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  • Bank ProjectService Design 2008

    InstructorsNuno Jardim NunesValentina Nisi

    Indigo TeamAmlcar RodriguesDiego RodriguesFilipa JervisRoberto MendonaRoberto Sousa

  • Table of Contents

    Research 12 Hunt Statement

    13 Shadowing

    14 Service Blueprint

    15 Service touchpoints

    16 Deposit problems3

    Introduction 04 Executive Summary

    05 Process

    06 Augmenting Selfbank1 Exploration 08 Observation

    09 Stakeholders Map

    10 Territory Map


    Ideation 21 Personas

    24 Brainstorming

    25 Prioritizing

    26 Concept Validation4 Solution 34 Augmenting Selfbank

    36 Evaluation

    37 Conclusion


  • Introduction 04 Executive Summary

    05 Process

    06 Augmenting Selfbank


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Executive Summary

    As part of the Service Design course, our team conducted a study of current banking services. Our client was an IT company that provides software to banks in Portugal. The purpose of our research was to identify problem areas in banking and to address them by introducing or reformulating and existing service.

    From the research process, it became clear that services provided at the bank branch are varied. However, the most frequent operation performed at the counter is the deposit. Several problems arise from this fact. So, in an attempt to address them, our team proposes the augmentation of Selfbank an existing banking machine for bank customers.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.


    During three months our team conducted a case study of banking services. We started by exploring all the knowledge we had about the bank. After having set our focus, our team went to the bank. Using techniques like directed storytelling and shadowing, we gained knowledge about employees tasks at the bank and about the services that were provided at the branch.

    After the research phase, we started our ideation. Using several techniques, like brainstorming and personas, our team developed several concepts, that might solve the problems we had identified at the bank branch. We refined these concepts and prioritized them using a cost/value diagram.

    The concepts that had higher value were tested in a concept validation session with users. After this, we chose to combine some of the approved concepts and reached our solution augmenting Selfbank.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Augmenting Selfbank

    We believe that the best solution to the problems we spotted during our research is to help employees in their tasks. To do this, we try to dimish their load of work, by improving an existing service Selfbank. This automated machine allows clients to perform many of the operations that can be done at the counter, including deposits.

    However, during our research, we learned that clients dont use it much. This is due to a number of reasons, including the fact that it is hidden and that people are not used to it. On top of this is the fact that its not always reliable and, sometimes, people cant perform the operations they want to.

    We propose to solve this trust issue the following way: bring it outside and make it more similar to regular ATMs. This will enable trust through familiarity. Moreover, Selfbank will be available 24/7, which also addresses, in part, the issue of the bank only being open until 3 pm.

    Besides improving Selfbank for the banks customers, we also propose to empower the employees, by giving them a Selfbank of their own. During our investigation, it became clear to us that providing services at the bank is something that is, sometimes jeopardized by multitasking. Employees not only have to deal with multiple software systems while performing their tasks, but they also have to juggle several artifacts like the check scanner and the bill counter.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Exploration 08 Observation

    09 Stakeholders Map

    10 Territory Map


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.


    Our first step in the process was to experience a trip to the bank by ourselves. So, each member of our group went to a bank branch and performed an operation at the counter.

    From our visit, each of us modeled the journey we had made. Later, we consolidated this model, so that we could all have a common understanding of what a visit to the bank was about.

    We found out that there were common steps we had all gone through and that the feelings associated with these stages might vary. The environment was very important.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.









    Customer Service



    General Assembly

    Administration Board


    Fiscal Revisor

    ExecutiveCouncil President

    6 members


    PresidentEfective members

    Suplementar members

    President2 Vice-Presidents

    7 members


    Stakeholder MapIndigo Team

    Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto | Roberto

    Stakeholders Map

    During our exploration stage, we also wanted to understand who the stakeholders were. Who was involved in banking services? We identified three main stakeholders: the client, the employee and the banks administration.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Territory Map

    Before doing systematic research, we wanted to explore the knowledge we already had about banks and the stakeholders. We had to set our focus. So, we created a model of our knowledge the territory map. It reflects our beliefs of how the stakeholders are connected and how these connections affect each of them.

    We agreed that each stakeholder has goals. The banks ultimate goal is profit. The employees goals are related to his personal life. And he needs to work, to achieve his goals. Associated with his work are his co-workers, the tools he has to work with and so on. And the client has as a goal to manage his money. If all of the stakeholders want to achieve their goals, they need to trust each other. And trust was our focus.

    Bank Employee







    Personal Life























    Crisis Incompetence




    Territory MapIndigo Team

    Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto | Roberto


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Research 12 Hunt Statement

    13 Shadowing

    14 Service Blueprint

    15 Service touchpoints

    16 Deposit problems


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Hunt Statement

    Having finished our exploration and before going into the bank, we not only set our focus, but also shaped our hunt statement. Basically, what we wanted to concentrate on while at the bank.

    We want to learn about trust issues at the bank and, to do this, we will observe bank employees during business and non-business hours.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.


    During two days, we shadowed employees at the bank. We stayed with them at the bank branch and watched their tasks. We understood what their work was about and where the problems were. We learned that the most frequent operation they performed were deposits.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Service Blueprint

    After the immersive ethnography we performed during two days, we decided to focus on the deposits. So, to better understand the process, we created service blueprints. Both of the counter deposit and of a deposit done using Selfbank, this banks customers automated machine.



    Employee's invisibleactions

    Backend System

    Line of interaction

    Line of internal interaction

    Line of visibility

    Service blueprint - Counter Deposit

    Indigo Team: Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.Service Design - CMU | UMa 2008

    Enter bank

    State Request

    Give account info

    Give ID

    Give money/check to deposit

    Sign receipt

    Give receipt back

    Leave bank

    Request account info

    Request customer


    Validate customer


    Validate account info

    Scan check/ verify


    Give receipt to customer

    Insert amount in system

    Print receipt

    Conrm deposit

    Say goodbye politely

    Update account info

    Match account info and customer


    Provide account info

    Validate check info

    W W W



    Backend System

    Line of interaction

    Line of internal interaction

    Line of visibility

    Service blueprint - BanifSelf

    Indigo Team: Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.Service Design - CMU | UMa 2008

    Enter bank

    Insert ATM card /NIB

    Select deposit option

    Select cash or check

    Conrm amount

    Take receipt

    Leave bank

    Ask for kind of


    Validate account info

    Count money /

    scan check

    Display amount / ask to insert amount

    (if check)

    Print receipt

    Give receipt

    Update account info

    Match account info



    Machine's invisible actions

    Ask for kind of deposit

    Ask to insert money / check

    Insert cash / check

    Counter Deposit

    When a client wants to make a deposit at the counter, there are

    certain steps that he has to go through and some actions that

    the employee has to perform, as we can see from the blueprint.

    A deposit can fail if the customer doesnt have the necessary ID.

    Moreover, there are some waiting periods.


    When a client wants to make a deposit using Selfbank,

    there are certain steps that he has to go through, as we can

    see from the blueprint. A deposit can fail if the customer

    doesnt have the necessary ID. Currently, Selfbank only

    allows the customer to identify the account using the NIB

    or the banks debit/credit card.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Service touchpoints

    From the service blueprints, we were able to extract the service touchpoints. The main interaction points, that are common to deposits, whether theyre performed at the counter, using Selfbank or the Fast Deposit service.

    Identify Verify amount / scan checkDeposit Receipt


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Deposit problems

    From the research we did, we found several problems that related to the deposits process. At the counter, the customer may not be able to perform the deposit, if he doesnt have the necessary information. This may also happen using Selfbank, because there are only two ways for the customer to identify himself. Besides this, deposits at the counter are only available between 8 am and 3 pm, on weekdays. Given Selfbank is inside the bank branch, it is also only available during business hours.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Deposit problems

    On top of the problems mentioned above, there are also some aspects of the software and the tools the employee has to deal with, to perform his tasks. There are multiple softwares, that the employee has to work with we identified three. On top of this, the employee, in a simple deposit transaction, has to deal with the computer, the check scanner, the bill counter, the coin counter and the printer.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    At the end of the day, one of the employees has to manually get the deposits that were done using the Fast Deposit. This enables customers to make deposits using envelopes and hand-written forms, that they can fill by themselves. Then, they put the envelope in a box, that looks like a mailbox.

    Deposit problems 18

  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Like we had mentioned before, Selfbank is only available inside the branch. On top of this, it is not always reliable and customers, sometimes, end up not being able to perform the tasks they want. It also has a touch-screen and many users are not accustomed to this and are afraid of using it.

    Deposit problems 19

  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Ideation 21 Personas

    24 Brainstorming

    25 Prioritizing

    26 Concept Validation


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Based on our research, we created personas. These are archetypes of users that we observed in real life and that will guide our design. Personas reflect real peoples needs and problems. Our first persona was Filipe, a bank customer, that goes to the branch sporadically.


    Filipe ReisDemographics32 years oldInsurance salesmanMarried to Ana Reis, 31 years old, she works at Zara as a saleswoman.They have a son, Bruno, whos 5 years old.Filipe lives with his wife and child in a house in Monte, Funchal.

    AspirationsFilipe would like to be promoted to branch manager. This would help him give a better life to his family. He would also like to make more money, so him and his family could move to a bigger house. His dream vacation trip is to Egypt with his wife.

    WorkInsurance salesman at Imprio Bonana, a portuguese insurance company. He has joined the company recently, and in his job, he works in a private offi ce, where he deals with his own clients.

    Computer skillsHe is a non-expert user and he uses the computer mainly at his work. Filipe also has a desktop computer at home which he uses mostly for e-mail and web browsing.

    Technology experience & attitudesFilipe has a basic cell phone given by the company that he uses in his everyday life. In his everyday life he deals with computers, his cell phone, and a Nintendo.

    Needs to be addressed in thescenario:Not a technology expert.Time is of essence, given he is a very busy man.

    Key messagesIm not a rich man.Help me get my fi nancial life out of the way.

    LeisureFilipe likes playing football with his friends on weekends. Once in a while he goes to the cinema with his wife. He has a Nintendo at home and often plays with his kid.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.


    Antnio GouveiaDemographics51 years oldBank employee1 daughter with 25 years old2 sons, one with 20 years old, that lives in Lisbon, and the other with 18 years old and that lives in Madeira.26 years of marriage .28 years of work at this bank.Lives in Machico.

    AspirationsAntonio wants his children to receive higher education, so that they can become accomplished professionals. He is very proud and happy for his daughter, who is already working. Antonio would just like to keep living calmly with his family, and would also like to travel more, when retired.

    WorkWorks at the counter, where he works with the general public. At the end of the day he counts the money, checks and foreign currency, and verifi es if everything matches. He also takes care of the deposits from the fast deposit and Selfbank.

    Computer skillsAntnio only uses the computer at work and, therefore, only has the needed skills for his job. He interacts with a program that has a command line interface, uses e-mail and interacts with a web-like interface at work.

    Technology experience & attitudesAntonio has little experience with computers besides work. He uses the cell phone but only for calls. He also deals with the Selfbank machine.

    Needs to be addressed in thescenario:Not a technology expert.He would like to speed up the deposits process.He hates the fast deposit, because its extra work for him.

    Key messagesFast deposit is something that seems to be from the Third World!

    LeisureHe likes watching the TV, mainly news and soccer. He also likes reading the newspaper and crime books. On Saturdays he goes for coff ee with friends. On Sunday he attends mass and has a family lunch.

    Our second persona is Antnio. He is an employee at the bank and he hates the Fast Deposit.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.


    Finally we have Diana. She is a waitress at a coffeeshop. Shes responsible for making the deposits at the bank.

    Diana FreitasDemographics23 years oldWaitressSingleLives with her parents in a house in Santo Antnio

    AspirationsDiana would like to complete her studies, by taking a course in Escola Hoteleira. With that she could fulfi ll her aspiration of working in a fi ve star hotel. The other goal she has is to move out of her parents house, into an apartment.

    WorkWorks at a bakery from 10 am to 7 pm everyday. She is responsible for the table service and also works at the counter.

    Computer skillsShe has some experience with computers, from a users perspective. She uses MSN to chat with her friends and also checks her email.She learned to use the computer at school.

    Technology experience & attitudesDiana has a cell phone, that she cant live without. She uses SMS and makes calls. She also deals with the billing system at work.

    Needs to be addressed in thescenario:Deposit service has to available after business hours.

    Key messagesI like to have fun, so let me fi nish my work, so I can go!

    LeisureShe likes to go for coff ee with her friends after work, or after dinner. She also is very concerned with her health, so she joggs several times a week.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.


    Having our personas to guide our design solutions, we proceeded with a brainstorming session. We focused on the problems we had spotted and tried to develop varied solutions.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.


    To help decide which ideas to develop further, we created a cost/value diagram. This helped us understand which solutions would have a higher impact on the users.

    High Value


    Low Value


    interactive tables

    unified banking system

    unified software

    Selfbank outside

    coin counter

    iris scan ID

    ID with cell phone

    info on Selfbank


    info poster

    interfaced chair

    coffeeshop inside

    instruction corridor

    Art that shows bank features


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Concept Validation . information

    Having decided which ideas to develop further, we tested them with users through a concept validation session. Each of us tested the concepts with different types of users, so we could get as much feedback as possible. In the end, we tested the concepts with 21 users. This first concept is about information.

    As Filipe approaches Selfbank, he sees there is

    information about how to use it.

    He can interact with the information, using the

    touchscreen and simulate the operation he would like to


    Filipe walks into the bank and his attention is caught

    by posters that tell him how easy it is to use Selfbank.

    The instructions change after a while and show possible

    operations that can be performed using Selfbank.




  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Concept Validation . interactive tables

    This concept would completely change the bank branch. There would no longer be counters and customers would use the tables at their disposal, with or without the employees aid. There would also be more private areas, that would enable longer and more sensitive interactions.

    The tables in the personalized service area are interactive.

    They allow customers and employees to use them to

    demonstrate their ideas.

    In the general area, the tables are also interactive, smaller

    versions of Selfbank, that allow customers to perform their



  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Concept Validation . id solutions

    This concept addresses the ID issue at Selfbank. Given there are currently only two ways for the customer to identify the account, we propose additional ID possibilities: the citizen card number, the fiscal number and the account number. The first two would be particularly suitable, because people usually carry them.

    Filipe goes to Selfbank. He places his cell phone in front of

    the machine

    The system identifies him


    Filipe goes to the bank, but he doesnt

    have his bank card or NIB.

    But now, he can also insert his citizen

    ID number.

    He is able to do what he wanted.




  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Concept Validation . coincounter

    This concept is important, because we want to remove the Fast Deposit. However, Selfbank doesnt offer a way for customers to deposit coins. And this would be particularly important for companies, that have to make the deposits accurately. So, the solution is to add a coin counter to Selfbank.

    Filipe is making a deposit in cash. After inserting the bills, he inserts the

    coins into the machine.

    He finishes the operation



  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Concept Validation . selfbank outside

    This concept would be helpful for customers who want to perform operations outside business hours. From our research, we learned that customers that go to the bank on a regular basis are from companies. But, companies close later than the bank. So, they have to wait for the next day to make the deposits...

    Filipe has just left work and wants to

    make a deposit.

    So, he goes to Selfbank. He finishes the operation



  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Concept Validation . one software to rule them all

    This concept would help solve the atrophy caused by constantly having to switch softwares. It would help employees be more efficient in their tasks and, therefore, the customers would have lower waiting times.

    Antnio is working at the


    This client wants to make a deposit,

    but doesnt have his account number.

    So, he inserts the customers citizen

    card number.

    He finishes the operation quickly,

    because he doesnt have to use

    several softwares.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Concept Validation . unified banking system

    This concept would help solve the atrophy caused by multitasking. It would help employees be more efficient in their tasks and, therefore, the customers would have lower waiting times.

    Antnio is working with the new bank

    machine, that incorporates the check

    scan, the bill counter and the printer.

    He can make a withdrawal for a client


    As well as a deposit.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Solution 34 Augmenting Selfbank

    36 Evaluation

    37 Conclusion


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Augmenting Selfbank

    After the concept validation, we came back to the cost/value diagram. Again, this helped us choose the concepts and combine them, so as to augment Selfbank.

    High Value


    Low Value


    interactive tables

    unified banking system

    unified software

    Selfbank outside

    coin counter

    iris scan ID

    ID with cell phone

    info on Selfbank


    info poster

    interfaced chair

    coffeeshop inside

    instruction corridor

    Art that shows bank features


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.

    Augmenting Selfbank

    We chose to combine 3 different concepts: ID solutions, the coin counter and Selfbank outside. The other two concepts one software to rule them all and the unified banking system were combined to create a new banking service for employees.

    ID solutionsThis will allow customers to identify their account in four different ways using their bank cards, their citizen card number, their

    fiscal number or their account number.

    Coin counterLike we had mentioned previously, this is necessary if we want to remove the Fast Deposit. Moreover, after business hours, this

    will be the only way customers will have to perform deposits and other operations.

    Selfbank outsideThis is so that operations like deposits become available after business hours. Like we had seen, most customers that go to the

    bank to perform deposits are from companies. And these close after the banks operating hours.

    One software to rule them allThis is necessary to resolve the problems caused by the fact that employees have to deal with multiple softwares to perform their


    Unified banking systemThis would include the previous solution and would address the atrophy caused by the multitasking employees go through while

    performing their tasks.


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.


    To evaluate our idea, we conducted a Cognitive Walkthrough. This is a technique that does not involve users and that has as a goal to evaluate if an interface is easily usable by people who are not familiar with the system.

    So, we evaluated the steps involved in making a deposit using the new interface of Selfbank. This is an important task because, like we saw during our research, it is the most common operation at the bank branch. And Selfbank is, ultimately, a complement to the branch services.

    Cognitive Walkthrough assumes we have a goal. Then, we search for currently available controls to perform an action. After that, we select the control that seems likely to make progress toward the goal. In the end, we evaluate the result for evidence of progress. Hence, there are 4 stages in this cognitive process.

    We evaluate the systems state, to understand if it gives the necessary feedback to the user at any given time, by answering 4 questions: 1. Will the user try to achieve the right effect? 2. Will the user notice that the correct action is available? 3. Will the user associate the correct action with the effect he or she is trying to achieve? 4. If the correct action is performed, will the user see that progress is being made toward solution of the task?


  • Service Design | UMa 2008 | Bank Assignment Amlcar | Diego | Filipa | Roberto M. | Roberto S.


    In spite of us not having created a whole new service, we believe that our solution will contribute to the improvement of the services provided by the bank. Although it may seem a daunting idea to completely reformulate the counter by introducing the employees version of Selfbank, we feel this may lead to a better future in banking services, in the sense that we will have happier employees and, hence, happier customers.