BIBLIOGRAPHY Abdel-ZaherAO, SafaY, Mahmoud H Assaf, RandaH, Abdel-Hady, 2005, Antidiabetic activity and toxicity of Zizyphus spinachristi leaves, J. Ethnopharmacol, 129-138, 101. Adesida GA, Adesogan EK, Okorie DA, Taylor DAH, Styles BT, 1971, Isolation of methyl angolensate from stem bark of Soymida febrifuga, Phyto chem, 845, 10. Agarwal P, Rai V, Singh RB, 1996, Randomized placebo controlled single blind trial of holy basil leaves in patients with non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Ind J Exp Bio, 406-409, 34. Aida K, Ikegishi Y, Chen J, Tawat M and Onaya T, 2000, Disruption of aldose reductase gene (AKr1b1) causes defect in urinary concentrating ability and divalent cation homeostasis, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 281-286, 277, 2. Alarcon-Aguilara FJ, Roman-Ramos R, Perez-Gutierrez S, Aguilar Contreras A, Contreras-Weber CC Flores-Saenz, JL, 1998, Study of the anti-hyperglycemic effect of plants used as antidiabetics, J. Ethnopharmacol, 101-110, 61, 2. Ambaye RY, Indap MA, Panse TB, 1971, Identification of methyl Angolensate in the bark of Soymida febrifuga (Roxb) A. Juss., Curr. Scien, 158, 7. Anonymous Wealth of India, 1952, CSIR Publication, New Delhi, 471-472. Aravind KumarAK, Saluja UD, Shah AV, Mayavanshi, 2007, Pharmacological potential of A. lebbec, Pharmcog Rev, 171-174, 1,1. Athnasiaduo S, Kyriazakis I, Jackson F, Coop RL, 2001, Direct anthelmintic effect of condensed tannins towards different gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep invitro and invivo studies, Vet. Parasitol, 205-219, 99.

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