Blog 5 Sept 2008 to 23 Jan 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 Blog 5 Sept 2008 to 23 Jan 2009


    Blog 5 Sept 2008 to 23 Jan 2009

    Frank C

    Frank Corless,


    Be Allergy Wise Victor E. Frankl Man's Search for Meaning

    George Orwell 1984

    George Orwell Animal Farm

    [Aldous Huxley

    Bertrand Russell

    Bertrand Russell

    Books by C.S. Lewis

    C.S. Lewis

    Teilhard de Chardin (sometimes called Father of the Internet)

    Writings of Gandhi

    Mahatma Gandhi

    Francis of Assisi

    Anthony of Padua

    Mother Teresa of Calcutta

    Thomas Merton


    Dr. Phil

    Jesse Greene

    Burnadette Roberts

    Spiritual Cinema

    Harville Hendrix "Getting the Love You Want" John Gray
  • 8/14/2019 Blog 5 Sept 2008 to 23 Jan 2009


    Dan Milman Way of the Peaceful Warrier

    Gerald Jampolsky Center for attitudinal healing

    Celestine Prophecy and more

    Marianne Williamson

    Mystics Masters links to sites

    Eckhart Tolle A Course in Miracles

    Michael Ryce

    Gary Zukav

    Frank C's Blog Full Post View

    I'm a reflective person but usually do it all in my head. This is an attempt by me to

    make part of the reflection solid

    Entry for 23 January 2009I'm responding to a quick comment that has stimulated somethought in me. The comment was that they were satisfied with

    Jesus but was Jesus satisfied with them? It is a valid question andlike any good question I really don't know the answer. I can surmise

    though like so many others do. For me I start with Jesus core

    from what I've been taught. Jesus is the Son of God and therefore

    God. Now I know not all faiths believe that and I'm not writing to

    attempt to get anyone to follow my beliefs here. I write to think

    things through for me and attempt to try to work out how thosebeliefss can interact with others belief in God in whatever form

    that takes. I say this because my next thought regarding the above

    is that God is Love and I add the word unconditional to that word.

    Now I know anyone that has read some of those Old Testament

    passages about God smiting or punishing the world would find it

    hard to believe that God is unconditional love. It took me a long

    time to believe because of all those passages. Too much focus on

    those certainly can hold one back from knowing the God Jesus

    revealed as Good News. I know evolution is one of those touchywords in Christianity. There are those who see creation in Genesis

    as having actually happened in seven of our human days and others

    who see creation and the seven days as seven periods of God's timesince what is time to God? Time is a concept man has created to

    try to communicate ideas and often these ideas shift with thedifferent understandings of various cultures. We have Mayan

    calendars, Jewish Calendars, The Chinese Calendar and the Latinone most of us Westerners use today.

    Ok back on track. God is Unconditional Love. As an artist I make
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    things and so my reflections about God often come back to trying

    to understand and know God through a kind of understanding my

    own feelings about myself and the things I do. There are in fact

    kind of two me's The creative one that makes things and interacts

    with the things I make. That side of me feels connected with thethings I make and invent and explore. There is a natural state of

    being that goes one when I'm engaged in that role. For me I

    suspect that when I'm here I'm actually in a state of cooperation

    with God Creator. That which I make is an extension of me and

    there is no judgement just being. It is this second me that can step

    in and take me out of the now and into judgement though. I'm

    learning this second me though isn't my true self. This second me

    is starts to nag at the creation I've been making and say not good

    enough or if I'd done this it might have been better. This brings indecision making about my creations (art works) as Good or Badbrings back Genesis and the result of eating from the tree with

    the fruit of Good and Evil. It isn't our true self. So I see God asUnconditional Love before the fall and that our perceptions since

    skew our understanding of that. To me Jesus purpose was to bringback that understanding of God since so much of His message is

    about Love and being awake to the present. So in the light of thatwould Jesus be satisfied with me? By His nature I say yes as He

    would see with the Fathers eyes the creation and want me to getback to seeing myself as I was created without all the judgement.

    or more correctly without the fear for it is our fears that cause us

    to react and move from our ability to choose the Loving path. Well

    that is my take.

    I'm rushing a bit today so no art work to lead this and the usual

    comment I make lately. Please don't waste your time asking to be a

    friend. I don't really get the time to interact much here anymore.

    My priorities take me many places. Also Yahoo restricts the

    number of friends to 300. I have close to that with around 300

    requests sitting in my inbox already. Just select connect if you

    want to know whenever I update a blog post.

    FrankFriday 23 January 2009 - 10:08AM (WST)

    Entry for 26 December 2008

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    Well I will try again to catch up here. Ive made a few

    attempts to post new blogs and something always seems totake me away. Im somewhat missing the reflection time in

    front of the computer where I put a few thoughts together

    about what is going on in my life. I suppose part of it may

    be the burden that others might expect more of me than I

    am able to give as I do notice the thought fleeting past

    sometimes and that is how ego works. On the other hand it

    isnt that often that I would notice it and I do stay better

    aware of my inner self talk than I used to be.

    I do hope that the economic state of the world hasnt put

    any of you into fear. No matter what has happened to you

    because of it keep your mind open to the blessings. I

    currently earn some of the lowest pay Ive ever earned in

    my life yet Im at my happiest and most content. Daily I

    find things to be thankful for and just the act of seeing

    things as blessings gives me hope and appreciation. I walk

    into shops and notice peoples faces and where I oncemight have thought like an artist concentrated on features

    and oddities that I would see. That still goes on but Im

    noticing something deeper now. It is almost aura. People

    are seemingly more real to me Its almost like a beauty

    shine in peoples looks. This especially seems true around

    peoples eyes. It is really quite magical for me. Last Friday

    I had a little bout with ego. In the Christmas rush I took

    my focus off what I was doing and got bothered by another
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    driver attempting to get into the place I had been parked

    causing me to feel pressured as to how to get around them

    and leave. They kept inching closer as I tried to back out

    and eventually because my concentration was more on

    them and less on out the back window as to the location of

    cars behind me. Well as you may have guessed I ended up

    bumping a car behind me. Not hard but enough to scratch

    paint. This slowed me down as I then had to leave a not

    with contact details and take a photo of damage in case

    later there was debate on how much was caused. Later as I

    was driving back home I spent some time being aware of

    my energy shifts. Found my blood rushing through my

    body and it took a bit of forgiveness prayer to get me fromgoing ballistic at the driver that had been pushing me. She

    was a young driver and did apologise when she saw what

    happened. It is so easy to get into various forms of fear

    with all the people rushing around. I see it in a lot of faces.

    More like the present isnt being lived because minds are

    focused on all the things that supposedly need doing to

    make the day perfect. I think the lesson for me in all that

    was to get back into the moment and enjoy what Imbrought. In the last couple of days Ive noticed more

    sparkle in peoples eyes. That leaves me with joy. A few

    years ago I used to dread Christmas. It was a product of a

    fearful mind. I spent way too much time thinking about

    what might happen or on expectations of how others might

    really feel about me. A lot of ego talking on how un-

    loveable I thought I was. In spite of good things happening

    to me were ignored and I got or created not so goodChristmases inside my experience. Learning to appreciate

    and be thankful for the little things has really turned things

    around for me. Life is getting more and more abundant in

    terms of having more and more friends to appreciate and

    share with. More challenges to face and solutions to find

    yet also Im finding them daily with less worry about will

    I? Ego isnt kicked out of my life yet but I do see growth.

    Less to hang on to which is freeing.

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    I helped one of my 360 friends set up an over 40s social

    site that is a bit like Yahoo 360 only it has chat as well and

    some of the features of face book It is at: It started out as an

    alternative for the pay to connect type dating sites but is

    turning out a bit more social. Since I get so many people

    attempting to make friends with me here and not really

    able to say yes because of friend limits Yahoo 360 has I

    broke down and actually started to spend a bit of time at

    this different site. The thing I like about it is that it has the

    possibility of my having real time chat with others by

    setting an occasional time when I will be in the chat room

    to communicate. Something Ive wanted to do here at 360.I havent done it yet but am praying about it. I will see if

    others get attracted there and really want to connect. I

    suspect a lot of invites that come through are people

    without profiles who leave messages for me to go

    elsewhere which sounds to much like some of the spam

    and phishing things that are also prevalent out there.

    Perhaps this is another ego thing for me although it makes

    sense to attempt to keep relationships on the net withpeople who also seem to have lives and various

    experiences that one can read. Why mainly because blank

    profiles or a sentence or two just doesnt give you much to

    connect with. Ive said before if you want a good blog you

    have to risk being out there some how so that people can

    have something to connect with you on. The more you

    give the more that comes back. Give something of value

    for me it is my life lessons and what Ive learned.

    Well on this day after Christmas 2008 may you all be

    blessed and find Gods love in your life more fully. It is

    always there but it takes openness to find it through just a

    little bit of faith that it might be true. To those of you who

    already know this I thank you for reflecting that message

    back to me as you share it in your lives.
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    Post Script: please dont inundate unless you intend to stay and

    use the place yourself in a sensible loving way. Youll get

    bored I suspect or ignored if you are there for drama. Ning

    has under its auspices a lot of other social networks

    devoted to a large number of interests so if your under 40

    and or want something more specific check out the other

    offerings they have there. 26 December 2008 - 05:28AM (WST)

    21 10 2008

    My theme picture this time is a vampire. For some it may seem a bit dark for

    the kinds of things I usually share. Ive chosen it as a suitable symbol

    considering some of what is going on in the world. A simpler term might be a

    blood sucker; someone who takes life from another in order to sustain a

    temporary filling of an emptiness that is felt inside. Some may start to see

    easily people in the tops of some of the financial institutions for their

    predatory lending. If we were to look a bit longer Im sure other examples of

    others also showing signs of this disease. In some of the old vampire movies

    that is how it is described. It is an infection that gets spread through someone

    who has the infection giving it to someone else.

    Last week I was at a presentation where the question was asked is it possible

    to sin against God and not against our fellow man? For myself I dont think so.

    If God is in everything then that includes other humans too. Now Ive said

    before that the original meaning of sin was missing the target. What happens if

    a hunter misses the target while hunting for life sustaining food? The hunterdoesnt get sustenance but also those that depend on the skills of the hunter to
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    provide are also affected. If the hunter stresses over missing the target to much

    stress starts to take over and that stress can interfere with further hunts and

    further shots. The hunter does have another option though; to trust in their own

    ability. In trusting they can relax and this allows focus on the goal.

    On some planes we are all vampires whenever we listen to egos voice tellingus we are not enough. We spread the sickness when we put others down and

    make them feel they arent accepted for what ever reason. I suspect this is the

    reason Jesus said look at the log in our own eye before considering the sliver

    in someone elses. Theres a trend in some modern vampire tales where a

    vampire finds a blood substitute and manages to then work for good. So to do

    we have a substitute for our inner emptiness that causes us to constantly want

    and to fill in the hollowness of our lives. It doesnt come from one up-man-

    ship and doing better than others. It doesnt come from needing bigger

    salaries, it doesnt come from hoarding or eating all the food we can get a hold

    of. It doesnt come from fearing our neighbor as someone who is hunting us

    and attempting to stake us through the heart another interesting symbol for abroken heart which happens because we misperceive love). Yes the blood

    substitute answer to our vampire ways is Love, Real Love and that can only be

    found in God. Jesus said the way to the Father is through me. He is an

    example and it strikes me that for all our modern science and break every

    through in psychology and books like the secret that it all seems to come back

    to the basics man has known for a long time now. Love God with your whole

    being and in fulfilling that one begins to recognize how loved we are. When

    we accept that love we naturally share it allowing God to love those around us

    through us. In that we no longer need to play the control dramas we learned as

    children and can stop being childish in our interactions. There is only one

    thing that may hold us back on accomplishing this. That is belief, faith that it

    is possible. Now Im not perfect in this. My faith fluctuates depending on the

    temptation. For me my healing seems to take me to dealing with one issue at a

    time and finally coming to a point of letting go and letting God in each. A

    Course in Miracles does say that it doesnt have to be like that. For some with

    a strong enough gift of faith it can happen all at once. There are some like St.

    Dominic Savio ( that

    seem to get it from very early and are willing to stand between two other

    children throwing rocks at each other in anger to make a point of love. He

    could have been killed yet he went to the heart of each boy and showed a

    better way. The more I understand love the more I see that as our hope. So it istrue the world may seem volatile at the moment and at crisis point we have a

    choice. We can believe ego/Satan or we can believe there is a God who has a

    plan that helps those who are open enough to seek. When asked how to Pray

    Jesus shared the Our Father (the subject of a past blog). Reflect on those

    words in that prayer daily and be open to what they might mean as they grow

    on those who say them from the heart. We make our world according to our

    beliefs. We have far more choice in the result than we understand. Any change

    for the better starts with each individuals choice to focus on the Fear or on the

    Possibility that Love is Real.

    I promised a friend of mine Id share a link to her web page devoted toallergies. If you suffer in that direction or know someone who does then you
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    may find some help through this path:

    I apologize that it has taken me such a long time to post. My 3d world seems

    to get busier every day. No doubt it is part of my learning. It doesnt mean that

    I have given up doing what I do here. Only that I have to discern what takesprecedence and follow where I am taken. To new readers I share dont waste

    your effort on attempting to make friends or contact me through instant

    messenger. If I new how to balance my busy life better Id spend a lot more

    time interacting but for my own need to balance all I do I just dont take the

    time to interact like I used to. It became too much and other responsibilities

    were being left undone.

    Entry for 21 September 2008

    The pic today is of my son who turns 22 this week. He's currently

    living in the U.S. and studying. Like most fathers I was probablyharder on him then I should have been. we tend to push at times as

    fathers wanting our son's to show certain qualities before they areready. Still as a grown son I must say I am proud of him. He's far

    from perfect but then I'm not either. I do see that he like me is a

    seeker. He's shown some depth I never really noticed in his thinking

    these last few years and is now reading thought provoking books. It

    will be interesting to see how he develops.

    In church this evening the gospel reading was the one about the land

    owner that goes into the town and hires workers at different times ofthe day and pays them all the same amount even though some of them

    had worked 12 hours and others only one hour. Every year I'd hear it

    I'd accept there was a reason for the story but never really got a lotout of it. This always struck me as rather unfair of the employer
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    although I did get that he did have every right to be generous with his

    money. I even got that God is sharing that he is generous and that in

    some ways heaven is heaven so if one gets there it doesn't matter if

    one connects with God just before death or has been close all one's

    life. What's different tonight as I type is that part of the reason for thisGospel is to help us be aware of envy and how ego uses that. Jesus is

    often speaking to church leaders about their attitudes and that eventhough they think they are doing God's will and are working hard

    their focus really isn't on God's will. Sure they are working hard and

    sincere at what they are doing just as the early hired workmen. At the

    end of the day though instead of focusing on the blessing of have had

    a good day and worked hard or being appreciative of the owners

    generosity that their fellow men would also have enough that daythey listen to their ego's perception of the situation. The me is

    somehow missing out. Comparing and looking for a kind of worldlyjustice that says those that do more should get more even if others

    may suffer because of it. The thing is we are all part of a human

    family and real justice it seems to me is more like the kind the owner

    was pointing out. After all real love is just that love. There really

    aren't degrees of love or more love for some and less for others.

    That's only the product of a fearful mind that sees less or more andthe possibility of loss. I think I'm finally getting it. I used to think like

    those workers that were hired early and it certainly isn't a good placeto be. I've been blessed with a shift in perception having lost much of

    what I feared losing yet now coming from a place where I feel God is

    being generous with me and that I've really started late I come from

    thankfulness for little things I notice now. Much I took for grantedbefore. It is perhaps a surprise to some that loss of things could be

    seen as blessing yet from my perspective I do feel I've been givenmuch more and am still learning.

    Next time you begin to feel hard done by it might just be worth

    considering where your doubt is coming from. It may save you grief

    if the envy can be turned to appreciation.

    May love fill your heat so full that you are bursting to share it withall.

    Entry for 05 September 2008

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    Today my theme is Dis Ease. I seem to be aware at the moment of so many

    people dealing with one form of illness or another and how dealing with health

    seems to take a lot of peoples time and energy. For some it may even become a

    battleground taking every bit of energy one has to stay on top of things.

    Part of my week in prayer is spent lifting people up for healing. Some are

    friends and family and some are complete strangers. Key in my prayer is just

    attempting to visualize wholeness as each was created by God. Following is ananswer to an email I received from a friend Ive been holding in light for

    awhile. I share it here because it seems to affirm that life-giving approach that

    I often speak of.

    The only thing I pick up in your words here is the word try

    and the energy difference between trying and allowing. Trying

    suggests control. Allowing does not invest so deeply into a perceived

    outcome. By focusing on body parts changing and generating inner

    energy on specific tasks its a bit like an artist doing a work using

    their technical skills alone to produce a work. The finished piece

    may be technically perfect but end up missing that elusive pizzazz of amasterpiece. An artist using their skills but is more focused on the

    encounter and the openness to the unexpected and lives their painting

    puts an added dimension into their work. Focus on the daily living

    and your relationship with "The Holy Spirit"(life energy on personal

    plane). By focusing on life and living and experiencing and being

    thankful for all one is experiencing leaves no room for fear because

    God is near and filling one up with Love. By focusing on outcomes one

    only compares results allowing ego in when at one moment or another

    something doesn't measure up to the standard set. I'm reminded of the

    story of Peter seeing Jesus walking on the water being called and for

    a time walks on water too until he takes his eyes off Jesus and seesthe chaos around him. It is a matter of focus. My quote
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    So as you think about this know I am lifting up all my readers asking in the

    name of Jesus Christ (The new testament has Jesus saying ask in my name and

    it shall be given) that a deeper more intimate relationship may develop with

    The Creator and through that relationship each will experience life more fully

    in health.