Benefits of Joining the Innovation Team by Marian Yeow

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join the innovation team in your school to be the future of the nation

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Benefits of joining the innovation team by Marian YeowGreetings! I am a member of the innovation team of SMK Kota Kemuning and I would like to share with you the benefits of joining the innovation. However, before that, I would like to explain what the innovation team is all about.An innovation team is a group of people innovating and inventing new ideas for the benefits of mankind. To innovate is to improve an invention to make it better. For example, the ever shrinking smartphones. To invent is to create a new invention to solve the problems of mankind.The innovation team of SMK Kota Kemuning consists of students and teachers. Our teachers guide us in various projects. Teamwork is very important as every member must do his/her fair share of research and experiments to innovate or invent a product.Personally, I find it very beneficial to be in the innovation team. Being in the innovation team widens my knowledge. By carrying out various research and experiments, I have gained lots of knowledge which is beyond the school syllabus. For example, in the innovation project last year (Bamboo Silica from bamboo waste), we had to research an endless list of things such as what is the best method to produce the product, product cost, absorption studies and so on. It is a totally different learning process and everyone should not miss the chance to experience it.Next, I have gained invaluable experience by joining the innovation team. I participated in so many innovation competitions such as MIYIO in Penang, Y-Biz Challenge in Melaka and also IYIA challenge in Jakarta. It is really a rare experience. One of the most fun and exciting experience that I had was when I went to Jakarta. From boarding a plane to going for a field trip around Jakarta, the experience was just incredible.Furthermore, being in the innovation team challenges me mentally and physically as there are many new advanced things to learn. Commitment is also a challenge as I had to stay back after school almost every day to complete our project. Every member in the innovation is also required to think outside the box when carrying out experiments and giving suggestions to improve the innovation.My communication skills have also improved drastically after joining the innovation. As the main presenter of the team, I am exposed to many opportunities to present and explain our innovation to the public. Besides, my circle of friends has also widened through various innovation competitions.Since joining the innovation, I have also become a better person. I have to be hard working, independent, responsible and disciplined to be in the innovation team. Last but not least, joining the innovation team has improved my curricular achievements tremendously with loads of fun. Putting all that aside, many have asked me whether joining the innovation team affects my academic studies. Frankly speaking, being in the innovation team really requires commitment and time, and that also means missing a few classes occasionally and staying back after school. However, personally, being in the innovation team doesnt affect my studies at all. In fact, my results were the best by far throughout my whole secondary life. How did I do it? Most importantly, I have my time planned and well spent. There was always time for me to study and play. I dont go for tuition, and that gives me the extra time for my own time planning. Listening attentively in class, completing my homework and recapping my studies once in a while are sufficient to excel while being busy with my curricular activities. In a nutshell, being in the innovation team has really changed my life for the better. It is really a blessing from God that I was given the chance to be in the innovation team with dedicated and helpful teachers and friends. Thank you.