New York State Fair Mounted Police Going on Duty Nothing has done more to popularize the New York State Fair than the adoption of a plan by which the immense crowds that attend it are looked after by experienced people who come from the police departments of the different cities of the state. The above cut represents the mounted squad of the Btate fair police going oa duty. They are the pick of their departments, and with the night shows this year their services will be even more appre- ciated. The night shows this year at the state fair axe attracting state-wide attention. The dates of the state fair jthja year are September 8 to 13. Machinery Exhibit at State Fair Larger Than Ever The photograph here shown is a portion of the big machinery exhibit of the New York State Fair of last year. This year the machinery exhibit is larger than ever in the history of the fair and every available space on the grounds has been sold at increased rates to take care of the machinery men who appreciate that the New York State Fair furnishes the most prosperous class of buyers in the states hereabouts. Farmers have gotten into the habit of putting off investigating machinery propositions until they come to the state fair, and Immense sales are later traced directly to the state fair exhibits. These exhibits will also be open evenings of the state fair, because of the big night shows on the grounds. The dates of the fair this year are September 8 to 13 inclusive. MACHINERY EXHIBIT. The exhibition of Farm and Labor Saving Machinery at the New York iState Fair, September 8-13, this year, is the largest ever, and no farmer in the state can afford to miss a personal inspection of this portion of the Bhow. It is replete with up-to-the-minute ma- chinery and devices to lighten labor and increase the earnings of the far- mer. An illustration of a portion of the large space set aside by the fair commission for the exhibit appears in this issue. The night shows will af- ford a pleasant and exciting diversion. THE LAST WORD. The picture of the new Poultry and Pet Stock building published in this "issue, now in the course of construc- tion on the grounds of the New York State Fair, represents the very latest ideas and conveniences adapted alike for the comfort of visitors and exhibi- tors. The building will be ready in .ample time for the show, which opens September 8 and closes September 13, And the exhibit will be under the per- sonal supervision of a man of, national reputation, which is a guarantee that the Poultry and Pet Stock show at the coming State Fair will be the larg- est and best in the history of the state. The exhibit will be open eve- nings on account of the grand «Bpec- tacular night shows. SPECTACULAR NIQHT 8HOW3. The big night show at the New York State Fair this year promises to be the most attractive event that the State Fair Commission has ever put on, and preparations are being made for the handling of enormous crowds at these ahows. Pain's mammoth dis- play of the "Destruction of Pompeii," which will be given each night of the «tate fair, September 8 to 13, Is arous- ttng considerable interest and favor- able comment, and people who have never attended the state fair because of their work during the day time, are planning to see the night show this year. There will be special train serv- ice at the conclusion of the night jshowa directly from the state fair grounds, so that patrons of the fair •witnessing the spectacle may arrive tiome the same evening "8o Her Choice. the rich old miser's bride la j a sad wife." "Yes, but it's not her fault. If she thad the chance, she would much pre- fer to be a merry widow." GORGEOUS AND SPECTACULAR. In the Introduction of the "Night Show" on the grounds by the New York state fair commission an ex- traordinary attraction Is offered the public and also one that gives more entertainment for the price of ad- mission than anything ever before at- tempted in the amusement line. That the public may be informed as to the scope and magnitude of the Night Show, let it be known that the first part of the program is Pain's marvelous and spectacular production, the "Destruction of Pompeii." It is unlike anything else in the amuse- ment line. The vastness and marvel- ous scope of this production causes the greatest admiration for the gen- ius anti daring of the man who con- ceived the ideas and worked out the details. Pompeii Is reproduced in all her splendor and glory. Her gor- geously costumed citizens are seen thronging the streets, nervy drivers in racing chariots, wonderful acro- bats, charming dancers, stirring music, handsome scenery depict the celebra- tion of the Roman holiday In prog- ress, when sullen Vesuvius begins Its rumblings, and the massacre of Chris- tians Is about to take place the volcanic eruption starts the grand py- rotechnic display that ends In the de- struction of the city. Following this will be what is re- garded by many as the real feature of the evening's entertainment—the brilliant display of the "Pain Manhat- tan Beach fireworks." Slxty-slx set •leces and innumerable individual and combination effects from a won- derful program, but greatest of all. and peculiarly fitting for this cen- tennial year Is the marvelously won- derful production of "Perry's Victory on Lake Erie." This is the most gi- gantic fireworks device ever display- ed in the world, and portrays the great naval battle on Lake Erie off Pitts- burgh. The models of the vessels in the action are reproduced and their maneuvers followed by the artillery engagement, the destruction of the Lawrence, raising the flag In the Ni- agara, the final victory over the Brit- ish ships, with the flaming letters In the background, spelling out the words: "Don't give up the ship." And Con way'8 famous band makes a fit- ting climax to the evening's enter- tainment by the rendition of "The Star-Sponglod Banner." Briefly, this is the story of the Night Show, and we firmly believe that all visitors will agree that the state fair Is "Better than ever," BIG FEATURES OF STATE FAIR Much to See and Learn in AI Branches of Home and Farm. 1913FA!R"BETTERTHANEVER I Safety and Comfort of Visitors At eured—Exhibits Show Great Variety —Races Will Be Fast and New Records Attempted. The New York state fair of 191! will set a new record in expositions ol thiB class. It will live up truly to the happily-conceived phrase: "Bettei Than Ever." This year's exposition will set a new mark—one that nothing, save con- tinued effort and progresslveness, can hope to live up to in the future. If the reader has been a patron at the state fair in past years, he will scarcely recognize the place when he returns again this year. If he has never attended the great exposition of the Empire state, let him plan his va- cation this year so as to attend, for surely there Is no place In these parts that furnishes the same opportunity of enjoyment, education, and human Interest for so little an expenditure as will the New York state fair of 1913. Whether he reaches the fair by the New York Central & Hudson River railroad or the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railroad the same thought will be borne home to him as his train stops at the grounds. The old congested terminals, well enough perhaps years ago, but totally Inadequate and unfitted for the great exposition of a great state in this day of advancement, have disappeared. In their places are roomy and airy train sheds, built of steel, concrete, and brick, where every precaution has been taken to avoid accident, and where expedition in the handling of great crowds has been made a scien- tific study. There Is no more waiting to buy tickets—no more pulling and hauling for a place in line. A row of turnstiles takes the place of the gates. The dropping of a half-dollar In the slot operates the turnstile and the pedes- trian passes through, the fall of the The New $80,000 Poultry Building at New York State Fair The above cut is the new poultry and pet stock building now being constructed on the New York State Ftfit grounds at Syracuse for use at the state fair, which will be held this year from September 8 to 13 Inclusive. ThW building will cost $80,000 and provides for the most complete poultry and pet stock equipment In America. Thl* building, with Its interesting exhibit, will be open the same as all other buildings on the grounds during the s i * night shows that will be held on the state fair grounds this year. The gentleman in the left-hand upper corner ts> Lieut.-Gov. Martin H. Glynn, who is president of the New York State Fair Commission. Night Show and Fireworks Display at New York State Fair I Considerable interest is being manifested In this section in the night shows of the New York State Fair, and a great many people are making their plans to attend these shows during the week of the fair, September 8 to 13. This is the first time that the New York State Fair Commission have attempted the night show proposition, but it has been a big success with other state fairs which have held them, and from the interest that has been aroused to this innovation the indications are that it will also be a huge success in this state. The Pain spectacle requires close to two hundred actors in the staging of the mammoth spectacle of "The Fall of Pompeii," which will be depicted each night at the state fair, followed by a stupendous fireworks display illustrative of Perry's Victory on Lake Erie. Special trains for all points will leave the fair grounds terminals at the conclusion of the performance, thus making it convenient for those staying over or coming to see the night shows to reach their homes the same evening. coin permitting the uniformed at- tendant to turn the stile. The sugges- tion is here made that patrons pro- vide themselves with the exact change of half-dollars before reaching the gates. Not only has the introduction of the coin-operated stile done away with all | trouble and disorder at the entrances j and at the grand stand, where a simi- I lar system has been installed, but it 'has marvelously simplified the wofk- ing of the rather complicated machin- ;ery of the treasurer's office. The grounds, as they were last year,. iwill be policed by experienced, qual- fled policemen of the state, thus insur- ing absolute safety to all patrons. A splendidly equipped hospital with its' attending physicians and nurses, with free service to any one unfortunately taken ill on the grounds, Is part of the permanent equipment of the fair. Once through the main entrance, j itself impressive indeed in its severe- | Iy beautiful design, one glances to the j left and right. On the one hand stands j the first building erected after the adoption of the permanent plan—the Manufacturers' building; on the other, the New York State Institutions and j Orange buildings. ' Here will be seen the products of J many of the various manufacturers of this state, and from all over the coun- try for that matter. The exhibitors will set a high standard In their at* tempts to make the finest possible ex- hibit The New York State Institutions building is an education In itself. Here will be shown everything pertaining to state institutions. The agricultural colleges and schools of the state all will be presented. Here the student of agriculture will find abundant ma- terial for thought and study. The state banking department will be represented this year by an exhibit more In keeping with the importance of that department than ever before. The wondrous piscatorial display of the conservation commission will prove a revelation to )the fisherman. To the student of penology the exhibit of the prison department will offer hours of entertainment. The Orange treilding, with Its lectures and dally programs, its restrooms and its gen- eral homey aspect, will be the Mecca of the Grangers. The Dairy building is, of course, one of the most important of all. Here lectures and talks by practical author- ities on agriculture and the demon- strations offered by the state agri- cultural schools furnish invaluable in- formation at first-hand to the one who wishes to learn—to keep abreast of the ware of progress that is sweeping over the farms of New York state. In the Cattle building is held the greatest cattle show of the United States. It is only fitting that the lead- ing dairy state should have for its an- nual show the finest cattle building of the entire world. Paralleling the Cattle building, and connected with the Dairy building, Is the new Poultry building. It Is ex- pected that the poultry show of 1913 will be a revelation to the fancier. And pet stock has not been over- look. Special provisions are being made for the aristocracy of the dog and the cat family. This is an inno- vation of the present year and entries guarantee a success—one that will even exceed the most sanguine expec- tations of those who promulgated the idea. The fruit, the farm products, and the dairy products, all contributing as they do to the wealth of the Empire state, have their own splendid build- ings. Not sine* the state fair was started has there been a machinery display approaching that of this year. Pro- spective buyers of this particular branch of necessities will find the greatest assortment possible this year. The Women's building, equipped to care for the older women and the smaller children who may attend the fair, Is one of the most popular spots on the grounds. Here large easy rock- ing and reclining chairs are provided for the comfort of the elderly, while numberless cradles and little beds, under the watchful eye of careful at- tendants, are the resting places in safety of the baby or child. String- music orchestras, located in such parts of the Woman's building as will not interfere with the comfort of patrons, furnish music for those who avail themselves of the place for a needed rest In short, all educational depart- ments of the fair are on a scale un- dreamed of a few years ago. The Midway will be better than ever this year. Primarily Intended as an amusement feature, It will, of course, retain its Individuality; but mingled with the amusing side of the thing will be an educational value In keep- ing with the magnitude of the fair and Its real purpose. The entries for the grand circuit meeting, to be held In connection with the state fair, guarantees better races than ever. The addition of several events to the already large program of racing and the inauguration of thai New York State futurity has lent to, this greatest of all sports an impetus, impossible to describe. n, is more than likely that the world's pacing-team record and the world's half-mile pacing record will be placed at a new figure before the close of the fair. Minor Heir and George Gano, the most wonderful pair of pacers the world* has ever seen, and Dazzle Patch, marvelous son of the unbeaten Dan Patch, will be at the fair for the en- press purpose of lowering their rec- ords. The harness races of the Grand Cir- cuit will consume^our days, with the big $10,000 Empire S*tate race being held on Tuesday. On Friday and Saturday there will be ten running races, equally divided between the two days. These races will be for large purses and held un- der the Jurisdiction of the Jockey Club of America, thus insuring the charac ter of the sport. The marvelous "Destruction of Pom- peii," as produced by the Pain Fire- works Display Company of America. will be the feature of the night show^ This will afford fair visitors the op- portunity of a lifetime to witness on of these famous open-air displays, tb . » production of which has heretofore been limited to the larger cities ani great expositions. OP INTEREST TO THE LADIES. There is nothing that so attracts, and grips the attention of woman- kind as skilled specimens of their own handiwork. Embroidery, laoee. linen and other table adornments, all branches of domestic science, and, in fact, fancy work of every description All of the fluffy creations that mere man can think of and much that h~» never dreamed of can be seen in pro- fusion at the New York state fair this year. From the large list of entries already made for articles that appeal directly to feminine tastes tb.ii year's exhibit promises to be the greatest A GUARANTEE OF 8AFETY. An illustration of the police going on duty at the State Fair appears in this issue. These men are the pick of the police force of the cities of th«t state and the selection of such capab' > and experienced officers guarantees tb* patrons of the State- Fair durlrg tht> week of September S-13, perfect , not only during the day, but at the night show* which are a at this year's exhibition. f '

BIG FEATURES OF STATE FAIR - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054395/1913-08-19/ed-1/seq-7.… · ciated. The night shows this year at the state fair axe attracting

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New York State Fair Mounted PoliceGoing on Duty

Nothing has done more to popularize the New York State Fair than the adoption of a plan by which theimmense crowds that attend it are looked after by experienced people who come from the police departments ofthe different cities of the state. The above cut represents the mounted squad of the Btate fair police going oa duty.They are the pick of their departments, and with the night shows this year their services will be even more appre-ciated. The night shows this year at the state fair axe attracting state-wide attention. The dates of the state fairjthja year are September 8 to 13.

Machinery Exhibit at State FairLarger Than Ever

The photograph here shown is a portion of the big machinery exhibit of the New York State Fair of last year.This year the machinery exhibit is larger than ever in the history of the fair and every available space on thegrounds has been sold at increased rates to take care of the machinery men who appreciate that the New York StateFair furnishes the most prosperous class of buyers in the states hereabouts. Farmers have gotten into the habitof putting off investigating machinery propositions until they come to the state fair, and Immense sales are latertraced directly to the state fair exhibits. These exhibits will also be open evenings of the state fair, because of thebig night shows on the grounds. The dates of the fair this year are September 8 to 13 inclusive.


The exhibition of Farm and LaborSaving Machinery at the New York

iState Fair, September 8-13, this year,is the largest ever, and no farmer inthe state can afford to miss a personalinspection of this portion of the Bhow.It is replete with up-to-the-minute ma-chinery and devices to lighten laborand increase the earnings of the far-mer. An illustration of a portion ofthe large space set aside by the faircommission for the exhibit appears inthis issue. The night shows will af-ford a pleasant and exciting diversion.


The picture of the new Poultry andPet Stock building published in this"issue, now in the course of construc-tion on the grounds of the New YorkState Fair, represents the very latestideas and conveniences adapted alikefor the comfort of visitors and exhibi-tors. The building will be ready in.ample time for the show, which opensSeptember 8 and closes September 13,And the exhibit will be under the per-sonal supervision of a man of, nationalreputation, which is a guarantee thatthe Poultry and Pet Stock show atthe coming State Fair will be the larg-est and best in the history of thestate. The exhibit will be open eve-nings on account of the grand «Bpec-tacular night shows.


The big night show at the New YorkState Fair this year promises to bethe most attractive event that theState Fair Commission has ever puton, and preparations are being madefor the handling of enormous crowdsat these ahows. Pain's mammoth dis-play of the "Destruction of Pompeii,"which will be given each night of the«tate fair, September 8 to 13, Is arous-ttng considerable interest and favor-able comment, and people who havenever attended the state fair becauseof their work during the day time, areplanning to see the night show thisyear. There will be special train serv-ice at the conclusion of the nightjshowa directly from the state fairgrounds, so that patrons of the fair•witnessing the spectacle may arrivetiome the same evening

"8oHer Choice.

the rich old miser's bride laj a sad wife."

"Yes, but it's not her fault. If shethad the chance, she would much pre-fer to be a merry widow."


In the Introduction of the "NightShow" on the grounds by the NewYork state fair commission an ex-traordinary attraction Is offered thepublic and also one that gives moreentertainment for the price of ad-mission than anything ever before at-tempted in the amusement line.

That the public may be informed asto the scope and magnitude of theNight Show, let it be known that thefirst part of the program is Pain'smarvelous and spectacular production,the "Destruction of Pompeii." It isunlike anything else in the amuse-ment line. The vastness and marvel-ous scope of this production causesthe greatest admiration for the gen-ius anti daring of the man who con-ceived the ideas and worked out thedetails. Pompeii Is reproduced inall her splendor and glory. Her gor-geously costumed citizens are seenthronging the streets, nervy driversin racing chariots, wonderful acro-bats, charming dancers, stirring music,handsome scenery depict the celebra-tion of the Roman holiday In prog-ress, when sullen Vesuvius begins Itsrumblings, and the massacre of Chris-tians Is about to take place thevolcanic eruption starts the grand py-rotechnic display that ends In the de-struction of the city.

Following this will be what is re-garded by many as the real featureof the evening's entertainment—thebrilliant display of the "Pain Manhat-tan Beach fireworks." Slxty-slx set•leces and innumerable individualand combination effects from a won-derful program, but greatest of all.and peculiarly fitting for this cen-tennial year Is the marvelously won-derful production of "Perry's Victoryon Lake Erie." This is the most gi-gantic fireworks device ever display-ed in the world, and portrays the greatnaval battle on Lake Erie off Pitts-burgh. The models of the vessels inthe action are reproduced and theirmaneuvers followed by the artilleryengagement, the destruction of theLawrence, raising the flag In the Ni-agara, the final victory over the Brit-ish ships, with the flaming letters Inthe background, spelling out thewords: "Don't give up the ship." AndCon way'8 famous band makes a fit-ting climax to the evening's enter-tainment by the rendition of "TheStar-Sponglod Banner."

Briefly, this is the story of theNight Show, and we firmly believethat all visitors will agree thatthe state fair Is "Better than ever,"


Much to See and Learn in AIBranches of Home and



Safety and Comfort of Visitors Ateured—Exhibits Show Great Variety

—Races Will Be Fast and NewRecords Attempted.

The New York state fair of 191!will set a new record in expositions olthiB class. It will live up truly to thehappily-conceived phrase: "BetteiThan Ever."

This year's exposition will set a newmark—one that nothing, save con-tinued effort and progresslveness, canhope to live up to in the future.

If the reader has been a patron atthe state fair in past years, he willscarcely recognize the place when hereturns again this year. If he hasnever attended the great exposition ofthe Empire state, let him plan his va-cation this year so as to attend, forsurely there Is no place In these partsthat furnishes the same opportunityof enjoyment, education, and humanInterest for so little an expenditure aswill the New York state fair of 1913.

Whether he reaches the fair by theNew York Central & Hudson Riverrailroad or the Delaware, Lackawanna& Western railroad the same thoughtwill be borne home to him as his trainstops at the grounds.

The old congested terminals, wellenough perhaps years ago, but totallyInadequate and unfitted for the greatexposition of a great state in this dayof advancement, have disappeared. Intheir places are roomy and airy trainsheds, built of steel, concrete, andbrick, where every precaution hasbeen taken to avoid accident, andwhere expedition in the handling ofgreat crowds has been made a scien-tific study.

There Is no more waiting to buytickets—no more pulling and haulingfor a place in line. A row of turnstilestakes the place of the gates. Thedropping of a half-dollar In the slotoperates the turnstile and the pedes-trian passes through, the fall of the

The New $80,000 Poultry Building atNew York State Fair

The above cut is the new poultry and pet stock building now being constructed on the New York State Ftfitgrounds at Syracuse for use at the state fair, which will be held this year from September 8 to 13 Inclusive. ThWbuilding will cost $80,000 and provides for the most complete poultry and pet stock equipment In America. Thl*building, with Its interesting exhibit, will be open the same as all other buildings on the grounds during the s i*night shows that will be held on the state fair grounds this year. The gentleman in the left-hand upper corner ts>Lieut.-Gov. Martin H. Glynn, who is president of the New York State Fair Commission.

Night Show and Fireworks Display atNew York State Fair I

Considerable interest is being manifested In this section in the night shows of the New York State Fair, anda great many people are making their plans to attend these shows during the week of the fair, September 8 to 13.This is the first time that the New York State Fair Commission have attempted the night show proposition, but ithas been a big success with other state fairs which have held them, and from the interest that has been aroused tothis innovation the indications are that it will also be a huge success in this state. The Pain spectacle requires closeto two hundred actors in the staging of the mammoth spectacle of "The Fall of Pompeii," which will be depictedeach night at the state fair, followed by a stupendous fireworks display illustrative of Perry's Victory on Lake Erie.Special trains for all points will leave the fair grounds terminals at the conclusion of the performance, thus makingit convenient for those staying over or coming to see the night shows to reach their homes the same evening.

coin permitting the uniformed at-tendant to turn the stile. The sugges-tion is here made that patrons pro-vide themselves with the exact changeof half-dollars before reaching thegates.

Not only has the introduction of thecoin-operated stile done away with all |trouble and disorder at the entrances jand at the grand stand, where a simi- Ilar system has been installed, but it

'has marvelously simplified the wofk-ing of the rather complicated machin-

;ery of the treasurer's office.The grounds, as they were last year,.

iwill be policed by experienced, qual-fled policemen of the state, thus insur-ing absolute safety to all patrons. Asplendidly equipped hospital with its'attending physicians and nurses, withfree service to any one unfortunatelytaken ill on the grounds, Is part of thepermanent equipment of the fair.

Once through the main entrance, jitself impressive indeed in its severe- |Iy beautiful design, one glances to the jleft and right. On the one hand stands jthe first building erected after theadoption of the permanent plan—theManufacturers' building; on the other,the New York State Institutions and jOrange buildings. '

Here will be seen the products of Jmany of the various manufacturers ofthis state, and from all over the coun-try for that matter. The exhibitorswill set a high standard In their at*tempts to make the finest possible ex-hibit

The New York State Institutionsbuilding is an education In itself. Herewill be shown everything pertainingto state institutions. The agriculturalcolleges and schools of the state allwill be presented. Here the studentof agriculture will find abundant ma-terial for thought and study.

The state banking department willbe represented this year by an exhibitmore In keeping with the importanceof that department than ever before.

The wondrous piscatorial display ofthe conservation commission willprove a revelation to )the fisherman.To the student of penology the exhibitof the prison department will offerhours of entertainment. The Orangetreilding, with Its lectures and dallyprograms, its restrooms and its gen-eral homey aspect, will be the Meccaof the Grangers.

The Dairy building is, of course, oneof the most important of all. Herelectures and talks by practical author-ities on agriculture and the demon-strations offered by the state agri-cultural schools furnish invaluable in-formation at first-hand to the one whowishes to learn—to keep abreast ofthe ware of progress that is sweeping

over the farms of New York state.In the Cattle building is held the

greatest cattle show of the UnitedStates. It is only fitting that the lead-ing dairy state should have for its an-nual show the finest cattle building ofthe entire world.

Paralleling the Cattle building, andconnected with the Dairy building, Isthe new Poultry building. It Is ex-pected that the poultry show of 1913will be a revelation to the fancier.

And pet stock has not been over-look. Special provisions are beingmade for the aristocracy of the dogand the cat family. This is an inno-vation of the present year and entriesguarantee a success—one that willeven exceed the most sanguine expec-tations of those who promulgated theidea.

The fruit, the farm products, andthe dairy products, all contributing asthey do to the wealth of the Empirestate, have their own splendid build-ings.

Not sine* the state fair was startedhas there been a machinery displayapproaching that of this year. Pro-spective buyers of this particularbranch of necessities will find thegreatest assortment possible this year.

The Women's building, equipped tocare for the older women and thesmaller children who may attend thefair, Is one of the most popular spotson the grounds. Here large easy rock-ing and reclining chairs are providedfor the comfort of the elderly, whilenumberless cradles and little beds,under the watchful eye of careful at-tendants, are the resting places insafety of the baby or child. String-music orchestras, located in such partsof the Woman's building as will notinterfere with the comfort of patrons,furnish music for those who availthemselves of the place for a neededrest

In short, all educational depart-ments of the fair are on a scale un-dreamed of a few years ago.

The Midway will be better than everthis year. Primarily Intended as anamusement feature, It will, of course,retain its Individuality; but mingledwith the amusing side of the thingwill be an educational value In keep-ing with the magnitude of the fair andIts real purpose.

The entries for the grand circuitmeeting, to be held In connection withthe state fair, guarantees better racesthan ever. The addition of severalevents to the already large programof racing and the inauguration of thaiNew York State futurity has lent to,this greatest of all sports an impetus,impossible to describe.

n, is more than likely that theworld's pacing-team record and theworld's half-mile pacing record will beplaced at a new figure before the closeof the fair.

Minor Heir and George Gano, themost wonderful pair of pacers theworld* has ever seen, and Dazzle Patch,marvelous son of the unbeaten DanPatch, will be at the fair for the en-press purpose of lowering their rec-ords.

The harness races of the Grand Cir-cuit will consume^our days, with thebig $10,000 Empire S*tate race beingheld on Tuesday.

On Friday and Saturday there willbe ten running races, equally dividedbetween the two days. These raceswill be for large purses and held un-der the Jurisdiction of the Jockey Clubof America, thus insuring the character of the sport.

The marvelous "Destruction of Pom-peii," as produced by the Pain Fire-works Display Company of America.will be the feature of the night show^This will afford fair visitors the op-portunity of a lifetime to witness onof these famous open-air displays, tb .»production of which has heretoforebeen limited to the larger cities anigreat expositions.


There is nothing that so attracts,and grips the attention of woman-kind as skilled specimens of theirown handiwork. Embroidery, laoee.linen and other table adornments, allbranches of domestic science, and, infact, fancy work of every descriptionAll of the fluffy creations that mereman can think of and much that h~»never dreamed of can be seen in pro-fusion at the New York state fairthis year. From the large list ofentries already made for articles thatappeal directly to feminine tastes tb.iiyear's exhibit promises to be thegreatest


An illustration of the police goingon duty at the State Fair appears inthis issue. These men are the pickof the police force of the cities of th«tstate and the selection of such capab' >and experienced officers guaranteestb* patrons of the State- Fair durlrgtht> week of September S-13, perfect

, not only during the day, butat the night show* which are a

at this year's exhibition. f
