Behavioral animation CSE 3541 Matt Boggus

Behavioral animation CSE 3541 Matt Boggus. Material recap and trajectory Geometric – Artist specifies translation and rotation over time Physically based

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Page 1: Behavioral animation CSE 3541 Matt Boggus. Material recap and trajectory Geometric – Artist specifies translation and rotation over time Physically based

Behavioral animation

CSE 3541Matt Boggus

Page 2: Behavioral animation CSE 3541 Matt Boggus. Material recap and trajectory Geometric – Artist specifies translation and rotation over time Physically based

Material recap and trajectory

• Geometric– Artist specifies translation and rotation over time

• Physically based– Artist specifies forces acting on objects– Motion equations dictate movement

• Behavioral– Artist directs autonomous agents

• Interpolation– Artist draws the scene at the beginning and end of a an

interval of time– Intermediate positions are calculated

Page 3: Behavioral animation CSE 3541 Matt Boggus. Material recap and trajectory Geometric – Artist specifies translation and rotation over time Physically based

Behavioral Animation

• Control the motion of one or more objects using virtual actors

• Goal: realistic or believable motion so that the object appears to be autonomous

• Matt Lewis’ page on BA http://accad.osu.edu/~mlewis/Class/behavior.html

Page 4: Behavioral animation CSE 3541 Matt Boggus. Material recap and trajectory Geometric – Artist specifies translation and rotation over time Physically based

Behavioral animation

• Character or object motion based on:

– Knowledge of the environment– Aggregate behavior– Primitive behavior– Intelligent behavior– Crowd management

Page 5: Behavioral animation CSE 3541 Matt Boggus. Material recap and trajectory Geometric – Artist specifies translation and rotation over time Physically based

Actor properties (position only)

Position (x, y)

Goal (xg, yg)

V = Goal - Position

Next Position = Position + V * dt

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Actor properties (position and orientation)

Position (x, y)

Goal (xg, yg)

Vtarget = Goal - Position

Orientation (ox, oy) = transform.forward


In Unity, you can use RotateTowards()

Rotate(-θ)Determine which rotation (±θ) orients the actor closer to the goal using dot product

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Sample codeclass OrientedAgent2D {

// DataVector3 position;GameObject model; // Use this for geometry and orientation

// MethodsUpdate(float deltaTime);TurnLeft();TurnRight();MoveForward();MoveBackward();


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Knowing the environment

•Vision and other senses– Information available now

•Memory– Information stored from the past

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•General vision– What can the actor see? – What is everything in sight now?•Targeted vision– Can the actor see object X?

• Computation vs. accuracy– How much of an object needs to be seen to be

identified?– Do we need to model visual perception?

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Everything in the scene is known

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Field of view

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Field of view – example

Orientation Vector (O)

Vector from agent to vertex (V)

Inside the cone when the angle between O and V is less then or equal to θ/2

Angle of cone = θ

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Field of view – sample code

Vector3 agentPosition, orientation, objectPosition;float visionLimit;

Vector3 agentToVertex = objectPosition – agentPosition;

agentToVertex.Normalize();if(Vector3.Dot(agentToVertex,orientation) > visionLimit)

// agent can see object

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Occluded Vision

Ray casting with collision detectionSample the environment

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Target-testing vision (per object)

Can the actor see X?Cast a ray

How well can the actor see X?Use multiple rays

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Target-testing vision (alternative)Sample the vision cone

Cast multiple rays

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Lab4 – predator-prey simulation

•Unbalanced abilities– Vision

• Distance• Field of view

– Linear speed (moving forward)– Angular or rotational speed (turning)

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Spatial Occupancy

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Other senses


•Sensors & signal propagation•Spatial occupancy approach•Applications

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•What is recorded about the environment

•Spatial occupancy

•Transience of objects: time-stamps

•Memory hierarchy: short-term, long-term

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Spatial Occupancy






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Aggregate Behavior:Emergent Behavior

Type Elements Physics



Particles 102-104 Much/none None

Flocking 101-103 Some/some Limited

Crowds 101-102 Little/much Little-much

Typical qualities

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Emergent behavior

• Complex systems and patterns arising out of simple rules

• Aints – AI ants http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsqsZCH36Hk

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Predator Prey vision anatomy

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Prey-Predator (vision)

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Prey-Predator (movement – speed and turning)

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Motion – force based

Apply a force on the predator towards the prey when in view

Force = c * posprey - pospred

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Motion – kinematic based

Determine the closest prey in view then turn towards it and increase forward velocity


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Prey-Predator – environment forces

Using pure forcesMay not prevent object penetrationPrey can be ‘hidden’ by environmental repulsive forces

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Flocking, Swarming, Flying


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Local control

Rules defined to stay with friends, but avoid bumping into each other

Need additional rules for collision avoidance with obstacles

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Local information

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Other flocking issues•Global control– script flock leader– global migratory urge

•Negotiating the motion– Separation, alignment, and cohesion may compete/contradict

•Collision avoidance– Once an object is in sight, start steering to avoid

•Splitting and rejoining (difficult)– Collision avoidance too strong – flock may never rejoin after split– Flock membership too strong – flock does not split and formation changes

•Modeling flight

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Negotiating the motion

ForcesOr “Reasoning”(e.g. rule-based)

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Navigating obstacles

Problems with repulsive forces

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Navigating using bounding sphere

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NavigatingTesting for being on a collision path with

(bounding) sphere








Given: P, V, C, r

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Finding closest non-colliding point























Calculate s,t

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Modeling flight – common in flocking

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Modeling flight

Geometric flight – dynamic, incremental rigid transformation of an object moving along a tangent to a three dimensional curve

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Modeling Flight – Lift

Air passing above wing most travel longer than air below it. Less pressure above wing = lift

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Modeling Flight – turn by rolling

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Modeling Flight – summary

• Turning is effected by horizontal lift

• Increasing pitch increases drag

• Increasing speed increases lift