035-1985 Sup 1925 PERKINS, CHARLES A. Mr. Perkins passed away November 1, 1984, after two years of very sick man. (Mrs. C.A.Perkins) 1939 RANDALL, LESLIE R. Grounds Keeper) 1972. Vo 1 unteer work. Retired from Chrysler Corp, Kokomo, IN (as Some travel. Garden & maintain property. 1931 MILLER, Arthritis and some serious vascular surgery have limited my movement and prevented me attending some of the more recent meetings, such as the Ag Alum & Staff Banquet. My greetings to remaining old friends, and newer friends who have been kind too. May 1985 be kind to you all. I follow many of you by newsletter, but wish there was more information on what you actually do rather than your travels. My long-time friend John Datena keeps me posted on IDNR affairs. Heard from Bill Fix and Bill Bramble at Christmas and would be happy to hear from others who remember me. (716 Ravenswood Drive; Greencastle, IN 46135) MEDESY, I keep busy and feeling useful doing paid and volunteer work. I serve as an administrator and instructor in an educational and cultural program for senior citizens sponsored by a community college. I write a column on nostalgia of the 1920-40 period for a monthly newspaper for senior citizens. As a volunteer I help make tapes of books for the blind and I participate in a national research project using a new drug which hopefully will slow or stop the development of skin cancers. I would 1 ike to hear from classmates. (15601 E. Jefferson Ave.; Aurora, Colorado 80013) PATTERSON, WILLIAM G. old. Had 32 years with and Chemic a 1 s, Inc. as milliongallon capacity Had a contract with them 1932 Have retired for second time and am 78 years U.S.F.S. and SCS; 20 years with Air Products Mgr. of Nitrogen Solution Terminal with a here in Bishopville serving N.C. and S.C. as self-employed part-time. It was nice. 1

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035-1985 Sup


PERKINS, CHARLES A. Mr. Perkins passed away November 1, 1984, after two years of being~ very sick man. (Mrs. C.A.Perkins)


RANDALL, LESLIE R. Grounds Keeper) 1972. Vo 1 unteer work.

Retired from Chrysler Corp, Kokomo, IN (as Some travel. Garden & maintain property.


MILLER, FORREST~ Arthritis and some serious vascular surgery have limited my movement and prevented me attending some of the more recent meetings, such as the Ag Alum & Staff Banquet. My greetings to remaining old friends, and newer friends who have been kind too. May 1985 be kind to you all. I follow many of you by newsletter, but wish there was more information on what you actually do rather than your travels. My long-time friend John Datena keeps me posted on IDNR affairs. Heard from Bill Fix and Bill Bramble at Christmas and would be happy to hear from others who remember me. (716 Ravenswood Drive; Greencastle, IN 46135)

MEDESY, WILLIAM~ I keep busy and feeling useful doing paid and volunteer work. I serve as an administrator and instructor in an educational and cultural program for senior citizens sponsored by a community college. I write a column on nostalgia of the 1920-40 period for a monthly newspaper for senior citizens. As a volunteer I help make tapes of books for the blind and I participate in a national research project using a new drug which hopefully will slow or stop the development of skin cancers. I would 1 ike to hear from classmates. (15601 E. Jefferson Ave.; Aurora, Colorado 80013)

PATTERSON, WILLIAM G. old. Had 32 years with and Chemic a 1 s, Inc. as milliongallon capacity Had a contract with them


Have retired for second time and am 78 years U.S.F.S. and SCS; 20 years with Air Products Mgr. of Nitrogen Solution Terminal with a here in Bishopville serving N.C. and S.C. as self-employed part-time. It was nice.



WALTERS, CHARLES s. Have to give this top priority, since I am leaving tomorrow for Indiana Harbour Beach, Florida for a couple of months. Have you editors had any information from Mac Johnston (1937)? His last address I had was 509 Military Dr., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83414. I have given up consulting as an expert witness for litigation involving wood failures. Last week had chance to go back to Indonesia for short-term assignment, but turned it down. Sent the last half of my reference library to Institut Pertanian Bogor (Java). What I forget now I have to go the the u o f I l 1 • to 1 o o k up -- or do without! Will be looking forward to the LOG to see where the Class of 1938 is.

DARRELL, CHARLES E. Even at the age of 72 Ye Olde Forester gets around. Last winter, did Topo survey on toxic waste spill area in Wanatah, IN. Just 2 weeks ago did plat survey (in 10° weather) on underground oil spill in Bremen, IN. We dabble heavily in state & federal politics; the various "Save-Wildlife" movements, "Right-To­Life" movements; and Indian & Eskimo charities. Retain fond memories of "Random-Line-Scotty" Young, "Easy 11 Pickens, "Handsome-Boy" Walters, "New-Word-A-Day" Hildebrand and others of the Class of '38.

ADSIT, FRANCIS w. I retired from Bowaker Paper Company June 1, 1981, after 27 years of service with firm. My time was spent as assistant & superintendent of the wood yard, yard crew and building and grounds maintenance. Before that I was employed by Lincon Bog Paper Company in Savannah GA, for over seven years.

I'm still married to the same wife for 44 years. We have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl. Also seven grandchildren, 3 boys and four girls. I'm enjoying my retirement very much.

GUYER, W. HILLIS From 1939 until 1971 I was a Forester (except for 3-1 I 2 year s i n the N a v y d u r i n g WW I I - l e f t a s L T) w i t h U . S. Gypsum Company and Anderson Tully Co. My specialty was Southern Bottomland Hardwoods from southern Illinois to Baton Rouge, LA. From 1971 until present I have been a Practicing Registered Land Surveyor - Miss, Ark, La, Tenn.


DERRA, PAUL ~ I am still enjoying retirement.

NICHOLS, JOHN H. Now retired but operating a private land surveying business ana Timi ted basis.


GINN, WILLIAM E. I have been retired from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Div. of Fish and Wildlife, for 5 l/2 years and can say that I have enjoyed every moment. The secret of retirement is in the reallocation of time. I can't say that my accomplishments around the home and community are any greater than during my working years; but, I get done what I desire and at my own speed. Golf is one of my main hobbies and it takes a real emergency to deter a planned round. As Treasurer of the Indiana Wildlife Federation, Inc. & I.W.F. Endowment, Inc., several hours a week are spent in book­keeping. Whatever time is left I spend around the house and yard. Some of you may be interested to know that I have had as many as 55 doves at one time feeding at my back yard feeding stations. About 25 more than last year. After Indiana's first hunting season, does this increase mean --------? More study needed.

WILLIAMSON, COL. JOSEPH M. {Jack) Continue to be active in volunteer wo:r:k-.-Wife Rachel and-Ihave finally gotten our act together and we serVe together on the Board of Directors of the same agency. It seems that we have been no exception to the fact that husband and wife usually have their separate volunteer activities. Our major trip in 1984 was a most interesting visit to the Scandinavian Countries and western Russia in June and July. we visited family in the midwest, New England and Texas during the year. I returned to Purdue for our 45th graduation anniversary for Gala week in the spring. It is always a pleasure to see old classmates but regret that our Forestry lunch had a poor turnout. I live at the same address in Bradenton, Florida as in alumni directory and classmates are always welcome.

SINNINGER, JAMES C. Forty-two years as Head ofPurdue Univ. Grounds Depart; planted 10,000 trees on Purdue campus. Retired 1982. The picture shows how a forester on retirement should spend his time. Picture taken Grand Mesa, Colo. 1984.


69337. I'm sure he would like to hear from his "old 11 classmates. I sent the photos I had of the '40 summer camp to Charlie Miller. He may still have them. I've enjoyed past issues of the LOG for the news of classmates, changes and additions to the curriculum, and of the faculty. Nearly 40 years have brought many changes and new faces to the forefront. Keep up the good work and best wishes to all.


ARNOTT, DONOVAN Owner & mgr. Arnott Timber Co.,Inc., Jackson, Ala. Have 3 ch1ldren and 7 grandchildren ages l to 9 yrs.

HOLLOWELL, ROBERT E.,JR. I'm still President at Pierson-Hallowell Company; spending much time at our Indianapolis office and Lawrenceburg sawmill and Veneer mill. Almost all of my travels are business related, to meetings and on sales trips. We have four grandchildren with another on the way.

MADDEN, ELLISON "BULL" Retired from Fish & Wildlife Service in 1980 after 30 yrs. Spent time to "Save the Dirt" - i.e. Wetland Preservation - Potholes - marshes in No. Dakota - 'Minnesota. Swamps - Marshes & Streams in Southeastern us. Enjoy fishing in the bountiful SE - "Mudbugs" - Shrimp - Crabs - bogue fish - homebrew -good friends etc. Good health - Don't see many 46-47-48 P.O. Foresters or Wildlifers. P.U. brothers - Zeke in Oregon, Bill -Indiana Chub - Virginia-- Hi to all.

BLAIN, GEORGE I. Retired from the Virginia Division of Forestry after 34 years service mostly in north central Virginia.


STEVENS, IRWIN ~ As you know, I have managed Stevens Forestry Serv1ce, Inc., 1n El Dorado, Arkansas for the past 35 years, and even though the sawtimber business is in the doldrums, we are still in business.

At the present time, we have six foresters, three technicians and one secretary making up the company.

We are looking forward to bigger and better things in 1985.

MICHAEL, JOHN E. Wildlife Service-.-

Still working for Maryland Forest, Park, and



DAVIS, ROBERT (Bob) ~ Bob is Woodlands Manager for Packaging Corporation of America at Filer City, Michigan. Family consists of wife, Betsy, four children and four gr andch i 1 dren. Since moving to the "Great Lakes State," Bob and Bets have become hooked on sailing. No trees on Lake Michigan - but no telephones, stereos or TVs either.

WILSON, EUGENE F. I have 20 acres of Indiana Hardwoods, including 100 beautiful Sugar maples. Every spring I make maple syrup. It tastes great. See all Class of "50" at the Fall Annual Forestry Banquet. It is our 35th year graduated.

VANMATRE, GEORGE H. Retired from Van Matre Wood Products Corp. in June, just in time-to attend the Olympics in Los Angeles. We are spending our time traveling, collecting antiques and playing golf.

HAYS,. HANK (Henry) E. My career in the USFS blazed cometl ike through the skies, eventually sputtering to its inevitable end. It wasn't any fun to be a federal anymore, so I opted out a year and half ago. Now here I am on the seashore in blustery coastal Alaska keeping busy doing various things and coping with my latecomer, a 16 year old son. Last summer I helped on a timber inventory amongst the glacier and bears further north. I am also adopted into the Killer Whale House at Klukwan, which is an old Indian settlement up north. My second wife is a Tlingit Indian you see, a former Park Service Superintendant. I lost touch with the 1950 class, mostly WW II vets, and headed west, not much caring for any other region. But I well recall the personalities in .that class of older vets and my embarrassment at having to wear that silly ROTC outfit. Come visit, anyone.


OBER, MERLE, G. 11 Dirt Forester" in coal fields of w. VA from 1952-1954. Forest Pioduct Sales, Marketing & Product Development to 1979. Home Construction & Sales to present time. Belong to Tex. Forestry Assoc. I also follow Boilermakers! Married 32 years- 2 daughters, 2 grandchildren.


ANGLETON, HUGH D. V.P. & Director, Laboratory Services NAHB Research Foundatior1";-Rockville, Maryland.


ROBINSON, OWEN H. District Forester - KY - 20 years. Three children - wife, Jane. Lieutenant in Army Reserve, Church Deacon, enjoying life. Three years from retirement.


BROWDER, ROBERT B. My wife and I own 'Awake' Janitorial Service and Awake' F 1 o or Buff i n g S e r v i c e. we con t r act w i t h the C i t y o f

Lafayette, Private Shopping Malls and commercial office complexes. We have two daughters, 18 yrs old and 15 yrs. old. Our eldest daughter will be attending Oral Roberts Univ. in the fall of 1985. If anyone is passing our way please give us a call. our phone number is 318/981-0181 {Lafayette, Louisiana).


CORCORAN, THOMAS JOSEPH, JR. As a guest of the forestry faculty of the Un1v. of Nagoya, Japan~isited mountain logging operations in the Gero region during October 1984 -especially impressed by the magnificent stands of Japanesse cedar and Japanesse 'cypress.


KARP, JOHN Married - 2 sons, 15 and 12. Ben, Adam, Marylan & I live in Monroe, CT. I am currently National Sales Manager Manufactured Housing for Champion International. Responsibilities include coordinating all facets of business regarding homes built in factor ies,i.e., mobile, modular, pre-fab. Champion manufactures & supplies woodbased products sold for building industry such as paneling, siding, lumber, plywood, boards, particleboard, etc.

BLACKLIDGE, KENT H. I am currently plugging away at a 2nd M.S. degree in the Forestry & Natural Resources department which I hope to complete by late summer '85. Daughter, Dawn, graduated from Purdue school of CFS in Child Development in Dec 1984 and Doug, my oldest son, is a freshman at Purdue in the Forestry & Natural Resources Department.


MITCHELL, DON R. It has been a long time since I have given information to the-Purdue LOG. With this in mind, I will begin with a brief summary of the past, then my current status.

Upon graduating from Purdue, I began my career with the Forest Service in the Rocky Mountain Region where I served on a number of National Forests in various positions beginning on a Ranger District and eventually moving up to Forest Staff Officer on the Routt National Forest in Colorado. Later, I left the Forest Service to attend Graduate School at West Virginia University. After receiving a Master of Science in Forestry, I joined the u.s. Department of the Interior; first with the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation as a Special Projects Officer and then with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). I have served BLM in some very interesting positions and locations such as BLM State Forester in Colorado, Senior Management Officer in washington, DC for several years, Chief of Lands and Recreation, and now Chief of Lands and Minerals Operations both in the BLM Arizona State Office in Phoenix. I reside with my family in nearby Scottsdale.

BERNA, DAVID F.. I'm still the Soil Conservation Service Forester for Ohio and taking care of our farm in Scott Co., IN. I'm also sti 11 growing Christmas trees. I already have six acres of Scotch and white pine and am planting 1500 each year. My 1st harvest should be 1986.



BRUCE, CURTIS B. Curt is retiring from the Marine Corps this summer after 22 year8.'""" Curt and his family plan to stay in Southern California. Not too much forestry action out there as most of them have been paved over.


HUNT, CHARLES RONALD •RON" No longer with International Paper Co. Now employed by American Cyanamid Co. as a Forestry Specialist. Researching new forest site prep & release chemical Arsenal. Terri tory - entire U.S. + Foreign.


OWINGS, JAMES R. I am presently the manager of the Glenwood Springs Off1ce of the Bureau of Land Management, u.s. Dept. of Interior. I spent the previous four years working on the Interior & Insular Affairs Staff of the House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.


MacDOWELL, CHAD A. Married to Bonnie Berg MacDowell -we have seven children. --Employed as Director of Marketing for Indiana Construction CO. of Fort Wayne. The owner (Mr. Bob Jesse) is a Purdue Grad!

1968 (

BINKLEY,STEVEN F. Just completed ll yr's with Weyerhaeuser. Have worked in many areas and probably hold some kind of job-hopping record- 1974- Technical Forester; 74- Inventory Forester; 75-Assistant Contract Supervisor; 76 - Road Construction Supervisor; 79 - Production Management Training Project Leader; 81 - Region Personnel Representative; 82- Redesign Facilitator/Trainer. Also logging side foreman, truck shop supervisor, per so nne l supervisor. NOTE: Have enjoyed it all and am now working with the best group of folks ever. We make plywood, lumber and chips here at Mtn. Pine. Also, we do a good business in hardwood. Have two big boys in the service and a little one in the 3rd. grade.



FREDERICK,. DAVID M. We live in Schaumburg, Illinois a suburb of Chicago and have been able to get down to Purdue for some football games recently. Have three children - one girl in high school, one girl in Junior High and a boy in second grade. Wife Roberta is finishing her nursing degree this May. I was recently promoted to Vice-President, Pest Control Business at Valsicol Chemical Co. in Chicago and have world wide responsibility for a line of insecticides. Lots of travel, but I 1 ike it.

MEYER, MICHAEL K. I collect note samples for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Louisville, KY. I grow Christmas trees as a part-time business. I travel a lot in Indiana and Ohio. Nothing new ever happens around here.


BRUNER, HAROLD Harold and his wife, Debbie, live on a farm near Walton, Indiana with daughter Kim (ll) and son Matt (8). After graduation Harold spent 2 1/2 years with Weyerhaeuser in Arkansas and Mississippi, and then 6 years as a District Forester with the IDNR. For the last 3 years he has been a forester and rural appraiser with Farmcraft Service, Inc., a small farm management and appraisal company.

KOONTZ, GREGORY A. I've been buying timber for Foley Hardwood's Inc. at BargersviTle, IN for over seven years now. Foley's have expanded into the dry kiln area, 8' double cut band saw, and have continued the pallet mfr. as a side line. Jody is teaching grade school at Brooklyn. Adam played football again this year, received a trophy for "most versatile" player, he is in the 6th grade this year. Kristin enjoys being at the babysitters, her second family. She is three now and having fun.

TOOLE, PATRICK M. I have worked for K.E. McConnaughay, Inc. for 15 yrs. as field engineer I presently work for Jackson Eng. as Production Mgr. and operate a welding fabricating and repair business on the side. My wife, Vicky, and I have (3) boys; Sean (13), Todd (10), and Nicholas (6). Where is (POP) Jim Carter, Big Foot Sanders, J.D. Fox? ·


I am married to Bonnie Dorothy Harris from L.A., California. I have a spunky 10-month-old son who was born March 22, 1984 in Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. Presently we are at Ft. Hood, Texas- the largest concentration of military power in the free war ld.

ZIMMERMANN, ANNE J. working on my pilot's license. Still on the Lee Dlstrict of the George Washington National Forest, employed as Forester/Biologist


HEFFNER-KAYLOR, CHRISTY Hi everyone! To make a long story short -I'm working as a seasonal park ranger for the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore • La s t summer I was a season a 1 nat u r a 1 i s t at the I n d i an a Dunes State Park. (I like the Dunes). My hobby has become finding time to read the nature books I've collected in my library. I got married September 29th and live at 1181 Abbey Lane 2D; Chesterton, IN 46304. I've got Dr. Mumford's new book and tell him I look forward to him autographing it. I'm sorry I don't have a black & white photo of me in my uniform. Take care and good luck.

~ ,. ~~~t~" ~~·:·,?~ ··~·

• .. -.. It'·


DICK, BRIAN L. Greetings Purdue Foresters! This winter finds me still in the-colorado Rockies living another season as a ski bum. Steve Stachowiak and I are back at Keystone Ski Resort shuffling hamburgers and skiing as much as possible, everyday sometimes! Spent the last 8 months as an intern at the Keystone Science School. There I taught environmental education to people from 7 to 83 years old. I really enjoyed teaching and found it challenging and rewarding. Got to hike in the mountains about every day and backpacked almost a whole month in the summer. Needless to say I've seen and fished a lot of gorgeous country. won't know what next summer has on store yet, but will stay out west. Stop in & say hello if you're out this way. Hope everyone is doing well. All my love to the class of 83 and "Leaky waters."

MILLER, BRIAN.!!._ I got married in October 1982. I graduate in May 1983. In June 1983, I began work as a Wildlife Biologist for the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Wildlife Bureau working on wild turkeys.

LEONARD, PETER!.!._ Not much to say folks! I'm working for (get this) a data processing company in Valparaiso, IN. Not much in line with forestry, but it pays the bills and allows me to save some. I am keeping my ears open for other opportunities, something closer to forestry and natural resources. I do hope I'll be reporting just such a change come the next issue. Ti 11 then, love to all and hopes for the best things in life!!

SWIONTEK, SCOTT ~ Greetings from the South! After a very exciting and fulf1ll1ng year in Wisconsin I moved on to bigger and better things. I am now working for the Houston Independent School District as a teacher at one of two outdoor education centers. At the center I am responsible for supervision of twelve or thirteen fifth graders during their four day stay at the center. We teach a variety of subjects in an outdoor setting. I've seen a great variety of wildlife here including lots of snakes, bald eagles, ospreys and a thirteen footalligator. For the folks from the class of 83 that haven't heard the good news, Ann and I are planning an August wedding this summer in Indiana and settling temporarily in Texas. If you ever get down to the Houston area look us up. Keep looking up and let's keep in touch. Keep up the good work Purdue Foresters and keep those LOG's comin'!

SPRINGER, BRUCE E. Working as a forester for Sizemore and Sizemore, Incorporated. Recently married. Hobby: woodworking.



CLAY, KIMBERLY Y. Dear Fellow Foresters: It was so nice to hear from you. I recently moved to London, Kentucky to work for the u.s. Forest Service on the Daniel Boone National Forest. I'm a forest technician and most of my work pertains to timber management. I hope to transfer to a trainee forester position in the near future. Life in a small Kentucky town is very different from life at Purdue and a new, but never-the-less, interesting experience for me. I wish all of you the best in whatever option of Forestry that you've chosen. Take care.

WEZET, MICHAEL A.. I am presently working in Southern Illinois in the Shawnee National Forest. My company is starting a new log yard, and I am the purchaser.

BERGAN, .JIM F. Greetings Wildlifers and Foresters. I am presently enrolled at Texas Tech University pursuing a

master's degree in Wildlife Ecology. I spent last fall on campus taking classes which kept me so busy I couldn't visit all of the local honkey-tonks. I knew TTU was a good school when I heard C+W music being played on the student union's stereo system!!! After a two week Christmas vacation back in beautiful Hoosierland I was on the four lane heading to the crown jewel of the Southeast -- South Carolina. My study area is Par Pond, a 2800 acre reservoir located on the Savannah River Plant near Aiken, S.C. I work out of the Savannah River Ecology Lab.

My project deals with the wintering ecology of four diving duck species with an emphasis on habitat segregation and the role of aggression. I'm out on the lake between 4 and 8 hours a day, but I sure don't mind it a bit!! Thanks to Chris Kokojan's "boating lessons," I haven't tipped over a canoe yet! If anybody is in the neighborhood of Aiken, S.C. or Lubbock, Texas, look me up. You'll have a 50% chance of finding me during the next year and a half.

JAMIESON, SCOTT A. I am currently working towards a master degree in Urban Forestry under the direction of Dr. J. James Kielbasa at Michigan State University. I hope to be completed by June of 1985. The campus at "State" is beautiful.