Biology: Get out your packet from yesterday! … Get out your packet from yesterday! Today: 5/15/2014 *Discuss answers from yesterday *Arthropod Notes Learning Objectives: Describe

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Biology: Get out your packet from yesterday!

Today: 5/15/2014

*Discuss answers from yesterday

*Arthropod Notes

Learning Objectives:

Describe the characteristics of animals that belong to the Phylum Arthropoda

If you would like to use gloves on Mon and Tues for Dissection…


Arthropods•Arthropoda - “jointed legs”.•Largest animal phylum; includes insects, spiders shrimp, and centipedes.

•Jointed appendages include, legs, antennae, claws, & pinchers.

• Body Cavity and digestive system; possess mouth & anus.

• Open circulatory system w/ a heart• Nervous system is similar to annelids (worms), but with larger brains

• Have compound eyes to detect color & motion

• Have feather-like gills, book gills or book lungs to respire

Skeletal Structure• Have an external structure called an

exoskeleton.• Made up a protein & a carbohydrate

called chitin.• Sheds its exoskeleton as it grows in a

process called molting.• Is vulnerable to predators while new

exoskeleton hardens

Class Insecta

• Three body regions: head, thorax, & abdomen.

• Head contains a pair of antennae, eyes & a mouth.

Insects are largest invertebrate class.

•Thorax has 3 pair of jointed legs, & 1 or 2 pair of wings in most species.

•Abdomen is divided into 11 segments (No wings or legs attached to abdomen).

•Only invertebrates capable of flight.

- allows them to find food, home, and mates better and it allows them to escape predators.

• Possess both simple & compound eyes (detect color and movement).

• Antennae are used for touch & smell.• Open circulatory system carries food and waste.

• O2 enters and CO2 exits through spiracles (holes) on the abdomen and thorax.

Reproduction•Reproduce sexually.•Many undergo metamorphosis - series of changes controlled

by hormones.•Two types: Complete & Incomplete.

Complete Metamorphosis•Most insect such as: butterflies, beetles, ants, bees, moths & flies develop through complete Metamorphosis.

•4 stages: Egg, Larva, Pupa (resting), & Adult.

Incomplete Metamorphosis

•Grasshoppers, crickets & lice.•Three stages: egg, nymph, adult

•Nymph is a wingless version of the adult.

•The exoskeleton, jointed appendages, and wings allow them to live on land and fly.

•Small size allows them to hide from enemies and live in a wide range of environments.

Crustaceans•Crabs, crayfish, lobsters, shrimp, barnacles, water fleas, & pill bugs.

- Cephalothorax (fusion of head & thorax) & abdomen- 5 pairs of walking legs, 1st pair are claws.



Second antenna

First antenna


Walking legs Cheliped


Tail Carapace

•4 others are walking legs. 5 pairs of swimmerets on abdomen help in locomotion & reproduction.

•Lost appendages can be regenerated.

•Telson is a muscular tail possessed by crayfish, shrimp & lobster.

•Possess compound eyes.•One or two antennae•Jaws called mandibles are used for crushing food.

•Force water over the gills for breathing.

•Important food source for humans.

Arachnids•Class containing spiders, scorpions, mites, & ticks.

•Possess cephalothorax & abdomen.

•4 pairs of legs, but lack antennae.

• Venom glands, stingers, or fangs are used to subdue prey.

• Some have a pair of modified appendages (pedipalps) used in feeding & prey capture.


•Respiration occurs through spiracles & book lungs.

Spiders•Venomous bite paralyzes prey.

•Digestive enzymes then liquefy organs, which are drunk later.

2 Venomous Spiders:

• Black widow

• Brown recluse

Black Widow

•Latrodectus mactrans - Black Widow.

•Red hour glass design on abdomen.

- Only females bite are dangerous, extremely venomous.

Related species:Australian Brown Widow & Japanese Red Widow

Brown Recluse•Loxceles reclusa - Brown Recluse.

•Southern Spider/ house spider.•Bite causes massive cell destruction.

•Related species are dev. potent venom.


•Pedipalps are enlarged into claws to hold prey to be stung by venomous tail stinger.

•Chew their prey

The following Arthropods will not be on your final. So you do not need to write down notes!

Please pay attention though!

Ticks, Chiggers, & Mites

•Parasites that can cause diseases such as Lyme’s Disease (deer tick) & Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (wood or dog tick).

Centipedes & Millipedes•many segments•antennae•simple eyes• live on land in moist areas•make nests and stay with eggs until they hatch

Centipedes •One pair of jointed leg per body segment. Flattened body.

•Carnivorous & possess venomous claws.

•Quick moving.•15-181 segments (always odd)

Millipedes• Round bodies with 2 pairs of legs per

body segment.• Possibly over 100 segments • Feed on dead & decaying plant

matter• Roll up in a ball when disturbed.• Some can expel cyanide gas or

unpleasant chemicals as a defense mechanism.

Biology: Please pick up the Crayfish Dissection Guide

Today 5/19/2014*Missing GE Projects...*Crayfish Dissection!

Learning Objectives:

Analyze the characteristics of arthropods through crayfish.

Final Exam Notecards DUE FRIDAY!!


Clean-up: *If you finish dissecting today, please throw all parts of crayfish in the trashcan! *If you need to finish dissecting tomorrow please put your crayfish in a baggie with your name!

Rinse out dissecting tray Wash all equipment!Wipe up area!

All Questions must be answered! You can finish packets tomorrow in class! Bring study guide materials everyday to work on studying for finals!