Fingering Charts for One and Two Octave BLUES SCALES View the Videos for this full lesson at: http://www.PlayPianoTODAY.com/b11

Blues 11 Fingering Charts One and Two Octave Blues Scales

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  • Fingering Charts for One and Two Octave BLUES SCALES

    View the Videos for this full lesson at:


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    The blues fingering charts begin on the next page.

  • Blues One Octave Scale Fingering Charts (Scroll down for the 2 Octave scale fingering charts) Page 1

  • Blues One Octave Scale Fingering Charts (Scroll down for the 2 Octave scale fingering charts) Page 2

  • Blues One Octave Scale Fingering Charts (Scroll down for the 2 Octave scale fingering charts) Page 3

  • Blues One Octave Scale Fingering Charts (Scroll down for the 2 Octave scale fingering charts) Page 4

  • Blues One Octave Scale Fingering Charts (Scroll down for the 2 Octave scale fingering charts) Page 5

  • Blues One Octave Scale Fingering Charts (Scroll down for the 2 Octave scale fingering charts) Page 6

  • The Blues TWO Octave Scale Fingering Charts Start on this page Page 7

  • Blues TWO Octave Scale Fingering Charts Page 8

  • Blues TWO Octave Scale Fingering Charts Page 9

  • Blues TWO Octave Scale Fingering Charts Page 10

  • Blues TWO Octave Scale Fingering Charts Page 11

  • Blues TWO Octave Scale Fingering Charts Page 12