Bones Of Head & Neck 1 Prof. Dr. Motaz Shieban Oncology Surgeon, General Surgeon Teacher of Anatomy & Surgery

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Frontal (Coronal) Sagittal Squamous Lambdoid Sutures

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Bones Of Head & Neck 1 Prof. Dr. Motaz Shieban Oncology Surgeon, General Surgeon Teacher of Anatomy & Surgery Sutures o Sutures Immovable joints that join skull bones together o Form boundaries between skull bones o Four sutures: o Coronal between parietal and frontal o Sagittal between parietal bones o Lambdoid between the parietal and occipital o Squamous between the parietal and temporal Fontanels usually ossify by 2 years of age Frontal (Coronal) Sagittal Squamous Lambdoid Sutures skull = 22 bones cranium = 8 bones: frontal, occipital, 2 temporals, 2 parietals, sphenoid and ethmoid facial bones = 14 bones: nasals, maxillae, zygomatics, mandible, lacrimals, palatines, inferior nasal conchae, vomer. skull forms a larger cranial cavity -also forms the nasal cavity, the orbits, paranasal sinuses mandible and auditory ossicles are the only movable skull bones cranial bones also: attach to membranes called meninges -stabilize positions of the brain, blood vessels -outer surface provides large areas for muscle attachment that move the head or provide facial expressions The Adult Skull Frontal Parietal Temporal Zygoma Nasal Vomer Maxilla Mandible Frontal View Frontal Nasal Zygoma Maxilla Mandible Parietal Sphenoid Temporal Occipital External Auditory Meatus Mastoid Process Lateral View 14 Facial Bones Nasal (2) Maxillae (2) Zygomatic (2) Mandible (1) Lacrimal (2) Palatine (2) Inferior nasal conchae (2) Vomer (1) Sectional Anatomy of the Skull Paranasal Sinuses o part of the nasal complex o Paired cavities in ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal and maxillary o Lined with mucous membranes and open into nasal cavity though openings called ostia o Resonating chambers for voice, lighten the skull o Sinusitis is inflammation of the membrane (allergy) o infection can easily spread from one sinus to the other through the nasal cavity o can also spread to other tissues frontal sinuses frontal sinuses sphenoid sinuses sphenoid sinuses ethmoid sinuses ethmoid sinuses maxillary maxillary Major cavities of Skull 11 Views of the Skull and Landmark Features 12 Views of the Skull and Landmark Features 13 Views of the Skull and Landmark Features 14 Anterior View of the Skull 15 Anterior View of the Skull 16 Superior View of the Skull 17 Posterior View of the Skull 18 Lateral View of the Skull 19 Sagittal Section 20 Inferior View of the Skull 21 Superior View of the Skull 22 Craniosynostosis 23 Passageways within The Skull 24 Passageways within The Skull 25