The r of the Recorder AMUEL KNOX. assistant prosecuting attorneys MORISTOWN. New Advertisements. Question. Hamilton eing that our' letter last week". His Position in the Congressional House BilH introduced Up-propria- escaped the waste basket, we extend To every at) prejudiced mind the de Retail price 9a only tUlm, T Contest. $30,000 to put the'.publie ourv thanks to the wntor, ior his Parlor Organ, prioe $;175 onlv mma m aj an m aw am kw am & jbl 11 At' decision of Judge Okey, warding to J works in repair;. limiting Cincinnati leniency, and try it again: TwelYe Yeat;s cf Suffering. v 1105. D F Bkatty. Washing, KEEPS CONSTANTLY, ON HjTnd" T. CLAIK3YILLK. OHI 5H Barnes tbe office of County Recorder, From Caiz Republican, ton. N J. 7th. Since our last letter, the leading our i &Jfeni-AtX- Mit twelve rears, ago, while r- - rfO ."tr ,.-- Off.: which was rendered after a most elab- orate n racard to Mr. Knox, we may say, the levying of a tax to bulk! - car shops town held a meetiegv in traveling wits Faiber Kemp s OidulksCon-e- n ne Fnbcy Cards. 6nowflake, lamask, ae. THURSDAY March 14, 187K. t up to the present uaie ne nas and foundry at Dranison: repealing Tioud as a slneer. t look a never J no two alike, with name 10c.- - JN Patent Medii-iii- e of all kinds. and careful examination of every bet n strongly in favor of the renoml the homestead exemption law; mak-- l the Town Hall, in regard tj the Bui eolti and as laid at Kea-aff- X J. Tntc Card Co, Nassau, N Y. Motions. Perfnmerr.. question and fact which tended to nation of Mr. : Danford. and bis own ingthe22dor February-- , a legal holi- day; dettaSteam Transportation Co. ;AlILeoi,ibtooswr,"evrRl,ck cwarrh, r Delaware C A 6 U O J.F.Man- - Andllrasliefc Rf.B-E- L war claims, k tbe question I 'l 1 oaiuee wua- - evary iDOwrwrneuy for the niimw throw light upon tbe intention of tbe candidacy heretofore not been providing for any rate b( interest Panl the agent Co., aduressea for Tour weeks without avail, and was tlnall Maps Free," eha, IX before the people In the near future. authoriz the meeting. He presented his subject obliged te give np a most desirable position voters of Belmont is satisfac matter ot consideration, i ne promt agreed upon between parties; county, and return borne unable to sing a note. For' .;.4 :: in a plain business manner which leit . nent position which Mr. Knox occupi ing a license liquor law; permitting three years afterwards I was unable to sing OLVER FREEitrJorl: Tub iSemocratiftliegbiature of Ohio tory and it is accepted as founded upon ed for six in the Senate gave savings bank officers to hold any posi- tion a good impression on his hearers. A at all. Tbe first attack of Cabtrrb bad left my ! -- ALiyxiini to here;"" " ' . years J Sown A Son 130 Wood the evidence and law in the not committee was . appointed to confer nasal organ and throat so sensitive that tbe ridges. Aderotw, Bon, ought Jo. matXr4 SAlgseot;.with case, him a State reputation, and two years excepting that of treasurer. with aUgbtest cold would bring on a fresh attack, St, fiUaUurgu. P. 8 1 t Q d the St. Clatrsville men at their a & e ij e q s tbe Resolutions: -- the halt of led. Ia 1 contin J. iignee'.",;lt is withstanding bowlaof tbe untruth ago the newspapers of the District all -To- -reseat leaving me d rostra tbis war Boss Aiexande;!a meetine. ued to sn Her. Tbe last attack, the severest I ful of the who at recognized him a possible nominee the House adopted; enabling the At ! evident lhai Us. liabilities, are partisan Gazette, as I suffered tbe most ex- - .k! -- r.A GOOD ASSOKTMENT OF already ,l i --,t i ., u ..ft:, 1. . tempts to manufacture out whole for Congress in the event of Mr. Dan-ford- 's torney Genera to' earry outthe; pro- vision LiMrl jCtwiyMiTsoirciiiatfesville, eraeiatlDg pain in my bead. was so boarse as " ' decimation. During the last dl the partial Appropriation bill formerly an operator in the employ of to be scarcely able to speak, and coughed in ! SHFI P UtDnWA DP for cioin, lesiunony, ana put decisions la years of his service in tbe Senate Mr. in reference to theuimymentio cessantli, eansnmptlbc, .IjhougUt and I rirmly I. .was believe golna awatuuk thai had ebrated rutLA.v wlliuck uuMtsi-NATlij- H THni ? New Hampshire, vote KafccnBrethe"'prjBltIoir of" Chair cells atthe Penitentiary tabled ville, has leased the Farrell Hotel for eU4HKa.lfaiUwm bavl-a- n Lamps.-I- great variety Cower; yew,M fiafbntmt never uttered. The Court bavins in- - man of the Finance. Committee, .the March 8. Sesate- - The . Senate three years. - He ; proposes to refit and they-wou- ld nun iD.ua savsmadereame qsirasiDK coiwiqod, atasy i.eours vfctim. I tables will atXamidivtlii ml my losnorsriur lav only yibar In aueras mau. , Freacott, iujp-...;- ; ;...,.-Marce-y, Tes&teated and tried the case under his most responsible position in jnai oouy, met at 8 o'clock, but ' without doing refurnish the building at xxa iUlle cost. mettaWt Wit'lM ef f.tFOKb' RASMAi, tactnrer. Tbe finest tables, balls, clotb, cues. ani. ci1eap W. Dua and was the recognized leader of the any ousiness aajonrcea to ruesaay Charley is a good manager and will no CUKE FOR CATARRH, very reluctantly, I &o. at lowest prices send for catalogue and solemn oat n and according; to law, his confess, as I had tried ait tbe advertised r. ru -- edlea reduced price list, rt W UOLLKJ Le.ti, 73S G001 GOODS at FAIR PRICES. iti. 'bculeriog ........... decision snouia command until Republican majority. These fccts.and afternoon doubt,' make a Tgood landlord, ,We wttbooitJeneati iTte.flrst jdos oftbls Broadway, J'ew Hwkm. Suaeessor to Pbian St.Clabnrrllle,-OpsasilaTreaaarerOflle- at least it be respect bis legislative career in general, have House Bill introduced: Providing extend to him the right hand of citizen wonderful medtcme gave me the greatest re- lief. Feb 10.11)76.!.... snt aside, bv jwine more It is hardly possible for one whose bead signalized him as a very proper man for iurther security in- - cases'-wher- ship and wish him 'success In his un asoe.wbo .oaa scarce! ajrtlenlate acbasj j tint jfatBmb nd . eree-ta- er fc" y to be sent up to represent the District justices of the . peace . are- - required to dertaking. - distinctly afes orf account of the choking occumn-lation- s 8ANKOKD For a Case S HADiCAU of Catarrh CURB that tXaTI3Si6l13 BP?JaTrtti' tlakerlfipv and-'Whlsk- v1 and 'TODaaSM over the St. Uirviiia rsnzsttr nr Ko in the national legislature,' and every take undertakings in civil actions- - If theiud'upidual VhoDroposos ha Dat 1 obtained in hia throat, from to the realize first application bow mucb re- lief f $50 for Catarrh will not Instantly not bow; food fcrifanctionariesof paper in the District, in mentioning Resolution offered: Reauirine tbe San ford's Radical Cure. Under Its influence. illeyajtn4.JpeeUIi xna. 4f-.-! legislatios, are just- - the Commissioners' of-t- be ing two 8iiits of clothes and a , calico tvnies.,Hsnrj' Well,l-jJS- . WfcU i .:.n r i " " ' floe of Belmont' the probable candidates for the , nomi-nation.'h- Finance committee to ascertain the ' botb Internal and external, I rapidly recover ! Hbuse and Sign ;; country. county, i Judge Okey dress, in "certain situations in tbe town, ed, and by an occasional use ol remedy placed them amounts required by the various de Mirffatton, Oram always OTfTEwr. having decided among free from Catarrh, that Barnes was- - the instead 'of the able persons who are since have been entirely tbe name of Senator Knox. This is partments and other expenses necessa for tbe first time In twefwe-year- s. Respect- fully liowen, St jjoui. xestimoniaia Now' that the Speaker 'and legally elected Recorder, Ala decision now managing that institution, would and treatise by mail. Price, Painttand GEO W iiOLBlixKiK. ' the extent of his candidacy, , and the ry to carry on the State jGovernment yowra,, - with Improved Inhaler, fl uu. Glazier. vacated. the finding. of. Jna Board of himself bis Jan 8, 1876. - ;& 'of the',IJbuae'.of i for hang up in cberry tree as a Waltbam, Haas, 50 Bold WEEKS A Spealtfcr explanation of it" Mr. Knox is not a two years and report tbe sameia everywhere. resentatives, at have county canvassers, and under it Barnes candidate for Congress in any aggres-six- e the General Appropriation bill tabled scare crow for the robius,. he would be Each package centals Dr San ford's Irapro PU1TEA, Proprietors, Boston, ! - . . ' was entitled to enter anon the duties occuping a loftier and a more useful ved Inhaling Tube, with full directions for Mass. .a .. !. . presented with- - new ivory gavels, 'w of his office, after filing his bond and sense, but would certainly not re unaer Dotice to discuss. , position than we have noticed him oc use in all cases, l uu. f or Baie oy aii Practical Paper bop they'll pound some sense intethj taKldg the necessary oath. At - fuse a ' nomination if. it were orxerea Adjourned to Tuesday afternoon. 0 cupying for the past ten years. Gouge United wholesale Stales. and retail WEEKS Druggists "POTTER, throughout General tbe TEMPERAKCS REP0RM Hanger hlm.! This believe to be Jhe cor heads ot tne memoers ana ' sena met ; , La.it week he presented his official we tnetryoutof thine' own eye berore Agents and Wholesale iruggisia, tiomon.- - - - l ST, CIAUtSVIIJ.E, OHIO. ,. , . cackle boot' to-- , surprise their coi bond with Henry West. C W. Carroll rect position in regard to all such mat- ters. FLUSHING. thou kunckest the ' mosquito - off tby AXD ITS GREAT REFORMERS. , p j I C tJLJi j . X i . . t stitueats. Cln. Enquirer, Dem.) and W. P. Fraziwv- - as suretios, to the The party should be as free as Ihpeovemehts. A number of new neighbor's nose, Aye verily.;"' " ' BwKev. W If 'DANIFJLS A."1 M. tirainlnir, Glasine, Paintinsr ' possible In making the choice of a lead. wui be In Gollins' D and Pa nerin ir .no County Commipsioners for . approval. nuiuiiogs, . progress soon ' Profn-n- i .Jlluslited ' Portrait; iwi on on-- short nctice. All hn.ni.ho. ..t .h. - Ths repeal of the registration law The Commissioners with a. partisan- - er from among Its representative men, Why should it not be so?. We have Miss Sadie nazlett. returned home ffirticncs ana containing over ouu rages. tiad will reneive pffimpt ftttontion. a "toatteT of peculiar Interest in view bip scarcely to be excepted. eapeLlally the choice land of the choice county of last ; Thursday ; after- - a visit of two E2TA tVHOi.a Temparanck Library in a -- "wraers solicited. apl-6- tf when their action could not effect the Raids on the Treasury. me state, i ne son is very uroducuve months to her Bister Mrs. Ga9ton at Voltaic MNiii.E- - oLi-M- AwaMfWantcd Every-wher- e. elec- -, : the . near approach of the spring title to the office in dispute, refused to 'No one argument wtu pressed mere and almost every acre is or can be Washington IX. C. Sadie is looking Address for ikiraTetras and Circu- lars, C..T. w: ttooa.; i Wita the exception of t approve the bond of Mr. Barnes, be- cause, closely during the last , Presidential tillable. Situated ' on : the dividing quite well. & Hitchcock St. Loui. 4 Waldan, " t'tc:uati, ' Chica- go, itr JS& Railway. clause providing fur '.small ' preci as they allege, the question of campaign than that tbe accession of the ndge, between the head waters ef -- Plasters. Cleveland, Tuacara was Valley & Wheeling) the la-- ba been entirely' wiped title is in litigation, at the same time iemocratie party to power tn ine . na' Wheeling creek on the east and Stilt his friends at Cumberland O. : Railway Company, y tion would involve the payment by water on the west, we are tree from all N Electro-Galvan- ic combined they w ng that tnere was no objection to a Battery, . leveao&, :JHne 13, 1977. ) lea vihg matters precisely.'aa sufficiency or form of the bondj Ta the United States of a mass of Rebel aiseases caused by standing waters. If the party who etole Jep Kirks with tbe celebrated Medicated Porous Na 16 Lagrange St, Booth Salem, Mass Subscribers te the Capital Mark of said Plaster fnrmiotf the flrrandest curative aeent before its enactment.: j : a disinterested observer, their Action claims almost limitless in amount. By Coal and wood 1 n abundance. Coal can onions and potatoes' last- - week will in the world oi meaicme, ana utterly Mr I1.R3TK Vtistt 'i 8 -- n-li heretofore will take notice thai tbeir sub- scriptions iOOes very much uko an endeavor oo the Democrats this cry was sneered at oe oougn ar tnree eta per bu. We bring them back, Jep. will promise to all other Plasters heretofore in use. Dear Sir I have been troubled with Scrofu aiding la extending the made railroad for tbe of purpose said Com- pany of Thk DroDosed Damoeratlc attacl their part to thwart the. judgment of as an election He, and , many good tut have a pike which intersects tbe Na keep bis cellar locked here alter. - Tbey Ola riasiers accomplish in a wnote more la year. one xuey week uuv than fili the la, years, Canker anil ever Liver did Complaint me any ceod for nsrtil three I River, from its present terminus to tbe Ohlo through tbe Wood tariff bill, upon o a Court of eompetent'jurudictioa, and publicans believed it was usea simpiy tional pike near .East Richland. This John Crosier, is erecting a substan ate, iney ccbk. commenced atiau trte VEflSTl.NEl I am. now aid Company, having tbe heretofore Board of been Directors accepted of said by industries; does not meet with tne to set up lor themselves a little, kinz- - as an electioneering dodge to scare the wilt give us the full benefit of the tial dwelling on the National Pike a "A WONDERFUL REMEDY. .rEGfeITiNE. en ing along first 1 consider rate, ard there still Is osing nothing the Company at meeting thereof, held on the 5th dom founded partisans!! alone. people and secure their votes. Time ".Hurdette Transportation Line." to it for such Can day of June, 1877, by a resolution, ordered on d equal complaints. heartily half the armed a mile west of. this place. that the first probation of brawny . Gentlemen Your installment of five dollars , ; tbe beginning of the present case. will tell who was right. One . fact is Aasoonasthe C. W. and T. V., R. R. Messrs Weeks VOLTAIO A Potter: PLASTER is a wonder- ful recommend it to every Doay. I oars truly. on each share el tlfty dollars (fcO UO) so ($5,1W) sub- scribed bronzed faced . operatives of Bel wnen it was a matter. p common re- port knowo. From the time Mr. Tilden is completed, we will be in direct Since tbe weather has been "fishy." COLLINS remedy. I have suffered with a weak aud Mrs Lizzie M to the capita stooK or 'said Company, county.: ThftEtnaville demonstra and known to every one that Mr. wrote his famous letter putting himself with Cleveland Wheeling it is amusing to stop on the street cor nainrnl back more Collins' than Tollaio eteht rears Plasier. before The 1 St. Louis & San Erancisco Railway now books, due and from, individual subscribers... subscriptions appearing so aceepv-te- d, on the od Saturday,' was '. strong expressi. Barnes had appealed from the findines sharply against the isyment of South and tfellair. The inhabitants of this ners, and bear the "big nsh" stories sent Dain for reached your from my back to my sides and shall be paid on orttefore July 1st, 177. to of the Returning BoanLand the matter ern war claims, and in such open, un locality will compare favorably with ot some of the anglers. ,, ,.. hiniL Mv leftside and hio are feeling very LANDS 'FOR P.A.UeweiU Treaturer of mad Company, at the infamous of the general office of their views mtstakable manner as to snow he was any locality in the state. . Our people well, bnv I think I reqaire another naster tor milt:: thereof, ot the same may be paid was In . litigation, they did, not .object Mr. John V. Fisher, our. able drug mv rlsbt aide. 1 am so much Improved tbal to.A.J.baggs, at Bridgeport, Ohio, or to such ura.i. ui I .'; ; to the bond of Mr. Wright, but appro- ved in earnest in , the matter, ine. south as b lunsa are intelligent moral and gist is at Pittsburgh.. Pa., on business can walk and stand, but before 1 got your Acres In Southwest Missouri person as be may direct; and said Treasurer 1,000,000 and said it without word. The washed It hands of him at once. They industrious. Like other town Plaster I waa suable to walk or stand. Re- spectfully Raggs, and also such person as tbe a shoe is every of on v . l oaa beams on the customers irom Mrs RICHARD GORMAN. from 2.oO te S.OO an acre. First class said Bagga iay duly authorize to receive XBB Democratic Treasnry tbe other foot now, and it is conveni never felt any interest In tbe man from we nave a few scalawags. Some of behind the counter.' I.ynebbnrg. yours, Va, July 22. IKK. . si oik and agricultural lands. Tbe. best to money due cpon said subscriptions are either Wert counly took apartments for one ent for them. to allege that, the case to that moment, and Hayes owes his seat the workmen on thr R.H. are a little P8 Since I finished my letter some ef my bacco region in tre . west.. rUM . fruit, no of tbem by said Company empowered and au- thorized wr In-ih- e Ohio ! Penitentiary, fcn the in litigation. . A, little rf consistency to-da- y in the White House as much to rough among themselves but seldom And now the country school teacher. tor neighbors Mime mora bave of come vonr in Plasters. and wish T me am to reoom. send grasshoppers, winters, convenient abundance marKeis, of good gooa water, scoooia, snort for and on to its receive behali; and and receipt ten per tor cent the of saasa said dav 'thai, 'the new. Item would have relieved the Commission tbe unpopularity of.TUden at the intenere where they are not Invited With old and knowing wink, mending them to all my friends. Please send low laies, healthful cnontry, and good socie- ty. subscription shall be doe, (aod is hereby re- quired uunn ers from their present awkward . eosi- - South, growing . but of his position ine prospects are. very, good for two Hunleth up the treasurer '" me six of vonr Collins' Voltaic Plasters. En Seven years' ctedit. Free transportation to be paid to tavl Treasurer, at the gen- eral TMrootnni took charee of that insMtu- closed find 11 25. Mrs Gobmah. from Kt. Louis to those who purchase land. . office of said Company, at aforetmid, or tbe tlon. ' They have a queer ' way fl do-In- e lion. As the case now stands.. Mr. upon the Rebel claims question, as to flour mills. One on, the-east- , side ; Ana draweth in his chink. - wena ior circular ana otner inxormation. same may be paid to A. J. Bagga, at Bridge, Bel- - uarnes- - nave secured any other cause. , The .Detroit .Post oi town and the other on the west aide. Rnlil hi; all rirnctrlBts for 2S cents each. Sent Address. W. H. Coftiu. Lane Commissioner. port, Ohio, or such person aa he may design thine in. Van Wert; why, In airorneys A tmo A i By the passage of bis bill to allow the to ef the United 'States and Canadas Tempie building, St Louis, Mo. 4w. nate, wbo are authorized to receive the same Cemo warranto writ, returnable to the Uis-tri- ct and Triune has recently published in planing mill is to be built near the any part for and on behalf of said the mi in t: instead of a defaulfing owners of real estate sold at sherin's on receipt of 25 cents for one, SI 25 for six, or Company,) on rtii Treiuiurv beinir sent to the Pai Court in thirty days, which, will detail a list of the. Southern claims. east end of the tunnel. "Wm. Hollo-wa- y sale, to have two years to redeem the t2 25 for twelve, by WEEKS i. POTTER, Pro TRIFLING day following from and the expiration ef every thirty days after tantiarv oetition is d resented compel Mr. Wright to answer by what classified by btates, with jibe names ol has bought the Tarbot property same. Gen. Steedman has made many prietors. Boston. . '1 7 lm WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. whole subscription shall July be 1st, due 1877, and nntll required tbe of .her 'reform1! Representatives m the tine ne noias tne omce of .Recorder. the individual claimants asking com and proposes to erect a large building friends in this neighborhood, without , ; TtJSSsJaUJ '" J I f ' to be paid, a above specified. His answer will show that he has pensation. i , These measures are all for Hotel purposes. Joseph Krim is ' , By order of the Board ol Directors, no . Legislature, lor ttis reuei. ,.,:.; regard to party. A few more sueh ITellt? Carbolic Tdbleuy P. A. HEW ITT, Secretary. and Mr. Barnes now pending as piivate bills. . At now busily engaged in title, will be put in ,, erecting flaws, and perhaps tbe. unfortunate will Juiy 5, 1S77 10m. possession of the office under tbe de- cree present tbey are about five hundred in carnage shop on the south end of the a sureremedr for t'OTTGHS. and alt diseases be better able to stem the tide of ad learn tnat lion. : Loren& ol the TKO AT, LtJNG-i- CHEST and MUCuUS JYJB of the Court,' after .which if the number, and vary in amounts from lot on which the - Disciple Church is versity. "' - v. i-- -. 5r r- -i ;i i ford, of Ohio, who has so ably r 5pre-rfo- r Court below is found to have made er f 117 to $10,000 each. The relunding built. Kersey Kirk Jr. has sold, his PritCj, Ouly.'in Blue Boxes. ..,, sented the S1xtcenth': district Tn rors, the case will be remanded. i.t ot tne cotton tax, wnicn win take fou, uouae ana joi to ueo. McGulre. and "H," of TJniontown. must have con ' ;.. BOLD BY ALL DRnGeiSTS.' ""1 P2TDERTAKI1TG!, gress, will, decline the candidaq 000,000, is certain to pass the next Con has nought the "salt house." He will siderabletact to write such spicy locals C. N. CRITESDES.7 Sixta.'Avtnne,' jr'I6rk." another term: "This 18 a favorable net Tra Republicans .were e in gressifthe House continues Demo occupy one part of this for a Blacksmith from so diminutive place as Union-tow- n. fof the Hon. J. T; Updegraff, of cratic. Mr. Cook, of Georgia, has in shop and other part for a wagon-sho- Mr. H. allow tne to congratu 1LBXANDEB BABKETT. SITEPITBBD DA Via. Hampshire on Tuesday.'' A Re lathe most beautiful work of the kind In tbe Pluaunt t, mmn to the frost. atffct traduced a bill enlarging the claims for Mcuuire when he bought the Kirk late you on your Mocalistic power- s- world. It contains nearly 150 paes, bnnure-- BAKKtl r & DAVIS,- - ' TTiSritrrfr is a rentleman of rare abili publican Governor1' and Legislature cotton, demanding pay ot the Govern property expected to build a storeroom, let's shake hands across the gulf of of fine 11 ustratlons. and six Chroma rLa ctot ' ' ty, end this he hasamply proved wbile were elected. ' Tbe result Insures a Re- publican met for all cotton seized by its agents wuero toe DiacKsmith shop now stands. se ven in lies t bat separates us. . Fiotetrt, teautirnlly drawn and colored from i 1 'i lAtEItS I . . . ; . in Oil nature. Price 50 cents paper covers; fl assisting Mronsn iwii wiuira'su" " U. & Senator Id succeed Sen- ator in . tne tter-e- i biaies aner may 29th, John Kirkpatrick's new house is about JUSTICE. in elegant clotb. Printed in German and En- - C0FflfjSr, CASKETS, our own State. His fine personal char- acter, Wadleigh.tbe present Incumbent, 1865. Heretofore the date has been ready lor the plasterers. ' It is quite an irllKh. ...." U'at aaWi mmi iWsl "' UNIONTOWN. Monthly 3agazinrS2 arrival t good cmiiliof together with his force and effec who is also a Republican. June 301b, 1865. Mr. Cabell, of Vir improvement io mat part of town fine Viekt Illustrations, Illustrated and Colored Plate in pnees. every 14 w rtMcs.KdifferentTarietfefcfor Qj- 1 AND ALLHTYLE8 OK tlve oratory, would make him one ot ginia, has introduced, a .bill carrying On the wear, cn.l Mr V. number. Price SI 25 a year. Five copies, (5 (W. 1JW councils of Fernando Wood's tariff bill,' in Its claims back to. Darragh has 13(i I Test Catalogue 3U0 lllustrailons. only acts. UernniTTTH. to differta Taneues Ug m JK the entered I the conspicuous men In ' the cotton April 10th, the hill about Mr. "Ed" NeSbitt and Miss. Sallie Address, JAMES VICK. 10 Tuberosei, til flowering bulbs, for f M the nation, and an bonor to his eon present' form,' according to. Secretary 1865. and adding claims ior ail tobacco it. in one day and nicrht thev enter Campbell were married at the residence 2 7 Rochester, N Y. o 2 rirnainns. 0 ladiolcs, all R flowering r1nriU svirll. bolt, tar foft Si $IJ0 JX etltueney Conv Oazgtte.1 : Sherman, will impair to the revenues seized atter thai aate oy the Treasury six feet. During the day tie has seven of the bride's mother by ltev. T. fc hundred ouw tnwg eneap,. These gentlemen have pnt In store a line airenls. Mr. Wilson, oi West Virginia. uieu iu tne neaaioc and 25 men takiu? Milfordon Wednesday lust and left the A snpply 01 Coffins, Caskela, Ac, which they offer of at leu-- t at country $14,000,000 exceedingly -- ..the Cox's attempt to' insinuate fro ; lln " ' "' has a bill ordering that every claimant up the bottom. At night none but the following morning for their home near A' SO an immciioo otyvn ui rmkv . tbe President's titled was seryriF.y Im annually, if H becomes a law. . shall be sheltered behind . a legal pre neaaing men work.; They keep the Pittsburgh, Pa., .The relatives of the t Ornamental Trees. Evergreen. M LQWPEICES! etc.. an pnca iis irre, ifir. They are prepared to attend f jnerals at short itated. W.the floor, pf , Congress, by - .. : . r- -t- sumption ot nis joyauy., - rue. bill oi neaaingortne topof the tunnel about contracting parties were invited to notice, having Io -- connection with their es- tablishment ad- dressing The Democrats who have manifest Mn Mills shortens . the legal term oi at it aneaa ot the main part of the witness the ceremony making quite JPPII1 a good Ueirse, safe Horses and a . who . Representative MacMahoni the Rebellion fourteen mouths, wbile entrance. Besides the man in the - care lei Driver. , ed so much tenderness oo the- - subject large attendance and 3ome of Mr. he said, Charles Foster, sup- posed Mr. Shelley would transfer all claims tunnel he has employed drivers,dump- - Neabitl'a friends accompanied him 'BARRETT & DAVIS, Foster was acquainted with all of prison ought to be thrown lor 'war looses' to the Court of Claims, uicu, uiu luecnanics; making in all also.. NIrs. Campbell and , Messrs A Great Offer for Holidays! Car.JHaist and Fair. Creaad Streets, noraons in the Government, who had ia among tbe wild beasts caged in tbe Where the question of loyalty or dis- loyalty about 60.. It requires timbering as they and ' .U 8T- - CtAUSVitXB Ot- - -- . ; v Robert Vincent, Campbell spared We will during these HHRD TIMES and the obtained their places b fraud, .luster penitentiary, t That done, Ross Alex March , 7fi ly. cannot be considered. ., I' enter, me work is and dry to all HOLiDAia dispose oi lou. .t. w ana ap- pearances no to make the or ! Immediately . called out "I ander ought to be made assignee of the pains expense oc nrallassinakr9aWower in reply i One brilliant step in advance has al safe. Mr. Keegan on tbe casion a pleasantone for all their in 0KQAS3, of prises than-eve- r before' Democratic - " - , for cash, or Installments, am - cauainuwl-- ' withiAhe institution; ready .been made, ine House Com east side is gradually getting dowu to are planted by a million of people in America, offered. WATERS' P1A'0S and ORGANS viieu nlmun nf lite Military ComnjitteeJ Kuesw. See Viek t Catalogue. 3U0 illustrations, only 1c. in it lee on .War Claims have agreed .uBgrvue. nenas yet tbe lower lift ' are the Bent Made, warranted for 9 yearav- - lis refwrine to Banninir. who. as . is welt The. Legislature has pretty well sue Mr. Dightox Beery and Miss Vicks JUattrateU MemUUu iiaaaTine, S2 psees. lnstrated Catalogues Mailed Great. Induce- ments Dealer id AMERICAN and upon a bill, sending to the: Southern which is nine feet deep and about 600 and Colored Plate in each number ..Price l Vnnn. ffot bis alace throuGrh , the bal ceeded' in destroying discipline' In the Claims Uoinmiastoa the vast it Mattie Peck were also married on the a v an five conies 00. to the tlade.- - Pianos, 7 octave, $1); T4, dim of iong;tnemiddle-'iUfwhichisl- fl octave, fl l'. ORGANS. 3 stops, (48; 4 stops, (5-- 7 mmm lotfcox stuffing of tbe. .notorious Eph. Ohid PeriitentlaryThe convicts are war claims now pending before Con deep is about completed; It will be following day (Thursday) at the In Viek'M paper flower covers, and with Vegetable elegant-clot- Otmten, covers W nts 1. slops, Wi: 8 stops, S70; 10 slops, 5; 12 stops, hihbls, Holland. Deooeratii JUongreasnaeo undertaking to run . the institution sres3,1antl., Departments. It changes some time yet before they will enter residence of" Mr. Boyd Cameron of this All my publications are printed In Eni(lisb $: Musical in perfect half order. price. -- dot HORACE nsed a WATERS year. Sheet Afonumenta, Spires, Head Stones, etc. ought to be more eareful when they themselves: There is no mischief that the v present .law; which compelled oo the east side.' - ' ' place. -- The marriage- was coosumated and Get man. Adaress, . JAMES V1CK. SONS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 40 East 14th t" MAIN BTREET, CAMBRIDGE, . Yj it 2 7 ,.,.. ftochester, OHIO. talk about fraud at eleeUena. j t tbe Democratic msj irity does not seem claimants to prove loyalty from the KiULsn. - On Feb 28 John Kerrlgari, by . Rev. :; Robert- Armstrong New ... ......... j. .j Sti eet. New Vf'SA fri k I v) fi n i Voi) jmmmm mmm mmm mmm -- m a j''"-- . l4 i nitul fn- - commencement, of i hostilities to the b wuikiuu in ine eastern approach, Athens Ohio and Mr. Oimerou pro v id V Granite Monnmenta. UnrM. mwt BaMwino'b irmycomraittee has re- moved ; i t 1 ..i ; i present time, into a proviaiou - reauir. was Btrockon the head by a falling td a it inner worthy of the occasion Baltimore &0 Mo E.E ' Slate int.n. Mantel Eoxnished . . to Order. . - disabilities' of 0'Connor,the The Parties stopped for a few days at TACKSO'St'BEST wur canoe seen at the nSjsowi st .Cheyenne on Sunday was ing a proof ol loyalty after a seizure of stone about tbe size of a hulled walnut. KJohnstoQ's. GeniraL Agent, St. C lairsvile Ohio legislator wbd labors under the l" 1 and ."railroad tbe ,i: property.. Tbe . iniquity ' and He was standing in the midst of a crowd this town' visitiug friends in' ": the 9 Sweet NavY.Chewina Tobacca fifteen feet "; ' - deep; " disadvantages- - oi ' oeing aasiwr, a " sbamelessness of such a provision is oi aoout 4U, something like 200 yds. vicinity. XN. EFFECT JAN. 13, "1878. was asar4e'iMiiiieatVrlise a C'entenKiM bounty "jumper,' to say-nothin- trains ii ere'' blockaded, Spring is be- hindhand apparent.' Instead of taking tbe bold, back of the blast, awaiting the result , A Wuite IRobin accompanied by position for Fine ' 'hewing Qualities and of his - havisir - been formally ' char In that part of the country, manly, honest ground that no traitor when be was struck to tbe ground in- sensible his rFrau" put in an appearance here EASTBOUND; anil Kla Ijt ertflg; 'IyoB Paantcter 'wane lire best to- bacco sed with . perjury by the minority and we feir that it will go into winter should receive compensation for losses by this small stone. A shower on Monday morning and has attracted BTAT10SS. '' Exp. Exp. Mix'dPass ever made, ask your grocer for this, and nf a committee' "h Attainted to in quarters in' this' region for awhile, bo- - received in war, and that the Govern et stones leu around the company but a great deal of attention. He- - is 1 i. ' i t ! . A FiiEionT see that each plug bears our blue strip trade valite him.' Mr.. O'Connor Ls ls fore it becomes fully established for the ment will pay no claims to the men an racapeu except tnis man, quite white with a black stripe on each wing pure L Cliicaso-,- ... 8 50am, 0 40pm gold mark, at with wholesale the words by Jackson's all Jobbers. Beaton SenJ for It. Raid to be a citisnaof a ftirelgfl country season." tried fell ' Garrett , 3 20pm 3 5oa m . (i 00 am i i; ' ! '", '. ,. ., ,; who originally to destroy it, the large stone at tbe feet of Mr. Kee and in size somewhat smaller than his ...f ' ample to-- , i and not of the United States.-- ' Is thie House committee open wide the door gan. Mr. Kerrigan was carried to tbe brothers of the red vest. His "Frau- - ' Defiance.... 4 54pm ' 5 27 4 ' 8 15 s. A. JACKSON 4 Co, M'f 'rs, Petersburg.Va. trinfmr wntilri disability' well to: ascertahi;:ithi8 removed 'aTsoT'lt faeti , iThk storms of Monday night and to all claimants, and pave the waV for ooaraing nouse and for a few days was line" is wearing a dress of reddish ash Tiffin Fostoria....'.' '6 715 47 7 7 54 23" ' 8 210 20 pm ineiri juiuro .aucwn, ; ineir mougnt better, was taken to William l V .!.. 1 in and the report color she don't seem happy ' ' ' and also to look further into Mr. O' Tuesday wereJ very severe at some .... : mi . .. - Wilson's on last Mondav and on Mar " Mr Sandusky.... 710 'rAi 10 45 am ft . J t.' Jtomdry A Maeitme Shop Work of all kmdSoHcite says;. mate. ' possession of such jolly a MoarpeviUa. 8 00 ... J8 80 "1310pm AH H Connor's antecedents.- - It is1pos8iole points atoog the- - line of the B.'& O. Whenever our Govciataent asraaes tbe 6th died, lie was buried in the Union , , D Frank Stevenson first saw this novel ' ChicagpJun. 8 40 . 9 30 a m 12 5 . ' .ill . a lew more 'disabilities' relent teui Road, ' beyond '.Cumberland, and .re that it, in such case, (that pf alleged Cemetery after the order ot the Cath bird and communicated the .fact to his Shelby June 9 15 10 06 ' . 2 55 .jit. 1.1 1 ill I Farmirsi piBelmont Co." covered, indeed, he might be entirely sulted in the detention of .the through loyalty), i not Uabie, or, U so, that from (tie olic Obuich. His funeral was attended friends who seemed somewhat inclined ,'. Mansfield... 8 M 10 37 rf 3 55 The Befialri 3faBofcngOompaBypropoaa disabled from serving- - his country and trains from the East for 24 hours. . Re- ports maguitade of the aggregate of similar claim by the it. R. men and manv of the to doubt but all agreed that, it was ' Mt. Vernon.' 1113 1210p m- 715pm "Jit! t ;tsenpa . , tils a legislator. likely to rise it cannot as a matter of tit LU " f'J drawing salary as from . Zanesville, state that the its finances polity or citizens; the funeral expenses were genuine Robin and no mistake. A Newark...- -. 13 loam lo u:20 , MO miia MACHINE or - iff to undertake Cleveland Herald. - heaviest: rain storm that ever. swept justice to make paid by his fellow-workmen- ., ' , ' Columbus... 5 20 . . 3 20 ', i 5 30 a m OLD. Combined compensation, then our Government at once 11 A hoe.se owned by a ,.Mr. Cronin Mower &: Reader that sectiou occurred on. Tuesday SsChools.' - Many of the schools of ; t Columbus:.. 10 4.rinm 12 40 The tffutnessof the rebel archives ever night, and that much damage to loses one oi lis mgnesi aitnDutea. ,. this locality have closed ' the winter fell down over the "Dump" while ' Shawnee..... 4 50pm 10 25 am Cumbebl d ,,mi was demonstrated on Friday last. A was done. A big.- - hind slide prop- erty oc- curred The laxity of such a rule is obvious term. The " Vallev sehool" ' known drawing a cart on the new Rail Road ' Somerset..... 5 57 11 33 ACCOM. Side DellTery .Kake or to the poorest understanding. It is as No 1, gave a interesting and the cart hook catching in the flesh ' Newark. .. 12 30am 1 40 pm ;555a m . III. ! very enter PQlHUroppcr at Black the ,, AUacIimenL Hand, covering bill-fo- r the payment of money that was : plain these Rebel claims are to cut a tainment at tne ciose James Kirk tore it in a fearful manner and in a Zancs ville, 1 35 . 3 00 '.. 710 TRIED; railroad track for and d.waraaedto due Southern1 mail contractors when a long distance, large figure hereafter in the legislation has been teaching there and has been way that was pitiful to witness. Some Cambridge. 2 37 am 3C8 8 14 '.' "'. We beeqoaltoany In use. ' also the .bridge that point was are doing near swept ' ' a aeneral - Barncsville. 8 38 5 05 9 20 brokd out In of the country. The Democratic gentlemen assisted in sewing the tberebenion; 1861, has away, , Yesterday morning all trains party vety 'successful. Tbe "Kirk school" up A BeHaire.;..-..- ' 460 6 10 40 Founds y & oi ine ioriu win vuio ior ineir pay. closed its winter term wound and it will probably get well, 20pra machine beep strongly advocated or a year or were detained... , ... a few days ago. Wheeling...'-Wasliingto- 6 00 . 7 40 ; 1155 fnent aa a part pf tbe price demanded One of their "S. .rt matnew Beazel la two by Mr. Reagan, of Texas, who was of them for. the support of tbe South. own worthy boys, Howard A gentleman passed through this 7 20pm . 7 50 am the fpondranJ Mr. James B. Mooreoith? Postmaster General of the Confederacy . extent n.ira u oeen noiamg forth. .The town a few days since wub horses and Baltimore... 8 40 ,9 20 f .M,niui.. ih.j ' of : h vuw To an , enormcus the private 'Howell sehool"1 will close "i p qepartauenta. its winter enrout lor Texas where he will Philadelphia 3 10am 1 45 Documents were produced In the N. will in. full. sheep pm claims be paid The ; South term next i week. " Lita. Howell, New York..' 6 45 5 10 H. Hoase Friday showing that the N.v on Concord, e is in earnest in this business,, is poor, Teaeher. Lila Is known as an excellent Zakksvillb Accommodation will leave Co S"5.y a.ot Patronise a borne institution? Indemnified contractors were by the vote In one hundred and fifty towns clamorous, and j ' rur WHFriDElVA 11 nan. r.1 Un hungry, determined. taos acqnslnted-Hui- d teacher. "Jockey Hollow school'.' has lumbus daily except Sunday at 5.05 p. M., and Psople are getting wM, ' The Phonogruph. 4.,Prieea.C'ertl0et tioniederate uongress lor the loss of Prescott rs . and cities gives 29,342; Mr tobe wlta tuewonaemu skuhj. merit, address it win noi arenotoognt pe very long oeiore men been taught this winter bv Ada r.. arrive at Zauesville at o.WjfM., stopping at BELLAlRh id A xrriPA c T. , v their contracts with tbe United States, Kean 26,660; scattering 525. ' Last year wbo Democratic The witty 'man of- - the New York that gnat American Remedy, tae place (Jongressmeo in CI.Po,u,A!,. Be!laire.5blo.or" all , Krim. No SUlioqe.,, complaints from , that dia .,, - n, miy at tbe suggestion himself. the same places gave Prescott ' 30,320; power at the North will Had just bow trict. Tnis is Ada's third Times has explained, in his usual fell apaiwrsecretary. W. Csasbis who was tbe Confederate Postmaster ' term in this tberemarkble-- ' ad WESTBOUND. A.. W. AaDB8o, frag. . su Marry 25,931; scattering 809. Republi- can costly a luxury it will prove. When ' citous manner,- van cialrsvtlla dot nrs scnooi. General. The advocates of repayment net loss 1,830. . It seems -- certain "uroKaw school shall .from the phono - ' MEXICAN , tbe cotton claims,: tne looacco claims. taught by Louis Malonee. tages we reap, Statioxs. Exp. Exp. Cl'MBKRL'D . .. CI' . of the claims from the United States that Prescott is elected Govern or and and the claims for war . losses pass taught by Robert Wiley. "HumDhrev Lyle school' graphan instrument - by which, it is ' ACCOM. ZKIA'I ... f Treasury were compelled to Bospend the Republicons rarry the House and against tbe strenuous; protests of Re- publicans, school" closed its winter term last claimed, the tones of tbe human voice New York... 8 15am 8 55 pm i Stnpa at - tnerv eoorv, Keagaa proteasing a total Senate and Council. The Republicans and are paid over to the Friday J. Bert. Howell has on had can be oreserved and reproduced hun Philadelphia 11 45am 11 80 Jill Sta- tions. Mustang liiiimpnt, lapse or memory as to the transaction claim that Prescott is elected by' 2,000 South by millions upon millions, as ' The "Colored dreds ol years' hence. ' According to Baltimore... 5 13pm 7 00 am The1 archives may be found to be votes, and the Democrats concede him tbey certainly will be it, the Demo- crats charge. school" has had the Times editor, an our great men at Washington' 8 55 8 40 fc ' frequently useful in refreshing South 1,000 to 1,500 majority. 'T. . in Congress continue in Three lMn ma Morris as teacher this winter. least their voices and words wMl un Wheeling... i 8 SOam io 50 p in 4 30 pm ; TCBJCAinjSLST. 09. W&V Paper, power, years ago there in this ' were 50 neolfectioo. O. S. Journal. ' Bellaire. 1115.. :4 50 em - The Republicans claim the House tben our people will begin to find dergo a rocess oi "Doming and 'in ex- actly township 69 eolored children who ' Barnesville., 10 10am 1,2 25 am ,G 12 , by not less fifty majority, which will .what Democratic, ' tne years to , De' tne American nost Widow Sbades, Brnfs,- - - reconciliation could attend school. Last 13 ' 25 7 an ' ktamU Thurman is year they Cambridge...' 11 1 am This liniment very naturally et Ijlsstsd la Indignant. not be far from will treat his to a bottle of Tal-ma- ge right. ' probably They costs, exactly what Democratic econo enrolled but 29 and ' the school averag- ed guests Zanesville..:. 12 25 pm 2 35 " '8 50 4 ' ea, where Kature provides in ber laboratory sock 'Riijrs ami Table Covers Senator Thurman "says he has not also claim that they have carried eight my means, exactly what the South de- mands, only 8. At the list meeting of the or Anna Dickinson, just as he A Newark....... 1 30 pm 3 40 10O0.v ' surprising aatlaoses tar Us aladi oC havealU been In the 'WMts. House1 Ince the out of twelve. and will know the value of board of Education ' the school now treats tnern to iieiasicK or Columbus.- -, 3 20 5 20 .,... MlIED . dm. Iu fame has been spreadinc for JS yesrs, House Furnishing Goods, present occupant Was inaugurated. He was Mumm's . Extra Dry. If Dr. Pierce until now tt encirclestlM habitable globe. that reform which howling cripples abandoned. "Friends school" closed Somerset .... .3 23 '...9 03. A farter stock and The Kextean Liniment Is matcaless greater variety than oaa be doe not recognize "his Fraudulency." the and discharges few could have all the encomiums that Shawnee...;. 4 30 10 10 & t'ltKlOIIT Kuztang a onnd in any orlier establishment navy, 'A J ' : It Is said that the Legislature pro army a on last Friday Ida Baily . has been : remedy for all external ailments of man and beast. and- In thlseity Ubieties poses to sit ontil the middle of May or hundred disabled Union soldiers and teaching it. This 'school employed have been bestowed, upon his Golden Columbus... 13 40 ' 10 45pm , To stock owners and farmers tt Is invaluable. yar'-'l'eosu- as at jriee lower Trnltif than to offered r anaay This lack of, civility on tbe part of June. It takes this Legislature, even poor women clerks from tbe Depart two teachers and was divided into two Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pur 'Newark..,.;.. 820 8 50am 5 00pm A slnclo bottle often saves a bnmaa nts or re- stores save money bygi ing us a eall. housekeeping can this reat aaaa toward Hayes is noth with the assistance of Reformer, Ross ments, and pays Rebel war claims departments a few years ago. It is gative Pellets, as remedies for indiges- tion, Mt. Veinon 3 19 4 50 7li ' the usefulness of aa excellent Bors. ox. ' constipation, torpid liver, or 'bil- iousness,' Mansfield.... 4 45 6 19 11 25- - cow. or sheen. 11 ' ' iw. HARBOUR & ing new.'! Time was when tbe Demo Alexander, a longer time to do noth- ing with unblushing effrontery to the tune still a model school and would be , hoof-aH- , hollow DITTHAN, thus 'bottled' and Slielliy..."..... It cures foot-ro- t, horn, grant of hundreds of millions. Cleveland preserv- ed, 511 6 47. 12 2") am than Assembly that ever met better attended if it free cratic party' at tempted to destroy this any Herald.. ., Uui . n was a school it would- - be the most famous bottle A Monrocville, 6 13 8 25 8 OO i m smrw-wor- shoulder-rot- , mange, 'the bites and 143 MAIN STREET. in the Fog Bank at Columbus., !. n- - i xft- - "Town school" has been taught this ' stings of poisonous isptlles and insects, sad every ' In the world. 8andusltv,.iv-- 00 fl 10 4 W .;"" Government, and "his fraudulency" .. WIIEEW.G,W.M. . 'i t l....',r winter by C. L. Ranson and Celestine OHIO Santo liom, Sonoma co Cal., July 8th, L Cliicajru Junc 6 00 A , 743 ' ' (i 13 ' trouble chose te defend. its honor and integri- ty, LEGISLATURE. Wiikfns. It cures every external of hones, sues They are preparing , to eive .. fci Tittln. 7 la . 8 30.; '1- - 55' f. -- 1877.. as , iwiym lameness, semxencs, bwiuiij jcuny r, From O. S. Journal Teceivhig fearful wounds,-'-whil- e A bill has been passed by the Dem- ocrats Summary. two evenings entertainment at ''" the Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Fostona....'.. 7 45 9 10.' 10 00 wlnd gaU, , etc. ' . ; ;. ., ,.T ..1 the delectable frrtriof, 'Thurman, was of the National Hou-- e providing Marches. Senate Bills' Passed: close of school. ' ,' '. DearSirYoar Golden Medical Dif-cove- ry " Defiance.. 9 52pin 11 W v.it Wnm ' The Mexican Mustang Linlmeat Is the sales rS greeting, "In '.' the ,'uame of for experts for eleven committees, and Codifying ' tbe tax laws; punishing Church ' services. The M. E. has cured me of aft aggravated L Aoburn Jiinc 11 22 12 . 7 20 ' ..eurem the world for acciUsaU occurring ia tae sending the it is characterized . by 'Representative newspaper proprietors for pnblisbin? Church, held its second Quarterly affection ol the skin, after dirTornt doc- tors' A Chicago......!.. 540am 7 00 family, la the absence of a phytic tan, suca as That fSANFORD'S Tl.ltrAt. 200,000 DemocraU of .Ohio, to .their Foster as a measure to provide, places advertisements '"divorces procured:" Meeting on last Saturday and Sunday. had ' failed.. My face and body ZA'EVfi.t AtwoMMODATiox leavrs 'ZnnrS- - - slmn, bums, and scalds, stiffness sprains, cuts, etc., and for rheosaa-- . rar $50 C I KR for ' faiarrb will not in- stantly friends In the South, and occupying, for clamorous Democrats. ' He says authorizing married- - women to sue in Dr. John Williams 'was present and were continually covered i with pim- ples daily except Sunday at 6.40 k. m., and r-- tlcularty valuable to engendered Miners. by exposure, . eura. Refereoo,!lnry relieve and speedily Wells, with his family, all the available time that tbe persons these - posi- tions tbeir own name for a legacy; reorganiz- ing officiated. About 100 members of the and blotches. Enclosed JBnd 1.50 riTcs'itt JLtlumbu8 at U.40 a. m. ; ytojnug at. ' It Is tha cheapest remedy la tbe world, tor II Well. Kargo fo, Aurora. N Y; the Institution for imbecile Youth. church took' commonior. The Dr. all (Nations. ... the BttK to tbe ttona. aBdy a stagk Wm Hnwin. hJKt. Mrrlattan. In conveying his family, carriage load- - are expert loafers, experts in for a copy of Common Sense Medical penetrates w Case Orant Howes, tl fxiula. Tea-- , .Fast Express rung daily. Express a daily on ' preached two powerfully ' Is sunV;lent tesri. , - tfor neners'STy House bar rooms, expert dead beats, of the Messrs. Wright and Meuser sermons. Adviser. ' Yours truly, " .application lltuonlaH and treatise by nail. el with Democratic sympathy, knick-knac- ks same claw with which the rolls of presented a protest against the passaze hie was well pleased with tbe appoint WM H. MARION. Central Ohio; Division daily exevpt Sunday on jiGxicaniusrang unimens is pui np in tnrse i Prleer with Iniprovsd Inhaler, pay Lake. ui . and , Ulnc&no Division. - -- Other slsesof bottles, the larger ones being proportlea. Of Catarrh . VM everywhere. WKKK8 i tender of ment and especially with the as the bill. regard to the rebel the last Were partial appropriation younger Congress'- - and crowded, Emerel Station, Ohio, June 11, 1877. tlaily except Sunday. . 1. atalyataahtaeeasaposl. Hold si si; mmm. T POTTEK. ProprlctorvHoaUn. in' that this bill - li u is introaneed; fixing tees for tbe portion of the membership. Rev..E. - Masa. prisoners'; Cimp Chase! "That simply provides salaries h: M. General Ticket was N. Y.: - COLE, Agent. , . Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, .... 1 the R Jones has held .. . J Plaster are best. protracted meeting Collin1 Vortai of local and special laws: a a for lot of about this passage pre when Senator, Thurman delighted toi a hangers-o- n Dem- ocratic 'Dear Sir Your Pleasant Purgative THOS. F. ItAltlty, "West Pass r Amnt - for which resulted in 25 accessions to tbe House. These s 'are to scribing' proceedings collection ol .W. eneral ManamT Ohio call. i Again, wnen "bis Pellets have cured my .wife after our .XSrljiaV ,tat.ib The church. Fraudulency" - Disciples were expecting taxes.'" act as pointer dogs; and start the In' aid Chicago IMvieioav .. t found it convenient in a zuberanafori! to begin series of meetings last best' physicians had failed. They vestigations that their committees are BIHrt passed;-- ' Fixing the salaries ol a on HNQ 1 Revolvera. Iltnatrated Price List contest to divest this old rebel virtuoso " but the Minister the first dose. '. " ' UVItl) irsM. Urama Waa term tiua Works. . of. Cuyahoga county officials;- - authorizing , ' - to make out of his political pelt did .he have occa- sion capital , , . . V t ".b tne commissioners of Hamilton county W. IRA A. MILLER. J"' ,' ',1' Plbnr4u.iJs.. w . . - - aut to call on 'bis Fraudulency.' to make a fill; authorizing of wlt name guardians LARUB MIXED CARrM Aye,' .ta fellow feeling made him won- - .. The Legislature, with some journal- istic imbedilea to sell real estate.' ' The Silver Dill has riveted . the six vlT lareporte- - that the 'Congress of tn ease, IV, ii wUhoutcase, c: new., arouf ; xtna"..to the rabel erew in assistance, having abolished pun- ishment March 7.' Senate Bills introduc- - per cent load ' upon the country. The fturopeanr Powers wlir 'ofxm on March '. :a04 '" ' : 50 fira-rard-s A CO, Mle. If Vntnts lUdleboro, 10c Kaea. f WASH- BURN lump iasw vertlyi were Hayes as in the penitentiary' we have edr Restraining cattle from, running bondholders will get six ' per cent in 31. That will be on Sundaya day B arbr iHair- - u, grand. as. old Thurmeo-bi- silver their bonds instead of four moire famous for battles than for treaty at large only in - counties baring sixty upon tTj. a fine state of things in that iBstitu,-tipn- ., u,;.; ,and-- ' Dresser, pnrtyf mu an, muun tn i ne -- ttouette, , (thousand 'inhabitants4 nd upward: per cent in goia.ana tne groaning in- dustries negotiations. 'i y. nv, t i. he might, well. coogratakte himself QujMonday another guard was eodlfylng the code of "tlvrf procedure; of the country , must make up One door' wtnt TrWMircr'ri Oftlo?.' ' .vrr, 7,.'. t, V" Xl'T.'Z b unty survbyo R, that bis presence waa-ewve- d the intra assaulted,' and fatally Injured,' The providing that life Insurance policies the ditterence. ' wnen cool beads, ten ,1 - aion lot i the - oia irenel.. sympathizer prisoners are boisterous and deflarif.ahd after three years shall not be forfeited veara hence, come 16 look at this frreat preaafta'iialteM.i t adilrMilng ! offlclaC blur dn-- ; Tharmanvi Asa Repoblloto we thnb--' grave fears are felt of a general 'upfi'i so long as- - the ' inteset of tbe Insured opportunity lost, they "will call the Sil- ver ATTORBKKY AMDCOCKBELOR AT1 LAW ta 1 ims. furnish and Township wlaiies all and persons rieetiuo. w here sui I t t. him tor. his. absence front 'his Fraudu-leocyW.'fo- oa sing. Kii may require a tew regiments will contiuue the preinluin. bill the most " amazing folly that s.i 1 " BBr.LAtBE,t).''" tt ia ati.i iiiiv'. .,v is to be made. Vers tS UO pe ly. rrr "ed' fti Eafcdit' 8lyTes 'riuL otr'shert JMXK STREET, Velmo"' man is known by the of troops to carry out the ' work ot "Bills-passed- r uAmetidrug' the' free ever mlslid avreatand Intelligent beo- - IxTAf-tMA- . ,,,a,?,AtI',f?L uouoe. UA4lDetard a( bOo f muar a, . , 1 Ajara-aSt.Cln,r'T- - (niCJa .it-- - yemocrauo reorganization. ' tmnk In J' ' law - of ''ISSljautborizlDg ple.-B- alt. Gazette (lern.);, , ui j 1 ...... '...1: I cteptiHi BrldgeportOhlo.1 ar Ljjl. JJo M lifcti J - .' i ,1 ... ( fi , ,i i j.. ..j hi ii ' s,t"H .tl tt li'.litM .4U1; ). I4vt Titlal kf. 1 Q I.. S j.i.-- . ... . i.l ' ... rw : ' ''- - " 1 - lit IV .fl..' ilia

Belmont chronicle (Saint Clairsville, Ohio : 1855). (St ... · The r Question. of the Recorder AMUEL KNOX. assistant prosecuting attorneys MORISTOWN. New Advertisements. Hamilton

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Page 1: Belmont chronicle (Saint Clairsville, Ohio : 1855). (St ... · The r Question. of the Recorder AMUEL KNOX. assistant prosecuting attorneys MORISTOWN. New Advertisements. Hamilton


r of the Recorder AMUEL KNOX. assistant prosecuting attorneys MORISTOWN. New Advertisements.Question. Hamilton eing that our' letter last week".His Position in the Congressional House BilH introduced Up-propria- escaped the waste basket, we extendTo every at) prejudiced mind the de Retail price 9a only tUlm,

T Contest. $30,000 to put the'.publie ourv thanks to the wntor, ior his Parlor Organ, prioe $;175 onlv m m a m aj an m aw am kw am & jbl

11 At' decision of Judge Okey, warding to J works in repair;. limiting Cincinnati leniency, and try it again: TwelYe Yeat;s cf Suffering. v1105. D F Bkatty. Washing, KEEPS CONSTANTLY, ON HjTnd"

T. CLAIK3YILLK. OHI 5H Barnes tbe office of County Recorder, From Caiz Republican, ton. N J.7th. Since our last letter, the leading our i &Jfeni-AtX- Mit twelve rears, ago, while

r- - rfO ."tr ,.-- Off.: which was rendered after a most elab-orate

n racard to Mr. Knox, we may say, the levying of a tax to bulk! - car shopstown held a meetiegv in traveling wits Faiber Kemp s OidulksCon-e-n ne Fnbcy Cards. 6nowflake, lamask, ae.

THURSDAY March 14, 187K. t up to the present uaie ne nas and foundry at Dranison: repealing Tioud as a slneer. t look a never J no two alike, with name 10c.- - JN Patent Medii-iii- e of all kinds.and careful examination of every bet n strongly in favor of the renoml the homestead exemption law; mak-- l the Town Hall, in regard tj the Bui eolti and as laid at Kea-aff- X J. Tntc Card Co, Nassau, N Y.Motions. Perfnmerr..question and fact which tended to nation of Mr. : Danford. and bis own ingthe22dor February--

, a legal holi-day;

dettaSteam Transportation Co. ;AlILeoi,ibtooswr,"evrRl,ck cwarrh, r Delaware C A 6 U O J.F.Man-- AndllrasliefcRf.B-E-L war claims, k tbe question I 'l 1 oaiuee wua- - evary iDOwrwrneuyfor the niimwthrow light upon tbe intention of tbe candidacy heretofore not been providing for any rate b( interest Panl the agent Co., aduressea for Tour weeks without avail, and was tlnall Maps Free," eha, IXbefore the people In the near future. authoriz the meeting. He presented his subject obliged te give np a most desirable positionvoters of Belmont is satisfac matter ot consideration, i ne promt agreed upon between parties;county, and return borne unable to sing a note. For'.;.4 :: in a plain business manner which leit. nent position which Mr. Knox occupi ing a license liquor law; permitting three years afterwards I was unable to sing OLVER FREEitrJorl:Tub iSemocratiftliegbiature of Ohio tory and it is accepted as founded upon

ed for six in the Senate gave savings bank officers to hold any posi-tion

a good impression on his hearers. A at all. Tbe first attack of Cabtrrb bad left my !-- ALiyxiini to here;"" " ' .years J Sown A Son 130 Woodthe evidence and law in the not committee was . appointed to confer nasal organ and throat so sensitive that tbe ridges. Aderotw, Bon,

ought Jo. matXr4 SAlgseot;.with case, him a State reputation, and two years excepting that of treasurer. with aUgbtest cold would bring on a fresh attack, St, fiUaUurgu. P. 8 1 t Q dthe St. Clatrsville men at their a & e ij e q stbe Resolutions: --the halt of led. Ia 1 continJ. iignee'.",;lt is withstanding bowlaof tbe untruth ago the newspapers of the District all -To- -reseat leaving me drostra tbis warBoss Aiexande;!a meetine. ued to sn Her. Tbe last attack, the severest Iful of the who at recognized him a possible nominee the House adopted; enabling the At !evident lhai Us. liabilities, are partisan Gazette, as I suffered tbe most ex- - .k! --r.A GOOD ASSOKTMENT OFalready

,l i --,t i .,u ..ft:, 1. . tempts to manufacture out whole for Congress in the event of Mr. Dan-ford- 's torney Genera to' earry outthe; pro-vision

LiMrl jCtwiyMiTsoirciiiatfesville, eraeiatlDg pain in my bead. was so boarse as " 'decimation. During the last dl the partial Appropriation bill formerly an operator in the employ of to be scarcely able to speak, and coughed in ! SHFI P UtDnWA DPfor

cioin, lesiunony, ana put decisions la years of his service in tbe Senate Mr. in reference to theuimymentio cessantli,eansnmptlbc,

.IjhougUtand I rirmly

I. .wasbelievegolna awatuuk

thai had ebrated rutLA.v wlliuck uuMtsi-NATlij- HTHni ? New Hampshire,vote KafccnBrethe"'prjBltIoir of" Chair cells atthe Penitentiary tabled ville, has leased the Farrell Hotel for eU4HKa.lfaiUwm bavl-a- n Lamps.-I- great varietyCower; yew,M fiafbntmt never uttered. The Court bavins in- - man of the Finance. Committee, .the March 8. Sesate- - The . Senate three years. - He ; proposes to refit and they-wou- ld

nun iD.uasavsmadereame

qsirasiDK coiwiqod,atasy



will atXamidivtliiml my losnorsriur

lavonlyyibarIn auerasmau.

, Freacott, iujp-...;- ; ;...,.-Marce-y, Tes&teated and tried the case under his most responsible position in jnai oouy, met at 8 o'clock, but ' without doing refurnish the building at xxa iUlle cost. mettaWt Wit'lM ef f.tFOKb' RASMAi, tactnrer. Tbe finest tables, balls, clotb, cues. ani. ci1eap W.Dua and was the recognized leader of the any ousiness aajonrcea to ruesaay Charley is a good manager and will no CUKE FOR CATARRH, very reluctantly, I &o. at lowest prices send for catalogue andsolemn oat n and according; to law, his confess, as I had tried ait tbe advertised r. ru --

edleareduced price list, rt W UOLLKJ Le.ti, 73S G001 GOODS at FAIR PRICES.

iti.'bculeriog ...........decision snouia command until Republican majority. These fccts.and afternoon doubt,' make a Tgood landlord, ,We wttbooitJeneati iTte.flrst jdos oftbls Broadway, J'ew Hwkm. Suaeessor to Pbian St.Clabnrrllle,-OpsasilaTreaaarerOflle-

at least it berespect bis legislative career in general, have House Bill introduced: Providing extend to him the right hand of citizen wonderful medtcme gave me the greatest re-

lief.Feb 10.11)76.!....snt aside, bv jwine more It is hardly possible for one whose beadsignalized him as a very proper man for iurther security in- - cases'-wher- ship and wish him 'success In his un asoe.wbo .oaa scarce! ajrtlenlateacbasj jtint jfatBmb nd . eree-ta- er fc"y to be sent up to represent the District justices of the . peace . are- - required to dertaking. - distinctlyafesorf account of the choking occumn-lation- s

8ANKOKDFor a Case

S HADiCAUof Catarrh

CURBthat tXaTI3Si6l13 BP?JaTrtti'tlakerlfipv and-'Whlsk-

v1 and 'TODaaSM over the St. Uirviiia rsnzsttr nr Ko in the national legislature,' and every take undertakings in civil actions- - If theiud'upidual VhoDroposos ha Dat 1 obtainedin hia throat,


realizefirst application

bow mucb re-lief f $50 for Catarrh will not Instantly

not bow; food fcrifanctionariesof paper in the District, in mentioning Resolution offered: Reauirine tbe San ford's Radical Cure. Under Its influence. illeyajtn4.JpeeUIi xna. 4f-.-!legislatios, are just- - the Commissioners' of-t- be ing two 8iiits of clothes and a , calico tvnies.,Hsnrj' Well,l-jJS- . WfcU i.:.n r i " " ' floe of Belmont' the probable candidates for the , nomi-nation.'h- Finance committee to ascertain the ' botb Internal and external, I rapidly recover ! Hbuse and Sign ;;country. county, i Judge Okey dress, in "certain situations in tbetown, ed, and by an occasional use ol remedyplaced them amounts required by the various de Mirffatton, Oramalways OTfTEwr.having decided among free from Catarrh,that Barnes was-- the instead 'of the able persons who are since have been entirelytbe name of Senator Knox. This is partments and other expenses necessa for tbe first time In twefwe-year- s. Respect-

fullyliowen, St jjoui. xestimoniaia

Now' that the Speaker 'and legally elected Recorder, Ala decision now managing that institution, would and treatise by mail. Price, PainttandGEO W iiOLBlixKiK.' the extent of his candidacy, , and the ry to carry on the State jGovernment yowra,, -with Improved Inhaler, fl uu. Glazier.vacated. the finding. of. Jna Board of himself bis Jan 8, 1876. -;& 'of the',IJbuae'.of i for hang up in cberry tree as a Waltbam, Haas, 50 Bold WEEKS ASpealtfcr explanation of it" Mr. Knox is not a two years and report tbe sameia everywhere.

resentatives, at have county canvassers, and under it Barnes candidate for Congress in any aggres-six- e the General Appropriation bill tabled scare crow for the robius,. he would be Each package centals Dr San ford's Irapro PU1TEA, Proprietors, Boston, ! - . . 'was entitled to enter anon the duties occuping a loftier and a more useful ved Inhaling Tube, with full directions for Mass. .a . . !. .

presented with- - new ivory gavels, 'w of his office, after filing his bond and sense, but would certainly not re unaer Dotice to discuss. , position than we have noticed him oc use in all cases, l uu. f or Baie oy aii Practical Paperbop they'll pound some sense intethj taKldg the necessary oath. At - fuse a'

nomination if. it were orxerea Adjourned to Tuesday afternoon.0 cupying for the past ten years. Gouge United


and retailWEEKS



tbe TEMPERAKCS REP0RM Hangerhlm.! This believe to be Jhe corheads ot tne memoers ana ' sena met ;

, La.it week he presented his official we tnetryoutof thine' own eye berore Agents and Wholesale iruggisia, tiomon.- - - - l ST, CIAUtSVIIJ.E, OHIO. , . , .cackle boot' to-- , surprise their coi bond with Henry West. C W. Carroll rect position in regard to all such mat-

ters.FLUSHING. thou kunckest the ' mosquito - off tby AXD ITS GREAT REFORMERS. ,p j I C tJLJi j . X i . . t

stitueats. Cln. Enquirer, Dem.) and W. P. Fraziwv- - as suretios, to the The party should be as free as Ihpeovemehts. A number of new neighbor's nose, Aye verily.;"' " ' BwKev. W If 'DANIFJLS A."1 M. tirainlnir, Glasine, Paintinsr' possible In making the choice of a lead. wui be In Gollins' D and Pa nerin ir.no County Commipsioners for . approval. nuiuiiogs, . progress soon'

Profn-n- i .Jlluslited ' Portrait; iwi on on-- short nctice. All hn.ni.ho. ..t .h. -

Ths repeal of the registration law The Commissioners with a. partisan- - er from among Its representative men, Why should it not be so?. We have Miss Sadie nazlett. returned home ffirticncs ana containing over ouu rages. tiad will reneive pffimpt ftttontion.a "toatteT of peculiar Interest in view bip scarcely to be excepted. eapeLlally the choice land of the choice county of last ; Thursday ; after- - a visit of two E2TA tVHOi.a Temparanck Library in a --"wraers solicited. apl-6- tf

when their action could not effect the Raids on the Treasury. me state, i ne son is very uroducuve months to her Bister Mrs. Ga9ton at Voltaic MNiii.E- -oLi-M- AwaMfWantcd Every-wher-e.

elec--, :the .near approach of the springtitle to the office in dispute, refused to 'No one argument wtu pressed mere and almost every acre is or can be Washington IX. C. Sadie is looking Address for ikiraTetras and Circu-

lars, C..T. w:ttooa.; i Wita the exception of t approve the bond of Mr. Barnes, be-cause,

closely during the last , Presidential tillable. Situated ' on : the dividing quite well.&

HitchcockSt. Loui.

4 Waldan," t'tc:uati,' Chica-

go, itrJS& Railway.

clause providing fur '.small ' preci as they allege, the question of campaign than that tbe accession of the ndge, between the head waters ef --Plasters. Cleveland, Tuacara was Valley & Wheeling)the la-- ba been entirely' wiped title is in litigation, at the same time iemocratie party to power tn ine . na' Wheeling creek on the east and Stilt his friends at Cumberland O. : Railway Company, y

tion would involve the payment by water on the west, we are tree from all N Electro-Galvan- ic combinedthey w ng that tnere was no objection to a Battery, . leveao&, :JHne 13, 1977. )lea vihg matters precisely.'aa sufficiency or form of the bondj Ta the United States of a mass of Rebel aiseases caused by standing waters. If the party who etole Jep Kirks with tbe celebrated Medicated Porous Na 16 Lagrange St, Booth Salem, Mass Subscribers te the Capital Mark of saidPlaster fnrmiotf the flrrandest curative aeentbefore its enactment.: j : a disinterested observer, their Action claims almost limitless in amount. By Coal and wood 1 n abundance. Coal can onions and potatoes' last- - week will in the world oi meaicme, ana utterly Mr I1.R3TK Vtistt 'i 8 -- n-li

heretoforewill take notice thai tbeir sub-scriptions

iOOes very much uko an endeavor oo the Democrats this cry was sneered at oe oougn ar tnree eta per bu. We bring them back, Jep. will promise to all other Plasters heretofore in use. Dear Sir I have been troubled with Scrofu aiding la extending themade

railroadfor tbe

ofpurposesaid Com-pany

ofThk DroDosed Damoeratlc attacl their part to thwart the. judgment of as an election He, and , many good tut have a pike which intersects tbe Na keep bis cellar locked here alter. - Tbey

Ola riasiersaccomplish

in a wnotemore la




filithe la,

years,Canker anil



me any ceodfor


I River,from its present terminus to tbe Ohlo

through tbe Wood tariff bill, upon o a Court of eompetent'jurudictioa, and publicans believed it was usea simpiy tional pike near .East Richland. This John Crosier, is erecting a substan ate, iney ccbk. commenced atiau trte VEflSTl.NEl I am. now aid Company,having


Board ofbeen


of saidby

industries; does not meet with tne to set up lor themselves a little, kinz- - as an electioneering dodge to scare the wilt give us the full benefit of the tial dwelling on the National Pike a "A WONDERFUL REMEDY. .rEGfeITiNE.en ing along first

1 considerrate, ard



nothingthe Company at meeting thereof, held on the5thdom founded partisans!! alone. people and secure their votes. Time ".Hurdette Transportation Line." to it for such Can day of June, 1877, by a resolution, orderedon d equal complaints. heartilyhalfthe armed a mile west of. this place. that the firstprobation of brawny . Gentlemen Your installment of five dollars, ; tbe beginning of the present case. will tell who was right. One . fact is Aasoonasthe C. W. and T. V., R. R. Messrs Weeks


PLASTER is a wonder-ful

recommend it to every Doay. I oars truly. on each share el tlfty dollars (fcO UO) so($5,1W)

sub-scribedbronzed faced . operatives of Bel wnen it was a matter. p common re-port

knowo. From the time Mr. Tilden is completed, we will be in direct Since tbe weather has been "fishy." COLLINSremedy. I have suffered with a weak aud Mrs Lizzie M to the capita stooK or 'said Company,

county.: ThftEtnaville demonstra and known to every one that Mr. wrote his famous letter putting himself with Cleveland Wheeling it is amusing to stop on the street cor nainrnl back moreCollins'


eteht rearsPlasier.



St. Louis & San Erancisco Railwaynowbooks,




appearingso aceepv-te- d,

on the

od Saturday,' was '. strong expressi. Barnes had appealed from the findines sharply against the isyment of South and tfellair. The inhabitants of this ners, and bear the "big nsh" stories sentDain


yourfrom my back to my sides and shall be paid on orttefore July 1st, 177. to

of the Returning BoanLand the matter ern war claims, and in such open, un locality will compare favorably with ot some of the anglers. ,, ,.. hiniL Mv leftside and hio are feeling very LANDS 'FOR P.A.UeweiU Treaturer of mad Company, at theinfamousof the general officeof their views mtstakable manner as to snow he was any locality in the state. . Our people well, bnv I think I reqaire another naster tor milt:: thereof, ot the same may be paidwas In .litigation, they did, not .object Mr. John V. Fisher, our. able drug mv rlsbt aide. 1 am so much Improved tbal to.A.J.baggs, at Bridgeport, Ohio, or to suchura.i. ui I .'; ; to the bond of Mr. Wright, but appro-ved

in earnest in , the matter, ine. south as b lunsa are intelligent moral and gist is at Pittsburgh.. Pa., on business can walk and stand, but before 1 got your Acres In Southwest Missouriperson as be may direct; and said Treasurer1,000,000 and saidit without word. The washed It hands of him at once. They industrious. Like other town Plaster I waa suable to walk or stand. Re-

spectfullyRaggs, and also such person as tbea shoe is everyof on v . l oaa beams on the customers irom Mrs RICHARD GORMAN. from 2.oO te S.OO an acre. First class said Bagga iay duly authorize to receiveXBB Democratic Treasnry tbe other foot now, and it is conveni never felt any interest In tbe man from we nave a few scalawags. Some of behind the counter.' I.ynebbnrg.

yours,Va, July 22. IKK.


si oik and agricultural lands. Tbe. best to money due cpon said subscriptions are eitherWert counly took apartments for one ent for them. to allege that, the case to that moment, and Hayes owes his seat the workmen on thr R.H. are a little P 8 Since I finished my letter some ef my bacco region in tre . west.. rUM . fruit, no of tbem by said Company empowered and au-

thorizedwr In-ih- e Ohio ! Penitentiary, fcn the in litigation. . A, little rf consistency to-da- y in the White House as much to rough among themselves but seldom And now the country school teacher. torneighbors

Mime morabave



Plasters.and wish



send grasshoppers,winters, convenient


of goodgooa


snortfor and on




ten pertor



dav 'thai, 'the new. Item would have relieved the Commission tbe unpopularity of.TUden at the intenere where they are not Invited With old and knowing wink, mending them to all my friends. Please send low laies, healthful cnontry, and good socie-ty.

subscription shall be doe, (aod is hereby re-quireduunn

ers from their present awkward . eosi-- South, growing . but of his position ine prospects are. very, good for two Hunleth up the treasurer '" me six of vonr Collins' Voltaic Plasters. En Seven years' ctedit. Free transportation to be paid to tavl Treasurer, at the gen-eralTMrootnni took charee of that insMtu- closed find 11 25. Mrs Gobmah. from Kt. Louis to those who purchase land. . office of said Company, at aforetmid, or tbe

tlon. ' They have a queer ' way fl do-In- e lion. As the case now stands.. Mr. upon the Rebel claims question, as to flour mills. One on, the-east- , side ; Ana draweth in his chink. -wena ior circular ana otner inxormation. same may be paid to A. J. Bagga, at Bridge,

Bel- - uarnes- - nave secured any other cause. , The .Detroit .Post oi town and the other on the west aide. Rnlil hi; all rirnctrlBts for 2S cents each. Sent Address. W. H. Coftiu. Lane Commissioner. port, Ohio, or such person aa he may designthine in. Van Wert; why, In airorneys A tmo

Ai By the passage of bis bill to allow the to ef the United 'States and Canadas Tempie building, St Louis, Mo. 4w. nate, wbo are authorized to receive the same

Cemo warranto writ, returnable to the Uis-tri- ct and Triune has recently published in planing mill is to be built near the any part for and on behalf of said themi in t: instead of a defaulfing owners of real estate sold at sherin's on receipt of 25 cents for one, SI 25 for six, or Company,) on

rtii Treiuiurv beinir sent to the Pai Court in thirty days, which, will detail a list of the. Southern claims. east end of the tunnel. "Wm. Hollo-wa- y sale, to have two years to redeem the t2 25 for twelve, by WEEKS i. POTTER, Pro TRIFLING day followingfrom and

the expiration ef every thirtydays aftertantiarv oetition is d resented compel Mr. Wright to answer by what classified by btates, with jibe names ol has bought the Tarbot property same. Gen. Steedman has made many prietors. Boston. . '1 7 lm WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. whole subscription shall





of .her 'reform1! Representatives m the tine ne noias tne omce of .Recorder. the individual claimants asking com and proposes to erect a large building friends in this neighborhood, without , ; TtJSSsJaUJ '" J I f ' to be paid, a above specified.His answer will show that he has pensation. i , These measures are all for Hotel purposes. Joseph Krim is ' , By order of the Board ol Directors,no .Legislature, lor ttis reuei. ,.,:.; regard to party. A few more sueh ITellt? Carbolic Tdbleuy P. A. HEW ITT, Secretary.and Mr. Barnes now pending as piivate bills. . At now busily engaged intitle, will be put in ,, erecting flaws, and perhaps tbe. unfortunate will Juiy 5, 1S77 10m.possession of the office under tbe de-cree

present tbey are about five hundred in carnage shop on the south end of the a sureremedr for t'OTTGHS. and alt diseasesbe better able to stem the tide of adlearn tnat lion. : Loren& ol the TKO AT, LtJNG-i- CHEST and MUCuUSJYJB of the Court,' after .which if the number, and vary in amounts from lot on which the - Disciple Church is versity. "' - v.i---. 5r r- -i ;i i

ford, of Ohio, who has so ably r 5pre-rfo- r Court below is found to have made er f117 to $10,000 each. The relunding built. Kersey Kirk Jr. has sold, his PritCj, Ouly.'in Blue Boxes. ..,,sented the S1xtcenth': district Tn rors, the case will be remanded. i.t ot tne cotton tax, wnicn win take fou, uouae ana joi to ueo. McGulre. and "H," of TJniontown. must have con ' ;.. BOLD BY ALL DRnGeiSTS.' ""1 P2TDERTAKI1TG!,gress, will, decline the candidaq 000,000, is certain to pass the next Con has nought the "salt house." He will siderabletact to write such spicy locals

C. N. CRITESDES.7 Sixta.'Avtnne,' jr'I6rk."another term: "This 18 a favorable net Tra Republicans .were e in gressifthe House continues Demo occupy one part of this for a Blacksmith from so diminutive place as Union-tow- n.

fof the Hon. J. T; Updegraff, of cratic. Mr. Cook, of Georgia, has in shop and other part for a wagon-sho- Mr. H. allow tne to congratu 1LBXANDEB BABKETT. SITEPITBBD DA Via.Hampshire on Tuesday.'' A Re lathe most beautiful work of the kind In tbePluaunt t, mmn to the frost. atffct traduced a bill enlarging the claims for Mcuuire when he bought the Kirk late you on your Mocalistic power-s- world. It contains nearly 150 paes, bnnure-- BAKKtl r & DAVIS,- - '

TTiSritrrfr is a rentleman of rare abili publican Governor1' and Legislature cotton, demanding pay ot the Govern property expected to build a storeroom, let's shake hands across the gulf of of fine 11 ustratlons. and six Chroma rLa ctot ' 'ty, end this he hasamply proved wbile were elected. ' Tbe result Insures a Re-

publicanmet for all cotton seized by its agents wuero toe DiacKsmith shop now stands. se ven in lies t bat separates us. . Fiotetrt, teautirnlly drawn and colored from i 1 'i lAtEItS I . . . ; .

in Oilnature. Price 50 cents paper covers; flassisting Mronsn iwii wiuira'su" " U. & Senator Id succeed Sen-

ator in . tne tter-e-i biaies aner may 29th, John Kirkpatrick's new house is about JUSTICE. in elegant clotb. Printed in German and En- - C0FflfjSr, CASKETS,our own State. His fine personal char-acter,

Wadleigh.tbe present Incumbent, 1865. Heretofore the date has been ready lor the plasterers. ' It is quite an irllKh. ...." U 'at aaWi mmi iWsl"' UNIONTOWN. Monthly 3agazinrS2 arrival t good cmiiliof

together with his force and effec who is also a Republican. June 301b, 1865. Mr. Cabell, of Vir improvement io mat part of town fineViekt


and Colored Plate inpnees.every 14


Qj- 1


tlve oratory, would make him one ot ginia, has introduced, a .bill carrying On the wear, cn.l Mr V. number. Price SI 25 a year. Five copies, (5 (W.1JW

councils of Fernando Wood's tariff bill,' in Its claims back to. Darragh has 13(i ITest Catalogue 3U0 lllustrailons. only acts. UernniTTTH. to differta Taneues Ug m JKthe entered Ithe conspicuous men In ' the cotton April 10th, the hill about Mr. "Ed" NeSbitt and Miss. Sallie Address, JAMES VICK. 10 Tuberosei, til flowering bulbs, for f M

the nation, and an bonor to his eon present' form,' according to. Secretary 1865. and adding claims ior ail tobacco it. in one day and nicrht thev enter Campbell were married at the residence 2 7 Rochester, N Y. o2 rirnainns.0 ladiolcs, all

Rfloweringr1nriU svirll.




etltueney Conv Oazgtte.1 : Sherman, will impair to the revenues seized atter thai aate oy the Treasury six feet. During the day tie has seven of the bride's mother by ltev. T. fc hundred ouw tnwg eneap,. These gentlemen have pnt In store a lineairenls. Mr. Wilson, oi West Virginia. uieu iu tne neaaioc and 25 men takiu? Milfordon Wednesday lust and left the

A snpply 01 Coffins, Caskela, Ac, which they offerof at leu-- t atcountry $14,000,000 exceedingly-- ..theCox's attempt to' insinuate fro ; lln " ' "' has a bill ordering that every claimant up the bottom. At night none but the following morning for their home near A' SO an immciioo otyvn ui rmkv .

tbe President's titled was seryriF.y Im annually, if H becomes a law. . shall be sheltered behind . a legal pre neaaing men work.; They keep the Pittsburgh, Pa., .The relatives of the t Ornamental Trees. Evergreen. M LQWPEICES!etc.. an pnca iis irre, ifir. They are prepared to attend fjnerals at short

itated. W.the floor, pf , Congress, by - .. : .r- -t- sumption ot nis joyauy., - rue. bill oi neaaingortne topof the tunnel about contracting parties were invited to notice, having Io --connection with their es-tablishmentad-

dressingThe Democrats who have manifest Mn Mills shortens . the legal term oi at it aneaa ot the main part of the witness the ceremony making quite JPPII1 a good Ueirse, safe Horses and a

. who .Representative MacMahoni the Rebellion fourteen mouths, wbile entrance. Besides the man in the - care lei Driver. ,

ed so much tenderness oo the- - subject large attendance and 3ome of Mr.hesaid,Charles Foster, sup-posed

Mr. Shelley would transfer all claims tunnel he has employed drivers,dump-- Neabitl'a friends accompanied him 'BARRETT & DAVIS,Foster was acquainted with all of prison ought to be thrown lor 'war looses' to the Court of Claims, uicu, uiu luecnanics; making in all also.. NIrs. Campbell and , Messrs A Great Offer for Holidays! Car.JHaist and Fair. Creaad Streets,noraons in the Government, who had ia among tbe wild beasts caged in tbe Where the question of loyalty or dis-

loyaltyabout 60.. It requires timbering as they and ' . U 8T-- CtAUSVitXB Ot- - - - . ; vRobert Vincent, Campbell spared We will during these HHRD TIMES and theobtained their places b fraud, .luster penitentiary, t That done, Ross Alex March , 7fi ly.cannot be considered. ., I' enter, me work is anddry to all HOLiDAia dispose oi lou. .t. w anaap-pearances no to make theor

! Immediately .called out "I ander ought to be made assignee of the pains expense oc nrallassinakr9aWowerin reply i One brilliant step in advance has al safe. Mr. Keegan on tbe casion a pleasantone for all their in 0KQAS3, of prisesthan-eve- r before'Democratic - " - , for cash, or Installments,am - cauainuwl-- ' withiAhe institution; ready .been made, ine House Com east side is gradually getting dowu to are planted by a million of people in America, offered. WATERS' P1A'0S and ORGANSviieunlmun nf lite Military ComnjitteeJ Kuesw. See Viek t Catalogue. 3U0 illustrations, only 1c.in itlee on .War Claims have agreed .uBgrvue. nenas yet tbe lower lift ' are the Bent Made, warranted for 9 yearav- - lis

refwrine to Banninir. who. as . is welt The. Legislature has pretty well sue Mr. Dightox Beery and Miss Vicks JUattrateU MemUUu iiaaaTine, S2 psees. lnstrated Catalogues Mailed Great. Induce-ments

Dealer id AMERICAN andupon a bill, sending to the: Southern which is nine feet deep and about 600 and Colored Plate in each number ..Price lVnnn. ffot bis alace throuGrh , the bal ceeded' in destroying discipline' In the Claims Uoinmiastoa the vast it Mattie Peck were also married on the a v an five conies 00. to the tlade.- - Pianos, 7 octave, $1); T4,

dim of iong;tnemiddle-'iUfwhichisl- fl octave, fl l'. ORGANS. 3 stops, (48; 4 stops, (5-- 7 mmmlotfcox stuffing of tbe. .notorious Eph. Ohid PeriitentlaryThe convicts are war claims now pending before Con deep is about completed; It will be following day (Thursday) at the InViek'Mpaper





W nts1. slops, Wi: 8 stops, S70; 10 slops, 5; 12 stops, hihbls,

Holland. Deooeratii JUongreasnaeo undertaking to run . the institution sres3,1antl., Departments. It changes some time yet before they will enter residence of" Mr. Boyd Cameron of this All my publications are printed In Eni(lisb $:Musicalin perfect



nsed aWATERSyear. Sheet Afonumenta, Spires, Head Stones, etc.ought to be more eareful when they themselves: There is no mischief that the v present .law; which compelled oo the east side.' - ' ' place. -- The marriage- was coosumated and Get man. Adaress,

.JAMES V1CK. SONS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 40 East 14th t" MAIN BTREET, CAMBRIDGE,. Yjit2 7 ,.,.. ftochester, OHIO.talk about fraud at eleeUena. j t tbe Democratic msj irity does not seem claimants to prove loyalty from the KiULsn. - On Feb 28 John Kerrlgari, by . Rev. :; Robert- Armstrong New ... ......... j. .j Sti eet. New Vf'SA fri k I v) fi n i

Voi) jmmmm mmm mmm mmm --m a j''"-- . l4 i nitul fn- - commencement, of i hostilities to the b wuikiuu in ine eastern approach, Athens Ohio and Mr. Oimerou pro v id V Granite Monnmenta. UnrM. mwtBaMwino'b irmycomraittee has re-

moved; i t 1 ..i ; i

present time, into a proviaiou - reauir. was Btrockon the head by a falling td a it inner worthy of the occasion Baltimore &0 Mo E.E 'Slateint.n.Mantel Eoxnished

. .to Order. .

-disabilities' of 0'Connor,the The Parties stopped for a few days at TACKSO'St'BEST wur canoe seen atthe nSjsowi st .Cheyenne on Sunday was ing a proof ol loyalty after a seizure of stone about tbe size of a hulled walnut. KJohnstoQ's. GeniraL Agent, St. ClairsvileOhio legislator wbd labors under the

l" 1 and ."railroad tbe ,i: property.. Tbe . iniquity ' and He was standing in the midst of a crowd this town' visitiug friends in'":

the9 Sweet NavY.Chewina Tobaccafifteen feet "; '- deep; "disadvantages- - oi ' oeing aasiwr, a

" sbamelessness of such a provision is oi aoout 4U, something like 200 yds. vicinity.XN. EFFECT JAN. 13, "1878. was asar4e'iMiiiieatVrlise a C'entenKiM

bounty "jumper,' to say-nothin- trains ii ere'' blockaded, Spring is be-

hindhandapparent.' Instead of taking tbe bold, back of the blast, awaiting the result , A Wuite IRobin accompanied by position for Fine ' 'hewing Qualities and

of his - havisir - been formally ' char In that part of the country, manly, honest ground that no traitor when be was struck to tbe ground in-sensible

his rFrau" put in an appearance here EASTBOUND; anil KlaIjtertflg; 'IyoBPaantcter

'wane lire best to-

baccosed with . perjury by the minority and we feir that it will go into winter should receive compensation for losses by this small stone. A shower on Monday morning and has attracted BTAT10SS. '' Exp. Exp. Mix'dPass ever made, ask your grocer for this, andnf a committee' "hAttainted to in quarters in' this' region for awhile, bo- - received in war, and that the Govern et stones leu around the company but a great deal of attention. He- - is 1 i. ' i t ! . A FiiEionT see that each plug bears our blue strip trade

valite him.' Mr.. O'Connor Ls ls fore it becomes fully established for the ment will pay no claims to the men an racapeu except tnis man, quite white with a black stripe on each wingpure

L Cliicaso-,- ... 8 50am, 0 40pm goldmark,


wholesalethe words

byJackson'sall Jobbers.

BeatonSenJ for


Raid to be a citisnaof a ftirelgfl country season." tried fell ' Garrett , 3 20pm 3 5oa m . (i 00 am i i; ' !'", '. ,. ., ,; who originally to destroy it, the large stone at tbe feet of Mr. Kee and in size somewhat smaller than his ...f ' ample to-- , i

and not of the United States.-- ' Is thie House committee open wide the door gan. Mr. Kerrigan was carried to tbe brothers of the red vest. His "Frau- - ' Defiance.... 4 54pm'

5 27 4

'8 15 s. A. JACKSON 4 Co, M'f 'rs, Petersburg.Va.


disability'well to: ascertahi;:ithi8

removed 'aTsoT'ltfaeti , iThk storms of Monday night and to all claimants, and pave the waV for ooaraing nouse and for a few days was line" is wearing a dress of reddish ash Tiffin

Fostoria....'.' '6715



' 8210


ineiri juiuro .aucwn, ; ineir mougnt better, was taken to William l V .!.. 1inand thereport color she don't seem happy '' 'and also to look further into Mr. O' Tuesday wereJ very severe at some .... : mi . .. - Wilson's on last Mondav and on Mar " MrSandusky.... 710 'rAi 10 45 am ft . J t.' Jtomdry A Maeitme Shop Work of all kmdSoHcitesays;. mate. 'possession of such jollya MoarpeviUa. 8 00 ... J8 80 "1310pm AH HConnor's antecedents.- - It is1pos8iole points atoog the- - line of the B.'& O. Whenever our Govciataent asraaes tbe 6th died, lie was buried in the Union ,

, D Frank Stevenson first saw this novel ' ChicagpJun. 8 40 . 9 30 a m 1 25 . ' .ill. a lew more 'disabilities' relent teui Road, ' beyond '.Cumberland, and .re that it, in such case, (that pf alleged Cemetery after the order ot the Cath bird and communicated the .fact to his Shelby June 9 15 10 06 ' . 2 55

.jit. 1.1 1 ill I Farmirsi piBelmont Co."covered, indeed, he might be entirely sulted in the detention of .the through loyalty), i not Uabie, or, U so, that from (tie olic Obuich. His funeral was attended friends who seemed somewhat inclined ,'. Mansfield... 8 M 10 37

rf3 55 The Befialri 3faBofcngOompaBypropoaadisabled from serving- - his country and trains from the East for 24 hours. . Re-

portsmaguitade of the aggregate of similar claim by the it. R. men and manv of the to doubt but all agreed that, it was ' Mt. Vernon.' 1113 1210p m- 715pm "Jit! t ;tsenpa . ,

tils a legislator. likely to rise it cannot as a matter of tit LU " f'Jdrawing salary as from . Zanesville, state that the its financespolity or citizens; the funeral expenses were genuine Robin and no mistake. A Newark...--. 13 loam lo u:20 , MO miia MACHINE or- iff to undertakeCleveland Herald. - heaviest: rain storm that ever. swept justice to make paid by his fellow-workmen- ., '

,' Columbus... 5 20 . . 3 20 ', i 5 30 a m OLD. Combinedcompensation, then our Government at once 11 A hoe.se owned by a ,.Mr. Cronin Mower &: Readerthat sectiou occurred on. Tuesday SsChools.' - Many of the schools of ; t Columbus:.. 10 4.rinm 12 40

The tffutnessof the rebel archivesevernight, and that much damage to

loses one oi lis mgnesi aitnDutea. ,. this locality have closed ' the winter fell down over the "Dump" while ' Shawnee..... 4 50pm 10 25 am Cumbebl d ,,mi

was demonstrated on Friday last. A was done. A big.- - hind slideprop-

erty oc-


The laxity of such a rule is obvious term. The " Vallev sehool" ' known drawing a cart on the new Rail Road ' Somerset..... 5 57 11 33 ACCOM. Side DellTery .Kake orto the poorest understanding. It is as No 1, gave a interesting and the cart hook catching in the flesh ' Newark. .. 12 30am 1 40 pm ;555a m . III. !very enter PQlHUroppcrat Black the ,, AUacIimenLHand, coveringbill-fo- r the payment of money that was : plain these Rebel claims are to cut a tainment at tne ciose James Kirk tore it in a fearful manner and in a Zancsville, 1 35 . 3 00 '.. 710 TRIED;railroad track for and d.waraaedtodue Southern1 mail contractors when a long distance, large figure hereafter in the legislation has been teaching there and has been way that was pitiful to witness. Some Cambridge. 2 37 am 3C8 8 14

'.' "'. Webeeqoaltoany In use.

' alsothe .bridge that point was are doingnear swept ' ' a aeneral -Barncsville. 8 38 5 05 9 20brokd out In of the country. The Democratic gentlemen assisted in sewing thetberebenion; 1861, has away, , Yesterday morning all trains party vety 'successful. Tbe "Kirk school" upA BeHaire.;..-..- ' 460 6 10 40 Founds y &oi ine ioriu win vuio ior ineir pay. closed its winter term wound and it will probably get well, 20pra machinebeep strongly advocated or a year or were detained... , ... a few days ago. Wheeling...'-Wasliingto- 6 00 . 7 40 ; 1155fnent aa a part pf tbe price demanded One of their "S. .rt matnew Beazel la

two by Mr. Reagan, of Texas, who was of them for. the support of tbe South.own worthy boys, Howard A gentleman passed through this 7 20pm . 7 50 am the fpondranJ Mr. James B. Mooreoith?

Postmaster General of the Confederacy . extent n.ira u oeen noiamg forth. .The town a few days since wub horses and Baltimore... 8 40 ,9 20 f .M,niui.. ih.j ' of: h vuwTo an , enormcus the private 'Howell sehool"1 will close "i p qepartauenta.its winter enrout lor Texas where he will Philadelphia 3 10am 1 45Documents were produced In the N. will in. full. sheep pmclaims be paid The; South term next i week. "Lita. Howell, New York..' 6 45 5 10H.Hoase Friday showing that the N.von Concord, e is in earnest in this business,, is poor, Teaeher. Lila Is known as an excellent Zakksvillb Accommodation will leave Co S"5.y a.ot Patronise a borne institution?Indemnifiedcontractors were by the vote In one hundred and fifty towns clamorous, and j' rur WHFriDElVA 1 1 nan. r.1 Unhungry, determined. taosacqnslnted-Hui- dteacher. "Jockey Hollow school'.' has lumbus daily except Sunday at 5.05 p. M., and Psople are getting wM,

' The Phonogruph. 4.,Prieea.C'ertl0ettioniederate uongress lor the loss of Prescott rs .and cities gives 29,342; Mr tobe wlta tuewonaemu skuhj. merit, addressit win noi arenotoogntpe very long oeiore men been taught this winter bv Ada r.. arrive at Zauesville at o.WjfM., stopping at BELLAlRh id A xrriPA c T. ,vtheir contracts with tbe United States, Kean 26,660; scattering 525. ' Last year wbo Democratic The witty 'man of-- the New York that gnat American Remedy, taeplace (Jongressmeo in CI.Po,u,A!,. Be!laire.5blo.or"all ,Krim. No SUlioqe.,,complaints from ,that dia .,, - n, miyat tbe suggestion himself. the same places gave Prescott ' 30,320; power at the North will Had just bow trict. Tnis is Ada's third Times has explained, in his usual fell apaiwrsecretary. W. Csasbiswho was tbe Confederate Postmaster ' term in this tberemarkble-- ' ad WESTBOUND. A.. W. AaDB8o, frag. . suMarry 25,931; scattering 809. Republi-can

costly a luxury it will prove. When ' citous manner,- van cialrsvtlladot nrs scnooi.General. The advocates of repayment net loss 1,830. . It seems -- certain "uroKaw school shall .from the phono - ' MEXICAN ,tbe cotton claims,: tne looacco claims. taught by Louis Malonee. tages we reap, Statioxs. Exp. Exp. Cl'MBKRL'D . .. CI' .of the claims from the United States that Prescott is elected Govern or and and the claims for war . losses pass taught by Robert Wiley. "HumDhrevLyle school' graphan instrument - by which, it is ' ACCOM. ZKIA'I ...


Treasury were compelled to Bospend the Republicons rarry the House and against tbe strenuous; protests of Re-publicans,

school" closed its winter term last claimed, the tones of tbe human voice New York... 8 15am 8 55 pm i Stnpa at- tnerv eoorv, Keagaa proteasing a total Senate and Council. The Republicans and are paid over to the Friday J. Bert. Howell has

onhad can be oreserved and reproduced hun Philadelphia 11 45am 11 80 Jill Sta-

tions.Mustang liiiimpnt,

lapse or memory as to the transaction claim that Prescott is elected by' 2,000 South by millions upon millions, as ' The "Colored dreds ol years' hence. ' According to Baltimore... 5 13pm 7 00 a mThe1 archives may be found to be votes, and the Democrats concede him tbey certainly will be it, the Demo-


charge. school" has had the Times editor, an our great men at Washington' 8 55 8 40 fc '

frequently useful in refreshing South 1,000 to 1,500 majority. 'T. . in Congress continue in ThreelMn ma Morris as teacher this winter. least their voices and words wMl un Wheeling... i 8 SOam io 50 p in 4 30 pm ; TCBJCAinjSLST. 09. W&V Paper,power, years ago there in this 'were 50neolfectioo. O. S. Journal. ' Bellaire. 1115.. :4 50em - The Republicans claim the House tben our people will begin to find dergo a rocess oi "Doming and 'inex-

actlytownship 69 eolored children who 'Barnesville., 10 10am 1,2 25 am ,G 12 ,by not less fifty majority, which will .what Democratic, ' tne years to , De' tne American nost Widow Sbades, Brnfs,-- -reconciliation could attend school. Last 13 ' 25 7 an ' ktamUThurman is year they Cambridge...' 11 1 am This liniment very naturally et Ijlsstsd laIndignant. not be far from will treat his to a bottle of Tal-ma-geright. 'probably They costs, exactly what Democratic econo enrolled but 29 and ' the school averag-ed

guests Zanesville..:. 12 25 pm 2 35" '8 50 4 ' ea, where Kature provides in ber laboratory sock 'Riijrs ami Table CoversSenator Thurman "says he has not also claim that they have carried eight my means, exactly what the South de-

mands,only 8. At the list meeting of the or Anna Dickinson, just as he A Newark....... 1 30 pm 3 40 10O0.v ' surprising aatlaoses tar Us aladi oC havealU

been In the 'WMts. House1 Ince the out of twelve. and will know the value of board of Education ' the school now treats tnern to iieiasicK or Columbus.- -, 3 20 5 20 .,... MlIED . dm. Iu fame has been spreadinc for JS yesrs, House Furnishing Goods,present occupant Was inaugurated. He was Mumm's . Extra Dry. If Dr. Pierce until now tt encirclestlM habitable globe.that reform whichhowling cripples abandoned. "Friends school" closed Somerset .... .3 23 '...9 03. A farter stock andThe Kextean Liniment Is matcaless greater variety than oaa bedoe not recognize "his Fraudulency." the and discharges few could have all the encomiums that Shawnee...;. 4 30 10 10 & t'ltKlOIIT

Kuztang a onnd in any orlier establishmentnavy,'A J ' : It Is said that the Legislature pro army a on last Friday Ida Baily . has been : remedy for all external ailments of man and beast. and-In thlseity

Ubieties poses to sit ontil the middle of May or hundred disabled Union soldiers and teaching it. This 'school employed have been bestowed, upon his Golden Columbus... 13 40 ' 10 45pm, To stock owners and farmers tt Is invaluable. yar'-'l'eosu-as

at jriee lowerTrnltif


offered r anaayThis lack of, civility on tbe part of June. It takes this Legislature, even poor women clerks from tbe Depart two teachers and was divided into two Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pur 'Newark..,.;.. 820 8 50am 5 00pm A slnclo bottle often saves a bnmaa nts or re-

storessave money bygi ing us a eall.

housekeeping can

this reat aaaa toward Hayes is noth with the assistance of Reformer, Ross ments, and pays Rebel war claims departments a few years ago. It is gative Pellets, as remedies for indiges-tion,

Mt. Veinon 3 19 4 50 7li ' the usefulness of aa excellent Bors. ox.'constipation, torpid liver, or 'bil-

iousness,'Mansfield.... 4 45 6 19 11 25- - cow. or sheen. 11 ' ' iw. HARBOUR &

ing new.'! Time was when tbe Demo Alexander, a longer time to do noth-ing

with unblushing effrontery to the tune still a model school and would be ,hoof-aH- , hollow

DITTHAN,thus 'bottled' and Slielliy..."..... It cures foot-ro- t, horn, grantof hundreds of millions. Cleveland preserv-

ed,511 6 47. 12 2") amthan Assembly that ever met better attended if it freecratic party' at tempted to destroy this

anyHerald.. ., Uui . n

was a school it would- - be the most famous bottle A Monrocville, 6 13 8 25 8 OO i msmrw-wor- shoulder-rot- , mange, 'the bites and 143 MAIN STREET.in the Fog Bank at Columbus., !. n- - i xft- - "Town school" has been taught this ' stings of poisonous isptlles and insects, sad every'In the world. 8andusltv,.iv-- 00 fl 10 4 W .;""Government, and "his fraudulency" . . WIIEEW.G,W.M.. 'i t l....',r winter by C. L. Ranson and CelestineOHIO Santo liom, Sonoma co Cal., July 8th, L Cliicajru Junc 6 00 A , 743 ' ' (i 13 ' troublechose te defend. its honor and integri-

ty,LEGISLATURE. Wiikfns. It cures every external of hones, suesThey are preparing , to eive .. fciTittln. 7 la . 8 30.; '1- - 55' f.-- 1877.. as , iwiymlameness, semxencs, bwiuiij jcuny r,FromO. S. JournalTeceivhig fearful wounds,-'-whil-e A bill has been passed by the Dem-

ocratsSummary. two evenings entertainment at ''"the Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Fostona....'.. 7 45 9 10.' 10 00 wlnd gaU, , etc. '

. ; ;. ., ,.T ..1the delectable frrtriof, 'Thurman, was of the National Hou-- e providing Marches. Senate Bills' Passed: close of school.

',' '. DearSirYoar Golden Medical Dif-cove- ry

" Defiance.. 9 52pin 11 W v.it Wnm ' The Mexican Mustang Linlmeat Is the salesrSgreeting, "In '.' the ,'uame of for experts for eleven committees, and Codifying ' tbe tax laws; punishing Church ' services. The M. E. has cured me of aft aggravated L Aoburn Jiinc 11 22 12 . 7 20 ' ..eurem the world for acciUsaU occurring ia taesending the it is characterized . by 'Representative newspaper proprietors for pnblisbin? Church, held its second Quarterly affection ol the skin, after dirTornt doc-

tors'A Chicago......!.. 540am 7 00 family, la the absence of a phytic tan, suca as That fSANFORD'S Tl.ltrAt.

200,000 DemocraU of .Ohio, to .their Foster as a measure to provide, places advertisements '"divorces procured:" Meeting on last Saturday and Sunday. had ' failed.. My face and body ZA'EVfi.t AtwoMMODATiox leavrs 'ZnnrS- --



stiffnesssprains, cuts, etc., and for rheosaa-- .

rar $50 C I KR for'

faiarrb will not in-

stantlyfriends In the South, and occupying, for clamorous Democrats. ' He says authorizing married- - women to sue in Dr. John Williams 'was present and were continually covered i with pim-ples

daily except Sunday at 6.40 k. m., and r--tlcularty valuable to


by exposure,. eura. Refereoo,!lnry

relieve and speedilyWells,

with his family, all the available time that tbe persons these - posi-tions

tbeir own name for a legacy; reorganiz-ing

officiated. About 100 members of the and blotches. Enclosed JBnd 1.50riTcs'itt JLtlumbu8 at U.40 a. m. ; ytojnug at. ' It Is tha cheapest remedy la tbe world, tor II Well. Kargo fo, Aurora. N Y;

the Institution for imbecile Youth. church took' commonior. The Dr. all (Nations. ... the BttK to tbe ttona. aBdy a stagk Wm Hnwin. hJKt. Mrrlattan.In conveying his family, carriage load- - are expert loafers, experts in for a copy of Common Sense Medical penetrates w Case Orant Howes, tl fxiula. Tea-- ,.Fast Express rung daily. Express adaily on' preached two powerfully ' Is sunV;lent tesri. , - tforneners'STyHousebar rooms, expert dead beats, of the Messrs. Wright and Meuser sermons. Adviser. ' Yours truly, " .application lltuonlaH and treatise by nail.el with Democratic sympathy, knick-knac- ks same claw with which the rolls of presented a protest against the passaze hie was well pleased with tbe appoint WM H. MARION.

Central Ohio; Division daily exevpt Sunday on jiGxicaniusrang unimens is pui np in tnrse i Prleer with Iniprovsd Inhaler,pay Lake. ui . and , Ulnc&no Division. - -- Other slsesof bottles, the larger ones being proportlea. Of Catarrh . VM everywhere. WKKK8i tender of ment and especially with theas the bill.regard to the rebel the last Were partial appropriation youngerCongress'- - andcrowded, Emerel Station, Ohio, June 11, 1877. tlaily except Sunday. . 1. atalyataahtaeeasaposl. Hold si si; mmm. T POTTEK. ProprlctorvHoaUn.in' that this bill - li u is introaneed; fixing tees for tbe portion of the membership. Rev..E. - Masa.prisoners'; Cimp Chase! "That simply provides salaries h: M. General Ticketwas N. Y.: - COLE, Agent. , .Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, .... 1 theR Jones has held .. . J Plaster are best.protracted meeting Collin1 Vortaiof local and special laws: a afor lot of about this passage prewhen Senator, Thurman delighted toi a hangers-o- n Dem-

ocratic 'Dear Sir Your Pleasant Purgative THOS. F. ItAltlty, "West Pass r Amnt- for which resulted in 25 accessions to tbeHouse. These s 'are to scribing' proceedings collection ol .W. eneral ManamT Ohiocall. i Again, wnen "bis Pellets have cured my .wife after our .XSrljiaV ,tat.ibThechurch.Fraudulency" - Disciples were expectingtaxes.'"act as pointer dogs; and start the In' aid Chicago IMvieioav .. tfound it convenient in a zuberanafori! to begin series of meetings last best' physicians had failed. Theyvestigations that their committees are BIHrt passed;-- ' Fixing the salaries ol a on HNQ 1 Revolvera. Iltnatrated Price Listcontest to divest this old rebel virtuoso " but the Minister the first dose. '. " ' UVItl) irsM. Urama Waa term tiua Works..of. Cuyahoga county officials;- - authorizing , ' -to make outof his political pelt did .he have occa-


, , . . V t ".b tne commissioners of Hamilton county W. IRA A. MILLER. J"' ,' ',1' Plbnr4u.iJs.. w . . - -

aut to call on 'bis Fraudulency.' to make a fill; authorizing of wlt nameguardians LARUB MIXED CARrMAye,' .ta fellow feeling made him won- - .. The Legislature, with some journal-istic

imbedilea to sell real estate.' ' The Silver Dill has riveted . the six vlT lareporte- - that the 'Congress of tn ease, IV, ii wUhoutcase, c: new.,arouf ; xtna"..to the rabel erew in assistance, having abolished pun-

ishmentMarch 7.' Senate Bills introduc- - per cent load ' upon the country. The fturopeanr Powers wlir 'ofxm on March '. :a04 '" ' : 50 fira-rard-s

A CO,Mle.


10cKaea.f WASH-

BURNlump iasw vertlyi were Hayes as in the penitentiary' we have edr Restraining cattle from, running bondholders will get six ' per cent in 31. That will be on Sundaya day B arbr iHair- - u,grand. as. old Thurmeo-bi- silver their bonds instead of four moire famous for battles than for treatyat large only in - counties baring sixty upon tTj.a fine state of things in that iBstitu,-tipn- ., u,;.; ,and-- ' Dresser,pnrtyf mu an, muun tn i ne -- ttouette, , (thousand 'inhabitants4 nd upward: per cent in goia.ana tne groaning in-

dustriesnegotiations. 'i y. nv, t i.

he might, well. coogratakte himself QujMonday another guard was eodlfylng the code of "tlvrf procedure; of the country , must make up One door' wtnt TrWMircr'ri Oftlo?.' ' .vrr, 7,.'. t, V" Xl'T.'Z b unty survbyo R,that bis presence waa-ewve- d the intra assaulted,' and fatally Injured,' The providing that life Insurance policies the ditterence. ' wnen cool beads, ten ,1 -

aion lot i the - oia irenel.. sympathizer prisoners are boisterous and deflarif.ahd after three years shall not be forfeited veara hence, come 16 look at this frreat preaafta'iialteM.i tadilrMilng

! offlclaCblurdn-- ;

Tharmanvi Asa Repoblloto we thnb--' grave fears are felt of a general 'upfi'i so long as-- the ' inteset of tbe Insured opportunity lost, they "will call the Sil-ver



Townshipwlaiies all


rieetiuo. w here sui It t.him tor. his. absence front 'his Fraudu-leocyW.'fo- oa sing. Kii may require a tew regiments will contiuue the preinluin. bill the most " amazing folly that s.i 1 " BBr.LAtBE,t).''" tt ia ati.i iiiiv'. .,v is to be made. Vers tS UO pe ly.rrr "ed' fti Eafcdit' 8lyTes 'riuL otr'shert JMXK STREET, Velmo"'man is known by the of troops to carry out the ' work ot "Bills-passed- r uAmetidrug' the' free ever mlslid avreatand Intelligent beo- -IxTAf-tMA- . ,,,a,?,AtI',f?L uouoe. UA4lDetard a( bOo f muar a, . , 1


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