The next slide is at B-sound of Bismillah

Bismillah - Understand Al-Qur'an Academy...from, i.e the articulation point of the letter, or the point of origin of the letter the makhraj of meem or ba: Lips The makhraj of taa is:

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Lesson-12Revision of All Letters

بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم لـ عل رسوؿ اهلل لوة والس الحمد هلل والص

لـ عليكم كرحمة اهلل وبركته الس

Relax & Smile!

You are the best! Why? The Prophet pbuh said so!

You learn best and remember more when you feel good!


Take a deep breath

1. Review of the last 11 lessons

2. Study Interesting Aspects


1. Meaningful Letters

2. FOUR Very Thick and High-Sounding Letters

3. THREE High Sounding Letters

4. Don’t Mix the Makhraj!

5. The Tiny letters: Hamzah and Haa!

6. The dot on ‘similar shapes’

7. Interesting pairs: ؿ ا، ؿ د، ص ط، ض ظ، ت ة8. Arrangement of Letters

9. Short forms

The Letter Poem1ـ

ؼ ك ب 1are from the lips


Tongue has many; 12 from the tip


(with Fathah)

ا، ؤ، ئ



Arabic Letters4 sets of 3 strokes


1. Meaningful Letters

2. FOUR Very Thick and High-Sounding Letters

3. THREE High Sounding Letters

4. Don’t Mix the Makhraj!

5. The Tiny letters: Hamzah and Haa!

6. The dot on ‘similar shapes’

7. Interesting pairs: ؿ ا، ؿ د، ص ط، ض ظ، ت ة8. Arrangement of Letters

9. Short forms

1000’s of Qur’anic Words start with…




They can be a part ofthe root also. The context tells u whether it is one ofthese or a prt of the root.

1000’s of Qur’anic Words start with…





1000’s of Qur’anic Words start with…


very soon

Do? Is?

as, like


1. Meaningful Letters

2. FOUR Very Thick and High-Sounding Letters

3. THREE High Sounding Letters

4. Don’t Mix the Makhraj!

5. The Tiny letters: Hamzah and Haa!

6. The dot on ‘similar shapes’

7. Interesting pairs: ؿ ا، ؿ د، ص ط، ض ظ، ت ة8. Arrangement of Letters

9. Short forms

ج ش لؾ ؽ ضء ق ع

ح غ خ ا

ظث ذ طت د صز س ؿ ف ر

ؼـ ب ك

2. Very thick and High-Sounding Letters

Just like a thick round tongue

جػ شػ حػكػ قػ ضػء هػ عػ

حػ غػ خػ ا

ظػثػ ذ طػتػ د صػز سػ

لػ جػ ر

فػمػ بػ ك

2. FOUR Very thick and High-Sounding Letters(Short Forms)

Just like a thick round tongue


1. Meaningful Letters

2. FOUR Very Thick and High-Sounding Letters

3. THREE High Sounding Letters

4. Don’t Mix the Makhraj!

5. The Tiny letters: Hamzah and Haa!

6. The dot on ‘similar shapes’

7. Interesting pairs: ؿ ا، ؿ د، ص ط، ض ظ، ت ة8. Arrangement of Letters

9. Short forms

ج ش لؽض ؾ

ء ق ع غ خح ا

ث ذ ظت د طز س صؿ ف ر

ؼـ ب ك

3. THREE High-Sounding Letters

جػ شػ حػقػضػ كػ

ء هػ عػ غػ خػحػ ا

ثػ ذ ظػتػ د طػز سػ صػلػ جػ ر

فػمػ بػ ك

3. THREE High-Sounding Letters(Short Forms)


1. Meaningful Letters

2. FOUR Very Thick and High-Sounding Letters

3. THREE High Sounding Letters

4. Don’t Mix the Makhraj!

5. The Tiny letters: Hamzah and Haa!

6. The dot on ‘similar shapes’

7. Interesting pairs: ؿ ا، ؿ د، ص ط، ض ظ، ت ة8. Arrangement of Letters

9. Short forms


(مخارج)مخرج Makhraj: Place where the letter comes out

from, i.e the articulation point of the letter, or the point of origin of the letterthe makhraj of meem or ba: Lips

The makhraj of taa is: tongue tip

The makhraj of Haa: throat

Plural of مخرج is مخارج. Lips, tongue tip, and throat are : Makharij

(places from where these letters come out from)

Don’t Mix the Makhraj! (6 teams)

ز ذ ظ ضث س صؾ ؽ خ

ء عق ح

ت ة ط

ض ظ ذ ز ض ػظ ػذ ػز ضػ ظػ ذ ز ػضػ ػظػ ػذ ػز

Full Forms


ص س ث ػص ػس ػث صػ سػ ثػػصػ ػسػ ػثػ

Full Forms


خ ؽ ؾ ػخ ػق ػك

خػ قػ كػػخػ ػقػ ػكػ

Full Forms


ء ع ءيشا عوالجو

انتم ء ينه عػواءكبا لعب

Full Forms


ح ق ػح ػه

حػ هػػحػ ػهػ

Full Forms


ط ة ت ػط ػة ػت

طػ - تػػطػ - ػتػ

Full Forms


Review of 6 teams!

ز ذ ظ ضث س صؾ ؽ خء عق حت ة ط


1. Meaningful Letters

2. FOUR Very Thick and High-Sounding Letters

3. THREE High Sounding Letters

4. Don’t Mix the Makhraj!

5. The Tiny letters: Hamzah and Haa!

6. The dot on ‘similar shapes’

7. Interesting pairs: ؿ ا، ؿ د، ص ط، ض ظ، ت ة8. Arrangement of Letters

9. Short forms

5. The Tiny letters: Hamzah and Haa!

“Hamzah”, the baby letter uses Alif, Yaa or Waaw as a chair. Don’t forget its sound: ‘a (not a)

ؤ ئ ئػ أ ء“Ha” tries to become ‘big’ by carrying a mirror with it! It is a joker! Ha! Ha! Ha!

ػه قهػ ػهػ

The chairs of Hamzah: ا، ل، ك

ء ء ء ء

ا ؤ ػا

ػؤ ئ ئػػئ ػئػ

No Connectors for Hamzah!

Whenever Alif has a harakah, it becomes Hamzah

ء = ا ء = ا ء = ا ء = ا

In the Indopak print

ا = أ ا = إ ا = أ = أ ا

We will learn kasrah etc. later.


1. Meaningful Letters

2. FOUR Very Thick and High-Sounding Letters

3. THREE High Sounding Letters

4. Don’t Mix the Makhraj!

5. The Tiny letters: Hamzah and Haa!

6. The dot on ‘similar shapes’

7. Interesting pairs: ؿ ا، ؿ د، ص ط، ض ظ، ت ة8. Arrangement of Letters

9. Short forms

6. The Dot on Similar Shapes

ح خد ذر زط ظع غ

• A dot above means strong air flow• Use this clue if you are confused

between the two • Exception: ض


1. Meaningful Letters

2. FOUR Very Thick and High-Sounding Letters

3. THREE High Sounding Letters

4. Don’t Mix the Makhraj!

5. The Tiny letters: Hamzah and Haa!

6. The dot on ‘similar shapes’

7. Interesting pairs: ؿ ا، ؿ د، ص ط، ض ظ، ت ة8. Arrangement of Letters

9. Short forms

7. Interesting Pairs

ؿ اؿ دص طض ظت ةؽ ة

Alif has no connector after it, just like thin letters;

Remember the direction!

لػ ؿ ػل ػلػ م حقاتلوكم ل فاف اعتزلوكم ف

ا ا ػا ػا لوة واتى الزكوة اواق ـ الص

هو خير الرزقين ل واف اهلل Laam


Laam & Alif

ؿ، د

In their short forms, they may appear similar, but ػدis small and ػل is big!

ؿ دالقواعد من البيت واسمعيل ػل ػد

ص will always have a tooth in the short form so that you don’t mix it with ط.

ص صا ط طا

وعمل صالحا فلهم اجرهم لكم طالوت ملكن بعث

ض will always have a tooth in the short form so that you don’t mix it with ظ.

ض ضا ظ ظا

حتى اذا ضاقت عليهم الرض نيا يعلموف ظاهرنا من الحيوة الد

The Letters ت and ة

ت تػ ػت ػتػ


Occurs at the end of a word only!It has no short form!


ئكة المل

Spot the difference!

ق ة ؼ ؽ ػه ػة ػف ػق هػ - فػ قػػهػ - ػفػ ػقػ


1. Meaningful Letters

2. FOUR Very Thick and High-Sounding Letters

3. THREE High Sounding Letters

4. Don’t Mix the Makhraj!

5. The Tiny letters: Hamzah and Haa!

6. The dot on ‘similar shapes’

7. Interesting pairs: ؿ ا، ؿ د، ص ط، ض ظ، ت ة8. Arrangement of Letters

9. Short forms

ج ش مض ؾ ؽ

ء ق ع ح غ خ ا

ث ذ ظت د طز س صؿ ف ر

ؼـ ب ك Letters in the Makhraj Order

(Good for Non-Arabs)

Letters According to Shapes(Good for Arabs, b’cos they don’t have problem with Makharij)

ج ح خ ب ت ث ا ع غ ط ظ ص ض س ش ر ز د ذ

ؼ ؽ ؾ ؿ ـ ف ك ق ء ل


1. Meaningful Letters

2. FOUR Very Thick and High-Sounding Letters

3. THREE High Sounding Letters

4. Don’t Mix the Makhraj!

5. The Tiny letters: Hamzah and Haa!

6. The dot on ‘similar shapes’

7. Interesting pairs: ؿ ا، ؿ د، ص ط، ض ظ، ت ة8. Arrangement of Letters

9. Short forms - Some Interesting Aspects!

Number of Letters in Words

Word Count - approx No. of Letters

3 112000 2

16000 318000 415000 510000 64000 72000 8400 950 104 11


A typical word has more than 4 letters.Only the last letter is in Full Form.

75% of the letters in the Qur’an are in Short Forms

فػ ؼػفػ ػف


Shapes becoming similar!

جػ حػ خػ بػ تػ ثػ ا عػ غػ طػ ظػصػ ضػ سػ شػر ز د ذ

فػ قػ كػ لػ مػ جػ ك هػ ء حػ

Easy to see these similar shaped short forms in standard order.

Similar Shapesin short forms!

بػ جػيػ تػ

ثػ شػ سػ

Similar Shapesin short forms!

ػبػ ػنػػيػ ػتػ

ػثػ ػشػ ػسػ

Short forms: Special Changes

جػ حػ خػ بػ تػ ثػ ا عػ غػ طػ ظػصػ ضػ سػ شػر ز د ذ

فػ قػ كػ لػ مػ جػ ك هػ ء حػ

جػ ػحػ ػخػ ػػبػ ػتػ ػثػ ػا

ػعػ ػغػ طػ ػظػصػ ػضػ ػػ سػ ػشػػػر ػز ػد ػذ

ػفػ ػقػ ػكػ ػلػ ػمػ ػنػ ػو ػهػ ء ػيػ

Placement of Connectors

د ذ connected in the middle; ر ز at the top; b’cos connector is always on the line.

Connector making changes!(for cursive writing)

جػ ػحػ ػخػ ػػبػ ػتػ ػثػ ػا

ػعػ ػغػ طػ ػظػصػ ػضػ ػػ سػ ػشػػػر ػز ػد ػذ

ػفػ ػقػ ػكػ ػلػ ػمػ ػنػ ػو ػهػ ء ػيػ

“No Short Form” LettersNot wide enough No connector after them

ج ح خ ب ت ث ا ع غ ط ظ ص ض س ش ر ز د ذ

ؼ ؽ ؾ ؿ ـ ف ك ق ء ل

“No Short Form” LettersNot wide enough No connector after them; Can have Connectors

جػ ػحػ ػخػ ػػبػ ػتػ ػثػ ػا

ػعػ ػغػ طػ ػظػصػ ػضػ ػػ سػ ػشػػػر ػز ػد ػذ

ػفػ ػقػ ػكػ ػلػ ػمػ ػنػ ػو ػهػ ء ػيػ

Only 19 Shapes!

ج ح خ ب ت ث ا ع غ ط ظ ص ض س ش ر ز د ذ

ؼ ؽ ؾ ؿ ـ ف ك ق ء ل

• 29 Letters are managed with 19 Shapes only!• 8 Shapes are used for 18 different letters – using different dots!• Short forms make life even simpler b’cos they represent just

the face.• Short forms are joined together easily within a word!


• We have learnt 29 letters. That’s it!

• After this, we will learn vowel signs… and start reading the Qur’an.

• Isn’t it easy? Indeed, it is.

Don’t give up!

• You are learning to read the Qur’an!

• The Prophet pbuh said:

“The best of you is the one who has learnt the Qur’an and taught it.”

Spoken ArabicSelections are such that they occur most in the Qur’an!


هي مسلمةهن مسلمات

انت مسلمةانتن مسلمات

انا مسلمةنحن مسلمات

She is a Muslim

They are Muslims

You are a Muslim

You are Muslims

I am a Muslim

We are Muslims

Read it, repeat it, practice it, and use it wherever possible!


مو منة



مو منات


ي ه ن ه

أنت ن أنت


لـ عليكم والسكرحمة اهلل وبركته

That’s it for now.See you in the next lesson.

Keep praying: رب زدني علمنا

Acknowledgments To the Ever-Merciful Allah who gave me Tawfeeq to serve His Book. To my parents for their prayers. My wife and children who have been extremely patient because many things

were prepared at the cost of family time! Br. Abdul Kader Fazlani, Br. Khaja Ahsan and his family for help in different ways. Br. Mohsin Siddiqui, Sr. Sana Dossul, Qari Imran Khan for ideas on teaching and

other aspects. Br. Tariq Aziz, Br. Qurram Qureshi, and Br. Mujtaba Shareef for statistical analysis

and programming support. Br. Ahmed Shawky for his excellent graphics designs in addition to those by Sr.

Shabana Parveen & Acewebdesigns. Br. Aamir Irshad and Br. Abdul Quddus Umri for their help in preparation. Dr. Abdul Basit Siddiqui, Br. Arshad Iqbal Malik, Br. Arjan Ali, Br. Syed Anisul

Hasan, and Sr. Jamila Qavi for their help in translation. Br. Daleeluddin Khan, Br. Nawaz Ilyas, Br. Ejaz, Br. Zubair, Br. Farhan, and many

others in recording and editing works. Br. Maqsood Umri, Br. Osman Umri, Sr. Massarrat Bharucha and so many others

for their feedback, support, and prayers. May Allah reward them all and accept it from all of us.