BITS PILANI HYDERABAD CAMPUS LIBRARY Weekly New-Book Display - 07 (09 September 15 September, 2019)

BITS PILANI HYDERABAD CAMPUS LIBRARY (09 September 0915September2019.pdf · BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus Acc.No : 38874 CallNo : 004 MUE-J Machine learning can be a mind-boggling

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Page 1: BITS PILANI HYDERABAD CAMPUS LIBRARY (09 September 0915September2019.pdf · BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus Acc.No : 38874 CallNo : 004 MUE-J Machine learning can be a mind-boggling



Weekly New-Book Display - 07

(09 September – 15 September, 2019)

Page 2: BITS PILANI HYDERABAD CAMPUS LIBRARY (09 September 0915September2019.pdf · BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus Acc.No : 38874 CallNo : 004 MUE-J Machine learning can be a mind-boggling

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38874Call No : 004 MUE-J

Machine learning can be a mind-boggling concept forthe masses, but those who are in the trenches ofcomputer programming know just how invaluable it is.Without machine learning, fraud detection, web searchresults, real-time ads on web pages, credit scoring,automation, and email spam filtering wouldn't bepossible, and this is only showcasing just a few of itscapabilities. Written by two data science experts,Machine Learning For Dummies offers a much-neededentry point for anyone looking to use machine learningto accomplish practical tasks. Covering the entry-leveltopics needed to get you familiar with the basicconcepts of machine learning, this guide quickly…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38211Call No : 004.36 MIS-M

In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, you’ll get up andrunning with the latest SAP technologies, applicationsand solutions. Using a straightforward, step-by-stepapproach, each lesson strengthens your understandingof SAP from both a business and technical perspective,helping you gain practical mastery from the ground upon topics such as security, governance, validations,release management, SLA and legal issues. Step-by-stepinstructions carefully walk you through the mostcommon questions, issues and tasks. Quizzes andexercises help you build and test your knowledge. Notespresent interesting pieces of information. Tips offeradvice or teach an easier way to do something. Cautionsadvise you about…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35055Call No : 179.7 SUM-L

The issue of physician-assisted death is now firmly onthe American public agenda. Already legal in five states,it is the subject of intense public opinion battles acrossthe country. Driven by an increasingly aging population,and a baby boom generation just starting to enter itssenior years, the issue is not going to go away anytimesoon. In Physician-Assited Death L.W. Sumner equipsreaders with everything they need to know to take areasoned and informed position in this importantdebate. The book provides needed context for thedebate by situating physician-assisted death within thewider framework of end-of-life care and explaining whythe movement to legalize it now enjoys such strongpublic support. It also reviews that…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37590Call No : 302.13 CAM-D

When incentives work well, individuals prosper. Whenincentives are poor, the pursuit of self-interest is self-defeating. This book is wholly devoted to the topicalsubject of incentives from individual, collective, andinstitutional standpoints. This third edition is fullyupdated and expanded, including a new section on the2007–08 financial crisis and a new chapter on networksas well as specific applications of school placement forstudents, search engine ad auctions, pollution permits,and more. Using worked examples and lucid generaltheory in its analysis, and seasoned with references tocurrent and past events, Incentives: Motivation and theEconomics of Information examines: the performance ofagents hired to carry out specific tasks…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38490Call No : 305.420954 JEF-P

Appropriating Gender explores the paradoxicalrelationship of women to religious politics in India,Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. Contrary to thehopes of feminists, many women have responded toreligious nationalist appeals; contrary to the hopes ofreligious nationalists, they have also asserted theirgender, class, caste, and religious identities; contrary tothe hopes of nation states, they have often challengedstate policies and practices. Through a comparativeSouth Asia perspective, Appropriating Gender exploresthe varied meanings and expressions of gender identitythrough time, by location, and according to politicalcontext. The first work to focus on women's agency andactivism within the South Asian context…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36991Call No : 332.632 ARO-M

A common man’s guide to stock investing. Stocks offermagnificent wealth creation opportunities. Are youready to test the waters? Stocks are simple and powerfulinvestment tools. But lack of knowledge, patience andfaith make them a dangerous gamble. And so, thecommon man dreads entering the stock market when itshould be an inseparable part of his portfolio. TheAutobiography of a Stock takes a unique look at theproblem – through the eyes of Mr. Stock. Gobind, ayoung man eager to invest, approaches Mr. Stock forhelp to guide him through the roller-coaster ride ofbuying a stock, holding on to it and finally exiting it intime. Join him on his exhilarating journey, completewith its soaring heights and…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35996Call No : 324.73 NEY-T

This book provides a fresh perspective on theimportance of the Hindi media in India's political, socialand economic transformation with evidence from thecountryside and the cities. Accessed by more than 40percent of the public, it continues to play an importantrole in building political awareness and mobilizing publicopinion. Instead of viewing the media as a singularentity, this book highlights its diversity and complexityto understand the changing dynamics of politicalcommunication that is shaped by the interactionsbetween the news media, political parties and thepublic, and how various media forms are being used in arapidly transforming environment. The book offersinsights into how print, television, and digital…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37615Call No : 337 GHE-P

The Laws of Globalization and Business Applicationsemploys a variety of empirical methodologies toestablish two broad regularities that apply tointernational activity at the firm, industry, and countrylevels - the law of semi globalization and the law ofdistance - and explores some of their implications forbusiness. Part I presents evidence in support of the lawof semi globalization at the country and the businesslevels historically and up to the present. Part II performsan analogous function regarding the second law ofglobalization, showing that the gravity models thatinternational economists have used to analyzemerchandise trade between countries also apply…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37673Call No : 355.02 MOO-H

When it comes to strategy, how should we definevictory? For centuries, Eastern and Western thinkershave grappled with this question, offering differentanswers. What can we learn from this difference? In TheArt of Strategy, Moon provides a novel and systematicintegration of the two dominant frameworks of the Eastand West: Sun Tzu's military strategy and MichaelPorter's business strategy. This unlikely combination ofthinking suggests an innovative extension of ourunderstanding and practice of strategy, which willappeal to scholars, students, practitioners and generalreaders with an interest in strategy. By aligning theperspectives of these two great thinkers, Moon arguesthat true winning is about maximizing and…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37880Call No : 515.45 TRI-F

This classic text on integral equations by the late Prof.F.G. Tricomi (Mathematics Faculty, University of Turin,Italy) presents an authoritative, well written treatmentof the subjects at the graduate or advancedundergraduate level. To render the book accessible to aswide an audience as possible, the author has kept themathematical knowledge required on the part of thereader to a minimum : a solid foundation in differentialand integral calculus, together with some knowledge ofthe theory of functions is sufficient. The book is dividedinto four chapters, with two useful appendices, anexcellent bibliography and an index. A section ofexercises enables the student to check his progress.Most of the material covered in this…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37800Call No : 515.7 BOL-B

This introduction to functional analysis is intended foradvanced undergraduate students, typically final year,who have some background in real analysis. Theauthor's aim is not to cover the standard material in astandard way, but to present results of applications incontemporary mathematics and to show the relevanceof functional analysis to other areas. Unusual topicscovered include geometry of finite-dimensional spaces,invariant subspace, fixed-point theorem, and theBishop-Phelps theorem. An outstanding set of exercisesrun from the elementary to the challenging. Nowrevised and updated, this brisk introduction tofunctional analysis is intended for advancedundergraduate students, typically…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37746Call No : 519.5 GAI-S

Written specifically for graduate students andpractitioners beginning social science research,Statistical Modeling and Inference for Social Sciencecovers the essential statistical tools, models and theoriesthat make up the social scientist's toolkit. Assuming noprior knowledge of statistics, this textbook introducesstudents to probability theory, statistical inference andstatistical modeling, and emphasizes the connectionbetween statistical procedures and social science theory.Sean Gailmard develops core statistical theory as a set oftools to model and assess relationships betweenvariables - the primary aim of social scientists - anddemonstrates the ways in which social scientists expressand test substantive theoretical arguments in…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38944Call No : 530 ROW-P

This book looks at how Newton's theories can be linkedto modern day problems and solutions in physics.Newton created an abstract system of theorizing whichhas been applied to all aspects of the physical world,however he had difficulties in persuading hiscontemporaries of its unique merits. A detailed study ofNewton's writings, published and unpublished, suggeststhat he had an almost archetypally powerful mode ofthinking guaranteed to produce 'correct' results even inareas of physics where systematic study only began longafter his time. Newton and Modern Physics investigatesthis phenomenon, looking at examples of whereNewton's principles have relevance to modern daythinking the study of Newton's…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38064Call No : 530.412 SIN-J

This book provides an introduction to band theory andthe electronic properties of materials at a level suitablefor final-year undergraduates or first-year graduatestudents. It sets out to provide the vocabulary andquantum-mechanical training necessary to understandthe electronic, optical and structural properties of thematerials met in science and technology and describessome of the experimental techniques which are used tostudy band structure today. In order to leave space forrecent developments, the Drude model and theintroduction of quantum statistics are treatedsynoptically. However, Bloch's theorem and twotractable limits, a very weak periodic potential and…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37611Call No : 551.09 OHA-K

Geology as a science has a fascinating and controversialhistory. Kieran D. O'Hara's book provides a brief andaccessible account of the major events in the history ofgeology over the last two hundred years, from earlytheories of Earth structure during the Reformation,through major controversies over the age of the Earthduring the Industrial Revolution, to the more recenttwentieth-century development of plate tectonic theory,and on to current ideas concerning the Anthropocene.Most chapters include a short 'text box' providing moretechnical and detailed elaborations on selected topics.The book also includes a history of the geology of theMoon, a topic not normally included in books on thehistory of geology. The book will appeal…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37848Call No : 577.01 CUR-C

From climate change to species extinction, humanity isconfronted with an increasing array of societal andenvironmental challenges that defy simple quantifiablesolutions. Complexity-based ecology provides a newparadigm for ecologists and conservationists keen toembrace the uncertainty that is pressed upon us. Thisbook presents key research papers chosen by some sixtyscholars from various continents, across a diverse spanof sub-disciplines. The papers are set alongside firstperson commentary from many of the seminal voicesinvolved, offering unprecedented access to experts'viewpoints. The works assembled also shed light on theprocess of science in general, showing how the shiftingof wider perspectives allows for new ideas…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36026Call No : 616.89 YAN-P

Written-Off tells the story of how mental health stigmacomes to have a profound impact on the lives of peoplediagnosed with mental illnesses. It reviews theory,research, and history - illustrated with a multitude ofpersonal stories - in four major areas. These areas are:the prevalence and predictors of negative attitudes andbehaviors toward mental illness, the impact ofcommunity attitudes and behaviors on the self-perceptions of people diagnosed with mental illness, theimpact of self-perceptions on the communityparticipation of people diagnosed with mental illness,and how to change self-perceptions through a variety ofapproaches. If we can all accept and embrace the beautyof our own “freakiness,” and recognize…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38338Call No : 620.11 SHE-M

This book, with analytical solutions to 260 selectproblems, is primarily designed for the second year corecourse on materials science. The treatment of the bookreflects the author's experience of teaching this coursecomprehensively at IIT-Kanpur for a number of years tothe students of engineering and 5-year integrateddisciplines. The problems have been categorized intofive sections covering a wide range of solid stateproperties. Section 1 deals with the dual representationof a wave and a particle and then comprehensivelyexplains the behavior of particles within potentialbarriers. It provides solutions to the problems that howthe energy levels of a free atom lead to the formation ofenergy bands in…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38088Call No : 620.1129 SOL-L

an informal and highly acessible writing style, simpletreatment of mathematics, and a clear guide toapplications have made this book a classic text inelectrical and electronic engineering. covers the wholefield of the electrical properties of materials, includingdevice applications written in a style that appeals toundergraduates mathematical content is kept to aminimum includes problems and worked solutions tosupport student learning new to this edition updatedsections on semiconductor technology, semiconductordevices, Nano electronics, plasma etching, ferroelectricmaterials, and spintronic. covers new applications inelectrophoresis, Raman spectroscopy, thermoelectricity,and pyro…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38189Call No : 621.31 BHA-S

The second edition provides easy to comprehendlearning material on the principles of basic electrical andelectronics engineering. It offers an unparalleledexposure to the entire gamut of topics such as ElectricityFundamentals, Network Theory, Electro-magnetism,Electrical Machines, Transformers, MeasuringInstruments, Power Systems, Semiconductor Devices,Digital Electronics and Integrated Circuits. Extensive useof illustrations, examples and exercises in accordancewith the progressive development of the conceptscovered within the chapter make the reading moreexciting. The text extensively includes number ofillustrations, examples and exercises in accordance withthe progressive development of the concept…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38159Call No : 621.317 BHA-B

Protection and Switchgear is designed as a textbook forundergraduate students of electrical and electronicsengineering. The book aims at introducing students tothe various abnormal operating conditions in powersystems, system protection schemes, and thephenomenon of current interruption. With the help ofdetailed relay and circuit diagrams, the book describesthe protection principles of each element of the powersystem network, including relay design and settings. Italso covers digital/ numerical relaying schemes, theoriesof the circuit breaking phenomenon, and theconstruction and working of switchgears. Discussion onvarious technical challenges due to integration ofrenewable energy sources with…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36669Call No : 622.89 RAM-M

This self-contained classic textbook on the subject ofmine disasters and mine rescue draws on the author'snearly thirty years of teaching and research experienceand his abiding interest in mine safety for the benefit ofmining engineering students. It provides acomprehensive view of the hazards constantly posed byfires, explosions, coal and gas outbursts andinundations in mines and the various rescue equipmentin use, including the recent ones. Combating theproblem of acid mine drainage and the use ofexplicability diagrams, including USBM, for predictingflammability of firebases are some of the significantadditions to the third edition. Besides miningengineering students, this book will also be of greatvalue to practicing mining….

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38379Call No : 624.1821 SHI-M

The book is primarily designed for the students of civilstructural engineering at all levels of studiesundergraduate, postgraduate and diploma as well as forthe professionals in the field of structural steel design. Itcovers the fundamental concepts of steel design in theperspective of the limit state design concept as per IS800:2007, with the focus on cost-effective design ofindustrial structures, foot bridges, portal frames, andpre-engineered buildings. The connection design detailsare discussed concurrently with the design of members.The book covers the subject matter, with the help ofnumerous practical illustrations accompanied by step-by-step design calculations and detailing. Thegeometrical properties of rolled steel…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37001Call No : 650 RAO-M

How Global CEOs Overcome Turbulent Times. M. S. Raodescribes the challenges that corporate leaders facetoday and uses case studies with inspiring examples ofsuccessful CEOs including Jack Welch, Alan Mulally,Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs,Jeff Bezos, Herb Kelleher, Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, CarlyFiorina and political leaders including, Abraham Lincolnand Lee Kuan Yew to accompany his expert analysis. Hissuccess sutras will raise the quality of leadership andimprove motivational power for any leaders whoimplement them. Professor M. S. Rao is an internationalleadership guru who rose from humble origins. He isrecognized as one of the world’s leading leadershipeducators, authors, speakers…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38801Call No : 658.2 ROB-T

A Guide for Owners and Managers, is a template - ablueprint for action for those making decisions abouthow to improve the energy efficiency and performanceof new or existing buildings. It is designed to have broadappeal, both for the seasoned veteran facility or energymanager and for the new manager alike, but can also beutilized as a practical desk reference by professionalssuch as architects, engineers, and constructionmanagers. The book provides an objective and orderlyapproach to what is often a complex, costly and time-consuming process. The full spectrum of topics relevantto achieving optimum building performance isaddressed, including analysis of overall building energyuse and performance, building…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 38107Call No : 658.872 GAY-R

Online Marketing: A Customer Led Approach providesan excellent and stimulating balance between theoryand practice by recognizing the advantages anddrawbacks of doing business online. The text is deeplyembedded in traditional marketing concepts andexamines their evolution as we understand more fromonline customer experiences. The authors believe that,despite the availability of new online tools, thecustomer should remain the central focus in alltransactions and experiences. Suitable forundergraduate and postgraduate marketing andbusiness students undertaking web-related modules,this title offers a user-friendly introduction to internetmarketing. The text provides an…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36192Call No : 940.535 RAG-S

South Asia looms large in American foreign policy. Overthe past two decades, the United States has investedbillions of dollars and thousands of human lives in theregion, to seemingly little effect. As Srinath Raghavanreveals in The Most Dangerous Place, this should notsurprise us. Although the region is often regarded asperipheral to America's rise to global ascendancy, theUnited States has long been enmeshed in South Asia.For 230 years, America's engagement with India,Afghanistan and Pakistan has been characterized byshort-term thinking and unintended consequences.Beginning with American traders in India in theeighteenth century, the region has become a locus forAmerican efforts-secular and religious-to remake…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35390Call No : Fiction HAR-K

The year 1818 saw the publication of one of the mostinfluential science-fiction stories of all time.Frankenstein: Or, Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelleyhad a huge impact on gothic horror and science fictiongenres. The name Frankenstein has become part of oureveryday language, often used in derogatory terms todescribe scientists who have overstepped a perceivedmoral line. But how did a 19-year-old woman with noformal education come up with the idea for anextraordinary novel such as Frankenstein? The period of1790–1820 saw huge advances in our understanding ofelectricity and physiology. Sensational sciencedemonstrations caught the imagination of the generalpublic, and newspapers were…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 31171Call No : 428.6 WAR-N

Treetops is Oxford Reading Tree's new series of fictionwith built-in progression for pupils aged 7 to 11.Specially written for children who need the support ofcarefully monitored language levels, the stories areaccessible, motivating, and humorous. The series isorganized into Oxford Reading Tree Stages (from Stage10 to Stage 14), with each stage introducing morecomplex narrative forms, including flashbacks andchanges in viewpoint; descriptive writing; extendedreading vocabulary; and more pages, more text, andfewer illustrations. Each stage is supported by theTeacher's Guide, which offers guidance on usingTreetops to assess children's reading ability, andincludes a variety of activities (comprehension. writingfor a range of audiences and in different forms,discussion and role play) many on…

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BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 31548Call No : Fiction PAR-S

This collection of best-loved nursery rhymes alsoincludes fairy tales and first poems. Children will lovereading about Incy Wincy spider, Old Mother Hubbardand Simple Simon as they enjoy the beautifulillustrations. This title is a collection of favorite nurseryrhymes, first poems and fairytales. Beautifullyillustrated, a host of best-loved characters will delightand entertain readers. This collection of best-lovednursery rhymes also includes fairy-tales and first poems.Children will love reading the classic nursery rhymes, allof which are accompanied by enchanting illustrations.The simple text makes these ideal books for parents toread with young children and…

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