Industry Newsletter 1 Black Cod Almanac MESA Program, Auke Bay Laboratories, NMFS, Juneau, AK January 2018 Crew member on the longline survey gaffing a sablefish to be sampled. I NSIDE T HIS I SSUE 2017 NMFS LONGLINE SURVEY UPDATE N OVEMBER 2017 G ROUNDFISH P LAN T EAM MEETING SUMMARY D ECEMBER 2017 NPFMC MEETING SUMMARY N EW RESEARCH : RECRUITMENT , MATURITY , YOY TAGGING 2018 LONGLINE SURVEY CALENDAR 2017 NMFS Longline Survey The 2017 NMFS longline survey sampled waters throughout the entire Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and in the Eastern Bering Sea, from June 2017 August 2017. During the survey, catch is recorded, a subset of sablefish otoliths is collected for age reading, sablefish are lengthed, and a subset of sablefish are tagged for movement research. The results of this survey are the most influential data source used in the sablefish assessment model, which estimates spawning biomass and is used to set harvest limits. LL Survey Relative Population Numbers (RPNs; area weighted measures of the numbers of fish) were up from 2016 in most areas The difference in catch (#) of fish at each slope station of the longline survey in the GOA from 2016 to 2017. Black bars indicate an increase in catch from 2016 to 2017, and red bars indicate a decrease in catch from 2016 to 2017. Red eclipse shows main area of decrease from 2016 to 2017, and black eclipse shows main area of increase. The number of survey stations with depredation increased from 2016 for both sperm and orca whales. These values were above the time series average. Total tagged fish: 3,322 sablefish, 877 shortspine thornyhead, 9 Greenland turbot, plus 3 spiny dogfish with pop-off satellite tags. Greetings! We hope this New Year finds you in good health and thinking about the upcoming fishing season. This is the 5th installment of the Black Cod Almanac which we started to improve communication and increase dialogue between scientists and members of the industry. The intent is to provide updates on relevant research, summarized highlights of both Groundfish Plan Team and the North Pacific Fishery Management Council meetings, and news that may be of interest to those involved with the Federal sablefish fishery. Please feel free to pass on, or send us email addresses of others who may appreciate receiving these newsletters. This information has not been formally disseminated by the National Marine Fisheries Service and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy.

Black Cod Almanac - psgvoa.org · Black Cod Almanac MESA Program, Auke Bay Laboratories, NMFS, Juneau, AK January 2018 2017 NMFS Longline Survey research, summarized highlights of

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Page 1: Black Cod Almanac - psgvoa.org · Black Cod Almanac MESA Program, Auke Bay Laboratories, NMFS, Juneau, AK January 2018 2017 NMFS Longline Survey research, summarized highlights of

Industry Newsletter 1

Black Cod Almanac MESA Program, Auke Bay Laboratories, NMFS, Juneau, AK January 2018

Crew member on the longline survey gaffing a sablefish to be sampled.


• 2 0 1 7 N M F S L O N G L I N E S U R V E Y U P D A T E

• N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 7 G R O U N D F I S H P L A N T E A M M E E T I N G S U M M A R Y

• D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 N P F M C M E E T I N G S U M M A R Y

• N E W R E S E A R C H : R E C R U I T M E N T , M A T U R I T Y , Y O Y T A G G I N G

• 2 0 1 8 L O N G L I N E S U R V E Y C A L E N D A R

2017 NMFS Longline Survey The 2017 NMFS longline survey sampled waters throughout the entire Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and in the Eastern Bering Sea, from June 2017 – August 2017. During the survey, catch is recorded, a subset of sablefish otoliths is collected for age reading, sablefish are lengthed, and a subset of sablefish are tagged for movement research. The results of this survey are the most influential data source used in the sablefish assessment model, which estimates spawning biomass and is used to set harvest limits.

• LL Survey Relative Population Numbers (RPNs; area weighted measures of the numbers of fish) were up from 2016 in most areas

The difference in catch (#) of fish at each slope station of the longline survey in the GOA from 2016 to 2017. Black bars indicate an increase in catch from 2016 to 2017, and red bars indicate a decrease in catch from 2016 to 2017. Red eclipse shows main area of decrease from 2016 to 2017, and black eclipse shows main area of increase.

• The number of survey stations with depredation increased from 2016 for both sperm and orca whales. These values were above the time series average.

• Total tagged fish: 3,322 sablefish, 877 shortspine thornyhead, 9 Greenland turbot, plus 3 spiny dogfish with pop-off satellite tags.

Greetings! We hope this New Year finds you in good health and thinking about the upcoming fishing season. This is the 5th installment of the Black Cod Almanac which we started to improve communication and increase dialogue between scientists and members of the industry. The intent is to provide updates on relevant research, summarized highlights of both Groundfish Plan Team and the North Pacific Fishery Management Council meetings, and news that may be of interest to those involved with the Federal sablefish fishery. Please feel free to pass on, or send us email addresses of others who may appreciate receiving these newsletters.

This information has not been formally disseminated by the National Marine Fisheries Service and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy.

Page 2: Black Cod Almanac - psgvoa.org · Black Cod Almanac MESA Program, Auke Bay Laboratories, NMFS, Juneau, AK January 2018 2017 NMFS Longline Survey research, summarized highlights of

Industry Newsletter 2

2017 November Groundfish Plan Team Meeting Highlights http://www.npfmc.org/fishery-management-plan-team/goa-bsai-groundfish-plan-team/ Dana Hanselman presented the sablefish assessment during the November 2017 NPFMC Groundfish Plan Team meeting that was held at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, WA, November 13 – 17, 2017.

The 2018 assessment included the following new data: ▪ Catch: updated catch for 2016, new projected

2017-2019 catches ▪ Relative abundance: 2016 longline fishery,

2017 longline survey, 2017 GOA trawl survey ▪ Ages: 2016 longline survey, 2016 fixed gear

fishery ▪ Lengths: 2016 fixed gear fishery, 2016 trawl

fishery, 2017 longline survey, 2017 GOA trawl survey

▪ Depredation: estimates of killer and sperm whale depredation in the fishery were updated and projected for 2017-2019

Summarized results:

▪ Abundance indices: The 2017 longline survey abundance index was up 14%. The 2017 fishery data are not available yet, but decreased 23% in 2016 (this is a time series low). The 2017 GOA trawl survey was up 79%.

Plan Team cont.

▪ Recruitment: The last two above-average year classes, 2000 and 2008, each compromise 12% and 15% of the projected 2018 spawning biomass. These will both be fully mature in 2018. The very large estimated 2014 year class is expected to compromise about 4% of the 2018 spawning biomass, despite being about 8% mature. More discussion on recruitment is highlighted further in the newsletter. The following figure shows percent contribution of each year class to total spawning biomass.

▪ Model results: spawning biomass is projected

to increase rapidly from 2018 to 2022, and then stabilize; author recommended 2018 ABC (quota) is 14,957 t (14% increase), which is much lower than the maximum due to uncertainty in the size of the 2014 year class.

▪ Apportionment: The Plan Teams

recommended following the authors’ continued approach of a fixed apportionment of ABC (+14% across all areas to reduce overall ABC variability). See text below regarding apportionment strategy work that has begun.

2018 Spawners by Year Class

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Industry Newsletter 3

December 2017 NPFMC Meeting Highlights The December NPFMC meeting was held in Anchorage, AK, December 4 - 12, 2017.


2018/2019 GOA Groundfish Specifications

The Council concurred with the author’s recommended ABCs for the 2018 and 2019 groundfish fisheries which account for whale depredation. Sablefish overfishing limits (OFL), acceptable biological catches (ABC), and total allowable catches (TAC) by area for 2018 are below:

Area OFL (t) ABC/TAC (t)

Gulf of Alaska 22,703 11,505

Western 1,544

Central 5,158

W. Yakutat 1,829

SE Outside 2,974

Bering Sea 2,887 1,464

Aleutians 3,917 1,988

Fixed Gear CV Rockfish Retention The Council adopted a purpose and need statement and initiated an analysis regarding the requirement of full retention of rockfish on fixed-gear catcher vessels. Requiring full retention of rockfish could improve the identification of species when catcher vessels are subject to electronic monitoring, improve data collection by providing more accurate estimates of catch, and reduce incentives to discard rockfish, reduce waste, reduce overall enforcement burden, and promote consistent management between State of Alaska and Federal fisheries.

The Council requested that staff consider the following issues as part of the analysis:

• Whether increasing the MRAs for rockfish species would reduce the amount of catch that would need to be monitored to ensure that it does not enter commerce

• The costs and feasibility of processing, handling, and donating rockfish that are retained in excess of an MRA and which cannot enter commerce

• Potential inconsistencies between State and Federal management.



• 650 sablefish (6 archival tags) • 12 shortspine thornyheads • 1 Greenland turbot (1 archival tag)

Photo of shortspine thornyhead ready to be sampled, on

the longline survey. Photo credit: K. Fenske

OF THOSE SABLEFISH TAGS: • Greatest time at liberty: 13,568 days (~39

yrs) • Shortest time at liberty: 1 days • Greatest distance traveled: 1,544 nmi

Make sure to get those tags turned in for the 2017 cash reward drawing in April! See end

of newsletter for information on returns.

Page 4: Black Cod Almanac - psgvoa.org · Black Cod Almanac MESA Program, Auke Bay Laboratories, NMFS, Juneau, AK January 2018 2017 NMFS Longline Survey research, summarized highlights of

Industry Newsletter 4

Recruitment Event We previously reported that there were several observations Gulfwide of young of the year (YOY) sablefish in 2014, and age-1 in 2015. The potential for the 2014 year class being one of the largest recruitment events is being realized, as evident in both the trawl and longline surveys.

The 2015 and 2017 trawl survey length compositions show a high proportion of fish between ages-1 and 3. The figures below show that larger age-one sablefish were appearing in the 2015 trawl survey length composition (left panel) in the 30-40 cm range, and the 2017 trawl survey length composition (right panel) shows 3 modes with potentially 2 or more year classes.

GOA trawl length compositions

The 2016 longline survey also had an extremely high proportion of age-2 fish and a relatively high proportion of age-3 fish. The figure below shows the proportion of female sablefish catch of each length (cm) on the longline survey from 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 in comparison with the 10-year mean. The two left side bumps in 2016 (blue line) and 2017 (pink line) are evidence of possible high recruitments in 2014 and 2015.

Recruitment cont.

The 2014 year class is estimated to be 10 times higher than the long-term average. Red line represents overall average.


$$ Socioeconomic Profile $$

The sablefish economic performance report shows that sablefish ex-vessel value (per lb) has been increasing as the ABC and total catch has dropped. 2003 -

2012 Average





Quantity mt

8.59 7.83 6.70 6.06 5.86

Value US$

$101.5 $96.2 $99.0 $91.0 $99.7

Price/lb US$

$5.36 $5.57 $6.70 $6.81 $7.72

H&G share

95% 97% 97% 98% 97%

Sablefish first-wholesale data from Alaska Fisheries. Production (thousand metric tons), value (million US$),

price (US$ per pound), and head and gut share of production, 2003-2012 average and 2013-2016.

It is unknown how the future market will respond to what will likely be numerous small fish in the population as a result of the emergence of the 2014 year class.

Approximate ex-vessel value of sablefish per kilogram

by age.

Page 5: Black Cod Almanac - psgvoa.org · Black Cod Almanac MESA Program, Auke Bay Laboratories, NMFS, Juneau, AK January 2018 2017 NMFS Longline Survey research, summarized highlights of

Industry Newsletter 5

Sablefish Maturity Female sablefish maturity work has been completed and published results can be found in the following publications:

Rodgveller, C. J., Stark, J.W., Echave, K.B., and P.J.F. Hulson. 2016. Age at maturity, skipped spawning, and fecundity of female sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) during the spawning season. Fish. Bull. 114:89-102.

Rodgveller, C. J. 2017. Female sablefish age-at-maturity in Alaska applicable to stock assessment. AFSC Processed Rep. 2017-12, 23 p. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115.

Main findings: 1) Much of the summer is too early to definitively tell if a

fish will spawn in the coming winter. Only at the tail end of the survey, which occurs during the second half of August in the CGOA, can we assume that fish will spawn will have developing eggs.

2) The proportion of mature fish that are not spawning (skip spawning) varies by year: 21% in 2011 and 3-6% in 2015.

3) Skipped spawning is likely related to energy reserves at least 6 months prior to spawning, around the time when fish initiate ovarian development if they will spawn in the coming winter.

Sablefish Logbook Program

Fishery data (collected in logbooks and by observers) are used in the sablefish stock assessment in calculations of abundance and apportionment of catch. The majority of fishery data comes from logbooks that are collected by the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC). Logbook data is weighted more heavily in calculations than observer data because of the higher sample size. We appreciate that fishermen voluntarily turn in sablefish fishery information. In 2016, 72% of the vessels that turned in logbooks were under 60 ft, collecting data voluntarily. Keep recording catch in both numbers and weight for each set, when possible. This will allow us to track seasonal and annual changes in fish size.

In the EGOA, there was an increase in average weight as the season progressed: average weight in spring was 5.9 lbs, 6.8 lbs in summer, and 7.6 lbs in fall. Although fish size increases in the fall, catch rates and effort decreases.

Count of hook and line logbook sets used for calculations of avg. weight by area and season

Area Spring Summer Fall Total BS/AI 1,427 948 458 2,833 WGOA 759 1,357 416 2,532 CGOA 3,259 1,646 614 5,519 EGOA 2,049 408 281 2,738

THANK YOU for voluntarily working with the IPHC to enable our use of this data. Vessel size, name, and owner and operator are all masked from NMFS and only data summarized by NMFS areas (e.g. CGOA) are shared with the public.

Apportionment Simulation Project

Apportionment of sablefish ABC to management areas has been fixed at the 2013 proportions for several years to address increasing variability. We have now begun examine/evaluate different apportionment alternatives through simulation modeling. Simulations will allow us to compare the performance of the current method for apportionment to several alternative. We will be seeking your feedback throughout the process, so stay tuned. In the meantime, if you have suggestions for ideas that apportionment should address, please contact Kari Fenske ([email protected]).

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Industry Newsletter 6

New Research: Early Life Movement: Tagging A small pilot program was conducted in 2017 to capture, tag, and release age-0 sablefish from the Gulf of Alaska. Fish were captured in a trawl net with a live box attached to the cod end. Once on board, fish were measured, tagged, allowed to recover in a holding tank overnight, and then released. A total of 46 age-0 sablefish were tagged and released near Kayak Island. The tagged fish ranged in size from 140-184 mm in length. The goal of the tagging was to test whether age-0 fish could be successfully captured, tagged, and released alive. All of the tagged fish survived the tagging and handling process and were released. If future funding permits, we will continue to tag and release these young fish and hope to learn more about their very early life movements. Please report these tagged fish if captured. The tags are yellow and begin with the letter code “YY” followed by a 4-digit number.

Photo of live box attached to cod end of trawl net used to capture age-0

sablefish. Photo credit: K. Fenske

Photo of tagged age-0 sablefish, with hand for size reference. Photo

credit: K. Fenske

Photo of tagged age-0 sablefish in holding tank. Photo credit: K.


Shortspine Thornyhead Movement:

While not a sablefish, many of you may have turned in a tag from a shortspine thornyhead (idiot) over the years, and may be interested in the first published report of idiot tagging.

• Total of 13,897 tagged idiots have been released, 228 have been recovered (2016 total numbers)

• Surprisingly, idiots can travel large distances; 11% recovered >100 nm from release location

• A small number of tagged idiots crossed management and international boundaries

• 20 (9%) of the 228 recovered tagged idiots were recaptured in British Columbia, Canada

• The current geographic scale of management in Alaska for shortspine thornyhead appears to be appropriate

New Research: Early Life Growth A pilot growth study was carried out on field-caught age-0 sablefish in 2016 at the Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute (TSMRI) to generate temperature-dependent growth rates, consumption rates, energy allocation strategies, and fasting energy loss rates. Individually tagged age-0 sablefish were cultured at five temperature treatments (5°, 8°, 12°, 16°, and 20 °C). Growth data from this study showed that juvenile sablefish have a narrow “growth efficiency window” between 12°- 16 °C, with highest growth at ~16 °C (61 °F). This “growth efficiency window” closely matches the water temperature at which age-0 sablefish are captured in the GOA. Energy allocation data suggested that age-0 sablefish prioritize rapid growth over energy storage. Currently, we are conducting an ongoing larger scale age-0 sablefish growth study at TSMRI designed to elaborate on the results from the pilot study, and to generate data that can be used in building energy budget and growth models for these fish. These models can be utilized to estimate the effects of changing environmental and food conditions on growth, condition and energy allocation. [email protected]

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Industry Newsletter 7


Dana Hanselman; Lead sablefish assessment author [email protected] Cara Rodgveller; Sablefish assessment author [email protected] Chris Lunsford; Sablefish assessment author [email protected] Kari Fenske; Sablefish assessment author [email protected] Katy Echave; Sablefish Tag Program [email protected] Pat Malecha; Coordinator of the longline survey [email protected]

C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S SABLEFISH TAG REWARD DRAWING TED STEVENS MARINE RESEARCH INSTITUTE, JUNEAU, AK APRIL 10, 2018 @ 10:00 AM Drawing held from all of the 2017 sablefish tag returns for cash rewards: 1st place - $1,000; 2nd place - $500; 3rd and 4th place - $250. Do not need to be present to collect reward.







Congrats to the 2016 NMFS Sablefish Tag Recovery Prize Drawing Winners

Kariel Inc – Sitka, AK First Prize: $1000 Tag SA 21530 – at liberty for 34.5 yrs and traveled 717 nm

Rino Bayamgos – Sitka, AK Second Prize: $500 Tag BK 22262 – at liberty for ~ 13 yrs and traveled 755 nm

Wade Bassi – Woodinville, WA Third Prize: $250 Tag BK 66884 – at liberty for 698 days and traveled 483 nm

Roy Wilson – Cordova, AK Fourth Prize: $250 Tag BK 69799 – at liberty for 332 days and traveled 400 nm

REMINDER! It is important that vessels avoid fishing in the sablefish survey areas since this catch data will help determine the following year’s quota. The survey will be most accurate if there is no fishing for seven days prior to and during the survey of each station location. During the months of June – August, please reference the 2018 longline survey calendar to be aware of the survey locations and dates. THANK YOU!

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Industry New

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Page 9: Black Cod Almanac - psgvoa.org · Black Cod Almanac MESA Program, Auke Bay Laboratories, NMFS, Juneau, AK January 2018 2017 NMFS Longline Survey research, summarized highlights of

Industry New

sletter 9

National Marine Fisheries Service Longline Survey Station Calendar

June 2018 Sun


Tues W

ed Thurs

Fri Sat

1 Station 35

53º01.8'x170º06.2' 53º03.4'x170º11.1'

2 Station 37

52º16.8'x173º29.8' 52º20.5'x173º29.7'


Station 38

52º15.1'x174º50.6' 52º18.4'x174º47.0'

4 Station 39

52º07.8'x175º34.3 52º09.0'x175º41.0'

5 Station 40

51º58.2'x176º27.2' 52º01.9'x176º25.6'

6 Station 54

51º4582'x178º09.9' 51º44.3'x178º15.9'

7 Station 42

51º4648'x178º57.8' 51º43.1'x178º53.8'

8 Station 53

51º24.3'x178º37.6' 51º21.2'x178º33.5'

9 Station 55

51º35.5'x177º37.0' 51º32.9'x177º42.6'

10 Station 57

51º44.0'x175º59.6' 51º39.7'x176º00.1'

11 Station 58

51º46.6'x175º06.2' 51º46.5'x175º08.1'

12 Station 59

51º52.9'x174º20.3' 51º49.5'x174º24.2'

13 Station 60

51º55.2'x173º30.1' 51º52.9'x173º35.6'

14 Station 61

52º26.5'x170º18.6' 52º24.1'x170º23.8'


In Port D

utch Harbor

16 Station 62

52º39.6'x169º00.2' 52º34.0'x169º10.2'

17 Station 63

52º57.9'x168º08.1' 52º51.3'x168º12.6'

18 Station 64

53º11.5'x166º51.3' 53º03.0'x166º56.0'

19 Station 65

53º35.0'x165º41.1' 53º26.7'x165º46.8'

20 Station 66

53º44.2'x164º28.1' 53º37.6'x164º39.3'

21 Station 67

53º58.2'x163º15.8' 53º51.8'x163º24.1'

22 Station 68

54º08.0'x161º38.2' 54º03.5'x161º51.5'

23 Station 69

54º18.9'x161º03.6' 54º12.6'x161º13.2'

24 Station 70

54º21.9'x160º14.1' 54º13.9'x160º18.8'

25 Station 71

54º30.6'x159º15.3' 54º22.3'x159º25.9'

26 Station 72

54º38.0'x158º34.8' 54º29.5'x158º42.2'

27 Station 73

54º51.1'x157º44.2' 54º43.3'x157º51.6'

28 Station 74

55º14.4'x156º40.4' 55º06.6'x156º44.6'

29 Station 75

55º38.5'x155º50.9' 55º30.0'x155º50.0'

30 Travel to K


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National Marine Fisheries Service Longline Survey Station Calendar

Page 11: Black Cod Almanac - psgvoa.org · Black Cod Almanac MESA Program, Auke Bay Laboratories, NMFS, Juneau, AK January 2018 2017 NMFS Longline Survey research, summarized highlights of

Industry New

sletter 11

National Marine Fisheries Service Longline Survey Station Calendar

July 2018 Sun


Tues W

ed Thurs

Fri Sat


Travel to Ketchikan


Travel to Ketchikan


Travel to Ketchikan


In Port K


5 Station 148

54º38.9'x 132º50.3' 54º36.0'x 132º56.0'

Station 149 54º35.9'x 133º01.4' 54º35.8'x 133º09.4'

6 Station 108

54º27.0'x 133º55.8' 54º32.2'x 134º04.1'

7 Station 107

54º54.0'x 134º17.2' 55º00.8'x 134º27.1'

8 Station 106

55º20.8'x 134º44.1' 55º23.3'x 134º56.8'

9 Station 105

55º33.5'x 134º58.0' 55º37.5'x 135º07.8'

10 Station 144

55º55.8'x 134º54.1' 56º00.0'x 134º54.8'

Station 145 56º02.0'x 134º55.6' 56º05.6'x 135º01.7'

11 Station 104

55º59.0'x 135º26.2' 56º04.8'x 135º38.0'

12 Station 103

56º23.0'x 135º20.9' 56º22.1'x 135º36.8'

13 Station 102

56º51.1'x 135º59.8' 56º57.4'x 136º06.2'

14 Station 101

57º11.3'x 136º14.1' 57º14.9'x 136º24.7'

15 Station 100

57º37.1'x 136º32.2' 57º38.5'x 136º44.1'

16 Station 142

57º54.9'x 137º00.6' 57º55.2'x 137º08.4'

Station 143 57º58.0'x 137º04.6' 57º58.2'x 137º12.6'

17 Station 99

57º52.7'x 137º22.7' 57º53.4'x 137º37.4'

18 Station 98

58º08.4'x 138º43.8' 58º10.3'x 138º55.9'

19 Station 97

58º28.1'x 139º28.0' 58º24.9'x 139º42.5'


In Port Y




experiment near




experiment near



In Port Y


24 Station 138

59º25.0'x 140º56.2' 59º25.6'x 141º04.6'

Station 139 59º24.8'x 141º10.1' 59º21.5'x 141º14.9'

25 Station 96

58º41.1'x 140º38.4' 58º43.4'x 140º52.4'

26 Station 95

59º03.0'x 141º20.6' 59º02.9'x 141º38.1'

27 Station 94

59º23.3'x 142º09.8' 59º28.1'x 142º24.3'

28 Station 93

59º33.0'x 142º33.8' 59º34.8'x 142º47.4'

29 Station 136

59º44.8'x 143º35.2' 59º45.7'x 143º42.3'

Station 137 59º40.4'x 143º22.9' 59º43.1'x 143º29.8'

30 Station 92

59º33.3'x 143º39.1' 59º35.1'x 143º57.1'

31 Station 91

59º31.3'x 144º42.7' 59º26.8'x 144º57.5'

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National Marine Fisheries Service Longline Survey Station Calendar

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Industry New

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National M

arine Fisheries Service Longline Survey Station Calendar A

ugust 2018 Sun


Tues W

ed Thurs

Fri Sat


Station 90

59º30.0'x 145º31.5' 59º30.2'x 145º49.7'

2 Station 89

59º15.8'x 146º51.1' 59º09.7'x 147º04.5'


In Port C



In Port C


5 Station 134

59º36.9'x 146º58.0' 59º33.3'x 147º03.2'

Station 135 59º30.9'x 147º09.2' 59º27.1'x 147º09.0'

6 Station 88

59º09.3'x 147º36.2' 58º59.6'x 147º37.8'

7 Station 87

59º07.6'x 148º39.0' 58º58.5'x 148º39.0'

8 Station 132

59º05.0'x 149º24.0' 59º02.0'x 149º31.9'

Station 133 58º57.0'x 149º30.5' 58º55.2'x 149º38.1'

9 Station 130

58º43.6'x 149º11.8' 58º46.1'x 149º04.9'

Station 131 58º48.1'x 149º02.9' 58º50.6'x 148º55.3'

10 Station 86

58º41.3'x 148º20.4' 58º32.5'x 148º19.0'

11 Station 85

58º17.6'x 148º37.0' 58º08.2'x 148º42.1'

12 Station 84

57º58.3'x 149º10.0' 57º50.9'x 149º20.0'

13 Station 128

58º00.0'x 149º50.5' 57º59.0'x 149º58.3'

Station 129 58º05.0'x 149º54.5' 58º04.0'x 150º02.1'

14 Station 83

57º37.9'x 149º55.0' 57º28.0'x 149º59.0'

15 Station 82

57º24.1'x 150º34.4' 57º15.0'x 150º35.9'


In Port K


17 Station 535

57º21.5'x 150º40.2' 57º13.1'x 150º40.3'

18 Station 523

57º13.3'x 151º02.3' 57º04.1'x 151º02.9'

19 Station 81

57º07.1'x 151º13.3' 56º58.2'x 151º17.6'

20 Station 80

56º29.1'x 152º12.8' 56º21.1'x 152º21.0'

21 Station 79

56º18.2'x 153º04.6' 56º13.3'x 153º16.4'

22 Station 78

55º58.4'x 154º01.3' 55º49.9'x 154º01.9'

23 Station 77

56º02.5'x 154º34.0' 55º53.6'x 154º34.5'

24 Station 76

55º46.0'x 155º08.3' 55º37.9'x 155º15.7'

25 Station 122

56º11.2'x 155º57.8' 56º11.0'x 156º04.6'

Station 123 56º13.9'x 156º07.8' 56º15.2'x 156º14.6'


Station 120 55º47.3'x 156º04.6' 55º45.8'x 156º11.9'

Station 121 55º45.0'x 156º12.1' 55º43.8'x 156º20.0'


Travel to Dutch



Unload vessel

Dutch H



30 31

Page 14: Black Cod Almanac - psgvoa.org · Black Cod Almanac MESA Program, Auke Bay Laboratories, NMFS, Juneau, AK January 2018 2017 NMFS Longline Survey research, summarized highlights of

Industry New

sletter 14

National Marine Fisheries Service Longline Survey Station Calendar