<Insert Picture Here> Better Prescription Drug Monitoring Peter Doolan – OOW DRAFT STORYBOARD Open Data Exchange

Better Prescription Drug Monitoring Peter Doolan – OOW DRAFT STORYBOARD Open Data Exchange

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Better Prescription Drug Monitoring





Page 2: Better Prescription Drug Monitoring Peter Doolan – OOW DRAFT STORYBOARD Open Data Exchange
Page 3: Better Prescription Drug Monitoring Peter Doolan – OOW DRAFT STORYBOARD Open Data Exchange


"Open Data is the new default… anywhere, anytime on any device, and everything should be APIs"

Steven VanRoekel

Federal CIO – Whitehouse Digital Strategy Architect

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© 2011 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 4

Decoding the Digital Strategy

•What exactly are Open Data APIs?

•How do Oracle solutions support them?

•What does a real end-to-end solution look like?

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© 2011 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 5

Open Data APIs explained

•A way, via the internet, to securely deliver

information between entities and systems

•API – Application Programming Interface

•Security is supported along with roles and

permissions for requestors, e.g.

– Public information – such as road works, health services, voting

– Private information – patient data, student data, company data

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© 2011 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 6

Oracle Solutions for Open Data

•Introducing Open-XDX

•How Oracle Solutions work with Open-XDX

•Open Data APIs – unleashed data

•Cross-platform and device delivery

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Oracle Open Data Solution – Open-XDX

•Open-XDX is an all new component designed

to deliver world class Open Data APIs

•Integrates into Oracle Fusion Middleware

foundation and Database products

•Uses rapid configuration templates and code-

less methods and open source NIEM tools

•Allows plug-and-play delivery for Oracle

customers and applications

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The Scenario – Cross-State Secure Information Sharing



How does the

doctor in one

State know what

has been given


Patient Information

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The Challenge – Information Sources are Disparate Silos


Care ProvidersCare Providers


Public SafetyPublic Safety



Public Safety

Social Welfare




Medical Plans

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PMIX Background

Scale of the exchange challenge

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End-to-End Solution Example

•The Prescription Medication Information

eXchange initiative (PMIX)

•Solving the business challenges – connecting

States and care providers to prevent abuse of the

prescriptions process

•The three keys to success –

– Data Integration, Workflow Automation, Predictive Analytics

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© 2011 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 12

PMIX Overview

•PMIX is a State level initiative to address

prescription medication abuse and trends•Exchanges patient + prescription information•Involves:–Patients–Health Plans–Doctors–Pharmacies–States

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Acquire Organize DecideAnalyze

State Solution Workflow Overview

Patient + Prescription Information

Open PMIX data



State Database of Patients + Prescription


Request search from partner States systems

Determine Corresponding


Store Results of Match



Trend Analysis

Is pattern of at risk person?

Is rogue “pill mill” in operation?

Case Management


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© 2011 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 14

Oracles Strategic Positioning

•Oracle provides solutions support across the PMIX

ecosystem:– Pharmaceutical companies supply chain – Oracle ERP solutions

– Healthcare Providers – Oracle Health solutions

– States information systems – Oracle database solutions

– States analysis and interpretation – Oracle Data Analytics

– Health information service networks – Oracle Fusion Middleware

– Citizen-centric information delivery – Seibel Case Management

– Incident reporting and tracking – Seibel Case Management

– Web sites tracking and trend analysis – Oracle Endeca

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Doctors Office Adminstration

State Repositories

Public Safety


Pharmaceutical Company

Pharmacy Supplier International Distributor

States Integration of PMIX information

Open-XDX APIs allow rapid integration

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Step 1 – Open-XDX Data Generation

Patient + Prescription Information

Open PMIX data



Live Data Demo

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Acquire Organize DecideAnalyze

Step 2 – Data Cleansing and Integration

Open PMIX data Send

State Database of Patients + Prescription


Request search from partner States systems

Determine Corresponding


Store Results of Match

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Acquire Organize DecideAnalyze

Step 3 – Trends Analysis (Endeca + Geospatial)

Determine Corresponding




Trend Analysis

Is pattern of at risk person?

Is rogue “pill mill” in operation?


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Visualization and Analysis


Non-Obvious Relationship

Intuitive drill down/investigation


Trends, Patterns, Clusters

Hot Spots

Predictive Analysis

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Acquire Organize DecideAnalyze

Step 4 – Assign to Case Management


Trend Analysis

Is pattern of at risk person?

Is rogue “pill mill” in operation?

Case Management

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Integrated Location Intelligence

Draw line around an area of interest and highlight all cases in area, and drill into details of a specific incidents.

Location information integrated with BI to allow analysis of incident patterns, geographical hot spots..

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Siebel Investigative Case Management

Investigative Case

Intelligence & Analysis tasking requests

Medications watch lists Use of PMIX data standards Offer faster access to data

across agencies for emergency response

Requests for Actions

Repository of case evidence, documents, objects

Evidence & Records Increase attach rate of evidence to

case Reduce rate of incomplete

evidence & records Provide complete evidence history

for emergency response

Discovery of relationships

Capture complex relationships Identify rogue physicians Reduce cost and risk of

communicating potential pill mill operations

Link Analysis

Intelligence Information related to the case

Identify suspects for each case

Increase suspect data standardization

Communicate incident data across agencies in real-time for emergency response

Leads, Suspects & Providers

External event related to the case

Link incidents to cases Reduce rate of incomplete incidents Provide real-time incident log in emergency


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© 2011 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 23

Key Oracle Differentiators

• Delivering on the Open Data Digital Strategy Vision for government

• Next generation of solutions built on deployed technology today

• Workflow and Case Management best-of-breed products

• Semantic & statistical based analysis & inferencing

• Geospatial and locale visualization and trend analysis

• Real-time data processing & event detection

• Delivered across-platform and device

• End-to-end security & governance

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CAMeditor.ORG Project Statistics




50,000 CAMeditor.org page

visits in one year

130 countries have downloaded tools; 25% of visitors are

from U.S.;400+ downloads


5 to 10 students use online video training

resource weekly

6 languages now available


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