True Stories About the Holy Spirit Working Through You Cambodia: Ecuterg G Pt PhiliPPinEs: Te Vue f T ecg G lve india: Te Uexpecte Gft Volume 22, #3 • Spring 2010 “Ge me yr trth tech me, fr y re G my Svr, my hpe s y y g.” Psalm 25:5

Bible League of Canada - Joy Report Spring 2010

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True Stories About the Holy Spirit Working Through YouCambodia: Ecuterg G Pt PhiliPPinEs: Te Vue f Tecg G’ lve

india: Te Uexpecte Gft

Volume 22, #3 • Spring 2010

“Ge me yr trth tech

me, fr y re G my Svr, my hpe s y y g.”

P s a l m 2 5 : 5

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a personal note...Frm the Preset

The Joy Report is published our times per year to inorm partners about the specifc results o their gits and prayers.

Permission is granted to copy, re-publish, and/or distribute the inormation in this issue as long as The Bible League o 

Canada is credited. For the safety of our co-workers in various countries, we ask that you do not post this information on the 

internet. Additional copies o this newsletter may be obtained by contacting P.O. Box 5037, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 3Y8,

1.800.363.9673, [email protected]. All Scripture quotes are taken from the NIV.

Our missiOn

We re ce by G

t prve Scrptres

trg wrwes tht pepe prepre

by the Hy Sprt

w be brght t

fewshp wth

Chrst Hs Chrch.

If you have a question,

please write to

The Bible League of Canada

or email us.

3067 Mainway • Box 5037

Burlington, ON • L7R 3Y8

905.319.9500 – local

1.800.363.WORD (9673) – toll [email protected]


While we have t had the jy meetig yet, I wat t thak yu yu aithul

pateship with the Bible League. I have bee deeply impacted by what Gd is dig 

thugh yu pateship, ad I am humbled by hw Gd has placed me i the le  

sevat t the Bible League Caada.

Yu gits ae pducig icedible uit. I this sht ept, yu will ead abut Savita, a

Idia wma whse lie was chaged thugh Bible-based liteacy taiig. Yu will als

ead abut dedicated vlutees i the Philippies wh walk thugh jugles ad mutais

t teach childe the tuth Gd’s savig gace. Ad yu will ead abut Lim Phay, a

Chuch Plate i Cambdia wh ce hated Chistias but w tais Chuch Plates.

Withut pates like yu, we wuld t have see Gd d s much. Thugh yu 

aithuless, Gd has accmplished smethig geat; may lives have bee tuched, icludig 

mie. Yu have bee caught up by the wk Gd ad by the lve His Wd. Because  

yu I have bee caught up as well. I ca see why it is s imptat t yu ad I am sue this

is why yu ctiue t give. Ad Gd will ctiue t d geat thigs thugh yu!

Thee ae umeus chaged lives t lea abut, cutless testimies abut hw Gd’s

Wd has made a dieece. Peple wh have bee give a bette chace at this lie ad

a itducti t eteal lie. Chist’s fished wk at the Css ad at the empty tmb has

made this pssible.

The past has bee ulfllig, the peset is excitig ad the utue is pweul. I lk

wad t sevig with yu a lg time. Will yu ctiue t pate with us ad see

may me peple cme t Chist ad give thaks t Gd?

F all the tuched lives, ad m my heat, thak yu!

“This service that you perorm is not only supplying 

the needs o God’s people but is also overfowing inmany expressions o thanks to God.” 

2 C o r I n T H I A n S 9 : 1 2

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Ecterg G PtGiving Hope to Hundreds of People in Cambodia

“My soul thirstsfor God, for the

living God.”Psalm 42:2

L Phay a oe Bddhtwho ed to lve a Caboda

egee cap. it wa hee that he

et a Chta who told h abot

Je Cht. Heag abot th

“lvg God” ade h o agy

that he ted p the Chta ad

ocked h, ayg, “i th God

te ad lvg, let H help yo!”

Oe day, L Phay hd a pt

to ecape olde who wee gog

to ed h to a deet cap. He

awoke to the od o a voce otde,

ayg “Coe to e, all o yo who

ae weay ad loaded dow wth

bde, ad i wll gve yo et."

Ate heag the Wod o God,L Phay’ le copletely chaged.

He lot h ea o the olde, ad

wa flled wth the peace o the Holy

spt. He bega to hae the Good

new o Je Cht wth othe.

Thogh L Phay oce hated

the ae o Je Cht, God haed L Phay o ove twety

yea a a chch plate, bgg

hope to hded o e ad

woe Caboda. now L

Phay wok wth The Bble Leage

a a chch plate tae, tag

othe Chta leade to etablh

chche the cote.

> To help train Christians in South East

Asia to plant churches in their 

communities, please see the response

form included with this report.

> You can also give online at

www.bibleleague.ca or by phone



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Values Education is a program that

provides Bible-based classes to over

30,000 Filipino children in schools

across the Philippines. Nearly 400

trained national volunteers ollow a

laid-out curriculum, teaching childrenabout God and His love.

Mountain Province was one o the

most difcult to reach with the gospel.

Paganism controlled people’s lives

or centuries. The Values Education

Program (VEP) is only the beginning

o a deliverance o the people rom

paganism and great poverty.

“These children see the value o

going to church and hearing God’s

Word,” a teacher says. “Teachers and

parents are so thankul.”

THE ValuE oF TEaCHinG God’S loVE

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o Je Cht. They cote

to wok wholeheatedly, walkg

ay le thogh ogh tea

to teach the chlde the tth o 

God’ avg gace. nothg oe

potat tha the thoad o 

yog heat watg to hea abot

the God who love the.

> To help give Filipino children the

opportunity to learn about Jesus,

please see the response form included

with this report.

> You can also give online at

www.bibleleague.ca or by phone


i the begg, hgh chool

tdet wold jt walk ot o 

the claoo wthot peo

ad ot et; oe tdet

played cad whle the teache wa

talkg. Bt ate ch paye ad

peeveace o the voltee

tcto ad the paet, thee

tdet ae leag epect,

hoety ad obedece.

“i thak God o edg

voltee-teache o o vale

clae. Whateve they ae teachg

o tdet, i kow t t be good

becae i ee the chage, the pacto y tdet. i ed to get agy

a lot becae y tdet wee

oy, depectl, -attetve ad

acatc. Ate a ew oth, i bega

to ee the chage the atttde

ad ot o all, a potve chage

the acadec peoace. i a

cofdet to gve cedt to the vale

clae. The voltee teache

ae dog a good job teachg

the chlde abot God ad godly

vale. The tdet y cla

eve voltee to lead paye beoe

we beg the day. my tdet ae

teachg e alo. God ble the VEP

ad the woke.”

Lat Octobe, the edace o the

Flpo voltee tcto wa

eveely teted. A typhoo wept the

soth Cha sea ad ahed to

Lzo ilad, kllg hded ad

detoyg the hoe ad lvelhood

o ay the othe Phlppe.

Becae o the typhoo, the VEP

clae wee peded Octobe

o p to two week aco the lad

o Lzo a people ecoveed o

the loe.

“Th cdet ha ade e ealze

the gecy o payg o y ppl

ad o the alvato,” hae a

gevg voltee teache, ate

leag that oe o h tdet had

lot x aly ebe the typhoo.

Depte the hadhp ad tagede

the typhoo ha caed, the voltee

teache ad pato ae thakl

o the oppotte God ha gve

the to each ot to the people

the cote wth the eage

“I thank God for sending volunteer-teachers for our values classes.

Whatever they are teaching our students, I know it must be good 

because I see the change, the impact on my students.”


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savta aed at 13. she beleved he had fally

ecaped the povety ad loele that plaged he

chldhood. Bt savta wa wog. she qckly becae

a vey yog othe to two chlde. He hbad

cold’t ea eogh to ppot the aly—o he had

to ped ho wokg alogde h the feld

o le tha 50 cet a day.

Eve the aly’ devoto to the

hoehold god dd ot eleve the

bde. itead, savta ad he hbad

lved ea o ageg the god ad

eg eve oe ey.

The savta eceved a expected gt—he wa

vted to jo a Adlt Lteacy Cla.

Like many of India’s often invisible and 

marginalized women, Savita never 

learned to read.

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savta elt hy ad evo the

ft ght. Bt a the week paed

he excelled he tde. soo,

he wa helpg othe claate

wth the leo! savta dd’t

wat to keep th gt to heel! she

ote coeled othe woe the

vllage o the beeft o leaghow to ead ad wte. she alo

leaed to keep he hoe clea ad

“Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths.”

Psalm 25:4

ee o deae, ad becae a ole

odel to he eghbo.

savta ay the ot potat gt

he eceved wa God’ gt o alvato.

The Bble-baed lteacy leo

todced savta to Je, ad today

savta joylly ollowg h. He

hbad co to kow oe

abot the savo who boght ch

daatc chage to h we.

s, e w

epg ter

cte wt

ter e!svt ’t

wt t keep t

gft t eref!

savta payg that he whole

aly wll chooe to ollow Je.

> To give women like Savita the

opportunity to learn about God’s gift

of salvation, please see the response

form included with this report.

> You can also give online at

www.bibleleague.ca or by phone1.800.363.9673


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You may make your special memorial or celebration gift by calling 1.800.363.9673 or donate online at www.bibleleague.ca

Remembering someone special through a memorial gift is a thoughtful

way to honour their life. Your memorial gift will make a difference in

the life of someone who will receive the gift of God’s Word.

You will hear frsthand accounts rom our partners on the rontlines o aith. You willhear the passion, the struggles, the satisac-tion and the joy o bringing God’s message o salvation to those hungry to hear the gospelo Jesus Christ. Partners rom ministries

representing all the regions where TBLC isinvolved will give compelling presentations.Each o the fve access platorms (ChurchPlanter Training, Adult Bible-based Literacy,Children’s Ministry, Scripture Placement andDiscipleship Resources) will be highlighted.

Please join us or this remarkable event.

Dte: May 27, 2010Tme: Noon until 8pm (a complimentary lunch and dinner will be provided)

Where: Bingemans Conference Centre425 Bingemans Centre Drive, Kitchener, ON N2B 3X7

T Regter: online at www.bibleleague.ca, email [email protected] orcall The Bible League of Canada at 1.800.363.9673.

Regtrt dedle M 7!

a Day ofinspiRaTion!

In MeMory 

Bertha Hope

Mr & Mrs Donald & Joan Law

Gerald A. RodgerMr & Mrs B & L Campbell 

Melissa Mae Luchies

Mr & Mrs Johannes & Mildred 


Rev Harold Reid

Mr & Mrs Bryan & Joy Colbourne

Norma ChippsNicole TroyerSam Kennedy

Mr & Mrs Ken & Cheryl Donais

Beverly June Vedder

Ms Susan Kiers

Mr & Mrs R & A Morrison

Ms Lois Hines

Mr & Mrs J & R Lemick 

Mr H Vedder 

Ms Betty Janzen

Mr David Pressley 

Mr & Mrs Harm & Marcy Vedder 

Judith Morehouse

Mr & Mrs David & Carrie Greer 

Geoff Cook

Mr & Mrs Ron & Lynn Rebelato

Ross W. Stewart

Chevron Canada Resources

Marjorie Jean Klein

Mr Walter Klein

Eira Trant

Dr Francis Long

Steve Charuk

Mr & Mrs Barracosa

Geraldine Thompson

Mrs Ardith Canning Hiltz 

Richard Zantingh

Mr Bill Elder 

Mr Ike Deklerk 

Mr & Mrs Erven & Linda Ricker 

Mrs Aafke Haveman

Mrs Doreen Hoogvliets

Mr & Mrs Rodney & Laurie Ricker 

Mr & Mrs Helmut & Mary Ann Klassen

Ms Hilly SchilstraMr & Mrs George & Ann Eygenraam

Mr & Mrs Keith & Janet Shirton

Mrs Willy Zantingh

Joanita Snelgrove

Mr & Mrs Murray & Elva Larmon

Florence ThompsonViolet Barrett

Mr & Mrs James & Norma McGregor 

Jess DeBoer

Mr & Mrs Derek & Ingrid EringaMrs Lena Beckman

Mrs Amy DeBoer 

Cheryl SchillerRoman GietzRachelle AndrewsElizabeth Rimer

BfM Thrift Store Windsor 

Eugene Tracey

Irina Tracey 

Alice Doughty

Mr & Mrs Clark & Donna Kostik 

Andrew de Haan

Lynda Tracy 

Myrna Mercer

Laura Lewis

Lloyd Wideman

Mr & Mrs Robert & Dianne Wilson

In CeLebratIon

Phyllis Upton – 90th BirthdayMr & Mrs Eldon & Phyllis Lehman

Mary Nieuwhenhuyse –85th Birthday

Mrs Catherine Rottier 

June Moore

Mr & Mrs Clark & Donna Kostik