I am, Bryan Edward Smith, born in 1956 of Edward C. Smith and Sylvia (Jensen) Smith, part and parcel of the Baby Boomer Generation. As a growing child, I was often passed off from one family member to another, Aunt’s, Uncle’s and Grandma Smith, to their farm and ranch spreads, growing up doing long hours working hard nary giving that thought. When I was old enough to start into the rodeo, in what was called “Little Britches” then and still named today, I fast found my first love, RODEO, which started my life’s hard focus to be better than the next. Traveling around the country winning more top prize money, belt buckles and finely all round cowboy, in the early 70’s. Schooling was hard for me in the 60’s. Elementary, I didn't do well at all. Teacher’s comments of “Dumb and would never amount to any thing other than a “Bum” Hobo!” Math, never took a hold on me. Even academic studies, I was, always, bottom of the class with lowest grades. Middle school came along in the school system in early 70’s, and it was felt, that I should be placed into special education classes, more suited to their thought of my disabilities. So, there I was placed. Middle school, here I come, without change to the academic end. Yet, my grades went from F’s and C-’s, to A’s and B’s. “A Nut Bolt Guy!” came easy. Automotive & Machine, Wood Working, Welding, and YES, Cooking Class was my new calling. Question? Teachers. My true love, then, was with hard study, the art of cooking, taking jobs on as an apprenticeship in the culinary fields, but this couldn't pay for classes, so back to the first thing I knew, driving transport. I found alcohol, in grade school, not knowing it would become, what I thought at the time, my first love. My battle with alcohol begins. It made my life grande, in my young brain. It seemed to work, I now had a friend and could talk to anyone, that would lend an ear. Schooling seem unimportant, and cooking fell by the way side. Trucking payed a lot more, than the flipping of pancakes and burgers at the local diner. Trucking, kept me in a good supply of alcohol. It wasn't long for the school board to let my Mother know that I was still to attend school, even though, I

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I am, Bryan Edward Smith, born in 1956 of Edward C. Smith and Sylvia (Jensen) Smith, part and

parcel of the Baby Boomer Generation.

As a growing child, I was often passed off from one family member to another, Aunt’s, Uncle’s

and Grandma Smith, to their farm and ranch spreads, growing up doing long hours working hard

nary giving that thought. When I was old enough to start into the rodeo, in what was called “Little

Britches” then and still named today, I fast found my first love, RODEO, which started my life’s

hard focus to be better than the next. Traveling around the country winning more top prize money,

belt buckles and finely all round cowboy, in the early 70’s.

Schooling was hard for me in the 60’s. Elementary, I didn't do well at all. Teacher’s comments of

“Dumb and would never amount to any thing other than a “Bum” Hobo!” Math, never took a

hold on me. Even academic studies, I was, always, bottom of the class with lowest grades.

Middle school came along in the school system in early 70’s, and it was felt, that I should be

placed into special education classes, more suited to their thought of my disabilities. So, there I

was placed. Middle school, here I come, without change to the academic end. Yet, my grades

went from F’s and C-’s, to A’s and B’s. “A Nut Bolt Guy!” came easy. Automotive & Machine,

Wood Working, Welding, and YES, Cooking Class was my new calling. Question? Teachers.

My true love, then, was with hard study, the art of cooking, taking jobs on as an apprenticeship in

the culinary fields, but this couldn't pay for classes, so back to the first thing I knew, driving


I found alcohol, in grade school, not knowing it would become, what I thought at the time, my

first love. My battle with alcohol begins. It made my life grande, in my young brain. It seemed to

work, I now had a friend and could talk to anyone, that would lend an ear. Schooling seem

unimportant, and cooking fell by the way side. Trucking payed a lot more, than the flipping of

pancakes and burgers at the local diner. Trucking, kept me in a good supply of alcohol. It wasn't

long for the school board to let my Mother know that I was still to attend school, even though, I

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was living in the attic of a friend’s garage.

Some of the first jobs were driving transport, which came easy, being raised on the farm, it was

just part of the life style of tractors and all different types of farm equipment. My parents split up

when I was 12ish. My Dad, became a stranger even more, as he was traveling with his work. My

Mother didn't have a lot of time for me. I was old enough to care for myself, after all, she had

her work and the caring of my 5 year old brother. I continued with my education until grade 11,

when I was asked to leave the high school by the principal, because, I was not to park MY

highway truck on school property. I was doing the things I had been ordered, by showing up for

school even though I was driving truck after classes and getting a load before classes, made sense

to me. I had payments to make, so worked all night, slept in the truck in the school parking, so as

to attend school in the am.

Trucking was now my new profession. Worked numerous jobs; let go or fired, in my brain, for

wrong reasons-alcohol; and on to the next. You can not fire self for being drunk or hung over

owning your own truck. This was my way of life and thought, in the late 70’s.

Music entered my life in the 80’s. Bass guitar, bought in BC small town music store; I am now a

self taught bass musician with the continuance of alcohol. Returned to Alberta, married, 1st baby

girl, and marriage ending all in one year.

Going on, I did well, very well in the field of transport trucking, starting my own companies, but

again my love of the bottle took control.

Turned to working for Concrete Companies, thru the 90’s moving up the ladder from driver to

concrete pump operator, once again finding my niche in life. Concrete was a summer job that

gave me lots of time to play with my bass, getting to know great like-minded musicians.

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Winter months of drinking and playing over the next few years, was a new wondrous venue. Till

the final road trip, with a body full of drugs and alcohol, I succumbed to the disease and

addiction, February 2nd, 1993. Death did not take me this time! This having been an on-going

battle, but have now hit my bottom, with only upwards in my sights. Being the greatest gift in my

life, which I was unaware of at that point in time. Needing to fill the emptiness and grief. I

recovered and returned to work, hat in hand, seemingly beaten, no hope, all seemed lost, what was

I to do? Still moving up the ladder with concrete industry, but it was not My Light.

The “Light”. I could fill the bright spot of music. DJing and in 2000, The Millennium, my

business named “North 40 Music Studios” opening to renting out music equipment, setting up

staging, lighting and glamor for Big Name performers, to first digital mobile recording studio to

TV location sound to the Calgary Stampede and award winning sound venues across Canada.

Soaring in 2003, ended April, in a car accident which took me hard with spinal injuries. I defied

the Doctor’s prognosis, of not walking again. I could only work at tops on my best days an hour

or two. The music business was too much, I could not move the equipment or load the truck.

Selling my equipment and knowledge to a Calgary Radio Station, I moved forward to British

Columbia for regrouping. Healing my body and a fresh start.

I have never found, no matter how hard I tried, to sit doing nothing. I started back into the only

thing, I thought, I knew, trucking. Healed enough in my mind and with the last of my savings

and selling a few more toys, financed, I bought in December 2004 a Brand New Peterbilt. I

worked like a man possessed. Normal. Things where grande. Fait was not done with me yet.

On December 24, 2006 - 5:30pm, I had a complete dissection of my heart. At the time I thought

it was heart burn, give me a soda, I will be fine. With wife’s nagging, I finally relented and drove

myself to the hospital. In the Hospital ER a code RED was called. Who Me??? Which ended up

with me hooked to every wire, with a medical team working feverishly that quickly packed me

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and Air Lift to the big City of Vancouver. The exams and testing there, left myself and family

with some major decision making within a very small window.

It wasn't my time to go. My God, of my understanding wasn't done with me. I am still here.

Family wrote me off, they did not visit, arrangements are being made for my end demise, but a

friend to this very day brought me “The Secret” . Months went by. My wife left me, while I was

still in the hospital. I fell into the darkest depths of depression. Hospital staff for life altering

events taught us all kinds of life skills, but the most, I already knew from my 12 step program.

The light came back on for me and I saw that this too was a learning process. Out of this came

my greatest gift. Finding Bryan, learning to love and see myself for who I was. I studied the Law

of Attraction, and learned more of this Secret. Absorbing all I could and still absorbing. Over

and over until I understood each one. As I took this new path way and journey in life, I have

befriended more and more like minded people. As “The Secret” states how it works, I want to tell

the whole world too.

Sharing my story with one person at a time and helping those who ask for help or guidance, this is

a TRUE GIFT. I now do this as my calling in life. It feels so good to see another dance to the

joy of life with just being able listen and share what has worked for me.

I am a Graduate from the University of Hard Knocks at the top of My Class!!!

Visionary Bryan Smith