BODY MASTERY AND HEALING – REPORT 2014 BY LEONARD D. ORR Body mastery involves incorporating the physical body into the conscious life of the Eternal Spirit. This is not difficult because it is the most natural thing to do. In fact, we are already doing it. We just have to stop allowing the mind to harm and destroy the body. The idea of physical immortality is a context for proper respect for the physical body. Even if we don’t achieve it in this lifetime, the idea of full body mastery tends to prevent us from trashing the body. I know very little about complete body mastery in the sense of the great Siddha Yogis and Vedic Masters. I am not really qualified to speak on this subject because I haven’t met my own minimum standard, which is to maintain the body in good shape for at least 300 years. I have a couple of centuries to go, before I am qualified. I do know a few things that work for me and millions of other people, to some extent, in maintaining the health and Life Energy in the body. I will share some of these now, in this essay. Introduction This is originally a monthly newsletter that I write for my friends and students. If you are interested in more, let me know. I am also preparing it for a booklet, which you can use and play with in various ways, if you like. As soon as you finish reading this, you may like to share it with others. There are some suggestions at the end, so you can have more fun doing this. It is a useful collection of ideas and information. I admit that this may be difficult to read and absorb. It is not designed for entertainment, although there is a lot in it to entertain you for a very long time. It may also give you amazing facts and ideas for entertaining your friends. It is designed to provide a summary of practices that can increase your health, happiness, success, and aliveness. To master all of these ideas may take you a few years. Take as long as you like. We are in this game of Life together, experimenting, until we find what works. Babaji is our supreme example of body mastery, since He has some bodies that He has maintained for millions of years. He can also appear and disappear at will. The most known human body I met Him in, when He was Body Mastery and Healing - Report 2014 www.Leonard-Orr-Books.com

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Body mastery involves incorporating the physical body into the conscious life of the Eternal Spirit. This is not difficult because it is the most natural thing to do. In fact, we are already doing it. We just have to stop allowing the mind to harm and destroy the body. The idea of physical immortality is a context for proper respect for the physical body. Even if we don’t achieve it in this lifetime, the idea of full body mastery tends to prevent us from trashing the body. I know very little about complete body mastery in the sense of the great Siddha Yogis and Vedic Masters. I am not really qualified to speak on this subject because I haven’t met my own minimum standard, which is to maintain the body in good shape for at least 300 years. I have a couple of centuries to go, before I am qualified. I do know a few things that work for me and millions of other people, to some extent, in maintaining the health and Life Energy in the body. I will share some of these now, in this essay.


This is originally a monthly newsletter that I write for my friends and students. If you are interested in more, let me know. I am also preparing it for a booklet, which you can use and play with in various ways, if you like. As soon as you finish reading this, you may like to share it with others. There are some suggestions at the end, so you can have more fun doing this.

It is a useful collection of ideas and information. I admit that this may be difficult to read and absorb. It is not designed for entertainment, although there is a lot in it to entertain you for a very long time. It may also give you amazing facts and ideas for entertaining your friends. It is designed to provide a summary of practices that can increase your health, happiness, success, and aliveness. To master all of these ideas may take you a few years. Take as long as you like.

We are in this game of Life together, experimenting, until we find what works. Babaji is our supreme example of body mastery, since He has some bodies that He has maintained for millions of years. He can also appear and disappear at will. The most known human body I met Him in, when He was

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being ‘ordinary’, He had maintained for 9061 years, by 1980. Babaji is the name of the human body or bodies for the Creator of the Universe. He manifests these bodies for His own personal use. The word Babaji simply means ‘Ruling Father’. He has had innumerable bodies in human history, often several at the same time. The core of the teachings and practices that I am working with, I have learned from Him. He is Shiva Yogi, the Eternal Youth. His activities on Earth are called His Divine Sports.

I realize that the word Babaji may be just a word for you, until He starts appearing to you or playing with you. Then He becomes very meaningful – the center of your life. Sooner or later, you realize that He is the Master of all other Masters and is the key to our own success and mastery of all dimensions of Life. It is great to have a conscious personal relationship with Him. As Shiva-Shakti, He is the Source of all bodies and everything in the Universe. In His adventures in the Bible History, Babaji is called the ‘Angel of the Lord’.

We can ultimately only know Him through meditation. I have taken people to see Him physically and they couldn’t recognize Him or see Him when they were sitting right in front of Him. Babaji doesn’t try to impress anyone with His magical powers. Instead, He mirrors people so perfectly, that you may only see yourself, when you are in His presence. So you can only see what your limitations allow you to see. Mortals often have this problem when they are in the presence of Immortals. They can only see themselves and their limitations.

Babaji, obviously, has no interest in forcing His identity on anyone. He just waits and watches, until the realization of who He is dawns upon us. This may be a big deal for us. It definitely was and continually is for me. I am continually overwhelmed by the beauty, simplicity, and enormity of Life and the Universe that we have available to us. Thank you, Babaji.

He has told me many times: “I am you and you are me.” This is very, very profound to think about. Still, Babaji has a history in all of His historical human bodies, some of which we can discover and try to understand and learn from. His teachings in these bodies are amazing. He is in books covering millions of years of history, which the English reading world still knows little about, but now many are in English and a few other languages. And He has written many books Himself in the last 2000 years. The last one

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I know about was in 1993. It is called Haidakhan Baba Speaks. He is always transcendent, even when He is intensely and intimately personal. He is the “author” and main character of most Scriptures, like the Shiva Purana, the Bible, and the Koran.

I am writing a new book about Babaji, which He asked me to write over a year ago and complete last year, but I am over a year behind schedule. It is not easy to write a book about such an expansive Being.

Here is a brief story about Him that took place in the early 1900’s.

Babaji took a devotee named Joshi on a spiritual pilgrimage journey to Badrinath, from a place near Nainital, in India. It is a long journey on foot. On the way, Joshi got very sick and was about to die.

Babaji, the ocean of love, kindness, and compassion, said to Joshi, “It is better for me to die than for you because you have a family.” As soon as Babaji said this, the symptoms left Joshi’s body and Babaji absorbed them. Before dying, Babaji instructed Joshi to burn His body and throw His ashes in the Ganges River.

When Babaji died, Joshi did as instructed. But try to imagine how he felt. He had just been the cause of His Guru’s death. He killed the most important person in his life and burned His body. It takes 10 to 15 hours to burn a human body. What was Joshi feeling and thinking about, during this time?

There was nothing to do, but to go home and continue suffering in his grief. It was several days of walking and suffering alone.

When Joshi got home, a neighbor came and invited him to go and meet Babaji. Joshi, of course, couldn’t believe this was possible, as he had himself burned Babaji’s body. But his neighbor insisted and he went. When he saw Babaji, he couldn’t believe his eyes and went to touch Him.

This experience put Joshi into temporary insanity for six months.

Joshi didn’t have the intelligence, nor perhaps the karma to benefit from this experience enough to learn how to become an immortal yogi like Babaji. Do you?

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Could you or I even accept the love and action which Babaji executed on behalf of this devotee? Can you accept this kind of attention from Babaji? Naturally, Babaji will do it differently for us. But just look at your resistance to love, if you will. Can you even conceive that Babaji notices you? Do you think He cares? Would you like to have meaningful interaction with Babaji?

Although He sometimes has old bodies as well as young ones, female as well as male, He usually appears in His best known public bodies as a young man. This is true when He appeared to Moses in the burning bush. And at the resurrection of Jesus, He is described as a young man sitting on a rock by the entrance of Jesus’ tomb.

Is this the kind of body mastery you are after, or would you be content to just be healthy and youthfully appearing throughout all time? Or at least as long as you intend to be on Earth?

Are you ready to meet Babaji?

Jesus referred to Babaji, when he used the name Father, and Abba. ABBA is an intimate form of the word Babaji in Sanskrit. Being millions of years old, Sanskrit has names for God and spiritual concepts and realities that don’t yet exist in any other language. It is the source of all other languages and the most sophisticated language on Earth. Jesus lived with Babaji in India for 9 years during his missing years in the New Testament gospels. The relationship of Jesus to Babaji is rich, as he refers to Babaji constantly as his Father. Jesus said that he can do nothing without the power of his Father.

What really boggles the mind about Babaji is that He often has more than one body at the same time. The most famous manifestations of this are called the Nine Naths. ‘Nath’ means Lord. The interaction of the Nine Naths is very entrancing, if you are lucky enough to come across some of the literature about them. You can get little if superficial knowledge about the Nine Naths, by Googling the words. Babaji or Shiva also has at least 3 bodies in the Ramayana scripture. Since I am writing a book about Him, I will not pursue this here more than it relates to body mastery. He, of course, is the ultimate body master. Studying the histories of His bodies and reading about Him is the Ultimate Study. My book will explore many of His human

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histories on the planet. He has many lifestyles that are always based on truth, simplicity, and love. He is the embodiment of kindness forever.

Babaji in His form known as Gorakhnath has trained more complete body masters than anyone in the last 100,000 years of human history. Gorakhnath has been active on the planet for at least 3000 years, so many of the immortal masters He has trained were in the last 2000 years, like Bhartriji, Gopichand, and Jesus, for example. He has also personally written some really amazing Scriptures. Several of them deal with mind and body mastery. One of His books on this subject is the best I have found. It is included in the Philosophy of Gorakhnath book.

I will tell one story here that directly relates to body mastery.

During the 12th century, Babaji had another incarnation named Allama Prabhu. Info about Him is also available in Wikipedia. As far as I can tell, Gorakhnath began being active in human history about 3000 years ago.

Babaji was affected by the evils developing in our Kali Yuga Age, the Age of Darkness and Materialism.

A young couple had a baby that they didn’t want. They threw the baby on their local garbage dump where it died of hunger and exposure to the elements. Babaji decided to enter that baby’s body and incarnate this way to “save” human beings. He turned that dead baby into the greatest yogi in the last 100,000 years and subsequently trained many immortal masters. The name Gorakhnath means ‘Lord of Garbage’.

Allama Prabhu means Supreme Lord, but Allama’s mission was to teach emptiness and compassion.

Both, Allama Prabhu and Gorakhnath, had thousands of devotees. One day, the devotees of them both arranged a meeting.

Gorakhnath and Allama Prabhu decided to have a contest.

Gorakhnath gave Allama Prabhu a huge sword and invited him to cut His own body in two.

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Allama Prabhu came down on Gorakhnath’s head with the sword with all His might. The sword bounced off of Gorakhnath’s diamond hard body, without injuring a hair on His head, due to His mastery of mind and reality.

Then, Allama Prabhu invited Gorakhnath to cut himself in half.

When Goraknath came down on Allama Prabhu’s body with the sword, the sword passed right through Allama Prabhu’s body, without injuring a thing – not even His clothes. Such was His mastery of emptiness and Spirit.

They were both invincible and indestructible.

Even today, 800 years later, the devotees of both, Gorakhnath and Allama Prabhu, are still arguing about who won the contest. This profoundly illustrates Babaji’s adult education problem.

How is your balance between mastery and emptiness?

Jesus spent nine years with Babaji in India, but I am not sure if Babaji was in His Gorakhnath body. Throughout the millions of years of human history, Babaji has had innumerable bodies. He was also known around that time as Munindra. I love studying His historical bodies. There are dozens of biographies of His Bodies in the Shiva Purana – the world’s greatest literature, in my opinion. When we get acquainted with His style, it becomes fairly easy to identify Him. And when we meet Him, He has a unique Presence and Energy. Imagine the self-esteem and poise of the Creator of the Universe in a human body!

Mastering the Shiva Purana is basic to body and mind mastery. It says about itself, that this scripture can make us equal to Shiva. It has a good record for producing immortal masters. The Shiva Purana has actually produced more than any others.

Once, Babaji was asked in His Herakhan Baba body, “Are you God?”

Babaji in His characteristic wisdom said, “God is everywhere, I am local”.

As we become spiritually enlightened about Energy, Thought, and Form, we can say the same thing about ourselves, God is everywhere and everyone, I am local. We are the local expressions of God for each other, but

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most of us are a long way from consciously realizing this and expressing it fully and constructively. The ultimate purpose in Life is artistic self-expression. We have to get out of necessity and urgency – beyond our conditioning. Reaching the level of artistic self-expression is a high level of mastery. Becoming invincible is another story. It would be nice to know where we are in our spiritual evolution, wouldn’t it? No matter where we are, we can only live one day at a time. We can also notice our abilities as we learn them.

When we go into silence, we are safe, we can feel safe. When we go out of our silence into our mind and habitually choose wholesome and beautiful thoughts, we tend to stay safe. This is the only real source of security. If we continually choose immortality and personal mastery, are we there yet? When this choice becomes strong enough, it may cause us to stay immortal. Actually, we can’t lose our immortality, it is our nature, we can only lose our body. Immortality is more meaningful when we have a body. As long as we keep choosing the improvement of our mind content, our body tends to mirror this. So at some point, our causes are making us immortal, or at least lift us out of our death urge and deathist and victim mentality. We can assume it now, as long as our assumption doesn’t make us arrogant, stupid, and complacent. Immortality is eternal consciousness – being clear about who we are and where we are going. It involves the continual renewal of our mind.

It is good to remember that the physical body is perishable, until it is not. Imperishability or invincibility of the body is a very high attainment of yoga. I wish I was there, but my body is still doing things without my permission. Totally healing the body may be the great game of Life. It involves mastering the emotional mind, as well as physical reality.

We are going into clarity and peace, and our creativity gives us wonderful projects that continue to enrich our lives with accomplishment.

We can view the body as a heap of misery. We can view the body as an expression of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and memories. We can view the body as a perfect expression of the Infinite, Eternal Spirit. The body tends to be perfectly obedient to our thoughts, but we have the unconscious mind that expresses itself – its thoughts and feelings, in the body, at least temporarily, in the form of any kind of symptoms. This unconscious mind

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contains the karma of our soul – our personal history. Our memory, our unconscious, can contain surprises that may not be pleasant or desirable. If it all manifested at once, we would be miserable indeed. But mercifully, our Divine Mind usually permits only pieces of our karma in the unconscious mind to manifest, in a way that we can manage our own healing. If we trust our personal connection to Infinite Intelligence and seek for the proper methods of healing, transmuting and releasing each layer of our unconscious and karma that reaches our attention, we can heal ourselves totally – eventually. Healing the emotional mind is one of our basic first goals. Do you know anyone who has done this in less than 50 to 100 years?

Luckily, most people are able to keep their unconscious suppressed, until they are ready to deal with it. Then, regression is the cure for suppression. And we have to learn how to heal what we find.

The body is a great teacher, when we listen to its feelings, sensations, symptoms, and are open to what it is teaching us. Most of the time, the body is a pleasant place to be. We can be thankful. We have to continue working on the purification of the mind. If we can heal the mind fast enough, the body is always a pleasant place to be.

When our body gets our attention with pain or symptoms, we have to discover the cause to heal it. Sometimes, it heals itself, if we are patient. Our bodies may already be the perfect expressions of Shiva-Shakti. We just have to prevent our unconscious mind from creating problems in the body. It is a good idea to love our body and appreciate it. If we loved it half as much as God does, we could live forever.

If we love our body the way it is, it tends to please us and get better. Our body is willing to conform to our most beautiful thoughts about it. Imagine the best and relax. Thoughts and emotional states can transform its appearance from beautiful to ugly in a matter of seconds. Why not use this ability consciously and daily to build the attractiveness that we like. The law of mind will deliver a perfect body if our thoughts maintain integrity with our ideals. This is the basic way that nature works. Energy becomes what it thinks about. We just have to make the unconscious conscious. And to consciously make our conscious choices unconscious. Most of us have some reconstruction to do on our unconscious mind.

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In this game, remember, the foundation is Infinite Being and Infinite Intelligence – Infinite, Eternal Energy is beautiful, and the Source of all health and perfection. It is not an effort to be perfect. Perfection is the most natural way to be. We are Perfect Existence, Perfect Consciousness, and Perfect Bliss. Perfection is our natural state – the ground of our Being. It can manifest in our mind and in our body.

Obviously, a personal relationship to Babaji is the easiest way to achieve body mastery. He has said, “It took over a billion years to create the universe and all species, resources, and nature systems to make the present human body as we know it, fairly sustainable.” It is amazing how we, humans, have messed it up, since death became popular about 5,000 years ago. Before that, death happened in different ways, but it was not as popular as it is today.

The Shiva Purana says that human history started about 12 billion years ago. Even before that, Babaji created Vishnu and Brahma to assist Him in creating and managing the universe and all beings in it. Babaji also had to manage them. Brahma once lost one of his five heads, because of his arrogance. And Vishnu also had to be killed because of arrogance and destructiveness. When Vishnu attempted to destroy the universe, being power-mad, in arrogance, the boomerang principle brought about his own death. Babaji created a special being to kill Vishnu, called the Man-Lion.

During the 12 billion years of human history, Babaji has created a human body for His own personal use, in each Kalpa, to save humans from themselves, by resurrecting enough yoga to do the job. Yoga means the science of life or the principles of successful living. Humans really do get trapped in their limited minds and create all kinds of ways to destroy themselves. So it’s a good idea not to resist a relationship with Babaji. It is interesting to me personally, because some Breathworkers have created new organizations because they thought my connection to Babaji limited their professional image and success in the Western World. They didn’t like to be connected to an Indian Guru. And, of course, these people also resist physical immortality as well as total body mastery, because they think its unpopularity makes their professional success more difficult. They are afraid to challenge death and assist others to do so. This, of course, reveals that they are sealing their own death for money – professional success and

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appearances. They would rather please people and die, than please God and live in truth, simplicity, and love.

This kind of delusion is interesting to me. It is not surprising that their search for money leads them into other careers. Personal integrity is not necessarily an easy virtue to practice. It is, however, basic to success in the spiritual education professions.

Most Westerners don’t like the idea of being controlled by an Indian Guru. I agree with this, because Babaji is not a controller, He is a liberator. I have noticed in my relationship with Him, during several lifetimes, that He is willing for me to make as many mistakes and kill myself as often as I like, until I learn my lessons. He Himself teaches in the Guru Gita, a beautiful scripture on the subject, that the true guru is the Conscious Self. It is our personal connection to Infinite Intelligence. Babaji is not a guru in the traditional sense, He is our higher Self. A human guru has only one purpose – to remind us to look into our Conscious Self and to continue reminding us, until it starts working for us.

Babaji once said, “I don’t give orders, I only make recommendations”.

I don’t like the idea of surrendering to Babaji, because my concepts are not big enough to experience the freedom, power, and liberation which the surrender to truth, simplicity, and love involves. Perhaps you share the emotional projection or habit that surrender means limitation, rather than expansion. It seems difficult for humans, stuck in limitation and even misery, to surrender to bigness and liberation. We are too stuck in our stuckness. So often, we are unwilling to give up our familiar misery for the freedom of the unknown, even when we know it will be much better.

The traditional guru game tends to be stuck in dependency. The true guru is only dependent upon Source – Infinite Being, Infinite Intelligence, and Infinite Manifestation.

Whether you meet Babaji on the street as a stranger, or at His Ashram, how would you feel if you realized He is the Almighty God with all power? What would you do? What would you say to Him? Can you think of God as having fun and laughing and having a sense of humor? Can you even conceive of a person in a human body with infinite compassion and kindness?

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Let’s start with the basics. There is only SPIRIT, MIND, AND BODY – energy and information – Energy, Thought, and Form. And ultimately, they are all One. Psychologists say, we have 50,000 thoughts per day. Biologists say that our body has millions of thoughts every second. This means, our body is many-many times smarter than our mind. Good thing! Our body has been taking care of our soul and our mind our whole life. So, who takes care of our body? Is the body Spiritual, Mental, or Physical, or all three? Ultimately, we have to surrender to the Source of the Body. When we do this, the body becomes optional. This can be a very frightening thought. But when we integrate it, this thought makes the body more flexible and easier to master and to heal. Power can generate fear. Fear is an unpleasant feeling. Fear is fun in disguise. Fear is really our servant. When we understand each particular fear, we expand our comfort zone, along with our increased abilities and personal power.

Philosophers and scientists have been arguing about which comes first: Energy or Form. The simple answer is that Energy becomes what it thinks about. In silence, there is empty Space between our thoughts. Thought creates all form out of the Infinite, Eternal Energy. The goal of the creative process is that our Form - Thoughts - stay there, when we are no longer thinking about them – that is materialization. But our mind – our personal thinker – at least in this Life, in this body, began philosophical thinking when we were already surrounded by and immersed in form. For most of us, we had to think quite a lot before we noticed the relationship of Energy, Thought, and Form. It even took us a while to notice that we were thinking. Most people seem to never fully discover the power of thought and learn how to use it rightly. Most people are the victims of their thoughts, instead of the masters of their thoughts. Adult spiritual education is the greatest need of this century and every century. Too bad that most religions do such a poor job at this. Maybe things are getting better now. It seems that we still have a long way to go.

What happens to this question of Energy and Form when we realize that earth, air, water, and fire are the eternal qualities of Energy or God? They are also the eternal building blocks of the universe. And they are constantly changing. Air, water, and fire are constantly moving. Although the

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movement of Earth is not as obvious, it is in constant motion, rotating every day and flying through space. Fire or volcanoes build the mountains, and gravity, water, and wind tear them down, so that fire can build them again. Great granite rocks seem permanent and stable, but they once were liquid lava and will be again.

We have to make peace with permanence and change.

The academic world is just beginning to have advanced courses that even touch on this subject of body mastery. Most universities are at least questioning established religious doctrines. For the most part, the fundamental truth about Life is still out of their reality and out of their imagination. Longevity statistics are getting their attention. Our life expectancy usually expands every year. Very few have figured out why. We do have some good philosophy courses and some physicists and biological scientists are starting to write expanded books that at least make people think a little deeper.

Most people don’t start managing their body in a level playing field. We were raised with the idea that death is inevitable and beyond our control. And this belief is the core of the unconscious death urge which we have learned from our family tradition. Healing this death urge seems to be a major accomplishment in our personal spiritual evolution. I have a whole book about this called Healing the Death Urge, so I am not making it the focus of this article. Surviving senility and old age is another major accomplishment – a new idea for you? This is the main subject of my book The secrets of Youthing.

This article has a different focus. My personal senility process took five years from 1988 to 1993. I became one of the first senility graduates in the Western World. This is a real degree in reality, not an academic experience.

Humans begin having sickness and diseases at an early age and are trained in the idea of limitation, weakness, etc. Many people are researching how impressions in the womb can affect our body. We also may have karma from previous lives influencing us. We have lots of spiritual work to keep us busy for a long time, on the road to body mastery. This is good! If we are going to be immortal, we have to have something to do, to occupy our time

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and attention for a long time. We also have to learn patience and great wisdom that the power inherent in body mastery implies.

Scientists tell us today that most people become ‘zombies’ by the age of 30 and then they just try to keep things normal and stable, while waiting around to die. To think that the purpose of life is full artistic self-expression is a radical idea, not yet in our culture. To think of ourselves as co-creators with God is still beyond our self-esteem. Even the thought of our Divine Nature as children of God is rare in some circles, even in religions that pretend to teach the truth.

Jesus referred to ‘zombie’ unconsciousness and spiritual vampires when he said, “Fear not those who destroy the body only, but fear those who destroy both, the soul and body, in hell.” Jesus said a lot about this and referred to religious leaders or gurus whose bodies and minds were filled with dead men’s bones. And he said, “Let the dead bury their dead, better for you to come and follow me, and learn the ways of Eternal Life.”

Unfortunately, his ministry only lasted three years in Israel and he wasn’t able to teach enough people to make very many of his disciples immortal. Jesus had to go through death and resurrection Himself. He barely made it into the ranks of the immortals. What he did teach would transform the Church, if Christians actually read his teachings and practiced them. Two gospels are only 20 pages and the other two are only 30 pages. His life and teachings are very powerful on this subject of mind and body mastery. With only 20 pages to master, we have no excuse for not mastering the teaching of Jesus.

‘Zombie’ consciousness is created by the mind and forced on the body. Who takes care of the millions of actions of the body when we aren’t looking? If it is Babaji or Shiva Shakti, then maybe we should develop a relationship with Them?

Babaji said to Job in the Old Testament, “Where were you when I established the foundations of the world and put the stars in orbit? What makes you so wise that you can have such limited opinions?” Babaji is the only Creator and Controller of the universe. He is always working on it and in it. He is always testing the human condition, by participating in it. His bodies

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in history fill us with wonder. He tries to build support into our civilization, but we have to be intelligent enough to benefit from this support.

Maybe physical immortality is the basic intelligence test of the physical universe?

The philosophy of physical immortality has practical value, even if we don’t achieve it.


The death urge is a physic entity, composed of all of our anti-life and limiting thoughts and beliefs. The death urge is the source of many negative thoughts about the body. It can cause all kinds of problems, not only in the body, but it directly influences our success, relationships, and mental health also. Since the death urge is set in our Energy, the death urge has intelligence and a life urge. It tends to survive at the expense of the host. The death urge in our culture has outsmarted most people who consider themselves to be intelligent. It is an entity which possesses the minds and bodies of even intelligent and successful people and causes their destruction. The death urge entity can also become institutionalized in corporations, religions, schools, and all kinds of groups. Obviously, it is the basic cause of war. It can also cause “natural disasters”.

When people are possessed by the death urge, they secretly or openly desire us also to die, which is also well illustrated in the story of Jesus. It is a manifested in mass murderers, and natural disasters.

Here are some social secrets:

Failures like everyone to fail and be like themselves. Sick people like others to be sick. Deathists like others to die. Death loves company. Unenlightened people may try to sabotage you rather than become like you. Unloving people will try to involve you in their hate. Unfortunately, this is how the unenlightened mind or ego works. We may as well face this reality and not be airy-fairy about it.

Here is what God says about deathist mentality in the Catholic Bible:

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The Wisdom of Solomon, chapter I, verses 12-16

(In the Catholic and Jewish Bible)

God did not Create Death

“12 Do not bring on your own death by sinful actions. 13 God did not invent death, and when living creatures die, it gives Him no pleasure. 14 He created everything so that it might continue to exist, and everything He created is wholesome and good. There is no deadly poison in them. No, death does not rule this world, 15 for God’s justice does not die.

16 Ungodly people have brought death on themselves by the things they have said and done. They yearn for death as if it were a lover. They have gone into partnership with death, and it is just what they deserve.”

Death is not an accident and God doesn’t kill people. What we call Biblical or Christian or Jewish or Muslim cultures, have a long way to go. Physical immortality is taught all through the Bible. It is in Genesis – what about the long livers who lived 500 to 1000 years, the five immortals of the Bible, plus Babaji. It fills the teachings of Jesus, is mentioned many times in other New Testament books, including the Book of Revelation.

There are a group of immortal Sufis, some of whom are over 1000 years of age, in the mountains between Iran and Russia. I met one of them, named Shirdi Milana, in Herakhan. He was 800 at the time, in the late 70’s.

During my senility process, which was a full time self-healing process, doing spiritual purification practices, primarily in solitude for most of the five years and not doing public lectures, some people started the rumor that I was dead. I noticed that they were very happy about it, because it proved that the idea of physical immortality didn’t work. People will sacrifice anyone to prove that their pet doctrines, beliefs, or ideas are true, and to protect their ego. Jesus illustrated this. His contemporaries actually killed him to defend their doctrines, opinions, and social positions. Nagarjuna lived for 600 years, from the second century to the eighth century, but look how difficult it is to find this fact among ‘educated people’ today.

There are many books about Chinese and Indian Immortals, do you have any of them? Most immortals, like Swami Rama Linga and others, seem to dematerialize, ascend, or transfigure, to get their bodies out of mortal

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society. Like I said, adult education is all-important. Others live in communities high in the mountains of the Himalayas and other exclusive areas of the planet, like the Georgia mountains, the Andes, the Philippines, etc. People don’t know about them because mortals block the knowledge of them, consciously or unconsciously.

Why is death so popular? We may not like the idea of karma or family conditioning, but think about it. For some people, total self-healing seems overwhelming. I have been healing myself for over 50 years and sometimes it still seems overwhelming.

Is it safe for immortals to live in our society openly? Are you willing to make your community safe for Jesus and Babaji, as well as for yourself and me?

The death urge in a family tradition can have very specific patterns. For example, every other generation dies young and the alternative generations die old. This pattern sometimes takes the character of conformist and rebel. Conformists tend to die old. Rebels tend to die young. In some families, there is the pattern of grandchildren dying the same year as grandparents. Perhaps this is because the children identify more with their grandparents than with their parents. These patterns tend to perpetuate themselves and be predictable, generation after generation. The whole life insurance industry is based on the idea that most people die around the same age as their parent of the same sex. They discovered that single women live longer than married women. And that married men live longer than single men. They don’t know why, but I discovered why.

Women live longer because of the involuntary spiritual purification process of menstruation. Menstruation cleans the energy body as well as the physical body. I wrote a booklet about it and women ask how it is possible that a man can know more about them that they can learn from any other woman? The reason is that I did so much voluntary spiritual purification that my energy body and physical body are so sensitive, they can feel what is going on in other people’s bodies. I can also usually see what is going on during pregnancy.

People tend to die on Sunday or early on Monday, so they don’t have to go to work. People die the day after Christmas. Teenagers commit suicide

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and homicide with alcohol and automobiles. Suicide among seniors tripled in the 1990’s. Suicide tripled among middle aged men during the recession of 2008 and 2009. People commit suicide when they are miserable and see no way out. Also, people kill themselves because of guilt and other emotions. The mind is always the problem.

Death is not an accident and God doesn’t kill people. Meat eaters die of heart disease, cancer, kidney problems, and other popular diseases. Bad eating habits kill more people than illegal drugs, alcohol, and smoking combined. Most popular national diets of dead animals turn people into pathetic zombies and kill them with predictable precision. Food is more dangerous than war for people without intelligence or self-control. Trying to heal our body without addressing the causes of our problems is unintelligent and ridiculous.

People usually think that their home is a safe place, but most people die at home. The home is the most dangerous place on Earth for most people, because they don’t turn it into a spiritual purification support system. This is not difficult to do: if you have a bathtub, a fireplace and a refrigerator, you have the most sophisticated immortal yogi cave ever invented that enables you to live forever. We have to consciously use these resources to clean and balance our Energy Body.

The fact is that we do have beautiful homes, if we don’t make a mess in them. We have the freedom, comfort and pleasure that cars give us. And some people use them for self-esteem. The automobile is a unique meditation machine that actually delivers many spiritual values. Listening to beautiful music while driving through nature can be a very high spiritual experience. We do have Heaven on Earth from the material standpoint. And we can say that the majority of people are kicking and screaming in resistance, while Babaji is lovingly and gently dragging them into Heaven on Earth. Actually, He only invites, you can punish yourself with as much misery for a long as you like. But Babaji continues to make it easier for us to redeem ourselves and experience salvation, by creating more and more support systems in our civilization, not only through science and technology, but even through religion, bureaucratic government and politics.

We are moving into the Age of Truth that is exposing evil all over the world. The light of truth is shining on the darkness. We do have more self-

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determination in our own health, enlightenment, economic, educational, and political well-being.

Babaji can only do so much to perfect our civilization, without our participation. Without our participation, it won’t do us any good.

Food can be life-giving and -enhancing, rather than a death sentence.

Bill Clinton learned to be a vegan the hard way: heart disease, a stent, a triple bypass. This was real motivation to change his diet. He deserves credit for finally learning his lessons. Most successful people don’t and die early. Self-indulgence can be dangerous.

And yet, we have an abundance of healthy, delicious vegan, vegetarian and raw foods available to us. It is not necessary to commit suicide with food. We have a fantastic selection of food choices to enjoy.

There is a lot more information about healing the death urge in my book about the subject. I healed my own death urge in 1967, began writing it in the 70’s. Its present form was completed in 1995. Breaking the Death Habit was published in 1998. It has been translated and published in over ten languages, but it is not yet a bestseller in any of them. Healing the Death Urge has more emotional healing value for some people, but Breaking the Death Habit is a good summary of the question and the solution. I also have in print several other books on physical immortality. And I have a large personal library on the subject (possibly the largest in the world). Most of them are pretty superficial. Volume 3 of the Shiva Purana is still the greatest. I just imported 50 copies from India of the amazing English version. You can order them on the website.


I have been teaching these for so long, I sometimes forget that they are totally new, still, to most people on the planet. Although my ideas hit mainstream 30 years ago and rebirthing has spread to well over ten million people, it is still a drop in the bucket. But we can say that 24 hours of every day, somewhere on the planet, someone is learning how to breathe, as a result of the spread of high quality breathworkers.

Although they are obvious when you think about them, the ten biggies of human trauma made me internationally famous in psychological circles.

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The ten biggies are: birth trauma, parental disapproval syndrome, misuse of the power of the human mind, unconscious death urge, karma from past lives, religion trauma, school trauma, senility and old age, ignorance of our Divine Nature, and the world savior syndrome. Repression of the feminine principle has also been added to the list. Since so many books have been written by me and my students since 1977, I will not elaborate on them here. Perhaps the best book about them and how to heal them is, The Manual for Rebirthers (by Fanny van Laere and Leonard Orr).

Each person has to heal their emotional mind – the unconscious mind – which totally controls most of us and eventually makes us so miserable that we feel like leaving planet Earth through physical death. Death is an interesting thing to study. Everyone who actually does die, dies for us, to teach us how death works. I just discussed this above. Jesus said, ”If they believe not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they believe if I rise from the dead.” Was he right?

Our death urge can kill the people around us that we love. Remember ‘till death do us part’? Our pets also die for us, even our children. Are we learning from them? Did you learn how death works when your parents or grand-parents died? Will you learn anything from your own death? Did you already do it a hundred times or more? What did you learn?

Not only is the value of death overrated, but evidently the value of heaven is also overrated? People still seem to come back lacking intelligence and wisdom, over and over and over again.

We have to cure ignorance and ‘zombie’ consciousness.

The simple practices of spiritual purification seem to be the answer to our misery, lust for death, and most of our other problems, including the stress and tension of everyday life.

I mainly teach only six of them, but they are central and they actually work for the millions of students that have tried them. I learned them from Babaji and actual immortals who have been using them for hundreds or thousands of years, and even longer than you can imagine, to keep their Spirit, Mind, and Body together in health and youthfulness. They are: mind, earth, air, water, fire, and loving spiritual community. I will be brief here

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because they are covered in most of my books and my 9 Day Training, which is gradually becoming available all over the world.

We have to eternally feed the mind. Although I discovered that the Shiva Purana is the best book on the planet, the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam is in the same class, and I still study the Bible with a consuming passion, which I have been doing for over 60 years. I like to read several books per week. There is an abundance of good literature available today. And more is being produced all the time.

I reprogrammed large parts of my mind, using high quality audio recordings repetitiously for years. And I still love long drives with high quality educational CDs. I like to drive across the USA and other countries, listening to good educational and inspirational messages.

Working with a mantra may be the ultimate technique to master the mind. I have already mentioned AUM NAMAHA SHIVAIYA in this writing.

There is meditation in nature. There is silence and solitude. There are many methods for mastering the mind. If you can’t do it alone, you can join a group.

Earth purification involves diet, fasting, exercise, sound, massage, manual labor, walking, hiking, herbs, and many other things.

I usually fast at least one day per week, which I have been doing for over 40 years. Yesterday, my fast on liquids made me feel so much lighter. It took away tons of stress, tension from all over my body and even some pain and symptoms. When I fast one day per week, eating the other six days tastes twice as good. I still felt some energy concentrations in my body this morning, so I decided to fast another day.

I don’t think body mastery is possible without fasting regularly. I have several friends that don’t eat food at all, don’t drink water at all, and haven’t been to the bathroom for either number 1 or 2, for many years. This is a special lifestyle. It is possible.

Our exercise routine can be short and easy, otherwise, we may stop doing it.

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Air purification involves breathing. People learn so much about this when they do ten high quality private rebirthing breathwork sessions, that I can’t recommend it highly enough. Everyone born of a woman has to rehabilitate their breathing ability and learn or relearn how to breathe energy as well as air.

Water purification involves bathing twice per day to clean and balance our Energy Body. It is mainly a spiritual discipline rather than to clean the skin. Learning how much high quality water we personally have to drink for good health is also a great discovery.

Fire purification means spending enough time alone with fire to learn its secrets for cleaning the Energy Body and healing various diseases. Fire is an amazing gift of God.

Mind, earth, air, water, and fire are qualities of God. They are amazingly powerful, yet subtle.

Love purification is done through relationships. Many people join or create a spiritual support group for their own healing as well as for the others who participate. I created a workable form for this, called the One Year Seminar, which is the same group of people who meet one day per month, for a year. Spiritual community is very powerful. Politics or government is the human spiritual community of adult education for everyone. We all have to participate in this to the peak of our ability.

I have noticed that it highly benefits most people to participate in my 9 Day Training yearly, or at least more than once, to allow the practices to become a major influence in their personal health and aliveness. Once mastered and installed in our daily habits, they allow success, health, happiness, and pleasure to be achieved much more easily. The practices renew our Energy and Peace every day. Peace and Energy is an unbeatable combination.


We have to honor all three dimensions of our Being – Energy, Thought, and Form. These are the aspects of our Divine-Human Nature. Leaving out or minimizing one of these aspects of our Divine Nature creates problems not only for philosophers, but for all of us, in our daily lives. Energy is the

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Thinker, thinking is a quality of the Energy, and what the Thinker thinks about tends to materialize into Form that stays there, when the Energy is thinking about something else. The nature of matter or physical reality is that it stays there when we are no longer thinking about it. It has the relative quality of permanence.

What we create with thought, we can also destroy with thought.

However, the body manifests the unconscious mind as well as our conscious thoughts and goals. We have to put our total mind in order and allow our body to manifest and express our Pure Divine Nature.

The majority of people are perhaps killed by the noise in their own minds. What we think has a tendency to persist in the mind, until we unthink it or undo it in some other way. We have to constantly reexamine our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, habits and our conclusions about our memories and experiences. Then we can practice renewal. Mastering the transformation of our mind is basic. We have to keep our mind clean and occupied with only what is truly valuable. Flexible abilities are perhaps the most valuable things.

Energy, the Infinite Eternal Spirit, has qualities like power, bliss, love, truth, mercy, simplicity, unity, beauty, intelligence, justice, harmony, etc. We can say that mercy and justice are in perpetual conflict or negotiation in the Divine Mind, like permanence and change, or creation and destruction. We always have to stay conscious of what we are doing in our minds.

The basic qualities of the mind are to create and destroy. When the human mind is working in harmony with its Divine Nature and Qualities, everything works perfectly. We can enjoy Perfect Existence, Perfect Consciousness, and Perfect Bliss. This is why the immortal Taoists say that the Secret of Immortality is to relax and be natural. Because of our previous conditioning, this seems to be difficult for most of us. We often seem to make things, even everything, complicated. The mind also has qualities like rational reasoning, intuition, and memory.

When we relax, we allow the negative stuff from deep in our soul to come to our attention. Silence is the basic form of self-improvement and is the Source of all power and action.

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Our human virtuous mind is love, joy, peace, self-control, strength, patience, creativity, intelligence, productivity, thankfulness and gratitude, honest communication, present, completion, enlightenment, realistic, healthy, goodness, courage, generous, flexible, responsible, honest, open and eager to learn, respectful, community oriented, pure, clean, appropriate modesty, truthfulness, reflection, calmness, clear goals, pleasure, willing to change, gentleness, prosperity, appropriate trustfulness, unlimited, energy for action, and eternally life-oriented.

The destructive mind qualities are anger, greed, arrogance, discouragement, guilt, laziness, heaviness, depression, lack of appreciation and gratitude, self-indulgence, weakness, fear, jealousy, urgency, negativity, dirty, criticism, complaining, rigid, death-oriented, and the opposite of all the virtues. These tend to damage or inhibit our body functions and health.

Which list makes you feel better? You can feel the impact of these words on your body. To be honest, I can see plenty of the negative qualities (as well as the virtues) in myself, still, after having worked on myself for over 50 years. I have enough self-control to definitely prefer the virtues. I am always collecting more and more high quality information and letting go of the ideas that don’t work. Our personal mind purification takes as long as it takes. Discovering our karma is often a surprise to the rational mind. Unfortunately, we have to make all of our unconscious conscious and heal it, to achieve total healing.

The quality of our vocabulary and thoughts determine the quality of our Life. A wholesome Life is created by healthy words and ideas that we build into our Personal Eternal Life Energy. We can choose to concentrate on high quality words and ideas. Happiness has been defined as simply having pleasant thoughts most of the time. It is good to spend enough time in the transcendental state and to ‘think’ and to live beyond the mind all the time. Fortunately, our karma is limited, our Divine Nature is unlimited.

It is also helpful to look at the negative list to see if we have slipped into them, and to eliminate self-delusion. We all seem to have plenty of this. We have to transform our negative mind to have a healthy body.

The Buddha said, “Experience creates memory and memory creates desire. Frustration of desire creates misery, pain or anger.” There are

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different degrees of desire and painful frustration. They are longing, fantasy, lust, greed, necessity, urgency, etc. We like to repeat pleasurable experiences, including eating our favorite foods. We also like to repeat pleasurable social experiences, work accomplishments, spiritual blissful experiences, political victories, body massages, etc.

It is basic to watch what our mind is doing, make intelligent choices, and exercise self-control. The easiest way to body mastery and healing of the mind may be intimate support groups. However, each member has to be doing spiritual purification practices and be interested in total healing and mastery. A weekly support group or one year seminar group can be very effective.


The body is Shiva-Shakti in action and manifestation. The inherent intelligence of this Energy takes care of our body every moment. This intelligence not only formed our body, it is very active every moment and is instantly available for us to communicate with. Babaji appears to millions of people every day. Shiva–Shakti heals people every day, naturally and miraculously. Do you make your digestive system work with its hundreds of chemical reactions? Who selects the nutrients it absorbs and the ones it rejects? We can’t even list most of our organs and systems. How are we going to manage them? Shiva-Shakti – Intelligent Energy does a marvelous job every day. But our minds can interrupt our Divine Nature and cause our body to malfunction. We usually do it with bad habits. When we have good habits, the body becomes more and more beautiful, healthier, stronger, sensitive, and glows with light.

When we consciously interact with this Intelligent Energy that is maintaining the body in all its perfection, we start to get ahead of the game. This relationship can lead to total healing and physical perfection. The idea is to have our body be an expression of Spirit in harmony and intelligence. If we can stop worrying and relax our face, our wrinkles tend to disappear.

Babaji appeared to me a few days ago in Staunton, Virginia. He looked like a pleasantly dressed bum with high self-esteem and came up to me and my three friends, as I was getting a few papers out of the trunk of

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my car. He asked, “Do you need any help?” I thought immediately that it was Him, but I didn’t know what to say or do. Before I knew it, He was walking away and I was on a purpose with my friends and stupidly felt I couldn’t break away from it to go after Him. I regret it now, but I know that Babaji will continue to play with me in this way which He has done for over 40 years. His approach made no demands. He was just offering to play. He often assists people in times of crisis, even though people rarely recognize Him. I, too, often miss him.

It is inconceivable to us that Babaji or Shiva-Shakti – the Intelligent Energy of the Universe has a personal and 24/7 interest in us, and in every organ and cell in our body. And the same interest for every person and being in the Universe. And yet, if you really think about it, this is the way it is. The detail of Babaji’s love for me is overwhelming. The detail of His love is fantastic. He cares also for you in this way, if you care for Him, even if it was in a previous Life. You may have forgotten about Him, but He didn’t forget about you. And He cares for people even before they care for Him. Appreciating Babaji’s relationship to us is the easy way to physical body mastery, and He also expects us to use every kind of spiritual, mental, and physical causation or creation He has given us to take care of ourselves.

Babaji once said, “I could heal you all in one day, but then, what would you learn?”

He, the Intelligent Energy, allows our body to reveal through pain and symptoms our mind and karma, so that we can see it and work with it, until we are healed. Unfortunately, pain and suffering is one of the ways that we pay our karmic debts. Pain usually motivates us, until we become dead to it. Spiritual practices and service lifts us out of this pain and misery. We have to get smart and do the things that actually work. Spiritual sensitivity makes us more aware of our pain, as well as the pain of others.

At the emotional level, we may be troubled by the conflict of God’s mercy and justice. Babaji would like us to be masters of ourselves. If He cancelled the effects of our causes, how could we learn what we need to learn? How much punishment is enough to teach us something? In the Shiva Purana, there is a story of an Angel who saved someone from all their karma and took them to heaven. Later, however, that person turned into the

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greatest devil. Teaching wisdom and goodness to humans is Babaji’s greatest challenge, and ours.

Today in my afternoon bath, I was watching an ant climb up the tile wall. It would climb up ten to one hundred times its body length, then fall off, pick itself up in seconds and go back up the wall. Suddenly, another ant appeared and also started up the wall, and falling, and up again. They did this dozens of times. Sometimes they didn’t land on their feet. It seemed impossible, that they could survive such a fall – unhurt.

Like us, in our body mastery, we have fallen hundreds of times and been reborn, only to struggle up the wall again, and again, and again. Recent research tells us that we most likely get the same kind of body. It is amazing that the ant can fall over 100 times its body length and begin climbing again in seconds without being injured or discouraged or defeated. Are we smarter than these ants? Will we make it during this life-time?

Eventually, the first ant discovered a technology. It discovered that where the walls meet in the corner, it is easier to climb. It got almost to the top, without falling, then turned around and came down about a foot, as if to get my attention. Then turned and went back up again. Then two inches from the top, it dematerialized while I was watching it. This blew my mind. Later, when I looked for the second ant, it also had disappeared. A little later, when I was breathing through my snorkel, there was a bug deep in my mouth. I finally got it out, but it wasn’t an ant. The bugs really got my attention today. Babaji’s little messengers were delivering very profound truths and miracles. It is amazing how much I have learned from ants, flies, and other insects.

Do you think this was Babaji playing with me? Conscious life is observing the constant interaction between the ordinary and the miraculous – the mundane and the sacred. Not only did I get wisdom, but I also could feel the healing taking place in my soul and body that was inspired by these little creatures.

Do you think Babaji is the God of automobiles and computers? Is Babaji behind science and technology? The Bible says, “God will destroy those who destroy nature.” Do you think Babaji is behind the ecological movements? Do you think He supports alternative healing? The global

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warming controversy is a big playing field for ethics and character. It is an opportunity to work on our karma.

When I realized my car was a part of the problem, I immediately changed my lifestyle to reduce my driving over 50%. I used the phone more. And now we have the internet. Although I now have a Prius, I realize it is only symbolic. We have to do much more to save our planet. Replacing the national bank money systems will be a big move, but adult education of the right kind is the ultimate solution. We have the correct knowledge, it has to be distributed to everyone. Inspiration University focuses on changing value systems, but we are still only scratching the surface, in spite of the fact that a few million people have been touched by our teachings, directly or indirectly.

I think the innovation in political structure called neighborhood representation is one way to reach everybody in a country and the world. It is the simple idea of having an elected, full-time representative for every thousand people. Then they can be organized in political district councils, so that they can protect us from big government and control our elected representatives on each level of government: city, county, state, national, and international. I have a book about this, called How to Make Democracy Work, if you are really interested in creating Heaven on Earth. It describes a potentially effective universal system of adult education.

A personal relationship to Babaji can enrich our lives to no end. And He supports our independence and freedom more than anybody. Can you even imagine being a full, conscious expression of God? Jesus said, “Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.”

What would He like us to learn? Maybe, to be equal to Him? Is our complete individuation in Spirit His goal for us? Would He like to be able to trust us with His power? Would we use it in truth, simplicity, and love? What does this mean?

Walt Whitman said, “The American Bard is hungry for equals.” We all like to be supported by competent people. Does Babaji appreciate competent support for His goals? Maybe this is why He often incarnates in different forms. So he can delight in competent support and play with equals. When is

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a significant amount of us, humans, going to get our act together and become mature spiritual, mental, and physical Beings?

We either achieve total healing or leave a mess behind. We all require good support from equals.

He, as God, gives us some healings the easy way and some we have to work for. We, as Eternal Spirit, have to earn some and some are free gifts of love and grace and mercy. We have to straighten out our minds. It is intelligent for us not to complain about this, but to learn our lessons, even though some of them seem to take too long and be too painful. Paying for our karma this way may be the merciful, easy way. It is best not to resist it, but to learn from it, and be thankful. This doesn’t mean sitting around and doing nothing but complaining. Our pain may become humanity’s greatest healing method when we discover how to heal it. Our creativity and merits can heal and redeem others. This is love. The world can use more competent healers.

Our personal relationship to this Infinite, Eternal Spirit is the most direct and most simple solution for everything, including body mastery. This is truth, simplicity, and love. Contact with Spirit is eternal, everything else is temporary, and this Constant Spirit, which is in the Space between our thoughts, sustains us through all our changes and experiments – good or bad. This Eternal Spirit is always Thinking and always playing with Form. So are we, whether we are conscious of this or not. The physical universe is the form of our adult education. Our body is always subject to change, even if it is immortal and perfect. Intelligent change is the method of immortality – of permanence. The earth, air, water, and fire of our body are always intelligently interacting and transforming into each other. Our body is in constant renewal.

It is our thoughts and beliefs that hold things in place or maintain appearances. Try changing your thoughts about the things that you don’t like about your body and see what happens. This may be the beginning of the cosmetics mastery of your youthfulness and perfection. Eventually, our complete form can become a play-thing, as it is for Babaji and other immortals that I have met. It will be fun when I get there. I can see tastes of it from time to time. It is important to take our time and develop the wisdom to handle it. We can get high on Spiritual Truth and do miraculous

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things, then our karma brings us down. Sooner or later, we can hold our thoughts, until they manifest the way we like them to manifest. Our relative mastery grows.

The Eternal Spirit is always thinking in us and is playing with and adjusting our form to please us, so we have to be considerate of the quality of our thoughts, not only about the body itself, but about everything that we think about. Compassion and right action are very basic. Don’t be surprised if what you think about happens. I often use the mantra to protect myself from my own thoughts.

I am overwhelmed when I think of the love and creative intelligence Babaji expresses when He plays with us all the time. Our body and mind and all people and the universe are the playground – change and permanence are the game. His personal attention goes to everything all the time, but He tends to reflect our thoughts. As busy as He is, He is Infinite and still has plenty of time to give you attention, and me – if we are willing to receive it. He sometimes gives me one word that spins my mind into many healings for days or weeks. Babaji’s every word is Scripture. It is Divine inspiration and cause.

The body is also the intelligent interaction of earth, air, water, and fire. If earth, air, water, and fire are the physical qualities of God, they each have intelligence all the time and can take care of themselves, if we allow it. Having a conscious relationship to these elements is also basic to our existence and our healing. The body is a miniature universe. We have the opportunity to be the god or ruler of it. We have to take care of the rivers inside as well as outside and be careful what we put into them.


Babaji has built certain rules into the Creation and the body. We can discover these rules and make our lives easier. He once told me that earth, air, water, and fire are the Eternal Sadhana. The Shiva Purana says, “Earth, air, water, and fire are physical qualities of the Eternal Spirit.” Are they spiritual or physical? Is air physical or spiritual? Is water physical or spiritual? Is fire spiritual or physical? We usually think of earth as physical or as matter, but physics questions this. What does physical really mean? All is created and maintained by the mind, out of the Energy. Matter is thought

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and Energy in manifestation. As we grow spiritually, the physical universe tends to become more and more flexible. Our body and everything physical and material become more and more responsive to our thoughts. Every moment, we are learning from the physical universe of form and how to play in it more intelligently and meaningfully – hopefully, more joyfully.

We are learning how to manage Energy, Mind and Form every moment. Earth, air, water, and fire are great secrets and great powers. There is no mastery without self-control and discipline. We have to manage our senses. We have to be ethical.

In the Eastern Scriptures, Babaji has given us many techniques for mastering the cosmetics of the body. The name of a basic one is Shiva Kalpa. They all operate best in the context of basic spiritual purification practices. Babaji can give us beauty and health, but He says that “the wise do spiritual practices.” They have worked from the beginning of time and will work until the end. Jesus and Mary are young and beautiful, but the reason they may not be more active in the world, may be because A Course in Miracles doesn’t mention earth, air, water, and fire. The reason that all great metaphysical systems don’t seem to work is because they left the physics out of metaphysics. The physics is earth, air, water, and fire. Jesus mentions the Angels of Mother Nature, earth, air, water, and fire, in the Essene Gospel of Peace, but maybe He still hasn’t mastered them in a way that enables him to maintain a local address on planet Earth.

1. Understanding the role of spiritual purification practices with earth, air, water, and fire, is basic to body mastery!

When the world of form starts to become flexible, we have to be ready for this level of mastery. We have to be more responsible and wise in choosing our thoughts and how we use our increasing levels of power. This is why Babaji says, “Slowliness is holiness.” And we have to be able to relax and let things be the way they are. Like Babaji, we have to have infinite respect for the process of others. Most people require at least 50 to 100 years to develop enough wisdom to handle this power. Power can destroy things or ourselves faster, if we don’t have the wisdom to manage it properly. The physical universe has a tendency to eliminate people who don’t respect it. Physical reality has a tendency to last longer than religious philosophers who don’t believe it is real. The physical universe is more

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dependable and trustworthy than some spiritual theorists and teachers or gurus. What wasn’t created by us was created by God and other people. We have to respect this. Power is always potentially dangerous to created reality.

I know from my experience that bathing twice per day improves my spiritual experience of Life every day – this is totally scientific. Water has amazing healing powers. We are just beginning to understand this. And most people still don’t have a clue. Other spiritual practices with the elements also improve my experience of Spirit, Mind, and Body, every time I use them. They are predictable – the essence of science.

I didn’t discover the healing power of fire until 1981. I actively spread practices with fire all over the world. I have seen all kinds of illnesses healed by fire, but each element works best when combined with the others. I notice that fire rehabilitates my joy of life every time I use it. Fire worked again today. I normally sleep with fire every night since 1981.

I discovered the healing power of air – breathing – in the 1970’s. Since then, millions of people have been healed of all kinds of things with the practice of conscious energy breathing. High quality breathworkers have more clients than they can handle. The bottleneck of the movement has been, and still is, training high quality breathworkers fast enough.

Earth supplies us with food. Using food wisely seems to be a big problem for humans. Most people eat themselves to death. “We dig our graves with our forks.” Learning a healthy diet is basic to body mastery. Vegetarianism seems to be at the entry level of an intelligent and realistic approach to body mastery. Earth is also movement and exercise. Exercise may be more important for a healthy heart than a correct diet.

Learning to work with and process the energy of other people takes consciousness. And the practices tend to do this for us in the easiest way I have experienced. The yoga of the immortals for cleaning the Energy Body with the basic practices with the elements, seems to be the easiest path of body mastery.

As I thought about the question, “Can I help you?”, from Babaji, the other day, when He visited me in Staunton, I realized that I should have said,” We need all the help that we can get. How would you like to help us?”

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Our purposes that day worked out perfectly. Babaji made our day work out very smoothly, even though I blew my opportunity to spend more conscious time with Him.

Shiva-Shakti is managing the millions or billions of thoughts that run our bodies every moment. Our bodies are constructed and maintained in all their complexities to teach us something, as well as being the vehicle of our Mind and Spirit. Our bodies are the ultimate gifts of love and intelligence. They are given to us again every day that we have one. Our minds are the source of all our problems of body mastery as well as everything else. We require all the assistance we can get to straighten out our minds. Our mind can also be the source of beauty, goodness, and wisdom. We have to relax and be natural and receive this amazing gift in all its perfection.

The Shiva Purana often stresses that the human body is the ultimate gift of God to us. It is an opportunity for God realization.

We exist now, managing the quality of our mind and moving it into harmony with Spirit is perhaps the big secret to body mastery. Collecting and dwelling on high quality thoughts that are in harmony with the truth, simplicity, and love of our Divine Nature is a continual practice. It is the basic practice that we have relatively easy access to 24/7. If we don’t manage the mind, who will?

Body mastery can start from this realization – that it is Shiva-Shakti in action – a gift for us, and that it is built to last forever, if we support it properly and relax into it. Don’t worry! We can always destroy it or leave it. Or we can ascend and transfigure it. Mastery increases our freedom. Mastery gives us the freedom and power to determine the day of our death, if ever. Some immortal masters have even made their body invincible. I am not there yet, but I seem to be protected by One who is.

There are also laws of ethics or morals. Living ethically increases our health, happiness, and satisfaction. Jesus said, “Eternal Life is achieved by loving God, and our neighbors as ourselves.” This includes the quality of our political environment and our participation in it. Government is the basic way that we love everyone in our community – locally, nationally, and internationally.

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2. Then there is the awareness of the Energy Body. This is basic to body mastery. The Energy Body is the bridge between the visible and the invisible. This is the chakras and all our energy concentrations that we can feel. There is a chakra, or energy and information structure that manages every organ and system of the body. Most people are aware of pain or tension somewhere in the body. Pain motivates us to take care. The awareness of the Energy Body and perhaps our discomfort leads us, motivates us, and continues to enable us to manage our Energy Body and subsequently our physical body. The awareness of the Energy Body is the first real step to the mastery of the physical body. Is pain physical or mental? If the body had no intelligence, it could not know it has pain. Managing these energy concentrations without undue negative thoughts about them is important. Pain is an interpretation of facts and facts have no pain. Pain is the effort of clinging to a negative thought, even if the negative thought is the thought that the pain will get worse or will never go away. We have to let go of these kinds of thoughts.

The paradox is that surrendering to the pain and noticing it, enables us to release the pain. We can turn the pain into an illusion. Conscious connected breathing makes it easier. With due attention, we can remove the cause, even if it is in the distant past. Sometimes, we can do this symbolically. Present circumstances can be symbols of ancient events stored in our soul. Feelings are the common denominators of the past and present, no matter how distant.

My definition of pain is the effort of clinging to a negative thought. There are two kinds of thoughts. There are thoughts of created things. And there are thoughts of the Uncreated Oneness, which is our Divine Nature. Thoughts opposing our Divine Nature are far more painful and destructive. These kinds of thoughts are self-destruction. They cause pain because they are pushing against infinite power. The pain can make us realize what we are doing. The truth automatically releases these kinds of thoughts and makes us free.

The body is a created thing. We have more pain when we make a conclusion about the body in relation to what we perceive to be the source of pain in the body. It is painful to think that we will lose a part of the body or

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the body itself. Magically, when we let go of these kinds of conclusions or interpreting thoughts, the pain tends to disappear.

So we have to learn how to clean and balance the Energy Body with earth, air, water, and fire, as well as with our thoughts, which can be a mantra, and then master harmonious relationships. A mantra habit, like other spiritual practices, has to be easy, if we continue it on a long-term basis. If we make things too difficult, we are more likely to stop doing them. Wholesome habits make a rich life. We can choose habits that support our Life Energy and Aliveness. This includes our daily vocabulary.

3. We have to clean our past accumulation of stress, pain, tension, and karma. This cleaning of karma seems to be the most difficult. It seems to not only include clearing the Spirit, Mind, and Body of the 10 biggies of human trauma in this life: birth trauma, death urge, parental disapproval, etc., but from many other lifetimes. It means working with the deep currents of the soul.

See the Manual for Rebirthers, for clearing the biggies.

Finally, we have to do enough spiritual purification practices to stay ahead of the pollution process of participating in the world and in the lives of other people. This goal may be realized more easily than clearing our past. We have to become sophisticated about processing the energy of other people. Unfortunately, our past and the past of other people are sometimes intertwined. We may be living in a much bigger group than we realize.


What I seem to be learning now is that the acts that I did hundreds or thousands of years ago can produce specific symptoms in my body today. This is not a depressing fact, it is a liberating fact that teaches us the secret of the specific healing, although the means or cure may not be completely obvious. And even when we have the secret, or the proper method, sometimes the healing is still not instantaneous. Other times, the healing is instantaneous. Perhaps most instantaneous healings occur, with any method we use, because we have suffered long enough and paid our karmic debt. When this is true, any method of healing might work. We can even get the healing from pure Spirit. It pays to look at the big picture of our soul sometimes. It is not so good to project everything, or too much, into our

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present circumstances. And trying to stay focused on our present reality all the time may be superficial, even unwise, when our karma is poking its ugly head in our face, day after day.

When we have symptoms we seemingly cannot control, it is best to use whatever healing resources we can find that make sense and that do actually produce some benefit. But ultimately, we have to surrender to endurance, until the Ruler of the Universe and our body lifts the symptoms out of the body and completes our healing. There is a big difference between suffering consciously and suffering unconsciously. We have to keep looking inside for the answers, until we find them.

Remember, in Rebirthing in the New Age, it says, “All symptoms are either the Spirit and Body healing the Mind, or, the Spirit and Mind healing the Body.” The purpose of symptoms is spiritual liberation and freedom, not only an excuse to leave the body.

Sometimes, going to the dentist is the common sense solution. But I created a recording of special thoughts that have healed many peoples’ dental problems of all kinds. It is a very powerful CD. And I have many friends who have had perfect teeth with no cavities whatsoever in their whole lives. This can be true for all of us.

I am just completing a three day sickness that was really intense. In the middle of it, I could do little else than just endure the suffering. The thought that I was healing something big and basic was encouraging. It made the suffering worthwhile. I was carrying on a dialogue with Babaji the whole time. In this instance, fasting was most beneficial. Animals naturally fast to heal themselves. Humans, on the other hand, are not this wise and usually use drugs or other belief systems that make the situation worse, complicate the problems, and accelerate death.

Surrendering to our symptoms can be the best healing method sometimes, especially when we know that the suffering is self-created, even though from our distant past.

Living in the Presence also assists us with processing our past, no matter how old it is. This tends to make it easier to endure or even ignore our suffering. It is also ok to look at our past karma, weigh the punishment we deserve, and increase our service to people in truth, simplicity, and love

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to pay our karmic debts with loving service. This means teaching truth, simplicity, and love, and political action. Service to our community is something we can find a way to do no matter how sick we are. It is amazing how powerful service to others can be in our own healing process. It also obviously means teaching the great scriptures of all religions, and using our healing skills for the benefit of others. I have often been healed while healing others. We don’t have to sit around and be miserable all the time. Good action works.

I have often been healed by receiving a simple massage.

Babaji says, “Karma Yoga is the main yoga of liberation for this age”. Karma yoga is work and loving service for other people. If we all were active in local politics, we could create Heaven on Earth. What a simple solution! Go meet your local politicians and see what kind of adult education they require or can give to you. We have to rebuild democracy in every village and country.

We are all in the business of adult education that has to include the dimensions of spiritual knowledge, physical knowledge, the mental and emotional dimension, the economic dimension, and the social-political dimension. We have to get out of superficial self-absorption.

Politics is just group therapy and adult education, in addition to practical action. Are you getting the benefit?

Babaji has created and is guiding our civilization to bring the greatest happiness and well-being to the greatest number of people. Are you doing your part? We already have Heaven on Earth from the material standpoint. We have to add spiritual understanding and practices and true loving community. Adult education that includes emotional healing has to be added to make Heaven on Earth complete. Everyone requires a practical spiritual life, with appropriate disciplines that actually do work.

Usually political suffering is also self-inflicted. But rescuing others is our opportunity for service. We can solve the money distribution problem if we are willing to participate in local government. We just have to ask or demand that our city government take a percentage of its budget and distribute it equally on a monthly basis to every citizen. Circulating money back to consumers is the key to prosperity in any money system.

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All money problems are basically spiritual problems. When we honor our natural Divinity, we are more likely to realize that we have the power to print our own money. We don’t have to leave this job to greedy bankers who loan it into circulation with debt. All their debt money returns to them. But rational money has to circulate back to the consumers on a regular basis in an intelligent and orderly way that makes our economy work. The money and economic problems we have today are basically a result of spiritual problems and unclear thinking.

No matter how great our civilization becomes, we can always screw it up. God is extending infinite mercy to our planet until we get it together. But He can always relax His mercy and allow us to experience natural disasters in the hope that we may learn something from them in favor of justice. Natural disasters have a tendency to occur where the life urge is the lowest, where people don’t do the practices and kill and eat dead animals. This can happen in primitive villages or cities like New York. Perhaps our greatest service is basic adult education. Teaching people how to heal the death urge is considered advanced by some, but physical immortality supplies a motive for cleaning up our act, even if we cannot conceive ourselves as living forever in our boring minds. Perhaps most people fear life more than death?

We can also get totally wiped out while serving others. Healing others and “spiritual work” can just be another way of committing suicide. Balance is indicated. Balancing service with nature, solitude, and spiritual purification is basic. Silence is still the Greatest Power and the Source of all things, including healing. At some point we have to relax and accept our healing and just be healthy and normal or natural and relax and enjoy life. People often go to extremes rather than maintaining balance.

I have healed hundreds of things in myself with good diet, appropriate fasting, and gentle exercise, bathing twice per day with my snorkel, doing lots of fire purification, mantra, studying cause and effect relationships. Accurately figuring out cause and effect relationships in our soul and body is real science. The symptoms often defy logical reasoning. And the healings often defy logical reasoning. Figuring out how acts of unkindness or violence done to others, thousands of years ago, caused our symptoms, and what acts of kindness and love we have to do today to heal these pesky symptoms, can defy our rational mind. But the bottom line of loving service

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is amazingly effective. And in the meantime, using salves, oils, salts, body work, herbs, spiritual purification practices, and all kinds of procedures seems to maintain our precarious victory, until the karmic debt is paid and the complete victory is perceived. We have to meditate on each treatment, until we get an ok from God to use it. Or allow God to heal us directly. Don’t be foolish and do what doesn’t work. Official medicine is too often a total disaster. Hospitals kill more people every year by accident than all the wars on the planet. Doctors are usually good at dealing with physical trauma. We can be thankful for this.

I discovered that certain herbs have powers that God put in them from the beginning of time. Unfortunately, we have to find the right ones, and sometimes this is not so easy. We have to know the difference between good healers and phonies. The easiest way is to study their results on others. We have the right to distrust healers and say no to them until they have earned our trust. God can also allow our suffering wisely, until we learn something. Humans have a tendency to learn mostly through pain and suffering.

It is ok to depend directly on Pure Life to heal us and our relationship with Babaji, when other things don’t work, or even all the time, if this dependency is healthy and actually works. Instantaneous spiritual healing can become our natural state.

The owners of the national banks have been ripping us off for 800 years, have you suffered enough yet? They took over one country after another. It took them over one hundred years to take over the United States Government, but they did it by 1933. They know that their corrupt game will end, but are you intelligent enough to do anything about it? Depending on your ignorance for their power has worked for them since 1913, for over 100 years. We do have the power to print and distribute money in an intelligent and orderly way. Are you using this power?

We have to rebuild democracy in each community and country again now.

Have you suffered enough yet?

Do you have enough wholesome habits to keep you happy, healthy, and prosperous?

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When we are reading the great Scriptures, or good contemporary literature, we can feel the healing power of the stories and ideas, but we do not necessarily connect this power to specific symptoms. Healing still occurs. All kinds of religious worship has been known to assist our healing and enlightenment.

Shiva-Shakti really does have miraculous healing power and uses it wisely. Our body, the Holy Temple of God, repairs Itself, when the lessons are learned. Our job is to do active searching, service, and waiting, until the healing combination of right actions and thinking produces the healing.

And when our body is operating nicely, we can relax and enjoy a good life. This can include service and the education of the adults and children in our environment. I love working with children also.

The four above principles involving cleaning the energy body with earth, air, water, and fire which I learned from actual immortal masters who have mastered the physical body, seem to heal most things very efficiently. When we have these in place, then working with the mind and our relationships is all-important. Healing the deep currents of the soul. I used to say, it might take us 50 to 100 years to heal the emotional mind. Usually, healing the body is much easier, because we may only have to heal one karmic act to heal a specific symptom.


Unfortunately, the emotional mind tends to include our karma. We can face it or avoid it in the present moment, but it is much bigger. We have to keep working at it, until we succeed.

Even as masters, the renewal of the mind is our eternal job. We may not have to stay as conscious as God does, but staying conscious is all there is to do – forever. We may as well get good at it. God is constantly in the process of renewal of His Creation and His own Meditation about it.

We can choose to be a conscious individual, an expression of the Eternal Spirit. Or, we can lose our individuality and be reabsorbed consciously or unconsciously into the mass mind and cease to exist as an individual. Everything is possible. Transfiguration is also possible.

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Unconsciously dying is not the only way to leave the planet. Some people are even planning to leave on UFO’s.

Very few people master their mind and even fewer people master the body totally, but all diseases are limited, and our Natural Divinity is Unlimited. Perhaps the body requires the least mastery, since it is so much smarter than the mind. The body can mostly take care of itself easily, if the mind doesn’t abuse it, because it is backed up by Shiva-Shakti. It is amazing how much abuse the body can take before it fails us. And often, the body is very forgiving, when we change our stupid habits and give it proper care, or, at least, cooperation.

Shiva-Shakti, Intelligent Energy, takes care of our body every moment. Proper attention to the body takes us directly to God. We have a direct relationship to God through our body every moment, even if our mind forgets it. We cannot think of our body with any degree of consciousness without noticing our direct and total dependency upon God – Shiva-Shakti. This Intelligent Energy takes care of our body, except when the mind overrules Nature and harms the body. In some cases, we have a lot of forgiving to do – forgiving ourselves, and perhaps others in our distant past, and our body reveals this to us.

I am experiencing a major physical healing, as I write this, that I have been working with for years. We can say that I did my part, but the healing of the symptoms is manifested by the force and dependability of Shiva-Shakti that is beyond the mind. My mind is only observing the healing and transformation. At the moment, I am experiencing pain, but I can see my symptoms changing. It is time to rest and receive my healing. The three day sickness I just experienced seems to be a part of this bigger healing.

Last year, Babaji took away a healing process or symptom that I had for decades. It was very magical. It just disappeared in a few days. The longer we have the symptoms, the more magical the healing appears. Then it is difficult to experience enough gratitude. I am experiencing another significant healing this year from Him. Sometimes, we earn our own healing by suffering enough for our past acts.

Body mastery involves total healing of the mind as well as the body. But we can feel as helpless during the healing process as we did when we

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were victims of the symptoms. If we have already made mistakes in caring or not caring for our mind and body, we have to learn healing. Sometimes, this means just stopping the mistakes or the abuse of the body. Other times, it involves complicated changes and experiments to bring about total healing. We have to start somewhere. We have to start now and work with what we have created so far. It is a lot easier for some people than for others. Vegetarianism has always been a good place to start.

Our mind that created our karma can construct very complicated problems to sort through and that require change or repair. We can be very deceptive with ourselves. Often, we require an objective opinion. Morality is basic to understanding ourselves and our distant past and its effects in our present. Our body seems to be the victim of our mind. Our body maintains our mind in this world, and it seems we don’t appreciate its service, and we abuse it. Ethics can also be a key to understanding our immediate karma. Karma is simply cause and effect. We have to honor the law of cause and effect, even God has to honor this law. It is amazing how long we can sometimes avoid the consequences of our actions, but eventually we have to face the law and create enough merits to cancel our demerits, or accept the punishment. I can’t count the number of times when I have ignored my symptoms and continued my service, and the symptoms disappeared.

On the other hand, doing the basic spiritual purification practices, while serving or not, keeps working. They maintain and expand my Life Energy. The practices advance my service and my healing.

The opposite of abuse is appreciation and giving the body what it requires for maximum well-being, so it can serve us better. The basic rules have been the same from the beginning of time and will be until the end. We can honor them or avoid them and experience the results.

Good ideas, basic spiritual-mental-physical disciplines with earth, air, water, fire, and harmonious relationships with people are Divine. This means that they are the innate qualities of the Infinite, Eternal Spirit – our Divine Nature.

Once we are doing mantra yoga, bathing twice per day, spending enough time with the fire, have a good diet, fast enough, do enough exercise, master conscious energy breathing, and have good loving

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relationships, we are progressing spiritually and we can give our attention to our mind and our karma. Unfortunately, our mind has a history. When we are doing the basic practices, we can then afford to give all our attention to healing our mind and its history. Look around you. Most people seem to be beaten to death with their karma. Sooner or later, we may realize the easy way out of it. The basic spiritual purification practices and loving service is the best way I know. This, of course, involves a conscious and appreciative relationship with our Creator.


An ultimate healer is a method or technique that can heal all diseases known to man. I first experienced changing our thoughts as an ultimate healer. Changing our thoughts can heal everything from teeth to terminal cancer. Next, I learned how conscious energy breathing can heal all diseases or symptoms known to mankind, from migraines to epilepsy. Then, I noticed that changes in diet and fasting can also heal anything or everything. Fasting is a staple healing method in all religions. Colon cleansing is also an ultimate healer. Even exercise is a very powerful healer. Bathing, I think, is what has doubled our life spans in the last 200 years. Indoor plumbing and warm water have changed human history and our pleasure of living perhaps more than anything. I discovered the healing power of fire in 1981. Since then, I have seen fire become an ultimate healer. And spiritual community, which includes individuals with special healer gifts, is also an ultimate healer.

I have taken people with full blown aids and exposed them to all six of these ultimate healers: mind, earth, air, water, fire, and spiritual community and watched all their symptoms disappear in only a few weeks. This basic repertoire can perhaps heal anything. Usually, it is predictable, but sometimes it is not, so nothing can be promised or claimed. We just have to experiment and see what happens.

The mind has amazing healing powers.

Diet and fasting have amazing healing powers.

Conscious connected breathing is a basic and amazing healer.

Simple hydrotherapy has healing powers we are just discovering.

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Just sitting with an open fire, a simple campfire, or a fire in your barbecue, can heal very difficult conditions.

And the power of a loving and present group of people has amazing healing powers.

If only one of these methods can heal by itself, imagine what using them all at the same time can do. You w i l l neve r know, un t i l you experiment with them.


Will these ideas work for me for a few hundred years? You will have to stick around to find out!

How many enlightened beings will it take to save or enlighten the rest of humanity and establish Heaven on Earth? Are you doing your part?

There is no conflict with the past and present approaches, because all the unhealed stuff keeps poking its ugly head into the present, as emotional pain or physical symptoms. If we are able to heal this pain and symptoms, we usually are healing the past. Relating immoral acts hundreds or thousands of years in our past to present emotional pains or physical symptoms is sometimes not that easy. Sometimes it is plain as day. We usually are not accustomed to thinking that an inconsiderate act or immoral act committed centuries ago can produce a specific physical disease or symptom in this totally innocent body. If you are not already perfect, maybe you should question yourself with this thought. What is obvious, is that we have to eventually heal our unconscious minds.

If you are already perfect, perhaps you can make life easier for someone else?

I have learned from Babaji, that ancient acts can and do produce specific symptoms. He specifically told me that the cause of very specific symptoms I am working with is very, very ancient. I can only discover through meditation the harm I did to others or stupid actions I did to myself long ago that produced the symptoms I have today, and increase my meritorious actions. Unfortunately, justice is also an Eternal quality of God – the Infinite, Eternal Spirit. There is also forgiveness, or as Jesus says, Repentance, and as the Buddhists say, our merits in this life can pay for our

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demerits in previous lives. Sooner or later, we have to even the score, if we like to be happy, healthy, prosperous, and perfect. Clearing the unconscious mind is called spiritual liberation. The problem is that we have no way of knowing how long it will take, when we commit to our total healing and complete spiritual liberation.

We can believe that peace and happiness happens automatically when we are in the transcendental state, but sooner or later we have to leave this state and live in our mind and deal with its consequences. We can experience bliss in the transcendental state and live in it temporarily. Our mind contains all of our causes in the whole history of our soul. Theoretically, we can avoid our karma forever, but do you know anyone who has? Regression may be the cure for suppression. We can suppress out past to a point, but ultimately we have to face it and clear it. Today, we have amazing resources to do this, but we have to actually use them.

The last time Heaven on Earth was established, was by Ram and Sita, 130,000 years ago. It is a good idea to read this great Ramayana scripture! The science and technology then, was far advanced over ours today. It was a more spiritual science. It was based more on truth, simplicity, and love. But even Ram had to pay for a mistake he did in anger thousands of years earlier. He killed a Brahmans’ wife while on a military mission, chasing and killing a demon while being possessed by anger. Although Ram and Sita lived together on earth for 10,000 years, they had to be separated for 1000 years to pay for this act done in anger, as well as other misfortunes in his life.

At one point in the story, Sita says to Hanuman, “In minutes, an act done in anger can ruin the virtue of a lifetime.”

Neither Ram nor Sita died, but ascended in different ways. You can read the story to get the details.

About Heaven on Earth, the Ramayana says that there was peace and prosperity for over ten thousand years and that children did not die for ten thousand years. Ponder that. Everyone knew that death was optional and they lived as long as they desired. This period actually lasted over 50 to 100 thousand years. The next crisis was the civilization of Atlantis. But extended longevity lasted until the biblical period, when people were still living 500 to 1000 years, and ended with Noah in the West and the War of Immortals and

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Krishna in the East, 5000 years ago. Since then, eating dead animals and death have been popular, along with other unconscious lifestyles.

Reading this great Scripture of the Ramayana is a good idea.

Even the Devil has to pay. The Shiva Purana says, that even Incarnations of Shiva have to pay for their mistakes. God Himself has to suffer, when He violates the fundamental laws of reality and ethics, which are truth, simplicity, and love. Harmonizing love with justice is as difficult as educating humans, and balancing permanence and change. God always has to deal with our idiocy.

I have a friend who says that creating humans was God’s biggest mistake. If so, He has been paying at least with patience for millions of years. If we are in the Age of Truth and evolving into the next period of Heaven on Earth, most people seem to be unconscious about it. But it could be happening anyway and one day we will wake up and realize what Babaji is doing in the environment of our civilization and history.

More people die in auto accidents than wars today. More people die in hospitals of causes of their own creation. We have an abundance of governments that tend to check each other’s abuses. And in each country, the abundance of power centers which we sometimes call special interests, also check each other. We have an amazing amount of non-profit organizations with humanitarian motives that are working for the common good.

Tracing out cause and effect relationships is the job of Yoga, the science of Life. This is the eternal job of the mind. Introducing a constant inflow of new, higher quality thoughts and actions is the joy of the mind and the cause and substance of our everlasting life.


At the beginning, I referred to the Vedic Masters, which includes the Rishis who are still around, from the beginning of time. They are participating in the physical universe for a few billion years, some still on planet Earth. There key word is austerities, which means spiritual purification practices. Sometimes, the word penance is used, but it is less clear. The real meaning is mastering the physical senses. Obviously,

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mastering the body means mastering the physical senses, instead of being mastered by them.

We are doing this temporarily when we go into silence or meditation or the transcendental state for a few minutes. But what about mastering food, sex, sleep, etc., totally. What does this actually mean? Common sense tells us that we have to do enough to keep Spirit, Mind, and Body together. But many monks and hermits don’t make it. They just become socially retarded, mentally retarded, and maybe even spiritually regarded, and use austerities to commit suicide.

Austerities are the source of great power and powers, but they have to be balanced with common sense. We are always bouncing back and forth between the void and full participation. This flexibility is a part of mastery. Rigidity is death.

One of the great and famous Taoist Masters had a big problem with sex. He solved his problem by living in a brothel for several years. All the ladies fell in love with him and competed for the privilege of making love to him. When he had his fill and learned what he had to learn, he completed his perfection and became immortal. Babaji says, “Too much pleasure can turn into pain.” This is true with food as well as sex. Did you ever eat too much delicious food?

Reading the biographies of the Vedic Masters is amazingly helpful. Reading about all of Babaji’s incarnations is amazingly helpful, like in volume 3 of the Shiva Purana. His participation is always going on.

My point is that I am still a beginner. I am glad that I have another 50 years to learn more. I point you to the real sources of total body mastery. There is nothing like this great literature.

On the other hand, maybe we already have a foundation that will carry us across the ocean of existence, if we are able to stay conscious and use the good stuff to keep our head above water. If this is the way it turns out, we already became immortal, we just didn’t realize it. We may be immortal now, but the certainty and abilities have yet to appear and become normal.

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Our thoughts create our reality. Are we conscious of our thoughts 1% of the time or 99% of the time, or 50% of the time? Do we know what thoughts we had long ago and what their effects are in the now?

Is there danger in not having any danger? Do we require dangers to motivate us? Is Heaven on Earth dangerous?

As long as we feel good, we have a tendency to neglect our thoughts. We can unconsciously drift into innocence, from innocence into ignorance, and recreate the drama all over again. Innocence is not mastery. Staying conscious, after achieving total healing, is our eternal game. Conscious individuality. Choosing our reality. Living not by necessity. Being free. Full participation. Free conscious artistic self-expression is the ultimate purpose of Life. What does this mean to you?

This great game is ok, if we are dwelling in the transcendental state, and watching the drama engulfed in our bliss. Being able to think and participate fully in life, without losing the transcendental state, may be the practical goal of life. Staying connected to Babaji and Source is the ultimate secret to body mastery. This kind of dependency is total freedom and power. This is Oneness.

Both, permanence and change, are real. There has to be something there, in order to have something to change. Change seems to be built into everything. Some things just change faster than others. Permanence is dependent upon the choices of the Infinite, Eternal Spirit, also like change. We, as participants in permanence and change, can participate as much or as little as we like in this process. And we can sometimes be influenced by every other entity that participates in the permanence-change process. We are all participating in the Oneness. Oneness is underneath the whole process and is constant. Time is the relative measurement of permanence and change. Space is the medium of this action and is created by the existence or relationships of forms and events, and our interpretation of them.

Physical immortality can never be achieved in the sense that the end of immortality never comes. We can never say we made it. We can only say, “We are making it.” But many states of body mastery can be achieved in the sense that our body becomes the servant of our choices. We did make it to

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this moment in eternity. How much can we control the next moment? And the infinite succession of moments that keep coming? What if we are already immortal and don’t know it? What is the quality of this immortality? Are we enjoying it?

If we heal the death urge and have a healthy lifestyle, the alternative to physical immortality is ascension or transfiguration – to dematerialize the body and go wherever we like. Death is not the only way to get into what is called the other worlds of Spirit, and leave planet Earth. But we can remember that we are in the world of Spirit all the time – at least in the Reality of Spirit, if not another world. All worlds consist of only Energy, Thought, and Form. Why do we think one world is better than another? Is heaven better than Earth? The great immortals who have been here for hundreds of years, like Sufis in Iran or Tibetian Buddhist, like Nagarjuna, for example; or for thousands of years, like Gorakhnath and Bhartriji; or even millions of years like Agastyar and Thirumoolar, are living their full potential in SPIRIT, MIND, AND BODY. They are living in the world of Spirit here on Earth.

Are you the master of your body or its victim? Are you the master of your mind or its victim? In Spirit, all things are possible. The Spirit is always constant. Going to another place in Spirit, doesn’t make things better, until your mind changes. Form is created by the mind. Who is the source of your problems? In a democracy, you are the source of money and government. Money is ones and zeroes. Government is agreements of individuals that we believe in. It doesn’t really exist, apart from you and one other person who works in the job that you created for them.

Spiritual enlightenment means that Energy becomes what it thinks about. What is your Energy thinking about right now? Are you in charge of the next ‘right now’? And the one after that?


Myself, and other high quality Rebirther Breathworkers, have lots of experience with healing all kinds of particular things. Consult us, if you would like to make your process a little easier. High quality Breathworkers who are in process of taking five or ten clients each week through ten high quality sessions, are perhaps doing more for Heaven on Earth than anyone.

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But our political participation is also essential. The quality of our political environment is important. Attending city council meetings or county board meetings and offering our high quality ideas is essential. We can also write our state reps and congress persons monthly, and other elected representatives. This is a normal part of a conscious person’s life. It is basic citizen responsibility. Real human contact is important. We can use the internet, but real human contact often works much better.

Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Purification, and Spiritual Community include it all, and it is the easy way to Body, Mind, and Soul Mastery, even World Mastery. Remember, the Spirit is the master of all. If we are One with the Spirit, why not do it all? We have no idea of the extent of our Power. We just have to use it!

The One Year Seminar is one of the best ideas I ever thought of. My 9 Day Training usually produces an abundance of miracles, and some people have participated in it dozens of times. Then there are the annual Conventions of RBI. At least, you can participate in this. It happens for two weeks each year in Virginia and one week in several other countries. Check the schedule of events here www.rebirthingbreathwork.com.

Finally, Babaji said that the mantra OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA is the supreme mantra. Working with it creates wonders. OM means Infinite Being, Namaha means Infinite Manifestation, Shivaiya means Infinite Intelligence. It is difficult to think of more basic or powerful words. These words are a wonderful source of continuous high quality thoughts. This is Babaji’s supreme name and it is our supreme name. It is good to remember it often. When we remember it continually, it tends to lift us into Heaven on Earth and keep us there. Om is the transcendental state of bliss. Shivaiya is our personal connection to Infinite Intelligence that keeps everything in order. Namaha is the Infinite Energy in manifestation that maintains the harmonious perfection of our Body and our affairs and the Universe. Energy, Thought, and Form is all there is.

He also gave many other great mantras, like Jai Maha Maya Ki, Bhole Baba Ki Jai, Hare Krishna and Sita-Ram mantras, the Gayatri mantra, the Mrityunjaya mantra and others. We can use Om Jesus Christ, Jai Jesus Christ, Allah is Great and Merciful. We can create new favorites.

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Here is one I created for body mastery: “I am alive now, therefore, my life urges must be stronger than my death urges. As long as I continue to strengthen my life urges and weaken my death urges, I will go on living in more health and youthfulness.”

This is called the I AM ALIVE NOW AFFIRMATION.

Here are a few others that I like:








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Inspiration University is the name I gave to the RBI Training Center in the late 70’s. It would be nice to build this university into the greatest university in the world. It perhaps already is. It already exists in many countries all over the world, but our Virginia Campus could be bigger and serve more people. The quality of our curriculum and professors is amazing. And professors and students of other universities come to I. U. to learn what is hard to find anywhere else. They learn real abilities and powers, not just theories. People of all kinds of work and professions come to Inspiration University and are amazed at their experiences here. Some continue their study part-time or full-time, year after year.

I have done my best to give you immortal energy and information. This is my contribution to you. You are not obligated to reward me, but you may. Take a look at the value you have received from this article or book. Then look at what you are able and willing to contribute. Then send it to me with joy and generosity.

I also encourage you to make copies of this book and give them away or sell them. I am enthusiastic about you earning as much money from these ideas as you like. You can send donations as my royalty. I trust you. This is the best way I can think of to get this information to people. You can also give lectures and workshops on these ideas. I would like to see you get rich, as well as healthy and enlightened from my ideas.

It would be good to have a multi-million dollar grant to expand this School of Life. In the meantime, those of you who have experienced its value are invited to support us, even if it is only through rewarding us as a result of this article or booklet. The more small supporters we have, the more big supporters we have also. You support means a lot. I myself would like to do more meditation and less trainings, but I am committed to paying off the real estate of the Inspiration University Training Campus. I also have maintained our generous scholarship policy for 40 years. Subsidizing the healing and training of others is my favorite charity. It will be great when the members or fans of these ideas and movement can take over this responsibility or support it with an abundance of gifts.

Send your donations and tithes to: Inspiration University or RBI, or to Leonard D. Orr, personally, if you prefer. Address: P.O. Box 1026, Staunton, VA 24402 (USA). Or by Paypal, to: [email protected]. Some people send $10

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or more per month. Some people send gifts of thousands – it all counts and has a wonderful effect. We have a lot of adult education to do.

And remember to attend the 9 Day Training as often as you like and can. Each time you do, you can watch the quality of your life improve in every dimension of our Divine-Human Existence. Our normal cycle starts on Saturday morning, so people usually come on Friday or before, and it ends on Sunday of the following weekend. It is possible to come for one to nine days, or longer. Some people come for 5 days. We are flexible and ready to serve. Our three week professional training in Breathwork and Alternative Healing is very popular. You can enrich your career, or start a new one. Many participants heal themselves in either training.

Every person we train here, at I.U. and around the world, supports your quality of Life on this planet. You cannot support us or participate with us without supporting yourself and your own prosperity and aliveness, physical health, and political well-being. Inspiration University is advanced adult education. We also like child students, but we like to work with the parents first.

I am enthusiastic about this interesting and creative idea: if you like this article, I give you permission to make copies and sell them or give them away. My copyright is open and free. You can send me a donation if you like, for my royalty. I support your prosperity and the health and wholesomeness of the people in your environment. Have fun with this idea and all the good ideas in the article. Tell your local printer I give you this permission and here it is in print as proof. Feel free to translate it into any language that you like.

I will enjoy watching your spiritual progress and success expand, so please keep me informed.

What do you think would happen to you if you read this article every day for a month, or even once per year? I am amazed at how much healing and improvement I have received while writing it for the last few weeks.

I think I will keep reading it and teaching it myself!



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[email protected]

Just say ‘gift’ or ‘body mastery’ in your email subject. But I also like basic news of you and your Life.

I enjoy hearing from you. Even though I have millions of students of my ideas, I usually am able to answer all my emails and letters personally. This is because what I teach is so basic and fundamental, it tends to make people self-sufficient. So they don’t contact me often. I enjoy your self-sufficiency and I like to hear from you by either email or snail mail.


Leonard D. Orr

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