BEST START FOR BABIES AT LAKERIDGE HEALTH For first-me parents Danielle Murphy and Patrick Downie, the excitement of welcoming daughter Westlynn turned to fear when she came nine weeks early. “Seeing her all hooked up to wires, she was so ny and I was so scared to hold her,” recalls Murphy. Weighing only three pounds and 12 ounces, Westlynn was born at Ajax Pickering Hospital, but needed to be transferred to Oshawa Hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). “It was overwhelming and tough,” says Downie. Lakeridge Health gives babies, like Westlynn, the best start through high-quality care, focusing on the experience of the paent and family, and using the latest technology. New paediatric monitors in Bowmanville, Oshawa and Port Perry Hospitals that will be coming soon to Ajax Pickering Hospital enable health care professionals to share informaon and collaborate in real me, across distances. For families like Westlynn’s, this could make their experience even beer. “What we want to do is make sure all babies born at one of the Lakeridge Health hospitals have access to the same high-tech equipment and the best clinicians,” says Julie Goldstein, Director Women’s & Children’s Health and Paent Flow. “In challenging situaons, we need to communicate with our partners, working together in real me no maer whether the team is in the Ajax Pickering, Bowmanville, Oshawa or Port Perry Hospitals.” Giving babies the best start is also at the core of the hospital’s plan to become “Baby-Friendly” – a global iniave launched by the World Health Organizaon and UNICEF that supports breaseeding. Ajax Pickering Hospital is leading the iniave for Lakeridge Health. In me, it will be rolled out to all Lakeridge Health hospitals. “Somemes new moms may be reluctant to reach out if they’re having breaseeding issues,” says Shree-Sai Parmanand, a Registered Nurse and Paent Care Manager, Maternal Newborn Program, Neonatal Intensive Care & Paediatrics. “Having every health professional able to provide breaseeding support will be great for babies across Durham Region.” Four-month-old Westlynn and her mom connue to thrive. “I’m so happy,” says Murphy. “She’s geng really chunky and I’m geng more comfortable with being a new mom.” First-me mother Danielle Murphy with baby Westlynn. www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca [email protected] YOUR SUPPORT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE! Every day of the year, your generosity helps the staff and volunteers of Ajax Pickering Hospital provide comfort, care and dignity to every paent who comes through our doors, whether the need is as complicated as providing lifesaving treatment or as simple as a comforng touch. We couldn’t do it without your help. This holiday season, please consider giving the GIFT OF HEALTH. From funding new medical equipment to purchasing reclining chairs that family members can sleep on to stay close to a loved one overnight to redecorang a quiet room to make it more peaceful for visitors during a stressful me to providing paents without family members with a giſt stocking on December 25, your donaons are making a BIG impact throughout our enre hospital. To learn more or to make a donaon, contact us by phone at (905) 683-2320 x 1501, email [email protected] or visit us online at aphfoundaon.ca. Lakeridge Health NUMBER OF VOLUNTEER HOURS 140,194.75 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 5,425 NUMBER OF VOLUNTEERS 1,670 NUMBER OF PHYSICIANS 762 OUR TEAM OUR VOLUNTEERS LAKERIDGE HEALTH BY THE NUMBERS OUTPATIENT VISITS 636,244 206,023 EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT VISITS OUR PATIENTS DIAGNOSTIC TEST 5,741,965 NUMBER OF BABIES BORN 4,330 OUR SERVICES Welcome to the Fall 2018 Lakeridge Health Community Update – the first since the new Board of Trustees began its work in September. Today, Durham Region is one of the fastest-growing areas in Ontario. At Lakeridge Health, we are focused on expanding and strengthening the regional acute care system to ensure we provide access to the services people in Durham Region need most. We are making significant progress. In October, Lakeridge Health was named a Gynecologic Oncology Centre, one of only three such specialized centres in Ontario, providing women across Durham Region and beyond with access to specialized gynecologic cancer surgery, close to home. In addion, we have introduced new paediatric monitors in the Port Perry, Bowmanville and Oshawa Hospitals to enable health care professionals to share informaon and collaborate in real me, across distances, to support newborns, children and youth. In September, fulfilling our commitment to the community, the Port Perry Hospital re-opened on schedule with more than 800 people touring the facility and aending opening celebraons. The hospital and all of the clinical services are fully restored, with a very acve Emergency Department, Medical inpaent unit, surgical program and New Life Centre. As one of the largest community hospital systems in Ontario, Lakeridge Health is tackling the challenge of hallway medicine on mulple fronts. With four busy emergency departments across Durham Region, we are introducing new models of care, working with partners differently and implemenng innovave soluons including virtual technology to improve access. We are also partnering with health providers across Central East LHIN to prepare for flu season and support people to be as healthy as possible. With a growing and diverse populaon, new and expanded services are required to meet health care demands. One of the immediate soluons involves working with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the Central East LHIN to open a 22-bed mental health unit at Ajax Pickering Hospital in Spring 2019. Also early in 2019, Lakeridge Health will open a new and enhanced complex connuing care unit in Bowmanville Hospital to support people with mulple chronic condions. If you have driven along Brock Road in Pickering you may have noced signs marking the future home of the North Pickering Health and Wellness Centre (NPHWC). When NPHWC opens in the next few years it will offer a one-stop shop for outpaent services, physician offices, urgent care and a range of other hospital and community health care services. This new Lakeridge Health locaon will provide care much closer to home for people in north Pickering. While we are improving services today, Lakeridge Health is also building for the future by acvely planning the expansion and renovaon of many of our hospitals. Community input and feedback are vitally important as we plan for the services and facilies required at Lakeridge Health for the future. Earlier this year, we held large-scale consultaons with community members, paents, families, businesses, partners and the Lakeridge Health team to hear everyone’s thoughts on the buildings and services we will need for the next 20 years and beyond. Through more than 5,000 touchpoints, the community highlighted four key themes (as illustrated below) that are informing our work together to build a great health care system. Over the coming weeks, Lakeridge Health will undertake our latest round of community consultaons to shape the future of acute care in Durham Region. Everyone is welcome to parcipate in an online public survey available now unl December 12, 2018. Details are at www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca/letstalk. You can also send us an email with your ideas to [email protected]. Thank you for your confidence and support as we embark on this important journey together. Be a CONNECTOR for the COMMUNITY. Enhance role of SYSTEM CONNECTOR Focus on ACUTE CARE with Community Providers and CARE in the COMMUNITY Leverage and facilitate connections Seamless transitions in care Share information across care providers PARTNERSHIPS How can we help people get what they need? Better INFORMATION SHARING. How can you access your health records? Improved access to PERSONAL HEALTH RECORDS Introducing new COMMUNICATION METHODS Support multiple languages Use electronic channels TECHNOLOGY to extend access to care MyChart Bienvenue Benvenuto Welcome Improve SERVICES & EXPERIENCE. New & expanded CLINICAL SERVICES Inclusive environment for patients & families Navigation and seamless transfers More access to care Improve patient experience CARE CLOSER TO HOME Create CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE How do we tailor care to the patient and Durham Region’s diverse populations? INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS. BETTER WAYFINDING MODERN PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT to deliver care PARKING WIFI & CELLULAR SERVICE Improved WELCOME NATURAL LIGHT and SPACE How can we make hospitals more welcoming and accessible? P Meeting the DIVERSE NEEDS of the POPULATIONS we serve Sharon Cochran Chair, Board of Trustees Mahew Anderson President and CEO BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE Lakeridge Health Help Shape the Future of Acute Health Care in Durham Region Take part in our online public survey available unl December 12 at www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca/letstalk. Protect Yourself From the Flu This Season Geng your flu shot can help protect you from influenza. Washing your hands, coughing into a ssue or sleeve and using hand sanizer will also help. If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, contact your doctor’s office or Telehealth at 1-866-797-0000 to determine what type of care you need. As always, visit your nearest Emergency Department if your condion is severe. For more on how to protect yourself and your family from the flu, please visit www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca.

BEST START FOR BABIES OUR TEAM - Lakeridge …...UNICEF that supports breastf eeding. Ajax Pickering Hospital is leading the initi ati ve for Lakeridge Health. In ti me, it will be

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Page 1: BEST START FOR BABIES OUR TEAM - Lakeridge …...UNICEF that supports breastf eeding. Ajax Pickering Hospital is leading the initi ati ve for Lakeridge Health. In ti me, it will be

BEST START FOR BABIES AT LAKERIDGE HEALTHFor fi rst-ti me parents Danielle Murphy and Patrick Downie, the excitement of welcoming daughter Westlynn turned to fear when she came nine weeks early.

“Seeing her all hooked up to wires, she was so ti ny and I was so scared to hold her,” recalls Murphy.

Weighing only three pounds and 12 ounces, Westlynn was born at Ajax Pickering Hospital, but needed to be transferred to Oshawa Hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

“It was overwhelming and tough,” says Downie.

Lakeridge Health gives babies, like Westlynn, the best start through high-quality care, focusing on the experience of the pati ent and family, and using the latest technology.

New paediatric monitors in Bowmanville, Oshawa and Port Perry Hospitals that will be coming soon to Ajax Pickering Hospital enable health care professionals to share informati on and collaborate in real ti me, across distances. For families like Westlynn’s, this could make their experience even bett er.

“What we want to do is make sure all babies born at one of the Lakeridge Health hospitals have access to the same high-tech equipment and the best clinicians,” says Julie Goldstein, Director Women’s & Children’s Health and Pati ent Flow. “In challenging situati ons, we need to communicate with our partners, working together in real ti me no matt er whether the team is in the Ajax Pickering, Bowmanville, Oshawa or Port Perry Hospitals.”

Giving babies the best start is also at the core of the hospital’s plan to become “Baby-Friendly” – a global initi ati ve launched by the World Health Organizati on and UNICEF that supports breastf eeding. Ajax Pickering Hospital is leading the initi ati ve for Lakeridge Health. In ti me, it will be rolled out to all Lakeridge Health hospitals.

“Someti mes new moms may be reluctant to reach out if they’re having breastf eeding issues,” says Shree-Sai Parmanand, a Registered Nurse and Pati ent Care Manager, Maternal Newborn Program, Neonatal Intensive Care & Paediatrics. “Having every health professional able to provide breastf eeding support will be great for babies across Durham Region.”

Four-month-old Westlynn and her mom conti nue to thrive.

“I’m so happy,” says Murphy. “She’s getti ng really chunky and I’m getti ng more comfortable with being a new mom.”

First-ti me mother Danielle Murphy with baby Westlynn.


YOUR SUPPORT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE!Every day of the year, your generosity helps the staff and volunteers of Ajax Pickering Hospital provide comfort, care and dignity to every pati ent who comes through our doors, whether the need is as complicated as providing lifesaving treatment or as simple as a comforti ng touch.

We couldn’t do it without your help.

This holiday season, please consider giving the GIFT OF HEALTH.

From funding new medical equipment to purchasing reclining chairs that family members can sleep on to stay close to a loved one overnight to redecorati ng a quiet room to make it more peaceful for visitors during a stressful ti me to providing pati ents without family members with a gift stocking on December 25, your donati ons are making a BIG impact throughout our enti re hospital.

To learn more or to make a donati on, contact us by phone at (905) 683-2320 x 1501, email aphfoundati [email protected] or visit us online at aphfoundati on.ca.




















Welcome to the Fall 2018 Lakeridge Health Community Update – the fi rst since the new Board of Trustees began its work in September.

Today, Durham Region is one of the fastest-growing areas in Ontario. At Lakeridge Health, we are focused on expanding and strengthening the regional acute care system to ensure we provide access to the services people in Durham Region need most.

We are making signifi cant progress. In October, Lakeridge Health was named a Gynecologic Oncology Centre, one of only three such specialized centres in Ontario, providing women across Durham Region and beyond with access to specialized gynecologic cancer surgery, close to home. In additi on, we have introduced new paediatric monitors in the Port Perry, Bowmanville and Oshawa Hospitals to enable health care professionals to share informati on and collaborate in real ti me, across distances, to support newborns, children and youth.

In September, fulfi lling our commitment to the community, the Port Perry Hospital re-opened on schedule with more than 800 people touring the facility and att ending opening celebrati ons. The hospital and all of the clinical services are fully restored, with a very acti ve Emergency Department, Medical inpati ent unit, surgical program and New Life Centre.

As one of the largest community hospital systems in Ontario, Lakeridge Health is tackling the challenge of hallway medicine on multi ple fronts. With four busy emergency departments across Durham Region, we are introducing new models of care, working with partners diff erently and implementi ng innovati ve soluti ons including virtual technology to improve access. We are also partnering with health providers across Central East LHIN to prepare for fl u season and support people to be as healthy as possible.

With a growing and diverse populati on, new and expanded services are required to meet health care demands. One of the immediate soluti ons involves working with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the Central East LHIN to open a 22-bed mental health unit at Ajax Pickering Hospital in Spring 2019. Also early in 2019, Lakeridge Health will open

a new and enhanced complex conti nuing care unit in Bowmanville Hospital to support people with multi ple chronic conditi ons.

If you have driven along Brock Road in Pickering you may have noti ced signs marking the future home of the North Pickering Health and Wellness Centre (NPHWC). When NPHWC opens in the next few years it will off er a one-stop shop for outpati ent services, physician offi ces, urgent care and a range of other hospital and community health care services. This new Lakeridge Health locati on will provide care much closer to home for people in north Pickering.

While we are improving services today, Lakeridge Health is also building for the future by acti vely planning the expansion and renovati on of many of our hospitals.

Community input and feedback are vitally important as we plan for the services and faciliti es required at Lakeridge Health for the future. Earlier this year, we held large-scale consultati ons with community members, pati ents, families, businesses, partners and the Lakeridge Health team to hear everyone’s thoughts on the buildings and services we will need for the next 20 years and beyond. Through more than 5,000 touchpoints, the community highlighted four key themes (as illustrated below) that are informing our work together to build a great health care system.

Over the coming weeks, Lakeridge Health will undertake our latest round of community consultati ons to shape the future of acute care in Durham Region. Everyone is welcome to parti cipate in an online public survey available now unti l December 12, 2018. Details are at www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca/letstalk. You can also send us an email with your ideas to [email protected].

Thank you for your confi dence and support as we embark on this important journey together.




with Community Providers

and CARE in the


Leverage and facilitate connections

Seamless transitions in care

Share information across care providers


How can we help people get what they need?


How can you access your health records?

Improved access to



Introducing newCOMMUNICATION


Support multiple languages

Use electronicchannels MacBook

TECHNOLOGYto extend access to care

MacBook MacBook






New & expanded


Inclusive environment for patients & families

Navigation and seamless

transfersMore access

to care Improve patient



CreateCENTRES OF EXCELLENCEHow do we tailor care to the patient and

Durham Region’s diverse populations?










How can we make hospitals more welcoming and accessible?




we serve

Sharon CochranChair, Board of Trustees

Matt hew AndersonPresident and CEO



Help Shape the Future of Acute Health Care in Durham RegionTake part in our online public survey available unti l December 12 at www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca/letstalk.

Protect Yourself From the Flu This SeasonGetti ng your flu shot can help protect you from influenza. Washing your hands, coughing into a ti ssue or sleeve and using hand saniti zer will also help. If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, contact your doctor’s office or Telehealth at 1-866-797-0000 to determine what type of care you need. As always, visit your nearest Emergency Department if your conditi on is severe. For more on how to protect yourself and your family from the fl u, please visit www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca.