archived as www.stealthskater.com/Documents/BlackTriangle_2.doc (also …BlackTriangle_2.pdf) => doc pdf URL -doc URL - pdf more of "Black Triangle" craft is on the /UFO.htm#BlackTriangle page at doc pdf URL Note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from https://deusnexus.wordpress.com/2017/05/16/triangle-ufo-patent/ on May 17, 2017. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original author's site. Triangle UFO Patent Is Now In The Public Domain by David Nova / May 16, 2017 TR-3B (or the USDA's Most Secret Plane) Source: CNN iReport | by deejayiwan | September 4, 2010 The TR-3B is codenamed 'Astra'. The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B first operational flight was in the early 1990s. The triangular- shaped nuclear-powered aerospace platform was developed under the Top- 1

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more of "Black Triangle" craft is on the /UFO.htm#BlackTriangle page at doc pdf URL

Note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from https://deusnexus.wordpress.com/2017/05/16/triangle-ufo-patent/ on May 17, 2017. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original author's site.

Triangle UFO Patent Is Now In The Public Domainby David Nova / May 16, 2017

TR-3B (or the USDA's Most Secret Plane)

Source: CNN iReport | by deejayiwan | September 4, 2010

The TR-3B is codenamed 'Astra'. The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B first operational flight was in the early 1990s. The triangular-shaped nuclear-powered aerospace platform was developed under the Top-Secret 'Aurora' program with SDI and black budget monies. At least 3 of the billion dollar-plus TR-3Bs were flying by 1994.

The Aurora is the most classified aerospace development program in existence. The TR-3B is the most exotic vehicle created by the Aurora Program. It is funded and operationally tasked by the National Reconnaissance Office, the NSA, and the CIA. The TR-3B flying triangle is not fiction and was built with technology available in the mid-80s. Not every UFO spotted is one of "theirs".

The TR-3B vehicles outer coating is reactive to electrical radar stimulation and can change reflectiveness, radar absorptiveness, and color. When used in conjunction with the TR-3B's Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) and ECCM, this polymer skin can make the vehicle look like a small aircraft,


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a flying cylinder, or even trick radar receivers into falsely detecting a variety of aircraft, no aircraft, or several aircraft at various locations. A circular plasma-filled accelerator ring called the Magnetic Field Disrupter surrounds the rotatable crew compartment and is far ahead of any imaginable technology.

Sandia and Livermore laboratories developed the reverse-engineered MFD technology. The Government will go to any lengths to protect this technology. The Mercury-based plasma is pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin and accelerated to 50,000 rpm to create a superconductive plasma with the resulting gravity disruption. The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field which disrupts or neutralizes the effects of gravity on mass within proximity by 89 percent.

Do not misunderstand. This is not anti-gravity. Anti-gravity provides a repulsive force that can be used for propulsion.

[StealthSkater note: Gravitational force is described well by Einstein's tensor which shows how mass/energy warps the space-continuum. Therefore there does not seem to be an "anti-gravity force" per say. But this tensor only describes the effect of a mass/energy accumulation. It does not describe the physical process taking place. A quantum theory of Gravity including gravitons has been hypothesized. And so far, physicists have ruled out "anti-gravitons".

Some organizations have proposed generating min-black holes in front of a craft to pull the craft towards them and constantly changing the position of the mini-holes. How this can be done (e.g., can you condense the virtual zero-point vacuum energy and momentarily materialize it in "real" space-time?) is the key question. See UNITEL => doc pdf URL ]

The MFD creates a disruption of the Earth’s gravitational field upon the mass within the circular accelerator. The mass of the circular accelerator and all mass within the accelerator such as the crew capsule, avionics, MFD systems, fuels, crew environmental systems, and the nuclear reactor are reduced by 89%. This causes the effect of making the vehicle extremely light and able to outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet constructed (except, of course, those ET UFOs that we did not build).

The TR-3B is a high-altitude stealth reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. Once you get it up there at speed, it doesn't take much propulsion to maintain altitude. At Groom Lake, there have been whispered rumors of a new Element that acts as a catalyst to the plasma. [StealthSkater note: the only "new Element" that I've ever heard of coming from Area-51 is Bob Lazar's Element-115 => doc pdf URL . Which of course is not to say that there could be other "new" elements or perhaps unique nanosized composites.]

With the vehicle mass reduced by 89%, the craft can travel at Mach 9 vertically or horizontally. My sources say the performance is limited only the stresses that the human pilots can endure. Which is a lot, really, considering along with the 89% reduction in mass, the G forces are also reduced by 89%.

The TR-3B's propulsion is provided by 3 multimode thrusters mounted at each bottom corner of the triangular platform. The TR-3 is a sub-Mach 9 vehicle until it reaches altitudes above l20,000 feet. Then only God knows how fast it can go!

The 3 multimode rocket engines mounted under each corner of the craft use Hydrogen or Methane and Oxygen as a propellant. In a liquid oxygen/hydrogen rocket system, 85% of the propellant mass is oxygen. The nuclear thermal rocket engine uses a hydrogen propellant augmented with oxygen for


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additional thrust. The reactor heats the liquid hydrogen and injects liquid oxygen in the supersonic nozzle so that the hydrogen burns concurrently in the liquid oxygen afterburner.

The multimode propulsion system can operate in the atmosphere with thrust provided by the nuclear reactor, in the upper atmosphere with hydrogen propulsion, and in orbit with the combined hydrogen\ oxygen propulsion.

What you have to remember is that the 3 rocket engines only have to propel 11 percent of the mass of the Top Secret TR-3B. The engines are reportedly built by Rockwell. Many sightings of triangular UFOs are not alien vehicles but the top-secret TR-3B.

The NSA, NRO, CIA, and USAF have been playing a shell game with aircraft nomenclature creating the TR-3, modified to the TR-3A, the TR-3B, and the Tier 2, 3, and 4 with suffixes like Plus or Minus added on to confuse further the fact that each of these designators is a different aircraft and not the same aerospace vehicle. A TR-3B is as different from a TR-3A as a banana is from a grape. Some of these vehicles are manned and others are unmanned.

It all become apparent in Belgium where after frequent sightings of flying lights and a mid-air near-miss by UFO, at one point the Belgian Air Force, anxious to identify the origin of the phenomena, authorized F-16 scrambles under condition that the visual observations on the ground were confirmed by the local police and detection on the radar.

One of the consequences of such decision was that on 31 March 1990 at 00:05 hr, two F-16s were scrambled from Beauvechain airbase and guided towards the radar contacts.

A total of 9 interception attempts have been made that night. At 6 occasions the pilots established a "lock-on" with their air interception radar. Lock-on distances varied between 5 and 8 nm. On all occasions, targets varied speed and altitude very quickly and break-locks occurred after 10-to-60 seconds. Speeds varied between 150 and 1,010 knots.

At 3 occasions both F16s registered simultaneous lock-ons with the same parameters. The two F16s were flying approximately 2 nm apart. Owing to the night conditions, no visual contact could be established by either of the F16 pilots.

from: ascensionwithearth.com

Corey Goode has recently tweeted this video from YouTube which points out a discovery of a patent that shows the infamous Triangular Spacecraft known in the UFO community as the TR-3B. Research shows that the inventor (John St. Clair) has also developed and patented a new type of propulsion system called a rotating electrostatic propulsion system. Below are the videos and links to the patents of the TR-3B and electrostatic propulsion system.


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TR3B Patent► http://bit.ly/2pOrPgj

Rotating electrostatic propulsion system► http://bit.ly/2rk43KA

Here is a TR-3B in action…..


[StealthSkater note: Of course the obvious question is that if these work, why continue to build conventional aircraft? I wonder if maintenance issues are very expensive (e.g., is the mercury plasma extremely corrosive to steel or aluminum?). And I further wonder if creating all that circulating plasma stuff would not "light up" the craft to search radars. Maybe they found that it has detrimental effects on a crew and also that they cannot establish control links to penetrate the plasma-generated fields to control an unmanned craft. Maybe the plasma stuff would interfere with transmitting sensors (like radar and infrared and radio) which would make the craft useless for military purposes. I've also read where these craft may be limited to a slow speed (again making them more-or-less useless for the Military).

For more on Black Triangle craft which have been reported for 25 years, go to items '32.' And 'H' on doc pdf URL ]

Reader Comments from http://www.darkgovernment.com/news/tr-3b/ :

1. Russell / November 2, 2015 at 5:06 am Cincinnati got flown over by one of these the night of the Boston bombing (4/15/2013).

Witnessed three gold glowing orbs in a triangle fall out of the sky and fly S-to-N over downtown area through uptown (Clifton) after 3am on 4/16/2013. Silent and scary.


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2. robomont / February 23, 2016 at 4:29 pmMost of article is BS. It's mercury gas but at very low pressure. Gravity is nothing more than

charge x frequency x magnetism x frequency. Just search robomont ufo motor notepad. The paint is carbon nanotubes. Mercury gas is the same mercury hinted at throughout history. The Government just adds the woo.

3. Peebz / April 3, 2016 at 9:17 pmLOL! Mercury under high pressure at that temp is a solid, not a gas or a plasma

4. 0jw / April 20, 2016 at 1:09 pmI had a sighting of a similar craft last year just north of San Fransisco. It was me and 3 other

friends. Strangely we all forgot about it for about 6 months. Although the craft was not that big at all and was very close like under 50 feet. The craft was only around 40 feet wide and was not black but looked like aluminum. It couldn’t have been moving more than 30 mph. It had a very quiet sound kinda like transformer. Probably unmanned. There was a lot of air coming down. The air smelled of ozone and was very cold exactly like a Diamagnetic ionocraft. It had something that looked like an illuminated large glass fish eye lens in the middle and 3 smaller ones near the corners.

Tesla had described a coil using no iron in its construction. If the craft were primarily made of a diamagnetic material like aluminum.

There was an article I found a while back explaining that iron will form small spheres under diamagnetic fields. If you look into it, these spheres are also found in crop circles. If that’s not the "smoking gun", then I don’t know what is. I’m convinced that Thomas T Brown was simply banking on Tesla’s inventions.

“Now researchers at MIT have run their own experiments and found that ionic thrusters may be a far more efficient source of propulsion than conventional jet engines. In their experiments, they found that ionic wind produces 110 newtons of thrust per kilowatt compared with a jet engine’s 2 newtons per kilowatt. The team has published its results in the Proceedings of the Royal Society” :


I don’t think it's a far stretch to say that with 110 newtons VS 2 newtons that this could be utilized using hydrogen assist and the technology of Viktor Schauberger to increase the thrust density. The man if the shortest wiki page and hundreds of take down request of his implosion propulsion technology.

5. Dean / June 15, 2016 at 7:50 am I saw this craft flying over Houlton, Maine back during the winter of 1979. It was low and

flying directly over my head at a very slow speed and completely silent. Back then, Loring Air Force Base was in operation 50 miles to the north and it was flying in that direction.

6. No Name / July 27, 2016 at 2:47 pmA few friends and I saw same thing here in Maine about the same winter playing pond hockey.

Scared the crap out of us as we were kids. Approached as a bright light and then a very large dark


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shape hovering above. It followed us to a nearby house and hovered long enough for residents of house to also came out and see it. It departed rapidly and never saw it again.

7. John / August 21, 2016 at 1:10 pmMy wife and I had a dark triangle craft fly very low over us while sitting on the porch swing

about 10PM June 26th, 2008. The sky was very clear and it was low enough (just barely over the hills) to see clearly. It was just creeping along. And out of 3-or-4 of these that I’ve seen here, this one was the only one I heard making a low-pitched engine noise like a very well quietened diesel engine running. If it had been very much further away, I’m sure we would have never heard it either.

It had 3 white glowing lights one at each corner but were bright in a rectangle shape and dim as a circle from the rectangle on out. The way they were lit reminded me of the old blackout kits on the old 50s military vehicles.

8. Oooh ImScared / August 19, 2016 at 8:10 amOh please! Do you really think that this much technical info would still be online if it were

real? No government agency would let that happen! Unless, of course, it was there to dupe gullible people into thinking that it was real. Edward Snowden *might* have got the drop on the US Government long enough to get the word out initially. But you can be certain that anything subsequent will be immediately snuffed. If they aren’t that good, then what-the-hell use are they to anyone?

9. MICHAEL DAVID / October 22, 2016 at 11:37 amI was in the US Air Force from 1977-79. There was talk of a triangular craft that had anti-

gravity abilities. It was nuclear-powered and heated up Mercury. It was developed from German technology.

10. Some Guy / December 1, 2016 at 1:45 amSaw one of these hovering over the dark skies in Cross City, FL as a kid. So quiet, I wouldn’t

have noticed it if I didn’t look up. No doubt in my mind that it exists. What’s most memorable besides how CLOSE it felt and how BIG it was were the slightly glowing orange ‘reflector-like’ cells.

11. Ric Tay / December 27, 2016 at 5:15 pm

If this thing is developed under a secret Black Ops budget in the 70s/80s, then what-the-heck was it that my parents and I saw moving over our house in 1947? 3 intensely bright discs each about 50′ across in an equilateral triangle formation, low thrumming noise, moved above the houses at about 300′. Nobody had the technology to do that in 1947. Lasted a few seconds before it moved rapidly away.

UFO Theory: Florida Case Illustrates Problems With Triangle UFO And TR-3B Comparisons – Daily Breaking News

UFO Theory: Florida Case Illustrates Problems With Triangle UFO And TR-3B Comparisons | Recent News Home


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UFO Theory: Florida Case Illustrates Problems With Triangle UFO … – The Inquisitr | Real Paranormal

12. JoAnn Meade / January 19, 2017 at 7:11 pmI live in NC. About a month ago my daughter was in the back yard. It was about 9:00, dark.

She excitedly called me saying "Mom, Mom! Come look at this! What is it?" We live on a lake. Behind the tree line on the opposite side, there was a bright light moving slowly behind the trees. When it got to the end, it moved around to the front side in front of us about 10 feet below the tree tops.

This thing -- or UFO, whatever -- was black, very large, triangle- shaped, and had a light under each point. It also had some kind of object in the front and back of it. These were moving very, very slow and made no noise. Halfway down the front tree line, the back object shot off in the opposite way. This was not a drone. It was too Big.

We tried to take a picture but they didn’t turn out. Wish they had because no one believes it. We know what we saw. I just want to know why it would be flying in a housing development at night. I would just like to know WHY…

13. Mi Ki / January 21, 2017 at 11:11 pmIf Alien intelligence is that powerful, why would they have any problem making their presence

and some abilities known to our general population? So far, all we have is bunches of disconnected reports of “UF’s”. Please remember that UFO means nothing more than something that moves in the sky that is unidentified. Conspiracy only refers to groups of people who think and act similarly, either openly or privately, either for good or evil.


14. 1970 Queen of Mean / January 29, 2017 at 4:46 pmNobody is saying anything about aliens. This is secret military tech and ops. They test these

things out here in Oz. Look at Woomera (Austrailia). Largest most remote test range in the World. I see these things and more every night. I live probably 1500km from the area but these things don’t fly like we fly.

It does not matter What You Believe. The truth is the truth. Seek it.

15. phillip / October 16, 2012 at 9:04 pmNuclear-powered and uses Mercury in the plasma generation? This sounds like the Nazi bell

project that Hitler had his scientists working on. Also reminds me of the Kecksburg incident.

16. bubba / January 21, 2013 at 10:50 pmI also saw this thing near/north of Barksdale AFB, Louisiana back in the mid-1990’s. I quit

telling about it because no one believed me. Called it a UFO until finding this link a few months ago. What a relief! The 3 lights were not on when I saw it hovering over Caddo Lake off Hwy 1 near Oil City, La. Actually a calm came over me instead of fear which seemed curious to me later. It was HUGE. The outline glowed similar to dim neon. WOW


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17. Michael Lyssy / June 13, 2013 at 3:32 amCaddo Lake, huh? I’m from Houston and was at a friend’s house in Dickinson, Tx about 2-

and-a-half years ago when we saw something similar hovering above us. Then once we both kind of came out of our silent stupor and said to each other “What the hell is that?”. It was almost like that it knew it had been spotted. It started to move away, slowly at first, and then it seemed to immediately be just moving faster than any aircraft I’ve ever seen. It then changed course at ALMOST (not directly) toward Ellington Air Force Base.

The only difference was that it did not have the 3 lights at the corners but five in the (rear?) end. They also were not in a row but rather in an order like a row of migrating birds. Does this seem related to what you saw?

18. Him / June 14, 2015 at 1:08 pmSaw three of them Accrington, UK end of last year

19. mystery solved 16 yrs later / October 29, 2012 at 12:45 pmI have wondered for 16 years what the craft was that I saw in 1997. We pulled off the side of a

low travel country road and watched it for a few minutes in total awe, confusion, and fear by what we saw silently hovering over an open field to the side of us. I have for years tried to figure it out. But nothing ever looked or acted right till now. I was with 2 others when we saw it.

Thank you for this post. It was in Michigan about an hour from Selfridge Air Base in the country where we saw it.


20. Witness / November 12, 2012 at 5:36 pmThat's interesting that you say this because I saw the same thing fly over my head in 1997. But

I was living in Denver. It had 3 bright lights. As it slowly flew towards us, I finally comprehended that this was a massive object gliding against the night sky silently. I had an idea of what I saw when years ago Popular Mechanics had on its cover the "Aurora".


21. Mike / March 8, 2013 at 1:12 pm I also saw it in Michigan. It was just a few minutes from Selfridge Air Base. It flew over

Warren, Detroit. The path it traveled was Van Dyke Ave. Very public at 7pm January 2010.

22. Recently Awoken / November 19, 2012 at 4:43 pmI live just outside of DC. A few days after 9/11 with no other lights in the sky, I witnessed 3

lights flying overhead in a triangular pattern. They were high enough for me to think they were recon planes or satellites. But the longer I thought about it and looked at them, I was sure that it was a single object. I ran inside. I've never been so fearful. I've only told my wife until I read this article.

22. Andy / November 1, 2014 at 4:58 pm · ReplyFrom what I understand, the craft is in some kind of "bubble". The electromagnetic force field

apparently negates gravity to a point. These remarks are from studies I have done regarding this kind of 8

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craft. But I also have learned that the ETs from 1947 (supposedly) had been engineered for high velocities. Hence their strange physical appearance. Only time will tell.

.. .

23. BarerMender / June 22, 2014 at 4:36 pmDisrupting the gravitational field wouldn't change the mass. You're thinking of weight. Mass

doesn't depend on gravity. .. .

24. Scuttsie / June 13, 2014 at 10:53 pmYou are right, Geoff. G-forces would not be reduced. Think of an extremely light flying

insect hitting the windshield of a car travelling at 80 kph. The bug has very little mass. But you know the old joke. What's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when it hits the windscreen? It's arse!

This whole article in my opinion is BS. Is it April 1? What would be the effect of this field upon human DNA? You go in as a man … you come out a duck! Paul Scutts.

25. Henrik / November 22, 2012 at 9:15 pm My sons and I actually saw two of these in Plainfield, Illinois off of Rte 59/127th street hovering

over 2 separate cornfields in September 2012 at approximately 11pm. Silent, black, and hovering a few hundred feet off the ground. No idea which "model" they were. We were within 1/4 mile of one and a few miles away from the second one.


26. T.G. / November 23, 2012 at 4:18 am · ReplyMy sister said she saw something in the shape of an "acorn" hovering directly over her head at 200'

for about 5 minutes one twilight evening back in 1966. But could this be the same kind of craft as the TR-3B since it its development was more recent? [StealthSkater note: the "acorn" shape may be related to the teardrop shape of the craft that UNITEL's Larry Maurer witnessed up close doc pdf URL ]


27. Bill / December 7, 2012 at 12:09 pm1993, I had a giant, silent, black triangle fly directly over me probably at an altitude of about

1000ft. It was low. I'm 1 hour west of Philadelphia. The triangle was flying slowly in a SE direction. It was at least the size of 2 football fields, easily the largest thing I have ever seen in the sky.

This article gives the best explanation I have seen yet. But even if this was a manmade craft, it scared and still scares the hell out of me. It almost like your brain can't comprehend what you are looking at. It's so surreal!

28. Math101 / December 19, 2012 at 4:46 pm

Reading this was quite interesting and got me thinking. So I did some calculations. 250,000 atmospheres would calculate out to roughly 3,675,000 psi (more that any known pressure vessel can hold and about 50 times the tensile strength of all known materials except carbon nanotubes). The ring


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in this craft would contain 9,700,000 cubic feet of mercury vapor. And at that pressure would be at a density of 845 lbs/ft3 (13.5g/cm3). That calculates out to 8,200,000,000 lbs of vapor alone (2000 times the annual mining production rate; i.e., 2000 years worth of mining) plus the craft itself.

Even after reducing the weight of this vehicle by 89%, it would still weigh 902,000,000 lbs. making it 145 times heavier than the Saturn V rockets. Do the math. Based on the "information" about this craft, it's physically impossible for it to actually be real.


29. Wade / December 20, 2012 at 3:12 am Yes. And I do mean YES! I have been following this "thing" since 2010. The story that is. A

lot doesn't "add up" as to weight and measures although most of my schooling was is Newtonian based statics with some overlay into Dynamics, etc. It is mind-boggling when someone puts the pencil to paper.

Yet on the morning of 10/11/11 at 3:15am, I did witness "something " that defied anything Y have ever seen or have knowledge of. It passed over me and was very stealth. It was a huge manta shape about 200ft wide, at about 200ft altitude, at a speed of 35mph. It was almost at hover and. At the time, I thought it was going to land in the farm fields that the road divided. Very strange.

But back to this propulsion system and TR-3B. Every time I write it off, I then hear or read or run across something that reignites my interests.

30. HDThoreau / April 6, 2014 at 3:55 amYou are missing a piece. It doesn't say the pressure exists before the plasma field is active. It's

created as it's initiated. At an 89% reduction in gravity/mass, and therefore pressure, that's 27,500 atmospheres. This is an Einstein calc, not a Newtonian one.

.. .

31. Math101 / December 19, 2012 at 4:51 pm And the centripetal force exerted on the ring would be 1,331,992,992,435 pounds!


32. Ohio guy / May 10, 2013 at 2:43 am The exact details listed here may not be accurate. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist in some

form. ..

33. dickmunch / May 25, 2014 at 7:55 pm 11177.2 lbs after the 83% mass reduction from the thing kicks in. DUH!

34. Phil Young / February 17, 2013 at 3:23 pm Interesting. At 150 Kelvin, you can't have mercury vapor at 250,000 atmosphere It would be a

solid at that pressure and temperature. In order for a plasma to exist at that pressure, it would have to be at an extremely high temperature.

Think about it. It's rather like saying steam at 150K and 250,000 atmospheres. It would be very dense ICE, not steam.


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35. t stott-sunn / March 26, 2013 at 1:08 am Saw one a few years ago and assumed it was a classified TR-3 craft. Recently received

indirect confirmation from someone who said it made all the atomic clocks in his home go haywire.

Interestingly, also saw a fleet of craft that were somewhat similar but much bigger and more luminous, graceful, and phantom-like. Thanks for your post!

36. Johnny Why? / June 13, 2013 at 3:21 am Back on 97, one floated right over me. It was about 3am and I was with another person. I was

living near a golf course course and also near the Tom Ridge airport in Erie, PA. We saw 3 red lights coming over the horizon. I wasn't sure what I was looking at. As it came closer, I realized it was moving extremely slow and totally quiet. My friend ran in the house. I was frozen with fear/excitement. I felt like I was being "scanned".

It passed over my head and continued on towards the airport. I got in my car and headed to the airport but of course found nothing. I couldn’t sleep and was totally freaking out. When the sun came up, the sky was completely covered with chemtrails and jet-trails. I stopped talking about it, nobody believed me. I was a nutcase for a few days…

37. VOID / June 13, 2013 at 7:06 pm I witnessed what I believe to be this craft with 3 friends in Kentucky 3 years ago (2010). We

were sitting outside (I'm going to say around 3 am smoking cigarettes in a more rural area) when we noticed a red light in the sky. It had been there for probably 10 minutes. After realizing the one red light was there, I went to state that there had never been a radio tower in that direction before thinking that it was just some tower I hadn't noticed before.

Not one second after I state this fact, the craft silently began to move towards us. It was a clear night with a full bright Moon. The craft approached and then flew overhead past the house we were staying in. It appeared to be cloaked somehow. But the outline was easy to make. It left a "chemtrail" behind as it left that remained for some time. It appeared to be the size of 2 football fields. I did not get a look at the back of the object due to fear and shock. But I only made out one red light that seemed to be on the tip of the triangle flying towards us.


38. Eeee / September 29, 2013 at 2:40 am ·That is crazy I live in Fairmont, WV. In 2009 this exact thing happened to me. I saw this

thing with a red light and said when-the-hell did they put a cell phone tower in the middle of the road? It started following my car and hovering above it for 15 seconds. Then it slowly changed directions and went the other way. Although what I saw wasn't 200 yds wide. I would say roughly as big as a fighter jet. But other then, that I havn't heard anyone else say they saw it or describe anything as close to what I saw as you have.

39. nexus / June 20, 2013 at 1:17 am Look up Super Fluid, Super Conductivity….250,000 atmospheres, -260 C,50,000 rpms. This

is consistent with the variation of properties that these phenomenon exhibit


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40. Timothy Johnson / December 27, 2013 at 12:35 am This is absolute hogwash! No such vehicle exists! Period! What is being described here

would make sound and have emissions of at least some sort! Most all of the black triangle sightings are completely silent. Including mine. The one I saw was towing another. They fit together with a sliding motion and can configure themselves in many different ways.

Tennessee – Two Triangles Seen – One in Tow Depiction Published: 9:55 AM 5/11/2010 Murfreesboro, Tennessee – 01-13-10 On the night of January, 13, 2010 at approximately 10:20 PM, me and my wife were sitting in our

bedroom that looks out to the north and east. We have 2 infant twin boys and she was holding one and I the other. She was facing the windows when all of a sudden she said, “What is that thing?”

She got up and moved to the window and said “Oh my God! What is that thing?”

I thought she was looking at the neighbors’ and she said “Come here.”

I went to the window and could not believe my eyes. There was a huge, dark triangle that had red lights around it moving very slowly and quietly, just maybe about 50 feet about the houses next to us! Wow! Attached to it was another triangle of the same size that had no lights on as if the lighted one was towing the other! It was amazing!

In the distance was a small, red, pulsing light, very bright. By the time I got dressed and the alarm system turned off and ran outside, it was gone.

I walked around the house looking into the very clear sky for a few minutes. I saw a white light approaching as if slowly following the triangles. As it passed directly overhead, I could see that it was a military fighter jet. It did not seem to be chasing it but rather just watching from a distance.

This was the most incredible thing I have ever seen! Tim, Murfreesboro, TN

41. lasse / January 22, 2014 at 7:12 pm

Me and my older sister saw one of these back in 1992. We were heading to a VCR rental store to pick up a movie on a Friday evening in September. We pulled over to watch this spectacular aircraft as it hovered over a field to the right of the car. We were driving in the middle of the countryside and it was just hovering across the field at tree top level while rotating slightly, dead silent but as large as a passenger plane with pulsating and glowing orange red lights in each corner. After a couple of minutes, it hovered across the road over on the side we were parked. It gained altitude slowly and suddenly took off at an incredible speed up and straight into the night sky whilst not making a single sound.

This was in '92 in the middle of nowhere in Denmark, Northern Europe. What an American black

project aircraft would have to do there in the middle of a field in Denmark on a Septemper evening still baffles me as much as seeing it myself.


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42. Ed O / March 19, 2014 at 11:32 pm It was operational as far back as 1982. My wife and I watched it hover over our property in the

middle of nowhere in Lake County, California. We were located at the edge of Travis Air Force base. It came from the North, hovered for 10 minutes or so, and turned back North towards the base. There were no lights on it at all. It literally blocked out a third of the sky. It was like a floating aircraft carrier in size. Was about 1:30 am and we were wakened by the noise it created which was like the low rumble of an earthquake.

43. Anonymous / April 7, 2014 at 1:33 am I worked for Rocketdyne. This article also states that the 3 maneuvering engines at the corners

of the triangles are hydrogen/methane and oxygen rocket engines. I can tell you that we certainly have not developed silent rocket engines. They are louder than HELL!!! This article is bullcaca!

44. Scuttsie / June 14, 2014 at 3:04 am There are some really disturbing flaws in this article. Like "reduction in mass by 89%". Has

anybody heard about the law of Conservation of Mass and Energy? How about E=mc2? Reduction of these objects' mass by 89% would produce so much energy that I doubt the Earth would survive! What is probably meant is that their "effective weight" is reduced by 89% probably due to magnetic forces interacting with the Earth's magnetic field.

Also, the effect of G-forces upon the craft occupants would be unaffected by "effective weight" reduction (e.g., flying insects are very light but still make a big mess on windshields of cars travelling at 80 kph). What I can believe is that human occupants would be suspended within a clear fluid (say WD40) and constantly fed air via tubes. That has been postulated would counter massive G-forces as the fluid medium and anything suspended within it would all experience the acceleration together.

This article has more logic flaws than the Empire State Building. --Paul Scutts

[StealthSkater note: It has become fashionable among skeptics to find some flaws in a conjecture and then label the whole thing as false. It has been done with the Lazar story. Now I'm not saying whether I believe in this or Lazar's (although where there's smoke, there's usually fire of some kind). If I were a counter-intelligence agent, I would purposely input new things into a story to lead others off on the wrong trail if I didn't want them to discover what I really was guarding.]

45. Steven Kessler / July 21, 2014 at 11:52 pm Saw this triangle-shaped object while flying from Texas to California 10 years ago on a

commercial flight. The object flew beneath the Boeing-737 I was on and bisected our flight path. There was no observable means of propulsion on the craft. Most of the people on my flight saw it. The flight attendant came to the fellow in front of me and looked out and saw it too. She went to the cockpit and spoke to the pilot. The pilot said to tell everybody that his story was he didn't see a thing and would advise us all to say the same if asked.

Nobody in my family believes my story even to this day. I will be happy to be called sane again when this project becomes public if I live that long. But I must say why are we spending all this money on Moon landings again with the technology that is available now?


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46. Aug / July 22, 2014 at 1:06 am I saw this object while driving on the 303 Highway near Phoenix in 2006. I noticed the vehicle

ahead of me suddenly came to a stop in the middle of the highway that forced me to slam on my brakes. I thought there was an accident ahead in middle of the road wondering why all the cars ahead of me all came to a stop. So I got out of my car to investigate.

But I was stunned with what I saw up above us was this triangular shape object with lights at its ends, hovering quietly, swiftly and maneuvering at speed and turns where no rotary or fixed wing aircraft can. I also realized we were driving close to Luke Air base which came to my conclusion that is one of our black programs craft. The similarity I read here is that this object is always sighted close to an Air Force base.


47. sean / July 28, 2014 at 10:44 am ·My unit saw the TR-3B during the Gulf War in 1991 while inside Iraq. Was the large one

bigger than a football field. It passed slowly over our position and was completely silent was maybe 500 feet off the ground. I remember the hair on my forearm standing up like static electricity. When we returned to our FOB and were debriefed. We were all told that it never happened and we weren’t to talk about it. That response made me realize it was ours and they were not pleased that we had witnessed it.


48. Rey Greenwood / September 23, 2014 at 5:22 pm Saw it fly down the runway at Atlanta Hartsfield about 1:30 am in August (was out watching

for the Persied meteor shower) late '90s. Totally silent, moving at normal airline speed. Had 5 boomerang shapes on bottom. One other witness. Knew it was man-made. Kept quiet.

49. Laura P / January 1, 2015 at 12:24 pm ·Finally, an answer to what myself, my husband, and another couple saw while we were on

vacation in Ft. Myers, Florida one evening in 1994. We were standing on the beach. It was about 11:30 p.m. and there was not a cloud in the sky. All four of us glanced up and saw a triangular shaped object block out the stars as it moved slowly over our heads. We were unable to determine how large it was or how high it was in the sky. There were no lights and there was no sound. We watched silently, unable to speak for several minutes as it moved on down the shoreline of Ft. Myers Beach. My husband and I have speculated for years as to what we saw. Today I am sure that it was related to a TR-3B.

50. Secrets Revealed / February 23, 2015 at 1:39 pm ·I personally know a pilot who has flown these. They are magnetic based and rely on extensive

number crunching and monitoring of the Earth’s magnetic field to operate. They do not operate in the manner described here. They are not use for anything other than testing as they have a number of drawbacks.

They are slow. This is because there are minor fluctuation in the magnetic field that need to be compensated for in real time to provide smooth movement. The distance from the actual ship location for monitoring magnetic field is not far so it can’t compensate too far ahead, which requires basically creeping along. Top speeds are under 100 mph even when flying through the same area twice as the fluctuations are constant.


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This negative is enough to keep it from being of any real military use at this point. Another reason is the magnetic fields generated onboard cause quite a few other problems, the least of which is not the interference of weaponry and targeting systems (although this is evidently being conquered).

51. Jason Kotolski / March 23, 2015 at 7:38 am Seen one in Stevens Point Wisconsin in 1996. I was driving down a back road and seen it

coming straight towards me about a hundred feet off the ground just above the treetops. I got out of my car when I saw it coming and it flew right over me. Moving at about 15 miles-an-hour and it didn’t make a sound. Each tip had what look like a blue swirling iridescent orb not yellow and one larger one in the center. The most amazing thing I had ever seen. Definitely thought it was military!

52. Df241 / April 11, 2015 at 10:18 pm This article has so much BS physics in it that I want to punch my computer. First off, even if

you were to able to disrupt gravity with the electromagnetic force (2 completely different forces), how would that have any effect on mass????? You would feel weightless because GRAVITY is negated by 89% not the MASS which is always at a constant. THE SAME INSANE G FORCES STILL HAPPEN IN SPACE WHERE THE EFFECTS OF GRAVITY ARE NO WHERE NEAR THOSE ON EARTH!!!!

What you’re saying is that if you were to get hit with a spacecraft in the absence of gravity, you would be fine. It’s the same concept. Even if you COULD change the mass, air resistance would be INSANE. Imagine trying to get a piece of paper to go fast. It doesn’t work. There is no evidence for this and the supposed methods of flight defy the laws of physics (quantum and classical).


53. Norms360 / August 1, 2016 at 8:15 am Most sensible comment I’ve read so far!! Although a bit aggressive 🙂

I haven’t personally seen anything like the TR-3B or anything else remotely similar. I do, however, firmly believe (for many other reasons) that there is something out there that we cannot possibly understand such as what people keep reporting as a possible TR-3B.

But when an article implies that by reducing gravity by 89%, the human body can suddenly cope with insane acceleration/deceleration? Then to go and state it uses thrusters powered by Hydrogen but is silent in operation? C’mon! Even if this craft uses technology far more advanced than we could possibly imagine, sticking 3 (current technology?) hydrogen burning thrusters at the corners of the triangle shaped body would not be silent!

Almost makes it feel like reading any other part of this article is a load of bollocks too.

I’ve enjoyed reading about peoples personal experiences, though, Thanks to everyone who has contributed!

54. cwtamigo / April 18, 2015 at 1:18 am 15

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april 02 2012 lexington kyI went outside about midnight. Was watching 3 helicopters flying above city. Saw a triangle

shaped craft gliding quietly above helicopters, coming above University of Kentucky, and heading toward the airport. It glided directly over my home. Clear sky. The Moon was bright. As I watched it pass over, I could see all 3 corners were slightly glowing in the shape of triangles. As it was about to pass between me and Moon, I noticed that the center bottom was much darker than the sky behind it. An unnatural dark like it was being generated somehow. When it passed between me and the Moon, I could see a low profile dome shape on top. As I watched, it glided, still making no noise toward the airport.

I have always wanted to see a UFO. But as I watched this craft, something told me aliens aren't flying that. Americans are. The craft being described here looks exactly like what i saw minus the round lights.

55. Dave Jennings / May 7, 2015 at 5:44 am In 2008 around 10 PM, I was flying out of Phoenix Az. We were at cruising altitude and

speed. A TR-3B flew up from ground level straight up quickly. Then it easily crossed under our plans. I was astonished. I told the other passengers what I had just seen and they suggested that I have a drink. It was triangular with a light in the center and each corner. The altitude gain and speed had to take an enormous amount of energy. It looked effortless.

56. Miguel / May 8, 2015 at 1:01 am My 5 yr-old daughter and I saw one of these fly over our house in Austin, TX on Thanksgiving

2014. It was around 8:30pm. It was completely silent as it glided about 40-50 mph and with an altitude of what seemed to be a few hundred feet off the ground. Speed was constant and there were no signs of propulsion systems (i.e., no thrusters or chem trails). It was triangular with very dim copper-brownish lights. No red lights. It seemed to be about 40-80 feet long. Hard to tell as it was so dark that depth perception was skewed. We both saw the exact same thing as I told her to draw a picture of it when we came inside. Her picture was exactly what I saw. I’m glad I have insight now about what it was because most people that I tell just think I am crazy.

57. Matt / June 16, 2015 at 1:34 pm The only issue I have with these claims about anti-gravity is that I am not completely sold on

the idea of Gravity in the first place. There is an interesting and growing body of work that is contradicting General Relativity. Mainly in the form of Electrical Engineering. In fact, the EE discipline could more reasonably explain these types of craft much more than the current (and probably false) understanding of physics.

Everyone keeps using the word/term 'energy'. Ask a physicist what 'energy' is and they may give you a half-ass answer. But we know what real energy is. It is they synthesis of both the magnetic and dielectric forces. Think about it. How can an atom violate the strong nuclear force by relieving itself of an electron? Even if that amount of time was one unit of Plank time (PT = 1 x 10-44), the mount of “energy” released would be much more significant than we observe. Isn’t it more reasonable that metals have a stronger dielectric field?

Add magnetism and bam! you have 'energy'. The idea here is simple. Not one person has ever observed the “flow” of an electron from one atom to another. Just have to connect the dots with what we see in the lab and what we see in reality. My guess is that this is not a vehicle based


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on normal Newtonian physics. This is a vehicle based on electrical engineering including plasmas and (here I go, over the deep end) the aether.

I personally believe that the reason the science of modern Electrical Engineering is not flushed from these black projects is that it will prove that the assumptions we have about the Universe will go down the toilet. Think about it. These craft violate many of the principles of modern Physics (by "modern", I do not mean Newtonian physics). If the craft exists, then our current understanding of physics is wrong and undeniably disproven. What would this do to our society, the infrastructure we have built? The people that will have the hardest time with a disclosure event are the physicists. The electrical engineers will think it is Christmas morning! All of the standard models will be wrong. For a modern scientist, this is heresy. Fools.

If we have built one of these vehicles, I am very proud of our government. Wow, shocking! They got their heads out of their asses and followed the science. Now we just need to get them to admit that Maxwell, Tesla, and likes were correct and that their simple algebra is correct. The funny thing is that the mathematics to make all of this work is so much simpler than all of the calculus crap used today (which goes against every principle of scientific discovery, KISS).

Guys and gals, when this is disclosed finally, it will change the way you think about the Universe, the Galaxy, and the Solar System. There may or may not be aliens/ETs/Sprits involved. Regardless, scientific understanding will change drastically.

[StealthSkater note: Again, a counter-intel agent or skeptic would pounce on one fallacy in a treatise to declare the entire thing is incorrect. Once Einstein made a simple algebra mistake by diving by zero. A critic pounced on that and declared the rest of his derivation was wrong. If the critic had proceeded, Einstein made the same mistake again which counteracted his first one. Also, scientists know that electrons do not "flow" from negative to positive in a wire. They do not "flow" at all. Current is a misnomer.]


.58. Oksanna / December 20, 2015 at 9:08 pm

Thank you for an interesting post. On that day, that future day, ARP and the rest of the plasma cosmologists will emerge from decades of Newtonian enforced banishment. It is clear from Nick Cooks book Hunt for Zero Point that it works. But from the Nazis to the US, not clear why it works. (i.e., under current science knowledge, it should not work.)

59. Marcus / July 18, 2015 at 6:01 am I would like to advance a far more believable hypothesis than the one above. That this vehicle

does not break physics. The tales around its technology and capabilities do AND deliberately so.

What is it? My guess a very, very large near-lighter than air (NLTA) semi-dirigible (an airship in layman’s terms. But one that needs energy to stay up (not much energy). I think it developed from a class of large inflatable targets/radar decoys developed by the US (Navy?) in the 1970s. Some bright spark (sic) added some kind of electrical lifting technology (electrostatic?) and got these things to fly in the air and then move (slowly). Add helium for neutral buoyancy (where has all the helium gone?).

But note radar target roots. Simple radar targets are just tin foil and balsa corner reflectors. Modern ones are electronic pods that can make a torpedo look like an aircraft carrier or magnify a single aircraft into a squadron. So take a low and slow (and silent) flying aircraft that can mess


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with the minds of local radar operators. Add unconventional lights and a crew (optional?) and some sophisticated IMINT and ELINT kit (so it has a purpose in life). Keep it all very secret.

Now make a few of them. Pick a route across some dispersed populace and deploy several on the surface (corner of airbases, ship, submarine?). Fire up No. 1 and fly slowly over first town. Make sure it is dark. When just going out of sight, synchronize radar ‘zip’ and kill No. 1's lights while igniting No. 2's lights and radar position say 10 miles away at the exact same moment.

Wow! That craft can travel at Mach 9 in an instant. say observers. No, it can’t. Repeat process until approach of daylight. Land the craft, deflate, home for tea and buns.

Wow! Real ‘UFOs’ with witnesses, pictures, radar tracks and everything! Deploy on friendly territory until everyone knows ‘they’ are visiting ‘us’ with tech beyond our wildest capabilities. Then use the same aircraft and tactics abroad with those countries convinced the ‘Flying Triangles’ have “no defense significance” (i.e., alien tech and there if f*** all they can do to match it).

Why is it so large? Have you seen the size of a conventional airship in comparison to its gondola? It has to have sufficient lift to carry propulsion, people, and useful kit.

All just a wild theory. But less wild that most of the above.

60. from NC / August 10, 2015 at 7:31 am In my teen years, I saw a black triangle screaming thru the sky broad daylight. It was low, in a

straight line, no noise, no lights, no vapor trail, nothing! If I would have blinked, I would have missed it. It was also about the same size as a AV8B Harrier or slightly bigger. My girlfriend was with me at the time and did not see it so she thought I was nuts. I live right next to Cherry Point Air Station. So seeing this was very out of the ordinary.

Everything I’ve read about this, people say/seen it was just hovering. Any info on it about that rate of travel?


61. Wilson / October 14, 2015 at 2:23 am Saw one of these on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I would have to say 2000-2002. It was in

the evening. The sky was overcaast and I was in my backyard piling wood for a bonfire. I don’t know why I happened to look up in the sky at that exact moment. But I saw a perfect black triangle fly slow and low, barely appearing as it passed between clouds. It was my obvious assessment that it was using the cloud cover as camouflage.

It has taken me years to figure out what this craft was. But it could be none other than the ‘Aurora’ due to its perfect triangle shape. I always had the feeling this was something man-made and not otherworldy.

I have often wondered why it would be flying over my location other than that it was headed to the Ocean about 50 miles away. We have a local airport 1-2 miles away. I wonder if it would have had any contact with them, although I doubt it. This craft appeared to be so stealthy that I would not be surprised if it was completely undetected by them.

Thanks everyone for sharing their own stories!


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