Ramsey Library : New books May 2015 http://ramsey.gov.im/default.aspx/categories/64/Latest-Books/ Bernhard Aichner Woman of the dead How far would you go to avenge the one you love? Blum has a secret buried deep in her past. She thought she'd left the past behind. But then Mark, the man she loves, dies. His death looks like a hit-and-run. It isn't a hit-and-run. Mark has been killed by the men he was investigating. And then, suddenly, Blum rediscovers what she's capable of... Elisa Albert After birth A year has passed since Ari gave birth and still she can't locate herself in her altered universe. Sleep-deprived, lonely and unprepared, she struggles through the strange, disjointed rhythms of her days and nights. Her own mother long dead and her girlhood friendships faded, she is a woman in need. When Mina - older, alone, pregnant - moves to town, Ari sees hope of a comrade-in-arms. Jesse Armstrong It's 1994, and a gang of good-hearted young people are setting off for Bosnia in a Ford Transit van with a sack of rice and a half-written play to try to stop the war. Andrew would love to stop the war. He has one of the best personal private foreign policies of anyone working on a building site in the North West area. He feels everyone should have a foreign policy, really.

Bernhard Aichner Woman of the dead Elisa Albert After birthramsey.gov.im/Upload/Files/New books booklet May 2015.pdf · Ramsey Library : New books May 2015 Bernhard Aichner Woman

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Ramsey Library : New books May 2015


Bernhard Aichner Woman of the dead

How far would you go to avenge the one you love? Blum has a secret buried deep in her past. She thought she'd left the past behind. But then Mark, the man she loves, dies. His death looks like a hit-and-run. It isn't a hit-and-run. Mark has been killed by the men he was investigating. And then, suddenly, Blum rediscovers what she's

capable of...

Elisa Albert After birth

A year has passed since Ari gave birth and still she can't locate herself in her altered universe. Sleep-deprived, lonely and unprepared, she struggles through the strange, disjointed rhythms of her days and nights. Her own mother long dead and her girlhood friendships faded, she is a woman in need. When Mina - older, alone,

pregnant - moves to town, Ari sees hope of a comrade-in-arms.

Jesse Armstrong

It's 1994, and a gang of good-hearted young people are setting off for Bosnia in a Ford Transit van with a sack of rice and a half-written play to try to stop the war. Andrew would love to stop the war. He has one of the best personal private foreign policies of anyone working on a building site in the North West area. He feels everyone should have a foreign policy, really.

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Judith Armstrong War and peace and Sonya

In 1862 Sonya Tolstoy married one of the greatest authors the world has ever known. For 48 years the shared their lives in an enmeshed union that was both passionate and combative. 16 years younger than her husband, Sonya bore him 13 children and worked for years as his copyist, rewriting countless drafts of his timeless

novels. Both were mercurial and personalities and, towards the end and exhausted, Tolstoy deserted her.

Catharine Arnold Globe

A fascinating portrait of life in Shakespeare's London, seen from the theatrical perspective, by popular historian, Catharine Arnold.

Patrick Barkham Coastlines

Told through a series of walks beside the sea, this is a story of the most beautiful 742 miles of coastline in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: their rocks, plants and animals, their views, walks and history, and the people who have made their lives within sight of the waves.

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Laura Bates Everyday sexism

In a culture that's driven by social media, women are using this online space to come together, share their stories and encourage a new generation to recognise the problems that women face. This book is a call to arms in a new wave of feminism, and it proves sexism is endemic - socially, politically and economically - but women

won't stand for it.

Steve Berry The patriot threat

The 16th Amendment to the Constitution legalized federal income tax, but what if there were problems with the 1913 ratification of that amendment? Problems that call into question decades of tax collecting, and could even bring down the US economy. There is a surprising truth to this possibility - a truth wholly entertained by

Steve Berry in his new thriller.

Rachel Billington Glory

Arthur Tarrant, an Oxford graduate headed for his uncle's law firm, changes path, leaving behind his fiancée Sylvia, and joins the army, destined for Gallipoli. There, his life becomes entwined with that of Fred Chaffey, a country boy from Dorset.

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Bernadine Bishop The street

There's more going on in the street than its inhabitants realise. In the course of this delightful, quirky and perceptive novel an elderly soldier with incipient Alzheimer's saves the life of a remarkable child, a resting actor finds real purpose, a woman starved of love discovers it in an unexpected place

and a beloved cat achieves immortality.

Steve Boggan Gold fever

One Thursday in 2008 the price of gold went above a thousand dollars an ounce for the first time in history. All over the world, at least in countries with gold-bearing soil, people with no experience of prospecting began shopping for equipment they had no idea how to use.


Christopher Bollen Orient

At the eastern edge of Long Island, far from the hustle of New York City, sits Orient, a secluded village that has been home to a few families for hundreds of years and is now - reluctantly - opening up to wealthy weekenders and artist refugees from the city. On the last day of summer, a young man with a hazy past appears, and, not

long after his arrival comes a series of events that shatters the peace in this isolated community.

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Tom Bouman Dry bones in the valley

When an elderly recluse discovers a corpse on his land, Officer Henry Farrell follows the investigation to strange places in the countryside, and into the depths of his own frayed soul. In Wild Thyme, Pennsylvania, secrets and feuds go back generations.

Barbara Taylor Bradford The Cavendon woman

On a summer weekend in 1926 the Ingham family gathers at Cavendon Hall, the great house in Yorkshire that has been their family home for centuries, summoned by the Earl. With them are the Swanns who have served the house for generations - and know all their secrets. The

estate is under threat; the aftermath of the Great War has left Cavendon facing ruin.

Simon Brett Mrs Pargeter’s principle

Amongst the many bequests made to Mrs Pargeter, perhaps the most valuable is her late husband’s little black book, in which he listed all the people who ever worked for him, with details of their particular skill sets. This means that whenever Mrs P has a crime to solve she can readily contact someone with the relevant

expertise to help in her enquiries.

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Tim Burton Big eyes

DVD. Walter Keane became a worldwide celebrity and talk show fixture in the 1950s after he pioneered the mass production of prints of big-eyed kids, and used his marketing savvy to sell them cheaply. Unfortunately, he claimed to be the artist. That role was played by Margaret, his shy wife. The ruse broke up their marriage and led to

a divorce and a dramatic courtroom battle to prove authorship of the paintings.

Deborah Cadbury Princes at war

The personal lives of the British Royals were successfully kept out of the public eye by mutual agreement of the press and royal family, but this all changed in 1936 when King Edward VIII abdicated the throne and spurned his responsibility for the sake of the glamorous American socialite and divorcee, Wallis Simpson.

During the Second World War, though the world's press focused on the far more public conflict tearing nations apart, the royal

romance provided light relief for the British public.

Ian Caldwell The fifth gospel

A lost gospel, a contentious relic, and a dying pope's final wish converge to send two brothers--both Vatican priests--on an intellectual quest to untangle Christianity's greatest historical mystery.

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Jesús Carrasco Out in the open

'Out in the Open' tells the story of a boy in a drought-stricken country ruled by violence: a closed world where names and dates don't matter, where morals have drained away with the water. In this landscape the boy, not yet a lost cause, has the chance to learn the painful basics of judgement.

Clare Carson Orkney twilight

Jim is an undercover policeman with alcohol issues and the gift of the gab - but he never talks about his past. His daughter Sam is a rebellious 18-year-old with an inquisitive streak. She is determined to find out the truth about her father. On holiday in Orkney, beneath an endless midsummer sky, 18-year-old Sam shadows her father Jim as he runs secretive errands across the island. What did he take from the old watchtower on the edge of a cliff? Why is he

so interested in Norse mythology?

Mary Chamberlain The dressmaker of Dachau

London, spring 1939. 18-year-old Ada Vaughan, a beautiful and ambitious seamstress, has just started work for a modiste in Dover Street. A career in couture is hers for the taking - she has the skill and the drive - if only she can break free from the dreariness of family life in Lambeth. A chance meeting with the enigmatic Stanislaus

von Lieben catapults Ada into a world of glamour and romance. When he suggests a trip to Paris, Ada is blind to all the warnings of war on the continent: this is her chance for a new start.

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Harlan Coben The stranger

A well-placed lie can help build a comfortable life, and a secret has the explosive power to destroy it. In The Stranger, married parents Adam and Hannah confront the shocking secret on which their marriage is built, leaving Adam wondering whether he ever truly knew Hannah at all.

John Connolly A song of shadows

Recovering from a near-fatal shooting and tormented by memories of a world beyond this one, Charlie Parker has retreated to the small Maine town of Boreas to recover. There he befriends a widow named Ruth Winter and her young daughter, Amanda. But Ruth has her secrets. She is hiding from the past, and the forces

that threaten her have their origins in the Second World War, in a town called Lubko and a concentration camp unlike any other.

Michael Crummey Sweetland

The scarcely populated town of Sweetland rests on the shore of a remote Canadian island. Its slow decline finally reaches a head when the mainland government offers each islander a generous resettlement package--the sole stipulation being that everyone must leave. Fierce and enigmatic Moses Sweetland, whose

ancestors founded the village, is the only one to refuse.

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Gino D’Acampo Gino’s veg Italia

In his first meat-free cookbook, Gino D'Acampo brings together his favourite dishes. Based on simple fresh vegetables and crisp salads, and flavoured with herbs, oils and chilli, Italian food offers endless healthy recipes. From simple pasta and gnocchi, pizzas and breads, antipasti and salads, gratins and bakes, the possibilities are endless.

Lindsey Davis Deadly election

Flavia Albia, Falco's feisty adopted daughter, is a remarkable woman in what is very much a man's world: young, widowed and fiercely independent, she lives alone on the Aventine Hill in Rome and makes a good living as a hired investigator. An outsider in more ways than one, Albia has unique insight into life in ancient Rome, and she puts it to

good use going places no man could go, and asking questions no man could ask.

Steve Davis Interesting

Steve Davis was just a Romford rookie, learning how to play snooker from a book his father had given him, when an encounter with Barry Hearn changed his life forever. With Hearn's backing, Steve toured the country as an amateur, challenging and beating established professionals and winning titles. It wasn't long before he

progressed to the world's stage.

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Patricia Duncker Sophie and the sibyl

Berlin, September 1872. The Duncker brothers, Max and Wolfgang, own a thriving publishing business in the city. Clever, irresponsible Max is as fond of gambling and brothels as the older, wiser, Wolfgang is of making a profit. When Max's bad habits get out of hand, Wolfgang sends him to the Spa town of Homburg, to dance attendance upon a

celebrity author - the enigmatic Sibyl, also known as George Eliot.

Patrick Easter Cuckold Point

October, 1799. A new case in London's Docks holds danger not just for river policeman Tom Pascoe but for the nation. Sailing master Robert Cox cannot pay his gambling debts, but he has information about a ship which has arrived in British waters carrying a precious cargo. Selling that information to one of London's most feared

men might be Robert Cox's salvation - or his damnation.

Sam Eastland Red icon

In the midst of the fighting, two Russian soldiers seek refuge in the crypt of a German church. There, clutched in the hands of a skeleton priest, they find The Shepherd; a priceless icon thought to have been destroyed long ago. When news of its discovery reaches Moscow, Stalin calls upon his most trusted investigator, Inspector Pekkala,

once a favourite of Tsar and known to all of Russia as The Emerald Eye, to recover the priceless relic.

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Jill Alexander Essbaum Hausfrau

Anna Benz lives in comfort and affluence with her husband and three young children in Dietlikon, a picture-perfect suburb of Zurich. Anna, an American expat, has chosen this life far from home; but, despite its tranquillity and order, inside she is falling apart.

Christopher Fowler The burning man

London is under siege. A banking scandal has filled the city with violent protests, and as the anger in the streets detonates, a young homeless man burns to death after being caught in the crossfire between rioters and the police. But all is not as it seems; an opportunistic killer is using the chaos to exact revenge, but his intended victims

are so mysteriously chosen that the Peculiar Crimes Unit is called in to find a way of stopping him.

Lisa Genova Inside the O’Briens

Joe O'Brien is a 44-year-old police officer from the Irish Catholic neighbourhood of Charlestown, Massachusetts. A devoted husband, proud father of four children in their 20s, and respected officer, when Joe begins experiencing bouts of disorganized thinking, uncharacteristic temper outbursts, and strange involuntary movements.

He goes to see a neurologist and is handed a diagnosis that will change his and his family's lives forever: Huntington's Disease.

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Vesna Goldsworthy Gorsky

The most enigmatic of oligarchs, Gorsky has been led to the city by his love for Natalia, whom he first knew in Russia. That she is now married to an Englishman is an inconvenient detail. Gorsky desires and gets the best of everything. His mansion by the Thames is set to make Buckingham Palace look like an ungainly box by a

roundabout. At its heart will be a grand library, denoting taste and breeding. Now he just needs the books.

Rosie Goodwin Dilly’s sacrifice

Dilly is devastated. With her husband unable to work and four children already at home, they cannot afford to feed their new-born baby. Heartbroken, she heads into the night to deliver her baby girl to the Farthing family at the big house. Having just lost their own daughter to measles, the Farthings adopt the baby and offer

Dilly a lifeline: a job as a maid. This act of desperation will change the lives of both families irrevocably.

Elly Griffiths The ghost fields

When a Norfolk farmer finds a World War Two plane, complete with skeleton, in a quarry, local archaeologists are called in. At first it all seems fairly straightforward - many American airmen were based in Norfolk and their empty hangers and airstrips, the so-called 'ghost fields', can be found all over East Anglia. But it's not that simple


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Edith Hall Introducing the ancient Greeks

Who were the ancient Greeks? They gave us democracy, philosophy, poetry, rational science, the joke. But what was it about them that enabled them to achieve such titanic leaps forwards in civilization? The ancient Greeks were a geographically disparate people whose civilization lasted over 20 centuries - this is the ancient

civilization made us who we are today.

Sarah Hall The wolf border

For almost a decade Rachel Caine has turned her back on home, kept distant by family disputes and her work monitoring wolves on an Idaho reservation. But now, summoned by the eccentric Earl of Annerdale and his controversial scheme to reintroduce the grey wolf to the English countryside, she is back in the peat and wet light

of the Lake District.

Emma Hannigan The secrets we share

Clara Conway is a woman with secrets. But consequently Clara's family is in the process of falling apart. Her son Max emigrated to the US with his young family years ago and she has yet to meet her teenage granddaughter, Nathalie because Max and his mother no longer speak. Meanwhile Clara's daughters, Giselle and Ava are each fighting to find

a little happiness.

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Melissa Harrison At hawthorn time

Building to an extraordinary climax over the course of one spring month, 'At Hawthorn Time' is both a clear-eyed picture of rural Britain, and a heartbreaking exploration of love, land and loss.

Lindsay Hawdon Jakob’s colours

Austria, 1944. Jakob, a gypsy boy - half Roma, half Yenish - runs, as he has been told to do. With shoes of sack cloth, still bloodstained with another's blood, a stone clutched in one hand, a small wooden box in the other. He runs blindly, full of fear, empty of hope. For hope lies behind him in a green field with a tree that stands shaped like a


Mark Henshaw The snow kimono

On the same day that retired police inspector Auguste Jovert receives a letter from a woman claiming to be his daughter, he returns to his Paris apartment to find a stranger waiting for him. That stranger is a Japanese professor called Tadashi Omura. What's brought him to Jovert's doorstep is not clear, but then he begins to tell his

story - a story of a fractured friendship, lost lovers, orphaned children, and a body left bleeding in the snow.

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Christine Dwyer Hickey The lives of women

30 years ago Elaine was a teenager, growing up on a small out-of-town 1970s estate. Every day the men go to work while the women repress the tedium of suburban life: frustrations and appetites are hidden behind a wall of respectability. Yet Elaine sees that most houses have their secrets. When an American family

moves into the estate, the veneer of respectability begins to crack.

Dexter Hoyos Mastering the West

The Punic Wars (264-146 BCE), a bloody and protracted conflict, pitted two flourishing Mediterranean powers against one another, leaving one an unrivalled giant and the other a literal pile of ash. To later observers, a collision between these civilizations seemed inevitable and yet to the Romans and Carthaginians at the time hostilities first erupted seemingly out of nowhere,

with what were expected to be inconsequential results.

Aislinn Hunter The world before us

Jane was fifteen when her life changed forever. In the woods surrounding a Yorkshire country house, she took her eyes off the little girl she was minding and the girl slipped into the trees - never to be seen again. Now an adult, Jane is obsessed with another disappearance: that of a young woman who walked out of a Victorian lunatic asylum one

day in 1877.

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Greg Iles The bone tree

Picking up where 'Natchez Burning' left off, 'The Bone Tree' features former prosecutor Penn Cage, and is set in Natchez, Mississippi, where the past is never truly past, and long-buried secrets turn lethal when exposed to the light of day.

Clive James Sentenced to life

In the course of this collection of poems, Clive James looks back over an extraordinarily rich life with a clear-eyed and unflinching honesty. There are regrets, but no trace of self-pity in these verses, which - for all their open dealings with death and illness - are primarily a celebration of what is treasurable and memorable in our time


Anna Jaquiery Death in the rainy season

Phnom Penh, Cambodia; the rainy season. When a French man, Hugo Quercy, is found brutally murdered, Commandant Serge Morel finds his holiday drawn to an abrupt halt. Quercy - dynamic, well-connected - was the magnetic head of a humanitarian organisation which looked after the area's neglected youth. Opening his investigation,

the Parisian detective soon finds himself buried in one of his most challenging cases yet.

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Quintin Jardine Last resort

After 30 years of service, former Chief Constable Bob Skinner faces the possible end of his police career, at its pinnacle. A quiet trip to Catalunya to contemplate his future soon takes on a different flavour when Skinner is approached by an old friend, media owner Xavier Aislado, with an unusual request. One of his business's brightest

talents, Hector Sureda Roca, has vanished without a trace. Now it's up to Skinner to track him down.

Panos Karnezis The fugitives

In a remote corner of a Latin American rainforest, a badly wounded soldier encounters an English Catholic priest who takes him to the Indian village where he has his church. The Indians, whose traditional way of life is under threat, are wary of the new arrival. Venustiano, the proud young Indian head of the village, is determined to protect

his people, but sometimes feels powerless against the changes taking place around him.

Philip Kerr The lady from Zagreb

In 1942, there are many worse places to be than Zurich, and detective Bernie Gunther has seen his fair share of them. So when a superior asks him to track down a glamorous German actress believed to be hiding in Zurich, he takes the job. Not that he has much choice: the superior is Goebbels himself.

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Renee Knight Disclaimer

What if you realized the book you were reading was all about you? When an intriguing novel appears on Catherine's bedside table, she curls up in bed and begins to read. But as she turns the pages she is sickened to realize the story will reveal her darkest secret - a secret she thought no-one else knew.

Dorothy Koomson That girl from nowhere

Clemency Smithson was adopted as a baby and the only connection she has to her birth mother is a cardboard box hand-decorated with butterflies. Now an adult, Clem decides to make a drastic life change and move to Brighton, where she was born. Clem has no idea that while there she'll meet someone who knows all about her butterfly box

and what happened to her birth parents.

Reif Larsen I am Radar

In 1975, a black child is mysteriously born to white parents. His name is Radar Radmanovic. Falling in with a secretive group of puppeteers and scientists, he is soon forced to confront the true nature of his identity.

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Donna Leon Falling in love

As an opera superstar, Flavia is well acquainted with attention from adoring fans and aspiring singers. But when one anonymous admirer inundates her with bouquets of yellow roses - on stage, in her dressing room and even inside her locked apartment - it becomes clear that this fan has become a potentially dangerous stalker.

David Levien Signature kill

A young woman's body is found on a side street in Indianapolis, horrifyingly arranged. Meanwhile, Frank Behr, who is down on his luck and virtually broke, takes on a no-win case to locate a single mother's wayward daughter who's been missing for months. Suddenly Behr feels the two cases may be connected, but he is years removed from

his life as a legitimate police officer and has few friends left on the force.

Paula Lichtarowicz Creative truths in provincial policing

Chief Duong, Dalat's sometime Chief of Police and Miscreant Management, is dreaming big. A statue on the roundabout. Perhaps a (modest) shrimp farm. But before that, there is some unpleasantness to be dealt with - a mute son,

missing and wanted by the police; a daughter kidnapped by an unscrupulous money lender; a depressed wife who won't leave her bed; an overambitious and some might say conniving Deputy. Can things get any worse?

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Laura Lippman Hush hush

Melisandre has to live with the knowledge of a devastating event in her past. She has not seen her two daughters in the ten years since the notorious family tragedy. As Melisandre returns to Baltimore from South Africa, however, there are suddenly more mysterious deaths.

Attica Locke Pleasantville

It's 1996, Bill Clinton has just been relected and in Houston a mayoral election is looming. As usual the campaign focuses on Pleasantville - the African-American neighbourhood of the city that has swung almost every race since it was founded to house a growing black middle class in 1949. Axel Hathorne, a former chief of police and

the son of Pleasantville's founding father Sam Hathorne, was the clear favourite, all set to become Houston's first black mayor.

Stuart MacBride 22 dead little bodies

It's been a bad week for acting Detective Inspector Logan McRae. Every time his unit turns up to anything interesting, DCI Steel's team waltzes in and takes over, leaving CID with all the dull and horrible jobs. Like dealing with Mrs Black - who hates her neighbour, the police, and everyone else.

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Kevin Macdonald Black Sea

DVD. A rogue submarine captain pulls together a misfit crew to go after a sunken treasure lost in the depths of the Black Sea. As greed and desperation take control, the increasing uncertainty of the mission causes the men to turn on each other to fight for their own survival.

Kevin Maher Last night on Earth

Jay adores his small daughter, Bonnie, and nothing matters more to him than being a good father. But Bonnie's traumatic birth puts an unbearable strain on his marriage with Shauna and the couple eventually separate. Struggling to cope with the separation from 3-year-old Bonnie, Jay thinks constantly of his own mother whom he has not

seen since he fled Ireland a decade before.

John Man Saladin

Saladin, who united the Arabs and saved Islam from Christian crusaders in the 12th century, is the Islamic world's preeminent hero. Ruthless in defence of his faith, brilliant in leadership, he also possessed qualities that won admiration from his Christian foes. He knew the limits of violence, showing such tolerance and generosity that many

Europeans, appalled at the brutality of their own people, saw him as the exemplar of their own knightly ideals. But Saladin is far more than a historical hero.

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Jonathan Mayo Hitler’s last day

On 30th April 1945 the world is in chaos - American and Russian forces have linked up in the middle of Germany, but the fighting continues. The man whose dream of a 1000-year Reich began this nightmare is in a bunker beneath the streets of Berlin saying his farewells. By 3 p.m. he will be dead.

Alexander McCall Smith The novel habits of happiness

Isabel Dalhousie wonders, sometimes, if she is too judgmental about her niece's amorous exploits, too sharp about her housekeeper's spiritual beliefs, too ready to bristle in battle against her enemies. As the editor of the Review of Applied Ethics, she doesn't, of course, allow

herself actual enemies, but she does feel enmity - especially towards two academics who have just arrived in the city.

Molly McGrann The ladies of the house

On a hot July day, three elderly people are found dead in a dilapidated house in Primrose Hill. Reading the story in a newspaper as she prepares to leave the country, Marie Gillies has an unshakable feeling that she is somehow to blame.

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Lisa McInerney The glorious heresies

One messy murder affects the lives of five misfits who exist on the fringes of Ireland's post-crash society. Ryan is a fifteen-year-old drug dealer desperate not to turn out like his alcoholic father Tony, whose obsession with his unhinged next-door neighbour threatens to ruin him and his family. Georgie is a prostitute whose willingness to

feign a religious conversion has dangerous repercussions, while Maureen, the accidental murderer, has returned to Cork after forty years in exile.

Paul Mendelson The serpentine road

In South Africa nearly twenty-five years ago, as a young Captain, Vaughn de Vries finds himself in pursuit of the suspects of a fatal bombing in his precinct, under the command of one of the most feared white police officers of the time: Major Kobus Nel.

Elmer Mendoza Silver bullets

For Edgar 'Lefty' Mendieta, the news of the murder of lawyer Bruno Canizales represents just another day at the office in the drug-ridden city of Culiacan. In this sweltering city where a desire for the truth can be as dangerous as any drug, Mendieta's search for justice takes him from mansions to drug dens.

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Judith Claire Mitchell A reunion of ghosts

In the waning days of 1999, the Alter sisters - Lady, Vee, and Delph - finalise their plans to end their lives. Their reasons are not theirs alone; they are the last in a long line of Alters who have killed themselves. As they gather in the ancestral Upper West Side apartment to close the circle of the Alter curse, an epic story about four generations of one

family unfolds.

Thomas Mogford Sleeping dogs

An old friend persuades Gibraltarian lawyer Spike Sanguinetti to take a well-earned rest on Corfu's beautiful north-east coast. But when the bloodied body of a young Albanian is found and a local man is accused of his murder, Spike reluctantly agrees to take on the case.

Antonio Muñoz Molina In the night of time

From the author of 'Sepharad' comes an internationally best-selling novel set against the tumultuous events that led to the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War.

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Toni Morrison God help the child

Spare and unsparing, 'God Help the Child' - the first novel by Toni Morrison to be set in our current moment - weaves a tale about the way the sufferings of childhood can shape, and misshape, the life of the adult. At the centre: a young woman who calls herself Bride, whose stunning blue-black skin is only one element of her beauty, her

boldness and confidence, her success in life, but which caused her light-skinned mother to deny her even the simplest forms of


Fiona Neill The good girl

When Ailsa uproots her family to Norfolk, she's determined a change of scene will fix all their problems. Then the Fairports move in next door. Opinionated and free-spirited, their presence threatens to destry Ailsa's fresh start. Yet for straight-A student Romy, Ailsa's teenage daughter, there's no escaping the intense

attraction she feels towards their youngest son, Jay. So when Jay tells Romy his darkest secret, she only wants to help. But Romy's actions could be the catalyst that tears her world apart.

Jo Nesbø Blood on snow

Olav lives the lonely life of a fixer. When you 'fix' people for a living - terminally - it's hard to get close to anyone. Now he's finally met the women of his dreams. But there are two problems: she's his boss's wife and Olav has just been hired to kill her.

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James Patterson Miracle at Augusta

Travis McKinley was an ordinary man living an ordinary life, until a miraculous twist of fate led to him become a golf pro at the age of 50 and win the USPGA Senior Open. But recently Travis's good fortunes have taken a turn for the worse, and his game is falling apart. Then, drunk in a bar one night, he gets into a brawl with a fellow pro

which is captured on camera and broadcast across America.

James Patterson NYPD 3

Businessman Hunter Alden Jr. thinks he has it all: a beautiful wife, a wonderful teenage son and billions in the bank. However his life is turned upside-down one night when he finds the severed head of his chauffeur, stuffed into a bag painted with his son's initials, in blood. But the price to get him back might be too high - even for

one of the world's richest men.

Benjamin Percy The dead lands

The world we know is gone, destroyed by a virus that wiped out nearly every human on the planet. Some few survivors built walled cities, fortresses to keep themselves safe from those the virus didn't kill ... but did change. Sanctuary. A citadel in the heart of the former United States of America. Hundreds of miles in every direction

beyond its walls lies nothing but death and devastation. Everyone who lives in the safety Sanctuary provides knows that. Until the day a stranger appears.

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Anne Perry Corridors of the night

One night, in a corridor of the Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, nurse Hester Monk is approached by a terrified girl. She's from a hidden ward of children, all subject to frequent blood-letting, and her brother is dying. While William Monk's River Police fight to keep London safe from gun-runners, Hester takes on a new role at

the hospital, helping to administer a secretive new treatment. But she slowly realises that this experimental cure is putting the lives

of the children at risk.

Susan Pinker The village effect

Blending cutting edge science with personal narrative Susan Pinker examines the transformative power of human relationships.

James Rebanks The shepherd’s life

Some people's lives are entirely their own creations. James Rebanks' isn't. The first son of a shepherd, who was the first son of a shepherd himself, he and his family have lived and worked in and around the Lake District for generations. Their way of life is ordered by the seasons and the work they demand, and has been for

hundreds of years.

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John Renehan The valley

A tightly-wound mystery as well as a sharply observed look at the deterioration of men tasked with too vague a mission and too little support deep in the mountains of Afghanistan.

Ronald Reng Matchdays

Ronald Reng, author of the William Hill Sports Book of the Year 'A Life Too Short', tells the remarkable story of the rise of the Bundesliga.

Anthony Riches Thunder of the gods

With Rome no longer safe Marcus and the Tungrians are ordered east, to the desolate border lands where Rome and Parthia have vied for supremacy for centuries. Ordered to relieve the siege of an isolated fortress, their task is doomed to bloody failure unless they can turn the disaffected Third Legion into a fighting force capable of resisting the terrifying Parthian


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T.R. Richmond What she left

When Alice Salmond died last year, the ripples were felt in the news, on the Internet, and in the hearts of those who knew her best.

Nora Roberts The liar

When her husband Richard dies in a freak accident, Shelby Pomeroy is devastated. But his death reveals a horrible truth - Richard was a liar and a cheat. Now Shelby is left with the consequences - huge, terrifying debts and mounting proof that her late husband betrayed her in every conceivable way. Heart-broken but

unbowed, Shelby is determined to fix her problems - if only for the sake of her gorgeous little daughter Callie.

J.K. Rowling Very good lives

in 2008, J.K. Rowling delivered a deeply affecting commencement speech at Harvard University. Now published for the first time in book form, 'Very Good Lives' offers J.K. Rowling's words of wisdom for anyone at a turning point in life, asking the profound and provocative questions: how can we embrace failure? And how can we use our

imagination to better both ourselves and others?

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Anuradha Roy Sleeping on Jupiter

Jarmuli: a city of temples, a centre of healing on the edge of the ocean. Nomi, a young girl, is taken from her family and finds herself in an ashram, overseen by a charismatic guru. But Guruji's charm masks a predatory menace, and the young girl faces danger beyond her understanding.

Ridley Scott Exodus – gods and kings

DVD. The defiant leader Moses rises up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses, setting 400,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of deadly plagues.

Gavin Smith Quantum mythology

Gavin Smith's new epic space opera is a wide-ranging exploration of the past, present and future of mankind.

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Justin Sonnenburg The good gut

Genetics and lifestyle are thought to be the two most important determinants of good health. But that is not the whole story. We have a second genome, our gut bacteria, that sets the dial on our bodies. Unlike our DNA, we can influence the gut bacteria, or microbiota, to optimize all aspects of our health.

Michael Spierig Predestination

DVD. Chronicles the life of a Temporal Agent sent on an intricate series of time-travel journeys designed to prevent future killers from committing their crimes. Now, on his final assignment, the Agent must stop the one criminal that has eluded him throughout time and prevent a devastating attack in which thousands

of lives will be lost.

Peter Strickland The duke of Burgundy

DVD. In an unnamed European town, in an unspecified year, live Cynthia and Evelyn. Every day Evelyn cycles to Cynthia’s mansion to work as a lowly maid and every day the cruel, vindictive Cynthia inflicts countless sadistic humiliations upon her. But as the days go by and the pair begin to reveal themselves, it soon

becomes clear that the humiliation may not all be of Cynthia’s design...

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June Tate Brides of war

1947. Excited and in love Gracie Brown leaves her home in England and moves to America with her husband Jeff. With little money and no job prospects, the couple move in with Jeff's parents whilst they find their feet in a land where promise seems to only come to those who start off far better than they have. Rich and stylish Valerie

Brampton has just arrived in New York to move into her new swish apartment with American husband Captain Ross Johnson.

Christine Taylor Chocolate, cake and curses

Choccywoccydoodah's chocolate geniuses are found in their Brighton based Mothership, where artists, designers and sculptors create extraordinary confections to commission. The Mothership is home to a shop, cafe, secret party room and the first Witches’ Kitchen. The Flagship

is a magnificent former tobacco factory, just off Carnaby Street, in London.

Jennifer Teege My grandfather would have shot me

An international bestseller, this is the extraordinary memoir of a German-Nigerian woman who learns that her grandfather was the brutal Nazi commandant depicted in 'Schindler's List'.

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Aline Templeton The third sin

Pleasure is the highest good: the group who called themselves the Cyrenaics practised the principle until the death of one from an overdose and the apparent suicide of another. Sobered, the group went their several ways. One heads to Canada, another disappears and a third is believed to have committed suicide, at least until

his body turns up two years later in the wreck of a car swept up on to the Solway mud flats. DI Marjory Fleming investigates.

Lesley Thomson The detective’s secret

When a man dies beneath a London Underground

train in mysterious circumstances, it's left to Stella

Darnell to uncover the secrets of the case.

Gyalo Thondup The noodle maker of Kalimpong

For over half a century, noodlemaker Gyalo Thondup has been a familiar figure in the Himalayan hill town of Kalimpong. But it was not until 2010 that the townsfolk discovered his true identity: Gyalo Thondup is none other than the older brother of the Dalai Lama and his special

envoy, a trusted interlocutor between Tibet and foreign leaders from Chiang Kai-shek to Jawaharlal Nehru, Zhou Enlai to Deng Xiaoping.

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Mark Urban The edge

The size of western armed forces, their stocks of weaponry and their readiness for combat are declining. Meanwhile, growing nationalism is hampering international cooperation and fuelling conflict everywhere. The west's will - as well as its capability - to shape the world is ebbing away. Beset by economic woes, western countries are

continuing the post-Cold War process of disarmament at the very moment that many believe a new Cold War is starting.

Mark Vanhoenhacker Skyfaring

Turn your mind back to when you first flew. When you first left the Earth, and travelled high and fast above its turning arc. When you looked down on a new world, captured simply and perfectly through a window fringed with ice. When you descended towards a city, and arrived from the sky as ordinarily as morning. In 'Skyfaring', airline pilot and flight

romantic asks us to re-imagine what we--both as pilots and as passengers--are actually doing when we enter the world between

departure and discovery.

Mario Vargas Llosa The discreet hero

Felicito Yanaque has raised himself from poverty to ownership of a trucking business. His two sons work for him. He receives a threatening letter demanding protection money. The police don't take him seriously, Felicito refuses to pay up and gets sucked into a nightmare

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Salley Vickers The boy who could see death

A charming spinster with kleptomaniac tendencies, a wealthy engineer in love with his wife's cleaning lady, a middle-aged woman with an imaginary boyfriend and a homeless man who can foretell death. Scratch the surface of ordinary lives and nothing is quite as it seems.

Norah Vincent Adeline

On 18 April 1941, twenty-two days after Virginia Woolf went for a walk near her weekend house in Sussex and never returned, her body was reclaimed from the River Ouse. Norah Vincent's 'Adeline' reimagines the events that brought Woolf to the riverbank, offering us a denouement worthy of its protagonist.

Giles Waterfield The iron necklace

London, 1920. The society wedding of Thomas, an idealistic German architect, and Irene, an English artist, brings together the Curtius and Benson families. The couple leave for their honeymoon and Irene settles, with some difficulty, into married life in Berlin, leaving her younger siblings Mark and Sophia behind. But their new lives are soon

shattered by the outbreak of war in Europe. While Irene struggles to survive wartime conditions in a country that is not her own, Sophia confronts the war directly as a nurse on the Western Front.

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Angus Watson Clash of iron

Iron Age warriors Dug and Lowa captured Maidun castle and freed its slaves. But now they have conquered it, they must defend it. A Roman invasion is coming from Gaul, but rather than uniting to protect their home, the British tribes battle each other - and see Maidun as an easy target.

Alan White Reclaim

DVD. A desperate American couple discovers all is not what it seems when they uncover a high-stakes underground scam while traveling abroad. To expose the truth and get back to the U.S., they must risk their lives to save their daughter.

Jacqueline Winspear A dangerous place

Four years after she set sail from England, leaving everything she most loved behind, Maisie Dobbs at last returns, only to find herself in a dangerous place. In Jacqueline Winspear's powerful story of political intrigue and personal tragedy, a brutal murder in the British garrison town of Gibraltar leads Maisie into a web of lies, deceit and peril.