ISRAEL Discovery & Destiny Tour 2016 returntozion.com 8-17th May 2016 RETURNTOZION.COM BIBLICAL INSIGHTS & STRATEGIC ANALYSIS

BIBLICAL INSIGHTS & STRATEGIC ANALYSIS ISRAEL · BIBLICAL INSIGHTS & STRATEGIC ANALYSIS. Welcome returntozion.com returntozion.com ... in the nations sharing God’s purposes for

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ISRAELDiscovery & Destiny Tour 2016

returntozion.com8-17th May 2016



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“I will return to Zion and will dwell in

the midst of Jerusalem.” - Zechariah 8:3

Your Tour Leader

Ian has ministered in the nations sharing God’s purposes for the Church and Israel. On tour, he delivers biblical insights and analysis of key events in the Middle East, taking you through ΖVUDHO�WR�H[SODLQ�WKH�VLJQLȴFDQFH�RI�ELEOLFDO�signposts and the believers’ response. Fluent in Hebrew, his experience as a pastor, writer andcommunicator place him in a unique position to provide timely commentary on the urgent, prophetic events unfolding in our day.

Return To Zion Ministries are

excited to invite you to join us for our

Discovery & Destiny Tour 2016.

If you have never been to Israel or once visited a long time ago, then now is the time to let us take you on a highlypersonalised and unique journey through Israel, the Land of the Bible. Throughout your time with us, you will discover the biblical heartlands that are familiar to you from the Scriptures. But more than that, the biblical narrative will come alive and forever change the way you read God’s Word - this is where it happened and where so much is still to take place!

Beginning in the coastal area of modern Tel Aviv, we shall travel through theGalilee (the scene of much of Jesus’ earthly ministry), the north of the country, down the Jordan Valley to the Dead Sea and Judean Wilderness. Then, ascend to our ultimate destination, Jerusalem!

We are joined by our experienced Israeli guide and believer, Richard Frieden, who we have known for over 20 years.Richard has immense knowledge of the country, both biblical and contemporary. His guiding throughout the tour willenrich and deepen your faith; yourknowledge and love of Israel; the Bible and the prophetic purposes unfolding in the Holy Land at this time.

Many Christian tours to Israel areorganised on a ‘pilgrimage’ basis. They focus on the past events, where things happened historically and end there.While touching the past may help your faith on a factual level, there is so much more to discover for the present and the future.

locations and top quality accommodation.All this combined with our uniqueperspective on the events, the people, the Land, the culture and the Bible narrative.

Why wait any longer? Let 2016 be your

time of discovery and destiny by

joining us in Israel.

You will experience not only thedramatic past, but the drama unfoldingat present, what God is doing in Israeltoday as the result of propheticIXOȴOPHQW��)XUWKHUPRUH��WKH�WRXU�ZLOOgive you biblical insights into what is yet to take place in Israel’s destiny. This isnot just the destiny of the Jewish people, it is your ultimate destiny too!

We have put together a superb,high-value tour package of anointed teaching, professional guiding, fabulous

Places are limited so we advise early

booking to ensure a place is reserved

for you.

Israel: a trip of a lifetime, a journey of eternity…

We look forward to welcoming you!

Ian Jupp

Tour Leader & Executive Director, Return To Zion Ministries

Your Intinery

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Day 1 - Arrival

This is Arrival Day. You will need to be in the designated Tel Avivhotel by this day so we can all be ready for touring on the next day.

There will be an evening welcome from the Return To Zion (RTZ) Team and Guide, with an overview of the tour details. It will be great WR�ȴQDOO\�PHHW�\RX�LQ�SHUVRQ�DQG�DQVZHU�DQ\�TXHVWLRQV�\RX�PD\�KDYH��'LQQHU�LV�LQFOXGHG�DW�WKH�KRWHO�DQG�\RXU�ȴUVW�QLJKW�ZLOO�EH�LQ�WKH�vibrant Israeli city that never sleeps, Tel Aviv. You, however will need WR�VOHHS�DV�ZH�VHW�R�HDUO\�RQ�'D\�7ZR�

The Discovery & Destiny Tour 2016

Itinerary is currently scheduled as listed

within this document.

In the unlikely event that unforeseencircumstances require a change, we willdo our utmost to maintain the Itinerary,RHULQJ��LI�QHFHVVDU\��DOWHUQDWLYH�ORFDWLRQV�that supplement the theme of the day.We are committed to deliver what we have prepared and outlined below. If changes beyond our control happen, they will not DHFW�LQ�DQ\�ZD\�WKH�YDOXH��H[SHUWLVH��teaching or guiding elements of the Tour RQ�WKDW�VSHFLȴF�GD\�

Discovery & Destiny Tour 2016

Tour Schedule - Day 1

Sunday 8th May 2016

O Arrival day and hotel check-in for participants.O DinnerO Evening: Meet the RTZ Team and each other; Introduction, Welcome & Outline of Tour.O Overnight at Leonardo Art Hotel Tel Aviv.

The Quick Notes�RHU�D�YHU\�EULHI�VXPPDU\�RI�ZKDW�WR�H[SHFW�RQ�WKH�given day - they do not cover everything we will do for that day. Every day will be packed but will include time for rest.After all, it is a holiday too!

Discovery & Destiny Tour 2016

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Tour Schedule - Day 2

Monday 9th May 2016

O BreakfastO Independence Hall: declaration of the State of Israel, biblical� IXOȴOPHQW�O��-DD�3RUW��2OG�&LW\O Views and background of Tel Aviv, Israel’s second largest city.O Lunch at Dr Shakshuka.O Artist Quarter and the old historic neighbourhoods.O Etzel MuseumO DinnerO Overnight at Leonardo Art Hotel Tel Aviv.

* Optional: Tel Aviv Port walk

after dinner.

Tour Schedule - Day 3

Tuesday 10th May 2016

O BreakfastO CaesareaO Carmel Mukraqa, overview of Armageddon (Har Megiddo).O Lunch at Druze restaurant.O Mt ArbelO Nof Ginosar, the ‘Jesus’ boat, then Boat Ride to Ein Gev.O DinnerO Overnight at Ein Gev, modern and comfortable Kibbutz accommodation, on the edge of the Sea of Galilee.

Day 2 - Coastal Plain

'LVFRYHU�WKH�EHDXWLIXO�DQG�KLVWRULF�-DD��ELEOLFDO�<DR��MXVW�GRZQ�WKH�road from Tel Aviv. We shall learn about the founding of modern Israel and the early pioneers who created what Israel has become WRGD\��([FLWLQJ�KLVWRU\�DQG�VFULSWXUH�IXOȴOPHQW�DOO�LQ�RQH�

For lunch, you will sample what is considered by many to be one of Israel’s favourite dishes, Shakshuka. There is no better place to have LW�WKDQ�WKH�KRPH�RI�WKH�GLVK�LWVHOI�LQ�-DD��Ȇ'U�6KDNVKXNDȇ�

Day 3 - Carmel and Lower Galilee

8S�WKH�FRDVW�WR�&DHVDUHD��+HURGȇV�PDJQLȴFHQW�KDUERXU�FLW\�frequently mentioned in Acts.

7KHQ��ZH�YHQWXUH�XS�WR�0RXQW�&DUPHO��VFHQH�RI�(OLMDK�DQG�WKHconfrontation with the false prophets of Baal. The afternoon willbe taken up with time in the region of the Sea of Galilee and aboat trip across the lake. Modern Kibbutz accommodationawaits us for the next 3 nights.

Discovery & Destiny Tour 2016


Tour Schedule - Day 4

Wednesday 11th May 2016

O BreakfastO TabghaO Mt BeatitudesO��3HWHUȇV�3ULPDF\O Lunch at Fish Restaurant by the lake. O CapernaumO BethesdaO Tamar B’Kfar - a wonderful taste and smell of the fruits of the Land, spices, wines, honey, oil, and much more.O Back to Kibbutz Ein GevO DinnerO Overnight at Kibbutz Ein Gev

* Optional Swim in the Sea of Galilee

Tour Schedule - Day 5

Thursday 12th May 2016

O��BreakfastO Kibbutz Malkia - situated in Upper Galilee, near the Lebanese border, � ZH�VKDOO�KDYH�D�VHFXULW\�EULHȴQJ��� ZLWK�DQ�Ζ')�RɝFHU�O Banyas, foot of Mount Hermon, wild and beautiful water falls and � FOLV�O��&DHVDUHD�3KLOLSLO Lunch at Kibbutz Ha GoshrimO Golan Heights, Kibbutz El Rom, Quinetra observation point.O Mount Bental and Mt Hermon views.O Dinner at Decks Restaurant, Tiberias.O Overnight at Ein Gev


Day 4 - Ministry of Jesus

So much of Jesus’ earthly ministry took place in and around thevillages bordering the Sea of Galilee.

We shall visit the key locations of His ministry this day and betterunderstand life in those times and the impact of His teaching in situ.

Day 5 - The Beautiful North

Staying in the Galilee region, we will head north for the day and visit moreLPSRUWDQW�ELEOLFDO�ORFDWLRQV�VXFK�DV�&DHVDUHD�3KLOOLSL���$�EULHȴQJ�ZLWK�WKH�Ζ')�(Israeli Defence Forces) will give an overview of the strategic importance ofIsrael’s northern borders and current challenges. The Golan Heights is rich with Jewish and Biblical history (Bashan), and a stunning area of natural beauty. Dinner in the evening will be at the famous Decks Restaurant, with its eating DUHD�H[WHQGHG�RYHU�WKH�6HD�RI�*DOLOHH��7KH�FXLVLQH�DQG�VHWWLQJ�DUH�VLPSO\�ȴUVW�class. A full but insight rich day with biblical and contemporary perspectives.

Discovery & Destiny Tour 2016

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Tour Schedule - Day 6

Friday 13th May 2016

O BreakfastO Yardenit for baptism if required. � 3OHDVH�OHW�XV�NQRZ�LQ�DGYDQFH�O Jordan Valley travelO Qumran + LunchO Ein Gedi for Dead Sea swimO Ein Gedi SpaO Overnight at Kibbutz Ein GediO Dinner

Tour Schedule - Day 7

Saturday 14th May 2016

O BreakfastO MasadaO LunchO Ein Gedi Nature ReserveO Overnight at Kibbutz Ein GediO Dinner

Day 6 - Earth’s Lowest Point

We leave the verdant Galilee and head south to the arid yet aweinspiring area of the Dead Sea and Judean Wilderness via the Jordan Valley. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in a cave in 1947 at Qumran. We shall visit WKH�DUHD�DQG�XQGHUVWDQG�MXVW�KRZ�VLJQLȴFDQW�WKH�ȴQG�ZDV��:KR�FDQ�JR�WR�WKH�'HDG�6HD�DQG�QRW�ȵRDW�RQ�LW"�7KDWȇV�H[DFWO\�ZKDW�\RX�FDQ�GR�RQ�WKLV�GD\��a unforgettable experience awaits you. Remember to apply lots of mineral rich mud and get the photo shot. Accommodation at Kibbutz Ein Gedi close to the shores of the Dead Sea. Modern, comfortable and the perfect respite LQ�WKH�ORZHVW�SODFH�RQ�HDUWK�


0DVDGD��WKH�LQGRPLWDEOH�GHVHUW�IRUWUHVV�RI�+HURG�WKH�*UHDW��D�PDUYHOto visit but with an equally tragic history. This is truly one of the highlightsof our Tour together.

Afterwards, we trek through the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, King David’sstomping ground and replete with cascading waterfalls and uniquedesert wildlife and fauna.

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Discovery & Destiny Tour 2016

Tour Schedule - Day 8

Sunday 15th May 2016

O Mount of Olives observation point.O GethsemaneO Kidron Valley to City of DavidO��&LW\�RI�'DYLG����'�PRYLH�� Hezekiah’s tunnel.O Lunch in Jewish QuarterO Davidson Center at the Temple Southern steps.O Western WallO DinnerO��2YHUQLJKW�DW�3ULPD�.LQJV�+RWHO

* Optional: Evening service at The Pavilion,

a Messianic fellowship, for those who

are interested.

Tour Schedule - Day 9

Monday 16th May 2016

O BreakfastO Yad Vashem - Holocaust memorialO LunchO The Friends Of Zion Heritage Centre. See and hear what Christians have contributed to modern Israel and the Jewish people and why our help and understanding remains critical � LQ�WKHVH�GD\V��$�ȴUVW�FODVV�SUHVHQWDWLRQ�O Old City Free time and shopping for gifts or independent site seeing.O DinnerO��2YHUQLJKW�DW�3ULPD�.LQJV�+RWHOO After dinner: Group get together in downtown Jerusalem. Share highlights and your personal stories from your time with us.

Day 8 - Up To Zion

:H�QRZ�FRPPHQFH�RXU�DVFHQW�WR�-HUXVDOHP��RXU�ȴQDO�GHVWLQDWLRQ�LQ�PRUH�ZD\Vthan one. An overview of the Temple Area from the Mount Olives will lead us viaGethsemane to the Old City and 3000 years of history. Past, present and futureDOO�DZDLW�\RX�

Quite simply, there is no other city in the world quite like Jerusalem. It is the Lord’s city and to where He shall once more return. So much to experience, to feel, toHQMR\��WR�SRQGHU�LQ�WKH�FLW\�RI�WKH�*UHDW�.LQJ��7UXO\��D�ȴWWLQJ�FOLPD[�WR�RXU�WLPHtogether.

Day 9 - Lest We Forget

An important visit to Yad Vashem starts our day. This is included as it is imperative we understand what has been the fate of the Jewish people over the centuries andresolve it does not happen again.

More than that, it is a testimony to God’s faithfulness in preserving them over thecenturies of exile and the fate that befell them in the nations. It is an emotional and deeply moving experience but a nation has risen from the ashes and that, exactly inaccordance with what the prophets said would happen in these days of theingathering of the Jewish people once more to their homeland.

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The Discovery & Destiny Tour

2016 ends here but your journey has just begun….We encourage you to dig deeper into the things you have learnt over the past 10 days. Our website is a good place to startunderstanding more about the events of our time and Israel.

Further information about Return

To Zion Ministries and how tocontact us, can be found on the back page of this brochure.

Discovery & Destiny

Tour 2016


Tour Schedule - Day 10

Tuesday 17th May 2016

O Check out of hotel, if not extending stay.O�3ULYDWH�ȵLJKWV�KRPH�IURP Ben Gurion Airport as arranged individually.

Tour Prices

Our online booking system is set to USD($).

Your bank account will show a GBP(£)

transaction after currency conversion.

Please note the exchange rate above was

set on the brochure print date.

What Is Included

O Half Board accommodationO Lunch on touring daysO Airport arrival serviceO Hat & Map of IsraelO Water bagO Full days touring in air conditioned luxury bus.O Full days guidingO��3RUWHUDJHO Tour Guide feesO Tour Guide Tips

What Is Not Included

O��5HWXUQ�ȵLJKWV�WR�7HO�$YLY���&DQ�EH�� arranged via our website booking, if needed.O Airport transfersO��7LSV�WR�GULYHU�DQG�+RWHO�5HVWDXUDQW��� VWD�O Medical and Travel Insurance - please arrange before departure.

There is a single room supplementof $725.

To book visit : returntozion.com/booking

$2475 / £1580

About Our Ministry

Return To Zion Ministries mission is to provide sound biblical teaching, strategic analysis and insights into contemporary global events; todeclare the full counsel of Godconcerning His prophetic purposes for His Church, the nations withparticular emphasis on therestoration of Israel in these days

and our response to God’s activity today.

3OHDVH�YLVLW�RXU�ZHEVLWH�ZKHUH�\RX�FDQ�ȴQG�WHDFKLQJ�RQ�UHOHYDQW�biblical subjects bought to you from our ministry team. Articles, Audio and Video content also provide you with ready to use resources about


Thank you for praying andpartnering with us as we work together until the Lord “returns to Zion”.

Get in touch with us : [email protected]

ISRAELDiscovery & Destiny Tour 2016
