».am*", «l'.'eftor"-- to "".', kr«****»» n shout him than that.waa wa¡ chins. *ho women lea pin r. > »m wtpcurwa When he beard 11 ' « vator ha«l I »in d«"s«»vted. »*.<*¦ p--.iv» 1 prey through the crowdg »ci mr-df) ¦.»n*. int..*« th<- f«.««t <»f t!»e tlevatot h Firemen tried t,-» «-inp tt\e ma«« hut rri»,'l <->ijt that 4-,, knrv hOV. to run i ar. and **<*-? allowed to paaa *- Qretgory than 'nni» ehargre and . n ««t lías« tai trips to tht tenth " Tin«.«" carrying down ,! t"-";' ifilrtt e H«- st«^pp*-'! etalj erhea the methai It ih.» cir |alted aa It r. had th« tl (foot on n;:e ot i's doamward telpg (h i t-i : a i'h frantic atrengtti * a ih- . ;«a. «Jot malnlng floors gmaping the steel cable at th , -> .;. vu. , «gfu howet -i opened '',r door »nd ittonred the «vor t,-» .na»., their wa« tl "* n to th« etr H «i¦.- y. ..-¦ the heat on th« u| ogor .';¦!.¦' « it . ar ; .'¦ not .t ag iln. . .1 g another orúook« t th.» grea crowd that purged about f,.,,f of the building, who rrlve« .?».- *)r<-4 -.. wo I gai aaid that ,t lirai ht coi -.i m « bell .h. .- Iroj pin? !>. i humai Is' Ing» There wai tbiai ¦¦¦ i" the aj s hách bad sa ¦*.>«.¦ .' Otht r^ stl ipi oi all clothing Mal laer though! tl ih<> " on ummlea tl wart ir»-*. thrown oui It waa i i.. got 'i*-' thai they i and eruelied huma Ix i;-- kett rdtng to Ihla wltnean and Capta i-i. nlr k 01 an. t >'. et at« station, who arrived within te a'!- laiin .¦. aa sent In. many th- girla a bo i.a«-i climbed to ihe ni .. adndoa Ig« a-ere forced atlll furiii out b: . nd them Bot -»' thee. ' -. onfronted by death two terrible forma, tried to avert eitli bj hanging io tht ledg by their fi {.<...« s e of them managed le reta .- .¦.-. minuto a or moi to drop to in< -»i:-' a and pain. The alghl of th<-ir fellou a-orkera ma ing th« fatal leap aeemed t fill t e'ii't women with Inaane horror. Th i- though fascinate t ien plunged down to their own deat Many of theee nrtie arart killed In t!i ore) oui not wglt until tin arrival th« Bremen. Thej knew thai eacape ' way i the ehr tora waa Impoaalble, h ia:'' the mad m.'h that crowdt nd the doors Th« stairwaya we - .->!-;. if exit, th« den .nine »moke hangli aver them lib t ill, Many "^ho a tempted to take «'¦ stall ares i f ai e- en om< by si . r 'l the ho: rot it death Lifr Nets Made Useies«. «-.. 'rst/tncc tht rrowdf on tl r.r- ....... kling "-¡i ¿our or Uve Art m -. road ng ¦ i'.«"1, ne The« were .!:.!..- men. and braced then » - all »ii« ir gtrt î-gth ga *-'c- died tht woman to m. tl leap Had those who stood in terror o ed: Bi . leatb deg Ing arramble lor po; < .-. the | » did not wg Jump l ' - they leaped -v anci pig at ind I lit wi thai the lift neta wen torn from |reap Ol fir<->ni«-n rind ih<» wog. were dashed 1 eat Greei . Waal -. «- f g< i | - «nan-» *h«" way along i *--' v ? and ir- Ing to be la thai th« tried lo push them off, Inter - of fi «n.- furnac I n group, .":¦ ¦' ¦.¦ i | I ret*. th | from thsir alight | \\v the« * . pushing ...... at .... ..... I I | It ' n h celia ! « the 1 illdinf <;..., ... ... « . .»on., gave « t-. tnt . .- mad« Through thii ». urled M i ... ..»« men sf the big build | icenes 1 il th h* rror of t . on th «. ...¦!¦. treei ' ! . .-.*.. ... _-, y, There v t>rt « .' f '.¦¦.'.¦ ... .' but fr their n «. - . tiona " la thought thai the toll «*)««¦ ' ' ;.. «.;,. Tl-- Drxrt.v At- haft '--'. to 1 ig eri .ou*.ht on thi .t'avei ' narros , i>a.-.' |tj ¦nd at gi Tht « brupt .i» th« .,, ¦,.'¦. «.. r r » .;(- thie fire esta d ' eighth flooi ant la rh .¦. .--\ I thai i Itera on tl idowa n.-nl p..- «Vn Tin- in-«. -i ...,,. gerout degt e it 11nI » pled on ' t«. the i'»»! of i-1 a . Ime t< «. intag« : for the )..' . .,-.:' Ch t" r a ju ' !.¦ feet had aft to an end. i,.,.. !.,.¦- mat« nough tin «.. nd ''"' fir. saeap« Ihe m .... .osa abov< r.i ¦¦. I I t al« g leepl alantlng wire net i leve ..... loor, ' " n indowa, !....,.¦ 11 ft... ' th« flrot , i). " 0| ¡ ,i « . FOUlJ b ¦' I" grf reaching? t h opeji rlndowi Li t ... ¦.. iild pan ..- i"-« tloally mpoae Out of i flft ¦ omen «i,,, i, ...|. ii.« ;ii!. mpt, not mort than i | The otheri «}i-,,|,;.. »hi ieklni !.. tl i" ickiMaa "f n.. ourtyard bel .I on Ihe gplkag of ihr fen« ',;. tlM ¦.!..' ' "" '; "'1 l»Cl,, jamming- their aray doi irroa iron «»«.aie, loo»«: b«lvv«, 11 i.J 1«j U.nu t" LOWERING BODIES FROM LTPER FLOORS Pirrmen wrapped lb« victima in clot* and they were bnwfhl to the (round by «aaoi ol i «ropg and tackle. wait Rut nr« iipp.iai w.:í< headed In trsp Tt v.v- a ease of Jump Into blsck pit below or in« kicksd «off, and «had time to «malts a decision either it is tttmati i t ai fui v thirty« diea «ara burled in ths «bottom of kin «fi Many «-»f thosi a*ho fell to ti '.. wer« «still >ii\ '. when the) ati Ihe st «i . 'iai-ginp. They «had I a !«.».»¦ ol ¡¡f«-, however. Within a mlnul w th< abaft waa füi«*-<i with flv six feet oi water, and those who did perish through their Itapa ¦..."¦ drov« rata. ¦One of ihost «--1.*^ escaped from «saater v-ns llyman Mlschei ¦ Kus: youth, employed by the Triangh «" «pany. Hi ».».iit on tht trnth oor t ths brolti «oui and made .1 «last: n o frric'r ai vater, Hs waa unsuc tul In hint t!-.«« cat. hon-ever, was ag . bach smong the m dened women. Miachel wa.* itunnsd i. ¦. nilnut« i t..« bio« ? of a"i who fought to iMt n\rr his prosti «bod P, n I n gain I is «sens« iga . «:.' '. i .,.,«' ihafi waa borrorstruck to *\ni the tuck enth Ao r ¦¦ «h« n M been abandoned. Mische! did nol b< täte, for ihi .T',iin«'nt*' «wen preetoui that tlnrH mai «"ie« r< to n .. igh thr air« caging ind «spring : ._.' «th« dooi. Then I «grasped I . i-t'-fl «rabí« th.' PUPI «caí 1 - ¦. i hliDMlf above ths ah ¡i " -. bit pui-rposa t»-» slide down to bas men! floor, it' hla strength «en ihti mak« hli ¦¦ le street li« «grlppi -' blss a "li ev< ( bis '«¦«¦ngtl bul U ol «ff».»--» h ¦;-..,!. offei hold, and he . gan to drop v frig ''"l rapidil llov he ever ma ,-,ç» »i . grip on th cab! ¦-..;,«. Just as the fifth fle 'i and coul 1 am - ¦¦ hm ned fron ... | j] ... hii ¦.¦'. fi om above him. '.¦ x'-. up ."¦ tried to . ... it rvas i her She had a d do« ft and ; " . : . 1, -. I : baft Her bo« ¦ Mia terrifl ble I he s int« i or the csbl«t » Foi haps ,; gli bod? r it« .-¦'< houldei. and ighl bold oui long-er. Jui pared I **t b ho« - tl I off. a i.«i eras! ed t«* ,h«' baa« «ment bel But si Iso II a to ti r v. .. nee. \fl«-4 bel Anala ided with a : f the efevstor si aft, and « linttx ¦.ih< i.«l- should I placo waa water, hig r thai h* ind m «pr« \ ,«iv .,.).,... (Di r rr i p on a n Iron th« t wat« foi ¦. minutes Firemen H«?«« His Gresm A; ...'¦«¦... tern H sesrchli «... besrd feebl . finally | ced them at th 1....I " ,'!» ,| out t.. th impi «so .:.'¦¦ loui inn, an« I tl ..... ii, (i)«, landing threw a rop< ibout hl* luid pulled hli t ih« 'ir ' ''"« flesh of 1 ... , and tl iche! « n «harmed H< «v-hs «ken to 81 .,».....« r pltul ., i . -... . « i i I ph.' n had l.< «vorking on th« . nth IJ "'s toi atoi k ol h . : ».ittalled an from i ho tod found . bodl «"i thaï th«« i.iiiiii ¦¦' util ;¦. ld w «.mi «. th» Ir '". hing loi n Into di aud th- Ir '.' dl« i mutilât« «i b opd I op« , d in ips on ii,« ¦. ..,, ta t.-i; ««t th« struggi« Ilia) id go «befor«, 'i ii gi it« -i mortal U irred on thla B>pcaking ol his lei Crokei Mid "Then .. .- «j «partition on this floor, near n beca stair a). and In this partition door 'i hia door waa tosed, i be« . ahd bei I i th« th« . waa of di< lhal high and th« chief band ah ul als to* t, "piled i,. for« th« dooi s in« ii «had by thai Urn«, «,t c«ou«rse, hsen burned «down, i h««\« i »Id thi on «sera el bulbllngi ol ibii «i» «script "i: to Install ii «. ascspsa sad I sprinklers, bul nothing hag been **«¦*¦**** now you i-1"1" tii«" reault. wh*-»i-! I eug« .. -.. that such thmga b done I waa laughed at or gbueed Thla verj build« Ing wag Included In ordara to inst.-.'i ad« iiuate «¡i.,- eaoapea aer.l out three, weeka ugo." Hundredg '»f police, under the com« mand of Deputy Coramlaalonei Drlacoll, Inspectora Bcbmlttberger and Daly and en « aptalna ar.,. ». »lice h< ads, Anally ru.».¦¦]' i'i In establishing adequate po¬ lice linea, although they found Ii hard '.»"Ik to restrain the crowds from rueh« in«; ,4!»hiii the danger gone Waehing* ton Squ ire areg Alleii to ot erfloa ins . Ith thousanda of peraona, m-.u; ot whom had tlv« among the IctJ After the Are had been extinguished th« " ¦""!. ol recovering th« bodl«! began In earnest 1 In m< dragged Ihe rorpaea to th< window«, wrapped them la rub« '¦. blanki ta and le ered th« n to the street -.-it 11 ropei \t the bodies wen lowered the Fir« Departments aearcti ligbta « i- i l « :. d on lb« aldea of th« building, uh in< Ing th« gri men« ol the r-'ipht. As fast .«.¦» th« bodiei were landed "ii the street they we taken In charge by othera, a*ho carried them acroaa I r I street and covered thtm viih blankets. « By order of Deputy Commissioner Dria. coll. every body ai II u'ai brought down .'..- lagged and numbered Drlacoll or¬ dered thai ..ii the dead Lx taken t«» the ai it Ii. i», pai tmt nl dock, al i-.i il 26t! .street, tii«» regular morgu« being Inede* Iquat« for the p irpor«* Thli r.. drat I timt that thla hag been nee« ta/y .-mcc the Blocum dlaaat« Morris Hamuelcon who lie cloak businesa on th« ant ond fl< :.. is nlghi thai ht had bt en looking ou of d " en he aav bodiei « gin lo "¦".,. ¦. ; treei. H< kn< ¦. then that i thet " must i a fin In th« ullding but becai - ited ai t!..' ti rrlble t-lght and ¦ at tb« wind >w until he s ar draggi d the atreei '¦. fin mea i knot - -.¦ ipe.d with her lifi by iplng from the b g wat Berth « ".' elnti up, «>f ..'.'¦'.'. ii- t?h< Jumped fiom tin» tenth floor nd ws pick «i up un* c..--¦ I< aftei ¦¦' had lain on the aid« walk for mon than an houi ought that sh< " a i dead, and It a»- only " hi n an ambulan -j.£»»..:-! pa ,- md *¦¦' her mov« that -:" i'«a» taken to Pi Vin« nt'a Hospital. «She will probabl] recover Ca'r'o's Boy Who Jumped. * - alwart patrolman *¦..'!= standing ft the Washington Place aid« of th« build* when a mall bo: "r .",; " . -. Door The patrolman braced himself end caught <*<. '«e* although he wat '< -i throen to th< Ide calk by o, K -<¦. after tl Are atarted Bn i die ¦. gton wen atlll dls«**h >r*rlng in« Ir ,, freicht " ..! m. " alk« d oui ...-.., gtor atr -"« ' ntran« ' at .' I.II I Pi« h falling nod: of on« of ih<« ¦¦ n< n mi » '¦¦¦ id leap d fi. «'*" tenth .¦,.,1 ghe ««us Inat it|trj killed by *h' -. eight of th« bod« nlling ft om i h « ,- h**lght Tii' atud« i1"» ol ii« forl 'i t It« Las !.¦''.'.¦ r. insti urn« ntal In ng mon than lift« rfrl rom dt Bth hen Ihe Hi broke oui rfi e wen one hundred ......i twenty«flv< atudenta In hool 'nd' th« '. ad« rahlp nl r -:., Kalla 11" ran lo th« roof ..! ih« Ir ng, and aa a a bout half a hun* omen on I h< root of th« « lot j building Th« uni« eralt rool la iboul . n or ' .. .¦!¦> « '. t hlghei than «,«" fa« lorj btilldingi >nd Ih« at ud< nt in I hark lo thel own bu ling and procur« d With tht ae. .m.i i uh «ii aid of idd« « Li- painti -..-« 1.11 against ih. all, it: aai tied th« t< 11 IA< d omen lo th« rool of ihi unit erslty bu ding and orted ih« m !.. the am in aaft tj 1. iricf Mtoi i,- liman and A i,i District Attot nt y i '¦¦-' a k*| earl at 1h« s< en« and t «.. I bodl« .- heilig ink« n ..ut Mi »\ hitman a I av .i rarlj ,.i ri. loltsha list '... '...11 lu ij a progresa ol ih« An and san tha ;.. ,,i,.. in ried i" the ambula thai It ¦¦ an outi ,iki and tl -i' the Depat m" n' "i Building*« " iponsl bl« i .ni f:. irix '" And nui arho is n gpon« g|ble for thla cermtge and i".i the blara« .> h,,, n ... longa ».'nil ihe <'orow r "ti i aa mi to think hat th« gt pom girl ... cut i-, <«orl< thla 111 r 11 r *-- I" no- «'.ir n. d up b] the « levatore, onlj t.« Anlah ih-ihr work by being taken from th« building dead ""<* gautllate«! BODIES IN Wit Inspection of Unidentified Vic¬ tim« BegM at I o'clock. DELAY FOR LACK OF COFFINS'! Supply B»-oi»ght from MtekweU'i! iRland Helps in DUpoifaf of the Dead. ,-,, .,..¦ West »" '"í^'.iri1« s.i t'fl-, on« hundred and «««i-mu»«-, bedlea «had i,, n i,« ,.-i . '. *' r rnora He dl*/id«ad ,.,, bedl« Into three cla ¦-«.-. amelj Those r.. fnlasbl« ''.'.¦¦«. rhoaa Wentlfl- rstten era» nts>i« «hi maana ..' ihe pay onroku-ra In lltflr «poeketa nn«'. Iheaa reme.. n«,,.,i ,. iuhivi appearene«! Man; .f iba i.i«-'. ha ihelr «pay envsJop« unepsm I iv »,,,,.¦ ¦....«*.- ih« envelope! .«»r«1 elteiTed ,,,-, Man: ol the «glrla had «plfved ih-eli enmioptt nx the« ateehingi When had book« i Thlri three al ths «one hundred bodlea brought in up «ts '«" o'< loi 'k ¦'">''. n"i ,,r i«i.-«i-.. Ths «police nets «pul is wart «anperintendlng th« «-siiioval «sf «money and in.'.- «of «relue from th« 1«. «¡i-s thnt v. »re n.it «hadlj chaired Men] "f «th« ein- war* «¦".». «Mr> of «Mm« aort, an.i aoma "f thai area f«aond M !"" ¦ble M '«f.- Imjposalbli «far «ansah thievea ..« net «within reach of th* dead Aboul |S,«000 In tii^n««1 «rsj fOUttd VA lh< bodle« Coroner Westen area hi charge ol the morgue and Inspector tfalsh «rs« in ba .f th». «police Kini.- in iho <-v«»nincr Mlchsel i »iumnumd, C«ommlaakm-er sf Chaiitlea, t«M dered the «usa of xh.o «¿haritlea piar -'«n«i Coroner »Ve-eton oponsd hi" «aflka thsw After mldnlghl «polteeComtnlssloiier «pris« r«.;i asno-uncsd iha! it «waa the lntenti«sn «to allow the |)-*»op|o to -inter t'i«» pier ':i «batchs* if itvanty, at-a-rttng about I o'clock Chief Inapector «Schmlttbergar saM lasl nlghi thnt i '1l«l not >v:.nt the people ailnilf- t.'d sa thsy «watra during lha Idsntiuee« tlon of the victima of the «Sl-acum 'ii.-a.~- ter. for at thai tha* aeorea of persona leepsd «fron* t¡,% pl«er after finding that t!,o«r-e for whom lliey ..«an-hr«! «reíra BOl among those upon ih« pier Inspector tValah, «bo h;ni ehsrg« of «the pollca line.«- abOUl th«- Bctlevoe Hoapltal anl the pier and tha «distribution of the poUoa «aboul ih« i it Inclosure, «said thai 'he «eofllni ha»'. been plSOSd in <>:«ier, .n«l (hut th« psopl« «would ba a«iniitt<*.¡ in batchcf of twenty at 1 o'cl«. k Sot «ataca the ni«--hi «>f th»» ««Slecuni dteaet-w ha**« such acensa been enacted at th«- morguc «Soanea of WlMaet sner were not»«! in the <l«t «.» 11 mont .«." the «identlflod d«fad Heertrendlng «wars «lha amelona of thoae who were «urging Ilka wave* nc-.inst the Una of Huacoata, pepsin.? for «permlealon to enter tha pier and sean-h for í"«me mtaeiag !.i one Thon «.mi«-, tb« -«'i pro««s*toa throug th« iin«»s «sf «coffins «\*- soon a.«- tha «poUca «admitted th« Ural «batch tha crowd outsM< quieted do»rn and waited -«-»i«« riy f«oe th« «signal lo entei from the police, «Phr* hun¬ dred w«ere outside hi i o'clock,'but they won ao qulei thai «some «policemen were «ten! to tha «and of the «pier ts *-vat««h for attempt« at lUlcld« N" lOOOOC was .' virtlin i'leiuille«-) than «psrVliOSlO** WSJ «given foe the remove] sf tha body. Tiro member* of thi ertjard who tneeeed' « «i in «gaining entrañe« to the morgue w«ere Mrs Joséphine «Panne, «si So. *.? «si inton «and her ion«ln«law whs wsnl in ,. of box --daughter. Mra -'an? Bucslo eighteen yeera old When -he found that '..<¦-. «sesrcl, wa« in vain Mr.> Panas ran ¡.hrieiiirii: toward I "r :..«n-in-ia»"' an<i bagan Isaring out hei bal Rúcalo -»-o.) «s a man in « l**anc« Bud« i»ni; ha reeled an<i í»ii fo ihn (Vvoi. n>' aasialsd to hl« fael b) 11 .. attendai and fought »ith thrm In an affOTi to lea I i ah lie laughed «lein^nia'-aiiv and examined more closely |!w fscsa of m .i. i, v btch in Mm la uk . «eta unn J be .r'" i 11* ognitloa Mr r.iir.io v a«i in th* 'iitins; roo« SI ma tl . un «waa dlacovared. Bin «n t«i tb« devate-r ^ilaf. and rushed foi th« .«r .it th« eighth (T"«. B1 i «id I elxed her daughter by lha 5kirt. «Tn^i thai .- ««ra« belna «¦.um»««! im»> th« the franl that wa ii*| ng her, dau| .i'1« .|'« torn awa; and »he remembered .».. lha rrlghter fi .«. in ol the gli i I .i rough th.. a of i Ihe car wi . i i .. a,«-.'. Bh« md alh i .¦. hter and ought ah« at« ill lo I (loor 1 ' Panno i. the rush ol of ¦ . «i . «i ih« elevate ¦¦ i ti" ^.nd floor »«i ''... .. illdlnti upon 11 laal trip from tl » ab« Bh« had .< <\>r, re* otlectl-on o!" r-«r«on -being trampled underfoot, and ehe bellet.ai . tram] ed upon i n '. i m .. bottom of ihi -..n«»; .-., ilao «aid I bal a hen ihe c u lefl ih* numb« r of i »iri-- mad« .". mpl lo '»i" th« . rator thai i .. >- ««f tha mrdo) ihe ma th«*ffl fell down the abaft threng'n 1 ,.,, .;..,,«. wax. and ¦« ¦. ¦'. to i1 .-i«- ,). ,i!, ;,,,,n t.,« roof of thi An ittempi tva m i, latie« . thi -' who were «amployed In ihe ahlrt« ' fore their way into i I .- in ¦." .«. ti'y th«mi tí,.j l Berths < '!«. n I. of Ko ll .»«i «ir...« -M ,,;, r;.jia. i«..,, .. ,,, y^ ' ;.'.«. I '.' ind »:« ' i-, in« * if Xo «Saat M ; I In the Hal of .1fd«i u.K« n ih« poll ¦ and ll . '.et ..... «« fear thai ih« v «»i Ihe ipper f M ind wer« .)( told to return la ihe me .,,.,,, t.-.i.' ' ne* ih« -i««. un ¦!. i, psi lm««nl of ." -,,| .. npnl! «¦' ¦¦<">.« md for .-.". -.« ¦. i m of th« ««-i.« i«. i>« «. « It" | «" .¦¦ ..« "i c bodli .- In llm .. «i uit- ran oui "n " ... D in m nd .«- «««i, '.« d ... Ihla i ¦.. i « ,,,| |h< depai lm«*ni ¦..->.«.. i... r-.., «.;¦,«, «arell'a («land (or «\«-r' «coffin H;»^ rtoparl "".". OUtd n USl 'rh« H|0||\ l.r,,;i back abom «Jlftj and .I ndllna 'i.II« ra ' .... rt o»; ind« of th« '... omn i m umnn r.«, ,. ,. nei «i aupetintendeni ol the mi dh*al A* ',¦ '«ii-iii .-f th« I»- I'.ii'n.i'iii of «t, « .if n chara« of i wort ... th« 'haï . i. : ¦¦n« i n inl«an ch mta Ion loi ih« i an «al ol tb« bodlct thai . ntin ¦" n. and «oroaeri Holla .: and Hellen«ten will rsmi.n dm ..« ll pier in («n n im h sil tl bodies ha t m .! VICTIMS OF THE FIRE. IPFiNTIFIFiD DEAD AT MOKOUfl 'i .'".iii «i «i-.,.i ,,i,¦ i i N.\ \ « VKl.i.TTV. No Iffi «Preatdeni rM^,.« Rrooklyn iKMAN K No «.««'«I »ii^. B.k I) n Id« m i i t«\ ,i tin,,- i.« »,u \\ i.lM'.i:. «Si B| ,. had M .. ««i ;iii«i « «»i- .. iina *ïih ..« arhll« -i«..i<«. i;i.i:« » «ll. Ind« niln«*d bj i«.<\ I. |0|l '.'« i i AS KB -..«i. Ind« iilltlad bj bei i««i> «ni elop m «a ... 11., i,« wsi III Bh« .«i-1 i.i .n.i n ond « ,«i in.«- and '.i hu «a '-.ii-m r.l.k.VS'l I.IN. M«iJS«-|IK, N" '¦' I- .-«t 5«i, «.»r.»*.. Manhattan; Idantlfled hl J »4Pk hoik «.f Adolph Mandera Rink. N" 155 Rlrlngton fttct PELTCB » man. whose pay en relees rontsln**»« tSl .¦¦'. BPFUPtT i woman, whoea pay ea ..«i..i .. . ontain« d ITÎ ROTHrfER, TEDDY, a man Indenttfled «by id,, lime book nJRIBCM, REBECCA, aeventeen, ol No Attornov atreet. identified it th«* (Vest .'.«i« atreet itatlon by her l-.rnth.-T in- as DENENT prtneaa; "i'-mififd py l n pay on-»|..|,*, in which " .-«.« l)0«?"i. LEVlffE, Mag, n" addreea; t-l'-ptiti*-»«! by fltg '!i!ir Link tBERRTEIR Julia: Identified to name "n pay envelope which contetaed t~> ". PPEAR. fman), no addreea; identified bj nanti g time i>onk. KL*OBER (man); Mentifled by name on «;'n« book ROSEN, Mr« )d«»ntifl«d b) pay envelope Ww hnd pjst tied around bet enali Inside h - toi kins KAPLAN (woman); Idantlned by pay en v |..| « n her «-.«-> 'kinc-, < ontsinhng III to IDENTIFIED DEAD A.T HOSPITALS R AM«"!' ? Port;.a. "Ig'ir««»i-. v-»»r« old. ,«p«»r.it.»r Ne ta Henry atreet; niai In \ incent'« Hospital from multiple in- htfie reeei« ed by jumping INERREROER. Beckey, nineteen. No, II Clinton «tree!, «»perdinr «lied In New yorb Hospltsl al i" . I o'clock i-««t night; leaped from erindoa and fractured th gh i,,.rp'. en chest, faeJe, tight arm and shoulder; dug out*of srreckage n:iBlflfH, Rebscés. sged aeventeen, g atltcher. of Ñe t" nnd I] Attorney atreet; | in Nea fork Hospital from mul« dpi« injuriée received b) lumping; ihe . ;is ¡dtntfflsd t>v her brother-in-law, Jacob Qottfrt-ed, "f Mo Ii Baal thJtli «treat, «aim'! i-«. PRANCES, aeventeen yeara old, of N" w t>«- <ira«A gtreet, Brook* lyn; Identified by g relative Ni« 'in «i.i;. MICOUNA. tw<wtty«twe reara old of So it«) Baal 13th «treat; Identl* ti.,1 !,'. I) .1. I .eon". Of No «11 ba--t 13th it**atH who loxt art relatives i;« Ihe Are. ALTMAN, ANNIE, alxteen yea»ra old. of No. B Tik«* «treet. New York; Identl« -,. ,> her brother. Morris. UNIDENTIFIED DEAD. The polloa attach««.i ran*-, numbered ceta* accutlvely, to the d«»ad bedlae aa they arara removed from the aoene of the ttrc. am bodl»», trill be todtgated by numbers until they are MentlAed. ' The following a-ere 'he unidentified dead ai tha Morgue; Ko "»--»Woman, twenty-one ".c.ir«. i feet 2 Inchee, Mark hair, black button shoes and black itocktnge; clothing burned off; gold eignet ring <>n left hand. No. I.Man, twenty-Ave '.-«»ar» I feet 7 Inch a. «moot! ahaven, black liair. brown atriped cost, black trousers, black patent leather alr-pee No II Woman, twenty-four years, i feet .' Inches, black hair, white hf-ad earrings, black tratst ¡it-.«! skin, white underwear, black «hoes, rdgaet rinsr with the li.hials i "T. 1." N". .1 Woman, twanty«dve, ". tan .', lachea black button ahoes, black atock- ing i, red Hart»»!--, most ««; ii,p clot Ing burned off. light underwear, WtHghing about ISO pounds N.«. : Womaa, red v.aiet. black atock« m?* snd aklrti no ehoes, one yellow metal ring .ii lefi hand set with i,i;.". atone, ap« narently an Italian, twont</«seven .»vara. 3 *'.¦. t T Inches. N.. ll.Woman, tiiirrv \.»;ir<. .". feel I Inch. Mack ..air bück skirt, uhit.- wai.-t aitl black i-uip«..«, no aboee, envelop« with $1«)17, another with H". another with tÀt, another with 117, making PR In all; two notes fr,.ni Italian banks; one of th* en« velopea bearing a name i.*erj much blurred, bul which looked hk- "ghena.' .v. no Woman, twenty-four year«, dark hair. r-«»d »-kirt. white underwear, black button !..«»>. black atoeklngs. No. 22- Girl, (!('. -<*n -rears, all clothing burn«..! ..if \. black BtOCklnga and black ' !?i,',. «hoea \>». to Woman, twenty-five years, loth« Ing burned off, ring ."i ft hand, black atoeklngs. lace "dioos-. white underskirt, ap* patently I'ailan. No 13 Woman, twenty-five years. .". teet t bichea dark hair, pair >.f earringa with white itones, »lain ring on Wr hand. -r.,» plaid »slit, whir Anditrweer, black »nd graj waist ÎÎ0 M.Olrl. sixir.'n years, black hair. VA pounds, .. feet Inch, biu« kin, hronn . .,.!. blue underskirt, black at«*cklng*i and Ma k button ahoes. No 27.WomaUi thirty ".ar... Italian, I f-"-t i bichee, black hair, dark com« [¦.'.vi,n. si2n«»t ring -'ii ft h-'nd with Initiale ¦«.'. .*».' Mack velvei ahoes, N" an Woman thirty«dve rear-. tart i,'. dark complexion and hair, tch «-ktrt. ¦w-liii«» waist, white under n»^r. Meek lace ahaee, eon ring on lefi h »i. gold 'im. mi right hand with a ;.!.,, k .i " lilt« .-i' '-¦ I No aa Woman. t»*enty*flve yeara. S feel I In« a Id teeth, one m upper Jaw and on«? in loa*er «a«-. h',t,»i< ikirt, black *i king itto ring on rigl «nd '.«¡th Initials, which appeared to "A. O." So '.."¦ Wonts ' ni' eat fr"* ,, ... black I no-, i«; ..¦'... iklrt, button ... whit« underwear, band bag «nn- talnlng R0 :. n -.1,, \\i.,.,,,;-. '-.'"ii!- -on.»- yra«--. ¦'. feel . «<. dark »mplexl »n bit« I. gkii hia. k wslst la o ring? »na ... mall «tonea and another with i | white el -lie N*n 2tt Wi m in nin« teei ¡.*eara Hi poui ., k ir dr. Itlte aii I, gra> aklrt blsck i ¦ -«.,-. », ni>.. rtng «virh on«» ,,. ,.¡ m (tins ." pi e.\> gold ¦' | -ni-i!¡ gold Nt ¡ o*. iVomai C p und fe« . ..' thirl « at -. ".'¦* hair, bterl. lipt i |g ¡< skin » bite u id« hlack xhoes and atoekint Pfo. 301 Worn in, thlrtj -Ave pounds. S feet -; Inchei brown htii, <¦!,.« he burn« d off V- -.-: '... '... ...... rs-'nt.'. -r».« q >.- >: lot! u »esrlng name of I uoblberg, Pikr street Ho M Woi ist thirt« eara S fet Inch« 130 pounds, black walei and skirl black ihoee an t atock . No. :.»' H oman, nineteen >*esra, n< pound« feel 7 Inches, blue «tatst snd ¦.¦ itocklna snd n' ick pi plsin ..' elet No Hi Woman brown hair, blue eye», one ¦! tl "'«<-k plush «..ru r.-.| ,md i Is« k pial s list, h ue rt t, 12S pounds, i twenf -. ix x«-.!!»« feet | incl ea N.-«c ... d beyond recognition .'.. -0» .¦'¦ .:. ... (man). 305, .*'. -..'¦' 277. Ill, O0. 287. 2M "«. 'i fm m- tot H .'.. II » ¦.;. gnd i. n nnd recognition No % "". n rt: year« m pounds, '. Inches, black hair, fur eoat! -., : .... hi n»k .1«-. a. black «hoe « " .' cluth upi -i . ¡'in k «locking« pi itti gold ring ring ¦ "m t int.-. ii. gold uppt r .' om «" ' s ..". ... j<*sre t .'.-¦". " ini Ih » indi d ira h tir d ir loth« ». Ma 'kr« et si ose, '. -. -r«ont] «four years, [ta n ;.¦ n ! dark h «i« ol ie|¡ a nid ¦¦ v \\ oman nlnt U n eara '. fe*t «t .. -. '. unda, blacl rali ,. .- tweater : .. .¦» -tri|,#,i rir--«« . toeklnai end » .... a, gold ring green i «« So Woman tl h r yeerg, "»«i ha h i.nd» feel «Inches, black aklrt, hius Ma k lad ¦. ie|v« button hoes, "n rjurtl«. . hi1 i .... || .. lüg ,.,,,,,,,. « in« hea, m i,ii" saie. '.i., w ho« - ind at« rklng ". one opal n ,,mi.| «¦.,» htirned nA Woman nineteen <»^r- > pound«, feel «. Inchee, brown eye« ,.n.| irk hah « It« del Maca aklrt, «ivei ilipp ;.i, .¦. ilngs. P ii .-.'Id ring So ,,,; W ..m ,.¦ ¦. ni \ v i>. ! pound «et I In be» ros n «. i*e!st, I la« It ikh « - ... md .¦¦ :.!., indi feel l h «. n SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN Summer I - Í «omin^. (.loscil houses arc Comin/f, Bur*<|ltni An- Cominf, Vtlmbles Will bt (iniiifr«. l-iill Will Return, Ships Will Return, I'aniilics Will Return, Vglufblei Will Be I ïonc h" . h bot « em iMti ' : i n«.«rtti f HOLM I > PROTECTION i .i - i. « «fcaii . ,|. rtng «i. »uwifi -, i- ., Homes System of Electric Protection ¦ .«, il l .«i ' ., ||i » >«*».ir.'. (Cray tr/st, .*.'. hair; H'' trouver*; time hook - «v 11 i '«o nai I .. in. ird l««nrlng th" IpatT»«^*". hi"1 Mn .' «JOsin Ne li «.-» ..».-'" avenu« «Th« \'< n i gold . at h w hunting ''.ii' beating " a inttleli » P No 23«! Woman. twenty-«* -. year«; p heck «with ni vith name Weltin-er, '.' on iir«t nani" whit* walal Mack aho ntui «locking«, «""T. ball and bro* o«. Hot ?ï-'. «ST1, isb, ZH. '*.. and .«.'¦. all «burn« 'no «.»id ( »««riii«,« n i tit-'itfn"! «roman. iw«etrt« f"'' rara; dai Piiir. '»«i «klrt, «rbft« under«« er Ma« button .«¡io«-». hlael »tocktitg* No «MS-W.tj.-man, l*r«ntr-*ighl resra; «Me« slat, bis« k ikiri. ft po md i iv» and «tocklnK> plain t««'"i '-. .««»¡«i f rtm No ::;. Man. to ¦< leti r in pock«! *n rt« 1«« Mr II «Bootl, No » \v«i-«orth ro »« i ondon, England, :¦. II red to tM Ti «i l!'«thn-'r DEPLORES LACK OF ESCAPE! McAneny Says the Invostiintioi Will Bo Thorough. «Sorouffh President M< «Inen aid Ist last nfc"» thai If an] auaatlon arga ral«« |n r«-.-*«*«-'! i». InsdOgUSU ffie »is»;« t«»« Ihet «arould ba a drastic rnveetlfjatlon irle last nlRlit Is find "". from Mfeed i. l| A«sist;:nt Rulldlng« Bap«rlntend<tai, I had bees anj romplalni mad« aboul ih Ilullding Mr. «Ludwig riai bass «"«en; i'i irincr tha absence of 0upet*mt«e|,«deni Mil ... whO I* r<-»nrninr. from hit **a« .'¦¦¦¦i ; ml in Panama "Th» tnett as fai mid Mi McAneny "at* as meegr* eannel uiav.#- any atate in'-nt rariliup th* !ir. gosu moplha ag< T conferred with «Pire Co«**vmlaalon*i tVaM« In an effort to hint.' ahoiii a general In v-Migaiion of «-ill faotery hmldlns« i:' th« rit\. Th« l-'lre « 'omini»Mion«-r wa« In "" «cord arlth nie. arid up to I a praaeni Urn« I many hulMln«*«- hav* bsSS tn-p**«"'. .'- flr* | hv the tlremen Hid later b«, thi «9 llid - Iienartmeiit." Mr. Atieii.»' f«fli 1-1 thi.» m form« an I Invaettgatton« aret* conduct«*! onl) ft* «omplelnta had b**n made I hav* f;«vore.i a «w**ptnc Investigation «snntlnusd Mr McAneay, "nn«l at the tin:. ,, xh.t Newark dlssstcr i ama mo«r* hnpn me \v-ith the n-ïed of it. if Hila Btrustur* WSl ; flr»«.r«i««f loft butldmg, .is 1 have beer iom. nre ascapsa wer* not compulsory. If |«howevsr, ü waa a «factory «building, ihsn it |"«mpiy with the «jew thsrs ahould have «basa t",re escapes" Altre«i Ludarlg, tsatstant bulldlngi au« I parintsn-ileat, ami sth*r othclala of th* de« périment ha.1 «not up to a !a1<* houi last night diacovorsd «any leeofd or coreplaint about tha atructur* Mr Ludwig after Ivlaltlag the Bureau «sf Buildlnga an.] put« ting hi« force to -,«ork looking over the re« ¡«»¡.ris. w.m t«-« th« «scene «>f th* fire and i*s« mained there. ¡.CAUSE UNKNOWN'.BLANCK ¡Waist Co. Owner Says His Kin and Partners Died. .Max Rlatu-k. one of the pieprlatori of the -¡Triangle W «slat «Company, mad« th* follow¬ ing »tatemen! early thi* morning: "Ths fire broke out on tu« eighth floor from torn* unknown cause. On«e-thlrd ol I «the amployea ware msi. while the res», were. !piri~ «and young w«om«fn. »hose «agei ranged f» o [ti ciKliteen to thirty years. "My brother-in-law, «Jacob B«*rnetein, w«ho waa working on the eighth floor, is «missing, la.«- «well «as «one of my cousins, vVIIUam «Bel- /.er, «who '»as at work on th« ninth flo««r My partner, [ease Harris, ¡.as rep rted 10 m* thai hla niece, Bather, I* mia Ing. Bh« wa on* of the bookkeeper «and ".<- al work in th.- «office ii i- thought b; ¡um that ah« is. 'Iea«l " Rlanck said that IM tnen and '«.'«men arere employed on t'i« three floor« ¡SEE PICTURES OF MAN.UVRES Washington. Mar.-h':« -Mingling win, th«» I i'siiai statistic* al a «mall moving picture ¡theatre. Becretsry «Dickinson and aevergl of i th« high-!«! olTlcera ««f the army to-do« ait- n«s~e.i a «repr«oductloo of tiio reov*m«nta anil easnclasa of the *manmuvre dlt'ieion m Fill ON «ß «Many Pmhtd Off in Crowdinj t0 Cross an Ainhaft. STUDENTS AID IN REbCUES Roomr in Hew York Ur!vçrsii7 Burned in the Rogrne of «in Womrn from Fierv Death. «'.".» giii. who were f -«. «.¦-.. Ii «ii. rush for tl .. it Ii dos . looking «.¦n th«"- «n..,II .-.-"irt formed by ¿*>. r«It^e In the r-»r.r »f Hi-, bunting gliding taken ¦..'«¦: h iddera pie« , "»¦ rd aft from tl n lee g I r 11 " ».. *ti) lente i,.. In the T*ni« «»-«it the tint« «''..«'. , by th< ¦ r.i ipr Th« Immediate] 'ueh« d to l ;«t"i railed tl.»n t loi the fin In th.. ; r>s*-iblH< .| Ira« »'inil'.'wa i .«.;.'¦ cd tip I , rpposit '. gh I tent t tht g croe t court Lines « also brought up ( played .. 11 -.-. Intio n to fi «mi ab number of fin went i .. panics! ten gli meana ol eat t\ fun The ..!.!. ra wet aoon crowded aa thg girfa fougl « fot i cl ano i.> .i. t.. Hi«-). Mai . r* rtted ,.!¡i«--r.« behind them fa _ iheii death n.i the pavement the co«irt, e bundn «i fet I b< low. \ - . hut aithln reach i1 m. n dra^x"d them throng ., «if tii«-- ntvei iltj 11 illdit it traa Imposaibl< to « * that t;,...-> ngag«d In ih at this point could d their weight on th«* end the and attempt, to Bteady then way. k««.i,.iiig' the frantic effort« i still ih th« build ng ft ¦. | tl ends of the l. d'1' rg off « th« silla, and hurling those airead] ..:. them into the court below. Fighting for place off of the edges to ham until they flnalli weakened and had !«-i ko. Man-- <Aiti. aafety all but a their graep wert aacrlflced Lo thii i .-1 n i the bottom ol the a'rr-'-.rift become piled hierli with their bodies. Th«» work at this point eooa hid te be abandoned for the tlamee quickly i through the »indow burning thoa« left behfnd, and driving back thoaa w\ were trying to rescue them frota n.' windows "t ti.«- university, and ruing fire t«) tema of ti th », ralty, when much d nag< waadoa BLANCK WOlMGAr^BLING SUiT Refused to Pay Check for S875, and Courts Sustained Him. M;i\ Btaack, ...ne ,-f the memben si i . firm that own i1 a hianglt « Company, wa M the court! only ¦ aa da«« ^li,, The facts In the ease thai Btaack paid gel lAcbi ** ¦.* '¦"*...- niak-r, a cl k lor UB tat Un tea I ra« i' g game. LI« tei ateln in turn and lurned It over to soother i the nuaantlm« Mat k had ..n the check. Bktnck bebt lawyei, that the < k waa fo i gai. debt, and iben f not »He Justice Smith ded !. d la I *. . w ". that thla contention wai Mrraol rVS faCoonaoX, .s* DRY GOODS-CARPETS-UPHOLSTERY, ^^f) a Most important Sale of High Grade Pongee «Silks DIAGONAI WEAVE, ALL PURE «ttXK. 33 INCHES WIDE. \ IN DIFFERENT SHADES OP NATURAL COLOR. ESPE- / m~ CIALLY SUITABLE KOR DRESSES. TAILOR SUITS, MO- 7X«f TOR COATS AND GARMENTS FOR TRAVEL AND SEA ( * *-*JV SHORE WEAR Regular pricet |200*«$2.25 yard ) Alio Black Cachemire de Soie, **.S"f****t i 72: exceptional qua'ilv, I / ¦! Regular prki $? 00 yard ¦. . v AN IMPORTANT OFFERING OF Linen Suitings 5.000.yards ALL LINEN SUITINGS. 36 Inch, s'-iade:» of Blue, <>C-*->. Fink. Helio, Gray, Green. Airetlr.st, Cattwbu, Brown, Natural /cS%¿ gnd White. REGULARLY 50c. YARD. *****-'V A'.SO OUR ENTIRE WHOLESALE STOCK OF 27 INCH nn. LINEN SUITINGS (Ramie Weave), specially adapted for coat /.if guita, ¡h the i--MOn*l ittwtfft «-.Hade«», Regularly "«Oc, aaavap NOTE.-THE ABOVE ARE ALL PURE LINEN. MADE IN IRELAND, YARN DYED AND ABSOLUTELY FAST COLORS. SPECIAL SAFF OF Night Gowns, Chemises, Combinations 1«00, 1.25, 1.50 THE ABOVE ARE ALL THE NEWEST MODELS. MADE EXPRESSLY EOR US. OF FINE MATERIALS N'i'v «showir.fi new spnnc model*» in House Gowi'v KimoBOtí Dreasitifj BhUqtfN, and Br**akfast Ja« u*. t~. Wwabwaa do ty&SUesL COLD STORAGE OF FURS Orirntal ruç», valuable tapestries, curtains and trunk* of cIcthinK Wc n'-rn In prolong »lie life of »uch good« bv *i "Mural circ:i!st«en m cold otr. Y,.,t« of continuous «tor«««? hnve proven th*» *«jp««r.oritv of the »vst«*m. Absolutely fireproof building Competent furri«*r« in rhorge. Fireproof Household Furniture Storage. Stx^**!1 v Ired rparatt fireproof room? from $2 upward i1«-* month. A ¦..-1». ,,|". ompetenl pat k«fni and an elt-xtrti h.«-1 servie*« Silverware Guaranteed Safe from firt and tin R rfi or until return 1 he Vaults for Securities are the uro*! convenieni in Greatet Vork Safe*. S" per ycai upward * tni .. ivlted lend :'-"' "etlmat* ind paiephl«»i Most rentrsll) Incaled on to .-¦«.¦¦¦. LINCOLN SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Opposite Grand Central Terminal it i luhaa: egpreei italien THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS c\ UNDIVIDED PROFITS $2,*i00.000 TOTAL RESOURCES 26,000,000 . r I '. :.- 11 I Dj reaaonof Its Irx itlonorteraexceptional idt mi ge» foi thest letlrintA* uptown d post tor*, v,,.,iintii ,,r (Irme mrporatlone and Individuals Invita»

BODIES IN Wit Fill ON - Chronicling America « Library of ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1911-03-26/ed...six feet oi water, and those who did perish through their Itapa

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».am*", «l'.'eftor"-- to "".', kr«****»» n

shout him than that.waawa¡ chins. *ho women lea pin r. > »m

wtpcurwa When he beard 11 ' «

vator ha«l I »in d«"s«»vted. »*.<*¦ p--.iv» 1

prey through the crowdg »ci mr-df)¦.»n*. int..*« th<- f«.««t <»f t!»e tlevatot hFiremen tried t,-» «-inp tt\e ma«« hut

rri»,'l <->ijt that 4-,, knrv hOV. to run

i ar. and **<*-? allowed to paaa*- Qretgory than 'nni» ehargre and . n ««t

lías« tai trips to tht tenth "

Tin«.«" carrying down ,! t"-";' ifilrtt e

H«- st«^pp*-'! etalj erhea the methai Itih.» cir |alted aa It r. I« had th« tl(foot on n;:e ot i's doamward telpg (h

i t-i : a i'h frantic atrengtti * a

ih- . ;«a. «Jot malnlng floors

gmaping the steel cable at th, -> .;. vu. , «gfu howet-i

opened '',r door »nd ittonred the «vor

t,-» .na»., their wa« tl "* n to th« etr H«i¦.-

y. ..-¦ .«

the heat on th« u|ogor .';¦!.¦' « it . '¦

ar ; .'¦ not .t ag iln.. .1 g another orúook« t

th.» grea crowd that purged aboutf,.,,f of the building, who rrlve«.?».- *)r<-4 -.. wo I gaiaaid that ,t lirai ht coi -.i m « bell.h. .- Iroj pin? !>. i

humai Is' Ing» There wai

tbiai ¦¦¦ i" the aj s háchbad sa

¦*.>«.¦.' Otht r^ stl ipi

oi all clothing Mal laer though! tlih<> " on ummlea tlwart h« ir»-*. thrown oui It waa i

i.. got 'i*-' thai they i

and eruelied huma Ix i;--

kett rdtng to Ihla wltnean and Captai-i. nlr k 01 an. t >'. et at«station, who arrived within tea'!- laiin .¦. aa sent In. manyth- girla a bo i.a«-i climbed to ihe ni ..

adndoa I« Ig« a-ere forced atlll furiiiout b: . nd them Bot-»' thee. '

-. onfronted by deathtwo terrible forma, tried to avert eitlibj hanging io tht ledg by their fi

{.<...« s e of them managed le reta.- .¦.-. minuto a or moi

to drop to in< -»i:-' '¦ a

and pain.The alghl of th<-ir fellou a-orkera ma

ing th« fatal leap aeemed t fill te'ii't women with Inaane horror. Th

i- though fascinatet ien plunged down to their own deatMany of theee nrtie arart killed In t!i

ore) oui not wglt until tin arrivalth« Bremen. Thej knew thai eacape '

way i the ehr tora waa Impoaalble, h

ia:'' the mad m.'h that crowdtnd the doors Th« stairwaya we

- .->!-;. if exit, th« den.nine »moke hangli

aver them lib t ill, Many "^ho a

tempted to take «'¦ stall ares i f ai

e- en om< by si . r 'l the ho:rot it death

Lifr Nets Made Useies«.«-.. 'rst/tncc tht rrowdf on tl

r.r- ....... kling "-¡i

¿our or Uve Art m -. road ng ¦ i'.«"1, ne

The« were .!:.!..- men. and braced then» - all »ii« ir gtrt î-gth ga*-'c- died tht woman to m. tlleap Had those who stood in terror o

ed: Bi. leatb deg Ing arramble lor po;

< .-. the | » did not wg

Jump l ' - they leaped -vanci pig at ind I lit withai the lift neta wen torn from lï|reap Ol fir<->ni«-n rind ih<» wog.were dashed 1 eat

Greei .

Waal -. «- f g< i | - «nan-» *h«"way along i*--' v ? and ir- Ing to be la thai

th« tried lo push them off, Inter- of fi «n.- furnacI n group, .":¦ ¦' ¦.¦

i |I

.¦ ret*. th|

from thsir alight | \\vthe« * .

*¦ pushing......

at.... .....

I I |It


'¦ n h celia! « the 1 illdinf

<;..., ... ...

« .

.»on., gave «

t-. tnt . I« .- .¦ mad«Through thii ». urledM i ... ..»« men

sf the big build | icenes 1 il thh* rror of t . on th«. ...¦!¦. treei ' !.

.-.*.. ... _-, y, There v t>rt« .' f '.¦¦.'.¦ ...

.' but fr their n«. - . tiona " la thought thai the toll«*)««¦ ' ' ;.. «.;,.

Tl-- Drxrt.v At- haft'--'. to 1 ig

eri.ou*.ht on thi.t'avei ' narros

, i>a.-.' |tj¦nd at gi Tht


brupt .i» th«.,,


r ,¦

r » .;(- thie fire estad' eighth flooi ant larh .¦. .--\ I thaii Itera on tl idowa n.-nlp..- «Vn Tin- in-«.

-i ...,,. geroutdegt e it 11nI» pled on '

t«. the i'»»! of i-1

a . Ime t<«. intag« : for the)..' . .,-.:' Ch t"

r a ju '

!.¦ feet had.¦ aftto an end.

i,.,.. !.,.¦- mat« nough t«

tin «.. nd ''"'

fir. saeap« Ihe m....

.osa abov<r.i ¦¦. I I t al« g leepl

alantlng wire net i leve..... loor, ' " n indowa,!....,.¦ 11 ft... ' th« flrot, i). " 0|

\« ¡ ,i « . FOUlJ b ¦' I"

grf reaching? th opeji rlndowi Lit ... ¦.. iild pan ..- i"-« tloallympoae Out of i flft ¦ omen

«i,,, i, ...|. ii.« ;ii!. mpt, not mort thani | The otheri

«}i-,,|,;.. »hi ieklni !.. tl i" ickiMaa "f

n.. ourtyard bel .I on

Ihe gplkag of ihr fen«',;. tlM ¦.!..' ' "" '; "'1 l»Cl,,

jamming- their aray doi irroa iron

«»«.aie, loo»«: b«lvv«, 11 i.J 1«j U.nu t"

LOWERING BODIES FROM LTPER FLOORSPirrmen wrapped lb« victima in clot* and they were bnwfhl to the (round by

«aaoi ol i «ropg and tackle.

wait Rut nr« iipp.iai w.:í< headed Intrsp Tt v.v- a ease of Jump Intoblsck pit below or in« kicksd «off, and«had time to «malts a decision eitherit is tttmati i t ai fui v thirty«

diea «ara burled in ths «bottom ofkin «fi Many «-»f thosi a*ho fell to

ti '.. wer« «still >ii\ '. when the) atiIhe st «i . 'iai-ginp. They «had I a

!«.».»¦ ol ¡¡f«-, however. Within a

mlnul w th< abaft waa füi«*-<i with flvsix feet oi water, and those who didperish through their Itapa ¦..."¦ drov«

rata.¦One of ihost «--1.*^ escaped from«saater v-ns llyman Mlschei ¦ Kus:

youth, employed by the Triangh «"

«pany. Hi ».».iit on tht trnth oor t

ths m« brolti «oui and made .1 «last:n o frric'r ai vater, Hs waa unsuctul In .¦ hint t!-.«« cat. hon-ever,was ag . bach smong the m

dened women. Miachel wa.* itunnsdi. ¦. .¦ nilnut« i b« t..« bio« ? of a"i

who fought to iMt n\rr his prosti«bod P, n I n gain I is «sens«

iga. «:.' '. i .,.,«' ihafi

R« waa borrorstruck to *\ni thetuck enth Ao r ¦¦ «h« n M

been abandoned. Mische! did nol b<täte, for ihi .T',iin«'nt*' «wen preetouithat tlnrH H« mai «"ie« r< to n

.. igh thr air« caging ind «spring: ._.' «th« dooi. Then I «grasped

I . i-t'-fl «rabí« th.' PUPI«caí 1 - ¦. i hliDMlf above ths ah¡i " -. bit pui-rposa t»-» slide down tobas men! floor, it' hla strength «en

ihti mak« hli ¦¦ le

streetli« «grlppi -' blss a "li ev<

( bis '«¦«¦ngtl bul U ol«ff».»--» h ¦;-..,!. offei

hold, and he . gan to drop v

frig ''"l rapidil llov he ever ma

,-,ç» »i . grip on th cab!¦-..;,«. Just as

the fifth fle 'i and coul 1 am- ¦¦ hm ned fron

... | j]

...hii ¦.¦'.

fi om above him.H« '.¦ x'-. up ."¦ tried to

. ... it rvas iher oí

She had a d do«ft and ;

" . : . 1, -. I

: baft Her bo« ¦

Mia terrifl ble I he s int«i or the csbl«t » Foi

haps ,; gli bod? r it«.-¦'< houldei. and h« ighl

bold oui long-er. Juipared I **t b ho« - tl

I off. a i.«i eras! ed t«* ,h«' baa««ment bel But si Iso II a to ti

r v. .. nee.\fl«-4 bel AnaH« la ided with a

: f the efevstor si aft, and « linttx¦.ih<

i.«l- should Iplaco waa

water, hig r thai h* ind m «pr«\ ,«iv .,.).,... (Dir rr ip on an Iron

th« t wat«foi ¦. minutes

Firemen H«?«« His Gresm

A; ...'¦«¦...

ternH sesrchli«... besrd feebl

. finally | ced them at th1....I

" ,'!» ,| out t.. th

impi «so .:.'¦¦ loui inn, an«I tl ..... ii, (i)«, landing

threw a rop< ibout hl* luidpulled hli t ih« 'ir ' ''"«

flesh of 1... , and tl

iche! « n

«harmed H< «v-hs «ken to 81 .,».....«

r pltul ., i . -... . « i r«.¦ i

I ph.' n had l.< «vorking on th«. nth IJ "'s toi atoi k ol

h . : ».ittalledan from i ho tod found

. bodl «"i thaï th«« i.iiiiii¦¦' i« util ;¦. ld

w «.mi «. th» Ir '". hing loi n Into diaud th- Ir '.' dl« i mutilât« «i b opd I op«

, d in h« ips on ii,«¦. ..,, ta

t.-i; ««t th« struggi« Ilia) id go «befor«,'i ii gi it« -i mortalU irred on thla

B>pcaking ol his lei Crokei Mid"Then .. .- «j «partition on this floor, nearn beca stair a). and In this partition

door 'i hia door waa tosed, i be«. ahd bei I i th« th« . waa .«

of b« di< lhal high and th« chiefband ah ul als to* t, "piled

i,. for« th« dooi s in« ii «had by thai Urn«,«,t c«ou«rse, hsen burned «down, i h««\«

i »Id thi on «sera el bulbllngi ol ibii «i»

«script "i: to Install ii «. ascspsa sad

I sprinklers, bul nothing hag been **«¦*¦****

now you i-1"1" tii«" reault. wh*-»i-! I eug«.. -.. that such thmga b done I waa

laughed at or gbueed Thla verj build«Ing wag Included In ordara to inst.-.'i ad«iiuate «¡i.,- eaoapea aer.l out three, weekaugo."Hundredg '»f police, under the com«

mand of Deputy Coramlaalonei Drlacoll,Inspectora Bcbmlttberger and Daly and

en « aptalna ar.,. ». »lice h< ads, Anallyru.».¦¦]' i'i In establishing adequate po¬lice linea, although they found Ii hard'.»"Ik to restrain the crowds from rueh«in«; ,4!»hiii the danger gone Waehing*ton Squ ire areg Alleii to ot erfloa ins . Iththousanda of peraona, m-.u; ot whom had

tlv« among the IctJAfter the Are had been extinguished

th« " ¦""!. ol recovering th« bodl«! beganIn earnest 1 In m< dragged Ihe rorpaeato th< window«, wrapped them la rub«'¦. blanki ta and le ered th« n to thestreet -.-it 11 ropei \t the bodies wenlowered the Fir« Departments aearctiligbta .¦ « i- i l « :. d on lb« aldea of th«building, uh in< Ing th« gri men«ol the r-'ipht.As fast .«.¦» th« bodiei were landed "ii

the street they we taken In charge byothera, a*ho carried them acroaa I r

I street and covered thtm viih blankets.« By order of Deputy Commissioner Dria.coll. every body ai II u'ai brought down.'..- lagged and numbered Drlacoll or¬dered thai ..ii the dead Lx taken t«» the

ai it Ii. i», pai tmt nl dock, al i-.i il 26t!.street, tii«» regular morgu« being Inede*Iquat« for the p irpor«* Thli r.. dratI timt that thla hag been nee« ta/y .-mcc

the Blocum dlaaat«Morris Hamuelcon who lie .« cloak

businesa on th« ant ond fl< .¦ :.. isnlghi thai ht had bt en looking ou of

d " en he aav bodiei « gin lo"¦".,. ¦. ; treei. H< kn< ¦. then that

i thet " must i a fin In th« ullding butbecai - i« ited ai t!..' ti rrlble t-lghtand ¦ at tb« wind >w until he s ar

draggi d the atreei '¦. fin meai knot -

-.¦ ipe.d with her lifi by iplng fromthe b g wat Berth « ".' elnti up, «>f:» ..'.'¦'.'. ii- t?h< Jumped fiomtin» tenth floor nd ws pick «i up un*c..--¦ I< aftei ¦¦' had lain on the

aid« walk for mon than an houi (¡

ought that sh< " a i dead, and Itt« a»- only " hi n an ambulan -j.£»»..:-!

pa ,- md *¦¦' her mov« that -:"

i'«a» taken to Pi Vin« nt'a Hospital.«She will probabl] recover

Ca'r'o's Boy Who Jumped.* - alwart patrolman *¦..'!= standing ft

the Washington Place aid« of th« build*when a mall bo: "r .",; "¦ ". -. Door The patrolman braced

himself end caught <*<. '«e* although hewat '< i« -i throen to th< Ide calk by

o, K-<¦. after tl Are atarted Bn i die

¦. gton wen atlll dls«**h >r*rlng in« Ir,, freicht :« " ..! m. " alk« d oui...-.., gtor atr -"« ' ntran« ' at

.' I.II I Pi« hfalling nod: of on« of ih<« ¦¦ n< n

mi » '¦¦¦ id leap d fi. «'*" tenth.¦,.,1 ghe ««us Inat it|trj killed by *h'-. eight of th« bod« nlling ft om i u« h «

,- h**lghtTii' atud« i1"» ol ii« n« forl 'i

t It« Las !.¦''.'.¦ r. insti urn« ntal Inng mon than lift« rfrl rom dt Bth

>« hen Ihe Hi broke oui rfi e wenone hundred ......i twenty«flv< atudenta In

hool 'nd' th« '. ad« rahlp nlr -:., Kalla 11" ran lo th« roof ..! ih« Ir

ng, and aa a a bout half a hun*omen on I h< root of th« « i« lot j

building Th« uni« eralt rool la iboul. n or ' .. .¦!¦> « '. t hlghei than «,«"

fa« lorj btilldingi >nd Ih« at ud< nt in

I hark lo thel own bu ling and procur« dWith tht ae. .m.i i uh «ii aid of

idd« « Li- !¦ painti -..-« 1.11 againstih. all, it: aai tied th« t< 11 IA< d.« omen lo th« rool of ihi unit ersltybu ding and orted ih« m !.. the amin aaft tj

1. iricf Mtoi i,- "¦ liman and Ai,i District Attot nt y i '¦¦-' a k*|

earl at 1h« s< en« and t «.. I h« bodl« .-

heilig ink« n ..ut Mi »\ hitman a Iav .i rarlj

,.i ri. loltsha list '... '...11 luij a progresa ol ih« An and san tha;.. ,,i,.. in ried i" the ambulathai It ¦¦ an outi ,iki and tl -i' theDepat m" n' "i Building*« .« " iponslbl«

i .ni f:. irix '" And nui arho is n gpon«g|ble for thla cermtge and i".i the blara«.> h,,, n ... longa ».'nil ihe <'orow r "ti

i aa mi to think hat th« gt pom girl... cut i-, <«orl< thla 111 r 11 r *-- I" no- «'.ir

n. d up b] the « levatore, onlj t.« Anlahih-ihr work by being taken from th«building dead ""<* gautllate«!

1« BODIES IN WitInspection of Unidentified Vic¬

tim« BegM at I o'clock.

DELAY FOR LACK OF COFFINS'!Supply B»-oi»ght from MtekweU'i!

iRland Helps in DUpoifafof the Dead.

,-,, .,..¦ West »" '"í^'.iri1« s.i t'fl-,

on« hundred and «««i-mu»«-, bedlea «had

i,, n i,« ,.-i . '. *' r rnora .¦ He dl*/id«ad,.,, bedl« Into three cla ¦-«.-. amelj Those

r.. fnlasbl« ''.'.¦¦«. rhoaa Wentlfl-

rstten era» nts>i« «hi maana ..' ihe pay

onroku-ra In lltflr «poeketa nn«'. Iheaa reme..

n«,,.,i ,. iuhivi appearene«! Man; .f

iba i.i«-'. ha ihelr «pay envsJop« unepsm I

iv »,,,,.¦ ¦....«*.- ih« envelope! .«»r«1 elteiTed*¦ ,,,-, Man: ol the «glrla had «plfved ih-eli

enmioptt nx the« ateehingi When had

book« i

Thlri three al ths «one hundred bodleabrought in up «ts '«" o'< loi 'k ¦'">''. n"i ,,r

i«i.-«i-.. Ths «police nets «pul is wart«anperintendlng th« «-siiioval «sf «money andin.'.- «of «relue from th« 1«. «¡i-s thnt v. »re

n.it «hadlj chairedMen] "f «th« ein- war* «¦".». «Mr> of «Mm«

aort, an.i aoma "f thai area f«aond M !""

¦ble M '«f.- Imjposalbli «far «ansahthievea ..« net «within reach of th* deadAboul |S,«000 In tii^n««1 «rsj fOUttd VA lh<

bodle«Coroner Westen area hi charge ol the

morgue and Inspector tfalsh «rs« in ba a«.f th». «police Kini.- in iho <-v«»nincr Mlchseli »iumnumd, C«ommlaakm-er sf Chaiitlea, t«M

dered the «usa of xh.o «¿haritlea piar -'«n«i

Coroner »Ve-eton oponsd hi" «aflka thswAfter mldnlghl «polteeComtnlssloiier «pris«

r«.;i asno-uncsd iha! it «waa the lntenti«sn «to

allow the |)-*»op|o to -inter t'i«» pier ':i «batchs*if itvanty, at-a-rttng about I o'clock ChiefInapector «Schmlttbergar saM lasl nlghithnt i '1l«l not >v:.nt the people ailnilf-t.'d sa thsy «watra during lha Idsntiuee«tlon of the victima of the «Sl-acum 'ii.-a.~-

ter. for at thai tha* aeorea of personaleepsd «fron* t¡,% pl«er after finding thatt!,o«r-e for whom lliey ..«an-hr«! «reíra BOlamong those upon ih« pier InspectortValah, «bo h;ni ehsrg« of «the pollca line.«-

abOUl th«- Bctlevoe Hoapltal anl the pierand tha «distribution of the poUoa «aboul ih«i it Inclosure, «said thai 'he «eofllni ha»'.

been plSOSd in <>:«ier, .n«l (hut th« psopl««would ba a«iniitt<*.¡ in batchcf of twenty at

1 o'cl«. kSot «ataca the ni«--hi «>f th»» ««Slecuni dteaet-w

ha**« such acensa been enacted at th«-

morguc «Soanea of WlMaet sner were not»«!in the <l«t «.» 11 mont .«." the «identlflod d«fadHeertrendlng «wars «lha amelona of thoaewho were «urging Ilka wave* nc-.inst the

Una of Huacoata, pepsin.? for «permlealon to

enter tha pier and sean-h for í"«me mtaeiag!.i oneThon «.mi«-, tb« -«'i pro««s*toa throug

th« iin«»s «sf «coffins «\*- soon a.«- tha «poUca«admitted th« Ural «batch tha crowd outsM<quieted do»rn and waited -«-»i«« riy f«oe th«

«signal lo entei from the police, «Phr* hun¬dred w«ere outside hi i o'clock,'but theywon ao qulei thai «some «policemen were

«ten! to tha «and of the «pier ts *-vat««h forattempt« at lUlcld« N" lOOOOC was .'

virtlin i'leiuille«-) than «psrVliOSlO** WSJ «givenfoe the remove] sf tha body.Tiro member* of thi ertjard who tneeeed'

« «i in «gaining entrañe« to the morgue w«ere

Mrs Joséphine «Panne, «si So. *.? «si inton«and her ion«ln«law whs wsnl in

,. of box --daughter. Mra -'an? Bucsloeighteen yeera oldWhen -he found that '..<¦-. «sesrcl, wa« in

vain Mr.> Panas ran ¡.hrieiiirii: toward I "r

:..«n-in-ia»"' an<i bagan Isaring out hei balRúcalo -»-o.) «s a man in « l**anc« Bud«i»ni; ha reeled an<i í»ii fo ihn (Vvoi. n>'

aasialsd to hl« fael b) 11 .. attendai t«

and fought »ith thrm In an affOTi to leaI i ah lie laughed «lein^nia'-aiiv andexamined more closely |!w fscsa of m

.i. i, v btch in Mm la uk . «eta unn Jbe .r'" i 11* ognitloaMr r.iir.io v a«i in th* 'iitins; roo« SI

ma tl . un «waa dlacovared. Bin «n

t«i tb« devate-r ^ilaf. and rushed foi th«.«r .it th« eighth (T"«. B1 i «id Ielxed her daughter by lha 5kirt. «Tn^i thai

.- ««ra« belna «¦.um»««! im»> th« H«

the franl that wa ii*| ngher,.« dau| .i'1« .|'«

torn awa; and »he remembered .»..

lha rrlghter fi .«. in ol the gli i I.i rough th.. a of iIhe car wi . i i

.. a,«-.'. Bh« md alh i .¦.

hter and ought ah« at«ill lo I (loor a« 1

' Panno i. the rush olof ¦ . «i \« . «i ih« elevate

¦¦ .» i ti"^.nd floor »«i ''... .. illdlntiupon 11 laal trip from tl» ab« Bh« had .< <\>r, re* otlectl-on o!"r-«r«on -being trampled underfoot, and ehebellet.ai . tram] ed uponi n '. i m .. bottom of ihi !¦ -..n«»; .-.,

ilao «aid I bal a hen ihe c u lefl ih*.¦ numb« r of i »iri-- mad«

.". mpl lo I« i» '»i" th« . I« ratorthai i .. >- ««f tha mrdo)

ihe ma th«*fflfell down the abaft threng'n 1 ,.,, .;..,,«.wax. and ¦« ¦. ¦'. to i1 .-i«- ,). ,i!, ;,,,,n

t.,« roof of thiAn ittempi tva m i« i, latie« .

thi -' who were «amployed In ihe ahlrt«' '¦ fore their way into i

I .- in ¦." .«. '¦ ti'y th«mi tí,.jl Berths < '!«. n I. of Ko ll.»«i «ir...« -M ,,;, r;.jia. i«..,, .. ,,, y^' ;.'.«. I '.' ind »:« ' i-, in« *

if Xo «Saat M .« ;

I In the Hal of .1fd«i u.K« n l» ih« poll ¦

and ll . '.et |« .....

«« fear thai ih« v «»i

Ihe ipper f M ind wer«.)(

told to return la ihe me .,,.,,,

t.-.i.'' ne* ih« -i««. un ¦!. i,

psi lm««nl of ." -,,| ..

npnl! «¦' ¦¦<">.« md for .-.". -.« ¦.

im of th« ««-i.« i«. i>« «.

« It" | «" .¦¦ ..« "i c bodli .- In i«

llm .. «i uit-ran oui

"n " ... D in m nd .«- «««i,

.¦ '.« d ... Ihla -¦ i .¦ ¦.. i « ,,,| |h<depai lm«*ni ¦..->.«.. i... r-.., «.;¦,«,

«arell'a («land (or «\«-r' «coffin H;»^ rtoparl"".". OUtd n USl 'rh« H|0||\ l.r,,;iback abom «Jlftj and .I ndllna'i.II« ra ' .... rt

o»; ind« of th« '...

omn i m umnn r.«, ,. ,.

I« nei «i aupetintendeni ol the mi dh*al A*',¦ '«ii-iii .-f th« I»- I'.ii'n.i'iii of «t,

« .if n chara« of ih« wort ... th« 'haï. i. :

¦¦n« i n inl«an ch mta Ion loiih« i an o« «al ol .« tb« bodlct thai .

n« ntin ¦" n. and «oroaeri Holla.: and Hellen«ten will rsmi.n dm

..« ll pier in («n n im h sil tl bodies ha tm .!


IPFiNTIFIFiD DEAD AT MOKOUfl'i .'".iii «i «i-.,.i ,,i,¦

i i N.\ \ « VKl.i.TTV. No Iffi «PreatdenirM^,.« Rrooklyn

I» iKMAN K No ;¦ «.««'«I »ii^. B.kI) n Id« m i .« i t«\ ,i tin,,- i.« »,u

\\ i.lM'.i:. R« «Si B| ,. had M .¦n¦ .. ««i ;iii«i « «»i- .. iina *ïih ..«

arhll« -i«..i<«.

i;i.i:« » R« «ll. Ind« niln«*d bj b« i«.<\I. |0|l

'.'« i i AS KB-..«i. Ind« iilltladbj bei i««i> «ni elop m «a ... 11., i,«

wsi III Bh« .«i-1 i.i .n.i n ond « ,«i

in.«- and .« '.i hu «a '-.ii-m

r.l.k.VS'l I.IN. M«iJS«-|IK, N" '¦' I- .-«t

5«i, «.»r.»*.. Manhattan; Idantlfled hl J

»4Pk hoik «.f Adolph Mandera Rink.N" 155 Rlrlngton fttct

PELTCB » man. whose pay enrelees rontsln**»« tSl .¦¦'.

BPFUPtT i woman, whoea pay ea..«i..i .. . ontain« d ITÎ

ROTHrfER, TEDDY, a man Indenttfled «byid,, lime book

nJRIBCM, REBECCA, aeventeen, ol Noh« Attornov atreet. identified it th«*(Vest .'.«i« atreet itatlon by her l-.rnth.-Tin- as

DENENT prtneaa; "i'-mififd py l n payon-»|..|,*, in which " .-«.« l)0«?"i.

LEVlffE, Mag, n" addreea; t-l'-ptiti*-»«! byfltg '!i!ir Link

tBERRTEIR Julia: Identified to name "n

pay envelope which contetaed t~> ".

PPEAR. fman), no addreea; identifiedbj nanti g time i>onk.

KL*OBER (man); Mentifled by name on«;'n« book

ROSEN, Mr« )d«»ntifl«d b) pay envelopeWw hnd pjst tied around bet enali Insideh - toi kins

KAPLAN (woman); Idantlned by pay env |..| « n her «-.«-> 'kinc-, < ontsinhng III to

IDENTIFIED DEAD A.T HOSPITALSR AM«"!' ? Port;.a. "Ig'ir««»i-. v-»»r« old.

,«p«»r.it.»r Ne ta Henry atreet; niai Ins« \ incent'« Hospital from multiple in-htfie reeei« ed by jumping

INERREROER. Beckey, nineteen. No, IIClinton «tree!, «»perdinr «lied In Newyorb Hospltsl al i" . I o'clock i-««t night;leaped from erindoa and fractured th ghi,,.rp'. en chest, faeJe, tight arm andshoulder; dug out*of srreckage

n:iBlflfH, Rebscés. sged aeventeen, gatltcher. of Ñe t" nnd I] Attorney atreet;

| in Nea fork Hospital from mul«dpi« injuriée received b) lumping; ihe. ;is ¡dtntfflsd t>v her brother-in-law,Jacob Qottfrt-ed, "f Mo Ii Baal thJtli«treat,

«aim'! i-«. PRANCES, aeventeen yearaold, of N" w t>«- <ira«A gtreet, Brook*lyn; Identified by g relative

Ni« 'in «i.i;. MICOUNA. tw<wtty«twe rearaold of So it«) Baal 13th «treat; Identl*ti.,1 !,'. I) .1. I .eon". Of No «11 ba--t 13thit**atH who loxt art relatives i;« IheAre.

ALTMAN, ANNIE, alxteen yea»ra old. of

No. B Tik«* «treet. New York; Identl«-,. ,> her brother. Morris.

UNIDENTIFIED DEAD.The polloa attach««.i ran*-, numbered ceta*

accutlvely, to the d«»ad bedlae aa they arara

removed from the aoene of the ttrc. am

bodl»», trill be todtgated by numbers until

they are MentlAed.' The following a-ere 'he unidentified deadai tha Morgue;Ko "»--»Woman, twenty-one ".c.ir«. i feet

2 Inchee, Mark hair, black button shoesand black itocktnge; clothing burned off;gold eignet ring <>n left hand.No. I.Man, twenty-Ave '.-«»ar» I feet 7

Inch a. «moot! ahaven, black liair. brownatriped cost, black trousers, black patentleather alr-peeNo II Woman, twenty-four years, i feet

.' Inches, black hair, white hf-ad earrings,black tratst ¡it-.«! skin, white underwear,black «hoes, rdgaet rinsr with the li.hials

i "T. 1."N". .1 Woman, twanty«dve, ". tan .',

lachea black button ahoes, black atock-ing i, red Hart»»!--, most ««; ii,p clot Ingburned off. light underwear, WtHghingabout ISO pounds

N.«. : Womaa, red v.aiet. black atock«m?* snd aklrti no ehoes, one yellow metalring .ii lefi hand set with i,i;.". atone, ap«narently an Italian, twont</«seven .»vara.3 *'.¦. t T Inches.

N..ll.Woman, tiiirrv \.»;ir<. .". feel IInch. Mack ..air bück skirt, uhit.- wai.-taitl black i-uip«..«, no aboee, envelop« with$1«)17, another with H". another with tÀt,another with 117, making PR In all; twonotes fr,.ni Italian banks; one of th* en«velopea bearing a name i.*erj much blurred,bul which looked hk- "ghena.'

.v. no Woman, twenty-four year«, darkhair. r-«»d »-kirt. white underwear, blackbutton !..«»>. black atoeklngs.No. 22- Girl, (!('. -<*n -rears, all clothing

burn«..! ..if \. black BtOCklnga and black' !?i,',. «hoea

\>». to Woman, twenty-five years, loth«Ing burned off, ring ."i I« ft hand, blackatoeklngs. lace "dioos-. white underskirt, ap*patently I'ailan.No 13 Woman, twenty-five years. .". teet t

bichea dark hair, pair >.f earringa withwhite itones, »lain ring on Wr hand.-r.,» plaid »slit, whir Anditrweer,black »nd graj waist

ÎÎ0 M.Olrl. sixir.'n years, black hair. VApounds, .. feet Inch, biu« kin, hronn. .,.!. blue underskirt, black at«*cklng*iand Ma k button ahoes.

No 27.WomaUi thirty ".ar... Italian, If-"-t i bichee, black hair, dark com«[¦.'.vi,n. si2n«»t ring -'ii l« ft h-'nd withInitiale ¦«.'. .*».' Mack velvei ahoes,

N" an Woman thirty«dve rear-. .» tarti,'. dark complexion and hair,tch «-ktrt. ¦w-liii«» waist, white under

n»^r. Meek lace ahaee, eon ring on lefih »i. gold 'im. mi right hand with a

;.!.,, k .¦ .i " lilt« .-i' '-¦

I No aa Woman. t»*enty*flve yeara. S feel IIn« a Id teeth, one m upper Jawand on«? in loa*er «a«-. h',t,»i< ikirt, black*i king itto .¦ ring on rigl«nd '.«¡th Initials, which appeared to

h« "A. O."So '.."¦ Wonts ' ni' eat fr"*

,, ... black I no-, i«; ..¦'... iklrt, button... whit« underwear, band bag «nn-

talnlng R0:. n -.1,, \\i.,.,,,;-. '-.'"ii!- -on.»- yra«--. ¦'. feel

. «<. dark »mplexl »n bit« I.gkii hia. k wslst la o ring? »na

... mall «tonea and another withi | white el -lie

N*n 2tt Wi m in nin« teei ¡.*eara Hi poui., k ir dr. Itlte aii I, gra> aklrt blsck

i ¦ -«.,-. », ni>.. rtng «virh on«»

,,. ,.¡ m (tins ." pi e.\> gold ¦' | -ni-i!¡

goldNt ¡ o*. iVomai C p und fe« .

..' thirl « at -. ".'¦* '¦ hair, bterl.i« lipt i |g ¡< skin » bite u id« r«

hlack xhoes and atoekintPfo. 301 Worn in, thlrtj -Ave

pounds. S feet -; Inchei brown htii,<¦!,.« he burn« d off

V- -.-: '... '... ...... rs-'nt.'. -r».« q >.- >: lot!u »esrlng name of I uoblberg, Pikr

streetHo M Woi ist thirt« eara S fet

Inch« 130 pounds, black walei and skirlblack ihoee an t atock .

No. :.»' H oman, nineteen >*esra, n<pound« feel 7 Inches, blue «tatst snd

¦.¦ itocklna snd n' ick piplsin ..' '¦ elet

No Hi Woman brown hair, blue eye», one¦! tl "'«<-k plush «..ru r.-.| ,md

i Is« k pial s list, h ue rt t, 12S pounds,i twenf -. ix x«-.!!»« feet | incl eaN.-«c ... d beyond recognition

.'.. -0» .¦'¦ .:. ... (man).305, .*'. -..'¦' 277. Ill, O0. 287. 2M 2« "«.

'i fm m- tot H .'.. II » ¦.;. gndi. n nnd recognition

No % "". n rt: year« m pounds,'. Inches, black hair, fur eoat!

-., : .¦ .... hi n»k .1«-. a. black «hoe «" .' cluth upi -i . ¡'in k «locking« pi ittigold ring ring ¦ "m t int.-. ii.gold uppt r .¦

.' om «" ' s ..". ... j<*sre t .'.-¦"." ini Ih "¦ » indi d ira h tir d irloth« ». Ma 'kr« et si ose,

'. -. -r«ont] «four years, [tan ;.¦ n ! dark h «i« ol ie|¡ anid ¦¦

v \\ oman nlnt U n eara '. fe*t «t.. -. '. i« unda, blacl rali ,. .-

tweater : .. .¦» -tri|,#,i rir--«« .

toeklnai end » .... a, gold ringgreen i ««

So Woman tl h r yeerg, "»«i hahi.nd» feel «Inches, black aklrt, hius

Ma k lad ¦. ie|v« button hoes,"n rjurtl«. . hi1

i .... || .. lüg ,.,,,,,,,.« in« hea, m i,ii" saie.

'.i., w ho« - ind at« rklng ". one opaln ,,mi.| «¦.,» htirned nA

Woman nineteen <»^r- >

pound«, feel «. Inchee, brown eye« ,.n.|irk hah « It« del Maca aklrt,

«ivei ilipp ;.i, .¦. ilngs. P ii

.-.'Id ringSo ,,,; W ..m ,.¦ ¦. ni \ v i>. !

pound «et I In be» ros n«. i*e!st, I la« It ikh «

- ... md .¦¦ '¦

:.!., l« indi feel l h «. n

SOMETHING ISGOING TO HAPPENSummer I - Í «omin^.(.loscil houses arc Comin/f,Bur*<|ltni An- Cominf,Vtlmbles Will bt (iniiifr«.l-iill Will Return,Ships Will Return,I'aniilics Will Return,Vglufblei Will Be I ïonc

h" . h bot « em iMti ' : in«.«rtti f

HOLM I > PROTECTIONi .i - i. « «fcaii .

,|. rtng «i. »uwifi -, i-.,

Homes System of Electric Protection¦ .«, il l .«i ' ., ||i »

>«*».ir.'. (Cray tr/st, .*.'. hair; H''trouver*; time hook - «v 11 i '«o nai f« I.. in. ird l««nrlng th" IpatT»«^*".hi"1 Mn .' «JOsin Ne li «.-» ..».-'"

avenu« «Th« \'< n i gold . at h w

hunting ''.ii' beating " a inttleli » PNo 23«! Woman. twenty-«* -. year«; p

heck «with ni vith name Weltin-er, '.'

on iir«t nani" whit* walal Mack ahontui «locking«, «""T. ball and bro*r« o«.

Hot ?ï-'. «ST1, isb, ZH. '*.. and .«.'¦. all «burn«'no «.»id ( »««riii«,« n

i tit-'itfn"! «roman. iw«etrt« f"'' rara; daiPiiir. '»«i «klrt, «rbft« under«« er Ma«button .«¡io«-». hlael »tocktitg*

No «MS-W.tj.-man, l*r«ntr-*ighl resra; «Me«-¦ slat, bis« k ikiri. ft po mdi iv» and «tocklnK> plain t««'"i '-. .««»¡«i f

rtmNo ::;. Man. to ¦< leti r in pock«! *n rt«

1«« Mr II «Bootl, No » \v«i-«orth ro »«

i ondon, England, :¦. II red to tM Ti «il!'«thn-'r

DEPLORES LACK OF ESCAPE!McAneny Says the Invostiintioi

Will Bo Thorough.«Sorouffh President M< «Inen aid Ist

last nfc"» thai If an] auaatlon arga ral««|n r«-.-*«*«-'! i». InsdOgUSU ffie »is»;« t«»« Ihet«arould ba a drastic rnveetlfjatlon H« irlelast nlRlit Is find "". from Mfeed i. l|A«sist;:nt Rulldlng« Bap«rlntend<tai, I :¡

had bees anj romplalni mad« aboul ihIlullding Mr. «Ludwig riai bass .» «"«en;

i'i irincr tha absence of 0upet*mt«e|,«deni MilI« ... whO I* r<-»nrninr. from hit **a« .'¦¦¦¦i

; ml in Panama"Th» tnett as fai mid Mi McAneny

"at* as meegr* eannel uiav.#- any atatein'-nt r« rariliup th* !ir. gosu moplha ag<T conferred with «Pire Co«**vmlaalon*i tVaM«In an effort to hint.' ahoiii a general Inv-Migaiion of «-ill faotery hmldlns« i:' th«rit\. Th« l-'lre « 'omini»Mion«-r wa« In ""

«cord arlth nie. arid up to I a praaeni Urn«I many hulMln«*«- hav* bsSS tn-p**«"'. .'- flr*| hv the tlremen Hid later b«, thi «9 llid -

Iienartmeiit."Mr. M« Atieii.»' f«fli 1-1 thi.» m form« an

I Invaettgatton« aret* conduct«*! onl) ft*«omplelnta had b**n made

I hav* f;«vore.i a «w**ptnc Investigation«snntlnusd Mr McAneay, "nn«l at the tin:. ,,

xh.t Newark dlssstcr i ama mo«r* hnpn me

\v-ith the n-ïed of it. if Hila Btrustur* WSl; flr»«.r«i««f loft butldmg, .is 1 have beeriom. nre ascapsa wer* not compulsory. If

|«howevsr, ü waa a «factory «building, ihsn it|"«mpiy with the «jew thsrs ahould have «basat",re escapes"

Altre«i Ludarlg, tsatstant bulldlngi au«

I parintsn-ileat, ami sth*r othclala of th* de«périment ha.1 «not up to a !a1<* houi lastnight diacovorsd «any leeofd or coreplaintabout tha atructur* Mr Ludwig after

Ivlaltlag the Bureau «sf Buildlnga an.] put«ting hi« force to -,«ork looking over the re«

¡«»¡.ris. w.m t«-« th« «scene «>f th* fire and i*s«mained there.

¡.CAUSE UNKNOWN'.BLANCK¡Waist Co. Owner Says His Kin

and Partners Died..Max Rlatu-k. one of the pieprlatori of the

-¡Triangle W «slat «Company, mad« th* follow¬ing »tatemen! early thi* morning:"Ths fire broke out on tu« eighth floor

from torn* unknown cause. On«e-thlrd olI «the amployea ware msi. while the res», were.

!piri~ «and young w«om«fn. »hose «agei rangedf » o [ti ciKliteen to thirty years."My brother-in-law, «Jacob B«*rnetein, w«ho

waa working on the eighth floor, is «missing,la.«- «well «as «one of my cousins, vVIIUam «Bel-/.er, «who '»as at work on th« ninth flo««r

My partner, [ease Harris, ¡.as rep rted 10m* thai hla niece, Bather, I* mia Ing. Bh«wa on* of the bookkeeper «and ".<- alwork in th.- «office ii i- thought b; ¡umthat ah« is. 'Iea«l "

Rlanck said that IM tnen and '«.'«menarere employed on t'i« three floor«

¡SEE PICTURES OF MAN.UVRESWashington. Mar.-h':« -Mingling win, th«»

I i'siiai statistic* al a «mall moving picture¡theatre. Becretsry «Dickinson and aevergl ofi th« high-!«! olTlcera ««f the army to-do« ait-n«s~e.i a «repr«oductloo of tiio reov*m«ntaanil easnclasa of the *manmuvre dlt'ieion

m Fill ON «ß«Many Pmhtd Off in Crowdinj t0

Cross an Ainhaft.

STUDENTS AID IN REbCUESRoomr in Hew York Ur!vçrsii7Burned in the Rogrne of «inWomrn from Fierv Death.

«'.".» giii. who were f -«. «.¦-..

Ii «ii. rush for tl .. it Ii dos . looking«.¦n th«"- «n..,II .-.-"irt formed by g« ¿*>. r«It^eIn the r-»r.r »f Hi-, bunting glidingtaken t« ¦..'«¦: h iddera pie« ,

"»¦ rd aft from tl n lee .¦ g

I r 11"

r« ».. *ti) lente i,.. In the T*ni« «»-«itthe tint«


by th< ¦ r.i iprTh« Immediate] 'ueh« d to l;«t"i railed tl.»n t loi the finIn th.. ; r>s*-iblH< .|Ira« »'inil'.'wa

i .«.;.'¦ cd tip I ,

rpposit '. gh I tentt tht

gcroe t court Lines «

also brought up (played .. 11 -.-. Intio n tofi «mi ab number of finwent i ..

panics! ten glimeana ol eat t\ funThe ..!.!. ra wet aoon crowded aa thg

girfa fougl « fot i cl ano t« i.>

.i. t.. Hi«-). Mai . r* rtted,.!¡i«--r.« behind them fa _ iheiideath n.i the pavement the co«irt, ebundn «i fet I b< low. \ -


hut aithln reach i1m. n dra^x"d them throng .,

«if tii«-- ntvei iltj 11 illditit traa Imposaibl< to « *

that t;,...-> ngag«d In ihat this point could dtheir weight on th«* end theand attempt, to Bteady thenway. k««.i,.iiig' the frantic effort« istill ih th« build ng ft ¦. | tlends of the l. d'1' rg off « th«silla, and hurling those airead] ..:. theminto the court below.Fighting for place

off of the edges to hamuntil they flnalli weakened and had!«-i ko. Man-- <Aiti. aafety all but atheir graep wert aacrlflced Lo thii i.-1 n i the bottom ol the a'rr-'-.rift becomepiled hierli with their bodies.

Th«» work at this point eooa hid te beabandoned for the tlamee quickly ithrough the »indow burning thoa«left behfnd, and driving back thoaa w\were trying to rescue them frota n.'windows "t ti.«- university, and ruingfire t«) tema of ti th», ralty, when much d nag< waadoa

BLANCK WOlMGAr^BLING SUiTRefused to Pay Check for S875,

and Courts Sustained Him.M;i\ Btaack, ...ne ,-f the memben si i .

firm that own i1 a hianglt «

Company, wa M the court! only ¦ aada«« ^li,, The facts In the easethai Btaack paid gel lAcbi ** ¦.* '¦"*...-

niak-r, a cl a« k lor UB tat Un tea Ira« i' g game.

LI« tei ateln in turnand lurned It over to soother ithe nuaantlm« Mat k had..n the check. Bktnck bebtlawyei, that the < k waa fo i gai.debt, and iben f .« not »HeJustice Smith ded !. d la I *. . w ".

that thla contention wai Mrraol


Most important Sale ofHigh Grade Pongee «Silks



Black Cachemire de Soie, **.S"f****t i 72:exceptional qua'ilv, I / ¦!Regular prki $? 00 yard ¦. .v


Linen Suitings5.000.yards ALL LINEN SUITINGS. 36 Inch, s'-iade:» of Blue, <>C-*->.Fink. Helio, Gray, Green. Airetlr.st, Cattwbu, Brown, Natural /cS%¿gnd White. REGULARLY 50c. YARD. *****-'V


LINEN SUITINGS (Ramie Weave), specially adapted for coat /.ifguita, ¡h the i--MOn*l ittwtfft «-.Hade«», Regularly "«Oc, aaavap



Night Gowns, Chemises, Combinations1«00, 1.25, 1.50


N'i'v «showir.fi new spnnc model*» in House Gowi'v KimoBOtíDreasitifj BhUqtfN, and Br**akfast Ja« u*. t~.

Wwabwaa do ty&SUesL

COLD STORAGE OF FURSOrirntal ruç», valuable tapestries, curtains and

trunk* of cIcthinKWc n'-rn In prolong »lie life of »uch good« bv *i "Mural circ:i!st«en m

cold otr. Y,.,t« of continuous «tor«««? hnve proven th*» *«jp««r.oritv of the»vst«*m. Absolutely fireproof building Competent furri«*r« in rhorge.

Fireproof Household Furniture Storage. Stx^**!1 v Iredrparatt fireproof room? from $2 upward i1«-* month. A

¦..-1». ,,|". ompetenl pat k«fni and an elt-xtrti h.«-1 servie*«

Silverware Guaranteed Safe from firt and tin Rrfi or until return 1 he

Vaults for Securities are the uro*! convenieni in GreatetVork Safe*. S" per ycai upward *

tni .. ivlted lend :'-"' "etlmat* ind paiephl«»iMost rentrsll) Incaled on to .-¦«.¦¦¦.

LINCOLN SAFE DEPOSIT CO.Opposite Grand Central Terminal it i luhaa: egpreei italien


. r I '. :.- 11

I Dj reaaonof Its Irx itlonorteraexceptional idt mi ge» foi thest letlrintA*uptown d post tor*, v,,.,iintii ,,r (Irme mrporatlone and Individuals Invita»