GLOBAL 2016 Eureka! 3D Puzzles since 1989 Cast Puzzle Since 1983 Edition 2016 EUROPE BENELUX 2016 NEW 2016 BENELUX 2016 Ignite your mind! BENELUX 2016 3D LASER CUT METALLIC MODELS snip out pieces join them together finished model rebuilding memories 2016 BENELUX GLOBAL 2016 2016 GLOBAL EUROPE BENELUX BENELUX BENELUX BENELUX GLOBAL BENELUX BELUX

BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

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Page 1: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation


2016Eureka! 3D Puzzles since 1989

Cast Puzzle Since 1983Edition 2016



NEW2 0 1 6



Ignite your mind!




snip out pieces join them together finished model

rebuilding memories2 016 B E N E L U X












Page 2: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation


2016Eureka! 3D Puzzles since 1989

Page 3: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

473361 - EAN 5425004733610JUNIOR metal puzzles collection

473362 - EAN 5425004733627EXPERT metal puzzles collection

473363 - EAN 5425004733634EXTREME metal puzzles collection

473366 - EAN 5425004733665JUNIOR wooden puzzles collection

473367 - EAN 5425004733672EXPERT wooden puzzles collection

473368 - EAN 5425004733689EXTREME wooden puzzles collection

preproduction pictures! preproduction pictures!

metal puzzles collection wooden puzzles collection2 3GLOBAL GLOBAL

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

Page 4: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

BOX SIZE 175 x 23 x 165 mmDISPLAY SIZE 360 x 240 x 280 mm

473355 - EAN 5425004733559display metal puzzles sets 16pcs

[10 metal puzzles/set]

473356 - EAN 542500473356610 metal puzzles set blue

473357 - EAN 542500473357310 metal puzzles set green

473358 - EAN 542500473358010 metal puzzles set red

473359 - EAN 542500473359710 metal puzzles set purple

metal puzzle sets metal puzzle sets4 5GLOBAL GLOBAL

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

Page 5: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation








Item # 473108Box size: 120 x 105 x 205 mm

Puzzle Starter (Pure beginners from 7 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Fun (Enthusiast beginners from 12 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Player (For all puzzle lovers)Puzzle Expert (Specialists only!)

Shopping advice :

Copyright 2013


Item # 473107Box size: 120 x 105 x 205 mm

Puzzle Starter (Pure beginners from 7 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Fun (Enthusiast beginners from 12 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Player (For all puzzle lovers)Puzzle Expert (Specialists only!)

Shopping advice :

Copyright 2013


Item # 473104Box size: 120 x 105 x 205 mm

Item # 473104Box size: 120 x 105 x 205 mm

Item # 473104Box size: 120 x 105 x 205 mm

Puzzle Starter (Pure beginners from 7 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Fun (Enthusiast beginners from 12 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Player (For all puzzle lovers)Puzzle Expert (Specialists only!)

Shopping advice :

Puzzle Starter (Pure beginners from 7 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Fun (Enthusiast beginners from 12 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Player (For all puzzle lovers)Puzzle Expert (Specialists only!)

Shopping advice :

Copyright 2015Copyright 2015Copyright 2015









Item # 473109Box size: 120 x 105 x 205 mm

Item # 473109Box size: 120 x 105 x 205 mm

Puzzle Starter (Pure beginners from 7 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Fun (Enthusiast beginners from 12 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Player (For all puzzle lovers)Puzzle Expert (Specialists only!)

Shopping advice :

Puzzle Starter (Pure beginners from 7 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Fun (Enthusiast beginners from 12 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Player (For all puzzle lovers)Puzzle Expert (Specialists only!)

Shopping advice :

Copyright 2015Copyright 2015Copyright 2015


Item # 473106Box size: 120 x 105 x 205 mm

Item # 473106Box size: 120 x 105 x 205 mm

Puzzle Starter (Pure beginners from 7 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Fun (Enthusiast beginners from 12 to 77 yrs)Puzzle Player (For all puzzle lovers)Puzzle Expert (Specialists only!)

Shopping advice :

Copyright 2013

473106 - EAN 5425004731067message in a bottle puzzle ★★★discover the message!

473104 - EAN 5425004731043the power of the ring ★★★free the ring from the bottle!

473109 - EAN 5425004731098the chain gang ★★free the red chain from the black ring!

473107 - EAN 5425004731074treasure hunt puzzle ★★★★discover your treasure hunt!

473108 - EAN 5425004731081the tube puzzle ★discover your way out!

bottle puzzles bottle puzzles6 7GLOBAL GLOBAL

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

Page 6: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

Archimedes’ ChallengeArchimedes’ ChallengeArchimedes of Syracuse (287 – 212 BC)

was an Ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer,inventor and astronomer. One of his most brilliant

mathematical discoveries was the derivation of an accurate approximation of pi (π).

Galaxy ATOM



3D presentation of Milky Way galaxy dates back tothird century B.C. The word galaxy is derived from the Greek galaxias, literally “milky”, a reference to the Milky Way. Galaxies contain varying numbers of planets, star systems, star clusters and types of interstellar clouds. Archimedes, known for important discoveries in astronomy, constructed a bronze planetarium in which the earth and heavenly bodies all moved in their orbits when a crank was turned. Unfortunately for Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. Can you help him to study to this one?

All matter is made up of atoms and dates from the fourth century B.C. With his law of floating bodies, known as Archimedes’ Principle, already established in the third century BC, Archimedes provided a way of finding the specific gravity of a substance, useful in metallurgy and chemistry! The tendency for atoms to bond and break apart is responsible for most of the physical changes we observe in nature and these constant movements are studied by the science of chemistry. The word ”atom” comes from the Greek ἀτόμος (indivisible) and dates from around 400 BC. However, atomic theory stayed as a mostly philosophical subject, until the development of chemistry in the 1600s. Can you split this atom and fuse it again… today?

Idea of infinity stretches back to third century B.C.Infinity is one of the most fundamental questions in mathematics and still remains an unsolved riddle. The first mathematical use of the concept of actual infinity has been credited to Archimedes. He was the greatest mathematician of ancient times and ranks as one of the greatest scientists in history. One of his most brilliant mathematical discoveries was the derivation of an accurate approximation of pi (π). Pi is not a rational number. Its decimal value neither stops nor cycles – but just carries on to infinity. Please contribute to the search for pi by disassembling and reassembling this symbol of infinity.

Take no prisoners at the Siege of Syracuse (214 – 212 B.C.)Archimedes is especially important for his discovery of the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and its circumscribing cylinder. The scientist died during the Siege of Syracuse when he was killed by a Roman soldier despite orders that he should not be harmed. Cicero describes visiting the tomb of Archimedes, which was surmounted by a sphere and a cylinder, which Archimedes had requested to be placed on his tomb, representing his mathematical discoveries. Can you discover the passage to free this besieged sphere from its detaining cylinder?

Nuts and bolts of mechanics from the fourth century B.C.It is considered by some that the screw thread was invented around 400 BC by Archytas of Tarentum (428 BC - 350 BC). Archimedes, however, developed the screw principle and used it to construct devices to raise water. The Romans already applied the Archimedean screw for mine drainage. Archimedes’ understanding of mechanical devices such as the lever, pulley and screw, laid the foundation for the science of mechanics. Show us you know your nuts and bolts of mechanics and free the Washer from this Nut and Bolt.

Dreams to reach for the stars, dated back to third century B.C. Archimedes was the eminent mathematician and physicist of his time. He was born in Syracuse, on the island of Sicily in 287 B.C. At that time Sicily was a Greek land. Archimedes was the son of an astronomer and studied in Alexandria in Egypt, after which he returned to Syracuse. He constructed a brass planisphere that showed the revolution of the Sun, the Moon and the five known planets, and showed the nature of eclipses. His planisphere was taken to Rome and was described by Cicero, 150 years later! Here’s your opportunity to aim for the stars by disassembly and reassembly.

473601 - EAN 5225004736017archimedes’ galaxy ★ ★

473604 - EAN 5225004736048archimedes’ atom ★ ★

473602 - EAN 5225004736024archimedes’ infinity ★ ★

473605 - EAN 5225004736055archimedes’ sphere and cylinder ★ ★ ★

473603 - EAN 5225004736031archimedes’ nuts and bolts ★

473606 - EAN 5225004736062archimedes’ star ★ ★ ★

archimedes‘ challenge archimedes‘ challenge8 9GLOBAL GLOBAL

Page 7: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

473121 - EAN 5425004731210knotty ★★★

473123 - EAN 5425004731234prison house ★★★★

473122 - EAN 5425004731227cannon balls ★

542500 473120 3display 6x6 bamboo puzzles

473126 - EAN 5425004731265pyramid ★

473125 - EAN 5425004731258doublecross ★★

473124 - EAN 5425004731241superstar ★★

BOX SIZE 100 x 50 x 50 mm

DISPLAY SIZE 320 x 300 x 250 mm



snake cubes


473127 - EAN 5425004731272barrel ★★★

473129 - EAN 5425004731296ball ★★★

473130 - EAN 5425004731302firewood ★★

473128 - EAN 5425004731289snake cubes ★★

473132 - EAN 5425004731326slide ★★★★

473131 - EAN 5425004731319cube ★★★



prison housedoublecross

cannon ballsknotty

3D bamboo puzzles 3D bamboo puzzles10 11GLOBAL GLOBAL

Page 8: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation




473141 - EAN 5425004731418gepetto’s penguin



473145 - EAN 5425004731456gepetto’s squirrel



473142 - EAN 5425004731425gepetto’s swan


473143 - EAN 5425004731432gepetto’s mouse115x75x125mm




473144 - EAN 5425004731449gepetto’s bull


473152 - EAN 5425004731524gepetto’s bumblebee


473151 - EAN 5425004731517gepetto’s tarantula


Assembly instructions & sandpaper included.

2 sheets models 2 sheets models





473146 - EAN 5425004731463gepetto’s seaplane


473147 - EAN 5425004731470gepetto’s aeroplane


473148 - EAN 5425004731487gepetto’s battleplane


473158 - EAN 5425004731586gepetto’s double-decker


473149 - EAN 5425004731494gepetto’s pteranodon


473150 - EAN 5425004731500gepetto’s tyrannosaurus


473155 - EAN 5425004731555gepetto’s ornithomimus


473156 - EAN 5425004731562gepetto’s apatosaurus








sports car

race car

473153 - EAN 5425004731531gepetto’s convertible


473154 - EAN 5425004731548gepetto’s sports car


473157 - EAN 5425004731579gepetto’s race car


gepetto‘s workshop gepetto‘s workshop12 13GLOBAL GLOBAL

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

Page 9: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation


cross cycle





473166 - EAN 5425004731661gepetto’s cross cycle


473175 - EAN 5425004731753gepetto’s hippopotamus


473178 - EAN 5425004731784gepetto’s plateosaurus


473176 - EAN 5425004731760gepetto’s rinoceros head


473179 - EAN 5425004731791gepetto’s parasaurolophus


473177 - EAN 5425004731777gepetto’s tyrannosaurus 2 in1

325x115x235 & 390x115x210mm




473160 - EAN 5425004731609gepetto’s wolf


473161 - EAN 5425004731616gepetto’s giraffe240x70x295mm

473162 - EAN 5425004731623gepetto’s rabbit177x52x11mm



473163 - EAN 5425004731630gepetto’s peafowl110x270x250mm

473164 - EAN 5425004731647gepetto’s horse


473165 - EAN 5425004731654gepetto’s rooster


473167 - EAN 5425004731678gepetto’s gigantspinosaurus





473170 - EAN 5425004731708gepetto’s owl


473171 - EAN 5425004731715gepetto’s dolphin220x118x200mm




473172 - EAN 5425004731722gepetto’s scooter255x102x150mm

473173 - EAN 5425004731739gepetto’s car


473174 - EAN 5425004731746gepetto’s old-timer convertible


Assembly instructions & sandpaper included.

4 sheets models3 sheets models

gepetto‘s workshop gepetto‘s workshop14 15GLOBAL GLOBAL

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

NEW2 0 1 6

Page 10: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

DISPLAY SIZE 450 x 250 x 220 mmBOX SIZE 80 x 80 x 26 mm

473269 - EAN 5425004732699display 27 pcsracing wire puzzles


IZE 250 x

290 x 490 m



78 x 119

x 25 m


473270 - EAN 5425004732705

display 2

7 pcs

racing w

ire puz


473271EAN 5425004732712

racing wire puzzle #01free the ring!

473272EAN 5425004732729

racing wire puzzle #02remove the rope!

473273EAN 5425004732736

racing wire puzzle #03remove the U-profile!

473274EAN 5425004732743

racing wire puzzle #04free the ring!

473275EAN 5425004732750

racing wire puzzle #05remove the chain!

473276EAN 5425004732767

racing wire puzzle #06free the ring!

473277EAN 5425004732774

racing wire puzzle #07free the ring!

473278EAN 5425004732781

racing wire puzzle #08free the ring!

473279EAN 5425004732798

racing wire puzzle #09remove the U-profile!

473280EAN 5425004732804racing wire puzzle #10

remove the U-profile!

473281EAN 5425004732811racing wire puzzle #11

free the ring!

473282EAN 5425004732828racing wire puzzle #12

remove the 3 rings!

473283EAN 5425004732835racing wire puzzle #13

separate the 2 parts!

473284EAN 5425004732842racing wire puzzle #14

remove the 3 rings!

473285EAN 5425004732859racing wire puzzle #15

free the ring!

473286EAN 54250047328866racing wire puzzle #16

free the ring!

473287EAN 54250047328873racing wire puzzle #17

free the heart!

473288EAN 5425004732880racing wire puzzle #18

remove the rope!

473289EAN 5425004732897racing wire puzzle #19

remove the U-profile!

473290EAN 5425004732903racing wire puzzle #20

remove the rope!

473291EAN 5425004732910

racing wire puzzle #21free the ring!

473292EAN 5425004732927

racing wire puzzle #22free the ring!

473293EAN 5425004732934racing wire puzzle #23

free the ring!

473294EAN 5425004732941

racing wire puzzle #24remove the rope!

473295EAN 54250047328958racing wire puzzle #25

free the heart!

473296EAN 54250047328965racing wire puzzle #26move ring to other side!

473297EAN 5425004732972

racing wire puzzle #27free the ring!

racing wire puzzles racing wire puzzles16 17GLOBAL GLOBAL

NEW2 0 1 6

Page 11: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

473416 - EAN 5425004734167 - Yellowscale 1:32

CAR BOX SIZE 220 mm x 130 mm x 60 mm CAR scale 1:32

473420 - EAN 5425004734204 - Redscale 1:32


60★ ★ ★ ★

★ ★ ★ ★Assembly instructions included.

Assembly instructions included.

473410 - EAN 5425004734105 - Yellowscale 1:32

473413 - EAN 5425004734136 - Orangescale 1:32

473414 - EAN 5425004734143 - Redscale 1:32




★ ★ ★Assembly instructions included.

Assembly instructions included.

Assembly instructions included.

★ ★ ★

★ ★ ★

3D puzzle cars 3D puzzle cars18 19GLOBAL GLOBAL

Page 12: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

473350 - EAN 5425004733504animal1 set

separate the 2 parts!

473351 - EAN 5425004733511animal2 setseparate the 2 parts!

473352 - EAN 5425004733528aquatic set

separate the 2 parts!

473353 - EAN 5425004733535transport setseparate the 2 parts!

473354 - EAN 5425004733542display, 20 wire puzzle sets(5x4 first wire puzzle sets assorted)

BOX SIZE 100 x 120 x 30 mmDISPLAY SIZE 450 x 160 x 250 mm

473344 - EAN 5425004733443display I, 20 wire puzzle sets

(5x4 wire puzzle sets assorted)

473340 - EAN 5425004733405blue set separate the 2 parts!

473343 - EAN 5425004733436purple set ★-★★

separate the 2 parts!

473342 - EAN 5425004733429green set ★separate the 2 parts!

473341 - EAN 5425004733412orange set ★-★★separate the 2 parts!

BOX SIZE 100 x 120 x 30 mmDISPLAY SIZE 450 x 160 x 250 mm

first wire puzzle sets wire puzzle sets20 21GLOBAL GLOBAL

Page 13: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

473234EAN 5425004732347big wire #4separate the 2 parts!

473240EAN 5425004732408big wire #10separate the 2 parts!

473252EAN 5425004732521big wire #22separate the 2 parts!

473246EAN 5425004732460big wire #16separate the 2 parts!

473235EAN 5425004732354big wire #5separate the 2 parts!

473241EAN 5425004732415big wire #11separate the 2 parts!

473253EAN 5425004732538big wire #23separate the 2 parts!

473247EAN 5425004732477big wire #17separate the 2 parts!

473236EAN 5425004732361big wire #6separate the 2 parts!

473242EAN 5425004732422big wire #12separate the 2 parts!

473254EAN 5425004732545big wire #24separate the 2 parts!

473248EAN 5425004732484big wire #18separate the 2 parts!

473230 - EAN 5425004732309display 24 big wire

puzzles #1 - #24

473231EAN 5425004732316big wire #1separate the 2 parts!

473237EAN 5425004732378big wire #7separate the 2 parts!

473249EAN 5425004732491big wire #19separate the 2 parts!

473243EAN 5425004732439big wire #13separate the 2 parts!

473232EAN 5425004732323big wire #2separate the 2 parts!

473238EAN 5425004732385big wire #8separate the 2 parts!

473250EAN 5425004732507big wire #20separate the 2 parts!

473244EAN 5425004732446big wire #14separate the 2 parts!

473233EAN 5425004732330big wire #3separate the 2 parts!

473239EAN 5425004732392big wire #9separate the 2 parts!

473251EAN 5425004732514big wire #21separate the 2 parts!

473245EAN 5425004732453big wire #15separate the 2 parts!

BOX SIZE 115 x 75 x 30 mmDISPLAY SIZE 460 x 120 x 135 mm

big wire puzzles big wire puzzles22 23GLOBAL GLOBAL

Page 14: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

473110 - EAN 5425004731104display 3x9 bon voyage puzzles

473111 - EAN 5425004731111après-ski ★

remove the metal buckle!

473113 - EAN 5425004731135arrivederci ★★

remove the metal buckle!

473117 - EAN 5425004731173city trip ★★★

free the metal ring!

473112 - EAN 5425004731128auf wiedersehen ★★

free the red ring!

473115 - EAN 5425004731159au revoir ★★

separate the 2 parts!

473114 - EAN 5425004731142hasta la vista ★★

remove the orange rope!

473116 - EAN 5425004731166day trip ★★★

free the metal ring!

473119 - EAN 542500 473119 7summer love ★★★

divide the heart!

473118 - EAN 5425004731180summer holiday ★★★

remove the red ring!

BOX SIZE 78 x 119 x 25 mmDISPLAY SIZE 250 x 370 x 300 mm

city trip


er holiday


er love

day trip



auf wiedersehen

au revoir

hasta la vista

bon voyage puzzles bon voyage puzzles24 25GLOBAL GLOBAL

Page 15: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

473047 - EAN 5425004730473B-puzzled ★

free the red ring!

473051 - EAN 5425004730510max out ★★★★

free the red ring!

473048 - EAN 542500 473048 0double A puzzle ★★

free the red ring!

473052 - EAN 5425004730527reason out ★★★★

free the red ring!

473053 - EAN 5425004730534figure out ★★★★

free the 4 red rings!

473050 - EAN 5425004730503get smart ★★★

free the rope!

473046 - EAN 5425004730466A puzzle ★

free the red ring!

473054 - EAN 5425004730541beats of love ★★

break this heart!

473055 - EAN 5425004730558wise up ★★★free the red ring!

473068 - EAN 5425004730688display 36 pastime puzzles

2x [ A puzzle*, B-puzzled*, double A puzzle** & beats of love** ]5x [ get smart*** & wise Up*** ]

6x [ max out****, reason out**** & figure out**** ]

BOX SIZE 160 x 80 Ø mmDISPLAY SIZE 500 x 350 x 350 mm

A puzzle

double A puzzle


beats of love

reason out

wise up

get smart

figure out

max out

pastime puzzles pastime puzzles26 27GLOBAL GLOBAL

Page 16: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

473061 - EAN 5425004730619puzzle quatro ★★★★separate the 4 rings!

473062 - EAN 5425004730626puzzle wheelie ★★

remove the metal buckle!

473063 - EAN 5425004730633puzzle broken heart ★★

heal the heart!

473064 - EAN 5425004730640puzzle discover ★★free the ring!

473059 - EAN 5425004730596puzzle twins ★remove the metal buckle!

473060 - EAN 5425004730602puzzle snail shell ★★remove the rope & ring!

473067 - EAN 5425004730671display 36 pcs

twins, snail shell, quatro, wheelie, broken heart, discover, 6 each

BOX SIZE 150 x 145 x 30 mmDISPLAY SIZE 460 x 240 x 450 mm

entertaining puzzles entertaining puzzles

all you need are 6 puzzles to party!


Page 17: BENELUX 2016 2016 - Eureka 3D puzzle Eureka... · Archimedes there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. ... was the derivation of an accurate approximation

473998Poster Eureka 3D Puzzle + Cast Puzzle

60 x 84 cm

473997 [XL Globe by Atlantis]Poster E3D + Cast Puzzle60 x 84 cm

473405 - EAN 5425004734051free your emoti©ns ★★

473401bank tresor puzzle ★

473403 - EAN 5425004734037cross puzzle ★★★★

©2016 All puzzles are copyright protected and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

PUZZLE STARTERbeginners from 7-77★ PUZZLE FUN

enthusiasts from 12-77★ ★ ★ ★ ★ PUZZLE EXPERTspecialists only★ ★ ★ ★PUZZLE PLAYER

true puzzle lovers

Head Office Europe: Eureka! bvba Maanstraat 7B 2800 Mechelen BelgiumTel +32(0)15 430843 Fax +32(0)15 430743 Email [email protected]
