscal year draws to a close we are tracking income and ex-penses toward our planned break even budget. We have been able to accomplish sev-eral projects with your gener-ous donations outside of the pledge income. These in-clude: 1. Decorating of Foyer; 2. Completing Sound Panel project; and 3. Raising funds for the Ministerial Care Fund. With the sound panel project we completed the sound pro-ject well under the anticipated budget. Here is a summary of expenses for the project:

    Total Cost: $1668.44 Estimated Cost: $3200.00 Total Donated: $2235.00

    Surplus: $566.56 I would like to ask those who donated the $2235 if they would be willing to allow the surplus to go into a fund for the future purchase of a pro-jector and associated equip-ment so that we can have our own video system. Also, I would like to ask any-one with expertise in the area of electronics to volunteer to do some research into the projector area. Please con-tact me if you are interested.

    ~ Dan Tweel, Treasurer

    Treasurers Report

    Psychodrama Starting Sunday, January 8th, Psychodrama (the only therapy that's fun and helpful at the same time) moves to Sundays at 12:30 pm following our service. There is a small fee to participate. Light refresh-ments served. All are w e l c o m e . Bring your fears, doubts, parenting or marital chal-lenges, unmet needs, or any other concerns you would like to share in a safe and supportive envi-ronment. Sliding scale donations. For more information c o n t a c t : f o l [email protected]

    Discovering the Sacredness of Breath and Sound

    On December 4th we were visited by Rev. Phil Shiva Jones from Australia. Rev. Jones gave an interest-ing sermon during which he introduced a 4' long wooden wind instrument called a didgeridoo". He encouraged those in at-tendance to dance to the mu-sic if so inclined and some did, as evidenced our dancing Benedicte.

    Greetings Members and Friends! As we welcome 2012, our caring for each other and our commitment to our Unitarian Universalist princi-ples and values inspire us, both as individuals and as a religious community. One of many joys of being a part of our congregation is expressed as follows:

    The religious community is essential; For alone our vision is too narrow to see all that must

    be seen, And our strength too limited to do all that must be done. Together, our vision widens and our

    strength is renewed. -UUA This continues to be true for all of us who are blessed to be a part of our beloved UUCL community! There will be a midyear Congregation Informational Meeting on Sunday, January 29th immediately follow-ing our worship service. We hope you will plan to at-tend! Wishing you a Happy 2012 ... and peace, love and freedom for all Beings! In warm fellowship, Peggy

  • Fro


    Totally AliveFit, Healthy & To

    Eating Without Meat of the Lowcountry

    Juice Power!

    Saturday, January 21, 2012 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Lowcountry

    110 Malphrus Road, Bluffton S.C.

    All are welcome! Bring a meatless dish to share.

    We will be viewing the documentary: Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead and

    tasting freshly made green juice

    Jaime@LittleLightsYoga to RSVP

  • 7 The Lowcountry Beacon, January 2012

    Standing on the Side of Love in Bluffton and Hilton Head Island for over 30 years.

    Photos from the Pagan Christmas Eve Service which was coordinated by Meg Engler and members of the UUCL Religion Education Com-mittee. It was well attended and enjoyed by all. Thank you to every-one who participated and helped with putting the evening together! A special thank you to our children who did a fantastic job!

    Photos by Ron Titus

    Mark your calendars for UUCLs Annual Winter Party and Silent Auction. You do not want to miss this event! Buy your tickets early as we have to limit the number sold due to space limita-tions!!!

    Tickets are $25 which include a catered dinner, drinks and at-tendance at the silent auction. Children under 18 are free. You may bring two guests for the price of one. Please note: bidding for auctions items will end at 8:30 pm.

    We would like to ask that each member come up with one dona-tion item for the event. There are so many ideas for donations and we have a list posted in the foyer for donation ideas.

    Any questions please contact, Dan Tweel, Commanding Gen-eral of the Winter Party.

    Winter Party and Silent Auction February 18th from 6 pm to 9:30 pm

  • 8 The Lowcountry Beacon, January 2012

    Standing on the Side of Love in Bluffton and Hilton Head Island for over 30 years.

    The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Lowcountry covenants to affirm and promote:

    The inherent worth and dignity of every person; Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations; Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual

    growth in our congregations;

    A free and responsible search for truth and meaning; The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process

    within our congregation and in the society at large;

    The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;

    Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

    The Living Tradition Which We Share Draws From Many Sources:

    Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder; affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life;

    Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love;

    Wisdom from the worlds religions which inspire us in our ethical and spiritual life;

    Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to Gods love by loving our neighbors as ourselves;

    Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit;

    Spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sa-cred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.

    Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Lowcountry

    Our Mission To enrich and clarify our understanding of religious thought;

    to provide experiences for spiritual growth; to encourage and protect the right of individual freedom of belief;

    to promote the democratic process in human relations; and to advance these principles for the benefit of each other,

    our community and our world.

    Editor Mary-Michael Hanbury

    Email [email protected]

    Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Lowcounty

    110 Malphrus Road Bluffton, SC 29910

    (843) 837-3330

    [email protected]


    Senior Minister Manuel Holland

    Religious Education Ann Harrison

    President Peggy Tweel

    Leadership Staff

    Aesthetics & Dcor Fran Farrell

    Beyond Sundays Folly King

    Building Maintenance

    Volunteers Needed Care Committee

    Dan Tweel

    Grounds Mary A. Walker

    Jeffrey Donahue

    Finance Dan Tweel

    Hospitality & Kitchen Kathleen Mirin


    Membership Ron Titus

    Music Kathy Burmeister

    Planned Giving Coordinator Rev. Manuel Holland

    Religious Education Carol Weir

    Social Activities Libba Beerman

    Worship Cheryl McCarthy

    Social Justice Groups: E Team Harry Gregory Family Promise UU Animal Ministry Peggy Tweel

  • 9


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    Standing on the Side of Love in Bluffton and Hilton Head Island for over 30 years.

    JANUARY 2011 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 No Service

    New Years Day

    2 3

    4 5 6 7

    8 10:00 Worship "Marking Time" UU Rev. Lynne Garner

    9 10



    13 14

    15 10:00 Worship "How Can We Build the Beloved Community?" UU Rev. Manuel Holland

    February Newsletter Deadline



    18 5:30 pm Membership Committee

    19 6:30 pm Board of Trustees


    21 5 - 8 pm Eating Without Meat

    22 10:00 Worship "Transcendental Experiences - Perhaps Even in Church" UU Dr. Andrew Reese

    23 24

    25 6:30 pm Knitters Circle



    28 3 pm to 5 pm Lowcountry American Dream Council at UUCL

    29 10:00 Worship "Searching for the first Jesus, the Historical Jesus" UU Rev. Jay Springer 11:10 am Mid-Year Congregational Meeting immediately following service

    30 31

    January 2012The Lowcountry BeaconA Month of SundaysSunday Service: 10:00 amUnitarian Universalist Congregation of the Lowcountry

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