BOILING HEAT TRANSFER MODULE Objectives 1- Un derstand t he boi li ng conce pt by us in g R141 b and heat i t by electrical source and the heat transfer concept between heat source and used liquid 2- Iden ti fy the heat u x and heat trans fer coe c ient at constant pressure - Understand the idea of !xing pressure in the boiler by balancing bet ween e"a por ated liquid and condensed "apour# Theory $hen boiling occurs on a solid surface at low superheat% bubbles can be seen to for& repeate dly at preferr ed positions called nucleation sites# 'ucleate boiling can occur in (ool )oiling#  *he approach to &odeling of nucleate boiling at low wall superheats has been to try to understand separately how &any nucleation sites are acti"e at a speci!ed superheat% how bubbles grow and depart and how they inuence heat transfer # +echanis&s of heat transfer in nucleate boiling, In nucleate boiling% the bubbles so&ehow greatly reduce the ther&al resistance that occurs close to the wall in heat transfer to a single- phase liquid# *he &echanis&s of heat re&o"a l fr o& the wall% su&&aried in .ig ure /10% are generally supposed to be, 1- conducti on across t he " ery th in &icro layers u nder g ro wi ng bubbles 2- quenching by relati"el y cold bul liquid &o"ing towards the wall as bubbles round o3 and detach% &odeled by transient conduction into the liquid fro& areas of inuence on the wall about four ti&es the &axi&u& contact area of the bubbles - further locali ed co n"ecti "e c ooli ng by th e &oti on of bul l iqui d in the waes of departing bubbles 4- a general increase in turbulence in the liquid close to the wall#

Boiling Heat Transfer Module

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