Birkman Personality Presentation

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  • Birkman Personality Presentation By Brandon Cifuentes

  • MY COLORSThe color I got for my interest was red. This color represents hands on problem solving job responsibilities and professions. Red interest include building, organizing, and producing. Which lead to small business owner, manufacturing, and managing. Yellow was my style color. This color is representing people like to do things in a orderly and planned to meet a required schedule. They like to be organized and need to work with minimum of interpretation and unexpected change.

  • A Day In The Life Army National Guard If you are in the army national guard you will be required to severe for as little as one weekend a month and 2 weeks a year. The difference between this and the regular army is that the working opportunities change state to state each state has different jobs. The national guard is not as intense training as the marines or army. Most of the time you are helping with disasters that happen inside our country like hurricane disasters helping to get all our people safe.

  • Paying Your DuesI be a army national guard you need to be a U.S. citizen or a legal alien and 17 or older. When you join the the army there is Basic training you need to complete its slandered physical and mental training to improve military prowess. When you join its not all about military operations. The army calls for floods, earthquakes, and natural disasters for aid in the region.I depends on the state you live in on how the army national guard protects the population.Some people think the national guard does not use any military optics. Thats false if the U.S. was ever to be invaded by a foreign country the national guard will be there protecting the country.

  • Facts and figuresHere are some facts on the national guard. 13% of them are females and 87% are males. The average time that you work a week is 12 hours.The starting salary is 2,500 and after 5 years its 3,500 and 10 to 15 years it increases to 6,000.There is about 353088 in the army national guard.

  • A Day in the life of a police officerA police officers basic tasks are keeping public order and protecting lives and property. A police officer must be alert for any number of threats, human or otherwise. Police officers are the first ones on the crime once they have taken care of it detectives come to look at what happened and take DNA analysis.Most officers are assigned to patrols which means they patrol that one part of the city the whole day to make sure no crime happens or report to crimes.You have to some have physical strength in case someone rites arrest or they have to run after someone.

  • Paying your Dues Most police officers need to be in good shape. You will have to be good in these categories height, weight, strength, or vision if any of these things or bad it can lead to disqualification of the police academy.Most police station require only a high school diploma although some bigger cities may make you take college courses. To become higher in the rankings like a sergeant, lieutenant, and captain, you will have to be serving for more then 5 years under the police force.

  • Facts And Figures In the police force 20% are females and 80% is males.There are about 464,000 people in this profession.An average work week is 45 hours a week.An average salary for 5 years under the job is 33,000 and 10 to 15 years under the job is 48,800 a year. To start the job you start out making 21,500 a year.

  • A Day in the life of a pilotThe job of an airplane pilot carries considerable charm, prestige, responsibility, and risk. Everyday you can find yourself in a different time zone, climate and culture.There is a lot of physical and mental demands like vision, being calm under pressure, having good hearing and coordination.A pilot always has a pilot next to him incase there one pilot is injured. He is called the co-pilot he fly's the plane with the pilot and takes orders from the pilot like checking the gages and stuff like that. Everyday it is somewhere new one pilot quotes Its like a new and different expedition every time...a new and exciting world to discover and journey through.

  • Paying your duesThe education you need is about to years of college for an entry level job. FAA-certified military and civilian flying schools provide adequate practical and classroom training and some colleges and universities offer degree credit for pilot training. Pilots must have long and hard required flying time. They must be focused and determinded to have a good career and regular routine.Before receiving an FAA license, pilots must be rated according to the kind of plane they can fly-single-engine, multi-engine or seaplane-and for the type-Boeing 707 or 747 Once they have been through everything they can fly and its another fifteen years till they can be named captain.

  • Facts and figuers In this career 5% are females and about 95% are males. There are 95000 people in this career.The average work week is about 100 hours. The starting salvery is 23,000 a year, after 5 years 59,000, and 10 to 15 years is 200,000 a year.Some major employes are American air lines, the Air force, and TWA.

  • Reaction MY favorite job out of all of these is the army reserve because I always wanted to be a solider my dad was in the air force so I guess that gave me some inspirations in serving the United States. My second favorite is a cop being a cop is always seemed cool and I think I would be cool if I could help people that need help. My least favorite is being a pilot I mean I seems cool but very difficult you need to like flying a lot to become a pilot I like flying but not enough to become a pilot. The Army reserve is under the Realistic group in the Holland code because you have to have to be in a good physical condition. The cop is also under the Realistic and Investigative because you also have to be in a good physical condition and need to investigate crime scenes. The pilot is under Realistic to. I think this is the