NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH June 20, 2021 10:30 a.m. The Season of Pentecost Father’s Day “As followers of Christ, we are called to be a worshipping and learning, receiving and giving community of faith, hope and love.” – Newcastle United Church Mission Statement We acknowledge that we are gathered on Williams Treaties territory, the traditional territory of the Chippewas and Mississaugas. Surely God is in this place. Help me notice. We Approach God Welcome Lighting the Christ Candle Light is all around us. More light this time of year than any other. The flame of the Christ candle echoes the light which comes with the rising and setting sun, in varying colours and intensities. The light that bounces off water and filters through the trees. The light that nurtures the plants, animals, and us. Filling us with energy and life. The flame of the Christ candle continues to shine in and through us. A Time of Centring – “Open Our Hearts” MV # 21 (Words and music Copyright Jim and Jean Strathdee (Desert Flower Music)) Open our hearts, open our minds. Open our lives to you O loving God. Open our hearts, open our minds. Open our lives to you O loving God. Open our hearts. Call to Worship (Responsive) We have a God who fathers us. Below is the service I have created for this Sunday. I hope this is something you can use for personal/family worship. We are all worshiping together, no matter where we are. If you are joining us online for this service, then you may want to have this resource with you so you have the words to the responses and hymns at your fingertips in case you can’t see the screen or the sound goes wonky. Rev. Mary-Jane

Below is the service I ha · Web viewthere's a place for deepest dreaming, there's a time for heart to care, in the Spirit's lively scheming there is always room to spare! We Hear

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Page 1: Below is the service I ha · Web viewthere's a place for deepest dreaming, there's a time for heart to care, in the Spirit's lively scheming there is always room to spare! We Hear

NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCHJune 20, 2021 10:30 a.m.

The Season of PentecostFather’s Day

“As followers of Christ, we are called to be a worshipping and learning, receiving and giving community of faith, hope and love.” – Newcastle United Church Mission Statement

We acknowledge that we are gathered on Williams Treaties territory, the traditional territory of the Chippewas and Mississaugas.

Surely God is in this place. Help me notice.We Approach God


Lighting the Christ Candle

Light is all around us. More light this time of year than any other. The flame of the Christ candle echoes the light which comes with the rising and setting sun, in varying colours and intensities. The light that bounces off water and filters through the trees. The light that nurtures the plants, animals, and us. Filling us with energy and life. The flame of the Christ candle continues to shine in and through us.

A Time of Centring – “Open Our Hearts” MV # 21(Words and music Copyright Jim and Jean Strathdee (Desert Flower Music))

Open our hearts, open our minds.Open our lives to you O loving God.Open our hearts, open our minds.Open our lives to you O loving God.Open our hearts.

Call to Worship (Responsive)

We have a God who fathers us.God has given us nurturing relationships.We are invited into relationship with one another by God.God has given us commandments to love.We have examples of how to love.God has shown love through Christ and continues through the Spirit.We have the Spirit within us.God’s love is shared in our relationships with the Spirit’s help.

Below is the service I have created for this Sunday. I hope this is something you can use for personal/family worship. We are all worshiping together, no matter where we are. If you are joining us online for this service, then you may want to have this resource with you so you

have the words to the responses and hymns at your fingertips in case you can’t see the screen or the sound goes wonky.

Rev. Mary-JaneThe words provided for the hymns are done with permission under One License # A-727596.

Page 2: Below is the service I ha · Web viewthere's a place for deepest dreaming, there's a time for heart to care, in the Spirit's lively scheming there is always room to spare! We Hear


Prayer of Approach (Unison)

Gracious God, on a day when we celebrate fathering and home, we think of how important a place of welcome and acceptance is to us. We are grateful that we have that place of home with you always. May we be sensitive and welcoming hosts, extending your love to all who enter our homes and hearts. You welcome unconditionally. You love fully. May we learn and grow in your example. Amen.

Hymn of Praise “Come And Find The Quiet Centre” # 374(Words copyright 1992 Hope Publishing Company)

Come and find the quiet centrein the crowded life we lead,

find the room for hope to enter,find the frame where we are freed:

clear the chaos and the clutter,clear our eyes, that we can see

all the things that really matter,be at peace, and simply be.

Silence is a friend who claims us,cools the heat and slows the pace,

God it is who speaks and names us,knows our being, face to face,

making space within our thinking,lifting shades to show the sun,

raising courage when we're shrinking,finding scope for faith begun.

In the Spirit let us travel,open to each other's pain,

let our loves and fears unravel,celebrate the space we gain:

there's a place for deepest dreaming,there's a time for heart to care,

in the Spirit's lively schemingthere is always room to spare!

We Hear God’s Word1 Samuel 17:32-49 David and Goliath.

Hymn “Seek Ye First” # 356(Words and music copyright 1972 Maranatha! Music)

Seek ye first the kingdom of Godand God's righteousness,and all these things shall be added unto you.Hallelu, hallelujah.Ask and it shall be given unto you;seek and you shall find;knock and the door shall be opened unto you.Hallelu, hallelujah.

Page 3: Below is the service I ha · Web viewthere's a place for deepest dreaming, there's a time for heart to care, in the Spirit's lively scheming there is always room to spare! We Hear


We do not live by bread alone,but by every wordthat proceeds from the mouth of God.Hallelu, hallelujah.

A Time To Be ChildrenThere are many special days in a year and this Sunday is one of them. Do you know what

Sunday is? Sunday is Father’s Day. We take time on this day to thank our fathers, and all the other men in our lives, for all they do for us. I know some people don’t have fathers around; that may make you feel sad today, but if you don’t have a father, you can thank someone who is like a father to you. Today I want to tell you a story about a father.

A little girl and her family were camping in the mountains and decided to go on a hike. This hike started out at the top of the mountain and wound around and around down the mountainside. It was a long way down, but going down wasn’t so bad. The little girl, however, didn’t remember that if

you went all the way down, you would have to climb all the way back up.Once the family reached the bottom, they were near the foot of a

tremendous waterfall. Boy, was it magnificent! The water crashed down and exploded all over them. They could feel the cool spray on their faces. It was quite a sight, but the little girl was tired after that long hike down and she really didn’t care about waterfalls. After a while, her dad said it was time to head back to the top. Back to the top! Did her Daddy really expect her to hike back up that mountain? She couldn’t do it! She knew she would never make it. She was too tired to climb a mountain. She was just a little kid!

Sobbing and feeling sorry for herself, she took a few steps, but she really was too tired and too little to complete such a steep climb. She didn’t have the strength. Finally, she plopped down in the middle of the path, put her head down on her chest and cried. Her dad could have gotten angry. He could have side if she was big enough to hike down that she was big enough

to hike up. But instead, he came and picked her up. He carried her until she was rested and able to climb on her own again.

That Dad had just taught his daughter a lesson about God. When we get ourselves into places that we can’t get out of, or are sometimes too weak to go on, those are the times that God picks us up, carries us, and lets us rest until we are strong enough to continue.

We learn a lot from our parents. This Father’s Day, let’s be sure to say, “Thanks Dad.” Remember to let your dad know how much you love him and appreciate him.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come, thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those that trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,for ever and ever. Amen.

Ministry of Music – “Precious Lord” (pianist – Brian Reid)

Psalm 20 Trust in God. # 742

Sung Response: Not a word shall fail of the promise God has made.

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May God answer you in the day of trouble,and the name of God defend you.

May God send you help from the sanctuary,and give you support from the holy mountain.

May God remember all your offerings,and accept your burnt sacrifices.

May God grant you your heart's desire,

and give success to all your plans.May we rejoice in your victoryand triumph in the name of our God.

May God fulfil your every wish. RNow I know, O God, that you help your anointed,

and will answer from your holy heaven

with the victorious might of your right hand.Some put their trust in chariots,and some in horses;

but we will trust in the name of our God.They will totter and fall;

but we shall rise and stand upright.God, save those who rule,

and answer us when we call. R

Mark 4:35-41 Jesus stills a storm.

This is the Word of the Lord.Thanks be to God.

Hymn “Jesus Calls Us” # 562

Jesus calls us; o'er the tumultof our life's wild restless sea,day by day his clear voice sounding,saying, 'Christian, follow me.'Long ago apostles heard itby the Galilean lake,turned from home and toil and kindred,leaving all for Jesus' sake.Jesus calls us from the worshipof the vain world's golden store,from each idol that would keep us,saying, 'Christian, love me more.'In our joys and in our sorrows,days of toil and hours of ease, still he calls, in cares and pleasures, 'Christian, love me more than these.'

Page 5: Below is the service I ha · Web viewthere's a place for deepest dreaming, there's a time for heart to care, in the Spirit's lively scheming there is always room to spare! We Hear


Jesus calls us: by your mercies,Saviour, may we hear your call,give our hearts to your obedience,serve and love you best of all.


"David and Goliath" – When I was growing up the story of David and Goliath was one of my favourite Bible stories. I guess it appeals to children. The hero of the story is a child who faced unbelievable odds and faithfully triumphs while the grown ups just sit around. I remember acting the story out in Sunday School. For

some reason they never let me be David, or GoliathYou know the story. The Philistines are making war upon Israel. Their land and livelihoods are

threatened. And the Philistines have a secret weapon: Goliath - a giant of a man. His mere physical presence on the battlefield would make others tremble. So they used Goliath to taunt Israel and ridicule God. He would strut out onto the battlefield and proclaim that the whole war should come down to a one-on-one combat between him and Israel's best. None of the Israelites felt they could face him, then David, a shepherd boy too small to even wear armour, went out with just a slingshot. And Goliath the giant was slain by David a mere child.

But there is more to this story than just a small person overcoming odds. The story is really about faith. The Philistines, or at least Goliath, were trusting in human might. But so were the Israelites. They thought they could not face Goliath because he was so big. They thought that whoever would go out to face Goliath must wear armour to protect him. But the one who did go out could not carry the armour of a warrior, he had to go out with the Lord as his armour. David overcame Goliath not with a stone, but with faith. David overcame not because he was bigger than Goliath but because his God was bigger than any Goliath.

This story has been a favourite of children and parents throughout the ages. I am sure that Peter, James and John and the other disciples of Jesus heard it when they were growing up. I am sure they imagined themselves to be the great David as a boy. They could picture the Philistine giant laughing at the people of God as an unarmoured boy comes out to do battle. They could imagine themselves dodging the spears as they aimed their slingshot. They could imagine in their hearts placing their full trust in God in the face of a huge force. I can see them in their childhood as James got up on John's shoulders and Peter pretended to slay them.

Then one day the Son of David faced a Goliath of a storm. And I guess the disciples had left their imaginations at home that day. They could not imagine triumphing over the storm. In fact, their thoughts were focused on perishing in the face of this giant storm's power. Then someone woke Jesus, probably so he could help them bail water. I can hear them now, "Jesus! We are about to die and you are taking a nap. Make yourself useful. Grab a bucket." But instead of a bucket Jesus lifted him voice and commanded the storm, "Peace! Be still."

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Now some people imagine that Jesus raised his voice in a commanding way and yelled "Peace! Be Still!" But I imagine that Jesus spoke softly, maybe even in a whisper, "Peace. Be still." And at that moment the wind and waves stopped and the sun shone through. It wasn't the power of Jesus' voice that calmed the storm it was the power of the Spirit of God that dwelled within him that calmed the storm. There was no need for Jesus to raise his voice. He had been there when God created the wind and seas and he could very easily calm them.

I can think of other times when the followers of the Son of David faced a storm. We all face storms and trials in our lives. Often times those storms seem huge. Sometimes they are literal hurricanes. We all remember the stories from various hurricane hit places. The devastation always seemed insurmountable at the time. We have been living through a storm this past year plus and it seemed like it would never end, but now there is some hope and glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

Many people just give up in the face of huge storms and tasks. But God is larger than the task we face. Faith enables the Davids of the world to stand up to the Goliaths. The same faith that led Jesus to calmly command the wind and sea.

What are some of Goliaths we face today? Beyond the pandemic, that is. Can you name some of the huge social and spiritual problems of our world? Poverty, racism, abortion, drugs, apathy, teen suicide, child abuse and neglect, immorality, apathy, materialism, selfishness. What are the Goliaths you face in your life: addiction, debt, family problems, loneliness, anxiety, faithlessness … I am sure there are people reading this sermon who face all those problems and others. All these problems are huge. There is no way that we can possibly defeat all these enemies and there are many we didn't even name. These are giant problems that create storms of turmoil in people's lives.

This is a long way from childhood fantasies about David slaying Goliath. As a child, in my imagination David defeated Goliath a thousand times, but mere imagination will not defeat these Goliaths. Our efforts are minuscule and our power seems so small compared with the power of evil. Is it childish and foolhardy for us to go out against the well armed powers of evil as small as we are?

No, it is not! Not if we go out in faith. God is bigger than the evils we face. God can defeat the giants that threaten us and calm the storms that frighten us. If we can only remember, like David, that it is not by our power but by the power of God that we defeat the enemy. Amen.

We Respond To God’s WordOffering InvitationPentecost is the season in which we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit inspires, encourages, enlivens. When we let the Spirit work in us, we find gratitude and service come to the fore. The Spirit is the reason we give of time, talent and treasure, for the Spirit reminds us that we have life from God in abundance. So we give…

The Offertory (# 218 v. 1)We praise you, O God, our Redeemer, Creator,

in grateful devotion our tribute we bring.We lay it before you; we kneel and adore you;

we bless your holy name, glad praises we sing.

Dedication Prayer (Unison)

Please take what we offer this day, O God. Whether we are caring for family and friends from a distance, finding ways to serve safely in person, or praying for the chance to do more, take what we can give this day, and everyday. Amen. Ministry of Music – “Irish Blessing” (Quartet – Moe & Shirley Schroter, Dean & Lesley Bonnell)

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Prayers of the People

Beautiful are you, Joy of the universe, from you flows every good and perfect gift.For the positive people who surround us each day: family, friends, pastors, fellow church members, colleagues, co-workers in community projects and those who play beside us. We thank you, generous Provider.For your own Spirit fostering our curiosity; for minds that explore the hidden nature of the universe, for choice souls who know the depths of human nature, and for hearts that thirst for stronger faith and seek fellowship with their Creator. We thank you, generous Provider.For the capacity to grow and to change; for the absorbent minds of the young, the restless seeking and testing of adolescents, for the rich opportunities of the middle years, and for the time for reflection given to the elderly. We thank you, generous Provider.For the peace of Christ in the storms of life; through set backs in employment, tensions in relationships, financial pressures, family and marriage crises, and through sickness, handicap, and during times of racking grief. We thank you, generous Provider.For the gift of the church, so flawed yet so remarkable; for the fellowship that enfolds us, the Word that confronts us, the outreach that stretches us, the sacraments that nurture us, the pastors who serve us, the especially gifted who enrich us, and the Holy Spirit who constantly reforms us. We thank you, generous Provider. 

Although we find ourselves excited by the brilliant achievements of this new age, we become exhausted by its ethical challenges and confusions. There are moments, Lord, when we hanker for the simpler days of our great-grandparents, for whom the path of morality was simply defined by church authority. But now it seems as if our technological cleverness constantly outruns our ideas of goodness and we cannot catch up.Be with us, loving God, with all your compassion and wisdom. Be with us as we make decisions about genetic engineering or virtual reality, body transplants or brain enhancing drugs, space

exploration or the adventures of cyberspace, the artificial maintenance of life or the quality of life and euthanasia. Through all the changing scenes of life, enable us to seek first your kingdom and its true-goodness.In the midst of all that swirls around us, we must also see what is close to us. We have prayers for those we know, for those we hear about, and for ourselves. Loving God, who is a father to us all, hear now the prayers of our hearts… Father of all mercies, help us to so trust you that all things may work together for good to those who love you. For your love’s sake. Amen!(Inspired by and adapted from Bruce Prewer. Used with permission.)

Closing Hymn “Faith Of Our Fathers” # 580(Words (v.2-4) copyright 1981 Joseph R. Alfred)

Faith of our fathers, living stillin spite of dungeon, fire, and sword;O how our hearts beat high with joy,whene'er we hear that glorious word:

faith of our fathers, holy faith, we will be true to you till death.

Faith of our mothers, daring faith,your work for Christ is love revealed,

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spreading God's word from pole to pole,making love known and freedom real:

faith of our mothers, holy faith,we will be true to you till death.

Faith of our sisters, brothers too,who still must bear oppression's might,raising on high, in prisons dark,the cross of Christ still burning bright:

faith for today, O living faith,we will be true to you till death.

Faith born of God, O call us yet;bind us with all who follow you,sharing the struggle of your crossuntil the world is made anew.

Faith born of God, O living faith,we will be true to you till death.

Commissioning and Benediction When we are in the midst of turmoilGod is the voice of calm that reassures your heart.Carry that voice as you go. Share it with those who need encouragement and support.We have God’s peace to endure and to hope.And may the grace of Christ attend you, the love of God surround, the Holy Spirit keep each one of you now and always. Amen.

Sung Blessing - “Go Now In Peace” (Copyright 1988 by Harold Flammer Music, a Division of Shawnee Press, Inc.)

Go now in peace. Never be afraid. God will go with you each hour of every day.

Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.Know God will guide you in all you do.Go now in love, and show you believe.Reach out to others so all the world can see.

God will be there watching from above.Go now in peace, in faith, and in love.

Amen, Amen, Amen.

And online we end together (wait for folks to get their mics unmuted)And the people say:

Hallelujah! Amen!

Page 9: Below is the service I ha · Web viewthere's a place for deepest dreaming, there's a time for heart to care, in the Spirit's lively scheming there is always room to spare! We Hear


Minute for Mission

People experiencing loss share what brings them hope on a wall at Ste-Geneviève United Church. Credit: ORA

“Languishing.” That’s the latest popular word to describe how many of us feel as the pandemic rolls on. Some organizations, like the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), are flagging the potential for a mental health “echo pandemic,” explaining that even after the virus is brought under control it could be followed by a pandemic of mental health issues.

“Concerns about the mental health impacts of COVID-19 align with recent research on the mental health consequences of large-scale traumatic, natural, and environmental disasters. Disasters are frequently accompanied by increases in mental health problems…all of which can persist for prolonged periods,” says CMHA in a policy brief.

COVID-19 has amplified grief, which for some can contribute to mental health issues.

None of us is a stranger to grief these days. Losses are piling up: income and security, physical contact with loved ones, future plans, rituals like funerals and weddings, going to school in person, losing loved ones to the virus. To quote grief expert David Kessler, “This is hitting us and we’re grieving. Collectively. We are not used to this kind of collective grief in the air.”

Blessedly, numerous organizations that your Mission & Service gifts support provide crucial mental health services. From chaplaincies, to shelters, to addiction treatment, to counselling services, your support is there.

ORA Loss & Living Program, a non-profit community outreach initiative developed by Ste-Geneviève United Church in Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec, is one organization your gifts support. ORA, named after a Maori word meaning “life,” helps people move through grief and loss in order to lead full and fulfilling lives. So far, peer-support groups hosted by skilled facilitators have been held for family caregivers, refugees, seniors, widows, and churches in transition.

“We have offered online conversation during the pandemic. Many social workers and students participated to get a handle on coping mechanisms for grief in general and COVID grief in particular,” says Judy Coffin, ORA’s former program coordinator and ongoing volunteer. ORA is currently running an online widow support group, cooking program, and yoga/meditation group.

“Everyone in the world gets hit with loss and grief at some point in life, but most of us are totally unprepared to deal with it. Learning how to acknowledge, recognize—and even embrace—our grief allows us to start rebuilding our lives around our loss,” says Coffin.

Our Life & Work

Please note: Rev. Mary-Jane is based in her home office but available by email to either [email protected] or [email protected] (her personal confidential email) and by phone at all times (905-244-8453).

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Virtual Office Hours – Rev. Mary-Jane will be holding virtual office hours Wednesdays from 10 am – 12 pm. This is the Zoom link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88503658836 (Meeting ID: 885 0365 8836) – during this time Rev. Mary-Jane is also available by phone and email, but will be onscreen should you like to meet with her.

Our church YouTube channel, is where you can find recordings of weekly worship services and other interesting offerings. Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpPUnPABHPlOJzAJ7uXvHoA

It’s new! It’s WOW! Our first Wednesday Outdoor Worship was well attended and everyone left with a joyful Spirit. Our next WOW service is this Wednesday, June 23rd at 7 pm (weather permitting). This is a shorter, more informal service with a chance to hear and sing hymns, pray and share the story of our faith, together in the same place. Even though we are outside we are asking folks to wear a mask so we can all sing. You will also need to bring your lawn chair. The Property Committee has kindly committed to providing the necessary distancing circles each week so everyone is safe. Circles can accommodate a family/bubble. There are limited circles so reservations are required. If you are interested, please contact the church office – 905-987-4515 or [email protected] by Monday at 10 am. You will receive a confirmation phone call, by Tuesday evening, letting you know whether there is a circle available for you that week. Unfortunately, everyone will not be able to attend every week.

Salad SupperThank you for the overwhelming support for our salad supper. We sold 96

dinners!!!Over the next several days, you will receive a phone call with your assigned pick-up time for Wednesday, June 23. Please park up near the kitchen entrance and Susan or Julie will bring your supper to your car.  We are all looking forward to

seeing you!If you have any questions, please contact Susan at 905 987 4169

Once again "Thank you".

Order pick up this Friday June 25th from 11:30 am to 1:30.Cheques should be addressed to Newcastle United Church. E-Transfer to [email protected] password is “FundScrip” If you have any questions, please call Julie A. Kellman at 905 446 0168 or

email [email protected]. Happy Shopping!

The Project Finance Committee (PFC) would like to thank everyone for all their donations to the Hall Build and Renovation Fund. Together we have raised close to $279,000.Due to the impact of COVID-19 the Hall Build has been suspended. The PFC has instructed the Investment and Finance

Committee to invest any funds we still have and any funds that are generated during the suspension of the build.

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We recognize several families had made pledges to the hall build. If you would like to suspend your pledge, you may do so by contacting our treasurer, Lorna McSwan 905 987 3940 or [email protected] again, we are very grateful to the congregation, and members of the community who have supported the build. We look forward to when we can all enjoy the hall together.Stay healthy and safe! Thank you.Project Finance Committee - Susan Pascoe, Julie Kellman, Heather Griffin, Jane Crabbe and Robin Blesse

Financial Information – Expenses - to June 4, 2021:Personnel $51979.03 Administration $ 5007.31Overhead $ 5066.94 Building $12358.50Faith Formation $ 125.00 Total: $74536.78

If you are able, thank you for continuing with your regular church givings, which can be made by any of these ways:

Mail your donation to the church: 84 Mill St. South, Newcastle, ON L1B 1H2 Envelope drop-off in the Emily Street entrance while Lorna is in the office Fridays 9-11AM Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) – monthly donation debited from your bank account on or

about the 20th of each month. Changes can be made at any time. Please e-mail Lorna: [email protected] for the PAR authorization form.

E-transfers can be made to: [email protected]. Security answer “Givings”. CanadaHelps: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/newcastle-unted-church/ through this

link or the link on our website: www.newcastleunitedchurch.org “Donate” page.

Note: while the hall build is on hold, and if you wish, you can direct your donations to the operating expenses of our church. PAR donors may contact Lorna, email above, to make changes, should they choose to do so.

Thank you to all who continue to support the work of our church, even though we are not able to be together in person.

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Newcastle United Church