toj 41T e - ^xo.i , Yat:s~b'i ha Bat t si:i } :; o Robinson, fetettbat #in the III , i eemol r,46beleeoottooto Ai wtoo o&edfor TO: Be si 140s babet mitolm to A cot tonbbl `> apotO 400. bblefialu 1'YO 40 des 8$4 actiomses to JOf wine1d014 20 16 1l BlOre- -Wallter 100 bblapork XLtaeoh ken. .go rt A co..70 iObdoe Bot 89 hhde.meat KennedyAk Jmeaattllf e k Yo- 1 tH fLoor to 92 born bbl. A Wise..22 b oe ad'r E & ~Bittler. pp4mdse JJ B liley &w doPtoOonelly& s kpo..9 do to 90 belecotton.l ~719 bolafoor to to enndyka..180 do t 09086l~ 00perrle Brother a rdrd Hoot Hwa-i hite load Dizk Ran. Kate ko .21 bdtb collaxt2 11.0 feather J 8 Holden o co J0101e pork Mnodeville k leo l. #lolwoey amrkoo. o 0ww1bes otton otoobdsto- ''. Iewrtrbe. 184 bale cotton If -Buokner, Steatoo A Neow OvAOnce .J 65 ns ken aen.a ,';, , , Foley k Avery..5 -Bedbd.6 do ~Orecowell..44 do "34 do lMoaee 3 d doareesn tCoo..10 .0Peale. kAne.7 Her- J perons k I Otooeils'A 1AIIW. hi Aow ".5 - Alien en lft bales .1d7 1eforioweoo. .110 !F 0 8 ,lea Pj, wi0... 48 hd0' - .. 19 lot i•te o 4. Atw e e..o. j o tbFber b192 Sol d Wol .. do o Kpeacato OR&1pat0 Oa3 Ss 3 DPeed..... 49 c o 6•0.60141 bales cotton to -12s boo. Do.68 Toln dato, - &•..18 AD Henkle&co..1- ,6 ooo..l 8 & p .l no S..to o ner.. hhtds .. Wa:Hit b..o o Bdlloq, i WodoCallte &co.. do Ag ogo}. bo o19 Voohrldes, Grlsok beeowax.. dioon..Ido K Carter m de toorder..Total 600sbales cotton 9 HINSATL.Steaer ebMaath.. 5 tbales cotton 06 t Am..9 do Feos leo..MBndlsy, sooLi4 Davis, Jenkion boo..22 J l G Croi- 1 o8Olilon o..h1 AD Herkie boo..4ll -1' 0..1so Grea n o Cimpde.U1 Jno - ro 1 oy teo..9 b0 J F Bardaulelt..8 s.Vna boor-4 kBsBradyba. 3I do Hughes, 3 RobsaonA~len..2 A D Kelly loo .& r 1To..s t lhorder.. bds h d .to ib ons do CTate boo..1 do Wa A .Job-lesbo.46 bosns sa Voobaslae, rlgs boo.. eL Ua4Order,..BTtel•a• bales sotton ICa NHATIPB..teamer Monarbh. 19 toe barsm JI oo .5• lzedyarn Fo F olger hoo..•, S to Pristlel Be8 bbi .10 bolasses candles A o deo . B10.0 bbls w obanbble Wm 8 leaMIber O N..t bales 90t bD c n o s .9 bblsoless Sohnetder1 Wise..9 rolls ee kt at boi..To10 cast bacon 1a Geddees..41 ,t1 dHBbtooUI& o.O90 tesbars Bard Caufield A LoD. O bfNs beer Th esaeb. :5 9 blt hisky LB P8aeeso,o.bto hSmi 10 ib ba•tter to Bsuamr .bbe o• o AW. m .. We8s bbl pork 1 balf I. J o.sia doo 9128 bgl malt assacht # pkmdse PH Brlnton boo..8 toe b9u40 ltlOw BWrtght loo. :162 bblwbhisky B .Reegar ;bo. 10 to hamrs CooW r b Nesbert.. 148U po aroe p mokies, StantoBt Newman r.. eodooi bt o dder.; LA••O•R CO.. Steamer nsio. .lS hds sgar los bblbs bsses ' o Folo be o A1 ry..9 bbhds sugar 1 bhbimolamee e 1tamrpEtier..40 bdescogar 29bbb M4hf1bh moleses Mba Kook bco. .11 hbds aere aoo Bqoy bloo .. 10 do 10 bbls e olasses to ot"te bThtbeast..8 6 bbleomolasses A I Torn. bwo.oSO do PA Giraud.. 11 bhdsesgar Wit. karebco..o ldoE eBrogter.. l0bbl molasseso W Thn 6 doDarby & Tremol et..t.. do Hail, Bltdd Potoam..16 do to order. .20 bbls sugar Jno Wil•nms boo..20S bales moss br DPslunt boo.. sn. b a. to order..Total 16 hhd soger 689 bble 50 hlt ATTAKAPMI A O..tesemer TD B •ne..29 bble mu isesee to Patton, BSmith b Putnan. .29 bbds sugar to -- kton. o .. 86 bbls molasses G Gordon Jr..lb hbds guaridellowe boo..12 do 18 bblo molasses toWest, YHOtsribla. 38 b1e molasees W b D Urqobart.. 2 144 asos '4.0 bblemolaeses Lobit b Obarpentlor..20 ailoassgar Hala, u0 & PMnoan..l d s bblo muo 4tB tliver..2 ahhds sogar Hays, Saunders bco JO bales cotton to Edward Pillsbury. sundries to o .Tot 11 bale cotton 179 lhhds suggar 216 bbls VERMILIJONaS..teamer elmra..24 bales cotton •locq, Notbom bo .. 10 do Gifto, Smedes boo..4 Gordon l Costello.. HaD Saug.. dr dboo.. 3 bbls •olsees Darbye bTremotB se..5 do Toledano WTay. iorM. .1o00 bdes I bale do Robertson, Donnt do.. 25 ra eggs and undri• s to order. .Tota l1 bales cotton bbls molase.. DONALD9ONVILL.. Stesmer CD Jr..24 hhds 78 lsbblsmolassesP Moperro. .61 bblsmolasses trhrnttde boo..210 do A Miltenberger boo..63 bls &Ii'bad esa Lart' b BoCall..3bade scgar Roman ,&Kerlon. .16 bales mess to Lord b Coons .. 2 peo osetting Leedsboo..oondries to order..Total 30 hhds ;i~ar 867 bblarmqlaees 63 bbls sugar. LOWER COAST. Steamer Helle Gates..100 bbds soprWLobtooon..4odo E SobtFfbo. .llbblsdo sugtrJY deEgana. .Slbbdaogar to WbJ ont gomery..d doJ DDnegre. .2 do Byrne, Vance o oo..80 sorictoArvset 1c75dodosasbrantoW E Thocopson..22 bdlo hoops Degroy boo. oundries to older..Totat 240 hhda mgar 12 bblo do. Railroads. N. O. JACKSON AND GREAT NORTHERN RAILRRAD....From Canton...23 bales cotton to LoF a rland & Barkodale..13 do R L Adaims &co..23 Robeon & Allen..8 Payne, Steele &co..1 Campbell SStrog..23 Lewis A& Ogleaby..6 West, Villarie& 00o.69 Thornhill &o..3 A J Tully &oo..19 Warren, Gilmore &co..4 do Patton, Smith A Putnam..8 do Walker, Hutchlngoon &co.. Total 189 bales cotton. LIST OF VShELTB IN POET NOT OLEARED ate . azahlpa Wm Rathboneo........... 42d3 tlantiole.................. Point WIld Cat ................ point =_mloa.................. 7944 Wellington ............... 174d alhoun .................. ld Windermere.............. 401 -- veston .................- dl Wm Ne],o..............prit en Rek ................- 1 W Jrvs ............... 4 S o .......... . -dl Wms Wetherie ............. 0401 ................-- dl Zambt.............. Grtn Phtiadelph i h.............. dl -Barka. ihlpa Aie Kilmboll...........65d4 Arhur................... Annl...... ........ pont Addled .n............... fin d s etndeln ................ 21dl Asnd. .. p A A Adams...............18d Angjoalt ................. 1811 AlMbanma.................. 61d3 T .,. 00. .. ................ 0............ d m .. M .................. s32 Atfi hr; d......::: . lilera I~~. i Adam ...................... •6d43llin ................ 1..2 ;da m .................... 4 B F ntal e............ ...... 193 1 1 InYi Ladl ............ 4d2 Rfrllrlra ............... 764 A~rd2402Io~s ~ o "•If r tr. ............ .8dl Cu le na .............. otnt A" lOn p ................... 44Oobtt tl................ pointl saori ................... 040 CM ........ 2......... d2 "esollta ................. 50d Rter ..................... 0ld3 Brmlal ................... .01'4 Eventide................. 654E Betr .................. point llebeth..... ............ 2dl 8 Kimb1ll .............. 3d1 EllenI Morrslom........... Od1 ,ommdoe ............. 430 R 30 r.. ............ 2701 08 Poll ............. potntao.............. 20.. 50 Cblmtormm ....... ...... pointGabriel ............. ,.......--an olomls ................ 5poi4 e atita................23d1 hlroUle melth........34 Griffon .................. 282 lo•s ................... .4 GoW ll.............. e d2 Ohli ........... A a nnton..............point SA awell ............. vH T Vad.............. Sdt Cor................. un..........1! A S s.. .. d272 aembr ............... .. 42 Jo Denham.............. .741dl onlr.................. ,lJ L Dlb.............. cta laert e .. ........ 4. ' Jero. ................... plnt le0 in.......... 6104J Brockmn........... tSll Outto Planter ............ Sd K ron .................. 17di ,l0tl8 or ................ sosl s t....................posnt DH Waen ............... 74 in................... d Detmr ............... 40(1 Magdalen................pt DatobleA ............... 724 on Vrnono............point r0t 5aven .............. 101 Nevarlit.......... -2 OSherma ................101 Nenmele.............pont point Nicholas rn......... 26 •eeltlor ................ ........... ..... point lk th llelio.......... d 4 Providence ............... 4d fmlosedaa ............. 474" P/ ...... . 76,4 A Bright........... .. point evolutio ............... 2d2 El• Owen 5......... ..... 24 oy....................6011 te001............ 404. slan................... 701.. l •d HAuum ............... 61d 8er dt•...............28d 59,or..................,39dl Simeto .................. 35d2 S ............ 0 . .. ................ SA I ............ 31 paso................ 2 R D Petr ............... 404l0, a Breese ............. Algierl 0n3 B l .............. P4 lerphla............... .12 Frrr r ....... ........... d Tr .................. 18 OmG .. ....... n l a ...................... 22d G4let .................... 302 Vanedor.O............... -- 2 Om Wat ................ M4VItr...................533d old agle .......... I... 3 Warren................... - orta............... polW Henry ............... d2 a rt. . .. ... .... pi n Hae r .. po.0341 Drt g.. H delber .. .............. YsA bal ................... 2&12 Forhton . .. :..........482 .aam ook .............. A tnBri. A M Aye ............... 4843 A A Chapma ............ -- d2 Heanri .................. 48dS Ann............. ........point IndMdsa ....... .... ................. t bI oe ......... ................ i luMl.............. 04 APten ............... gl oh & Altbrt........... lo ................. J ra Wat ............. d01 Ct ................. 1 hno AAlbrt. .............. pint Cuter& Pollur ............. 43 oJn Wal ............. 440 astern t..............Sod2 .o1b t .. le.sons e ....... 5........ tPT J lleWhrt......... 1 prn ............... PT J• e .Wh............ 03 05n .... 3..............pont tJYo o............... 44 dmssod.................d4 Joe Dyer. 0............... e•]1na ............... 0"P . ........ ....... p no .m .............. ot a ................. 20.. 614 tsou.................0.. -00 Xsltssgt .;;:::v' S~issy,,:,,: 0'erct . OT= R0atye ................... ' rld .............. 3005 Laa ................... 0 A 00 re0 ea.........2....-2 S..................... d1 J ,1 . ................ 1 4 ld t.o•'• '• nyr............ St131iombe......i.............. poin i• or ncl . ................ 4 i 7ortb .................... oig Msedto ........... V uti. M. ..... o ........ .4 Ai tl ............... •4 mY •ro sm ... ............... 4•4 l en t '"l a ................. 76d4 Mn rh .... .......... . Hera te wart ...... ... r10 Mea ..... ... .... . .. ; .•4 N ur .. ............ . •12 Mary d h .. 4 Ad ,.... 3 .oth.............. . . 2p. ,, M ddmh~n ................ 441,d N ui lus................... 23, o IM]t.as ... .... 12............ Marte """"""""""" 341Perevrace....... lger .mo ................. TdR T me .................. 19,2 Yagolla ................. 77. Tw . . ... , Monticello .......... ~ ...... 6044 .................. Mwtebrter ................ 4 TAylr5 1M Mon dcno..................... M ay .... 16d2 Mmthon ................. 03 Meooner. Nomamy ............... Areade ............ 1612 North4m, pt ...... s....... 342 Alphone ... o. "142 N(or den .................... 0243| srrt nte ...............-- 4 N LArtbee ............... 48114 r111d :nt '....... . .-- Nel on ................ .. .point• llr h....s... ......... Naremberg ............. 2.4d Co] Loiter............... 16l1 rp e ................... am o . . ..... Conr P.ha............. "..7d1]Capt sl uden........... "." i~sn Owrd ................. 0.M102 0,e.....s....."p Ooa r id .. ... 2Rpe ....... on Prndate ..... ............. '-7d1 Rd Barnmerd .............. &0,P-T Po, Oar ........ ..... 653 te 8 Ads............point Pagnita .................. 14d4 .,'Eclart.................. rdPT ]laar bents ............... 42diFawn.................... 2dPT Pit e 84th ............ ;48d ~ i 4 elena.................... basin . ma ................... 440 0rne ....... ...... basin S .. . 1 etalf .............. 16d S.................sp t W F r.................LPO a0y........... enrsy .......... 19,2 S..........,........7404|I•nrlo ............. 02dl Odeet ................ A lesInvloniblei ............... bu R Ji, .............. 0423J 7 Gwu ............... 85n b .............. •J H Toone ........ 4........d Blld .............. ;, 4J T Johuon................642 S . ............ 411i Marl (ic1•.............16d! ......... ~.......... 84 A Jobm.... .........-. 1i st Per..........,........ ei nhart ............... 29d lrL..........p..pet Har......y.......poit itaal t.............. 30, 16iOR"Beac ............ Din m........ ... 1 1 P06011 4............. . LPT tl i ........... GOuma 01a1 .................... IT6 4. . ............. LT........ l..................d 5..................s ds Smi 0 ams .............-. 0a .............. .bdn : d ... aa............... --- 1•lRafro'k.................... Lp 'flos J ............ 4411 HTm ..... od ... L[PT ............. ..... 04 I te o.................... PT olblt. ............ ... 1.......bs T s m ............. 41v ea ... 1.2.. .".'Wi .''" r ................ 66•1|W W Hatrkwa.......... : 144 ve rg ................ poiut BTEAMBOAT DEPARTURES. OHIO RIVER. ROUTZ00to .10 "eeh V NOiTl Tbt 5 In4RAB•T. . i ad N. ORLEANS LTGHTNING LIN. oaipoeedof the lollowcg uonryosdpesso•• r packetb : Diana ....................... A. T. matr. tlol p .................... 0. Hd Y l., meets. .ron airno ............... wUIdtwmd, msmo. IIe ............. .. A MGfll, meaer. Woifoed........ Mons r I m. n el. r. alete .F. ,...G Dos, sa.ted.. Ohoht.. .................. Job F. Ldoado, mstd . Pe an m nI tho e bhove boma lvli rularlyu A pla the =tire seas makin duct oouwoti&D at and TNJIGNULPH No. Ss oad aid poobokets oootlng at Cln. e tandtt .th bLtlots Miml Railroad., rad no Oectlonsfor The botle ao bkoo.lum to t• pooblloe 0. t .l0l orT l T3 Good t•oti o ll hreo oed, an so id bythat boat at 0e0tblied andunifoErm raes. AAOBOAcheckeod thbot•h. snd oohoargo Iorhandling. Soention tinob etoo d o or from the depots to bobth . For y Inormtlon or throub tioken pokets to o Lout. rllSt. d Cieolsonat, and thenoe by the Little Mlmi Railroad a od t omeooaUoom to al polnta North and Eat, applyto JOSEPH . PAGAUD. Tikoet afsnt, 1 ST. Cbt le street, torno Unio, !Jl! 0h m tm sto asove St Chrle Hoel. Leau on MONDAY, March 7h, at 5 P. S NUR LO SlMO L.tt.-- The light. draSeoht Simer. Robert J. Ward. Capt. Ieb19 Miacrh ml er. rwll Ioree a bove, tor Louisvlle anod all intermediato IndIon. For Se•ght or pu. sge apply o board or to TflOMAB KEEFFE. Agont, fe4 No. 2r5h 0 oler street. SA pa of the cAb ootan be oees, adstaeooms aecred, by appiying to met gelt.. Lea. of MONDAY. Sth st.. at 5 P. M. ClneOllai oand New Orlensot 00re0 Line. llp FOR CINCINNATI.-THE FINE in pasg 'Or packetsteamer Moneroh, John i A Willtmno. muter, will leaveao abov,. For tte pr e pply IEGINIUS 0. DNNTZIT. 4 Advertlsi•N Agent. I L IN .eo0 MONDAY, Mrh 14, at I. M. SNow rleans and laosni.vl Ilghtnng Li,. FOI LOUISVILLE.-THE FINE . .greu'ar passengerpackeot l•an. Ed. T. iSturgeon, uter, will leave for LoaooUel and all onormedlst landlng u above,.For freight or pemage sp mO n boad, or to o bedor tOBELL, BUCHANAN A CO., Agento. No 57 Foyoraseteree,. A plan ofthe cable m hoo senood os . Broo eomue d by spplyteg to the a.gentl. UPPER MI SSI88IPPI. GREAT CAN- U T SRAL ROUTE -To .11 Polnte- NORTH AND EAST! St. Louis Cairo and New Orleans RAILROAD LINE. Comprlolg theb following NEWsnd ELEGANT PASSEBGER PACKETS: Wil leave Nw O rleans su follow., during year 1800: Wm. M[. Morrlison....... Capt. otaner. Feb. 11, Moch 3 end , April 11. May s and 2 Joun I1, July S nad !1, Aog.10 and 20. Chmpon ............ .Capt. .E . B. More,. Feb. S, March b and , Aprll 14, May 4 and 24 June IS, July saod2. Aog.1. ' Imperiall..................... Cpt. Rogran. Feb. 16 troh 7 and 2, ApI 16., NMay 6 and 26, Joune 15, July and 25. Aug.It. J. . Swon....................Copt. Jone.. Feb. 17, March 9 od 9, April 18, oy and 28. June 1i. Julo 1 anda7, Aog. 16. Aleck Scott.......... Capt. R.A. Reilly. Feb. I9, Maroh II and $1, April 20. NMay 0 andN. Juno 19, July and 29, Aug.I1. New Fals Clty............ Capt. Woods. Feb. 21, March 15, April 2 and 22, May 12, Juue 1 and21 July 11and S31. Aug. 0. New Uncle Sam........... Capt. twiisr. Feb. 25, March 1, April 4 end .24, a 14, June S and 23, July 1S, Aug.2 and 2. John Wallsh............ Capt. J. Molley. Feb., Msamh 17, Apdrl6 and26. MYn 16, Joune 5 and 25, July 15, Aug. and 24. Cityof Memphit..........Capt. Kontc.. Feb. 21, March 19, April 8 and 28, May 18, June 7 eand 27, July Gladiator................ Capt. Kdnerellter. Mre I and21, April lO and 0, My ', June 9 sad B. Joly 19, Aeg. sad S. 'Pooaoe•0r0 eCn rely thai, accrdlng to te above schb. due,theb LtmBoodt alil make DIR•OT conect'one at Calro and St. Louas -With the- 0105 AND M ISISSIPFI ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROADS For all Towns, COt• .. od Watering Places 1. the North. East and West, Fronm Caliro to . Paul, In the Northwest. and to Wshing= to0,Raltlmore, Pblladelphs. Noew York, Bostoo. Saratog, Ni- ssaraPFall. Monetl., Qouhe and lPortland, in the Northe•st. lfare as Cheap Time as Quick And with Iwo chansp thanb by any other route to the North. W-THROUGH TICEKTS good until ued. h.-BAGGAGE CIECKED THROUGH, and no bcharge fo IO-For Info;maton or Throgh Tickets applyat the UNION TICKET OFFIOU. Under th. St. Charles otel,New Urlesns, ThbOld0t E0latbllbshd OSoe In the Bouth,o sd theonlyon0 Tbhe Plas of the B oat'(Coblns soabe ose,Stalerooms 00 ceuored. and THROUGH TICKETS p-rehosed to.11 Northern andEasterns CUles. W. E. REDDING, flol t General Agent. Leaes on SATURDAY, March 5, at 5 P. M. St. Loits, Csairo ad Ne i Orlieans Rallrad Line. FOR $T. LOUI.--CONNiCTING AT SCairo witLLh the Bllno] Central, and at St. Loni. M with the Ohloand Mississippi Risroad--The ine regular pasesger Lpacket Champion, i. MB. Ioore, master, stil leasve for St. Louis and all -ntermidlate indings ehove. For frepight or psge Lppliy on board. VIROIMUS C. DRNTZEL, tei8 Advertising Agent. Leaves onSATIURDAY, the5t last., at 5 P. M. SREiiUL&54 ST. LOUSii AND MIS. sanril RiverPseket.--The fins ad elegant regu- ilrpussngersteamer s eteor, T. E. Drifeu, muter, will leav for Si . Lois, Misrori river, St. Joseph,. .asas Cilty, andall Intermesdiaste landingsas aboves. For Ireight or pauses apply on bord. VIROINIUS C. DERNTZEL. mS Advertising Agent. i-The Meteor offr L greatIndnc mi nts to persons bound for Piske's FPeak, s hbe will go direct to Knsasn ity. L.eaves on MONDAY, 7tist .SP. M. St. LouiLe, Csiro aid Nw Orlead. Railroad Line. FOR ST. LOUIS.- onuetllug at Cairo Swith tbhe Illnias Central, and at 8t. Louie with the Ohio and MlllIsnti Railroad.The flns ri llerss packet Hegawglht. R. F. Dix, master, will leve for tS. Louis andail intermedal i landings as above. For freight or pa age apply on boarld. VIORGINIUS C DNTIZRL, m5 Adveriils ,i Apest. Lvei, on PU'DAY, fish inLt.,lt L0 A M. Lmav FOR ST. LESUIS, KANISAS AND Nbraska--Thos plendiid, itairunning p5seen. gier pseket Peliees, J. 5. Biasell, maier, will laes . or the above and all nltrmerIal laud i girg is above. For freight or passge applyI on bord. VIRLINUS C,. DCNTZEL, m5 Asvertliug Age t. S rhe Peerless will take freight for all points on the MlS- -ourl rier without res',ipping. Leaveson WEDNESDAY, 9th ins,.,at 5 P. M. St. Louis andNew el ins, Railroad Line. FOR ST. LOUIS.-iONNE 'TINO AT Cairo with the Illinois Central and ati St. Louis with tbhe Olhio & Mlssippi Railroad--The fine ,iegular ps enger packet Imperial, W. S. Rioeis, Lter, will leae for iSt. Louts ni all iermediate landings es above. For freight or passaeappltyiS busrd. YISSINIUS C.DEiLTZEL, Mo Adsvertising Agent. FOR OPELOUSAS. Liaves on RATURDAY. 5th inist. at12n'rloek. SDes sleies, (.i Iir si the wae willipermiti-- Tbe new ate-mar Aline, Cgpt. W. C. Neal, llh leave asabove. For, frlgh., or paiuage apply on board, or to J. M. JOItNiTON At Ci)., •i No. Front Levee, n-ir uetomhionse street. Leaves every W.I)NESDAY, at P. M. SPOBUR OPELOUIAS-TLiii STRAMER W nw uErton, i. E. Iouailller, master will I lav as abovi , Ltaking freight for Old Ilver, SimmspDand all ilandings on the Atchafala.ya also, takin, pss .i, ner for Donuidovlles, Plaqueminess Baton Rougs Port Ldsn, Bayou Sara, Morgus and moth of HReits Rior. For fret it or plssage apply on bord or to J. M. .OH NRTON & CO., No. 3 Front LeVee, di1 it near Customhouse street. BAYOUMACON AND TENSAS. L s Ueaon SATURDAY eL inst.. atsP. M F IOR BAYOU .I.IA•(JN, TENSAS sid Black River, Floyd and Triniy andall ihid- inei on iayoi lacon and Tsen.s and Bltck Riienr, tiLe steamer Dick Nash, edward Jo,,s.,master,J. WMuoe, clerk, will leave i s above. For freight or ptiigi ip. piy on bord, or to VIROINIUS C. DENTZL. I5 iAdvertlsing Agent. H. RODRWUS~RZ S (AVU si.'issss toiF.RAITKUSr SA BREAaad CRAG ieoBAK(ERS. kadP S w iiieestreeit. Newi Orlean, Ssperit AMERICAN ORAgLKNRS, BISCUIT, warranted rsR ofsaleratiuor pi y drags inulurio to health. H. D. D Co. skeep eonltatly on hand a large ussortments Bread and (rackrk . iotireasd Coffi ikoeho , e Bissuits, Water Crackesn, Navy Brea, Sugar Cirackiers, od"Ii i, hrer, Wi nsBa, Buat uCrikes, Pit-Nii, etc., ets., ieanuh Rlssit., BuiterCraekers, ie. Allmade byssehieri. at the oweatmarketpiirices. myl liy N oSTe ,ln i ,i•LAV S, D0rAO'I',i COML1On streetNew Orleans.-Hebe•ps ioiaitfyi on hand i nd forssl b Mechnanis, Field Hands., Cbk,, Washes Iron ier, soiiOneiseul iionusioerens. Alns bu y s an ssiih eA ii, on ou stiilon. Havring oi sered the famlily parto the lge the seeter building to thre ube of SlaJee, hen mlde II he bet depot In the city,end ;yellfurnished far the sommfrl of Slaw|, dltl . FORTZR. SJ. B h. SiA'ISIA•WS sg LU.--,.•. gI RIAEL TRIMMINGS, everything nesiiarss for tliding ansd Respiring Oirrisgeu, spt fiorli LEi seashslefor Cans e Carts sodg Drys, wibh inch PiL. ild Ntls, et No. it iravii r street. New i iS si s. ss.llis II$rOIUL TION--Tub PARTN ERtLIP IiERETPO- fore exiisingbetween the undersgnetd inder the name of GOODRICi ilO. is this day diisIied tI iiottle eoeut. Eiherpasstner will sign the Dame ofthefim ill llquldation. JOtN Cl. GOODlRCIC ILENRY L. GO(iDR[IIU, LOLLAN MeNIGHT. New Orleans, Fesbruary 199. K I)PA'TN5IERSIIP--TILE UNDERSIGNED, AS Sper act dep ited in the Ree of Recordser of Mortggs hae this day entered into eyarsnershpandwill continue the Wholesale Grocery and CommlssL.i bu eiiss under the sa me and Ityle and at the same plane ss heretofore. JOHN C. GOODRICH, HENRY L. GOtDRICHi BYRON M. POND. LOGAN MieKNIiHT ParFier in commuensm. New Orleans, February 1, 9. feli *aR, HU4H LUSLAN BECOMIEd A PARTNER IN LIe oirhouNthisday. Th stle of the firm rmsairus nI liunged. COOPIR & NEIRICiT 27and 49 C:ommoa street. Nsw Orleans. Deombser 1, 55. dl tf PTfENlWJEIN--0I oas H kel A ui itie, ifor ,ale by SiL siss Onssu Mud W LF . is. fe21 oeera Orarivr and New Lavee sta. STEAMIBOAT DEPARTURES. RED RIVER. Lu,.. SATURDAY. M1archb at P. M REGULAR JTEFPERUON PAC- bot.-For JefsrS,,, Smiltblad,Shrevepo.t, Gtrd Bayou, C(ample, Gnd Rem and Alex. Fo eih o asae applw board *V~RI~5lNBlRC. DRMURL. few GINIQB AdvrtisingAgent Leaves ery WEDNESDAY.,dSATURDAY 5teP.M. m NEW ORLEANS GAuND SOORS. ____Natchitoches .nd Alexandrla Rgu'la.1 Wekly Pacbket-Tb. ne. .pl.dld ..d fast remains Siu,.wpacket EaPS. . vi. RSB.nt.. m.uter,wll lave 0worg.onu'a Pl5,.1,5.moth of310,55 Caw 3i.1,0.oli, Al... s jdr ,s.rm,'.. B..bn's, nd ll intermediatl landhils,ev- ery sDNESDAY .t1 P.M. The new, legant ad swift running pas roge packet Per- lou. J. C.Dowtp. muter, ill lav I for GrSnd BEr,. Natch- Btoches Tiger Islan, St. Matoa , odlog' trading Mott. gBs.uy, Drand'., and R,.ton's Ludb.l g 0.15,..'.lanta- tion, muoth of Cns. Rive.,Cott, Al.ldi,, Norms.'. B.r- bins, nd all Ltarmedlat landless, s, every ATURDAi,at 5 P. M. Forf.lgbt or p.usag.pply on board, ort MUSE A BRO.. Agent.s dIR C..,.,0moa Gd Frontstrata Luves on SATURDAY. March 5, at P M. SSHRE VEPOH'IA'1'D NEW OR- leata Tri-W..klp P.,bet Lbsn-Tb. now an *1 61 8 AgJi pasenger p105.1. t .1 r Oland -D e Benet pplegate, mutear, will leave as above, for Shreeport, Gand Bayou, Capt.. Grand B.tr, Alex.. drie.s,-Norm n's, Srsbia's and .11 way labl... Por. futlhr,- imformatfon freiht or passage noyon hardor to G. L. KOQiS A can be a Agents 2 Front street. slot A pla ofbar "bin can be coon and appicaionoms secured 10.meo. dlht... by dispatch or letter)by appllcation at tlb Write. fe2nti L2 L..e..on MONDAY.7thlblt.,at P.M. SREDR1VEII AND LAKE PACK- _______ MT.-For Jefferson, 8mlth1,0. Benton, Port Caddo, b's a'a nd Mcoring'lr Ilmdloge, and all lnObgs.n tb. Lab.. Al b.p, S Dhrevport, Grd B..,,u Camille, Ored Ecore, Alarmddl, Barbln a and all Interme- diate l.nd1,g. on Red .1,,, and the Lab... The b,., ligbh door ghtsteamer Sallie Robinsp on. 'a Power, mortar, will lat as bove. For (tIl' It,10(ri .50 . ally an board.d 1 Adertutbbun A.ent. L.1s,.. on TUESDAY. Sib fat.., A P.M. NFOR RED RIVER.-THE AROU- 1.15,. w1ekl, packe' Lud ldleg J:O. Do..'. L m. ane',wil l5' e forb adnd Moorel Nul Is.d toehhl. St. Nsmrlee Perrot's Landing, Moutg~omsel. Dnrand's andBnutan'e Laotit lue, Moth of Cane river, Cottle, Alsran i Hd rirer, asabove. For fright or passage apply on VIROINIUS 0. DENTZEL. ms Adve0rtilng Agent. Leaes, on TUESDAY BSlbbit. t b P. M. Orle SHRl Erf i1PlyOR1kt~m AN EW a 0,1,,.,.R T~l.W.,bLy P~lIL I,.-Tcb. a magnificenloet passenger packet steamer Lucy Holcombe, W. D. Batsman, musterlill Ileave above for Srblepor. ,rand 55751. Campte, rand ESore., Alexandria, Norman's, Barbla's, andall way landings For further Information and freight or passage, PplJ onboard, or to 0. L. KOUNI A BROS.. Agents t gout street. gA plum of her bin canbe soon and CLenroolr seured, 0rom dl lual by displtch orletter, by applbicati a1 lbhe. ofce of.5 agent. ms Ieave. an THURSDAY. 1Ibh lst., .teP.M. SHREVEPORT AND NEW OBT.E. on Trl.Wubkly Packet I.l l.-Tb. ia, superb passener stamer National, P. C. titttom- y1., muterwdllIleabe as abo..forSbhreveport. O1.d Be- yon,Grand E~core Deeply, Alexandria, Norman's, Bsrbio'a. and all .y landing.. For lurbher ibformalb l and freight or passage applyon board. or to 0. F.. NOUNS A BROS.. 2?Fron street ES'Apln ofliar cabin can be teen, and e-ete-roms secured 10.1m a dll,,,. by dlispaLh or etter), byapplication at the of. See ofthe agents. mn Luae ,,, SATUR DAY.1t S~l,,.,,tl , PM. SSHREVEPORT AND RAW ORLE- anxurl 1lWeekly acket Lin.-Thenoondmx cancst passengerpacket atatmer B. lg. Hod.., Job. Smoker, master, will leave Is abo.e Tor Shrb,,- port .Grnd Set,,,. OGud Score, CampteAledslr.. Nor. mau,., Barbl.',, and ,1l way lseIong.. For further luformotion and freight or passage, apply an board,orto G. L. NOUNS & BROS.. Agent, No. 2 Front street. 4!D A plan of her cabin can beseen, andelate-rooms secured l0,um a distanc by disputchbor le,1r), by applicatioS at thelbf gee of'ho usent m3 OUACHITA RIVER. LeavyS onIATURI1Y. 1Ib Ir.t..w5P. 51. SFOR CAMIDEN, REACH HILLS, 1.11,1, p. tlMBllar'. 51, Chuplg,.oll,, Wit. mington. Pigeon Hills MPoro, Marie Saline, At.. bama Landing, Bayyou Bartholomew, u(oth d'Arbooe, Trenlton, Moures, Pb, B517. a, stor'., Itlro bio, Harrlsonburg, Trinily and 1,1 4as dog1.o Ouachita and d ,lack River.-Thb Boo and .n,1r7ly now passenger steamer CSaho..a, J. D.Waiker, mat5er.7,ll leave a1 abo VIRUINIUS 0. DENTZEI.. ms Ad,,rrlsing Aglnt. Leae.a every'SATURDAY, ,15 P. M. No. Orl0,1, Moo,.. and Trenton Rtplarr Pcketl. 1 Fu~r TRENTWA~ONMONROE PINE BLUFFS, Caa01, l.ldingg, olCbubl., Hrr,,11, berg Trinity, ailt J nd all intermediate laodinge on OuciaGd aeRirere-The raw, elegant and swift ran. .,as p~assngor Booboo R. W. gIottae..rohn W. Tobin, comman.d,. P WorP , f lerr , igbls s above at 5 o'clock, P. M. Ffreight or passage oIIOINU C. DENTZEL, fez Y Avrlieing Agent. Pleighttoken forU Bayous artholomeb and 4A~rboos,. witb privilege ofresipping. uravee an SATURDAY. 5thlnst., at 5 o'clokP. M.54. OUAACHITA RVIIR.-For Plia PPoin - Pit- -Mouth Bayou Bartholomew, Ouachita City, PotUnion, Mouth d'Arbonne, Trenton, Monroe,: Pine Bluff, astor Landing, COolumabus, Harrisonburg, Trinity, andall lntetmsdiale landings on Lowerr Onaellita and Black Ri,,,n. Tb, , ig hb, draughl nd swiftrunnin packel steamer W. W. Farmer, W. W. Rieber, =e1ter.1. P S;~delde, clerk, will leave u above. For freight or feelings having elegant passenger accommuodations, appl on board. YInIIOIIUS C.. TdENTEnL .15 AdsI,111ing Agct. CUMBERLAND RIVER. Leaves on SATURDAY. 5tb inst. at 5 P. M. F• R NASHVILLE , CLARKSVILTLE, Canton, Eddyvtlle, Dycusbnr , SmitblxndP- ducab, Cairo, Coltmbts, Hickmnn. and all tn- rtsMdAate landings-The isne, light draught, regular packet Mastport, E. Woods. master, will leae atabove. For right orpassage apply on board, orto B. DUSFIELD, Agent, m2 corner of Ft. Charles and Pcrdido streets. nap Tbe Eatport will take freight through to any point on ennessee river, with privilege ef storint aud re-shipping. leaves onWEDNESD AY. 9th inst., at5P. M. Canpon, h:ddyvsile, DyeusbnrK, Smtthinnd, Pa- FORP N~aMb H Vll FI, ISLARSKSVILTR, ducah. Metropolis. Cairo. Hitkman andInter- dl-w.e loudage--The new, Pant and superior regular passeo- er packet Red Rover, W. Strong, master, will leave houe. For freight or passage apply nboard, or to B. IUFIt.LD, Agent,. m6 Corner of St. Charles and Perdido. as The R R.will take freiglht tIrogh to ant point on rennessee River, with privilege of storitg andt re-shipping. ARKANSAS RIVER. Levsvs on t ATURDAY the 6th tMarch. at P. M. SFOK ARKANSAS IIVER..-FOR Choctaw Agency. PFort Smith, Oza.k, Sponut. i.ewtlburg, l.tme Rock, Pine Bluff. and all plnn- tatlon landings. Thelight draught steamer Arkansaaw, Jas. M. Bennett master, will leave as above. For freight or passage, apply on board, m3 Leavet onSATURDAY,5th Inst. atS5P. M. SREGUIILAR ARKANSAS PACKET STEAKM ER Ct ACTTANOOGA.- For Fort SSmhh, Van Breon, IDardanneie, Lewhiburg, hittle Rock, Pite Bluff, New Gascony and ail the ends--Tshe tpe- sior andswift ruTlmtg passenger steamer Chattaonolt.g J. W. Harmonson, master, will leave ns above. For fro ght r passage apply on board. VIROINIUS C. DMENTZEL. mS Astertilueg Agent. Leaves on SATU RDAY. 5th loat., at 5 P. M. * FUR. HOCTAW AGENCY, PORT Smit, Van Bursa, izark. Rotse le,i 8 ptidr . .da~d lle, Lnwisbu'g. Little Rok, Pine BIc:ff and all utittation ant way lanlsti,-The ligitt drtiughtt teamer Arkansaw, J. M. tentnet, ,ttr. iJ. H.Perry, lFrk, will iave as above. For freight or pass, go apply on board, tt of Ciustomhosi e sieo. YIRGINIUS C. DRNTZ•I., mt Adiertising Agent. ALABAMA RIVER. SFOR BLADON AND CULLUM SP'RINGS--Twiik T ce a weak-The stettaer Ad- Va. ,e SIaml. Alen, master, will letve for ae nd Culm Springs twice a week, as f ollows Leaves Mobills for RlAdoe an Cullum Springs and Demopogis Avery tSaturday ieveing, at t o'tclck. Loavestobile for tadton and t ullum Springs every WedAes- 45y evening, at 4o'clock. -- Returnin-- I.eaves BIltdon and CulliM Springs every Tuesday and Thurs lay evening, at4 o'clock. arrtving In Mobil every Wednesday end Friday morning, at 5o'clock, For passage, apply to T. B. MITH, 4Tchopltoul street, JA tf orSttMPSON & COtd K, Mobile. NEW VOLUME, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED THE SOUTIIERN HOIMESTEAD ; A Large Firlst Clas Illusitlrated AGRICULTURAL AND PAMILY NEWSPAPER. The Fourth Volume or this beauttiul nod popular Weekly tttstsstnitttiobtt.. ittstlbtlS.agtttm .tt tiSP.i ouRt! will begiJae i ry let. 1859t under the moat encour- Ring prospects. [t will . t that te, b Greatly Enlariged, and several new and im rtaut featuret P5ddPdS which, together wth its handisome pictorial illustittlatns, must icree its pres. ant pnDpu arity. A,}RIU:I.TURs-Tltis, asheretofore, will be the leading eatitre of the "Iomestead," and lll he roudutedtiln a oa- r worthy oP thereat interest it delres toets.. Every D *rtme,:t of Southeln Agriculture will receivedue antntion, xnd slneh systems ef cultivating the sol. stoek-rriting, And gen- .ral farm management promulgated, as hwae been tastedt bv praetlcal w~eu and found worthy ofadoption. A large ot ose or contrlbtots are constantly writing for this department of the 'Homestead." HORTI(:ULTU P e--Thlidepeartrent is conotaeny filled with excellent horteiultural and Pomoltegial informationz, and Is milvt'rsally pronounced w one of th. must usefil taetures of the ,aper gentlermen of ex perience tlld abidity write for it. LITRRARYDEPEARCItENT--The publishers are conident that the announcem-nt that Mrs. L. VIRGINIA FRENCH will retain the control of the IdI erntry columns of the "Home- te-d," for 1859, will bereceived with general acclamation by her many ad:cirers, and a warm wolr,]me extended to tile ve- htcleww'lch will eonvey to the world her be ,tlfal gems of thought. Several bleautiful and highly lnteresting stories will ape~r inthe "Homestead" for 1859, from the pen of mrs Freneh. II,[.UrfRATIONS--Tbe "llnmestead" will continue, as ,eretofore, to be Illustrated with haudsome engravings, pre. ,ared e prum•l y for its clouznsn by a competent atlist. A News Summary of Foreign and Domestic events, will ap- pear In each nulmber. A great variety of ioereotlung misell.- neou•s Intelll once. etc ; the Wows condo.sed so as topresent, is x mode ate cmpass, everyllthul of general interest. id IRK FTRE:ORTS-Striet attntion ll i be given toMar- ket reprtp for 1859 as the editors are determined their paper shall excel in this par ieula.. Tc tahe Southern People. Wenow offer yon x riodlca] which Is permanently ewtib. lished in your mldst-•-voted tothe great vital interests of the country--whiih hbas been pronounced by ompetent Judges rg-qi, If notsuperior both in collt t. axd ppe arance, to any imilar paper in the snlgo. We therefore ask every Sotther men who desires to sIbcrlbo for anAgricultural andFamily Paper t htwill be o0 r ct leal hbnefit tw pid farmin g operations fnd rnl"h to hie fat4lmy interesting and usulal reading, to give the "sonthei Homestead" his supnort. FORS! AND TERMS-The "Southern Homestead" Is pub- Ished weekly, each nsmbvr contalinhg eigolht large pages printed in tile haudsomet style, andaplnndt~ly eutelllshed with engravluRs at the following n m1-8.- var yin advance: One copy, $2 a year; all copl "10; hn _lopies, $15. (and an ea- utepyto the person gettng up the ILLub.I Address L.P. WPILIAMS & CO.. Naohell e, Tenn. W-gend for specimen numbers, proepertysea, le. Slake p tlubs immediately. dtl Snt CO•Ou N SE D ..... ......... OT•TON SEED. The understgnad are nowreceinug lnrge lots of Boyd's Gen- uh.4 Prolific Cotton Seed, and Petit (i l. Apply to SOSIORN'K A (to., Is7 23 and 25 Proat street. STEAMBOAT DEPARTURES. REGULAR PACKEBTS. InG B.EAOGRWEAT SOUTHERN I~d~IL ROUTE FOR T HEi EAST ANDNORTH. THROUGH TICKETS via MEMPHIS and NEWORLEANS PACKETS TO MEMPHIS. _ -- Thsenehy-- Tb... by MEMPHIS AND OCHARLESTON RAILROAD A hndootnuous oo.neetisg Rtslwsyshthrogb Esht.Tsusees NEW YORK, VrlnlK to PHILADELPHIA BALTIMdRE WASdINGTON RICHMdND, PETESBURG ATLANTA, LYNOHIIIUER NASHVILLE VIRGINIA SPRINGS. etc. Epren mll trains lesve I.. Memphis dll t8 P. M., maklnsg aura onuo•Jon through to New York atless expense tadtIlme than suyother rots. IQMemphis Packets leave NewOrlean st 6 P. M.-. MONDAYS: Nebr•ska ...................... apt. A. N. Irvin. WEDNESDAYS: John SUmona R .............. pL J. F. Smith. IngOlsEw ....................... Cpt B.Prisl FRIDAYS H. R. W. HIl ............... Oapt. T. H. NeweIll. Belfat ......................... Capt. W. W ny. For freight or pass . s.d throwth tlek.ts,apply to J, H. Frnn;lIH. ene•I Agent. Memphis Packet Ome. St. ihrla HotelH left wing. WiM. INSLB Passaenger Agent. N. B.-TiketsL by this route ood for any length oftime. SI-Buggege checked through. n21 if Leaves o MONDAY 7thinst.. st b o'clock,. P. M. SMEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS _-__Unsted States Mail Packet- ForMemphis and the Bends-The ine passenger steamer eebkraka, Captain A. H. Irwin, w.ll be reasdy toreceive ftreight on iurdsj morning st foot of G rodstreet. and will eave5 asaboe.Fo freight or pRae, asDnl on hoard, oto J. H. EREIGH , OmRe under the St. Charses Hotel. t -This linet. connects st Nsolon with rsgular packets for heWhitsse and Arkamass rivers, and atMemphiswlth superior ps•skets for St. Losis and for Louisville. Adasm' Expreas parried regularly by this line. ml LveaRon WEDNESDAY. shinst., at1 P. M. M EMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS Psacket Line -- ForMemplsand the Bends -- Tbhe irst clasItss steamer lugomar, Casptain B. FPeri. ill h •tdy toreceive freibstht n Mondsay morning, atthe foot ofoirod street. nd r llerve s sboves. Fo fresight or pssuge, apply on board, or to J. H. PRBLIGH, OS.e under the St. Charles Hotel. -? Thlslline connets at Napoleon with rglr packets fo the hlte aid Arskansss rivers. andat Memp.is wthsuperlb pketsi for St. Louis and Louisvillte. Adsa's. Expres casrriesd regularly by this line. m3 Leaves on FRIDAY. Ilh instant. sat 5 F. M. United tstes Mali Li.e. SMEMPHIS AND NEW OR- LEANS PACKET LINE-- For Memphis and thebs Bends -Theirst class packet steamer H. . W. Hill. Caphtin T. H.Newell, will beready to r.- ceive freight Wedncsday morning atthe footer Girod street, and will sleave asabshove. For fretght orpasas. apply on bsrid, or to J. H. FREBtIGH, OR.e under the St. Chsrles Hotel. -Thls line comects stNspoleon with regular packets for theb Arksasand Whites rivers, and at Memphis with superior packets for St. Lout and Louisville. -Adms' tExpress carried regularly by this line. mI Lenvevery SATURDAY at 5o'ehok P. M. . THE SPIENDID STEAMER Golden Age, W. MClombs, mster, (it. the plase of the mtsteamer Bells Donn,) will COmmences her regu. lsar trips a absove. lesaving New Orlseans every Saturdsay v,. ning. at 5o'clokt P. M., for Donatldonvllse Bayou out.a, Plaqeomine, Baton Rouge, Port Hudson, Watsrloo, Bayou San, Poin ts Cope, Morgsnsls, Tunics, Williamsport. Red Ri.ver Landing Fort Adams. sand all ntermedtats landings. P etrilg. will leave Bayou Sars evey Wsdns.day on the sr. t Pal of the cars from Woodvlles. For freight or5 sassge apply t board orto HOLMF.S & CLAUIS, lyE S.m 16 Thotpltouts street, N. O. UNITED STATES TRI- WEEKLY MAIL LINE TO VIGCKSBURG. M TUE DAY. at 6 o'ltek P. M., The msgnisiest U. S. Nstl packet Psrl seee, Cspt.e Wilson, will leave fror Doasldsonville, Ps qe dinBts, Boto Rqouge, Port pndso•, Bayou Sa~raRd_ River Landing, Fort Adams athehee Waterproof RodneySt. Joseph, Grand Gulf, darrnnto andVicksbarg, EVERY TUESDAY, at o'tockP M. Thes PrinceSs connects st Vitlksbur with the steamer Roe. be.k, and will tsake freight for ill slandings on the Yassoo rtve m high as Greenwood. THURSDAY, st 5 ottlok P. N. The masgnifcent U. S. Mail packet Vlcksitsrg Caps Capt. J. W. Cauoto will leave for Donaldsonvilles, 'itque- mine Baston Rouge, Port Hudson, Bayou Sar, Red Rive Landlng, Fort Adams. Netcher Waterproof Rodney St. Jos eph, Grand Gulf, Warrenton, Vicksburg 'MIItLtkens Bend Lake Providence, Stek's Lsmdins Sik with Landing Pit char's Point, Ashton, Grand Lake ,• hingtou. Carolina Lend Ig sand Point Worthington, EVERY THURSDAY, at o'clock P. M. Tbhe VICKSBURG connects st VIbkhsur with the steamer DEWD Rt)P, and will task freight for sil landingsex thes Yuo, river ashigh up As Greenwood. SATURDAY, st 5I o'clock P. ., The malgnificent U. S. Mail packet NatEhe, Capt T. P. Leathers, will leave for Dsontaideonvis Piatuemstse, Baton Rug.e, Port HtdsEn, Bayou Sara. Red River tading Fort ,.dams, Natches, WaterproofY RodOney, St. Jose Ih, Orand Otlf, Wssarrenton andVicksburg VER SATURDAY, sti o' cock P.M. The steamer NATICHEZ, connects sat Vicksburg withb bhe stesamer DEWDROP, and will take freight for altl slanding, on the Y.sa river as hig, 5 pas GIreenwood. Theabsovtnmen.oued silendid psssnger, paehetswlli eIs.. on their rtegolr days, wiot fal, sat th. hour sppointed. At botine.estrustedte tLbslrare win be promptly and sfaithfully attended to. Tbesehboats willnotbe rsponsibt efor ans lettersor psethss conteiiotg money, Jewelry or other vuluables, unless rogclt, bills of adingg are taken, specifyingthe eentent asd uit a, sac thes freight paid; nor for any vainables deposltsd w!th t•be t!or bh the ptsengers, or contdined in their haggate. For freight or patsoapply on, board, or to OARRtOLI, HOLMFS k 0.,, Union Row.SS 6 rondeast t jell ti T. R. EMITit. iNs. 4 tiob-s,,i.ou.t ATTAKAPAS. Leaves every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock M. FTORATTAKAPAS.-Vie PLAQUE mine---TI regular Att1k tpaln pecker Ceres, J. .J. .Laharhe, ma.ster, will beready to receive freight every Mond.y, for St. Martinsvltlle New Iberids. Jea,- reti'e Criston, Franklin, Ceuersvilles, Puttersotviiie, ani sial intermdiate port ontile route. All buhsine entrusted to her care will be promptly attended to. For further particulars apply onboard. J. . Labarthe takes this opportonit y of ret.mintg his tthanks tothe pulic and his friends for thleir iberhsl patronage. VIRGIRIUS C. DRNTZI L, Jat Advertising Agent. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J WltIG2 T aCDU.: 1 OATbALO(2 OF GENIN Jaatdpopnlnr Fnmlly Hsdlclnl, which they "" m~ply Draggirnits and Dealer. ofProprl atr's Iowa, sholenan p ioe 0.111.1 Depot Sp11 1. l Ae.11 1 NI. 1 11A 1 Street, New Oreans gny, . 6 ad21Oare VERIIMIFUES. Hibbnrd'. Wild Cherr,. 1llner'. Canadian, Sichsrdsun'e Hhcrry Wine, I ain'hI gs V1tableb I.ypeplt, PaTnyya Dead Shot, Goviey' Yefintble, Coeman's Jayna's Tonlo, Hotn'~r~,Oyooe Oerl'IJSM2TiC B. A. Plattt,tick'. ColitgneWate, I1.y Wattt, BALBAL A nd 0OUGH REM.Jte'.. Llly White. 221ii4 SOAPSANDCREAMS. W2,511'.1Bal .i o1'Wdld~holP Low'.Brow Windsor, Haeting'e Naptba, Jona's Chusiecil. Sherman', Relearn, Rad,.y'0yfedcnte Ossifies, Llnchan's HmFmru , lmon, TQlot ondFtamily, Davie', Wlld Cherry nd Ter, SaigCreams and Compomd? Sohanck' Pulmonlc y p o eldecrpdoe New EngidCiuht.1p, PILLS. 1 , 221 Bartholome' petorntWrihts Idia Veetale Sways'. Syrp of WildCh.117. Mold., 1,sg',,New LoIdon. OdJr', ChTrry P t.t, L.4,', Sington'.,Chm. Ta.lor's nla1m I.1t, Lliy',Plltl Jayym's Erppetorutt Joyso'uherg, , Of Ss aatnl Yllnt'IYIIecImpIlne, S. t l'. A .ue, Dy.plplCas, M I,. I2RI tlttdt , and Tar, m i le S ta ll ', C her a I.' Pt, er,", M 2I nILLA I1-b E' 1 . r's Lota 2'.. C'e 1 o ,.p1 Ooc L S.ian t',d t,' 21. 2111111 iii, C1111vell, t tr. Rose1d. 1dlly'ell 22.11 2211 tb AIr.e PRgIIPA A .rdTI11 Pll R1fI rl'to PurgatIt., Odtg' LLAt1. Cilll'l ili, Dr. John .ull'a, tli l'kn lr'l'l ltplt2,. A. N. T iiw1d' 1. 0 Gprt'1't, P11 An 21-bllow', 22,12 Ol Jacob Townaand'i Lal' Blood,. inzoldrby'e Pile, yarpeoter's. t, t l t', ',111 etablu, 011 . 11 a, Pyynctp'n, .tidwy', R.,1d .,p L Ol4It'Ael.HI 't Concha.11 ndi. n Santiv1,4 OILS. o Ollil,21111 On 2212t' 121122. 2,1211, AntPA1,lllep t., YellDoII ck '. A,..2 hl2'. PpL. WOLESAROATC oHdm:'n AIR DYENLiv. 01's 5 22ra1.2 . 1412121122.. ar ai' or 'J, anin, {Moolg tinutla BDdeIu'C . Bellrd'. , JuW'T A C uel'O K.app'.Indian, ,.y...n American. E-t Ind,. Alo okO Poru::n, MlfiCRI.L*N 83T:a. Griffith a Adhesive. IDr.Nlorse'. Inllgorstla Co IM E.IN Ar Ca, dial. LINIMENTSNTS Thrn' Ezrsct, MARsM OBUlcanic~ AL A :nl:Om.A - r ty P0 IdztanMntaz.Tr rat' IliirofRhbcb Seder's lO N 'lve and Bone, Mter l2'N1WI. A.yn' A.yn' OIYfo-u .2 00., r 2122522 NI.2441netl1111a..l1er' 11Co .2t.. Howle', Nerve and Rona, IThhnpp-r'. RyeWnrear mror% Hr,'st 'g Nc,-uiua And, Gardonsr'a, ilina Antrinosnt Reruns', H orse. B Flill" if. 'coP Itetrerhaet's Gargling, Nsd sayns Elixir of ODIUM fIharokee wn'. Rsady.HU1 KElCL) Cogocd'e Indian Chogoloe, , ns Pitch's Ilury ltracrs, Gorsaud's Tonic Mixture D. Fitch's lhould~ur Rrseesi Smith's Tonle Syrup, Dnr. F'Ilrh'r ahali;; q 'P':,r, wynkron'e Tonien, D. Roso'a Pr,,,,, eonos, qpsd'sFobf gg hees rea, IExruell Shcrm m's Coilb And Wor, o ith'. uc ia, ,il~r 13ryaa'a Pulmunir. Wnt':re, Mors's Com~ona. 0 Sirn o 1loc4111 PRRPARA1 AT Ern. Y. l:lnw t's ab ornP~RbT lo. Party'l r1iks01 l K Lavnt'e Wpn r FIrC31o. bIa 'aEseura f Ob1,,1 tBlrrry'Iriaophnrone. Moartimorc'a Rheusatlh Oom [q~ou'6Hettnrnoo, peen :. riuyla'sIytspio Vola, frlmr' Cordial Bt s, Phalon'a Hair lurigo rttor, Myer's Extract of Rook Rose, laond11. R Oriental It c, Plu ~el~~ Bnuu Em u Rolm o C 'Wr'e pai t i O!drlds g,'. Halm of Columbia ofryCo t. Ritdway's Circassian Balm. bt ' alaslarm PANACEAS. r. ftullen'x rrapsrstonS, Biralu's Hloucnk'. 1J.remuu'e Drops Cull;"n'.Iudi o VgaH~ble. Dnr. ll 'to n BsnrlP. Sldlo, so. La' ey'.Gt W SAI, ,, sad 8celu P ,rrninrr, OIN '.11 Mo~N AND SLVF.YE. Sediprl nuid >Vrlta. Rnoha, ilnuftano Juno '.ordAirl Me',Iliater's Ai-fa~u, llr' use fa is Brook's Magic gvlvd,Pryor'. V,!...'s Doug, onhants oto Pie i1'aE op Gray's Harrleol,,Specle Krby' Choera imp Traek's..RRetit , J kiuis rill'e ihhlura Sy n,?, Laaden'e Al-l . gRussa. lru' lrrhaca Remedy,, OILSIL. Conel' Mxure, Bnwhton'eOod Liver Oil, Dr. Merchil's Uterine O1Lhbtl MltIlh'lAcoo.oScrp'so a BITTES. L den'.Preo NoI~at' Phamlz, Blake's Ate- Houghton's pepsin. comic, WOLFE'S A~ROMATIC SOHEIDAM SCHNAPPS or6 Denggeisd nd Mormhsatr, and all dealors in any of the eftolescanrtlastt lathe oborec~ogne, wil (f d It tothslrad. vantage by calling or sendingea l their orders as, bove, wherewill lyefonnd themostsrtensiva rr"ortmaot of GENUINE I ATINT NEDI~CINS Inthe nnltnd Statess. and a the local lrlto Please ware. J. WRIG3IT E CO, la' f ME DICINEWE AREHOIISL, au it No.. . let 61 Rd 91Cbsrrtreeset NewOrieans. C(ARHOYO BBK SALT -- AU LTG~r. FORI S Y*L&-I1at bo50laro *xtn St. Ubos, carlle o k rr Nar. ramtsio, Carr, matecr, just arrived, and will discbarge where purchases may direct. Appply to falO a if. BAss, 119 Common street. !'t 1i.1:KP.IiN E-}O V3iLLE ORE.'N SEALWINF-. V Illrct iO 7ts. lm from Rheims, For ,.ale is lots to gall the trsfe. Ordors receivedandt:*nnmi' o,!kb A. A. XEPIV. . CO., J&21 6a No. IN lrssier Street. SHERIFF'S SALES. 8.CO00 x 13owDol Co... 0 CITY OP N.ORLEANS v.. CHIAR. of No. Orl0,ns. f A. EOROIUCII-N,. 12.147. BY VIRTU71 1 of a writ of flora fcl, 1to me Sdirected by the hlmol~ll. the Secopd District Conrl of Naw O1leans, fn the ab.vbo,. enttled c01, I wll 1100.ed to sell t pnblfa aaotina,at the , y otel Oommon et. at atweau Tbmp lnd 1egsIne streets, on FRIDAY1301.1. 110 1859, tt 12 o'clock M-I I. A CERTAIN LOT OP GROUND, sitated In the Fourth DIlct of tl.~bb1 oily, lb thsqo oreNo. l5.boundld by Ob..t~ol, Co.11... 8t. AdrO. ,nd St. M.ary ltrss.8 Said lot m IPres 12fI mor.ol front on ,1. Andw '"I" by 12B feat Moro or les Indpth on Coliseum street,to g1wth,. .. h allthe bofildb,.e sod b.,lovemlosher1.0. 2. FOUR CERTAIN LTS7 OROUND. .ilo~t,0 i, lb. Pourtb h 0,1 Dtt olbl.l oly, I thel. equal N.. 9D, boudded by Live Oak. St. Muoy, N~g..bo .0 81. Aod1.l'0. 111 messre s mob 8 feet or, or has frontt on b 1 1 97 streot. by 17 feet Moro or'e1 Inbdeplb. Together nl h l'b .0 boilding. a't Improvements thlle001 The wbole. u will more fuloly 15. p.o. by .eferee" to the Assessment roil of maid Dslrict8, N.0d n tbe bose of lb. Tre,.urr of Ibis 1101y. Aeised inthe aboves suit. TERM1-l7,.bonthe spot. E. T. PARKER, Sbherl of tlb Pariab of Orle0,.. DE.1.1. o013 on Dl,.... l.A VILLE 1, l. N'II.E OR- 0.1e 5 LEANS .. GRAB. A. OR- Nonolii.OrlbIo. SUCH-N, 12.347. E N VERTU .I'an= writ de fl.. f.cla a mot *.dre.0 p,.r I'boonoreb1 DooISBmo Coo, de Dnlt lol de I0 Nouvlleal O""Brs.s daos Payette of-deadu,e procbd...i IeYEN. 00,EDI .,d,.de ,,18,9, i, mIdi, l l. II l0 l. ruENdo.I Commtou, eats. l..a rue do Camp at d0. MNg.shl., 0 I'dloudl- 1. UN TERRAIN siltob d.10 t.o,,lbmso Dlstrcl1 de cdte Ville. done filet N., 15, bon8 par lea rue. Chleatt, doColl. site, 0[. Andrb atSte.Marie. laquel terrain measure 124 pbdr. pluson Mot, de 0c. l 8 Ilnpo. SI. Aodrb,bur 18 p.ed.,pl, 110 aoine d. profondeor . ti ruo doColl00. Eo.emble .0,c bete. I.. b8,i.... ,1 .ooollooslloo. q10 boll de as 2.QUATRE TERRAINS, ,lob b,1, Id one le Q . 0131, O, 01101u orll.s, daps filet No.-1 9 boob p.01..r t,.. I re Ok,,, Ste. Miot . des l pi,0, pt et St. s10I.0,Psln 0.er,,ona M5 - anrent Eh3cnn 81 pit-do, plus on tu mainos de face i i ,,, te Sita. Ma- rt., o, I57 10rds.. p1,.. o, mofu. de profo1derl0. Eno,1ebt.s a,"1 is. blt'soln et.Iilft iohs quo .ont d..o.. I.e toot -forb MoOt ll tblOo d'a.l.laoall do ilt lsltrict,depolb 100 bureau do Trb0,.0,r 0a,,lto 0lla Ltout 101.lldlo.nl'.10ire el-da.um.. CONDITION-Compoool an moment T. 8d.'8ldl0010 .. N. T. PARKER. P.711125 28 mil Rhbrlb de I, P.,ol.. d'Orlb.s,. Tol81o 1D1 ov ,Cooap. CITYOPNEWORLEANO,..WIL of Nso 1rl,,.. I.1AM COOPER-No. 10.V13313. B Y VIRTUE: of,, wrlt of fleil 180181101881 directed by the Hoaorbl, the Tolod Ditilat Court of N0w Orle0ns, In the abov, entitled11.0.1, I.will pro.eed to Bell at poblic ouellen, et the Clit Hotle Common street, between Coolp ad Qlugeoio,.ino , on FPIIDAY, Mlo ll, 1101, 3. 12o'clock A CERTAIN l.OT OP GROUND. 8i10.1,Oinhelbllb DIOtrlc of this oly Inthlb. .bass No. on.e hbndld ad .lghtblto bbounded by Pr 1 o.ooi. Nojad.. Pluboobg nd p s tt. Ti, whole. as will more folly app.ar by 01f1ren11 to Its ,.o*Rmsat roll of oid 01,0100c, Rod 0lb heo lo. of tis Treasurer ,POf cbi ly. Topbther with il1 lb. bolldlon. and omprovmnto therooo. TERied ob the 'b1'o 1.011. TERMS--Cah o th ot' E. T. PARKER, Sherbffof the Prisb ofOrleans. 0,01.1,0. Coos 01 DlTh1. ILA YIIE DR IA N'LLP de I1 0 ORLEANS Vs. WII.IoIAM NonoeI,.Orlboos. COOPER-No 10,981. EN VERTU d'un writ de ewtrl foelt. a tot sdld00M per l'honooblTroieiSo, ,onr de ll1lrio de la Nooosllo.d'or~ooo, den, '.13.1, cl-desu., 1. procbilool Iu VENRRUEIII, 11 detoo 109, i midi, d 1,11,0 1 de 13 C0, 11, oI'ade I'0loml.10, 'cuts la rd do Campat des Mgalzin, J'dudlc.tCon de- 0NN 0.. IA IN it,,b doneleQoatoib.,, I~l.tictdel Cot1. Vle deoo I'll.t N1. soot t1,trl01In00 d0u,.. bo nit p11 IoM roes P110 10,,a, N1yad0. Ilolgo. do P0,ubonr,1t a drueP py,- L. 10ou lon00 0lo-nL 0u 0001.00u d'u oeinmanl dot Dl. frlOo, tl. path o bureaoudo Too oolo doo Cell vill.. Resemble Ivec tout8001 se 011 bEali t 0mellorstfou. qol s'y troarmt. Le tout bSill done 1',falre 1d-doidus. CONDITIONS-Comptlnt.an moment de1'ondlodi'tioon. 0. '. PARKER, fe7 11 2 1 28 mil 8Bloifde lo Ptroi..o d'Ord01s. FIFTH 10,, oo j C0U0,t CITY OP NEW OR,,OAN1 va of NI.. Orleani . CHIARLES SLACK-No. 11,701. B VIRTUE of a writ of Berl facl.. to me direltodby Itl looonble tIb 11010 Il1,,10 000,rt of 1, Orlos . In the above entitled Cauls, 1,will pro00dtosell at public octioni It the City 1otel l'ommon errtat, betwee, Cuoyp and blooinO1..t.ll,, o. TUEISDAY, Ma.lh 01bh, 183, at 12 o'clock M.- TWO CERTAIN L.OT OP OROU0D ,aottedl In t10e- Forlth 011tric.of this oily, In .qtore No. -, boundoed by First, Religiooo. 0ecnd and Si. Thooo ao,,iroo ; ,old lot, measure each 21 ,ear more or itl. front 00 Fi0t str0t, bly3 Pool, mo10 o0I.. 1,n d00001. Togeibtr whit ell tlbbuildings and Improovemeoo therooo. 'timed inth* above suit. TERMS- -C.,h on 1h, spot. E. 0. PARKER, Sherif of the Pasriah 150,1,.,,.. Cl,100,1 Coon.. D1.DI lRICT LA VILIER 0 LA 101.1.0 0 OEI.Ew NS v.. CHIARLES de1. No,,dlle-OOdbnna . I RLAtE-No. 11 71. E N VERTU d'uul writ de B1erl tfclag a mot 110,drea0 0 a l lboohlo i.ma Iqi, C-oo. de .1,11,tt de 1 Ooorelli-orl olo, do,. I',iTAod cido .l, 7, oroooderlo Is 1MARDI, 0 d13d m0n 0.o. 159,0 midi, lO,:l 1 d" lo 17.orue o In e., une, jolts leeroan du Cutup at desMagnates, d toveal. p bliollo et nJodiioco do 11411 TE~oAINI "f1,1x d0on I, Q~ooiaoo Dirtricl do Cott' Ville, done I'lletNo -- , borne per Ia rls r 2 rentldrc, des Relioisoloo, Ooololo. 01 bi.Thoo~o. 1iiotooooIomen" oooiehsoo1 piplede plus oil ao i o dfe ,e d dA r10,00a .. bpiol.plooooiro,.pofod,,o er0,.I .1110, plan on ldine, ,, pro.mf..r. Ensemble nvec (Oates les ballssea at amillioraLin!a quo sly troovent. S.W.i dan+ I'nffaire si-des,... CONDIITIONS-Comoylti n moment del'udoldtiooOloo. E. T. PARKERR Pod 1023028m8 00h100i1 de l Paroo.e di'Orl)"o.. 0, I'D DISTRIC COU00 I(PITY OF 1001 0RL00.4S Va 0.1 of No, 1wIi0... S 00170 A.17 \01IYICI.l,-No 10191. BYVIrITUb E of wrltoferl frl.es to me dloeid by lb Fltor aooI.M Third Iii, 011, (1d.r[ ol Nei Orleans, In t oe above etliled cap, I wlll prooood to sell at rlnb'ic auction, at the lofty Ifot' l, (ommoll stye I. be.- 1wee00C0mp 0nd M,,ooio streets,onFRiIIDAY, March 11th, ,At 010el1 1.1R I OF GROUND, ,io.1o0d in thei,- Foulrth 1,,0lri t of this city. I, the ooi..,, No. 000, 0onIed Ua bytiOOmp,1701l-o,,0, FePicily amit1S. Varyrtr01,1. ioi 1ih 1.0 m0 ,loo,4000fet more or 0ea. t5, at 00 Camll stret. 0,0130 fort, mtles lns I00 depth. The n;ol, ;.00s wll morn flly 00 pear bt refioca, tothe As omenol rollof r,0, Idioitricl, 8d in heo oi, of be,Tr1easurr of ,1, 1!,,. Toelther with all the boildlilg. an,0 improvements thereon. iiciled i n the;,tbve ui. TERIuS--Cash on the spot. 0. T. PARKER, Sherifof the P0RIah1 of Orle.as. TnelsBY,CoyR DR DISTRICT LA YI1.I.N:Sde I. Noll: YF.I.I.F 0o01. O ll.ANO oo. 00001RR70 N--mile Orlean,. o. CAEIPIEICIt,-No 1Il.00I. VIo VNoRTU d'unt writ ,In Berl facin, a tool R 0dr1.1 par 1....oool, Otm oiil1,e 17,n0r 0e 1I1.rrto, de to Noo,1le-Orleool. 00, 1,,1,1ire ci- loo.ix,. Je poo.r'daol I, I'OIiRCoI,110,001,. 0009 Ie l di.a I'iltll 0111n ,,!it 11e d I. Commouo, cota 0 ela 1. d,,07omp l t d0n g~olin,, A I1,0Uu. dicntton de-- UN OIOEtH AIN, ltb,10 d0ns le 0onniemoo 111,1 01i de 0,1. ohIo, 000, I'll No 100, toO par Io,,ue0 d0, Cop, i:hboi(g. nie, oFelleoll e1100,e. Nr11. I. qool 1110010, 0000p027 loyld, D0lux ,umaln,do fees o I,r-1 du .1mp, no0 r 00 0 p dls, p0011, monde l .F~dear- 1.e toutioonfo'memeneo an Ihlerurlu R -. Cat is ud dii District, d~ppoi' so bureau du Tretoricr de oeii, villa. Enseemble .vac tonlss lee bilious et am~lioratlona qui soy tro0,1,l Snki~id ne I'Pfflre el~o...... CONDOITIONS-COo0pooolu momentlde l'oltdlalliio. P 1 d . Poo o 0,040,. fez 15n 23 2 tel Sherif donr Perun~rs d'Orlb - THIRD Otto, rcT'oo 0 CITYO N' N.OWORt.E NSoo. KOR- of New Orleans. f No:t, tft(.LRt-No. Ito,9. B Y VIITUE of a writ of erl fart'as to me directed by theHonorolde the Tird i'l[roct Court o'New Orleans, in te aboveentl•ld cause, I will Piroceed to sell it publicl auction, at the Ol y tl'.el, oommml otreet. ho t Cen Camp tod Magyaoie streets, on T'Ur SDAY, the i9th of larchb, 1859, at 12 o'clock, M-- A htItTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated It the Fourth Itntrlct of this city, Inthe eouore No. 9, botnded ,y Josephine, Levee, Rousseau andJack.so strees. Said 1 ot measures 30 feet more or less front on Josephine street, by 159 feet more or Ile Indepth. Tr'cgther with ail the buildings Rod improvements thoeroo. Seised in tile abovea lst. TtR.MSt-Cush ou tke spot. E. T. PARKitR, Sherifof the 'a iok of llesn.. TRortoSto Coot DE toTItoCT LAVILLE de 1t N'ILl.-OR- h LEANS v. KORNEhtIttIL. do to Nouieol-Orleans. EER--No I0,559. EN VYEITU d'un wvrit de ucrl felans n moa I' •res pmr I'honortble 'l'rooitlem thour de toioot d, tl NolIvlle-Orleans, lduns t ' ffiire oei'desst , Jr prohd e a4iIs 0toitt, 29 do mars, 1859, d midi ,i I'llotelde In Ate rue ele Is omunte,etire es rues do ICamp et des ntagaolins, todtltudtoie t, de- UN TECRATOJ titnh daons le Quatrleme District de ertte oilie,di filet NooO. nornb par les ruc. JosRbli:,e. dr t, I.e. hvbe, Knut altu t Jackson. Le dit terrainmeure :' ,o pot pltn ou mors d++ face d, h rue Josephle, sur 159pidsplus oumoin i de poralldeur. t 000ody nt. saFtbte Baoe ttoterr tl tlestlso thlotio q ' IOCONDTrotON--Comptnto su moment de l'odjudlotallon. F. T. PARI•ER. fe25 m8 15 2229 Shlerlfde a I'aooise d'Otrlens. FooURTH DISTRICT COURTt F'RANttOIt ROtIIMItT vs. tIIS of New Orleans. CREtDItTORS-No. 12,891. B Y VlTUEiofaon Ioobedience to nit order B of oale rendered February 2t, t189. and lomedirectedby tOhe Honortlott e hFourth )istrict Court of Noew iOrleas, in the ,oboe entitledmuttr t I will t octt F d to tell at public atctioo, otthe Cilty Hotel, Ctmmotn treett between t lo t d m gattIoott It . erto Ott TUItSItAY,tarth A,, 1t59, at t2 o'tloo or. tot alccount ofthe trrllirw oft suld t 'cks l WO- A LOT OF OROUND, with toe buildhtigs and imorove- ments athe on, Mitlls ill the Fitt Dtttrict of tis city, nto the squore bounded byCa.olodelot, Poydras, loftyrt:o atd 511 I:aroanot trtelt, dutognaet t by No. 1,lnd mt'ttlo1rlnog y9 fet 9 lh aond ? ttrolt ot I'sroodleotstreet, y 95 fetrt 9 ilches to i deth. The hbuildings and Improvement o on sd lot comprise a two. .tory hrico dwtlli,g house. slate roofed, havit g two b eoos bove md two•o hobno, aod o two s!ory brich k kitchen, also slate 17•td, .ith twn root. obo xt1d two belowh out-hrootses etc. oNTIiTHt LttT I P 1 ,Tttt; ) OUN, wtththe itldtltt and Im )rnveente thereoln sttdat In t u nste O qtare ttld Distr et. oletsoat-d by the No. 'L, and m.turt,g 19 leet9 Inthet ad trt e s tolllt on I''ronde!et trt, t, b 95 0e0 9 Inctet o it 'tirtth. The otidit s altd olprove Ha-nts ot i•oid lot comprise ai two. toory brick dwelling house,slate roorot, hatinogtwo roms bhove and two tbeow; 0 two story brick ktitel n, ,leo .sAte rotfed. with two roa's b.thoe o Id two below, out-houses, eto Tile hon., s bear Nis 153 and S55. Surrendered hy Htly insolvent tohis creditors,. TIIRMS--Cank ontooe spoot. F. T. PARF.KER, mtt6 29 Shorff of the Ptoioh of rlaooss. F'FTu DISTRICT Cootto TUTH tR ItO3OOS, SUOCFtt SS(O t TO tIOMEt I tRY0NNT et it.. vs. of J. II. MIAIIDOXA .t. X. tEICHtEL. New Otrlenn. 3 tItttttIEt--No. 7,004. BY VIOITUE o an alias writ of ierl facing igiins I. .K. Eiehelhergetr. ,ud to me directedby the 1Ionra-blo tile Fifth District Court of New Orlcans, Inthe lbove nlhfled Causo, I will proceed to sat at p00 lic mtiton, t Ithe (illy hotel, Cottmon trict, betweenr CaOmp nd o ttMog ite streets, ot TUL'RSI.IY. Mrtlt, 29 It. 159,. at 12o'clock M.- A (:ERTAIN LOT UP GROUNt, sttaterd tio rO Potrth Districtof tils city, tn the sgoart beonodtd b tU Washington, I'Ptquemine ow Co'teum,Sixth and Cif.UOfes oit treetls. desitnated as lot No. t, oil a ptn drawo bo (. A. tedin, C1ivil Iongitutr, and doopooited t the off0ce ot H. R. C:trns, Notary, on tit" 26th March, 1851 Said1't m..Hare, 28 flet frott 00 Wtahington 0treal, by a depth of Ito feet 9 inches and 4 lines. To..eter with all the buildongs aon improvements thereon. SeNoid inthe above suit. TttS-K-Cash onthe spot. F. T. PARKER, Sherotft thePariat uf Orteono. CotoIgolo CoUgp D DISTRIoT LUTHER HOMER. successem de tO101 ES IIFRNNPf0et delot, as. v0.0. It. tADDOX , J. i. EItIht ,RUtERtE- NouvelleOrleans. No 7 0O. "EN VEICRT]U d'n aa ls l de ferl fuels= r' eon lre i K, dEehelbergr et a pidre pr 1tI'hlaonopbre tinuoltme Couro de District de Is Nouvell- Orlbntt dnt t'0lf- faire t-dostus. Jo procbderst MARDI, t9 oe mare 1(19 t mid. t I'Htltt de latCith rue de la Commuoe, entreIte riles duCamp etdea Mngaslns. 0 oa vents p.bllquot otadJtldioatloo d LN TERR t iN, stub dto is ln trirme Districtde eetl oille. dons I'tle2 born paor loo r.ts WT stoingl•ot, Plq,,ttttitt auJourd'hul do oitsbhe Slfi meet Chesnu'. dhtigne par te No 7, str on plan drtstb 0ar 0. A Hldi,, arpent ur, et dtpnohe00 Pitude de H. B. Cans. no.lre, le 2'0 mars 182L Ie dltterlarn mOsuret 28 tieds de face , It rue Whiutgttot, tour tue profoni- deurde Lt1O pieds 9 ptuees ot t itgtlet. Enoeable avec toutsn let bhttlees 0t amtliorttloos quoi 'y trnnuent. Ie tt, asidl don, 1'tTfftre el-desous. CONt1)TION.i-Comptntu u moment del'andoodlratto. F. T. PARKER. oe25 a8 15 29 b04 brlf de t• P"oleto d'Otrlbal. SHERIFF'S SALES. -=moon Dl•s we 'looo. I ANTON 8TEEVE6, useof PETER of NewOrlans. 5 KLEIN. vs. JAN'0 CASEY. No. 14,423. BY VIURTUE of a wrlt of flirn fthric tonte dythe Honorable te ttemd Dlitrit Court w Orled lib Ibove entitled causeR Iwill proceed 1to sell .- public auction, t lthe ity Hsotl. Common ( tRs,between Cmp andMglnedstreetsol, R AURDAT, AprDI d24, 1819, at 1 o'clock N.- TWO LOTS OP GROUND snotetd inthe ls1t DIstrct , Ibthi city, ID square bounded by PDanmitr, Richard, ADDRn lotion . nd OrngeDstrra, whicbh sold Io;D are desigRtedby tbhe N. miRd d, and medure each 31 feet II lnoeo and i l~n root on P0aeor.by a dep.h of l7 feet 10lo inches Rd ie, between porallel line,. Rlised In the above suit. 'TERMS-Ohb on the pot. E. T. PARKER, Sheri of tbhe Parih of OrleUs. DeRODDD Cou . DRIOTRICTD ANION RTFEVER au prfit . d PETER KLEIt vs. JAR. de la1 Nonrill.Orlbson. CAREY-No. 14,I433. E VYBRTU d'un writ de floifa1il.. a mot i• ndretpar Phonorble DIeul bmeCour deDitrict de I. Nourvelle-OrieeD, dana I'RTlrIe ei-dRlD. Je proebdDral Io ANEi)I, I2 deavri. 1869, I R midi. h 'HItei de I 11t rue de la Oommune, eutre . eI rues dD Comp et d. MRRDsID, &il'At- Judltaton de- DEUllX TERRAINS, situob dnD IR Premier Dictrtet d, dlite Illa, dill I'llet botbh par ios nits des PanlmI.R, Richard, do l'Annonclation N lD Og 6 ;' Ilt dil terrains let dhllgbt isr IlI NoD Ri el, R e metou-et ebhun 3It pUloil Do uen at I plned. de DfD la la rin P, DnlR ,sIInrD e ueAroRfder de 127 ,eds 10 peounces at 6 lgano, entre ignoie patlielesa. 0.ls dlana l'IRfalre ol-dD. CONDITIONS---omptaut an momentde l'ndndiDcSoi. E. T. PANRKER, n2 11 21 28 .2 8h6rhl de .a Proios d'Odrblo. Po0RTD DIsROIO COO., TIlE BELLEVIlI.E IRON WORKS :IOOPANY el. THEIR or NewOrleans. CREDITORD- No 12,890. BY VIRTUIE of and ht1 obedience to an order of sale rendered lehruolry 2U,154, and to medirected by the lonoe able the Fourth Dlstrcl Courtl of NewOrleanS, in the Ibove entitled matter, I will proceed to eii atpubllo aUction, on TIIURSDIAY, tile loUlh dly of MAIrch, 8lD, at 10i o'clock A 1., t the Belleville Iron Work., on tbhe right lbank of the Mlall. rI ri er-- CER I MOVABLES, conslstlng of stock fixture, mR. ohiory,, toils, pnttern, drawigng manufactured stock, mate. riRls olce furniture. etc. Srroendered byMid Insolent totheir creditors, rbshown by the schedule on lebherein. TERMS--CUh on the spot. E. T. PARKER, m1 7 I0 Bhariffof the PAribahof Orlen.. ,ECOOD 11TITO0 COUSDT CITY OF NEW ORLEANS Rvs. of Nw Orlelso. r J. J. MONTFORT-No. 12,7.22 BY VIR'TUE of w rit of lerl faIelia to m dlirected by the HinorDble the Second Distrlictl Cot of New Orlreans, In the above entitled cause, Iwill proesed to oll at Dubliluction. Dt the City Hotel, Commonstreet, be. tween CampandMegDzlnc strets, on 4ATURDAY. Merck 1901, 1009. at 12 o'clock M.- A CERITAIN LO i OF GROUND, sitated In the S.0. end District of th llcly. at he 1., t eo.rnr ,oMain andd I blphin o treet. measuring l) fett f1 0 onMain street, by 60 feet deep fron on Duphitn street, Togetller t111 all the buildings and Improvement. sthereoo, conos l ie of a ol*etory r01me boan lao dootDheols, e1em. .sied In tie abov entitled sutll. TERMS--LCash on the spot. . PARKER, R.T.PARKER, herlfo fthe Parish of Orlln. DRoDIURR CoDOR D DIsTD . I3 lA VILLE DE LA NLLE.- ORLEANS v.. J.J. MORT. de I. Nouvell,.Orleaus. 3) P0RT-No 12.722. E N VIERTU d'un writ de lerl factil, a mot E aVdre.b par l'honorabie IlDuxlSme COur, deDistrict de hi N•rvelle-Orlbl.D, dims 'aff1r el1 deeIDR, Je proedenl IS SAMEItI,I 19de mar 18DO, m 1ldl A l'Hfitl dei. C0t1, rue d, l. Commune, entre latrs do Camp et des MDgWulno, d l'dJudlitlonde e- I+N TRRKAIN, •itb dins 1. Denxlome Dll.rlct de ceir vlla, A I'orol oanal de. rues d.lln 1. at lDauplhin ml0 rl 6Opled. deface A ln ruenu Maine, nor 60 pled de promndeer de 'ce a I rue DanpOO D., EnoemblU aeotutes. lea bltises ot Rmellodo lOR poi I'5 troverl:t, conslistn: n one ma.on basae en boi., dpendauDed at applmaortenaes. iLe totll alsi dana I'•lre ei-deSo. CONDITIONS-CoDmptn t an moment de I'ediodleatio. E. T. PAIRKER, .fe6 2 m4 1 19 R8hride. I• PDrotaR dOrifllR. FOURTa DtTlrrr CountJAMYES DAVRIN vs. A. BAR' of NewOrl0,1.a, S RETT--No. 5,917. BY VIRd'UUE ohsa writ f flerl Dnslat to LImedirected bythe tlonorblethe Fourth DImtlrlct Cort ofNew OIrens, In in the above enti'Ied cause, I will proceed to sellat public auction, ol SATURDAY,Marcb 12, 18a., at 10). o'clock A. M., on the premisee hereinafter designated-- A Tot of Masrble Slahs and Marble ock,,k n~ow In theyard rf Mr.Itl14esley. on Uirod street, comher Liberty, in tlthe Firb I)Irlet of this city, as per inventory to be seen in my office. He iztd in the nobosv .uln. TERMS---UL on the spot. R T. PARKER, Sherffof the parish of Orleans. QUATantxas Cono Dteratc-r JAMES DAVERN vs. A. de Ix Noovelle-Prleanl. 5 BARRETT--N L,917. ][7,N VEc1L]P d'nu writ de flerl fIei. amot JP, adrexsiz par'hollOrbleQuatrleme Cent de Dlittot do h Nouvelle-Orlbuns, danx I'affaire el desnuw, Je proc•de6 t le 8A- s MERD 12 de mars 1,59, d 10)• heuree A.M, our .ea teuYx el- apr•deslg,:a. .Is vente pnbllue t adjudioatlon de- l u Imt de 'lerrr* ct tde Blocs de Magrbre, maiotenant dana la chatnder de Mr H.Bllke ley,nlts a Ta*ngle des roles Girod et I,,berty, duns le P emirr Distrlct de retie villa, sulant Invea' tulle cp)sbh onmenLburs.. pour reours. Sn,,1• Irl,ms I'nll, roci drsl.s. CONI )TIONS--Comptau t an moment del'edJndleation. E. T. PARKER. re28 m4 7 1 12 ghhrif de ]a Paroiae4trl16ans. LEGAL NOTICES. .g'onn ])tTlttl tu)OUtTC1RUCCESIqRIUt OF JAUOB HEICK or Nw (rlrhanx. 5 or 0,1A04--4o. I65). W EIEKF] •A WVllllam Isermann has petl- tionlrd the t'o'rt fog Letters of Curator.hip on the *enrot SE~lte of the la•e acobh Ileek or hlack, deceased intestate- Notice i, hereby given to all whom it may concern, to show ea,•s• within ten a y-s, why the prayer of the said patliloner should not It Sranted. By order of the Court. J. L. KELLY. Deputy Clerk. 00fxa Coalo Dsracxt RUCFSSION nF. ACOoB DEOXI[II[ tOUR ing I'}[TR]CT] ? .•E•(t i g )IF~(I 1C(-oI:I.f t d la Nonveda-Origiani. 5tE,'K , ACK-No. 16`+114, A1"'P"I NDU qua William lserman, n pre- z•. Grllsa daHeaao xnc eh uo l~~nta one perlltmn a Ial'oltr it Pefft d'oblcellr Ies [.ettreol doCunrsarile no ]a i uc'eession vocnte do feu )Ja o b lHeck oir hack, dhe•d•e ntest.,t-- Ariseat par le prsent donnb . tons crux lua eale pent eon. ceruer, d'avotr d dhdaire n's 1o01i Joers lea rotson. pour eLs. qu-llea il teserait pas tll ndruon A tla te petition. Par ordre deIn Cour. m, I014 J. T,. KEll'r.Y, Dnpn;h oretler. R•IOn D[ISTRICT 'Dourr 2 SLU'CESSION OP lR.D. SCHR(R. "W o w Orleans. I)ER .'[ol CF. II hereby givlen to the creditors L of thf, etafe nd u, all uther pesons herein interested, to .1how rims., wnlhill ten day, from the present notl .at on, if any they hatve or san. hythe ,eeount presented bythe Admlo- t~*ator of gthh e lsta should not behomol gated and approved, the fun,., dlst.h" oed in a.eurdance tlberewtih. By older of the Court. J. L. KE+LLY, Deputy Clerk. I)u xteaE •ou•tDe DISRtsr SUCC:RESSON DE H. D. do laNon velle-t)rlRa1ns. 5 ECITR04DR. AVIY eat par lepreaetlt done lt a'nx eren- rotiers d, ' la •ulditecession e Iolt autres p aersol ugee c.la pett cone-.*r, dl'avor Adltdrc, loo, dnx Jeers AdM tar delaprierolte puhllea'lon, tnrnisu, p uour iesqnelles Is cmupte presents par l'Admhnktratenr de I '!Ite sue's lo' a nernut polint approuv st bhmologue, cs fonds enors see mains renarils comformrmnt a sit compte. Par srdre de Ix c,lur, .5 1014 J. I.KETIY, Depnt0 Grerir. NO,'IC , To TAX PAYElI•,--The uttdsr- eng edColiec tor of rtste Taxes d1r a hereby not0y all persons indebted to the Staue for taxes for the yeur 1558, and Ishve for licensee rfe the yoar 19, wit',In the Fourth District of this city, to call aihis oftee. (4corder's Cen to, firt floor,) ,f nd playthesame within the time proesrtb-d byb law. O•CO hours,9 A.M. t 3 N. . GEOROE MENS. AN, Of" Sollactor Fgour• t District, SVIS AUX CONTPIIUAFlI. IE.--•eso tsl- gne, Cotlee~eur de taxem d' RIut, nolle par te present a tone coxqui dudvent ties tAes a P'Etit pcnr tlonosiIe 1,53, at des taxes de ieeuse pour I'lllane. 1.59, d,1:1M te lea llhen rn Q,latri- e:ne Ilstrlet, de ecnir a nonbellsn (toar doRecon r•,-, pre. ilnr 6t1g9 ) et de pa) er lea ditea taxes dans Is delai prme r t 1,,r 1a 0 oi.Ileures doi bureau. 9 A. Ida 3 P. M. GEORGE I.•NSMAN, t" fe26 20t Collecteur Qomatrieme District. t ON][TIC]•, 'PO TAX PAYN:RD, within that parl ,,1' ihe Parish of Jffrraun, loft bank, ui er tll url s- diction of the P,die .Jury.•N,)i 'e (R hereby given to a.per, ,e sons, wrhethe, rrldeut or non-rexdentoF te el'arsh ofJeffereso, A loft bunk, who oae llahlu to the puymtnt of t.xe., impo-ed ae- e,rning to:w for tie year )859, by the Police Jury, %r the r u1e or •adt'arktsh of ,0i17tr n. Irrf bI.t, that ll *tch P., •h 1-les walt be duo O'l TUF:SDAy, the 15tl day of Mareh, 1869. til Liwlhlin edthirty days thl era ftr ,thesaid t 4esr must bnpp1nid to Ithe unnersieded Collnetor, lthIls nece int , e Cout-•touse. town lo' Carrollton, in said parlith ;the, the unders ned will bs Sthere for the purpose of reeelelvng said taxes, and also aI par ah tan, Sremntinpg unpaid for the peee ling renrs eovry da", dur- i'g ,et tlhrty day, aaoreeaidd f.om 10o'elock A.M. t 2 'cock P. . And fulrther, thaat ot the explraton oer ald delay, a set of the perulla wha Lhall 1ha1 fnlied to pay the tares due by them, hh1h a be drawn up by :heundersgned Cullector. whose dot It rha I benoder the law to reis. and sell property of the delis- '. gen•, to pay end snIotfy the said taxes, with interest and eosts th, re, n. r Purihh of Jeffereon, Town cf (`"rr.,oll'",p, Jn. 15 194. J. J. GUIIERREZ, Colectr, nn Left tHIIk, Pa:rish of Jefler6os. 10 AVID AUX CUN -I-fiUAorELE dons cetto r padtle de Ix Paroi.+e de Jefenraoso rive gauche, suJette l lI loalts too do Juri dePulice.--l'ar ltopresentz aeie toutes per- aonnex reehsentes uu non-rh~l~tenles doit parolsse Jeffersm, gal solt tenor, an paten, ent de axes ,mponsu don or et lot, p'ur I'annsbu lg59 par le ,Hurl de Police de Is dire p rlnsae Jeftfron. riwv gauche, toet ntntife s ine ins dites taxer ,eront Sdue. idater de Mi, R)I, le 115dte mrn l-59, lie danelea trepta Joulo qu[ sulvro,,t le dl, 15 de ml0 ira ,l dimtel ,xee demront gRe )'patyb au eolleeleu" ao':srign• it onbulreau laMaisoo de )'ou r dnrla lailla deCarro• tn anl done l ire ps are e.eop l I'effetd'v ree.volr lus dites t , I. e ol signbA eon burealt cheqe jo+,r pendant ten trente Jonur tusdois, depulo i0 hour. A. M, ja' I'd l etre, P M. F.t rll I'a ixplral1n de co dclaf, onell)st dee personnea qul •l'annrnu pan "aye fen diteo raze, sera dres-e par le cullrtour. eq",lei prneildera rourormb ment k hodir et t vendre des biens A pprtenant maxdlin nn.,nts panrsl,, i sfare all| palement de le lunr dhces tao., de, i.lit ert WL lea rate. Pari,;e J, ffrteo Villa lie Iarrollton J~nefer 15 1869. ilsn.~,, J. Ji OUTIE12RXh},, eolltletp ur, hn S.yCaD Dlb., 9 COURT 2 SU9CC:SSbI7 OF MA RTHA ANN orN.,4 419rl1909. I').1 ASON-No.. 9.747. OTIC is 4hereby gfo'la to the Creditors of thishl Exttlt, xnd to n oilr pesn heroin Inlterested, toalhow citttse withiln ten du)'s fromn thle p-out ent natiiention,, IPany Lbhy hive or cn, why the account p9,999994 by the T904 a- mu999xo9, topii.,u of thin .p494e ,9h0d not b91 ho n.1,g ted and .pp ,o, Ii Pafnds distrib99,d 9n accordance therewith. By order of the Oo'' .. L. KiOILY, Deputy Ckrrk Deuror94 C009D 4 DisTRICT I9U09nni9R7ON DK MARTIIHA I .I Nbon rlc-O99ln AnNN POARSON-NY 9,747. SVIS eat p rar le present donoe uxe creen- Sciers doIx 11,d it tlu Huu e Prolt, nts tmes nus penumera quo -la, pent conearni~r. d'avoir dbdluir8 sousl diX Jour,d da-R ter -e "a P''b,:nt Pnblletoilon ten I,,on, poor Insquelies la 9,99pto pl999ti 9 r a'r 999ec99ten 'Cfemeio,..y do iodike yur- eeaslun, ue amlh point up roavt at homoloir eb, at lea fonds eut a .. .it i art arli conlrrubmant an diI compte. fe26m3 7 "T. L. KETLY, DbpntB rrefer. 9994999.99TRICT COURT IJSUCCESSION OF NIy. F.lIZA- orNew Olrlex 9. vin A99IFI1l0-NN. 99,009. W HERE AV AsteGlllett ho. petltloned the VV Cult for 9. 9 4 9 e r 9rof i9tiv9949f9,94999994 9194U99999.9 o " the 949e o4 t99 late 9'. Eli09b..h A-oflid, de4eased9 i9 No:ire Is hereby given toall ahemo it mny conrern" to abowr o mss witlhin tun rawhy the prayer of .he aid 9etitioner sh~ould pot be Crrael. Byorder of the o9uts. J. L. KELLY, Deputy Clark. D049499a Cou 0999e D9494994 2U SUF991AnN DE Mc, 991-. 949 Is 9ouvrll19.90a..9, 'LABETH AR99lEl9D . No 911,086. ATT N:9 ' sine Asa Olllett a preeente an. petition tt ti C djua I'etlet dce-lenr Ise Leltre d'Esdu Tyti 99iit99 ,49 Bk, la c ..9ioude face Y'm E9ll9 bobh A1Arm.1, 1b11d a 9nt yat.t-- Avlr eat in, 6pa l pribrrat dotlnb B tons teas q ue eels peat oo.- cerner, d', 099Bd dhd,9,e 994 di 9 9y4r, ten 4is 04s pour Is,. q 9ells9 II 799 -craf p9 ,919 droit ItIs dice pb9999oo. Filr ordee de In Cour. 7479 m4 9 J. L. KELLY, DSpo00 Gltoff. 17 tit'. ORE bWYRUDP-yrhclt barrne 9, d 10Gallop ,26 16 choice Baltimore Qrlde n R o ! & Q0 .

~Bittler. AL ~719 ~el~~ ~Orecowell..44 filetoj 41T e - ^xo.i Yat:s~b'i , Bat ha t si:i } :; o Robinson, fetettbat#in the III , i eemol r,46beleeoottooto Ai wtoo o&edfor TO: Be si 140s

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Page 1: ~Bittler. AL ~719 ~el~~ ~Orecowell..44 filetoj 41T e - ^xo.i Yat:s~b'i , Bat ha t si:i } :; o Robinson, fetettbat#in the III , i eemol r,46beleeoottooto Ai wtoo o&edfor TO: Be si 140s


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Robinson,fetettbat#in the

III , i eemol

r,46beleeoottootoAi wtoo

o&edforTO: Be si

140s babet

mitolm to A

cot tonbbl

`> apotO 400.bblefialu 1'YO 40 des

8$4 actiomses to

JOf wine1d014

20 16 1lBlOre-


100 bblapork

XLtaeoh ken..go rt A co..70

iObdoe Bot89 hhde.meatKennedyAk


e k Yo-1 tH fLoor to92 born bbl.

A Wise..22b oe ad'r E& ~Bittler.

pp4mdseJJ B liley &w


s kpo..9 do to90 belecotton.l

~719 bolafoor to toenndyka..180 do t

09086l~ 00perrle Brothera rdrd Hoot

Hwa-i hite load Dizk Ran.Kate ko .21 bdtb collaxt2

11.0 feather J 8 Holden o coJ0101e pork Mnodeville k

leo l. #lolwoey amrkoo. o0ww1bes otton otoobdsto-

''. Iewrtrbe. 184 bale cottonIf -Buokner, Steatoo A Neow

OvAOnce .J 65ns ken aen.a

,';, , , Foley k Avery..5-Bedbd.6 do~Orecowell..44 do

"34 do lMoaee3 d doareesn


kAne.7 Her-J perons k

I Otooeils'A

1AIIW. hi


".5 - Alien


lft bales.1d7 1eforioweoo. .110

!F 0 8 ,lea Pj, wi0... 48 hd0'

- ..19 lot i•te o4. Atw e e..o. j o tbFber b192Sol d Wol .. do o Kpeacato

OR&1pat0 Oa3 Ss 3 DPeed..... 49 co 6•0.60141 bales cotton to-12s boo. Do.68 Toln dato,

- &•..18 AD Henkle&co..1-

,6 ooo..l 8 & p .l noS..to o ner.. hhtds ..

Wa:Hit b..o o Bdlloq,i WodoCallte &co.. do Ag

ogo}. bo o19 Voohrldes, Grlsok beeowax..dioon..Ido K Carter

m de toorder..Total 600 sbales cotton 9

HINSATL.Steaer ebMaath.. 5 tbales cotton06 t Am..9 do Feos leo..MBndlsy,

sooLi4 Davis, Jenkion boo..22 J l G Croi-1 o8Olilon o..h1 AD Herkie boo..4ll-1' 0..1so Grea n o Cimpde.U1 Jno-ro 1 oy teo..9 b0 J F Bardaulelt..8s.Vna boor-4 kBsBradyba. 3I do Hughes,

3 RobsaonA~len..2 A D Kelly loo

. & r 1To..s t lhorder.. bds h d .to

ib ons do CTate boo..1 do Wa A

.Job-lesbo.46 bosns sa Voobaslae, rlgs boo..eL Ua4Order,..BTtel•a• bales sotton

ICa NHATIPB..teamer Monarbh. 19 toe barsmJI oo .5• lzedyarn Fo F olger hoo..•,

S to Pristlel Be8 bbi .10 bolasses candlesA o deo . B10.0 bbls w obanbble Wm

8 leaMIber O N..t bales 90t bD c n o s.9 bblsoless Sohnetder 1 Wise..9 rolls

ee kt at boi..To10 cast bacon 1a Geddees..41,t1 dHBbtooUI& o.O90 tesbars Bard Caufield

A LoD. O bfNs beer Th esaeb. :5 9 blt hiskyLB P8aeeso,o.bto hSmi 10 ib ba•tter to Bsuamr

.bbe o• o AW. m ..We8s bbl pork 1 balfI. J o.sia doo 9128 bgl malt assacht

# pkmdse PH Brlnton boo..8 toeb9u40 ltlOw B Wrtght loo. :162 bblwbhiskyB .Reegar ;bo. 10 to hamrs CooW r b Nesbert..148U po aroe

p mokies, StantoBt Newman r..eodooi bt o dder.;

LA••O• R CO.. Steamer nsio. .lS hds sgar losbblbs bsses ' o Folo be o A1 ry..9 bbhds sugar1 bhbimolamee e 1tamrpEtier..40 bdescogar

29bbb M4hf1bh moleses Mba Kook bco. .11 hbdsaere aoo Bqoy bloo .. 10 do 10 bbls e olasses toot"te bThtbeast..8 6 bbleomolasses A I Torn.

bwo.oSO do PA Giraud.. 11 bhdsesgar Wit.karebco..o ldoE eBrogter.. l0bbl molasseso WThn 6 doDarby & Tremol et..t.. do Hail,

Bltdd Potoam..16 do to order. .20 bbls sugar JnoWil•nms boo..20S bales moss br DPslunt boo.. sn.

b a. to order..Total 16 hhd soger 689 bble 50 hlt

ATTAKAPMI A O..tesemer TD B •ne..29 bble muisesee to Patton, BSmith b Putnan. .29 bbds sugar to

-- kton. o ..86 bbls molasses G Gordon Jr..lb hbdsguaridellowe boo..12 do 18 bblo molasses toWest,

YHOtsribla. 38 b1e molasees W b D Urqobart.. 2144 asos '4.0 bblemolaeses Lobit b Obarpentlor..20

ailoassgar Hala, u0 & PMnoan..l d s bblo muo4tB tliver..2 ahhds sogar Hays, Saunders bco

JO bales cotton to Edward Pillsbury. sundries too .Tot 11 bale cotton 179 lhhds suggar 216 bbls

VERMILIJONaS..teamer elmra..24 bales cotton•locq, Notbom bo .. 10 do Gifto, Smedes boo..4

Gordon l Costello.. HaD Saug.. dr dboo.. 3 bbls•olsees Darbye bTremotB se..5 do Toledano WTay.

iorM. .1o00 bdes I bale do Robertson, Donnt do.. 25ra eggs and undri• s to order. .Tota l1 bales cottonbbls molase..DONALD9ONVILL.. Stesmer CD Jr..24 hhds

78 lsbblsmolassesP Moperro. .61 bbls molassestrhrnttde boo..210 do A Miltenberger boo..63 bls&Ii'bad esa Lart' b BoCall..3 bade scgar Roman,&Kerlon. .16 bales mess to Lord b Coons .. 2 peoosetting Leedsboo..oondries to order..Total 30 hhds;i~ar 867 bblarmqlaees 63 bbls sugar.

LOWER COAST. Steamer Helle Gates..100 bbdssoprWLobtooon..4odo E SobtFfbo. .llbblsdosugtrJY deEgana. .Slbbdaogar to WbJ ontgomery..d doJ DDnegre. .2 do Byrne, Vance ooo..80 sorictoArvset 1c75dodosasbrantoW EThocopson..22 bdlo hoops Degroy boo. oundries toolder..Totat 240 hhda mgar 12 bblo do.


RAILRRAD....From Canton...23 bales cotton toLoFarland & Barkodale..13 do R L Adaims &co..23

Robeon & Allen..8 Payne, Steele &co..1 CampbellSStrog..23 Lewis A& Ogleaby..6 West, Villarie &00o.69 Thornhill &o..3 A J Tully &oo..19 Warren,Gilmore &co..4 do Patton, Smith A Putnam..8 do

Walker, Hutchlngoon &co.. Total 189 bales cotton.


ate.azahlpa Wm Rathboneo........... 42d3

tlantiole.................. Point WIld Cat ................ point

=_mloa.................. 7944 Wellington ............... 174d

alhoun .................. ld Windermere.............. 401

-- veston .................- dl Wm Ne],o..............prit

en Rek ................- 1 W Jrvs ............... 4 S

o .......... . -dl Wms Wetherie ............. 0401

................-- dl Zambt.............. GrtnPhtiadelph

i h.............. dl

-Barka.ihlpa Aie Kilmboll...........65d4

Arhur................... Annl...... ........ pontAddled .n............... finds etndeln ................ 21dl

Asnd. .. p A A Adams...............18dAngjoalt ................. 1811 AlMbanma.................. 61d3T .,. 00. .. ................ 0............ d

m .. M .................. s32Atfi hr; d......::: . lilera I~~. iAdam ......................•6d43llin ................ 1..2;da m .................... 4 B F ntal e............ ...... 193 1 1InYi Ladl ............ 4d2 Rfrllrlra ............... 764A~rd2402Io~s ~ o"•If r tr. ............ .8dl Cu le na .............. otntA" lOn p ................... 44 Oobtt tl................ pointl

saori ................... 040 CM ........ 2......... d2"esollta ................. 50d Rter ..................... 0ld3Brmlal ................... .01'4 Eventide................. 654EBetr .................. point llebeth..... ............ 2dl

8 Kimb1ll .............. 3d1 EllenI Morrslom........... Od1,ommdoe ............. 430 R 30 r.. ............ 2701

08 Poll ............. potntao.............. 20.. 50Cblmtormm ....... ...... point Gabriel ............. ,.......--anolomls ................ 5poi4 e atita................23d1hlroUle melth........34 Griffon .................. 282lo•s ................... .4 GoW ll.............. e d2Ohli ...........A a nnton..............point

SA awell ............. vH T Vad.............. SdtCor................. un..........1! A S s.. .. d272

aembr ............... .. 42 Jo Denham.............. .741dlonlr.................. ,lJ L Dlb.............. ctalaert e .. ........ 4. ' Jero. ................... plntle0 in.......... 6104 J Brockmn........... tSll

Outto Planter ............ Sd K ron .................. 17di,l0tl8 or ................sosl s t....................posnt

DH Waen ............... 74 in................... dDetmr ............... 40(1 Magdalen................ptDatobleA ............... 724 on Vrnono............point

r0t 5aven .............. 101 Nevarlit.......... -2OSherma ................101 Nenmele.............pont

point Nicholas rn......... 26•eeltlor ................ ........... ..... point

lk th llelio.......... d 4 Providence ............... 4dfmlosedaa ............. 474" P/ ...... . 76,4A Bright........... .. point evolutio ............... 2d2El• Owen 5......... ..... 24 oy....................6011

te001............ 404. slan................... 701.. l•d HAuum ............... 61d 8er dt•...............28d

59,or..................,39dl Simeto .................. 35d2S ............ 0 . .. ................SA I ............ 31 paso................ 2R D Petr ............... 404l0, a Breese .............Algierl0n3 B l .............. P4 lerphla............... .12

Frrr r ....... ........... d Tr ..................18OmG .. ....... n l a ...................... 22dG4let .................... 302 Vanedor.O............... -- 2Om Wat ................ M4VItr...................533d

old agle ..........I... 3 Warren................... -orta............... polW Henry ............... d2

a rt. . .. ... .... pi n

Hae r .. po.0341 Drt g..H delber .. .............. YsA bal ................... 2&12

Forhton . .. :..........482

.aam ook .............. A tnBri.

A M Aye ............... 4843 A A Chapma ............ -- d2

Heanri .................. 48dS Ann............. ........pointIndMdsa ....... .... .................t bIoe ......... ................ i

luMl.............. 04 APten ............... gl

oh & Altbrt........... lo .................

J ra Wat ............. d01 Ct ................. 1

hno AAlbrt. .............. pint Cuter& Pollur ............. 43

oJn Wal ............. 440 astern t..............Sod2

.o1b t .. le.sons e ....... 5........ tPTJ lleWhrt......... 1 prn ............... PTJ• e .Wh............ 03 05n ....3..............ponttJYo o............... 44 dmssod.................d4Joe Dyer. 0............... e•]1na ............... 0"P

. ........ ....... p no .m .............. ot

a ................. 20.. 614 tsou.................0.. -00

Xsltssgt .;;:::v' S~issy,,:,,: 0'erct . OT=

R0atye ................... ' rld .............. 3005

Laa ................... 0 A 00 re0 ea.........2....-2S..................... d1 J ,1 . ................ 1 4 ld

t.o•'• '• nyr............ St131iombe......i.............. poini• or ncl . ................ 4 i 7ortb .................... oig

Msedto ........... V uti.

M. ..... o ........ .4 Ai tl ............... •4

mY •ro sm ... ............... 4•4 l en t '"l a ................. 76d4

Mn rh .... .......... . Hera te wart ...... ... r10Mea ..... ... .... . .. ; .•4 N ur .. ............ . •12Mary d h ..4 Ad ,.... 3 .oth..............

. . 2p. ,,

M ddmh~n ................ 441,d N ui lus................... 23,

o IM]t.as ... .... 12............

Marte """"""""""" 341Perevrace....... lger

.mo ................. TdR T me .................. 19,2Yagolla ................. 77. Tw . . . . . ,Monticello .......... ~ ......6044 ..................Mwtebrter ................ 4 TAylr5 1MMon dcno..................... M ay .... 16d2Mmthon ................. 03 Meooner.Nomamy ............... Areade ............ 1612North4m, pt ...... s....... 342 Alphone ...o. "142N(or den .................... 0243| srrt nte ...............--4N LArtbee ............... 48114 r111d :nt '....... . .--

Nel on ................ .. .point• llr h....s... .........Naremberg ............. 2.4d Co] Loiter............... 16l1

rp e ................... am o . . .....Conr P.ha............. "..7d1]Capt sl uden........... "." i~snOwrd ................. 0.M102 0,e.....s....."p

Ooa r id .. ... 2Rpe ....... on Prndate ..... ............. '-7d1 Rd Barnmerd .............. &0,P-TPo, Oar ........ ..... 653 te 8 Ads............pointPagnita .................. 14d4 .,'Eclart.................. rdPT]laar bents ............... 42diFawn.................... 2dPTPit e 84th ............ ;48d ~i 4 elena.................... basin. ma ...................440 0rne ....... ...... basin

S .. . 1 etalf .............. 16dS.................sp t W F r.................LPO

a0y........... enrsy .......... 19,2S..........,........7404|I•nrlo ............. 02dl

Odeet ................ A lesInvloniblei ............... buR Ji, .............. 0423J 7 Gwu ............... 85nb .............. •J H Toone ........ 4........d

Blld .............. ;, 4J T Johuon................642S . ............ 411i Marl (ic1•.............16d!

......... ~.......... 84 A Jobm.... .........-.1ist Per..........,........ ei nhart ............... 29dlrL..........p..pet Har......y.......poititaal t.............. 30, 16iOR"Beac ............ Din

m........ ...1 1 P06011 4............. . LPTtl i ...........GOuma 01a1 .................... IT6

4. . ............. LT........l..................d 5..................s ds

Smi 0 ams .............-. 0a .............. .bdn: d ... aa............... --- 1•lRafro'k.................... Lp

'flos J ............ 4411 H Tm .....od ... L[PT............. ..... 04 I te o.................... PT

olblt. ............ ... 1.......bsT s m ............. 41v ea ... 1.2.. .".'Wi.''" r ................ 66•1|W W Hatrkwa.......... : 144ve rg ................ poiut


ROUTZ00to .10 "eeh V NOiTlTbt 5 In4RAB•T. . i

ad N. ORLEANS LTGHTNING LIN.oaipoeedof the lollowcg uonryosd pesso•• r packetb :Diana ....................... A. T. matr.

tlol p .................... 0. Hd Y l., meets..ron airno ............... wUIdtwmd, msmo.

IIe ............. .. A MGfll, meaer.Woifoed........ Mons r I m. n el. r.alete .F. ,...G Dos, sa.ted..

Ohoht.. .................. Job F. Ldoado, mstd .Pe an m nI tho e bhove boma lvli rularlyu

A pla the =tire seas makin duct oouwoti&D atand TNJIGNULPH No. Ss oad aid poobokets oootlng at Cln.e tandtt .th bLtlots Miml Railroad., rad no Oectlonsfor

The botle ao bkoo.lum to t• pooblloe 0. t .l0l

orT l T3 Good t•oti o ll hreo oed, an so id by thatboat at 0e0tblied and unifoErm raes.

AAOBOA checkeod thbot•h. snd oohoargo Ior handling.Soention tinob etoo d o or from the depots to bobth .

For y Inormtlon or throub tioken pokets to o Lout.rllSt. d Cieolsonat, and thenoe by the Little Mlmi Railroada od t omeooaUoom to al polnta North and Eat, apply to

JOSEPH . PAGAUD. Tikoet afsnt,1 ST. Cbt le street, torno Unio,

!Jl! 0h m tm sto asove St Chrle Hoel.

Leau on MONDAY, March 7h, at 5 P.S NUR LO SlMO L.tt.-- The light.

draSeoht Simer. Robert J. Ward. Capt.Ieb19 Miacrh ml er. rwll Ioree a bove, tor

Louisvlle anod all intermediato IndIon. For Se•ght or pu.sge apply o board or to

TflOMAB KEEFFE. Agont,fe4 No. 2r5h 0 oler street.

SA pa of the cAb ootan be oees, adstaeooms aecred,by appiying to met gelt..

Lea. of MONDAY. Sth st.. at 5 P. M.ClneOllai oand New Orlensot 00re0 Line.

llp FOR CINCINNATI.-THE FINEin pasg 'Or packet steamer Moneroh, Johni A Willtmno. muter, will leaveao abov,. For

tte pr e pply IEGINIUS 0. DNNTZIT.

4 Advertlsi•N Agent.I L IN .eo0 MONDAY, Mrh 14, at I. M.

SNow rleans and laosni.vl I lghtnng Li,.FOI LOUISVILLE.-THE FINE

. .greu'ar passenger packeot l•an. Ed. T.iSturgeon, uter, will leave for LoaooUel and

all onormedlst landlng u above,. For freight or pemagesp m O n boad, or to

o bedor tOBELL, BUCHANAN A CO., Agento.No 57 Foyoraseteree,.

A plan of the cable m hoo senood os . Broo eomue dby spplyteg to the a.gentl.



-To .11 Polnte-


St. Louis Cairo and New OrleansRAILROAD LINE.

Comprlolg theb following NEW sndELEGANT PASSEBGER PACKETS:

Wil leave Nw O rleans su follow., during year 1800:Wm. M[. Morrlison....... Capt. otaner.

Feb. 11, Moch 3 end , April 11. May s and 2 Joun I1, JulyS nad !1, Aog. 10 and 20.

Chmpon ............ .Capt. .E .B. More,.Feb. S, March b and , Aprll 14, May 4 and 24 June IS, July

saod2. Aog. 1. 'Imperiall..................... Cpt. Rogran.

Feb. 16 troh 7 and 2, ApI 16., NMay 6 and 26, Joune 15, Julyand 25. Aug. It.

J. . Swon....................Copt. Jone..Feb. 17, March 9 od 9, April 18, oy and 28. June 1i. Julo

1 anda7, Aog. 16.Aleck Scott.......... Capt. R. A. Reilly.

Feb. I9, Maroh II and $1, April 20. NMay 0 and N. Juno 19,July and 29, Aug. I1.

New Fals Clty............ Capt. Woods.Feb. 21, March 15, April 2 and 22, May 12, Juue 1 and 21 July

11 and S31. Aug. 0.New Uncle Sam........... Capt. twiisr.

Feb. 25, March 1, April 4 end .24, a 14, June S and 23, July1S, Aug. 2 and 2.

John Wallsh............ Capt. J. Molley.Feb., Msamh 17, Apdrl6 and 26. MYn 16, Joune 5 and 25, July

15, Aug. and 24.Cityof Memphit..........Capt. Kontc..

Feb. 21, March 19, April 8 and 28, May 18, June 7 eand 27, July

Gladiator................ Capt. Kdnerellter.Mre I and 21, April lO and 0, My ', June 9 sad B. Joly

19, Aeg. sad S.'Pooaoe•0r0 eCn rely thai, accrdlng to te above schb.

due, theb Ltm Boodt alil make DIR•OT conect'one atCalro and St. Louas

-With the-0105 AND M ISISSIPFI

ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROADSFor all Towns, COt• .. od Watering Places 1. the

North. East and West,Fronm Caliro to . Paul, In the Northwest. and to Wshing=

to0, Raltlmore, Pblladelphs. Noew York, Bostoo. Saratog, Ni-ssara PFall. Monetl., Qouhe and lPortland, in the Northe•st.

lfare as Cheap Time as QuickAnd with Iwo chansp thanb by any other route to the North.

W-THROUGH TICEKTS good until ued.h.-BAGGAGE CIECKED THROUGH, and no bcharge foIO-For Info;maton or Throgh Tickets apply at the

UNION TICKET OFFIOU.Under th. St. Charles otel, New Urlesns,

Thb Old0t E0latbllbshd OSoe In the Bouth,o sd the only on0Tbhe Plas of the B oat' (Coblns soa be ose, Stalerooms 00ceuored. and THROUGH TICKETS p-rehosed to .11 Northernand Easterns CUles. W. E. REDDING,

flol t General Agent.

Leaes on SATURDAY, March 5, at 5 P. M.St. Loits, Csairo ad Ne i Orlieans Rallrad Line.

• FOR $T. LOUI.--CONNiCTING ATSCairo witLLh the Bllno] Central, and at St. Loni.M with the Ohloand Mississippi Risroad--The ine

regular pasesger Lpacket Champion, i. MB. Ioore,master, stil leasve for St. Louis and all -ntermidlate indingsehove. For frepight or psge Lppliy on board.

VIROIMUS C. DRNTZEL,tei8 Advertising Agent.

Leaves on SATIURDAY, the 5t last., at 5 P. M.SREiiUL&54 ST. LOUSii AND MIS.sanril River Pseket.--The fins ad elegant regu-ilr pussnger steamer s eteor, T. E. Drifeu,

muter, will leav for Si . Lois, Misrori river, St. Joseph,..asas Cilty, and all Intermesdiaste landings as aboves. ForIreight or pauses apply on bord.VIROINIUS C. DERNTZEL.

mS Advertising Agent.i-The Meteor offr L great Indnc mi nts to persons bound

for Piske's FPeak, s hbe will go direct to Knsasn ity.

L.eaves on MONDAY, 7tist .SP. M.St. LouiLe, Csiro aid Nw Orlead. Railroad Line.

FOR ST. LOUIS.- onuetllug at CairoSwith tbhe Illnias Central, and at 8t. Louie withthe Ohio and MlllIsnti Railroad. The flns

ri llerss packet Hegawglht. R. F. Dix, master,will leve for tS. Louis and ail intermedal i landings as above.For freight or pa age apply on boarld.

VIORGINIUS C DNTIZRL,m5 Adveriils ,i Apest.

Lvei, on PU'DAY, fish inLt.,lt L0 A M.Lmav FOR ST. LESUIS, KANISAS AND• Nbraska--Thos plendiid, itai running p5seen.gier pseket Peliees, J. 5. Biasell, maier,

will laes . or the above and all nltrmerIal laud i girg is above.For freight or passge applyI on bord.

VIRLINUS C,. DCNTZEL,m5 Asvertliug Age t.S rhe Peerless will take freight for all points on the MlS-

-ourl rier without res',ipping.

Leaveson WEDNESDAY, 9th ins,., at 5 P. M.St. Louis and New el ins, Railroad Line.

• FOR ST. LOUIS.-iONNE 'TINO ATCairo with the Illinois Central and ati St. Louiswith tbhe Olhio & Mlssippi Railroad--The fine

,iegular ps enger packet Imperial, W. S. Rioeis,Lter, will leae for iSt. Louts ni all iermediate landings

es above. For freight or passae appltyiS busrd.YISSINIUS C. DEiLTZEL,Mo Adsvertising Agent.

FOR OPELOUSAS.Liaves on RATURDAY. 5th inist. at 12 n'rloek.

SDes sleies, (.i Iir si the wae willi permiti--Tbe new ate-mar Aline, Cgpt. W. C. Neal,

llh leave as above. For, frlgh., or paiuage apply on board,or to J. M. JOItNiTON At Ci).,

•i No. Front Levee, n-ir uetomhionse street.


W nw uErton, i. E. Iouailller, master willI lav as abovi , Ltaking freight for Old Ilver,

SimmspD and all ilandings on the Atchafala.ya also, takin,pss .i, ner for Donuidovlles, Plaqueminess Baton Rougs PortLdsn, Bayou Sara, Morgus and moth of HReits Rior. Forfret it or plssage apply on bord or to

J. M. .OH NRTON & CO.,No. 3 Front LeVee,

di1 it near Customhouse street.


sid Black River, Floyd and Triniy and all ihid-inei on iayoi lacon and Tsen.s and Bltck

Riienr, tiLe steamer Dick Nash, edward Jo,,s., master, J.W Muoe, clerk, will leave i s above. For freight or ptiigi ip.piy on bord, or to

VIROINIUS C. DENTZL.I5 iAdvertlsing Agent.


BREAaad CRAG ieo BAK(ERS. kadPS w iiieestreeit. Newi Orlean,

Ssperit AMERICAN ORAgLKNRS, BISCUIT, warrantedrsR ofsaleratiuor pi y drags inulurio to health.H. D. D Co. skeep eonltatly on hand a large ussortments

Bread and (rackrk .iotireasd Coffi ikoeho , e Bissuits, Water Crackesn,

Navy Brea, Sugar Cirackiers, od"Ii i, hrer,Wi nsBa, Buat uCrikes, Pit-Nii, etc., ets.,ieanuh Rlssit., BuiterCraekers, ie.Allmade byssehieri. at the oweatmarketpiirices. myl liy

N oSTe ,ln i ,i•LAV S, D0rAO'I',i COML1Onstreet New Orleans.-He be•ps ioiaitfyi on hand i ndforssl b Mechnanis, Field Hands., Cbk,, Washes Ironier, soiiOneiseul iionusioerens. Alns bu

ys an ssiih

eA ii, on ou stiilon. Havring oi sered the famlily partothe lge the seeter building to thre ube of SlaJee, hen mlde IIhe bet depot In the city, end ;yell furnished far the sommfrlof Slaw|,

dltl .FORTZR.SJ. B h. SiA'ISIA•WS sg LU.--,.•.

gI RIAEL TRIMMINGS, everything nesiiarss fortliding ansd Respiring Oirrisgeu, spt fiorli

LEi seashslefor Cans e Carts sodg Drys, wibh inch PiL.ild Ntls, et No. it iravii r street. New i iS si s. ss.ll is

II$rOIUL TION--Tub PARTN ERtLIP IiERETPO-fore exiising between the undersgnetd inder the name of

GOODRICi ilO. is this day diisIied tI iiottle eoeut.Eiher passtner will sign the Dame ofthe fim ill llquldation.


New Orleans, Fesbruary 199. K

I)PA'TN5IERSIIP--TILE UNDERSIGNED, ASSper act dep ited in the Ree of Recordser of Mortggs

hae this day entered into eyarsnershp and will continue theWholesale Grocery and CommlssL.i bu eiiss under the sa

me and Ityle and at the same plane ss heretofore.JOHN C. GOODRICH,HENRY L. GOtDRICHiBYRON M. POND.LOGAN MieKNIiHT

ParFier in commuensm.New Orleans, February 1, 9. feli

*aR, HU4H LUSLAN BECOMIEd A PARTNER INLIe oirhouNthisday. Th stle of the firm rmsairus nIliunged. COOPIR & NEIRICiT

27 and 49 C:ommoa street.Nsw Orleans. Deombser 1, 55. dl tf

PTfENlWJEIN--0I oas H kel A ui itie, ifor ,ale bySiL siss Onssu Mud W LF . is.fe21 oeera Orarivr and New Lavee sta.



bot.-For JefsrS,,, Smiltblad, Shrevepo.t,Gtrd Bayou, C(ample, Gnd Rem and Alex.

Fo eih o asae applw board*V~RI~5lNBlRC. DRMURL.

few GINIQB AdvrtisingAgent


____Natchitoches .nd Alexandrla Rgu'la.1 WeklyPacbket-Tb. ne. .pl.dld ..d fast remains

Siu,.wpacket EaPS. . vi. RSB.nt.. m.uter, wll lave0worg.onu'a Pl5,.1,5.moth of310,55 Caw 3i.1,0.oli, Al...

s jdr ,s.rm,'.. B..bn's, nd ll intermediatl landhils, ev-ery sDNESDAY .t1 P.M.

The new, legant ad swift running pas roge packet Per-lou. J. C. Dowtp. muter, ill lav I for GrSnd BEr,. Natch-Btoches Tiger Islan, St. Matoa , odlog' trading Mott.gBs.uy, Drand'., and R,.ton's Ludb.l g 0.15,..'.lanta-tion, muoth of Cns. Rive., Cott, Al.ldi,, Norms.'. B.r-bins, nd all Ltarmedlat landless, s, every ATURDAi,at 5P. M.

Forf.lgbt or p.usag.pply on board, ortMUSE A BRO.. Agent.s

dIR C..,.,0moa Gd Front strata

Luves on SATURDAY. March 5, at P M.SSHRE VEPOH'IA'1'D NEW OR-

leata Tri-W..klp P.,bet Lbsn-Tb. now an*1 61 8 AgJi pasenger p105.1. t .1 r Oland

-D e Benet pplegate, mutear, will leave as above,for Shreeport, Gand Bayou, Capt.. Grand B.tr, Alex..drie.s,-Norm n's, Srsbia's and .11 way labl... Por. futlhr,-imformatfon freiht or passage noyon hardor to

G. L. KOQiS A can be a Agents 2 Front street.slot A pla of bar "bin can be coon and appicaionoms secured

10.meo. dlht... by dispatch or letter) by appllcation at tlbWrite. fe2nti L2


_______ MT.-For Jefferson, 8mlth1,0. Benton, PortCaddo, b's a'a nd Mcoring'lr Ilmdloge, and

all lnObgs.n tb. Lab.. Al b.p, S Dhrevport, Grd B..,,uCamille, Ored Ecore, Alarmddl, Barbln a and all Interme-diate l.nd1,g. on Red .1,,, and the Lab... The b,., ligbhdoor ght steamer Sallie Robinsp on. 'a Power, mortar,will lat as bove. For (tIl' It,10(ri .50 . ally an board.d

1 Adertutbbun A.ent.

L.1s,.. on TUESDAY. Sib fat.., A P.M.NFOR RED RIVER.-THE AROU-

1.15,. w1ekl, packe' Lud ldleg J:O. Do..'.L m. ane',wil l5' e forb adnd Moorel Nul Is.dtoehhl. St. Nsmrlee Perrot's Landing, Moutg~omsel. Dnrand'sand Bnutan'e Laotit lue, Moth of Cane river, Cottle, Alsran

i Hd rirer, asabove. For fright or passage apply on

VIROINIUS 0. DENTZEL.ms Adve0rtilng Agent.

Leaes, on TUESDAY BSlbbit. t b P. M.Orle SHRl Erf i1PlyOR1kt~m AN EW a0,1,,.,.R T~l.W.,bLy P~lIL I,.-Tcb. a

magnificenloet passenger packet steamerLucy Holcombe, W. D. Batsman, musterlill Ileaveabove for Srblepor. ,rand 55751. Campte, rand ESore.,Alexandria, Norman's, Barbla's, and all way landings Forfurther Information and freight or passage, PplJ on board, orto 0. L. KOUNI A BROS.. Agents t gout street.

gA plum of her bin canbe soon and CLenroolr seured,0rom dl lual by displtch orletter, by applbicati a1 lbhe. ofceof.5 agent. ms


on Trl.Wubkly Packet I.l l.-Tb. ia, superbpassener stamer National, P. C. titttom-

y1., muterwdllIleabe as abo..forSbhreveport. O1.d Be-yon, Grand E~core Deeply, Alexandria, Norman's, Bsrbio'a.and all .y landing.. For lurbher ibformalb l and freight orpassage apply on board. or to

0. F.. NOUNS A BROS.. 2?Fron streetES'A pln of liar cabin can be teen, and e-ete-roms secured

10.1m a dll,,,. by dlispaLh or etter), by application at the of.See ofthe agents. mn

Luae ,,, SATUR DAY.1t S~l,,.,,tl , PM.SSHREVEPORT AND RAW ORLE-anxurl 1lWeekly acket Lin.-Thenoondmx

cancst passenger packet atatmer B. lg.Hod.., Job. Smoker, master, will leave Is abo.e Tor Shrb,,-port .Grnd Set,,,. OGud Score, CampteAledslr.. Nor.mau,., Barbl.',, and ,1l way lseIong..

For further luformotion and freight or passage, apply anboard,orto G. L. NOUNS & BROS.. Agent,

No. 2 Front street.4!D A plan of her cabin can be seen, and elate-rooms secured

l0,um a distanc by disputchbor le,1r), by applicatioS at thelbfgee of'ho usent m3


1.11,1, p. tlMBllar'. 51, Chuplg,.oll,, Wit.mington. Pigeon Hills MPoro, Marie Saline, At..

bama Landing, Bayyou Bartholomew, u(oth d'Arbooe, Trenlton,Moures, Pb, B517. a, stor'., Itlro bio, Harrlsonburg, Trinilyand 1,1 4as dog1.o Ouachita and d ,lack River.-Thb Boo and.n,1r7ly now passenger steamer CSaho..a, J. D. Waiker,mat5er.7,ll leave a1 abo

VIRUINIUS 0. DENTZEI..ms Ad,,rrlsing Aglnt.

Leae.a every'SATURDAY, ,15 P. M.No. Orl0,1, Moo,.. and Trenton Rtplarr Pcketl.

1 Fu~r TRENTWA~ONMONROE PINEBLUFFS, Caa01, l.ldingg, olCbubl., Hrr,,11,berg Trinity, ailt J nd all intermediate laodinge on

OuciaGd aeRirere-The raw, elegant and swift ran..,as p~assngor Booboo R. W. gIottae..rohn W. Tobin,comman.d,. P WorP , f lerr , igbls s above at 5 o'clock,P. M. Ffreight or passage oIIOINU C. DENTZEL,

fez Y Avrlieing Agent.Pleight token forU Bayous artholomeb and 4A~rboos,. witb

privilege of resipping.

uravee an SATURDAY. 5th lnst., at 5 o'clokP. M.54.OUAACHITA RVIIR.-For Plia PPoin -Pit-

-Mouth Bayou


Ouachita City,

PotUnion, Mouth d'Arbonne, Trenton, Monroe,:Pine Bluff, astor Landing, COolumabus, Harrisonburg, Trinity,and all lntetmsdiale landings on Lowerr Onaellita and BlackRi,,,n. Tb, , ig hb, draughl nd swift runnin packelsteamer W. W. Farmer, W. W. Rieber, =e1ter. 1. PS;~delde, clerk, will leave u above. For freight or feelingshaving elegant passenger accommuodations, appl on board.

YInIIOIIUS C.. TdENTEnL.15 AdsI,111ing Agct.

CUMBERLAND RIVER.Leaves on SATURDAY. 5tb inst. at 5 P. M.

F• R NASHVILLE , CLARKSVILTLE,Canton, Eddyvtlle, Dycusbnr , SmitblxndP-ducab, Cairo, Coltmbts, Hickmnn. and all tn-

rtsMdAate landings-The isne, light draught, regular packetMastport, E. Woods. master, will leae at above. For

right or passage apply on board, or toB. DUSFIELD, Agent,

m2 corner of Ft. Charles and Pcrdido streets.nap Tbe Eatport will take freight through to any point onennessee river, with privilege ef storint aud re-shipping.

leaves on WEDNESD AY. 9th inst., at 5P. M.

Canpon, h:ddyvsile, DyeusbnrK, Smtthinnd, Pa-


ducah. Metropolis. Cairo. Hitkman and Inter-

dl-w.e loudage--The new, Pant and superior regular passeo-er packet Red Rover, W. Strong, master, will leavehoue. For freight or passage apply n board, or to

B. IUFIt.LD, Agent,.m6 Corner of St. Charles and Perdido.

as The R R. will take freiglht tIrogh to ant point on

rennessee River, with privilege of storitg andt re-shipping.

ARKANSAS RIVER.Levsvs on t ATURDAY the 6th tMarch. at P. M.

SFOK ARKANSAS IIVER..-FORChoctaw Agency. PFort Smith, Oza.k, Sponut.i.ewtlburg, l.tme Rock, Pine Bluff. and all plnn-tatlon landings. The light draught steamer Arkansaaw,Jas. M. Bennett master, will leave as above. For freight or

passage, apply on board, m3

Leavet on SATURDAY, 5th Inst. atS5P. M.

SREGUIILAR ARKANSAS PACKETSTEAKM ER Ct ACTTANOOGA.- For FortSSmhh, Van Breon, IDardanneie, Lewhiburg, hittle

Rock, Pite Bluff, New Gascony and ail the ends--Tshe tpe-sior and swift ruTlmtg passenger steamer Chattaonolt.gJ. W. Harmonson, master, will leave ns above. For fro ghtr passage apply on board.

VIROINIUS C. DMENTZEL.mS Astertilueg Agent.

Leaves on SATU RDAY. 5th loat., at 5 P. M.* FUR. HOCTAW AGENCY, PORT

Smit, Van Bursa, izark. Rotse le,i 8 ptidr..da~d lle, Lnwisbu'g. Little Rok, Pine BIc:ff

and all utittation ant way lanlsti,-The ligitt drtiughttteamer Arkansaw, J. M. tentnet, ,ttr. iJ. H. Perry,lFrk, will iave as above. For freight or pass, go apply onboard, tt of Ciustomhosi e sieo.

YIRGINIUS C. DRNTZ•I.,mt Adiertising Agent.

ALABAMA RIVER.SFOR BLADON AND CULLUMSP'RINGS--Twiik T ce a weak-The stettaer Ad-Va. ,e SIaml. Alen, master, will letve for

ae nd Culm Springs twice a week, as f ollowsLeaves Mobills for RlAdoe an Cullum Springs and DemopogisAvery tSaturday ieveing, at t o'tclck.Loaves tobile for tadton and t ullum Springs every WedAes-

45y evening, at 4 o'clock.--Returnin--

I.eaves BIltdon and CulliM Springs every Tuesday and Thurslay evening, at4 o'clock. arrtving In Mobil every Wednesdayend Friday morning, at 5 o'clock,

For passage, apply toT. B. MITH, 4Tchopltoul street,

JA tf or SttMPSON & COtd K, Mobile.


THE SOUTIIERN HOIMESTEAD ;A Large Firlst Clas Illusitlrated


The Fourth Volume or this beauttiul nod popular Weeklytttstsstnitttiobtt.. ittstlbtlS.agtttm .tt tiSP.i

ouRt! will begi Jae i ry let. 1859t under the moat encour-Ring prospects. [t will .t that te, b

Greatly Enlariged,and several new and im rtaut featuret P5ddPdS which, togetherwth its handisome pictorial illustittlatns, must icree its pres.ant pnDpu arity.

A,}RIU:I.TURs-Tltis, as heretofore, will be the leadingeatitre of the "Iomestead," and lll he roudutedtiln a oa-r worthy oP the reat interest it delres to ets.. Every D

*rtme,:t of Southeln Agriculture will receive due antntion,xnd slneh systems ef cultivating the sol. stoek-rriting, And gen-.ral farm management promulgated, as hwae been tastedt bvpraetlcal w~eu and found worthy of adoption. A large ot ose orcontrlbtots are constantly writing for this department of the'Homestead."H O RTI(:ULTU P e--Thlidepeartrent is conotaeny filled with

excellent horteiultural and Pomoltegial informationz, and Ismilvt'rsally pronounced w one of th. must usefil taetures of the,aper gentlermen of ex perience tlld abidity write for it.LITRRARY DEPEARCItENT--The publishers are conident

that the announcem-nt thatMrs. L. VIRGINIA FRENCH

will retain the control of the IdI erntry columns of the "Home-te-d," for 1859, will be received with general acclamation byher many ad:cirers, and a warm wolr,]me extended to tile ve-htcleww'lch will eonvey to the world her be ,tlfal gems ofthought. Several bleautiful and highly lnteresting stories willape~r in the "Homestead" for 1859, from the pen of mrsFreneh.II,[.UrfRATIONS--Tbe "llnmestead" will continue, as,eretofore, to be Illustrated with haudsome engravings, pre.,ared e prum•l y for its clouznsn by a competent atlist.A News Summary of Foreign and Domestic events, will ap-

pear In each nulmber. A great variety of ioereotlung misell.-neou•s Intelll once. etc ; the Wows condo.sed so as to present, isx mode ate cmpass, everyllthul of general interest.id I RK FT RE :ORTS-Striet attntion ll i be given to Mar-ket reprtp for 1859 as the editors are determined their papershall excel in this par ieula..

Tc tahe Southern People.We now offer yon x riodlca] which Is permanently ewtib.

lished in your mldst-•-voted to the great vital interests of thecountry--whiih hbas been pronounced by ompetent Judgesrg-qi, If not superior both in collt t. axd ppe arance, to anyimilar paper in the snlgo. We therefore ask every Sotthermen who desires to s Ibcrlbo for an Agricultural and FamilyPaper t ht will be o0 r ct leal hbnefit tw pid farmin g operations

fnd rnl"h to hie fat4lmy interesting and usulal reading, to givethe "sonthei Homestead" his supnort.FORS! AND TERMS-The "Southern Homestead" Is pub-Ished weekly, each nsmbvr contalinhg eigolht large pagesprinted in tile haudsomet style, and aplnndt~ly eutelllshedwith engravluRs at the following n m1-8.- var y in advance:One copy, $2 a year; all copl "10; hn _lopies, $15. (and an ea-ut epy to the person gettng up the ILLub.I AddressL. P. WPILIAMS & CO..

Naohell e, Tenn.W-gend for specimen numbers, proepertysea, le. Slake

p tlubs immediately. dtl Snt

CO•Ou N SE D ..... ......... OT•TON SEED.

The understgnad are now receinug lnrge lots of Boyd's Gen-uh.4 Prolific Cotton Seed, and Petit (i l. Apply to

SOSIORN'K A (to.,Is7 23 and 25 Proat street.




PACKETS TO MEMPHIS._ --Thsenehy--Tb... by

MEMPHIS AND OCHARLESTON RAILROADA hndootnuous oo.neetisg Rtslwsyshthrogb Esht.TsuseesNEW YORK, VrlnlK to



ATLANTA, LYNOHIIIUERNASHVILLE VIRGINIA SPRINGS. etc.Epren mll trains lesve I.. Memphis dll t 8 P. M.,

maklnsg aura onuo•Jon through to New York atless expensetadtIlme than suyother rots.IQMemphis Packets leave New Orlean st 6 P. M.-.

MONDAYS:Nebr•ska ......................apt. A. N. Irvin.

WEDNESDAYS:John SUmona R ..............pL J. F. Smith.IngOlsEw .......................Cpt B. Prisl

FRIDAYSH. R. W. HIl ...............Oapt. T. H. NeweIll.Belfat ......................... Capt. W. W ny.For freight or pass . s.d throwth tlek.ts, apply toJ, H. Frnn;lIH. ene•I Agent.

Memphis Packet Ome. St. ihrla HotelH left wing.WiM. INSLB Passaenger Agent.N. B.-TiketsL by this route ood for any length of time.SI-Buggege checked through. n21 if

Leaves o MONDAY 7th inst.. st b o'clock,. P. M.SMEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS

_-__Unsted States Mail Packet- For Memphisand the Bends-The ine passenger steamer

eebkraka, Captain A. H. Irwin, w.ll be reasdy to receiveftreight on iurdsj morning st foot of G rod street. and willeave5 as aboe. Fo freight or pRae, asDnl on hoard, oto

J. H. EREIGH ,OmRe under the St. Charses Hotel.

t -This linet. connects st Nsolon with rsgular packets forhe Whitsse and Arkamass rivers, and at Memphiswlth superiorps•skets for St. Losis and for Louisville.

Adasm' Expreas parried regularly by this line. ml


Psacket Line --For Memplsand the Bends --Tbhe irst clasItss steamer lugomar, Casptain B.

FPeri. ill h •tdy to receive freibstht n Mondsay morning,at the foot of oirod street. nd r llerve s sboves.Fo fresight or pssuge, apply on board, or to

J. H. PRBLIGH,OS.e under the St. Charles Hotel.

-? Thlslline connets at Napoleon with rglr packets fothe hlte aid Arskansss rivers. and at Memp.is wth superlbpketsi for St. Louis and Louisvillte.

Adsa's. Expres casrriesd regularly by this line. m3

Leaves on FRIDAY. Ilh instant. sat 5 F. M.United tstes Mali Li.e.

SMEMPHIS AND NEW OR-LEANS PACKET LINE-- For Memphis andthebs Bends -The irst class packet steamer H.

. W. Hill. Caphtin T. H. Newell, will be ready to r.-ceive freight Wedncsday morning at the footer Girod street,and will sleave as abshove. For fretght or pasas. apply onbsrid, or to J. H. FREBtIGH,

OR.e under the St. Chsrles Hotel.-Thls line comects st Nspoleon with regular packets for

theb Arksas and Whites rivers, and at Memphis with superiorpackets for St. Lout and Louisville.

-Adms' tExpress carried regularly by this line. mILenvevery SATURDAY at 5 o'ehok P. M.

. THE SPIENDID STEAMER GoldenAge, W. MClombs, mster, (it. the plase of the

mtsteamer Bells Donn,) will COmmences her regu.lsar trips a absove. lesaving New Orlseans every Saturdsay v,.ning. at 5 o'clokt P. M., for Donatldonvllse Bayou out.a,Plaqeomine, Baton Rouge, Port Hudson, Watsrloo, BayouSan, Poin ts Cope, Morgsnsls, Tunics, Williamsport. RedRi.ver Landing Fort Adams. sand all ntermedtats landings.P etrilg. will leave Bayou Sars evey Wsdns.day on the sr.t Pal of the cars from Woodvlles. For freight or5 sassge applyt board orto

HOLMF.S & CLAUIS,lyE S.m 16 Thotpltouts street, N. O.


TO VIGCKSBURG. MTUE DAY. at 6 o'ltek P. M.,

The msgnisiest U. S. Nstl packet Psrl seee, Cspt.eWilson, will leave fror Doasldsonville, Ps qe dinBts, BotoRqouge, Port pndso•, Bayou Sa~raRd_ River Landing, FortAdams athehee Waterproof Rodney St. Joseph, GrandGulf, darrnnto and Vicksbarg, EVERY TUESDAY, ato'tock P M.

Thes PrinceSs connects st Vitlksbur with the steamer Roe.be.k, and will tsake freight for ill slandings on the Yassoo rtvem high as Greenwood.

THURSDAY, st 5 ottlok P. N.The masgnifcent U. S. Mail packet Vlcksitsrg CapsCapt. J. W. Cauoto will leave for Donaldsonvilles, 'itque-mine Baston Rouge, Port Hudson, Bayou Sar, Red RiveLandlng, Fort Adams. Netcher Waterproof Rodney St. Joseph, Grand Gulf, Warrenton, Vicksburg 'MIItLtkens BendLake Providence, Stek's Lsmdins Sik with Landing Pitchar's Point, Ashton, Grand Lake ,• hingtou. Carolina LendIg sand Point Worthington, EVERY THURSDAY, ato'clock P. M.Tbhe VICKSBURG connects st VIbkhsur with the

steamer DEWD Rt)P, and will task freight for sil landings exthes Yuo, river ashigh up As Greenwood.

SATURDAY, st 5I o'clock P. .,The malgnificent U. S. Mail packet NatEhe, CaptT. P. Leathers, will leave for Dsontaideonvis Piatuemstse,Baton Rug.e, Port HtdsEn, Bayou Sara. Red River tadingFort ,.dams, Natches, WaterproofY RodOney, St. Jose Ih, OrandOtlf, Wssarrenton and Vicksburg VER SATURDAY, stio' cock P.M.The steamer NATICHEZ, connects sat Vicksburg withbbhe stesamer DEWDROP, and will take freight for altl slanding,on the Y.sa river as hig, 5 pas GIreenwood.Theabsovtnmen.oued silendid psssnger, paehetswlli eIs..on their rtegolr days, wiot fal, sat th. hour sppointed. Atbotine.estrustedte tLbslrare win be promptly and sfaithfullyattended to.Tbesehboats willnotbe rsponsibt e for ans lettersor psethss

conteiiotg money, Jewelry or other vuluables, unless rogclt,bills of adingg are taken, specifyingthe eentent asd uit a, sacthes freight paid; nor for any vainables deposltsd w!th t•be t!orbh the ptsengers, or contdined in their haggate.For freight or patso apply on, board, or toOARRtOLI, HOLMFS k 0.,,

Union Row.SS 6 rondeast tjell ti T. R. EMITit. iNs. 4 tiob-s,,i.ou.t

ATTAKAPAS.Leaves every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock M.

FTORATTAKAPAS.-Vie PLAQUEmine---TI regular Att1k tpaln pecker Ceres, J..J. .Laharhe, ma.ster, will be ready to receive

freight every Mond.y, for St. Martinsvltlle New Iberids. Jea,-reti'e Criston, Franklin, Ceuersvilles, Puttersotviiie, anisial intermdiate port on tile route.All buhsine entrusted to her care will be promptly attendedto. For further particulars apply on board.J. . Labarthe takes this opportonit y of ret.mintg his

tthanks to the pulic and his friends for thleir iberhsl patronage.VIRGIRIUS C. DRNTZI L,

Jat Advertising Agent.


Jaatd popnlnr Fnmlly Hsdlclnl, which they "" m ~plyDraggirnits and Dealer. of Proprl atr's Iowa, sholenan p ioe

0.111.1 Depot Sp111.l Ae.11

1 NI. 1 11A 1

Street, New Oreans gny, . 6 ad21Oare

VERIIMIFUES. Hibbnrd'. Wild Cherr,.1llner'. Canadian, Sichsrdsun'e Hhcrry Wine,

I ain'hI gs V1tableb I.ypeplt,PaTnyya Dead Shot, Goviey' Yefintble, Coeman's

Jayna's Tonlo, Hotn'~r~,OyooeOerl'IJSM2TiC

B. A. Plattt,tick'. ColitgneWate, I1.y Wattt,

BALBAL A nd 0OUGH REM. Jte'.. Llly White.221ii4 SOAPS AND CREAMS.

W2,511'.1Bal .i o1'Wdld~holP Low'. Brow Windsor,Haeting'e Naptba, Jona's Chusiecil.Sherman', Relearn, Rad,.y'0yfedcnte Ossifies,Llnchan's HmFmru , lmon, TQlot ond Ftamily,Davie', Wlld Cherry nd Ter, SaigCreams and Compomd?Sohanck' Pulmonlc y p o eldecrpdoeNew EngidCiuht.1p, PILLS.

1,2 2 1

Bartholome' petorntWrihts Idia Veetale

Sways'. Syrp of WildCh.117. Mold., 1,sg',, New LoIdon.OdJr', ChTrry P t.t, L.4,', Sington'.,Chm.

Ta.lor's nla1m I.1t, Lliy',PlltlJayym's Erppetorutt Joyso'uherg, , Of Ss aatnl

Yllnt'IYIIecImpIlne, S. t l'. A .ue, Dy.plpl Cas,

M I,. I2 RI tlttdt , and T ar, m i le

S ta ll ', C her a I.' Pt, er,", M 2I nILLA I1-b E' 1

. r'sLota 2'.. C'e 1 o ,.p1 OocL S.ian t',d t,' 21. 2111111 iii, C1111vell,t tr. Rose1d. 1dlly'ell 22.11 2211 tb

AIr.e PRgIIPA A .rdTI11 Pll R1fI rl'to PurgatIt.,Odtg' LLAt1. Cilll'l ili,Dr. John .ull'a, tli l'kn lr'l'l ltplt2,.A. N. T iiw1d' 1. 0 Gprt'1't, P11 An 21-bllow', 22,12

Ol Jacob Townaand'i La l' Blood,. inzoldrby'e Pile,yarpeoter's. t, t l t', ',111 etablu, 011 .11 a,

Pyynctp'n, .tidwy', R.,1d .,pL Ol4It'Ael.HI 't Concha.11 ndi. n Santiv1,4

OILS. o Ollil,21111On 2212t' 121122. 2,1211, AntPA1,lllep t.,YellDoII ck '. A,..2 hl2'. PpL.

WOLESAROATC oHdm:'n AIR DYENLiv.01's 5 22ra1.2 .1412121122..ar ai' or 'J, anin, {Moolg tinutla

BDdeIu'C . Bellrd'. , JuW'T A C uel'OK.app'. Indian, ,.y...n American. E-t Ind,.

Alo okO Poru::n, MlfiCRI.L*N 83T:a.Griffith a Adhesive. IDr. Nlorse'. Inllgorstla Co

IM E.IN Ar Ca, dial.LINIMENTSNTS Thrn' Ezrsct,

MARsM OBUlcanic~ AL A :nl:Om.A - r ty P0IdztanMntaz.Tr rat' IliirofRhbcb

Seder's lO N 'lve and Bone, Mter l2'N1WI.A.yn' A.yn' OIYfo-u .2 00., r

2122522 NI.2441netl1111a..l1er' 11Co .2t..Howle', Nerve and Rona, IThhnpp-r'. Rye Wnrear

mror% Hr,'st 'g Nc,-uiua And,Gardonsr'a, ilina Antrinosnt

Reruns', H orse. B Flill" if. 'coPItetrerhaet's

Gargling, Nsd sayns Elixir of ODIUM

fIharokee wn'. Rsady.HU1 KElCL)

Cogocd'e Indian Chogoloe, , ns Pitch's Ilury ltracrs,Gorsaud's Tonic Mixture D. Fitch's lhould~ur RrseesiSmith's Tonle Syrup, Dnr. F'Ilrh'r ahali;; q 'P':,r,

wynkron'e Tonien, D. Roso'a Pr,,,,, eonos,

qpsd'sFobf gg hees rea, IExruell

Shcrm m's Coilb And Wor, o ith'. uc ia, ,il~r13ryaa'a Pulmunir. Wnt':re, Mors's Com~ona. 0 Si rn o1loc4111 PRRPARA1 AT Ern. Y. l:lnw

t's ab ornP~RbT lo. Party'l r1iks01 l KLavnt'e Wpn r FIrC31o. bIa 'a Eseura f Ob1,,1tBlrrry'Iriaophnrone. Moartimorc'a Rheusatlh Oom[q~ou'6Hettnrnoo, peen :.riuyla's Iytspio Vola, frlmr' Cordial Bt s,Phalon'a Hair lurigo rttor, Myer's Extract of Rook Rose,

laond11. R Oriental It c, Plu ~el~~Bnuu Em u Rolm o C 'Wr'e pai t iO!drlds g,'. Halm of Columbia ofryCo t.Ritdway's Circassian Balm. bt ' alaslarm

PANACEAS. r. ftullen'x rrapsrstonS,Biralu's Hloucnk'. 1J.remuu'e DropsCull;"n'.Iudi o VgaH~ble. Dnr. ll 'to n BsnrlP. Sldlo, so.

La' ey'.Gt W SAI, ,, sad 8celu P ,rrninrr,OIN '.11 Mo~N AND SLVF.YE. Sediprl nuid >Vrlta. Rnoha,

ilnuftano Juno '.ordAirlMe ',Iliater's Ai-fa~u, llr' use fa isBrook's Magic gvlvd, Pryor'. V,!...'s Doug, on hants oto

Pie i1'aE op

Gray's Harrleol,,Specle Krby' Choera impTraek's..RRetit , J kiuis rill'e ihhlura Sy n,?,Laaden'e Al-l . gRussa. lru' lrrhaca Remedy,,

OILSIL. Conel' Mxure,Bnwhton'eOod Liver Oil, Dr. Merchil's Uterine O1LhbtlMltIlh'lAcoo.oScrp'so a

BITTES. L den'.Preo

NoI~at' Phamlz, Blake's Ate- Houghton's pepsin.comic,WOLFE'S A~ROMATIC SOHEIDAM SCHNAPPS

or6 Denggeisd nd Mormhsatr, and all dealors in any of theeftolescanrtlastt la the oborec~ogne, wil (f d It to thslr ad.vantage by calling or sendingea l their orders as, bove, where willlye fonnd themostsrtensiva rr"ortmaot of GENUINE I ATINTNEDI~CINS Inthe nnltnd Statess. and a the local lrltoPlease ware. J. WRIG3IT E CO,

la' f ME DICINEWE AREHOIISL,au it No.. . let 61 Rd 91 Cbsrrtreeset NewOrieans.

C(ARHOYO BBK SALT -- AU LTG~r. FORIS Y*L&-I1at bo50laro *xtn St. Ubos, carlle o k rr Nar.

ramtsio, Carr, matecr, just arrived, and will discbarge wherepurchases may direct. Appply to

falO a if. BAss, 119 Common street.

!'t 1i.1:KP.IiN E-}O V3 iLLE ORE.'N SEALWINF-.V Illrct iO 7ts. lm from Rheims, For ,.ale is lots to gall

the trsfe. Ordors receivedand t:*nnmi' o,!kbA. A. XEPIV. . CO.,

J&21 6a No. IN lrssier Street.


of No. Orl0,ns. f A. EOROIUCII-N,. 12.147.BY VIRTU71 1 of a writ of flora fcl, 1to me

Sdirected by the hlmol~ll. the Secopd District Conrl of NawO1leans, fn the ab.vbo,. enttled c01, I wll 1100.ed to sell tpnblfa aaotina, at the , y otel Oommon et. at atweauTbmp lnd 1egsIne streets, on FRIDAY1301.1. 110 1859, tt 12o'clock M-I

I. A CERTAIN LOT OP GROUND, sitated In theFourth DIlct of tl.~bb1 oily, lb thsqo oreNo. l5 .boundldby Ob..t~ol, Co.11... 8t. AdrO. ,nd St. M.ary ltrss.8Said lot m IPres 12fI mor.ol front on ,1. Andw

'"I" by 12B feat Moro or les In dpth on Coliseum street, tog1wth,. .. h all the bofildb,.e sod b.,lovemlosher1.0.

2. FOUR CERTAIN LTS7 OROUND. .ilo~t,0 i, lb.Pourtb h 0,1 Dtt olbl.l oly, I thel. equal N.. 9D, boudded byLive Oak. St. Muoy, N~g..bo .0 81. Aod1.l'0. 111messre s mob 8 feet or, or has frontt on b 1 1 97 streot. by17 feet Moro or'e1 Inbdeplb. Together nl h l'b .0 boilding.a't Improvements thlle001 The wbole. u will more fuloly 15.p.o. by .eferee" to the Assessment roil of maid Dslrict8, N.0dn tbe bose of lb. Tre,.urr of Ibis 1101y.

Aeised in the aboves suit.TERM1-l7,.b on the spot.

E. T. PARKER, Sbherl of tlb Pariab of Orle0,..

DE.1.1. o013 on Dl,.... l.A VILLE 1, l. N'II.E OR-0.1e 5 LEANS .. GRAB. A. OR-

Nonolii.OrlbIo. SUCH-N, 12.347.E N VERTU .I'an= writ de fl.. f.cla a mot*.dre.0 p,.r I'boonoreb1 DooISBmo Coo, de Dnlt lol de I0

Nouvlleal O""Brs.s daos Payette of-deadu, e procbd...i Ie YEN.00,EDI .,d,.de ,,18,9, i, mIdi, l l. II l0 l. ruENdo.I

Commtou, eats. l..a rue do Camp at d0. MNg.shl., 0 I'dloudl-1. UN TERRAIN siltob d.10 t. o,,lbmso Dlstrcl1 de cdte

Ville. done filet N., 15, bon8 par lea rue. Chleatt, do Coll.site, 0[. Andrb at Ste. Marie. laquel terrain measure 124 pbdr.plus on Mot, de 0c. l 8 Ilnpo. SI. Aodrb, bur 18 p.ed., pl, 110

aoine d. profondeor . ti ruo do Coll00. Eo.emble .0,c bete.I.. b8,i.... ,1 .ooollooslloo. q10 boll de as

2.QUATRE TERRAINS, ,lob b,1, Id one le Q . 0131, O,01101u orll.s, daps filet No.-1 9 boob p.01..r t,.. I re Ok,,,

Ste. Miot . des l pi,0, pt et St. s10 I.0,Psln 0.er,,ona M5 -anrent Eh3cnn 81 pit-do, plus on tu mainos de face i i ,,, te Sita. Ma-rt., o, I57 10rds.. p1,.. o, mofu. de profo1derl0. Eno,1ebt.s a,"1is. blt'soln et .Iilft iohs quo .ont d..o.. I.e toot -forbMoOt ll tblOo d'a.l.laoall do ilt lsltrict, depolb 100 bureaudo Trb0,.0,r 0a,,lto 0lla

Ltout 101.lldlo.nl'.10ire el-da.um..CONDITION-Compoool an moment T. 8d.'8ldl0010 ..

N. T. PARKER.P.711125 28 mil Rhbrlb de I, P.,ol.. d'Orlb.s,.

Tol81o 1D1 ov ,Cooap. CITYOPNEWORLEANO,.. WILof Nso 1rl,,.. I.1AM COOPER-No. 10.V13313.B Y VIRTUE: of,, wrlt of fleil 180181101881directed by the Hoaorbl, the Tolod Ditilat Court of N0w

Orle0ns, In the abov, entitled 11.0.1, I.will pro.eed to Bell atpoblic ouellen, et the Clit Hotle Common street, betweenCoolp ad Qlugeoio,.ino , on FPIIDAY, Mlo ll, 1101, 3.12 o'clock

A CERTAIN l.OT OP GROUND. 8i10.1,OinhelbllbDIOtrlc of this oly Inthlb. .bass No. on.e hbndld ad.lghtblto bbounded by Pr

1o.ooi. Nojad.. Pluboobg

nd p s tt. Ti, whole. as will more folly app.ar by01f1ren11 to Its ,.o*Rmsat roll of oid 01,0100c, Rod 0lb heolo. of tis Treasurer ,POf cbi ly.

Topbther with il1 lb. bolldlon. and omprovmnto therooo.TERied ob the 'b1'o 1.011.TERMS--Cah o th ot'E. T. PARKER, Sherbffof the Prisb ofOrleans.

0,01.1,0. Coos 01 DlTh1. ILA YIIE DR IA N'LLPde I1 0 ORLEANS Vs. WII.IoIAM

NonoeI,.Orlboos. COOPER-No 10,981.EN VERTU d'un writ de ewtrl foelt. a totsdld00M per l'honooblTroieiSo, ,onr de ll1lrio de la

Nooosllo.d'or~ooo, den, '.13.1, cl-desu., 1. procbilool IuVENRRUEIII, 11 de too 109, i midi, d 1,11,0 1 de 13 C0, 11,oI'ade I'0loml.10, 'cuts la rd do Camp at des Mgalzin,

J'dudlc.tCon de-0NN 0.. IA I N it,,b doneleQoatoib.,, I~l.tictdel Cot1. Vle

deoo I'll.t N1. soot t1,trl01In00 d0u,.. bo nit p11 IoM roes P11010,,a, N1yad0. I lolgo. do P0,ubonr,1t a drue P py,- L.10ou lon00 0lo-nL 0u 0001.00u d'u oeinmanl dot Dl. frlOo, tl.path o bureaoudo Too oolo doo Cell vill..

Resemble Ivec tout8001 se 011 bEali t 0mellorstfou. qol s'ytroarmt.Le tout bSill done 1',falre 1d-doidus.CONDITIONS-Comptlnt.an moment de1'ondlodi'tioon.

0. '. PARKER,fe7 11 2 1 28 mil 8Bloifde lo Ptroi..o d'Ord01s.

FIFTH 10,, oo j C0U0,t CITY OP NEW OR,,OAN1 vaof NI.. Orleani . CHIARLES SLACK-No. 11,701.B VIRTUE of a writ of Berl facl.. to me

direltod by Itl looonble tIb 11010 Il1,,10 000,rt of1, Orlos . In the above entitled Cauls, 1,will pro00d to sellat public octioni It the City 1otel l'ommon errtat, betwee,Cuoyp and blooinO1..t.ll,, o. TUEISDAY, Ma.lh 01bh, 183,at 12 o'clock M.-

TWO CERTAIN L.OT OP OROU0D ,aottedl In t10e-Forlth 011tric.of this oily, In .qtore No. -, boundoed byFirst, Religiooo. 0ecnd and Si. Thooo ao,,iroo ; ,old lot,measure each 21 ,ear more or itl. front 00 Fi0t str0t, bly3Pool, mo10 o0 I.. 1,n d00001.

Togeibtr whit ell tlb buildings and Improovemeoo therooo.'timed in th* above suit.TERMS- -C.,h on 1h, spot.

E. 0. PARKER,Sherif of the Pasriah 150,1,.,,..

Cl,100,1 Coon.. D1.DI lRICT LA VILIER 0 LA 101.1.00 OEI.Ew NS v.. CHIARLES

de1. No,,dlle-OOdbnna . I RLAtE-No. 11 71.E N VERTU d'uul writ de B1erl tfclag a mot110,drea0 0 a l lboohlo i.ma Iqi, C-oo. de .1,11,tt de 1

Ooorelli-orl olo, do,. I',iTAod cido .l, 7, oroooderlo Is1MARDI, 0 d13d m0n 0.o. 159,0 midi, lO,:l 1 d" lo 17.orue oIn e., une, jolts lee roan du Cutup at des Magnates, d to veal.

p bliollo et nJodiioco do11411 TE~oAINI "f1,1x d0on I, Q~ooiaoo Dirtricl do

Cott' Ville, done I'llet No -- , borne per Ia rls r 2 rentldrc, desRelioisoloo, Ooololo. 01 bi.Thoo~o. 1iiotooooIomen"oooiehsoo1 piplede plus oil ao i o dfe ,e d dA r10,00a.. bpiol.plooooiro,.pofod,,oer0,. I .1110, plan on ldine, ,, pro.mf.. r.

Ensemble nvec (Oates les ballssea at amillioraLin!a quo slytroovent.

S.W.i dan+ I'nffaire si-des,...CONDIITIONS-Comoylti n moment del'udoldtiooOloo.

E. T. PARKERRPod 10 23028m8 00h100i1 de l Paroo.e di'Orl)"o..

0, I'D DISTRIC COU00 I(PITY OF 1001 0RL00.4S Va 0.1of No, 1wIi0... S 00170 A.17 \01IYICI.l,-No 10191.BYVIrITUb E of wrltoferl frl.es to me

dloeid by lb Fltor aooI.M Third Iii, 011, (1d.r[ol Nei Orleans, In t oe above etliled cap, I wlll prooood tosell at rlnb'ic auction, at the lofty Ifot' l, (ommoll stye I. be.-1wee00C0mp 0nd M,,ooio streets, on FRiIIDAY, March 11th,

,At 010el1 1.1R I OF GROUND, ,io.1o0d in thei,-Foulrth 1,,0lri t of this city. I, the ooi..,, No. 000, 0onIed UabytiOOmp,1701l-o,,0, FePicily amit1S. Vary rtr01,1. ioi 1ih1.0 m0 ,loo,4000fet more or 0ea. t5, at 00 Camll stret. 0,0130fort, mtles lns I00 depth. The n;ol, ;.00s wll morn flly 00pear bt refioca, to the As omenol roll of r,0, Idioitricl, 8din heo oi, of be, Tr1easurr of ,1, 1!,,.

Toelther with all the boildlilg. an,0 improvements thereon.iiciled i n the;,tbve ui.TERIuS--Cash on the spot.

0. T. PARKER,Sherif of the P0RIah1 of Orle.as.

TnelsBY, CoyR DR DISTRICT LA YI1.I.N:Sde I. Noll: YF.I.I.F0o01. O ll.ANO oo. 00001RR70

N--mile Orlean,. o. CAEIPIEICIt,-No 1Il.00I.VIo VNoRTU d'unt writ ,In Berl facin, a tool

R 0dr1.1 par 1....oool, Otm oiil1,e 17,n0r 0e 1I1.rrto, deto Noo,1le-Orleool. 00, 1,,1,1ire ci- loo.ix,. Je poo.r'daol I,I'OIiRCoI,110,001,. 0009 Ie l di.a I'iltll 0111n ,,!it 11e dI. Commouo, cota 0 ela 1. d,,07omp l t d0n g~olin,, A I1,0Uu.dicntton de--

UN OIOEtH AIN, ltb,10 d0ns le 0onniemoo 111,1 01i de 0,1.ohIo, 000, I'll No 100, toO par Io,,ue0 d0, Cop, i:hboi(g.nie, oFelleoll e1100,e. Nr11. I. qool 1110010, 0000p027 loyld,D0lux ,u maln, do fees o I, r-1 du .1mp, no0 r 00 0 p dls, p0011,

monde l .F~dear- 1.e touti oonfo'memeneo an Ihlerurlu R-. Cat is ud dii District, d~ppoi' so bureau du Tretoricr de oeii,villa.

Enseemble .vac tonlss lee bilious et am~lioratlona qui soytro0,1,l

Snki~id ne I'Pfflre el~o......CONDOITIONS-COo0pooolu momentlde l'oltdlalliio.

P 1 d . Poo o 0,040,.fez 15n 23 2 tel Sherif donr Perun~rs d'Orlb -

THIRD Otto, rcT'oo 0 CITYO N' N.OWORt.E NSoo. KOR-of New Orleans. f No:t, tft(.LRt-No. Ito,9.B Y VIITUE of a writ of erl fart'as to medirected by the Honorolde the Tird i'l[roct Court

o' New Orleans, in te above entl•ld cause, I will Piroceed tosell it publicl auction, at the Ol y tl'.el, oommml otreet. hot Cen Camp tod Magyaoie streets, on T'Ur SDAY, the i9th oflarchb, 1859, at 12 o'clock, M--A htItTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated It the

Fourth Itntrlct of this city, In the eouore No. 9, botnded,y Josephine, Levee, Rousseau and Jack.so strees. Said 1

ot measures 30 feet more or less front on Josephine street, by159 feet more or Ile In depth.

Tr'cgther with ail the buildings Rod improvements thoeroo.Seised in tile abovea lst.TtR.MSt-Cush ou tke spot.

E. T. PARKitR,Sherifof the 'a iok of llesn..

TRortoSto Coot DE toTItoCT LA VILLE de 1t N'ILl.-OR-h LEANS v. KORNEhtIttIL.

do to Nouieol-Orleans. EER--No I0,559.EN VYEITU d'un wvrit de ucrl felans n moaI' •res pmr I'honortble 'l'rooitlem thour de toioot d, tl

NolIvlle-Orleans, lduns t ' ffiire oei'desst , Jr prohde

a4i Is0toitt, 29 do mars, 1859, d midi ,i I'llotelde In Ate rue

ele Is omunte,etire es rues do ICamp et des ntagaolins,todtltudtoie t, de-

UN TECRATOJ titnh daons le Quatrleme District de ertteoilie, di filet NooO. nornb par les ruc. JosRbli:,e. dr t, I.e.hvbe, Knut altu t Jackson. Le dit terrain meure :' ,o pot pltnou mors d++ face d, h rue Josephle, sur 159pids plus ou moin ide poralldeur.

t 000ody nt.saFtbte Baoe ttoterr tl tlestlso thlotio q '

IOCONDTrotON--Comptnto su moment de l'odjudlotallon.F. T. PARI•ER.

fe25 m8 15 2229 Shlerlfde a I'aooise d'Otrlens.

FooURTH DISTRICT COURTt F'RANttOIt ROtIIMItT vs. tIISof New Orleans. CREtDItTORS-No. 12,891.B Y VlTUEiofaon Ioobedience to nit order

B of oale rendered February 2t, t189. and lome directed bytOhe Honortlott e hFourth )istrict Court of Noew iOrleas, in the,oboe entitled muttr t I will t octt F d to tell at public atctioo,ot the Cilty Hotel, Ctmmotn treett between t lo t d m gattIoottIt . erto Ott TUItSItAY, tarth A,, 1t59, at t2 o'tloo or. totalccount of the trrllirw oft suld t 'cks l WO-

A LOT OF OROUND, with toe buildhtigs and imorove-ments athe on, Mitlls ill the Fitt Dtttrict of tis city, ntothe squore bounded by Ca.olodelot, Poydras, loftyrt:o atd 511I:aroanot trtelt, dutognaet t by No. 1,lnd mt'ttlo1rlnog y9 fet 9

lh aond ? ttrolt ot I'sroodleot street, y 95 fetrt 9 ilches to ideth.

The hbuildings and Improvement o on sd lot comprise a two..tory hrico dwtlli,g house. slate roofed, havit g two b eoosbove md two•o hobno, aod o two s!ory brich k kitchen, also slate

17•td, .ith twn root. obo xt1d two belowh out-hrootses etc.oNTIiTHt LttT I P 1 ,Tttt; ) OUN, wtth the itldtltt and Im

)rnveente thereoln sttdat In t u nste O qtare ttld Distr et.oletsoat-d by the No. 'L, and m.turt,g 19 leet9 Inthet ad trt e s

tolllt on I''ronde!et trt, t, b 95 0e0 9 Inctet o it 'tirtth.The otidit s altd olprove Ha-nts ot i•oid lot comprise ai two.

toory brick dwelling house, slate roorot, hatinog two romsbhove and two tbeow; 0 two story brick ktitel n, ,leo .sAte

rotfed. with two roa's b.thoe o Id two below, out-houses, etoTile hon., s bear Nis 153 and S55.Surrendered hy Htly insolvent to his creditors,.TIIRMS--Cank on tooe spoot.

F. T. PARF.KER,mtt6 29 Shorff of the Ptoioh of rlaooss.

F'FTu DISTRICT Cootto TUTH tR ItO3OOS, SUOCFtt SS(O t TOtIOMEt I tRY0NNT et it.. vs.

of J. II. MIAIIDOXA .t. X. tEICHtEL.New Otrlenn. 3 tItttttIEt--No. 7,004.

BY VIOITUE o an alias writ of ierl facingigiins I. .K. Eiehelhergetr. ,ud to me directed by the

1Ionra-blo tile Fifth District Court of New Orlcans, In thelbove nlhfled Causo, I will proceed to sat at p00 lic mtiton,t Ithe (illy hotel, Cottmon trict, betweenr CaOmp nd o ttMog itestreets, ot TUL'RSI.IY. Mrtlt, 29 It. 159,. at 12 o'clock M.-A (:ERTAIN LOT UP GROUNt, sttaterd tio rO

Potrth District of tils city, tn the sgoart beonodtd b tUWashington, I'Ptquemine ow Co'teum, Sixth and Cif.UOfesoit treetls. desitnated as lot No. t, oil a ptn drawo bo (. A.tedin, C1ivil Iongitutr, and doopooited t the off0ce ot H. R.C:trns, Notary, on tit" 26th March, 1851 Said 1't m..Hare, 28flet frott 00 Wtahington 0treal, by a depth of Ito feet 9 inchesand 4 lines.

To..eter with all the buildongs aon improvements thereon.SeNoid in the above suit.TttS-K-Cash on the spot.

F. T. PARKER,Sherotft the Pariat uf Orteono.

CotoIgolo CoUgp D DISTRIoT LUTHER HOMER. successemde tO101 ES IIFRNNPf 0et

delot, as. v0.0. It. tADDOX ,J. i. EItIht ,RUtERtE-

NouvelleOrleans. No 7 0O."EN VEICRT]U d'n aa ls l de ferl fuels=r' eon lre i K, dEehelbergr et a pidre pr 1tI'hlaonopbre

tinuoltme Couro de District de Is Nouvell- Orlbntt dnt t'0lf-faire t-dostus. Jo procbderst MARDI, t9 oe mare 1(19 t mid.t I'Htltt de latCith rue de la Commuoe, entre Ite riles du Camp

et dea Mngaslns. 0 oa vents p.bllquot otadJtldioatloo dLN TERR t iN, stub dto is ln trirme District de eetl

oille. dons I'tle2 born paor loo r.ts WT stoingl•ot, Plq,,ttttittauJourd'hul do oitsbhe Slfi me et Chesnu'. dhtigne par te No7, str on plan drtstb 0ar 0. A Hldi,, arpent ur, et dtpnoh e00Pitude de H. B. Cans. no.lre, le 2'0 mars 182L Ie dlt terlarnmOsuret 28 tieds de face , It rue Whiutgttot, tour tue profoni-deur de Lt1O pieds 9 ptuees ot t itgtlet.

Enoeable avec toutsn let bhttlees 0t amtliorttloos quoi 'ytrnnuent.

Ie tt, asidl don, 1'tTfftre el-desous.CONt1)TION.i-Comptntu u moment del'andoodlratto.

F. T. PARKER.oe25 a8 15 29 b04 brlf de t• P"oleto d'Otrlbal.

SHERIFF'S SALES.-=moon Dl•s we 'looo. I ANTON 8TEEVE6, useof PETERof New Orlans. 5 KLEIN. vs. JAN'0 CASEY.

No. 14,423.BY VIURTUE of a wrlt of flirn fthric tonte

d ythe Honorable te ttemd Dlitrit Courtw Orled l ib Ibove entitled causeR I will proceed 1to sell.- public auction, t lthe ity Hsotl. Common ( tRs, betweenCmp and Mglned streetsol, R AURDAT, AprDI d24, 1819,at 1 o'clock N.-

TWO LOTS OP GROUND snotetd in the ls1t DIstrct, Ibthi city, ID square bounded by PDanmitr, Richard, ADDRnlotion .nd OrngeDstrra, whicbh sold Io;D are desigRted bytbhe N. miRd d, and med ure each 31 feet II lnoeo and i l~nroot on P0aeor.by a dep.h of l7 feet 10lo inches Rd ie,between porallel line,.Rlised In the above suit.'TERMS-Ohb on the pot.

E. T. PARKER, Sheri of tbhe Parih of OrleUs.


de la1 Nonrill.Orlbson. CAREY-No. 14,I433.E VYBRTU d'un writ de floi fa1il.. a moti• ndret par Phonorble DIeul bme Cour de Ditrict de

I. Nourvelle-OrieeD, dana I'RTlrIe ei-dRlD. Je proebdDral IoANEi)I, I2 de avri. 1869, I R midi. h 'HItei de I 11t ruede la Oommune, eutre . eI rues dD Comp et d. MRRDsID, &il'At-Judltaton de-DEUllX TERRAINS, situob dnD IR Premier Dictrtet d,dlite Illa, dill I'llet botbh par ios nits des PanlmI.R, Richard,do l'Annonclation N lD Og 6 ;' Ilt dil terrains let dhllgbtisr IlI NoD Ri el, R e metou-et ebhun 3It pUloil Do uen at Iplned. de DfD la la rin P, DnlR ,sIInrD e ue AroRfder de 127,eds 10 peounces at 6 lgano, entre ignoie patlielesa.0.ls dlana l'IRfalre ol-dD.CONDITIONS---omptaut an momentde l'ndndiDcSoi.

E. T. PANRKER,n2 11 21 28 .2 8h6rhl de .a Proios d'Odrblo.


or New Orleans. CREDITORD- No 12,890.BY VIRTUIE of and ht1 obedience to an order

of sale rendered lehruolry 2U,154, and to me directed bythe lonoe able the Fourth Dlstrcl Courtl of New OrleanS, in theIbove entitled matter, I will proceed to eii at publlo aUction,on TIIURSDIAY, tile loUlh dly of MAIrch, 8lD, at 10i o'clockA 1., t the Belleville Iron Work., on tbhe right lbank of theMlal l. rI ri er--CER I MOVABLES, conslstlng of stock fixture, mR.ohiory,, toils, pnttern, drawigng manufactured stock, mate.riRls olce furniture. etc.Srroendered by Mid Insolent to their creditors, rbshown bythe schedule on lebherein.TERMS--CUh on the spot.

E. T. PARKER,m1 7 I0 Bhariffof the PAribahof Orlen..


BY VIR'TUE of w rit of lerl faIelia tom dlirected by the HinorDble the Second Distrlictl Cot

of New Orlreans, In the above entitled cause, I will proesed tooll at Dubli luction. Dt the City Hotel, Common street, be.tween Camp and MegDzlnc strets, on 4ATURDAY. Merck1901, 1009. at 12 o'clock M.-

A CERITAIN LO i OF GROUND, sitated In the S.0.end District of th llcly. at he 1., t eo.rnr ,oMain anddI blphin o treet. measuring l) fett f1 0 on Main street,by 60 feet deep fron on Duphitn street,Togetller t111 all the buildings and Improvement. sthereoo,

conos l ie of a ol*etory r01me boan lao d ootDheols, e1em..sied In tie abov entitled sutll.TERMS--LCash on the spot. . PARKER,

R. T.PARKER,herlfo f the Parish of Orlln.


de I. Nouvell,.Orleaus. 3) P0RT-No 12.722.E N VIERTU d'un writ de lerl factil, a motE aVdre.b par l'honorabie IlDuxlSme COur, de District de hiN•rvelle-Orlbl.D, dims 'aff1r el1 deeIDR, Je proedenl ISSAMEItI,I 19 de mar 18DO, m 1ldl A l'Hfitl de i. C0t1, rued, l. Commune, entre la trs do Camp et des MDgWulno, dl'dJudlitlonde e-I+N TRRKAIN, •itb dins 1. Denxlome Dll.rlct de ceir

vlla, A I'orol oanal de. rues d. lln 1. at lDauplhin ml0 rl6O pled. deface A ln rue nu Maine, nor 60 pled de promndeerde 'ce a I rue DanpOO D.,

EnoemblU aeo tutes. lea bltises ot Rmellodo lOR poi I'5troverl:t, conslistn: n one ma.on basae en boi., dpendauDedat applmaortenaes.

iLe totll alsi dana I'•lre ei-deSo.CONDITIONS-CoDmptn t an moment de I'ediodleatio.

E. T. PAIRKER,.fe6 2 m4 1 19 R8hride. I• PDrotaR dOrifllR.

FOURTa DtTlrrr Count JAMYES DAVRIN vs. A. BAR'of New Orl0,1.a, S RETT--No. 5,917.BY VIRd'UUE ohs a writ f flerl Dnslat toLIme directed by the tlonorblethe Fourth DImtlrlct Cortof New OIrens, In in the above enti'Ied cause, I will proceedto sell at public auction, ol SATURDAY, Marcb 12, 18a., at10). o'clock A. M., on the premisee hereinafter designated--A Tot of Masrble Slahs and Marble ock,,k n~ow In theyard

rf Mr. Itl14esley. on Uirod street, comher Liberty, in tlthe FirbI)Irlet of this city, as per inventory to be seen in my office.He iztd in the nobosv .uln.TERMS---UL on the spot. R T. PARKER,

Sherffof the parish of Orleans.

QUATantxas Cono Dteratc-r JAMES DAVERN vs. A.de Ix Noovelle-Prleanl. 5 BARRETT--N L,917.][7,N VEc1L]P d'nu writ de flerl fIei. amot

JP, adrexsiz par'hollOrbleQuatrleme Cent de Dlittot do hNouvelle-Orlbuns, danx I'affaire el desnuw, Je proc•de6 t le 8A-s MERD 12 de mars 1,59, d 10)• heuree A. M, our .ea teuYx el-

apr•deslg,:a. .Is vente pnbllue t adjudioatlon de-l u Imt de 'lerrr* ct tde Blocs de Magrbre, maiotenant dana la

chatnder de Mr H. Bllke ley, nlts a Ta*ngle des roles Girod etI,,berty, duns le P emirr Distrlct de retie villa, sulant Invea'tulle cp)sbh on menLburs.. pour reours.Sn,,1• Irl,ms I'nll, ro ci drsl.s.CONI )TIONS--Comptau t an moment del'edJndleation.

E. T. PARKER.re28 m4 7 1 12 ghhrif de ]a Paroiae4trl16ans.

LEGAL NOTICES..g'onn ])tTlttl tu)OUtTC 1RUCCESIqRIUt OF JAUOB HEICKor Nw (rlrhanx. 5 or 0,1A04--4o. I65).W EIEKF] •A WVllllam Isermann has petl-tionlrd the t'o'rt fog Letters of Curator.hip on the *enrotSE~lte of the la•e acobh Ileek or hlack, deceased intestate-Notice i, hereby given to all whom it may concern, to show

ea,•s• within ten a y-s, why the prayer of the said patlilonershould not It Sranted.

By order of the Court.J. L. KELLY. Deputy Clerk.

00fxa Coalo Dsracxt RUCFSSION nF. ACOoB

DEOXI[II[ tOUR ing I'}[TR]CT] ? .•E•(t i g )IF~(I 1C(-oI:I.f t

d la Nonveda-Origiani. 5 tE,'K , ACK-No. 16`+114,

A1"'P"I NDU qua William lserm an, n pre-

z•. Grllsa daHeaao xnc eh uo l~~nta one perlltmn a Ial'oltr it Pefft d'oblcellr Ies [.ettreoldo Cunrsarile no ]a i uc'eession vocnte do feu )J a o b lHeck oirhack, dhe•d•e ntest.,t--Ariseat par le prsent donnb . tons crux lua eale pent eon.

ceruer, d'avotr d dhdaire n's 1o01i Joers lea rotson. pour eLs.qu-llea il te serait pas tll ndruon A tla te petition.

Par ordre de In Cour.m, I0 14 J. T,. KEll'r.Y, Dnpn;h oretler.R•IOn D[ISTRICT 'Dourr 2 SLU'CESSION OP lR.D. SCHR(R.

"W o w Orleans. I)ER.'[ol CF. II hereby givlen to the creditorsL of thf, etafe nd u, all uther pesons herein interested, to.1how rims., wnlhill ten day, from the present notl .at on, if anythey hatve or san. hy the ,eeount presented by the Admlo-t~*ator of gthh e lsta should not be homol gated and approved,the fun,., dlst.h" oed in a.eurdance tlberewtih.

By older of the Court.J. L. KE+LLY, Deputy Clerk.

I)u xteaE •ou•tDe DISRtsr SUCC:RESSON DE H. D.

do la Non velle-t)rlRa1ns. 5 ECITR04DR.AVIY eat par le preaetlt done lt a'nx eren-

rotiers d, ' la •ulditecession e Iolt autres p aersol

ugee c.la pett cone-.*r, dl'avor A dltdrc, loo, dnx Jeers A dMtar de la prierolte puhllea'lon, tn rnisu, p uour iesqnelles Iscmupte presents par l'Admhnktratenr de I '!Ite sue's lo' anernut polint approuv st bhmologue, cs fonds enors see mainsrenarils comformrmnt a sit compte.Par srdre de Ix c,lur,.5 1014 J. I. KETIY, Depnt0 Grerir.

NO,'IC , To TAX PAYElI•,--The uttdsr-eng ed Coliec tor of rtste Taxes d1r a hereby not0y all

persons indebted to the Staue for taxes for the yeur 1558, and

Ishve for licensee rfe the yoar 19, wit',In the Fourth District

of this city, to call ai his oftee. (4 corder's Cen to, firt floor,)

,f nd playthesame within the time proesrtb-d byb law. O•CO

hours,9 A. M. t 3 N. .GEOROE MENS. AN, Of"Sollactor Fgour• t District,


gne, Cotlee~eur de taxem d' RIut, nolle par te present a tonecox qui dudvent ties tAes a P'Etit pcnr tlonosiIe 1,53, at destaxes de ieeuse pour I'lllane. 1.59, d,1:1M te lea llhen rn Q,latri-e:ne Ilstrlet, de ecnir a non bellsn (toar do Recon r•,-, pre.ilnr 6t1g9 ) et de pa) er lea ditea taxes dans Is delai prme r t1,,r 1a 0 oi. Ileures doi bureau. 9 A. Id a 3 P. M.


t" fe26 20t Collecteur Qomatrieme District. tON][TIC]•, 'PO TAX PAYN:RD, within that

parl ,,1' ihe Parish of Jffrraun, loft bank, ui er tll url s-diction of the P,die .Jury.•N,)i 'e (R hereby given to a. per,,e sons, wrhethe, rrldeut or non-rexdentoF te el'arsh ofJeffereso,

A loft bunk, who oae llahlu to the puymtnt of t.xe., impo-ed ae-e ,rning to:w for tie year )859, by the Police Jury, %r ther u1e or •ad t'arktsh of ,0i17tr n. Irrf bI.t, that ll *tch P., •h1-les walt be duo O'l TUF:SDAy, the 15tl day of Mareh, 1869.til Liwlhlin edthirty days thl era ftr ,thesaid t 4esr must bn pp1nid to

Ithe unnersieded Collnetor, lt hIls nece in t , e Cout-•touse.

town lo' Carrollton, in said parlith ; the, the unders ned will bs

Sthere for the purpose of reeelelvng said taxes, and also a I par ah

tan, S remntinpg unpaid for the peee ling renrs eovry da", dur-i'g ,et tlhrty day, aaoreeaidd f.om 10 o'elock A. M. t 2 'cockP. .And fulrther, thaat ot the explraton oer ald delay, a set of theperulla wha Lhall 1ha1 fnlied to pay the tares due by them,hh1h a be drawn up by :he undersgned Cullector. whose dot Itrha I be noder the law to reis. and sell property of the delis-'. gen•, to pay end snIotfy the said taxes, with interest and eoststh, re, n.

r Purihh of Jeffereon, Town cf (`"rr.,oll'",p, Jn. 15 194.J. J. GUIIERREZ, Colectr,nn Left tHIIk, Pa:rish of Jefler6os.

10 AVID AUX CU N -I-fiUAorELE dons cetto

r padtle de Ix Paroi.+e de Jefenraoso rive gauche, suJette l lIloalts too do Juri de Pulice.--l'ar ltopresentz aeie toutes per-aonnex reehsentes uu non-rh~l~tenles do it parolsse Jeffersm, galsolt tenor, an paten, ent de axes ,mponsu don or etlot, p'ur I'annsbu lg59 par le ,Hurl de Police de Is dire p rlnsaeJeftfron. riwv gauche, toet ntntife s ine ins dites taxer ,erontSdue. i dater de Mi, R)I, le 115dte mrn l-59, lie danelea treptaJoulo qu[ sulvro,,t le dl, 15 de ml0 ira ,l dimtel ,xee demront gRe

)'patyb au eolleeleu" ao':srign• it on bulreau • la Maisoo de

)'ou r dnrla lailla de Carro• tn anl done l ire ps are e.eop

l I'effetd'v ree.volr lus dites t , I. e ol signbA eon burealt

cheqe jo+,r pendant ten trente Jonur tusdois, depulo i0 hour.

A. M, ja' I'd l etre, P M.F.t rll I'a ixplral1n de co dclaf, one ll)st dee personnea qul•l'annrnu pan "aye fen diteo raze, sera dres-e par le cullrtour.eq",lei prneildera rourormb ment k hodir et t vendre des biensA pprtenant max dlin nn.,nts panrsl,, i sfare all| palement dele lunr dhces tao., de, i.lit ert WL lea rate.Pari,;e J, ffrteo Villa lie Iarrollton J~nefer 15 1869.

ilsn.~,, J. Ji OUTIE12RXh},, eolltletp ur, hn

S.yCaD Dlb., 9 COURT 2 SU9CC:SSbI7 OF MA RTHA ANNor N.,4 419rl1909. I').1 ASON-No.. 9.747.

OTIC is 4hereby gfo'la to the Creditorsof thishl Exttlt, xnd to n oilr pesn heroin Inlterested,

toalhow citttse withiln ten du)'s fromn thle p-out ent natiiention,, IPanyLbhy hive or cn, why the account p9,999994 by the T904 a-mu999xo9, topii.,u of thin .p494e ,9h0d not b91 ho n.1,g ted and

.pp ,o, Ii Pafnds distrib99,d 9n accordance therewith.By order of the Oo'' .. L. KiOILY, Deputy Ckrrk

Deuror94 C009 D 4 DisTRICT I9U09nni9R7ON DK MARTIIHA

I .I Nbon rlc-O99ln AnNN POARSON-NY 9,747.

SVIS eat p rar le present donoe uxe creen-Sciers do Ix 11,d it tlu Huu e Prolt, nts tmes nus penumera

quo -la, pent conearni~r. d'avoir dbdluir8 sousl diX Jour, d da-Rter -e "a P''b,:nt Pnblletoilon ten I,,on, poor Insquelies la

9,99pto pl999ti 9 r a'r 999ec99ten 'Cfemeio,..y do io dike yur-

eeaslun, ue amlh point up roavt at homoloir eb, at lea fonds

eut a .. .it i art arli conlrrubmant an diI compte.

fe26 m3 7 "T. L. KETLY, DbpntB rrefer.


orNew Olrlex 9. vin A99IFI1l0-NN. 99,009.W HERE AV AsteGlllett ho. petltloned theVV Cult for 9.



r9rof i9tiv9949f9,94999994 9194U99999.9

o " the 949e o4 t99 late 9'. Eli09b..h A-oflid, de4eased9 i9

No:ire Is hereby given to all ahemo it mny conrern" to abowro mss witlhin tun rawhy the prayer of .he aid 9etitionersh~ould pot be Crrael.

By order of the o9uts.J. L. KELLY, Deputy Clark.

D049499a Cou 0999e D9494994 2U SUF991AnN DE Mc, 991-.949 Is 9ouvrll19.90a..9, 'LABETH AR 99lEl9D .

No 911,086.

ATT N:9 ' sine Asa Olllett a preeente an.petition tt ti C djua I'etlet dce-lenr Ise Leltre d'EsduTyti 99iit99 ,49 Bk, la c ..9iou de face Y'm E9ll9

bobh A1Arm.1, 1b11d a 9nt yat.t--Avlr eat in, 6pa l pribrrat dotlnb B tons teas q ue eels peat oo.-

cerner, d', 099Bd dhd,9,e 994 di 9 9y4r, ten 4is 04s pour Is,.q 9ells9 II 799 -craf p9 ,919 droit It Is dice pb9999oo.Filr ordee de In Cour.7479 m4 9 J. L. KELLY, DSpo00 Gltoff.

17 tit'. ORE bWYRUDP-yrhclt barrne 9, d 10 Gallop,26 16 choice Baltimore Qrlde n R o ! & Q0 .