BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2

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  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    Set No. 2 Question Booklet No.

    lOP/246/20 ii)To be filled up by tile candidate by bluelblack ball-point pen)Serial No. of Answer Sheet .............................................Day and Date .................................................................. . Signature of Invigilator )

    INSTRUCTIONS TO C NDID TESUse only bluelblack hall.point pen in the space above and on both sides of the Answer Sheet)1. Within 10 minutes of the issue of he Question Booklet, check the Question Booklet to ensure that itcontains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing. In case of faultyQuestion Booklet bring it to the notIce of the Superintendentllnvigiiators immediately to obtain afresh Question Booklet. .2 Do not bring any loose paper, written or blank, inside the Examination Hall except the Admit Cardwithout its envelope.3. A separate Answer Sheet is given. It should not be foldell or mutilated. A second Answer Sheetshall not be provided. Only the Answer Sheet will be evaluated.4. Write your Roll Number and Serial Number ofthe Answer Sheet by pen in the space prvided above.5. On the front page of he Answer Sheet, write by pen your Roll Number in the space provided atthe top and by darkening the circles at the bottom. Also. wherever applicable. write the QuestionBooklet Number and the Set Number in appropriate places.6. No overwriting is allowed in the eIltTies of Roll No., Question Booklet no. and Set no. if any)on OMR slleet and Roll No. and OMR slieet no. on ilie Queston Booklet.7. Any change in the aforesaid entries is to be verified by the invigilator, otherwise it will be takenas unfairmeans.8. Each question in this Booklet is followed by four alternative answers. For each question, youare to record the correct option on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle in thecorresponding row of the Answer Sheet, by pen as mentioned in the guidelines given on thefirst page of he Answer Sheet.9 For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet ffyou darken more than one circleor darken a circle partially, the answer will be treated as incorrect.10. Note that the answer once filled in ink cannot be changed. f you do not wish 1 attempt aquestion, leave all the circles in the corresponding row blank such question will be awardedzero marks).11. For rough work, lise the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the end of this

    Booklet.12 Deposit both tile Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet at the end of the Test.13 You are not pennitted to leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test.14 Ifa candidate attempts to use any form of unfair means, he/sbe shall be liable to such punishment asthe University may determine and impose on himlher.

    ~ fRI if aif. rlr 3fT WTT : "3" 11: fi;itTotal No of Prini.ed Pages :48

    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    IOP/246/20 ii)

    ough Workl1l i

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP/246/20 ii)No. of Questions : 150

    w f f < i i t ~ : 150Time : Two Hours Full Marks: 450

    ,{oliii : 450Note: The paper consists of 170 Objective Type Questions and is divided

    into Three Sections (I II & III) as under:(a) Section I consists of 130 Objective Type Questions.(b) Section II consists of20 Objective Type Questions on English

    Language Comprehension.(c) SectionIII consists of 20 Objective Type Questions on Hindi

    Language Comprehension.Instructions

    f. r:

    Out of total 170 questions, you have to attempt 150 questions only.There are 130 questions in Section -I. You have to attempt as manyquestions as you can. In Section -II, there are 20 questions forEngl ish Language Comprehension and in Section -III there are20 questions for Hindi Language Comprehension Attempt as manyquestions as you can either from Section -II English) r fromSection -III (Hindi). In all you have to attempt 150 questions. Eachquestion carries 3 marks, one m rk will be deducted for e chincorrf ct answer. Zero mark will be awarded for each unattamptedquestion.

    ~ -m-'1? if Kit ~ 170 if it 150 i t OW ~ tl~ I if it B ~ 130 qi\ rr 31f'l'Flf fili qi\ l 'lW T tl~ I I if atit;;ft ' l 4 1 . 1 ~ i t 20 -m t o'll ~ I I I if ~ i m i t

    3 P.T.O.

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    lOP 246 20(ii)

    20 W'l il 'lITo' "IT'mit"l l I T ~ "IT'mit"l ~ " l I V ' i ' r 0'iR ~il W OW 150 lIV'i'r 0'iR ~ il 0'iR 3 ai'l> f.r"1fft;il Jlr

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP/246/ 20(ii)

    msn aw:1trr -or 61"1IQifi msn ih rR-J i f { 1 q ; I f l : ~ 1 I> t ~ fR afu m I> t 3l>1.lf'l"l; msn, fcr'flf'W11(1Jifil< -;r,ff m

    04 The repetition of behaviour strengthens the S-R Bond is an impli-cation of Thorndike's law of:(1) Contiguity (2) Exercise (3) Effect (4) Readiness

    O 1 O j C l ~ I > J I> t T I ( I 1 f ~ ''

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2



    qi\ {i'.Rj Hl 1lfeJf

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP/246/20 ii)

    31m "if 'i"R'aff it; f < 1 R q ~ ~

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2



    25 Which of the following is not related to higher education system inIndia:(1) CBSE (2) DEC (3) NAAC (4) ICSSRH"1f

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP/246/20 ii)

    28 Blooms cognitive domain is include:(1) Attitude, Evaluation, Comprehensions(2) Interest, Values, Knowledge Analysis(3) Knowledge Application Analysis Values, Interest4) Knowledge, CO'mprehension, Application, Analysis, Evaluation

    ~ fi'ilI'1It

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2



    R l f < : 1 f ~ d i:j "ft fi

    13 P.T.O.

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    lOP/246/ 20 ii)

    35 Which one of the following does not belong to others:(1) Percentile (2) Decile (3) Quartile (4) modeF-l"lFclFlSld ,lit 11:'1', '0ffi ~ rirr 1f'lT 'IT :(1) O1lF'h(q f 'hRl (2) 'lo/ T - fclHI(3) "R 'lo/ T (4) a1T llftr fOidl{l 311 i\lT (3) qogi.1 311 i\lT (4) awWT


    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    10P/246/20 ii)

    390 Which one of the following cannot be considered as the scope ofEducational Psychology ?(1) Evaluation end Measurement 21 Financial Accounting(3) Individual Differences (4) Teaching Learning Process

    ( 1 ' i 4 fi 1 1l.'i l11'R(3) OI1r ld f c I f ~

    (2) 3lIf$r; c9\lliifi1(4) ~ a:IT"l'Jl Q f s I > ~

    40 f the dependent variable decreases wit the increase in indepen-dent variable the correlation is in which direction?(1) Downword (2) Negative (3) Positive (4) Upward* ' ij; 'I

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2



    ' i ~ W > 1 a H H ~ l ~ f u ~ aw:itTJ (1972) if; ~ f d ~ c ; ' 1 IfIl t :(1) liR ft1iTi (2)

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    IOPj246j20(i i )

    ~ f q t l l 1 q;r m 31:1 *Ip:>I'l 'lit a:rR\ ~ ' i . 9 I : : l * i 1 < fir l;1T ~ a l'lit \> I1f'ld 'Ii f.t afu: 'i'f(1f.\ a n ~ 'R

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2



    50 Which is not a useful kind of play according to Froebel ?(1) Chorus (2) Monodance(3) Motor Play (4) Use of Gifts

    % m:r W'Ii11: 31jq W?(1) lil WIH (2) '1>1 ,1 '1 1(3) >li Ili J/GR f>BT3) mffir anWfll q;F; 'lilT W'Ii11: dqgih -.mrr w 31J1foI; ' u" 1'Of' >'m?(1) U . f f l R ~ ( 1 l i l ~ ' E i a j ~ (2) 31iWf; l i l ~ ' E i a j ~(3) f l l 1 ~ ( ~ 1 l i l ~ ' E i a j ~ (4) Z?

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOPj246j20 ii)

    'Slit' ' ~ 1 ' I ( O l d ~ 1 f

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    IOP/246/20 ii)

    61 According to Gijju Bhai education of the child should start with :(I) Counting (2) Drawing (3) Reading (4) Writing

    iI> ' it r ~ m-{'1 ;jAt :I) flR f,gq'j"''l1l;'l.m.m. iT om t ?(I) f,gq'j",'l (2) TJffi f,gq'j",'l

    65 It is necessary or the education of adolescence:(I) Good mannered education (2) Ideal education(3) Moral education (4) Sex education

    21 P.T.O.

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    f < i ~ n < r qij u ~ '" < > 1 1 C 1 ~ q i f i t :(1) \lGlilR u ~ (2) a. flG1If u ~ (3) _ u ~ (4) $r u ~

    66 According to which of the following 'Pratyaksha, Anuman and Shabd'are three sources of knowledge?(1) Purva-mimansa (2) Samkhya(3) Vedas (4) VedantaRI>IR1f ~ ' " l [ < ' : ~ , ll 'i ~ >IR mfilf

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP/246/20 ii)

    ro8,1l q ; f l f c ~ 1 1 'fiT t :(1) (2) ql6\l.,q (3) fC

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP/246 /20 ii)

    75 Annaul Examination conducted by schools on local1evel are:(1) Formative Evaluation(2) Continuous Evaluation(3) Criterion Referenced Evaluation(4) Norm Referenced Evaluation

    f q i ; U ( 1 ~ r if 1 4 l ~ R 'R 3 U ~ l f l d ;if. ?11 m'f m i'fI(1j t ?(1) flI;f t :( 1) 3mT fcr.rR

    (2) q f 'd I i 'I>T fcr.rR(4) O l l ' l ~ I < 'I>T fcr.rR

    78 Which one of the following areas does not fall under non cognitivebehaviour?(1) Attitude (2) Evaluation (3) Interest (4) Valuesf.l '1fct f& d if < t q}.f m a);r 3l i l ~ 111l h Oll'l I< il; 3RI'fu 1m' amrr t ?(1) q1lqfu (2) 'l

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP 246/20(ii)

    79 Who is the proponent of countenance model of curriculum evalua-t ion?(1) Lewy (2) Stake (3) Stufflebean (4) Tylorqldllifiq 'i< li'l>1 i\; ' l > l d ; ; ) ~ 4 1 i\; ~ q < i ' l > it?(1) f' I11 ' l > 1 0 1 i ~ 1(3) l J 4 l q l > I ~ 1 i\;

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    IOP/246/20 ii}

    83 Which of the following is a characteristic of distance education?I) It is formal system

    (2) Its teachers and classes are fixed(3) In this system there is age limit for learners.(4) It is a synthesis between non-formal and formal education.R"'1f f.t i f l

    86 Which class-group is appropriate for sex-education from the followlng:I) Eleventh to Twelth(3) Sixth to Eight


    (2) Ninth to Twelve(4) Sixth to Ninth

    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2



    F, 1R1Flild t it m 'Ii&lT- 'llf lI$ 'I01

    (3) \1 i. lf+

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  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2



    95 Which of the following is an atheistic philosophy?(1) Charvaka (2) Sankhya (3) Vedanta (4) YogaHI l cl ful d if -fl;

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2



    R""fclf&d 1: ~ ooR 1l;'Ii A llRl f ~ ' 1 P l ' l T ~ :(1) m ll 3WWT(3) m l < i 1 ~(3) Wfio ~

    (2) j

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2



    103 Who supported Individual Aim of Education?(1) Durkheim (2) Karl Marx (3) Kilpatric (4) T P Nunn

    f t r ~ t ~ ~ f < h q ; q;r Wl"$ ; "IT ?(1) (2) q;ffi l TiR'f (3) f < l > < l ~ ~ q ; (4) it. -.:ft. R

    104 The current government expenditure as percent of GNP in India isabout:(1) I percent (2) 2 percent (3) 4 percent (4) 6 percent' l lI t GNP q;r flRRr ~ R I ~ 1 d =

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    10Pj246j20 ii)

    11l1f"1 'Ii "G1\1< 1 qi\ 31cr'l R il f< ;.r.t -eJ ?(1) M (2) (3) (4) 1ft

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP/246/20 ii)


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP/246 / 20 ii)

    A l r < 1 r ~ d it'"i\ ~ 1 ~ { l ' h { O I 'lit'lit. --m r'l:il4dl ' iff t ?(1) r { l ~ I 1 I H , ~ , 311ft:: 'lit Wcr lT mat t l(2) 1 : -1t; < ittr, 'I'fq qR if q;j 3lj'li{OI t l(3) 'I'fq ~ ~ d q ~ I ~ { "I'ri\;;ffi\ t(4) fur>:iY q;) 1:f' ft'l' t ?(1) r , ~ I ' l i ( 1 1

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP/246/ 20(ii)

    R"1frmft i l (2) < i l f ~ 4 (3) f ' l \ u l i . ' I ~ (4) f " ~ ' I T ' 1

    120 In India development of democratic citizenship as an educational aimwas said by:(1) Hunter Commission (2) Mudaliar Commission(3) Sadler Commission

    (1) ' h > i l ~ 1 ' l(3) ' h > i l ~ 1 ' l


    (4) Sanskrit Commission

    (2) " l ~ l f < ' l ' H ' h > i l ~ 1 ' l(4) ' h > i l ~ 1 ' l


    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    10P/246/20 ii)

    121 Which of the following statements does not reveal characteristic ofsocialism?I) Competition has an important place in socialism

    ~ ' 2 ) o c i ~ j i s m fI_( cepf,,> iflJ.:livi hlal 8..5 8.n organ of society3) Socialism does not accept separate entity of individual.

    (4) Socialism opposes capitalism.f.l'''1f'R IiIAI" "Ii; qft f'lil4 >IT'< ~

    123 Which one of the following is the role of NCERT ?1) To conduct public examination for the Kendriya Vidyalayas.

    (2) To grant affiliation to Central schools.3) To improve the quality of school education in India.4) To undertake supervision of schools in India.


    AglaSem Admi
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  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP 246j20 i i)


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP/246/ 20(ii)


    (English Language Comprehension)Note: Attempt all the 20 questions in thJS Section if you do not opt for

    S e c t j o n ~ on Hindi Language Comprehension.our alternative are given as possible answers to each question.Give the correct choice as an answer.Read the passage given below and answer the questions based

    on it o not go beyond the passage to answer questionsChoose the most suitable optionThose who perform the intellectual function in society, Gramscitries to show, can be divided into two types: first traditional intellectuals such as teachers, priests, and administrators, who constitute to do the same thing from generation from generation; andsecond, organic intellectuals, whom Gramsci saw as directly connected to classes or enterprises that used intellectuals to organizeinterests , gain more power, get more control. Thus, Gramsci saysabout the organic intellectual, the capitalist entrepreneur createsalongside himself the industrial techmcian, the specialist in political economy, the organizers of a new culture, of a new legal system, etc. Today s advertising or public relations expert, who devises techniques for winning a detergent or airline company a largershare of the market, would be considered n organic intellectualac.cording to Gram8d, someone who in a democratic society tries togain the consent of potential consumers, win approval, marshallconsumer or voter opinion. Gramsci believed that organic intellectuals are actively involved in society, that is, they constantly struggleto .:::hange i:nind6 a ~ j expand markets; li.l1like teachers and priEsts,who seem mor or less certain to remain in place, doing the samekind of work year in year out, organic intellectuals are always onthe move, on the make. At the other extreme there is Julian Benda scelebrated definition of intellectuals as a tiny band of super-giftedand morally endowed philosopher-kings who constitute the conscience of mankind.

    131. What does Gramsci mean by traditional intellectuals?1) those who were born intellectuals for generations.2) those who pose as intellectuals always3) those who constitute to perform the intellectual function for generations4} those families whose generations have been intellectuals

    39 P.T.O.

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    132. What does Gramsci mean by organic intellectuals?1) those who do not work in the interest of classes and enterprises2) those who emerge from mother earth to perform sacred func-tions for classes3) those who are linked to classes and enterprises work for theirinterests4) those who are connected to classes and enterprises in the poli-tics of religion

    133. Does the organic intellectual produce other intellectuals?1) women intellectuals only give birth to other secondary intellec-tuals2)3)4)

    organic intellectuals find it too difficult to produce intellectualstherefore give upYes for e::}C.ample, the entrepreneur produces the industrial tech-nicianOrganic intellectuals being brought up on organic diets can of-fer it to others also

    134. What does an organic intellectual try to do in today s society1) tries to gain public consent, approval of consumers and voters2) t ies to gain public confidence for manufacturing goods and ser-VIces3) tries to go out to sell the products of his company and irm4) tries to indulge in polItics and manipulate voters only

    135.Why do organic intellectuals keep on the move?1) because they become restless at a place after some time2) because they gate to stay at a particular place for ever3) because they t ry to change minds and expand markets4) because by moving they make more and more money

    136.What happens when traditional intellectuals stay at a given place forlong?1) they start indulging in politics2) they become part of an organic community3) they do the same work year in year out4) they become indistinguishable from organic intellectuals


    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP 246/20(ii)

    137 What is Julian Benda s definition of intellectuals?1) intellectuals are organic to a community of people2) intellectuals are traditional people who perform traditionally

    wealthy roles3) intellectuals comprise a small group of extra-ordinarily giftedpeople and are the conscience of mankind4) intellectuals are a community of bright. philandering men and

    women138 Choose the meaning that is most removed from the given word or

    least close to itMarshall1) arrange 2) assemble 3) collect 4) save

    139 Choose the meaning that is most removed from the given word orleast close to itEntrepreneur1) capitalist 2) industrialist 3) businessman(4) employee

    140 Choose the meaning that is most removed from the given word orleast close to itEndowed1) permanent income3) possessing talent

    141 Find out the correct sentence:

    2) borrower4) having ability

    1) A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad noveltells us the truth about its author2) A good novel tells us the truth about hero; but a bad novel tellsus the truth about its author3) A good novel tell us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tell

    us the truth about author4) A good novel tells us the truth its hero; but a bad novel tells usthe about its author

    41 P T O

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    lOP/246/20 ii)

    142 Find out the correct sentence:1) The thing I hate about an argument that it always interrupt adiscussion2) The thing I hate about an argument that it always interrupts adiscussion3) The thing I hate about an arguments is that it always interruptdiscussion4) The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts adiscussion

    143 Find out the correct sentence:1) Knowledge is comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter forus advanced old age2) Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelterfor us in advanced old age3) Knowledge is comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter orus in advanced old age4) Knowledge is a comfortable necessary retreat shelter for us inadvanced old age

    144. Identify the correct sentence:1) The highest proof of virtue to possess boundless power withoutabusing it2) The highest proof of virtue is to possess boundless power with-

    out abusing t3) The highest proof of virtue is possess boundless power withoutabusing4) The highest proof virtue is to possess boundless power withoutabusing it

    145 ldentilY the correct sentence :1) The greatest pleasure life is doing what people say you cannotdo2)3)4)

    The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can-not doThe greatest pleasure in life doing what people say you cannotdoThe greatest pleasure of life doing what people say you cannotdo


    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    IOP/246/20 ii)

    146 Fill in the blanks with the most suitable option given below:As well-spent day brings happy, sleep, so life well usedhappy death.1) of bring 2) a brings3) in brought 4) into brought

    147 Fill in the blanks:o man is ....... old as to believe that ...... cannot live one more year.1) such she 2) more he3) so he 4) so for

    14S Fill in the blanks with the most suitable option given below:Tact ........ ....... .. the art of making a point without making .... enemy.1) of the 2) is an3) in of 4) is the

    149 Fill in the blanks with the most suitable option given below:If I have seen further it is by standing shoulders of giants.1) on the 2) in the3) among the 4) of the

    150 Fill in the blanks with the most suitable options given below:Those who wish ........ appear wise among fools among .... wise seemfoolish1) to the 2) is of3) in the 4) for the

    43 P T O

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  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    lOP/246 /20(ii)

    157.'Q4f"l{01' t -.if' fq;;g-(1) f

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    lOPj246j20 ii)

    165 rn. q;lf llitf

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    ough Work~ C I i I < f


    lOP/246/20 ii)

    P T O

    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


    ( ' glfila>/ i/; 1fIlI'7 3(T1ffUT i ' I I'lf 't'f

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.Ed Set-2


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