Bioethics and the Pan Asian SNP Project Regulation from Within Maude E. Phipps, Ph.D. 8 th Asian Bioethics Conference Bangkok 19 March 2007

Bioethics and the Pan Asian SNP Project Regulation from Within Maude E. Phipps, Ph.D. 8 th Asian Bioethics Conference Bangkok 19 March 2007

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Page 1: Bioethics and the Pan Asian SNP Project Regulation from Within Maude E. Phipps, Ph.D. 8 th Asian Bioethics Conference Bangkok 19 March 2007

Bioethics and the Pan Asian SNP Project

Regulation from Within

Maude E. Phipps, Ph.D.

8th Asian Bioethics Conference


19 March 2007

Page 2: Bioethics and the Pan Asian SNP Project Regulation from Within Maude E. Phipps, Ph.D. 8 th Asian Bioethics Conference Bangkok 19 March 2007

Asia - the world's largest continent, 17,139,000 sq mi (44,390,000 sq km), with about 3.3 billion people, nearly three fifths of the world's total population

Page 3: Bioethics and the Pan Asian SNP Project Regulation from Within Maude E. Phipps, Ph.D. 8 th Asian Bioethics Conference Bangkok 19 March 2007

Pan Asian Single NucleotidePolymorphism initiative

Combined effort by researchers in public institutions in Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Taiwan ROC, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Mongolia and Thailand

Document the precise level of genetic diversity in 65 distinct Asian ethnic groups

Current databases document mainly Caucasian or very regional Asian populations. Knowledge of Asia’s genetic composition will create major benefits.

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PASNP Initiative

Creation : 2004

Publications : April 2007 -

An Anthropological and Genomics Perspective of Four Pribumi Groups in Malaysia

Created in 196 BC, Discovered by French in 1799, Translated in 1822.

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Benefits Determination, with high resolution, the genetic

relatedness of Asian populations

Patterns of human migration across Asia

Creation of a freely accessible Asian SNP database to assist association studies and the genetic stratification of case-control subjects.

Develop collaborative networks and training of scientists from less developed countries

Improve scientific expertise across Asia.

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PRB Vision Statement

What we’re doing must be scientifically sound, in line with technological advances involve international collaborative efforts and be ethically acceptable, in our quest for greater knowledge and wisdom of the human genome, evolution and health

Page 7: Bioethics and the Pan Asian SNP Project Regulation from Within Maude E. Phipps, Ph.D. 8 th Asian Bioethics Conference Bangkok 19 March 2007

Pan Asian Single NucleotidePolymorphism initiative

Page 8: Bioethics and the Pan Asian SNP Project Regulation from Within Maude E. Phipps, Ph.D. 8 th Asian Bioethics Conference Bangkok 19 March 2007

A Kensiu man from Kampung Lubuk Legong, Kedah A Jehai woman from

RPS Banun, Grik

Temuan schoolgirls from KualaPilah, Negeri Sembilan SABAH


Distribution of Indigenous groups in


Bidayuh ladies in their traditional costumes

Genomics and Health in Indigenous Peoples of Malaysia-Towards the Pan Asian SNP Initiative P2

A Semai man with2 Jehai children

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Researchers IRBs Indigenous Affairs departments /organization Chieftains / Batin Participants

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PRB - Terms of Reference Identification of relevant ELSI parameters Consultation, engagement and discussion

(bioethicists, researchers, policy makers, etc, within HUGO, other agencies and stakeholders)

Policy formulation and periodic review for the duration of the initiative

Collation of documentary evidence – Informed consent, approvals of IRBs, other regulatory authorities .

Addressing of ethical concerns relevant to research findings, publications and implications, especially in the Asia Pacific

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Bioethics Instruments / Guidelines applicable to the PRB-PASNPI International

UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human

Rights (2000) Bioethics Committee at Work – Procedures and Policies

(2005) WHO

Genomics and World Health (2002) Summary and Guidelines – Adv. Comm. Health Res. - T. Pang, D. Weatherall, D. Brock and H.L.Chee

National / Institutional National Regulatory Frameworks, Organizations,

IRBs, etc and Policies therein

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International Articles relevant to Human Genome research

Article 10 (Informed Consent, IRB) No research or research applications concerning the

human genome, in particularly the fields of biology, genetics and medicine, should prevail over respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and human dignity or where applicable of groups of people.

Article 12 (Research and Benefits Sharing) Benefits from advances in biol, gen., med., shall be made

available to all….. Freedom of research, ….. progress of knowledge …

freedom of thought. Appl. of res...human genome… shall seek to offer relief from suffering and improve the helath of individuals and humankind as a whole.

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Benefits Sharing

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Intl. Articles relevant to Solidarity and Intl. Cooperation

Articles 17, 18, 19 refer to intl. scientific, cultural cooperation,

genetically based and genetically influenced diseases, human diversity and genetic research, industrial and developing countries.

Existing scientific collaborations among investigators and institutions

Technology transfer and Sustainability Benefits Sharing

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PRB – Bioethics indicators

IRB approvals* (each investigator / institution) Mandatory Copy of the IRB approval reference code / number

kept at the Secretariat in PRB records (for each researcher /group)

Informed consent* (volunteers & archived samples) Translations into language and terms easily

understood by participants Mandatory and responsibility of each

investigator/group. A copy/copies of a signed and verified IC to be

submitted for PRB records

* PASNPI Phase I

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‘Conflict of Interest’ issues Public fund utilization and accountability

Translation into research / training / tech transfer / capacity building / intl. cooperation, other output

Public and institutional database access and utility

Private sector partnerships and developments PANSPI : Public Inst. + Affymetrix Other partners

IPR, patents, commercial spin-offs / activities Can we dev. of novel mechs. for IP management,

mutual benefits ?

PRB – Bioethics indicators


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Bioethics challenges

Benefits Sharing Community outreach in developing countries

/ populations Mechanisms / experiences of members Best Practice Regional preferences

Global benefits sharing agreements

Tangibles Intangibles

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