Bishop Bagrat Galstanian 15th Ann

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Bishop Bagrat Galstanian 15th Ann.

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en l’ Honneur de Son Éminence

L’Évêque Bagrat Galstanian

Primat de l’Église Apostolique Arménienne du Canada

A l’occasion du

15ième anniversaire de son Ordination à la Prêtrise

Samedi, le 6 novembre 2010

Cathédrale St-Grégoire l’Illuminateur, Outremont, Québec



Cyr,7 Der Pacrad Ybs7 Calsdanyani qohyren777









October 2010

A Message from the Premier

As Premier of the province of British Columbia, I would like to congratulate the Diocese of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church of Canada as the congregation celebrates the 15th anniversary of the ordination to priesthood of its third Primate, His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian.

Anniversaries are a time for celebration, reflection and renewal. As you gather to celebrate this special occasion, you will undoubtedly have many stories to share with one another. Looking to the past and the historic roots of your faith community will surely be a meaningful time in your celebration together.

Again, congratulations and I wish you continued success in the years to come.


Gordon Campbell Premier

Province of British Columbia Office of the Premier www.gov.bc.ca

PO Box 9041 Stn Prov GovVictoria BC

V8W 9E1


Մեծ հաճույքով իմ ամենաջերմ շնորհավորանքներն եմ հղում Գերաշնորհ Տ. Բագրատ

Եպս. Գալստանյանին՝ նրա քահանայական ձեռնադրության և օծման 15-ամյակի կապակցու-թյամբ:

Կանադահայ թեմը հիրավի բախտավոր է, որ առաջնորդի դժվարին և պատասխանա-

տու պարտականությունը ստանձնել է Բագրատ Սրբազանը՝ եռանդով, նոր գաղափարներով և նախաձեռնություններով լի հայրենասեր և պարկեշտ անձնավորություն, որը հայ հոգևորա-կանների նոր սերնդի լավագույն ներկայացուցիչներից մեկն է: Նրա ջանադիր և անձնվեր գոր-ծունեության առատ պտուղները բոլորիս աչքերի առջև են: Ինքս ինձ համարելով այս թեմի անդամ, ուրախությամբ պետք է արձանագրեմ այն տպավորիչ առաջընթացը, որը հայկական կյանքն այս երկրում ապրեց վերջին տարիների ընթացքում: Դրանում, անկասկած, շատ մեծ է Սրբազան Հոր մասնակցությունն ու վաստակը, և համընդհանուր հարգանքն ու սերը նրա անձնամատույց գործունեության լավագույն գնահատանքներն են:

Չեմ կարող, անշուշտ, չնշել և այն մեծ դերակատարությունը, որը Սրբազան Հայրն

ունի հայ-կանադական հարաբերությունների զարգացման ոլորտում: Առանձնահատուկ երա-խտագիտությամբ պետք է հիշատակեմ նաև հոգատարությունն ու օգտակար լինելու պատ-րաստակամությունը, որը նա մշտապես ցուցաբերում է Կանադայում ՀՀ դեսպանության հան-դեպ:

Մեկ անգամ ևս շնորհավորելով Բագրատ Եպս. Գալստանյանին այս հոբելյանի առի-թով, մաղթում եմ նրան քաջ առողջություն և նորանոր նվաճումներ և հաջողություններ իր վերընթաց ուղու վրա:

Արման ՀԱԿՈԲՅԱՆ Կանադայում ՀՀ արտակարգ դեսպանորդ և լիազոր նախարար Կանադայում ՀՀ գործերի ժամանակավոր հավատարմատար

вڲêî²ÜÆ Ð²Üð²äºîàôÂÚ²Ü ¸ºêä²ÜàôÂÚàôÜ úïï³í³


Greetings from the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism

I would like to extend my warmest greetings to all those celebrating the 15th Anniversary of theordination to priesthood of the third Primate of the Diocese of the Holy Armenian ApostolicChurch of Canada, His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian. On behalf of Prime MinisterStephen Harper, I would like to thank you for your unwavering devotion to Canada – the openand diverse society we are proudly building together.

In the late 19th century, Armenians began to arrive in Ontario and they established thrivingcommunities. Inspired by their faith, they strived to honour their heritage while contributing to theadvancement of their new home – Canada. And it was in the early 20th century that thecommunity of St. Catharines built the first Armenian church in Canada. Throughout its history,the Armenian Canadians have devoted themselves to the success of our pluralistic society –and the moral and spiritual guidance of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church has served as asource of great strength to many.

All Canadians celebrate with you this important milestone in the life of the Armenian community,in the spirit of friendship and understanding that defines our multiculturalism. As Prime MinisterHarper noted: “As Canadians we are blessed to live in a democratic country where we resolveour differences peacefully, can enjoy freedom of our religion, expression and beliefs, andalways count on protection from a common rule of law.”

As Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, I would like to congratulate HisEminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian on this happy occasion and to thank him and the entireArmenian Canadian community for your tremendous contributions to Canada.

My very best wishes for a wonderful celebration.


The Honourable Jason Kenney, PC, MPMinister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism



Je suis heureux d’adresser tous mes vœux à Son Éminence l’Évêque Bagrat Galstanian, à l’occasion du 15e anniversaire de son ordination. Je sais toute l’importance de cette célébration pour la communauté arménienne de Montréal et du Diocèse arménien du Canada.

C’est un moment que nous sommes fiers de partager dans un esprit de fraternité, notre collectivité étant résolument attachée à l’épanouissement de tous ses membres et des différents groupes qui la composent. Quelles que soient nos convictions religieuses ou philosophiques, nous avons la chance de partager des valeurs de respect, de diversité et d’harmonie. Des valeurs qui se traduisent tous les jours par des initiatives concrètes pour le développement social et économique des personnes, telle que la remarquable initiative de service social de la famille «Hay Doun».

Je félicite et remercie Mgr Bagrat Galstanian pour son implication sans faille, non seulement au service de la communauté chrétienne arménienne mais aussi de l’ensemble de la cité.

Bon anniversaire et bonne célébration à travers votre diocèse!

Gérald TremblayMaire de Montréal


Novembre 2010

Հարգանքի տուրք շինարար եպիսկոպոսին,

Les membres du conseil municipal se joignent à moi pour témoigner à son Éminence, l’évêque Bragrat Galstanian, primat du diocèse de la sainte Église arménienne du Canada, notre plus haute estime et notre très profond respect à l’occasion de votre 15e anniversaire d’ordination.

Votre engagement à l’égard de projets communautaires lavallois, dont ceux de l’église arménienne, de la résidence pour aînés et du monument commémorant le génocide de 1915, démontre vos qualités de visionnaire et de bâtisseur.

Depuis 15 ans, vous employez votre énergie et votre humanisme à affermir la foi au sein de l’Église arménienne, véritable sentinelle qui assure la cohésion, la continuité et l’émancipation de la communauté arménienne de Laval et du pays tout entier.

Gilles VaillancourtMaire

Cabinet du maireVille de laVal

Hôtel de ville, 1, place du Souvenir, Laval (Québec) H7V 1W7Téléphone : 450 662-4140



6 Նոյեմբեր 2010 ԲարձրաշնորհՏէր Բագրատ Եպս. ԳալստանեանՄոնթրէալ, Գանատա

Բարձրաշնորհ Սրբազան Հայր,

Գոհունակութեամբ տեղեկացանք թէ Գանատահայոց Թեմական Խորհուրդիհովանաւորութեամբ պիտի նշուի ձեր Ձեռնադրութեան եւ Օծման 15-րդ տարեդարձը:

Անձնապէս ծանօթ ըլլալով ձեր հոգեւորական պատրաստուածութեան, արժանիքներուն եւհովուական ձեռնհասութեան ու եռանդին, ինծի համար մեծ ուրախութիւն է գնահատանքի այս գիրովմասնակից ըլլալ ձեր կուսակրօն քահանայութեան կոչումի ստանձնումը նշող տարեդարձիարժանաւոր նախաձեռնութեան:

Մոթրէալի հայ գաղութը, Քէպէքի բազմամշակոյթ եւ հիւրընկալ շրջապատին մէջ, իւրայատուկեւ յատկանշական դիրք կը գրաւէ մեր սփիւռքահայ իրականութեան համար, քաղաքական թէազգային առումով: Հպարտութեամբ կարելի է հաստատել թէ մեր համահայկականկազմակերպութիւնը անցեալ աւելի քան յիսուն տարիներուն կարեւոր ներդրում կատարած է շրջանիազգային կեանքի կրթական եւ մշակութային մարզերուն մէջ, սերտ գործակցութիւն պահպանելովՀայաստանեայց Եկեղեցւոյ Մայր Աթոռ Ս. Էջմիածնի Գանատայի Թեմի առաջնորդութեան հետ: Այդսերտակցութիւնը աւելի եւս շեշտուեցաւ գաղութէն ներս համերաշխութեան եւ համագործակցութեանոգիի ստեղծումին եւ մեր կրթական ու երիտասրդական կառոյցներու աշխուժացումին եւ զօրացումինուղղութեամբ ցուցաբերած ձեր նախանձախնդրութեամբ ու հոգածու տրամադրութիւններով:

Մեր մաղթանքն է, որ ձեր երիտասարդական խանդը եւ հովուական խոհունառաջնորդութիւնը, ձեր համարձակ նախաձեռնութիւններուն առընթեր, շարունակեն ոգեւորել եւգործի մղել գաղութահայ կեանքի լծակները, առաւել արդիւնաւորութեամբ դրսեւորելու համարգանատահայ գաղութի կարողականութիւնը, ազգային կեանքի ու կառոյցներու դիմագրաւածհրամայականներուն եւ նոր սերունդի կարիքներուն ու ձգտումներուն ուղղութեամբ:

Հայկական Բարեգործական Ընդհանուր Միութեան Կեդրոնական Վարչական Ժողովինանունով եւ անձնապէս կը շնորհաւորեմ ձեր Ձեռնադրութեան եւ Օծման 15-րդ տարեդարձը,փոխանցելով առողջութեան, արեւշատութեան եւ յաջողութեան մեր սրտագին մաղթանքները:


Պերճ ՍեդրակեանՆախագահ






À l’occasion du 15ième anniversaire de l’ordination de Son Éminence l’Évêque Bagrat Galstanian et du

25ième anniversaire du Diocèse de la Sainte Église arménienne du Canada, je transmets mes sincères

vœux à Son Éminence ainsi qu’aux membres du Diocèse. La célébration de ces anniversaires est une

occasion unique pour souligner les considérables efforts investis par le Diocèse ainsi que ses fidèles

membres pour le rayonnement de la mission noble de cette institution.

Le Diocèse de la Sainte Église arménienne du Canada a toujours œuvré auprès des nouveaux membres

de la communauté pour soutenir et faciliter leur intégration dans la société montréalaise. Les activités,

tant religieuses que sociales qu’il a organisées tout au long de son existence témoignent également de

la préoccupation à faire connaître l’essentiel de la culture à travers les valeurs de la religion. Il s’agit, pour

moi, d’un trésor à valoriser, à conserver et à promouvoir.

Permettez-moi de me joindre au Diocèse et à ses membres pour souligner l’importance d’une personnalité

très particulière, soit Son Éminence l’Évêque Bagrat Galstanian, troisième primat de l’Église. Sa contribution

active, depuis 2003, au développement et l’éducation des jeunes et son apport inestimable pour la

création de ponts virtuels entre le Diocèse et les sociétés Montréalaises, Québécoises et Canadiennes

sont pour bon nombre de mes concitoyens montréalais des triomphes remarquables et durables.

Harout ChitilianConseiller de la Ville District de Bordeaux-CartiervilleConseiller Associé au Maire de Montréal pour la « Jeunesse »


Le Diocèse arménien de Montréal fait partie de ces églises qui sont non seulement un lieu de culte mais aussi, un point de repère essentiel au centre de leur communauté. Ceci, c’est grâce à l’engagement de ses membres, mais surtout, grâce au leadership de Son Éminence l’Évêque Bagrat Galstanian.

Aujourd’hui, la communauté arménienne célèbre le 15e anniversaire de l’ordination de Son Eminence Mgr Bagrat. Je tiens à lui rendre hommage pour ces années de prélature arménienne à Montréal. Je rends hom-mage également à l’ensemble de la communauté arménienne de Montréal, dont les membres développent et soutiennent de multiples initiatives, à Montréal comme dans le reste du monde.

Aujourd’hui inscrit dans le patrimoine montréalais, le Diocèse est un symbole de l’action constante et pleinement engagé dans la société montréalaise.

Toutes mes félicitations à Son Éminence, le Mgr Bagrat, ainsi qu’aux organisateurs de la célébration.

The Armenian Diocese of Montréal is one of those churches that serves not only as a house of worship, but as a centre of its community’s life. This is due to the leadership provided by His Eminence, Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, as well as the devotion of its congregation.

The Armenian community is today celebrating the 15th anniversary of His Eminence Msgr Bagrat’s ordi-nation. I would like to pay tribute to him for these years of Armenian prelacy in Montréal. I would also like to pay tribute to the entire Armenian community of Montréal, whose members develop and support numerous initiatives in Montréal and throughout the rest of the world.

Now part of Montréal’s heritage, the Diocese is a symbol of constant action and is fully engaged in Mon-tréal society.

All of my congratulations to His Eminence, Msgr. Bagrat, and to the organizers of this celebration.

Honorable Marcel TremblayJuge de la citoyenneté


Հոկտեմբեր 19, 2010

Խօսք Սիրոյ եւ ՇնորհաւորանքիՍիրելիներ ի Քրիստոս,

Ուրախ ենք որ Գանատահայոց Թեմական Խորհուրդը ձեռնարկած է Թեմիս Եկեղեցիներու հոգեւոր հովիւներու եւ ծխական խորհուրդներու կազմակերպութեամբ նշելու Թեմակալ Առաջնորդ՝ Գերշ. Տ. Բագրատ Եպս. Գալստանեանի Քահանայական Ձեռնադրութեան 15-ամեակը:

Մայր Աթոռ Սբ. Էջմիածնի Գեւորգեան ճեմարանի ուսանողական շրջանէն սկսեալ պատիւն ունեցանք մօտէն ճանչնալու Բագրատ Սրբազանին, նախ իբրեւ հայրենասէր եւ հաւատաւոր ուսանող եւ ապա Մայր Աթոռ Սբ. Էջմիածնի Աստուածահիմն Աթոռի նուիրեալ միաբան:

Աստուածային նախախնամութեան տնօրինութեամբ 2003 Մայիս 29-ին Թորոնթոյի Սբ. Երրորդութիւն Հայց. Առաք. Եկեղեցւոյ մէջ գումարուած Թեմական Պատգամաւորական ժողովը Բագրատ Վարդապետին ընտրեց Առաջնորդ Գանատահայոց Թեմի:

Անցնող եօթ տարիներու ընթացքին Սրբազան Հայրը իր խանդավառ ծառայութեամբ կեանքի կոչեց բազում ծրագրեր, այսպիսով նոր բարձունքներու առաջնորդելով մեր թեմական կեանքը:

Սիրելի Սրբազան Հայր,Սոյն գրութեամբ կու գանք յանուն Գանատահայոց Թեմի եկեղեցականաց ջերմագինս շնորհաւորելու Ձեզ, Ձեր ծառայական կեանքի այս հանգրուանին, անգամ մը եւս Ձեզի յայտնելով մեր սէրն ու անվերապահ գործակցութիւնը, Ձեր բոլոր յանձնառութիւններու մէջ:

Հոգեւորականներուս սրտաբուխ աղօթքն է, որ Աստուած պարգեւէ Ձեզի արեւշատ եւ քաջառողջ երկար տարիներ շարունակելու համար Ձեր եկեղեցաշէն եւ ազգօգուտ սպասաւորութիւնը ի փառս Աստուծոյ, ի պայծառութիւն առաքելահիմն մեր Սբ. Եկեղեցւոյ, ի շինութիւն մեր Հայրենիքին եւ ի մխիթարութիւն մեր սիրելի ժողովուրդին:

Որդիական սիրով ի դիմաց Գանատահայոց Թեմի Եկեղեցականաց՝ Մատչելով ի համբոյր Ձերդ Ս. Աջոյն,

Տ. Զարեհ Ա. Քհնյ. Զարգարեան Հոգեւոր Հովիւ Սբ. Երրորդութիւն Հայոց Առաք. Եկեղեցւոյ














The Right Reverend Barry B. Clarke Monseigneur Barry B. Clarke

Bishop of Montreal The Anglican Church of Canada – Diocese of Montreal

Évêque de Montréal Église anglicane du Canada – Diocèse de Montréal

1444 avenue Union, Montréal, Québec H3A 2B8 Telephone: (514) 843-6577 Fax: (514) 843-3221 E-mail: [email protected]

October 1st, 2010

His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese 615 avenue Stuart Outremont (Québec) H2V 3H2

Dear Bishop,

I bring you greetings on behalf of the people of the Anglican Diocese of Montreal and our heartiest congratulations to you as we note that this year you will be celebrating the 15th anniversary of your ordination to the priesthood in 1995.

Your long and dedicated service throughout the past fifteen years as a priest, and since 2003 as Primate of the Canadian diocese, has been a witness and inspiration to the people you serve.

Please be assured of my prayers for continued blessings in your ministry.

Yours faithfully,

The Right Reverend Barry B. Clarke Anglican Bishop of Montreal

BBC / mdh

The Right Reverend Barry B. Clarke Monseigneur Barry B. Clarke

Bishop of Montreal The Anglican Church of Canada – Diocese of Montreal

Évêque de Montréal Église anglicane du Canada – Diocèse de Montréal

1444 avenue Union, Montréal, Québec H3A 2B8 Telephone: (514) 843-6577 Fax: (514) 843-3221 E-mail: [email protected]

October 1st, 2010

His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese 615 avenue Stuart Outremont (Québec) H2V 3H2

Dear Bishop,

I bring you greetings on behalf of the people of the Anglican Diocese of Montreal and our heartiest congratulations to you as we note that this year you will be celebrating the 15th anniversary of your ordination to the priesthood in 1995.

Your long and dedicated service throughout the past fifteen years as a priest, and since 2003 as Primate of the Canadian diocese, has been a witness and inspiration to the people you serve.

Please be assured of my prayers for continued blessings in your ministry.

Yours faithfully,

The Right Reverend Barry B. Clarke Anglican Bishop of Montreal

BBC / mdh




October 19, 2010

Bishop Bagrat GalstanianPrimateDiocese of the Armenian Church of Canada

Dearest Serpazan:

Congratulations on the 15th anniversary of your ordination to priesthood. Your exempla-ry and dedicated service to our church, and for the past seven years to our community as its spiritual leader, has inspired us all to be better Christians and Armenians.

The participating organizations in the Congress of Canadian Armenians thank you for your support and counsel, as we together try to present Armenian issues to the Cana-dian public and its elected representatives and to promote Armenian interests. We also greatly value your continuing efforts to bring some unity to our community, in order that we may better address the challenges of Armenia, Artsakh, our church, and the identity crisis in the diaspora particularly as it affects our youth in Canada.

I have personally had the honour to work with you in serving our church and community, and I look forward to continuing to do so in the months and years ahead. My wife Anahid and I are sorry that we will be away and therefore unable to attend the function on Satur-day November 6 in your honour, but our hearts and minds will be with you on that day.

May God give you good health and the strength to continue your work in your chosen calling for many more years.

With sincere appreciation,

Taro AlepianChairmanCongress of Canadian Armenians

Gynsacragan ci/yr

Canadaha3ox A®a]nort`

Cyr,7 Der Pacrad Ybs7 Calsdanyani

Notes biographiques de

Son Éminence L’Évêque Bagrat Galstanian

Primat de l’Église Apostolique Arménienne du Canada


G;ra,norf Thr Bagrat :piskopos Galstan;an

õnaõ h 1971 jouakanin Ma\isi 20-in% Kiumri! ’no[n;re^

P;tros ;u Owsanna Galstan;ann;re% oun;za‘ ;n

cors xauakn;r% oronz am;na˜oqre ;[a‘ h Waxghne

(Auaxani anounow)! ˆoqr

tariqhn% entaniqin f;t

miasin% ke t;[a˜o.oui :r;-

uan% our mi=nakarg krjoujiune

ke stana\ 156 dprozin mh=!

Yakatagrakan k∞ella\ ax-

ga\in xarjønqn ou anka-

.ouj;an ;u arza.;an

,arvoume% ˜ntÈtouqn;rou mh=

\a\tnoua‘ ;ritasard% bar;-

mit Waxghnin famar! N;rqin

frab.a\in inqnamartouj;amb

;u bar]r gitakzouj;amb%

1988j-in k∞endounoui Sb& H=mia‘ni Fog;uor Y;maran! Y;maranin

mh= acqi k∞i\na\ orphs ou,im b;[mnauor mtqow ;u a,.atashr

ousano[^ zouzab;r;low m;‘ f;taqrqroujiun fog;uor ;u axga\in

arvhqn;rou nkatmamb! Kary vamanakaenjazqin% an ir a®a=in

qa\l;re k∞ou[[h Ma\r Tayarin mh= matouzouo[ vam;rgoujiunn;roun^

orphs dasap;t! 1993-in ke ];®nadroui Sarkauag% ];®amb

Thr Anania :ps& Arapay;anin^ pa,tpan;low ª>osrow

An];uazou vamakargouj;an m;knoujiuneº auartaya®e! 1995j-in%

];®amb Gar;gin A Am;na\n Fa\oz W;fa˜a® Fa\rap;tin ke

];®nadroui kousakr˚n Qafana\% kr;low Bagrat ab;[a\ anoune%

i \i,atak^ Stalin;an ®;vimin fariurauor fog;uorakann;rou

f;t xof gaza‘ nafatak Bagrat :ps& Wardaxar;ani!

Noraø‘ Bagrat Ab;[a\i famar ke bazoui axgin ou ;k;[;ziin

‘a®a\;lou astoua‘afayo\ yanaparfe! 1995j-in% pa\‘a® mtqi

thr Bagrat ab;[an% ke stan]nh Fa\astani Qristonhakan

Dastiarakouj;an ;u Qaroxcouj;an k;droni ˜o.-tnørhni pa,t˚ne& Fog;uor Y;maranin mh=

ke dasauandh Sourb Patarag% Endfanour

:k;[;zou patmoujiun ;u <arakanagitoujiun!

Ab;[a\ ];®nadrou;lhn ;tq% baxmizs

masnakza‘ h ;r=anka\i,atak Gar;gin A

Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikosin Fowouap;takan

a\z;loujiunn;roun^ ibr;u gauaxanakir

(Austria% Praxil% Miaz;al Nafangn;r%

Arvanjin% Ouroukouh\% Âousia% incphs na;u Fa-

\astani tarb;r marx;re)! :r=anka\i,atak^

Gar;gin A W;fa˜a® Fa\rap;te orphs

fog;uor ;u axga\in gor‘ic ;u anxougakan

fa\r% m;‘ d;r h .a[aza‘ srbaxan før fog;uor

k;anqi ];uauorman wra\% elalow ou[[;zo\z ;u

ørinak;li ousouzic!


2002 jouakanin ke pa,tpanh ªFiuandaz Ø‘man .orfourdi .ndire Fa\ :k;[;zoumº

Wardsp;takan j;xe ;u no\n vamanak Ø,akani S& M;srop Ma,toz ;k;[;zuo\ mh= ];®amb T&

Miaqa\hl :ps& A=apaf;ani^ stanalow wardap;takan astiyan% incphs na;u gauaxan ;u

lan=a.ac kr;lou i,.anoujiun!

2000-2003jj& ke n,anakoui t;souc^ S;uani ªWaxghn;anº dpranozin% a\nouf;t;u% Ma\r Ajo®

S& H=mia‘ni norakaxm mamouli k;dronin tnørhn% ª<o[akajº f;®oustat;souj;an tnørhnn;rou

.orfourdin andam& wara‘ h na;u ªYanac;nq Au;taraneº fog;uor f;[inaka\in fa[orda,are!

A\d tarin;roun Srbaxan Fa\re^ Gar;gin B Am;na\n Fa\oz W;fa˜a® Fa\rap;tin bar]r

tnørinouj;amb ke n,anakoui Araga‘otn J;mi A®a=nordakan t;[apaf i pa,tøne! Vo[owrdakan

asazoua‘qow% ªoum ,at h troua‘% anormh ,at piti pafan=oui!º


Baxmajiu ;n anor ‘ragr;rou irakanazoumn;rn ou

\a=o[oujiunn;re^ Fa\ :k;[;zoun ;u vo[owourdin! S;uani

Dpranozi mh= ke n;rmou‘h ªKanac Astoua‘abanoujiunº

a®arkan% f imn;l ªLousauoricº ;rgca.oumbe% ;u

f imnadr;l ªS& A®aq;lozº tar;girqe!

2003j-i Ma\is 29-in% Ganata\i Fa\oz J;mi 19-

rd Patgamauorakan vo[owi enjazqin% Joronjo\i Sb&

:rrordoujiun :k;[;zuo\ mh= k∞entroui a®a=nord^

ellalow ;rrord a®a=norde Ganatafa\oz J;min ;u

ke ];®nadroui ;piskopos% ];®amb N&S&Ø&T&T& Gar;gin

B Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikosin! 2008j-in Arbaxan

Fa\re% ;rkrord angam% mia]a\n% arvanauoraphs

ke w;rentroui A®a=nord Ganata\i J;min! Orphs

Ganata\i A®a=nord Srbaxan Fa\re ];®nafasørhn ke

warh ir pa,tøne^ arv;uor;low ir;n wstafoua‘ m;‘ ;u

patas.anatou gor‘e! Ir A®a=nordou-

j;an ørow% fska\akan a,.atanqn;r

;n taroua‘& k;anqi h kocou;l&

1& ªAraratº ama®a\in yambare%

2& Entaniqn;rou ‘a®a\ouj;an ªFa\ Tounº


3& :ritasardn;rou ;u Qristonhakan

Dastiarakouj;an ;u Qaroxcouj;an


4& Mi=-;k;[;zakan ;u mi=-p;takan

\arab;roujiunn;rou gras;n;ake%

5& Famalsaranakann;rou ªKrjakan

yambordoujiun dhpi :rousa[hmº


6& ªA®a=nordaranin mna\oun Fimnadramº-e%

7& A®a=nordaranin g;[;zik ka\qh=n ou mamouli gras;n;ake%

8& Sourb Grigor Lousauoric A®a=nordanist :k;[;zuo\ ªMonjrhali Fa\ manoukn;rou :rgca.oumbºe%

9& ªM;nqº M,akouja\in |an]na.oumbe!

Fimnowin% ardiakan oyow% w;ranorogou;l h Ganata\i Fa\oz J;mi A®a=nordarani ,hnqe% ori fog;uor mjnolorte% fog;kan fryouanq ;u patiu h iuraqanciur a\z;loui famar! La\n ja˜ h staz;l axga\in-m,akouja\in dastiarakouj;an ou bar;sirakan ];®narkn;roun nouiroua‘ mi=oza®oumn;re! Anonzmh \i,;nq Sourb H=mia‘ni tønin nouiroua‘ n;rka\azoume% oroun ambo[=akan b;makanazoume ke partinq Srbaxan før mta\[azmane! Fa\astani Anka- .ouj;ane nouiroua‘ famaga[ouja\in ];Ènarkn;re! |i,atak;li h na;u S;nj Viusjin ;u Monjrhali ;r;.an;rou f iuandanozin nouiroua‘ bar;sirakan ];Ènarkn;re% oronq k;anqi kocou;zan Srbaxan f˚r na.a];Ènouj;amb ;u kaxmak;rpouj;amb ªFa\ Tounº-i gras;n;akin! A,.o\v \arab;roujiunn;r ;n fastatoua‘ qo\r ;k;[;zin;rou ;u p;takan xanaxan makardakn;rou wra\! Anonzmh n,anakaliz


;n 2005 jouakanin Ganata\i ;k;[;zakan p;t;rou a\ze Fa\astan% Ma\r AjoÈ S& H=mia‘in% 2010-in Ganata\i >orfrdakann;rou a\ze Fa\astan% incphs na;u^ Monjrhali qa[aqap;t Vhrar Jramplhi a\ze :r;uan! 2010j& Aprili 10-in Srbaxan Fa\re katara‘ h Lauali Sourb >ac :k;[;zou f imq;rou ørfnoujiunn ou ø‘oume% o[= n;rka\ouj;amb^ Monjrhalafa\ ;k;[;zakan \aranouanouj;anz fog;uor fa\r;rou! Ganata\i fa\ fama\nqi famar Patmakan% ,r=adar]a- \in iradar]oujiun h dhpi ;rkinq .o\azo[ noraka®o\z ;k;[;zuo\ ,inararakan a,.atanqn;rou enjazqe% oroun kiz ke ka®ouzoui Fa\ K;drone% incphs na;u ªAraratº tar;zn;rou Toune!

Srbaxan Fa\re 2008j-in% Monjrhali mh= lo\s k∞en‘a\h ª>of;rº andranik grqo\ke% our n;rka\azoua‘ h f;[inakin wa[% ;ritasardakan tarin;rou ,r=ani gor‘;r% ;r;q bavinn;row& fraparaka.˚sakan% xanaxanq ;u jargmanoujiunn;r! Anouranali h Srbaxan Før grakan ]irq;re& grqo\kin mh=% parxoro, baza\a\tououm h ;ritasard fog;uorakani ankotroum nkaragire% anor mardka\in% la\na.of ;u ˚rinak;li k;rpare! An ir \ødoua‘n;row% kou® tramabanouj;amb% m;r enj;rzo[in% fasarakouj;an ke n;rka\aznh% oc mia\n k;anqi tarb;r olortn;rou ˜ojorka- \o\x fangrouann;r% mardka\in famar]ak mtoroumn;r% w;rlou‘oumn;r^ fam;moua‘ k;anqi famoxic ørinakn;row% a\l na;u fa\r;nasiroujiun% axga\in arvanapatououjiun ;u \a[jakan vo[owourd ellalou fpartoujiun!

Axniu% nouir;al ;k;[;zakann;rou møt% inc-or astoua‘a\in ban ke xgas& ;rb ke ,˜ouis ou n;rka\ ke gtnouis Srbaxan Før matouza‘ Sourb Pataragn;roun ;u kam ;k;[;zakan a\l araro[oujiunn;roun% oronq^ \o\s% fauatq ;u shr ke n;r,nc;n% anor inqnatip% diuremb®n;li qaroxn;re% fa\;rhn l;xoui maqour arta\a\tcakanouj;amb matc;li ;n ou anka,kand! Ir;n yanczo[n;rou% ousouzicn;rou ;u fama\nqi bnoujagrmamb% Bagrat Srbaxane pa\‘a® mtqi thr% anmi=akan% patrastoua‘ ;u nouir;al fog;uorakan h% lauat;[;ak fa\ vo[owourdi patmouj;an ;u qa=a‘anøj fa\ vo[owourdi m,ako\jin!

A\sør s˜iu®qafa\ ga[oujn;rou mh=% Fa\astan;a\z A®aq;lakan S& :k;[;zin ouni m;‘ a®aq;loujiun& fog;uor krjoujiun ;u .namq ˜o.anz;lou m;r vo[owourdin^ \atkaphs nor s;roundin fa[ordakiz dar]n;low m;r inqnouj;an w;fouj;ane ;u faroust vaÈangoujiune kr;lou gitakzouj;ane% \a[janaka‘ s;round ellalou bar]r xgazoumow% apr;l m;r go\ouj;an grauakan Fa\astanow ;u Sourb H=mia‘now! A*\s h BAGRAT :PISKOPOS GALSTAN:ANI n,anabann ou fauatamqe!

No*r ouvow% no*r ;®andow ,arounakh ‘a®a\oujiund sir;li Srbaxan Fa\r^ i ˜a®s Astou‘o\% i pa\‘a®oujiun Fa\astan;a\z A®aq;lakan Sourb :k;[;zuo\ ;u i fog;uor ,inoujiun axgis Fa\oz!


Son Éminence l’Évêque Bagrat Galstanyan, Vazken de son nom de baptême, est né le 20 mai 1971 à Gyumri, en Arménie. Il est le fils de Bedros et d’Ovsanna Galstanyan et le benjamin de leurs quatre enfants. Dès son jeune âge, il s’établit avec sa famille à Erevan où il fréquente l’école No. 156 pour ses études secondaires.

La montée du nationalisme, l’indépendance de l’Arménie, ainsi que le mouvement Artsakh, ont eu une influence majeure sur le jeune et ingénieux Vazken.

En 1988, il est admis au Séminaire du Saint-Siège d’Etchmiadzine. Là, il se démarque par son intelligence vive, étant un étudiant brillant qui manifeste beaucoup d’intérêt pour les valeurs spirituelles et culturelles. Rapidement, il fait son entrée dans l’Église en participant aux offices comme chantre.

En 1993, il est ordonné diacre par l’Évêque Anania Arabadjian; sa thèse a pour thème « L’Interprétation Canonique des Services Divins

de Khosrov Antsrevatsi. »

En 1995, il reçoit l’ordination sacerdotale de Karekin I, Catholicos de tous les Arméniens, sous le nom de Bagrat, en mémoire de l’Évêque Bagrat Vartazarian, martyrisé sous le régime stalinien. Il devient dès lors membre de l’Ordre Religieux du Saint-Siège.

Aussi en 1995, il devient vice principal du Centre d’Éducation et de Prédication Chrétiennes de l’Arménie. Il commence à enseigner la Messe, l’Histoire de l’Église Universelle et l’Hymnologie.

Après son ordination il participe, en tant que porteur de la crosse, aux voyages pastoraux de Sa Sainteté Karekin I, en Australie, au Brésil, aux États-Unis, en Argentine, en Uruguay, en Russie et dans quelques régions de l’Arménie.

Feu Catholicos Karekin I, était un activiste spirituel et culturel accompli, ainsi qu’un père spirituel sans égal, éducateur incomparable qui joua un rôle important dans la formation spirituelle du jeune diacre.

Après la soutenance de sa thèse « Le Sacrement de l’Extrême Onction dans l’Église Arménienne, » en 2002, l’Évêque Michael Atchabahian lui confère le rang de Révérend à l’Église Saint-Mesrob Machtots d’Ochakan et il reçoit ainsi l’autorisation de porter la crosse et la croix pastorale.

De 2000 à 2003, il est nommé recteur du Séminaire Vazkenian de Sevan, directeur du Centre médiatique du Saint-Siège d’Etchmiadzine, il devient membre du conseil exécutif de la station télévisuelle Choghakat et administrateur des séries télévisées « Percevoir la Bible. »

Par une disposition émise par Sa Sainteté Karekin II, il est nommé locum tenens de la Région d’Arakadzotn .

Nombreuses sont les réussites et les réalisations du jeune vartabed. Au Séminaire de Sevan, il introduit pour la première fois le sujet de la « Théologie Verte », il met sur pied la chorale Loussavoritch (L’Illuminateur) et publie les annales « Sourp Arakelots. »


Le 29 mai 2003, la 19e Assemblée du Diocèse du Canada, convoquée en l’Église Sainte-Trinité de Toronto, élit Mgr Bagrat Galstanyan 3e Primat du Diocèse du Canada. Il est promu évêque par Sa Sainteté Karekin II, Catholicos de tous les Arméniens.

En 2008, il est réélu à l’unanimité Primat du Canada, pour un deuxième mandat.

En tant que Primat, il se consacre à la promotion d’activités religieuses et culturelles des paroisses, contribue au renouveau spirituel des jeunes Canadiens, lance de nouveaux projets et présente la République d’Arménie et le Artsakh aux trois paliers de gouvernement : fédéral, provincial et municipal. Parmi ses réalisations, citons :

1- L’organisation du Camp d’été Ararat2- Hay Doun, services de soutien à la famille3- Le Centre de l’éducation de la foi chrétienne et Ministère de la jeunesse4- La Fondation permanente du diocèse5- La chorale des enfants de l’Église St-Grégoire l’Illuminateur6- Le Comité culturel MENQ

7- L’organisation de la visite en 2005 des chefs religieux canadiens au Saint-Siège

8 - Le jumelage de Montréal et d’Erevan


La visite de l’Hon. Peter Milliken, le président de la Chambre des Communes Canada

9- La rénovation et la modernisation des locaux du diocèse 10- Le site Internet du diocèse, ainsi que le centre d’information

11- Les centres interreligieux et intergouvernemental du diocèse

12- La mission spirituelle des jeunes universitaires arméniens à Jérusalem

13- La fondation de la Paroisse Saint-Zoravor à Calgary en 2008

14- La construction et la consécration du site de L’Église Sainte-Croix de Laval

15- La construction de l’habitation Ararat pour les aînés

16- L’organisation de la visite de la délégation des parlementaires canadiens en Arménie

17- L’organisation de la visite de l’Hon. Gérald Tremblay, Maire de Montréal, en Arménie

18- La levée de fonds pour les fondations de l’Hôpital Ste-Justine et de L’Hôpital pour enfants de Montréal

19- La production et la présentation, avec succès, de la Fête d’Etchmiadzine

En 2008, il publie un premier livre, intitulé « Réflexions», une collection des œuvres de sa jeunesse.

L’Évêque Bagrat est un ecclésiastique avisé, dévoué, intelligent, un expert de l’histoire et de la culture du peuple arménien.

Aujourd’hui, dans la diaspora, la Sainte Église Apostolique Arménienne a la mission de veiller sur le peuple arménien et d’assurer l’éducation religieuse, particulièrement de la nouvelle génération, en faisant reconnaître notre identité, en transmettant le savoir, en étant fier d’un héritage riche et en faisant naître un sentiment d’appartenance à une génération victorieuse protégée à la fois par la Mère Patrie, l’Arménie, et par le Saint-Siège d’Etchmiadzine.

Ceci est la conviction et la devise de l’Évêque Bagrat Galstanyan, notre Primat.


His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanyan was born on May 20, 1971, in Gyumri (Leninakan). His parents Bedros and Ovsanna Galstanyan had 4 children, the youngest of whom was Vazken (the baptismal name of His Eminence). In his early age, he moved with his family to Yerevan, where he frequented School No. 156.

The revival of nationalism, the movements of independence and Artsakh, all played an important role in the life of the young and ingenious Vazken.

In 1988, he was admitted to the seminary of the Holy See of Etchmiadzin, where he, from the first days, proved to be a very clever student, with prolific intelligence. He also exhibited great interest in spiritual and national values. He soon turned his first steps towards the church as a chorister. In 1993, he was ordained deacon by HE Bishop Anania Arabadjian, defending his thesis about “The Canonic Interpretation of the Divine Services of Khosrov Antsrevatsi”.

In 1995, the late Catholicos of all Armenians, Karekin I ordained Deacon Vazken to priesthood by giving him the name Bagrat, after the late Bishop Bagrat Vartazarian, a victim of the Stalinist Regime. This was the opportunity the young reverend wished to serve the Armenian Church and the Armenian people.

Also in 1995, he was appointed vice-dean of Armenia’s Christian Education and Preaching Centre. He started teaching the Holy Mass, The History of Religion and Hymnology.

As the crosier-bearer of Catholicos of all Armenians, Karekin I of blessed memory, he accompanied him in his pastoral visits to Australia, Brazil, the U.S., Argentina, Uruguay, Russia and some regions of Armenia. The late Catholicos, being an accomplished spiritual and cultural activist, as well as a flawless educator, became the spiritual father and mentor of the young priest.

In 2002, he success- fully defended his thesis “The Sacrament of the Extreme Unction in the

Armenian Church”. He was ordained Vartabed, by HE Bishop Michael Achabahian in the St. Mesrob Mashdots Church, in the city of Oshagan, receiving the authorisation to carry the Crosier and to bear the Pastoral Cross. From 2000-2003, he was appointed Dean of Vazkenian Seminary of Sevan. Then, he became the Director of the newly founded press centre of the Holy See of Etchmiadzin. As a member of “Shoghagat” TV Board of Directors, he produced the Television series “To Perceive the Bible”. He was appointed by His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of all Armenians, Vice-Primate of Arakadzodn Diocese.

He succeeded to accomplish every project he was responsible for. In his years at the Sevan Seminary, he introduced the education of “Green Theology”, he founded the “Loussavoritch” choir, and started publishing the “Sourp Arakelots” yearly Annals.

In 2003, May 29, during the Diocesan Assembly of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church of Canada, held in Sourp Yerortoutioun Church of Toronto, Father Bagrat Galstanyan was elected the third Primate of the Canadian Diocese. A month later, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of all Armenians ordained him Bishop. In 2008, he was unanimously re-elected Primate of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church of Canada for a second term.


As the Primate, His Eminence starts promoting the religious and cultural activities of the parishes along with new projects, He introduces the New Republic of Armenia and Artsakh to every level of Canadian governments – Federal, Provincial, as well as Municipal. To mention some of his achievements –

1-The “Ararat” Summer Camp2-“Hay Doun” – Service to families. 3-The Centre of Christian Education and Youth Ministry4-The Endowment Fund of the Diocese5-The “Montreal Children Choir” of the St-Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Cathedral6-The “MENQ” Cultural Committee 7-The City of Montreal became the sister City of Yerevan.8-The Office of Inter-religious and inter-governmental affairs 9-The establishment of the Calgary Parish of Sourp Zoravor in 2008.


10- The visit of the Canadian Religious Leaders to the Holy See of Etchmiadzin in 2005. 11- The visit of the Canadian Parliamentarians to Armenia. 12- The Laval Sourp Khatch (Holy Cross) Church, with its centre. 13- The Habitat “Ararat” for the elders 14- The organisation of soon to be held visit of the Mayor of Montreal, M. Gerald Tremblay to Armenia. 15- The spiritual Mission of the Young Students into Jerusalem 16- The Diocese Web-site and the Information Centre 17- The renovation of the Diocesan offices 18- The Fund-raising event for the St-Justine and Montreal Children Hospitals Foundations 19- The production of the Etchmiadzin musical extravaganza

In 2008, he publishes his first book named “Reflections”, which is a collection of his early works.

This energetic young and brilliant clergyman has a deep knowledge of Armenian history and culture. With God’s blessing and guidance, he has devoted his life to his people, to Armenia his birthplace, and to Canada his adoptive country.

Today, in the Diaspora, the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church has an important mission:

a) to pass on the religious education to our people, especially, to the new generation b) to make them understand the greatness of our identityc) to make them carry on our rich heritage d) to make them feel that they belong to a victorious generation e) Ultimately to exist with, and for, our Motherland and the Holy See of Etchmiadzin.

These are the beliefs and reflections of Bishop Bagrat Galstanyan. May God bless him and protect him on his spiritual journey.




# A # D A C I R • P r o g r a m m e


2-rt M A S – 2ième P A R T I E


La chorale Komitasde la Cathédrale arménienne Saint-Grégoire l’Illuminateur

La chorale Komitas a été fondée en 1958 en même temps que l’Église Saint-Grégoire-l’Illuminateur. Située en plein cœur d’Outremont, cette église majestueuse abrite en son sein une des meilleures chorales religieuses et culturelles de Montréal.

Nommée en l’honneur d’une des plus grandes figures de la musique arménienne contemporaine, le révérend Père Komitas (1868-1935), ancien maître de chapelle de la Cathédrale d’Etchmiadzine, sanctuaire de l’Arménie chrétienne, savant musicologue et incomparable interprète de chant arménien, la chorale composée de quelque quar-ante chanteurs et chanteuses, assure la partie liturgique de la messe chaque dimanche.

Sous la direction du chef Varoujan Margaryan en 2003, la chorale a repris un nouveau souffle. En effet, sa pas-sion et ses connaissances approfondies de la culture religieuse arménienne et tout particulièrement de Komitas, ont conduit M. Margaryan à les partager non seulement avec la communauté arménienne mais aussi avec la com-munauté en général. C’est ainsi que la chorale s’est ouverte à recevoir des chanteurs et des chanteuses de toutes les cultures. De plus, M. Margaryan a réintroduit la chorale pour hommes qui se spécialise dans les pièces spécifiques et qui chantent à des occasions particulières et sur demande.

Depuis 2003, la chorale Komitas a reçu plusieurs invitations pour se produire dans différentes églises à Montréal, notamment à l’Oratoire Saint-Joseph dans le cadre des chants sacrés et à l’Église du Gesù. Elle a aussi eu l’occasion de se produire à Ottawa, Toronto et New-York. La chorale Komitas est régulièrement présente aux célébrations œcuméniques qui ont lieu à la basilique de l’Oratoire Saint-Joseph.

Depuis juin 2005 la Chorale participe régulièrement au Mondial Choral de Loto-Québec. Depuis quelques années, elle participe aussi aux Journées de la Culture, en collaboration avec la Place des Arts et également avec le Centre de créativité des salles du Gesù. Au Concours National de Radio-Canada/CBC 2008, la chorale Komitas a été retenue comme demi-finaliste.

Son rayonnement fait en sorte que la chorale est en train d’élargir ses champs vers un répertoire plus culturel.

Notons que la chorale Komitas a participé à la publication du livre « Recueil de correspondances du Père Komitas » en collaboration avec le Musée d’art et de littérature de Erevan.


Varujan MargaryanMaestro de la chorale Komitas

Né à Yérévan, en Arménie, monsieur Varujan Margaryan a fait ses études au Con-

servatoire de Yérévan et à l’Institut étatique de pédagogie. Ténor riche et dramatique,

monsieur Margaryan est reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs interprètes d’hymnes reli-

gieux, son répertoire incluant des compositeurs tant Arméniens que non-Arméniens.

Monsieur Margaryan a chanté avec la Chorale du Saint-Siège d’Etchmiadzin, en

Arménie, de 1984 à 1992, quand il fut invité par l’Archevêque Torkom Manoukian à Jérusalem à titre de chef de

chœur et de professeur de musique de l ’Église Saint-Jacques et de son séminaire.

De là, il fut invité en 2000 à Cologne, en Allemagne, pour occuper les mêmes postes à l ’Église Saint-Sahag-

Mesrob. Arrivé à Montréal à la toute fin de 2003, il entreprit, dès janvier 2004, ses diverses responsabilités, entre

autres, de prendre en charge la chorale Komitas de la Cathédrale arménienne Saint-Grégoire l ’Illuminateur et de créer

la chorale des hommes et la chorale des enfants.


Aline KutanShe can throw out grueling coloratura runs and stratospheric high notes with ease…

Her accurate placement is impressive, particularly because she weaves the singing into a seamless legato line, yet she can hold a note forever, as well as play with nuance. She is also very musical and expressive, and is quite a good actress.

(Paula Citron, GLOBE AND MAIL)

One of Canada’s top coloraturas, Aline Kutan has established herself on the international scene with signature roles like The Queen of the Night (Magic Flute), Lakmé, Zerbinetta (Ariadne auf Naxos), Olympia (Tales of Hoffmann) among others in prestigious houses such as l’Opéra National de Paris, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Glyndebourne Festival, Les Chorégies d’Orange, La Scala di Milan, San Carlo di Napoli, New York City Opera, Opéra de Montréal, Opéra de Monte-Carlo, Santiago-Chile, etc…

In her hometown, she’s performed regularly with Montreal Symphony Orchestra with Charles Dutoit, Kent Nagano and Jacques Lacombe. She’s worked with renowned conductors such as Sir Charles Mackerras, Riccardo Muti, James Conlon, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Raffi Armenian, Daniel Lipton, Yves Abel, Julius Rudel, Gustav Kuhn, Stuart Bedford, Jonathan Darlington, and Vladimir Jurowsky among many others.

She has won the Metropolitan Opera Competitions as well as the Licia Albanese-Puccini Competition and the George London Foundation Awards in New York City. She has been a finalist in the Pavarotti International Competition and a final-ist/winner of the best French opera excerpt at the Toulouse International Voice Competition. Her Canadian prizes include the MSO Voice Competition, Joseph Rouleau- Jeunesses Musicales and the COC Young Mozart Singers’ Competition.

Recordings: Strauss Lieder (Analekta), Le Pâtre sur le Rocher (ATMA), Shostokovich Seven Poems with Gryphon Trio (Analekta), Ariadne auf Naxos in Naples (Sony BMG-Arte Nova). Upcoming season: concerts in Besançon, France, concert in Boston, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London, Toulouse and Spain, Michigan Opera and Canadian Opera Company of Magic Flute in Toronto. She is currently teaching at Le Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal and at McGill University.

lovely, coolly throbbing, silvery timbre; impressive technical command; a sure sense of style; and a winning, sympathetic stage presence. (Patrick Dillon, OPERA CANADA

Sasha Djihanian Soprano

La soprano canadienne d’origine arménienne, Sasha Djihanian, est diplômée du Conservatoire de musique de Montréal avec un Premier Prix avec Grande Distinction, où elle a été l’élève de la mezzo-soprano Gabrielle Lavigne et de la soprano Donna Brown.

Durant les étés 2008, 2009 et 2010 elle a participé au festival de musique de Chautauqua (New York) où elle a étudié avec Marlena Kleinman-Malas et où elle a travaillé avec Mikael Eliasen, Craig Rutenberg, Brian Zieger, Neil Schikoff et Peter Kazaras.

À l’automne 2009, Sasha fait ses début à l’Opéra de Montréal dans la production de La flûte enchantée de Mozart, dans le rôle du 2e Esprit et remporte le troisième prix au Concours International de Musique Tchèque et Slovaque.

Son répertoire opératique comprend entre autres Musetta dans la Boheme de Puccini, la cuisinière dans le Rossignol de Stavinsky, Gherardino dans Gianni Schicchi de Puccini, Thérèse dans Les Mamelles de Tiresias de Poulenc, Concepcion dans L’Heure espagnole et le feu et l’écureuil dans L’Enfant et les sortileges de Ravel.

Depuis 2007, elle tient un des rôles principaux dans la production lyriques pour enfants (coproductions avec l’opéra de Montréal), La chèvre de monsieur Seguin du compositeur Patrick Mathieu.

Elle a aussi chanté comme soliste dans maintes productions avec orchestre, en particulier dans des galas et lors de la présentation d’oratorios, notamment La passion selon St-Matthieu de Bach, Le Messie de Haendel, Söpfung de Haydn, le Requiem de Mozart, le Requiem Allemand de Brahms et Élie de Mendelssohn.

Grâce à de nombreuses bourses d’excellence provenant notamment de la Fondation Jacqueline Desmarais et du Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal, Sasha poursuit sa formation avec Marlena Kleinman-Malas pour développer son talent d’artiste lyrique. Ses prochains engagements comprennent Susanna des Noces de Figaro de Mozart, l’Oratorio de Noël de Saint Saens et la Messe en Sol de Schubert.


Hasmik Gasparyan Soprano

Hasmik Gasparyan est née à Yérévan, en Arménie. Graduée du Conser-vatoire d’État Komitas elle devient par la suite soliste de la chorale de chambre de Yérévan. Hasmik a participé à plusieurs festivals internationaux en Italie, en Allemagne, en Norvège, au Canada, en Suisse, en Pologne, au Liban et en Syrie. En mars 1991 elle a interprété le solo de l’aria de la « Passion selon Saint-Jean » de Jean-Sébastien Bach, à Yérévan.

En 2005, elle a enregistré son premier album solo de musique sacrée ar-ménienne intitulé « La voix de Geghard ». En octobre 2005, Hasmik, en tant que membre du quatuor vocal Sanctus, a participé au Festival International de Musique Sacrée de la ville de Québec.

En mai 2006, elle a participé au Festival International de Musique Sacrée « Gaude Mater » en Po-logne.

En décembre 2006, elle s’est établie à Montréal et depuis elle participe à plusieurs événements musicaux et culturels.

Hasmik Gasparyan was born in Yerevan. Graduate of Komitas State Conservatory, Yerevan, she be-came the soloist of Yerevan Chamber Choir. Hasmik has participated in various International Festivals in Italy, Germany, Norway, Canada, Switzerland, Poland, Lebanon and Syria. In March 1999 she performed the soprano’s solo arias in “”Johhannes Passion” by J.S. Bach in Yerevan.

In 2005, the singer released her debut solo album of Armenian sacred music, called “The Voice Of Geghard”. In October 2005 Hasmik as a member of “Sanctus” Vocal Quartet participated in annual Inter-national Sacred Music Festival in Quebec City. In May 2006, the singer participated in annual International Festival of Sacred Music “Gaude Mater” in Poland.

In December 2006 she moved to Montreal and since then she is taking part in various cultural events.

Garo Nichanian Baryton-basse

Acclamé par la critique, Garo Nichanian a donné de nombreux récitals, tant au Canada, qu’aux Etats-Unis et en Arménie. Ce barytone-basse à la voix grave et puissante a captivé ses auditoires plusieurs années déjà. Il a contribué comme artiste invité à divers événements artistiques et culturelles dans des salles aussi renommées que Avery Fisher Hall, Arlington National Cemetery, Constitution Hall, Flor-ence Gould Auditorium, Metropolitan Museum of Art, la Place des Arts, le stade Olympique de Montréal, la salle Claude Champagne, le Oscar Peterson Hall, la basilique Notre-Dame, le centre Bell, Spendiarian Opera Theatre et Arno Babaja-nian Concert Hall.

Sa voie chaude et profonde combinée à un remarquable sens musical lui permet d’avoir un répertoire très étendu comprenant des airs d’opéra, les mélodies romantiques et des chants patriotiques. L’une de plus récentes performances a eu lieu en septembre 2008 à Yerevan, en Arménie, dans le rôle de Kyokhva de l’opéra Anoush, interprétation qui lui a valu encore une fois les louages des connaisseurs


Sandra AfeyanNée à Montréal en 1987, Sandra Afeyan est titulaire d’un baccalauréat, reçu avec

distinction, de l’Université Concordia pour ses études en communication et en jour-nalisme.

Elle occupe présentement le poste de Coordonatrice en marketing et communica-tions chez Aviation Strategies International, une firme de consultants spécialisée dans le domaine de l’aviation civile.

Le chant fut toujours une passion que Sandra apporta à diverses scènes, y compris le Carnegie Hall à New York. Elle reçut une formation vocale professionnelle de deux ans avec professeur Monique Rodrigue et pendant un an avec Mme Larisa Lyusternik

à l’Académie nationale de musique.

Sandra se joignit au Choeur Komitas en 2004 et fut un membre actif depuis.

Ari AgnerianBorn in Montreal in 1981, Ari started learning to play piano at his early age

with Maestro Petros Shoujounian. When he was nine, he started singing with Hamazkayin Youth Choral “Knar”. The family moved to Florida where he continued his piano lessons and had lead singer/actor roles in school choirs and participated in musicals at the high school. After his graduation, back in Canada, Ari continues performing in church choir as lead singer and soloist, at the same time, continuing his education and performing with the Concordia University Choir. Ari has been performing in various Armenian religious and cultural events, and is one of the four singers of the “Arahed” quartet. For the last years, he is a devoted member and one of the soloist of the “Komitas” choir.

Pierre KeyorkVocalist, guitarist, pianist and playing various other instruments, Pierre Keyork

composes and creates his own music, and teaches singing and music.


Gregory Chaverdian pianiste

Diplômé avec distinction du Conservatoire Komitas de l’État d’Arménie, Gregory Chaverdian reçoit en 1989 le premier prix du Concours International de Rio de Janeiro et se rend alors comme soliste sur les scènes les plus prestigieuses de Pologne, de Hongrie, d’Italie, du Brésil, d’Angleterre, d’Irlande et des Etats-Unis.

Arrivé au Canada en 991, il est pianiste invité de l’ensemble I Musici de Montréal, avec lequel il a d’ailleurs enregistré un disque compact. On peut entendre ses performances régu-lièrement sur les ondes de la chaine culturelle FM de Radio-Canada. Parmi les musiciens re-nommés avec qui il a partagé la scène, citons Yuli et Eleonora Turovsky, James Campbell, David Owen Norris, Vladimir Landsman, Aline Kutan et Barseg Tumanyan.

Gregory Chaverdian a été invité par l’Orchestre Symphonique du Nouveau-Brunswick, dirigé par Nurhan Arman. Il a été pianiste invité pour les séries de concerts Les Coups de Cœur d’I Musici de Montréal. Présentement, il enseigne au Conservatoire McGill et au département de musique de L’Université Concordia.

Martin Dubé pianist

A native of Montmagny (Québec, Canada), Martin Dubé studied piano at Laval University before pursuing his master’s in chamber music at McGill University. The recipient of a scholarship from the Manhattan School of Music, he studied accompanying under War-ren Jones. He was also the accompanist for the masterclasses of such renowned voice teachers and opera singers as Elly Ameling, Sherill Milnes, Marylin Horne, Leontyne Price, Marlena Malas, Dame Gweneth Jones and others.

During his studies , Martin was awarded scholarships from the Desjardins Foundation, The Richelieu Clubs, the FCAR Foundation, the Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec and the Music Academy of the West in California. From 1997 to 2000, he was an associate coach at the Juillard School of Music and has been a coach at the Chautauqua Institution since 1997.

He served as vocal coach at McGill University until May 2005. He is a regular visiting coach at the Atelier lyrique of the Montréal Opera. Mr. Dubé is also the co-director of the Chamber Music Society of Quebec City and an official accompanist for the Montreal International Voice Competition. For the 2005-2006 season, he had the pleasure to coach at the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music of Philadelphia and to serve as a rehearsal pianist at the Opera Company of Philadelphia. He is now an official voice coach at the Montreal University and a respected collaborative artist.

Houry Manougian-Bedrossian pianist

Born in Lebanon, Houry started her piano lessons at an early age at lÉcole de Musique Tekelian and continued at the National Conservatory of Lebanon from where she graduated. She continued her musical studies with Prof. Norair Artinian in the Music Department at Vanier College, after which she continued with Prof. Eliza-beth Dawson at McGill University and received her Bachelor Degree in Music.

She studied Church Music with Prof. Jonathan Oldengarm.

Presently she teaches music at the L’Académie de Musique de Montréal, as well as to her private students and she is affiliated teacher at the McGill Conservatory. For several years she has been accompanying choirs and soloists. Now, she is the organist

of the St-Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Cathedral, also the pianist for the Komitas Tbrats Tass Choir and The Montreal Armenian Children’s Choir.




St-Gregory the Illuminator CathedralMontreal

Holy Trinity ChurchToronto

St-Vartan ChurchVancouver

Holy Cross ChurchLaval

St-Mary ChurchHamilton

St-Gregory the Illuminator ChurchSte-Catharines

St-Vartan ChurchMississauga

St-Mesrob ChurchOttawa


Holy Resurrection ChurchWindsor

And the Parishes of

Edmonton, Winnipeg, Moncton, Halifax, Quebec City and Yellowknife



Mr. & Mrs.

Souren and Lilian Agemian

Upon the consecration of Father Bagrat Galstanian,

to the rank of Bishop


H.H. Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians,

Mr. Souren Agemian participated as Godfather

in Holy Etchimiadzin, Armenia in 2003,


Grand Patron

Mr. & Mrs.

Arthur and Alice Kuderian



Mrs. Elizabeth Adjeleian & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Levon and Ana Afeyan

Mr. & Mrs. Ara and Calabrina Boyajian

Mr. & Mrs. Chris and Aghavni Chakmakian

Mr. & Mrs. Krikor and Rose Dikranian

Mr. & Mrs. Haig and Shaké Madjarian

Dr. & Mrs. John and Sossi Manoukian

Dr. & Mrs. Sarkis and Marcelle Meterissian

Mr. & Mrs. Kourken & Lena Sarkissian

Mr. & Mrs. Vartan and Lise Toroussian


Benefactors Mr. & Mrs. Kevork and Araxia Agopian

Akkelian FamilyMr. Armenak Alajajian

Mr. & Mrs. Taro and Anahid AlepianMr. & Mrs. Ara and Apet Alpay

Mr. & Mrs. Varoujan and Lena AltebarmakianMr. & Mrs. Walter and Haykouhie Asatoorian

Mr. & Mrs. Jirair and Elise DervishianMr. & Mrs. Arden and Christine Dervishian

Me. Hrair DjihanianMr. & Mrs. Mihran and Lisette Durguerian

Mr. & Mrs. Serge and Ines FarmanMrs. Diana Hadjetian

Mr. & Mrs. Oskan and Tanya HazarabedianMr. & Mrs. Aram and Tili Isnar

Mr. & Mrs. Abraham and France KandaharianMr. & Mrs. Armen and Ketty Kazandjian

Mr. & Mrs. Zaven and Silva KojakianMr. & Mrs. Ara and Houry Koolian

Mr. & Mrs. Shant, Ani and Marc ManoukianMr. Tro Manoukian

Mr. & Mrs. Razmik and Arminé MargoosianMENQ Committee Members

Mr. & Mrs. Levon and Silva MermerMr. & Mrs. Arto and Annie Mouradian

Mr. & Mrs. André and Seza NazarianMr. & Mrs. Ohan and Anita Ohanessian

Mr. & Mrs. Chahan and Elizabeth PacradouniMe.& Mrs. Berge and Evelyn Papazian

Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Manishagand Ms. Nayat Semerciyan

Drs. Larry Lincoln and Liliane SeropianMr. & Mrs. Ara and Maroush Soukiassian

Me. Richard Elliot and Dr.Léna TerjanianDr. & Mrs. Jirayr and Arpiné Tertzakian

Mr. & Mrs. Aram and Bellinda YacoubianA Friend


Donors Armenian General Benevolent Union

Association of Armenians from IstanbulBolsahay Cultural Association

Tekeyan Cultural Association & ABAKAMr. & Mrs. Hovig and Aida Albarian

Mr. & Mrs. Hagop and Arpine AltounianMrs. Vartouhi Balian

Dr. & Mrs. Antranik BenohanianMrs. Lucy Boghossian

Dr. & Mrs. Mihran and Françoise DadourianMr. & Mrs. Vicken and Aline Darakdjian

Chahé and Vahé Dekirmendjian Bros.Mrs. Anahid Evrensel

Mr. & Mrs. Hagop and Araxi EvrenselMr. & Mrs. Mike and Karine GuiragossianDr. & Mrs. Arshavir and Nadia Gundjian

Mr. & Mrs. Armen Garo and Chaké GunjianMr. & Mrs. Vartan and Nora Karasseferian

Mr. & Mrs. Natesa and Anoush LakshminarayanMrs. Anahid Manoukian

Mr. & Mrs. Megardich and Vartouhi MegardichianMr. & Mrs. Kevork and Jeannette MeterissianMr. & Mrs. Vrej and Imasdouhi Nigoghossian

Ms. Lena OuzounianMs. Kohar Palvetzian

Dr. & Mrs. Krikor and Aline PederianDr. Annie Tashdjian and Children

Mr. & Mrs. Azad and Nayiri TemizjianMr. & Mrs. Panos and Kohar Topalian


Circle of Friends

Association des Arméniens d’Égypte

Mr. & Mrs. Hovig and Aida Albarian

Mr. & Mrs. Masis and Ayda Afarian

Mrs. Lida Alexanian

Mr. & Mrs. Murat and Nadia Armutlu

Mr. & Mrs. Harry and Nancy Avakian

Mr. & Mrs. Jack and Dorothy Baker

Mrs. Azneev Balian

Dr. & Mrs. Berj and Aida Bardekjian

Mr. Arto Basmadjian

Mrs. Irma Basmadjian

Ms. Knar Basmadjian

Mr. & Mrs. Armen and Hermine Bechakdjian

Mr. & Mrs. Antranig and Khatoune Bedrossian

Mr. & Mrs. Aram and Marie Benohanian

Bogosyan Family

Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes and Anahid Dekirmendjian

Mrs. Nouritza Derarakelian

Mr. Varoujan Dergalstanian

Me. & Mrs. Harry and Norma Dikranian

Mr. & Mrs Gaetan and Hermine Dimaria

Mr. & Mrs.Stephan and Lori Ekmekjian

Hakimian Family

Mr. & Mrs.Vaché and Stephanie Hagopian

Mr. Eddy Husseindjian

Mr. & Mrs.Meguerditch and Larissa Kanondjian

Mr. & Mrs.Bedros and Sonia Kokorian

Mr. & Mrs. Ardashes and Elizabeth Koundakjian

Drs. Jirayr and Rita Kuyumjian

Mr. & Mrs. Zareh and Seta Mahseredjian

Mr. & Mrs. Varoujan and Silva Mangassarian

Dr. & Mrs. Ari and Patil Meguerditchian

Mr. & Mrs. Rostom and Vivian Mirzoyan

Mr. & Mrs. Kevork and Araxi Ohanian

Mr. & Mrs. Onnik and Marie Pilafian

Mr. Vito Racanelli

Mr. & Mrs. John and Maggie Satouri

Mr. & Mrs. Haig and Alice Selian

Mr. Karnig Shishmanian

Mr. & Mrs. Steve and Nataly Sirmakesyan

Mrs. Sirvart Soukiassian

Mr. & Mrs. Jack and Maggie Stepanian

Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Philippe and Aline Tachdjian

Mr. & Mrs. Alexandre and Vassilena Tavadian

Mr. Antranik Tchilingirian

A Friend



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