Multiplier Method™ BLACK BOOK


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Multiplier Method™



This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)



Your #1 Priority In Business Is To Make Money… ...................................... 5

Two ways to make $10,000 a month .................................................................................................... 5

How to frame high ticket prices ............................................................................................................ 7

Price Justification ................................................................................................................................ 11

Ghost Pricing ....................................................................................................................................... 13

The most powerful offer known to man. ............................................................................................ 15

How to design the PERFECT product ...................................................... 17

Audio ................................................................................................................................................... 18

Video ................................................................................................................................................... 19

Manual or eBook ................................................................................................................................. 19

How to develop a software product ....................................................... 20

What kind of software can you develop? ........................................................................................... 21

How difficult is it to have software developed? ................................................................................. 24

How long does it take to develop something that you can sell? ........................................................ 24

Windows Desktop Applications .......................................................................................................... 25

Web Based Applications ..................................................................................................................... 27

What should you choose? Desktop app or Server based web app?................................................... 29

Step by step instructions ..................................................................................................................... 30

How to make money with a software app .......................................................................................... 33

How to “lock-in” recurring sales... ......................................................... 34

How to Guarantee Your Success .......................................................... 37

How to make $10 per month for each name on your email list ... ............. 39

Getting people onto your list… ........................................................................................................... 39

The real secret to creating a buying frenzy ......................................................................................... 40

How to leverage the work of traffic ninjas online .................................... 43

Stealth Selling… A Simple Conversion Tactic That People Can’t Resist........ 46


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Connecting with your readers. ............................................................................................................ 52

Advanced Optimization Strategy ........................................................... 54

What to test & How to test ................................................................................................................. 54

Normal A vs. B Split Test Experiment .................................................................................................. 55

Multivariate Testing (MVT) ................................................................................................................. 56

Optimization Stages ............................................................................................................................ 58

How To Do It: ...................................................................................................................................... 60

Pinpointing, Then Exploiting Leverage Points In Your Business ................. 61

Operations .......................................................................................................................................... 62

How To Build A Team That Will Make You Rich ....................................... 65

How to locate and access the right people for your business... ......................................................... 66

What you can expect… ........................................................................................................................ 66

Virtual Assistants ................................................................................................................................. 67

Programmers ...................................................................................................................................... 69

How to hire someone.......................................................................................................................... 71

How to get the best out of the people you hire ................................................................................. 72

The virtual office and timekeeping ..................................................................................................... 76

How to communicate with your employees ....................................................................................... 76

My Secret “Stealth Influence” Formula... .............................................. 79

The Template .................................................................................. 79

Explanation ..................................................................................... 80

Step 0: Get a clear idea of who you are talking to… ........................................................................... 80

Step 1: Capture that person’s attention ............................................................................................. 80

Step 2: Highlight their problem / issue / thing they are missing out on ............................................. 81

Step 3: Imply or demonstrate a solution ............................................................................................ 81

Step 4: Describe the outcome, then link it to your product ............................................................... 82

Step 5: Qualification / Disqualification (aka the first hoop) ............................................................... 82

Step 6: Activate reciprocation ............................................................................................................. 82

Step 7: Take it away ............................................................................................................................ 83


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Step 8: Give them an opportunity to move in your direction ............................................................. 83

Step 9: Reward / Lock-in ..................................................................................................................... 84

Step 10: Reinforce goodwill ................................................................................................................ 84

Step 11: Continue to exchange value for value .................................................................................. 84

Powerful Psychological Triggers and Persuasion Patterns ......................... 85

Trigger Words...................................................................................................................................... 86

Giving ideas or concepts dimension… bringing them to life .............................................................. 86

Sensory Words .................................................................................................................................... 87

The power of pictures ......................................................................................................................... 91

How to create a buying context .......................................................................................................... 91

Undercover headlines ......................................................................................................................... 93

Tapping into Universal Desires (Eugene Schwartz) ............................................................................. 96

Universal desires are related to Self-image. ....................................................................................... 96

BUILDING VALUE ............................................................................................................................... 102


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Your #1 Priority In Business Is To Make


I’d like to talk about pricing before I get into specific tactics and strategies.

Price is crucial because affects your profitability, as well as your position in

the market.

On the practical level, the more money you get per transaction, the faster

you will hit your sales targets…

Two ways to make $10,000 a month

1.) Make 500 sales at $20 each


2.) Make 50 sales at $200 each

In the first scenario you would need 50,000 visitors if you have a 1% conversion


On the other hand, you would only need 5,000 visitors in the second scenario with

a 1% conversion rate.

That comes to 250 clicks per day x 30 days. That could be 20 Keywords or keyword

themes that each get 8.33 clicks per day (say via AdWords)

• 20 keywords x 8.33 clicks = 250 clicks per day.

• 250 clicks per day x 30 days = 5,000 clicks.

• 5,000 clicks x 1% conversion rate = 50 sales.

• 50 sales x $200 = $10,000.


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But that’s not the only reason to charge premium prices.

I mentioned that your pricing also determines your position in the market.

Higher prices often increase conversions because…

Premium prices add value

to your offers.

A higher price raises your product’s profile

It is perceived completely differently if you offer it for $200 as opposed to

$20, (Or $500 instead of $50… etc.)


It literally makes your product more valuable to own (and more desirable)

The product can have the same function and deliver exactly the same result,

but as soon as you raise the price, the product moves into a different


Here’s what happens if your prices are too low…

1.) The market dissociates you from quality… which is a very

dangerous position to be in. It is virtually impossible to reframe

that perception once it has been established.

2.) You attract price-sensitive customers

3.) You won’t make enough money to earn a decent profit and have

money left to reinvest in your business for long term


4.) You make less profits from the same effort it would have taken

to earn much more with a proper pricing strategy


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It takes the same effort. The difference is positioning, and then confidence

and guts.

It works in your favor to sell premium solutions at premium prices. Here’s

what happens if you have a premium product with premium margins:

1.) You attract better customers

2.) You have leverage to setup lucrative joint ventures

3.) You can outbid your competition on the PPC networks to grow

your customer base

Robert Cialdini talks about commitment and consistency. A high ticket price

trips the commitment and consistency button, because people are more

inclined to use your product if they invest a decent amount of money in it.

So it is pretty obvious that I support premium pricing.

How to frame high ticket prices Here is how to state your offer so that that price becomes

completely irrelevant.

You can literally set any price you want if you use this tactic. The idea is to

first establish the real value to the customer, and then contrast your price

against that.

Ultimately, the goal is to get a situation where they would rather have the

result you can deliver than the amount of money you are charging.

A “Frame” is context of your message. It’s important to note that nothing

happens in isolation, everything has a context and your customer will choose

a frame (i.e. set the context based on their mood) if you don’t do it



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And you need to set a frame that focuses on the result the customer gets

when they buy and use your product, as opposed to the product as a


The commodity is the report, or video, or audio, or software. The result is

what that product allows the customer to experience.


Let’s say that you are an SEO consultant. The market has an idea of what

they would pay for expert SEO consulting.

If you don’t want to compete on price, then you can frame your offer based

on the extra business your client will get… for free (from their search engine

rankings) when they use you for their SEO.

You can then compare that with alternative methods of getting traffic. Pay

Per Click, banner advertising, affiliates, offline advertising, yellow pages, and

so on. Not to mention what it would cost to get a full-time SEO person.

If you add it all up, and then you tell them that advertising is an ongoing

expense, whereas SEO is a once-off event (with maintenance), then it

makes perfect sense to pay your fee. It is an investment as opposed to a


Or if you are selling a piano course through clickbank, instead of focusing on

the product (the videos), you could focus on speed (how quickly the student

will become accomplished), and then shift attention to the price of piano

lessons over the course of 5 years. Your price becomes completely

insignificant to people who want the result (i.e. the ability to play piano).

Let’s consider an information product that shows people how to increase

their vertical leap. There are several products like that, and the prices range

from $50 to $200. There is one course however that sells for $397… they are

competing for the same customers as the cheaper products. The big


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difference is that the expensive course first builds up the trainer’s value by

talking about his experience working with NBA players and other elite

athletes. It then talks about training camps, gym fees, personal training…

and it spells out the cost of that training.

Imagine how much it would cost to have someone who trains NBA pros to

train you.

On the surface, by talking about his credentials, it looks like he is aiming his

service at pros…

However, the people who actually want this are normal everyday guys who

want **the ability to** dunk in their local gyms.

People always want the best. They will always select the premium option if it

is within reach.

If you can give an average guy the chance to get access the same

information elite athletes have… even if it costs a bit more, then they will

spend extra money to get it.

Here’s an example I used in Multiplier Method Volume 2 a few years ago.

Let’s say that you know how to get discounts on first class and business

airfare. On average, your technique allows you to save an average of $2,000

on international flights.

So you write a detailed 10-page report that reveals your secret. And you

decide to target people who normally travel business class or better anyway

– or people who fly a lot and are definitely interested in upgrading.

This is what amateurs would do…

They will set the price to what they think a 10-page report (i.e. the

commodity) is worth.


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What would a 10-page downloadable report be worth? $39?

Don’t do that.

You should focus on the result the customer will get from using your

information, instead of the product.

In this case, they will save $2000 every time they buy an international first

class ticket.

That is what you can give them.

So you describe the result they will get in detail so there is no doubt about

the value of using your technique. Again, the actual value they get out of it,

not the price.

You can state it like this in the headline, or the first paragraph of your sales


“You will save $2000 on first class airfare

if you follow my simple instructions.”

You then spell out what that means by doing some calculations for them.

“You will save $2000 the first time you use my technique… and you

will save $2000 every time you use it after that.

Let’s say that you take 10 trips over the course of a year. If you use

my technique exactly as described, that would be an extra $20,000 in

your pocket after one year…

$20,000 that would normally have gone to the airlines can go to

something more worthwhile… like a new car, an exotic vacation…”


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You could do a seminar and charge $2000 for this information if you select

customers who will use it over and over. It will pay for itself the first time

they use your technique.

However, if you are selling a digital product, you can make them an offer

where they can have the information immediately by downloading your PDF

for $197.

You have just created a situation where the customer is better off by $1803

as soon as they put your information into action.

At the same time you have created value out of thin air by framing the offer

around the result the customer will get as opposed the value of the


Price Justification Price high, then justify.

No idea who said that – but I subscribe to it. That challenges you to NOT

take the easy way out and price your stuff at $29 or whatever.

Try this

Find the average of your closest competitors’ prices, and then multiply that

value by 10. That should be your price… that should be the amount of value

you deliver.

However… in the spirit of value dissonance, you are going to make the price

irrelevant compared to the result. So divide the amount you came up with

by five. That is the price you will present to your customers.

Here’s an example…


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Competitor 1 $ 97.00

Competitor 2 $ 77.00

Competitor 3 $ 147.00

Competitor 4 $ 197.00

Competitor 5 $ 97.00

$ 615.00

average $ 123.00

Should be your price $ 1,230.00

Your actual price $ 246.00

Another way to think of it is to double what you think your price should be…

and then justify your price with strong copy.

Remember this – you want to start high to establish value. You can always

work in discounts or find ways to give coupons to bump up the urgency or

desire to act RIGHT NOW.

One of my favorite “covert” selling tricks is to give prospects and customers

a loophole to screw you, so it looks like they are getting away with


It seems like they got an amazing deal that they were not supposed to get.

Another general rule of thumb that I work by is that my absolute minimum

price for digital stuff is $77.


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If you can’t justify that price, then you should do one of two things:

1. Improve your product

2. Or sell something else

Another idea I subscribe to is Dan Kennedy’s saying… “Your Price Should Be

As High As You Can Keep A Straight Face When You Say It Out Loud.”

We don’t have to say anything out loud on the internet (unless you are using

videos instead of a salesletter) – so in reality you can set you price as high

as you want.

Of course there needs to be a balance between value and price. You won’t

make any sales if your price is too high compared to the outcomes you are


Ghost Pricing This little-known underground trick increases urgency online.

Ghost pricing is where your raise the perceived value of your entire product

line by creating contrast.

Let’s say that you have a product line. Your most expensive product is $197,

and the basic version of your flagship product is $97.

You would like to increase your premium product’s price to $500 - $1000,

and you would like to shift more units over the course of a month.

What you need to do is create another, much higher end product – that is

based on your flagship product (people don’t actually have to buy it), but

with a much higher price. It could be consulting, a workshop, coaching, etc.


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Set the price of this new product WAY above your current prices. If your

most expensive product is $200, then this new product should be $5,000 or

$10,000, $25k, etc. Much, much higher.

You then promote your high end product… and offer the original flagship

product at 10% or 20% of your most expensive product.

So in this case, the context is set like this:

Your information is worth $10,000, but if customers are willing to apply the

ideas themselves, they can have the “manual” or “software without bells and

whistles” for $500.

Or, if they only need basic functionality, they can have the basic version for


How Affiliates Can Use Ghost Pricing

I have done a few affiliate promotions in the last two years with Andre

Chaperon, and we nailed it every time because of our bonuses.

People want my bonuses more than the actual product I’m promoting. I

position it so that the bonus has more value than the actual product I’m

promoting (by setting a higher price first of all). My sales pitch focuses on

how the bonus enhances the merchant’s product.

You can increase the value of your bonuses, and your conversion rate on

affiliate promotions by using this ghost pricing strategy. Create a high end

coaching program, workshop, software program, etc and use that to create


Then create a basic version of the most essential information, compiled into

a PDF and set the price to double the merchant’s price so that you bonus has

a higher value that the thing you are promoting.


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You can then offer that as an enhancement to your affiliate offers.

The most powerful offer known to man. Present your offer this way to the right target market... and

those people will find it more difficult to say NO than to say YES.

Imagine you are selling an info product for $77.

First scenario is a basic salesletter.

AdWords --> Salesletter.

Assume that you have a nicely targeted offer with a good salesletter, and

you get a 2% conversion rate.

You earn $154 ($77 x 2) for every 100 visitors in this scenario. That is gross

revenue before costs – and without considering the backend or lifetime


So each visitor is worth $1.54 gross.

Now consider the same product, same price… but with a different offer.

A variation of Gary Halbert’s “Post date your check 30 days” guarantee…

where you make it more logical to say ‘YES’ than to say ‘NO’ (by offering

Your prospects get the chance to experience your product before they buy it.

If you ever need to bargain with an informal street vendor, stick the money

you are willing to pay in their hands. They will not want to give it back once

they have it in hand. It’s the same concept with this trial offer. Look up

Robert Cialdini’s “commitment and consistency” principle for a more detailed

explanation of why this works.


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Sp let’s imagine instead of charging an upfront fee, you allow people to

access your content for $3.95… and then pay $77 seven days later if they

want to continue. (Clickbank’s minimum transaction size is $3.95.)

Your numbers would stack up like this if you get a 20% response to your

trial offer, and a 10% renewal (90% cancelation).

For every 100 visitors you would get…

1. 20 trials @ $3.95 = $79 revenue

2. 10 trials x 20% renewal = 2 Paying customers. So $77 x 2 = $154

That comes to $233 for every 100 visitors. So each unique visitor is worth

$2.33 in this scenario.

Everything is exactly the same, except the way the offer is presented.

There is quite simply NOTHING that works as well as this.

Halbert's most effective offer


Cialdini's most underrated "persuasion principle"


Unstoppable money making machine


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How to design the PERFECT product that your target customers

absolutely CRAVE

When you have killer products, you attract world class affiliates.

And when you have world class affiliates promoting your stuff, you can piggy

back off their skill, build a gigantic database (from their work), and then

leverage that for years into the future.

All you need is ONE KILLER PRODUCT.

I will explain exactly how to go about doing this. You can do this in any

market, even if you know nothing about it.

It all starts with a list of bullet points.

Make a list of all the competitors in the market. Make a table of their main

selling points, their unique advantage. Then look at the bullet points in their

salesletters and add that to your list.

Next, look through the entire list and pick out the top 10 to 20 “features” or

promises the competition are promoting.

When you have that, you restate the list in your own words.

When that is done, pick out ONE thing that stands out head and shoulders

above everything else, and use that as the focal point of a salesletter. Now


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write a salesletter as you normally would. You need to write a finished,

polished salesletter – ready to go online. Complete with graphics,

formatting, etc.

It should be the best you can produce… you must really sell it.

YOU must want to buy that product when you read the salesletter.

When you are done, print out the salesletter and set it aside for a day or so.

When you’ve had some time away from it, read the printed salesletter with a

pen and go through it.

If you are happy with the salesletter… and you are convinced that you would

spend money on that product… you can start developing the product.

Here’s what you do next.

Start a mind map and use the bullets as branches. I use Mindjet or a


You can then flesh out the mind map by adding more points to the different

branches. An information product will start to form right before your eyes.

This will give you an outline for an eBook, a video course, or an audio


Audio This would be the fastest way to turn your mind map into a sellable product

that you can sell for a reasonably high price. You can record the entire

product on your PC with a program like Audacity



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Video Video has the highest perceived value. You can use something like a flip cam

and record yourself presenting the mind map. If you don’t mind doing an

extra bit of work, you can make a PowerPoint presentation and use screen

recording software to record yourself presenting the stuff from the mind


Manual or eBook Mindjet will let you export the mind map to a Word file where you can clean

it up.

Many customers actually prefer a printed document over video because they

are easier to reference.

The problem is that it needs to be written, and writing = hard work.

If you don’t like to write, then you can get a ghost write off odesk to do it for

you. It should take a few days if you give them a mind map. You will find

that many of these ghost writers are excellent researchers, so they will

actually add value to the ideas that you already came up with.


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How to develop a software product

You must have at least one software application in your products portfolio.

1. It is easier to sell software than information.

2. You can make more money per sale.

3. It is easier to create a piece of software than to write an eBook.

4. Software sells itself because software actually delivers results whereas

“information” gives “a way” to achieve results.

It’s really a no brainer.

Also… for people who like recurring revenue streams…

If you were selling a membership site based on content, you would need to

create new content each month to keep it going.

With software, you simply sell access to the software on a monthly basis. No

additional work required if

Consider this…

the software works properly.

20 users at $50 per month gives

you $1000 a month, recurring revenue.

You can get 20 customers in no time if you have a compelling offer and if

you use free-trials followed up with a “lock in” offer.

$50 is on the low end of the pricing scale because software has a higher

value than information.


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(In other words, it should take no effort whatsoever to get at least 20 users

at a minimum of $50 a month.)

Simply doing that will probably pay for two programmers… which will allow

you to develop several valuable products that you can sell.

What kind of software can you develop? I’m not talking about becoming the next Microsoft.

I am referring to one of two things:

• a niche software application (such as this or this)

• Or a data aggregator (like this or this or this.)

Small, easy to develop applications that have a specific place in niche


Start with something that YOU need, and then make it available to other

people who may also need it.

Look at what is already out there and compete with existing applications if

you don’t have any ideas. You will make sales because people will always

want “the new thing”.

Let me give you a reference so we are on the same wave length.

SENuke sells for $167 a month.

I am pretty sure they have several hundred paying customers. This software

more than pays for itself because it works

The $167 price tag is an investment instead of a cost because you will make

that back several times over when you use it.

. (In my opinion)


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Think about the previous sentence carefully because that is the key to

framing your offer. It will make a massive difference in your results. It

makes perfect sense for the customer to pay $167 a month if they will make

that back several times over if you use it.

Let’s imagine that you develop something that is equally as useful (saves

time, makes life easy, etc), and you only got 100 users. (Say you get one

new user a day… you will have 100 users in a little over 3 months. No rush.)

Assume that your customers are willing to pay $167 a month… 100 x $167 a

month gives you $16,700 PER month

(Half of that, i.e. 50 customers would give you $8,350 a month, recurring


(in three months).

How do you get 100 paying customers?

• 4000 unique visitors see your offer. That is 25 keywords that

each get 160 clicks per month. Or 10 keywords that each get

400 clicks per month.

• 25% of them sign up for a free trial and test your application.

That gives you 1000 people trying the software.

• Each one them gets a lock in offer

• 10% of them respond to the lock in offer. That gives you 100

paying customers.

That is the front end. You still have the people who did not respond on your

email list.

You can put them into an AR Sequence, or give them access to a members'

area that shows them how to do something… but show them how easy it is

when they use your software.


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More exposures to your offer will give you more customers.

What can you do with that? You can pump more money into your software…

make it better, get more programmers, develop more programs… or you can

buy more traffic and ramp up sales.

Can you see the potential of selling software?

There is virtually no resistance to a recurring offer if you sell a solution that

integrates into on-going operations.

Solutions like industry-specific data aggregators, management or billing

software (example… for B&B’s, small hotels, small restaurants, etc), or stuff

for the Internet Marketing market.

The internet marketing market would be the easiest to crack because people

spend loads of money on applications that make their lives easier.

Stuff like newsletters or membership sites don’t have the same renewals as

software that is integral to a business’s day to day work. (The average is 4.5

renewals for information products).

I’m putting data aggregators into the software category because they

require php, asp, rails, etc on top of a database.

Data aggregators are websites that process vast amounts of

information… such as numbers, names, other text values… and then

allow easy access to that information in one place.

This type of service sells itself in industries where people have to make

decisions based on data from several different sources. That is a

mouthful, so take a second and let it sink in.

This is my absolute FAVORITE thing to sell on the internet.


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CBEngine is a decent example of the type of data aggregators I’m

talking about, except I would target higher end markets.

The more exclusive the data and the more important the data is to

the customer’s “process”, the more you can charge.

How difficult is it to have software developed? It is easy! I’m going to show you how to do it in this chapter.

You don’t need to know anything about software or programming to develop

killer software that people will buy. All you need is an idea, and the ability to

articulate what it does in writing.

The only thing you need to “master” is the ability to describe EXACTLY what

you want

It would also be helpful if you could visualize HOW it would work… and even

better if you can design an interface so your programmer has something to

work from.

… and communicate with programmers.

Your role will probably be similar to a building contractor. Building

contractors manage the resources and ensure that work gets done in a

certain order.

That is what you will be doing on your software project.

The main thing is to focus on keeping it functional at the beginning. You

don’t want to overcomplicate it. The best applications are easy to use,

How long does it take to develop something that

you can sell?

effective and robust.

It can be done pretty quickly if you know exactly what you want.


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The first step is to get a working prototype. Then you work on the prototype

– add new features, change things around, improve certain processes, etc.

When you have completed that stage, you can test it, and then launch it.

To give you a reference – it took me a weekend to build something that does

more or less what SpeedPPC does. SpeedPPC lacked something that I

wanted to try, so I built my own solution. It took me about 10 hours worth

of coding – but I knew exactly what I was building.

You have to consider the time your programmer would normally take to

design the logic of the software. He will have to figure out which functions it

needs, he will have to design a database if the software needs it, and he

may have to build an interface.

Once he has a blueprint for the software, he then has to code it.

Sometimes they can download code snippets (called libraries) and stitch

them together – which saves a lot of time. See this example. Here’s another


Windows Desktop Applications There are several technology choices, but I believe that .net is the best

technology option from a marketer’s point of view

1. It will let you do literally anything you can think of. There are no



2. .NET programmers are a dime a dozen. You don’t have to look very

far to find a good C# or VB.net programmer.

You can get a full time Filipino C# or VB.NET programmer for $300

to $400 a month.


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They will put in 40 hours per week, 4 weeks per month.

3. But most importantly for a marketer who has NO programming

experience… this is the fastest way to convert your idea into a

prototype, and then into a working application (either desktop or

web based app).

I will show you how later… but basically, you can download Visual

Studio Express (free of charge!) and build the interface yourself in a

few minutes.

Then simply hand it off to your programmer along with a short

description of what you want it to do.

It is very easy. You drag and drop stuff like buttons, labels, text boxes, etc

onto a form.



It is like working with a regular Microsoft Office program such as Word or

Excel… I promise that you will figure it out in ten minutes.

Once you have designed a basic interface, you can send it to the

programmer along with the specs of what you want, and how you want the

program to work and they will build the application for you.

It does not get any easier than this!


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The big advantage of this approach is that the programmer will know exactly

what you want. They can get straight to programming and will give you what

you are looking for.

You can then make changes or improvements once you have a working


It is cool.

Some stuff you should know about dot net.

Dot net is not a language. It is a “framework” that interfaces with your


There are different dot net languages, so you will find programmers who

know one or more of these languages. The code written in one of these

languages talks to the framework, which then talks to your computer.

So it does not matter if your programmers write the code in C#, Visual Basic

or C++.Net. They all perform more or less the same. (Some people will tell

you that C++ is faster than C#. And that C# is faster than VB.Net. I have

not seen any difference in performance.)

In effect, code written in the different .net languages are interchangeable.

The good news is that Windows servers (when you see a page with a .asp or

.aspx extension) also use the .net framework. So this means that your

programmers will be able to convert a desktop app written in a .net

language into a web app that runs on a windows server in a few hours.

Web Based Applications A Web app is software that people can access through their browser, or on

their mobile devices.


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Normally, it is a set of web pages that interact with a database. It then

processes the data and displays the results in your browser.

The mainstream technology choices are PHP & MySQL, .NET (asp.net), and

then stuff like Rails and Python.

You should stick to php or .net because it is easier to find a programmer,

code libraries, and documentation.

Those factors are a big deal.

The advantage of PHP is that it is completely free, it is fast, and there are

millions of programmers.

PHP is by far the most popular choice. WordPress was developed in PHP.

The other major choice is .net, which I spoke about earlier in the context of

desktop applications.

ASP.NET is part of the .net family.

Whenever you see a web page with a .aspx or .asp extension, then it was

either written in C# or VB.net.

Code written in C# or VB.net for the web is almost identical to .net for

desktop applications. There is a 90% overlap…

What this means is that virtually any desktop application that was done in

one of the .net languages, can be converted to web application in a few of

hours, or a few days at most.

If you have web design skills (or if you have Dreamweaver), then you can

build the shell of your web app. You build the interface (the web pages), and

then use a screen capture program to capture the screen and make labels

for the programmer.


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What should you choose? Desktop app or Server

based web app? You are going to have to make a decision here. There are benefits and

disadvantages either way.

A web based application is a central application… which means that you can

make changes in one place. Users don’t have to upgrade or download stuff

to their computers. You can also control user access. So you can virtually

eliminate piracy. This is the best choice for data aggregators or if your

business model is to rent access to your software.

The main disadvantage of a web based applications are performance issues.

This will happen if the code is less than optimal, or if you have too many

users… in which case you have a good problem and you should celebrate by

buying better hardware. More users mean that you have tons of customers

and are making tons of cash. The solution is to get better equipment and

hire better programmers to improve the software.

In many instances people prefer desktop applications because they generally

work a lot faster.

The downside is to desktop programs is that it is a real major pain in the

butt to make your software platform independent. Right out of the box, a

.NET desktop application only works on Windows. So you won’t be able to

serve customers who use Macs or Linux. The other big problem is piracy…

stuff will get cracked in a few days if you target tech savvy customers.


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Check the feasibility of the project before you

start working on it.

You should do some investigative work before you start working on your


Is there a need for it?

Do keyword research, see what else is on the market and analyze those

sites performance.

Can you see a potential angle for the site?

How To Build A Software Application:

Step by step instructions

This is my method for building software apps.

This is the easiest way to go from an idea to a spec sheet that you can hand

over to a programmer in my opinion. I think you will find this process useful.

The best place to start is to outline all of the features you want on a piece of

paper. Brainstorm and come up with the most perfect program you can think


Go nuts… anything is possible.

You can scale back to the most essential features to get it out there, and

then add new stuff later when you start to generate cash flow from the



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After you have written down a list of the dream features, you should write

down exactly how the user will use the program.

I mean in step by step fashion.

Use a word processor and describe it in list form.

Once you have done that, you can start working on the interface. Either

draw it on a piece of paper, or use visual studio to draw the application.

You can then use any screen capture software to either do a short video

where you explain what you want the program to do.

Or you can use something like the Windows Snipping tool, Jing, Snagit or

Screensteps to make screen captures of the software and explain what you

would like.

Look at the example below…


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That’s a silly example, but if you were the programmer – and you knew what

I wanted to “process”, then you would know pretty much exactly what to do.

If you have web design skills – and you are building a web app instead of a

desktop application, then you can create a dummy web application in

Dreamweaver or whatever software you use to build html pages.

It is exactly the same.


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And of course, if all of this seems too difficult, you can just try to explain

what you need to the programmer and have him send you a mock-up of

what he thinks the interface should look like.

You can then print that and make changes with a pen and send it back to


Hopefully you can see the big picture… there isn’t a single way to do this.

The main thing is to communicate your idea as clearly as possible.

Pictures are worth a thousand words.

How to make money with a software app 1. Sell it

2. Rent it (monthly access)

3. Sell the code

4. Give it away to build your list, then monetize with affiliate offers and


5. Monetize with adsense

6. Do joint ventures with someone (or people) who has a list

7. Have a free version with ads…

8. Have a free version with ads, with grayed out buttons

9. Free trial, lock in offer.


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How to “lock-in” recurring sales...


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That is a potent strategy and it works with both software and information


Here’s another version of this strategy. This diagram is from 2007/08.


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Step 1: Free Trial. Login to PayPal and look at their "subscription" payments

screen. Set the trial price to $0 and set the trial period to 30 days or 1

month. Set your price. (Sneaky tip: raise your "public" price by 25%. You'll

see why below in step 4.)

*** (Use an exit pop to catch people who leave without taking action and

offer a 'Lite Version' for free. To get them back into the loop!)

Step 2: Deliver the first instalment of the product.

Step 3: Deliver the stick letter. This could go out immediately after they

sign up. Or you can send it out the next day... with an unannounced bonus


Step 4: On the third day... send them to a special offer page with one of

those countdown timers. Make them this offer:

• Sign up within the next ten minutes and you can lock in a discount

rate forever. (Note to vendor: The discount rate is your real rate. The

price set in step 1 minus 25%.)

• You will also be upgraded to the advanced version. This is not

available anywhere else... only with this offer. The advanced version

does "blah, blah, blah." (Note to vendor: Something amazing that

makes it hard to refuse the offer.)

• As an elite member, you are entitled to earn 75% recurring

commission. (Note to vendor: This is the kicker!)

Step 5: Of course, the upgrade offer isn't free. Send them to a page where

they can make the payment and deliver the product.

Step 6: Don't forget to send another email to tell the people who upgraded

to cancel their initial trial subscription by logging into their PayPal account.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


How to Guarantee Your Success

Here’s how to know FOR SURE that you WILL

make money BEFORE you spend any time

creating a product.

This is something that everyone involved in "info product" marketing...

including affiliates... should know. (There are two tactics, both are perfectly


Tactic 2.1

Write a salesletter and send traffic to it and see if you can get people to buy.

If people buy, simply refund the purchase then put your promotion on

pause. Then create the product as quickly as you can.

If you’re doing an info product, you can either write it yourself (see my

speed product section later), or you can get someone else to create it for

you and split the money.

Or, you can simply buy out the rights to someone else’s products and re-

position it in the market.

Tactic 2.2

Same as above, but instead of selling the product, you collect opt-ins at the

point where people would fill out the order form.


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You can then put up a “temporarily out of stock” graphic and forward those

leads to someone else through your affiliate link. But you have to presell the

other guy’s product…

“We are not currently selling the 'Forex Powerbot 2000', but I recommend

you check out Forex Megadroid. Megadroid has given us a steady 11%

increase per month for the last 18 months. It is the most consistent bot on

the market at the moment after Forex Powerbot 2000.”

It doesn’t matter if you don’t make affiliate sales. If you are getting opt-ins

then it means there is interest and you can go ahead and develop the



This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


How to make $10 per month for each name on

your email list ...

And how to build a list of super eager people in

a few weeks.

Opt-in pages are NOT as effective as the strategy I use to get people onto

my list.

I will show you two tactics I use every day.

Getting people onto your list… I have a number of tactics that have worked for years.

The first one is to simply put an opt-in box on a landing page WITHOUT any


All of the “work” happens off site and points people to my domain.

This works brilliantly for article marketing – if you are going to submit

quality articles to places like ezinearticles.

Conversion rates are pretty low in markets like IM, Forex, or stuff for the

PUA crowd because people have been bombarded with every trick in the


The promise of getting a free report or 7-day course in return for an opt-in

address is not compelling enough.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


What I have been doing instead is to position the “free report” (opt-in bait)

as a legitimate product. With a salesletter, an order form, the works. The

important thing is that people have to go through an ordering process

through my shopping cart.

You can either set the price to $0.00… or, set the price to something like

$39.95 or $97, depending on your market, and then give people a coupon

to remove the price.

The shopping cart then automatically puts people onto your aweber list.

You can do this with 1shoppingcart, e-junkie ($5 a month!), and fantasos.

Don’t bother with infusionsoft. The all in one aspect is nice, but the email

delivery is really pathetic...

If you don’t know which one to use, go with e-junkie because it works

flawlessly with aweber and clickbank.

The real secret to creating a buying frenzy Do you know how to get 300 people to send you $197 in a matter of


I'll show you how... you can use this to generate cash windfalls anytime you


And best of all, you can do this with as little as 20 to 50 visitors per day. You

don't need torrents of traffic to make good money online.

If you are getting small amounts of traffic like that, then it is better to focus

on getting people onto your list first and establishing some rapport and build

up reciprocity before you sell stuff.


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The key is to follow up consistently with content. No pitches until at least the

5th email.

When you have 500 names on your list, you can run a few mini launches

(the cooker). Obviously the bigger the list the better this will work.

The cooker works because you are creating a limited window of opportunity

to get your product.

The cooker

This works over a weekend. I’m not going to tell you how well this works.

You have to do it.

Here’s how it works…

The big idea:

You are going to create "Windows of opportunity" for people to buy your product.

What to do:

Send out an email the Friday before the sale. Send people to the actual

salesletter... but don't make the order buttons active. People will tend to go to the

salesletter several times over the weekend and convince themselves that they

NEED to buy what you are selling. Read the Multiplier Method book again to find out

how I create "impossible to refuse" offers. Then on Monday, make the order

buttons live. Works every time!

"Blackhat" Twist:

Ok, I'm going to give you two ideas to think about. People always laugh when I tell

them this... but you have to try it to see how effective it is.

Black hat Twist #1

The first tactic is to put a LOCKED file right on the sales page. So people can



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download the file without sending money or getting onto a list. However, they

cannot open the file without a password... which you will sell on the Monday


This simple trick teases the hell out of your prospects. (But use it with care and use

it sparingly)

You can use a regular ZIP file... or you can use eBook pro. (You will need

1shoppingcart to deliver the eBook pass codes if you go with eBook pro)

Black hat Twist #2

Delay the launch without notice... until Tuesday. ;-)


Ok, that's all I'm giving away for free.

You have to give it a shot.


1. Find a problem to solve

2. Find someone to solve it

3. Find someone with a list and do a deal

4. Build your list (by capturing leads from your JV partners)

5. Repeat steps 1 and 2 over and over and over and promote that to your list.

6. Don't forget to recycle your traffic by getting the folks on your list to become

your affiliates.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


How to leverage the work of traffic ninjas online

If you don’t have at least one product on Clickbank, then you are missing

out big time.

Forget about the money. You can use clickbank strategically to build your

business so you have customers to sell stuff to for years… and easy access

to stuff you can sell.

Let me say that again…

Other people will build your database.

Once you have a database, you select things off

clickbank and sell it to the people on your


Massive potential.

And the best part is that you only need ONE product that has a good ranking

You can either create it, buy the rights to it, get someone else to create it

and split the profit… or give them all of the front end profits as long as you

can control the list.

in its category in the Clickbank Marketplace.

I think the concept is pretty easy to understand.


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Your clickbank marketplace rank is determined by sales volume and then

amount of affiliates who are promoting your products.

The more affiliates you get, the more sales you make.

And the more sales you make, the higher your ranking. And the higher your

ranking, the more affiliates you get, etc, etc... An endless cycle.

I like to break big goals down into small chunks which can be repeated.

Let’s say that you need to make 50 sales per day to get a top five ranking in

your category.

What if those 50 sales could be shared by 10 different products? Each

product would only need 5 sales each per day.

More sales

More affiliates

HIgh CB Marketplace



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This is where the trick comes in.

Clickbank allows you to add a number of products to your account as a

merchant. The problem is that those are treated as separate products.

The solution is to use a script called easyClickMate


This script is ace. If I was starting out and had $200 to my name, this would

be the very first thing I'd get (along with a clickbank account).

I would immediately start working my butt off to create products or acquire

the rights to products and add those products to it. And then gradually start

utilizing other marketing channels.

I reckon you could go from zero to a few thousand dollars a month in 5 or 6

weeks by doing just that. If you did that you'd be able to replace your

fulltime income within a half a year and then take it easy (i.e. work 5 hours

a week or less to maintain your level of income).

This program allows you to "power up" one flagship product by selling loads

of (unlimited) products on the same clickbank account.

To clickbank, it looks as if you've got one product that's selling like mad and

you will see your product shoot up the rankings.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


Stealth Selling… A Simple Conversion Tactic That People

Can’t Resist.

Here is How To Find The Best Appeal For Your

Audience… And Then Go Under The Radar To

Close The Sale… And Best Of All, How To Make

It Your Customer’s Idea To Buy From You

This section discusses your conversion strategy… what needs to happen for

you to extract maximum dollars from your traffic.

Look at this screenshot:


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Please look at the settings and the results I have highlighted for you. Each

keyword gets more than 500 searches per day (more than 15,000 searches

per month), and each has less than 100,000 competitors with optimized

pages for those terms.

You should download a free-trial copy of the software and replicate this

search so you can see how it is done. Do a search for “gain muscle” after

your have installed it and setup a new project. Set your filters exactly as I

did in the screenshot and you should get a similar set of results.

It’s very easy to find brilliant little keyword niches like that which are under-

exploited if you use Market Samurai.

Here’s what I want you to think about…

Let’s say that you have a site with only 10 keyword themes like the ones in

the screenshot above… basically optimized “marketing pages” on your site

that attracts prospects to your website. Think of these as doorways or


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


entrances into your business. Let’s say that each page gets only 25 unique

visitors per day (I am using small numbers… you will see how it adds

up) through a combination of paid and organic traffic.

That combination gets you 250 unique visitors per day. It takes a bit of work

to write 10 pages, but you can see how simple it is to build your traffic by


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


adding more optimized pages to your site. I build several “multiplier

method” promotion campaigns for each keyword theme.

Now let’s say that you use the sales sequence I am outlining for you, and

40% of the people who hit your site see your opt-in offer, and you get an

opt-in rate of 20%. That will give you 20 new prospects… targeted,

qualified, and interested prospects

And then let’s say that you do what I’m going to show you and you build a

system that earns you $1 net profit per name on your list, per month. In

theory, that will grow your monthly revenue by an additional $20 every

single day… all completely automated. Or stated differently, you will get a

$600 pay raise every month, without putting in any additional work – as

long as the traffic and conversion rate remains constant.

on your email list every day.

So if you make $1800 in March, you would make $2400 in April… $3000 in

May, $3600 in June… $7200 in December, etc.

Let me tell how to do this:

Here’s how it works… the big idea…

I “overwhelm” people who hit my sites with LARGE amounts of QUALITY,

ACCURATE information that is IMMEDIATELY useful.

That’s it. That’s the big secret.

The “Trick” is to split the content into segments:

1. Free. (The stuff you publish on your site that anyone can see. Make

sure you give away enough quality information that is useful so people

can get a glimpse of the solution you are promoting.)


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2. Premium. (Could also be free if your objective is to build a massive

list. You can use wishlist member to get people to subscribe to your

list and handle the logistics of segmenting content.)

3. Paid premium. (The first level product in your line. Should be in the

$77 to $197 price range)

4. Exclusive. ($197 to $997 product)

5. Ultra exclusive. (By invitation only… your highest end product. Charge

the highest possible price that will get you only the highest level

customers in your niche.)

Here’s the mistake people make… they don’t give away enough killer


And if they do give away stuff, they make a big deal about it.

You should never make a big deal about stuff you do… first of all, it is not

cool to brag, and secondly, it is needy – which negates your credibility.

It is better to do it casually. Let people make the connection for themselves

and it will have a bigger impact. You could apply the Pareto principle… give

away 80% of your best content, and then sell the last 20%… the most

crucial bits.

You can split it like this:

• Give away “what to do”, then sell “how to do it”

• Tell people what tools to use, then sell them “how to do it”

• Tell people what to do, and how to do it, and then sell them the tools

to do it. <–This is the best strategy

• Why does this work?

The point of multiplier method style marketing (and most importantly the

marketing/educational material you present to your prospects) is to


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eliminate the need to “sell”. You don’t need to “convince” or “persuade”

people to buy stuff from you… buying is merely the natural next step for

your prospects.

This works because it triggers the proof button in the reader’s mind. You

don’t need to use hype or copywriting tricks because your customers will

have a clear understanding of why they need to buy your stuff.

There is a second part. After using LARGE amounts of QUALITY, ACCURATE

information that is IMMEDIATELY useful, you want to make an offer that will

leave the prospect in a position where it will be harder to say NO than to say


The easiest way to get that effect is let people experience the result before

paying… even if you can rig it so they experience the result in their mind

When you describe something in vivid detail, it comes to life. It becomes

real. If you can find a way to get people to “test” a portion of your solution,

then you have instant leverage.


I’ve been using this combination of techniques for years, and it works like

nothing you have ever seen. This goes right under the radar.

Ok, so hopefully you understand what this is all about. It’s a bit hectic to

wrap your head around it because it seems so innocent. I promise you, this

is the most “killer” “conversion” strategy you will ever come across.

So that’s the big picture… there is one more detail I need to address before

we move onto the topic of automation…


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


Connecting with your readers. It is crucial that you make a connection with the people who are reading

your stuff.

People will only buy stuff from you if they understand the value that you are

proving, and in order to show them the value you can deliver, they need to

pay attention to your message.

And they will only pay attention to what you have to say if

(i.) they like you,

(ii.) they think you have something of value

(iii.) you have rapport with them... if they can identify with you.

A big mistake many people make is they position themselves way above the

customer, so the message comes DOWN to the customer... that is

something you want to avoid.

There are ways of building incredible value, while maintaining a connection,

and I will show you how to do it. This is an advanced technique.

How do you build a connection with your prospects?

You don’t do it through hype.

Hype is a connection killer… especially if it is incongruent and fake.

If it is not real to you, then your prospects will smell your fakeness a mile


You make a connection by first of all meeting them in their space, proving

that you know what they are experiencing (by the way you talk to them),

showing them a glimpse of what better results look like (describing it in vivid


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


detail, and then giving a subtle glimpse of your six pack), and then

demonstrating that you know “a way” for them to get what they want… and

demonstrate that you can show them how to get it.

Let me say that again… you meet them in their space.

So if you are selling a weight loss product… do NOT show them your glossy


Your customers will run away because you are doing the same thing as

everyone else in the market.

It is better to work out the thought process they are most likely going

through when they are sitting there doing a Google search… and then

starting your message from there. And then slowly revealing evidence that

you know what you are talking about. And then create an opportunity for

them to start experiencing the same results.

Once you have a connection, and you have proven that you have a solution

they need… then you can make the offer. Remove the barriers and give

them a way to start seeing results (or experience it in their heads.)

That isn’t very scientific, but it is the most accurate way to describe it. It’s

really important, so I’m going to ask you to think about it carefully.

Think of your customer, put yourself in their situation and then figure out

what you would want to see if you were looking for an answer.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


Advanced Optimization Strategy

What to test & How to test Focus on things that make a big impact – don’t waste your traffic testing

things like font faces. There is enough data out there… you can piggy back

on other people’s testing. Look at what the gurus are using if you’re stuck

for ideas.

The stuff you should focus on are

1. Your message / your angle

(the big idea you are conveying, or the big promise, or the main

benefit/outcome/result you can deliver)

2. Your headlines

3. Your opening paragraph

4. Your price

5. Your call to action

Those are the most important things. Secondary things you can test are

bullet points, transitions, etc. I won’t even discuss that because the really

big swings in ROI come by testing things that make a big impact… the ideas

that get your customers to read your ads, and buy from you.

The basics…


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Normal A vs. B Split Test Experiment You need to create a controlled environment where you are able to isolate

the variables and test them independently when you do a traditional AB

split-run test.

If you were working on an AdWords ad, you would change a single variable

(for example the headline) and keep everything else the same. That allows

you to see which headline attracts the most clicks.

Here is an example:


Headline Luxury Cape Town Hotel 5-Star Cape Town Hotel

Line 1 Stay In The Most Expensive Hotel Stay In The Most Expensive Hotel

Line 2 In Cape Town. Reserve a Room Here In Cape Town. Reserve a Room Here

Display URL www.CapeGrace.co.za www.CapeGrace.co.za

That will tell you which headline attracts the most clicks.

You can then repeat the same process for line 1, line2, and finally the

display URL. A full round of testing should give you an optimized display ad

for your adwords campaign.

If that increased your click through rate from 2.5% to 3.5%, you should get

40% more traffic.

Let’s say that you get a 10% opt-in rate on the landing page. And then you

get 20% of those people to buy your offer.

That would mean that your sales process delivers a 2% conversion rate.

So if the old ad delivered 1000 visitors per month and 20 sales, the new ad

will deliver 1400 visitors and 28 sales in the same period.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


Multivariate Testing (MVT) NOTE:

The problem with split-tests is that it takes a long time to get statistically

significant results. You need a large sample size (tons of clicks) and the

deviation (difference between headline A and headline B) must be large

enough to give you an 85% confidence level before you can declare a


This is only practical if you already generating at least a

hundred visitors a day. Keep it simple if you are getting less traffic

than that.

Multivariate Testing accelerates this optimization process because it allows

you to test and optimize several variables at the same time. The

effectiveness of your ads and your traffic will increase at a prodigious rate if

you set your experiments up properly.

Here’s where it gets really cool… you can do simultaneous MVT tests on each

element in your sales process

I will show you what I mean by illustrating a simple online sales process.

from the first contact (adwords ad and

keyword, banner, link text, YouTube video, etc.) through to the opt-in, the

salesletter, the up sell etc.

Look at the following diagram:


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


There are (at least) six pivot points you can optimize in the front end portion

of this process:

1. The adwords ad 2. The opt-in page 3. The second chance incentive for the opt-in page


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


4. The salesletter 5. The Up sell 6. The second chance incentive for the Up sell

Here is what happens if you had a 40% increase at each step in the sales



Searches 40,000 40,000

AdWords Ad (traffic) 2.5% (1000 clicks) 3.5% (1400 clicks)

Opt-in (leads) 10% (100 opt-ins) 14% (196 opt-ins)

Second Chance (Opt-in) 5% (5 extra = 105 opt-


7% (14 extra = 210 opt-


Salesletter (Sales) 20% (21 Sales) 28% (59 Sales)

Up sell (Sales) 25% (5 Up-sells) 35% (21 Up-sells)

Second Chance Up sell) 20% (1 extra = 6 Up-sells) 28% (6 extra = 27 up-


Optimization Stages It’s important to focus on the variables that will have the biggest impact on

your ROI. Don’t waste your time testing silly things like page width or font

size. Or stupid things like drop caps. Don’t waste your traffic (sample) on

that. You will need a lot more traffic to get results.

Instead, focus on optimizing your copy (words), images, call to action, price,

offers, packages, bonuses, guarantee text, headline text, and the opening


The actual methodology is very simple – but it will make more sense when

you actually do it. People have read this and they want it to make sense

intellectually. It becomes intimidating because you won’t know where to



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Here’s how to do it. The very first thing you should do is run three

completely different ads against each other in a three-way split test. A/B/C.

Test different messages and different angles and see which one works the

best. That ad becomes you control and you can then fine tune it by

optimizing the headline, the opening text, offer and call to action, guarantee,


Same thing when you are working on an adwords ad. Start with three ads

that are completely different to each other. They must have different

messages and different offers.

That goes against what you’ve read in other books… but this is the BEST way

to find the control.

Think about it – how could you possibly know the best “angle” for your ad

when you’re just starting out?

Start broad and work your way to finer changes when you start to see what

people are responding to. The winner of this first round of testing will be

your control. You can then fine tune the control ad by running a MVT

experiment on each variable in the ad.

Here are the stages:

1. Find the control: Broad testing 2. Fine-tune the control with Taguchi (MVT) 3. Beat the control: split test 1 in 4 exposures and measure


We have already covered the first two stages in the process.

Stage 3 is where you introduce a wildcard ad into your experiment. The wild

card ad should be displayed every 4th impression. If that new ad pulls a


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


higher response than your current control ad, then you should use the wild

card as your new control and repeat the process.

How To Do It: Download and use this spreadsheet for the Adwords portion of your process:


Your options for optimizing HTML or PHP pages are:

• Google Website Optimizer (inside your adwords account)

• Split Test Accelerator

• Affiliate Prophet

• Visual Website Optimizer.

Make sure that you don’t test too many variables at the same time on a

particular page. Go for a maximum of 4 variables on a page at one time with

a maximum of 3 variations of each. That will give you the equivalent of an

L9 Taguchi test.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


Pinpointing, Then Exploiting Leverage

Points In Your Business

Besides the money getting plan, you must also figure out where the leverage

points are in your business so you know where to focus your attention and


I.e. The 80/20 rule.

Everyone knows the theory; you should be different to everyone else who

gives it lip service and actually make a plan to target the highest yielding


Here’s what I have discovered…

Most of the time you actually spend in your business (excluding

Stuff like customer service, keyword research, writing content, creating

products, writing copy, writing AR emails, checking stats, setting up adwords

campaigns, setting up split tests, etc.

surfing the

web doing “research”, Facebook, forums, twitter, checking email, and other

stuff like that that have ZERO direct financial return)… is spent on


Those activities make you money… but if you think about it, it is

insignificant considering the amount of time you spend on it.

From me experience, the really big bucks comes from doing deals, setting up

JV partnerships, strategic planning, etc. Andre sends me an email and says


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


“Hey Mate, do you want to promote this…” and then we do a promo and

make money.

Normally a large amount of money in a small amount of time. Way more

than any normal person could get from an AdWords campaign for example.

The merchant of course has a few dozen people like us promoting his stuff,

so he’s making an absolute killing.

That’s leverage.

The 80/20 principle dictates that you should be doing more deals and more

joint ventures, and looking for leverage that you exploit in your favor.

The problem is that if you’re like most online people, you’re probably not

doing this

So if you think about it logically, if you really want to grow your business

then it makes total sense to remove yourself completely from operations and

get other people to handle those tasks for $10 an hour or whatever.

, let alone spending 20% of your time doing it.

You need to replace yourself with systems and procedures and get

dedicated people to perform those tasks.

The next chapter will show you how to do that.

Operations You should not

You must nail down a strategy and then plug in people and systems that can

test and implement new tactics in your business. You should remove

yourself from that world altogether and focus on business development…

and you should get people to do the manual stuff (like writing) for you.

be writing blog posts or tweeting. You should also not be

reading blogs or tweets or forums… or reading tactical eBooks and courses.


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How are you going to do this… and how are you going to afford this?

By bootstrapping.

Start with an org chart.

When you’re just starting out you will fill all the positions yourself… however,

you must get dedicated people to fill these roles and gradually remove

yourself as you make more and more money.

Here’s a simple org chart to illustrate:

It’s possible to get a full time Virtual Assistant or Personal Assistant for

~$350 per month if you look in the right places.

So once you are making $350 profit a month, you should immediately

allocate that to a PA. This person will take care of your email, do online

research for you… you can teach this person to do keyword research,

operate WordPress, etc. You can even give this person writing tasks. Make

notes or send mind maps and get them to flesh it out for you.

That will free you to do more of the high leverage stuff that brings in direct

income. Write sales copy, setup adwords campaigns, create products,

network and setup JV deals.


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At this point you will be the copywriter (technical and sales) and you’ll

probably also handle tech tasks. And your VA will take care of VA and

customer service tasks.

When your income goes up to $700 a month, you should get a full-time

writer on board and show that person how you want your stuff done… show

them how to write search engine friendly content.

Now your writing will be limited to salesletters exclusively, and your writer

will take over blogging, content for SEO, articles for distribution, email

autoresponder copy, etc.

And just keep going until all the positions in the org chart are occupied.

Each person must pay for themselves. If you get someone for $300 per

month, then that person must (and probably will) bring in more than $300

per month in revenue.

One benefit of writing content for the net is that good content has a long

term value. Once it’s indexed and ranked, you’ll get traffic and sales from

that for a long time.

This is real leverage that pays off.

I’m sure you get it. It’s really that simple. Your needs and your org chart will

be different to mine.

Get a copy of “E-Myth Revisited” by Michael Gerber at the library or at a

bookshop and read it. That is the most important book for entrepreneurs

because it teaches you to focus on the business and the business systems,

instead of the products or solutions you think your business is about. It also

teaches the concept of the franchise prototype which will get you thinking

about how you have been operating online in the past.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


How To Build A Team That Will Make You Rich

Have you ever had an idea that you were dying to try out... but never got to

it because you didn’t have the time?

What would it be like if you could send someone a short note and have them

implement your ideas IMMEDIATELY?

You can put yourself in that position by hiring a full-time virtual assistant.

You can find English-speaking college grads for $200 to $350 a month in the

Philippines who will do an amazing job for you. In fact, they will pay for

themselves within the first week if you give them the right structures and

tasks. That is the point of this page... I will show you exactly what to do and

how to do it.

• I’m going to show you the organizational structure I have adopted for my info-product and software business.

• I’ll show you what type of people I look for – which characteristics and skills to look for that are ideal for an online business

• I will show you how to hire these people – with a safety net so you are not stuck with the wrong people.

• And most importantly, I will show you exactly what you need to do to squeeze maximum profit out of the skills they already have.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


How to locate and access the right people for your

business... I use onlinejobs.ph and bestjobs.ph to find people. (I access both sites

through John Jonas’ website www.replacemyself.com)

You won’t have to look very hard to find people who have the exact skills we

need in this kind of business. Writers, programmers, link builders, SEOs, etc.

are a dime a dozen on these job boards.

What you can expect… Keep two things in mind as you read the following section…

1. It is FUN and MAGICAL to have people implementing your ideas.

This is NOT a source of stress!

2. You are in the BUSINESS of MAKING MONEY. So there is no

sentiment if your people don’t pull their weight.

Focus on ROI

Here’s the most important lesson I have learned about hiring a Filipino


Don’t bother getting link builders or writers.

Stick to virtual assistants and programmers. Programmers in particular will

produce income.

All other tasks – research, info gathering, article writing, blog posting, link

building, etc. can be handled by a virtual assistant.


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Virtual Assistants Your first person should be a V.A. who can write

A Virtual Assistant will can take care of link building tasks, and they can

write articles for distribution (ezinearticles.com) and short blog posts.

. They are versatile and

will deliver more value and TIME in your business.

You should have some routine tasks that this person can do during down

time. You could give them a long term project to work on, such as

maintaining a blog or building a large content website with several feeder


A good VA earns between $200 and $400 a month, depending on their

experience. The key skills to look for are writing ability and work ethic. You

can train them to do everything else.

Writing Tasks

I take care of all sales copy in my business. Including presell letters and



Because along with networking and joint ventures, copywriting will produce

the biggest “profit swing” in your business. It could take a novice 3 hours to

produce garbage copy that will convert 1 in 200, or it could take 20 minutes

of SKILLED writing to produce copy that will convert 1 in 20.

This is not a $10 an hour task.

I wrote copy for a joint project with Andre Chaperon in 2009 that produced

$20,000 in sales in probably three hours. I wrote the copy and we sat back

and literally watched money rolling in.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


I would never outsource copywriting work. It is a specialized skill.

Everything else – syndicated content, blog posts, etc. can and SHOULD be

handled by other people.

I get my VA’s to turn my ideas into written pieces that can be published.

The process is very easy. I put together a quick mind map in Mindjet and

load it into basecamp. It takes me between 10 and 30 minutes to outline a

series of articles on a single mind map.

My VA then downloads the mind map and fleshes it out in MS WORD. She

does research on the net and then puts together a rough draft which I can

edit. It takes 3 or 4 hours to go from concept (mind map) to a completed

piece (article / post) that is ready for publishing.

An alternative to Mindjet is to draw the mind-map on a piece of paper and

scan it (or take a digital photo)... or draw it on a whiteboard and take a

digital photograph, which you can then load into basecamp.

Your VA’s probably will probably be a bit raw, so you will need to teach them

to write for the web.

Stuff on the web needs to be easier to read since the target readers will be

sitting at a computer. The easiest way to do that is to write in a

conversational tone. Write like you speak. (You can also record yourself

speaking and get your VA to transcribe it.)

You will get really good stuff from them if you can get them to use easy

words, short paragraphs, and active sentences.

I believe that anyone can write effectively if they keep those rules in mind.

I also tell my VA’s to read this article by Joe Vitale.


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Programmers Programmers will give you the most bang for your buck. In fact, if I was

starting from scratch I would get a programmer BEFORE a writer or a VA.

You can easily handle the stuff your VA would do. The same probably can’t

be said of a programmer... unless you are a programmer by trade.

A programmer who knows what he is doing will more than pay for himself

almost immediately.

They earn between $300 and $800 a month (sometimes higher) depending

on experience.

If you know what you want and you can describe it, then anyone with a little

bit of experience will be able to do it for you. And if you don’t get exactly

what you are looking for, you can have them do “spot repairs” to get it


Here is an example of a spot repair…


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I used Jing to capture the screen and then simply added a message with

some arrows.

You get better people the more you pay… a $300 a month programmer will

be able to do most things, but they will need a lot of guidance.

On the other hand, an experienced programmer asking for $500 to $800 will

be able to take your rough concepts and ideas and turn it into working

software in a few days... and make you money with almost no supervision. A

really good programmer could easily make you well in excess of $10,000 a

month if you set up the right work structures and projects.

If you hire a programmer who is asking for $500 a month or more, then you

will most likely be getting a real top notch developer with tons of experience

and who can do ANYTHING with minimal supervision.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


You should not think of this as a business expense. This is an investment

because these people will pay for themselves. In fact, each new person who

comes on board could mean a pay raise for you.

How to hire someone Just keep it simple when you find someone.

Step 1: Browse onlinejobs.ph and bestjobs.ph and look for people who

have the skills you need. Filter out resumes that are older than 1


Step 2: Send an email to several candidates. Tell them that you need

someone and that you found them on onlineljobs.ph. Then tell them to

email you back if they want more info.

Step 3: When they respond, thank them for responding then tell them

about the pay (round number in Pesos) and the work they will be

doing. Ask for samples if you’re looking for a writer or a programmer.

Step 4: Look at samples of their work (writers and programmers).

Step 5: Select the best person and send them an offer. Hire them on

1 month probation.

Step 6: Tell them what they what they are supposed to do to get

paid… for example, “I need you to login to basecamp every morning

and every afternoon.”

Step 7: Give them a task list – tell them to ask you questions if they

do not understand. You must absolutely INSIST that they ask you at

least one question because these guys will be too proud to admit that

they don’t know how to do something. I think it is important to create

an environment where you can communicate openly.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


Step 8: Pay them weekly for the first month. Use Xoom if you are in

the States or MoneyGram if you are outside of the States.

How to get the best out of the people you hire



There are a few things you will need to do to get value out of your people…

Use Checklists and Templates

Continuous improvement is important. Continuous improvement implies that

you have something to improve. You need to get something up that you can

work on... and then you need to setup a structure that allows you to work on

it consistently.

One essential thing you MUST do is develop checklists for on-going tasks.

Depending on your strategy, these could be things like posting to a blog,

writing and distributing articles, tweaking PPC campaigns, improving landing

pages and sales letters, customer service, admin and accounting, etc...

The idea is that the person responsible for a certain task checks off each

item on the list as they complete those tasks. These checklists should be

assigned to a position in your organization, and should be the #1 priority for

the person who occupies that position.

The checklists have to be completed each day before they get to any other


That is how you will get consistency into your business.

I know that this sounds hectic and overwhelming the first time you read this.

These checklists do not need to be overly involved or complicated. It could

be as simple as this...


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


Mike’s Daily Task List

� Write a blog post or blog page for one of this week’s keywords.

� Write an article that is related to your blog post and submit it to www.ezinearticles.com

� Spin your article (50%) and submit to Unique Article Wizard.

� Check AdWords statistics and tweak campaign as needed.

� Check Yahoo / Bing stats and tweak campaign as needed.

� Check Facebook stats and tweak campaign as needed.

� Check customer service email account and respond as needed.

Date:______________________ Completed By:____________________

This is an example – but that is how straightforward it should be. There is no


And importantly, all of the tasks in my example are money making tasks. Do

them well and you will make money. Simple as that.

That is about 4 or 5 hours work for a virtual assistant.

Consider this...

Our ezine articles (written by Filipinos) get a 15% to 18% click through rate.

That means that 18 out of every 100 people who read the article click the

link in the resource box.

33 views per day with a 15% click through rate will give you an extra 5

visitors per day to your website.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


Picture the impact a consistent system that adds two

It would look like this if each article brings in 5 uniques per day:

new articles everyday

– as a matter of routine - will have on your business.

Day Articles Online New Articles Traffic week 1 Monday 2 2 10

Tuesday 4 2 20 Wednesday 6 2 30 Thursday 8 2 40 Friday 10 2 50

week 2 Monday 12 2 60 Tuesday 14 2 70 Wednesday 16 2 80 Thursday 18 2 90 Friday 20 2 100

week 3 Monday 22 2 110 Tuesday 24 2 120 Wednesday 26 2 130 Thursday 28 2 140 Friday 30 2 150

week 4 Monday 32 2 160 Tuesday 34 2 170 Wednesday 36 2 180 Thursday 38 2 190 Friday 40 2 200

This is hypothetical. There are obviously factors that affect your traffic and

the speed that these articles are accepted and ranked. These factors include

keyword selection, the quality of the article, how long it takes for ezine

articles to accept the article.

But use this as a framework to picture the impact of a consistent routine.

Every area of your business can work like that if you make checklists and

enforce them. I’ve said it several times before... if you make it someone’s

job, then the work will get done.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


The key is that each person must have a clearly defined role and understand

exactly what they are expected to deliver. They must know exactly what

their job function is. You must have standards in place (standard operating

procedures for consistency.)


The web makes this easy because there are numbers everywhere.

I use Google Analytics, Clickbank, Google Website Optimizer, Split Test

Accelerator, Aweber, 1Shoppingcart, and e-junkie.

My VA collates this data into a report and we then go over the numbers

together the first Monday of every month. This lets us know what's working,

what we need to work on, what we need to stop doing, etc.

This is quite a valuable insight. For example, we now know definitively that

our ezinearticles get between 15% and 18% CTR via the resource box. So

we can use those numbers to plan projects.


One-off projects need milestones and deadlines. Basecamp is brilliant for

this because you can set milestones and tasks associated with those

milestones... the people responsible for the tasks will have to check off items

as they complete it.


I use a profit sharing system and I suggest that you look into doing

something similar.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


Profit sharing is a simple concept. I send a cut of my clickbank checks to the

person who worked on the project. Usually 5% to 20%, depending on the

project. This adds up and is a great incentive.

Let’s say you are paying someone $250 a month, and they have completed

7 projects for you. Those projects bring in an average profit of $300 a

month. A 5% cut will give them a recurring bonus 50% on top of their pay


And 15 projects like that will give them a bonus that is larger than their pay


It’s an insignificant amount of money to you, but it will give you a stronger,

more loyal and more motivated work force.

I’m always happy to pay these bonuses because it means that I got money

for nothing. I literally just told someone what I wanted, gave them some

milestones and a deadline, and then got paid for it.

The virtual office and timekeeping Just use Basecamp. Don’t bother looking for an alternative because nothing

comes close to Basecamp. It just works. Their bottom of the range offer is

good enough for most people who are reading this. (Not the free version

because you can’t upload files.)

If you MUST use freeware, go for http://www.activecollab.com... Although

you will definitely prefer Basecamp if you compared the two.

How to communicate with your employees I use two tools… Skype and Basecamp. My rule is that they have to meet me

on Skype at set times (example 8:00 am my time) for a five minute chat

about the work.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


I also make them post a message in basecamp every day, Monday through


This is something you need to enforce to ensure that they are working and

that they are doing exactly what you need.

Set a high standard immediately, work

structure, standardized deliverables,

standardized processes, and continuous


You should insist that anyone who does anything for you give you the best

quality they can produce. Do not allow the quality to slip... not even once.

Make they do a task over and over until they get it right.

That will piss a few of your guys off, but it is for everyone’s benefit if you

enforce quality standards.

One way to achieve consistent results is to have standardized work

processes for tasks that are repeated often. This is another idea from EMyth


In our business, that means using templates to write articles.

It means have standard processes for conceptualizing, planning,

researching, and writing content.

It means having a standard process for developing software.

It means having a standard process for promoting individual pages, and

entire websites... example


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


� Google keyword tool to find keyword niches � Market samurai to pin point keyword phrases to target � Create page with content that targets phrase which links to the offer � Setup initial AdWords Campaign to test interest � Start article campaign for successful keywords � Tweak AdWords campaign � Setup more pages � Repeat cycle

It also means that the method of submitting work is the same every time.

Standardized deliverables ensure that you get the same quality every time.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


My Secret “Stealth Influence”


The Template

Step 0: Get a clear idea of who you are talking to…

Step 1: Capture that person’s attention

Step 2: Highlight their problem / issue / thing they are missing out on

Step 3: Imply or demonstrate a solution

Step 4: Describe the outcome, then link it to your product

Step 5: Qualification / Disqualification (aka the first hoop)

Step 6: Activate reciprocation

Step 7: Take it away

Step 8: Give them an opportunity to move in your direction

Step 9: Reward / Lock-in

Step 10: Reinforce goodwill

Step 11: Continue to exchange value for value


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


Explanation You can use this template to make a powerful case for your product.

Think of these as a series of buttons that need to be pushed. The more

buttons you can push, the more powerful your sales presentation will be.

Also, this is not limited to a salesletters. You can weave these into a story or

a series of related pages on a website.

Step 0: Get a clear idea of who you are talking to… You need to figure out the most appropriate angle for your website, and that

starts by understanding who your prospect is and what they are most likely

to respond to. That information will also help you determine how to frame

your offer… should you focus on price, results, snob appeal?

See these pages on my website…

• http://multipliermethod.com/niche-selection/

• http://multipliermethod.com/unique-selling-proposition/

• http://multipliermethod.com/due-diligence/

Step 1: Capture that person’s attention The ONLY goal of this first step is to get people’s attention so that you can

sell them something later.

There are two ways to get attention.

1. Either shock someone with an outrageous statement,

2. or tell them exactly what they want to hear…

You need to be congruent with your approach, so this will be determined by

the copywriter’s personality and the market.


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


You are not going to try to shock people if you are selling a knitting eBook,

or a DVD course on juggling.

The main thing is to know who they are and know what they are going to

respond to, and then give it to them.

You can use facts to create fascination. I like to explain things in detail…

sometimes that means using numbers and writing out calculations so they

can follow along as they read.

It just makes sense when you spell things out to people.

If you look back through this book, you will see how I use calculations

explain my ideas. It gives me an opportunity to bring the results to life, even

if they are only hypothetical examples. You get a clear idea of what I am

talking about because it is logical.

This step is where you take the ideas and concepts you introduced in step

two, and bring them to life by describing them in detail.

Step 2: Highlight their problem / issue / thing they

are missing out on When you have attention, and you have stated a few facts and potential

outcomes, you can shift gears and focus on their problem.

Step 3: Imply or demonstrate a solution Don’t talk about your product yet. Focus on the solution. Tell them that

there is a way to NOT have the problem or issue they are currently dealing



This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


Step 4: Describe the outcome, then link it to your

product This builds on step 4.

You describe the result in more detail, and then you introduce your product.

Talk about how your product solves the problem they are dealing with.

Step 5: Qualification / Disqualification (aka the

first hoop) This is where you hone in on one group of people. You polarize your

message. This step will intensify your message to that one group, which is

better than having a washed out message which tries to appeal to a bunch

of different people.

Step 6: Activate reciprocation Basically, you give them something without asking for anything in return. On

the internet, you could give them a valuable tip, a piece of software, etc.

Don’t make it lame.

It needs to be really good. One of your best tips. The more generous you

are, the better this will work.

When I launched Multiplier Method back in 2007, I published a separate

website with an entire strategy. It is called my February newsletter.

But that is not the whole story.

There was one little clickbank trick that I dropped that NOBODY had ever

heard of. People could go and use that immediately and see instant results.

That one tip swung it for me. All of the other stuff… talking about


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


preeminence, giving real-life examples of my tactics in action in the real

world... all of that stuff just ADDED to the value.

That is what I mean by activating reciprocation.

Another great example is Gary Halbert’s website. Have a look at it. You can

find it by searching Google.

Step 7: Take it away You can interpret this step however you want. The main idea is that your

solution is not mainstream, and it won’t be available forever, and you want

to communicate that to your customers.

They must act right now while it is still available.

You want to paint a picture of what it would be like if they did not have the

option of getting your solution.

Step 8: Give them an opportunity to move in your

direction This is where you present an opportunity for these folks to move in your

direction. (Commitment and consistency).

Their choice at this point is to either go away… but the implication is that if

they leave right now, their problems will continue. They will continue to

suffer the same problems they have had before.

In fact, you have highlighted and amplified their problems in step 2 so it

should be pretty real. If you did you job correctly, people will be reading

your copy in a slightly tense emotional state.

This is a crucial step in the process. Stating benefits is never enough. You

need to spell out the NEGATIVE consequences of not taking action right now.


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The second implication is that if they move in your direction at this point,

they will get the amazing benefits that your product delivers.

This step is not complete until you have made an offer. Please refer to the

most powerful offer known to man I described earlier… and look at how to

structure lock-in offers.

Step 9: Reward / Lock-in When someone buys, or opts in, or takes you up on a trial offer, you want to

make sure that you deliver a great product that actually gives them what

they want or need.

You can screw it up forever at this point if you sell crap.

Step 10: Reinforce goodwill The easiest way to do this is to deliver freebies to people who bought your

stuff. Or give them discount coupons now and then when you release new


Step 11: Continue to exchange value for value This is self-explanatory. You continue to sell them stuff on the backend.

Value for you means money, value for them means something like an

experience or a result they would rather have than the amount of money

you are charging.


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Powerful Psychological Triggers and Persuasion


Nothing happens in a vacuum. Everything happens in context. People have

different perceptions, and those perceptions are based on their self-image

and their outlook on life and the world.

Perception is reality.

You can either create the context, and direct perceptions… or you can try to

communicate in the existing context.

In niche marketing – especially the way we do it. We do research

beforehand so we understand the general mindset of the target market. We

know more or less what they are thinking. We can then craft the message to

have the greatest impact with the majority of the people who will be

exposed to the message.

One thing that is perfectly clear is that you get predictable responses when

you do things in a certain order, and when you say things in a certain order.

You can use these triggers and language to create a buying context. This is

only effective (in writing) if your target actually reads it and processes it. So

your very first objective should be to grab your target’s attention as soon as

possible by saying something outrageous (telling them what they are going

to get and describing what it will be like… i.e. hitting the “self interest” hot



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Trigger Words It will have a bigger impact if you use trigger words that people can’t resist…

Words like:

“Secret” “Top Secret” “Little-known” “Forbidden” “Short Cut” “Hijack”

“Control” “Controlled” “Controversial” “Stealth” “Tactic” “Strategy”

“Strategic” “FREE!” “Underground” “Covert” “Leverage” “Maximum” “Top”

“Classic” “Classy” “System” “Technique” “Method” “Advanced” “Unique”

“Streamlined” “Effective” “Efficient” “Exclusive” “World Class” “Natural”

Naturally” “Easy” “FACT!” “Amazing” “Brilliant” “Sensational” “Hypnotic”

“Hypnosis” “Magic” ”Magically” “Automated” ”Automatically” “Legendary”

“Famous” ”Infamous” “Guaranteed” ”Outrageous” “Obnoxious” “Obscene”

“Disgusting” “Undisputed” “Authority” “Scientific” “Proven” “Scientifically

Proven” “Mathematically Impossible”, etc.

You have to figure out ways to work words like that into your headline

and/or opening paragraph to get people’s attention. You need to hijack their

train of thought for a second and then immediately get them to imagine

experiencing the outcome for themselves.

Giving ideas or concepts dimension…

bringing them to life You do that by describing it in detail. (Jay Abraham uses the word

“Dimensionalize” which is brilliant. It’s like you are bringing a 2D idea into

3D reality. You are making it real by describing it… giving it dimension.)

When you describe something in detail, you should write from the reader’s

perspective in a conversational tone, and you should use sensory language.


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Sensory Words Most people, who have read copywriting books or anything to do with

persuasion, or influence, or even sales, know about using sensory words in

their language. (e.g. “Sounds like you need …”, “Can you see yourself…”,

“Let’s just focus on…”, “What would it feel

However, not many people know how to use it properly for maximum

effectiveness. People who don’t know what they are doing are usually too


like…” etc.)

To me, it looks like they simply can’t see the big picture. I feel that they

aren’t able to see the trees for the forest and just copy each other blindly.

They should really go inside and think about it. When you stop to think

about it, doesn’t it sound like these people should really get more training

before they try this stuff? It’s really embarrassing to try to do this – and

then fail because you haven’t had proper training that you need

The words in italics are sensory words, and the underlined words are

embedded commands. I could


try to make it more subtle, but that would

take too much time. And besides, I’m sure it would have a much bigger

impact if you could think up your own examples. Don’t you think? What

would it feel like when you discover that you actually understand this and

you really get it

Look at the two previous paragraphs and notice how I have underlined the

word “try”. “Try” is a loaded word. “Try” presupposes failure in the same

way the word “confidence” presupposes that something is difficult and there

is a chance you could fail. Confidence is fake. People force confidence… they

tell themselves “I am confident” when the reality is that they are really

nervous about sucking… and being confident allows them to push the



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nervousness aside while they “perform” the task that they are confident

about. You don’t have to try to be confident if you are naturally good.

You could try to figure this out on your own, but it will be easier if take my training because then you can skip all the trial and error and go straight to the effective stuff that actually works. It’s a short cut to success.


You could try to figure this out on your own, but wouldn’t it be easier if you could bypass all of that ridiculous, time-consuming… and frustrating trial and error…. and go DIRECTLY to the stuff that actually works in the real world? It’s the most direct short-cut to the result you want.


You could spend a week and search for the answers on Google by yourself… and you could try to figure out a weight loss program that might be right for you. But when you think about it, would you rather spend a week looking at all those confusing and contradicting websites… or would it be better if within 7 days from RIGHT NOW you had already lost 5 pounds and can already see a noticeable increase your energy? Can you imagine what that would feel like? You would feel a real sense of accomplishment and that would motivate you to keep going. See, I was where you are, I know how frustrated you feel about your weight… and that’s why I know exactly what you need. I’ve made it easy for you. I’ve laid it all out for you in simple steps that anyone can


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follow. I’ve even compiled a shopping list (for different budgets)…. so that is one less thing for you to worry about. All you have to do is go through the different sheets – one day at a time and when you’ve completed all of them, you will know exactly what it feels like to look in the mirror and see a six pack for the first time. Imagine that. Go ahead and picture yourself with a six pack. It’s really possible and I guarantee it. I know that you really want to believe me and you’re trying to be skeptical right now because there are lots of false claims on the internet, and I don’t blame you… but that will change and it will become clear to you how effective this really is once you do it and experience it for yourself. And because I know this WILL work, I’m going to do something outrageous. You can go ahead and… download everything right now… for free. Use the material and get results. You will begin to see for yourself what it feels like when the fat simply melts off your body. If you want it, all you need to do is click here.

There is a small processing fee of $4.95… it covers my costs to get the stuff to you. If you decide to keep it, we’ll charge your card for the balance of $30.00 in 30 days time. If however, you have not lost 10 pounds… and you don’t have ten times as much energy as you have right now, simply email me and we’ll cancel your order. You won’t be charged a single penny… I’ll even refund the processing fee. Everything is stacked in your favor because I want to make it easy for you to say yes and experience dramatic results for yourself BEFORE you pay me anything.


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You can even keep everything I send you as a thank you gift for taking a chance. It’s as simple as that – you either lose weight and gain energy, or I don’t deserve to keep your money.

I’ve laid it on pretty thick those examples – but that is only for you. (“Only

for you”… implies exclusivity. A powerful phrase if you can work it into your

context naturally and in a non-creepy, non used-car salesman way.)

You should probably be more subtle when you do this for yourself. How

amazing would it be if you did this and saw an immediate increase in sales?


I’ve used another important tactic in that last example. Did you notice how I

manipulated the tense? It transitions from past, present to future. Look at

this section again:

…or would it be better if within 7 days from RIGHT NOW you had

already lost 5 pounds and can already see a noticeable increase your

energy? Can you imagine what that would feel like? You would feel

In addition to


real sense of accomplishment and that would motivate you to keep


1. Describing outcomes in detail…

2. And using sensory language…

3. And using tense properly…

…you should also use graphics and images whenever you have the

opportunity. Because people think in pictures and images gives them an

instant reference so they don’t have to do it themselves. It doesn’t give


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them the entire thought… it sparks their imagination and gives their

thoughts some direction. You then use your copy to direct their thoughts.

The power of pictures When you think of something, you either remember it (access a reference),

or you have to create new pictures (i.e. you have to form an image without

a reference.)

Photographs or pictures create a reference and sparks the imagination. It

also makes it easier to suspend ingrained beliefs and for a brief moment, it

lets people attach the outcome to their self image. It’s that brief moment –

when coupled with the context of your marketing (i.e. all the content on

your website) that creates a strong desire to buy.

Pictures eliminate the need to “create” the reference yourself.

That’s why most people would rather watch a movie than read a book.

How to create a buying context I would like you to stop right now and take a second to think about the

context or mindset of reading a salesletter online.

What is your reaction to a salesletter? What sort of mental and behavioral

patterns do you go through when they see a salesletter that looks like a

salesletter? How is your reaction different when you know the person behind

the salesletter, and when it is a total stranger that you have never heard of?

Your message needs to make an impact and you must get people to pay

attention to it.

So you should break the normal pattern and use different ways of getting

around the salesletter shield. Look at what other people are doing, make a


This is Multiplier Method BLACK BOOK + Stealth Influence (V2.02)


note of it, and then figure out different ways of getting people’s attention

and getting them to read your sales content.

In other words, figure out a way to get people to react to your sales

presentation without going through their normal robotic response.

Gary Halbert used to talk about the “A pile” vs. “B pile”. Every other

copywriting teacher who has a course now also talks about that.

The A pile are important letters that need to be opened… or that look like

they need to be opened. The B pile goes directly into the trash can. So he

would teach direct marketers to make their envelope look like a normal

piece of mail. Plain white envelope, with a real stamp, and with the person’s

name and address typed or handwritten in the middle. He also said that

there should be no company logos on the envelope. Simply type your return

address where the return address normally goes in your country. In the US,

the return address goes in the upper left-hand corner of the envelope. And

in the UK, the return address goes on the back of the envelope.

He does this so that he can get his foot in the door and deliver his message.

I have my own ways of that doing that online. You have between 3 and 8

seconds of your reader’s awareness to communicate the result they are

going to experience if they listen to you.

The perfect response is “Wow, sounds awesome… how can I get that?”

You should be aware of the context of the communication at all times. Since

everyone uses the same format salesletter… I experimented with different

ways to break their state and hijack people’s attention. Many years ago I

figured out that using sequential, multi-page content websites… to PRESELL

my sales pitch… works brilliantly!


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And the more I did it, I realized that the more generous you are with the

content you give away… the more it escalates the reader’s perception of

value… and the more likely they are to spend money.

I’ve been talking about this a lot recently and I will continue to talk about it

because this is a crucial concept. Sequential page sites are just a tactic

Undercover headlines


There are many ways to get the same result. The important strategy or

concept you should take from this is that I am PRESELLING my sales pitch…

I am escalating the perception of value through my content. I am creating

an environment where people are getting value BEFORE they spend money.

Another tactic I use is to leave out the traditional headline that people are

expecting when they see a salesletter. I use the product title as the headline

and then state the outcome in as vivid detail as possible in the first

paragraph – but in a conversational tone

Here are some examples…

. So in effect, the first paragraph

does the headline’s job.


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The first one had a 26% conversion rate. The second has a 7% conversion

rate. And the third one had a 79% opt-in rate. Just over 3000 people opted-

in and downloaded the free report… which in turn ended up selling 100 seats

in an exclusive email class I ran in 2008 at $500 each. It was successful was

because I went right under the radar.

It’s important to be aware of the concepts of “universal desires” and “self-

image” when you plan a sales presentation or salesletter.


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The most potent selling strategy is to start by directing attention to the

problem. Then present a solution… and then link the solution to a universal


Tapping into Universal Desires (Eugene Schwartz) That phrase “universal desire” comes from Eugene Schwartz.

Do a search on Google or Yahoo for “Breakthrough Advertising”. There is a

company that sells this book along with a set of DVD’s of Schwartz talking to

a room full of commercial copywriters. I recommend that you buy that and

spend a weekend going through the material. You will make more money

from your advertising.

Universal desires are things that we all want… but not the surface stuff. It’s

the stuff we REALLY

Universal desires are the same for everyone… but not everyone really

believes they can get it. Because it’s not part of their self-image.

want. Stuff like being admired, being envied, being

better than your peers… the stuff that makes you want to drive the coolest

cars, have the most gorgeous looking partners etc.

Universal desires are related to Self-image. Self-image or Self-concept is how you see yourself in the world. It’s your

deep internal beliefs about where you fit into society, about your strengths

and weaknesses, and what you believe is possible for you. These include

your insecurities and limiting beliefs.

Self concept comes from your history and life experiences, and your

emotional reaction to those experiences. Everyone on earth has a history.

People walk around with 20, 30, 40 etc years of experiences. And those

experiences – positive and negative form their self-image. Your self-image is


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the way you see yourself. It’s who you really think you are… and what “type”

of person you are.

This self-image or self-concept is overpowering and won’t allow you to lie to

yourself. Your belief system determines what you can achieve.

It’s impossible to get someone to imagine enjoying a new experience or an

outcome (e.g. Really seeing themselves 50lbs lighter, looking and feeling

great, and having endless energy, etc.) if that is not who they perceive

themselves to be. It is outside of their belief system.

Not everyone believes they can make a lot of money effortlessly online.

Many people have a deep rooted belief that they have to work hard for little

money. On the other hand, if we look at all of the people who are selling

stuff online… we have websites that make money whether we work or not.

It is clearly possible for anyone. There are loads of people in my circle who

are doing that. That is our reality.

But it’s one thing to say that “if one man can do it, then another man can do

it” and that “Everyone has the same potential”. And it’s another thing

altogether to do it.

The reality is that you can’t fool an ingrained belief.

Since this is a book about selling stuff online and making money, I should

probably tell you why I think it’s important to know this stuff…

Here’s why: You won’t be able to change someone’s beliefs via an ad or a

website, therefore you should create a new context where something

entirely different to what they are used to is possible. You can create a

“vibe” that connects with them.


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This is a good opportunity to tell you about my mindset when I first started.

I didn’t believe that this was possible because I had no previous success to

refer to. There was nobody selling PDF’s. I didn’t know of anyone else who

was doing it when I started.

I had no idea what it would be like – I couldn’t imagine it. No idea what

“success” would look like.

I knew all about publishing newsletters and magazines… which is HARD

WORK… and it never occurred to me that you could make sales, get money

and deliver the product all online without ever having to deal with postage,

printers, advertisers, etc.

It was a culmination of reading Jeff Paul’s Make Money in Your Underwear

stuff… and an idea from “the business of magazine publishing” course I was

taking at the time in college… and somehow coming across the Overture

sales blip (Adwords was still a pipedream) that gave me the idea to sell an


One day I just sat down and cranked out a little report for a market where I

was a customer. It was less than 30 pages. I put up a salesletter… put up a

PayPal link for $24.95 and bought some traffic through Overture.

And like magic… within a few minutes I got a sale.

And then another.

And another.

$900 + worth of sales in the first month. I actually remember what I did

with the money… I bought Corey Rudl’s course and learned about banners,

copywriting, automation, systematizing follow ups, affiliate programs, split-

testing, etc. That must have been the very first edition of his course.


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All of a sudden I had a reference – I had some experience and Corey’s

course came along at the right time.

My experience told me that it was possible for me to make $50 or so per day

from a website. I then figured… ok, one site pages $50 a day. What if I

created more sites just like this?

So I did, and it worked… and I figured out more stuff as I went along.

I still had a belief that my limit was selling $24.95 books and making 2 sales

a day. In fact, I can distinctly remember agonizing over raising my price to


What an amateur.

It was painful because I was comparing it to books on the topic at Borders

and Barnes and Noble. The idea was that the extra five bucks would cover

my advertising… and I cringed when I changed the price… but I did it

anyway and sales continued as normal.

At the time I started buying IM products… $97 here, $147 there, $197 here,

etc. After a while it hit me that some people are charging $97 for their

eBooks… I had to make 4 sales to make what these guys make from a single

sale! Hmmm…100 visitors per day, 2% conversion rate = $194 per day in

sales. The equivalent of EIGHT $24.95 sales… from a SINGLE website!


I didn’t believe it was possible, but went ahead and wrote my first IM

eBook… and set the price to a whopping $97. Within 7 days it pulled in

$7000 in sales… and PayPal limited my account because they had to

investigate where the money was coming from. After a day or two, it was

back up and I kept making sales from that site for years… from the same


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salesletter, from the same adwords ad, same keyword. No SEO, no affiliates,

no JV’s.

So, cool… I had a reference in my head of what it is like to make five figures

a month from a single website. I had experience. It was possible for me to

do that. I saw myself as a guy who can make that much money from the


But I had no idea, no reference that it was possible to make more than that.

It wasn’t part of my self-image… but I was definitely open to the idea. I just

couldn’t imagine how you would do that.

Then John Reese did his famous launch in 2004 and did a million bucks in a

day charging an outrageous $997 for his DVD course.


So I reverse engineered what he did, read some of the discussion about the

launch and then did my own launch to my list of around 9000 people… and

made mid-five figures in a single day.


Suddenly I had a reference of what it was like to experience that.

And on and on.

Do you see how that works?

That’s what it’s like for your customers. Sometimes they want results, but

they have no reference or experience, so they can’t imagine how it’s


So you have to create an environment where they can prove to themselves

that it’s possible to get what they want… suspend belief and go through the


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process… and then develop confidence that it works… and after a while, the

confidence will be replaced with “natural” acceptance that it’s possible for


Remember we spoke about self-image earlier?

Here’s a list of hot buttons that appeal to different parts of people’s self


• vanity,

• sexual attractiveness,

• family values,

• achievement (particularly in competition with other people…

academics, sports, business, work, etc.)

• You can also appeal to morals… the moral high horse appeal. People

LOVE to get on a moral high horse when they are given opportunity.

• People need external validation.

All of those triggers have a powerful, almost cynical root which is what we

will appeal to. An example of this is the need to be in control – more

specifically to control other people. People want to have dominance over

other people and they want to display that dominance and power.

Sort of related to the need to be in control, you can also target people’s

need to display their superiority over other people. Status and Ego.

“Buy my course and I’ll show you how to fly first class for the price of

coach. Imagine what it would be like to board first… and then relax

back in your seat as everyone else walks past you to the back of the

plane…” etc.


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BUILDING VALUE It’s obvious, but the easiest way to increase the perceived value of your

product is the increase the price.

Expensive = good.

And to justify high prices, you describe the value of the outcome to the

reader. For example if I was selling one-on-one coaching for $10,000 I

would justify the price by focusing on the return on investment. I would tell

the prospect that they would make that back within 60 days... and then I

would dimensionalize it by getting the prospect to prove it to himself.

It would go something like this:

I’m going to show you how to create an information product that you can sell for


I will then show you how to setup an automated sales process for that product…

including a follow up system that educates prospects over time. This sales process

will convert around 2% of the people who land your website into buyers. I will also

show you how to get around 15% of your visitors to join your list.

I will then show you how to get 200 people per day to your website. Here’s how…

you will setup 20 ad groups… and write 20 landing pages for those ad groups with

real content that will grab people’s attention… and each of those ad groups will get

10 of those visitors per day from AdWords.

That will give you 200 visitors per day…

So if everything goes to plan (and it will because my numbers are very

conservative), you will get 30 opt-ins to your list… and make 4 sales at $97 a day.


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That means you will have 900 new prospects on your list every month…. People

that you can sell stuff to forever. And more importantly, you will have cash flow of

around $388 a day before advertising expenses. So you should get your investment

back in less than 60 days… after which everything you make is pure profit.

Another tactic you can use is to create an ultra high priced product (like

personal consulting or coaching), and then sell your product alongside the

ultra expensive service so there is contrast. $197 for the book that teaches

your secret compared to $2,400 for personal coaching when I take you by

the hand and guide you through the process.

You can also increase value by proving that the product works… or prove

that you can help the reader. The combination of engagement and take-

aways to increase perceived value is extremely powerful and will increase

your sales.

Engagement is where you tell the prospect to perform a simple task… which

has a positive result. Ideally it should be something they can do without a

lot of effort. Preferably while they are sitting there reading your message.

You can achieve this effect by simply asking a question which the reader will

think about.

The second part of the equation is the take away. People want stuff that is

attainable, but which is just out of reach. People are unlikely to go for stuff if

it doesn’t fit into their self image – if they don’t think they could possibly get

it. However, if you are selling something… and the price is right, but the

quantities are limited, then the desire for that product automatically goes



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A sneaky trick you can use is to make the product unavailable… and get

people to opt-in for the next batch. Then build value via email over three

consecutive days… then give them “exclusive” backdoor access to the

product – but only for that one day. (Use dynamic dates and pages.)

Please check out my website for additional

content… strategies… tactics, etc.
