Bem Dec06-Feb07 (Environment)

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Board of Engineers Malaysia Magazine

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    KDN PP11720/1/2006 ISSN 0128-4347 VOL.32 DEC 2006 - FEB 2007 RM10.00


  • cont







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    T H E

    4 Presidents MessageEditors Note

    Announcement5 Professional Assessment Examination

    Competency ExaminationPublication Calendar

    Cover Feature6 Auditing For Hazards: Lessons Learnt From Kundasang

    Landslide Complex, Sabah

    10 Sustainability: Closing The Energy &Environment Cycles

    16 Water Leakage Detection Impact, Innovations AndEconomic Benefits

    21 Contaminated Land Remediation Technologies:Current Usage And Applicability In Malaysia

    Guidelines25 The National Urbanisation Policy

    Seminar29 Safety In Construction: Rules & Responsibility Of

    Professional Engineers

    Engineering & Law31 Claims For Quantum Meruit And Section 71 Contracts

    Act 1950: Is There A Nexus?

    Feature35 Environment, Ethics & The Engineer

    42 Assessment Of Raw Water Quantity And Quality ForWater Supply

    47 Early Warning And Surveillance Systems In SurfaceWater Management

    52 Bandar Lestari Environment Award

    54 Development Of EWARNSTM Forecast And Real-TimeEarly Warning System On Erosion Risks/Hazards

    59 Some Design And Practical PerspectivesIn Concrete Cracks (Part 2)

    Engineering Features64 Roofed Bridge At Kg Baru Guchil,

    Kuala Krai, Kelantan

    Pg 28Borang H


    JuruteraProfesional 20072 I N G E N I E U R

  • Members of the Board of Engineers Malaysia(BEM) 2005/2006

    PresidentYBhg. Dato Sri Prof. Ir. Dr. Wahid bin Omar

    RegistrarIr. Dr. Mohd Johari Md. Arif

    SecretaryYBhg. Dato Ir. Dr. Judin Abdul Karim

    Members of BEMYBhg. Tan Sri Dato Ir. Md Radzi Mansor

    YBhg. Datuk Ir. Hj. Keizrul AbdullahYBhg. Mej. Jen. Dato Ir. Ismail Samion

    YBhg. Dato Ir. Shanthakumar SivasubramaniamYBhg. Datu Ir. Hubert Thian Chong HuiYBhg. Dato Ir. Prof. Chuah Hean Teik

    Ar. Dr. Amer Hamzah Mohd YunusIr. Henry E ChelvanayagamIr. Dr. Shamsuddin Ab LatifIr. Prof. Dr. Ruslan HassanIr. Mohd. Rousdin HassanIr. Prof. Dr. Hassan BasriTn Hj. Basar bin JuraimiIr. Ishak Abdul Rahman

    Ir. Anjin Hj. AjikIr. P E Chong

    Editorial Board

    AdvisorYBhg. Dato Prof. Ir. Dr. Wahid bin Omar

    ChairmanYBhg Datuk Ir. Shanthakumar Sivasubramaniam

    EditorIr. Fong Tian Yong

    MembersIr. Prem Kumar

    Ir. Mustaza SalimIr. Chan Boon Teik

    Ir. Ishak Abdul RahmanIr. Prof. Dr. K. S. Kannan

    Ir. Prof. Dr. Ruslan HassanIr. Prof. Madya Dr. Eric K H Goh

    Ir. Nitchiananthan BalasubramaniamIr. Prof. Madya Megat Johari Megat Mohd Noor

    Executive DirectorIr. Ashari Mohd Yakub

    Publication OfficerPn. Nik Kamaliah Nik Abdul Rahman

    Assistant Publication OfficerPn. Che Asiah Mohamad Ali

    Design and ProductionInforeach Communications Sdn Bhd

    The Ingenieur is published by the Board ofEngineers Malaysia (Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia)

    and is distributed free of charge to registeredProfessional Engineers.

    The statements and opinions expressed in thispublication are those of the writers.

    BEM invites all registered engineers to contributearticles or send their views and comments to the

    following address:

    Publication CommitteeLembaga Jurutera Malaysia,Tingkat 17, Ibu Pejabat JKR,

    Jalan Sultan Salahuddin,50580 Kuala Lumpur.

    Tel: 03-2698 0590 Fax: 03-2692 5017E-mail: [email protected]

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    Advertising/SubscriptionsAdvertisement Form is on page 63

    Presidents Message

    Editors NoteAs 2006 draws to a close, there were series of activities

    nationwide on environmentally-related matters. The celebrationof World Habitat Day, National Recycling Day, NationalEnvironment Week and the launching of National UrbanisationPolicy were just some of the events.

    Publication with the theme on environment remains the mostpopular among article contributors. The update section onNational Urbanisation Policy attempts to keep readers informed

    of the major thrusts and directions on future planning requirements that will haveeffect on future development patterns.

    A new section on photographs of interesting engineering features has alsobeen introduced since photographs for engineering nostalgia are difficult to comeby. We hope to receive more photographs of such features which you may havepicked up during your daily work.

    Meanwhile, on behalf of the Publication Committee, may I wish all our readersMerry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Ir. Fong Tian YongEditor

    KDN PP11720/1/2007ISSN 0128-4347

    VOL. 32 DEC 2006 - FEB 2007

    4T H E I N G E N I E U R

    The essence of the professionals is to create, to modifyand to develop the environment of man to serve the needs asperceived in the society of the time. Thus, some elementaryeconomic understanding is needed to be able to judge theviability of industrial projects. It is necessary, furthermore,to be informed on the nature and working of the humancommunities within which the professional will apply his skills.There has been, to varying extents in different places, anenlargement of programmes by means of the introduction ofinformation in the human and social sciences, in informationscience and economics.

    However, during the last few decades there has been an evolutionary change inthe perception and evaluation of the environment in which we should live and inthe way in which we should exploit the resources of our planet. This has been reflectedin: the increasing awareness of the finite nature of many natural resources; the needfor more economic and equitable use of resources; recognition of the degradationand destruction already inflicted and the urgent need to halt and repair this damage;the growing body of legislation and state controls to protect and defend theenvironment; the mobilization of public opinion in the preservation of the quality oflife; the increased awareness and exposure of individuals and political institutions toall these problems and the creation of ministries/departments of environment, ofenergy and natural resources, of land management etc. All these changes have hadconsequences for the training of various professions engaged in the development andmodification of the environment.

    It becomes necessary for us to train engineers by giving them the basic conceptsto an understanding of what constitutes sound environmental management, theprocesses involved in natural systems and ecology, and the impact of their professionon the interplay of physical and human factors constituting an environment. Engineershave, in many cases, become aware of the interdisciplinary nature of the problemswhich they face and the need for solutions of a similarly complex, process-orientedform. There is growing awareness of the need to collaborate among professionals andof the need imposed on the various professions by economic and social change totake account of new constraints and demands associated with environmentalconservation, the management of resources, and the changing values associated withacceptable or desired quality of life standards.

    Dato Sri Prof. Ir. Dr. Wahid bin OmarPresidentBOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA

  • T H E I N G E N I E U R

    The Board of Engineers Malaysiawishes all readers

    The Board of Engineers Malaysiawishes all readers


    HappyNew Year


    &Gong XiFa Cai!

    Publication Calendar


    The following list is the Publication Calendarfor the year 2007. While we normallyseek contributions fromexperts for each specialtheme, we are also pleased toaccept articles relevant tothemes listed.

    Please contact the Editor orthe Publication Officer inadvance if you would like tomake such contributions or todiscuss details and deadlines.

    March 2007: AGRICULTUREJune 2007: WASTESeptember 2007: POWER


    HappyNew Year


    &Gong XiFa Cai!



    The Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) has decided that the Professional Assessment Examination

    (PAE) will be conducted by the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) on behalf of the Board with

    effect from January 1, 2007.

    All engineers who intend to sit for PAE are advised to contact IEM at the following address:

    Institution of Engineers Malaysia,

    Bangunan Ingenieur,

    Lot 60/62 Jalan 52/4,

    Peti Surat 222 (Jalan Sultan),

    46720 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.


    Competency Examination will be conducted as an additional examination by BEM with effect from

    January 1, 2008.



    Meeting / December 7, 2006]



    Board of Engineers Malaysia

  • T H E I N G E N I E U R

    By Professor Dato Dr Ibrahim Komoo and Sarah Aziz Abdul Ghani Aziz,Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia





    Auditing For Hazards:Lessons Learnt From KundasangLandslide Complex, Sabah

    It is a given fact that natural

    hazards impact greatly on the

    human socio-economic fabric. It

    not only poses a threat to life,

    destruction of property and

    disruption of economic activity,

    it also brings about a suite of

    risks to planned and existing

    developments, particularly in the

    way land is to be used. Lessons

    learnt from a study of large scale

    landslides in Kundasang, Sabah

    provide a brief insight of the

    prerequisites in comprehending

    the characteristics, nature and

    potential risks as well as threats

    which are often hampered by

    inadequate linking of scientific

    understanding and governance

    processes. Methods from various

    disciplines such as engineering

    geology (mapping), geotechnical

    assessment, socio-economic

    impact and evaluation of

    governance processes were key

    in helping develop an integrative

    approach towards better

    assessment and control of the

    impact and risks ensuing from

    the landslides.

    It is common practice in Malaysiato use the terms landslides andslope failures interchangeablywhen in fact both are distinct in natureand characteristics. Based on a studyon large scale landslides conducted inKundasang, Sabah the main lessonlearnt was that current approaches andtechniques in assessing and mitigatingthe impacts of geo-hazards commonlyapplied in Peninsular Malaysia is notsuited for the phenomenon in Sabah.For one, the landslide complex in thestudy area is made up of six landslidesystems each mass ranging between1.5-5 million m3 and the rate ofmovement varies from location tolocation. It is highly influenced by thenature of the geological characteristicsand the underground water level.

    It is important to note that thelandslide events are complex in naturerequiring a multi-disciplinaryapproach to address and ensure longterm risk reduction. Understanding andfinding solutions require applicationof refined science for geo-hazards(landslides), the sociological impactsof the hazard, the governance aspectrelated to control and the besttechnology for prevention andmitigation.

    The impact meted by the landslideboth affected the natural surroundingsand the socio-economic fabric, and ina recorded landslide event near one ofthe landslide systems, two men losttheir lives. The study also showed thatthe measures to address impact playeda huge role in determining theeffectiveness of the solution applied.

    In some cases, the solution providedresulted in continued rectification,which, in turn, has made a huge denton public spending. The developmentplan for Kundasang too has greatbearing on the stability of the area, asthe plans were drawn up based onexisting information andinterpretations of the same based onmethodologies suited for events inPeninsular Malaysia but notnecessarily in Kundasang.

    This, in turn, has led to a ratherfragmented and reactive approachtowards addressing the problem arisingand potential risk posed by thelandslide complex.

    Kundasang Landslide Complex:A Brief Introduction

    As stated earlier, the KundasangLandslide Complex (KLC) is made upof six landslide systems of varyingsizes and shapes, which continuouslymove at different rates from a fewcm to a few metres per year (seeFigure 1). Its movement is largelydictated by the sub-catchment waterflow and the underground water level.Serious impacts include landsubsidence (see Figure 2), structuraldefects (see Figure 3), slantingstructures (see Figure 4) and damageto infrastructure and utilities such aswater pipes and tanks(see Figure 5),electric cables, poles and drainage.

    Impact to the socio-economicfabric included loss of life, loss ofincome due to crop destruction, risingcost of living due to continuous repair

  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 7




    and maintenance of property,restriction in transport mobility dueto poor roads and access to socialamenities. There is an element ofhaving to live in and with dangerconstantly, though the study inKundasang has shown the localcommunity, for want of a betteralternative, has indeed soldiered on.Much has to do with ownership ofthe land which has a propensity tomove, and there has been recordedincidences of land disputes whenboundary stones move or structuresinfringe on neighbouring lands.

    The Government has spent quitea lot of money mitigating theimpacts particularly to roads andbuildings, but the repairs andmaintenance still continue to date.The case in point is the Tamparuli-Kundasang-Ranau road that cutsacross the landslide complex. It hasseen many facelifts and to date workstill continues.

    Getting To Grips WithThe Landslide

    Auditing the danger would be asensible place to begin. A systematicassessment process will have to be

    Figure 1. Six landslide systems indicating major geodynamic features mapped between2003-2005 (Source: Komoo, et. al. 2005).

    Figure 2. Photograph showing a two-tiered land subsidence due to landslide movement at the head of the landslide affecting themarket behind the Ranau-Tamparuli main road (Komoo, et. al. 2005)

  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 8

    instituted taking into accountfour main prerequisites, that is:

    The need for a geo-hazardinformation system thattakes into account thenature and characteristic ofthe landslide; the impactsto the socio-economicfabric; and the methods andtools required to address therisk and impacts;

    A review of current plannedspatial development andland use taking intoaccount the suitabilityfactor of the areas and theability to absorb impact;

    A merger of sc iencesand methods whereby geo-scientific understandingbecomes the underlyingfactor in assessment andcontrol to complementgeotechnical andengineering solutionsproposed; and

    Re-designing and retro-fittingengineering control measures tosuit local conditions to alleviatethe stress and reduce the causalfactors.

    Developing an information systemthat integrates sciences andhumanities would allow for betteranalysis of options in theimplementation of measures to either

    mitigate impact or reduce therisk of the landslide. The use ofa geographical informationsystem (GIS) would help putinto perspective the variousthreats and options indeveloping an integratedframework for KLC assessmentand control. It would bring tofore the triggering and causalfactors, in addition reflect theactual scale of the risk andimpact in addition to mappingout the geodynamic features.

    Reviewing spatialdevelopment, on the otherhand, would reduce the risk ofthe landslide causing moredamage, since a brief study ofthe changes in land use andland cover patterns ofKundasang has indicated thatsuitability should be the keyfactor in determining the typeand scale of developmentplanned. This itself has becomea crucial issue as Kundasang

    has been earmarked for agriculturaland tourism development. Based onthe integrated information collected,special areas of risks can bedemarcated and zoned accordingly,

    Figure 3: Photograph showing an opening of anextension crack along a retaining wall at the toe of alandslide unit near the SMK Kundasang (Komoo, et. al.2005)

    Figure 4: Photograph showing an abandoned house badly affected by the landslide movement. The owner has since built anotherhouse adjacent to the old structure (Komoo, et. al. 2005)




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    and physical developmentcontrol instituted based on theareas determined. Current landuse patterns would then have tobe re-looked to determine andestablish areas for conservation,rehabil i tation, naturalstabilisation and development.

    Geo-scientific measures toowill have to be considered, asthe nature and characteristics ofthe landslide varies fromlocation to location. The properunderstanding of the influenceof degree of risk, suitability inaddition to the causal andtriggering factors areparamount in order to designappropriate and cost effectivesolutions. Given the influenceof the sub-catchment flow andunderground water level ,greater emphasis will have to begiven towards adopting an eco-system approach, includingunravell ing the geo-bioindicators that give thelandslides unique signatures.

    Engineering solutions wil lremain a fixture towards mitigatingthe impact and reducing the risks,but a refocus will have to be madein light of geo-scientific findingsthat can tai lor the solutionsaccordingly. Two mains lessonslearnt from Kundasang include theneed to use engineering methods tostabilise slopes by increasing forceof resistance against the landslidemovement and reduce the casualfactors of the landslides to areduction in force of the landslides.A re-profile of the key areas, re-drainage and reconstruction ofstabil ising walls wil l have toconsidered based on the respectivenature and characteristics of thelandslide.

    Concluding Remarks:Taking The Next Step

    Landslides are costly in humanand economic terms, and change thenatural landscape affecting the eco-systems and socio-economic fabric.

    The KLC study revealed that thecurrent governance systems andprocesses in place to address geo-hazards, were not designed to meetthe problems head on. Actions takenwere often piecemeal andfragmented, and the study has shownit has been costly, since the solutionsput in place often had to be rectified.Resources were constantlymortgaged, water being the keyvictim. Services such as sewerage,drainage and water supply were noteffective as the damage caused wasoften too great and the cost of repairtoo large. Roads, where possible werepatched up to fill up gaps where theroad had collapsed or cracked. Someroads had become inaccessibleexcept to those with powerful andreliable 4WD.

    Stakeholder coordination is amust. The custodians of theresources (the land, naturalresources) and the people will haveto sit with those who can helpremedy the impacts caused by thelandslides as well as with those withthe will to change the physical and

    economic landscape ofKundasang. By imparting basictechniques to help identify thegeo-bioindicators to the localcommunities, much time can besaved and danger reduced. Acomprehensive review ofplanned development must bedone taking into account thegeo-scientific information thathas identified the areas of risks(scales of which have beenearmarked) . Engineeringsolutions will have to suit thenature and characteristics ofthe landslides to ensurelongevity and reduce costs.

    Much can be done forKundasang, and lessons learntshould provide a good basis fora re-look at the waygeohazards, particularlylandslides are being addressedthroughout the country.


    Komoo, I. & Morgana, S.N., 1999.The Kundasang LandslideComplex, Sabah (extendedabstract). Journal of NepalGeological Society, 20, 230.

    Komoo, I. & Salleh, H., 2003.Living with danger: KundasangActive Landslide. In Salleh, H.;Othman, M.

    Komoo, I. & Aziz, S. (eds.) Cultureand Science of Mountains .LESTARI UKM Pub., Bangi, 213-223.

    Komoo, I., Salleh, H., Tjia, H.D.,Aziz, S., Tongkul, F., Jamaluddin,T.A. & Lim, C.S., 2005. KundasangLandlside Complex: Mechanism,Socio-Economic Impact andGovernance (in Malay).

    Paper presented duringStakeholders Dialogue onKundasang Landslide Risks:Impact, Role and Action, May 22,2005, Kundasang, Sabah.

    Figure 5: Photograph showing a badly damagedwater tank (inset) and pipe due to the lateralmovement of the landslide (Komoo, et. al. 2005)


  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 10

    Sustainability is the latest buzzword to highlight the criticalneed to protect our society fromthe vagaries of mankind and toremind us of the urgency to take careof our resources and fragileenvironment in a responsible mannerto ensure our very own sustainableexistence.

    To many of us, sustainability inthe built industry may sound like anew terminology. However, if weexamine the concept behind thisword, it is actually not so, as manyof the philosophy expounded haveactually being promoted over theyears albeit under different names.These past terms would include thelikes of Intelligent Buildings, SmartBuildings, K-Buildings, EnergyEfficient Buildings, and many otherterms including the still vogue GreenBuildings.

    Perhaps it would be simpler todefine sustainability as a relativelynew term that refers to our efforts atclosing the energy and environmentcycles.

    As society progresses, awarenessnaturally spreads. With energy pricesset to soar and global warmingeffects already felt, the need toaddress sustainability in our dailylives inevitably becomes morepronounced and taken seriously. Infact, as the worlds populationcontinues to grow and the needincreases for more food, comfort and

    luxuries, we must learn to do morewith less energy and materials. Wemust begin developing alternativeand renewable energy sources thatwill be available when the knownsupplies of fossil fuels are gone. Wemust also learn to turn our garbageinto a resource.

    Simply put, todays designers haveto develop a cradle to grave attitudein their designs.

    By thinking initially about the fulllife-cycle of a product and how itmight ultimately be re-used, engineerscan make great strides in helping toclose the cycle. The technical conceptsleading to sustainable developmentespecially in the areas of EnergyEfficiency and Renewable Energy arevery well researched and advanced.The challenge now is to be able toapply these technologies optimallyand in the most sustainable manner.

    Optimal applications (for example)in the Malaysian context wouldinclude the ability to adapt and usethese concepts to suit the localclimatic and social conditions therein lies the formidable challengesof practical applications to also meetsocial and political agendas.

    We simply cannot ignore thewritings on the wall and the followingnotable quotes will serve as a constantreminder in our never-ending questto achieve sustainable developmentin all that we do today and in thefuture.

    Sustainable Concepts& Elements

    At a recent internationalsymposium on sustainability (The2005 World Sustainable BuildingConference in Tokyo), it was quiteobvious (albeit to the author) that newEnergy Efficiency (EE) and RenewableEnergy (RE) concepts are beingexhausted the challenge now is theiroptimal applications.

    Hence, the most effectiveapplications of EE and RE concepts




    Sustainability: Closing TheEnergy & Environment CyclesBy Ir. Chen Thiam Leong, Fellow & Distinguished Lecturer ASHRAE

    This paper is an extract from the recent ASHRAE (American Society for Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc.) Regional Conference held in Kuala Lumpur (on Aug 25, 2006) with thetheme Sustainability: From Design & Installation to Commissioning & Maintenance The theme wasconceived primarily to promote ASHRAEs international agenda on Sustainability. Other reasonsincluded the need to address problems faced by developing nations where we are regularly remindedof our ability to achieve 1st Class Infrastructure but only to be undone by our 3rd Class Mentality infailing to sustain these facilities. In terms of the Building Services industry, this quote may be moreappropriately translated as the mentality of achieving 1st Class Design and Installation but 3rd ClassCommissioning and Maintenance habits.

    Sustainable development isdevelopment that meets the needs ofthe present without compromisingthe ability of future generations tomeet their own needs.

    Brundtland Commission reportof 1987

    All political decisions must give dueconsideration to long-termeconomic, social and environmentalconsequences. The aim is to hand onto the next generation a society inwhich the major environmentalproblems have been solved.


    A hundred years after we are goneand forgotten, those who never heardof us will be living with the results ofour actions.

    Oliver Wendell Homes

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    for the built environment to optimizesustainability would constitute theultimate goal. Some of these conceptsare;

    All forms of low energy andpassive building design features/components

    Active building facades or BlueTechnology

    Proper insulation for walls androofing (including the applicationof green roofs)

    BIPV (Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic)

    Natural Ventilation Natural Lighting Solar water heating High and low ceiling rooms Ventilated roof Occupants life-style Good housekeeping Water saving devices such as less

    water flush wc, and water-lessurinals

    Rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling

    Hot water heat reclaim from air-conditioning system

    Energy Efficient lamps and otherelectrical appliances includingfridges, air-conditioners, fans,motors, televisions, personalcomputers and laptops.

    Latest and future technologiessuch as fuel-cell hot water electricity units, air-conditioning- fuel cell units, embedded coolingpipes.

    measures, and the necessity for anincreased efficiency in all forms ofenergy utilization. The Kyoto Protocoland the need to fulfill it are steps inthis direction. There has been a lot ofeffort made to make buildings and theprocesses related to them, such asmaking domestic hot waterproduction more efficient, and toreduce the use of fossil energy sourcesin the built environment. In countrieslike Germany and many others, theapproach has been taken with lowenergy and passive houses, in whichalmost no surplus heating from theenergy supply is needed to keep thehouses at comfortable levels, evenduring harsh winter conditions. Also,research related attempts, such as hightechnology zero energy houses, havebeen made. The aim in all these effortsis to conserve natural and fossilenergy resources with the keyobjective of creating energy consciousand comfortably built environments.

    There is nonetheless still a largesavings potential left, due to the factthat the primary energy demand ofbuildings accounts for more than onethird of the worlds energy demand.Most of the energy supplied is utilizedfor room conditioning, to heat or coolthe room space to maintain atemperature of between 20 and 26C.

    The question remains, what isreally consumed under the law ofenergy conservation? Andfurthermore, is it sufficient to save

    energy, to be energy conscious, orto make sustainable buildings withsustainable energy systems?

    Exergy Way To Sustainable Design

    It is often claimed that energy isconsumed. This assumption holds truenot only in everyday conversation butalso in scientific discussions associatedwith so-called energy andenvironmental issues. However, thisclaim tends to conflict with the factthat the total amount of energy isconserved even though the forms ofenergy may change from one toanother. It would hence seem ratherconfusing to use one of the most wellestablished scientific terms, energy,to mean to be conserved and to beconsumed simultaneously. This is whythere is need for a new terminology tobe derived - the concept of exergy -to really understand what is consumed.

    Exergy can be regarded as thevaluable part of energy. Energy existseverywhere around us, but in formswe cannot use, or at least not directly.So, in this regard, we must beconcerned with the quality of energyflow. The use of high quality energysources, like electricity or fossil fuelsare for high quality applications suchas lighting and driving machines. Butfor low quality energy applications,such as space heating or cooling, weshould not use these high qualityenergy sources.




    Energy & Energy EfficiencyIn Design

    The growing concern ofenvironmental problems, includingglobal warming, which have beenlinked to the extended use of energy,has increased both the importance ofall kinds of so-called energy saving




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    To understand the difference (andimpact) between low and high qualityenergy applications, a simplereference to the generation ofelectricity from a waste incineratorplant would be a good example;

    Waste is burned in air stream toensure complete combustion. Hot gasfrom the waste incinerator furnace isthen used to raise steam in a steamcycle to generate electricity. Thisrelatively low steam temperaturelimits electricity generation efficiencyto around 27% which is low whencompared to a coal power stationelectricity generation efficiency ofaround 35%. However, if this wasteheat is instead used directly in district(space) heating (i.e. bypassing theelectricity conversion stage), then theoverall efficiency is over 70% !

    Exergy Efficiency In Design

    Kilkis (2004) describes exergyas a qualitative measure of the usefulwork potential available for a givenamount of energy source. Forexample, low-temperature wasteheat is a low-exergy resourcebecause only low temperature andlimited applications such as domesticwater service can be realized. On theother hand, natural gas is a high-exergy resource because severaldifferent useful applications such aselectricity generation can be realized.Existing HVAC (Heating, Ventilation& Air-Conditioning) systems are notdirectly compatible with low-exergy

    renewable and waste energyresources unless either the equipmentis oversized and/or resourcetemperatures are conditioned, bothof which are costly measures anddiminish the appeal for renewableenergy resources. Furthermore,conventional HVAC systems dependupon fossil fuels even when heatpumps are used, as heat pumpsdepend on electric power generallysupplied from conventional powerplants using fossil fuels and deliveredat low transmission efficiency.

    In the presence of seriousenvironmental issues, the globalneed for sustainable development,and high primary energy costs,

    exergy analysis is the primaryengineering tool for addressing boththe rational utilization of energyresources and protection of theenvironment.

    Alfvn (1975) compared energyaccounting irrespective of differentenergy qualities (grades) to a cashiercounting cash only by the numberof coins or notes and neglecting theirvalue. This comparison has a greatsimilarity with what is happening inthe energy-efficiency description ofan HVAC system. HVAC systems arerated only with respect to theirthermal efficiencies, which neglectsthe overall energy, environment, andeconomic relationships. CurrentHVAC systems generally rely onhigh-exergy fossil fuels for comfortfunctions, which only require low-grade heat or cold. This mismatchdestroys most of the exergy. Exergyof any flow or resource is the totalamount of useful work that isavailable, and an HVAC systemwastes most of that. Therefore, it isno surprise that their exergyefficiency is less than 10% (Rosenand Dincer 1996; Kilkis 2004), or5% on average for Swedish homes(Wall 1986).

    It is unfortunate that thisproblem, which has been known fora relatively long time, has not yetbeen addressed: the building sector,with a dominant share in annualenergy use, has a very low exergy




  • T H E I N G E N I E U R

    Low Exergy Buildings

    Exergy analysis applied tobuildings shows that the largestfraction of the total supplied exergyfor heating in buildings is consumedwhen heat is generated from othersources, e.g. fossil fuels, natural gas.Parts of these losses occur duringenergy transformation, extraction,

    efficiency for energy utilization andcontinues to be responsible forenvironmental degradation, mainlyin terms of CO2 emissions. Residentialand commercial buildings areresponsible for about 39% of theannual US primary energyconsumption, more than 70% of thetotal electric power consumed(Torcellini et al. 2004) and close to40% of CO2 emissions (DOE 1998). Onthe other hand, the thermal efficiencyof HVAC systems has reached a goodsaturation point, well above 90% onaverage, except for thermal energytransport and distribution losses.Therefore, according to Annex 37(IEA and ECBCS 2003), the prioritymust now be given to exergyefficiency and we must develop newHVAC systems with higher exergyefficiencies by addressing the rootcauses. The most rational way toaddress this priority is to utilize low-exergy waste and alternative energyresources directly in temperature-compatible HVAC systems yet to bedeveloped. In this respect, radiantpanels combined with novelconvective systems and independentof any compression cycle seempromising.





    and transformation in power stationsor in heat generation, e.g. in the boiler.Only a small fraction of the exergyconsumption happens within thebuildings (Schmidt and Shukuya2003).

    This simply implies that ourknown energy systems consumemore exergy than is needed for aspecific purpose. There is clearly a




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  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 14




    larger potential for exergy savingmeasures than for energy savings(Johannesson 2004).

    There are examples of suchsystems already in the market, suchas thermally activated buildingcomponents used for floor heatingsystems or waterborne systems whereheating or cooling pipes are placedinto the concrete slab construction.Another is the airborne hollow coredeck system, where tempered air firstcirculates inside the construction walls,thereby heating or cooling the roomsbefore being released as fresh supplyair to the rooms (Johannesson 2004).There are many more systemalternatives, which are showcased inthe LowEx Guidebook.

    Exergy analysis can enabledesigners to identify the location, tounderstand the origin, and to establishthe true magnitude of waste or loss.Exergy analysis is therefore animportant tool for the design ofthermal systems since it provides thedesigner with answers to twoimportant questions of where and whythe losses occur. The designer can thenproceed forward and work on how toimprove the thermal system.

    There are a large number ofdemonstration projects which show thewide variety of possibilities to applylow exergy heating and coolingsystems in buildings. A collection ofexample buildings can be found in thefinal report, LowEx Guidebook, of theIEA Annex 37. The application of lowexergy systems provides manyadditional benefits besides a moreflexible energy supply, such as:improved thermal comfort, improvedindoor air quality and reduced energyuse. These aspects needs to be furtherpromoted to increase the applicationof low exergy systems for heating andcooling of buildings.

    Further research is needed toexplore new or not commonly usedexergy resources for the use in thebuilt environment, such as the ground(e.g. using ground coolness forcooling), water (e.g. using ground-,sea- or river water as a cooling source),sky (e.g. using the radiation in a clearsky at night for cooling), snow orothers.

    The building regulations andenergy strategies should take the

    quality of energy into account morethan today. Wide application of lowexergy heating and cooling systemsin buildings will create a buildingstock, which will be able to adapt tothe use of sustainable energy sources,when desired. Without this ability, thetransfer towards a sustainable builtenvironment will be delayed fordecades.


    Closing the energy andenvironment cycles is certainly notan easy task. It is a necessarycommitment if the human race wantsto ensure its own sustainableexistence. We simply have no choicebut to work towards this goal of (atleast) stretching our resources.

    For the built environment, theHVAC industry which has servedmankind extremely well (in terms ofcomfort convenience and the like),now needs to be at the forefront ofthis effort (since we will not likelysacrifice all the comfort and luxurythat HVAC has afforded and for whichwe are now accustomed to).

    In order to reduce exergy wasteit is imperative that we developinnovative yet practical and feasiblenew HVAC methods and equipment.Without such an exergy-conscious(rather than energy-conscious)change in the near future, buildingswill continue to contributeextensively to global warming.

    The need to addressSustainability: From Design &Installation to Commissioning &Maintenance even when appliedonly to the HVAC sector, represents avery broad and dynamic subject. Wehave to adopt an integrated approachright at the onset of the design processall the way to installation before wecan assure proper commissioning canbe carried out and maintainability canbe achieved and thereafter sustained.It is far too common not to recognisethat the industry has progressed at arather large differential pace for thesefour different component stages, andwe really must close this gap to realisea sustainable built environment.

    As a parting food for thought, theauthors rating of these fourcomponent stages (scale of 0 to10) in

    the current built environment (inMalaysia) is as follows;

    Average (Maximum)Standard Achieved

    Design 7 (10)Installation 5 (9)Commissioning 5 (8)Maintenance 3 (7)


    Ahern J. 1980. The Exergy Methodof Energy System Analysis. NewYork: Wiley-IntersciencePublication, John Wiley and Sons.

    Ala-Juusela, M. (ed.); Schmidt, D. 2004. Heating and Cooling withFocus on Increased Energy Efficiencyand Improved Comfort. Guidebookto IEA ECBCS Annex 37.

    VTT Research notes 2256, VTTBuilding and Transport, Espoo,Finland, 2004.

    Annex 37. 2005. InternationalEnergy Agency Low Exergy heatingand Cooling of Buildings Annex37, Web Homepage,

    Baehr H.D. 1980. ZurThermodynamik des Heizens- I. Derzweite Hauptsatz und diekonventionellen Heizsysteme.Brennstoff-Wrme-Kraft, Germany,Vol 32, No 1, 1980, pp. 9-15.

    Baehr H.D. 1980a. ZurThermodynamik des Heizens- II.Primrenergieeinsparung durchAnergienutzung Brennstoff-Wrme-Kraft, Germany, Vol 32, No 2, 1980,pp. 47-57.

    DIN 4701-10. 2001. Energy Efficiencyof Heating and Ventilation Systemsin Buildings Part 10: Heating,Domestic hot Water, Ventilation.German National Standard. Berlin:Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V.

    Birol I. Kilkis, PhD Fellow ASHRAE.From Floor Heating to Hybrid HVACPanel A Trail of Exergy-EfficientInnovations


  • T H E I N G E N I E U R

    By Prof. Madya Ir. Dr. Eric Goh, Head - Amquest Research, USM Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia,Ir. Muhd. Sobri Zakaria, Senior Engineer - Penang Water Supply Corporation (PBA) andIr. Peter Chin Joo Negan, Managing Director - DemoCipta

    Water Leakage Detection Impact,Innovations And Economic Benefits

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    16T H E I N G E N I E U R

    The headlines in the New Straits Times entitledWater shortage in Seremban at Critical Stage was ashock to everyone since Malaysia lies in theequatorial zone and is blessed with abundantrainfall. In the above-mentioned June 2005 newsarticle, it was also reported that the Sg. Terip Damsupplying water to the state capital of Serembancould only continue to supply water for another 39days in the absence of rain and that thecomplementary dam at Kelinchi was almost dry! Thenation was at a loss of words. Where had theexcessive rainfall, which at times causes floods,disappeared to? The State Authorities subsequentlyconcurred, with the results from Water NetworkManagement Studies carried out worldwide, that asignificant percentage of water is lost while in transitfrom treatment plants to consumers. Findings fromrecent investigations carried out by theInternational Water Supply Association (IWSA) in1991 indicate that the amount of water lost orunaccounted for is typically in the range of 20 to30% of the original production of treated water (IRC,2005). A recent study carried out in Sandakan,Sabah noted that physical leakages have beenassessed at 30.8MLD or 39% of the 77 MLD waterproductions. The leakage frequency for the Sabahwater supply mains is approximately 280 bursts/100km; a statistic that approximates to ten times

    that of the acceptable non-revenue level in the U.K. (HalcrowWater, 2005). In Penang, the state-ownedutility has tried its best to efficiently manage the supply water by paying considerable attention inupholding an effective water supply infrastructure, particularly in the replacement of old pipes, and inmaintaining an efficient water management network. Faulty pipes are the principal culprits in waterlosses. This has resulted in a 50% loss of water in most of the other states nationwide the so-calledNon-Revenue Water (NRW) that the utilities corporation cannot account for primarily because ofleakages. In addition to environmental and economic losses caused by leakages, the presence of leakypipes pose a public health risk as leaks are potential entry points for contaminants should a pressuredrop occur in the water network system. An efficient water leakage detection system would be anadvantage to arrest further losses of this precious commodity. The impact, innovations and benefits foreffective water leakage detection would be of great economic benefit to the Government as it workstowards sustainable national development.

  • T H E I N G E N I E U R

    Origin of Water Leak

    Rapid decrease

    of noise level

    Maximum leak noise level






    The need to conserve watersupplemented by the concernover public health risks aregood incentives to implement leakagedetection and control programs. ThePenang Water Authority is amongstthe most efficient in the country withNon-Revenue Water (NRW) lossesaveraging only about 20%. Incomparison, some of the other Statesin Malaysia have NRW losses of amuch greater magnitude; for example,the NRW losses in Sabah amount to58%, Kedah (48%), Pahang (48%) andKelantan (40%); with all the otherstates having NRW losses above 40%.Even Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, twoof the most progressive states in thecountry have NRW losses amountingto 40% (Water Watch, 2005). Therecent predicament by Negri Sembilanindicates that the NRW losses in thestate could be as high as 50%. Some ofthe potential benefits to every StateWater Authority of lower NRW waterloss statistics via effective leakdetection include:

    Increase in state revenue from theefficient delivery of treated waterto the community and industry.

    Savings in delayed capacityexpansion, as a result of well-organised usage of existing watersupply thus.

    Improved public relations betweenconsumers and the State WaterAuthorities.

    Reduced risk of contamination totreated water supply from seepageof pollution from environmentinto pipe network.

    Increased base of knowledge onwater distribution network forimproved response time for piperepair or replacement duringemergencies.

    Optimum energy consumptionsince pressure need not beincreased to deliver the water inthe supply network system.

    Efficient fire-fighting capabilitiesdue to optimum pressuremaintained in water pipedistribution networks servicinghydrants.

    Causes Of Water Pipe Leakage

    Owing to evolving changes in theclimate worldwide and the civicconcern of the internationalcommunity, water resources are nowconsidered a valuable commodity.The primary objective of all globalwater utility suppliers is the successfuldelivery of all treated water viadistribution networks to the respectiveconsumers. However, in reality asizable portion of treated water is lostwhilst in transit from treatment plantsto consumers. Unaccounted-forwater is simply defined as thedifference between the treated waterproduced and the actual volume ofwater that reaches consumers at theend of the distribution networks. Theprinciple cause of excessiveunaccounted-for water is leakage.Some of the main factors contributingtowards leakage in water distributionnetworks include:

    Degradation of pipe materialquality due to harsh climatic andground conditions at site.

    Water quality which includesextreme temperatures, highpressures and abrasiveness ofimpurities transported in fluid.

    Inadequate maintenance ofpipelines and valves.

    Poor initial design of distributionor joining systems.

    Sub-standard usage of distributionsystem components during theinstallation phase.

    Uncoordinated maintenance oflocalised pipes which do notconform to overall distributionnetwork set-up.

    Structural damage or unplanned/accidental excessive load, stressfrom traffic vibrations applied toconcealed subsurface pipedistribution set-up.

    Inadequate corrosion protection.

    Water LeakageDetection Surveys

    Active leakage detection andcontrol is one of the basic methods ofmanaging real losses in any cleanwater supply network. Management

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  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 18

    of leakage control is a long-termactivity and is thus an essential exercisefor any State Water Authority. Thisinnovative cost saving method leakage control is one of the mosteffective methods of reducing losses ofthis important commodity. The benefitsof reducing water leakage in thedistribution network are as follows:

    Less water needs to be produced.Therefore, this translates into costsavings on the operation andmaintenance via the reduction ofchemical usage for watertreatment process.

    Costs involved in leak repair arelower than the costs for repairingpipe bursts.

    Good public relations andcompany image.

    A systematic system or method ofreducing leakages will also reduce

    the level of contamination inthe system.

    An in-depth knowledge of realwater consumption in thecommunity will help to improvethe prediction of water demand forreliable long-term economic andlogistic planning.

    Mechanics Of NRWLeakage Detection

    Basically three types of sounds areidentified as being caused by leakagefrom underground water pipes(SubSurface Leak Detection, 2005):

    (i) Pipe vibrations due to reductionin orifice pressure.

    (ii) Water impaction on nearby soil.(iii) Circulation and seepage of water

    in the soil cavity formed due tothe leakage from pipe system.

    From studies carried out, it wasobserved that pipe vibrations orresonance produce the loudest ormost intense leak noise, similar to awhoosh or a hiss. The sound of theimpaction and seepage of leakagewater is not so noticeable. Waterimpacting directly onto soil producesa rapid thumping or beatingsound; complemented by the soundof a mountain stream when theleakage water infiltrates the soil orflows around the outer surface of thepipe.

    The variables affecting theintensity and frequency of thesounds produced due to waterleakage from pipes and transmittedto the surface of the ground are:

    Water pressure within the pipe. Material and Diameter of pipe. Depth of overburden/soil

    overlaying water pipe network. Soil Type and Compactness. Type of Surface Cover (cement,

    asphalt, grass or loose soil).

    A summary of research findingsfrom noise characteristics due toleakage from water distributionsystems include the following:

    PVC water pipes transmit waterleak sounds that are softer and oflower frequency compared tometal pipes (knowledge on pipematerial is essential in analysis).

    Leaks from small diameter pipes(whatever the material) transmitsmore noise and of higherfrequency compared to largediameter pipes.

    Hard and compacted soils are thebest medium for transmittingleakage noise. However, sandysoils, water-saturated soils andvery loose soils are not effectivetransmitters of leak noise.

    Depth of buried pipe network isanother factor since soil absorbsthe sound of water leaks. It iseasier to detect water leaks at 1mdepth compared to sites where thepipes are buried more than 3mbelow the surface.

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  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 19

    Surface ground cover overlayingthe distribution pipe network canaffect leak detection analysis.Concrete slabs or hard surfacesresonate with the sounds of thewater leak; thus the sound of theleak can still be detected 2-3maway from the pipe. However,grass lawns and loose soil are notgood transmitters of vibrations.

    Leakage Detection Technology

    Specialised instruments that areused in an active leakage controlprogramme include:

    Noise Loggers. Digital Noise Correlators. Electronic Listening Devices. High-tech Ground Microphones.

    The water distribution system ischecked for leaks during the surveyphase by using acoustic equipmentthat detects the sound or vibrationsinduced by water as it escapes frompipes under pressure. The state-of-the-art acoustic equipment

    commonly used includes listeningdevices such as aquaphones/sonoscopes and geophones/groundmicrophones (IRC,2005). Acousticequipment also includes leak noisecorrelators. Correlators arecomputer-based instruments thathave a simple field set-up and workby measuring leak signals (sound orvibrations) at two points thatbracket a suspected leak. Theposit ion of the leak is thendetermined autmatically based onthe time shift between the leaksignals calculated using the cross-correlation method.

    Innovations of the digitalcorrelators, recently developed in2002, over its analogue predecessorinclude (IWA, 2003):

    Superior performance in locatingleaks on all pipe materials(including plastics) and sizes.

    First-pass leak detection survey(daytime correlation and sounding)







    Follow repair procedure

    Follow repair procedure

    Repair valves

    Repair leaks found





    Carry out night leak survey

    Do leaks foundequal excess night flow?

    Do leaks foundequal excess night flow?

    Is a step-testworthwhile?

    Carry out step-testplanning procedure

    Are valves operable?

    Carry out step-test

    Analysis results

    Leak locationrequired?

    Flowchart of NRW Leakage Detection

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  • T H E I N G E N I E U R

    Easy to use complemented withrapid processing time.

    Efficient transmission of digitaldata with no data loss.

    Another technological innovationsto increase the accuracy of NRWleakage detection include thedevelopment of the combined acousticlogger cum leak noise correlator.Advantages of this new set-up includereduction in wait time in theidentification of the leak noise andpinpointing the exact location of theleak, thus reducing the repair time andeventually cost of repair.

    The Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) is another advancement that canbe used to locate leaks via observationsof cavities, voids or disturbed groundin the ground near the sub-surfacewater pipes. The GPR System worksbest in dry and granular soils. Usefulin locating leaks at sites with excessivebackground noise such as traffic orpumps.

    The Gas Injection and Tracertechnique can also be used to detectaccurately the location of leaks. TheTracer Gas, normally industrialhydrogen, is introduced into the pipenetwork that will eventually escape atthe point of the leak. A sensor probe atthe surface is used to detect the pointwhere the Tracer Gas escapes to theenvironment.

    Another innovation in NRW leakdetection is the usage of the SurfaceSensor Array. This equipment sends offradio frequency carrier signals into theground and the waves reflected fromthe various ground conditions aresubsequently analysed. Theinterferometer component of this set-up will detect the changes in phase andamplitude modulation of the reflectedsignal caused by flowing water from aleak source. The location of the leakcan thus be confirmed to a high degreeof accuracy.

    Leak Abatement Programme

    The phases of work for successfuloperation of a leak abatementprogramme are:

    Accurate mapping and continuousupdating of the entire distributionnetwork.

    Identification of high-risk leakprone sections of pipe systems.

    Inspection of valves and hydrantsin distribution system.

    Systematic placement of leakdetection equipment/loggers atstrategic locations in thedistribution network.

    Isolation of leaks, upon detection,to a particular line segment orlocal pipe network.

    Establish the exact location foreach leak detected.

    Characterisation of all leaksobserved according to theirmagnitude.

    Setting up of a computerised on-line database containing records ofall leaks detected for easy retrievaland future network planning anddesign.


    The feature has successfullydiscussed the economic benefits andthe various innovative techniques forthe detection of leaks in any waterdistribution network. These activitiesare useful for further strategicdevelopment to decrease NRW losses.When treated water flow increases inefficiency, less energy is required totransport this valuable commodity tothe respective consumers. Theeconomic benefits generated by thistechnology means a win-winscenario for all concerned: thegovernment can quantitatively justifythat all the valuable water in thenation is being used effectively; therespective Water Authorities willgenerate savings via actualtransportation of all treated waterproduced to the consumers thus anincrease in revenue; whilst theconsumers will benefit via nosignificant increase in water tariffs/bills since the respective WaterAuthorities will now not be runningat a loss due to excessive leakages ofNRW to the environment. This nobleobjective should thus meet the

    escalating demands of the communityand complement the Governmentsneeds for further efficientindustrialisation and nationaldevelopment.


    IRC Inst. of Research inConstruction (2005). LeakageDetection.

    HalcrowWater (2005).Leak

    IWA (2005). Leak detectionpractices and techniques:a practical

    Lambert, A.O. (2004). PersonalCommunication, September.International Water DataComparisons Ltd, UK

    Lambert, A.O., Myers, S. and Trow,S. (2004). Managing Water Leakage(Economic and Technical Issue)

    NSTP News Straits Times Press(2005). Water shortage inSeremban at Critical Stage.

    Office of Water Services(OFWAT)(1999). 1998 - 1999 Report onleakage and water efficiency

    RAJAC (2005). Leak detection andabatement in water

    Reynolds, J. and Preston, S. (2004).The International Application ofBABE Concepts - From FeasibilityStudies to Performance TargetBased NRW Reduction Contracts

    SubSurface Leak Detection (2005).How to find

    Water Watch, 2005. Non-RevenueWater.



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  • T H E I N G E N I E U R

    By Yin Chun Yang1,3, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Suhaimi Abdul-Talib2,3, Ir. Dr. G. Balamurugan3 and Ir. Khew Swee Lian3

    Contaminated Land RemediationTechnologies: Current Usage AndApplicability In Malaysia

    21T H E I N G E N I E U R

    Contaminated lands are often the blight of concerted industrialactivities in highly developed and industrialized countries.Unfortunately, Malaysia is not unaffected by this issue and thusrequires intervention in terms of tightening of legislation regardingcontaminated land as well as application of established remediationtechnologies. Since redevelopment of such sites are alreadyearmarked under the 9th Malaysia Plan, it is reckoned that the nextstep for related stakeholders is to focus on local customization orcreation of cost-effective and effectual contaminated landremediation technologies. As applications of these technologies arestill in their infancy in Malaysia, familiarity of such technologies islacking among pertinent stakeholders. Therefore, this paper aimsto provide an overview of the types of contaminated landremediation technologies with regards to their current usage andapplicability in the Malaysian context. Technologies such as soilvapour extraction, bio-remediation, containment, solidification/stabilization, excavation and phyto-remediation are described. It issuggested that a long-term strategy be established to ensure moreexpertise and technologies with regards to contaminated landremediation will be locally available. All agencies, either public orprivate should invest in the training of their personnel so that a poolof local experts can be made available in the near future.

    The presence of contaminatedland has been the subject ofconcern in most developedcountries for at least two decades,especially countries that areexperiencing scarcity ofuncontaminated land (greenfields) fordevelopment. Even though thepredicament of contaminated land inMalaysia is not thought to be aswidespread as that found inindustrialized countries, the problemnevertheless exists and demandsintervention. Many of the olderindustrial areas in Malaysia havelarge patches of contaminated land

    including petrol stations, wastedisposal sites and ex-mining sites.Land contamination in Malaysia isgenerally attributed to:

    (a) Indiscriminate dumping of wastes;(b) Leaking of underground

    petroleum storage tanks;(c) Improper and illegal storage of

    fuel and chemicals withinindustrial premises;

    (d) Years of gradual accumulationof chemicals within industrialpremises.

    U t i l i za t ion o f e s tab l i shedtechnologies for land remediationin Malaysia is rather limited ascompared to developed countries.These technologies are mostlybeing utilized on a trial basis ino rde r to fac i l i t a t e loca lremediation engineers to evaluatethe t echn ica l and economicfeasibility of local application.However, wi th the imminentcreation of a National Register forcon tamina ted s i t e s andformulation of comprehensivepolicies on redevelopment of suchsites earmarked under the 9 th

    Malaysia Plan, these technologieswil l be essent ial in ass is t ingsus ta inab le deve lopmentin i t i a t ive s in the count ry.H i the r to , the ma jo r i ty o fengineers and environmentalexperts in Malaysia are unawareo f the ex i s t ence o f suchtechnologies and this may hampere f fo r t s in r edeve lopment o fcontaminated sites. As such, theaim of this paper is to provide anoverv i ew o f the types o fcontaminated land remediationtechnologies with regards to theircurrent usage and applicability inthe Malaysian context.

    1Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA2Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA3Environmental Engineering Technical Division, The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia

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  • T H E I N G E N I E U R

    Contaminated Land Remediation In Malaysia

    Petroleum Industry Other Industries

    Retail DownstreamOperations

    Oil Depots PetroleumRefineries



    Applicable Remedial Technologies


    Technologies Soil Vapour Extraction (SVE) Remedial Natural Attenuation Enhanced Attenuation Bio-remediation Containment

    Soil Vapour Extraction Bio-remediation Containment



    Solidification/ Stabilization Containment


    The Need For ContaminatedLand Remediation TechnologiesIn Malaysia

    Demand for contaminated landremediation technologies in Malaysiais low compared to developedcountries due to the exorbitant costsof carrying out remediation and thelack of legislation to obligate culpritsto bear the remediation costs. Large-scale contaminated land remediationis primarily conducted on a voluntarybasis and not regulatory driven, albeitsome organisations would find itnecessary to fulfill property lease orpurchasing requirements by carryingout remediation activities (Leong andNg, 2001). Therefore, cost still plays amajor factor for industries that arewilling to acquire the services ofenvironmental firms in order to cleanup contamination located within theirpremises. Other externalcircumstances that cause the need forcontaminated land remediation inMalaysia include property valuedepreciation, negative public

    perception and requirement fromthird parties such as potential buyersof the property (Lee, 2001).

    Description OfRemediation Technologies

    The selection of remediationtechnology for cleaning up of aparticular contaminated land isdependent upon various factors suchas local soil conditions, hydro-geological conditions and the types ofcontaminants. Most establishedremediation technologies do notnecessitate localized customization.

    The predominant industry thatfrequently conducts contaminatedland remediation in Malaysia is thepetroleum-based industry. Locationssuch as retail downstream operations(petrol kiosks), oil depots andpetroleum refineries are examples ofpetroleum-based premises thatgenerally require contaminated landremediation. This may be attributed tothe fact that the petroleum-basedindustry is managed by established

    multi-national corporations thatincorporate efficient and well-organized environmentalmanagement systems in their routineoperations. As a result, these systems,which are standard corporaterequirements, compel thecorporations to carry out clean-upactivities of contaminated sites withintheir premises. Conversely, otherindustries such as metal plating, paperand textile in Malaysia are generallymanaged by small and mediumenterprises (SMEs) which generallyignore contaminated spots withintheir premises due to their supposedlymeagre profits to cover the high costsof remediation.

    Figure 1 shows the list ofcontaminated land remediationtechnologies normally used inMalaysia. These technologies includesoil vapour extraction, bio-remediation; remedial naturalattenuation, containment,solidification and stabilization,contaminated soil excavation andphytoremediation. Subsequentsections provide a brief description ofthese technologies and theirapplicability in Malaysia

    Soil Vapour ExtractionSoil vapour extraction (SVE)

    removes harmful chemicals, in theform of vapours, from the soil abovethe water table. These chemicals areusually organic compounds which areeasily volatilized (VOCs). The vapoursare extracted (removed) from theground by applying a vacuum to pullthe vapours out (USEPA, 2001). Thistechnology is depicted in Figure 2. Inmost local clean up projects involvingorganics (especially if groundwatercontamination is a concern),remediation is usually conducted bymeans of SVE and coupled with aboveground pump-and-treat (P&T) systemsthat incorporate small-scalewastewater treatment systems tofacilitate and expedite the clean upprocess. Local application of SVE isvery suitable due to constant warmtemperature (300 50C) in the countrythroughout the year that facilitates

    Figure 1: Contaminated land remediation technologies in Malaysia

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  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 23

    rapid evapouration of organic-basedchemicals under vacuum withincontaminated soil matrix.

    Bio-remediation And RemedialNatural AttenuationBio-remediation allows natural

    processes to clean up harmfulorganic chemicals in theenvironment. Microbes that arepresent in soil and groundwaterdegrade certain harmful chemicals,such as those found in gasoline andoil spills. When microbes completelydigest these chemicals, they changethem into water and harmless gasessuch as carbon dioxide (USEPA, 2001).Bio-remediation can be conductedin-situ or ex-situ . The mostsignificant parameters affecting bio-remediation are temperature,concentration of nutrients/fertilizersand concentration of oxygen(aeration). In Malaysia, laboratory-scale treatability studies must becarried out prior to actual clean-up.A diagram illustrating themechanisms in bio-remediation isshown in Figure 3.

    Natural attenuation relies onnatural processes to clean up orattenuate pollution in soil andgroundwater in-situ . Naturalattenuation occurs at most pollutedsites. However, the right conditionsmust exist to clean sites properly. Ifnot, cleanup will not be quick enoughor complete enough (USEPA, 2001).The supplementary engagement ofexperts to monitor or test theseconditions to ensure naturalattenuation is working is calledmonitored natural attenuation (MNA).In recent years, there have beenrequests for natural attenuation to bepart of contaminated soil remediationstrategies in Malaysia. This method isstill novel and generally conductedsubsequent to a primary clean-upactivity where monitoring of soilconditions is initiated.

    ContainmentThis is the simplest remediation

    method currently used in Malaysia. Itis employed if there are no potentialenvironmental and/or public healththreats posed by the sub-surface

    contaminants. This method merelyinvolves paving the entirecontaminated site with concrete toprevent public contact, with no efforton contaminant source removal.Additional steps involve placing acover over contaminated materialsuch as wastes buried at a landfill tostop rainwater from seeping throughthe wastes and carrying pollution intogroundwater, lakes or rivers.

    Solidification/StabilizationSolidification/Stabilization (S/S)

    technology uses physical andchemical processes to producechemically stable solids withimproved contaminant containmentand handling characteristics (USACE,1995). Solidification refers to aprocess whereby wastes in the formof sludges or soils, are solidified toproduce free-standing and monolithicmasses with enhanced physicalintegrity (Cheng, 1991; USACE,1995). Stabilization is a chemicalalteration technique of reducing themobility and solubility ofcontaminants in wastes or soil(Conner 1990; Vipulanandan andWang, 1997). S/S is best utilized forsoil heavily contaminated with metalsand can be utilized either in-situ orex-situ. In-situ S/S operations,schematically shown in Figure 4,usually consist of augers to mixclean-up materials and metalcontaminated soils with addition ofwater. The clean-up materials usuallyconsist of chemical binders such ascement or lime (CaO) and otherpozzolanic materials. S/S is the BestDemonstrated Available Technology(BDAT) in the US for remediation ofmetal contaminated soils due to itshigh effectiveness in stabilizingmetals. This technology is also highlyadaptable to Malaysian weather ashigh humidity permits highcementitious hydration of mixedslurry, rendering high compressivestrength of the treated soils.

    Contaminated Soil ExcavationThis is the conventional method

    used by the local authority (especiallyFigure 3: Mechanisms of bioremediation (Adapted from USEPA, 2001)

    Extraction well

    Water table






    Ground surface





    CO2 + H2O

    (1) Microbes




    (2) Microbes

    attached to



    (3) Microbes




    (4) Microbes

    release CO2

    and water into

    soil matrix

    Figure 2: Soil vapour extraction (Adapted from USEPA, 2001)

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  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 24


    the Department of Environment) toremove the direct threat ofcontaminated soil on groundwatercaused by illegal dumping ofscheduled wastes. The excavatedcontaminant is subsequently treatedex-situ at a treatment facility.Although this method is usually fastand cost-effective, alternative clean-up technologies are being consideredas excavation is not viable for clean-up of soils contaminated at depths ofmore than five metres.

    Phyto-remediationThis method utilizes plants to

    accumulate heavy metals or organicsin contaminated soils. It consists oftwo mechanisms, namely, phyto-extraction involving uptake ofcontaminants by plants and phyto-stabilization, where excretion ofcomponents from plants decreasesoil pH and form metal complexes.The use of phyto-remediation forextraction of contaminants fromsoils is almost non-existent inMalaysia and is mainly limited tobench-scale research in academicinstitutions. However, thistechnology presents itself as anattractive remediation option as itincreases the aesthetic values of thecontaminated site and requires lessequipment and labour than any otherremediation methods.

    Conclusions &Recommendations

    Expertise and land remediationtechnologies are currently available inthe global market. In the short term,

    Malaysia can rely on the pool ofavailable experts and technologies inthe global market. However, Malaysiamust consider a long-term strategy toensure expertise and technologies willbe available locally. All agencies, eitherpublic or private should invest in the

    training of their personnel so that apool of local experts can be madeavailable in the near future. Varioustraining institutions in the countryshould also provide trainingprogrammes, courses, seminars bybringing in experts from developedcountries, especially from the US, orby tapping into the pool of expertsfrom multi-national companies basedin Malaysia. Contaminated soilremediation technologies, while still intheir infancy in Malaysia in terms ofmarket potential and applicability,should be viewed as importantcommodities especially since theGovernment plans to tightenlegislations and policies regardingcontaminated land remediation anddue diligence matters.


    The authors gratefully acknowledge Mr. Ng Hon-Seng, Regional Director ofENSR Corporation Sdn Bhd for his magnanimous contribution of valuableand up-to-date information pertaining to contaminated land remediationprojects in Malaysia.


    Cheng, K.Y. (1991). Controlling Mechanisms of Metals Release from Cement-based Waste Form in Acetic Acid Solution. Ph.D Thesis. University ofCincinnati, USA. unpublished

    Conner J.R. (1990). Chemical Fixation and Solidification of HazardousWastes. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

    Leong, K. and Ng, H. S. (2001). Remediation Case Studies for Industrial Sitesin Asia. Proceedings of the National Conference on Contaminated Land:Brownfield 2001, 14 15 February 2001, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

    Lee, A. K. (2001). The Need for the Registration of Contaminated Sites inMalaysia. Proceedings of the National Conference on Contaminated Land:Brownfield 2001, 14 15 February 2001, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

    USACE (1995). Engineering and Design Technical Guidelines forHazardous and Toxic Waste Treatment and Cleanup Activities, U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers, Washington D.C., pp. 4-88 to 4-93.

    USEPA (2001). Citizens Guides to Cleanup Methods. U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency.

    Vipulanandan, C. and Wang S. (1997). Solidification/Stabilization ofHexavalent Chromium Contaminated Soil. Proceedings of the Conferenceon In-Situ Remediation of the Geoenvironment, 5-8 October 1997,Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

    Figure 4: In-Situ solidification/stabilization of contaminated soil (USEPA, 2001)

    Mixing of



    and polluted


    Polluted soil

    Clean soil







    cover fe



  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 25

    Issued by Jabatan Perancangan Bandar Dan Desa (JPBD)Submitted by Cheo Hong Keyong

    The National Urbanisation Policy (NUP) will guide andcoordinate the planning and urban development of the countryto be more efficient and systematic particularly to handle theincrease in the urban population by 2020 with emphasis onbalancing the social, economic and physical developmentwithin urban areas. It will also serve as the foundation toencourage racial integration and solidarity for those who willreside in the urban areas.

    The NUP will be the main thrust for all urban planning anddevelopment activities in Peninsular Malaysia includingdevelopment plans at the state and local level. This policywill outline the thrust, policy, measures and implementationplan to coordinate and manage the urbanisation process ofthe country.


    The formulation of urbanisation policies should be based onthe philosophy of a liveable city which encompasses thefollowing:

    Generate economic development in order that the nationsprosperity is shared equitably and beneficial to all.

    Provide quality urban services, utility and infrastructurerequired by the population.

    Emphasize safety aspects in towns. Ensure the design and quality of urban fabric is based on

    the local cultures of the nation. Focus on the preservation and conservation of the

    environment. Promote social development and national unity. Promote participation of the residents in their respective

    community development towards enhancing governancefor greater efficiency and effectiveness.

    Eradicate urban poverty. Be sensitive and innovative towards technological

    advancement and development.


    The goal of urban development to create a livableenvironment that could realize a peaceful community andliving environment requires a balance in all aspects ofdevelopment, namely physical, economy, social andenvironment. This is in line with efforts to achieve the goal

    of Vision 2020 for Malaysia to be a developed nation. Toachieve this, the National Urbanisation Policy is guided bythe following goal:

    To Create A Visionary City With A Peaceful Community AndLiving Environment Through Sustainable Urban Development.


    Based on the above goal, six objectives have been identifiednamely:

    i. To develop a planned, quality, progressive and sustainablecity;

    ii. To develop and strengthen a competitive urban economy;iii. To create a conducive environment in order to encourage

    social development;iv. To eradicate urban poverty;v. To strengthen the planning, implementation and

    monitoring system;vi. To strengthen urban management and administrative


    National Urbanisation Policy Thrust

    The National Urbanisation Policy is formulated on six thrustsas follows;

    Thrust 1: An efficient and sustainableUrban Development

    NUP 1 - The National Urbanisation Policy shall formthe basic framework for urban development inMalaysia.

    NUP 2 - Urban development shall be based on the urbanhierarchy system of the NUP.

    NUP 3 - Each urban development shall be based onthe Development Plan being prepared.

    NUP 4 - Urban growth limit is determined based on itscarrying capacity for all towns in the country.

    NUP 5 - Optimal and balanced landuse planning shallbe given emphasis in urban development.

    The National Urbanisation Policy



  • T H E I N G E N I E U R

    NUP 6 - Urban development shall give priority to urbanrenewal within the urban area.

    NUP 7 - Village development in towns shall be integratedwith urban development.

    NUP 8 - Environmentally sensitive areas and primeagricultural areas shall be conserved.

    NUP 9 - Open space and recreational areas shall beadequately provided to meet the requirements of thepopulation.

    Thrust 2: Development of an Urban Economy thatis resilient, dynamic and competitive

    NUP 10 - The development of urban economic activitiesthat is value-added and knowledge based (k-economy)at all conurbations shall be promoted.

    NUP 11 - Economic development of Major and MinorSettlement Centres shall be enhanced to support theirroles in regional development.

    NUP 12 - Special feature towns shall be developed inaccordance to their respective potential and niches.

    NUP 13 - Employment opportunities especially for thelow income group shall be improved and diversifiedirrespective of race.

    NUP 14 - Development of urban areas shall take intoconsideration the Malaysian identity that is multi-racial.Bumiputera participation and those with low incomefrom the urban economic sector shall be improved. Atthe same time, the interest, opportunity and futurepotential of other races will not be neglected norobstructed.

    Thrust 3: An integrated and efficient UrbanTransportation System

    NUP 15 - An integrated, efficient and user-friendly publictransportation system shall be developed.

    NUP 16 - A more comprehensive traffic managementshall be implemented to ensure a more efficient andeffective traffic flow.

    NUP 17 - A more comprehensive road network shall bedeveloped to improve accessibility and mobility for interand intra urban.

    For further details, please refer to publication of NationalUrbanisation Policy by JPBD


    Thrust 4: Provision of urban services, infrastructureand utility of quality

    NUP 18 - The provision of infrastructure and utilities shallbe improved while continuous management andmaintenance shall be ensured.

    NUP 19 - A planned, effective and sustainable solid wasteand toxic management system shall be implemented.

    NUP 20 - The quality of urban services shall be improvedto create a comfortable and liveable environment.

    Thrust 5: Creation of a conducive liveable UrbanEnvironment with identity

    NUP 21 - Sufficient housing shall be provided based onthe requirements of the population.

    NUP 22 - Adequate, fully-equipped and user-friendlypublic amenities shall be provided with continuousmanagement and maintenance.

    NUP 23 - Safe urban environment shall be provided.

    NUP 24 - The formation of an urban image and identitycongruent with local function and culture that representsa multi-racial society.

    NUP 25 - Areas and building of historical value and uniquearchitecture shall be restored and gazetted.

    NUP 26 - A sustainable and environment-friendlydevelopment shall form the basis of environmentalconservation and improve the urban quality of life.

    Thrust 6: Effective Urban Governance

    NUP 27 - The institutional capacity shall be strengthenedto implement a more efficient and effective urbanadministration and management.

    NUP 28 - Good corporate governance shall be practicedto promote a management culture that is transparent,has integrity and is accountable.

    NUP 29 - The involvement of society shall be encouragedin urban planning and governance.

    NUP 30 - The use of innovative technology in urbanplanning, development and urban services management.



  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 27




    1. * Kadar Bayaran Tempatan:

    Tarikh Berumur bawah 60 tahun Berumur lebih 60 tahun

    Kemukakan bayaran pada 1.1.2007 pada 1.1.2007

    Sebelum 31.1.2007 RM200.00 RM100.00

    Selepas 31.1.2007 RM500.00 + RM200.00 RM250.00 + RM100.00

    (yuran 2007) + (yuran 2007) +

    yuran tunggakan yuran tunggakan

    (jika ada) (jika ada)

    Pembaharuan pendaftaran

    Jurutera Profesional tahun

    2007 boleh dikemukakan

    dengan syarat bayaran dan

    dokumen-dokumen yang

    berikut disertakan:

    (i) Borang H

    * (ii) Bayaran kepada

    Lembaga Jurutera

    Malaysia mengikut

    kadar yang berkenaan

    melalui cek/bank draft/

    postal order/money


    ** online bill payment


    *** (iii) Laporan ringkas



    Development (CPD)


    **** (iv) Sekeping gambar

    berukuran passport,

    jika belum


    Pengesahan pembaharuan

    pendaftaran 2007 akan

    dicetak dalam Sijil

    Pendaftaran. Tiada resit

    bayaran akan dikeluarkan.

    Tuan/puan dinasihatkan

    menyemak penjelasan di

    Lampiran A kerana

    kegagalan mematuhi syarat

    akan menyebabkan

    kelewatan memproses

    pembaharuan pendaftaran.

    Tuan/puan diminta

    mengambil perhatian

    kepada seksyen 14, Akta

    Pendaftaran Jurutera 1967

    seperti berikut:

    Every registered Engineer

    and Engineering consultancy

    practice shall notify the

    Registrar of any change in

    his or its business address.

    Kegagalan mematuhinya,

    tuan/puan boleh diambil

    tindakan di bawah seksyen

    25(1) Akta Pendaftaran

    Jurutera 1967.

    Category Ref Date CPD activity/ Allowable Time Actual Total

    topic/provider/ weighted weighted hours weighted

    (Please hours factor hours


    the list

    1. Formal Education and No limit 2Training Activities

    2a. Informal Learning Maximum 1Activities: 20 hours on job learning per year

    2b. Informal Learning MaximumActivities: 10 hours private study per year 0.5

    3. Conference No limit 1and meeting

    4. Presentation Maximumand Papers 30 hours 10

    5. Service Activities Maximum30 hours 1

    6. Industry Involvement(for academician) Maximum

    30 hours 1


    * Kadar Bayaran dari Luar Negara (approximately RM200.00):

    USD60 / AUD80 / GBP35 / CAD80 / EUR50 / SGD100

    2. ** Online Bill Payment (

    Bayaran secara online masih mengkehendaki tuan/puan mengemukakan Borang

    H, Laporan CPD 2006 dan gambar passport jika gambar tuan/puan tidak ada di laman

    web. Pengesahan bayaran 2007 akan dikeluarkan setelah dokumen-dokumen yang

    berkaitan diterima.

    3. *** Laporan ringkas CPD 2006

    Seperti yang telah dimaklumkan melalui Pekeliling No. 1/2005, semua Jurutera

    Professional dikehendaki mendapatkan 50 jam CPD setahun mulai 1.1.2005 untuk

    pembaharuan pendaftaran. Oleh itu, Borang H hendaklah disertakan dengan Laporan

    Ringkas CPD 2006 mengikut format di LAMPIRAN B walau pun CPD belum

    mencukupi 50 jam.

    Keterangan mengenai CPD boleh diperolehi melalui laman web

    (button CPD & PDP).

    4. **** Gambar Berukuran Passport (jika belum mengemukakannya)

    Sila semak rekod pendaftaran di laman web Lembaga Jurutera (button Directory/

    Professional Engineers/P.Eng). Jika rekod tuan/puan tiada bergambar, sila


    (i) Gambar berukuran passport dihantar melalui pos bersama Borang H dan Laporan

    ringkas CPD 2006; atau

    (ii) E-mel gambar berukuran passport (file .jpg saiz 2KB) ke [email protected]

    Nyatakan dengan jelas nama dan nombor pendaftaran di belakang gambar atau

    di dalam e-mel.



  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 28


    (Hendaklah diisi oleh Pemohon dalam HURUF CERAI)

    1. Permohonan untuk pembaharuan pendaftaran bagi tahun 2007 untuk:

    * Jurutera Profesional

    * Jurutera Sementara

    * Pemeriksa Bertauliah

    2. Nama: ....

    3. No. Kad Pengenalan/Passport: ....

    4. No. Pendaftaran: ...

    5. Alamat (jika ada perubahan):

    Sila rujuk seksyen 14 dan 25(1), Akta Pendaftaran Jurutera 1967

    6. No. Tel: ..... No. Faks: ...........

    7. E-mel: .

    8. Bayar atas nama Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia. Butiran bayaran yang dikemukakan:

    ** Kiriman wang/draf bank/cek No. ... berjumlah RM .........................

    (sila sertakan komisyen bank sebanyak 50 sen bagi cek luar Lembah Kelang)

    ** Bayaran melalui Maybank2U berjumlah ..... pada ...............

    ...... ...........

    (Tandatangan) Tarikh


    Rekod pendaftaran di laman web telah disemak dan saya sahkan:

    * Rekod lengkap bergambar * Rekod tidak bergambar

    Gambar dihantar dengan ** Borang H / e-mel

    * CHECKLIST: Borang H Bayaran Laporan Ringkas CPD Gambar

    * sila () yang mana berkenaan** Potong yang mana tidak berkenaan


    (Peraturan 20)



    Cheque checklist

    Payabale to Lembaga

    Jurutera Malaysia

    Same amount & figure

    Valid bank account and


    Valid date/month/year

    Add bank commission for

    outside of Klang Valley

    No correction made on

    the cheque

  • T H E I N G E N I E U R 29

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Every human being wants to feel safe and be safe.To this end, he endevours to take all precautionarymeasures within his means, or seeks assistance fromexternal sources at a cost which he can afford. Manfeels endangered when he is not safe. Suchendangerment puts fear in him, a fear of injury ordeath, or even material losses. This fear of man hasbeen studied, and ways and means have been foundto keep him safe and comfortable.

    Safety in the building industry should be a primeconcern of all parties; the planner, the architect, theengineers, the builder and the regulatory bodies.With proper design, proper selection of materials,strict compliance with the specifications and the useof appropriate supervisors and workers, there shouldbe no failure at all all, that is, except an act ofGod.

    Safety In Construction:Rules & Responsibility OfProfessional Engineers

    With the recent publicity in the media of theaccidents at Sri Hartamas and Bukit Antarabangsa,safety concern in the construction industry is againbeing raised by the public. Despite what was done,much more need to be done to reduce suchaccidents.

    I remember a similar seminar conducted in May1996 after the Highland Tower incident. I was toldthat among the resolutions adopted then to ensuresafety and stability of buildings, were among others:

    (a) Design checks should be carried out on alltemporary works by a qualified ProfessionalEngineer, who should also be held responsiblefor stressing and distressing such works,

    (b) Skilled workers such as tower crane operatorsand other relevant operators should be licensedand registered with the CIDB to ensure theircompetency in operation and safety,

    (c) An independent or Accredited Checker systemshould be introduced to ensure safe structuraland geotechnical design,

    (d) Proper supervision and control at theconstruction stage should be introduced in thefollowing measures:

    mandatory standing supervision by aProfessional Engineer for all constructionprojects above a prescribed project value

    Professional Engineers given theresponsibility to appoint independent sitesupervisors

    This paper is an extract from a speech by YB Dato Seri S. Samy Vellu, Minister of Works,Malaysia, read by Dato Ir. Mohd Zin Mohamed during a seminar on Safety In Construction:Rules & Responsibility of Professional Engineers held on September 21, 2006 at theSheraton Hotel and Tower, Petaling Jaya.



  • But only an Accredited Checker system wasadopted and included in the 2002 amendment of theRegistration of Engineers Act.

    However, I am glad that some of the otherresolutions are being implemented by BEM and CIDB.

    In the 9th Malaysian Plan announced by the PrimeMinister Malaysia, YAB Datuk Seri Abdullah AhmadBadawi, RM200 billion had been allocated fordevelopment, out of which, RM27.5 billion