Behavioral Changes for Energy Saving

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  • 8/14/2019 Behavioral Changes for Energy Saving



    ListThe MostEffective Actions

    U.S. HouseholdsCan Take to CurbClimate ChangeBy Gerald T. Gardner and Paul C. Stern

  • 8/14/2019 Behavioral Changes for Energy Saving


    The U.S. Congress,

  • 8/14/2019 Behavioral Changes for Energy Saving


    Potential savings of this magnitude

    have existed for at least three decades.4

    It is therefore reasonable to ask why the

    potential remains largely unfulfilled and

    what can be done to achieve it. Lack of

    financial incentives may be one answer,

    but as the analysis in this article shows,

    much of the unfulfilled potential for

    reduction is achievable at low-, no-, or

    negative-cost. Other partial explanations

    include difficulties in financing expen-

    sive home retrofits, limited ability of

    renters to change energy use in owners

    buildings, and the average householders

    limited amount of time and attention.5

    All these explanations are important and

    deserve policy attention if potential sav-

    ings are to be realized.

    Perhaps crucially, however, house-

    holds lack accurate, accessible, and

    actionable information on how best to

    achieve potential savings through their

    own steps. From a householders per-

    spective, a desire to reduce carbon

    emissions, even combined with knowl-

    edge that doing so has net financial and

    environmental benefits, is insufficient

    to yield effective action unless that per-

    son knows which actions will produce

    the benefits. Available evidence indi-

    cates that although many householders

    are motivated, they lack the necessary

    knowledge to act. Moreover, their beliefs

    about which actions are most beneficial

    are often mistaken, and the most readily

    available sources of behavioral advice

    are not helpful.

    When strategies are proposed for

    households, they often appear in laundry

    list format, giving little or no priority to

    effectiveness. It is easy for households

    that want to cope with rising gasoline

    prices and heating and cooling bills to

    respond by taking small actions under the

    impression they are saving energy, while

    they are actually making a negligible dent

    in their personal energy consumption.

    What are the most effective actions that

    households can take to save energy, and

    how can policymakers at all levels help

    households achieve these savings?

    eliefs about Climate Changeand Energy Conservation

    Research on public attitudes and opin-

    ion on climate change and energy con-

    servation indicates that a near-majority

    r majority of Americans believe that

    limate change is real, that it is caused

    by human action, that reduced energy use

    is part of the solution, and that personal

    actions can contribute to reducing climate

    hange. In early 2008, majorities report-

    d that they are using less energy at home

    and buying energy-efficient appliances,

    and a near majority reported using less

    asoline.6 Thus, most U.S. residents want

    to make behavioral changes that reduce

    their greenhouse gas emissions and many

    believe they are doing so.

    he most extensive research on what

    onsumers believe about the energy-

    saving potential of household actions was

    onducted around the energy crises of the

    late 1970s and early 1980s. For example,

    a team at Michigan State University asked

    00 randomly selected Michigan residents

    how much they paid per year in home ener-

    y bills, which actions could save on these

    osts, and how much they believed they

    ould save by each action.7 Their responses

    were compared with the estimates of home

    nergy specialists. Householder and expert

    stimates often diverged, sometimes by

    a factor of four. Householders empha-

    sized highly visible actions that can reduce

    nergy use if repeated regularly, such as

    lowering winter thermostat settings and

    turning off lights, and they overestimated

    the potential energy savings from these

    actions. Respondents were far less likely

    to name actions with higher energy-saving

    potential but low visibility, such as install-

    ing storm windows, and they underestimat-

    d how much energy these actions could

    save. Average householders saw most of

    the potential for energy savings in curtail-

    entcutting back on normal and desired

    activitieswhereas the energy experts saw

    the greatest potential in efficiencyinvest-

    ing in home equipment that lowers energy

    osts without sacrificing desired energy

    services. Comparable recent data are not

    available, though some researchers are

    beginning to revisit the topic.8

    Much in the political culture has rein-

    forced the equation of energy conserva-

    tion and sacrifice. During the energy cri-

    sis of the late 1970s, President Jimmy

    arterwho took energy efficiency seri-

    Households lack accurate and

    actionable information on

    how best to achieve potential

    energy savings.



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    uslyonce appeared on national televi-

    sion calling for energy conservation while

    seated in a sweater by a fireplace. President

    Ronald Reagan was widely quoted as say-

    ing, Energy conservation means being

    too cold in the winter and too warm in

    the summer!9 Similarly, Vice President

    Dick Cheney belittled energy conservation,

    saying that Conservation may be a sign

    f personal virtue, but it is not a sufficient

    basis for . . . energy policy.10

    Available Information:Mixed Signals

    The media information most readily

    available to the American public today

    oes little to counteract the idea that

    saving energy is mainly about curtail-

    ment. Further, this information is not in

    a form that is likely to lead to action. For

    xample, Al Gores well-known movie

    An Inconvenient Truth emphasizes the

    seriousness of the global climate crisis,

    argues that it can be solved with present

    and foreseeable technology, and says that

    all citizens can play a meaningful role in

    the solution. But it does not offer more.

    The film spent only its last few minutes

    n mainly technological solutions. Spe-

    ific individual and household actions

    appeared only briefly, superimposed on

    the credits at the end of the film. Given

    interest-driven campaigns to minimize

    the threat, messages about the serious-

    ness of the problem may be important to

    motivate people to act rather than deny

    the threat, but such messages have a

    poor track record of producing measur-

    able behavioral change by themselves.11

    The public needs more direct and coher-

    nt advice concerning household and indi-

    vidual actions. The demand for such advice

    is commonplace and appears to be increas-

    ing. We see the following anecdote repli-

    ated often: British Prime Minister Gordon

    Brown commented in an interview during

    the Live Earth Concert in July 2007, Peo-

    ple are asking, What can I do? When I

    o [a]round the country and I meet people,

    they say to me, Look, if we knew what we

    ould do to make a difference to helping the

    planet, then we would do it.12

    An informal survey of books and arti-

    les that offer individual advice shows

    that it is usually offered in forms that

    are unlikely to lead to effective action.

    Most typical are long and unranked lists

    f recommended actions. For example,

    The Live Earth Global Warming Sur-

    vival Handbook13 the 160-page official

    ompanion to the Live Earth Concerts,

    ffers 77 essential skills to stop climate

    hange in a rather complex and unranked

    format. Similarly, a Time magazine cover

    story in April 2007,14 reviews 51 Things

    We Can Do to Save the Environment.

    he 51 things, which range from chang-

    ing light bulbs to compact fluorescents

    (CFL) to ditching your mansion for a

    smaller house, are not ordered by impact.

    here are many other such examples.15

    When people are faced with a laundry

    list of advice, they may feel confused and

    verwhelmed, and consequently take no

    action, or they may carry out one or two

    actionsprobably the easiest to remember

    and perform. However, the behaviors that

    are easiest to remember and perform, for

    xample, turning out lights when leaving

    rooms, tend to have minimal impact on cli-

    ate change. Thus, long and unranked lists

    f behaviors are likely to be ineffective at

    best and may even be counterproductive, if

    they lead people to feel satisfied that they

    have done their part after accomplishing

    very little.

    Moreover, the advice often reinforces

    householders misconceptions about how

    uch impact their actions are having

    n the environment instead of counter-

    ing them. Only three of the 77 essen-

    tial skills to stop climate change in The

    Live Earth Global Warming Survival

    Handbook involve efficiency-increasing

    actions (essential skill #3: changing from

    incandescent to CFL light bulbs; essential

    skill #6: Green Your Ride, which includes

    keeping your tires properly inflated; and

    ssential skill #14: Green Your Home,

    which includes installing or upgrading insu-

    lation and buying Energy Star appliances).

    he reader can judge the appropriateness

    f the remaining essential skills, includ-

    ing, compost your kitchen waste using

    worms (#13), build a bat house (#44),

    and if all else failsbuy a camel (#68).

    Similarly, only five of Times 51 things

    (change your light bulbs; ask the experts for

    an energy audit of your home; check the

    label; cozy up to your water heater; and

    Advice often reinforces

    householders misconceptions

    about how much impact their

    actions have on the environment.

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  • 8/14/2019 Behavioral Changes for Energy Saving



    Energy Consumption

    by End Use

    Table 1 on page 16 shows the estimat-

    d percentage of total energy consumed

    by American individuals and house-

    holds for different end uses in 2005,

    ivided into travel and in-home sectors.

    End uses are ranked within the sectors

    from most to least energy-consuming.

    The majority of energy is consumed

    for only two purposes: to run private

    motor vehicles and to heat and cool

    homes. Relatively little energy is used

    for cooking and running computers and

    ishwashers. This contrast draws imme-

    iate attention to private motor vehicles,

    space conditioning, and a few other end

    uses like water heating and lighting;

    households can have the greatest impact

    by saving energy in these areas, both in

    terms of overall energy use and in reduc-

    ing carbon emissions.

    Conservation Potential of 27

    Different Actions

    Table 2 on pages 1819 presents the

    nergy-saving potential of 27 different

    actions individuals and/or households can

    take. The actions were drawn from a survey

    f popular guides mentioned above, includ-

    ingAn Inconvenient Truth, as well as gov-

    rnment Web sites and other scientific and

    technical sources. Within end uses, conser-

    vation actions are ordered from greatest to

    least conservation potential.

    The actions in Table 2 are divided

    into two general categories. Actions in

    the left column involve curtailing the

    use of existing energy equipment, that

    is, using equipment less frequently or

    intensively (for example, cutting motor

    vehicle highway speeds from 70 to 60

    miles-per-hour). Actions in the right

    olumn involve adopting more energy-

    fficient equipment or installing or

    maintaining efficiency-boosting modi-

    fications to existing energy equipment

    (for example, buying a more fuel-

    fficient motor vehicle and keeping

    nes motor vehicle in tune and its tires

    orrectly inflated).

    As noted at the bottom of Table 2, the

    stimates are for individuals or house-

    holds that have not already taken the

    actions. Therefore, they should be inter-

    preted as in the following example: If

    a household now lacks adequate attic

    insulation, then up to 7 percent of total

    household energy consumption can be

    saved by upgrading the attic insulation.

    Efficiency versus Curtailment

    A comparison of energy saved by

    urtailment and by increased efficiency in

    able 2 reveals that efficiency-improving

    actions generally save more energyand

    reduce carbon emissions morethan

    urtailing use of intrinsically inefficient

    quipment. For example, buying and

    maintaining a highly fuel-efficient vehicle

    saves more energy than carpooling to

    work with another person, lowering top

    highway speeds, consolidating shopping

    r errand trips, and altering driving habits

    in an existing gasoline-inefficient motor

    vehicle. This general finding challenges

    the belief that energy savings entail

    urtailment and sacrifice of amenities.

    Not only is efficiency generally more

    ffective than curtailment, but it has

    the important psychological advantage

    f requiring only one or a few actions.

    urtailment actions must be repeated

    ontinuously over time to achieve their

    ptimal effect, whereas efficiency-

    boosting actions, taken infrequently

    r only once, have lasting effects with

    little need for continuing attention and

    ffort. For example, carpooling requires

    a separate action for every trip, but

    replacing a low-fuel economy vehicle

    with a fuel-efficient one saves energy

    automatically on every trip. Replacing an

    inefficient furnace with a highly efficient

    ne saves energy for its useful life, while

    turning down the thermostat at night

    requires establishing a new behavioral

    habit or purchasing and learning to

    perate a programmable thermostat.

    Most efficiency-increasing actions

    require a purchase, offsetting their advan-

    tage of simplicity, whereas most curtailment

    actions have no financial cost. Although

    nergy-efficient equipment often provides

    a good financial return on the initial cost,

    few people compare the return on energy

    fficiency with the returns from a savings

    Messages about the seriousness ofglobal warming have a poor track

    record of producing measurable

    behavioral change by themselves.

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    Table 2. Estimated percentage of total U.S. individual/household energy consumption

    that can be saved by 27 actions, by action type, 2005

    Curtailment Energy saved (percent) Increased efficiency Energy saved (percent)


    Motor vehicle use

    Carpool to work with one otherperson

    Up to 4.2 Buy a more fuel-efficientutomobile (30.7 vs. 20 mpg

    EPA average-adjustedcomposite)


    Alter driving (avoid suddenacceleration and stops)

    Up to 3.2 Get frequent tune-ups,including air filter changes


    Combine errand trips to one-half of current mileage

    Up to 2.7 Buy low-rolling resistance tires .5

    Cut highway speed from 70 to60 mph

    Up to 2.4 Maintain correct tire pressure .2

    Inside the home

    Heating and airconditioning

    Heat: Turn down thermostat from72 F to 68 F during the dayand to 65 F during the night

    2.8 Heat: Install/upgrade atticinsulation and ventilation1

    Up to 5.0

    A/C: Turn up thermostat from73 F to 78 F

    0.6 A/C: Install/upgrade atticinsulation and ventilation1

    Up to 2.0

    Subtotal 3.4 Up to 7

    Heat: Install a more efficientheating unit (92 percentefficient)


    A/C: Install a more efficient

    A/C unit (SEER 13 or EER 12)


    Subtotal 5.1

    Heat: Replace poor windowswith high-efficiency windows

    Up to 2.8

    A/C: Replace poor windowswith high-efficiency windows

    Up to 0.9

    Subtotal Up to 3.7

    Heat: Caulk/weather-strip home Up to 1.9

    A/C: Caulk/weather-strip home p to 0.6

    Subtotal Up to 2.5

    Space conditioning subtotal Up to 18.3

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    Table 2, ontinued

    Curtailment Energy saved (percent) Increased efficiency Energy saved (percent)

    Water heating

    Turn down water heaterthermostat from 140 F to 120 F

    0.7 Install a more efficient waterheater (EFS .7 unit)



    Do not leave one 60-watt bulbon all night

    0.5 eplace 85 percent of allincandescent bulbs with equallybright compact fluorescent bulbs


    Replace two 100-watt kitchenbulbs with 75-watt bulbs



    Turn up the refrigeratorthermostat from 33 F to 38 Fand the freezer thermostat from5 F to 0 F

    0.5 Install a more efficient unitreplace a 1921.4 cubic feetop-freezer unit bought between993 and 2000 with a newnergy Star unit)


    Clothes washing and drying

    Change washer temperaturesettings from hot wash, warmrinse to warm wash, cold rinse

    .2 Install a more efficient washerreplace a 2001 or older nonnergy Star washer with a newnergy Star unit)


    Line-dry clothing (do not usedryer) 5 months of the year


    Color TV

    Watch 25 percent fewer hoursof TV each day

    0.6 Purchase (or trade in) 52Projection HD TV instead of a

    8 Plasma HD TV



    Roughly 80 percent of older homes are underinsulated, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Save Hundreds onEnergy Costs, Consumer Reports, October 2007, 27.

    NOTES: The potential savings listed in this table apply only to individuals and households that have not already taken theaction. Adding up savings across actions can overestimate aggregate savings because of interactions between some actions.For example, the energy saved by caulking/weather-stripping a home will be less if a more fuel-efficient furnace is alsoinstalled. The estimates in the Increased Efficiency column assume that consumers replace old equipment when it wears outrather than discarding functioning equipment. If consumers replace equipment before the end of its useful life, part of theenergy they save by using the more efficient equipment is cancelled out by the energy used to manufacture the newequipment. Data for electric heating elements, small appliances, and small motors could not be disaggregated for furtheranalysis.

    Please see Environments Web site,, for a description of calculation strategies and methodsand a complete list of sources.

  • 8/14/2019 Behavioral Changes for Energy Saving



    quite difficult for an individual to estimate

    the returnand even if it is financially

    attractive, funds are still necessary to make

    the purchase. Moreover, most people do

    not keep homes or motor vehicles for their

    entire useful lives, so they may pay the full

    cost of efficiency improvements without

    getting the full return. With rental housing,

    efficiency improvements must typically be

    purchased by the owner, while the renter

    receives the savings. These considerations

    indicate that there are significant psycho-

    logical, economic, and institutional barri-

    ers to improved energy efficiency that are

    not present for curtailment. In the current

    policy context, individuals and households

    are left to find ways to overcome these

    barriers. Finally, curtailment and efficiency

    do not represent an either-or choice. In

    motor vehicle and some in-home energy

    uses, some curtailment actions can pro-

    vide significant immediate savings and

    should not be overlooked. Thus, house-

    holds can benefit from the most effective

    actions of both types. Table 3 on pages

    2021 presents a simple guide for con-

    sidering both curtailment and efficiency-

    increasing actions.

    The Short List of EffectiveActions

    xamination of Table 2 reveals a small

    number of practical actions individu-

    als and households can take to achieve

    the greatest savings of energy and car-

    bon emissions. Table 3, based on Table

    2, prioritizes actions in a few simple

    categories. It stands in contrast to com-

    mon laundry lists by providing a short,

    prioritized, accurate, accessible, and

    actionable list of the most effective house-hold actions to help limit climate change.

    Table 3. The Short List: Percentage of current total

    U.S. individual/household energy consumption potentially

    saved, by action effectiveness

    Action Energy saved (percent)

    For all individuals and households

    Immediate low-cost/no-cost actionsTransportation

    1. Carpool to work with one other person Up to 4.2

    2. Get frequent tune-ups, including air filterchanges


    3. Alter driving (avoid sudden acceleration andstops)

    Up to 3.2

    4. Combine errand trips to one-half currentmileage

    Up to 2.7

    5. Cut highway speed from 70 to 60 mph Up to 2.4

    6. Maintain correct tire pressure 1.2

    Potential savings subtotal Up to 17.6

    Inside the home

    1. Lighting: Replace 85 percent of allincandescent bulbs with compact fluorescentbulbs


    2. Space conditioning:Heat: Turn down thermostat from 72 F to68 F during the day and to 65 F at nightA/C: Turn up thermostat from 73 Fto 78 F


    3. Clothes washing: Use only warm (or cold)

    wash, cold rinse setting


    Potential savings subtotal 8.6

    Potential savings subtotal for nine

    actions listed

    Up to 26.2

    For all individuals and households

    Longer-term, higher-cost actions


    1. Buy low-rolling resistance tires 1.5

    2. Buy a more fuel-efficient automobile (30.7vs. 20 mpg EPA average-adjusted composite)


    Potential savings subtotal for two actions



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    The first nine actions in Table 3 can be

    aken with little or no initial monetary cost.

    ix of the actions involve curtailment; three

    getting frequent tune-ups, mantaining cor-

    ect tire pressure, and using CFL bulbs)

    nvolve efficiency increases. Individuals or

    ouseholds who can do all nine actions can

    otentially save up to about one-quarter

    f their total direct energy consumption

    nd a roughly comparable proportion of

    arbon emissions. The next eight actions,

    ll involving efficiency increases, gener-

    lly require greater initial expense than

    he first nine. Buying one of the Environ-

    ental Protection Agencys top 20 fuel-

    fficient motor vehicles, or installing or

    pgrading attic insulation can save more

    nergy than any of the other actions in the

    able. The eight higher cost, efficiency-

    ncreasing actions together can potentially

    ave up to about one-third of total indi-

    idual/household energy consumption and

    arbon emissions. Individuals or house-

    olds who can take all 17 listed actions

    an potentially cut their consumption and

    missions by half.

    Table 3 is a guide to priority setting,

    ot a prediction. Although the savings

    stimates are only approximations, they

    an help households differentiate between

    igh- and low-impact actions. Readers

    an consider the first item in each cat-

    gory to be the most energy-saving action

    ossible and give it top priority if it has

    ot already been taken and is possible

    o take. By going item-by-item down

    he table, householders are guided to

    here the greatest potential savings lie for

    hem specifically. The table gives proper

    ttention to relevant efficiency-increas-

    ng actions, which are often overlooked

    y individuals and households and given

    hort shrift in popular guides to action.

    It should be emphasized that actual sav-ngs may be greater or less than Table 3

    able 3, continued

    Action Energy saved (percent)

    For homeowners: Inside the home

    Immediate low-cost action

    . Space conditioning: Caulk/weather-strip


    Up to 2.5

    Immediate higher-cost action

    . Space conditioning: Install/upgrade atticinsulation and ventilation1

    Up to 7.0

    Potential savings subtotal for two actions

    listedUp to 9.5

    Longer-term, higher-cost actions

    . Space conditioning: Install a more efficientheating unit (92 percent efficiency)


    . Space conditioning: Install a more efficient/C unit (SEER 13 or EER 12 units)


    3. Refrigeration/freezing: Install a moreefficient unit (replace a 1921.4 cubic footop-freezer unit bought between 1993 and000 with a new Energy Star unit)


    . Water heating: Install a more efficient waterheater (EFS .7 unit)


    Potential savings subtotal for four

    actions listed


    otal potential savings for all six

    homeowner actions listed2Up to 18.0

    1 Roughly 80 percent of older homes are underinsulated, according to the U.S.epartment of Energy. Save Hundreds on Energy Costs, Consumer Reports,

    October 2007, 27.2 Approximately 67 percent U.S. households owned their homes in 2005.

    OTES The potential savings listed in this table apply only to individuals andhouseholds that have not already taken the action. Adding up savings acrossctions can overestimate aggregate savings because of interactions betweenome actions. For example, the energy saved by caulking/weather-stripping a

    home will be less if a more fuel-efficient furnace is also installed. The estimates inhe Increased Efficiency column assume that consumers replace old equipmenthen it wears out rather than discarding functioning equipment. If consumers

    replace equipment before the end of its useful life, part of the energy they save byusing the more efficient equipment is cancelled out by the energy used tomanufacture the new equipment.

    Please see Environments Web site,, Notes forable 3, for data entry sources.

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    indicates. For example, someone who uses

    more fuel than the average motorist will

    save more purchasing a more fuel-efficient

    vehicle than the estimate suggests; someone

    who uses less fuel than the average motor-

    ist will save less. Also, much less potential

    exists to save energy in households that have

    already made many of the changes com-

    pared with households that have made few

    or no changes.

    How Much Can Households


    he sum of savings estimates for the 17

    actions58.2 percentis an overestimate

    for several reasons. First, it applies only to

    households that have not taken any of the

    actions listed. Second, savings from dif-

    ferent actions are connected. For example,

    the energy saved by caulking and weather-

    stripping a home will be less if a more

    fuel-efficient furnace is also installed. Third,

    estimated savings from increased efficiency

    assume that consumers buy motor vehicles,

    refrigerators, and furnaces at the end of the

    old equipments useful life. If consumers

    discard usable equipment, part of the energy

    they save by using the more efficient equip-

    ment is cancelled out by the energy used to

    manufacture the new equipment. For many

    households, then, total potential savings are

    much less than half. Policy analyses suggestthat aggregated nationwide adoption of all

    the actions not yet taken in Table 3 would

    ield a decrease of about 30 percent in U.S.

    individual and/or household energy con-

    sumption and carbon emissionsstill a huge


    A household that wants a more accu-

    rate estimate of the energy and carbon-

    reducing potential of these actions in its

    unique situation will need a much more

    etailed analysis. Such an analysis can be

    rovided by an energy audit that includes

    alculations based on the households actu-

    al home and one of the household carbon

    alculators now available. However, good

    nergy audits, which are conducted by

    rofessional auditors, are expensive, and

    arbon calculators, in addition to requiring

    time and effort to complete, are of unde-

    termined and questionable reliability and

    validity at present.22

    What Policy Can Do

    Without a concerted national policy

    ffort, individual and household behavior

    an only go so far. Part of national policy

    for limiting climate change should make

    accurate, credible, and actionable informa-

    tion widely available on what households

    an do to reduce their energy use and

    arbon footprints. National policy should

    evelop and validate simple guides, suchas Table 3, and disseminate them using

    stablished communication principles. It

    should also include making more nuanced,

    household-specific information widely

    availablefor example, by supporting the

    provision of credible, convenient, and low-

    ost household and travel energy audits

    and carbon calculators. Improvements to

    xisting appliance certification and label-

    ing programs (to compare products in

    ifferent classes or find the most efficient

    nergy Star appliances more easily) and

    ew rating and labeling systems for the

    nergy cost of ownership of new homes

    are also desirable initiatives. Federal, state,

    and local governments and various non-

    overnmental organizations can carry out

    these initiatives. As with current appliance

    labeling programs, federal agencies can

    evelop and validate information about

    anufactured equipment and provide for

    its distribution by businesses to consum-

    rs. Local governments and consumer

    rganizations might be best for providing

    assurance about the quality of private ener-

    y auditors and the vendors and installers

    f household energy technology.

    But information aloneeven much

    ore useful information than is currently

    availableis not enough to induce behav-

    ior change, especially for many efficiency

    increases that involve significant initial

    onetary costs. There are major barri-

    rs to change, in addition to knowledge,

    which must be overcome, even among

    people who know which actions to take

    and would like to take them.23 For exam-

    ple, many equipment choices are shaped

    by intermediaries, such as builders and

    repair personnel who offer equipment

    ptions to households when their atten-

    tion is focused on other things, such as

    kitchen design or the need to replace a

    water heater quickly. Actions like upgrad-

    ing home insulation and furnace and air-onditioning efficiency can yield major sav-

    Efficiency-improving actionsgenerally save more energy

    than curtailing use of intrinsically

    inefficient equipment.

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    ings, but many households lack the funds

    needed to make the investments. Renters

    annot install such upgrades, and buyers of

    xisting or newly built homes usually can-

    not choose the efficiency of heating and air-

    onditioning equipment and insulation.

    Even when people can afford major

    fficiency improvements, many may be

    inhibited by the logistical difficulties of

    arranging and scheduling the multiple

    ontractors that may be needed to install

    space-conditioning equipment, insulation,

    and storm windows and doors. Even low-

    r no-cost actions compete for peoples

    limited time and attention.

    Many believe that higher energy costs

    will cause households to economize by

    investing in energy efficiency. But house-

    holds historically have not responded to

    price signals by making anywhere near

    all the energy-efficiency investments that

    are economically efficient. A major rea-

    son is the cost of information in time

    and effort required to estimate the actual

    returns on investment and to find the best

    products, vendors, lenders, and installers. A

    large organization can save enough money

    through energy actions to recoup the cost

    f hiring someone to find the most cost-

    ffective savings opportunities, contract for

    the needed work, and ensure its quality. Few

    households are in this position, and people

    know it intuitively. Research conducted

    uring the last U.S. energy crisis in the late

    1970s demonstrates that the difficulty and

    inconvenience of identifying and taking

    ffective energy-saving steps was a major

    barrier to action, even when utility compa-

    nies offered to rebate households a majority

    f the cost of major home retrofits.24

    Multicomponent programs are needed

    to encourage energy savings, especially

    when the initial costs are nontrivial. Edu-

    ation and information are important, andideally should include household-specific

    information, such as professional home

    nergy audits and energy comparisons for

    particular choices a consumer is facing.

    Financial incentives to reduce the ini-

    tial costs of upgrading to energy-efficient

    products are also important, and many

    reative possibilities exist in this sector,

    including incentives targeted to interme-

    iaries; loan subsidies, deferred-payment

    loans, and rebates for home retrofits; and

    alterations in policies for mortgage and

    auto loans that take into account the ener-

    y cost of ownership. Convenience and

    redibility enhancements, such as provid-

    ing free and trustworthy energy audits and

    lists of approved contractors and help in

    securing low-cost financing and inspection

    f completed work, can be very important

    for overcoming the nonmonetary barriers

    to cost-effective investments in energy

    fficiency. Programs that offered this sort

    f one-stop shopping during the energy

    risis of the late 1970s were attractive to

    households because of these assurances,

    but these campaigns might have been

    more successful if they aggressively mar-

    keted themselves and if stronger financial

    incentives were available.25

    A review of home energy retrofit pro-

    rams from the early 1980s found that

    financial incentives to reduce up-front

    osts motivated more households to

    retrofit, but the strongest results by far came

    when incentives were combined with non-

    financial interventions that strongly market-

    d the programs and made it convenient for

    households to take advantage of the incen-

    tives. These nonfinancial features were

    ritical even with the strongest financial

    incentives, which were offered under the

    U.S. Department of Energys Bonneville

    Power Administrations 20-month Interim

    Residential Weatherization Program from

    198283. Seven participating utility com-panies in the Pacific Northwest offered an

    identical package of home energy audits

    and financial grants to participating home-

    wners paying, on average, 93 percent of

    the cost of recommended retrofits. Eligible

    households installed the recommended ret-

    rofits at an average rate of 5.3 percent per

    ear, but there was tremendous variation

    across the utilities, with rates ranging from

    1.419.3 percent per year, depending on

    how a utility marketed and implemented

    its version of the programa difference

    between getting all the homes retrofitted in

    about 70 years or 5 years.26

    ommunity-based efforts that use infor-

    al social networks to help spread the

    wordfor example, neighborhood coopera-

    tion in a campaign to caulk and weather-strip

    homescan make multicomponent pro-

    rams more effective.27 Finally, there is room

    for regulatory approaches, such as tightening

    standards for energy equipment, especially

    home insulation and water-heaters where

    nergy efficiency is a major but invisible

    product attribute.

    Rapidly rising prices for oil and other

    nergy products highlight the need for sav-

    ings for householders and policymakers

    alike. But households still do not know

    what actions best achieve these needed

    savings, and public policies currently do

    ot provide the needed support to turn

    household awareness into effective action.

    If we apply and build on the lessons of

    the energy crises of the 1970s and early

    1980s, individuals and policymakers can

    act more effectively now. For many under-

    standable reasons, people do not necessar-

    ily act in their best financial interest or in

    ways that yield the greatest environmental

    benefiteven if they want to. Achieving

    hange quickly and effectively depends

    n combining information, incentives, and

    ther policy approaches with sensitivity to

    how householders think and the many fac-tors that influence their choices.

  • 8/14/2019 Behavioral Changes for Energy Saving



    Gerald T. Gardner is professor emeritus of psychology

    at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. His areas ofexpertise include how behavioral science applies to the

    understanding of global and regional environmental

    problems and human behavior and public policy. Hemay be reached at [email protected]. Paul C. Stern

    is director of the Committee on the Human Dimensions

    of Global Climate Change at the National ResearchCouncil, where he has worked since 1980. His research

    interests include environmentally significant individual

    behavior, environmental risk assessment and manage-ment, and problems of the commons. He may be reached

    at [email protected]. ardner and Stern first collaborated

    on research in 19791980 when they were both visitingresearch fellows at the interdisciplinary Program on

    Energy and Behavior at Yale Universitys Institution

    for Social and Policy Studies. They acknowledge thegreat benefits to their research and general outlook they

    received from participation in the program.

    his article is the work of the authors. It does notrepresent conclusions of the National Research Council

    except where explicitly cited in the notes.


    1. This article focuses exclusively on carbon dioxide

    because it is the dominant anthropogenic greenhousegas. S. Pacala and R. Socolow, Stabilization Wedges:

    Solving the Climate Problem for the Next 50 Yearswith Current Technologies, Science 280, no. 5686 (13

    August 2004): 96872.

    . Global Carbon Emissions, By Country, BBCNews, 7 December 2007,

    /in_depth/629/629/7133036.stm (accessed 5 May 2008).

    . S. Nadel, A. Shipley, and R. N. Elliot, The

    Technical, Economic and Achievable Potential forEnergy-Efficiency in the U.S.A Meta-Analysis of

    Recent Studies, Proceedings of the 2004 ACEEE

    Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, PacificGrove, CA, 2227 August 2004, http://www.aceee

    .org/conf/04ss/rnemeta.pdf (accessed 5 May 2008);

    D. Pimentel et al., US Energy Conservation andEfficiency: Benefits and Costs, Environment,

    Development and Sustainability 6, no. 3 (2004): 279305;

    and U.S. Greenhouse Gas Abatement Mapping Initiative,Reducing U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: How Much at

    What Cost? (Washington, DC: McKinsey & Company,

    2007), (accessed 4 May 2008).

    . P. C. Stern and G. T. Gardner, Psychological

    Research and Energy Policy, American Psychologist36, no. 4 (1981): 32942; G. T. Gardner and P. C.

    Stern, Environmental Problems and Human Behavior(Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1996), 25376; andG. T. Gardner and P. C. Stern, Environmental Problemsand Human Behavior, 2nd Edition (Boston, MA: Pear-

    son Custom Publishing, 2002), 25376.

    5. Gardner and Stern (2002), note 4, pages 74124.

    6. P. Aldous, Global Warming: The Buck StopsHere (Special Report),New Scientist194, no. 2609 (20

    June 2007): 1619; A. Leiserowitz,American Opinions

    on Global Warming: Summary (New Haven, CT:Yale University School of Forestry & Environmental

    Studies, 2007),

    /Research/5310/american-opinions-on-global-warmingsummary/ (accessed 20 June 2008); Pew Research

    enter for the People & the Press, A Deeper Partisan

    Divide Over Global Warming (Washington, DC: PewResearch Center for the People & the Press, 2008),

    divide-over-global-warming (accessed 20 June 2008);F. Newport,Little Increase in Americans Global Warm-

    ng Worries (Washington, DC: Gallup, 2008), http://www (accessed 20 June 2008);

    nd P. Novelli, What Are Americans Thinking and

    Doing about Global Warming? Results of a NationalHousehold Survey (Fairfax, VA: Center of Excellence

    in Climate Change Communication Research, George

    ason University, 2008), including unpublished resultsfrom this survey,

    /PN_GMU_Climate_Change_Report.pdf (accessed 20

    une 2008).

    7. W. Kempton, C. Harris, J. Keith, and J. Weihl,

    Do Consumers Know What Works in Energy Con-

    ervation? Marriage and Family Review 9, no. 1/21985): 11533.

    . Edward W. Maibach, professor, Center for Cli-

    ate Change Communication, George Mason Univer-ity, personal communication, 23 June 2008.

    9. A. Lewis, Abroad and at Home: Paying for

    Reagan,New York Times, 5 October 1990,

    36A35753C1A966958260 (accessed 12 July 2008).

    10. D. Hickman, Conservation Doesnt Enrichheneys Energy Friends, USA Today, 14 May 2001,


    11. For a review, see Gardner and Stern (2002), note

    , chapter 9.

    12. C. Morton and G. Lean, Live Earth: OneBig Gesture for Humans, One Giant Problem for the

    Earth, The Independent (UK), 8 July 2007, http://www

    the-earth-456414.html (accessed 2 March 2008).

    13. D. de Rothschild, The Live Earth Global WarmingSurvival Handbook(New York: Rodale Press, 2007).

    14. 51 Things We Can Do to Save the Environment:

    he Global Warming Survival Guide, Time, 9 April007, 69100.

    15. Two other examples are M. ONeill, 84 Ways

    You Can Help the Planet The Boston Globe SundayMagazine, 18 November 2007, 50; and J. Javna, S.

    avna, and J. Javna, 50 Simple Things You Can Do to

    Save the Earth, Revised Edition (New York: HyperionBooks, 2008).

    16. Gardner and Stern (2002), note 4, chapters 3 and

    10; and T. W. Valente and D. V. Schuster, The Public

    Health Perspective for Communicating EnvironmentalIssues, in T. Dietz and P. C. Stern, eds.,New Tools for

    Environmental Protection: Education, Information and

    Voluntary Measures (Washington, DC: New AcademicPress, 2002): 10524.

    17. Stern and Gardner, note 4; Gardner and Stern

    1996), note 4, chapter 10; and Gardner and Stern2002), note 4, chapter 10.

    18. Figures are preliminary for 2006. Derived

    from Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S.Department of Energy (DOE), Annual Energy Review

    2006, DOE/EIA-0384 (2006) (Washington, DC, 2007), (accessed 14 February008), see Tables 2.1b, 2.1e, 2.1f, and 3. Please see

    Environments Web site,,

    dditional Information on Table 1 of this article fordditional sources.

    19. U.S. government statistics and databases,

    including those of the Environmental Protection Agen-y (EPA), DOE, and Department of Transportation

    DOT), almost always treat transportation energy

    onsumption and greenhouse gas production in aingle block and do not distinguish travel for house-

    hold purposes from travel for business (industrial

    nd commercial) purposes. Our strategy for statisti-ally dividing transportation energy into individual/

    household and nonindividual/household portions is

    escribed in a note to Table 1. U.S. Departmentf Labor, National Household Travel Survey 2001

    Database) (Washington, DC, 2007), http://nhts.ornl

    .gov/ (accessed 1 January 2008); EIA, note 18; EIA,DOE, Annual Energy Outlook 2007, DOE/EIA-0383

    2007) (Washington, DC, 2007), http://www.eia.doe

    .gov/oiaf/aeo/, (accessed 15 February 2008); and Bureauf Transportation Statistics, DOT, National Transpor-

    ation Statistics 2007(Washington, DC, 2007), http://, (accessed 12 February 2008).

    0. Gardner and Stern (2002), note 4, page 258.

    1. Nadel, Shipley, Elliot, note 3; Pimentel et al.,ote 3; and U.S. Greenhouse Gas Abatement Mapping

    Initiative, note 3.

    2. J. P. Padgett, A. C. Steinemann, J. H. Clarke,nd M. P. Vandenbergh, A Comparison of Carbon

    alculators,Environmental Impact Assessment Review8 (2008): 10615.

    3. Gardner and Stern (2002), note 4, pages 74124.

    4. National Research Council (NRC),Energy

    Efficiency in Buildings: Behavioral Issues (Washington,DC: National Academies Press, 1985), http://www.nap

    .edu/catalog/10463.html (accessed 14 January

    008); and P. C. Stern et al., The Effectiveness ofIncentives for Residential Energy Conservation,Evalu-

    tion Review 10 (1986): 14776.5. P. C. Stern, J. S. Black, and J. T. Elworth,Home

    Energy Conservation: Programs and Strategies for

    he 1980s (Mount Vernon, NY: Institute for Consumer

    Policy Research, Consumers Union Foundation, 1981);RC, note 24, chapter 3; and Stern et al., note 24.

    6. NRC, note 24, chapter 3; D. I. Lerman and B.

    H. Bronfman, Process Evaluation of the BonnevillePower Administration Interim Residential Weather-

    zation Program, ORNL/CON-158 (Oak Ridge, TN:

    ak Ridge National Laboratory); and Stern et al.,ote 24.

    7. Gardner and Stern (2002), note 4, pages 12574.