Bio-Diesel New and Final

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  • 8/9/2019 Bio-Diesel New and Final



    Presented By :Presented By :--

    Bharat Chawla.Bharat Chawla.

  • 8/9/2019 Bio-Diesel New and Final


    Before We Take a look over the issues related toBefore We Take a look over the issues related to

    Bio diesel let us take a brief introduction aboutBio diesel let us take a brief introduction about

    Indian Economy.Indian Economy.

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    Brief Introduction about Indian Economy.Brief Introduction about Indian Economy.

    GDP :GDP :-- $3.319 Trillion (PPP) (2008 est.)$3.319 Trillion (PPP) (2008 est.)

    GDP Growth Rate :GDP Growth Rate :-- 7.3 % (2008 est.)7.3 % (2008 est.)

    GDP by Sector :GDP by Sector :-- Agriculture :Agriculture :-- 17.2 %17.2 %

    Industry :Industry :-- 29.1 %29.1 %Services :Services :-- 53.7 %53.7 %

    Inflation :Inflation :-- 7.8 % (2008 est.)7.8 % (2008 est.)

    Total PopulationTotal Population ::-- 1,147,995,904 (2008 est.)1,147,995,904 (2008 est.)

    Population below Poverty Line :Population below Poverty Line :-- 27.1 % (31,11,06,890)27.1 % (31,11,06,890)


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    Labour Force :Labour Force :-- 52,35,00,000 (2008 est.)52,35,00,000 (2008 est.)

    Labour Force Per Occupation :Labour Force Per Occupation :--Agriculture :Agriculture :-- 60% (2003 est.)60% (2003 est.)

    Industry :Industry :-- 12 % (2003 est.)12 % (2003 est.)

    Services :Services :-- 28 % (2003 est.)28 % (2003 est.)

    Unemployment percentage :Unemployment percentage :-- 6.8 % (about 3.6 Crore.)6.8 % (about 3.6 Crore.)

    Exports :Exports :-- $ 175.7 Billion F.O.B (2008 est.)$ 175.7 Billion F.O.B (2008 est.) Imports :Imports :-- $ 287.5 Billion F.O.B (2008 est.)$ 287.5 Billion F.O.B (2008 est.)

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    India Land Structure.India Land Structure.

    India covers a land of 32,87,263 Sq Km.India covers a land of 32,87,263 Sq Km.

    Types of LandTypes of Land

    Forest LandForest Land ::-- 23.37% (7,68,233.3 Sq.Km)23.37% (7,68,233.3 Sq.Km)

    Protected Land :Protected Land :-- 4.95% (1,56,700 Sq.Km)4.95% (1,56,700 Sq.Km)

    Cultivated Land :Cultivated Land :-- 54.7% (17,98,132 Sq.Km)54.7% (17,98,132 Sq.Km)

    Barren Land :Barren Land :-- 7.3% (2,39,970 Sq.Km)7.3% (2,39,970 Sq.Km)

    Commercial Land :Commercial Land :-- 5.6% (1,84,086 Sq.Km)5.6% (1,84,086 Sq.Km)

    Residential Land :Residential Land :-- 4.1% (1,34,777 Sq.Km)4.1% (1,34,777 Sq.Km)

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    Balance Deficit.Balance Deficit.

    ImportsImports Exports = Balance Deficit.Exports = Balance Deficit.

    $ 287.5 Billion$ 287.5 Billion -- $ 175.7 Billion = $111.8 Billion$ 175.7 Billion = $111.8 Billion

    Balance deficit for 2008 is $ 111.8 BillionBalance deficit for 2008 is $ 111.8 Billion

    Oil demand.Oil demand.

    Year.Year. Total demand.Total demand. Total Expenditure.Total Expenditure.20012001--0202 74.09 Million Tons.74.09 Million Tons. $12.9 Billion$12.9 Billion

    20072007--0808 121.67 Million Tons.121.67 Million Tons. $61.72 Billion$61.72 Billion


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    The Impact of the Growing Prices are Manifold. TheThe Impact of the Growing Prices are Manifold. The

    Bigger the OilBigger the Oil--Price Increase and the Longer andPrice Increase and the Longer andHigh Prices are Sustained, the Bigger the MacroHigh Prices are Sustained, the Bigger the Macro--

    economic impact on the Countryeconomic impact on the Country

    According to Recent Forecast by Energy EconomistAccording to Recent Forecast by Energy Economist

    by IXISby IXIS--CIB, an Investment Bank had expectedCIB, an Investment Bank had expected

    crude prices rising to $380 a Barrel by 2015, or acrude prices rising to $380 a Barrel by 2015, or a

    SixSix--Fold of Current Prices.Fold of Current Prices.

    Indias oil consumptionIndias oil consumption

    In 2007 2.8 million bbl/dIn 2007 2.8 million bbl/d

    In 2008 3 million bbl/dIn 2008 3 million bbl/d

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    Basic Problems in India.Basic Problems in India.

    Population explosionPopulation explosion:: This monster is eating up into theThis monster is eating up into thesuccess of India. According to 2001 census of India, population ofsuccess of India. According to 2001 census of India, population ofIndia in 2001 was 1,028,610,328, growing at a rate of 2.11%India in 2001 was 1,028,610,328, growing at a rate of 2.11%approx.approx.

    PovertyPoverty:: As per records of National Planning Commission,As per records of National Planning Commission,27.1% of the Indian population was living Below Poverty Line in27.1% of the Indian population was living Below Poverty Line in19991999--2000.2000.

    UnemploymentUnemployment:: The increasing population is pressing hard onThe increasing population is pressing hard oneconomic resources as well as job opportunities. Indianeconomic resources as well as job opportunities. Indiangovernment has started various schemes such as Jawahar Rozgargovernment has started various schemes such as Jawahar Rozgar

    Yojna, NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.)Yojna, NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.) Rural urban divideRural urban divide:: It is said that India lies in villages, evenIt is said that India lies in villages, even

    today when there is lots of talk going about migration to cities,today when there is lots of talk going about migration to cities,70% of the Indian population still lives in villages.70% of the Indian population still lives in villages.

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    We Have Gone Through the Indian Economy asWe Have Gone Through the Indian Economy aswell as we have seen the Employment status andwell as we have seen the Employment status andalso we have seen the Problem of Balance Deficitalso we have seen the Problem of Balance Deficit

    and Problem of Domestic Use of Petrol and Dieseland Problem of Domestic Use of Petrol and Dieseland Robust Increase of Demand of Petrol andand Robust Increase of Demand of Petrol andDiesel as well. Now we can easily conclude that weDiesel as well. Now we can easily conclude that wehave to keep a check over the Oil Demand and wehave to keep a check over the Oil Demand and weneed a Substitute for this Energy Demand. Weneed a Substitute for this Energy Demand. Wehave Tremendous Land (Barren as well ashave Tremendous Land (Barren as well asProtected) and Man Power, Now we can AnalyzeProtected) and Man Power, Now we can Analyzeover the Need Of the Hour.over the Need Of the Hour.

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    Need of The Hour.Need of The Hour.

    Use of Barren Land.Use of Barren Land. Proper Use of Labour Force.Proper Use of Labour Force.

    Proper Allocation of Resources.Proper Allocation of Resources.

    Proper Utilization of Unemployed labour.Proper Utilization of Unemployed labour.

    To Keep a Check over Balance Deficit.To Keep a Check over Balance Deficit.

    To Keep a Check over Population Explosion.To Keep a Check over Population Explosion.

    Try to Export our Basic Products that are very muchTry to Export our Basic Products that are very muchliked in Western Countries Like Khadi, Pashmina, Jariliked in Western Countries Like Khadi, Pashmina, Jariand all that Traditional industries that are under worstand all that Traditional industries that are under worstHit in Now A Days. So that these industries will help ourHit in Now A Days. So that these industries will help ourtraditions live in this Competitive Era.traditions live in this Competitive Era.

    Decrease in Import ofCrude oil.Decrease in Import ofCrude oil. ((Major share in Import BillsMajor share in Import Bills.).)

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    There is a Question I have for all,There is a Question I have for all,

    that is it possible for a Country likethat is it possible for a Country like

    India to achieve these goals.India to achieve these goals.

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    Yes We Can.Yes We Can.

    But Now The Question Is HowBut Now The Question Is How

    And The Answer isAnd The Answer is Bio diesel.Bio diesel.

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    What is Bio diesel.What is Bio diesel.

    The concept dates back to 1885 when Dr. RudolfThe concept dates back to 1885 when Dr. RudolfDiesel built the first diesel engine with the fullDiesel built the first diesel engine with the fullintention of running it on vegetative source.intention of running it on vegetative source.

    He first displayed his engine at the Paris show ofHe first displayed his engine at the Paris show of1900 and astounded everyone when he ran the1900 and astounded everyone when he ran the

    patented engine on any hydrocarbon fuel availablepatented engine on any hydrocarbon fuel available --which included gasoline and peanut oil.which included gasoline and peanut oil.

    Scientists discovered that the viscosity ( thickness)Scientists discovered that the viscosity ( thickness)of vegetable oils could be reduced in a simpleof vegetable oils could be reduced in a simplechemical process In 1970 and that it could work wellchemical process In 1970 and that it could work wellas diesel fuel in modern diesel fuel in modern engine.

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    Why Bio diesel.Why Bio diesel.

    Bio Diesel is a substitute for diesel fuelBio Diesel is a substitute for diesel fuel :: Bio diesel isBio diesel isderived from the oils and fats of plants, like Karanj, Neem orderived from the oils and fats of plants, like Karanj, Neem orJatropha.Jatropha.

    Bio Diesel is a alternative fuelBio Diesel is a alternative fuel :: Bio diesel can be used inBio diesel can be used indiesel engines and provides power similar to conventional dieseldiesel engines and provides power similar to conventional dieselfuel.fuel.

    Bio Diesel is renewableBio Diesel is renewable :: Bio diesel is domestically producedBio diesel is domestically producedliquid fuel that can help reduce the countries dependence onliquid fuel that can help reduce the countries dependence onforeign oil imports.foreign oil imports.

    Recent environmental and economic concerns (Kyoto Protocol)Recent environmental and economic concerns (Kyoto Protocol)have prompted resurgence in the use of bio diesel throughout thehave prompted resurgence in the use of bio diesel throughout theworld. In 1991, the European Community, (EC) Proposed a 90%world. In 1991, the European Community, (EC) Proposed a 90%tax reduction for the use of bio fuels, including bio reduction for the use of bio fuels, including bio diesel.

    Today, 21 countries worldwide, produce Bio diesel.Today, 21 countries worldwide, produce Bio diesel.

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    The Advantages of Bio Diesel.The Advantages of Bio Diesel.

    Energy Independence.Energy Independence.

    Smaller Trade Deficit.Smaller Trade Deficit.

    Economic Growth.Economic Growth. Cleaner Air.Cleaner Air.

    Less Global WarmingLess Global Warming..

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    Some Hard Facts about BioSome Hard Facts about Bio--Diesel.Diesel. Bio Diesel is the most valuable form of renewable energy that canBio Diesel is the most valuable form of renewable energy that can

    be used directly in any existing, unmodified diesel used directly in any existing, unmodified diesel engine.

    Bio Diesel fuel can be produced from oilseed plants such as RapeBio Diesel fuel can be produced from oilseed plants such as Rapeseeds, Karanj, Neem and orseeds, Karanj, Neem and orJATROPHACURCASJATROPHACURCAS..

    Bio Diesel is environmental friendly and ideal for heavily pollutedBio Diesel is environmental friendly and ideal for heavily polluted

    cities.cities. Bio Diesel is as biodegradable as salt.Bio Diesel is as biodegradable as salt.

    Bio Diesel produces 80% less carbon dioxide and 100% less sulfurBio Diesel produces 80% less carbon dioxide and 100% less sulfurdioxide emissions. It provides a 90% reduction in cancer risks.dioxide emissions. It provides a 90% reduction in cancer risks.

    Bio Diesel can be used alone or mixed in any ratio with mineral oilBio Diesel can be used alone or mixed in any ratio with mineral oil

    diesel fuel. The preferred ratio of mixture ranges between 5 to 20%diesel fuel. The preferred ratio of mixture ranges between 5 to 20%(B5(B5 -- B20).B20).

    Bio Diesel extends the life of diesel engines.Bio Diesel extends the life of diesel engines.

    Bio Diesel is cheaper then mineral oil diesel.Bio Diesel is cheaper then mineral oil diesel.

    Bio Diesel is conserving natural resources.Bio Diesel is conserving natural resources.

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    Bio diesel Scenario in India.Bio diesel Scenario in India.

    As India is deficient in edible oils, nonAs India is deficient in edible oils, non--edible oil isedible oil isthe main choice for producing biodiesel. Accordingthe main choice for producing biodiesel. Accordingto Indian government policy and Indian technologyto Indian government policy and Indian technologyeffects. Some development works have been carriedeffects. Some development works have been carriedout with regards to the production of transesterfied.out with regards to the production of transesterfied.

    Non edible oil and its use in bio diesel by units suchNon edible oil and its use in bio diesel by units suchas Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Tamilnaduas Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, TamilnaduAgriculture University Coimbatore and KumaraguruAgriculture University Coimbatore and Kumaraguru

    College of Technology in association with Pan hortiCollege of Technology in association with Pan horticonsultants, Coimbatore.consultants, Coimbatore.

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    Locations for Jatropha Plantation inLocations for Jatropha Plantation in

    India.India. JharkhandJharkhand

    Bokaro, Chatra, Daltenganj, Devgarh, Dhanbad, Dumka, Garhwa, Godda,Bokaro, Chatra, Daltenganj, Devgarh, Dhanbad, Dumka, Garhwa, Godda,Giridih, Gumla, Hazaribag, Jamshedpur, Koderma, Pakur, Palamu, Ranchi,Giridih, Gumla, Hazaribag, Jamshedpur, Koderma, Pakur, Palamu, Ranchi,Sahibganj, Singbhum(East), Singbhum(West).Sahibganj, Singbhum(East), Singbhum(West).

    BiharBiharAraria, Aurangabad, Banka, Betiah (West Champaran), Bhagalpur, Gaya,Araria, Aurangabad, Banka, Betiah (West Champaran), Bhagalpur, Gaya,

    Jahanabad, Jamui, Kaimur, Latehar, Muzzaffarpur, Munger, NawadaJahanabad, Jamui, Kaimur, Latehar, Muzzaffarpur, Munger, Nawada


    Ajmer, Alwar, Barmar, Bilwara, Bikaner, Churu, Chittorgarh, Jaisalmer,Ajmer, Alwar, Barmar, Bilwara, Bikaner, Churu, Chittorgarh, Jaisalmer,

    Jodhpur, Kota, Sikar, Sawai Madhopur, Udaipur.Jodhpur, Kota, Sikar, Sawai Madhopur, Udaipur.

    As Per Cost Basis.As Per Cost Basis.

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    Total Expenses.Total Expenses. (as per 1000 Hect.)(as per 1000 Hect.)

    Cost of Land :Cost of Land :-- 10,000*1,000 (1Crore.)10,000*1,000 (1Crore.) (one time Investment)(one time Investment)

    Cost of Cultivation :Cost of Cultivation :-- 5,000*1,000 (50 Lakh.)5,000*1,000 (50 Lakh.) (one time Investment)(one time Investment)

    Cost of Maintenance :Cost of Maintenance :-- 1,000*1,000 (10 Lakh.)1,000*1,000 (10 Lakh.)


    Fulltime Employee,Watering

    ,Cleaning of Farm Per Year)(Including

    10Fulltime Employee


    ,Cleaning of Farm Per Year)

    Bee Keeping for Proper Pollination :Bee Keeping for Proper Pollination :-- 10 Lakh.10 Lakh.

    (2 boxes Per Hect. Cost of1 Box Rs.500)(2 boxes Per Hect. Cost of1 Box Rs.500)..

    Total Expenses on Per Year ending Basis:Total Expenses on Per Year ending Basis:--

    ((Figures are Made onFigures are Made on 11stst Year :Year :-- 1.70 Crore.1.70 Crore.

    approximation withapproximation with 22ndnd Year :Year :-- 1.80 Crore.1.80 Crore.

    no Interest Paid onno Interest Paid on 33rdrd Year :Year :-- 1.90 Crore.1.90 Crore.

    Investment.)Investment.) 44thth Year :Year :-- 2 Crore.2 Crore.

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    Production Per Year Basis.Production Per Year Basis. Plantation of Jatropha alone is not economically attractive, asPlantation of Jatropha alone is not economically attractive, as

    there is little income from it for first 2 to 3 years. As Jatrophathere is little income from it for first 2 to 3 years. As Jatropha

    plant is initially small in height, Castor is intercropped with it inplant is initially small in height, Castor is intercropped with it inFallow Land, to get income and oil for first 2 to 3 yearsFallow Land, to get income and oil for first 2 to 3 years **

    Time Taken for Full Maturity. :Time Taken for Full Maturity. :-- 44--5 Years5 Years

    Cost Per Kg. of Jatropha :Cost Per Kg. of Jatropha :-- Rs. 10 Per Kg.Rs. 10 Per Kg.

    Honey Produce Total :Honey Produce Total :-- 5*2000*200*2 =40 Lakh Per Year.5*2000*200*2 =40 Lakh Per Year.

    (5 Kg Per Box*2000 Boxes*200 Rs Per Kg*2 Twice A Year)(5 Kg Per Box*2000 Boxes*200 Rs Per Kg*2 Twice A Year) Production of Jatropha (For 1000 Hect.)Production of Jatropha (For 1000 Hect.)

    11stst Year :Year :-- 250 Kg. *1000*10=25 Lakh.250 Kg. *1000*10=25 Lakh.

    22ndnd Year :Year :--1,000 Kg.*1000*10=1Crore.1,000 Kg.*1000*10=1Crore.

    33rdrd Year :Year :-- 2,500 Kg.*1000*10=2.5Crore.2,500 Kg.*1000*10=2.5Crore.

    44thth Year :Year :-- 5,000 Kg.*1000*10=5Crore.5,000 Kg.*1000*10=5 Crore. 55thth Year onwards :Year onwards :-- 12,000 Kg.*1000*10=12Crore .12,000 Kg.*1000*10=12Crore .

    Castor Can be used in Inter Cropping but the Stats are for Barren Land and in BarrenCastor Can be used in Inter Cropping but the Stats are for Barren Land and in Barren

    Land Castor is not much Successful.Land Castor is not much Successful.

    ((Life Span of the Plant is 60 YearsLife Span of the Plant is 60 Years.).)

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    Total Earnings.Total Earnings. 11stst Year :Year :-- 25Lakh.+40Lakh =25Lakh.+40Lakh = 65 Lakh.65 Lakh.

    22ndnd Year :Year :--1Crore.+40Lakh =1Crore.+40Lakh = 1.4Crore.1.4Crore.

    33rdrd Year :Year :-- 2.5Crore.+40Lakh =2.5Crore.+40Lakh = 2.9Crore.2.9Crore.

    44thth Year :Year :-- 5Crore.+40Lakh=5Crore.+40Lakh=5.4Crore5.4Crore..

    55thth Year :Year :-- 12Crore.+40Lakh=12Crore.+40Lakh=12.4Crore12.4Crore..


    Year :Year :-- 12Crore.+40Lakh=12Crore.+40Lakh=12.4Crore.12.


    (figures are according to Todays Prices with No Inflation Rate Added or(figures are according to Todays Prices with No Inflation Rate Added or

    Not Expecting Any Change in the Price of the crop Yield)Not Expecting Any Change in the Price of the crop Yield)

    All Investment is Recovered By The End of 2All Investment is Recovered By The End of 2ndnd Year.Year.

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    Uses of Jatropha.Uses of Jatropha.

    Making of Paints, Dyes.Making of Paints, Dyes.

    Making ofCandles.Making ofCandles.

    Used as Fossil Fuel.Used as Fossil Fuel.

    Used in Medicines for Paralysis, Joint Pain,Used in Medicines for Paralysis, Joint Pain,Arthritis.Arthritis.

    Used for the Development of Land.Used for the Development of Land.

    Used in the Production of Soap, Lubricant.Used in the Production of Soap, Lubricant.

    Used For the Production of diesel.Used For the Production of diesel. Used in The BioUsed in The Bio--Gas Plant and ByGas Plant and By--Product in BioProduct in Bio--

    Gas Plant is also used as BioGas Plant is also used as Bio--fertilizer.fertilizer.

    (Even the By(Even the By--Product is Not a sheer waste it is the Best Source for BioProduct is Not a sheer waste it is the Best Source for Bio--Fertilizer.)Fertilizer.)

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    The Process of Preparing Bio diesel.The Process of Preparing Bio diesel.

    The process of converting vegetable oil into bio diesel fuel is calledThe process of converting vegetable oil into bio diesel fuel is calledTransesterification and is luckily less complex than it sounds.Transesterification and is luckily less complex than it sounds.

    Chemically, Transesterification means taking a triglycerideChemically, Transesterification means taking a triglyceridemolecule, or a complex fatty acid, neutralizing the free fatty acids,molecule, or a complex fatty acid, neutralizing the free fatty acids,removing the glycerin, and creating an alcohol ester.removing the glycerin, and creating an alcohol ester.

    The final product Bio Diesel fuel, when used directly in a DieselThe final product Bio Diesel fuel, when used directly in a DieselEngine will burn up to 75%.Engine will burn up to 75%.

    Only 40% of the Whole Product are Fatty acids and are can beOnly 40% of the Whole Product are Fatty acids and are can beExtracted but the other 60% of the whole byExtracted but the other 60% of the whole by--product is used asproduct is used asbiobio--Fertilizer and the market rate of BioFertilizer and the market rate of Bio--fertilizer is Rs.4000 Perfertilizer is Rs.4000 Per

    tons and the by product per hectare is 8 Tons. And even the wholetons and the by product per hectare is 8 Tons. And even the wholegreen leaves as well as dry leaves are used as feed of Live stock. Sogreen leaves as well as dry leaves are used as feed of Live stock. Sothe biothe bio--fertilizer per hectare is somewhere about Rs.32000. so iffertilizer per hectare is somewhere about Rs.32000. so ifwe calculate it for 1000 hectare it will give us roughly 3 Crorewe calculate it for 1000 hectare it will give us roughly 3 Crorefrom 6from 6thth Year.Year.

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    Technological Partners.Technological Partners.

    Energea, Lurgi, Novamont, Comprimo, Vogeland Noot etc..

    IICT Hyderabad, IIP Dehradun, Punjab

    University, IITs, CSMCRI, TamilnaduUniversity, Oil India Limited etc.

    Ballestra (Italy), BDT Bio diesel Technologies(Austria), Bio diesel Industries (U.S)., Bio dieselInternational (U.S), Biosource Fuels, LLC (U.S).,BIOX Corporation (Canada), Crown Iron Works

    Company (U.S). etc

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    Even thats Not all it Will Help Not only ourEven thats Not all it Will Help Not only ourEconomy and Oil Need but Also Help us To FightEconomy and Oil Need but Also Help us To Fight

    Against Global Warming to Some sort and also itAgainst Global Warming to Some sort and also ithelps us to use the Barren Land at The Most whichhelps us to use the Barren Land at The Most whichwe have not expected in last 60 Years.we have not expected in last 60 Years.

    And we have gone through the Profit Margins asAnd we have gone through the Profit Margins aswell and Last but not the Least we have Barren Landwell and Last but not the Least we have Barren Landabout 2,39,970 Sq.Km. and if we are able to useabout 2,39,970 Sq.Km. and if we are able to useonly the 50% of the land it will give our economyonly the 50% of the land it will give our economy

    about Rs.7500 Crore. as well as 4,80,000 tons ofabout Rs.7500 Crore. as well as 4,80,000 tons ofDiesel and work to about 10,00,000 PeopleDiesel and work to about 10,00,000 People(directly). and food for about 40,00,000.(directly). and food for about 40,00,000.

    The End.The End.

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    Sources of Information.Sources of Information. Medicinal Plants by Gurmeet Singh.Medicinal Plants by Gurmeet Singh.