1605– Don Quijote de la Mancha (Miguel Cervantes 1547-1616) Literature (from Latin litterae (plural); letter ) is the art of written works. Literally translated, the word literature means "acquaintance with letters" (as in the "arts and letters "). The two most basic written literary categories include fiction

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1605– Don Quijote de la Mancha (Miguel Cervantes 1547-1616)

Literature (from Latin litterae (plural); letter) is the art of written works. Literally translated, the word literature means "acquaintance with letters" (as in the "arts and letters"). The two most basic written literary categories include fiction and non fiction.

A Arte de Viver

Só somos completos na demência, na perseguição de sonhos

impossíveis, na criação de universos paralelos onde podemos ser o que quisermos, quando somos também crianças, inconscientes, ignorantes,


A Arte de Viver

Passamos tempo demais a querer coisas, a querer saber demais, conhecer

muitos sítios, ter muitas relações, e tudo que podemos viver cabe sempre

num suspiro, numa paisagem, num sabor! E portanto a sugestão de Cage

seria estar atento, porque tudo está em todas as coisas...

Hieronymus Bosch, (1450 – 1516)1504 - O Jardim das Delícias

Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium[1] to a surface (support base)

A Arte de Viver

No fim da vida sobram-nos as memórias; durante, valem sobretudo

as emoções;

Photography is the process, activity, and art of creating still pictures by recording radiation on a radiation-sensitive medium,

such as a photographic film, or electronic image sensors.

Stricken child crawling towards a food camp 1994 - Photographer: Kevin Carter

A Arte de Viver

Quem quer ir além da sua morte, não pode passar a maior parte da vida a

acender um cigarro no outro; vivemos mitos de segurança, medo do ridículo,

necessidade de aceitação na conformidade; mas se qureremos ficar

noa história e ir além da cinza

A Arte de Viver

Foi Rodin que disse nunca ter entendido o que de extraordinário viam as pessoas em O

Pensador;todos podiam ter feito exactamente a mesma coisa, bastava que dum paralelipípedo do mesmo material alguém conseguisse também retirar o

material excedentário...todos somos o que quisermos, basta querer ou trabalhar muito!

Architecture (Latin architectura, from the Greek ἀρχιτέκτων – arkhitekton, from ἀρχι- "chief" and τέκτων "builder, carpenter, mason") can mean: The art and science of designing and erecting buildings

and other physical structures; The practice of an architect, where architecture means to offer or render professional services in connection with the design and construction of a building, or group of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the buildings, that have as their principal purpose

human occupancy or use[1];; A general term to describe buildings and other structures; A style and method of design and construction of buildings and other physical structures.

A Arte de Viver

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Se somos todos diferentes, porque

insistimos todos em viver da mesma maneira?

Theatre (or theater, see spelling differences) is a branch of the performing arts. Any performance may be considered theatre; however, as a performing art, theatre focuses almost exclusively on

live performers creating a self-contained drama.[1] A performance qualifies as dramatic by creating a representational illusion.[2] By this broad definition, theatre had existed since the dawn of man,

as a result of the human tendency for storytelling. Since its inception, theatre has come to take on many forms, utilizing speech, gesture, music, dance, writing, and spectacle, combining the other

performing arts, often as well as the visual arts, into a single artistic form.

Stanislavski Lee Strasberg

A Arte de Viver

Foi Strasberg com o Actors Studio que inventou o Personal Branding ( e não

Tom Peters…); Em cada momento duma nossa interacção com terceiros temos de ter consciência dos nossos 3 eus: a nossa

essência, a nossa projecção e a nossa percepção;

A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a story conveyed with moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. The process of

filmmaking has developed into an art form and industry.Films are cultural artifacts created by specific cultures, which reflect those cultures, and, in turn, affect them. Film is

considered to be an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful method for educating — or indoctrinating — citizens. The visual elements of cinema give motion pictures a universal power of communication.

Some films have become popular worldwide attractions by using dubbing or subtitles that translate the dialogue into the language of the viewer

The Bucket List - 2007 (Rob Reiner)

A Arte de Viver

A arte ajuda-nos a embelezar e tornar mais aceitáveis mesmo os momentos mais dramáticos da nossa existência;

este filme em particular ensina-nos que em qualquer circunstância da nossa vida temos a capacidade de criar alternativas,

escolhas, e sermos assim mais livres!