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Page 1: Bhima

BhimaBhima was a son of Kunti by Vayu, the god of the wind, but acknowledged son of Pandu. He was the brother of Hanuman. He was the strongest of the pandavas .His main qualities were his strength. He was extremely skilled with mace and has the most skill in riding elephants. Bhima fought Hidimb and killed him and had a son with his sister Hidimbi, who was Ghatotkacha. He was also a husband to Draupadi and had a son also with her, Sutasoma. He was also the slayer of Vakasura and made the famous oath to kill Dushassan and drink his blood. That’s exactly what he did, killed Dushassan, ripped out his heart and touched his lips to his blood. Bhima also killed Duryodhan. He was a pivotal figure in the battle of Kurukshetra. And when he fell into the Ganga, the water snake’s bite took the poison away from Bhima and he became so strong that even hundred elephants could not match his strength. Duryodhana watched helplessly his cousin grow stronger each day. He defeated Jarasandha in a single combat. He was fearless in battle. He was an ultimate warrior and character in the Mahabharata.