Biofilms: A Clinical Perspective Michael Bell, MD Address Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Infec- tious Diseases, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, 1600 Clifton Road, A-35, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Current Infectious Disease Reports 2001, 3:483–486 Current Science Inc. ISSN 1523-3847 Copyright © 2001 by Current Science Inc. Introduction The slippery coating of microbial growth that forms on wet environments is not the simple entity once envisioned by clinicians and microbiologists. Once considered to be equivalent to free-living (ie, planktonic) organisms with the addition of a simple polysaccharide “slime-layer,” we now know that microorganisms, when growing as bio- films, display remarkably different synthetic and metabolic characteristics compared with their planktonic counter- parts [1]. As our understanding of microbial biofilms increases, we are discovering levels of microscopic com- plexity and interdependence that belie the simple macro- scopic appearance of these structures. Conventional approaches to microbiologic diagnosis and treatment used for planktonic organisms are not reliable when applied to organisms in the biofilm mode of growth [2•]. The range and prevalence of biofilm-related infections in clinical medicine make awareness of this mode of growth and how it affects our approach to patient management necessary for the delivery of optimal care. A biofilm is a community of microorganisms adherent to a surface in an aqueous environment. It may be com- prised of one or more species of organisms, including bac- teria, yeast, and protozoa, that generate an extracellular polymer matrix composed of polysaccharides and proteins [2•] (Fig. 1). Formation of a biofilm begins when a surface in an aqueous environment is colonized with discrete organisms that first adhere, then divide, forming microcol- onies [3]. Model systems using Pseudomonas aeruginosa have demonstrated that these adherent organisms produce intercellular signaling molecules that, when present in ade- quate concentration, trigger the formation of complex, mushroom-like structures [4••]. This cell-to-cell signaling is referred to as “quorum-sensing” and includes signals to release planktonic organisms back into the surrounding fluid environment, as well as to build and control the structure of the biofilm. Ultimately, a mature biofilm is a thick sheet of channels and pillars made of organisms and extracellular matrix [3] (Fig. 2). Research on biofilms was originally directed toward sessile organisms in the environment, where attachment to surfaces enhanced the organisms’ exposure to nutrients [1]. Thereafter, the presence of biofilms was demon- strated in the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis, help- ing to explain the chronicity of lung infections in this population. There has since been a growing realization that similar biofilms are a factor in almost every aspect of health care [5]. Medical Biofilms Biofilm formation requires two things: an aqueous envi- ronment with a constant flow of nutrients, and a surface to which organisms can adhere [2•]. These criteria are not as limiting as might be imagined. Considered on a micro- scopic scale, the requirement for a “constant flow” is satis- fied in the human body by the movement of saliva across a gingival crevice caused by normal mouth movement, or the movement of extracellular fluid against a sternal wire suture caused by respiratory movements of the chest wall. Microenvironments such as these are ubiquitous. As technology allows us to extend lives and solve diag- nostic and therapeutic challenges, it has also created myr- iad new opportunities for microorganisms to form biofilms. Vascular access devices, synthetic tissue replace- ments, water handling systems in health care, and steril- ization devices are all examples of technologies that have created new niches for biofilms that, in turn, can pose a threat to human health [3,6–10]. The potential impact is amplified by demographic trends that include growing populations of older individuals and patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes. Both are examples of Biofilms play an increasingly recognized role in many aspects of human disease. Most of our understanding of infections is based on research that has examined free-living organisms. The results do not necessarily apply to biofilm organisms, since metabolic and synthetic characteristics of free-living organisms can change when they assume the bio- film mode of growth. Biofilms reduce our ability to eradi- cate infections, causing relapses after seemingly appropriate therapy. Awareness of biofilms, prevention of contamina- tion of implanted or invasive devices, and use of appropri- ate antimicrobial dosing and treatment durations can limit the negative impact of biofilms while we strive for new technological solutions.

Biofilms: A Clinical Perspective

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Page 1: Biofilms: A Clinical Perspective

Biofilms: A Clinical PerspectiveMichael Bell, MD

AddressCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Infec-tious Diseases, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, 1600 Clifton Road, A-35, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Infectious Disease Reports 2001, 3:483–486Current Science Inc. ISSN 1523-3847Copyright © 2001 by Current Science Inc.

IntroductionThe slippery coating of microbial growth that forms on wetenvironments is not the simple entity once envisioned byclinicians and microbiologists. Once considered to beequivalent to free-living (ie, planktonic) organisms withthe addition of a simple polysaccharide “slime-layer,” wenow know that microorganisms, when growing as bio-films, display remarkably different synthetic and metaboliccharacteristics compared with their planktonic counter-parts [1]. As our understanding of microbial biofilmsincreases, we are discovering levels of microscopic com-plexity and interdependence that belie the simple macro-scopic appearance of these structures. Conventionalapproaches to microbiologic diagnosis and treatment usedfor planktonic organisms are not reliable when applied toorganisms in the biofilm mode of growth [2•]. The rangeand prevalence of biofilm-related infections in clinicalmedicine make awareness of this mode of growth and howit affects our approach to patient management necessaryfor the delivery of optimal care.

A biofilm is a community of microorganisms adherentto a surface in an aqueous environment. It may be com-prised of one or more species of organisms, including bac-teria, yeast, and protozoa, that generate an extracellular

polymer matrix composed of polysaccharides and proteins[2•] (Fig. 1). Formation of a biofilm begins when a surfacein an aqueous environment is colonized with discreteorganisms that first adhere, then divide, forming microcol-onies [3]. Model systems using Pseudomonas aeruginosahave demonstrated that these adherent organisms produceintercellular signaling molecules that, when present in ade-quate concentration, trigger the formation of complex,mushroom-like structures [4••]. This cell-to-cell signalingis referred to as “quorum-sensing” and includes signals torelease planktonic organisms back into the surroundingfluid environment, as well as to build and control thestructure of the biofilm. Ultimately, a mature biofilm is athick sheet of channels and pillars made of organisms andextracellular matrix [3] (Fig. 2).

Research on biofilms was originally directed towardsessile organisms in the environment, where attachmentto surfaces enhanced the organisms’ exposure to nutrients[1]. Thereafter, the presence of biofilms was demon-strated in the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis, help-ing to explain the chronicity of lung infections in thispopulation. There has since been a growing realizationthat similar biofilms are a factor in almost every aspect ofhealth care [5].

Medical BiofilmsBiofilm formation requires two things: an aqueous envi-ronment with a constant flow of nutrients, and a surface towhich organisms can adhere [2•]. These criteria are not aslimiting as might be imagined. Considered on a micro-scopic scale, the requirement for a “constant flow” is satis-fied in the human body by the movement of saliva across agingival crevice caused by normal mouth movement, orthe movement of extracellular fluid against a sternal wiresuture caused by respiratory movements of the chest wall.Microenvironments such as these are ubiquitous.

As technology allows us to extend lives and solve diag-nostic and therapeutic challenges, it has also created myr-iad new opportunities for microorganisms to formbiofilms. Vascular access devices, synthetic tissue replace-ments, water handling systems in health care, and steril-ization devices are all examples of technologies that havecreated new niches for biofilms that, in turn, can pose athreat to human health [3,6–10]. The potential impact isamplified by demographic trends that include growingpopulations of older individuals and patients withchronic diseases, such as diabetes. Both are examples of

Biofilms play an increasingly recognized role in many aspects of human disease. Most of our understanding of infections is based on research that has examined free-living organisms. The results do not necessarily apply to biofilm organisms, since metabolic and synthetic characteristics of free-living organisms can change when they assume the bio-film mode of growth. Biofilms reduce our ability to eradi-cate infections, causing relapses after seemingly appropriate therapy. Awareness of biofilms, prevention of contamina-tion of implanted or invasive devices, and use of appropri-ate antimicrobial dosing and treatment durations can limit the negative impact of biofilms while we strive for new technological solutions.

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populations more likely to require medical care and inva-sive (eg, intravascular) devices, and to be more suscepti-ble to infections [11].

The familiar clinical vignette of the patient whoreceives a protracted course of antimicrobial therapy, eg,for osteomyelitis, defervesces and demonstrates clinicalimprovement, only to relapse a few days after completingtreatment, is a classic example of an infection thatinvolves biofilms that confound otherwise appropriatetherapy. Devitalized bone provides surfaces to whichorganisms can adhere in an aqueous microenvironment.An example of device-associated infection related to bio-films is ventilator-associated pneumonia, where organ-isms from the oropharynx attach to and colonize anendotracheal tube. The biofilm on the endotracheal tubethen can serve as a source of organisms that cause lowerrespiratory tract disease.

Native tissue infectionsBiofilm-associated infections of native tissues (Table 1)share the characteristics of having aqueous microenviron-ments with surfaces including devitalized bone (eg, mas-toiditis and osteomyelitis), accumulated inflammatorytissue (eg, sinusitis, cystic fibrosis-related bronchitis), ormineral deposits, such as with cholelithiasis and renalstones [2•,5,6,8,9,12–14]. These surfaces provide pro-tected sites across which nutrients flow. Eradication of theinfection almost always is dependent on removal of thecolonized surface [2•].

Non-native tissue infectionsBiofilm-associated infections in the setting of non-nativetissues and prostheses (Table 2) behave similarly to thenative tissue infections described above, with the insertedor implanted material serving as the surface for attach-ment. While some of these surfaces are amenable to easy

removal (eg, contact lenses or sutures), and thus eradica-tion of the source of infection, many are implanted andrequire nontrivial surgical removal if infected [2•,3,6–8,10,15–18]. Among the most challenging sites are thosethat are endovascular, eg, prosthetic heart valves and syn-thetic vascular grafts. The risk of removal may be so greatthat true eradication of the infection may not be possiblewithout risking the patient’s life. In such cases, cliniciansmay choose to suppress the infection with chronic antimi-crobial therapy [19,20]. Though useful for relatively short-term management, relapse is highly probable should anti-microbial suppression be discontinued for any reason.

Environmental BiofilmsHuman health can also be affected by biofilms unrelatedto the body. Environmental biofilms are sources of patho-gens that can cause infections in humans, including largeoutbreaks of illness. Aerosols from contaminated water sys-tems have caused large outbreaks of pneumonia due toLegionella species. Coexisting with bacterial and protozoalsaprophytes, Legionella inhabit polymicrobial biofilmsfound in water heaters and other segments of water han-dling systems, including hospital water systems [21]. A verydifferent example of an environmental biofilm related tohuman disease is that of Vibrio cholera, which forms bio-films in estuaries, providing a source for outbreaks of food-borne disease [22]. Ventilator-associated pneumonia canbe caused by organisms forming biofilms, not only on thesurfaces of endotracheal tubes, but throughout the wetenvironment of the ventilator circuit [23]. Examples ofmedically significant biofilms can be found in our homes,eg, contact lens storage cases, which have been shown toharbor biofilms with organisms linked to corneal infec-tions [24]. Finally, machinery and equipment used for ster-ilization or manufacturing can support biofilms that leadto introduction of organisms that cause infection. Forexample, if an automated sterilization device becomes col-onized with a biofilm, this may serve as a source of organ-isms that can contaminate endoscopes, leading to eitherpseudo-outbreaks or true procedure-related infections[25]. If similar colonization of manufacturing devicesoccurs, there can be systematic contamination of solutionsintended to be sterile, leading to outbreaks of infectionamong product recipients.

Figure 1. Scanning electron micrograph of staphylococcal biofilm on catheter lumen. (Courtesy of Janice Carr, Division of Healthcare Qual-ity Promotion, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)

Figure 2. Illustration of a mature biofilm.

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Antimicrobial SusceptibilityOrganisms growing as a biofilm are problematic becausethey are not reliably killed by standard antimicrobial ther-apy [3]. Current antimicrobial agents alone almost neversucceed in eradicating infections involving biofilms unlessthe biofilm itself is removed or excised [26•]. Our under-standing of this problem is hampered by the fact that eval-uation of new antimicrobial agents, measurements ofantimicrobial susceptibility, and assessment of growthcharacteristics and metabolic or structural target sites haveall been done using pure cultures of planktonic organisms[27]. Thus, the data on which we base much of our antimi-crobial strategies may not apply to many of the infectionswe attempt to treat.

The ability of these organisms to withstand treatmentappears to be multifactorial.

Charge effects: The polymer matrix of biofilms does notappear to function as a simple physical barrier to diffusion.Antimicrobials have been shown to penetrate efficiently.There may, however, be electrostatic effects of the net-nega-tively charged matrix. Negatively charged molecules ofantimicrobials, eg, aminoglycosides, can be repelled, andpositively charged molecules can be attracted, causingthem to be caught in the matrix rather than arriving at theircellular target site [3,26•,28].

pH and oxidative gradients: Micropipette and microelec-trode studies have demonstrated that biofilms containsteep gradients of pH and oxygen concentration, creatingmany microenvironments where intact antimicrobials,despite arriving at their target, are unable to bind at theactive site [26•]. This can be due to alterations of charge orconformation at the binding site for the molecule causedby the local pH or oxidative state.

Metabolic alterations: Antimicrobials requiring meta-bolic activity of target organisms to be effective, eg, β-lac-tam drugs, may not function in biofilms due to thedecreased metabolic rates of organisms growing withinmicrocolonies and stalks of a biofilm [3,26•].

Structural alterations: Biofilms may contain a mixedpopulation of organisms, with most cells in a growth state

in which they remain somewhat susceptible to antimicro-bial agents, and other cells in a metabolically inert, spore-like state that is much more resistant to killing. The lattercells may act as a source from which a renewed populationof organisms can arise, even after most of the biofilm hasbeen sterilized [26•].

In cases of polymicrobial colonization, resistance fea-tures may be shared, eg, one species may express a β-lacta-mase that diffuses through the biofilm, conferringresistance to other species.

These factors strongly suggest that standard antimicro-bial susceptibility testing performed on planktonic cells isunlikely to yield meaningful information about how bio-film organisms might respond in vivo to a prescribed anti-microbial agent. Research in progress is exploring thepotential utility of antimicrobial susceptibility testing onmodel biofilms [27]. Testing may even be extended topolymicrobial biofilms.

Therapeutic implicationsCurrent antimicrobial therapies do not allow us to reliablyeradicate infections involving biofilms [26•]. In the presenceof a biofilm, there will always be microenvironments whereantimicrobials have diminished effectiveness. Viable organ-isms that persist form a nidus for renewed infection aftertreatment has ended. As clinicians, we must be quick to con-sider the presence of biofilms when faced with treatment fail-ures and relapsing symptoms despite seemingly appropriateantimicrobial treatment. In such cases, whenever possible,identifying and removing biofilms (or the device on whichthey form) is the key to successful care. When removal is notpossible, chronic antimicrobial suppression may be the onlysafe option. In the rare instances when it must be used, sup-pressive antimicrobial treatment should utilize an agent withas narrow a spectrum of activity as possible to which thepathogen is confirmed to be susceptible in routine (ie, plank-tonic) testing. Although the primary site of infection will not

Table 1. Native tissue infections involving biofilms

Superficial Deep

Dental plaque Otitis mediaDental caries MastoiditisHidradenitis SinusitisOtitis externa Osteomyelitis

Peptic ulcer diseaseCholecystitisPyelonephritis, associated with nephrolithiasisProstatitisEndocarditisChronic bronchitis/pneumonia, associated with cystic fibrosis

Table 2. Non-native tissue sites prone to biofilm-associated infections

Easily removed for treatment

Difficult to remove/may need antibiotic suppression

Contact lenses Prosthetic jointsSutures Spinal stabilization rodsDental implants/pinsUrinary catheters, indwelling

Internal orthopedic fixation devicesPenile prostheses

Vascular catheters Vascular graftsGastrostomy tubes Prosthetic heart valvesPercutaneous drainage tubesVocal cord prosthesesVentriculoperitoneal shuntsPacemakers

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be eradicated, appropriate blood levels of a targeted antimi-crobial are used to kill any viable organisms released fromthe biofilm, and to prevent systemic infection and seeding ofsecondary sites. Methods for measuring antimicrobial sus-ceptibility of organisms in the biofilm mode of growth arebeing developed, but these techniques are not yet widelyavailable. Other areas of investigation include identificationof synthetic molecular signals to trigger conversion from bio-film to planktonic growth (eg, for existing infections notamenable to removal); or, to prevent biofilm formation,inhibiting quorum-sensing by blocking the appropriatereceptors (eg, on implantable devices) [4••]. Antimicrobialflushes or locks that are used for vascular access devices mayhave an impact on biofilms within the device. Research inthis area is ongoing as well.

ConclusionsA fundamental shift is needed in our approach to patientcare and infectious diseases if we are to prevent device-associated infections, treatment failures, and undesiredconsequences (eg, selection for antimicrobial-resistant bac-terial strains) due to biofilm-related infections. Untilresearch leads us to better ways to eradicate clinically sig-nificant biofilms, prevention of biofilm-related complica-tions is the most meaningful goal. Awareness of the role ofbiofilms and how they limit our current ability to treatinfections is the first step. We must reduce opportunitiesfor biofilm formation by avoiding unnecessary use of inva-sive devices, and using the best available methods for inser-tion or implantation to prevent the introduction oforganisms whenever possible. Treatment plans shouldensure appropriate debridement when indicated, and ade-quate durations of treatment for infections likely to beassociated with biofilms. Suppressive therapy, whenunavoidable, should be as focused as possible.

References and Recommended ReadingPapers of particular interest, published recently, have been highlighted as:• Of importance•• Of major importance

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