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Ocean Management, 2 (1974) 147--184 © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company , Ams te rdam -- Printed in The Netherlands

Bibliography on Marine Affairs, I


Development of the Law of the Sea 1958-1967

Alexandrowicz , C.H., 1959. Freitas versus Grotius. British Yearbook of Internat ional Law, 162.

Bowet t , D.W., 1960. The Second Uni ted Nat ions Conference on the Law of the Sea. In ternat ional and Compara t ive Law Quarter ly (London) , 9: 415--435.

Bowet t , D.W., 1967. The Law of the Sea. Manchester Universi ty Press, Manchester . British Ins t i tu te of In ternat ional and Compara t ive Law, 1965. Deve lopments in te Law of

the Sea, 1958- -1964 . Special Publ icat ion, No. 6, Internat ional Law Series, No. 3, London .

Charlier, R.E., 1961. Rdsultats et enseignements des confdrences du droit de la met (Gen~ve 1958 et 1960). In: Annuai re Fran~;ais du Droit In ternat ional , 6, 1960. Centre National de la Recherche Scient i f ique, Paris, pp. 63--76.

Colombos , C.J., 1965. In ternat ional Law of the Sea, 6th revised ed., London. Dean, A.H., 1958. The Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea -- What was accom-

plished. Amer ican Journal of In ternat ional Law, 52: 607--628. Dean, A.H., 1960. The Second Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea; the fight for

f r eedom of the seas. Amer ican Journal of In ternat ional Law, 54: 751--789. Dean, A.H., 1959. Achievements at the Law of the Sea Conference. Proceedings of

A.S.I.L., 1959, pp. 186---197. Dean, A.H., 1967. The Law of the Sea Conference 1958- -1960 , and its a f termath . In: L.M.

Alexander (Edi tor) , Law of the Sea, Offshore Boundaries and Zones. Proceedings of the First Conference on the Law of the Sea Inst i tute . Ohio State Universi ty Press, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 244--264.

De Ferron, O. Le Droit In ternat ional de la Mer. Gen~ve, Tome I, 1958, T o m e II, 1960. Francois, J .P.A., 1957. La Conference Dip lomat ique sur le Droit de la Mer. Nederlands

Tijdschrif t voor Internat ionaal Recht , 4: 338--361. Francois , J .P.A., 1960. La Deuxi~me Conference sur le Droit de la Mer. Nederlands

Tijdschrif t voor Internat ionaal Recht , 7: 249--254. Franklin, C.M., 1960. The law of the sea; some recent developments . Southern California

Law Review, 33: 357--369. Fr iedheim, R.L., 1965. The "sa t i s f ied" and "dissa t i s f ied" states negot ia te in ternat ional

law; a case s tudy. World Politics, L8: 20--41. With reference to U.N. Conference on the Law of the Sea, Geneva, 1958 and 1960.

Garcia Robles, A., 1961. The Second Uni ted Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. Amer ican Journal o f In ternat ional Law, 55: 669--675.

Gidel, G. Le Droi t In ternat ional Public de la Mer. T o m e I and II, 1932; T o m e III, 1934, Paris.

Goldie, L.F.E. , 1967. Geneva Convent ion of the Law of the Sea; the need for fu ture modif ica t ions . In: L.M. Alexander (Edi tor) , The Law of the Sea; Offshore Boundaries and Zones. Ohio State Universi ty Press, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 273--293.

Griffin, W.L., 1966. Deve lopment of Law for Ocean Activities. In: Exploi t ing the Ocean; Transact ions of the Second Annual Marine Techno logy Socie ty Conference and Ex- hibit , June 27--29, 1966, Washington, D.C., pp. 348--357.

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Griffin, W.L., 1967. Emerging law of ocean space. Internat ional Lawyer. .~: 5~5 58'~ Gros, A., 1960. Entre deux conf6rences sur le droit de t a m e r . In: Homma~e ~ . ! ' ~

G6n6rat ion de Juristes au Pr6sident Basdevant. Pedone, Pans, pp. 2 3 7 - 2 5 7 . Gutter idge, J .A.C., 1960. The 1958 Geneva Convent ion the Cont inenta l Shelf i~:

British Yearbook of InLernational Law, 1959. Oxford University Press, Londor~. :~5: 102 123.

Higgings, A.P., 196~:. The Internat ional Law of the Sea. 6th revised eck by Constanlm John Colombos. Longmans, London , 886 pp.

Jessup, P.C., 1958. Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea. A study m internat ional law-making. American Journal of In ternat ional Law, 52 : 730----733.

Jessup, P.C., 1959. Uni ted Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. Columbia Law Review, 5 9 : 2 3 4 268.

Johnson , D.H.N., 1959. The Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea. Y.W.A., 13: 68--94.

Lauterpacht , H., 1950. Sovereignty over submarine areas. B.Y.B., 27: 376--433. McDougal, M.S. and Burke, W.T., 1962. The Public Order of the Oceans; a Con tempora ry

Internat ional Law of the Sea. Yale Universi ty Press, New Haven, Conn., 2 5 : 1 2 2 6 pp. Matte, N.M., 1950. Vers un Nouveau Droit Internat ional de la Mer. Paris, 162 pp. Oda, S., 1967. The Geneva C o n v e n t i o n : Some Suggestions to their Revisions. Prepared

for the Amer ican Bar Associat ion National Inst i tute on Marine Resources, Long Beach~ Calif.

Oda, S., 1967. Some observat ions on the internat ional law of the sea. In: Japanese Annual of In ternat ional Law, 1967, 11 ; Tokyo , The Japan Times, 1967, pp. 37 - 50.

Patey, J., 1958. La Conf6rence des Nat ions Unies sur le Droit de la Mer. Revue G6n6rale de Droit Internat ional Public, 62: 446--467.

Pauw, F. de, 1965. Grot ius and the Law of the Sea. Translated by P.J. Arthern, Edit ions de l ' Ins t i tu t de Sociologie, Bruxelles, 77 pp.

Pontecorvo , G., 1967. The law of the sea. Bulletin of the A tomic Scientists, 23: 46--48. Rodiere , R., 1966. Droit Marit ime, d'apr~s le Pr6cis du D.G. Ripert . 2~me ~d. ent i~rement

refondue. Dalloz, Paris, 507 pp. Smith, H,A., 1959. The Law and the Cus tom of the Sea. London , 3rd ed., 291 pp. Verzijl, J.H.W., 1959. The United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, Geneva,

1958. Nederlands Tijdschrif t voor Internat ionaal Recht , 6: 1--42, 115--139.


Auburn , F.M., 1972. The 1973 Conference on the Law of the Sea in the light of current t rends in state seabed practice. Canadian Bar Review, 50: 98--109.

Beesley, J .A. , 1971. Some unresolved issues on the law of the sea. Natural Resources Lawyer , 4: 629--638.

Burke, W.T., 1969. A c o m t e m p o r a r y legal p rob lem in ocean development . In ternat ional Lawyer , 3: 536--559.

Burke, W.T., 1971. Comment s on current internat ional issues relating to the law of the sea. Natural Resources Lawyer , 4: 660--667.

Butte, W.L., 1972. The law of the sea: breakers ahead. Internat ional Lawyer , 6: 237 - -257.

Engo, P.B., 1971. Current in ternat ional issues relating to the law of the sea. Natural Resources Lawyer, 4: 622--628.

Fat tal , A., 1968. Les conferences des Nations Unies et la Convent ion de Gen~ve du 29 avril 1958 sur la Mer Terri toriale et la Zone Contigfie. Librairie du Liban, Bayrouth, 319 pp.

Fr iedhe im, R.L., 1972. A law of the sea conference : who needs it? SAIS Review, 17 ( l ) : 41- -47; Fa-1, 1972.

Hargrove, J .L. , 1973. New concepts in the law of the sea. Ocean Deve lopment and In ternat ional Law Journal , 1 (1).

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Henkin, L., 1968. Changing law for the changing seas. In: E.A. Gullion (Editor), Uses of the Seas. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., pp. 69--97.

International Institute for Peace and Conflict (S.I.P.R.I.) RESEARCH, 1968. Contempo- rary Legal Problems in Ocean Development. Towards a Better Use of the Oceans: A Stuay and Prognosis. Stockholm, pp. 15 -204 .

Johnson, B., 1973. What law for the seas? Will it be for or against the sea? Fellow at the Institute for the Study of International Organization at the University of Sussex, Vista, June 1973.

Kasme, B., 1961. Le r61e de l'Organisation des Nations Unies dans l'~laboration du droit de l amer . La Revue Egyptienne de Droit International, 1960. Soci~t~ Egyptienne de Droit International, Le Caire, 16: 41--51.

Oda, S., 1968. The Geneva Conventions on the Law of the Sea; some suggestions for their revision. Natural Resources Lawyer, 1: 103--114.

Rodiere, R., 1969. Droit Maritime. 4~me ed., enti~rement refondue. Dalloz, Paris. Voelckel, M., 1969. La mutation juridique du milieu marin. Revue de la Ddfense Natio-

nale, 25: 794--810.

Political aspects


Alexander, L.M., 1966. Offshore Geography of Northern Europe: The Political and Economic Problems of Delimitation and Control. Murray, London; (Rand McNally, Chicago, 1963).

Browning, D.S., 1969. The sea and local politics. Ocean Industry, 4 (1) : 53--55. Calder, N., 1969. Undersea colonialism. New Scientists, pp. 322--323. Clingau Jr., T.A., 1971. Organizing to probe the oceans: an exercise in political science.

Oregon Law Review, 50: 398--424, Friedheim, R.L., 1970. The Marine Commission's deep-seabed proposals: a political

analysis. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea: National Policy Recommenda- tions, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 87--94.

McDougal, M.S. and Burke, W.T., 1958. Crisis in the law of the sea: community perspectives versus national egoism, Yale Law Journal, 67 : 539--589.

Oswald, J.W., 1966. Toward a political theory of the ocean. Exploiting the oceans. Second Annual Conference of the Marine Technology Society, Washington, D.C.

Pardo, A., 1968. Sovereignty under the sea: the threat of national occupation. Round Table (London), 232: 341--355.

Reilly, P., 1968. The politics of the ocean bot tom. War/Peace Report, 7: 6--7. United Nations Press Services, 1970. Latin American Meeting on Aspects of the Law of

the Sea, Lima, 4--8 August 1970. Press Release NV/198, 20 October 1970.

National policies and laws

Amadoria, F.V., 1971. Latin America and the Law of the Sea. June, 1971. Bailey, K., 1960. Australia and the law of the sea. Adelaide Law Review, 1 : 1--22. Bailey, K., 1965. Australia and the Geneva Conventions on the Law of the Sea. In: D.P.

O'Connell (Editor), International Law in Australia. Law Book Co., Sydney, N.S.W., pp. 228--245.

Butler, W.E., 1967. The Law of Soviet Territorial Waters; a Case Study of Maritime Legalislation and Practice. Frederick A. Praeger, New York, N.Y., 192 pp. (Praeger Special Studies in International Politics and Public Affairs).

Butler, W.E., 1971. The Soviet Union and the Law of the Sea. John Hopkins, Baltimore, Md., 245 pp.


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Cheng, T., 1969. Communist China and the law oi' the sea. American Journt~i ~ International Law, 63 :47 73.

Hartingh, F. de, 1960. Les Conceptions Sovietiques du Droit de la Mer. Librairie Genet.~de de Droit et de Jurisprudence, Paris, 198 pp.

Knauss, ,J.A.~ 1971. Factors influencing a U.S. Position in a Future Law of the .~ea Conference. Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I., 30 pp. (Law of the Sea Instit~te Occasional Paper, ] 0. )

Knight, H.G., 1972 The rote of special domestic interests in the formulation of United States oceans policy. Paper presented at: Conference on International Relations and the Future of Ocean Space, April 12, 1972.

Krueger, R.B., 1971. An evaluation of United States oceans policy. McGill Law Journai, 17 : 603--698.

Ratiner, L.S., 1971. United States oceans policy: an analysis. Journal of Maritime Law, 2: 225.

Stevenson, J.R., 1972. Who is to control the oceans: U.S. policy and the 1973 law of the sea conference. International Lawyer, 6: 465.

Thibaut, F., 1971. L'Am6rique latine et l '~volution du droit international de la met. Revue G6n6rale de Droit International Public, 75: 742--758.

Military and peaceful uses

Blagojevic, B., 1970. Certaines r~flexions sur la question des utilisations pacifiques des mers et des oceans au-d~l~i des limites de la juridiction nationale. Jugoslovenska Revija za Medunarodno Pravo, 17: 215--220.

Brennan, D.G., 1970. A note on the bridging of the differing Soviet and American objectives of sea-bed demilitarisation. In: Proceedings Symposium on the International Regime of the Sea-bed, Rome, 1969, pp. 513--517.

Brown, E.D., 1969. The legal regime of inner space: military aspects. Current Legal Problems, 22 :181 205.

Brown, N., 1970. Military uses of the ocean floor. Pacem in Maribus, 1. Graven, J.P., 1969. International security on the seabed. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor),

Law of the Sea; International Rules and Organization for the Sea. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I., 1968. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 414--419.

Graven, J.P., 1970. Oceanic arms control. Pacem in Maribus, 1. Evensen, J., 1970. The military uses of the deep ocean floor and its subsoil: present and

future. In: Proceedings Symposium on the International Regime of the Sea-bed, Rome. 1969, pp. 535--556.

Frosch, R., 1967. Military uses of the sea. Prepared for: Second Conference on Law. Organization, and Security in the Use of the Oceans, 1967.

Gaskell, T.F., 1967. Military uses of the ocean. Paper presented at: Second Conference on Law, Organization and Security in the use of Oceans, 5--7 October 1967 Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Goralczyk, W., 1972. Legal basis of the peaceful use of the sea-bed and ocean floor. Sprawy Miedzynarodowe, 1 :38 - -55 (in Polish).

Kalinkin, G., 1969. Military use of the sea-bed should be banned. International Affairs (Moscow), 2: 45--48.

Lawrence, K.D., 1965. Military--legal considerations in the extension of territorial seas. Military Law Review, 29: 47--95.

Martin, L.M., 1967. Soviet military policy. Current History, 53 (315): 208--216. Martin, L.W., 1967. The Sea in Modern Strategy. Chatto and Windus, London, 190 pp.

(Institute for Strategic Studies, London: Studies in International Security, 11.) McDougal, M.S., 1960. The maintenance of public order at sea. American Journal of

International Law, 5 4 : 2 5 -27.

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Morrisson Jr, C.G., 1968. International law and the seizure of the U.S.S. Pueblo. Natural Resources Lawyer, 1 (3).

Myrdal, A., 1971. Preserving the oceans for peaceful purposes. Recueil des Cours de l 'Acad~mie de Droit International de La Haye, 133 :1 - -14

Ratiner, L.S., 1971. National security interests in ocean space. Natural Resources Lawyer, 4: 582--596.

Wulff, T., 1970. Demilitarization of the seabed, an account of the October, 1969, draft treaty. Pacem in Maribus, 1.

Delimitation of ocean space and regimes


Borgese, E.M., 1968. The ocean regime. Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Occasional Paper. Santa Barbara, Calif.

Brooks, E., 1969. International organization for hydrospace. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea; International Rules and Organization for the Sea. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I., 1968. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 371--393.

Brown, E.D., 1971. The Legal Regime of Hydrospace. Stevens, London, 236 pp. (Library of World Affairs, 70).

Pardo, A., 1968. Who will control the seabed? Foreign Affairs (N.Y.), 47: 121--137. Pardo, A., 1970. Some general considerations on the need for and the requirements of an

international regime for the sea-bed and the ocean floor. In: Proceedings Symposium on the International Regime of the Sea-bed, Rome, 1969, pp. 363--386.

Pardo, A. and Gauchi, W., 1968. The sea-bed: common heritage of mankind. War/Peace Report, 8 (7): 3--6.

Traditional concepts

Bardonnet, D. La d~nonciation par le gouvernement Senegalais de la convention sur la mer territoriale et la zone contigue et de la convention sur la p6che et la conservation des ressources biologiques de la haute met.

Green, L.S., 1959. The Geneva convention and the freedom of the seas. Current Legal Problems, 12: 224--246.

Territorial sea and contiguous zone

Alexander, L.M., 1969. Breadths of territorial and other offshore zones. December 31, 1968. In: M.L. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea; International Rules and Organiza- tions for the Sea. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I., 1968. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 313--318.

Alexander, L.M. The Law of the Sea; Offshore Boundaries and Zones. Proceedings of the First Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Columbus, Ohio. Ohio State University Press, Columbus, Ohio, 321 pp.

Ali Ahmed, Sheikh, 1961. Recent developments in the delimitation of the territorial sea. Pakistan Horizon (Karachi), 14 (1): 23--32.

American University Law Review, 1972. National sovereignty and the two hundred mile limit: the case for the littoral state. American University Law Review, 21: 593.

Bardonnet, D., 1962. La Largeur de la Mer Territoriale. Pedone, Paris, 88 pp. Published also in: Revue G4ndrale de Droit International Public, 66: 34--122.

Bulletin of Legal Developments (British Institute of International and Comparative Law), May 24, No. 10, p. 93. Brazil: Uruguay: territorial water: lateral boundaries.

Butler, W.E., 1968. The legal regime of Russian territorial waters. American Journal of International Law, 62: 51--77.


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Butler, W.E., 1969. The Soviet Union and the continental shelf. American Journa~ Lj~ International Law, 63: 103--107.

Cisneros, M., 1965. The 200 mile limit in the South Pacific; a new position in internal.ion al taw with human and juridical content. In: Proceedings American Bar Association. Section of International and Comparative Law, 1964. Chigago, Ill., pp. 56--60.

Dellapenna, J.W., 1970. Philippines territorial water claim in international law. Jourm, l of Law and Economic Development, 5: 45.

Freeman, R.O., 1973. Possible solutions to the 200-mile territorial limit. International Lawyer, 7 : 3 8 7

Friedmann, W., 1971. Selden pedivius towards a partition of the seas? Amerxcan Journal of International Law, 65: 757.

Hedberg, H.D. National--international jurisdictional boundary on the ocean floor. Law of the Sea Institute, University of Rhode Island, Occasional Paper, 16.

Misra, K.P., 1966. Territorial sea and India. Indian Journal of International Law (New Delhi), 6: 465--482.

Morin, J.-Y., 1963. Les eaux territoriales du Canada au regard du droit international. In: Canadian Yearbook of International Law, 1, 1963. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., pp. 82 -148 .

Oda, S., ]962. The concept of the contiguous zone. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 11: 131--153.

Oda, S., 1962. The extent of the territorial sea; some analysis of the Geneva Conferences and recent developments. In: Japanese Annual of International Law, 1962, 6; Tokyo, The Japan Times, 1962: pp. 7--38.

Santa-Pinter, J.J., 1971. Latin American countries facing the problem of territorial waters. San Diego Law Review, 8: 606--620.

Yates, G.T., 1971. International law and the delimitation of bays. North Carolina Law Review, 49: 943--.-96~.

Continental shelf

Alexander, L., 1970. Alternative regimes for the continenta: shelf. Pacem in Maribus, 1. Alexander, L., 1970. Alternative Methods for Delimiting the Outer Boundary of the

Continental Shelf. Office of External Research, Department of State, Washington, D.C., 56 pp.

Andrassy, J., 1968. The continental shelf and customary international law. Medunarodni Problemi, 2.

Auguste, B.L., 1960. The Continental Shelf: the Practice and Policy of Latin American States, with Special Reference to Chile, Ecuador and Peru. Librairie E. Droz, Geneva. 408 pp.

Boyer, M., 1966. Le regime juridique de l 'exploitation des resources du plateau continent- al. Droit Maritime Franqais, 18: 195--204.

Brown, E.D., 1968. The outer limit of the continental shelf. Judicial Review. 2: 111--146.

CCOP, 1973. Delimitations of the continental shelf areas of CCOP countries: situation in November 1972. Report of the Ninth Session of the CCOP and the Eighth Session of its Technical Advisory Group, E/CN.11/L.348: 217--234.

Dean, A.H., 1967. Geneva Convention on the continental shelf. Tulane Law Review, 41 : 319--432.

Devaux-Charbonnel, J., 1965. Le plateau continental du Royaume-Uni et la Convention Internationale de Gen6ve de 1958. In: Annuaire Franqais de Droit International. 10. 1964. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, pp. 705--717.

Devaux-Charbonnel, J., 1969. Le R6gime Franqais de la Recherche et de l 'Exploitation des Gisements d' Hydrocarbures en Mer.

Gidel, G., 1959. A propos des bases juridiques des pr6tentions des etats riverains sur le plateau continental: les doctrines du "Droit Inh6rent". Z.f.a.6R.Vr.. 19: 81--101.


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Goldie, L.F.E. Australia's continental shelf: legislation and proclamation. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 3: 535--575.

Hartingh, F. de, 1966. La position fran~aise ~ l'~gard de la Convention de GenSve sur le plateau continental. In: Annuaire Fran~aise de Droit International, 11, 1965. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, pp. 725--734.

Henkin, L., 1970. The extent of the legal continental shelf. Pacem in Maribus, 1. Krueger, R.B., 1968. The convention on the continental shelf and the need for its revision

and some comments regarding the regime for the lands beyond. Natural Resources Lawyer, 1 (3): 1--18.

Mouton, M.W., 1952. The Continental Shelf. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague. Mouton, M.W., 1954. The Continental Shelf. R.D.C., 85: 347--465. Oda, S., 1968. Proposals for revising the convention on the continental shelf. Columbia

Journal of Transnational Law, 7: 1--31. Oxman, B,H., 1972. The preparation of Article I of the Convention on the continental

shelf. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 3: 245--305,445--472. Scelle, G., 1955. Plateau continental et droit international. Revue G~n~rale de Droit

International Public, 59: 5--62. Seidl-Hohenveldern, I., 1965. Le plateau continental de la R~publique Fdddrale d'Alle-

magne. In: Annuaire Franqais de Droit International, 10, 1964. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, pp. 717--725.

Slouka, Z., 1965. International Custom and the Continental Shelf; a Study of Some Aspects of the Growth of Customary Rules of International Law. University Micro- films, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1966, 317 pp.; Dissertation, Columbia University, Faculty of Political Science, 1965.

Stone, O.L., 1968. United States legislation relating to the continental shelf. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 17 : 103--117.

Vailed, D., 1971. Le Plateau Continental dans de Droit Positif Actuel. Pedone, Paris, 359 pp. (Publications de la Revue g~n~rale de Droit International Public, N.S., 14).

Young, R., 1953. The over-extension of the continental shelf. American Journal of International Law, 47: 454--456.

Young, R., 1968. The limits of the continental shelf -- and beyond. In: Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at its Sixty-Second Annual Meeting, 1968. Washington, D.C., pp. 229--236.

High seas

Bierzanek, R., 1961. La nature juridique de la haute mer. Revue G~n~rale de Droit International Public, 65: 233--259.

Simonnet, M.-R., 1966, La Convention sur la Haute Mer Adopt~e ~ Gen~ve le 29 avril 1958 par la Conference des Nations Unies sur le Droit de la Met. Paris, Librairie G~n~rale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 292 pp. Universit~ de Paris. (Institute des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Biblioth~que de Droit International, 34.)

Young, R., 1949. Further claims to areas beneath the high seas. American Journal of International Law, 43: 790--792.

Young, R., 1951. The legal status of submarine areas beneath the high seas. American Journal of International Law, 45: 225--239.

Seabed regime

Amerasinghe, H.S., The Third World and the sea-bed. Pacem in Maribus, 2. Arandio-Ruiz, G., 1970. Reflections on the present and future regime and the sea-bed of


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the oceans. In: Proceedings, Symposium on the International Regime of the Sea-f~e~{= Rome, 1969.

Goldie, L.F.E., 1970. Two neglected problems in drafting regimes for deep o~e~t~ resources. American Journal of International Law, 64: 905.

Henkin, L., 1969. International law and "the interests"; the law of the seabed. Ame~'i~:'an Journal of International Law, 63: 504--510.

Jennings, R.Y., 1971. Jurisdictional adventures at sea: who has jurisdiction ove~ - !he natural resources of the seabed? Natural Resources Lawyer, 4: 829--840.

Knight, H.G., 1977. The draft United States convention on the international seabed area. San Diego Law Reviw, 8: 459--550.

Levy, J.-P., 1968. Pour un droit des fonds oc6aniques. Chronique de Politique Etrang~.re (Brussels), 21: 72~ -~738.

Levy, J.-P., 1971. L'ordre international et le d6veloppement des fonds marins. Revue G6n6rale de Droit International Public, 75: 356--391.

Levy, J.-P., 1973. Ocean management and a new law of the sea. Ocean Management, ] (2): 129--143.

Mestral, A. de, 1970. R6gime Juridique du fond des mers: inventaire et solutions possibles. Revue de Droit P6nal et de Criminologie (Bel), R285 74: 641.

Oda, S., 1970. Future regime of the deep ocean floor. In Proceedings, Symposium on the International Regime of the Sea-bed, Rome, 1969, pp. 343--361.

Stone, O.L., 1971. United States draft convention on the international seabed area. Tulane Law Review, 45 :527

Young, R., 1968. The legal regime of the deep-sea floor. American Journal of Internation- al Law, 62: 641-~653.

Navigation and communication Straits

Evensen, J. Analogies for the ocean regime, international ,~:ommunications. Pacem in Maribus, 2.

Gross, L., 1968. Passage through the strait of Tiran and in the Gulf of Aqaba. Law and Contemporary Problems, 33:125--146.

Knight, H.G. The 1971 U.S. proposals on the breadth of the territorial Sea and Passage through International Straits. Oregon Law Review, 51: 759--787.

Land-locked states transit; maritime law (shipping)

Chanhan, B.R., 1966. The position of land-locked states in international law. Law Review (Panjah University), 18 (2): 422--440.

Childs, P., 1972. Land-locked states and the law of the seas. San Diego Law Review, 9 (3): 701--704 and 716--728,

Glassner, M,I., 1970. Access to the Sea for Developing Land-locked States. Nijhoff, The Hague, 298 pp,

Sarup, A., 1972. Transit trade of land-locked Nepal. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 21: 287--306,

Tabibi, A.H., 1970. The right of Transit of Land-locked Countries. Afghan Book Publish- ing House, Kabul, 140 pp.

Special problems

Charles, H,, 1967. Les ties artificielles. Revue G~n~rale de Droit International Public, 71 : 342--368.


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Klein, C.B., 1966. The terr i torial waters o f archipelagos. Federal Bar Journal , 26: 317--323.

Kusumaatmadja , M., 1972. The legal regime of archipelagoes: problems and issues -- an in t roduct ion . Law of the Sea Inst i tute , Seventh Annual Conference, June 2 9 , 1 9 7 2 .

Nordqvist , M.H., 1972. Emerging law of the sea: issues in the Mariana Islands. Journal of In ternat ional Law and Economics , 7: 43.

Pharand, D., 1971. Historic waters in in ternat ional law with special reference to the Arctic. Universi ty of To ron to Law Journal , 21 : 1.

I n t e r n a t i o n a l j u s t i c e

American Socie ty of In ternat ional Law, 1969. In ternat ional Court of Just ice Decision in Nor th Sea Cont inenta l Shelf Cases concerning Federal Republ ic of Germany /Ne the r - lands. 20 February 1969. Amer ican Socie ty o f In ternat ional Law, 8 (2): 340.

Engel, U., 1968. The case of the de l imi ta t ion of the Nor th Sea cont inenta l shelf before the In ternat ional Court of Just ice. Nordisk Tidsskrift for In ternat ional Ret , 38 (1/2) : 18--25.

Goldie, L.F.E. , 1970. Nor th Sea cont inenta l shelf cases (Federal Republ ic of Germany / Denmark ; Federal Republ ic or Germany /Ne the r l ands (1969) I C J 3) - - a ray of hope for the In terna t ional cour t? New York Law Forum, 16: 325.

Grisel, E., 1970. Lateral boundar ies of the cont inenta l shelf and the judgement of the In ternat ional Court of Jus t ice in the North Sea cont inenta l shelf cases. Amer ican Journa l of In terna t ional Law, A30 64: 562.

Johnson , D.H.N., 1969. Nor th Sea cont inenta l shelf cases. Amer ican Journa l of Inter- nat ional Law, 6 3 : 5 1 1 ff., and c o m m e n t e d on by D.H.N. Johnson , In ternat ional Relat ions, 8 : 5 2 2 ff.

MacDonald, R.S. 1970. New Canadian declarat ion of acceptance of the compulsory jur isdict ion of the In ternat ional Cour t of Just ice. Canadian Yearbook of Internat ional Law, 8 3.

Morris, J., 1968. Oil and gas legal p roblems on the Nor th Sea cont inenta l shelf. Natural Resources Lawyer, 1: 1--23. Published also with slight variat ion in: In ternat ional Lawyer , 1968, 2: 191--224.

Murray, S.J., 1969. A discussion of the World Cour t ' s Nor th Sea Judgement . American Universi ty Law Review, 19: 470--493.

Nelson, L.D.M., 1972. The Nor th Sea cont inenta l shelf cases and law-making convent ions . Modern Law Review, 3 5 : 5 2 - - 5 6

O c e a n s - uses a n d r e s o u r c e s - f i sher ies

Fisheries - general

Alexander , L.M., 1968. Resources of the sea, nat ional jur isdict ion and the uses of the sea. Natural Resources Journal , 8: 373--400.

Bellanger, F., 1971. La p rob lemat ique jur idique de l ' exp lora t ion et l ' exp lo i ta t ion des resourches du lit et su sous-sol des mers. Jus Gent ium, 8: 277--305.

Bett ini , E., 1970. Possible future regimes of the sea-bed resources. In: Proceedings Sympos ium on the In terna t ional Regime of the Sea-bed, Rome , 1969, pp. 319--342.

Bishop Jr., W.W., 1962. The 1958 Geneva Convent ion on fishing and conservat ion of the living resources of the High Seas. Columbia Law Review 62 (7): 1206--1229.

Brown, E.D., 1970. The present regime of the exp lo i t a t ion of the sea-bed resources in in ternat ional law and in nat ional legislation: an evaluation. In: Proceedings Sympo- sium on the In terna t ional Regime of the Seabed, Rome , 1969, pp. 241--278.

Burke, W.T., 1966. Legal aspects of ocean exp lo i t a t ion ; status and ou t look . In: Exploit- ing the Ocean; Transact ions of the Second Annual Marine Technology Socie ty Confer- ence and Exhibi t , Washington D.C., June 27--29, 1966, pp. 1--23.

1 5 5

Page 10: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Chapman, W.M., 1967. The theory and practice of international fisheries commiss~o~~s and bodies. Paper presented to: Symposium on International Fishery Problems, ( h i ! and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1967.

Chapman, W.M., 1969. The United States fish industry and the 1958 and 1960 Unlined Nations Conferences on the Law of the Sea. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea: International Rules and Organization for the Sea. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference ot' the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I., 1968 University ~:,f Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 35---63.

Christy Jr., F.T., 1968. Alternative regimes for the marine resources underlying the high seas. Natural Resources Lawyer, 1: 63--77.

Christy Jr., F.T., 1968. Marine resources and the freedom of the seas. Natural Resources Journal, 8: 424--433.

Crutehfield, J.A., 1968. The Convention on Fishing and the Living Resources of the High Seas. Natural Resources Lawyer, 1 : 115--124.

Danzig, A.L., 1968. Proposed Treaty governing the Exploration and Use of the Ocean Bed. United Nations Committee of the World Peace through Law Center, New York. N.Y.

Druer, O., 1972. De Saint-Malo fi Tromsoe: les droits des p~cheurs riverains dans la n6gociation. Revue du March6 Commun, 150: 7--8.

Durante, F., 1970. The present regime of the exploration and exploitation of sea-bed resources in international law and in national legislation. In: Proceedings Symposium on the International Regime of the Sea-bed, Rome, 1969, pp. 279--294.

Eichelberger, C.M., t968. A ease for the administration of marine resources underlying the high seas by the United Nations. Natural Resources Lawyer, 1 : 85--94.

Gareia Amador y Rodriquez, F.V., 1963. The Exploitation and Conservation of the Resources of the Sea; a Study of Contemporary International Law. 2nd ed., Sij£hoff, Leyden, 240 pp.

Goldie, L.F.E., 1968. The contents of Davy Jones's Locker. A proposed regime for the seabed and subsoil. Rutgers Law Review, 22 (1): 1--66.

Goldie, L.F.E. Two neglected problems in drafting regimes for deep ocean reeources. American Society of International Law. Proceedings included with American Journal of International Law, A30 6 4 : 9 0 5 0 '70.

Goldie, L.F.E., 1969. Sedentary fisheries and Article 2(4) of the Convention on the Continental Shelf; a plan for a separate regime. American Journal of International Law, 63: 86--97.

Gros, A., 1960. La Convention sur la p6ehe et la conservation des ressources biologiques de la haute mer. In: Reeeuil des Cours, Aead6mie de Droit International, 97: 1959--2. Sijthoff, Leyden, pp. 1---89.

Henkin, L., 1968. Changing law for the changing sea. in: E.A. Gullion (Editor) American Assembly: Uses of the Sea. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., pp. 69--97.

Herrington, W.C., 1967. The Convention on Fisheries and Conservation of Living Re- sources; accomplishments of the 1958 Geneva Conference. In: L.M. Alexander (Edit- or), Law of the Sea: Offshore Boundaries and Zones. Proceedings of the first Confer- enee of the Law of the Sea Institute. Ohio State University Press, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 26--35~

Herrington, W.C. 1968. The future of the Geneva Convention on Fishing and the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Sea. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor): Law of the Sea: the Future of the Sea's Resources. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I., 1967. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 62--64.

Johnson, D.H.N., 1965. Bakcground to the Sea Fish Industry Act, 1962. In: British Institute of International and Comparative Law: Developments in the Law of the Sea. 1958--1964. London, pp. 110--132.

Johnson, D.M., 1965. The International Law of Fisheries; a framework for Policy-orien- ted Inquiries. Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn., xxiv: 554 pp.


Page 11: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Johnson, D.M., 1968. The legal theory of fishery organization. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea: International Rules and Organization for the Sea. Proceed- ings of the Third Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I., 1968. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 122--126.

LaMotte, C., 1969. Who controls the deep sea? Ocean Industry 4,5: 78--80. LaMotte, C., 1970. The many laws proposed for the sea. Ocean Industry, 5,7: 51--56. McDougal, M.S. et al, 1971. Panel: conflicting approaches to the control and exploitation

of the oceans. American Journal of International Law, 65: 107--143. McKernan, D.L., 1968. A developing policy for international fisheries. In: L.M.

Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea; the Future of the Sea's Resources. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I., 1967. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 147--150.

McKernan, D., 1969. International fisheries arrangements beyond the twelve mile limit. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor) Law of the Sea; International Rules and Organization for the Sea. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I., 1968. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 255--260.

McKernan, D.L., 1970. International fishery regimes: current and future. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor) Law of the Sea: National Policy Recommendations. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 336--344.

Mouton, M.W., 1966. The establishment of rules of international law on a world basis or a regional basis, with particular reference to limits on fisheries. In: European Yearbook, vol. 12, 1964. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, pp. 79--106. (Summary in French.)

Newton, W.F., 1970-1971. New quest for Atlantis: proposed regimes for sea-bed re- sources. JAG Journal, 25 (Dec. '70--Jan. '71): 79.

Nguyen, Q.D., 1961. La revendication des droits pr6f6rentiels de p6che en haute mer devant les conferences des Nations Unies sur le Droit de la Mer de 1958 et 1960. In: Annuaire Fran~ais de Droit International, vol. 6, 1960. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, pp. 77--110.

Oda, S., 1963. International Control of Sea Resources. Sijthoff, Leyden, 215 p. Oda, S., 1969. International law of the resources of the sea. Acaddmie de Droit

International, the Hague Recueil des Cours (Net), A5: 127--363. Pollock, H.W., 1971. Fisheries considerations of ocean space. Natural Resources Lawyer,

4: 676--679. Pontavice, E. du, 1971. Les probl~mes nouveaux pos6s en droit international par l'ex-

ploitation des mers. Droit Maritime Franqais, 23: 323--334. Sauvage, F., 1963. L a m e r territoriale et le droit de la p6che. Droit Maritime fran(;ais

(Paris), 15: 643--649. Sohn, L.B., 1970. Possible future regimes of the sea-bed resources: international regulat-

ory agency. In: Proceedings Symposium on the International Regime of the Sea-bed, Rome, 1969, pp. 387--405.

Vignes, D., 1965. La Confdrence europ6enne sur la p6che et le droit de l a m e r . In: Annuaire Fran(;ais de Droit International, vol. 10, 1964. Centre National de la Recher- che Scientifique, Paris, pp. 670--688.

Wenk Jr., E., 1968. A new national policy for marine resources. Natural Resources Lawyer, 1 (2): 3--13.

Fisheries -- regional conven t ions

Breucker, J. de, 1966. La convention de Londres sur la p6che du 9 mars 1964. Revue Belge de Droit International (Bruxelles), 1: 142--166.

Carroz, J.E. and Roche, A.G., 1967. The proposed international commission for the conservation of Atlantic tunas. American Journal of International Law, 6 1 : 6 7 3 seq.

Davis, M., 1963. Iceland Extends its Fisheries Limits; a Political Analysis. Universitetsfor- laget, Oslo, 136 pp.


Page 12: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Goldie, L.F.E., 1969. Sedentary fisherms and the North Sea continental shelf ca~c~. :~

paradox revealed. American Journal of International Law, 63: 536--543. Johnson, D.H.W., 1961. Law of the sea; developments since the Geneva Conference,~ ~)i

1958 and ]960. Anglo-Scandinavian agreements concerning the territorial se~ ~nci fishing limits. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 1 0 : 5 8 7 - 5 9 7

Johnson, D.H.W., 1965. European fishery limits. In: British Institute of InternationaI ~nd Comparative Law: Development in the Law of the Sea, 1958~1964. London. pp. 4 8 7 4 .

Johnson, R.W., 1965. Fishery developments in the Pacific. In: British Institute of International and Comparative Law: Developments in te Law of the Sea. 1958 1964 London, pp. 133 --1 50.

McKernan, D., 1968. International fishery policy and the United States fishing industry. Prepared for: Conference on the Future of the United States Fishing Industry, Seattle, Wash., 1968.

Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, 1972. 50 Miles fishery Limits the [cetamlic Case.

Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, 1972. Fisheries Jurisdiction in Iceland, February. Monconduit, F., 1968. L'extension des zones de p~che r~serv~es aux p~cheurs frangais;

application de la Convention de Londres du 9 mars 1964. In: Annuaire Fran~ais de Droit International, vol. 13, 1967. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, pp. 685--690.

Morin, J.-Y., 1964. La zone de p~che exclusive du Canada. In: Canadian Yearbook of International Law, vol. 2, 1964. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., pp. 77 -106.

Morin, J.-Y., 1968. Les zones de p~che de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador ~ la lumi~re de l '6volution du droit international. In: Canadian Yearbook of International Law, voL 6, 1968. University of Britsh Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., pp. 91--114.

Oda, S., 1967. Japan and international conventions relating to North Pacific Fisheries. University of Washington Law Review, 43: 63--76.

Voelvkel, M., 1966. La Convention du ler juin 1967 sur l'exercise de ta p~che en Atlantique Nord. In: Annuaire Frangais de Droit International, vol. 13, 1967. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, pp. 647--672.

Fisheries - regulat ions e n f o r c e m e n t

Aglen, A.J., 1968. Problems of enforcement of fisheries regulations. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor): Law of the Sea; the Future of the Sea's Resources. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I. 1967. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 19--22.

Boyer, A., 1965. La rdglementation international des p~ches maritimes. Droit Maritime Franqais, 17 : 707-719 .

Carroz, J.E. and Roche, A.G., 1968. The international policing of high sea fisheries. In: Canadian Yearbook of International Law, vol. 6, 1968. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., pp. 61--90.

Christy Jr., F.T., 1973. Northwest Atlantic fisheries arrangements: a test of the species approach. Ocean Development and International Law Journal, 1 (1).

O c e a n s - uses a n d r e s o u r c e s - m i n e r a l s

P e t r o l e u m

Devaux-Charbonnel, J. 1967. Today's trends in offshore oil and gas legislation. World Petroleum, 38 (4).


Page 13: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Devaux-Charbonnel, J., 1969. Le Regime Franqais de la Recherche et de l 'Exploitat ion des Gisements d'Hydrocarbures en Mer. July 1969.

Devaux-Charbonnel, J., 1970. Law and offshore oil in France today. World Petroleum, June 1970.

Duncan, N., 1968. The legal setting of North Sea oil operations. In: V.S. Cameron (Editor), Private Investors Abroad; Problems and Solutions in International Business in 1968. Lectures delivered at: Symposium conducted by the International and Compara- tive Law Center of the Southwestern Legal Foundation in Dallas, Texas, June 19--21, 1968. Bender, Albany, N.Y., pp. 297--319.

Ely, N., 1970. Summary of Mining and Petroleum Laws of the World. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1 : 157 pp.

Meurs, A.P.H. van, 1971. Petroleum Economic and Offshore Mining Legislation. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 208 pp.

Muscarella, G., 1970. International regime of the sea-bed; oil and natural gas: exploration and exploitation of deep sea petroleum. In: Proceedings Symposium on the Inter- national Regime of the Sea-bed, Rome, 1969, pp. 95--111.

National Petroleum Council (U.S.A.), 1973. Law of the Sea -- Particular Aspects Affect- ing the petroleum industry, April 1973.

Natural Resources Lawyer, 1971. Legal aspects of sea-bed petroleum and mineral re- source development: the draft United Nations Convention on the international sea-bed area and the United States working paper submitted to the United Nations Sea-Bed Committee. Natural Resources Lawyer, 4: 681--724.

Rgmond, M., 1970. L'Exploitat ion P~troli~re en Mer et le Droit. Editions Technip, Paris, 197 pp.

Stone, O., 1971. Petroleum development under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. Natural Resources Lawyer, 4 : 732--736.

Manganese nodules

Brooks, D.B., The need for rules and rights in the use of the sea (session). Deep Sea Manganese Nodules: from Scientific Phenomenon to World Resources.

Herfindahl, O.C., 1972. Some problems in the exploitation of manganese nodules. Law of the Sea Institute 7th Annual Conference, June 27, 1972.

Other minerals and mining

Auburn, F.M., 1972. Deep seabed hard mineral resources bill. San Diego Law Review, 9: 491.

Barry, F.J., 1967. Administration of laws for the exploitation of offshore minerals in the United States and abroad. Paper presented at: American Bar Association National Institute on Marine Resources, Long Beach, California, 1967.

Bascom, W., 1967. Mining in the sea. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea; Offshore Boundaries and Zones. Proceedings of the First Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute; Columbus, Ohio. Ohio State University Press, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 160--167.

Boyer, A., 1966. Le plateau continental; richesses minerales et juridiction. Revue de Dt~fense Nationale, 22: 1071--1088.

Brown, E.D., 1968. Deep-sea mining; the legal regime of "inner space". In: Yearbook of World Affairs, vol. 22. Stevens, London, pp. 165--190.

Brown, E.D., 1970. Our nation and the sea: a comment on the proposed legal--political framework for the development of sub-marine mineral resources. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea: National Policy Recommendations, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., pp. 2--49.


Page 14: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Christy Jr., F.T., 1968. i 'he legal aspects of the exploitation of offshore mineral deposii~: mining in international wat~ers. Mining Engineering, 20 :149 seq.

Cornell Law Review, 1973. Expk)itation of seabed mineral resources chaos or !ega! order? Cornel lLaw Review, 58: 575.

Ely, N., 1961. Summary of mining and petroleum laws of the world. U.S. Department ,)1 the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Information Circular, 8017.

Ely, N., 1966. The laws governing exploitation of the minerals beneath the sea~ In: Exploiting the Ocean; Transactions of the Second Annual Marine Technology Society Conference and Exhibit, June 27 29, 1966, Washington, D.C., pp. 373- 378.

Ely, N.. 1968, American policy options in the development of undersea mineral resources. International Lawyer, 2: 215---223.

Ely, N., 1968. A case for the administration of mineral resources underlying the high seas by national interests. Natural Resources Lawyer, 1 : 78--84.

Ely, N., 1968. The fashioning of a regime to govern the development of undersea mineral resources. Prepared for: Workshop on Law as Related to Ocean Development Problems, Joint Sponsorship of the Marine Technology Society and George Washington University Law Center, 1968.

Ely, N. United States sea-bed minerals policy. Natural Resources Lawyer, pp. 597-~:621. Ely, N. and Duncan, 1970. Legal Problems in Undersea Mineral Development SPE-AIME,

March 1970. Greenwald, R.J,, 1971. Problems of legal security of the world hard minerals industry in

the international ocean. Natural Resources Lawyer, 4: 639--645. Henkin, L., 1968a. Law for tile sea's mineral resources. Institute for the Study of Science

in Human Affairs, Monograph, 1. Henkin, L., 1968b. Law for the sea's mineral resources. Revue G~n6rale de Droit Interna-

tional Public, p. 1157 seq. Humphreys, D.L., 1972. International regime for the exploration and exploitation of

the resources of the deep seabed -- the United States hard minerals industry position. Natural Resources Lawyer 5: 731.

Jacobson, J.L. and Hanlon, T.A. 1971. Regulation of hard-mineral mining on the continental shelf. Oregon Law Review, 50 : 425--461.

Krueger, R.B., 1969. The state of international law as applied to ocean mining and an examination of the offshore mining laws of selected nations. Preprint of paper present- ed at: First Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, May 1 8 - 2 1 , 1969.

Mero, J.L., 1970. Legal regime for deep sea mining. San Diego Law Review, 7: 488. Ritchie-Calder, Lord, C.B.E., 1973. Ocean real estate: mankind's new property. The

Royal Institution Friday Evening Discourse, March 9, 1973. Stevenson, J.R., 1971. Legal regulation of mineral exploitation in the deep seabed.

Department of State Bulletin, 65: 48--55. Stevenson, J.R., 1971. The United States proposal for legal regulation of seabed mineral

exploitation beyond national jurisdiction. Natural Resources Lawyer, 4 : 570--581. Tubman, W.C., 1966. The legal status of minerals located on or beneath the ocean floor

beyond the continental shelf. In: Exploiting the ocean; Transactions of the Second Annual Marine Technology Society Conference and Exhibit, June 27--29, 1966; Washington, D.C., pp. 379 -404.

Scientific research (legal aspects)


Bouchez, L.J., 1970. The legal regime of scientific research on the sea-bed. In: Proceed- ings Symposium on the International Regime of the Sea-bed, Rome, t969, pp. 591--618.


Page 15: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Burger, W., 1973. Treaty provisions concerning marine science research. Ocean Develop- ment and In ternat ional Law Journal , 1 (2): 159--184.

Burke, W.T. 1970. Ocean sciences, t echnology, and the fu ture in ternat ional law of the sea. In: The Fu ture of the In terna t ional Legal Order, 2: 183--264.

Emery, K.O., 1970. An oceanographer ' s view of the law of the sea. In: Proceedings Sympos ium on the In ternat ional Regime of the Sea-bed, Rome , 1969, pp. 47--63.

Fr iedheim, R.L. and Kadane, J.B., 1972. Ocean science in the Uni ted Nations polit ical arena. Journal o f Mari t ime Law and Commerce , 3: 473--502.

Knauss, J. , 1973. Developing the f r eedom of scientific research issue of the Law of the Sea Conference . Ocean Deve lopment and In ternat ional Law Journal , 1 (1).

Menzel, E., 1970. Scient if ic research on the sea-bed and its regime. In: Proceedings Sympos ium on the In ternat ional Regime of the Sea-bed, Rome , 1969, pp. 619--647.

Revelle, R., 1973. F r eedom of oceanic research. Science, 181 (4098). Schaefer , M.B., 1968. The changing law of the sea: effects on f r eedom of scientific

investigation. In: L.M. Alexander (Edi tor) Law of the Sea: the Fu tu re o f the Sea's Resources. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on the Law of the Sea Inst i tute , Kingston, R.I. 1967. Universi ty of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. , pp. 113- -120 .

Mar ine p o l l u t i o n - general

Andrassy, J. , 1969. Etude des mesures internat ionales les plus aptes a pr~venir la pol lu t ion des mil ieux mari t imes. Inst i tut de Droi t In ternat ional Annuaire (Swi), I 20 53(I): 547; I 20 53(II): 255.

Bilder, R.B., 1970. Canadian Arct ic Waters Pol lu t ion Prevent ion Act : new stresses on the law of the sea. Michigan Law Review, 69 : 1.

Bilder, R.B., 1971. The Canadian Arct ic Waters Pol lu t ion Prevent ion Act. Envi ronment Law Review, pp. 716--756.

Brown, E.D., 1971. In ternat ional law and marine pol lu t ion: radioact ive waste and o ther hazardous substances. Natural Resources Journal , 11: 221.

Camu, P., 1973. Canadian pol icy for pol lu t ion control in the marine industry. Second Annual Conference on Pol lu t ion Contro l in the Marine Industries.

Carnahan, B.K., 1971. The Canadian Arct ic Waters Pol lu t ion Prevent ion Act . Louisiana Law Review,31 : 632--649.

Clingan, T.A., 1971. Law affect ing the qual i ty of the marine envi ronment . Universi ty of Miami Law Review, 26: 223.

Douglas, W.O., 1971. Envi ronmenta l problems of the oceans: the need for in ternat ional controls . Envi ronmenta l Law Review, 1: 149--166.

Douglas, W.O., 1971. Pol lut ion: an in ternat ional p rob lem needing internat ional solut ion. Texas In ternat ional Law Journal , 7 (1): pp. 1--3.

Gold, E., 1971. Pol lut ion of the sea and internat ional law: a Canadian perspective. Journa l of Mari t ime Law and Commerce , 3: 13.

Hardy, M., 1971. In ternat ional cont ro l of marine pol lut ion. Natural Resources Journal , 11: 296.

Henkin, L., 1971. Arct ic ant i -pol lu t ion: does Canada make or break internat ional law? Amer ican Journa l of In ternat ional Law, 6 5 : 1 3 1 .

Klotz, J.C., 1972. Are ocean pol luters subject to universal jur isdict ion - - Canada breaks the ice. In terna t ional Lawyer , 6: 706.

Krueger, R.B., 1971. Evaluat ion of Uni ted States oceans policy. McGill Law Journal , 17: 604.

Lanc to t , L.R., 1972. Marine pol lu t ion: a cr i t ique of present and proposed internat ional agreements and inst i tu t ions - - a suggested global oceans ' envi ronmenta l regime. Hastings Law Journal , 24: 67.

Legendre, C., 1970. Conf6rence jur idique in ternat ionale sur les dommages dus ~ la pol lu t ion des eaux de l a m e r de 1969. Droit Mari t ime Franqais, 22: 515.


Page 16: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Levy, J.-P., 1973. Le droit de l!environnement marin. Revue Franqaise de I'Energic, 263. Morin, J.Y., 1970. Le progres technique, la pollution et l 'evolution r~dente du droit de ia

mer au Canada, particuli~rement fi l'~gard de l 'Arctique. Canadian Yearbook of inter- national Law, 8: t58.

Petaccio, V., 1972. Water pollution and the future law of the sea. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 21: 15.

Pontavice, E. du, 1970. La r~glementation franqaise et tes Conventions internationales pour pr~venir et r~primer la pollution des eaux de mer. In: Association pou~ te D~veloppement du Droit mondial. La d4fense de l 'Homme contre les Pollutions, Paris, pp. 251--269.

San Diego Law Review, 1970. Ocean pollution: an examination of the problem and an appeal for international cooperation. San Diego Law Review 7: 574.

Serwer, D. and Schachter, O., 1971. Marine pollution problems and remedies. American Journal of International Law, 65: 84.

Teclaff, L.A., 1972. International law and the protection o f the oceans from pollution. Fordham Law Review 40: 529--564.

Utton, A.E., 1970. Survey of national laws on the control of pollution from oil and gas operations on the continental shelf. Columbia Journal of Transnationat Law, 9i 331.

Wulf, N.A., 1972. Contiguous zones for pollution control. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 3: 537.

Oil pollution

Bradford, P.A., 1971. Maine's oil spill legislation. Texas International Law Journal, 7: 29-- 43.

Brown, E.D., 1968. The lessons of the Torrey Canyon: international law aspects. Current Legal Problems, 21 : 113--137.

Christol, C.Q., 1971a. International taw and oil pollution of the marine environment. Journal of the State Bar of California, 46: 459.

Christol, C.Q., 1971b. Oil Pollution of the Marine Environment: a Legal Bibliography. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Cundick, R.P., 1972. Oil pollution: negotiation--an alternative to intervention? Inter- national Lawyer, 6: 34.

Dinstein, Y., 1972. Oil pollution by ships and freedom of the High Seas. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 3: 363:374.

Healy, N.J., 1970. International convention on civil liability for oil pollution damage. Journal of Maritime Law, 1 : 317.

Houston Law Review, 1973, Civil liability for oil pollution. Houston Law Review, 10: 394.

Hunter, A.W., 1972. Proposed international compensation fund for oil pollution damage. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 4 :117 .

Krueger, R.B., 1970. International and national regulation of pollution from offshore oil production. San Diego Law Review, 7: 541.

Legendre, C., 1970. Convention internationale sur la responaabilit~ civile pour les dom- mages dus h la pollution par les hydrocarbures. Droit Maritime Fran~ais, 22: 579.

Lucchini, L., 1970. Pollution des mers par les hydrocarbures: les conventions de Bruxelles de novembre 1969 ou les fissures du droit international classique. Journal du Droit International, 97: 795.

McCoy, F.T., 1971. Oil spill and pollution control: the conflict between state and maritime law. George Washington Law Review, 40: 97--122.

McGurren, H.J., 1971. The externalities of a Torrey Canyon situation: an impetus for change in legislation. Natural Resources Journal, 11: 349--372.


Page 17: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Marks, R.A., 1972. Pollution of the seas by crude oil: a proposal for effective remedial action. Ohio State Law Journal, 33: 80--101.

Nanda, V.P. and Stiles, K.R., 1970. Offshore oil spills: an evaluation of recent United States responses. San Diego Law Review, 7: 519.

Neuman, R.H., 1971. Oil on troubled waters: the international control of marine pollution. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 2: 349.

New York University Law Rcview, 1972. Toward a state remedy for oil spill damages. New York University Law Review, 1970: 60--82.

North Carolina Law Review, 1971. International law -- oil spills and their legal ramifica- tions. North Carolina Law Review. 49: 996.

O'Connell, D.M., 1970. Reflections on Brussels: IMCO and the 1969 pollution conven- tions. Cornell International Law Journal, 3: 161.

Pallua, E., 1970. Quelques r~flexions sur les deux conventions de 1969 relatives aux dommages dus ~ la pollution des eaux de la mer par les hydrocarbures, Jugoslovenska Revija za Medunarodno Pravo, 17: 233--246.

Pearson, P.C., 1971. Admiralty remedies for vessel oil pollution of navigable waters. Texas International Law Journal, 121--150.

Swan, P.N., 1971. International and national approaches to oil pollution responsibility: an emerging regime for a global problem. Oregon Law Review, 50: 506--586.

Utton, A.E., 1970. Survey of national laws on the control of pollution from oil and gas operations on the continental shelf. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 9: 331.

Wilkes, D., 1971. International administrative due process and control of pollution -- the Canadian Arctic waters example. Journal of Maritime Law, 2: 499.



Alverson, D.L. and Schaefers, E.A., 1965. Ocean engineering -- its applications to the har- vest of living resources. Ocean Science and Ocean Engineering 1: 158--170.

Aubert, M., 1965. Cultiver l'Ocean. Paris. Bardach, J., 1969. Harvest of the Sea. G. Allen and Unwin, London. Calhoun, J.C., 1968. Food from the sea: a systems approach. Ocean Industry, 3 (7):

67--71. Chapman, W.M., 1969. Seafood supply and world famine-- A positive approach. Prepared

for delivery at: AAS Symposium, Food from the Sea. Christy Jr., F.T., 1967. Protein concentrate and a rationalized fishery. In: O. Heady

(Editor), Alternatives for Balancing World Food Production and Needs, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, pp. 145--158.

Christy Jr., F.T., 1970. New dimensions for transnational marine resources. American Economic Review, 60 (2).

Ciriacy-Wantrup, S.V., 1971. The economics of environmental policy. Land Economics, 47 (1): 42--45.

Copes, P., 1971. International Fishery Resource Management (background paper for a government/industry seminar on fishery policy).

Crutchfield, J.A., 1969. Marine resources and legal--political arrangements for their development. Panel Rep. Comm. Marine Science and Engineering Resources.

Garstang, W., 1900. The impoverishment of the sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the U.K., N.S., 6: 1--70.

Hale, W.E. and Wittusen, D.F., 1971. World Fisheries: A Tragedy of the Commons? Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton, N.J., 63 pp. (Woodrow Wilson Association Monograph Series in Public Affairs, 4.)

Holt, S.J., 1972. Marine fisheries and world food supplies. Contribution to: Symposium on the Man/Food equation.


Page 18: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Lee, A.J., 1972. ICES international study of the pollution of the North Sea and iLs e/~'ec! on living resources and their exploitation. Paper for: WHO Working Group ~)~ h(~ Hazards to Health and Ecological Aspects of Pollution of the North Sea, Bilthov(q~. December 6--8, ]972, 18 pp.

McKee, A., 1967. Farming the Sea: First Steps Into Inner space. Souvenir Press, L ( )n t i~ Odum, E.P., 1969. The strategy of ecosystem development. Science, 16.1: 262--270. Pollock, H.W., 1971. Fisheries considerations of ocean space. Natural Resources Lawyer;

4 : 6 7 6 - 6 7 9 Riley, G.A., 1963. Theory of food chain relations in the ocean. In: M.N. Hill (Editor),

The Sea, Interscience, New York, N.Y., vol. 2. Robinson, R. (Editor), 197I. Developing the Third World: The Experience ()f ~:he

Nineteen-sixties. Cambridge University Press, London. Rothschild, B.J. (Editor), 1973. World Fisheries P o l i c y - Multidisciplinary Views: ']['he

University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wash. (A collection of papers, some of which have appeared elsewhere, in different forms. Some of the articles have bibliographies.)

Royce, W.F., 1972. Introduction to the Fishery Sciences. Academic Press, New Y()rk, N.Y.

Russell, E.S., 1931. Some theoretical considerations on the 'overfishing' problem. Journal Conseil International Exploration Met, 6: 3--27.

Steele, J.H. (Editor), 1970. Marine Food Chains. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 552 pp, Steele, J.H., 1974. Structure of Marine Ecosystems. Harvard University Press, Cambridge,

Mass. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 1973. Possible Adverse Effects of

the Exploitation of the Sea-Bed Beyond National Jurisdiction on Fishery Resources. TD/B/447. 13th Session, Geneva.

Watt, K. Fundamental problems involved in the rational exploitation of marine ]ife. Pacem in Maribus, 5.

Wenk, E., 1972. The Politics of the Ocean. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wash.

Resou rces: existing and potential

Ahlstrom, E.H., 1968. An evaluation of the fishery resources available to Californian fisheries. University of Washington Publication in Fisheries, 4: 65--79.

Anonymous, 1972. Estimated potential yield of fish per year in upwelling ecosystems (78). Science, 176: 970.

Bogorov, V.G., 1965. Quantitative estimation of the animal and plant populations of the ocean. Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 162 (5).

Bogorov, V.G. and Rass, T.S., 1961. On productivity and fishing prospects in the Indian Ocean. Okeanologiya, 1 (1) (in Russian).

Chapman, W.M., 1967. Fishery resources in offshore waters. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea; Offshore Boundaries and Zones. Proceedings of the First Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute. Ohio State University Press, Columbus Ohio, pp. 87--105.

Chapman, W.T., 1967. The bank of the world's fertility. Columbia Journal of World Business, 2 (1): 71--79.

Christy Jr., F.T., 1967. The distribution of the sea's wealth in fisheries. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea; Offshore Boundaries and Zones. Proceedings of the First Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute. Ohio State University Press, Columbus, Ohio.

FAO, 1958. The State of World Fisheries. FAO, Rome. FAO Department of Fisheries, 1972. Atlas of the Living Resources of the Seas. FAO and UNDP, 1971 (March). A plan for fishery development in the Indian Ocean.

Indian Ocean Programme, Indian Ocean Fishery Commission, IOFC/DEV/71/1.


Page 19: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Gulland, J.A., 1961. Fishery and the stocks of fish at Iceland. U.K. Ministry of Agricultu- re Fisheries, Fisheries Investment Series 2, 23 (4): 1--52.

Gulland, J.A. (Editor), 1972. The Fish Resources of the Ocean. Fishing News (Books), West Byfleet, 225 pp.

Hayasi, S., 1971. Stock assessment. Report Indian Ocean Program, IOFC/Dev, 71 (3): 34 pp.

Henderson, H.F., Ryder, R.A. and Kudhongania, A.W., 1973. Assessing fishery potentials of lakes and reservoirs. FAO Technical Conference on Fishery Management and Development, Vancouver, Canada.

Hickling, C.F., 1968. The Farming of Fish. Pergamon, New York, Oxford. Holt, S.J., 1969. The food resources of the ocean. Scientific American 221 (3): 178--194. Holt, S.J., 1970. The living resources of the sea-bed. In: Proceedings Symposium on the

International Regime of the Sea-Bed, Rome, 1969, pp. 185--194. Idyll, C.P., 1968. Resources of the sea. Part. 2. Food resources of the sea beyond the

continental shelf, excluding fish. UN Economic and Social Council, Document E/4449/Add.2 ,145 pp.

Iverson, E.S., 1968. Farming the Edge of the Sea. Fishing News (Books), London. Jackson, R.I., 1968. Some observations on the future growth of world fisheries and the

nature of the conservation problem. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea; The Future of the Sea's Resources. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I. University of Rhode Island, Kingston R.I., pp. 10--13.

Jones, S., 1966. A Preliminary Report on the Commercial Sea Fishes of the Western Sector of the Indo-Pacific Region. IPFC/c66/TECH/33, 28 pp.

Kabanova, V.G., 1961. Primary production and nutrients in the Indian Ocean. Ok. Is. .Mez. Kom. Pow. Akad. Nauk, pp. 72--75.

Kasahara, H., 1967. Food production from the ocean. In: Conference on Law, Organiza- tion and Security in the Use of the Ocean, 1.

Kasahara, K., 1968. Present and future prospect of Skipjack Fisheries. Bulletin Japan. Soc. Fish. Oceanogr.,13: 127--132.

Kask, J.L., 1963. Fisheries in the year 2000. Canadian Fisherman, 50 (6). Kawaguchi, K. et al., 1972. Geographical distribution of surface migratory myctophid

fishes in the tropical and subtropical Pacific and Indian Oceans. Bulletin Far Seas Fisheres Research Laboratories, 6: 23--38.

Koblentz-Mishke, O.I., Volkovinskii, K.V. and Kabanova, J.G., 1968. Recent data on the quantity of primary production of the world ocean. (in Russian), Dokl. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 183: 1189--1192.

Michanek, G., 1971. A preliminary appraisal of World seaweed resources. FAO Fisheries Circular, 128: 1--37.

Moiseev, P.A., 1964. Some data on the development and status of world fisheries. Problems of Ichthyology, 4 (2) (31).

Moiseev, P.A., 1969. Biological Resources of the World Ocean. Food Industry Publishers, Moscow.

Moiseev, P.A., 1969. The Living Resources of the World Ocean (in Russian). Moscow, English translation Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 334 pp.

Ricker, W.E., 1969. Food from the sea. In: P. Cloud (Editor), Resources and Man. National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Resources and Man, Washington, D.C.

Ryder, R.A., 1965. A method for estimating the potential fish production of north-tem- perate lakes. Transactions American Fisheries Society, 94 (3): 214--218.

Sauskan, V.E., 1966. Geographical distribution and fishery for hake. Rybnoe Khozyaistvo, 8.

Schaefer, M.B., 1965. The potential harvest of the sea. Transactions American Fisheries Society 94 (2): 123--128.


Page 20: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Schaefer, M.B. and Atverson, D.L., 1968. World fish potentials. In: Conference on ~;i~ Future of the Fishing Industry of the United States, University of Washingto~ Publications in Fisheries, New Series, 4: 81--85.

Steemann-Nielsen, E., ]954_ On organic production in the oceans. Journal Conseii International Exploration Mer, 19: 309--328.

Suda, A., 1969. Underexploited pelagic fish resources in the high seas. Enyo, 2: 2--;~ {i~ Japanese).

Tiews, K., 1966. On the possibilities for further developments of the South East Asian Fisheries. Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council Current Affairs Bulletin, 47 : 1--13.

Population dynamics of living resources

Allen, K.R., 1971. Relation between production and biomass. Journal Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 28: 1573--1581.

Bakken, E. and Dragesund, O., 1971. Fluctuation of pelagic fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic and their technological and economic effects on the fisheries. OECD Symposium on Fishery Economics, Paris, FI/T(71 ) 1: 6, 26 pp.

Baranov, F.I., 1918. On the question of the biological basis of fisheries. Nauchnyi lsste Dovatelskii Ikhtiologicheskii Institut, Izvestiia, 1 (1): 81--128.

Beverton, R.J.H. and Holt, S.J., 1957. On the Dynamics of Exploited Fish Populations. H.M. Stationery Office, London.

Chapman, D.G., 1961. Population dynamics of the alaska fur seal herd. Transactions 26th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, 1961, pp. 356--369.

Coulter, G.W., 1970. Population changes within a group of fish species in Lake Tanganyi- ka Following Their Exploitation. Journal of Fisheries Biology, 2 :329 353.

Cushing, D.H., 1969. Upwelling and fish production. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 84. 40 pp.

Dickie, L.M., 1972. Food chains and fish production. Special Publication Int. Comm. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, 8: 201--219.

Dietrich, G., (Editor), 1972. Upwelling in the ocean and its consequences. Geoforum, 1972, fasc. 11: 1--92.

Gulland, J.A., 1970. Food chain studies and some problems in world fisheries. In: J.H. Steele (Editor), Marine Food-chains, Oliver and Boyd, London, 296--315 pp.

Larkin, P.A., 1966. Exploitation in a type of predator--prey relationship. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 23 (3): 349--356.

McLaren, I.A., 1962. Population dynamics and exploitation of seals in the Eastern Canadian Arctic. In: E.D. Le Cren and M.W. Holdgate (Editors), The Exploitation of Natural Animal Populations. Wiley, New York, N.Y., pp. 168--183.

McHugh, J.L., 1972. Population dynamics and fisheries management. In: R. Thompson (Editor), Marine Fishery Resources. Proceedings from Oregon's 1971 National Discus- sion Forum. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oreg.

Murphy, G.I., 1965. A solution of the catch equation. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canafa, 22 (1): 191--202.

Nikolsky, G.V., 1956. Concerning the biological basis of the rate of exploitation and means of managing the abundance of fish stocks. Ocherki po Obshchim Voprosam Ikhtiologii (Essays on General Problems of Ichthyology). Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad, pp. 306--318. Translated by W.E. Ricker and reissued as FRB Trans. Set. No. 1857.

Nikolskii, G.V., 1962. On some adaptations to the regulation of population density in fish species with different types of stock structure. In: E.D. Le Cren and M.W. Holdgate (Editors), The Exploitation of Natural Animal Populations. Wiley, New York, N.Y., pp. 265 282.


Page 21: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Paloheimo, J.E. and Dickie, L.M., 1965. Food and growth of fishes, I.A. growth curve derived from experimental data. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 18 (5): 645--662.

Pella, J.J. and Tomlinson, P.K., 1969. A generalized stock production model. Bulletin Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, 13 (3): 421--496.

Ricker, W.E., 1954. Stock and recruitment. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 11 (5): 559--623.

Walford, L.A., 1958. Living Resources of the Sea. Ronald Press, New York, N.Y.

Species studies

Bazigos, G.P., 1971. Yield indices in inland fisheries with special references to Volta Lake. UNFAO Statistical Studies, ST. S/3 25 pp.

Bazigos, G.P., 1972. The yield pattern at Kainji Lake (Nigeria). UNDP Kainji Lake Research Project. FAO Statistical Studies, St. S/2.

Burukovskiy, R.N. (Editor), 1967. Antarctic Krill. Atlantic Science Research Institute for Fisheries and Oceanography, Kaliningrad (Translation U.S. Department of Commerce), 84 pp.

Cushing, D,H. and Bridget, J.P., 1966. The stock of herring in the North Sea and changes due to fishing. Fishery Investigations London, Series 2, 25 (1), 123 pp.

Johnson, L., 1972. Keller Lake: characteristics of a culturally unstressed salmonid community. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 29 (6): 731--740.

Mukhacheva, V.A., 1966. The comparison of species of the genus cyclothone in the Pacific Ocean. In: Fishes of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Biology and Distribution. Nauk SSSR, Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 73 :98- -146 (of English version).

Murphy, G.I., 1972. Fisheries in upwelling regions -- with special reference to Peruvian waters. Geoforum, 1972, fasc. 11, pp. 63--71.

Zenkevich, V.N. and Sauskan, V.E., 1968. On the ecology and fishery of Patagonian hake. Rybnoe Khozyaistvo, 1968 (2).

Economics of fisheries

Copes, P., 1970. Factor rents, sole ownership and the opt imum level of fisheries exploitation. Discussion Paper Series, No. 70-2-2. Simon Fraser University.

Christy Jr., F.T. and Scott, A., 1965. The Common Wealth in Ocean Fisheries; Some Problems of Growth and Economic Allocation. Resources for the Future by the Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md.

Christy, F.T., 1972. Fisheries: common property, open access, and the common heritage. Pacem in Maribus, 2: 87--111.

Crutchfield, J.A., 1964. The marine fisheries: a problem in international cooperation. American Economic Review, 54 (3): 207--218.

Crutchfield, J.A., 1967. Management of the North Pacific fisheries: economic objectives and issues. University of Washington Law Review, 43: 283--307.

Crutchfield, J.A. and Pontecorvo, G., 1962. Crisis in the fisheries. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist, 18 (9): 18--20.

Crutchfield, J.A. and Pontecorvo, G. 1969. The Pacific Salmon Fisheries: A Study of Irrational Conservation. Published for: Resources for the Future by the John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md.

Crutchfield, J.A. and Zellner, A., 1961. Economic aspects of the Pacific halibut fishery. In: Fishery Industrial Research, I (1). U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.

Gordon, H.S., 1954. The economic theory of a common property resource: the fishery. Journal of Political Economy, 62: 124--142.


Page 22: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Graham, M., 1935. Modern theory of exploiting a fishery and applicaiion to Norti; ~4ea trawling. Journal Conseil Exploration Mer, 10: 262--272.

Plourde, C.G., 197(}. A simple model of replenishable natural resource exploit~i:i(m American Economic Review, LX (3).

Quirk, J.P. and Smith, V.L, 1970. Dynamic economic models of fishing. In: A. ~cott (Editor), Economics of Fisheries Management: A Symposium, H.R. MacMillan Lec tures in Fisheries, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., pp: 3--32.

Schaefer, M.B., 1954. Fisheries dynamics and the concept of maximum equilibrium catch. Proceedings Gull' and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 6th Annual Session, ! 953. pp. 53--64.

Scott, A., 1954. The economic theory of a common property resource: the fishery. Journal of Political Economy, 62 :124 .

Scott, A., 1955. The fishery: the objectives of sole ownership. Journal of Political Economy, 63: 1] 6--124.

Smith, V., 1969. On models of commercial fishing. Journal of Political Economy, 77: 181--198.

Turvey, R., 1963. On divergences between social cost and private cost. Economica, 119. Turvey, R., 1964. Optimization and sub-optimization in fishery regulation. American

Economic Review, 54: 64--76. Turvey, R. and Wiseman, J. (Editors), 1957. The Economics of Fisheries. Proceedings of a

Round Table Organized by lEA, Rome. FAO, Rome.

Management and the systems view

Alverson, D.L. 1971. Science and fisheries management. Presented at: Natural Resources Public Policy Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, April 28, 1971.

Anthony, R.N., 1965. Planning and Control Systems, A Framework for Analysis. Grad- uate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Mass., 180 pp.

Booth, D.E., 1972. A model for optimal salmon managemer~t. Fisheries Bulletin U.S., 70 (2): 497--506.

Chapman, W.M., 1966. On the management of ocean fisheries. Prepared for: Fifth Session of the Governor's Advisory Commission on Ocean Resources, Monterey, September 29--30, 1966.

Chapman, W.M. The theory and practice of international fishery development manage- ment. Pacem in Maribus, 5.

Churchman, C.W., 1968. The Systems Approach. Dell, 243 pp. Crutchfield, J.A. (Editor), 1965. The Fisheries: Problems in Resource Management.

University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wash., 136 pp. Gulland, J,A., 1969. Fisheries management and the limitation of fishing. FAO Fisheries

Technical Paper, 92 :13 pp. Gulland, J.A., 1971. Science and fisheries management. Journal Conseil International

Exploration Met, 23 (3). Gulland, J.A., 1972. The scientific input to fishery management decision. Progress in

fishery and food science. University of Washington Publication in Fisheries, New" Series, 5: 23.

Hare Jr., V.C., 1967. Systems Analysis; A Diagnostic Approach. Harcourt, Brace and World, New York, N.Y., 544 pp.

Howard, R.A., 1960. Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes. Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology Press, Cambridge, Mass., 136 pp.

Joseph, J., 1972. How do we obtain information to develop usable management parame- ters? In: R. Thompson (Editor), Marine Fishery Resources (Proceedings from OregOn's 1971 National Discussion Forum). Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oreg.


Page 23: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Marr, J.C., 1972. Information for real-time decisions and for understanding in fishery science. Progress in fishery and food science. University of Washington Publication in Fisheries, New Series, 5: 29.

Regier, H.A. (in press). Application of Ecological Theory to the Conservation of Fishery Resources. Proceedings FAO/SIDA Course on Marine Pollution, GSteborg.

Regier, H.A. and Henderson, H.F., (in press). Towards an ecological model of fish communities and fisheries. Transactions American Fisheries Society, 102.

Regier, H.A. and Kelley, D.W., 1971. Fish and fisheries in the context of environmental concern. FAO fisheries Technical Paper, 110 FIR/T 110.

Rothschild, B.J. and Balsiger, J.W., 1971. A linear-programming solution to salmon management. Fisheries Bulletin, U.S., 69 (1): 117--140.

Rounds, G.L., 1971. Management sciences -- systems science and management consulting. Presented at: U.N. Industrial Development Organization Meeting on Development of Management Consultancy in Latin America, Santiago, Chile, July 5--9, 1971. Temps. Research, Seattle, Wash.

Schaefer, M.B. Investigation, conservation and management of the fisheries of the high seas. Pacem in Maribus, 5.

Regulation: history, institutions, and methods

Allen, E.W., 1971. Law, fish and policy. International Lawyer: 621--636. Bishop Jr., W.W., 1962. The 1958 Geneva Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the

Living Resources of the High Seas. Columbia Law Review, 62 (7): 1206--1229. Burke, W.T., 1967. Aspects of international decision-making processes in intergovernmen-

tal fishery commissions, University of Washington Law Review, 43:115--178. Campbell, B.A., 1972. Limited Entry in the Salmon Fishery: The British Columbia

Experience, PASGAP 6. Carlander, K.D., 1969. An operational functional classification of fishery management

techniques. Verh. Internat. Verein Limnol., 17: 636--640. Carroz, J.E. Living resource management: regional fishery bodies. Pacem in Maribus, 2. Carroz, J.E. and Roche, A.G., 1967. The proposed international commission for the

conservation of Atlantic tunas. American Journal of International Law, 61 : 673--702. Chapman, W.M., 1963. The theory and practice of the 12-mille fishery limit. Prepared

for: Gulf and Fisheries Institute, 16th Annual Session, 9. Chapman, W.M., 1967. The theory and practice of international fisheries commissions

and bodies. Paper presented to: Symposium on International Fishery Problems, Gulf Caribbean Fisheries Institute, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Chapman, W.M., 1968. The United States fish industry and the 1958 and 1960 United Nations conferences on the law of the sea. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea: International Rules and Organization for the Sea. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, Rhode Island. University of Rhode Island, Kingston R.I., pp. 35--63.

Crutchfield, J.A., 1968. The convention on fishing and the living resources of the high seas. Natural Resources Lawyer, 1: 115--124.

Crutchfield, J.A., 1968. National quotas for the North Atlantic fisheries: an exercise in second best. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea: International Rules and Organization for the Sea. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, Rhode Island. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I.

Cushing, D.H., 1972. A history of some of the international fisheries commissions. Proceedings Royal Society Edinburgh (B), 73: 361--390.

Davis, M., 1963. Iceland Extents its Fisheries Limits; A Political Analysis. Universitetsfor- laget, Oslo, 136 pp.


Page 24: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Fleischer, C.A., 1965. Norway's policy on fisheries, 1958--1964. In: British Institute ~:~i' International and/Comparative Law; Developments in the Law of the Sea, ! 958- lf~t-;4 London, pp. 92--109~

Goldie, L.F.E., 1969. The oceans' resources and international Law -- possible develop ments in regional fisheries management. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 8 (1): 1--53.

Gotlieb, A.E., 1964. The Canadian contribution to the concept of a fishing zone m international law. In: Canadian Yearbook of International Law, vol. 2. University oi! British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.

Halperin, D.J., 1971. Conservation, policy, and the role of counsel. Maine Law Review. 23: 119.

Holt, S.J., 1969. Economic resources of the sea-bed and their regime. The living resources (flora and fauna) of the sea-bed. Prepared for: International Symposium of t:he International Regime of the Sea-Bed at Rome, June 30 - - Ju ly 5, 1969.

Johnston, D.M., 1968. The legal theory of fishery organization. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea: International Rules and Organization for the Sea. Proceed- ings of the Third Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, Rhode Island, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I.

Kasahara, H. International aspects of the exploitation of the living resources of the sea. Background Paper for Preparatory Conference No. 3, Pacem in Maribus.

Kask, J.L., 1968. Present arrangements for fishery exploitation. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea: The Future of the Sea's Resources. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, Rhode Island, 1967. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I.

Koers, A.W., 1973. International Regulation of Marine Fisheries: A Study of Regional Fisheries Organizations. Fishing News (Books), London. (This book has an extensive bibliography, but it is focussed mainly on legal and institutional matters. )

McKernan, D.L., 1968. A developing policy for international fisheries. In: L.M. Alexan- der (Editor), Law of the Sea: The Future of the Sea's Resources. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of te Law of the Sea Instit,~,~e, Kingston, Rhode Island, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I.

McKernan, D.L., 1968. International fisheries arrangements beyond the twelve mile limit. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea: International Rules and Organization for the Sea. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, R.I. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I.

McKernan, D.L., 1970. International fishery regimes: current and future. In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea: National Policy Recommendations. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I.

McKernan, D.L., 1972. Problems and history of international fisheries issues. In: R. Thompson (Editor), Marine Fishery Resources (Proceedings from Oregon's 1971 National Discussion Forum). Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oreg.

Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, 1972. Fisheries Jurisdiction in Iceland. Oda, S., 1968. Distribution of the fish resources of the high seas; free competition or

artificial quotas? In: L.M. Alexander (Editor), Law of the Sea: The Future of the Sea's Resources. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, Rhode Island, 1967. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.i., pp. 29--31.

Sinclair, S., 1960. Licence Limitation -- British Columbia -- A Method of Economic Fisheries Management. Department of Fisheries of Canada, Ottawa, Ont.

Sehram, G.G., 1972. Proposed International Fishery Regimes and the Accommodation of the Interests of Different Groups: Coastal States. Law of the Sea Institute, University of Rhode Usland, Kingston, R.I.

Tomasevich, J., 1943. International Agreements on Conservation of Marine Resources with Special Reference to the North Pacific. Stanford, Calif., 297 pp.

1 7 0

Page 25: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Volkov, A.A., 1968. Contemporary principles of international regulation of open sea fishing. Soviet Yearbook of International Law, 1966--1967, pp. 203--218. (in Rus- sian).

Conferences on living resources

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1973. Technical Conference on Fishery Management and Development. FAO Fisheries Report, 134. FID/R 134/EN.

Hamlisch, R. (Editor), 1962. The economic effects of fishery regulation. FAO Fisheries Report, 5.

International Technical Conference on the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Sea, 1955. Rome, UN Doc. A/CONF. 10/7.

Loftus, K.H. and Regier, H.A. (Editors), 1972. Proceedings of the symposium on sal- monid communities in oligotrophic lakes. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 29 (6): 611--986.


General works

American Association for the Advancement of Science (G. Lauff, Editor). 1967. Estua- ries, Publication 83.

Batelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, 1968. The Economic and Social Importance of Estuaries.

Brahtz, J.F.P., 1972. Coastal Zone Management: Multiple Use With Conservation. Wiley, New York., N.Y. (Chapters on individual activities, e.g., shipping, recreation, each with a bibliography.)

Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources, 1969. Our Nation and the Sea. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (Including panel reports, vol. 1,2, and 3.)

Council on Environmental Quality, 1970. Environmental Quality. The First Annual Report. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

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Davies, J.L., 1973. Geographical Variation in Coastal Development. Hafner, New York, N.Y.

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Hite, J.C. and Stepp, J.M. (Editors), 1971. Coastal Zone Resource Management. Praeger, New York, N.Y.

Hood, D.W. (Editor). Impingement of Man on the Oceans. Wiley--Interscience, New York, N.Y., pp. 503--528.

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Economic issues

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Water resources management

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Teal, J.M. 1962. Energy flow in the salt marsh ecosystem of Georgia. Ecology, 43: 614--624.


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Living resources

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Pruter, A.T., 1972. Foreign and domestic fisheries for groundfish, herring, and shellfish in continental shelf waters off Oregon, Washington and Alaska. Woods Hole, Massachus- etts. Workshop on Critical Problems of the Coastal Zone, unpublished working paper, 16 pp.

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Shaw, S.P. and Fredine, C.G., 1956. Wetlands of the U.S. -- Their extent and their value to waterfowl and other wildlife. Washington, D.C., Fish and Wildlife Service Circular, 39.

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Energy resources

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Barfield, C.E., 1971. Energy report/Calvert Cliffs decision requires agencies to get tough with environmental laws. National Journal, 3 (38): 1925 1933.

Bureau of Mines, 1971. Outer Continental Shelf Oil, Gas, Sulfur, and Salt, Leasing, Drilling, Production, Income, and Related Statistics, 1971. U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Annual Petroleum Statements, December 23, 197t . Bureau of Mines Annual Statistical Review, A.P.I., Washington, D.C.

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Shell Oil Company, 1972. The National Energy Position. Shell Oil Company, Houston. Texas, 22 pp.

Snyder, G.R., 1968. Nuclear Power. U.S. Fisheries Bureau of Commerical Fisheries. Seat ~ tle, Wash.

Transport and shipping

Architecture Research Center, 1971. Port and Harbor Development System. College of Architecture and Environmental Design. Texas A and M University, College StatiOn, Texas.


Page 31: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Borland, S. and Oliver, M., 1972. Port Expansion in the Puget Sound Region, 1970--2000. Division of Marine Resources, Seattle, Wash.

Bragg, D.M. and Bradley, J.R., 1971. Work Plan for a Study of the Feasibility of an Offshore Terminal in the Texas Gulf Coast Region. Texas A and M University, College Station, Texas, Sea Grant Program, TAMU-SG-71-212.

Brockel, H., 1972. The Modern Challenge to Port Management. University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Program, Madison, Wisc. WIS-SH-72-321.

Cronin, L.E., 1971. Preliminary Analysis of the Ecological Aspects of Deep Port Creation and Supership Operation. U.S. Army Engineer Institute for Water Resources, Washing- ton, D.C., IWR Report 71-10, 31 pp.

Cronin, L.E. et al., 1971. Preliminary Analysis of the Ecological Aspects of Deep Port Creation and Supership Operation. University of Maryland, Solomons, Md.

Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, 1970. Waterborne Commerce of the United States, Calender Year 1970, part 5, National Summaries. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C.

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Schenker, E., 1970. Present and Future Income and Employment Generated by the St. Lawrence Seaway. Reprinted from The Seaway Review, 1 (3).

Schenker, E. et al., 1970. An Estimation of the Quantitative Impact of the St. Lawrence Seaway on the Hinterlands Economy. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Great Lakes Research. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc., WIS-SG- -71-309.

Simmons, H.B., 1965. Channel Depth as a Factor in Estuarine Sedimentation. U.S. Army Engineer Committee on Tidal Hydraulics, Vicksburg, Miss., Technical Bulletin, no. 8.

Soros Associates, Inc., 1972. Feasibility Study on the Evaluation of Deep Water Offshore Terminals for the Maritime Administration. U.S. Department of Commerce, Washing- ton, D.C.

Texas and University Sea Grant Program, 1972. Economic Development Study of the Texas Coastal Zone.

Environmental issues, A: conflicts between uses

Bader, R.G., Roessler, M.A. and Voss, G.L., 1972. Power production, heat dispersion and possible solutions. Symposium on Biological Effects of Electrical Power Generation. Florida Academy of Sciences, Miami, Fla.

Blumer, M., Souza, G. and Sass, J., 1970. Hydrocarbon pollution of edible shellfish by an oil spill. Marine Biology, 5: 195--202.

Borman, F.H., Likens, G.E., Fisher, D.W. and Pierce, R.S., 1968. Nutrient loss accelerated by clearcutting of a forest ecosystem. Science, 159: 882--884.

Brown, C.L. and Clark, R., 1968. Observations on dredging and dissolved oxygen in a tidal waterway. Water Resources Research, 4 (6): 1381--1384.


Page 32: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Brownell, R.L. and LeBoeui:~ B.J., 1971. California sea lion mortality: natural ~:~ artifact? Biological and Oceanographic Survey of the Santa Barbara Channel Oil Spili 1967--1970. Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, [,~,~.

O • Angeles, Calif., 1: ,87--306. Burton, I, Kates, R.W. and Snead, R., 1969. The Human Ecology ol" Coastal Floo(i

Hazard in Megalopolis. Department of Geography Research Papers, University of Ctli cago, Chicago, Ill.

Chapman, D.W., 1962. Effects of logging upon fish resources of west coast. Journal oJ Forestry.

Cory, R.L. and Baumann, J.W., 1969. Epifauna and Thermal additions in the Upper Patuxent River Estuary. Chesapeake Science, 10 (3): 210--217.

Croning, L.E., Gunter, G. and Hopkins, S.H:, 1971. Effects of Engineering Activities on Coastal Ecology. Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C. (revised) 48 pp.

Croke, E.J. et al., 1972. The Relationship Between Land Use and Environmental Protec- tion. Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Ill.

Davis, H.C. and Hidu, H., 1969. Effects of turbidity-producing substances in sea water on eggs and larvae of three genera of bivalve mollusks.

Ehrhardl., M., 1972. Petroleum hydrocarbons in oysters from Galveston Bay. Environ- mental Pollution.

Gunn, C.A., 1970. A new approach to coastal tourism development. Presented at: Nation- al Marine Recreation Conference, Long Beach, California, May, 1970.

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Hedgpeth, J.W. and Gonor, J., 1969. Aspects of the potential effects of thermal alteration on marine and estuarine benthos. In : P.A. Krenkel and F.L. Parker (Editors), Biological Aspects of Thermal Polkution, Proceedings National Symposium on Thermal Pollution. F.W.P.C.B., Portland, Oreg. and Vanderbilt University, pp. 80--118.

Heinle, D.R., 1969. Temperature and zooplankton. Chesapeake Science, 10 (3): 186--209.

Hess, H.D., 1971. Sand and gravel dredging reaches major proportions. Presentation to: WODA, Pacific Chapter Meetings 2 March--6 April, San Francisco, California.

Hibbert, A.R., 1967. Forest treatment effects on water yield. In: W.E. SoOper and W.L. Lull (Editor), International Symposium on Forest Hydrology. Pergamon, New York, pp. 527 -543.

Hoffman, G.I., 1971. Trace Metals in the Hawaiian Marine Atmosphere. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, Thesis.

Merlini, M., 1971. Heavy-metal Contamination. In: D.W. Hood (Editor), Impingement of Man on the Oceans. Wiley--Interscience, New York, N.Y., pp. 461--486.

Nash, R.G. and Woolson, C.A., 1967. Persistence of chlorinated hydrocarbons in soils. Science, 157: 924--927.

National Academy of Engineering. Panel on Operations Safety in Offshore Resource Development, 1972. Outer Continental Shelf Resource Development Safety: A Review of Technology and Regulations for the Systematic Minimization of Environmental Intrusion. U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C.

National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 1971. Marine Environmental Quality. Ocean. Sci- ence Committee, National Academy of Sciences National Resource Council, Washington, D.C., 107 pp.


Page 33: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Nugent, R., 1971. Elevated temperatures and electric power plants. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 99: 848--849.

Odum, H.T., 1963. Productivity measurements in Texas turtle grass and the effects of dredging on intercoastal channel. Publications of the Institute of Marine Science (Texas), 9: 48--58.

Odum, W.E., 1970. Insidious alteration of the estuarine environment. Transactions Am- erican Fisheries Society, 99 (4): 836--847.

Ortolano, L. and Hill, W.W., 1972. An Analysis of Environmental Statements for Corps of Engineers Water Projects. Civil Engineer Department, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif., November, 1971, (revised May 1972).

Patrick, R., 1969. Some effects of temperature on freshwater algae. In: P.A. Krenkel and F.L. Parker (Editors), Biological Aspects of Thermal Pollution, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, Tenn., pp. 161--190.

Reeve, M.R. and Cosper, E., 1971. Acute effects of power plant intrainment on copepod Acartia tousa. Report of FAO World Conference on Pollution in the Ocean, Dec. 9--18, 1970. FAO Fisheries Report, 99.

Roessler, M.A. and Zieman Jr., J.C., 1970. The effects of thermal additions on the biota of southern Biscayne Bay, Florida. Proceedings Gulf Caribbean Fisheries InStitute, 22nd Annual Session, pp. 136--145. Sport Fishing Institute Bulletin, 232 (March 1972), p. 7.

Rosenzweig, M.L., 1971. Paradox or enrichment: destabilization of exploitation of eco- systems in ecological time. Science, 171 : 385--387.

Ryther, J.H., 1954. The ecology of phytoplankton blooms in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay, Long Island, New York. Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole), 196: 198--209.

Simmons, H.B. and Herrmann, F.A., 1969. Some effects of man-made changes in the hydraulic, salinity, and shoaling regimens of estuaries. Proceedings GSA Symposium on Estuaries.

Stauffer, R.C., 1937. Changes in the invertebrate community of a lagoon after disappear- ance of the eelgrass. Ecology, 18: 427--431.

Taylor, J.L. and Saloman, C.H., 1968. Some effects of hydraulic dredging and coastal development in Boca Grega Bay, Florida. Fisheries Bulletin, 67: 213- 241.

Thorhaug, A., Stearns, R.D. and Pepper, S., 1972. Effects of heat on Thalassia testu- dinum in Biscayne Bay. Proceedings Florida Academy of Sciences (in press).

Thorhaug, A., Devany, T. and Murphy, B., 1971. The effects of temperature on shrimp. Proceedings Gulf of Caribbean Fishery Institute.

Tasai, C.F., 1968. Effects on chlorinated seawage effluents on fishes in Upper Patuxent River, Maryland. Chesapeake Science, 9: 83--93.

Valiela, I. and Teal, J.M., 1972. Nutrient and sewage sludge enrichments in a salt marsh ecosystem. Proceedings Intcol. Symposium Physiological Ecology of Plants and Ani- mals in Extreme Environments.

Welch, E.B., 1968. Phytoplankton and related water-quality conditions in an enriched estuary. Journal Water Pollution Contributions Federal, 40 : 1711--1727.

Environmental issues, B: waste disposal and pollution

Ahern, W., 1971. The Falmouth Sewage Disposal Problem. A paper produced for the public policy program, Harvard University (unpublished).

Bader, R.G., Roessler, M.A. and Thorhaug, A., 1970. Thermal pollution of a tropical marine estuary. FAO World Conference on Pollution in the Ocean, Dec. 9-13, 1970. FAO Fisheries Report, no. 99. FIR :MP/7 OE-4:1-6.

Barlow, J.P., Lorenzen, C.J. and Myren, R.T., 1963. Eutrophication of a tidal estuary. Limnology and Oceanography, 8: 251--262.

1 7 9

Page 34: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Biggs, R., 1967. Overboard soil disposal t. Interior report on environmental effe~t~ Proceedings National Symposium on Estuarine Pollution. Stanford University. P ~ , Alto, Calif.

Blumer, M. and Sass, J., ] 972. The West Falmouth oil spill II, Chemistry. Woods H~ie Oceanographic Institute, Technical Report, no. 72-19.

Blumer, M., Sanders, H.S., (~rassle, J.F. and Hampson, G.R., 1971. A small oil spiii. Environment, 13 :2 12.

Boyd, M.C., 1972. Disposal of Dredge Spoil, Problem Identification and Assessment and Research Plan Development. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., unpublished manuscript.

Burns, K.A. and Teal, J.M., 1971.. Hydrocarbon incorporation into the salt marsh eco~ system from the West Falmouth oil spill. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Techni- cal Report, no. 71 -69.

Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, 1970. Gross Physical-Biological Effects of Overboard Spoil Disposal in Upper Chesapeake Bay. Final report to U.S: Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Solomons, Md.

Cowell, E.B., 1971. Some effects of poll pollution in Milford Haven, U.K. Proceedings Joint Conference on Prevention and Control of Oil Spills. American Petroleum Insti- tute, Washington, D.C., pp. 429--436.

Council on Environmental Quality, 1970. Ocean Dumping, A National Policy. U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C., Report to the President.

Coutant, C.C., 1969. Temperature reproduction and behavior. Chesapeake Science, 10 (3): 261 274.

Donis, G.E. and Snyder, G.R., 1967. Aspects of Thermal Pollution that Endanger Sal- monoid Fish in the Columbia River. U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Seattle. Wash.

Egorov, V.V., Zhigalovskaya, T.N. and Malokhov, S.G., 1970. Microelement content of surface air above the continent and the ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 75: 3650--3656.

Environmental Quality Laboratory (EQL), 1971. People, Power and Pollution. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., Report no. 1.

Foster, M., Neushel, M. and Zingmark, R., 1970. The Santa Barbara oil spill II. Initial effects on littoral and kelp bed organisms. Santa Barbara Oil Pollution, 1969. F.W.P.C.A. Water Pollution Control Research Series, pp. 25--44.

Foyn, E., 1971. Municipal wastes. In: D.W. Hood (Editor), Impingement of Man on the Oceans. Wiley--Interscience, New York, N.Y., pp. 445--459.

Gross, M.G., 1970. Analysis of Dredged Wastes, Flyash, and Waste Chemicals -- New York Metropolitan Region. Stony Brook, Marine Science Research Center, SUNY. Technical Report, no. 7.

tlampson, G.R. and Sanders, H.L., 1969. Local oil spill. Oceanus, 15: 8--10. Hedgperth, J.W. and Gonor, J.J., 1969: Aspects of the potential effect on thermal atatera-

tion on marine and estuarine benthos. In: P.A. Krenkel and F.L. Parker (Editors), Biological Aspects of Thermal Pollution. Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, Tenn., pp. 80--118.

Holmes, R.W.. 1969. The Santa Barbara oil spill. In: P.P. Hoult (Editor), Oil on the Sea, Plenum, New York, N.Y., pp. 15--27.

Hood, D.W., 1972. Pollution of the world's oceans. In: C.L. Bretschneider (Editor), Topics in Ocean Engineering, Vol. 4. Gulf Publication Company, Houston, Texas, in press.

Hood, D.W., Stevensen, B. and Jeffrey, L.M., 1958. The deep sea disposal of industrial wastes. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 50: 885--888.

IDOE, 1972. Baseline Studies of Pollutants in the Marine Environment and Research Recommendations. IDOE Baseline Conference, May 24~26, 1972, New York, N.Y.I 54 pp.


Page 35: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Ketchum, B.H., 1969. Eutrophication of Estuaries, Eutrophication: Causes, Conse- quences, Correctives. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., pp. 197--209.

Krenkel, P.A. and Parker, F.L., 1969. Engineering aspects, sources and magnitude of thermal plllution. In: P.A. Krenkel and F.L. Parker (Editors), Biological Aspects of Thermal Pollution. Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, Tenn., pp. 10--61.

Mosser, J.L., Fisher, N.S. and Wurster, C.F., 1970. Polychorinated biphenyls and DDT alter species composition in mixed cultures of algae. Scienc., 176: 533--535.

National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 1971. Radioactivity in the Marine Environment. National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C.

Okuba, A., 1971. Horizontal and vertical mixing in the sea. Impingement of Man on the Oceans, edited by D.W. Hood. Wiley--Interscience, New York, N.Y., pp. 89--168.

Parker, F.L. and Krenkel, P.A., 1969. Thermal Pollution: Status of the Art. Vanderbilt University Department of Environmental Water and Resources Engineering, Nashville, Tenn.

Revelle, R., Wenk, E., Ketchum, B.H. and Corino, E.R., 1971. Ocean pollution by petro- leum hydrocarbons. In: F.E. Smith and E.D. Goldberg (Editors), Man's Impact on Terrestrial and Ocean Ecosystems. M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 279--318.

Sanders, H.L., Grassle, J.F. and Hampson, G.R., 1972. The West Falmouth oil spill I. Biology. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, Mass., Technical Report, no. 72-20.

Smith, J.E. (Editor), 1968. Torrey Canyon -- Pollution and Marine Life. Cambridge Univ- ersity Press, New York, N.Y.

Sorge, E.V., 1969. The status of thermal discharge east of the Mississippi River. Chesa- peake Science, 3 (4): 131--138.

St. Amant, L.S., 1971. Impacts of oil on the Gulf Coast. Transactions 36th American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, pp. 206--219.

Straughan, D., 1971. Biological and Oceanographic Survey of the Santa Barbara Channel Oil Spill 1967--70. Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif.

United States Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, 1971. Model Studies of Outfall Systems for Desalination Plants. Part 2, Tests for Effluent Dispersion in Select- ed Estuary Models. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., Research Report, H-71-2.

Studies of particular coastal areas

Anderson, R. and Wobber, F.J., 1972. Wetland maps in New Jersey. Proceedings 38th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Photogrammetry. American Society of Photogrammetry, Washington, D.C.

Bader, R.G. and Roessler, M.A., 1972. An Ecological Study of South Biscayne Bay and Card Sound. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Annual Report.

Bendix Bradberry Associates, 1968. California's Coastal Zone. California Advisory Com- mission on Marine and Ocean Resources and the Interagency Council on Ocean Re- sources.

Coastal Plains Center for Marine Development Services. Proceedings of the Seminar on Planning and Engineering in the Coastal Zone, June 8--9, 1972. Charleston. South Carolina. Wilmington, N.C.

Countryside Commission (England), 1968. The Coasts of England and Wales: Measure- ments of Use, Protection and Development.

Countryside Commission (England), 1969. Coastal Recreation and Holidays. Coastal Preservation and Development: A Study of the Coastline of England and Wales.

Dolan, R. et al., 1972. Classification of the Coastal Environments of the World: Part ! -- The Americas. University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences, Charlot- tesville, Va.


Page 36: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Forste, R.H. (Editor), 1970. Proceedings of the New England Coastal Zone Manageme~ ! Conference. New England Center for Continuing Education, Durham, N.H.

Hall, A.E., 1969. Management and Economic Research, Inc. Shoreline Utilization in ~i~(+ Greater Seattle Area. Marine Science Council.

Healey, W.R. (Editori, 1971. Proceedings of the Second New England Coastal Zo~+ Management Conference. New England Council, Boston, Mass.

Louisiana, Advisory Commission on Coasta[ and Marine Resources, 1973 Wetlands " ; 5 Toward Coastal Zone Management in Louisiana. Baton Rouge, La.

May, E.B., 1973. Environmental Elects of Hydraulic Dredging in Estuaries. Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Marine Resources Divison, Dauphin Island, Alabama.

Metzgar, R.G. (Editor), 1968. Catalog of Natural Areas in Maryland. State Planning Department 148, Annapolis, Md, 108 pp.

National Parks Commission (England), 1967. The Coasts of South-West England. National Parks Commission (England), 1967. The Coasts of Hampshire and the isle of

Wight. National Parks Commission (England), 1967. The Coasts of Kent and Sussex. National Parks Commission (England), 1968. The Coasts of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. National Parks Commission (England), 1968. The Coasts of North Wales. National Parks Commission (England), 1968. The Coasts of North-East England. National Parks Commission (England), 1968. The Coasts of North-West England. Natural Resources Council Of Maine, 1972. Natural Areas Inventory of Maine. Natural

Resources Council of Maine, State Technical Report, Augusta, Maine. New York State Sea Grant Program, 1973. Managing our coastal zone. In: Proceedings of

a Conference on Coastal Zone Management February 20--21, 1973 at Albany, New York. State University of New York, Stony Brook, N.Y.

Putnam, W.C. et al., 1960. Natural Coastal Environments of the World. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.

Sharky, B.G. and Sorensen, J.C., 1969. Coastal Zone Planning in the United States. California, Interagency Council on Ocean Resources.

Smith, F.A. et al., 1970. Fourteen Selected Marine Resources Problems of Long Island, New York: Descriptive Evaluations. Travelers Research Corporation, Hartford, Conn.

State of California, Resources Agency, 1972. California Comprehensive Ocean Area Plan. Background, History and Administrative Framework, Organization, Responsibilitie~ and Policies, Definition of Coastal Zone. State of California, Resources Agency, Sacra- mento, Department of Navigation and Ocean Development, COAP Development Pro- gram, 12 pp.

Steers, J.A., 1966. The English Coast and the Coast of Wales, Fontana, London. Sykes, J.E., 1964. Multiple utilization of Gulf Coast estuaries. Proceedings of the South-

east Game and Fish Commission, 17th Annual Conference, 1963; pp. 323--326. Texas A and M University. Coastal Land Resources: Conference Proceedings, TAMU-SG-

-71-101. Trident Engineering Associates, 1968. Chesapeake Bay Case Study. Marine Science Coun"

cil. Wisconsin, University of (Madison), 1972. Sea Grant Program. Multiple-Use Problems in

the Great Lakes. Madison, Wisc.

Systems approaches

Gaither, W.S. and Sides, J.P., 1963. Systems approach to petroleum pat site selections, Proceedings IX Conference on Coastal Engineering, London.

Pearson, J.D., 1969. Control, hierarchical: In: A.R. Meethom (Editor), Encyctopediaof Linguistics, Information and Control. Pergamon, Oxford, pp. 113--115.


Page 37: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Quade, E.S. and Boucher, W.I., 1968. Systems Analysis and Policy Planning, Applications in Defense. Elsevier, New York, N.Y., pp. 418--429.

Ray, P.H. and Duke, R.D., 1968. The environment of decision-makers in urban gaming simulations. In: W.D. Coplin (Editor), Simulation in the Study of Politics. Markham, Chicago, Ill., pp. 149--179.

Shapiro, S., 1969. Control by the maximum principle. In: A.R. Meethom (Editor), Ency- clopedia o f Linguistics. Information and Co ntrol. Pergamon, Oxford, pp. 101--106.

Shimkin, D.B., 1965. Human ecology and resource management: an application to the Great Lakes. Proceedings, Eight Conference on Great Lakes Research. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Mich., pp. 3--12.

Simmons, H.B., Harrison, J. and Huval, C.J., 1971. Predicting Construction Effects By Tidal Modeling. U.S. Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., Mis- cellaneous Paper, H-71-6.

Sorenson, J.C., 1971. A Framework for Identification and Control of Resource Degrada- tion and Conflict in the Multiple Use of the Coastal Zone. Department of Landscape Architecture, University of California, Berkeley, Calif.

Twiss, R.H. and Sorensen, J.C., 1972. Methods for Environmental Planning of the Califor- nia Coastline, manuscript. University of California, College of Environmental Design, Berkeley, Calif.

Walsh, J.J., 1972. Implications of a systems approach to oceanography, Science, 176: 969--975.

Information: requirements, collection, and use

Cheney, P.B., 1970. The Development of a Procedure and Knowledge Requirements for Marine Resource Planning: Functional Step Two, Knowledge Requirements, Travelers Research Corporation, Hartford, Conn.

Eitel, D.F., 1972. An Overview of Remote Sensing for Wetlands Investigations, Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, U.S., Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C.

Ellis, R.H. et al., 1972. The Design of a Management Information System for Coastal Resources Planning. Center for Environment and Man, Hartford, Conn.

Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1972. Environmental Recon- naissance Inventory. Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers, Wash- ington, D.C., Circ. EC-1165-2-113.

Gunn, C.A., 1969. Annotated Bibliography of Resource Use: Texas Gulf Coast. Texas A and M University Sea Grant Program, TAMU-SG-70-204.

Livingstone, R., 1965. A Preliminary Bibliography with KWIC Index on the Ecology of Estuaries and Coastal Areas of the Eastern United States. U.S. Department Interior, Washington, D.C., Fish and Wildlife Service, Special Sci. Report. Fisheries, 507, iii + 352 pp.

Morgan, J.G. and Coutant, C.C., 1972. Indexed Bibliography of the Thermal Effects Literature - - 2. Nuclear Safety Information Center, Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Nash, R.A., 1970. Permanent Coastal Zone Data Inventor and Inventory System. State of California Resources Agency, Sacramento, Department of Navigation and Ocean Development, prepared by Space Division, North American Rockwell, SD 70--636, v + 133 pp.

O'Connor, D.M., 1972. Information Management for Environmental Decisions. A Final Report on Development of Improved Methodologies and Advances in the State of the Art for Law/Economics in Environmental Data Management. National Technical In- formation Service, U.S. Department Commerce, Washington, D.C., Contract No. NAS8-26897, GURC/NASA(MTF)-OLI, ii + 24 pp.

Smit, E.B. and Butler, J.H., 1970. An Expertise System for the Marine Resources In- formation Center. Texas A and M University Sea Grant Program, TAMU-SG-70-207.


Page 38: Bibliography on marine affairs, I

Sorensen, J. and Demers, M., 1973, Coastal Zone Bibliography: Citations to Docum~,ms on Planning, Resources Management and Impact Assessment. University of Caii~'~-,i~:~ Institute of Marine Resources, La Jolla, Calif.

Taeuber, C., 1970. Population trends of the 1960s. Science, 176(4036): 773 -777~ United States Department of the Interior National Natural Resource Information Syste~u

(USDI), 1972. Fb~al Draft. Director of Regional Planning, U.S.D.I., Washington, D.C,, 100 pp.

Yost, E. et al., 197-1. Multispectral Photographic Remote Sensing of Coastal Envir~m ~ ments. Long Island University, Greenvale, N.Y.

Institutional and policy aspects

Bradley Jr., E.H. and Armstrong, J.M., 1972. A description and analysis of coastal z~me and shorelands management programs in the United States. University of Michigan Sea Grant Program, Michigan University, Ann Arbor, Mich., Section 72-284, pp. 267--298.

Craine, L.E., 1971. Institutions for managing lakes and bays. Natural Resources Journal, 11: 519--545.

Garretson, A., 1968. The Land--Sea Interface of the Coastal Zone of the United States: Legal Problems Arising Out of Multiple Use and Conflicts of Private and Public Rights and Interests. Marine Science Council.

Hawaii Department of Planning and Economic Development, 1969. Comprehensive Out- door Recreation Plan. Department of Planning and Economic Development, Honolu!u, prepared by Donald Wolbrink and Associates, Inc., and Arthur D. Little, Inc.

Knight, H.G., 1970. Proposed systems of coastal zone management: an interim analysis. Natural Resources Lawyer, 3: 599.

Leving, M.R., 1972. Community and Regional Planning: Issues in Public Policy. Praeger, New York, N.Y.

Magnuson, W.G., 1970. Treaties and Other International Agreements on Oceanographic Resources, Fisheries, and Wildlife to which the United States is a Party. Committee Print, 91st Congress, 2nd session, 672 pp.

New England Marine Resources Information Program, 1969. Outdoor recreational uses of coastal areas. New England Marine Resources Information Program, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., 1: 18.

Padelford, N.J., 1968. Public Policy and the Use of the Seas. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.

Padelford, N.J. 1970. Public Policy for the Seas. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.

Padelford, N.J. and Cook, J.E., 1971. New Dimensions of U.S. Marine Policy. Massachus- etts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.

Warren, R. et al., 1972. Designing Coastal Management Agencies: Problems in Allocating Coastal Resources. University of Southern California, Center for Urban Affairs. Los Angeles, Calif.

This selected bibliography has been prepared with the assistence of the Ocean Economics and Technology Office, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York, N.Y.