PHGN324: Binary star systems Fred Sarazin ([email protected]) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Binary star systems How to get a lot more information on the stars in those systems

Binary star systems - Inside Mines

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Page 1: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Binary star systemsHow to get a lot more information on the stars in those systems

Page 2: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

• More than 50% of all stars in our Milky Way are not single stars, but belong to binary star (or multi-star) systems.

• These stars orbit their common center of mass.

• If we can measure and understand their orbital motion, we can estimate the mass of the stars in that system.

Binary (or multi) star systems

Page 3: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Center of mass

• Center of mass = balance point of the system

• If MA = MB, then rA = rB

• More generally, !"!#

= $#$"

(or MA rA

= MB rB).

• The lighter star of the binary system has a larger orbit than its heavier companion.

Page 4: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Sirius A and B

• Visual binaries can be seen as two points of light. Over many years they move with respect to one another, hence one can determine their orbits.

Page 5: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Visual binary orbit measurementsSirius A and B (schematic)

Page 6: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Estimating stellar masses

• Recall Kepler’s 3rd law of motion:

• For the planetary motion, we assumed mplanet<<M☉. In this case, M and m are the mass of the two companions.

• Simplification (change of units):

where a is the average separation between the two stars.

T 2


4πG(M +m)


𝑎&(𝑖𝑛 𝐴𝑈 )𝑇/(𝑖𝑛 𝑦 ) = 𝑀 +𝑚(𝑖𝑛 𝑀⊙ )


Page 7: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Exercise I

T 2


4πG(M +m)


• Go from: to:𝑎&(𝑖𝑛 𝐴𝑈 )𝑇/(𝑖𝑛 𝑦 ) = 𝑀 +𝑚(𝑖𝑛 𝑀⊙ )


Page 8: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Exercise II

• A binary system has a period of 32 years and an average separation of 16 AU. What is the total mass of the star system?

• Star A is 12 AU from the center of mass. What are the masses of stars A and B?

Page 9: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Tilted orbit

• If the tilt angle i is 0 and if the distance of the system from Earth is d, then we can measure a1 and a2 (a = a1+a2) by measuring the angles subtended by the semi-major axes.

• Since m1a1=m2a2, then

• If the tilt angle i is not 0, then the mass ratio is:

• If one doesn’t know i, then the mass ratio can only be approximated

𝛼7 =𝑎7𝑑

𝛼/ =𝑎/𝑑and





=𝛼/ cos 𝑖𝛼7 cos 𝑖

We assume here a tilt only along the semi-major axis. There could also be a tilt along the semi-minor axis.

Page 10: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Tilted orbit – effect on Kepler’s 3rd law

• Recall Kepler’s 3rd law of motion:

• From the previous slide, we have: 𝑎 = 𝑎7 + 𝑎/ = 𝛼7 + 𝛼/ 𝑑 = 𝛼𝑑

• If one considers the projection effect: 𝑎 = =>?@AB C

+ =>D@AB C

𝑑 = =>@AB C

𝑑 using 𝛼9 =𝛼97 + 𝛼9/. We get:

• In principle, careful measurements of the orbits over some time allow for the estimation of the angle i.

T 2


4πG(M +m)



𝑚7 +𝑚/ =4𝜋/

𝐺𝛼𝑑 &

𝑇/ =4𝜋/

𝐺𝑑cos 𝑖

& 𝛼9&


Page 11: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Spectroscopic binaries

• Measurement of a, the average separation, is difficult because the stars are too close to each other. How is the measurement carried out?

• Spectroscopy of the binary system: the approaching star produces blue-shifted lines, while the receding star produces red-shifted lines in the spectrum.

• Doppler shift measurements allow for the determination of the radial velocities and the orbital period.

• From this, we should be able to deduce the orbital circumference (𝐶 = ∫ 𝑣 𝑡 𝑑𝑡L

M ) and then the average separation a.

• Not quite however because we don’t know the inclination of the orbit with respect to our line of sight.

Page 12: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines


Line spectrum for Mizar at two different times

“Big Dipper”(part of Ursa


• Because of the uncertainties on the tilt of the orbits with respect to our line of sight, only a limit of a can be obtained.

Page 13: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Special case: eclipsing binaries

• Eclipsing binaries occur when we look at the system edge-on (i.e. angle i ≈ 90º)

• Characteristic “double-dip” light curve

VW Cephei

Page 14: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Algol in the constellation of Perseus.

• From the light curve of Algol, we can infer that the system contains two stars of very different surface temperature, orbiting in a slightly inclined plane.

Special case: eclipsing binaries

Page 15: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Timing of the eclipse periods (example 1)

Example 1:

i ≈ 90º - mL>mS, but TL (or LL) <TS (or LS)

• Star S is moving in front of star L:• Partial: Dt12 = t2-t1 ≈ Dt34=t4-t3• Full: Dt23 = t3-t2

• Star S is moving behind star L:• Partial: Dt’12 = t’2-t’1 ≈ Dt’34=t’4-t’3• Full: Dt’23 = t’3-t’2 ≈ Dt23

• Primary “eclipse” has higher loss of brightness compared to secondary “one” because star S is brighter than star L (even if star S is bigger).


Star L (for Large)Star S (for Small)

Page 16: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Timing of the eclipse periods (example 1)

• Dt12 = t2-t1 (for example) can be used to measure the radius of the smaller (brighter) star.

where v is the relative velocity of the two stars (v = vs + vL).

• Similarly, Dt24 = t4-t2 can be used to measure the radius of the larger star.

𝑟O =𝑣2 (𝑡/ − 𝑡7)

𝑟R =𝑣2 𝑡S − 𝑡/ = 𝑟O +

𝑣2 𝑡& − 𝑡/


Page 17: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Timing of the eclipse periods (example 2)



Example 2:

i < 90º - mL>mS, but TL (or LL) <TS (or LS)

• Because we don’t see the binary system “edge-on”, the binary system is only partially eclipsing leading to a less well-defined timing structure than in the previous case.

• The parameters discussed before are harder to measure.

Page 18: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Brightness variation


• Recall that the radiative flux per unit of area is given by: 𝑅 = 𝜎𝑇S .

• The light we receive from each star comes from a cross section of the star (𝜋𝑟/)

• Hence, when the two stars are apart:𝐵M ∝ 𝜋𝑟R/𝜎𝑇RS + 𝜋𝑟O/𝜎𝑇OS

• Primary minimum (only star L):𝐵Y ∝ 𝜋𝑟R/𝜎𝑇RS

• Secondary minimum (star S eclipses part of star L):

𝐵O ∝ 𝜋𝑟R/ − 𝜋𝑟O/ 𝜎𝑇RS + 𝜋𝑟O/ 𝜎𝑇OS




Ratio of effective temperatures of the two stars

Page 19: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines


For a binary system, photometric observations show that:• At maximum light, the apparent magnitude is: m0=6.3• At the primary minimum, the apparent magnitude is: mP=9.6• At the secondary minimum, the apparent magnitude is: mS=6.6

Calculate the relative temperature of the two stars (L and S) in the system.

Page 20: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

PREVIEW: Close binary star systems

• If the two stars are close to each other, the tidal forces can considerably deform one or both stars. In the case depicted above, the outer layer of a giant star for example can reach a point where some material can fall under the gravitational influence of the other smaller but denser star (such as a white dwarf, a neutron star or even a black hole).

Page 21: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

Discovery of exoplanets

• Exoplanets can be discovered by applying the same eclipsing binary framework described in the previous slides.

• Looking for the (very) small change of the host star light curve due to the transit of an exoplanet across its apparent surface.


Transit of Venus across the Sun - light curve

Page 22: Binary star systems - Inside Mines

PHGN324: Binary star systemsFred Sarazin ([email protected])Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines

“Tatooine” exoplanets

• Kepler-47b and Kepler-47c

• Kepler-47c in the “Goldilock” (habitable) zone