Biology SPA Pape r Type of Paper Durat ion Mar ks Weighti ng 1 Multiple Choice 1h 40 30% 2 Structured and free-response questions 1h 45 min 80 50% 3 School-based Science Practical Assessment (SPA) Task 1 – skill 1 & 2 Task 2 – skill 1 & 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 96 8 X 8 X 4 X 20%

Biology SPA PaperType of PaperDurationMarksWeighting 1Multiple Choice1h4030% 2Structured and free-response questions 1h 45 min 8050% 3School-based Science

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Biology SPABiology SPA

Paper Type of Paper Duration Marks Weighting

1 Multiple Choice 1h 40 30%

2 Structured and free-response questions

1h 45 min

80 50%

3 School-based Science Practical Assessment (SPA) Task 1 – skill 1 & 2 Task 2 – skill 1 & 2Task 3 – skill 3

1 hr1 hr1 hr


8 X 8 X4 X


Biology SPABiology SPATheory Papers Paper 1 (1 h, 40 marks) consisting of 40 compulsory multiple choice

items of the direct choice type.

Paper 2 (1h 45 min, 80 marks) consisting of two sections. Section A will carry 50 marks and will consist of a variable number of compulsory structured questions. Section B will carry 30 marks and will consist of 3 free response questions. The first two questions are compulsory questions, one of which will be a data-based question carrying 8-12 marks. The last question will be presented in an either/or form and will carry 10 marks.

BiologyBiologyExpectations: 100 % passes with 50 % distinctionsBooks : Biology Matters : Textbook Biology Matters : Theory workbook Biology Matters : Practical workbook 10 year series

File : exam & test papers, notes and assignments

Three Basic Class RulesThree Basic Class Rules

• Respect the teacher and peers• Pass up homework on time• Ask questions all the time

Objectives :• Define the term biology and explain why biology is useful

• Differentiate between a living organism and a non-living object

• understand how and why biologists classify organisms.

The Future belongs to the Educated

The Future belongs to the Educated

Knowledge is KingKnowledge is King

• study of living things

How do organisms influence your life?



food raw materials

The Living OrganismThe Living OrganismCharacteristics of life

Nutrition Respiration Excretion Growth Movement Sensitivity Reproduction Adaptability Homeostasis

Movement Respiration Sensitivity

Homeostasis Adaptability





Movement Respiration Sensitivity Homeostasis

Adaptability NutritionGrowthExcretionReproduction

The Living OrganismThe Living OrganismCharacteristics of life

Nutrition Respiration Excretion Growth Movement Sensitivity Reproduction Adaptability

feed to gain energy and cellular materials

Plants AnimalsMake its own food

Depends on others


The Living OrganismThe Living OrganismCharacteristics of life

Nutrition Respiration Excretion Growth Movement Sensitivity Reproduction Adaptability

releases energy from food

Plants Animals

Aerobic - involve oxygen Glucose + oxygen Water + carbon dioxide + energy Anaerobic – without oxygen


The Living OrganismThe Living Organism

Characteristics of life Nutrition Respiration Excretion Growth Movement Sensitivity Reproduction Adaptability


remove metabolic waste products

Plants AnimalsOxygen, water, carbon dioxide, tannins

water, carbon dioxide, urea

The Living OrganismThe Living Organism

Characteristics of life Nutrition Respiration Excretion Growth Movement Sensitivity Reproduction Adaptability


Permanent increase in biomass of organism

Plants Animals increase in mass and volume of cellcell division and differentiation

The Living OrganismThe Living Organism

Characteristics of life Nutrition Respiration Excretion Growth Movement Sensitivity Reproduction Adaptability


from one place to anotherto reach for sunlight, food and water

Plants Animals slowly by growth

fast and in a directed and controlled way

The Living OrganismThe Living Organism

Characteristics of life Nutrition Respiration Excretion Growth Movement Sensitivity Reproduction Adaptability


to react to any changes in the environment

Plants Animalsslow rapid

The Living OrganismThe Living Organism

Characteristics of life Nutrition Respiration Excretion Growth Movement Sensitivity Reproduction Adaptability


new offspring to pass down genetic information

Plants Animals Asexual – one parent Sexual – two parents

The Living OrganismThe Living Organism

Characteristics of life Nutrition Respiration Excretion Growth Movement Sensitivity Reproduction Adaptability


improve their chance of survival

Plants Animals variations

The Living OrganismThe Living Organism

Characteristics of life Nutrition Respiration Excretion Growth Movement Sensitivity Reproduction Adaptability Homeostasis


Maintain a constant internal environment

Plants Animals diffusion, osmosis and active transport