BELLWORK Get out your “Newsflash” activity from yesterday. Review the first three rounds. For round four: Read repression of civil liberties, controlling political radicals and social mobility for minorities and women. (Pages 435-436) Complete the important ideas and a 20 word summary.

BELLWORK Get out your “Newsflash” activity from yesterday. Review the first three rounds. For round four: Read repression of civil liberties, controlling

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BELLWORK Get out your “Newsflash” activity from

yesterday. Review the first three rounds. For round four: Read repression of civil

liberties, controlling political radicals and social mobility for minorities and women. (Pages 435-436)

Complete the important ideas and a 20 word summary.

President Wilson Strives for Peace

Fourteen Points: plan for post-war European Peace. Called for an end to alliances

League of Nations: worldwide organization aimed at ensuring security and peace for all its members.

Both were eventually rejected.

Effects of WWI The death toll was extremely high on both sides.

Page 438 At the Paris Peace Conference in January 1919,

the Allied leaders signed the Versailles Treaty.It demanded reparations, or payment for

economic injury suffered during the war.It also created nine new countries out of the

former Russian, German, and Austro-Hungarian territories.

Think back to the beginning of the notes:

What were President Wilson’s two ideas for post-war peace?

Key Concepts to Analyze Political Cartoons and Propaganda

Artists use simple objects or symbols to stand for larger concepts and ideas.

Artists often exaggerate physical characteristics to make a point.

Look for hidden meanings.

CLOSURE On a half sheet of paper: What was Wilson’s goal for

the League of Nations? Explain the two terms of the

Versailles Treaty.