An Introduction to Life on Earth The theory of evolution states that: (A) once a species in formed, it remains stable with time, and populations do not change (B) populations always change over time, forming new species (C) populations can changed over time, sometimes forming new species (D) populations that change over time usually become extinct, such the dinosaurs Grouping organisms on the basis of common features is called …………….. a) classification b) taxonomy c) grouping d) ranking Life on earth is carbon based. Similar molecules could be formed with ……….. a. Potassium b. Aluminum c. Iron d. Silicon How old is the earth? a. 4.6 billion years old b. 3.5 billion years old c. 2.5 billion years old d. 5.6 billion years old The oldest fossils found so far date back to the a. Cambrian period b. Archean era c. Phanerozoic era d. Proterozoic Era Bio molecules

Biology Question Paper

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An Introduction to Life on Earth 

The theory of evolution states that:(A) once a species in formed, it remains stable with time, and populations do not change(B) populations always change over time, forming new species(C) populations can changed over time, sometimes forming new species(D) populations that change over time usually become extinct, such the dinosaurs

Grouping organisms on the basis of common features is called ……………..

a) classification b) taxonomy

c) grouping d) ranking

Life on earth is carbon based. Similar molecules could be formed with ………..a. Potassiumb. Aluminumc. Irond. Silicon

How old is the earth?a. 4.6 billion years oldb. 3.5 billion years oldc. 2.5 billion years oldd. 5.6 billion years old

The oldest fossils found so far date back to thea. Cambrian periodb. Archean erac. Phanerozoic erad. Proterozoic Era

Bio molecules

The ability to do work is the definition for:(A) thermodynamics (B) energy(C) entropy (D) enthalpy

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can be:(A) destroyed (B) converted (C) created (D) all of the above

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In a lipid bilayer, the lipids have a:(A) hydrophilic head (B) hydrophobic head(C) hydrophilic tail (D) none of the above.

Cell Structure and Function 

The Golgi apparatus is involved in: (A) producing lysosomes(B) transporting proteins that are to be released from the cell(C) packaging proteins into vessicles(D) all of the above

Active transport of specific molecules involves:(A) permeability and perception (B) endocytosis and phagocytosis(C) diffusion and osmosis (D) energy and specialized pumps or chanels

Chloroplasts and mitochondria have many common characteristics because both:

(A) are present in plant cells (B) function to produce glucose.(C) involve in cell replication (D) arose by endosymbiosis.

Plant cells store energy in the form of_______, while animal cells store energy in the form of_____________.

(A) starch; glycogen (B) fructose; glucose(C) monosaccharides; disaccharides (D) cellulose; chitin

In a lipid bilayer, the lipids have:(A) their water repelling heads facing inward .(B) their water repelling tails facing inward.(C) their hydrogen bond forming heads facing inward(D) none of the above.

Which structure is common to plant and animal cells?(A) centriole (B) wall made of cellulose(C) central vacuole (D) mitochondrion

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of prokaryotic cells?(A) Cell membrane (B) Cell wall.(C) DNA (D) Endoplasmic reticulum.

The rough endoplasmic reticulum is so named because it has an abundance of ___________on it.

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(A) ribosomes (B) nuclear envelope(C) Golgi complexes (D) vesicles

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is abundant in cells that synthesize:(A) lipids (B) protein(C) nucleic acids (D) toxins

Which structure is NOT part of the endomembrane system?(A) nuclear envelope (B) Golgi apparatus(C) chloroplast (D) endoplasmic reticulum

In which cells primary assimilation of CO2 occurs?

a) meristematic cells b) mesophyllic cells

c) parenchymatic cells d) root cells

Cellular Respiration

The energy that is available to do work in a system is called:(A) free energy (B) bond energy.(C) activation energy (D) heat.

What is the importance of respiration?

a)It liberates energy b) It produces oxygen to plants

c) It liberates carbon dioxide d) All the above

Different steps in the respiration is controlled by ______________

a)Enzymes b)Auxins

c)Kinins d)Sugars

The intermediate compound of aerobic and anaerobic respiration is

a)Citric acid b)Pyruvate

c)Acetyl Co-A d) Succinate

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Cellular Reproduction- Plant and Animal

DNA & Patterns of Inheritance

In the genetic code, one codon:(A) consists of three bases (B) specifies a single amino acids(C) specifies more than one amino acids (D) both A and B

Which of the following is NOT a component of DNA?(A) uracil(B) adenine(C) five carbon sugar(D) phosphate groups

Within each organism, which nucleotides are found in similar amounts?(A) A and G, T and U (B) A and T, C and G(C) A and C, C and T (D) A and C, G and U

Proteins contain about 20 specific kinds of amino acid subunits linked together by _____.

(A) peptide bonds. (B) glycosidic bonds.(C) hydrogen bonds. (D) none of the above

The first step in the biosynthesis of nucleic acids is__________a)deamination b)nitrogen fixationc)transamination d)none

The enzyme involved in the synthesis of PRPP (5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate) during amino acid biosynthesis is ______________

a) ribose phosphate pyrophosphokinase b) N-acetylglutamate dehydrogenasec) ornithine S-aminotransferase d) all the above

The region of chromosome to which the spindle fibres are attached is called ……….

a) chromosome b) centromere

c) chromocentre d) chromonemata

Chromatin consists of ……….

a) RNA b) DNA

c) RNA and proteins d) DNA and histons

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Genetic DisordersA phospholipid has:(A) a phosphate group in place of one fatty acid.(B) phosphate groups in place of two fatty two fatty acids.(C) phosphate groups instead of all the fatty acids(D) has all its three fatty acids and a phosphate group.

The fluctuation in gene frequency is called ……….

a) out breeding b) genetic drift

c) spectation d) evolution

The smallest length of DNA which could undergo mutation is called as ……….

a) muton b) cistron

c) recon d) All the above

Endogenous damage of DNA is by ……….

a) oxygen b) Carbon-di-oxide

c) reactive oxygen d) reactive carbon-di-oxide

Bio technology

A successful scientific experiments will only result in:

(A) proving a hypotheses (B) rejecting one or more hypotheses

(C) accepting multiple hypotheses (D) confirming predictions.

The genetic engineer’s tool or molecular tools namely the __________ is most commonly used in

recombinant DNA experiments.

a. DNA fragments b. Enzymes c. Bacteria d. Yeast

What does recombinant DNA technology do?

a. It takes traits from one organism and transfers it to another

b. It helps recreate a DNA strand when it is mutated by diseases

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c. It lets DNA grow bigger for more efficient study by scientist

d. It can make a fish DNA turns into a dog DNA

___________ is the first biotechnology company to use recombinant DNA technology in developing

commercially useful products such as drugs.

a. Genetech b. Genentech

c. Biotech d. Immunotech

The first patent for a transgenic organism was awarded in 1988. Which organism

was patented?

a. a yeast used in industrial processes

b. a bacterium able to metabolize components of crude oil

c. a mouse that manufactures human protein in its milk

d. life forms cannot be patented


All organisms respond to environmental stimuli, a property called:(A) metabolism (B) nutrition.(C) growth (D) irritability.

An autotroph is an organism that:(A) extracts energy from organic sources(B) depends on the energy produced by other organisms(C) consumes plants materials(D) converts energy from the sunlight into chemical energy

Assignment of definite names to plants is called _______________

a) nomenclature b) taxonomy

c) Classification d)None

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The ascending hierarchy of taxa include species, genus, family, _____________a) Class, order and division b) order, division and class c) order, class and division d) division, order and class

Generic name is always a _________________ a) verb b) noun c) adjective d) phrase

Omega taxonomy doesnot deal with which of the followinga) cytology b) embryologyc) anatomy d) physiology

The Diversity of Plants  All the organisms on your campus make up:(A) a population (B) an experimental group(C) a community (D) none of the above

Which of the following is found in plant cells but not in animal cells? (A) Nuclei (B) Mitochondria.(C) Peroxisomes (D) none of the above.

Plants absorb ______ directly from the soila)ammonia b)oxygenc)nitrogen d)corbondioxide

Animal Diversity I: Invertebrates  

Differences in body plans result from differences in the expression of ……..a. Hox genesb. Lac genesc. Both a and bd. Hereditary character

Cnidarians are the oldest existing animals that have specialized ………a. Tissues

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b. Structuresc. Morphologyd. Physiology

Arachnids include ………….and their relativesa. Spidersb. Lizardsc. Snakesd. Frog

Animal Diversity II: Vertebrates  

Ducks and aquatic birds is an example for ……….

a) Lamarckism b) neo-darwinism

c) Darwinism d) mutation theory

The high body temperature of birds and mammals is due to _____

a. heat generated by a high metabolismb. the presence of sweat, scent, and sebaceous glandsc. behaviors like basking in the sun or seeking shaded. the exchange of gases and nutrients via the placenta

The group of terrestrial vertebrates that may be the first indicators of environmental pollution is the _____.

a. Amphibiansb. bony fishesc. lancelets

d. reptilesWhich of the following has a ventral nerve cord?

a. Earthwormb. Sharkc. Frog d. Hummingbird

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Plant AnatomyWhich of the following processes includes all others?(A) osmosis (B) facilitated diffusion(C) diffusion of solute (D) passive transport

Plants differ from animals in that plants have:(A) cell membrane (B) chloroplasts.(C) mitochondria (D) cytoplasm

During Photosynthesis which of the following occurs: a) NADP + H to NADPHb) NAD + H to NADHc) FAD + H to FADHd) FID+H2O to FIDH + O2

Animal Anatomy and Physiology

Homeostasis and the Organization of the Animal Body

Respiratory system

The area between the lungs has _____________.

(a). heart (b). oesophagus (c). nerves (d). all the above

________ usually accompanies common cold and tonsillitis.

(a). Sinusitis (b). Diptheria (c). Hay fever (d). Pharyngitis

The base of the heart extends to the level of the ___________ rib.

(a). 2nd (b). 4th (c). 6th (d). 3rd

Myocardium is composed of specialised cardiac muscle found only in ______.

(a). heart (b). lungs (c). ribs (d). all the above

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Digestive system

The process of taking food into the alimentary tract is __________ .

(a). propulsion (b). digestion (c). ingestion (d). absorption.

Gluconeogenesis occurs in ...............

a) kidney b) heart

c) liver d) pancreas

Excretory system

The rectum is about __________ cm long.

(a). 10 (b). 17 (c). 8 (d). 13

Immune system

Defensins molecules are ____________ rich cationic peptides containing 29-35 amino-acid


(a). tryptophan (b). lysine (c). cysteine (d). valine

Macrophage-like cells, the microglial cells are seen in ____________.

(a). connective tissues (b). liver (c). brain (d). kidney

MAb’s that react with a particular membrane molecule are grouped together as ____.

(a). specific Ab (b). non-specific Ab (c). Reactive Ab (d). cluster of differentiation

Hematopoietic cells grow and mature on a meshwork of _______ in bone marrow

(a). stromal cells (b). fibroblasts (c). endothelial cells (d). all the above

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Sebum consists of _______________

(a). lactic and fatty acids (b). macrophages (c). lymphocytes (d). neutrophils

The immune response is characterized by the production of proteins called ____

(a). Antibodies (b). immunoglobulin (c). immunogen (d). Both a & b

Papin splits the monomeric basic units into ____________ fragments.

(a). two (b). four (c). six (d). three

___ is first antibody that an immunologically committed B lymphocyte can produce.

(a). IgG (b). IgE (c). IgD (d). IgM

Complement consists of a complex series of atleast __________ proteins.

(a). 12 (b). 19 (c). 33 (d). 15

Classical pathway is activated through _______________ complex.

(a). antigen-antibody (b). immunologically

(c). non-immunologically (d). all the above

Endocrine system

. Which of the following is not an internal secretion?a) Pheromoneb) Neurohormonec) Hormoned) Neurotransmitter

ADH is synthesized in thea) anterior pituitaryb) posterior pituitaryc) hypothalamusd) thalamus

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Which of the following is not produced by the human anterior pituitary gland?a) Prolactinb) luteinizing hormonec) follicle-stimulating hormoned) oxytocin

Releasing hormones are produced bya) the hypothalamusb) the anterior pituitaryc) the posterior pituitaryd) it depends on which releasing hormone you are talking about

Releasing hormones directly affecta) the hypothalamusb) the anterior pituitaryc) the posterior pituitaryd) it depends on which releasing hormone you are talking about

Which two hormones in your body are absolutely essential for survival?a) calcitonin and insulinb) estrogen and testosteronec) parathyroid hormone and aldosteroned) somatotropin and cortisol

The hypothalamus is connected to the anterior pituitary bya) neural connectionsb) sinusesc) membrane receptorsd) short blood vessels

The target tissue for luteinizing hormone is thea) Gonadsb) thyroid glandc) pancreasd) kidneys

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Insulin and glucagon are produced in thea) Hypothalamusb) anterior pituitaryc) pancreasd) liver

Type I diabetes mellitus is caused by a deficiency ofa) Glucoseb) Glycogenc) Insulind) Glucagon

What type of hormones enters their target cells, binds with a receptor protein, penetrate the nucleus, and influence the transcription of genes?

a) peptide hormonesb) steroid hormonesc) both of the aboved) Progesterone

Which of the following statements is true?a) One hormone can play different roles in different parts of the body.b) One cell may use more than one second messenger.c) both of the aboved) none of the above

Which of the following is not a steroid hormone?a) Cortisolb) Estrogenc) progesteroned) Thyroxine

Lipophilic hormones area) water solubleb) fat solublec) produced by exocrine glandsd) Both water and fat soluble

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Nervous system

Which portion of a neuron will conduct impulses toward the cell body?(a) Axon (b) Schwann cells (c) Dendrites (d) Synaptic terminals

The role of the axon is to ___________

a) integrate signals from the dendritesb) release neurotransmitterc) conduct the action potential to the synaptic terminald) synthesize cellular componentse) synthesize cellular components

Depending on the type of synapse, the effect of the neurotransmitter can be _____ to the postsynaptic membrane, making the membrane _____.a) excitatory, more negativeb) inhibitory, less negativec) excitatory, less negatived) all the above

Which component of the reflex arc responds to stimuli from the environment and carries the information to the central nervous system?a) sensory neuronsb) motor neuronsc) interneuronsd) effectors

How can you distinguish between a light touch and a moderate poke to the arm?

a) The action potentials are different sizes depending upon the strength of the stimulus.b) The frequency of action potentials changes with the strength of the stimulus.c) There are different neurotransmitters released depending upon the strength of the stimulus.d) We cannot distinguish that easily

Your patient has suffered a small stroke and reports that he can no longer feel the touch of his hand on a surface. He knows he is touching the surface, but only because he sees his hand there. In which region of the brain did this stroke occur?a) frontal lobe b) parietal lobec) occipital lobed) temporal lobe

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What part of the brain might you suspect had suffered a stroke if a person's basic emotions and behaviours suddenly change?

a) limbic systemb) corpus callosumc) occipital lobed) cerebellum

Sound reception is carried out by hair cells, which are a special type of _____.a) Chemoreceptorb) Photoreceptorc) Mechanoreceptord) Magnetoreceptore) Thermoreceptor

_____ are integration centers in neurons.a) Dendritesb) Axonsc) Cell bodiesd) Ion channelse) Synapses

Which part of a neuron is responsible for receiving signals from the environment or from other neurons?a) cell bodyb) axonc) dendrited) synapse

Animal behaviour

--------------------- have been suggested to prevent predator detection or recognition of a prey, by drawing the attention away from recognizable traits of the bearer.

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a. Distractive marks

b. Distractive smell

c. Distractive look

d. All the above

The evolution of behavior relates to the ----------- of behavior patterns and how these change over generations.

a. Originsb. Understandingc. Regulation d. All the above

In Britain, studies on the social organization and the ranging patterns of badgers (Meles meles) have helped reduce the spread of …………. among cattle.

a. Food and mouth disease

b. Tuberculosis

c. Fungal infection

d. Behavioral change