Bell Ringer: Definitions • Radical- a drastic or extreme change • Gravitate- to be drawn or attracted to something • Frigid- intensely cold • Uniformity- instances where things are the same • Invigorating- Give life or energy to

Bell Ringer: Definitions Radical- a drastic or extreme change Gravitate- to be drawn or attracted to something Frigid- intensely cold Uniformity- instances

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Bell Ringer: Definitions

• Radical- a drastic or extreme change• Gravitate- to be drawn or attracted to

something• Frigid- intensely cold• Uniformity- instances where things are the

same• Invigorating- Give life or energy to

“What’s in a name? A Rose by any

other name would smell as sweet.”

-William Shakespearefrom Romeo and Juliet

But would it really?

Quick Write:

• Think about the emotions that you connect to your name.– How does your name make you feel?– What comes to mind when you hear your name?

Why do names matter?

My NameMy NameIn English my name means hope. In Spanish it means too

many letters. It means sadness, it means waiting. It is like the number nine. A muddy color. It is the Mexican records my father plays on Sunday mornings when he is shaving, songs like sobbing.

At school they say my name funny as if the syllables were made out of tin and hurt the roof of your mouth. But in Spanish my name is made out of a softer something, like silver, not quite as thick as sister's name Magdalena--which is uglier than mine. Magdalena who at least- -can come home and become Nenny. But I am always Esperanza.

I would like to baptize myself under a new name, a name more like the real me, the one nobody sees. Esperanza as Lisandra or Maritza or Zeze the X. Yes. Something like Zeze the X will do.

Bell Ringer:

Synonyms and Antonyms. Fill in your

vocabulary sheet!* Quiz this Friday!

Marking the Text for My Name• Underline all the similes• Draw a squiggly line under all metaphors• Circle all the negative words she usesAt the bottom of your page answer the following:1. What’s the mood?2. What is the speaker’s ultimate fear about her

name?3.What does the name choice “Zeze the X” say

about the character?

Describing Your Own Name:

• Think about the emotions that you connect to your name.– How does your name make you feel?– What comes to mind when you hear your name?

• Now, connect those emotions with detailed images that help to describe your name in an unusual way.

Nostalgia Pride Courage

My mom’s soap operas playing on the TV

Leather bound photo album with faded pictures

Simile and Metaphor in “My Name”

• One of the ways that Sandra Cisneros creates such descriptive imagery is through simile and metaphor.

• She uses this type of imagery repeatedly throughout the text.

Brainstorming Sheet Brainstorming Sheet • You have the rest of the period to fill in the

categories on your paper.

• Using one or two words is not acceptable. You MUST write detailed sentences that go back to your three emotions.

• I am collecting this paper at the end of the period!

• You finished early? FANTASTIC. Grab a book!

Simile and Simile and MetaphorMetaphor::

• Simile - where two unlike objects or ideas are compared using “like” or “as” in the phrase.

• Metaphor - where an object is directly said to be something that it only similar to.

Your NameChoose your three favorite

ideas from your brainstorm.


My name is as __________ as ________________ .

Three Details:---

My name is _____________ , ________ and __________.

Three Details: - - -

My name is __________ and __________, like ________.

Three Details: - - -




(description) (description)(description) (simile)

Examples:My name is a mountain sunset, quiet and calming.

My name is as unusual and unexpected as a small desert cactus in a sea of sand.

My name strong and ready to pounce, like a powerful hunting tiger.

Your Name

Choose your three favorite ideas from your brainstorm.


My name is as __________ as ________________ .

Three Details:---

My name is _____________ , ________ and __________.

Three Details: - - -

My name is __________ and __________, like ________.

Three Details: - - -





(description) (simile)

• www.behindthename.com• www.meaning-of-names.com• www.ancestry.com• www.surnamedb.com

Describe and Research Your Name:• Complete your image chart with your three best

ideas from your brainstorm– Make sure images are complete and detailed

• Investigate the history of both your first/last names.– Meaning– Cultural connection (where the name come from)– Historical connections (what can you discover about

others with the same name?)• www.behindthename.com• www.meaning-of-names.com• www.ancestry.com• www.surnamedb.com

Your NameChoose your three favorite

ideas from your brainstorm.


My name is as __________ as ________________ .

Three Details:---

My name is _____________ , ________ and __________.

Three Details: - - -

My name is __________ and __________, like ________.

Three Details: - - -




(description) (description)(description) (simile)

Rough Draft:• Review your brainstorm and practice images before

you begin

• Write a complete description of your name:– Include detailed imagery (including simile and metaphor)

– Include the most interesting and relevant information from your research (blended into your imagery)

• At least fifteen detailed sentences

• Be sure to include… - A complete introduction sentence introducing your name/main idea

- Complete sentences giving details about your name - A concluding sentence that wraps up your piece

My name gives me “Hutzpa”!

From Roman and German decent, my name means “Industrious”. It’s the busy streets of Philadelphia roaring with traffic. It smells like dust being kicked up after your opponent falls to the ground. My name is a reminder to never let anyone take

advantage of you.

My name is stitched into my soul like my fondest memories. It’s my mom’s soap operas playing on a cheap TV in a dingy apartment. It’s a leather bound photo

album filled with faded pictures of grandma and myself. It’s platinum blonde curls falling over my face as I ride my pink bike down the down the block of almost

identical row homes. It’s the blazing heat of summer and frozen popsicles at the local pool. The water feels cool and refreshing and gives joy to what would

otherwise be an ordinary day.

My name is the clouds drifting over my head, dreaming of what may come to be. It bursts into the quietest room and demands attention from any audience. It’s the number 7 because I’m lucky to have it. My name is Emily. It’s an individual in a

world where everything looks the same.

Your NameChoose your three favorite

ideas from your brainstorm.


My name is as __________ as ________________ .

Three Details:---

My name is _____________ , ________ and __________.

Three Details: - - -

My name is __________ and __________, like ________.

Three Details: - - -




(description) (description)(description) (simile)

Writing Revision:• Read your piece again slowly to review what you wrote• Mark your changes in a DIFFERENT COLOR• Think about each of the following:

– Add another specific detail– Re-write and improve a sentences or phrases– Remove a phrase or sentence that does not belong– Change the order of a sentence or phrase– Add at least one strong vocabulary word– Add another creative image– Add paragraphs when you change main ideas– Improve your introduction sentence– Improve your concluding sentence– Add or improve the title– Check all spelling and grammar

• Re-read your piece a final time for other improvements

Writing Revision:

Final Draft:• Re-write your paragraph carefully on your final

draft paper.

• Add a title to your final draft.– Be Creative!– Make it visual

• You may write in an interesting way or find a visual way to present your piece.

Final Draft and Title

Your Picture

Images and Images and Designs to go Designs to go

with your with your writingwriting

Enhancing Your Final Draft:

• Glue or draw a picture of yourself in the square in the corner.

• Make your title visually interesting.

• Use ALL the space on the page. Don’t leave any blank space.

• Fill the frame with many different images and words (drawn or cut out) that relate to the images in your writing piece.– Use a variety of images (don’t just repeat the same ones)– Use appropriate colors– Add designs that complement your writing

Researching Your Name:

“House of God” in HebrewFrom the BiblePlace where Mary and Martha are from

Hansen with an “E” is Danish where Hanson with an “O” is Swedish.

Most of the Hansens that came to this country settled in the mid-west (Illinois and Indiana)

Researching Your Name:

• Websites allowed for your research.


• You may NOT use any other websites or use the computers for any other purpose.

Describe and Research Your Name:• Continue creating images to describe your name

that connect with the emotions you identified.– Make sure images are complete and detailed

• Investigate the history of both your first/last names.– Meaning– Cultural connection (where the name come from)– Historical connections (what can you discover about

others with the same name?)• www.behindthename.com• www.meaning-of-names.com• www.ancestry.com• www.surnamedb.com