I 1. ' Jl •- I V ol. XIV ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, SATDRDAY,1 MAROH 23, 188!)- wo.;;C J # A. \y. HETRICK, M. D, . ‘ «• - - v. Homctopathld Phjrelclan and Bureeon. Cor. Cookman A Danprs avs., Aabury Park, N, J. •" Hours: until 10 a. n»and after 4 p.m. ' •pf S. KINMONTII, Iff. D., Corner Grand and Asbnry Avenues, Office Hours—7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 2 p. m., 6 to 8 p. m, r j l t BRUCE S. KEATOR, ■» . Homceopathio phyBiolan and Surgeon. Graduate of both Bohooja. • *r Cor. Asbury avenue and Bergh street. . Ilourrf—Until 0 a. m., 7 to 0 p. m. Telephone connections. , ' . AMEH B. flTJRNKT. M. D . ___________ ** i* *'10 Chestnut Btreot, Nowark, N. J. Ofllco noure-8to 12 a. m., Bto7p. tn. Bqndayfrr-8 to 10 a. m., 5 to 7 p. m. SPECIALTY—DI8EA8ES OP THE NASAL PAS- 0AQE8. THROAT AND LUNG8. . •^TM. I. GILL,A.M., P. D., PnoumatOpathlBt, or Mental Healer, . , 400 Howall aVetliia. ^or. Heck street Office hours 7 to 10,12 to 3, 0 to 0. ' P. PAWLEY, : •‘..•.-•V.;- ■ B B O T JIB T , •• • •>;- • C15 Bangs ave.,' Asbury Yxrjt, N ,3s pR . S. T. SLOCUM, DENTIST. - Office—204 Main St., opposite Railroad Station, Gas administered. ^. __ Asbpff Parfr.N. J. - - - 8. nifRTOK.in. D. fl. gURTjON BROTHERS, . . “T f.. . i. q. jnntow, ». j >. s .- BMldent Dentists, noun Bulldlne, 506 Cookman avo., Asbnry Park* Now York Office—03 West 33th st. Gas administered. Appointments made by telo- S hono or by mall. ;fiours: 0 a. in. (o B p; m. ITra of “ZOZO"—the new preparation for olcanalng and preserving tiie Teeth; L N. SEYMOUR, D, P. S. ....... -DEITTIST, OfQoe 530 Cookman avenue, near Emory street. Mechanical work a specialty. -• Difficult operations solicited. __ f .F . HAWKran. • ' , . FRANK DUBAHD. . JJAWKINS & DURAND, Attomeys at-Law, Solicitors & Masters In Chan- cery, Mikado J3ullding, Coofemaftr Av., Asbuiy Park, N. J. JSAAC C. KENNEDY, Attomoy-at-Law, Solicitor, MasterJn Chancery and Notary Public. Special attention given to examination of Titles, - ' *C.. Office iu Cook’s Building, : _________ . ... Aflbnry Park. New Jeraey, -------- A LFRKD D. BAILEY, *»- Attornoy-at-Law, Solicitor and Master In Chancery and Notary Pnbllo. Spcolal attention given to collection of claims. Offico In Mikado Building, Asbury Park. £).W1D IIARVKY, Jr., Attotnoy-atrLaw, Solicitor, Master and Ekamlner In Chancery, Notary Public. ! / - Asbury Park, N^jT. ROBERT T. JRAYATT, , * , ■ .. ■: '■ dbaurn iK *.• .. - i4 - Stoves, Heaters,. Ranges, TIN W A R E , A c. Cookman av near Bond st., ASBUBT PABK/ N. S. TIN lO an il, UAOlg*, IBTTEtS, M . conn, tir *ib sheet not worn or m ;«WM^ E^FIreUjlass work at low rates;.J 0 LIP P IN C O T T , T A I L O R 725. Cookman Ave. M e n ’s F u rn is h in g s . The Old and ReliableBrand. Vane, Calvert & Co. All DcsiMc Slades of,Color. - ......... ....... r N .E . Buchanon '<& Co. So!o Agents for Stato of Now Jersey; | ^ “nricos low to painters and Consumers. Libera) arrangements made with dealers. M ain st. and asbury ave. Q.KOHOK W. BY RAM, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor In Chancery, • ;____A ddreaaP. G.BnxlOfM, Asbury Park, N. .7. jl r W T M. NKVIfTW . uoumtfliiorat Lmt. XTSVIUB A WILSON, Law Offices, RED BANK, N. J. J1RANK V. BODINE, A R C H ITE C T, MIKADO BUILDING. P. O. Box 855. - ASBURY PARK, N. J, ROSAXJNE Y. RIPLEY, TEACHER OF PIANO, 0RQAN .AND THEORY. Foreign and American fingering. -Terras—315 for 20 lessons, payablo at 10th lesson. , H. B JOHNSON, Practicai Watchmaker, Dealer lh Ulno Watohes, Jewelry, Spectacles Ac. Watches and Jewelry repaired at City Prides. f- Main street, near Oookman avenue, ABBURY PARK, N. J. ' :» .. GEO. M. BENNETT, .HOUSE EAINTING in all Its branches. Hardwood finishing, Grain- ing, Caleimlnlng, A c., Estimates furnished on application. ,, L. Box 2132, Ocean Grove, N. J. H C MARRYOTT, Gontraetor and Builder, Estimates furnished for every description of work. Jobbing attended to promptly. . “"Residence—-■ •* Cor. Sewaili?e. and Emory S t.,' Lock Box'710 . J..:." A S B U B lf P A B K , N . J . A, A. TAYLOR, M ason and Builder, Bricklaying-and Plastering In all branohes , of Masonry work. Jobbing promptly attended to. __ J^QiJ3ox,fi97. Office, 7^3. Mattlsoq^venue COOK HOWI A.ND, -r " ArcMteet &Builder. ■^Building plans executed and all work promptly ■done,. ...... ............ office in Cook's Building, Main ‘street and Cookman avonne. Asbury Park. % ADON MPPINCOTT, Contractor & Builder K.Uv.ftU;.hraiKiI\tia_piQmpUy-4ind -cat oful Vy. ' i . 1 attonded tQ.,, Residence—002 Piretj avonue, Shop-007 Main st; ASBURY PA&Ik^LX FKBD. B. GOWDY, CHA8. n . PITCHER. GOWDY & PIT0HERs .CamageS|jand. Manufacte - ref jf Harness.'- KepOHltoAj .i.lusry I'.rV . lUHl Rntik • • > , j)||iaT«nig Blvja ■ ,, Tents, _ __ _ Pelting tor boilers and stearii pipes. S. H E M M E N W A Y , . 6l&GookmaR his.. bSsrf Pork, H. J, Sail lofts,-CO South St., Sfew York City, J/C . W; STOUT. ALPRED HART. STOUT &, HART, Asbnry Park and. Ocean Grove Concrete Walk Layers, ASBURY PARK, N. J. 'Offico 713MaWj»frn»VQ. Sallfefaotlon guarantoed. J porm a n e n t 81 taatlonM guaranteed. _ Salary and BipenHes paid. SpotslaHnduoemonts to betflnners. Any ^ a n can 'suodeednvlth our Qul^.k sellinK-Hiioolaltles, Outfit i$r Hooker Nurscriefl, (catab- l'-L " (Name this paper.) _ advantages.. Qul freo. Write at ort «!!ll«hed 1833) Kocliostc^ N. Y. SANITARYPLUNIBING. B.^CftQWELL & CO. Now occupy the new brick buildlug of J.-Honry —~ Applegate; on Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street, where they anj^prcpared to estimate on all kinds FLI{fSii,MS ANDSTEAK fl!!® They do none-other than flrst-^la«? work, and all plumbing will bo doue aRcr thoinoetapproveil sanitary methods. R epnlrlnft prom plly ntt«nilo<l to. M i) A. Githens & Co. Manufacturem of. and wholesale and retail dealers In FEATHERS, Etc. FACTORY NO. 143 MAIN ST. UpBtalrs, Renovating Mattresses a Bpeosalty. 'Telephone Connection. 5 . HENRY DOREN, (Successor td G. W. Read,) MERCHANT TAILOR, 718 COOKMAN .AVENUE. Suits made to order guaranteed to fit. ’ Cleaning and Repairing. GEORGE W. LEE" JOBBING HOUSE CARPENTER Hardwood work a specialty; orders promptly attended to and work dono In first-class manner. Manufacturer of Ntorm Doors, Window tand Door Screens. Orders loft at D. II. Wyikoff's paint store, or received by mall, will be promptly attended to. _ .r . ....... ..... ... KcsIUcnce—N. -K. Cor. Asbury avenuo and Main Btreet. P. O. Box 605, ASUUJtY PARK. N. J. SAMUEL W. KIRKBRIDE, eONTEACTOB, Carpenter & Builder. Plans and speolfiCat.Ions furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of reference given, ltosidcnce—First ave. j bet Bond and Kmory sta. i Shop and Offico—First ave. and Main st. , r . O. Box 743. ASBURY PARK. George W . Patterson, , Isnraf Contractor, r70:B6xl737" r^SSB U ilY PARK, N. J. . .v ' Dealer In Georgia Pino Lumber, Tolephono nnd, TplCKrapli poles. Oak. Chestnut and I’lne piling furnished at short notico, all lengths and sizes.- M . fii ii M . O ffO SB IE , t to David Cartwright,.*- -• Tar Paper, Sheathing Paper, Two anC -3 Three-ply Roofing Papor. P. O. BOX 802. Anbury Phr|c, W. J. Spades. F .C . BRAEUTIGAM, Beal Estate and Insurance., Hotols, Boarding Houses and Cottages to Lot, for Sale apd Exohange. Special attention given to drawing mortgage^,'leases and deeds at short notico; Offlco ~ 710 C0QKMAN AVENUE, P. O.-Box 17. Nohr Main fit., Asbury Park, N. J. H. B< B E E C L E BKAL ESTATE and INStTBANCE AGENT, 41 Miia ifisp, Ocean Grore, K. Js ' Ivoans Negotiated ao«l Legal Topers Drawn H. B, BEEGLE, Notary W blloand Commissioner or DeodB for Now Jersey, Pennsylvania and tbo District of Columbia. . Bargains in Beal Estate LOTS AUD IMPROVED I’KOP- E liiy AT NORTH BPMNG 'LAKE. Tmprovod Property apd Lots at Point Pleasant cheap for cash, feet of Bay front, mtitablo for a.whaW. Tho onlv Bay front In tho market for sale In that Lofs at ManhasB«t for Saio or Exchange, 200 . —— *—* rw- - Iy Bay front frr tho inarR vicinity. Will bo sold cheap. Lot 525x125 foeton Sixth avenue, near the ocean, Asbury Park. If you want to buy or rent any pfoporty any- where along tho coast Apply6to R. M. WORTHINGTON, Cor. Sewall av. and Kmory st., Asbury Park. Or W. T. Strkbt, Point. Pleasant, N. J, W. H. Potter, Spring Lake, N. J. PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD. On and after F^sbnjary 28^ 1880, -------ITBA1FS LKAV9 ASBUBT r A tU t" ”r For New York, Newark, Elisabeth. Rahway Red Bank, Long Branoh and intermediate stations,,at 0.1b a> in., 1.15, 6 35 p. m. Bifpreas for Now York, Newark,. Elizabeth and Long Branoh, at 6.50 a. m. Foy Matawan, 0.50, 9.15 a.m ., 145, 5.85p.m .i For Long Branch, 6^0, 9.15 a. m., 1.15, 5.85 p. m. F or Philadelphia, (Broad S t ,)Trentoh, Prlnoeton, Monmouth Junction, Freohold and Sea Girt, 7.BS) a . rn.ip.vt, 4.20 p. m. For Camden, Burlington, Bordontown and points on tho Amboy Division, via. Berkeley and Toms River, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 2.00 p . m . For Camdon. Burlington, and Bordentown, (via. Trenton,) 7.60, a. m., 12.27, 4.20 p .m . Via. Jamesburg, 4.20 p. ro.** For Toms Rlvor, Island Heights, and Intermedl- , „,ato stations, at 11.06 a. m. On Mondays and Saturdays only, 2.00 p. m. For Point Pfcaoont, and internicdlatestations,6t - /11.05 a. m ,. 3.00.0. 00,7.00p»jn. Hums lbavb i * kw ToB3r"(vla. Dcsbrosfio.3 &Tt(I Cortlandt Sts. ferries) von asbubt fabs 1 At 9.10 a. m., 12.00 noon, 4.20,5.00 p. m. trains uuva rniuDBLrau (Broad St.) roa ASBUBT PABK A t 7.82,11.15 a. m^, 4.00 p. m. Market St., via. Camden and Trenton—7.20, 10.80 a. m., 2.80 p. m, Via. Jamesburg, 7.20 a. m., 8.80 p. m. Via. Toms River and .Berkeley, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 8.30 a. m. J. R. WOOD, Gen'l Pott. Agt. CHAS. E. PUGH, Oen'l Manager. H KW TOBK * LONQ BBABWIV B . II, Time Table, Iu effect February 25,' I860. , .Stations In Now York—Central R. R, of New Jer- sey, foot of Liberty Strpet; P. R. IL, foot of Cortlandt and Desbrosses Streets; N. J. South- ern Railway, foot of Reotor St. I.BAVB H1W TOBK FOB ASBtTBT PABK, A c. Central R. R. of N. J .—1.80,8.15, *11.15 a. m „ 1.00, l t4.00, *4.30,0.10 p.m . Pehdsylvanla—*V.l0 a. m .,'12,00. m., *4.20, 5.00 p. ra. 'w Iieave Nowark, Broad St. 8tatlon, for Asbury Park, JBo. — B.25, 11.20 a. m., l.Ol. 4.P0, 4.8fi, 0.20p, m. Market St. Station—0.3 12.20, 4.44, 5.20 p. m. d. m., REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE & L mortgage loans ,- .J ;oS C(X)knKin Aye. - ASBURY PARK P O W B ± - OO. MAIN STATION: ' Railroad, near First avenue. Furnishes Electric Arc and ,4— •• lights at any locatioi| OFFICERS r. Prcsidont-MYRON S. GOULD, Vico Prcs’t—EDMUND G. HARRISON, Treasurer—JOHN ROCKAFELLKR, Sco’y and Sup’t—GEO. M. LANE. milECTORS: Myrcin S. Gould,' - -'Geo. F. Kroehl, EdmundG. llurrison,- _Jolin C. MacMurmy, John Rockafelier, Coo. A. Smock, I Qeo.-M^Laup. . ! When ll Is a well-known ffiot that BOURNE’S ’English Tonic - Dyspepsia will not. only gtvef case, T ut permanently cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia, or any gastric trouble. for Sale by all Druggists. MATTRESSES and BEDDING of all kinds can bo found at j • * . ,. No,. 1 Main St. (Onnerod Building),: v ' ^ASBUHY PARK, N. J. Renovating Mattresses a specialty at reasonable prices. Geo. W illiam son, A«t. JO S . L. D U R R AH , E=»la,st©x©x, 505 THIRD AVENUE. Jobbing Promptly attended to, ' CEO. C. MEROD, COHTRACTOEAND JDIIBSE, A B B U R Y P A B K , BT. JT. Established .J873.* • Jobbing ^promptly, attended' .to. Best of roforenco given. ' Offico and Residence, ' COR; SE WALL AVE. AND BOND ST. 'Estabiished Paper Hanging 18C5. Jam es S. Bateman,*- PAPER .HANGING, DECORATING AND IIOUSEPAINTING. Prompt attention Rlvcn to ordors through the mall./ Respectfully refers to a larae nnml^or of business men nnd citizens of l’ark and Grovo.' * . . 010 Fifth axcnuo, Asbury Park,.N, J. WESLEY HUGGINS, I rians and Bpcoifioations fumished.TDJobbing promptly attendodJo. Best of reforen<;o{,'ivon. Rcsldcnco—Bangs Av. near Langford,. West Park. P. O. Box 70, Asbury Park, N. J. LA| Do Tonr Own'|)j PEERL Thoy will dye ovorylU whore. Price lOo. Ja!'] !IES! . Fjliig, nt.Iloi|*te, w U h ISS D Y E S ,,. . Thoy &ro sold every _____ ____ _ <j?i>ckago^40 colors. Thoy have no equal for Strength, Brightness, Amount In-Packages or for Fastness of Color, or non^fad- ing Qualities. They do hot crook or smut. For salebv R. Tustlng,M.D., Woolloy & Rood, W. B. Christine, Druggists, Asbury Park, N. J. . , - -THE— MATTISON AVENUE ~| C R Q C E R Y .]" ' PBvTER DE K E Y SB E ,. ' , Successor to Wm; Beamcs,- • Dealer io Choice Family Oroosries^ The best brands of Flour, flno Teas and CoffoeJ and' everything pertaining to a firat-elass1 Gxo- cory.,' , . .... " •■■■?.■: • • • - N ew - S tock! Prim e Goods i LBatBv ASBUBT PABK FOB K«W TQRK., Ad. Central Ii.5 R. of N. J.-0.15,0.50, *7A6,11.00 a. m. 4.15. fl.45 p. m. Pennsylvania—*6.50, 0.15 a. m., 1.15, 5.35 p. m. For Philadelphia and Trenton, via. Bound Brook Route—0.15,0.56,7.55a.m., 4.15p.m. For Ooean Beach, Spring Lake and Bea Girt— 7.00, 7.59. 10.26, 11.05 a. m .r 12.27, 1.05, 2.00, 2.5B, 4.20, 5.65, G.06,0.ll, 7.00,8.10 p. m.- For-Manasquan and Point Pleasant— ,7.00,10,20, 11-05 a. m.,- .J.05, 2.00, 258, 6.55, 6.00, tt.ll, 7.00. 8.10 p. m , --- For Philadelphia, via. Sea Girt—7.50 a. m., 12.27,450 p .m . For Toms River, 11.05 a. ,m ., ♦-Express. RUFUS BLODGETT, SupL H. P. BALDWIN, G. P. A, 0 .11. Jl. ofN . J. J. R. WOOD. Oen'l Pas. A at. P. B.Jt. pltEEHOLnAlll) NEW YOlIKH, «(• In effect Nov. 19,1888. T i u m s WrLT. I.BAYB J » R TOKBUOWl AS TOIJ^QWfl J. Leave Asbury Park—8.00, 10.55 a. m ., 1.15, 4.15, . 5.35 p .m . • . Leavo Long Branch~ 8 lfj, 11.10 a. m., 1.80,4^0, 5i50 p. m. i Leave Branchport-7.20, 11.13 a. m., *1.83, 4.33; 5.53 p. m. Leavo Llttlo Silver—7.25, 11.18 a. m., 1.88, 4.88, 5.58 p .m . . Loave Red B ank-8 25,11.80 a. m., 1.43, 4.45, 6.00 p. m. i Loave Middletown—7-87, 11.37 a. m ., 1.50,. 4.52 0.Up. in, , lhavk katawan f'nn paBKnoi.n. 0.:«,8.37, tf.81 a . m ., P4.2M. 2.0S, R.^J,7.2r» p. in. I.KAVK PUKRHOI.D rOll TIJS SUOUB. 8.05,11.15 a. m ., 1.85, p. m. ___ J. E. RALPH, Sup’t ............... ftEFICg-OP BeaJ Instate Conveyftiices. , . IJat. of oonveyancesr Moiimouth Connty Clerk’s office, for tho wook ending MftfcJflr 1889.: ./ K- _ ; ASntTRT PARK. J . . . ’ , Mary Quaifo to Isabel A. Qualfo-lot 10Gl/$l. ookAN oroYb . , Harkins to Deborah J. Hickman—* lot 715, $1,700. : Mary Anderson,td John F. Beger—lot 790. 81,500. ^LudlloM orroll to Wm. F. HntQcid—lot 278. 83,- ^ If.M arU n cttriu i.to Wm'. C.Tlndall-lot 292, 82,500, iV NKPTDKB TOWWBHIP. m_^fl?lott© A. Harris to Caroline' Brown—lot Neptune township. 81. Wmt CnK(diy c< at., to Henry C. Wefit—20 acres, Neptfine township. 91. J. -,E.. Jtordofl^to Dcboralu-Fogorty—lot near Occan Grorfi. |175. I T (A.-,Fogert^ to John^H. Layton—lot t' *MIBOBLLAHBOt)B. Fann5c E. Mount to Frederick E. Johnson etal. lot Middletown township. $50. . Edward II. Emmons to Louiso Brown—lot Long Branch. $800. Wm. G. Hall dal., to Julia Sperllug—lot Long Bmnch. --------. Samo to samb—lot t<ong Branch. $200. The Highland Beach Association to Emily Tl do Forrest—lot Highland Beach,.$3,000. Lydia. Adams to Robert Tappcn—lot Long Branch. $Coo. Andrew F. Cugcl, by ex’rs, to Mary E. Gueel— loti Ocean township. Theodore Fields, shcrlil; to Pliilip Daly—2 lots at Long Branch. 8810. Bwno.to samo—lot 2012, Oceah-Beacii. $000, Sarah Herbert to Charles Hankins—lot near Elbcrom $350. James II. Robinson td Jolin B. Gordon—lot Freehold. $125 > » Wrt. Dunvill to Benjamin Rodgcre—31 £5-100 acres, Wall township, old dced. $lou. _ . Abblt Now man to ^ m o —ll^ acres, 'Wall town ship, old deed. $27. r • . . Matthew Perrine to Savlillati Davison—40 and' 4 8-100 acrcs. Millstono township. $1,000 Theo, Fields, aherin; to Raphael KuschowBky— 2 lots Long Branch. *3,375. -•*. John P. White to-Samuol T; Hendrickson—lot Red Bank. $200. Theodore Fields. sberliT, to William W. Cono- ver, Jr., dal .—the Middletown turnpike. $2,341.44, William Brown to Robert Brand—lot Od'can township. $23. Henry Brand to Jane Hubbel—4 B-.100 aores, Wall township. $800. Sarah E. Dcckor et al, to Frederick. Williams- lot Hed Bank. $500. . • .1 Frank J. Dlbbcn to Margaret Hackett—lot near Red Bank. $G00. Alfred P. Graut to Joseph W. Johnson—2 acres Eatontown township. $255. Edwin I*. Wells to John I. Wells—lot nearOcean- 'vllle. $160. ^ - , ■ . •• Wm^Ms Slocum to Jemlma8utphon—lot Eaton- town township. $1. Wm. II. Slocum ri al., Com’rs, to Julius M. Bpcro—lot a t -r-: $500. \ Satho to samo—lot at —— . $530. Thomas II.- Grant to John Shehan—lot Red Bank. $4r>0. Amelia A. Ellis to Elizabeth G. Bhehan—lot Red Bank. $^oo. -. ------ •. tf Anthony 'Reckless lo -Elfgabctli--ArauNi?a^lot~ Red Bank. $l.m , V : . Theodoro Fields, sherifF, to the Prudential In- surance Co.—lot Occan township. $3,000. The Prudential Insurance Co. to Abram L. Cross—same property, §3,500. Mary E. Dangler to Sarah Dangler—undivided Discount on Sewer Bills. During the p p t year a number of now connec- tions liavo licen madg with the sowers. This has to somo extent lessoned tbo percentage of cost of maintaining the* works. As tho erection of thoSewdr Worka was not a .matter 6£: specula- tion, but became a noc^ify b ^ u s e of-tiio suo-i cessful and rapid growth of tho town, the owners desire to keop tho annual rent at the lo(west PobsIbio point. . Notico Is hereby given that on all sewor rents for 1888, which will bo duo January 1st, 1880, for prepayment; a deduction of ono percent, a month will -bo allowed. After January 1, 1889, ofa sower rents duo tho following January a doduo- tlon. of two per ccnL a month will for prepay- ment bo allowed. On the third year, for pro* pigment, three 'per cent, a month* will .be allo^pd; and on tho fourth yoar, for pre- payment, four per cont. a m onth.^111 bo allowed. This practically reduces the sewer rent moro than one-third In the last three years. But taking tho fourth yoar alone, It reduces tbe ront fully ono-balf. It Is -of course Impos* sible to toll, a£ the present time, if a stiU furthor discount can bo allowed on the fifth or succeeding years, on account of Increased nnm- ,ber of connections, but the owners of property which is connectod with the sower may rest issurod that tboy witl reap every advantage pos- sible. Owners of the works'only.i}es<re,' after wftrking oipopscs aropald, a m ode rate Interest' on the Investment. C. ij. BAILEY, Soo’y Sewer W or^s.r' AsburyJarl^JIay 22d, 1 B8S.-"^ rr Artistic Printing. Material-1—theb« W orkm a n s h ip —r6™'-cl»“ . ; Del ivery—prompt... Charges-— amlerati, ' ASBURY park .PRINTING HOUSE. 7 iS Mattison Ave. . WiVi. TREAT, Jr.- P lain and O rn n m e n tal __v '.r 3P abl3art© x f* ^Tso'I'rkotIoaI Hard Wood Finisher. Estimates choorfuliy furnished on application. 806 MAIN STREET, half of tract sail meadow, Ocean township. B. McLano to Charles V. McLane—lot Raccoon Ifland. S50. Sophia Wood to Jolin S. Hubbard—lot Red Bank. $2,0ft. • Hush M. Jeffrey cl al; to W. E. JeJTrey—lot Long Branch... $103.75, , . ■* . Mary V. Phillips to Saraii j.- l/owls—lot Long Branch. $1. • ^ * jamos E. Seeley, by Ex'rs, to Angus CrPhUUps -lot-Mlddietow n to w ns h ip. - $5.25.: ' — —7-........... Fannfo Jonoa to Coome W. Layton-9 78100 M B ifeaiflii fanumliii Eleanor C. Throckmorton to Joseph A. Throck- jW Hpnyat * s 4 * w k . . . Bulldlnt; Contracts. T1LKD TO AND INCLDDIna MAR, 10. 2501—IL A, Curtis with Edward Lavancc—new house at Manasquan. $1,397. -• 2502—Mary E. Yard with H. Rclchwcin—now house at 8prlng Lake. $1,701.30, 2563—O. P. Donn with O. C. Ormerod—altera- tions, ito., house Asbury l’ark. 2501—Thomas Patten with Joscpii Robltins—now house at Pleasure Bay. $2,075. . ' .' ' f . A Dutch Lullaby. Wynken, Blynken and Nod ono night -(Sailed off In a wooden shoe; [Balled a river ot mlaty light Tnto a sea of de w. l,LWhcro aro yon going, nnd what do you winh 7*’ Tho old moon psked tho three.* . “ We have como to fish for th© herring fish Tbat live in this IjcantiAil sea; — - Nets of silver and gold have.we,'V SaidWyhken, . Blynken, ' ; And Nod. , Tfio old moon laughed and sting a song, AS they rocked In tho wooden shoo. And tho wind that sped them all night long Runled tlio waves of dew; * Tho little stars were tho herring fish That lived in tho beautiful Bea : “ Now cast ybur nets wherever you wish, . But never afcard aro wo,1 ", Bo cried- tho stars to the flBhennen three, Wynken, ' -I--' . Blynken, Au<i Nod. All night long their nets they threw •‘For thqfish in tho twinkling foam ; Thon down from the Jky camo tho wooden shoe, Bringing tho fishertnen homo; i 'Twas all so pretty a sail, it seemed As if it could not bo; , And somo folk thought ’tutas' a dream they dreamed, * . . Of sailing that beautiful sea; . But I shall namo you tho fishermen three: Wynken, • . >Blynken, - - And No<l. * . Wynken and Blynken aro two little eyes, And Nod is A little head, v. And the wooden shoo that sailed the skies Is a wee one’s trundle bed; So Bhut your eyes while a mother BlngB Of wonderful sights that be. And you Bhall see tho beautiful things As you rock on thq misty sea, - ^ - Where the old shoe rocked tho fishermen tttrfce, Wynken, Blynken, - , 'j . And Nod. ' ••• . - —Eur/cne Field. , ^ -— tl*- ------ -—— W orking a IIo&T* I t’s Coniinpr. Tho towns and cities of Maine aro plastered with posters and snowed aiulor with hand- bills, of which tho following is a samplo:, THEY ARE COMING, tho superb ^^^PRASS BAND .oftfio —HOUSEHOLD TROOPS. Il’Ao arc they 1 Where do they comefrom t They drink cont'iderabl]j~from tho wolla of sal- vation. — ' ‘ Theyflght terribly—against tho devil aud sin of every k in d . ..... - - • - Theygd mil paid—in the lovo of God In their «»hearta. They are <$fter }/w—If you are not Save<l, hurry up.- If you are, cannot you serve Cod bet- ter? In a few days tho streots of No^ York will bo foil of similar posters, only they vrill prob- ably be bigger and moro startling* .The brass band of the Household Troops will got bero abont*March 80. It la the Intcmatldnal band of tho Salvation Army, which was attached to Gen Bo6tlif8vT lo u s o t ol <1 Troop of SOO when they’marched 3,000 miles through Eng- land recently, Marshal Ilooth, who runs the American end of tho Salvation Army, says It’s tho prlzo band ofJ.ho .army, and ono of tho boat banda ho ever beard. “ It plays only sacred music,” ho said to a reporter yesterday. l* And.Salyatlon Army mnsic,n put In protty Mrs. Booth, earnestly. ** Don’t forget th a t”, " i’ve just been up to Malno to see th^m,” aald Marshal Booth. “ Thoy only came bpe to visit Canada, and aro going baoE^oSjXprii 10 , but If I’d known' they' woro suoh a grand band I’d bavo got my fathor to let thqm stay and travel all over-tho country. They wear pioneer caps of fur and blno uniforms. They’re not dressed^ up^ as gaily as our band on tbl^ side, I think I could give them Ideas on tbia point,” .... --• *’**T h^w iil glf ve two concerts in Brooklyn,” ho" eon tinned, “ and t?vo in Now York. They will appear In Association- ItSll on A^nl 8, OKJOTtT'OhV tboy’lVavel'lorrala^luM Qy for; the general fund of thb Army. You see, tho Qeneral advertlsod all over tho world for mu- sicians to mako this band^of. There wero 150 applicants, and twenty-eight woro selected. It ts a great band. Tho bandmaster used to be In tho Quoqn’s Life Guards. lie plays the cornet magnificontly. Tfto drums pro tbe strong point, though.. Yon ougKt to hoar the snare drum. And iho bass drum. Why, that man lifts his drumetlck at arm’s length, swings it aroutjji his head, and brings It down Hko mad. And bo nses two stlcks^t oncci too.. .Whilo ond stick hits thp dnim, ■ ho’s twirling<thp.other^stl^ ajrjoliad^j^'heiji^. Then ^^.cpm oadown oti'th^otherr Bldo^Whllo tho flrdt stick goes up. This iyay^-ti Marshal Booth lifted his very Jong forbi to Its greatest height and .wont through the mo-, tlons ho had described. Mrs. Booth turned from tho deskv where she,was running over tho day’s mall, ond watched him admiringly. “ It iq really flnoi” ojacnlatcd .^rsbal Booth whon ho got through. . “ On%of the plhyers is Yorkehlro man, j^nd ho makes a speechJri broad Yorkshlro dialect that makes everybody langb,. you know. And thon they sing and chant. Chant? Why, yes, tfioy’vo got a chant with flyo ‘vorys’ in lt. l t is effec- tlyo;. It goes : . v It's vory very very .vety ycry nice, yery very .very very vory n Ico- n's ycry very vory Vory very n Jco, ■To know your pins.forgiven.”. Yes, sit', It’sagreat, band, the ;rop^sorjta- tlvo musical organization of tho Salvation Army of the ^'orldT’^.ftT, Y, Sun, Whon I entered tho village, sitnated among the hills of Now York, at 10 o’clock In the morning, all wns peaceful and serene, and the pocket of OAory man wlio-walked the streets had chink In li. When I left, at 4; p. m„ an oxoltcd mob bad possession of tho main street, and every othor man was $ead broke. Abont noon a man arrived from the north In a buggy. Ho said he was a drover, and looking lor hftps. lie bought half a dokon before he ato dibncr, and it was astonishing how closely ho guessed at thoir livfc weight. Ho was within two pounds oil four of them, and only half aTJOttnd moro on tho others. Theso had been an attraction for a crowd of JdJoreran<|«;lheigeneral-verdict'Wns that tHo drover \foia as sharp as a barber’s razor. Soon aftor dinner a farmer-looking bpy drov(> a hog into town and staked him out in front of the tavern. As he^wanted to soil and the drover wanted to buy, thoy soon earno to- gothor. - ‘Might tako. him on a pinch, but ho’s only a nubbins,’’ said tho drovcras ho si zed tiie porker up. Nubbins J Why that pig goes over'200 pound 1 ” exclaimed tho owuer. Can’t staff.mo, boy, F-vo boon in thu busi- ness twenty years.” . ' . , . ,.t No one^rants^^toifulfrThat ’ere fapg goes to810.” ^ ** “ lie does, ehf Wish you’ro father bad oomo In. I'd like to liavo mado a bet With him. Boy, you ought to havo better judg- ment. That hog. won’t pull down 180.” . * Guess you aro oil, too,” remarked astran- gor who had quietly driven up In a buggy. “ I’vo raised hogs1all my life, apd that boy hain’t five pounds ontof bis guesa.”-'—- .... “ Ain’t ho ? Raised hogs, have'you ? Ever raiso any money T” “ A little.” • 1 - ; “ Perhaps you’d like to bet ou tbat hog?” “ Perhaps.” “ Havo you got |20 as says ho goos 200 ?” “ I have—Qfty~a hundred!” “ Then let’s chalk. Anybody qan bloto-l-*:-. It was a chance to mako a dollar^ and tho citizens Improved It. , Tho man In thef buggy was an accommodating chap, and somehow or other tho farmer boy managed to ilsh up about a hundred dollars from the hind pookot bf-hl8 overalls. The citizcns stuck by tho drover, having abundant proofs of his judg- ment, and when overy man in that town who had a loose dollar or could. borrow one had mado bis bet tbe hog was driven to the scales and weighed. “ Gontlomottj^ said the drover just before tho weighing, “ I was never docplved In my lifo. This hog won’t go to 390 pounds.^* “ I’ll take even beta that he goes over 200,” replied tho manTliphe buggy. . This bluff raked our the last nickel in the crowd, and tho hog was driven upon tho scales. Tho record was 211 pounds, llo was weighed and rewelghod, but tho figures stood. ' ■ “Well, It’s my first error in a hog^” said the drover, and all bets were at onceJtanded overv Tho farmer boy slipped out, the^two men drovo off in a buggy, and half an hour had elapsed beforo a church deacon, who had laid his ton with tbe drovpr and lost, sud- denly declared that it was-a-put-up-job to skin tho town.’ - • - - — ^ Durn ray button^ if it hain’t 1^’ yollcd two hundredjinoo-in choiifs, bu; It ,was tod late. The town had boen skinnod and tho trio had escaped. . 4U the mob could do was to tnrn lOoso and wreck an old vinegar factory and, pass a resolution to tho effect that liberty wqs a sham'and a delusion.— N. Y. Suit. « . He waa Contend- I The moonlight drifted brokenly through a rift in tho roof of a negro cabin.in tho^an- ovor^lasheftaQd.fejl on Gabriel J ones’ gray- Boardod (dee. : ito was smoking and meditating. “ HannahI” he called, presently; “ Han- nah I” Silence. “ Hannah l I say, Hannah I” a trlflo:louder, Thorp; waff a rqstlipg In the straw In tho bed In the corner and a sleepy answer: . “ Huh-?”— : ; “ Hanpab, did you, put. dat. watermilllon I foun’ In Marso bonSo'ott’s patch ylatiddy i in- do,cool spring tv’ * r Yos,. I put dat watermilllon in do cool sprIhg, ”, she answered, deliberately. “ Dat was right.’’ . ' A momontfs pause. 0 “ Hannah, did you bang d at coat dai Mister Iledloy ’slated pn trfy takln’ ’hiiul do hayrack, like I tolo you ?” » . _ “ I did dat.V “ Did you scall an* picl^, dem,chickens I borrlod f.’om do man down on do rlbber road do urtday?” - 4lYes, I soall dem ohiokena.” ; “ Woll, fry mo one do tust.t’iiigjn.dp morn- ‘in», ciUe 1*80 got t’ go foyor t’ Mister“Chlnky Olaptln’s Vmorro't’ lead a' prar meetin’ an’ keep dom trlflln’ niggers In de right road;” Thon btrteatted bis gtizaled^head on tbo chai^baokand snored thoBnoro of tho just, and tho bullfrogs In the jnarshos caught up the sound and cohocd Jtfoyer lutJi^Chlcka-: hominy iovrgronndB.^JflMfflft»(ffofr>»; ; - ^' Tbo physlclan does not take- hifo’wn medi - cine, and the corn doctor will* not ride on a :..„LKoaf(lof-Coninil8fli6ner8r^^ March 18,1889. ATlGTioii I,mr.N8BB—F1UB BBOAPEfl FOR HOTBI S thry Most jib bhectkd at onceahte HIAN WATER OUTStDB THE nOUOUQII—SOME MORE TAI.K OVER ROAD MONBY—SUOOE^TIVB "! TAX F la ORES—PETITIONS VOR TUB NEW TEL- 1 El’UONB'COMPANY—ESTIMATE FOB SPRINK- LINO WATER SOPI'LY REOKIVBD—THE I'LAN ADOPTED—MR, RONIi’S WAVE I’OWEIt I^UMI’. . nThe Commlsslonora nro looking closely after the affairs of tho Borough and each member manlfostsia commendable zeal In bis particular duties, Tftero were no absentees Monday ni^ht and a coqBldorablojunounto.f buslhess"wa8 gotten out of tho way. ' Mr. Bobt. S. Peterson, of Neptuno Clt£, wfho has.openbcl an auction room on Cookman vcnoo, statod that. ho had received notico that he con)d not hold auotlon sales without llceneo. Ho was not prepared to pay how, but would bo to morroJtXTuesday) morulng. Ho ^sked jo r permission to conduct the sale for this ovonlng. The Clerk explained lhat Mr. Peterson began hls-sales on Saturday and he had not stopped him because he thought he had no authority to stop such a sale In a raan’sjown store. Complai nts had been made and he/had requested Mr. Peterson to appear before the Board, and explain. Mr. Peterson said ho had been a resident of this township for six years, and bad recentlyhirod the storo on Cookman avenuo. Tboigoods bo sold were not all his own. Ho was willing to,tako.ont.• lfcenso, but oskod for only ono day’s dblay. Com. TonBroeck thought that in justice td our merchantsiwho pay taxes, no person BUb- jeot to license should be permitted^o do.busi- ness for even one day without paying the reg- ular fee.: Com. Smith said that.huckstersand others In summer woro allotted tltno on pay- ing license and somo still owed for last sum- mor’s licenBO foo. Under the elrcUrastanpes It wap; only reasonable to give this man the Tew hours grace be asked for. After some argument It was agreed to allow Mr. Peterson tho timo he.asked, Com; .TonBroeck voting in tho negative. Gomr Kroehl, cabling In just arter tho vofe was taken, expressed himself in favor of tho position taken by: Com. Ten- Bf-oeck, and Com. Bradley said that If he had considered tho mattor with his present know- ledge he would Ijave voted 'against It. Mr. Peterson having obtained tho permission and retired it was too lato to rescind i t ; so It rest- ed/ tbprer: ,-j-— — . ......... The special; commitjoo on fire escapes made tbe following , report : To the Hfmc/rnUd Hoard o f VommUatonerx o f Ihe > - Jlorwigh of Asbury Park: > C/enllhncn—Your l'Mro nnd Water Commltteo. In coiinwttion with tho Chief and Assistant Chief of tho PIro Department, havo oxamlned the means of ewcapo. in eauo of Are, of the following buHdlnfjs, submitting reeommondatlons whero/ hi thoir judgment, tho meahs of escape are inad- equate. The plans adopted by your Committee havo been carefully considered with reference to economy, as well as to secure efficient servlco. . Tho openings on plazas or baleonles to tiro ladders may t»e poniiauent, with ralllng''afoun<£ openings, oreloscd witli trap doors. 'If traps aro uw snbe/slisuia bo^so-maFfted-ia-plalQ lettCFar Tho laddcra,mUBt be stationary. ( ........... . om*NTAT. HOTRL. . , ^ - We reoomniond fortho Oriental Hotel jm Iron Platform escape on tho west side of main build- ing running from top floor to second floor, also Iron laddors connecting balconies from the fourth to second floors, theso laddors to bo placed at tha ond of halls ou tho north and east sido of hotel. COLEMAN HOUSE, The Coleman Houso would be protected by hav- ing an iron platform eseapo from tho fourth floor to sccond on tbo cwt sido of hrickuddHion, ahd lireJaddom from bidcomcs on the frame building. ---- - SUjtP HOP,8K, v ' Tiio committee spent considerable time to ad- iust the cscaiK! on tuo Surf Houso and concluded tho best way would bo to havo a stairway at the' extreme west end of hall on fourth floor to third floor; thonco iron ladder on balcony* to second iloor. j. , - - CABI.TON HOUSE. - J - To mako tbo Carlton safe a balcony will have to bo built nt the south end of hall on third floor, with Iron ladder to sccond iloor piazza. * NKmiNE. Tho stairway In tho Neptuno being near to tiie front of tho house, an escape from top floor hall' In rearof building is oil that wllLbe ncccssary. —. ' feNimobk. Iron ladders on the frontconnectingtho piazzas, witlm ladder at rear end of hall to second story roof will make tho Fenlmorc Bcenro.""1 ''-'" ^' " ' .... !' ” OI'KKA Your committee consider the means of egress from tbe Opera House to bo good, but would rec- ommend that ft diagram of the houso with exits marked thoreon be printod on all programs, also that each exit be marked with largo plain letters. Metropolitan. The Metropolitan having no piazzas abovo tho second iloor makes it ncccssary to havo iron ladder escapes from tho balconies on third floor on tho east, West aud squth sides,.connecting with the, second floor piAzzns. Also a ladder from end of halj on tho horth end of wing to roof.below, or coupect with present stairway to second floor.' * COMMERCIAL HOTEL. By having iron ladders connect each floor of balcony, to sccond floor, on Bangs avenue, tho Commercial would bo safe. < OCKAN HOTEL, The.; Ocean IJotel will require ladders from third Iloor to second.flppr. on east aud west side of piazzas. ' ohamercy, The Gramercy House, by having three means of- egrcssIndwell appointed places, la considered safe. —— ... -------------- MJNCA n HOUHK. . -......... An ironjaddpr from third story ball, cast end, Uxseoond story, wilt bo all that is needed for tho Duncan.- ' „ Hie commltteo appreciating the importance of finishing this work as soon ns posslhlo will en- deavor to lmvo another report at youmext ses- slon,. Respcctluily, Chas. A. Atkins, *- Gko. F. kroehl, ' F rank L. TKNBRoKCKi . Fire and \^ator Committee. Tho report waa rocoivod, tho plans adopted, and tho Clerk directed to servo legal notice on tho owner of each houso mentioned, together with the outline ot*tho plan adopted and the floetio'n of the State law—and penalty— under TvbiclrttjG'BoaitriaHirtTUi^ ' * 7^” Com. Bradloy stated informally that tho resldonts of the biock betweon Fifth and Suit^ set avenues, woBt of tho railroad, deaired tbat a plpo should be laid over tbero from the Ar- tesian wator mains: Tho well water in that' locality eamq ffoni a bedBof rotten stone and was totally uuflFIor houBehold purposos. It waa dlfilctilt to rent 00 tt ages there on this ap- pount. The Waton^Commissioners said that this was outside tho borough limits and nntrf thoy bad a surplus of wator ovor and aWve. tho .requirements of'the town they did not feol justified In going outside the'Umlteu . Ap- plications bad beon mado also for.portlons of West Asbury Park, but the Wator Board had ‘declined tp furnish wator thero for this very reason. It was only a’matter of protection to those who owned.thp Watcr^ Works and paid taxes thereon—that Is tho BoronglL of .Asbury. rark. - a * Qdm. Bailey read somo sections of chapter 825 of the.Jaws of 1888, which anibdrizo& bor- oughg to matco certol^^hanges itrtheir char- ters by voto. Uqder'thls^aot, If adopted by tho ro&d'money'qnesHon ahouid so tour peo- ple to thinking. 1 , Township Committeeman Klrkbrtde waa present and asked the Board If It Intendedjo^ tako any £teps toward collecting the borough’s . r proportlort.' of road money from the Town .Committee. The Boprd thonghl not ht ppea- .ont. Ho said his re as mvfor, asking was that * tho ComWltteo would meet in a,few days for the pnrposo of apportioning tbe money to tho ; soveral road districts, Aftor that Waa done there would ‘bo no 'way of recovering tbe> monoy. Ho was a- resident of Asbury Park and desired to see tho bprough get Its portion of t^is money, but he wanted ' It done In a legal wayv He said tbe point raised waa that the streets of^VSbury Park, with one*, or two exceptions, wore not legally dedicated roads v wUhln the letter ot tbe law. Relative to one street which wasa legal road It was'said that the borough authorities had granted a street tailrond franchise for which, It was receiving a largo yearly rental. • It the borough,would allow a fair portion of that rental to go to the - Township Committee that body Would spend some money in keeping the streot IP repair. Com.. Bradley moved that the Township Committee be requested to delay apportioning tho road money until a special committee- from this Board could meet with them to try to arrange the difficulty; Tho motion was— carried and Pres. Bccglo appointed Messrs. Bradloy, Smltlrond Atkins as the'committee. .Somo further talk-ensued concerning the:' taw to whlch'Com. Bailey referred and a apo- dal commltteo, consisting of Messrs. Bailey, Smith and TenBroeck, was appointed to ex- amine it and report at tlio next meeting. A petition was.reqelved from several busi- ness men ahd firms on Main street asking tbkt a stono crosswalk bo laid across Main street from Steikbach Bros:’ corner to tbo sidewalk In front of Wash. White’s. It was referred to : tho Street Committee. * Two petitions were read in favor of the Shaver Telephone Co, Tho first was'from a considerable number of citizens, asking the Board to grant the second. Thtl sedond was from E. G. Harrison, pro&ldent of the looal company, asking for permlsslpn_taerect tele- phono lines and furnish service within the —• borough limits. Tho Commissioners, general- ^ ly, expressed themsefves as in favor of grant-. Ing the permission, provided few or no new poles.Vwould .bo (rec|uired. .They . nreferrgd,—^ howeverVth^ any permTssion1 given should bo ln theshapo ot an ordinance, and to get it In this shapo It was referred to tho special tele-- phono committee appointed at'the last meet- ing ; thoy to report next Monday evening. Tho Water Commissioners, in accordance with a.resolution adopted at the lost meeting, presented an estipinio for laying an eight inch , Iron pipe frotn Great I»bnd to the wnterjtanks and placing a boiler and etlgiuo at tho pond for tho purpose of furnishing a supply of water for. street sprinkling purposes. By : orectfng a frame ciiglqo houso the cost Would bo 19,000^1’f^abi<iuU-hiHiBU-wu3i;li4iUHt-Wdald^- coet 13,300. The Boftr^ *pproyed Qf the plan n apd estimate and advised that a brick house bo built. The Water Cemmlsstoners stated that If this plan waa carried ou^.they .would - need authority from tho Borough (Board to« take $3,500 from tbo maintenance account and place it to tho construction account* Tb6 authority was given. Mr. Bond,.the patentee of the apparatus for. utilizing wave power, stated to the Board that bis machinery had^ arrived and the work of driving tho piling In tho surf would bo begun immediately. Gentlemen Interested had fur- nished tho funds and tho Ocean Grove AssOr elation ,had given him the privilege of testing , hla apparatus on the Grove,front. His float would lift 4,000 pounds of water, an average of three, feot with each wave; tho waves ran from 6 to 10 per minute, so that with an aver- age of 8 he could lift 82,000 pounds of water . 3 feet every minute, pumping a total of over .ai^milllon gallons in 24 hours. To what par- ticular uso this pumping would be turned had not yet boon decided upon. The first object- was to test the Invention. It might be a suc- cess or It might utterly fail. If it was suc- cessful it-icould bo used to entirely change tbo nature of Wesley Lake, making It ocoqn water and removing the causes for ooraplaints which . bad been made concerning the upper end. The right to use the inyontion^mluht tio sold, , to Asbnry . Park and Ocean Giovb at a very reasonable figure and might prove an advan- tage. There wero many possibilities, but they all awaited the result of this test. He thought, It would be completed within 80 days. •> - The Commissioners seemed much interested in Mr. Bond’s remarks, "althoU^litTBiid-no request to make or favors to ask. When-bo was through ’they adjourned to meet next Monday n i g h t ; - * • . -Courtesy at Wnslilnprton, a_ & J t portion of township road mcrnby. The voto bad to bo thkon ln/^Iay, anq as tho law re-V qulred some two or threo months’ nOtleo to bo given it could not be aotedjipon this year." By way of polntingbis remarks Com. Bailey stated that ho v baa examined tht^tow^shljh bow^and found that tho totalttax rjlse^ in Neptuno to^ynshjp was about 189,800. 0?thlg amount Asbufy"Park'pays $22^000,- Ocean Groyo $9,000, find tho entire remaln^ot of the township $8 ,390. The figures wtyjn applied to ' --rH'.' . ~ . All through tbo Gpyernment servlco, ! as - In private Jbus’lness establishments, we, of course,’find the relation,-of superior-®nd subordinato^aod-from this relation necessar - ily follow certain distinctions ot grade, br official classification, 'and certain rujes of eourtesy governing the ^business intercourso- botwoeu agents of equal or. unequal rank. The President Is higher thon a Secretary pf Department, a Seorctary higher than a bureajr chief, a bureau chief higher than a clerk.. An offloer, Issuing instructions or commands, disregards the conventional or complimentary forms observe^ by him when communicating -wittr-;tifflcctp:;of-cqnat;or"hlghDrgradeT~a“~ subordinate,-corresponding with one above him in authority, is moro or less deferential lu his address, j This complaisance, however,, extends cl|lefiy to suclTharmlcss expressions as, “To tbe Honorable tbo Secretary ” and “I , am with great rospect, your obedient servant,” 7 at tho beginnlug and ending of lettors ; and Is only objectionable when it^becomos Indis- criminate of extravagant.' -In strict pro- . priety„ofllolal communications ahonUl bo ad- 'dre^sedto tho “ofilqo'”—not to the name of the Jndlvlduai'holdfng the office ; and a pub- lic qEQco receives no augumented dignity by reason of more wordyj additloniir' This was tho view taken by, thp Houso of Uoprcsenta- tives at tbe beginning ot the Government, '~/ ,when tho Senate desired to stylo tho PrOsWcnr' “ Hla High, Mightiness,’^ by some .other senseless title; and the Senatejby submitting-,- to this viow, established a precedent.appHca- ble^to overy subordinate office. « In writing to a high official o? a menlber of Congress by narpe^the prefix “ Hon;”lis per- . mls^lplp on grounds of general usage ; but the peoplo, tho bwcugh would receive Itspro^- *tho omploynvont of, this title;-, in addressing . _.«* a . , 1. . 1. . mi. ' _Yd1 vnna‘n(nn\&Bo : nV a la n ffi Urn mlnor ofiioors’la' tnea'nlnBle$3, ^ alsoiBtho phraso, “ To nis Excellency the President,” yet this and other errors of ovpr-effuslon are frequently mado-by corrcspondonta both In and out of official circles. •- / j. Jn rapking. tbeTrealdpni as head of the Re- pfiblic we regard him otfly in his publlo capa- > ^ityC^llis^irctimlnonoy is the preeminence of hla office, au'd this office, as we bavo said, waa intended to exeroiBO business functions.—/^. NicbuXa*. .... 1v, * •' -K J p;i\

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J # A. \y . HETRICK, M. D, . ‘ «• - -

v. Homctopathld Phjrelclan and Bureeon.Cor. Cookman A Danprs a vs., Aabury Park, N , J .

•" H ours: u n til 10 a. n » a n d a fter 4 p .m . '

•p f S. KINMONTII, Iff. D.,

Corner Grand and Asbnry Avenues,Office Hours—7 to 9 a. m ., 1 to 2 p. m., 6 to 8 p. m,

r j l t BRUCE S. KEATOR, ■» .Homceopathio phyBiolan an d Surgeon.

Graduate of both Bohooja. • *rCor. Asbury avenue and Bergh street.

. Ilourrf—Until 0 a. m., 7 to 0 p . m.Telephone connections. , ' .AMEH B. flTJRNKT. M. D . ___________

■ ** i* *'10 Chestnut Btreot, Nowark, N. J.Ofllco n o u re -8 to 12 a. m., B to 7 p . tn.

Bqndayfrr-8 to 10 a. m., 5 to 7 p. m.


•^TM . I. G ILL,A .M ., P . D.,

PnoumatOpathlBt, o r Mental Healer,. ■ , 400 Howall aVetliia. ^ o r. Heck s tre e t Office hours 7 to 10,12 to 3, 0 to 0. '


•‘..•.-•V.;- ■ B B O T J I B T , •• • •>;- •C15 Bangs a v e ., ' Asbury Yxrjt, N ,3 s

■ p R . S. T. SLOCUM,

DENTIST. -Office—204 Main St., opposite Railroad Station,

Gas administered. ^ .__ A sbpff P arfr.N . J .- -- 8. nifRTOK.in. D. fl.

gURTjON BROTHERS,. . “T f .. . i . q. jn n to w , ». j >. s.-

B M l d e n t D e n t i s t s ,n oun Bulldlne, 506 Cookman avo., Asbnry Park*

Now York Office—03 W est 33th st.Gas administered. Appointments m ade by telo-Shono o r by m all. ; f io u rs :0 a . in. (o B p; m.

IT ra of “ ZOZO"—the new preparation for olcanalng and preserving tiie Teeth;

L N . SEYMOUR, D, P . S.• ....... - D E I T T I S T ,

OfQoe 530 Cookman avenue, near Emory s treet. Mechanical work a specialty. -•

Difficult operations solicited.

__ f .F . HAWK ran. • ' , . FRANK DUBAHD. .JJA W K IN S & DURAND,

A ttom eys at-Law, Solicitors & M asters In Chan­cery, Mikado J3ullding, Coofemaftr Av.,

Asbuiy Park , N. J .


Attomoy-at-Law, Solicitor, M aster J n Chancery and Notary Public.

Special atten tion given to examination o f Titles,- ' *C..

Office iu Cook’s Building,: _________ . ...Aflbnry P ark. New Jeraey ,--------

A LFRKD D. BAILEY,*»- Attornoy-at-Law, Solicitor and M aster In

Chancery and N otary Pnbllo.Spcolal atten tion given to collection o f claims.

Offico In Mikado Building, Asbury Park.

£ ).W 1D IIARVKY, J r.,

Attotnoy-atrLaw, Solicitor, M aster and Ekam lner In Chancery, Notary Public.

! / - Asbury Park, N^jT.

ROBERT T. JRAYATT,, * ■ , ■ .. ■: '■

dbau rn iK *.• .. -i4 -

S to v e s , H eaters,. R an g es ,T I N W A R E , A c .

Cookman av near Bond st., A S B U B T P A B K / N . S .

TIN lO a n i l , UAOlg*, IBTTEtS, M .conn, tir *ib sheet not worn or m

; « W M ^E ^ F Ire U jla s s w ork a t low rates; . J 0

L I P P I N C O T T ,

T A I L O R725. Cookman Ave.

M e n ’ s F u r n i s h i n g s .

The Old and Reliable Brand.

Vane, Calvert & Co.All DcsiMc Slades of,Color.

- ......... ....... r

N . E . B u c h a n o n '<& C o .So!o Agents for Stato of Now Jersey;

| ^ “ nricos low to painters and Consumers. Libera) arrangem ents m ade with dealers.

Main st. and asbury ave.


Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor In Chancery, • ;____A ddreaaP . G.BnxlOfM, Asbury P ark , N . .7.

jl rW T M. NKVIfTW.uoum tfliiorat L m t.




P. O. Box 855. - ASBURY PARK, N . J ,


TEACHER OF PIANO, 0RQAN .AND THEORY.Foreign and American fingering. -Terras—315 for

20 lessons, payablo a t 10th lesson. ,

H. B JOHNSON, P ra c tic a i W a tc h m a k e r ,

Dealer lh Ulno Watohes, Jewelry, Spectacles Ac. W atches and Jew elry repaired a t City Prides.

f- M a in s tr e e t , n e a r O ookm an a v e n u e ,ABBURY PARK, N. J . ' :» ..

G E O . M . B E N N E T T ,.HOUSE EAINTINGin all I ts branches. Hardwood finishing, G rain­

ing, Caleimlnlng, A c .,Estim ates furnished on application.

,, L. Box 2132, Ocean Grove, N. J .

H C MARRYOTT,G o n tra e to r a n d B u ilder,Estim ates furnished fo r every description of

w ork. Jobbing a ttended to promptly.. “"Residence—-■ ■ •*

Cor. Sewaili?e. and Emory S t.,'Lock Box'710 . J..:." A S B U B lf P A B K , N . J .

A, A. TAYLOR,M a s o n a n d B u i l d e r ,

Bricklaying-and Plastering In all branohes , o f Masonry work.

Jobbing promptly attended to.__ J^QiJ3ox,fi97. Office, 7^3. M attlsoq^v en ue


ArcMteet & Builder.■^Building plans executed and all w ork promptly

■done,. ...... ............office in Cook's Building, Main ‘stree t and

Cookman avonne. Asbury Park.

%A D O N M P P I N C O T T ,

Contractor & BuilderK.Uv.ftU;.hraiKiI\tia_piQmpUy-4ind -cat of ul Vy.

' i . 1 attonded tQ .,,Residence—002 Piretj avonue,Shop-007 Main st; ASBURY PA & Ik^LX


GOWDY & PIT0H ER s.CamageS|jand. Manufacte

- r e f jf Harness.'- ■K ep O H lto A j . i . l u s r y I ' . r V . lUHl R n t ik

• • > , j ) | | i a T « n i g B l v j a ■ , ,

Tents, _ _ _ _Pelting to r boilers and stearii pipes.

S . H E M M E N W A Y ,. 6l&GookmaR hi s.. bSsrf Pork, H. J,

S a il lofts,-CO South St., Sfew York City,


S T O U T &, H A R T ,A s b n r y P a r k a n d . O c e a n G ro v e

C o n c re te W a lk L a y e rs ,• ASBURY PARK, N. J .

'Offico 713MaWj»frn»VQ. Sallfefaotlon guarantoed.

J p o r m a n e n t 81 ta a t lo n M guaranteed. _ Salary and BipenHes paid. SpotslaHnduoemonts to betflnners. Any ^ a n can 'suodeednvlth our

Qul^.k sellinK-Hiioolaltles, Outfit i$r Hooker Nurscriefl, (catab- l'-L " (Name th is paper.)

_ advantages.. Qul freo. W rite a t ort

«!!ll«hed 1833) Kocliostc^ N. Y.


Now occupy the new brick buildlug of J.-Honry —~ Applegate; on

Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street,

where they anj^prcpared to estimate on a ll kinds

FLI{fSii,MS AND STEAK fl!!®They do none-other than flrst-^la«? work, and

all plumbing will bo doue aRcr thoinoetapproveil sanitary methods.

R e p n l r l n f t p r o m p l l y n t t« n ilo < l to .

M i ) A. Githens & Co.M anufacturem of. and wholesale and

reta il dealers In

F E A T H E R S , E tc . F A C T O R Y NO. 143 MAIN S T .

UpBtalrs,Renovating Mattresses a Bpeosalty.

'Telephone Connection. 5

. HENRY DOREN,(Successor td G. W. Read,)


Suits made to o rder guaranteed to fit. ’ Cleaning and Repairing.


Hardwood work a specialty; orders promptly attended to and work dono In first-class manner.

M anufacturer of Ntorm Doors, W indow tand Door Screens. Orders loft a t D. II. W yikoff's paint store, o r received by mall, will b e promptlyattended to. _ .r . ....... ........ KcsIUcnce—N. -K. Cor. Asbury avenuo and MainBtreet. P . O. Box 605, ASUUJtY PARK. N. J .


C a r p e n t e r & B u i l d e r .Plans and speolfiCat.Ions furnished. Jobbing

prom ptly attended to . Best of reference given, ltosidcnce—F irst ave. j bet Bond and Kmory sta. i Shop and Offico—First ave. and Main st. , r . O. Box 743. ASBURY PARK.

G e o rg e W . P a tte r s o n ,, Isnraf Contractor,

r7 0 :B 6 x l7 3 7 " r ^ S S B U i lY PARK, N. J .. .v '

Dealer In Georgia Pino Lumber, Tolephono nnd, TplCKrapli poles. Oak. Chestnut and I’lne piling furnished a t short notico, all lengths and s iz e s .-

M .

f i i iiM . O f f O S B I E ,

t to David Cartwright,.*- -•

T ar Paper, Sheathing Paper, Tw o anC -3 Three-ply Roofing Papor.

P . O. BOX 8 0 2 . A n b u r y P h r |c , W. J .

S p a d e s .

F .C . BRAEUTIGAM,Beal Estate and Insurance.,

Hotols, Boarding Houses and Cottages to Lot, for Sale apd Exohange. Special a ttention given to draw ing m ortgage^,'leases and deeds a t short notico; Offlco ~


P. O.- Box 17. Nohr Main fit., Asbury Park , N. J .

H . B < B E E C L E


41 Miia ifisp, Ocean Grore, K. Js 'Ivoans Negotiated ao«l Legal Topers Drawn

H. B, BEEGLE, Notary W blloand Commissioner or DeodB for Now Jersey, Pennsylvania and tbo D istrict of Columbia. .

Barga ins in Beal EstateLOTS AUD IMPROVED I’KOP-

E l i iy AT NORTH BPMNG 'LAKE.Tmprovod Property apd Lots a t Poin t P leasant

cheap for cash,

feet of Bay front, mtitablo for a.w haW . Tho onlv Bay fron t In tho m arket for sale In th a t

Lofs a t ManhasB«t for Saio o r Exchange, 200 . —— *— * rw--Iy Bay fron t frr tho inarR

vicinity. Will bo sold cheap.Lot 525x125 foe to n Sixth avenue, n ea r th e ocean,

Asbury Park.If you w an t to buy or ren t any pfoporty any­

where along tho coastApply6to R. M. WORTHINGTON,

Cor. Sewall av. and Kmory st., Asbury Park. Or W. T. Strkbt, Point. Pleasant, N. J ,

W. H. Potter, Spring Lake, N . J .

P E N N S Y L V A N I A B A IL B O A D .

On and a fte r F^sbnjary 28 1880,-------ITBA1FS LKAV9 ASBUBT rA tU t" ” rF or New York, New ark, E lisabeth. Rahway

Red Bank, Long Branoh and interm ediate s ta t io n s ,,a t 0.1b a> in., 1.15, 6 35 p. m.

Bifpreas fo r Now York, New ark,. Elizabeth and Long Branoh, at 6.50 a. m.

Foy M atawan, 0.50, 9.15 a .m ., 145, 5.85p .m .i F or Long Branch, 6^0, 9.15 a. m., 1.15, 5.85 p. m. F o r Philadelphia, (Broad S t ,)Trentoh, P rlnoeton,

Monmouth Junction, Freohold and Sea Girt, 7.BS) a . r n .ip .v t, 4.20 p . m.

For Camden, Burlington, Bordontown and points on tho Amboy Division, via. Berkeley and Toms River, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 2.00 p .m . •

For Camdon. Burlington, and Bordentow n, (via. Trenton,) 7.60, a . m ., 12.27, 4.20 p .m . Via. Jam esburg, 4.20 p. ro.**

For Toms Rlvor, Island Heights, and Intermedl- , „ ,a to sta tions, a t 11.06 a . m . On Mondays and

Saturdays only, 2.00 p . m.F o r P o in t P fcaoon t, an d in te rn ic d la te s ta t io n s ,6 t - /11.05 a. m ,.,7.00p»jn.

H u m s lbavb i*kw ToB3r"(vla. Dcsbrosfio.3 &Tt(I C ortlandt Sts. ferries) von asbubt f a b s 1

A t 9.10 a. m ., 12.00 noon, 4.20,5.00 p. m . trains u u v a rn iu D B L ra u (Broad St.) ro a

ASBUBT PABKA t 7.82,11.15 a . m^, 4.00 p. m. M arket S t., via.

Camden and T renton—7.20, 10.80 a . m., 2.80 p . m, Via. Jam esburg, 7.20 a. m ., 8.80 p. m. Via. Toms River and .Berkeley, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 8.30 a. m.

J . R. WOOD, Gen'l P o tt. A gt. CHAS. E. PUGH, Oen'l Manager.


Time Table, Iu effect February 25,' I860. ,

.Stations In Now Y ork—Central R. R, o f New J e r ­sey, foot of Liberty S trp e t; P. R. IL, foot of C ortlandt and Desbrosses Streets; N. J . South­ern Railway, foot of Reotor St.

I.BAVB H1W TOBK FOB ASBtTBT PABK, A c.Central R. R. of N. J .—1.80,8.15, *11.15 a . m „ 1.00, l t4.00, *4.30,0.10 p .m .Pehdsylvanla—*V.l0 a. m . , '12,00. m., *4.20, 5.00

p. ra. ' w Iieave Nowark, Broad St. 8 tatlon , for Asbury

Park, JBo. — B.25, 11.20 a . m ., l.Ol. 4.P0,4.8fi, 0.20p, m. M arket St. S tation—0.3 12.20, 4.44, 5.20 p. m.

d. m.,

R E A L E S T A T E , IN SU R A N C E &

L m o r t g a g e l o a n s ,-.J

■ ;o S C(X)knKin A y e . -


P O W B ± - O O .


Railroad, near First avenue.

Furnishes Electric Arc and, 4 — ••lights a t any locatioi|


Prcsidont-M YRON S. GOULD,Vico Prcs’t—EDMUND G. HARRISON, Treasurer—JOHN ROCKAFELLKR, Sco’y and Sup’t—GEO. M. LANE.


Myrcin S. G ould,' - -'Geo. F. Kroehl,Edm undG. llurrison,-_Jolin C. MacMurmy,John Rockafelier, Coo. A. Smock,

I Qeo.-M^Laup. .

! When l l Is a well-known ffiot th at

BOURNE’S’ E n g l i s h T o n i c -

Dyspepsiawill not. only gtvef case, T u t perm anently cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia, or any gastric trouble.

for Sale by all Druggists.

MATTRESSES and BEDDING o f a ll kinds can bo found a t j • * . ,. —

No,. 1 Main St. (Onnerod Building),: v• ' ^ASBUHY PARK, N. J.Renovating Mattresses a specialty a t reasonable

prices. G eo . W i l l i a m s o n , A « t .

J O S . L . D U R R A H ,E = » la ,s t © x© x,

505 T H IR D A V E N U E .Jobbing Prom ptly attended to , '


A B B U R Y P A B K , BT. JT.Established . J873.* • Jobbing promptly, attended '

.to . Best o f roforenco given. 'Offico and Residence, '


'Estabiished Paper Hanging 18C5.

J a m e s S . B a tem an ,* - P A P E R . H A N G I N G ,

DECORATING AND IIOUSEPAINTING. Prom pt a tten tion Rlvcn to ordors through the

mall./ Respectfully refers to a larae nnml^or of business men nnd citizens of l ’ark and Grovo.' *

. . 010 Fifth axcnuo, Asbury Park,.N, J .


Ir ia n s and Bpcoifioations fumished.TDJobbing

promptly attendodJo. Best o f reforen<;o{,'ivon.Rcsldcnco—Bangs Av. near Langford,. West Park.

P . O. Box 70, Asbury Park, N. J .

LA|D o T o n r O w n '|) j

P E E R LThoy will dye ovorylU whore. Price lOo. Ja!']

!IES! .Fjliig, n t.I lo i |* te , w U h

I S S D Y E S,,. . Thoy &ro sold every

_____ ____ _ <j?i>ckago^40 colors. Thoyhave no equal fo r Strength, Brightness, Amount In-Packages or fo r Fastness o f Color, o r non^fad- ing Qualities. They do hot crook o r smut. For sa leb v R. Tustlng,M .D ., Woolloy & Rood, W. B. Christine, Druggists, Asbury Park, N. J . . ,

- -THE—


P B v T E R D E K E Y S B E , .' , Successor to Wm; Beamcs,- •

Dealer io Choice Family Oroosries• The best brands of Flour, flno Teas and CoffoeJ and ' everything pertaining to a firat-elass1 Gxo- cory.,' , . .... " •■■■?.■: • • • -

N e w - S t o c k ! P r i m e G o o d s i

LBatBvASBUBT PABK FOB K«W TQRK., Ad. Central Ii.5 R. of N. J .-0 .1 5 ,0.50, *7A6,11.00 a. m.

4.15. fl.45 p. m. ’ •Pennsylvania—*6.50, 0.15 a. m., 1.15, 5.35 p. m . For Philadelphia and Trenton, via. Bound Brook

Route—0.15,0.56,7.55a.m., 4.15p.m.For Ooean Beach, Spring Lake and Bea Girt—

7.00, 7.59. 10.26, 11.05 a. m.r 12.27, 1.05, 2.00, 2.5B, 4.20, 5.65, G.06,0.ll, 7.00,8.10 p. m.-

For-M anasquan and Point P leasant—,7.00,10,20, 11-05 a. m.,- .J.05, 2.00, 258, 6.55, 6.00, tt.ll,7.00. 8.10 p. m , ---

For Philadelphia, via. Sea G irt—7.50 a. m ., 12.27,450 p .m .

For Toms River, 11.05 a. ,m .,♦ -E xpress. RUFUS BLODGETT, SupLH. P. BALDWIN, G. P. A , 0 . 11. Jl. o fN . J.

J . R. WOOD. Oen'l Pas. A at. P . B.Jt.

p ltE E H O L n A lll) NEW Y O lIK H , «(•

In effect Nov. 19,1888.

T iu m s WrLT. I.BAYB J» R TOKBUOWl AS TOIJ QWfl J. Leave Asbury Park—8.00, 10.55 a . m ., 1.15, 4.15, . 5.35 p .m . • . •Leavo Long Branch~ 8 lfj, 11.10 a . m ., 1.80,4^0,

5i50 p. m. iLeave Branchport-7.20, 11.13 a . m ., *1.83, 4.33;

5.53 p. m.Leavo Llttlo Silver—7.25, 11.18 a . m ., 1.88, 4.88,

5.58 p .m . .Loave Red B an k -8 25,11.80 a. m ., 1.43, 4.45, 6.00

p . m . iLoave Middletown—7-87, 11.37 a . m ., 1.50,. 4.52

0.U p . in, ,lhavk katawan f'nn paBKnoi.n.

0.:«,8.37, tf.81 a . m ., P4.2M. 2.0S, R.^J,7.2r» p. in. ’ I.KAVK PUKRHOI.D rOll TIJS SUOUB.

8.05,11.15 a. m ., 1.85, p. m. ___J . E. RALPH, Sup’t

............... ftEFICg-OP

B eaJ Insta te Conveyftiices., . I J a t . o f oonveyancesr M oiim outh C onnty C lerk ’s office, fo r tho wook en d in g M ftfcJflr 1889.: ./ K- _ ‘

; ASntTRT PARK. J . . . ’ , Mary Quaifo to Isabel A. Q u a lfo -lo t 10Gl/$l.

ookAN o r o Yb . ’, Harkins to Deborah J. Hickman—*lot 715, $1,700. :

Mary Anderson,td John F . Beger—lot 790. 81,500. ^L udlloM orro ll to Wm. F . HntQcid—lot 278. 83,-

^ I f . M a r U n c t t r i u i . t o Wm'. C .T ln d all-lo t 292, 82,500,iV NKPTDKB TOWWBHIP.

m_^fl?lott© A. Harris to Caroline' Brown—lot Neptune township. 81.

Wmt CnK(diy c< at., to Henry C. Wefit—20 acres, Neptfine township. 91.

J. -,E.. Jtordofl^to Dcboralu-Fogorty—lo t near Occan Grorfi. |175.I T (A.-, Fogert^ to John^H. Layton—lo t

’ t' *MIBOBLLAHBOt)B.Fann5c E. Mount to Frederick E. Johnson etal. lot Middletown township. $50. .Edward II. Emmons to Louiso Brown—lot Long

Branch. $800. •Wm. G. Hall d a l., to Julia Sperllug—lot Long

Bmnch. --------.Samo to samb—lot t<ong Branch. $200.The H ighland Beach Association to Emily Tl

do Forrest—lot Highland Beach,.$3,000.Lydia. Adams to Robert Tappcn—lot Long

Branch. $Coo.Andrew F. Cugcl, by ex’rs, to Mary E. Gueel—

loti Ocean township.Theodore Fields, shcrlil; to Pliilip Daly—2 lots

a t Long Branch. 8810.Bwno.to samo—lot 2012, Oceah-Beacii. $000,Sarah Herbert to Charles Hankins—lot near

Elbcrom $350.James II. Robinson td Jolin B. Gordon—lot

Freehold. $125 > »Wrt. Dunvill to Benjamin Rodgcre—31 £5-100

acres, Wall township, old dced. $lou. _ .Abblt Now man to ^ m o —ll^ acres, 'Wall town

ship, old deed. $27. r • . . ■Matthew Perrine to Savlillati Davison—40 and '

4 8-100 acrcs. Millstono township. $1,000 Theo, Fields, aherin; to Raphael KuschowBky—

2 lots Long Branch. *3,375. -•*.John P. White to-Samuol T; Hendrickson—lot

Red Bank. $200.Theodore Fields. sberliT, to William W. Cono­

ver, Jr., d a l .—the Middletown turnpike. $2,341.44, William Brown to Robert Brand—lot Od'can

township. $23.Henry Brand to Jane Hubbel—4 B-.100 aores,

Wall township. $800.Sarah E. Dcckor et al, to Frederick. Williams-

lot Hed Bank. $500. . • . 1Frank J . Dlbbcn to Margaret Hackett—lot near

Red Bank. $G00.Alfred P. Graut to Joseph W. Johnson—2 acres

Eatontown township. $255.Edwin I*. Wells to John I. Wells—lot nearOcean-

'vllle. $160. - • , ■ .•• Wm^Ms Slocum to Jem lm a8utphon—lot Eaton­town township. $1.

Wm. II. Slocum r i al., Com’rs, to Julius M. Bpcro—lot a t - r - : $500. \

Satho to samo—lot at ——. $530.Thomas II.- Grant to John Shehan—lot Red

Bank. $4r>0.Amelia A. Ellis to Elizabeth G. Bhehan—lot Red

Bank. $^oo. - . ------ •. tfAnthony 'Reckless lo -Elfgabctli--ArauNi?a^lot~

Red Bank. $ l .m , • V : .Theodoro Fields, sherifF, to the Prudential In ­

surance Co.—lot Occan township. $3,000.The Prudential Insurance Co. to Abram L.

Cross—same property, §3,500.Mary E. Dangler to Sarah Dangler—undivided

Discount on Sewer Bills.During the p p t year a num ber o f now connec­

tions liavo licen madg with the sowers. This has to somo extent lessoned tbo percentage o f cost of m aintaining the* works. As tho erection of thoSewdr Worka was not a .matter 6£: specula­tion, but becam e a n o c ^ i f y b ^ u s e of-tiio suo-i cessful and rapid growth of tho town, the owners desire to keop tho annual ren t a t the lo(west PobsIbio point. .

Notico Is hereby given th at on all sewor ren ts fo r 1888, which will bo duo January 1st, 1880, for prepayment; a deduction of ono percent, a month will -bo allowed. After January 1, 1889, ofa sower rents duo tho following January a doduo- tlon. of tw o per ccnL a m onth will for prepay­m ent bo allowed. On the third year, for pro* p igm ent, th ree 'p e r cent, a month* w ill .be a llo ^ p d ; and on tho fourth yoar, for pre­payment, fou r per cont. a m o n th .^111 bo allowed. This practically reduces the sewer ren t moro than one-third In the last three years. But taking tho fourth yoar alone, It reduces tbe ront fully ono-balf. I t Is -of course Impos* sible to toll, a£ the present time, if a stiU furthor discount can bo allowed on the fifth or succeeding years, on accou n t of Increased nnm-

,ber of connections, bu t the owners of property which is connectod with the sower m ay rest issurod that tboy witl reap every advantage pos­sible. Owners of the works'only.i}es<re,' a fter wftrking oipopscs a ropald , a m ode ra te Interest' on the Investment. C. ij. BAILEY,

Soo’y Sewer W or^s.r ' Asbury J a r l^ J I a y 22d, 1 B 8 S . - " ^

r r

A r t i s t i c P r i n t i n g .

Material-1—the b«

W o r k m a n s h i p —r6™'-cl»“ . ;

Del ivery—prompt...

Charges-— am lerati,

■' ASBURY p a r k


7iS Mattison Ave.

. WiVi. TREAT, Jr.-P l a i n a n d O r n n m e n t a l __v '.r

3 P a b l 3 a r t © x■ f* ^Tso'I'rkotIoaI Hard Wood Finisher.

Estimates choorfuliy furnished on application. 806 M A IN STREET,

half of tract sail meadow, Ocean township.

B. McLano to Charles V. McLane—lot Raccoon Ifland. S50.

Sophia Wood to Jolin S. Hubbard—lot Red Bank. $2,0ft. •

Hush M. Jeffrey cl al; to W. E. JeJTrey—lot Long Branch... $103.75, , . ■* .

Mary V. Phillips to Saraii j.- l/owls—lot Long Branch. $1. • ^ *

jamos E. Seeley, by Ex'rs, to Angus CrPhUUps-lot-Mlddietow n to w ns h i p. - $5.25.: ' — —7-...........Fannfo Jonoa to Coome W. Layton-9 78100

M B ifeaiflii fanumliiiEleanor C. Throckmorton to Joseph A. Throck-

jW H p n y a t * s 4 * w k . . .

B u l l d l n t ; C o n t r a c t s .


2501—IL A, Curtis with Edward Lavancc—new house a t Manasquan. $1,397. -•

2502—Mary E. Yard with H. Rclchwcin—now house at 8prlng Lake. $1,701.30,

2563—O. P. Donn with O. C. Ormerod—altera­tions, ito., house Asbury l ’ark.

2501—Thomas Patten with Joscpii Robltins—now house a t Pleasure Bay. $2,075. . ' .' ' f . •

A D u tch Lullaby.Wynken, Blynken and Nod ono night -(Sailed off In a wooden shoe;

[Balled a river ot mlaty light Tnto a sea of de w.

l,LWhcro aro yon going, nnd what do you winh 7*’ Tho old moon psked tho three.* .

“ We have como to fish for th© herring fish T b a t live in this IjcantiAil sea ; — - Nets of silver and gold have.we,'V

SaidW yhken,. Blynken, '

; And Nod. ,

Tfio old moon laughed and sting a song,■ AS they rocked In tho wooden shoo.And tho wind that sped them all night long

Runled tlio waves of d ew ; *Tho little stars were tho herring fish

That lived in tho beautiful B e a :“ Now cast ybur nets wherever you wish,. But n e v e r a f c a r d a ro w o ,1",Bo cried- tho stars to the flBhennen three,

Wynken, '-I--' . Blynken, ’

Au<i Nod.

All night long their nets they threw •‘For thqfish in tho twinkling foam ;

Thon down from the Jky camo tho wooden shoe, Bringing tho fishertnen hom o; i

'Twas all so pretty a sail, i t seemed As if it could not bo; ,

And somo folk thought ’tutas' a dream they dreamed, * . . •

Of sailing that beautiful sea ; .But I shall namo you tho fishermen th re e :

Wynken,• . >Blynken, - -

And No<l. * .

Wynken and Blynken aro two little eyes,A nd Nod is A little head, v.

And the wooden shoo that sailed the skies Is a wee one’s trundle bed;

So Bhut your eyes while a m other BlngB Of wonderful sights that be.

And you B hall see tho b e a u t i fu l things As you rock on thq misty sea, - ^ -Where th e old shoe rocked tho fishermen tttrfce,

Wynken,Blynken, - , 'j .And Nod. ' ••• . - •

■ —Eur/cne Field., -— t l * - ------ -— —

W o r k i n g a IIo&T*

I t ’s Coniinpr.Tho tow ns and cities of M aine a ro p lastered

with posters and snow ed aiu lo r with h an d ­bills, o f which tho following is a sam p lo :,

THEY ARE COMING, tho superb

^ ^ ^ P R A S S BAND .oftfio

—HOUSEHOLD TROOPS.Il’Ao arc they 1 Where do they come from t

They drink cont'iderabl]j~from tho wolla of sal­vation. — ' ‘

Theyflght terribly—against tho devil aud sin o fevery k i n d . ..... - - • -

Theygd m il paid— in the lovo of God In their «»hearta.

They are <$fter }/w—If you are not Save<l, hu rry up.- I f you are, cannot you serve Cod bet­ter?

In a few days tho streo ts o f N o ^ Y ork will bo foil o f s im ilar posters, only they vrill p ro b ­ably b e bigger and moro startling* .The brass band o f the H ousehold T roops will got bero abont*M arch 80. I t la the In tcm atldnal band o f tho Salvation Arm y, which w as a ttach ed to Gen Bo6tlif8vT lo u so t ol <1 T ro o p o f SOO when they’m arched 3,000 m iles through E ng­land recently , M arshal Ilooth, w ho ru n s the A m erican end of tho Salvation A rm y, says It’s tho prlzo band ofJ.ho .arm y, and ono o f tho boat banda ho ever beard .

“ I t plays only sacred m usic ,” ho said to a rep o rte r yesterday.

l* A nd.Salyatlon Army m nsic,n p u t In p ro tty Mrs. Booth, earnestly . ** D on’t forget t h a t ” ,

" i ’ve ju s t been u p to M alno to see th^m ,” aald M arshal Booth. “ Thoy only cam e b p e to visit C anada, and aro going baoE^oSjXprii 1 0 , b u t If I ’d know n' they ' woro suoh a g ran d band I ’d bavo g o t m y fathor to le t thqm s ta y an d travel a ll over-tho co u n try . They w ear p io n ee r caps o f fu r and blno uniform s. T hey’re n o t dressed^ up^ as gaily as o u r band on tbl^ side, I th ink I could give them Ideaso n tbia po in t,” .... --•*’ ** T h ^ w i i l glf ve tw o concerts in B rooklyn,”

ho" eon tinned, “ and t?vo in Now Y ork . They will a p p e ar In Association- ItS ll on A ^n l 8,OKJOTtT'OhV tboy’lV av e l'lo rra la^ lu M Q y for; the general fu n d of thb Arm y. You see, tho Qeneral advertlsod all over tho world fo r m u­sicians to mako this band^of. T here wero 150 applicants, and tw enty-eight woro selected. I t ts a g rea t band . Tho b andm aster used to be In tho Quoqn’s Life G uards. l ie p lays the cornet m agnificontly. Tfto d rum s pro tbe strong point, though.. Yon ougKt to hoar the snare drum . A nd iho bass drum . W hy, th a t m an lifts his d rum etlck a t a rm ’s length, sw ings it aroutjji his head, an d b rin g s It down Hko m ad. A nd bo nses tw o s t lc k s ^ t oncci too .. .W hilo o n d s tick h its thp d n im , ■ ho’s tw ir l in g < th p .o th e r^ s t l^ a jrjo liad ^ j^ 'h e iji^ . T hen ^ ^ .c p m o a d o w n oti'th^otherr Bldo^Whllo tho flrdt stick goes up. This iyay^-ti

M arshal Booth lifted his very Jong forbi to Its greatest h e igh t and .wont through the mo-, tlons ho had described . M rs. Booth tu rn ed from tho deskv where sh e ,w as ru n n in g over tho day’s mall, ond w atched him adm iringly.

“ I t iq really f ln o i” ojacnlatcd . ^ r s b a l Booth whon ho g o t through. . “ O n % o f the p lhyers is Yorkehlro m an , j^ n d ho m akes a speechJri b ro ad Yorkshlro dialect t h a t m akes everybody lan g b ,. you know. A nd thon they sing and chan t. C h an t? W hy, yes, tfioy’vo g o t a ch an t w ith flyo ‘vorys’ in lt. l t is effec- tlyo;. I t goes : . ’

v I t 's vory very very .vety ycry nice, yery very .very very vory n Ico­

n ' s yc ry very vory Vory very n Jco,■ To know your pins.forgiven.”.

“ Yes, sit', It’s a g r e a t , band, the ;rop^sorjta- tlvo m usical organization o f tho S alvation Army o f the ^ 'orldT’^.ftT, Y , S un ,

Whon I en tered tho village, s itn a ted am ong the hills o f Now York, a t 10 o ’clock In the m orning, all wns peaceful and serene, an d the pocket of OAory m an wlio-w alked the s treets had chink In li. W hen I left, a t 4; p. m„ an oxoltcd m ob bad possession o f tho main s tree t, and every othor m an w as $ead broke.

A bont noon a m an arrived from the north In a buggy. Ho said he was a drover, and looking lo r hftps. l ie bought half a dokon before he ato dibncr, and it was astonishing how closely ho guessed a t thoir livfc weight. Ho was within tw o p ounds oil fo u r o f them , and only half aTJOttnd moro on tho others. Theso had been an a ttrac tio n fo r a c row d of JdJorer an<|«;lheigeneral-verdict'W ns th a t tHo drover \foia as sharp as a barber’s razor. Soon afto r d in n er a farm er-looking bpy drov(> a hog in to tow n and staked him o u t in fro n t of the tav e rn . As he^wanted to soil an d the drover w anted to buy, thoy soon earno to- gothor. • -

‘M ight tako. him on a pinch, b u t ho’s only a nubbins,’’ said tho d r o v c r a s ho si zed tiie po rker up.

N ubbins J W hy th a t pig goes o v e r '200 pound 1” exclaim ed tho ow uer.

Can’t staff.m o, boy, F-vo boon in thu busi­ness tw en ty y ears.” . ' • . ■ , . ,.t

N o one^ran ts^^ to ifu lfrT h at ’e re fapg goes to810 .” ^ **

“ l ie does, e h f Wish you’ro fa th er bad oomo In. I 'd like to liavo mado a b e t With him. Boy, you ought to havo b e tte r ju d g ­m ent. T h a t hog . w on’t pull down 180.” . *

Guess you aro o il, too ,” rem arked a s tra n - gor who had quietly driven up In a buggy. “ I ’vo raised hogs1 all my life, ap d th a t boyh ain ’t five p ounds o n t o f bis guesa.” -'— - ■....

“ A in’t ho ? Raised hogs, have'you ? E ver raiso any m oney T”

“ A little .” • 1 - ;“ P erhaps you’d like to b e t ou tb a t hog?” “ P erh ap s.”“ Havo you got |2 0 as says ho goos 200 ?”“ I have—Q fty~a h u n d red !”“ T hen le t’s chalk. A nybody qan bloto-l-*:-. I t was a chance to m ako a dollar^ an d tho

citizens Improved It. , Tho m an In thef buggy was a n accom m odating chap, a n d somehow o r o th er tho farm er bo y m anaged to ilsh up abou t a hundred dollars from the hind pookot b f-h l8 overalls. The citizcns s tu c k by tho drover, having a b u n d an t proofs o f his ju d g ­m ent, an d w hen overy m an in th a t town who had a loose dollar o r cou ld . borrow one had mado bis be t tbe hog was driven to the scales and weighed.

“ G ontlom ottj^ said the drover ju s t before tho weighing, “ I was never docplved In my lifo. T his hog won’t go to 390 pounds.^*

“ I ’ll take even beta th a t h e goes o ver 200,” replied tho m anT liphe buggy. • .

This bluff raked o u r the las t nickel in the crow d, and tho hog w as driven u p o n tho scales. Tho record was 211 pounds, llo was weighed and rewelghod, b u t tho figures stood.' ■“ W ell, It’s m y first e rro r in a hog^” said the drover, an d all bets were a t onceJtanded overv Tho farm er boy slipped out, the^two m en drovo off in a buggy, a n d h a lf an hour had elapsed beforo a church deacon, who had laid his ton w ith tbe drovpr and lost, su d ­denly declared th at i t w a s-a -p u t-u p -jo b to sk in tho to w n .’ - • - - —

^ D urn ray b u tton^ if it h a in ’t 1 ’ yollcd tw o hundredjinoo-in choiifs, b u ; It ,was tod late. T h e tow n had boen skinnod and tho trio had escaped. . 4U the m ob could do w as to tn rn lOoso an d wreck an old v inegar fac to ry and, pass a reso lu tion to tho effect th a t liberty wqs a sh am 'an d a delusion.— N. Y . Suit. « .

H e waa C o n ten d -


The m oonlight d rifted brokenly th rough a r if t in tho roof of a negro c a b in .in th o ^ a n - ovor^lasheftaQd.fejl o n Gabriel J ones’ gray - Boardod (dee. : ‘

ito w as sm oking an d m editating.“ H a n n a h I” he called, p rese n tly ; “ H an­

nah I”Silence.“ H an n ah l I say, H annah I” a trlflo:louder, Thorp; waff a rqstlipg In the s traw In tho bed

In the corner an d a sleepy an sw er:. “ Huh-?” — : ;“ H anpab, d id you, p u t . dat. waterm illlon I

foun’ In Marso bonSo 'o tt’s p a tch ylatiddy i in- do,cool sp rin g tv’ * r

Yos,. I p u t d a t waterm illlon in do cool sprIhg , ” , she answ ered, deliberately.

“ D at was r igh t.’’ .' A m omontfs pause. 0

“ H annah, did you bang d a t coat d a i M ister Iledloy ’slated pn trfy tak ln ’ ’hiiul do hayrack, lik e I to lo you ?” » . _

“ I did dat.V“ Did you scall an* picl^, d em ,ch ick en s I

borrlod f.’om do m an down on do rlbber road do u r td a y ? ” -

4lY es, I soall dem ohiokena.” ; „“ Woll, fry mo one do tu s t.t’iiig jn .d p m orn-

‘in», ciUe 1*80 g o t t ’ go foyor t ’ M ister“Chlnky Olaptln’s V m o rro 't’ lead a ' p ra r m eetin’ a n ’ keep dom trlflln’ niggers In de r igh t road ;”

Thon b trteatted bis g tizaled^head on tbo c h a i^ b a o k a n d snored thoBnoro o f tho ju s t, an d tho bullfrogs In the jn arsh o s caugh t u pthe sound and cohocd Jtfoyer lu tJ i^C h lck a-: hom iny iovrgronndB .^JflM fflft»(ffofr>»; ; -

^ ' Tbo physlclan does n o t take- h i f o ’wn m edi­cine, an d the c o rn doctor will* n o t ride o n a

: . . „ L K o a f ( l o f - C o n i n i l 8 f l i 6 n e r 8 r ^ ^

M arch 18,1889.




. n T he Commlsslonora nro looking closely a fte r the affairs of tho Borough an d each m em ber m anlfostsia com m endable zeal In bis p articu la r duties, Tftero w ere no absen tees M onday n i^h t and a coqBldorablojunounto.f buslhess"wa8 gotten out o f tho way. '

M r. Bobt. S. P eterson , o f N eptuno Clt£, wfho has.openbcl a n auc tion room on Cookm an vcnoo, s ta tod t h a t . ho had received notico

th a t he con)d not hold auotlon sales w ithout llceneo. Ho was not prepared to pay how, b u t would bo to m orroJtX Tuesday) m orulng. Ho ^sked j o r perm ission to conduct th e sale for this ovonlng. The Clerk ex p la in ed lh a t Mr. Peterson began hls-sales on S a tu rd ay and he had n o t stopped him because he though t he had no au th o rity to s to p such a sa le In a raan’sjown store. Com plai n ts had been m ade an d he/had requested Mr. Peterson to a p p ear before the Board, and explain. Mr. Peterson said ho had been a resident of th is tow nship for s ix years, and bad recen tlyh irod th e storo on Cookm an avenuo. Tboigoods bo sold were not all h is own. Ho was w illing to ,ta k o .o n t .• lfcenso, b u t oskod for only ono d a y ’s dblay.

Com. TonBroeck th ough t th a t in ju stice td our m erchan tsiwho pay taxes, no person BUb- jeo t to license should be p erm itted ^o d o .busi­ness fo r even one day w ithout paying th e reg ­u lar f e e . : Com. Sm ith said th a t.h u c k s te rsa n d others In sum m er woro allo tted tltno on pay­ing license a n d somo still owed fo r la s t sum- m or’s licenBO foo. U nder the elrcUrastanpes It wap; only reasonable to give th is m an the Tew hours g race be asked for. A fter som e argum ent It was ag reed to allow M r. Peterson tho tim o he.asked, Com; .TonBroeck vo ting in tho negative. G om r Kroehl, cab ling In ju s t arte r tho vofe was taken , expressed him self in favor o f tho position taken by: Com. Ten- Bf-oeck, and Com. Bradley said th a t If he had considered tho m atto r with his present know ­ledge he would Ijave voted 'a g a in s t It. Mr. Peterson hav ing obtained tho perm ission and retired it was to o la to to rescind i t ; so I t rest­ed/ tbprer: ,-j-— — . .........—

The special; comm itjoo on fire escapes m ade tbe following

, r e p o r t : •To the Hfmc/rnUd Hoard o f VommUatonerx o f Ihe

> - Jlorwigh o f Asbury P ark: >C/enllhncn—Your l'Mro nnd W ater Commltteo.

In coiinwttion with tho Chief and Assistant Chief of tho PIro Department, havo oxamlned the means of ewcapo. in eauo of Are, of the following buHdlnfjs, submitting reeommondatlons whero/ hi thoir judgment, tho meahs of escape a re inad­equate. The plans adopted by your Committee havo been carefully considered with reference to economy, a s well as to secure efficient servlco.. Tho openings on p la z a s o r baleonles to tiro ladders may t»e poniiauent, with ralllng''afoun<£ openings, o reloscd witli trap doors. 'If traps aro u w sn b e /s lisu ia bo^so-maFfted-ia-plalQ lettCFar Tho laddcra,mUBt be stationary. (........... . om*NTAT. HOTRL. . , -

W e reoomniond fo rth o Oriental Hotel jm Iron Platform escape on tho w est side o f main build­ing running from top floor to second floor, also Iron laddors connecting balconies from the fourth to second floors, theso laddors to bo placed a t th a ond of halls ou tho north and east sido of hotel.

COLEMAN HOUSE,The Coleman Houso would be protected by hav­

ing an iron platform eseapo from tho fourth floor to sccond on tbo cwt sido of hrickuddHion, ahd lireJaddom from bidcomcs on the frame building.

----- SUjtP HOP,8K, v 'Tiio committee spent considerable time to ad-

iust the cscaiK! on tuo Surf Houso and concluded tho best way would bo to havo a stairway a t the' extreme west end of hall on fourth floor to third floor; thonco iron ladder on balcony* to second iloor. j. , - -

CABI.TON HOUSE. - J -To mako tbo Carlton safe a balcony will have to

bo built nt the south end of hall on third floor, with Iron ladder to sccond iloor piazza. *

N K m iN E .Tho stairway In tho Neptuno being near to tiie

front of tho house, an escape from top floor hall' In rearof building is o il that wllLbe ncccssary.

—. ' feNimobk.Iron ladders on the frontconnectingtho piazzas,

w itlm ladder at rear end of hall to second storyroof will make tho Fenlmorc Bcenro.""1' '-'" ' "'.... !' ”

OI'KKAYour committee consider th e m eans of egress

from tbe Opera House to bo good, but would rec­ommend that ft diagram of the houso with exits marked thoreon be printod on all programs, also that each exit be marked with largo plain letters.

Metropolitan.The Metropolitan having no piazzas abovo tho

second iloor makes it ncccssary to havo iron ladder escapes from tho balconies on third floor on tho east, West aud squth sides,.connecting with the, second floor piAzzns. Also a ladder from end of halj on tho horth end of wing to roof.below, or coupect with present stairway to second floor.' *

COMMERCIAL HOTEL.By having iron ladders connect each floor o f

balcony, to sccond floor, on Bangs avenue, tho Commercial would bo safe.

< OCKAN HOTEL,The.; Ocean IJotel will require ladders from

third Iloor to second.flppr. on east aud west side of piazzas. '

ohamercy, •The Gramercy House, by having three means of-

egrcssIndwell appointed places, la considered safe. — —...-------------- MJNCAn HOUHK. . -.........

An ironjaddpr from third story ball, cast end, Uxseoond story, wilt bo all that is needed for tho Duncan.- • ' „

H ie commltteo appreciating the importance of finishing this work as soon ns posslhlo will en­deavor to lmvo another report a t y o u m ex t ses- slon,. Respcctluily,

Chas. A. Atkins, *- Gko. F. kroehl, ' F rank L. TKNBRoKCKi .

Fire and \^ator Committee.

Tho report waa rocoivod, tho plans adopted , an d tho C lerk directed to servo legal no tice on tho ow ner of each houso m entioned , together w ith the outline ot*tho plan adopted and the floetio'n of the S tate law—and penalty— under TvbiclrttjG'BoaitriaHirtTUi^ ' ™ *7^ ”

Com. Bradloy s ta ted inform ally th at tho resldonts of the biock betweon Fifth an d Suit^ se t avenues, woBt of tho railroad, deaired tb at a plpo should be la id over tbero from the A r­tesian wator m ains: Tho well w ater in th a t ' locality eamq ffoni a bedBof ro tten s tone an d was totally uuflF Ior houBehold purposos. I t waa d lfilctilt to ren t 00 t t ages th ere o n th is ap- pount. The W aton^Com missioners sa id th a t this was outside tho borough lim its an d nn trf thoy bad a su rp lus of wator ovor a n d aW ve. tho .req u irem en ts o f 'th e tow n they d id n o t feol justified In going outside the'Umlteu . Ap- plications bad beon mado also fo r.portlons o f W est A sbury P ark , b u t th e W ator Board had

‘declined tp fu rn ish w ator thero for th is very reason. I t was only a ’m atte r of pro tection to those who ow ned.thp W atcr^ W orks a n d paid tax es thereon—th a t Is tho BoronglL o f .Asbury. r a rk . - a *

Qdm. Bailey read somo sections o f c hap ter 825 o f the.Jaw s o f 1888, which anibdrizo& bor- oughg to matco c e rto l^ ^ h a n g e s itr th e ir c h a r­ters by voto. U q d e r 'th ls^a o t, If adop ted by

tho ro& d'm oney'qnesH on ahouid so t o u r peo­p le to thinking. 1 ,

T ow nship C om m itteem an K lrkbrtde waa p resen t and asked the Board If It I n t e n d e d jo ^ tako any £ teps tow ard collecting the borough’s . r proportlort.' of ro ad m oney from th e Tow n .Committee. The Boprd thonghl n o t h t ppea- .ont. Ho said his re as m vf or, ask ing w a s th a t * tho ComWltteo w ould m eet in a,few d ay s for the pnrposo of a pportion ing tbe money to tho ; soveral road d istric ts, Aftor th a t Waa done th ere would ‘bo no 'way o f recovering tbe> m onoy. Ho was a- resident o f A sbury P a rk and desired to see tho bprough get Its p o rtion of t^ is money, b u t he w anted ' It d o n e In a legal wayv He said tbe poin t raised waa th at the s tree ts of^VSbury P ark , w ith one*, o r two exceptions, wore n o t legally ded icated ro ad s v w U hln the le tter o t tbe law . R elative t o one s tree t which w a s a legal road I t w as 'sa id t h a t the borough au thorities had g ran ted a street tailrond franchise for which, It was receiving a largo yearly ren ta l. • I t the b o rough ,w ou ld allow a fa ir portion of th a t ren ta l to g o to th e - Tow nship Com m ittee th a t body Would spend some money in keeping the s treo t IP repair.

Com.. B radley moved th a t the T ow nship Com m ittee be requested to delay apportion ing tho road m oney u n til a special committee- from this Board could m eet w ith them to try to a rran g e the difficulty; Tho m otion w as— carried and Pres. Bccglo appointed M essrs. Bradloy, S m ltlro n d A tkins as the'com m ittee.

.Somo fu rth er ta lk -en su e d con cern in g t h e : ' taw to whlch'Com . Bailey referred and a apo­d a l com m ltteo, consisting o f M essrs. Bailey, Smith and TenBroeck, w as appoin ted to ex­am ine it and report a t tlio n ex t m eeting.

A p e tition w as.reqelved from several busi­ness men ah d firms on Main s tre e t ask ing tbkt a stono crosswalk bo laid across Main stree t from Steikbach Bros:’ co rner to tbo sidew alk In fro n t o f W ash. W hite’s . I t was referred to : tho S treet C om m ittee. *

Two petitions were read in favor o f the Shaver Telephone Co, Tho first w a s 'f ro m a considerable num ber of citizens, a sk ing the Board to g ra n t the second. Thtl sedond was from E . G. H arrison, pro&ldent of the looal com pany, ask ing fo r p e rm lsslpn_ taerec t tele­phono lines and furnish service w ithin the —• borough lim its. Tho Com missioners, genera l- ^ ly, expressed themsefves as in favor of g ran t-. Ing th e perm ission, provided few o r n o new poles.Vwould .bo (rec|uired. .They . nreferrgd,— how everV th^ an y permTssion1 given should boln th esh a p o o t an ordinance, an d to g e t i t In this shapo It was referred to tho special tele-- phono com m ittee appo in ted a t 'th e las t m eet­ing ; thoy to rep o rt nex t M onday evening.

Tho W ater Com missioners, in accordance with a .reso lu tion adopted a t the lo st m eeting, presen ted an estipinio for laying an eight inch , Iron p ip e frotn G reat I»bnd to the w nterjtanks and placing a boiler and etlgiuo a t tho pond for tho purpose o f furnishing a supp ly of w ater f o r . s tre e t sp rink ling purposes. By : orectfng a fram e ciiglqo houso the cost Would bo 19,000^1’f^abi<iuU-hiHiBU-wu3i;li4iUHt-W dald^- coet 13,300. T he Boftr^ *pproyed Qf the p lan n ap d estim ate and advised th a t a brick house bo built. T he W ater Cem m lsstoners s ta ted th a t If th is p lan waa carried o u ^ .they .w ould - need a u th o r i ty from tho Borough (Board to« tak e $3,500 from tbo m ain ten an ce accoun t and place it to tho construction account* Tb6 au thority was given.

M r. B ond ,.the pa ten tee o f th e a p p a ra tu s for. u tiliz ing w ave power, s tated to the Board th a t b is m achinery had^ a rrived an d th e w ork of d riv in g tho piling In tho su rf would bo begun im m ediately. Gentlem en In terested had fu r­nished tho fu n d s and tho Ocean G rove AssOr ela tion ,had given him the privilege of testing , hla a p p a ra tu s on the G rove ,fron t. H is float would l if t 4,000 pounds of water, a n average o f three, feot w ith each w a v e ; tho w aves r a n from 6 to 10 p e r m inute, so th a t w ith an a v e r­age of 8 he could l if t 82,000 pounds o f w ater . 3 feet every m inute, pum ping a to ta l o f o ver

.a i^ m illlo n gallons in 24 hours. T o w hat p a r­t ic u la r uso this pum ping w ould be tu rned had n o t ye t boon decided upon. T he first o b jec t- was to te s t the Invention. I t m ight be a su c ­cess o r It m ight u tterly fail. I f i t was suc­cessful it-icould bo used to entirely change tbo na tu re of Wesley Lake, m aking It ocoqn w ater and rem oving the causes for ooraplaints which . bad been m ade concerning the upper end. T he r ig h t to use the inyontion^m luht tio so ld , , to A sbnry . P ark and Ocean Giovb a t a v ery reasonable figure and m ight p rove a n a d v a n ­tage. T here wero m any possibilities, b u t they all aw aited the resu lt of this test. H e th ough t,It w ould be com pleted within 80 days. •>-

The Com m issioners seemed much in terested in Mr. B ond’s rem arks, "a lth o U ^ litT B iid -n o req u est t o m ake o r favors to ask. W hen-bo was through ’ they ad journed to m eet n e x t M onday n i g h t ; - * • .

-C ourtesy a t W nslilnprton,

a _

&J t

portion of tow nship ro ad mcrnby. T h e voto bad to bo thkon ln /^ Ia y , anq as tho law re-V qulred some tw o or threo m onths’ nOtleo to bo given i t could n o t be ao ted jip o n th is year." By way o f p o ln tin g b is rem arks Com. Bailey s ta ted th a t ho v b a a exam ined th t^ to w ^sh ljh b o w ^ a n d found th a t tho to ta lttax r jls e^ in N eptuno to^ynshjp was abou t 189,800. 0 ? th lg am oun t A s b u fy " P a rk 'p a y s $22^000,- Ocean Groyo $9,000, find th o entire rem aln ^o t o f th e tow nship $8 ,390. The figures wtyjn applied to

' - - r H '. ' . ~ .

All th rough tbo Gpyernm ent servlco, ! as - In p riv a te Jbus’lness establishm ents, we, of c o u rse ,’ find th e re la tio n ,-o f superior-® nd subordinato^aod-from th is rela tion necessar­ily follow certa in d istinc tions o t grade , b r official classification, 'and certa in ru jes o f eourtesy governing the ^business intercourso- botwoeu a g en ts of equal or. unequal ran k .T h e P residen t Is h igher thon a Secretary pf D epartm ent, a Seorctary higher than a b u rea jr chief, a bu reau chief h igher than a clerk.. A n offloer, Issuing in s tru c tio n s o r com m ands, d isregards the conventional o r com plim entary form s observe^ by him when com m unicating

-w ittr-;tifflcctp:;o f-c q n a t; o r"h lg h D rg ra d eT ~ a “ ~ “ subord in a te ,-co rresp o n d in g w ith o n e above h im in au th o rity , is moro or less deferen tia l lu his address, j This com plaisance, however,, ex tends cl|lefiy to suclTharm lcss expressions as, “ T o tb e H o n o rab le tbo S ecretary ” an d “ I , am with g rea t rospect, your obedient s e rv a n t,” 7 a t tho beginnlug and ending o f lettors ; a n d Is only objectionable when it^becom os Indis- c rim in a te o f ex trav ag an t.' - In s tr ic t pro- . priety„ofllolal com m unications ahonUl bo a d - 'd re ^ se d to tho “ ofilqo'” —not to the name o f the Jndlvlduai'holdfng the office ; a n d a p u b ­lic qEQco receives no augum ented d ign ity b y reason o f more wordyj additloniir' This w as tho view taken b y , thp Houso o f Uoprcsenta- tiv es a t tbe beg inn ing o t the G overnm ent, '~/ ,when tho Senate desired to sty lo tho PrOsW cnr' “ H la H igh, M ightiness,’ by som e .other senseless t i t l e ; and the S en a te jb y sub m ittin g -,- to this viow, established a precedent.appH ca- ble^to overy subord ina te office. «

I n w riting to a high official o? a m enlber o f Congress by narpe^the prefix “ H on;” lis p er- . mls^lplp on grounds of general usage ; b u t

the peoplo, tho b w cu g h w ould receive Itspro^- *tho omploynvont of, th is title;-, in add ress in g ._.«* a . , 1. . 1. . mi. ' _Yd1 vnna‘n(nn\&Bo : nV alan ffi Urnm lnor ofiioors’la ' tnea'nlnBle$3, ^ a lso iB th o

phraso, “ T o n i s Excellency the P residen t,” y e t this an d o ther erro rs o f ovpr-effuslon a re frequently m ado-by corrcspondonta both In and o u t o f official circles. •- /

j. J n rapking. tb eT rea ld p n i a s head o f th e Re- pfiblic we regard him otfly in his publlo capa- > ^ityC^llis^irctim lnonoy is the preem inence o f hla office, au'd th is office, as we bavo said, waa in tended to exeroiBO business functions.—/^. NicbuXa*. .... 1 v , * •'

- K J p ;i\




t. K. WAlLAOt. % COFFIN.'■ * \ 71ff MATTISON AVENUE,

AIDURY PARK,"—---------- ----- , . ^ He»JER8EY.

Entered as second-class matter a t the Asbury'Park _____ , • Post Office, February 7, z888.__ ; .___ ^

TERMS OF SUB8CRIPTI0*.1 year. In advance,........................... . . . . . . .0 m opths, in advance,v....... ......... ...........

' 8 nkmthB; In advanoo......Slnfelo o o p lo a , ............... . . i

. . t l w. . 75

<10 3

' j l Z . CftRRSttOHDIHM .- v ■*Wo shall bo glad to receive Item s of new s and

oommnnloationa on subjects qf Intoroat to (thla comm unity. • _ _____ ......'4:__

In writing artloloB Intended fo r publication, o n r friendB will please bear in mind th a t a Bheot w ritten on both aides haa to be copied boforo go­ing to theprln to r—a labor wo cannot undertako,

All communications Bhonld bo accom panied by tho full namo and address of tho w n te r, n o t necessarily for publication h u t aa a guarantee of good faith. ■ Anonymous lo ttors will n o t be

• nottoed. • ■ 4 . .. ;■ ■ .Wo cannot ro tnm rolooted oommnnloationa,

bnt will hold thom for a lim ited tlm e lf roqupstod' ' t o . '

All letters intended for th e odltorial o r news departm ent Bhonld bo a^drcssod to tho

Editor o f T n* JounNAL ahd Rspubltoajs,. Asbnrv P ark. Now Jersey.

SATURDAY, MATtOH 23, 1889.

. . ...HPECIAI* NOTICHL - .On Ihe lnbol of w s h paper .will he

round the date of expiration o f U»e inbuorlptlon. I f t l i l i dntc la wrong pienaenotify as at oncej I f yon «r» In n^reara pi efts e rem it a t once. • *„ {

■■ '

* L o c a l O p tio n —F in is .?,Tho sorial history of tho vicissitudes

of local option in tho . New Jersey Legis­lature, which has appoarod in those col-

•” iimns during^tho past few weeks, will- linvFan abrapt ending. . '..

The bill to repeal, having passod the ^ - Senate, came np., for final action in _t-he. . Aggembly on Tuesday. I t was rushed

through first, second and third readings all iu ono session by a strict parly vote. The Republicans made a good fight and somo telling speeches, but tho program had been laid out, the rum men had- counted tlieir forces and.it was all of no

' use. j On final passage 3i,Democrats anct 1 Republican voted for it and 27 Repub­licans yotod against it. The Rejoubli-

. ^enn was' Woodward, of Passaic. On$ Democrat, Naugliright, of Morris, ytm nbaent, but npon his return on Wednes­day obtained leave to havo his name recordod in tho noble Democratic col­umn.

__ On Thursday Gov._ Green affixed hisaignature to tho repealer^nd it is iiow a law. Mindful. of his veto of the local option law last winter ho explained his anomalous position in these words :

I approve thlB bill, recognizing tbo fac t th a t j tho c o u rt of last resort, charged with th e du ty I and power o f passing upon tbo co nstitu tion ­

ality o f acta o f tho L egislature, h av e in the caso of Stato vs. G loucester, C ircuit C ourt, 'in substance decided th a t I had m isapprehended certa in clauses of tho C onstitu tion quoted in my veto of tho.act under .consideration In th a t caso, and have; In susta in in g tho coustltiitlon-

. a llty o t the same, settlod tho question so fa r ——a s4 bo^loglslati vo a n d oxocu ti vo dopartm onts

a re coueornod, Robeiit 8. Qu een , — ;--------------------— —------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------Governor^—

His apology for signing tho bill would have boon dearer had ho s a i d .

I approve th is b ill, recognizing the fact th a t th is lim o it is tho Ropubllcan bull th a t Is boing gored. I bavo dbefdod^ in m y own in ina th a t w hat la„unconatltu tlonal for a. Ropubllcan Legislature 1* p e rfec tly -rig h t fo r a Dem ocratic ono. In 'th i s decision I have been susta ined by My Lord Rum , Chief Ju s- tico Krueger an d o th er b r o u r m asters. T here

_ ts rtftthlng verdan t a b o u t.m ebxcop t m y,name.

. T h e M a s te r s ’ J*.ash. r - Twenty-three hundred legal voters of

Monmouth county, acting under the law passed last winter byfa Republican Leg- islature, petitioned tho Cirouit Court for. tlio'prlvilege of voting ou the question

,, of rttm-selling. Threo times as many moro stood ready to voto tho curse out of our borders. Tho petition was grant­ed and May 21 was appointed by Judge

, Scudder as the day of election.Forty-one Democratic mombors ot-tbe

presont Legislature, joined, but not as­sisted, by ono Republican, havo sot aside tho decreo oX tho^court, overridden the will of tho peoplo and revoked the 1A$ under, which tho election was fa have been held.*1 They havo struck the'pfyjplo of Monmouth squarely in the faco and said : “ Down, yon slaves! You shall not vote on this !’* ‘ *

....What aro tho slaves going to do aboutit? . : ; ‘ '• 1 /

Wo respectfully sug^F^th^t- tlio 21st of May bo obsotvod in MonmoujtlTicoun- ty as a day of meditation, j Tiio Domo; crafa can endeavor to grasp a Blight r^ali-

' zatibn of their position before the Jtoopje. on the rum question. Tho Prohibition-■ ists of the Third Assembly /District can taka {^retrospective view-of the faot that their 13$ vofes would have sent a temper-^ anco Republican instead of a rum Demo­crat to Trenton and their skirts would now bo clear of-tho-chargo of abdtting

: tho repeal of .tho law. The Republicans can t^ke considerable pleasure in tjjp qon^ tomplation of thoix* course, and can re­solve that by the help of God and the

-auppprfc-Qf^ua^itizeust^oy-willnotonly put local option back on tho statufco books, but will mako it stronger and se- yorer until rum-iB-strangled never to be resuscitated.

Thoro is now no law in New Jorsey that will permit any community or polit­ical division in the State by vote to p ro­hibit the salo of liqpor within its limits. Tho law just passed, which ropeals local option, gives.somo.of the rural townships

■ tho privilego of fixing the license fees by vote 'atia special election. If the fee is fixed at $5,000 thoro is a possibility that some one may bo willing to pay it, aiid if so he can parry on tho business with the sanction and ^Trotcctlon of tlie law.

' Tho law oflast winter gavo tlio poople of each1 county tho right to. entirely pro* hibit the. saloon business ; Jtliis ono sim­ply allows tho citizens of a fow localities to say‘how muoh ttie rumsoller shiUl pay for carry ing it on. Every man wh^ votes undor- it becomes an iWtiyo, party ' in- the contract between tho rumsollor and

^ jtho State; : . \ 0 : v

What do. tlio ’ intelligent and honest - :- voters of Monmout^ think of their three ; ,^omooratio Assomblymon; who, :in tlio i

face of the expressed and verified peti­tion of more than two thousand of- their voting constituents, havo sworn anow their allegiance to tho Rum King and extended his reign, amongst ub? The throo votes of Higgins, Potta and Patter- son would Haveliopfcliie local option law intaot. Potts admitted .that • to vote for the repeal of 1 oeal option meant his polit­ical death ; wall the podplo of Monmouth see that his prediction is verified^ aftd.tlifttifcalaaopplieatothe.casea.Qftlio -othors g— ~: I . ’

k There was much grumbling at th<y school' ffieeting last Tuesday night be- oauBo it was called at the High School building instead ol some larger hall'. Thoro wero over 800 people present, oc­cupying four olaSB rooms, and, of course, only a portion^of them bould hoar any­thing. ' Somo understood for the first time tho necessity whioh has long been urged of building an assembly toom, not only for the uso of sohool meetings, but as a placo tfhoro tho entire school may assembled upon the many occasions whioh constantly a^ise. *“ -x

For the past year’the third paf ty papers have boon assiduous in denouncing the Republican1 local option law as a half way and ineffective measure not worthy of B uppO rt. Now thoy are hunting for gopd points in the law that repeals it, and some actually claim to havo found one. Ifrls that the quart “jug shops” will ✓ have to 1 pay license. , What a boon mthis is ! Tp be sure it doesn’t qlosejihem, Jjutit makes them pay a license, and tbeieeidr selling is alHhat the Prohibs. have ever asked for, isn‘t it ? ‘ :

The Nowark /ftwmt'n# Ncics is a Domo- cratio uowspt‘por as spicy aud readable as any daily shoot published in tins pro­gressive country. I t is quite as inde­pendent as it is*, bright, holds vit8 own opinions whethor they snit its ^ r ty dr not and tolls the triiffi-In" pliun T2nglish^ Wo copy from it . this week an editorial entitleil “ The Saloon Statesmen,” and commend its perusal to every reader.'

The only Republican in the entire Leg­islature who voted for the repeal of the local option law was Assemblyman Wood­ward,. fof Pasaaio county/ Ho dbsorted tlio avowed principle of his party and the Demotifate did not need Ins 'vote. His Republican predecessor, Rogers, voted last yepr for tho law.

We remarked some wooks sifldo that the campaign for tho election of May 21 need not bo oponod until the fact was assured that wo would bo allowed to hold the fcloction. . The campaign is now defi­nitely postponed until Now 'Jorsoy has a Republican /Legislature. That will be just one yoar.

B o l f f i u m a n d H e r C i t i e s .

Tho m ost p o p u lar of tho en terta inm ents prepared for tho L ibrary m eetings th is soason a ro tho c ity nights. Tho ladlos having thom |n ohaVgo havo taken special pam atooom blno instruction w ith tloscriptlons In hlatdry, acl- oticCf a rtA n d porsonal . t r a i to r - . ^

M onday evonlngM rs. M itchell had arranged a n oxcepont program , find as ovory num bor Was filled It w as' necessary to "defer a portion till next Moriday. . .

- Mr. O. II. Brown actcd as cha irm an an>» announced tho program . Tho m uslo Ivqs triofill _H oIeeie(lT f0ni'l tKTCOmpoal t l o n s o f Bohub.ort; ‘ Tho plaho UBod was kindly loaned b y Mr. B nrtls for th is ocoaslon;

T h o p ro g ram oponod with a biographical skutch o f ich u b e rt,’ tho groat m usical com ­poser, by Mr. VauVIIet LoRoy.• T he o th er num bers ocourrod in 4 h e follow- Infe order j

In stru m en tal boIo, “ Bobubort’a 8oronado,,, b y M l^ Jp8lo;Kingsley. Very finely rendered,

I lis to rlca l sketch of Belgium, with accoun ts o t travel In th a t country, jvrltton by. M rs. :H . M. Bradley^ an d read by Mlsa E . A. T o d d

InBtrnm ontal duet, “ Somlramifl,0 by^Mtsaoo Jonnlo Lain an d M yra Goodno, w aaaso leo -

{tio n th a t required g rea t skill aud dellCaoy. I t w aa w eirporform ed, equal to any o f tb o m any gom s given on fojrmer occaslona. • i

Recitation — carillon — “ Tho Chimes o f Btugo8,m Written by. Longfullow, “was woll recited by. Mlsa A n n a Conovcor. T he F rench a p p ly tho term “ carillonh” to th o tu rn s playod on bells. In m ost o f tho ohuroh towora o f BoJglum, th e Btriklng, ohlining an d p lay ing o f Kells la Incessant ? tho* iinkllng,; called chimes, u su a lly ’accom panies tho s trik ing o f tho hours, half and q u a rte r hours. Tho belfry a t B ruges contains tho finest o f tho m uaical bplls in Europo.° Vocal solo, Sohubqrt’B “ Avo M arla ,” waa su n g by Mrs. Sloan* in a very sym pathetic voice. V.:

A aketch waa reail by Mr. W. B. L ongsdorf o f tho ch arac te rs referred to in tho pbom, “ Tho Belfry o f B ruges,” which waa a fter-' 'w ard given as a reading by Miss E m m a T ra tt.

InBtrnm ontal duet, by Misaos C hand ler a n d k ingsloy , was» a beautiful And w ell oxocutod soloctlon. • , \ *

A paper; “ Skolch of tho Bolglap A rtla ts,” fcy Mrs. C. C. Goorgo, adm irab ly presented the tra its i a tho g rea t a rtists , Rubens, Van- D yck and othors. .

T he violin solo by Mr. li.^ G ^ Jd lllff Was woll received an d vory highly commended,* a s w ere all tho porform ors <jf tho ovo’nmg.

D escription o f tho battio o f W aterloo, from “ V an ity F a ir,” by M ra. M itchell, an d a read­in g by Mrs. Milo?, “ Tho Evo o f W aterloo,” will be given next M onday ovenlng In tho regu lar public, for which an oxcollont p rogram h as beon p rep a red .— — -

Tho following poetic gom waa given by tho chairm an in announcing oho o f tiie num bore In the p ro g ra m : • . ' '

" Wo fenr no moro tho dust and heat,No more wo fear fatigue;

While journeying with another’s feet (Jt O’er many a lengthening Jeaguo.’ From them wo lenrn whatever lies • Uenoath each changing zone,

And see, whoh looking with their eyea, lictter than with our own.’*

Did ypu ever notice’the difference be­tween an electric light and a coal hole? Woll; there’s about tho same similarity between tiie legislative records of Sena­tor Novius and our Monmouth Assem­blymen. • •

N orth A sbury Station.Rum ors havo beon flying a b o u t d u rin g tho

p ast week to tho effect t h a t the N orth Aabury. P a rk station w as to bo abandoned , a n d tho ow rtersrand occnpaiits o f inopo th an fo u r h undred housea In A stn iry ,Tarlj~ woro*appar- •eutly-In danger of losing tho convenience a n d advan tages o f this j ie a re s t railroad dgjioi. ~ was s ta ted th a t Mr. Blotlgott had boon called u pon fo r Inform al ion by m resident of Aabury P ark , nnd th a t .ho had sa id th a t the sta tio n w ou |d be discontinued , ru b llc fooling Was conBlderubly a ro u sed a t tho th rea ten ed in ju ry to ren ting and selling values o f p roperty , an d to the personal convetilonco o f tho pa tro n s o f tho North A sbury sta tio n . 8ovoral gentlem en sought interview s with the officers o f tho L ong Brunch aiid CenttVi R ailroads, anjl a petition was circu lated unking th o . PennsyU v an la R ailroad lo inqiilro in to tho m atter, an d afford >us pro tection if p pM blo ag a in st the catastrophe. M eant)mo o ther residentsdoter- m lned to learn for them selves from M r. Blod; g e tt If tho com pany did really Intond to tre a t th is com m unity so un justly , and their, report o f tho lr Interview with ;’M rr B lodgett la aa fo llow s: “ Mr.- R. assured ns th a t tra in s would bo stopped a t N orth Aabury as i|sual xlurlng thp com ing year. l ie th ough t ap ta tio n Would finally b a lm U t a t In tc rjak en , b u t Iho m atter

_waa n o t y e t definitely se ttied .”W e havo therefore timo ye t in which to fully

.pro8CQli>ur caso to Iho railroad com panies, and we certa in ly o ugh t to be ablo to show tb a t o n r Interests and th eir own equally do­m and n o t j jh iy that, o u r presont facilities should bo continued , b u t th a t a now and a t ­trac tiv e sta tion building should bo erected In p laco -o f tho shan ty which now does du ty there . AH o f the*bnlldlngs In A sbury P a ik north o f 8ccond avenuo arc nearer to the N orth A sbury s ta tio n th’ari t o 't h o M attison avonuo sta tion , and it is in this territory th a t Im provem ent is now most rapid. Wo shall b e ablo to show th a t tho aban d o n m en t qj t^o N orth Aeb(u ry s ta tio n would a t onco a rres t a n d Indefinitely ‘suspend fu rth e r building op- ordtionaiin.thatH octlon. . *

^ o O lio ra ll3 a 3 [^ o ju p a n y ^ g lj? e _ I^ o r i a 'B tatlg ir by a ll m oahs, a n d -w o shall rejoice oarnostl£ in the dovelopm erit o f th a t n ew 'en - terprlso, for. A sbury Piirk will recolvo, bpnofit from overy dw elling o rected-thoro ; b u t In a!l_ reason tho com fort and financial In terest o f fo u r hundred o f 'o u r householdorA should n o t bo sacrificed In this endeavor to -bujld u p a aubSrb In tho woods whoro th u s fa r n o t a s in ­gle house has beon.oroctod. W hy n o t eroct a now sta tion fo r fro rth A sbury to replace the

"preBOUt B tnrcttlre 'aiid -thU B 'foato r a n d -p r o ^ m oto tho th rifty growth now well established, and also glvo to In te rlaken as liberal accom ­m odations as thoir in te res ts w arran t ?

An E x p e rt W anted .At tho laaLmoetlng of tho Board of Health

a committeo was appointed for tho purpose ^>f securing tbo services o f an intelligent and thorough^ com potent gentloman as superin­tendent of tho department of plumbing and drainage, who will bo employed provided tho borpugh authorities grant tho Board tho am ount Of monoy asked for to meet this and othor nocessarjToxpenseH. .

M b r f t ^ y * P u b f » 5 7 ^ i ’ '

ThO iJ^xccatlvo Committee ?f the -Library A'saoci^tlon has prepared a very oxcollont program for tjhio publlo hoxt Monday evening.; Readings wtil bo given by Mra. Mltoholl, M ri Milos, Mlsa J qsIo ChlUon and Misa. T fcomas; In vocal muslo thoro wllii be abduct by-Mlsa Davlaj and Mr. Sawors, and-anothof by Mr. Bawors and hia son Malcolm, Instrumental muBic will bo given.by Misses Ilufty, Kldgs.- loy, Siegfried, M artinand Cramer.

W o stm lnsto rijliu rcli.SermonB Sunday morning and ovonlng by

tho pastor, S. Ed Young. Morning ta lk ; on Christian aspect of tho topics of*tho day, fol - l^wed .by tho regular sermon, flubjoot of evening djscohrao, “Second Cotnlngo^Chriat”- \

Sam oan Conference Com mission.T he recen t a g ita tio n ar ising from tho courao

pursued by tho G erm ane 'on the Islands of Sam oa, and th o . un d e rs tan d in g th a t they w ould bo supported by the g e rm a n g o v e rn - m ent, p roduced a profound improaalon am ong ih o Je a d in g A m e r!c a n p e o p lo .^ ^ ^_

W hatover m ay havo- boon the m ind o f Bis­m arck a t tho tlmo, ho qulokly found th o feel­ing on th la aldo of tho A tlantlo w ould rosont a ll u n fair influences, o r /a t te m p ts to ta k e ad ­vantage of tho o th er pow ers, oqjjally lnter- 08tod. There w as ano ther consideration th a t •nray liavn h a d i t s effocti -T h o n e a ra p p ro a o h to a change of ad m in istration w ith th o cer­ta in ly l h a t the Stato D epartm en t .would bo u nder con tro l o f a m an w ith a backbone, no dryubt Inclined t^o old Germ an C hancellor to pause in hia oourso. ,• Tlio w oak and vacillating courao of thb; for-,

tner Secretary of S tato waa m ade ap p aren t w hen tho trea ty waa understood, with Ita In- domploto condition. Am ong tho first a c ts p f tho ndw adm in istration waa the ap p o in tm en t of a commleeion to -m e o t ;w ith like ones from England and G erm any. 'Jo h n A. Kaf- son, th o chairm an, ia a m an ^ h p h as had: largo, exporienoo ln d iplom atic circles, an d especially a t Berlin. W illiam W alte r Phelps has also had experience a t tho G orm an courl*- land will irislBt .on equal i-lghta botweon the rnations. Ho haa served Jn the IIouso for a lo n g tlm o o n - ih e Committoo on Foreign A ffairs,, whloh gives h inuu ld lU onal quatlfioa- teona fo r such a position .■ The th ird ,m em ber la J lr. Goorgo IT. Bates, a Doihocrat, who m ore th an any o th er unveiled the WcakueflB^f M rt B kyard’s policy w ith ;rog& rd ' to’ 6omoa^ M r. Bates waa tho Com m issioner a t Satnija undor tho C leveland adm inistration , an d l t : was hia r ep o rt th a t ahowed tbo suplnenesa Of, the form er,Secretary In regard to tho Sam oan

. :dlfllculty.Mr. Bates has a thorough nnderstancUng o |

tho subject. • i io reconim onds t h a t tho U nited S tates oxerciao a p ro tec to ra te ovor tho Islands, W hich w ould bo m ore sa tisfac to ry to tho Sam o­ans th an a n y - o ther se ttlem ent. U nder the o lrcu instances/ however, i t Ia n o t right, pelthor w ould It bo p o lit ic 'f o r ’ tbiB govorh- m c n t to aeok for o ther than eq u a l privileges. A t the sam o tlm o It Is our d u ty to see tb a t tho n a tiv es havo tho u tm ost freedom to regu late tho lr Ih tornal “govornm ont w ithou t th e influ-

T he Saloon Statesineik.C onsidering tho natnro of tho opposition , It

Is not su rp risin g th a t tho representatives o f the bro’wors a n d saloon-keepers in tho Legisla­tu re have been ten wopks forcing to passage tho bill in tended to on largo, th e traffic In drinks. Tho contost haa n o t boon w ith the Ropnblican m inority . Tho Dombcoacy from tho beginning havo bad a pafo m ajo rity .. I f tho R epublicans In tho two H ouses wero alono to bo vanquished, "tho war would havo beon a sh o rt a n d m erry ono. Thoro wero o th er agen cloa to overborno; tiie im palpable forco o f public sontlm ont waa tho pow er th a t orcatod

^llBmay-in-lho rankaof-the^fuglem en o f 'K lR g G am hrlnus. I t waa a co n te s t w ith p opu lar eonscloficc. F o r tho tlmo the saloon haa t r i ­um phed ; public conscloucc la hum bled.' Tho proceedings o f th o 'to n weoka of tho

Ono H undred an d T h irteen th Logialature will bo un ique in the history of tho S tato. 8uch a re ieo rd ^ f d uplic ity , pucirari bxhlblllbn 1labln falterin g , auch a show o f nagging , th rea ten in g a n d builldozing finds no parallel In tho h istory o f N ow Jorsoy iaW making. T he final ac t, tho passage of tho W orts b ill, la o f Itself evidence of tho botrayal o f whole com ­m unities by m on who, th rongh p a r ty 'd is c i­p line, havo vlolatod every understood princi­p le o f representation . TheM m en arc m isrep- reso n ta tlv c s ; they aro worse.

W ith ' an aouto sense of tholr own doublo dealing , m any of the saloon statesm en aot.np fo r thcmsolvoa a now stan d ard of virtue. T hey compromiriod with their bottor judgm ents by ln ^ ls tin g ^ jj^ ^ ijo ln ts^ o f d iatiiictlon In th e proposed law ,'which they thbg£hfcjK>uid wlpo o u t local option and would keep o u t th e sa- lqpn a t the sam e timo. Thoy were, fo r the liquor trafllo because tho p a rty la s h com pelled them to bo for I t ; thoy wore a g a in st the saloon trafflo hecauso tholr u n ^crs to o iV co c^actw lth tho people, of wlioso sen tim en ts thoy h^d b een m ade the ouatodIans, w aa agalnat It; Thoy tried to harm onlzo theao tw o pptlons— n o t to satisfy tbelr constituents, b u t tb co n cll- (ato tho saloon power. Thoy dolfvorod them ­selves am L tboir,constituents ln^> thohand»■of*J*, th e enem y. T hey wore tra ito rs to tho causo t h a t honored thom. Thoir deaurt Bhonld be com m ensurate with their o ffe n se / Thoy a re beyond the pa le of public confidence.- ,

W hat haa been done by tho Leglalaturo to, satisfy the bohcst of tho brew ers and saloons has been m iserably dono. The W orts bill, w ith tho ifakor am ondm ont, Is Oa serious ablow a t the saloon in te re s ts ^as local-option could bo In s tro n g EomporatVeo localities. I f tho saloon s ta tesm en havo counted on m anip­u lating tho courts, Com m on Councils,. Exolse Boarda and . 'y ow nshU ^om m lttees, th a t m ay be Invested iwlth the 'duty o f fixing liconse fCes, thcuithoy havooffore<l,an affron t to B oe^

*e^*r W han public men tem pprlzo w ith 'th q bouso of public duty , t.^oy w rite th o k glillt In th e ir acts. T he W erta L iquor b iilf Is aim pljf a proclam ation o f th e Dom ocratlo m ajo rity ’s subserviency to. tho l iq u o r pow er.— Newark E ve iiiiiyN e m (Ik m ), -

* Not K ival o f O cean Grove. fSix or seven y^rs ago. a great hotol; ono-

iih'E of a rnilo in lerictii, waa Bullt at ltoota^way Beach. I t'h a il a capacity of'1,200room s, and tho com pany a fte r spending noariy £3,000,- 000, becamo b a n k ru p t boforo com pleting IL

T he proporty , w ith one huudred acros o f land adjoining, has now beeh p urohaseq by ft; syndicate, w ith Austin Corbin as (prim e movor, and It is proposed to mab;6 i t a Chris* f la n re so rt, 'b u t hot of a d istinc tive character, h k o Gccafl Grovo, a s somo. havo Buppoaed. Visitors will ■ bp excluded, oh Sunday, a n d n o in tox icating liquors will bo sold.

Tho capita l Is to -bo $1,000,OTO of one hun­d red thousand shares, a t $10 eaoh, Thd stoek- hdldors -will en joy speolal prlvlfoges o f„red u o t lo n \n room r e n t ,*010. The tra c t will b e laid ^ u t in build ing lots, and moala will b e aoryed

tho g rea t d in ing room ’ to o o t ta g o r ^ a well a s .guests o f tho houso. r . .

The preafdent la Vandewator Smith ; sooro-, tary and treasurer W. E.'.’Kimher., . Tho pttu- ^rs Interested are Rev.-A. B.' Kendig, Rev , B.: 1«. fAdains, Rov; VV. H, Ward oil, John \Vv Dorton, J. N. Ilallook, Ev'efott R Roynolds and Wro. J. Kelley, ; „

T h e roaidents of th q *Fraohold “school dis­tric t tako vorjr little Interest in school m atters. U n til T uesday aftornoon there h a d been n o m ee tin g 'fo r throe years, ow ing to a w an t o f jittondanCo. On th a t occasion tlio trustees, tw o touchers a n d th irteen o thors m ade np^tge m ooting. The old trustees wore elected an d tho financial statem ent-w as read. *

A n n u a l School IV Ic o ti i i f f .

Tho annual business m eetings o f Sohool D istrict NorOOK are booom lng alm oat a s Im­p o rtan t in our com m unity aanro thoTolectlons o f tho tow nship, if iwp m ay judge from the in terest an d . a ttendance , . Form erly If ton or a dozen assem bled toposa o n the flnanoca and eloct trustees It w as all th a t w a s ' oxpootcdi Tuesday ovonlng a t tho anpual m a t in g over th roe hundred wore crow ded In to tho room s on tho flrat floor, and for m ore thaiv tw o hours wore aquoozed am o n g the sm all dosks and Boats qf tho ihtbrraodiate and p rim ary olasaes. -- A tS o ’olook p Js tr ic t C lerk K lrkbrlde rap p e d his gavoi for order. Mr. David JlarvSy was selected aa chairm an an d N. W. Ponflold was chosen secretary , the lattor read in g th e call for tho m eotlng.

Clork K lrk b rld e read h is anauar'flnane ta ! s ta tem ent, whloh waa approved, a n d o n mo­tion of II* II. W yckoff waa o rdered U> be p rin ted in the J o u k n a i. and Shore Br*#. .

FINANCIAL RfePORT: AflBUBY-PAiiK, N. J ., M arch 10,1889.

To tho Inhabitants o f Sohool District Nol 00)4, County o f M onmouth: ^ ,

I herewith submit tho financial report for the Bchool year, which will end August 81,188D.

RKCKirra. ’Bal In Col. hands, Sept. 1,1888. .53,534 C7 . •Slate appropriation.......... 899 00Sm'plus revenue in t__ . . . . . . . . ; 207 27 IB per cont. Stato tax ,.‘. i . . . . . . . 8,612 03

<12,753 80Amount raised by n ist. Tax t * • . • '

Toachcrs’ s a l a r i e s . . . W , 0 0 0 00Janitora’ salaries.: ...................... , 700 00 *-M i s c e l l a n e o u s . - . 4 B 0 00ltopaira and conBtrucllon.......... 1,000.00 *T ..FU0l . . . ^ _ . * . . . ^ . . l. ; r . . . . . . . -400 00iBond No. 12............................ 1,000 00Jut. on lstBcrlca bonds.*.-......,.- • 280 00

iiHl No. ‘ZL, ,*. . . . / . ; . . . . A. 1,000 00•iln t;o n 2d sorlesbonds.......... . W0 00Int. on ,3d series bonds., . . . . : — 300 '00 DeUcImicy.on lieater.......... 1,431 00 11,101 00

9^ # ,i> r coorelon of any foreigh power.

O n r H o A rr t o f E d u c a t i o n . ;

T h o Board of Truatcoa fo r Sohool D istrict 00X Is now compoaed of s ix mombors Instead of threo as during the las t year. Formorly thero woro six, b u t b y somo legislative legeH dom ain tho law was chan god to threo, which for a d is t r ic t aa largo a s th is ,w i th a o m any l^ tereats , general a n d ap ecia lt^to look afte r, m ado the oraco^biinTeneom o ono.

Bjr a r e tu rn to tho larg er B oard th e work can bo divided, and w ith th o present efficient m em bers wo m ay reasonably expect acliool a ffa irs i to ru n alm ost noiselessly an d with littlo fric tion . Throe of th e m em bers, Capt. Ralnear, Messrs. T rea t an d K lrkbrlde, have had am ple experience, an d m ay bo rolled on In every emorgoncy for tho very beat work. T heir presence in tho Board Is an eo rnost th»t tho funds will bo nBed to the beat advantage, yot tho school will n o t bo allowed to suffer whore reasonab le expense Will scehro ddaft1? ab le resu lts. *

Mra. D unham , who .was e lected la s t year, h as show n a fitness for th o ofllco th a t has com m ended her to tho approval of the,o ther m ombors. O f tho nowl'y e lectcd trustees, we m ay say th a t Mra. George Is a lady o f Intelll* gonco and oducation, and wo havo tho assur­ance to promibo a hearty co-operation with tho roat o f tho Board. Mr. T . F ran k Appleby, th ough a bachelor, is a m an of ste rlin g quail ties ln overy position . Wo expectf to seo him ono of the boat and m ost energe tic trustees In th o Board. A« a whole there'coB hl n a t well bo a bottor soloctlon,

Tho S torm F iends.Tho New York new spapers form orly had a

rep resen ta tive along tho iNew Jersey coast who, from his wild and e rra tic sensational a toftetf 'telegraphed-to-tho-prossr-acquired.tho pseudonym of “ S horoFlftnd.’* ~

Now, however, tho, alogular hrva. bocomo p lu ra l, an d from tfyo dutrngoous accoun ts published of tlio late storm , they should be dabbed i “ Tho Storm F i e n d s ,o s thoy travel In jgalrs, and ap p aren tly rovol In tbo doings o f tho Storm.

Tho s to ry th a t thO Aabury Park and 'O coan Grovo board w alk w as dam aged to tho o x te n t of from $3,000 to $50,000 was the moat absu rd traSh over conceived by a sobor m an, a n d fow d ru n k en ones could have im agined I t nnless m oro th an '* half, seas oyer.” Ono acco u n t h ad I t : *“ Tho board 'walk a t A sbury P a rk was b roken .up. Tho n orth ond a t . Doal Beaeb- w as to rn aw ay and tossed abou t Ih the w aves.”

T h e fact' Is, thoro bas p o t boon a s to rm r Of an y m ag n itu d e In flvo years th a t tho Aabury P a rk f ro n t has not.suffcred m ore. T h o north

-end, which was roporiod “ ta rn aw ay ,” Is as firm and solid aa_ever.. .There wife b u t oho c u t in tho beach. A t F ifth avonuo pavilion thoro* la a decided filling up w ith sand , and a lso a t tho A abury^vonuo pavUlon. T h e only dam age, and H waa ItfsigBfucant, w as the toarlng loose o f ab o d t JO p lanks a t iho bath­ing hounes betw een Becoftd 'and F o u rth ave­nues. Thl8 waa ow ing to tho high lido, and tho decayed ,cond ition oLsome* o f tho p lanks a ro u n d -th o nails. Theso wero lifted, frpm th o ir fas ten lugs, bu t th e walk is In n o place woakenod, nolthor was any damhgo dono on tho Ocean G rove sldo. Mr. Bradloy say s th a t tb ropalr^tho dam ago done and to s trengthen and guard othor portions pf* th e walk not In jured now will involvo an oxpenso of dbout fl.ooo: ■- : - ';V - •

R eporters m ust be hard pushed f o t j i iw £ an d e lty .papers m ust bo aorlouMy In w a n t o f padding , whon thoy. m ake uso of snoh bosh as w as pnbllahod In tbelr M onday Issues, i f one-half tho Btorios published concern ing ,the " c u t s ” from Long B ranch to th o llighlrfnds woro trtfe, there w ould n o t 6e a bhildm g lofi? along the en tire neok, east o f the 8hroWBbury.,

> S a b b a th .,In answ ering an a rg u m e n t-a g a in s t tho

“ S tern Old P u rtta n ’B a b b a th ,” w here S unday n ew spapers ,a re forb idden, *lfir.. i io b o rt J . D ardott, 7tKo "noted buraofiat an d locturor, s a y s : . ;

“ I f the B to rn old P u rita n Sabbath , w ith Rs anbdulng, aoddeblng effects, w rought out such joyous "ha turoa as Beochor^s and gavo to the world buoh a b eau tifu l blending o f ten- dornoss an d s treng th , laughter and tears, beorfcdoop pothos and sunny hum or as Ollvor W endell Holm es; lo tu s have ano ther oontury of P u rita n S abbath. U p to date tho S unday of tho boor garden h as fallod to bring forth a ' no lm o s o r a Boochor. I t has ovolvod a Jo h a n n M oat and an A ugust Spies; b u t som ehow that so rt of a p roduct d o esn 't seora t a r n q u ite up to tho pld P uritan mark.*'—Mail aiul ftirprm.

T ’ • Card o f Thanks.„ Ldestrb to thank^ tho 783 citizens w ho cast th e ir votes for mo a t tho late tow nship ejec­tio n , F o r fivo weeks p r io r to tho qleottou I w as confined to tho houao by a lo k n o ^ a iid o n oloction day waa uhablo to rem ain a t th e polls a fto r 2 o ’clock. A s I did not, d irectly o r indi­rectly , "so lic it a singlo vote, an d as a ohango of 18" votes would bavq $iooted ! me, I / / ^ l greatly satis fled and tkoreroV 'w lab to m ake thla acknow ledgem ent to m y frlonds.v A ser­vice V f ten years on ^he Tow nahip Com mitteo h a a b een .un ta in ted with subsorvionco to o r sup p o rt o f the rum4ntprosb.

'■ •'. ‘ :-t *.[■ ' : Amos T i l to n .

.. . ... , B o $ ir d l o ^ T r a d e . ' ; . *;

; A n ad journed m eeting of^ th e Board o f T rad e w ill be held^noxt W edposdny evening, a t 8 o’clock. M em bers w ill a ttond w ithou ti fm ilior notice., .. W. F . LbRoy, Secretary.

823,854 86KXrENOITUBES.

TeachertH sftlarlea.; — ffl,774 f>0„ . J a n l to r a ’ s a l a r i e s . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . , . . 4Ki COM t B c e l l n n e o n f l . ; . . ............. 840*48 •Repairs and construction........... 781 76 #F u e l.. . . . . . . s. . . . . v. . . . . . . * 352 52 ,B o n d N o .2 l , 2d s e r i e a . . . . .V rr . .rn',000 00•Int. oncou tw ns..;. ........ 650 00Heaters.. . . " r . i ................... r . . . . 1,431 00 11',799 86

Bal. In Col. h an d s.. . . . . . . . . . $12,055 00'IfmANCIAL CONDITION.

; ABSCtfl;School property, Asbury-Park^|G6,000 00tuil nMTinrlu nfnan . Mfl fWI (VIDtllUUI I Ul KSchool nrojHsrty, Ocean Orovo..^6,000 00 School pro})crty. West Park . .. 4,000 00 Cash in Collector’s han d s.. . . . . .12,12,055 00

-*58,055 00.

Uncancclled bonds, 1st se ries...$1,000 00 . •- « 2d- . . . 9,01000.. - „ ..... g j .....,i ({ 000 00

19 010 00

Surplus; r. . ; .......................... . . J39;015 00I hereby certify that this statement Is correct ln

all res tie eta. 8. W. KIHKHRIDB,-—? - r . i _ District Clerk..

• Mis c e l l a n e o u s d e t a il s ,Bal. ln Collector’s h an d s ................. .$13,055 00

Expenso account for balance of y e a r :Teachcre’ salaries, 4 m oa.... Janitors'.. ' " . . . .Miscellaneous.....................Coal account.__ ; . . f..Repairs and construction....Bond No. 22..........................Int. on bonds........... .......

. .$1,630 00 312 00

, 101 19350 85 877 19'

1,000 00 470 00 7,214 53-

$4,810 47.t . : . . 89.707 26....... 4,250 00 ’: : . . . 2,000 00 . , . . . 990 00 16,^17 26

Approxlmnto from S ta te ..Budget asked fo r............... .Bonds................................ .In t. ou bonds..; — s

- 821,757 73Tho following budget was vote<l for tho coming

year:Teachers’ salaries................. ..................... $1,00000Ja n ito rs '— ••— r ; : . . ': . . «ooooMiscellaneous__ 7. —500 00Repairs and construction.......... — .. 1.500 00F u e l . . . . . ............ ........................ '............. 500 00

Aftor d isposing of tho financial rep o rt the p a r t of tho call with refcronco to tbo Increase of tho n um ber o f trustees from throo to six was read. Tbo chairm an read tlio now law of M arch 26, 1888, giv ing d istricts w ith tho nura b o r o f ch ildren in D ietrlct No, the privi­lege of Increasing tholr school board.

Tho term of Sam uel W. K trkbrldo having oxpircd, W m. F . LoRoy m oved th a t , he bo roeloctod to th e vacancy. Tho m otion pro- ^aiifidj—-------- -— ----

D. II. W yckoff moved th a t th o Board o f T rusteos bo incroasod to s ix ; th a t tho throo cand idates having tho highest num ber o f yotes_be e lected ;4 h e-o n o receiv ing tho, m ost votes to servo for th ro e yoara, th e n e x t fo r tw o years, nnd the lowcBt o f tho threo fo r one yoar. ’T h e itm tlon .was_car.ded,___ _____ ;.....

On tho call fo r nom inations thoro wero ntno n a m es p resen ted -^ . Fra'fik Appleby, M rs, C. C. George, G e o rg o W . T re ia t7 ^o h n WI Ison" W. T. Dudley, J . II. Cornell, D r. J . A . W. Ilc trlok , H enry G. Clayton, Charles J . H u n t.•-Tho ch a ir appo in ted a sJc llf)^ - . W illisford

Doy, Wm. F. LeRoy on(T Tbbm os M. Dun- ham .f Tho voting waa livoly, ahd fo r a n hour tho tollers could hard ly koop pace w ith tho cu rren t o f tickot holdors. A t tho conclusion It was found th a t 279 votes wero cast, an unusual num ber for a trnstco oloction, Ap­pleby received 227; M rs. Goorgo, 211; T reat, 150; W ilson, 105 ; Dndley, 4 3 ; Cornell, 88 ;

.Hotrick, 24; .C layton , 17; H unt, 13; There wero also 45 acattorlng votes.

Tho-. ch a ir thon declared Tt-F-r-A ppleby oloctcd "for th reo yearsr'M t'SrT !. C. Georgo for two yeftrs, and Georgo W. T reiit fo r .ono year. A d journm ent foliowod.

O u r T ow nship. F a th e rs . ,s; T h e now T ow nahip Com m itteo o f N eptuno held Its firat^ession S a tu rday m orning, Messrs. John.CL. P a tte rson , Sam uel'W A_KlrkbrIde and^ J ,. F . New m an, present, w ith C lerk W m ; K . Dov'eroux. ".t — '* : .f -

M ajor P a tte rson was electod ch a irm an and 8. W . Kfrkbrido treasu re r.. Sam uol A. P a tte r ­son was appoin ted council for tho Board.

aTho tow nfihtrnfilcors oloct wore then sw orn ln and CoiiBtablos Chas. C ham berlhin,,T heo­dore Ila llok , Jo rcm lah Lyford a n d W illiam Rogora presented tholr bonds which wore a p ­proved. Oversoor W m. R, H agerm an’s bond waajilao Approved. Tho comrnlaalorTdf B", S. W hlto, as special police, w as rovoked. an d ho waa instructed to retu rn tho conim faalon andbadge of ofllco:' __,___' ' —

R eturns fo r tho oloction o f road" overseors wero prosonted show ing tho oloction o f Rich­ard H u n ter fo r tho Fourth D istrict, *l)avld Slcoum fo r tho Fifth, and Jo h n G , W hlto for

I / ; : : - ; - .: in tho F irs t D istrict, Jam es E lm er protostod

ag a in st tho eleotlon of N. F . Scdlthorp , claim ­ing th a t Illegal votes had boon counted. H ear­in g sot dow n for to day (Saturday).

In~tho Second D latrict, Nelao^ 81ohum pre- 'iteritcd a pjrotcet against g r a p t f c a certificate to C u rtis Jackson . A fter hoanng^hatlm ony- Jack so n ’s claim was su s ta in e d ., ..

T he caso of Brand, for tho su p p o rt o f an Illegitim ate child , toas sot down fo r tria l on March 20, before J ubUco Ilolm ea. ■

Bill of R. T. S tou t, $31, fo r sorvieoa a t Frco- hold in thocaS eof Anderaon and Grlfiln, was laid over for ono wook. . ;

O thor biljs, m ainly for oloction oxponB es, woro approved an d ordered_l>ald. f

TIjCLflnal e n try fqr tho day was a record bf. tiio ofilcers e lected a t tho tow nehip olectlon of Tuesday, M arch 12th.

■ 'y s --------------‘. T h ree F in e Cottajres.

Mr. Jo h n Rockafoller, bos ides p U ttln g u p an extensive addition to SunBot Hal), has nearly comploted threo flne cottages a t the southwost co rner of F o u rth avenue and F m o ry s'troot.

T he tw o fron ting on the av en u ^a ro exactly alike, very tastefu l in tholr deaign andiequal to an y In tho P a rk In arrangom ont and con­struction. Tho ono on thb corhor will here­a fte r bo tlio ^ In to r homo of the family*. Thoro a re IP largo* rooms In eaph, with bath-rooniP, wash-room s, oloaots, e tc . Both will bcrwarmed by tu ru a c o ^ w hloh have pateirt &elf-regulatlng d a m p e r a ^ o InventJoU b ^ i f f f libicT^eltor.

'T he, th ird cottago fro n ts on Emp'ry. s tree t and* ia a nea t and cosoy housq, fo r a sinall family. T^boro Ib"also . a good barn pn the- pre^nlaes,. T^he plum bing an d Banltarygppll-; anced about tha place are of thq very beat order. M r.'M ilo II. Griffin has h ad ohargoof tho

More Testim ony. „ “Tho com m nnlcatlon of General Passenger

A gont Boyd{ of tho P..R. R ,, two weeks slnco, has stirred up quito a num ber an d moved thom to w rite to ub. Since tho la s t Issue sov- oral m ore letters have been rbeelvedj fin lieiir- ly allko ln tono. ,W o m ako. room fo r tho fol­lowing from the woll-known D r, A. R . Car­m an, of New Y o rk : ‘ . v ‘ ** .

. N ew York , M arch 18; 1880,To the Editor o f the Journals*"- ■. • .... "•

I b a v an o tlco d the ' l6ttor o f Mr. George W# Boyd; publifihod in your papor.M arch 9,. 1889, and I am surprrBcd a t hiS s ta tem o n t ttr-thoeffect-tbat' AHUuryf-p u rk haa fTdrtwrnnidte^'tiaod as a w in ter resort. I supposo ho.m eans to Inolude Dboan Grovo, as the railw ay atatlon la used for both placoa. 1 havo roysolf scon advertisem ents In. Now York dallies o f the A tlan tic Houso ln Ocean Grovo aB a w inter resOrt, an d I know It.has been advertised aa d Winter resort Jn the.JUcdlcal Register, a^publi­cation taken and read Hy nearly all tno physl- c iahs in th eS td to a of Now York, Connecticu t arid New Jersey . ;- • . ■.

I have m yself sen t p a tien ts to tho-A tlantia ' H ouse In t h e ’ w inter, and they have showed m arked im provem ent ; and thoir testim ony has been unanim ous , in praiso of the -hotel and o f M r. Chas. J . JIunt. the proprie tor, and they havo w ithout oxcoption spoken highly of the ad van tages o f Ocean Grovo and A sbury P a rk aa w inter reaorts.

I have spent some tlm o a t A tlantlo C ity aud do n o t th ink It can com pare wltb e ither Odean G rove o r Aabury P a rk for accessibility or comfort.-- Irdo h o t boo what moro can bo a sk ­ed th an is provided a t tho A tlan tic Houao, whoso warm rooms, sun parlors, steam heat, electric Mghta, pure w ater and a good tab le can"bo had all th rough tho w inter season;

I havo- B p o k o n specially of tho A tlan tlo Houso bccauso I am m ore p articu larly ac ­quain ted w ith th a t /hotel. I havo no d o u b t th at thero aro o th * hdtola in, Aabury Purk and Ocean Grovo whlop m ay equally m erit the pralso of thoso >fha«ave patronized thom.I am corfajnly convinced thsit thore la no moro desirable wllitor reso rt wRhln easy rench o f New Y ork th an A sbury Pork and Ocean Grovo. Very respectfully

»' A. Rv C auman . M. D.

[From tbo^ia/i'awZ.£l»3»row.lFooi^ Je rsey . • ,

I t was n o t dono w ithout.a struggle, b n t now it is'dono; Now Jersey has booh handed over to tho ru tu a n d boor b arons Lodo with a s thoy will. Tho C ounty Local Option Taw, under which W arren, H unterdon, S ubbox , Cum ber­land and Salem counties havo fo ra t lu i^ s o T cu red local prohibition, and n nder which Mid- ifle8ox, ivixlTrls, Blonmoulh and Essex ‘ weresoon to voto on-thp “ N o Liconao” question , la rcpcalt'd. The powor b f revocation o f 1 iconaes for S unday liquor soiling is taken aw ay from tho courts. ■ Every sa loon In New ark, Jorsoy City, Hoboken and Patcjaon m ay keop open doors noxt Sunday with Im punity, T ho liquor sailors who had sh u t u p -th o ir p laces in W arr ron and th o othor counties which had votod “ no liconse” ,can come bank and s e t u p tholr bars.

Sonator W orts, bf M orris county , has, by his action in this, m atter, betrayed h is con­s tituen ts, dono .violence to his own conscience and earned tho con tem pt o f ovory honorable- m an in th is S ta te , llo has done th is o u t bf p artisan feollng. I t is hard for a m an to r e ­m ain a D om ocrat nnd retain, any vestigo o f a conscience. M r. W erta has tried to com prom ­ise w ith ih o dovil, and has scoured tho usual torm s. -

There a ro o th er D em ocrats In tho Legisla­tu re o f whom bottor th ings m igh t’ havo been expected . Sonator Baker and A/Jsomblyman P o tts ought lo bo—and probably are—asham ed of jliom sblyes. Ono natu rally -oxpccts such mon as H u d sp e th ,n n d Hoppoohoimer and W lodonm ayer and Feeney to w ear tho Kruegor c o lla r ; bu t ono doesn’t ex p ect such men as Baker, W orts and P o t ts 'to sell thoii}- solvos to th o brew ers, unless one!know s how Strong iho ptrcH of Dem ocratic partisansh ip is, an d how clone tho alllanco Is betw een the D em ocra tic .leaders In Now Jorsoy, a n d tho rum aud beer, pow er of which M r. Gottfried K rueger la tho acknow ledged hoad. ■ ^ iro 'R ep 'U blicaha"oI“ Oio“Legi8laturo ‘ havo mado a long .and g allan t fight ag a in s t this abom lnablo bill, and tim e and again tho gen­eralsh ip o f Mr. F oster Voorhoes, th e Re­publican leader In tho A ssem bly, has all bu t carriod tho day and secured tho d efea t o f the repealer. — y -

There is unfottu^H toly no d oub t th a t Gov. Grdvn-4{111 sign the bill, an d th a t It will bo­como a law-thjsjwook,’ . _ ^

T ho provisions o f tho law, as it now stands,- still dom and a license led o f a t lea s t $250 ln qjiles and $100 in towns, and tho fee m ay bo rinsed indefinitely in any tow nsh ip by a m a­jo rity voto of tho in h ab itan ts a t a special election called o t tho request o f n o t loss th an ono-fifth o f tho, elector8i_ Thla p o rt o f local option , howoyor, la o t'co m p ara tlv o ly littlo valuo. Tho tow n boundaries a re too sm all. L iquor is too easily got from the n ex t town. Tho law Is too easily evaded by sa loons on tho tow nship lino.

.. T h e . p ro v is io n s . fo r conv iction have boen very m uch eased u p by th o repjjaler, .and offenders who havo thb money toflght c ah d ^ fy the law with success for somo tim o. O n tho wholo It is a -g rc a t v ictory for tho rum-ruTcd D em ocracy and tholr Prohib itionist alllca, who w ould ratho rsoo a saloon ou every streo t co rner th an to havo tomjioranco laws passed by R epublican votos. I t rem ains to bo seen w hethor th ia la n o t ono o f that-sort o f Vlctorloa _WhJclji Is moro d isastrous to tho vlotoi^a than to 4 h e vanquished. . . ' . , , .y /

Proposed E le c tr ic p o sta l Knilvv ay Throe h undred milea an hour Is the proposed

sp ecd Xor, tjio oloctrlc-.poatal railroad; of tho futiiro. ( A n exporlmentAl llne iias bfeen crcotr. ejl a t Laurel, twonty miles from. Baltimore,- Md. A com prom ise betw een the pneum atic tu b e and th o o rd inary railroad carries a min­ia tu re tra in of tWo cars aololy^ftn* nialls and light parcoia, w ith o u t any a ttendance. The road has throb rails, one abovo tho c a r fo r car­ry ing tho cu rre n t and two bolow, which ca rjy tho cars. ;Tho cars a re b u ilt of shootlron and are tw o foot square and twonty-ouo feet long. Speed will bo regu lated ond power-or brakes applied by electricity solely. I f tho experi­m ent a t L aurel succeeds j t j s s ta ted th a t slml-’ lar roads will bo laid botweon_BaUImore au d W ashington and elsewhere., ............. "V

Tlio A u s tra lian K lection Ilill.C ontrary tooxpeo tatlon f th a t the A ustralian

election bill'W ould tako a sleep In the pigeon; ho ltro f tiia Judiu iarjr Oommittro uiitt 1 -a f te r a d jo u rn m en t o f t h o Legislature, t t has-been revived, probably-Through th o jn flp o n co of Goy. Greon, who Btands aa god-father to the' m ovem ent, ' , *

T ho G overnor has suggested sovoralam eud- nionts, tho m ore prom inent o f which are , th a t tho old ballo t boxes, nro to bo used an d t h a t tho S tato and e a ch coun ty and .city shall p iy Its ow n oloction exponses. Tho lu ttor will lt.- yoivo no littlo oxponso and possible corapllca- tion, whoro Stato, co u n ty an d city eluot Ions a re hold a t tho sam o tim e and placed

T liree H u n d red in a Y ear.Thb m usic firm o f Klober B roa:,'P ittsburg,

Pa., Fold j a s ty c a r in tha^t vicin ity-!hreo hun­dred of tho fam ous “ O pera” p ianos, o n e of tho lead ing instrum ents now .before' the pub­lic. Thoy are m nnafaotdred by Pook & S o n / Now Y ork , and Mr. H . A. Pook is tho M on­m outh county ropresentatiyo, w ith head q W ,- tora n t Rod Bank. Those w ishing a snporio^, and guaranteJ&l pjano should visit M r. Peok’s roomB or drop him a card fo r personal -Intbr^

v |!,w-i; .G rearIm p ro v em en ts are to be m ado a t the

Sea G irt- chm p ground boforo t^ p F irs t .Bri­gade goea In to serv ice this fa ll . A ll ihon ieas j-omps a re .to .b o f la r e d and the roofs n i ld e tigh t. -Tfie rlflo r^nge will be In bottor shape and mado more sconre against ficcUlent, Th? drivew ay, and lfi fact,-tfya en tire g rounds, are tv bo p u t In tljo beat shapo.

,v- ■ v

A lthough wo havo o f te n g iv o n th e tilsfcory o f A sbnry P ark , th e p lace is becom ing so well knpw n7th rough tho ow ners o f co ttag es rand: theproasv th a t wo aro often u r^e d to ag a in

igive ita h latory In typo. I ta success Is a lm ost m arvelous ; its g row th as a soa-sldo re so rt has been g rea te r th an any Blmiiar , e n te rp rise on tho A m orican con tinen t. I t w ill bo no ticedth a t a perm anen t vlllago w h lu jp r arls-in g -fro m -th o - neccsjritlco-of - th o -s ltu n tio n . Some, who a t first on ly spont a /fo w m onths In Bnmmor, now llve hero thp year a ro u n d , as thoy havo all tho com forts p f the larg e toivna th ^ t are m uch nearer Now York.

Wo take, ploaauro In re-publlahing i ts his­tory, as glvon in a previous n u m bor o f T hb J ournai. b y Mr. JamoS A. Bradley, tho orig­inal jproprlotor:

“ One aftornoon in May, 1870, I w aa-w alk ­ing down Broadway, • Now York, and su d ­denly ran ag a in a t m y'friond, D avid H . Brown, Esq., T reasurer of tho Ocoan G rove Asapola- tibn. . ‘H ow ls Ocean G rove g e ttin g a lo n g t* .1 askod/^V.Vory ffilrly,’ sald he, ‘ w hy d o n ’t you buy a lot ? ITboso who hayo tho lr nam es p u t down now have -first cholco,’ ‘ W ell, p u t me down fo r tw o]’ riaid I. A fow days a fte r, in com pany w ith sdmo f r lo n d s ‘wo Started for Ocean Grovo. W o took tho b o a t fo r F o rt M onm outh, thonep b ^ a l l r o a d to E ato n to w n . Tho aea-shoro routo w as opened a few d ay s afterw arda. .A fte r din ing a t M r.; B row n’s tjountry^ hotiao a t E a tontow n, we d rove to Occap G ro v e 'ln carriagoa. Tho tu m p lk o com pany h ad ju s t comm oncod operations,ftnd from O roat I ’ond to Oooan G roro w aabnoof the w orst roads th a t -could woll bo im agtn-- e d . J I was completely tak e n with O cean G rove and its sn rronnp ings—so m uch so t h a f l pu r­chased tho first lo t eyer sold theFo, the prem i­um being *»«- -

“ H a v ln g /o r som e tim e prev ious been In ba^l IicaltliTTconoludedttb t ry w hat I had boen recom m ended—sea a ir. Too closo app lica tion to bU B ln cs8 had mado in roads on m y -con­s titu tion and m y norvous system waa- aeriously affocted. ' So. a fow d a y s a fte r, pu rchasing tho lo ts , tak in g tw o 'h o rse s , c a r­riage and ten t, an d Jo h u Baker, ray colored m an, I lo ft tho hum of tho busy c ity behind, to become an in h ab itan t .o f tho w ild woods, whero my w earied body and Jjra ln m ight rest, lulled to sleep by tho m urm u rin g se a a t n ig h t and awakcnod in tho m orning by tho songs or b irds ip th o p ino trees surround ing m y couch.

“ Jo h n a n d I arrived a t O cean Grove j u s t a t nfghtfali, an d having .gotton o u r ho rses undor shelter in a barn belonging to C harles Rogers, near tho p resen t Ocoan G rove, school house, wo ontered tho woods and a b o u t half a m ilo off, e rected o u r ten t. I t waa too d ark to g o t poles, so wo hnng th e te n t the beam s of w hat was aftorw.ards tlio Associ­ation Office, the first bu ild ing ever 'erected In Ocoan Grove. (This build ing stood n ea r the A uditorium and was 'afterw ard to rp dow n or rem oved). Tho build ing a t th a t 'tim o was w ith o u t roof. W o woro w ith o u t light, an d soon afte r lunching on B om o c rackcrs wo lay down to sleep, o u r heads resting o n tho c a r­riage cushions, and Our covering being the carriage blankots. So wo sp en t o u r flrst n ight in Ocean G rove, and so began an en tire change in m y m ode o f lifo and which , led eventually to an a lm ost complpto resto ra tion to health . . '

“ In tho m orning B aker sighed and said ,Mri B., th is is a wild urn css p lace .’ l ie was

hom esick ; for, lo t the reader, w ho perhaps has been o n tho sam e s p o t d a rin g the. btisy sum m or season, and heard th e 1 con tinuous click of th e telegraph In stru m en t an d seen the v as t th ro n g o f m on and -niaidonB call foi\ tholr Icttera w hen tho m all a rrives, rem em ber i t was far d ifferent on tho m orn ing o f wl\!ch wo aro w ritin g ; althouglH fcjjais tho 10th of June, n o t a soul wasjw ithin h earin g distance, of us. I choGred hi hi b y s a y in g : Oh 1 don’t bo c a st dow n ,’ and soon wo wero ea tfn ^1 onr m orning lunch . T ha t finished wo pro jaedc’d to m y lots on th e lake, an d p itched our sm all ten t on tho ground now b u ilt npon and owned by Rov. A lfred C ookm an(a widow. My large ten t was erec ted nnd so wo bogan o u r Cru- soo life. D uring thexlay we occasionally saw Forem an F ra n k lin ’s ^ ie n , w ho worked a b o u t tho g rounds, and a t n igh t wo wero loft to o ur solitude. , Mr. F ran k lin ’s m en .ten ted on tho lota now covered by tho II ivy w ard cottago, b u t o n Sundays w ent to th e ir hom es In tiie in terior o f the tow ushlp. .

“ B aker -was m y stow ard, housekeeper and cook. I procured a box and dug^a holo ln*tho ground a n d p u t it in, and th a t w as o u r ice

-houBOr—Wo-w©uld*aoin etime»-dFl v o rtb -L u u g ' Branch, six m iles uw ay ;, and p rocure food, principally canned g o o d B . Mr. Frank- lln’a jpon Indulged moro in fresh m eats than B aker an d I. so I w ould trad o canned goods for tho old-fasbloried savory stow th a t gave m uscle t o 'th o m en who firat rem oved b ria rs and b rush from Ocean G rove an d m ade Its s treets. _

“ O neoven lng B aker and I to o k a stroll along the ocean and*I proposed a bath ; B aker stalled an d said ‘ No, no,* 4 B ut rem em ber, Jo h n , cleanliness Is hoxt to godliness.1 I took an ocean batb'jJJiut, oh, how d ifferent from tho way b a th ers u sually en joy tho Surf, tlio w aves dashing over th e ir heads. I laid down on the soft Band a n d allowed tho w a te r to ju s t touch my body, and I can tell yon, reader, I t is somo- w hat lonoly to tru s t yourself in th o g rc a t ocean l a th e tw ilight an d alono. A fte r I h ad been lying on tho beach fo r a llttlo while, I looked a round to b6o w hat had becom e o f Baker; Ho had plucked up courage by niy exam ple and had really d ivested h im self o f hia clothes, and, cow ard liko myself,, barely allowed tho w ator to touch him. Hia d u sk y sk in was aomowhat In co n tra s t wlth.tho w hitesand^and tho w holasceno forcibly rem inded mo o f R ob­inson Crusoo and his m an F r id a y ;- . .

“ I havo often m et persona etaco the tim e JLfirst ctfmpod out a t O ceauG rove whoso norvos wero shattered by too clopo ap p lica tio n to thBlr profession, stud ies o r their ch ase fo r tho 1 alm ighty d o lla r.1 I was fam ilia r w ith th eir sufferings which. a las,.s trong^m on(look_upQn with contom ptr Homo wero tak in g th is o r th a t ‘ nervlno curo-all , ’ b u t ih e best n o r ylrio fo r a m an who la not absdlutoly *past rep a ir Is to break away entirely from: hl8_calling o r greod and cam p out on tho sea shore , W h ite M ountains, Adlrondaoks o r In somo other^ healthy locality , o r trav e l In E u ro p e ,/ ' and p atien tly w ait fo r tho ro tu rrf o f tho g rea te s t Doob G w lh aso v erg lv q n to m an~ K °°o health ,

“ D uring.tho cam p-m eeting th a t took place ln A ugust wo o ften heard tho inquiry, Who owns tho lan d o n the o th er sldo o f the lako ? Ono day Rev. Wm. B. Osborn and m yself wont ovor, ‘ and a t th o risk o f hay ing o u r clothes to m -off, worked o u r way th rough tho b riars u n til wo reached Sunset Lako. ' A nd,

'liko tho red pmn of whom wo read in trad ition^ wo could say 1 A labam a—here wo t e a t f o r wo stood on tho banks of as beautifu l' a sh eet of w ater as can bo found any whoro. W ore tu rncd to tho'O rovo by way o f tho beach , and soon aot to work to m ake n p a com pany to purchase th e lau d T Wo learned tho ow ner would n o t sell the Jaud in parcols, b n t th e purchaser m ust tako tho whole o r nono. Horo w as a difficulty ; flvo h undred aores I—a w ilderness and barrou sandrw aste, w ithout houao o r in ­hab itan t, and not a foot o f cu ltivated soil ~ in tho wholo trac t. ‘ N ever m ind; said somo, *tho moro land w e have tho moro profit wo w ill.havo.’ -O urfeom pnny w astocon- s ls to f eight persons, som e of whom wore.vory en th u s ia s tic ; bu t; w heu’ tho cool -nights of au tu m n cam o along, it chilled tholr en thu­siasm , and thoir exam ple had Its ch illing offoct

-on too. B u t I' o ften th o u g h t o f tho m atter,< and as soon as I hoard th a t B ishop Sim pson, of tho M. 15. Church, urged the Ocean ' u io v e A ssociation to purchase it, to p reven t Its fall­ing Into th e hands of som o'pno who was not in sym pathy w ith tho en te rp rise , th ey h ad In tholfLhands, L oallpd^n-D avid^II^B row nj ^and- prpposed ho should join m e in the purchase by tak ing one-olghth, tho price ask ed being a b o u t$90,000. ‘ N o,’ 8al4 ho, ‘ I am doter- m jnod to havo nothing to do with any en te r­prise in th a t neighborhood £hut w ould seem to p lace m o in an 1 i)CQttaIstohL:position ( as I am pow T reasurer o f \ tho - Ocean Grovo A ssocia­tion. Thla 1 will d o i !,I w llt writo to overy mem ber, of^ th(f,A s3oolatlon, and if th ey say buy It. I am inclined to th in k I shall n o t oppose It, a lth o u g h I th in k wo have onough la n d now. But if they do n o t buy it. y o u can . A nd as you wish m e to nogotlato tho purchase,' I w ill do so , o n . condition th a t you advance tho roqulsito am o u n t to secure tho proporty , and IL th o A ssociation decido ’to take iL t/your money to bo refunded. ,Wo a re to h iv e a week’s tlp tlo n to consider tho m a t w . ' A m ajority pf. the A ssociation deoided^not’to purchase , the land, a lthough-som o tfrged i t vory s tro n g ly ; so tho propertyihocam o m ino— I, a t 'tho sam e tlm o assu ring them th a t the property w ould bo resold only to such parties as Would ap preciate tho s ituation o f the placo., “ A s s ta ted abovo i t was supposod^hat im­mense ‘profits w onld .resu lt'from tho jvuiphsso of tho land know n as A sbury P a rk , butftho m an who has tried to m eet ovory-omergencA; th a t has arisen is wi'Bor how th an wMe^^-ho flrst risked a fo rtune ip an en tirely -no i^ '^hd u ntrlod schem e,. Thero was not, so fa r aiAhe^ knew, a sehaldo- 'resort, : a n incorporated tow n,on the Am erican co n tin en t o r In Europe, Whore I n tho deeds the aalo of ih toxicatfug liq u o r was prohibited. ‘ W ith y o u r res tric t tion yon can nover m ako a eoasldo ro^ Bort a success . so noar Now York,* sa id the * tim id and tho .o roakors, b u t tho fpunder o f A sbury P ark , with, ,an In tense and ltfo-long hatred of tho liquor traffic, haa gtven JmndrodH an d hundreds o f deeds which a re on record aV- tho C ouuty C lork 's office, and co n ta in a p ro tes t aga inst tho curso of sooloty which th tr Am erican peoplo strangely

allow to exist; an d yet Aabury P ark , no tw ith ­standing , d id grow an d its-success h a s boon s o p re a t th a t tho anti-liquor clause Is now. a — feature In fhodooda of m any seasldo reso rts p a r te d on tho Now Jersoy co ast w ithin tho past ton yoara, / I ...•- —‘ _“ A s the town grew a aorlous dffficulty arose: How will you drain and sower the place V '

I t w as found th a t thopooplo-w eronotpreparw l—- :- to grapplo w ith th a t qnostlon, bo , again, a n ­o ther fo rtune waB invested in dem onstrating th a t oeasldo tow.ns on tho Now Jorsoy. co ast could be, sew ered and every houso p u t In a '.comploto sa n ita ry condition.......

“ Money has n o tb e e n lost on tho purchase o f - A sbury P ark , bu t_ th e s lig h t protl_i_mado-(a— - m ere salary to its founder) would d isgust tho ■

toy„epoc.a)ftt.o r,_ond.o lthnugh,thc.cajouw latJon ao to profits has been ad lsapno ln tm ont, thd en tefp riao^s. ag ra h d s ttc c o ss .”

.rhere W lilaievcfboano thorseasido tow n 'on - the A tlan tic co ast from Sandy no o k .to Barbo— g a t Inlot w ith aa>wido stroots and open spaces a s A sbury park , because n e a rly a ll tho land- north and sou th of A shurv P a rk han boon m apped o u t or" l.s owned)* in sm aller p a r - - cels than tho original tra c t o f Aabury Park. • F u tu re generations will havo o p p o rtu n ities to o rnam ent th e t6w n by a ta td a ry : vases, gar­dens and fountains. < . . - - '

A sbury P a rk w as tho first seastdo reso rt on '• tho . A m erican C on tinen t to a d o p t a perfect system of drainage. Wo havo fifteen m iles . of s tree t m ains, oxcluslvo of houso con­

c o c tio n pipes. O ur sowage Ib d ischarged Into tho-ocean a n d is carried away.by th e our- ront, c Wo havo m iles o f w a lk s ; an Ocean P laza one milo long, apd from six teen to th irty-tw o feet w ldo.- — -

A sbury P a rk has the p u res t w ater In t h e * # w orld from our A rtedian wells, tho analysis of Which was m ado by Professor Cook, S ta to GoologtBt. •

A sbury Park has sovon church edifices— E piscopalian, Roformed, Baptist, Catholic, P resby terian , M ethodist and A frican. A ' Publio L lbrarv lbilldintr , wprf.lL. - — “ ouhUs, tw enty thousand dollars. H o te ls^

arding-houyoH, sto res of every v arie ty nec? _ essary to a largo poim lation a re e s tab lish ed ; weekly papers w ith c ircu lation o f over 8.000 co n !es ; a p o s t office, s a la ^ $2,800 ; tw o public halls—one, E ducationa l llaU, boing tho sam o nam e it bore when it stood on tho Centennial grounds a t Philadelphia—seatin g over 1,500. ' pooplo. Wo have also a n opera houso seatin g a b o u t.1,500.- , ' j-

T h ere a ro e igh t hundred- co ttages, besides hotels. Tho finest M asonic lodgc-room In M on­m outh co n n ty w as erected b y tho late Allen II. Cook, who w as for a long tim o tho esteem ed , S uperin tenden t o f A sbury P ark . Wo h ave also ono o f 't l io b est p lanned school-houses in tho Btate,'w iLh u dally a tto tfdance o f soyen h u n d red ; th a school lp t f ro n ts o n th ree streets..

A sbury P a rk 1 .was assessed1 ln 1869 a t $15,000. Thu -aaaesaod v a lua tion In 1880 wasover $2 ,000,000."...... - .............................................-,=-' S treets ru n n in g a t r ig h t anglbs to tho sea a r e ___from ono to tw o h undred fee t wldo, an advan­ta g e possessed b y no o th e r seaside*w sort on the N ew 'J ersoy boas t. T he depo t' g roq n d s a re tho .finest' on tho IJne of the L o h g ’Bcfim'Jy , Dlvistbn of^tho C ontral R ailroad o f Now J e r ­sey, hpd w ith ^ jo i n in g streots? co v e r |p u r •- r acres, Inclndlng a splondld grove.. In tho m atter of clbctric lighta Asbm ’y P ark was tho p iopeor a long tho. M onm outh co u n ty * coast.

T h e FIrst_N atlonal B ank of A sbury P a r k 'was organized fo r business in tho early p a r t -----of.l880...JtM success has beon-groat. • Tho d e­posits fiTthe sum m or o f 1887 ran n p to nearly J500,000, Tho . A abury Park N ational Banja ' w as openejd to the publio on Tuesday, Sent. 20, 1887, Capital stock $100,000, •• ' ,

Tho first streo t c a r lino in M onm outh coun­ty had its biijth in A sb u ry P ark . T b o c a rsa ro propelled by e lectric ity /pow er being supplied by tho A sbury P a rk ;EIectrlc L lghtrand Pow er Com pany.

A t tiiis p o in t in tho h lsto ry of A sbnry P a rk . it. should bo s ta ted th a t ono b f-tho-agenclos in build ing u p th e tow n was thO-Asuuai'PAHK J o u h n a l . Tho original p roprie to r o f A sbury P ark was tho .founder oL,The Jo u h n a t.. Tho m a tto rfo r its co lum ns w as, p rep ared in As- _ b u ry Turk 'a n d p rin ted fit the olllco o f tho Brooklyn Eagle, b n t aftor a fow years tho p inC r was p rlh tod In A sbnry Park.

T h e p ap er was s e n t in g rea t num bers to all p a rts of. tho country^besides having a largo Ioc?il d istribu tion . Tho liberal m an n er of conducting tho p ap er.o f courso requ ired an expend itu re th a t was frigh tfu l for a conntry paper, b n t I t served :its purpose.

The p ap e r was fearless in denouncing wrong and app ro v in g th e right.- Su its fo r libel did not d e te r i t and soon i t becaiue a bu lw ark of defence, am i a lthough it is .’now som e tlm o ' s ince it parsed en tirely o u t o f tho hands o f its founder, It still m ain ta ins Its high character, m id_!:am im ppy;to say .yiolds a handsomo. in- como to i ts nrosont ow nera,— * ' - - ■ • ‘

N O T I C E .Notice la horoby Klvon.that a ll persons having -

claims ifaulnut tlio eatato of Mrs. Elizabeth A. lie id. ■ late o i 'pecan Groyo, deceased, aro re- mieHtoil to present the aamo to tho subserlborfor-^' their■seltleinent, and those indebted to .th e eatato are requested- to mako Immediate pay-f-'V;” m ent. ISABELLA REID,'iixeoutrlx.

March 13,1889. . / .

A S S IG N E E ’S NOTICE. • ^Notice Ib hereby given ta the creditors of Wit-1-

Ham W. DeWitc, of N eptune townahip, Mon­mouth 1‘odnty, Now Jersey, th a t a).l claims againat his estate must bo exhibited to thb sub- aorlber, hla a^i«nee, a t Its ofliee in tho Borough - of Asbury Park, New Jersey, under o a th or affirmation, on or before the N inth day of May A. D. 188U, o r bo forevpr barred from com­in g -in for a dividend of tho1 es ta te ; aud said creditors aro 'fu rth er‘■notified th a t a list of tho claims aRalnst the aald William W. DoWitt wilt be filed with the 8urrogato of the said county of ‘Monmouth on Thursday tho Ninth day of May, 1889, when exceptions thoreto m ay bofiled by any person interested.MONAIOUTU TRUST AND,SAFE DEPOSIT CO.,

Dated March 21, 1889. Assignee.

N O T I C E . ; ' ' ^The Annual Meeting of tho Stockholders o f the

Seashore Electric Railway Company-will bo hold a t tho ofllqo of Isaao-C,.Keunedy, Esq., Cookman avenue, Asbury l’a rk , N ew Jor- soy. on tho .1st day of April, 1HS9, a t one o ’clock It» the afternoon. VIi P. STEVENSON, Seo’y.

Dated Asbury l ’a rk , March 6th, , .__


BOND AND MORTGAGEl.oans mado on Improved property In-sums of

$l,(>00and upwards. • • • • • , .Good, Safs Loans. Hsasonablo Ghargas,To non-residents of Asbury I’a rk would refer to

First National Hank, Asbury P ark—G. P. ItrOohl, president, A. a Twining, cashier,

Asbury l’a rk and Ocean Grovo Hank—II. C. Win- sor, president, E. E, Dayton, cashier. -

Monmouth T rust and Safo Deposit Co.—Isaac C.Kennedy, president,' . . .

Jam es Ai‘Bradloy, Asbury Park, N .J. •Whitman tb Piielps, Wholosalo Dry. Goods, 40-42

Grand St., N. Y. .. •' «D. E. Converso, president C liftoaM ills, S. C.A. J . Mllstend, sup’tTallassoo Falla Mllla, Ala. Amos Clark, Globo Mills,. Augusta, Ga.

Rcshleneo-LAintUS LOOMIS, Asbury Park. N. J .

Umvd of G rant avo.. Deal Beach, N .J, _■


at: Mattison^Avo. anti Hnn<T~?ff..‘t is pnar- ing completion, and will bo roady for

occupancy on or about April 1. ,Tlio ofTlces on tho second and third floors o f the

buikJInff.wlIl bo finished in hard wood? Windows Of plato Klasr, insido blinds. aiurfurnlshCd with ' overy modom.eonvenlenoo, InoIudlnRsteam heat. Tiieso room s aro now. Offered to tho publlo FOR RiEN1 \, for uso ISXCLtJSl VELY A8 OFFICES, a t rents raiiKhyr from $W to $150 por annum each tho rental tolnohulo gas, steam hoatlnj? and reg­u lar dally jan ito r sorvico.

^ For further particulars apply a t COMPANV’S^OFFICE, No. T28 Mattison ave.,

whoro plans of rooms can bo aoen. •

N O y E L. T I E SFlno Stationery, I> o 1 1 n , Toys, -

Cutlery, Writing Materials, etc. Circulating: L ibrary .9


Main street, opposite Depot. _ . •

ffleetrio Door Bolls, .Ous-Ijiglitliig AppaValiif

stud. BVirgl.ir -AJarins.'Stores and Stabloa connocted with. roSldenoes ,

by Call Boll or Burglar Alarm system.v •Estim ate *| for any Electrical work cheerfully given. Door ‘ Boll outfits, Battorlosl Eto., for sale. ■ ■ )

XVlt. ZACHARIA8.- Caro W estern Onion Tolograph Ofltoo.

Employment Office. -; M R & L . L . p W f Q N ,

N08. 70i.and TOO MnttlSoh' Aventi^’l ^ b u r y P ark .Good roliabloiholp furnished and hrst-olasa Bib-

uattona scoured,. v - • •

,— — — W J ’/ 'f f—— :----- :—:— rj-r~— rr'— ---------------------- — ~ —:-------- •* .. —:---------r —;— r ~



SATURDAY, MARCH 23; 1689.-

Rates .of A«1vertislng.

- IK.


—-RO 75

100 125 175 325 300 5,50





•i-ouli 1 50 200 2503 504 50 550

1.1 50 2300

*i4J51 752 75 8504 505 " 750

1500 30 00

1*1 SB ' a 25

4 25 500 700 800

1800 2500 45 00

8 13

815-MI |:lW18..0na.4 00 0 0O[ ■ 10005 50 8 DO 1400 700 1000 1800 000 1500 2500

12 00 20 00 35 00 1800 30 00 60 00 85005500 8500 65 OOlOO 00)150 00

Local Noticjeb.- tA lim ited num ber of local noticos will bo adm itted a t the ra te of fifteen

• .oonta por lino. Thoy w ill be placed a t th e bot­tom far tho local colum ns only, and m ust havo “ nilv tho end. W ien continued four Wooka

• or longer, a d iscount of 25 p or cent. Is allowed.- T kiiwh.—Yoarly advertisem ents aro payablo quarterly , in advanoe radvortlsem onta Tor less porlod than th ree m onths a re cash. ,

Oor A sents. i 7Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 10 Spruco et.? Now York, W. W. Sharp «fe Co., 21 Park Row, Now York. Edwin Aldon & Bro.,140 Nassau at,<?NeW York,

and Cincinnati. •J . II. Batos,41 Park Row, Now York

;N, W. Ayer & Soni, Times Building, Phlla’d . P ra tt & Co., N lntb and Arch ats., Phil a’d.Will rocdlVo advortlBomonts fo r T hb J o tjmui,,

a t regu lar rinbllsnOd rates.In all cases tad rosorvo tho r lah t to reloot a n r

advertisem ent th a t may bo bbioollonablo to ns.

T ho.equinoctial has boon with u s m ost o f th e w eek p ast. " ’ ' 7 "

B arnnra & Balloon big show la 'a t M adison Squaro G ardon ,.^ow Y o rk ,_ __ ____

And oxcoaa of m atte r over spaco haa crowd* ed o u t a n um ber $ f Item s and a rtic le s 'th is week.

M anager t o n g will glvo ano ther hom o ou­ter iu ln n io n tltr th to Opera Ilo u se o h th o even­ing o f A pril 3. • .

~ M r : s : T i . ^ b T ^ y r ^ 'M r m r i f ^ ^ t f t t r 8 nhit: C lairo and W indsor, haa-sooured a five-year lease o f tho O riental. . • — V

Mr. T. F ran k Appleby is tho f irst - form er pupUro f ABbury P a rk H igh Sohool over e lect­ed a-i^pHee of tho d istric t. - / . . 7

W. E . Doniso has, sold h la Sewall avonue p roperty to D aniel II. Taylor, an d w llltnovo on a farm In the coun try . *

I.eg-al Nottcpn.Onr friends will p.loaso hoar in m ind thatT n®

Jf>unKAi,ls a legal newspaper? and ub such la tho ' propor m edium for all fogal notices. Sdmp ad ­vertisem ents belong to ns by Iaw,tWhilo with m any o thers It Is optional w ith , the p arty Inter- estod as to w h a t papor should publish them .

“ Free N otices/’By m utual agreem ent, and by recommenda­

tion o f tho New Jorsoy Editorial Association, tho nowspapera of Aabury Park havo decided to abolish tho. u nfair and unw arranted custom of giving frc,e local notices to , enterta inm ents of any kind which h a to as thoir objoyt the robing of monoy fo r tho benefit rif soclotlea o r Indl- vidimls. H ereafter wo shall mako a oharge of, flvo conts per lino to residents an d 'ten Cents per lino to traveling or outside companies or persons

Sea B right has elected .to bo a borough. ■ •

jOj-yltlo Van W lek lch aa been appoin ted post­m aste r h t M ataw an..

Thej-o arb n ow 17,107 nowspapora published in th o U n ited S ta tes and Canada.

Ex-PrcsiUont C leveland an d several of hia Cabinet aro o n thcir.w ay to Cnba.V;*" -

Ju d g e Hoffm an w ould makd a very accep t­ab le U n ited S ta te s D istrict A ttorney .

Tho verna l equinox w as o n h a n d w ith all th a t tho period im plies in the w ay o f nasty weather.- -

Cabs ru n by e lec tric m otors w ill be tho no x t novelty , on tho a sp h a lt p avem ents a t W ashington.

“ M alta” is tho favorlto nam e suggested; by tiie lead in g cltizcns, to be ad o p ted la plttco of Occan Beach.

• Tl^o.Ernfibytcry-of M onm outh -will- hold; its sp rin g m eetin g a t Burlington, beginning on tho second Tuesday in A p rill ’ -

T un is V. H endrickson was elected trnstoo Tor threo yoars a t tho school nioeting a t W hlteavlllo, T uesday evoning.. "

Mrs. 8 ., I t . 'F a y is hav ing a -nice co ttago b u ilt on tho Bond s tree t f ron t o f h er property^ Mr. B ritton is bossing tho job.

Jo sep h Carter, on^j of tho b ig hog grojfora of B urling ton cpiinty, slaughtered 89 hogs oh S a tu rday th a t averaged 702 pounds each .

. M r. D . E . Sanford , form erly o f Asbury P ark , b u t fo r tho IJ^ ry e ar liv ing in.1T ren to n , Is a b o u t tp raovo to H am ilton Squaro, N. J*:

T ho g rea t railroad bridgo a t Poughkoopsiof g TOni|»liil'inl. " iS >nw (liiliihlua, /liKiihaii nff)being gtft on tho railing o^ tho foot W Jdgo an d pain ting . ... 1 . . . . . . . . ... .... .......

Tho jlnglo o t Blolghbells waa h e a rd oh onr Btreots T hursday m orning, th e first o f the sea ­so n ..,M r. Cow ard had hla gray toam hitchod to a P o rtlan d cutter.

. S tato Prison Keeper Jo h n I f. Pattorsoii, h is brother U. Ew ing P atterson an d W in. W .' Conovor had a (IstieuCf encoun ter n t Freohold on T hursday ovor an o ld note t d r $700.

Sandoman, ^ Sm ith, the successful m an- agor? o f Avon In n , a t Koy E a s t, w h o s ^ a u o expired last year,' will rQsumo the m anage­m ent o f th a t p o p u lar hotel th is su ram er.

T h o T w cn tlo ^ A n n u a l Stato. C onvention of the.Y qting M en’s C hristian ABSoelatlon con- vonod In tho F irs t Ba p tis t church a t Bridgo- ton on T hursday ovonlng laat, w ith 100 dolo- gate s p reacn t a t th e oponlng.

oonfordhoo In tho afternoon. ‘I t w as s ta ted th a t several large, tow ns had nd association o f the Y /M . C, A., and^?lm i9 J?«To dovUod to organlzb associations. Tho address In, tho

Thb H udson River is olear of ice a n d boats aro ru n n in g to T roy. I t has boen a very sh o rt “ lay-vnp^ fp r ttyo Jjoatmen, hard ly giv ing tim e foV m aking needed Repairs and palo ting .

Tho P overty Soclablo glvon by th e ’Young People’s Society o f tho B ap tis t Chtireb, a t th e S a in t C lairo M onday n ight, was a ttended by a largo .num bor of guosts. Rags and patches abounded to a lud icrous ex ten t. .

E ight'Tnllllon acres in tho O klaham a ‘terri­to ry will bo oponbd to settlem en t on p rocla ­m ation b y P resid en t H arrison .

The big e a r shops of tho C ontral R ailroad o f Now Jorfloy. a t A ^ ^ y t-P fi-rW o ro -b arn o d on W ednesday. Loss $100,000; inadrod.

T he muslo fo r “ c ity n ig h t” a t th e L ibrary M onday evening w as in charge of M iss Josto Kingsley, which accoun ts fo r its excellence.

Thb D em ocratic m em bers of the Now Jerso y L eg isla tu re a ro now w restling w ith th o q ues­tion o f tho; A ustral!an b a llo t systen i—how n o t to pass i t . ' • • - . | •

Tho F all R iver m ill ow ners will n o t y ield to tb o dem ands o f tho strikers, and tho 10,000 w eavers w illjprobably re tu rn to work a t the o ld prices. ■

M r. Ja c o b S tu its , form erly o f /th e Long- B ranch JVewa, fa connected w ith a com pany th a t has begun m an u fac tu rin g sh ir ts a t C o­lum bia, 'T

C harles J ; P a rk e r was elected tru s tee of tho M anasquan school d istric t over M rs, A. M. LakOj w ho bad raffled tho lad lejf to oxcrclse th e ir rights.

Tho Demon-at and o th e r ' county papers -W ouIduJQ jveino-vorlfy-tho^statonients-found in tho c ity p ap ers boforo pub lish ing ;their ac-„ co u n ts of Btorms. .

M r. J o h n N eal ro turned o n S a tu rd ay from Now Y ork Stato, whero ho has boen since la s t fall1_1tak ln g ic?5&9f ^118 b ro th e r who is s u f­fering from p a r a l y s i s . .... ...... ...................

Jam es Shay, a ten-year-old % d -a ttc n d lh g tho A ebury P a rk school, recoived a ^b a d c u t' u n d e r the r ig h t eye o n T hursday , w hilo a t p lay w ith one o f th e scholars.

... ..A n A sbury P a rk lady wishes to know why . thero 'w ere so fow ladies from th is side o f th e

lako aj; th o school meeting,., whon so m an y could com o from Ocoan Grovo.

President I la rrlso n Is determ ined th a t oOlco seekers sliall n o t have I t to say th a t he- h as lied to thom. Ho will m ake no prom ises to th e m ost persisten t h n n tc r fo r placo.

Tho Periris^ivanla Railroad C om pany h as rbdnced rates, whore a p a rty o f ton trave l T o ­gether, to tw o cen ts per mile, tho sam o as thea trica l com panies havobcefi cafrled .

An exciting s c h fo T lru s te e e lection to o te place in tho Key E a s t d istric t Tuesday, even­ing . Of tho 134 votos cast, Benjam in II. S tan ton recotygjJ 40 moro than h is opponent,

A M o fr passongor steam er th a t will carry 2,500 passengers is bolng bu ilt to ply betw een S andy Hook an d New Yorn. \ I t w as^aunched a t W ilm ington -on S a tu rd ay la s t and was nam ed M indy . _____ J

M r. B rum aker is p u ttin g u p a largo build­ing a t the co rner of W ebb’- s tr tp t. an d C ook ' m an ^avenue. Two stores will occupy tho

^ ‘flrst floor, and th e u pper b tories will be finish­ed off 1n apartm en ts.

Tho fem nlocaiulldates forschbol trustees in ; B urlington w erodofea^ed by thb lad y ’t'eacji- ‘ors o f tho schools, who tleclared, “ I f those wom en a re elected trustees, w e.teachers will bo In h o t w ator all th e tim e.” .. ' f—!. '

Tho resignation of S en a to r ' Jo n a th a n Chaco, o f R hode Island , Is a very unusual dcclirrenco, Thoro scoms to bo n o ap p a ren t reason e x cep t th a t his p riva te business needs hla a tten tion , and his health Is n o t robust.

Itey. John X lgglos’s book Is a lread y in a tliird ed ition, a lthough it has been issued only a fow weeks. The GVwiWi q f To day, an E pis­copal p a p e r ;o f Now York, saya th a t I t Is “ by far tho m ost rem arkablo bopk on Foreign M iHflionflyotpubliahod;” ^ 1' ”— —” " T " 7"

A co n cert will bo given a« tlio closing o f tho lectu re courso beforo tho L ibrary A ssocia­tion . I t has been placod in th e h an d s o f Miss F arring ton , who has kindly consented to tak o chargo o f it, andff*1tfie^program m ay bo expected of which duo announeom ent will Ao inado. ■ . •

A rosident o f Neptuno C ity w as sum m oned to a p p e ar boforo J u s tic e Bordon on T hursday by tho Society for tho P revention of C ruolty

:to r;A n lm R ls~ fo r_ unnoCofifig.rily b ea ting h is ^o. Tfn ad m itted . thfl-faot-iinri-nromiBod-

t h a t ' I t should never occur aga in . I io p a id th e fino an d costs. —

Mr." F. II. Carm an, form oriy w lth D r. -W; B. Cbriatlno,.now on joys the title o f Ph.G ., as s tu d en t of the Philadelphia Collego p f Pharm aoy. Tho Zota P h i Society, o f which ho is a m em ber, held Its 08th an n u a l com - m encem ent M arch 1 0 ,1880.

W illiam 8 teplcr waa a rrested on Satu rday by Officer K ipp on a chargo of grand larceny by I I. & W. N afta l, by, whom ho w as em ­ployed. Ho had taken money In considerable am oun ts, a co a t nearly new , a revolver and w atch. Ju s tic o Bordfen hold him in tlOO bail to a p p e ar boforo tho g^and jury .

A tireoting o f tljo stockholders - o f th e A sbury P ark a n d Ocoan Grovo B ank w as held in tho Board o f T rado room s W ednesday afternoon. J . Stanley t Ferguson preaided' .and E. E . D ayton actod aa sooretary. T he pHribipal buslnogs was the adoption o f By- Law s as rep o rted by tho com m ltteo^-..L

The. ladies o f th e W . C. T . U . d esire to re tu rn thanks to Mr. Bradloy fo r the.uso o f the hall fo r tho ir m eeting h u t weok ; to M rs. M artin, Mias Aum ack and tho g entlem an who assisted Mrs. P a tte rso n and thb “ Y’a ” o f Ocoan firovo In tbo m usic, and to the pnblic. fo r tho largo a tten d an ce and intorest.

l > r y G o o i l a j u u L N o v c I U e s *

The peoplo of A sbi^y P a rk and vicinity, aro respeotfully ItM ted tp^call and exam ine the largo and handsom o l ln o p f Dress Gooils a t the Briek S tore o f Honry S te in b aeh ,'A sb u ry Park.—Ad». - . . • - . :

“ S enato r Q uay’s^dpor boll haa to o n pulled o u t by tho 'roota by th e hungry^office-seekers.” I f your.o ld boll is In danger, havo i t replaced w ith an o lectrlc bell. Juab tho th ing . C. It. Zftchanaa, caro W. U . Telograph office.—Adv.

$25,(XK) to loan on bond and m ortgage.■ E lectric Kfght stock’, A sbury P ark , fo r SalOv P ar, Freo o f t a x ; ea rn in g 14 per cont.

A n e w furniahed co ttago a t Doal Beach to ren t. ’ . JL au u u s J>oom18, A sbury Park .— A do. -:- - ~---- :--------- ' ■ ------- - ■ ■' -.v ■ ■ ‘


in ihq Shoo Dopartmont tills w ^ k , a t Steih- bach Bros.-—A dv. ■'■ " • ‘ • .

Wall Paperand Carpets

In great varioty and deslrablo pa tte rn s , a t S teinbaeh Bros.— ^

Six m en wore Im pdsohed in tbouBlaok D ia­m ond Colliery utjV lt.. C arniel, P a .; la s t week

‘ by th e caving I n p f one of tho passage cham ­bers. F ive wero rescued alive, b n t-th o s ix th waa c rushed by^tho falling rock.

W .B u d d D e a c o n , o f .M ^ S t Holly, h a s b een ] \ n o jn ina tcd by th o Proaldent-ns U nited Sta;to8

M arshal fo r-N e w Jersoy. 'M r. Dfiacqp haa filled the offlco beforo, com pleting tho unox- p lrbd te rm of hla fn thor’d appoln tm ont. H o alBO hold tbo p laco( d u rin g A rth u r’a adrainla- tio n , ' ,7 * - , 7

v ------ - — • ♦ •—------- —■ , . ■ v• I lo n ry ^II\.;IIanCd, w ho waa found a*;fow

.; gookV sinco a t hla ow n door with a brokon , sk u ll a n d o th e r Iti jurloa; d lod a t P o id rP lo aa-

' a n t/o u F rld^p vy^itbout regain ing oOnpolons- nosa anflloiont to give in fo rm ation concern ing h l s assailants.— H e n ry ! Hendrlcksoq1, Jcooper'

- ^of ai ho tel w hich D ance freq u o n ted 7 an d 8te* ven8on,' hla barkeeper, are in tho Ocean connty , ja il pending investigation.. .

o f tar, p itch , gravel alid sand, fo r sidewalks,^ gardon-walka, roadw aya aq d ce lla r.bo ttom s, Is cheap and -durable. Six cents a sq n are foot. F ifteen do llars for a ({jOJ llfty^oo t walk, five fee t wide. J . K. itoyce,^B b^;703j pffico, new bricl^ building; 300 M ain^Htreet^A abury P ark .—Adv. .

Cottagea by"the sea fdr season o f 1^80. A d ­d ress o p ca ll on R. C . Lovo, L and Offlcoj o p p , sta tio n , Ki^r E a s t,

P avU io i) f o r I te i i t ..F o r oiio ycar or a term of ybars, tho large

twp Hior\{ RiviUon, w lthktoros, bath-hoaaes and ' b a th in g g rounds a t N orth Spring Lake, N.Uv- F o r term s ap p ly t a W iq. ,IL Pottei*, Spring llakA* N-. J .—A dvl

r J i f t d i c H , .7 *

W e havo ju a t received a full lino of tho W ,. L. D ouglas colobratod $3 Shoea fo r LADIES. F o r a ty le 7 fit aud durability ■ they -have n o equal. PoiiTBit, M aiir S t., opp. dtjppt.—Jdw,,

. P lain an d fancy dross m aking. A ccurate fit b y 'p a to n t in cth o d s.. M rs. Black, 019 Sewall av.


' Fanoy Croamory B u tto r 28c. p e r pound, a t W .H . O ’Brion’a gr^eory, Cookm an avonuo am i Bqntl filreqt.—4rf»,. .. 7. 7 . . " ‘

- F u rn itu re rt;covorqd equal tp now. E legan t upholatory in qtock. Sohneidor’s .— A d fi ’ *

evening was”by Rov. CrfioaV P arkhursl, D7TK7 of Now Y ork. , 7*.

- , Q n. grldaF^opQct3--.woro--Teml ..by-J;hn amb.retarlea fro m th o aesoolatlonB a t Asbury^Paf}fj. Blppmfield, B ridgeton , Blairetown, Burling- ton , Camdon, C ranbury , Dnfoh Neck, nack-" ettatow n, Jorsey City, MillvTllo, Now B runs wick, Orango,' P a te rso n ,: Plainfield, Saloin,' Sum m it, Trenton, V inoland, Poddio In s t i tu te ,: R utgers College and ,'S ou th Jb rsp y 'Ih s titu to ,

'a ll show ing good roauItB.,In toroating p&pbraWcro road by R. n o w ard

T aylor, tW. D. M urray an d othora. Diacua- •8(opa, qonfor^ncoa, aong ' sorvlco hn d Blblo reading fillbd u p th e day .. c •

In tho ©yen Ing the sesalon waa li eld in the O pbra House. A fter a song aervlco with 100 voices in tho chorue, rep o rts wore read by tho S ta to S ecretary and Treasuror. , Tho p rin c i­p a l addrosa waa 'b y D r. L. W . ^ u n h a il , on ** T ho-F ield ,. fW ork and Agonolea of thb Y.'M . C. A. . ; « >'■ *.

A t S a tu rd ay ’s apaalona a largo amount* o f bnslnoaa waa tranaaotod. Separato moetinga wore hold in o rd er to oxpodlto tho work In hah d . A t tho Ffret^ B aptist ch u rch in teresting

■papBfB'yt-'ro retBj-by-M ar.-lltw ayAnd Qonoral, Secretary J^ K. M anning. A t th e Collogo m ooting’, papers woro presented on d ifferent sub jects b y ’ Byram; Cum mings, o t R utgers, D .^ trT o d d and . R obert E. Spcor, o f.P rfocp- tou. •'* % V' VTho ropo tt o f the S tato Com m ittee sh o w s37 associations In tho Stato. Thirty-four report a m om borshlp of 7,405, of w hohir 8,708 a re active m em bers and 080 qominlttoemeh. Thoro aro six teen gonoral ooorotarloh w ith e ight aaaiBtanth an d n lno gym nasium in stru c ­tors. Seventeen oaaoclatlons havo .lib raries w ith 12,000 volumes;" eight, ow n tho ir ow n bultdlnga, o r o thor real esta te, valued a t 1171,759; seven havo build ing tdH ds; pledged o r p a id , o f $50,817. Total valuo *of roal and, personal property, .$108,700. Now associa­tions havo been form od during tho year a t P alm yra; „£rlBfiStpti an d Long B ranch, an d b ran ch es atJOrango apd Jersoy City. 1

4 t was docldod to ra ise $0,000 fo r S tato work, of which tho A sbury Park and Ocean G rove Aaaoclation plodgod $15. M orristown waa selected fo r tho noxt placo o f m eeting. The full delegation waa reported a t 222J and a voto of th an k s waa extended to the Bridgoton peoplo for.tholr hospitalIty,

Sunday waa a buay day .- M ost-of tho pul- plta woro occupied by tho dclegatea, and a fto r tho ovenlng servlcea a farewell reun ion waa hold In the F irs t P resbyterian church, Goorgo A. n a il , S tato S c c ro ta r/ t tf Now York, presid­ing. T ho g roatcat In torest was . m anifest th roughou t tho en tlro convention, tho only d raw back being tho w an t o f a hall largo enough tp accom m odate all who w ished to attend.- *

I J o a l l i o f W . J . A . F u l l e r .

._.Am ong-tho; fi rat c o 11ago-b n 1 Idora o f Oconn Grovo was W. J . A . F u lle r .p Hla co ttago ad ­jo in s t h o l l a yw ard C o ttages on W ealey Lako. Tho m ateria l from which tho cottago w as con­stru c ted w as purchaaod in Jeraoy City, loaded on a sloop and freighted to Sandy Hook. F rom thero it waa brough t to Long Branch on tho ojA Now Je rso y Southern R ailroad , and froril tua4-poInt It was carted to Ocean Grovo. Tho C o h tran tS ilfo a d dRtTiotrreach th is place un til yoara la te r. M r. F uller aold his co ttago aomo yeara sinco. Ho waa a singu lar m an In m any reepectaV very warm In his a ttachm ents an d vory b itte r In ld a opposition a. In early

an d finally a law yer, becom ing a m em ber o f tho well-known law firm of A bbott.* . Fuller. He waa n o t a p a rticu la rly relig ious m an, b u t som ehow took a lik ing to Ocean Grovo an d llvod there aovoral Seasons w ith hla num oroua children who wore so well-known a t tho Grovo. Mr. Fu llo r d ied In Paris, Franco, M arch 11th, and showed somo cccoqtrlc lty in h la will.

Tho following Hem wo tako from the New Y ork 'S u n .: • * '

Ho leaves if wfdow, E llzSC ., an d Vilno chil­d ren —Kiite F uller, o f Paris, Bayard 0 . Fuller, o f Now Rochollo, and W llliani M. Fuller, F annlo M. M an, Jo sep h in e O. Krotol, Allco W right, Sadie 8 . Fuller, and Ju lia A, Fullor, of th is city.

Tho will nam es aa. exccutors Daniel F . Ap­pleton, Leon A b b o ttra n a F rederick I I . Man. Mr. F u lle r d irects that, n o inventory be m ado of hia esta te, an d continnos ;

“ I t . l a , m y w ill th a t no ono. shall w ear m ourning fo r mo. I t la m y will th a t m y body be crom ated, and I d ireq t th a t my funeral ex- ponsea bo lim itod to $50.”. n o forgivoa h l8 ch ildren th o ir indebtednesa to him ; givos$500 to -Anna K. Rldgway; hfs ha lf of tho law 1 ibrary, «%o., of Abbott & Fullor to H enry S chm itt and W illiam Fuller A bbatt; all p roperty ho haa a t 40 Qual d ’Orleans, Paris, to hia daugh to r Kate. “ A nnuitiea o f $2,500 to K ate and $3,000 to Mrs. Fuller aro providod for, and tho la tte r fa to have tho use- of tho house 117 E ast Thirty-flfCfi Street.

\ ^ a l l P a p e r S a c r i f i c e .Beforo m oving in to larger q u a rte rs on April

1 , 1 offer tho greatoat bargalna in W all Papor. FIho; papers a t 5 ,0 an d 7 cen ts p e r r o l l ; bor­ders 1 cont por y ard 'a fid npw ard. G ilt paper fro tn .8 c en ts p e r ro ll upw ard ; borders from 2 conts por y a rd u p w ard —all k inds. D iscount on large qu an tities . DOLL'S,’ . ^ .

541 Cookm an avonueL A sbury P ark .—

G l i i ^ I i a i k i s - a i i d F a n c y W f l s l i G o o d s . -V

H enry Bfolnbach, o f tlio^ B rick -Store, will ofTor tHTa Satu rday a handaomo l in e p f Dross Ginghama from 5Ko. up.r-^lfZy. . • - •

Wo know o f n o p rep ara tio n Uiat will euro a cough o r cold^go qulqkly a s K lnm onth i t Co.’s ExpcctoraTiT.—Hc/v.

' p r e s s O o o c l s .O ur d isp lay o f Droga. Goods la oxtonalvo,

a a d wo defy com petition i n prico.- Steinbaeh-B rpa.’ Qld Stand.-5- ^ ^ .

Ind ia slltys for drapery-sash curtains, eto ,, a t Schneider’s, 107100 Main btreot.—Adv.

N e w I 5 i i c l c w h e a ta t W. II. O ’Brien’s g rocery , Qookm an avenuo an d Bond Btreot.—Adv?-

•. Scaled proposals, addressed to tho undersigned, will bo reoelvod until 2 p. m. pn'Salurday, March

offloe, 007 Bnmmorfleld avenue. ,Tho W ater CommisHlonors roaorve the right to

reject;any or all bids. . . . ,Envqlopo!? should bo ondorsed “ Proposal for

Plpo." JOHN A. GITIIKN8,: March I0.1B80. GEO. W. TREAT, , /

• : - ,1NQ. T,. COFFIN,-------W ator Oomralsfllonors.Aflbu^y Park, N. J .

P r o p o s a l s W a n t e d ^Sealed pToposala, addressed to tho tmder-

signed, w ill bo received until 2 p. rii. on Satur­day, Maroh 80, 1889, a t the ofllco of tho W ater Commissioners o f Asbnry P ark, N. J ., fo r taking u pfour h undrcdfeet o f eight-inch cast iron plpo how laid* and for laying two thousand six hun­dred foot of olght-lnoh oast Iron nipo. Full epe* olfloatlons m ay be obtained or tho Superin-

.tendent a t tho ofllce, 807 Snmmerfleld avonuo.Tho Watoc Commissioners reaervo tho rig h t to

rejoot any o r a ll bids. - ,Envelopes should bo endorsed “ Proposal for

Pldo Laying.” JOHN A. GITI1ENS,March 10,1889. GKO. W. TREAT,

JNO. L. COFFIN. ;W ater Commissioners, Asbury Park, N ' J .

P r o p o s a l s W a n t e d .-..■Sealed proposals, ftifdressod to tho undor- signed, wifi be received until 2 p. m. on-Satur- day, Maroh 30, 1880. a t tho ofllco of tho W ater OommlBslonors of Asbury Park, N.^ J ., for tho erection o f a brick ongino .houso 12x18 feet In b\z6s Full specifications m ay bo obtained of tho Suporintenaont a t tho offlco, 807 Summerflold avonuo. M ,

Tho W ater Commissioners reserve the r igh t to rejflct any or a ll bids. : ■ ‘

Envelopes should bo endorsed " Proposal for Knglno Houso.1’ JOHN A, 01THEN8,_Marchl9.18Q9. . GEO. W. TREAT,

• .v ,J N O j . , . q o f f w ,W ator Commls8lon0re;HBbury Park, N. J .

a t W. It. O’Brlori’a grocory, (Jookmnn avqnuo and Bond s tre e t.— dv. ; r * *’ *f“ -

DIED. -. -V 'M11)»LETQN.-—T hlnl .m ontli,. .IStli,: 1B49. Bi.-

woon. Sou of tho’lato Enoch anu Hannah Mlddla- ton. mVllio .(jTitlv yuiir of IiIh age. In terred a t OrosswickS, N. J ., qn Hlxth day, 15th Inat.; a t .1.80

A S c h o o l T e a c h o r d e s i r e s w o rk fo r t h e B um m er a t Boftfihoro, a s o lo rk , cluirg& 6 f l in e n ro o m , o r c a r e r b f c o t t a g o ." . .A d d r e s s M I8S IC .I I . TACIu,

' . . • ■ Moores I*. O., Dol.'po., P a /

.......s o ; E i s . , A ; i s r o .Pure,, h igh voico, good, readerrexporloncod,

would tako church i>osftlon aftor May 1, o r for the Hammer monthB only,. Boat reference furnlBhed.

.** Address E. L. M„— 212 Weat-43d etrcbt, New.^ork.

Parties having ’ ; ^

to Jhsdm » i i J t e i i Mliis. • Can loan f ljm g o o d , '

B O N D A K D M O IIT G ^ IQ EBy addreaslng POST OFFICE BOX 100,

, Asbury Park, N»J.

Loj jn Ashury. Park.

J A C O B D O L L , J r . ,F B A S T I C A l , '

hper I f f i t lessrir,b aso n hand the largo at and flncfit line o f plain and gilt wall papers, decorations'.' shades and fixtures In tlio county, a t lowest prfecs. Also Wall Pictnro MenldlngN and Frnmc#»

Paper llanKor i Snpplleet, Etc. - Frames m ade to order a t short"liotice.. The

best Now York and Philadelphia paper hangers employed.; Estim ates furnlshod for paper hang­ing and kalsominlng. ................. .

S l l Co.okman avenue,Adjoining Commercial Hotel,


C O n R E L L SROS ,- - Dealers in all kinds of

R E u iS fofiE;B r i c k , L i m e 1 C e m e n t .

Estim ates CliecrfullyQlveri;

can or mwrtsa gjj ganimerfleld avenne.Vnr«I: Second and Rnllroml.

PUBLIC SALEOf Horses, CWriattCM, HarncHH, RobCN,

IliankeIh, . .on account o f 'o th e r liusIheBs.”" ’”

Tho subscril)or will soli a t public vendue a t hla placo on ProBpeot avonuo, near tho Gas Worka, Weat Asbury Park, onT h n rH d iiy , M a r c h 2 8 . 1880. at 1 p . m .,Tim .following personal property, vlr>.: l bay. Patchen maro, good driver and worker,' and would mako a good brood mare ; 1 pair of hay horses, seven yoars old and sound, l&Kl|nU(l* high, good drivers and workers, suitable for car­riage team, and ono la n-llrHt-class saddle horse? 1 throo-seat extension top barouche, good as now ; 1 loatbor ton tmcgy, bran n ew : 1 Iron arm farm wagon, good as noW-j-t sot doublo oarrlage h arn ess; 1 se t doublo heavy harness ; 1 s e t light ■InKlo b m n g j I '. 'L D l. im n iro m i l . h im g ? . pofOTiiHrWinnfetroes; I .h ay slioiving, now ; 1firavol body ; 2 ton bo<IIoB ; lot of s traw In sh e a f ; o to f forks,shovels, hoes,rakes,neck yokes,whlf-

flotroos, &o.; 1 sled ton g u e; lot o f boxes, barrels, &o.; blankets, robes, wnlps. and many o th er a rti­cles n o t enumerated. Parties wanting anything In tho abovo lino will do woll to a ttend this sale, as ovorythlng is In first-cl bps o rd er.'

All sums of 810 and undor, cash. All sums over th a t am ount a credit o f four m onths will be given, by note with approved security. No underbidding. TUNIS V. HENDRICKSON.

QEO. W. TRUAX, Auctioneer.

P U B L I C S A L E-------OF-------

H O U S E H O L D F U R N I T U R E .v Tho subscriber will sell a t public aalo on

Thursday, March 28, 1889,at 1 p. m , a t the “ Sea Side,” No. 4 Ocean avo­

nuo, (nearR obb’ pavilion,) Occan Grove, N, J .,Folding bods, 23 bodroom suits—4 w alnut.-40 mattresses, 1 lounge, 200 yards eoooa matting, 100 chairs, 1 walnut refrigerator, carpets, m at­ting, pictures, crockery ami g lassware, cooking utensfls and many .other articles not specified,.

■' -■*..... t A. H. STOCKTON; >,

GEO. W. TRUAX, Auctioneer.

p u b O c ^s a l eOn thb farm of Honry Trnax, 7

D e a l , , 3NT. J .— ON—

Tuesday, March. 26th, 1889.a Horses, 8 Cows, 1 Sow and Pigs, 2 Farm Wag-

.ns, J two-horse Carryall, 1 fall-top Buggy, 2 bar­rels Cider Vinegar, 15 barrels P o ta toes,! Riggs’ Plow, l Eagle Plow, 1 Reaper, 1 Mower, Plows. Harrows, 100 bushels Corn, 8 tons Hay and m any other things too numerous to mention.

Salo will coramenco a t 10 o ’clock sharp.. • ' • yiENRYTHUAX.

. ^ ;GEO. W. TItUAX, Auotlqneor. ;c -

F u l a l l o S e t l o .The subscriber will sell a t Publlo Anotion on

Monday, April 15th, 1H81), a t ton o’olook In the forenoon, a t tho houso known as “ Tho'Belvo- dere,” a t Asbury Park, N. J . , onO leather satchel and contents, consisting of old jew elry which ;oods aro detalne<l and hold by the aubBOriber

j y reason or tho non-payment by th e pwnors thoroof for hire o f rooms and board, and thf« sale being mado for tbo payment of the samo and necessary oxponsoB. — . •

Marqh 14,1889. - CHARLES A. YOUNQv


Consignmenis o f goo<T» 'from housekeenora*, dealorB, m anufacturers and o thers respectfully solicited^-Bpccial Sale* o f F in e G olda iid S tiver Watches both ladles’ and gonilom on'a; ' also Jewolry, Chains, Hinga, Ac., ' f h l s F r i d a y a n d N n tn r- d « y e v e n tn g H , March 23 and 23.- Every artlclo w arranted as represented o r tho monoy returned. These uoodiynay be purchased a t private sale a t nny timo. T h ^ Is’ your chanco for bargains. Don’t forgot tlio placo.

P O E S - A - a l a B ,» • “-..t. . . . . * • o

Cor. Fifth avenuo and Kingsley streot,

ihr.st-class P rivate Cottage,ONE BLOQK FROM OCEAN, \ . 7 '

2-story and atllb. 10 rdom srperfect order, fully furnished throughput, a ll modem Improvements. ;r!r' I*irlce,-furnished, * 9 ,0 0 0 / ' Unfurnished,

# 8 ,5 0 0 ; Tbrins to s ij lt . ' ' •.Term s to su ltf F or fufi pactloularsand Ihspeb-r

tlon permits; apply t o ' '^ C O N A N T . Trustoo,

*■■■- 15 C ortlandt s tree t, Nevf York,

Sb a s t .R O B T . C . L O V E ,

. Resident Agont fo r Solo and Rental of

K E Y E A S T K t i A I i E S T A T E ,] Cottages to le t fo r Beaaon. Several fo r aaio^


Sizo 00xi40 foot, $850. Only &350 cobIi required. • • 7 Inquire of WILLISFORD DEY, .

TOO Cookmaq,avonuo, Asbury Park.

□ ^ 'o L x s e a ^ s r S t o c k sM r, Tunls V .IIoudrfokson haa taken thovagen-

oy for tho R. G; CHASE (Genova) NURSERIES, and w ill supply Btook of ovory kind,

. * Addrosa ASBURY PARK, U. J .

GEO._P. KROBnil, W osidan t UfBalllloiJ ' r" a ry ' ' n , BROWN, Vlco-Prosdont.* ... AWIKIITO.’TWINING, Cuhlor.

J. ■ - A S B U K T 3 P A K K , N . J . ,

t 'n i > i t u i , s s < » ,o o o . o o . , ' i in i rp l r iK , K ^ n . u o o . o o

TOST OFFIOB BDIUBINGi MAIN STKKBT iN D MATTISON AVKNUB,mnnnaoto a mm oral banking bnnlnoiial teaiios lcttera of orraiit tivailnlilo In t].nr,rf.if:ltnil-ritioa;<if

^ojvorld^-ForelffJiranddoracstlfl oxohttnRos oougut and sold. •Couootlonscarefulfy mado and promptfy accounted for. -- 1 -

BOARD OF DlitECTTORS:' > , th .

, A lbert C. Twining, Ollvor H. Brown,

Isaac C. Kennedy,, UOnry l i . Yard. .1-

H enry C. Wmsoit; I'renldent. Gko. W. Kvanb, Vlce-Prcaldont. . .. Eomuno E. D ayton, Cashier.

Asbnry Park anfl Ocean Groye Bant,' COR. MAfTISON AVE. AND MAIN ST., ASBURY PARK.

-. Omanizbd J anuary, 1880.C A P IT A L , • . . . SSO.O OO .Qg.

TfaiiBacta a general Banking Business, iBsdca Foreign nnd-Domestic Drafts. -■Prompt attontlon given to all matteOi entruBtcd to us. - >


1 I0 9 IE ‘





H iOpen all the

Y ear..7,;• TranBlent Rates, CO cents a Meal -

Pcrfcot system o f dralnagc, Pure Ar­tesian water. Stfiim heat. Electrio

lights Buti parlor. . •CHAS.- J. [HUNT, Proprietor.

REAL ESTATE ANO INSURANCE AGENT,37 P ilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove, N. J . .

A lso A K e n t /o p t h e N lo n e a u d C o n c r e te W a lk f i. X^egotlatba Loan a on Roal Estato. Correspondence Solicited. A largo num ber o f Hoarding Houses an d Cot­

tages for Rent for tho Season of 1889. - ......

M I L A N R O S S ,Meal: Estate and Insurance; Agent,** ,7 ' 726 Oookmau Avenue, Asbuiy Park, N. J .

T ra n sa c ts a g o n o ra l K o a l E s ta to b u s in e s s , h a n d l in g p r o p e r t ie s o n fo llo w in g te rm s : F O R S E L L I N G , 2 J P E R C E N T .; K E N T I N 0 , 5 P E U C E N T . , “ :

rr ^ d e d iio te tl a s tho* r e n t i s c o lle c te d . •N ego tT atos M o rtg a g o L o a n s -o n R e a l E s ta te . • - . r ‘

E o p re so n ts L E A D I N G I N S U I iA N d E C O M P A N IE S . .

. Q - e o . “^ 7 * . T r a a s , - Licensed Auctioneer,

$100,000 to Loan on 1st Mortgage.

REAL ESTATE IH G E N T210 Main St., Asbury Park, N. J.

r \ ^ *=s • oa

r \ .

i u



f l

rt*5. oCOCO


k JS


CD 3 „ C ‘ 03 >


T j J L J S r i D t t t t T T Z S ’The Oldest Seed Finn in America. Established'

In 1781. vW r i t e i o r O u r N e w C a ta lo g u e fo r~ 1889

• - NOW READY. .This paraphlot comprises a list of Heeds of Nov­

elties and Standanl Sorts offofod -by us, witli minute descrlptionH of tho riualitles of tbo vege­tables which tlio Beods will produce.

I t also contains practical Cultural Instructions to tho gardener and notes a s to tho production per aero aud mode of shipment.

Under each Family of vegetables a re printed Reclpoa for tholr preparation and Cooking, t|io rocipcs dra\vn by one; o f the most, celebrated French COoks in tho country, this nUtfie making the pamphlet moro valuable than a n y othor Seed Catalogue ovor published".1

Tho Pamphtei'dnntaih? HOvcnty-twQfr^KJ'hoto- graplilc lllustratlonH of Choice VegeThffl^y tho beat vegetable picture ever Issued In any coun­try. Address D. LANJHtKTU & SCNSr

Seed Farmers and Merchants,’ l’hiradelphia, Pa,* -

[Mention A snunx P akk JmmHAi^l

3 E 8 T _STEEL Woven Wire Fencing

_ 8 0 0 T O $ 2 P E R - R O D . . .All idecfl and widths. Ont<*to nifttch. BoTdby ua wdOrtlcrt ia thia lino of goo<lR. FIIK1UUT PAID - I^onmitlori froe. T IIE UoHlTLl.EN WOVEN W lltK FENCE <JO^ 7 118 A 180 NVMarket fit., CUcatd* 111*.

A g e i ^ ^ J ^ / a n t e d, . A T O N C E , ' ^ 7 ' -V .

lu every town, on oifr wurli. ^3 j»er ilny.

Good referbpeo nocdod. . .’ . AMERICAN PICTURE SOAP COM

v ■ *’ Aabuiy-Park, N. J . ‘

P i a n o s f o r R e n tFOR THri SB^SON OR YBAR

8 1 0 bhoai>ortlian anywhoro elso In t0w«t-- ~■' ; Inquire of; W. \V. McCilESNEY,

, 7 • " , ' ■ Hotol Aabury.

t V . T E . H O G G ,C a r p e n t e r a u d B u i l d e r

— j o n r i m a rR o ifiT L Y d o n b .

Rosidenoo—1010 Main St., As^ury Park.

F o i S a l e , -AelUo-har. two-Beatbil Carriage, alm osthow i "alsc a doublo got o t Harness. Tlio ow ner would die .pofto of the above n t a saw+fltJe. ‘

R. It. TAYLOR. 2UJ Socond avonuo.

f f a n a d n l .

M O N M O t J T I I

728 M attison Avo.. opp. P. O.ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY?

C a p i t a l , $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 ;” >• f- •, •' r

Authorized by law to act as Exocntor, Admln- istrat or, Gjisrd ian, Tm s tec. A ^ l gnee,ltecol ver, A gont7^2* and for tlio falTlTriir performance of all such ttntlcs Its capital stock and surplus aro llablo; also to Recolvo and Execute T rusts of every description, from tbo Courts, Corporationsand Individual a,---------—-------- ;—

All TnisfjFunds and' Investm ents are Inscribed i>Ltho nam es of tho owners o f tho property hold la trust, and aro kopt separate and ap art from tho assets of the Compauy.

Interest Allowed on DepoaitN.S a fe I> fh « « lt y a n l t s t n t i r e a n d 1»nr.

r l a r p r o o f b u i ld i n g now In courso of erec- ,lon, cornor Mattison avonuo und Bond street.

Wills receipted for nnd kopt w ithout chargo.IHAAC.C. KENNEDY, President.

’ GKO, F. KROEHL. Vico Prcaldont, DR. B. S. KEATOR,’ Secretary. • a : C. TWINING, Treasuror.

‘ DIRECTORS: • .0 . D. W. VROOM, Trenton, N. J . ,W. j ; HARRISON, liakewood, N . J .,

. OLIVER II. BROWN, Spring Lake, N. J .HENRY H. YARD, Ocoau Beach, N .J .1. 11. BUCHANAN, Spring Lako, N. J .!JOSEPH McDERMOTT. Freohold, N tJ.-11. B. PIERSON, Philadelphia, Pa.GEO. F. KROEIIL, Aabury P ark, N. J .BRUCES. KEATOR,M.D., •* “A. O. TWINING, . «ISAAC C. KENNEDY. “

_________ _____ ________ _______ •

M O N E Y T O L O A N5 por cent.' per Annum, .

On Real Estato, In sums of $1,000 and upwards.Apj/ly to E ,G . UAIiniSON, ;

Boanl o f Trade Rooms, Asbury Park, N.-J.j

$ 1 5 ,0 0 0To Loan on Good Mortgages.

' 8. C. COWART, Freohold, N. J .

g o M s . ^ c .

H O M E C O T T A G EGQ7 FlRSl' AVENUE. ' 1 '" ; v

• W inter board can bo obtained a t a roasonablo- pricc. ____ MRS. «L .EMMONS..

T H E O A K S ,500 Third avenue. Situated oppoaito Etiuca- tlonul Hall Stpmro. Fall and w inter term s *5 to 88. ileatei:, &o. Exeollont tablo.^'OpOn. entire year. Speolrfl term s to families.—-----------------


OF TH E. .i: . ■

. Is now offering . ;

A Great and New Variety ofW a s h G o o d s , S a t e e n s ,

C h a l l i e s , & c . ,•an l those wishing tfFmake up their Summer Dresses

will do well to get, an early selection.

I am also making great preparations in

f * T A n n U T M a n d a l l o t h e r .. y L l U 1 n i l i u . D E P A R T M E N T S . .. Especial a tte n tio n is asked fo r r . ...

Carpet and Matting Buyers.Being in and watching the market continually;, many

good bargains are awaiting such.


, s t e i i t b a c h ,


Ferguson'i F E R G U S O N ’ S1 Coat Wood & Charcoal

GEO. E. FARMER, Proprietor,

W h o l e s a l e a n d R e t a i l ; ~All my Stock Is of-tlio best quality In tho markot, and la now

kep t constantly dry under complete co v er.' ..7 7

->1 w arran t everything I sell. If n o t j is represented th e m oney, will bO'Tofunded. »..'<■ v -. , - YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED,.^ .

f.. Yard and Office, ,5,1 SoutTtMain Street,OpposIte'Ocean Grojp Main Entrance.

^ HRANCII OFPICE8—-Bamman’sGrocory Store In tho Park. ., W ainright & Errickson’s Storo in the Grove.,

Ordors by m ail promptly recoived and delivered. Complete . ------:....... TeleuhonoConnootlpn. --------------------------r -

Xj. 3 T X .,0 ^ 7Successor to GRAVATT & TAYU5R, wholesalo and rotall dealer In

C O A L ,

W O O D ,


time, Latfif Hair, Cement, Plaster

And all kinds o f

Masons’ Materials,a t tho old establishod yard .

IN R E A R OK L A K E V IE W H O U S E . -» A full Stook o f thcrabovo articles will bo kopt constantly on hand and satisfaction guaranteed, ■ Braucli ofllces n t Beanies’ Grocery, Asbury Park, and .Matthews & RaJlard’s Grocoryf Ocean Grove,* V '7 7 ’ ..... „ . TKLKI*IH)NK,.......... ' ' :■ /*- •


‘iilceT yT uiW ^i^ lilng lo"of doublo n*onm by Oio.day, wcok o r month, for aduits, with furnace heat if desired. Eloctrlo

-cars pass the door. Tablo hoard near by.Apply a t BRIGHAM COTTAGtf.OM Cookman av,

O PE R A PIA N O !The Finest Upright Plano in ttis SarRet.All tlm latost improvements. Antique styles

' “ now ” W alnut, Oak,'Mahogany,' Rosewood and ' .Kltony llnlafi. Send for catalogue. Easy paym ents..

out_ rcpuiring ilopartm cut. Is co m p ile . Being mil nn fact urers, cati renew old pianos tft a moder-

G r a n d A v e , H o t e l ,"UlD'iargcnt h'btbVrtpon nilTTioyoar.

’ Complete In all modern appliances .fo r tho health ami coirifort of W inter guests, qm .- ’ Artesian w ater, J ’erfect sowerSge.

Steam heat a ll through. . . * lr" LYBRAND SILL, Prop’r.

T H E I R V I N G ,Third avonuo, noar ooean,


Forfiirtliorparticulars*.addrosa ’^ M. LAHDSN8LAGER.

H o m e S c h o ' o l . vMlsa M .J . Broke rccoivospunlla at-

W O O D SID K COT-I’A G Ii, 5215 S o o o n d a v e n u o , ' . * Asbury Park, N .«!. ; 7

S e a - S i d e H o m e ,Boarding nud D»y Soliool for Toapg

.. juidioa’ tol CMldion,itpilRTFiHK. - We W j BBSBT.

Blevonth yont opona HppUjmbor SO. 188S.' : KX3drciis JULIA K O SS.rrlnolpal.

— 604 Apbary ove„ ABborj P a rk .N . J

■’ : v V V: -V

Pianos and Organs Taken ia Exchange and Poll Value Allowed for them.

i Purchasers will do well to call a n d . Ox'amine .our stock beforo purchasing. • . *■ :

A.few “ Operas," Used only a short time, for rent, o r will bo sold very cheap. ' ■'

Pianos anfl Organs Tuned.;7i E 3 : E i l < n S ”5 r ^ - . £ * 3 S 3 S E , , ‘


BR A D LEY BEACH I’ - t B R A D L E Y B E A G H ID o ' y o i i k n o w ; w h a t i s g o i n g o n o v e i v t h e r e ?

Do you ktiow th a t thoro hro great bargains In lota down by tho boaeh, and th a t tiie Ooean Grove Association trac t and tho Jas. A. Bradloy tra c t aro being laid out and improved ¥ , ^

-. * ■ ’ o r partleularajcali and'Inquire of, ' ' . 7 7 * ’ ' V ^ ___ ____

W i U i s f o r d ;D e y & C o . ,- 7 0 6 C o o k m a n A v e ., A s b u r y P a r k , N . J . ; »



- ^ f t tT - h f O b N E S S r -

i . “Do totlny, thy nearest duty ” And throughout thyllfolonfl way - Tliou-Hhnlt find no greater beauty .

Than tho well dono task each day.”

Small thySvoric may lx\ mul lowly, ■ Hidden from tho public gnzc,

==PHllTrtand worlta iiinjrmnlen ftdiolyr ~ :\ p •l.h^plwg Hhi»avcn ol- gohlcti dny<r*- ;

Thru If thou a r t pnmo to [Milder On thy lot, and friin would nsk

vi.y tin ^innifi! nmi-omiiiieinhClL^it r —vtlOlV WflH given to l!8 llfo’rf tnsiv.

/ iiw allthoivonisaBnv.loiir li rings " ' ....:. -1 ‘lOI 1 yO USu's UlOUlit.Ul CUull Otlil'H HOl.l

'.’That ‘‘iffa ith fu l o’e r a fow I bhign, ’Ovurinany’thoiiBhaJt julc.'.’ . ‘

. —.Good Housekeeping.

j i .

' Girl-D(*tectlv.<>» .In S tn rc s ._Tlio ition w ho n e t, ju* storo detectivcfiin ‘thjjfc’

- c ity enjoy; to th u - fu ll px te^*.« 'C W fati' Which/ '.should r ig h tfu l ly t o dlvidM . M nny o f th e ’cloVor cap tu res o f shop lifters in g ro a t uptown em porium s ;h ro duo to tl\o w o in o n .1 T l i tw seklom llgura i u a t i n rrest,how ovor,;. fo r tw o reasQns: f lrst, i t .would to n d to 'd e s t ro y thoir 'influences, an d second, .thoy m ig h t h a v e to go

. to a polled co u rt, w hich is n o t p leasan t fo r n n y w o m an . 1 1 ..“ W hen a fcm alo dotectiv6\ eni^buntors ’.a

. l ig h t fingered w om an at" a co u n te r shq sha­dows h e r Until .ablo ;.to inform tho nmlodo- tcctivo, w hp takes h o r in hand.-'. • J ,

“ I t m ay socihti. 'B trangu business fo r a \vo- tnan to bo ill,” Said th o supcrititcudbu t ,of one of theso houses in^rcs'ponso to a n inqu iry , ‘i m t i t V a g re a t deal t a t t e r th an m ost o f the occupations in which ‘g irls ' m ako. a meager

■ liv ing . I t’S a lim ited Hold, to ln> suro, but they*frequently g o t m arried nnd d ro p o u t in, t j ia t wiTy, leav ing room fo r now a sp iran ts .”

“ W hero do you ge t y o u r new g irl detect; tves?” h o w aa asked. . ,

.. ‘‘li ig h t f ro m b eh in d tho co u n ters thero. Thnt'a whoro .thoy n e a rly ,p i 1 g radua te . You

,eoo, wo got to Jaiow o u r sa lesw om en’p£ptty woll, and whqn ono o f th em ov inces-ex tra­o rd in a ry InteUigeneb o r a le rtn ess wo cu ltiv a te her, so'* th a t w hen a vacan cy odours in tho dotectivo foreo wo nro ab lo to offer her tho. placo. Of courso wo pay her;m oro m oney as au ih d iicem cn t.”... * . .. ■

L;—‘iD o thoy-ovor- refuse??’ -••■■■■-— ..... ................-■»v “ V ery seldom^ G irls w ho a ro m ado o f tho stu ff fo r a M ucccssfuidctoctivo n ro 'never, pos­sessed of Vcfry keen sensibilities,- an d they havo n a tu ra lly ga in ed a p re t ty , tho rough knowledgo o f tho-way's o f w om en w hen shop­p in g by observation bohind th o countor. A nd th is is som ething' v o can ’t get. I f wo on* gago ou tsiders.”—Now Y o rk S ta r.

F or Sale ok Exchange,.A dpsjrnhjp cotWffo, 10 toom n.Uot tOTx.ien. Hoarding houso,-lOrooms (furnished); summer;

a iid-m eter business.Storo and dwelling, Cookman avenuo. ■Farm of J2.aores;;»k m iles from seashore, ,E*n

collont I nnd for tm ck andpjp;tltry raising. *

i .

K^ o x S a l © ,

Fsroi, 80 Acres, st Deal Beach,(Kennedy Ilomeatcad) 10 m inhtca from

K. It. station. '

4 0 0 0 P E A C H TltiSES

Inwall bearlnff;^ Good buildings. Land suitable :for truck aud garden farming.. Price m oderate, Tetm s easyi ~

. : Or will R K N T for o f years th good tennn ta tm odcn jto rent. Addrosa

, IHAAO C, KBNNBI)Y, Asbury Park ,'N . J.

' AiiSffRml, tlio E r r in g A«l.G reat is th o ad y an tag o o f advertising . P.

S . E ustis, tho genera l passenger a g e n t o f tho B urlington ro ad , advertised ro tv n fly in Tho

1 H erald for n b r ig h t ofllco lK>y. H<> was Very 1 m uch surprised to reccive,. am ong a co rd o r

tw o o f o th er ixaponses, ono from n widow, w ho w rote a s follows:

De a r S m —I saw y o u r ad. a n d or:'.eluded to w rito you. No d o u b t ~ yon_ .will roceivo m an y answers, an d you- wiM* jwrluqR; th row th is asido, a s i t i3 written'- ou v e ry .’ wnnlnon paj^er, andifc-^but le t m o tell yon ri, ;Jit. boro,

■ I am ^iot‘answ ering th is in hopw « f j.v iling y o u r moiioy. I th o u g h t i>erhnps \vo m igh t caro fo r each o th e r . . I rtiu a widow, a n d inwr, b u t< would l io t h avo y ou i f I d id n 't c a ro fo r you if you w ero inado o f gold. .••Money is not every th ing , you know. I would liko very m uch to see you, a n d nrn v isiting A sis te r a tN o .------------ . I f y o u * th in k y o u w ould liket o c a U o u m q y p u - w i l l f l n d i ! jo • hoRio_ra l'a o’clock an y af tornoon tliis week. A sk /fo r M rs .— —

A s M r. E ustis w on ted a n offleo boy a u d not a widow, ho tu rn ed th o le t te r o v e r to ono of his bachelor stenographers. Tho indy doubt-

. loss got m ixed in h e r d a tes \v hen sho an ­swered a n ofllco boy w a n t.—C hicago H erald.

.A G ram m arian . .Tho fam ous schoolrmistor, tlio friend of

E rasm us and S ir : Thonyis M oro, “W illiam L ily, tho g ram m arian , was l>orn n t O ldham ,England^ in d4fiil~ Hn whft niiiieatM lj»l-Q x..

■ B A R G A I N .Fully furnished hoanling hound near tho beach,

also cottjuro and ehotco lot very cheap.. Addrens BOX MU Asbury Park P . O.

FOR SALE.LNTB a!ul PLOTS a t MT. PROBPECT. CKM15- . . T A Y f-----------

Park.'rBUY. Apply to 1). If. TAYLdit, Post ciriico Iluildlng, Room 1, Asbury *

Addrebs WM. B. BtfliVM,'P. O. Building,Boom Vo. 1, Asbury Park , N. J . '

Farm for Sale,Nitnnfo. In W id l toTOiiMiii), Slomnoiilli

c o u n t y , N . J . ,

on tiie main branoh of Wreck JP6nd--SJ4 miles from Farininirdalo. A mites from Ocean Boaoh, 1W miles from (Jleudcdai ^ miles frdm Allaire.

•, • • ><*vlOO A c r e s in Cnltivation,7 7 A c r e s In W o a t U a i j d i

One*and-hnif story-house, barn, wagon honse, etc, Fields sltipe tow ard the Kouth. Soil woll adapted for early Vmekinjr and small fruits. A now hlchwjfj’ lias rrcenily boon laid nnd opened along tho soutliorn boundary. One-lialf o f pur- ohiiso^monoy m ay roamln on bond-and mort- trago. Apply to 'll.VL ALI/AIRK, Allairo.N. »I.

This cut K hows tbe exact size o fth e . ** U N IQ U E” P O ItT K A lT S

applied fo r)m a d e b y S T A U F F E I t , o f C o o k m a n A r e . , A s b n r y J \ i r l% /or 30 clN. dozen. S e n d Cabinet P h o t o , a n d 30 c t s i n c a n li a n d r c c c ir c a d o z e n “ U n i q u e s ” a n d C a b i n e t r e t u r n e d . N o S t a m p * .

R E A I v . E S T A T E ,

I N S U R A N C E &

M O R T G A G E L O A N S ,

70S C o o k m a n Ave.

fo rd and trav e led in tho, east, to ob tain -a -h !lO w !odgo-of-^ iu^G m ilr 'l ^ ig i ‘nci^ ~ t 'i i r “l5k

r e tu rn to England h o 'so t u p 'a p r iv a te 6ehcx)l a n d was tho first teach er o f G reek in the English m etropolis. W hen Doan Colefc found- od St. Paur& school in .151**3 ho appoin ted L ily th o first m aster. I n th o following yoar he produeod h is g ram m ar, Which has passed through m oro,editions th o n nny^im iliy: w ork, a n d is uscd to th is day in ;Bt. i JanrB school Tho English inidimontB wero w rittc :i b y Colet, tho, p rof a co to th o first* ..edition b y C ardinal W olscjjjtho Irfitiu J ty ^ fa x chicily by E ras­m us and thos re m a in d e r 'b y L ily , tho book, being th u s th e jo in t p roduction o f fo u r o f tho g rea te st scholars of th o age. L ily w as m as- tenlpf St. P aul’s fo r nearly twclvo y e a rs and d ied of tho plaguo o n ' F e b ru a ry 24,1523.— Philadelphia Timc^. * ■

Fum oua-Touch-riecew . ‘I t is recorded th a t Queen A nne, who

reigned from 1702-171-, w as the la s t sover­eign of 'E n g la n d w ho rea lly poK onnod tho cerem ony of “ touch ing fo r healing .’’ Ono of th o sm all gold coins so used by h e r h ad upon ono side figures d f St-lSJji'hael nn d th o tlragon, a n d upon tlio otlu^f a ship. Upon ano ther coin tho rn wasTipon^ono f-idb a h a n d descend­ing. fro m a cloud towardii fou r heads, w ith “Ho touched th em ” tr ic e d a m in d tho m ar­g in , a n d u iw n tliOjOther sa lo n rose a n d th is tly w itii “ A n d -th o y wcn^ licaled,” in delicate trace ry . ‘ , ' ,

, Dr. .Johnson u was am ong th e jwrsona . “ touched '’ b y Q ueen Anno"ii^ 171'J; ho- was _ thon n littlo o v e r 13 y e a rs old, +>ut could recoil

,lato h i lifo “ iv confuseti an d solem n reeGllec-, I tion o f a g ran d l;idyvin-diauuftM]a.j«uLweaC;

in g a Jong black hoofl.” f^nr.o n f these, “ touch pieces” o f Quei'ii Amiw{’« t^ i^ iffiririy bo fieen in th o B ritlslunuaenm .—Iln rp e r’s lhlxn,r.

Tho following p lc tu ro ro f JapftlU i ifirby Professor M orse shows how p leasan t m ay l» th o re la tion betw een tho h um an an d tin* b ru te c rea tio n s “ Birds build th e ir nests in th e c ity houses7w ild foAV], goejjp and d m ks a ii.jlit in th o public parks , Wild d ee r t ro t a b o u t tho f tre c t ; und.Iio had .ac tu a lly been followed by wild door in £ho s tree ts , n ibb ling m elon rin d 1 o u t of his han'd, a s tam o as calves n n d lam bs on 6ur M ichigan farm s, A dog goos to sleep

■■* in tho busiest streets^ m en tu r« asido so as ._ .not to d istu rb him;- Ono .day" a iw autiful

horon a ligh ted o u ifcho l im b,of a tre o ; 'a n d thb busy, jostling th ro n g stopped. E v e ry inan>

: hand w e n t in t» hia pocket, ju s t a s th ey wouW w ith u s; bu t, instead of b rin g in g o u t a ‘pop-*

. p e r ,1 o u t camo pencil a n d sketch paper. ”—Bos' — ton Budget. s ■ \ '

EITcct o t E ih p ty - A building unoccupiu l fo r « fow luontbs oxorclses a m ost depressing effect .upon the su rround ing p roperty . In fac t, i t m a y ,b o

^ sa id to- east a gloom *over th o e n tire bk&fc.' Tho jHxlestrimi- spea. a b ig iiusineijA’building,

—r-ealI^leeated^iO!,rt;'olTgibly7'idl0- f{!r“iTI0!itlIFir _ and unconsciously m akes up, his m ind th a t

there m u st bd som ething th e m at t e r •vith th o en tire v icinity." L e t a residdnco tu a t is uijder litiga tion rem aiii'c losed ,for a y e a r tmd tho oldv women and nurse g irls, o f tho neigh­borhood announco’ w ith p ro found eonvietion th a t i t iB h au n ted r— I f i t is n .l»uhI 111 1. \ 11 iijse thtUmproRsion' gi-adually provails th a t i t is nnbicky.—S t Louis Glo'i>o-l)omocrnt._____ _

W . L . D O U G L A S m S H O E

$3 8 H O E VF CFO R


l ie s t In t h e w o rld . K x a m ln o li ls^ * rt.OO OB NU IN K I IA N D-HKWK D SH O E .

,1 2 .5 0 K X TBA VAT.UK O A L F ^ H O K .1 5 W O R K IN G M A N 'S 8IIO K . •

5 ^ .00 a n d # 1 .7 5 BOYS’ SCHOOL SH O ES. Fraudulent when my nnVno and prlco aro not stamped Du bottom. W «L*DOUGLAS 1 U ro c k to n . M ass.■ - s ■ . . . r o w S A L E H Y

CHAS. H. PORTER, x A gt;, ASBURY PARK, N, J. 1■ V . v . v': -

Utica Palace King Furnacecannot be excelled.

W. M. Pawley & Co.' Agents for tlio New JerseJVCoait,

166 an d 108 Maih ^ t.,A W U IB Y P A R K , N . J . j

Ixtdiiof Tin, Sheet Metal jaind Fttrnaca Vfotk•---------------------- T " ' - -— - -

Advertising is- tlio best Lu- , bricant for,rusty awl slow-

^m oving business. . Try it.

r r T Z J k , - v x B 7I iS V ; ■

S H Q E SOno pair of • u r ('u'oottj^mitde'Shoes usindly out-. . wear t wo orthve&vpaiv* of t»oft factory shoe?;" -*

7 0 ? O o o k in i in A v i1. , iW L ury | , n r k ,N . ‘ .L

Ih your pull ? . •MnUo- if--’Iv© AdvertisiiiK.

AOTtMCSTS- IffTf- HSHTT "TA t)u o l Ttotwccn Tw o T o m i In t h e r r e t -

onoo o f nn A p p ln u d ln s F em alo .. ’ Levi Rmnlling, a S p rin g Brook hn n to r, r e ­cently w itnessed a rom arkab le flghfc botweon

.tw o malo w ildcats in . th e woods o f t h a t Beo- _tion.-,_ , ‘‘I -was s ti l l -huntlug for- equ Irre ls and

rabb 'tfl,” said M r. Sm allihg, “ w hen I henrd a terrific yowling a n d M a rlin g ddwr\ in tho rav ine from w here I w as tra m p in g th ro u g h tho woods. ' I know a t onco th a t th o noiso

“Wns mailo by w lh lcd ts^fo r I had F icardlliem screajn a t n ig h t m an y a tim o, a n d ray f irst th o u g h ^ w as t h a t a w ildcat liad beon c au g h t h t a tVap^aud wan yelling fjrom pain . I lis-

-tcnetl for a m inute , and thon I ho ard tw o d ls- t ln c t voices. I h u rried to tho brink" o f a ledgo to look dow n in to th o rav in o , a n d on m y w ay it seeinod as though I could hear th reo w ildcats, and T was h o t m ls ta k o n , in, th is , us I soon found out'

“ W hen I g o t .whore I could look dow n I §Aw w h a t a ll tho fuss was nl)out. iI n a n opon spaco tw o ho wild cate woro m ak ln g th e h n ir fly from ono anothpi^s bodies, yolling, sc ra tch ­ing and b itin g , a n d e v e ry now a n d t!i6n

,. tu m b to g o ver each ,dfchor j in d tea rin g u p tho leavoSr On a lim b closo b y to thom sa t a sho wild c a t w ith her b ack hum ped u p , n n d she was s p ittin g a n d sissing an d Urging th o ho ones o u . 1 m ado u p m y m in d r ig h t aw ay th a t tho tw o tom s wero fightirig o v er her, ahd I en joyed th e row . m ore th aii a n y th in g I liad e ver seen in th e wooda W hen tho toms g o t tircnl d f c law ing ono an o th er th ey crouched on tlio ground, a fow feet a p a r t an d lashed th p ir tails dnd howlwl,«while th e . sho ono on. tho liQio k e p t u p a contim m l nolso and liishcd' he r ta il, too. . . .

■ “ A fte r each res tin g spell ttio tom s irushed a t ono a n o th e r agah i, mul Whiio- t h e y wero rip p in g nnd tearing , and leak in g th o blood fly I clam ored down tho ledgo, Stoppinpfevery tlm o thoy stopped for fea r4 thoy m ig h t hear mo and ' Either ru n aw ay o r m ake fo r m e. I t ioemetl to be n ip an d tuck botween them , fo r

' th ey w ero b o th b ig and 6tro n g , iand each^ap- pearixi b e n t on k illing th o o th o r befo re ho' would g ivo up. P w anted to kill tho rn b o th dnd g e t th e ir h ides an d tho bounty money, a n d so 1 w aited foj* a good shot n t them . I hud a chargo o f bucksho t in m y r ig h t b a r­re l an d a b u lle t lii tho loft, a n d m y in ten tion was lo gond tho-buckshot a t thom w hcii niixdd

•up in th o ho x t bouf. ‘ ' ••• j“ T hen tlioy'fiow a t one an o th e r a ga in , b u t

lieforo I could lv ach th o 's p o t th a t I w anted, to g e t to t>eforo I blazed a w a y tho tom s sep­a ra te d onco m ore. B y th is tim o th ey w ero p re t ty woll fo u g h t out, and 'f o r a few m in­utes all they d id was 'to glaro a t ono‘another, sw in g tlio lr tallsfback a h d fo rth nnd howl. The • sho c a t th en sp ran g from h e r lim b to an o th e r branch , g iv in g a- scream as she

• louped, an d in less th an ten seconds th o ho ones dashed t\t each o thor and fo u g h t m o re fu riously thn ii over, filling th o 'w o o d s w jtli th e ir y o w ls .. ' •_

“ Then 1 banged liw ay a t tho heap w ith the chargo of .buckshot. Ono of tho w ildcats leaped in to th o u ir an d fell dow n dond, and th o o th e r w en t how lingj-into tho bushes out o f m y ,sigh t. I saw th a t thero was n o uso of t ry in g to g e t an o th e r sh o t a t h im , nnd I s en t th e b u lle t a t tho sho,one an d knocked h e r off th o lim b. I d id i^ t iitlr from th e sp o t u n til I had chupkcd tt ch arg o in to each b a rrc l, and th en 1 h u rried d ow n to sco if I had killed tho sho one. Sho was d ead enough, I w as g lad to find o u t, an d thon I th o u g h t! w ould search fo r th o livo tom , th ink ing th a t ho m ig h t havo l&cn wouiidcxl''i>y“ oITb of tho buckshot. I found hUn a f te r a l ittlo , a n d I guess ho would havo g iveil m o a p re t ty lively tim o o f i t if tw o o f 'h lsJcg s ' h a d n ’t liec li' broken. ’A s_' i r w as lie showed f ig h t an d , trie d to to a r m y bootleg off, b u t I hud tho a d v a n ta g e . o f’ h im and I sho t h im th ro u g h tho head.”—S cran ton

L ette r. \ ■— ^ ^ — ----------

Tho Iliilld og’H Nobility.Thero is a certa in no b ility a b o u t a bulldog

th a t goes f a r to w ard s concealing h is ugliness., Ono o f th o p rizo w inners has l>een going to,f bench shows fo r tho las t th ir teen y ears, an d ho w as n ev e r k now n to Iwhavo ldm sclf h \ an unscdm iy ina»»iei‘. H o is n s iigly as sin , b u t h is o w n e r thiidcsddurthoH m m lsom est dog- oii e a ith . “ Tlo’s th o host ju d g e of h um an n a tu ro I evor «iw jH'Kiitf he. “ iio knows' aii Ttonetil m an anil a gentlenm n b y instinct. l lo never f righ tened a w om an o r a child , ho n over w ent te a r in g dow n tlio f ro n t w alk a f te r anybody, b u t tho vory looks o f him w ould m ig h ty nigh Rcaro a trn m p to death . W hen a tram p comes to m y houso Iio begins to holler ‘Hello 1’ a m ile *off. Tho .old-dog loves to scare ’em. .B ut ho’a n o t qtiarrolsom d o r fussy.I newer knew h im to ru n u p a n d d o w n a neiglil)or’s palings a f te r th e (logon tho o th e r stdo. ' H e’s al)ovo t h a t ; h u t ho nover dotlged a rcsponsffiiilty; l i e has como in violent I>ersonal Cdiitact with, o th o r dogs a thousand tim es, m oro o r less, a n d ho w as rievor the Ixjttom dog in th o fight. Talk ab o u t, y o u r sheep; I wouldn’t g ive h im fo r a w holo flock. Sheep a rc to e a t and 'W ear; m y dog is a com ­panion an d a friend .” —Now Y o rk T ribune.

■ T h e ir C orner In Lam l. ...I t is n o t so m n n y dozpn years sinco t h f

•fQUWifr o f th o A s to r - fam ily camo to this co u n try ofe ftsm a’11 d e a le r in furs. I l a boui

.land whoro i t could Ikj obtained fo r nlmosl ono of ^ho tunes df on Old "tam bourine, nnd

J ie ld -it-u n tll i t prom istxl-tooinueh-to^bo easily- p a rted with. I ts value g rew n t even a g rea te r ra te th an d id his progeny. Tho d isasters of 183? w ere taken a d v a n ta g e o f b y W illiam B. Astxjr in t h a t m em oraltlo y ea r. Ho bought up rea l esta te a t oxtrpm oly-low prices^ a n d so assiduously devoted his ta le n ts , 't im e and monoy to tho acquisition of land th a t ho had $25,000,000 w o rth of i t to d iv ido a t h is d ea th In ' 1875. This land “co m er," ns i t m ay be called, which each g en era tio n has added to, has ga thered , lus 'tliu ftXod stono is-sa id to g a th e r tho moss, tho a lm ost fabu lous pilo tlia t has m ado :tho . ijam o a n d fam o o f tho fam ily known, in th is lind e v e ry o thor land whore M ammon has his votaries,---New^York Tele­gram . ’

Tho G host Mmto 'E m ' S k ip .A num lxir o f I rw in , P a ., boys wero f r ig h t­

ened alm ost to death b y seeing w h a t th ey do- claro t o . bo a g host n e a r th a ^ to w n th o otlier nigh t. They sa y they ^ iw a w om an ru n n in g along tho to p o f tho b an k and then suddenly ju m p in to tho cu t. A s th e d istanco f ro m the to p of tho c u t to tho bottom is a b o u t th ir ty foot; thoy rushed up, oxpecting to find, the m anglod rem ains of a dead w om an, b u t on a rr iv in g n t tlio sp o t sho lmd m ysteriously disappeared, Thon scaro o fv such ' hugo .di­mensions took possession o f them th a t every onb’a h a t rpso sovoral inches abovd^lda head, apd “ LotegctouterthiH" was' tho c ry , and out thoy d id got, m aking m oro stops to tho m inute nn d few er to th o nillo th an ever w ere m ade tu ‘h a t locality .—C incinnati E nqu irer.

: C onsiderate.. I t m ay havo been ra th e r a p ropensity to

uso big words th a n a desiro to bo considerate JDf.tho feelings o f “ M istah 5^eld” th ^ t caused th e p i 'e s id in g o f l lc c r^ fa -m e c tin g 't i fc o lo rc d peoplo tp riso nnd sa y : • •-■ ■ y *— __

“ I b’liove wo a ro idl heah now b u t Mistali Fiold, en m os4 ob y o ' a ro cognizant ob do fao ’ dat M istah Field a ro dotaincd by c e rta in lim ­ita tio n s ' n o t •fo’coon b y h im whon he-w aa app’i n te d a inom bah ob d ls committed,'” "

w r ' ‘ * ........................- •


ARTESIAN ^EE,L■ —^ a n d -*—

CONSTRUCTION ^OMRAIMf.Contracts to drill wolln,- erect brldgos, bulk­

heads and plors. Pillmr by hydmnllo proce’ss. .(;pitespondenea sol Jolted for.estimates.'

.. . . D A M I E X , n . K E L t Y ,‘ - ,• i^Knglnew and J^uporIntelidont.

• -713 M attison aveuuo, Aflbury Park.

T O F S O I L ,C o r i i w o o U . a m i K l r e w o o i l

' F O | t 6 A Z . B ,Interlaken. A puly lo w

ItOBKUT Pfil’EBS, Bell dottnge. Blatttson avenue, Aebiiry 1’ark ,

o r on tho property. > : . . ....

PHE ASBURYPARKPRINnNGTlODSElB THK lAiseot and best equipped ln the Opxm^y.


I E E C H A H T S- O F -

NEW JERSEY,are offering great'Bargains in all Departments, to reduce .their large stock. Half kn hour’s inspection "will sho you how you can save man dollars.' : HandSbine and useful ar­ticles are presented to every parcliaser of Shoes.-

STEINBAGH BROS*,Wooden Building, Hear the Lake.


| o h a n y n n d e v e ry p v u -

pos that may he re­quired—from a visaing .card to a newspaper or a 300'page book.

P r e m iu m s h a v e b e e n a w a r d e d fo r o u r e x c e l le n t w o rk . 1 \

* A nbury P n rk PriU tnig I 'lo u se , *

718 Mattison A venue, opposite Bank.

F O R S A L E .

T h e D ally I to u tln o o f H o m e Llfo o f III«_ intantllo^M fljra 'ty .

Tho oxcoodlngly b lue b looded littlo gentlo- m an w ho was b o rn k ing o f Spain rojoloos in

t o nam es in ^ ld itio n , to th e A lfonso by .w hich ho is to bo know n in h istory . H o is , m o reo v e rrth o “ well bolovod eon” Cf tho R om an pontiff, tho “ b ro th e r” d f a ll w earers of crow ns; the cousin o f th o S p an ­ish grandocs; h is ii/otHefv tho quoon re g e n t ,, speaks o f h im sim plyv y o t ten d e rly , as ‘ ‘ th e c h i l i ” AlfonsfiTXill is im ox^oodingly hand- somo littlo fo ll/w , ■vi'lth blond Imfr which, falls in boau tlfu l orfrls u pon his shoultlors,. H o ia a ll gayoty,- l ig n t heartodttoss and smiled. His joyous l it tlo n m jes ty gives no th o u g lit.tO his exalted pfl0ltloV a£‘4 U $ « ^ ^ Horeigns b u t d o ^ no^ govorn, leav ing to his m o th er tho caro of signing o v orV day g roatr bundles of docrem and appohitnum te. - A iid ^Vhen n unlform ou m inister condos V rom the quoon’H cham ber, ca rry in g u nder lift a rm a portfo lio stuffed w ith papors w hich havo caused discussions, in trigues a n d grcaK politi­c a l debates, h is m ajes ty , from h is nurse’s arm s, smilos * upon h im aa though to \s a y , * W h a t has a ll th a t to do w ith moF’

K ing B aby a lread y "on jbys th o glories ol m ilita ry a n d Civil household. Tho genei

, an d aides-de-camp-’ of u tlio la tq K in g Alfoi a ro a ttach ed to tho servico o f tho quoon j ' butN technically th o y form his m ajosty’s m il ita ry household, Tho civ il cstttbllshifteht consists, of thp govorflbss, Mmo. Tacon, who hold thb sam e position to w ards ' th o lato k ing ; th e doctors who aro a ttach ed exclusively tq. tho ro y al person, tw o o r throo m a jo r dornos, a lad y of honor, a n d sovoral pagos,‘footm en, an d servants. Tho fam ous m ontoros o f

w Esjiinbsa w atch over th e k in g 's sloop in an * Sf‘i ,ft*’tm en t ad jo in in g tho rp y a l bod cham bcit ' ^ u a o littlo m onarch’s lifo is siiriplo. H o rises

- a t ; ,a p o arly h o u r, is bathed , dressed, and ;bfmdod o v er to th o w ot nursev w ho in ad ­d ition to tj ie som i-m aternal duties w hich th ere la n o -lo n g er “an y npcessity t h a t sho should fulfill, takes h im o u t fo r nlringa and bears him in h e r a rm s a t sta te coremonlos. Tho ndrso, R aym unda , a t n ig h t occupics n bod by tho sido of* tho ro y a l c rib . DirectlyH he k ing is dressed ho is tak en to his m other,- w ho im patio iitly aw aits his a rr iv a l. • Ho is somo- tlrntS present- a t tlio e ^ r y ind rd lhg aud i­ences to m inisters an d m em bers o f th o roynl fam ily. Hia fav o rite amiisom ont wliUo Quocn C h ristin a is th u s occupiod.is to s tru m Upon tho tab lo w ith his chubby littlo fingers. R ay m u n d a is a f a ith fu l c rea tu re .-an d is al­m ost as fond o f h o r c h a rg o ns th o queen her- self. ’

U pon ono occasion a g ro a t h idy wished to apo th o king, nnd tho queen accom panied her to tho .y o u n g ste r’s ^apartm en ts; b u t Ray m unda b a rre d th o w ay. . “ Y ou c a n ’t come in,” unto h e r perem ptory rep ly ; “ho is asleep.” A nd tho qucon and tho duchess retiro d smiling.

W hen the w catlior is flno th o jd n g drives outr. N a tu ra lly ho iiosacssesliis o“wn carriage^: w ith au e q u e rry w ho gallops b rav e ly b y its sido and form s tho only escort: Ho dines alono a t a woll garn ished tablo. K in g Baby has o nly one tro u b le in lifo, _ I t is a troub le which m ig h t d rivo Bomo gro w n u p people to m adnoss; b u t, s ince ho is e n tire ly unconscious o f i t, It does n o t w o rry him m uch: T he pho­to g rap h er is alw ays on th e lookout fo r him Scarcoly a week has passed slnco ho w as born, w lth o u t’a dom and from somo -fresli-.phbtdg-

jra p b e r toi bo allow ed to tako h is p o rtra it , llo bos l>oen photographed steuiding, s it tin g , in his m other’s a rm s, upon .her lap o r holding her by tho hand , w ith h is h a t o n and h is hat_ off, full face, profile, an d , in sh o rt, j n oy<3ry~ p d ^ bio position." I t is th o amTiltion o f »-very' Alndrid p h o tographer to possess a n eg a tiv e of th o king, siuCo his p o r tra its sell b y thousand* n o t m erely ip Spain, b u t in m o st civilized countries.—S t. Jam es’ Gazotto.

North Spring Sjike,(Known f^>ts Nos -20^and ttl,)

Situated wifhln iro feet of Ocean avonuo and wltlitn 100 yards of the surf.

Tho plot has a frontauo of tOflfeeton BrlKhton avenno and 1 he eaat lino Is iKH fiiet iirrt«*pth. On the bloek adJoltUng the largo Hotel Wllbtirton. Ju8tthoj>hu;o for a fino Hummer rosidenee, with plenty or room f<jr stiiblo und carriage houso.

Antl-llquor and antl-nnl»anco clausob' In all doeds iu the neighborhood.

Tlio plot will bo sold a t a reasonablo•figuro) as tho owners*' residence and Interests a rc elso- whcro. . .

I n ttu ire d f . '_ T_ „ ", r _ living p rinc ipally on monkoO . H . B r o w n \ V . I I . l o t t C T ’/ * Z i$ ca teh them w hen th ey can ; b u t usually



(EtftnbllMtied ln Sew l(ork 1861.)



BiR Df t '

,Asi)iirtPark,N.J.B e s t ^ C s a - t s

Finest Poultry.Sm oked Meats.

Superior Corned Beef,From Selected Stock, Artesian W ater and Pure ..........Plcklinrf M aterials— .v —r— —


V e g e ta b le s a n d 'F r o i t s” Fresh Dafry froni Monmouth" County"

• Farms.

C&NHKO VKGETABiEft, **. v.:...d u m e r t F K v i m

PLIIM PlTpi))50, An.

A satlsfaetdry place to deal, w hore everythin* sold, is gnanw teed to be the best in th o markbt.

Telephone connoctlons with Park and Grove. •

r7 JA M E S H. BIRD.

Granite and M arbli MonnmOuts T^iidistono.H, and all Cemetery WOrk. Call a t o u r Bhow-room and soO'samples, oi'u», * 0 . We cun' suit in qual­ity and price. . G E N U N G A C O i

. •. " 710 Mattison avo...Asbury J ’a rk , N. J, — -----------• •>

Ashury Park Printihg fiouse.Kewest dwlgna o f typo 5 iatest impjoved 1 2 a1

iStlhcry; BkUhjd workmen ;5 oveiy dcscrlhtion of p rin ting ; estimates given. Special premiums ft om the County Fair for flue printing.

. Roping a |Joa, v.A fter a b o u t a u h our o f craw ling, an d push­

ing through, our men" suddenly st^pjxsl an d began to p o in t ahead , ch a tto rirtg an d gesticu­lating. Looking tho w ay tlioy pointed, Wosdw iu tv tree ai\ immonso tx>a constric to r w aving’ his head t o / u i i j f t t t t t c s r l u R 'in^rtlio-suiir—M y -frio n d -so id t—‘'Q e t- f ia c k rquick, ho is p roparing to jum p Ip and w o did

'RfOifftisE'criRRSl bl & A f h |fnW w moments tlio M alays cautiously advanced With a lasso, which by a dexterous th row cau g h t tho suako a round tho n cck .an d jum p- ’ing behind a troo th ey tigh tened i t on him. Ho t\mi&iod nnd puUed, und i t wns a ll tho four M alays could do to koop from being draw n near onough fo r him to crush them , and onco or tw ice i t soemod a s though ho w ould get thom. ' ' __ _ . * ’

W o could havo sho t h im a t first,^lm t'tH 6y ’ w anted to cap tu re him alive. A fte r a whiio, b y pulling n n d choking him , th ey m ado Idin givo up and pulled him d o tfn from tho treo. Ho was a big follow, tw o n ty fee t long a n d v e ry largo around . Tlioy havo g ro a t streng th , a m P th is ono I was assured could swnllow a goa t o r a culf Ho m us looking probably fo r leopards t h a t nro p len ty th e re ,1 living p rinc ipally on monkoys, an d tbo snakes

tho m onkey is cloyoror th an tho snake. T hey sometimos ga th o r in big bands a n d c lu b tho

sboas i o death.: Thp M alays mq4o a cago v ery q u ick ly , c u t­

tin g lengths o f bam boo and n o tch in g them togother, in to which th ey p u t tho snnko, an d sw inging i t on tw o poles m arcbod off w ith i t 'on tho ir shoulders.—F o re st an d S tream ,

Headache | Roll of.__Tho ed ito r o f a m edical jo u rn a l claim s th a tho has used a c e rta in tre a tm e n t fo r hoadneho fo r a y e a r o r bo w ith rem ark ab le success. I t is a solution of tho blsiilphldo of carbon , tw o or threo dram s o f w hich a ro poured on a spongo placed in a wido m outhod, glass stop- perod bottle. W hon occasion fo r its uso o c­curs tho m outh of th a b o tt lo Is t o bo applied tp tho tolnplo, o r as n o a r as possible to tho ls e a t o f pain , so closoly th a t nono of th o vola- tilo yap<ir m ay escapo,. an d ro ta incd t^ietft fo u r o r flvo m inutes o r longor. I t hm y be roappliod aovorol tim es d u rin g tlio d ay ^ a rid i t generally ac ta liktj m agic, g iv ing immo- diato roUef. N orvous headaches a re thp ones to w hlcli i t is especially adapted. N euralg ic , pcriodio a n d h ysterical headaches, an d ovon m any k inds Of dyspoptic headaches a ro a l ­m ost in v ariab ly rolievcd by it. B u t It m u s t’ bo understood th a t tfco rem edy is fo r tlio symptoma and n o t tho cause, th o th eo ry being t h a t tho vapor boing absorbed th ro u g h

.'thd sk in producos a sedatlvo effect upPn the superficial norvos of tho p a r ts to which i t is- applied.—Good Housokooplngv -

-------------- r ■r The Faahionnble Wood. ‘ i--

Oak flnishod ontiquo^will l>o as m uch Usod. ns over In tho m an u fac tu re o f fu rn itu ro nox^ year.- I t ia tho m ost popu lar of a ll thd woods/ an d tho dom and fo r i t is s teady, a n d no signs Of a chango in ''p o p u la r fav o r a ro a p p a rc n t. .W alnut is now horo in th o rac e w lth o ak fo r

byopularity, tdid fu rn itu ro ' df t l ia t r ichest o f all m ate ria ls , especially fo r th o b d h oom, •* boudoir and d in ing room , r e mu bis in- t h o

>ma-uncnllcd ftH~-nnd in> io -dqm aiH l.- M ahbgany is used now , as i t a lw ay s w as au d w ill bo, fo r tho finest $oods, an d c h e rry tjikes a h igh r a n k , b u t oak s tands f irs t in fa v o r an d w ill continuo iu tho f ro n t r a n k f o r nupthai-

Treafeat least, a n d p robab ly m uch longer^ tts-j rth'oro is n o th ing to tako its place. F o r tho- shoapor g rades o f fumifcuh3, nHh, m aplo, birch an d these wooda, With various sUiiua und finishes, continuo, ns th ey a lw a y s 'w ill, in fav o r,—Scientific Am erican. , i ;

Crawford’s . Falaet of Music,th e leading muslcistore of tho Atlantlo coaab

U ; j - U 5 M a in l it . 'rA N b H ry l * a r | t , lVr J .{widto'u n^vLbrlck building.) Bohr Bros, A Co-% MathushoU. Sterling and MeEwen Pianos. Wlb cox & White and Sterling Organs. Musical In­strum ents, muslo books, sheet music. Piano, organ and table covers. ^Scarfs, stools, nud sew-

.o r eale^caHh o r on instalments. Kopulrt madoto pianos, organs and sewing maohlnos.__ v .



251 Pearl Street, near Fulton Street, New /ork,, Havo occupied tho samo building m ore tha.n a q uarter of a century. Thoir goods a ru shipped to all p arts pf.tlio United S ta te s ,....




ENTIRELY RE-ARRAHCED.* “v-. . Tho Flnost Stook of

IbwfiimiBliag GoodsV J ; to be found on the New Jersey Coast.

Newest Designs in Furniture.. ANTIQUE OAK

ID Bedroora Salts, Sfds Boards.. Gbairs, Tafelas, Etc.

C arp e ts , M atting* ,’K oed a n d I ta th m G oods,

' ' ■’ B E D D S N b J 'S ilv erw are , X<ampa's S toves.

All the NoVeltlefl in ^ , "7’

-Frciiobj^B olieiiiian an d -D o - jn e s tlc G lass.

F o ro lg iia n d D o m estic C hina ‘ a iid T ab le JpfajKO. , *. ‘

Goods delivered In Asbury Tark and Ocoan . •' - Grove. ’ • ' ,

01i?ir H. Irows, Sprisg Lake, S. J.

Highest degrco of quality-insures lowestjcost and best work.

Tho price per gallon higher, but quantity need* d Is less than if any othor paints wore used.Any building that is not satisfluitorlly painted

with It, or upon which its use bus not costless than 1 Pother paints had been used, w ill b c t f ip n iu t* .C d n to n r c x p e n H O .____

1 FOR BALE BY ’ . . .W . X*. ^ .T I C I I s f S O lN r ,

, ■ - Dealer iu „ ; ___P a i n t s , - :0 il8 r V a t n i 8 h e 8 r G l a 9»r & O 7;

Artlflta’ Tubo Colors; Brushes, Wall Paper. n.o. 200 B o n d s t r e e t ,

Established 1864) , Asbury Park, N. J,

- JAMES ii.


Upholstering in nil its bmnehcfl carriod on also a fivll iine>of Picture Frames aud HouldinRfl kept constantly oil hand. Wiml6w Cornices of all descriptions.

Ivihg had several years’exnerienco In the undertaking buslness.ln Asbnry Park an d vicinity com petent to give satisfaction to a ll ' who.may favor mo w ith tholr patrtmago.

TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS with principal hotels and stores Is Parle and^Grbyo._ ^ * S v ir f io e l con

Office opon day and night. XE. S E X T O K f .

BOILD YOUR HOUSES WITH GOOD LUMBERA n d th e y w ill la s t a lo n g tim e

Ond o f tho best .places to>find an assortm ent o f FfRST-CLAHS ilUlLDING MATERIAL, is a t tho old established business placo of

N. E. BUCHANON & GO.,^ S o u th w e s t com or of Main street and Asbury ayonno,

. 11 ABburjf P a r k , N ow J e r s e y .

Thoiisands of customors who havo patronized-this houso, can testify that, thore fs no better place to purchase everything which enters Into tho construction of a coltftge.ora palaeo. d o m e along with your ordew for . . ‘ - _____ ' .j j j —

l v M b e r ,PLANTER,O IL ,

L IM E , l .A T II ,< K M K N T . I IA I I I .T U R P E N T IN E ,

I IA Itl> W A ^ tE , V A R N IN H , .

.E T C ., K TC.

And everything to complole ypnr honso. ' Satlafactlon gnarantocd to all enstomors. J ; .. .

.... .......................................................................................................j w rA ,..t e t —

G. J . SCHANGK & S0N , ■Successor's to F R E D

Awlmr.v Ave. and M nin St., A-slmry-Parb^ AJ.«!•.BRANCH OFFJCEft-^MllairRoss’s, 120 Cookman avehue, Asbury Park, and G. W. Martin’s, Pilgrim

' Pathway. Ocean Groyo. whertf a ll ordera.received wlll bo promptly filled- v. 1


Manufhoturora and Dealers hi_s^Hiran,chos of.'

M a i n S t r e e t , M u n r o e ' A v e n u e a nil. R a i l r o a d ,

Window Frames. Nanli: BlIndH, DoiirN, BfonldlngN; llr»eke<« niui^Cnrwd W ork Hard nud Npit Wood JlnnteiN. Tami»ifr hnil Scroll Sawing 1* Npo .

' elqHy. DcsIkoh anti yrlcm »'urnlHlio*I on ApnMcmton.