Book 1 - General Review Exercises

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  • 8/13/2019 Book 1 - General Review Exercises


    General Review ExercisesBook 1

    I- Complete the sentences with the correct Word (Object Pronoun or Possessive Pronoun)






    1- Robert is not here. Lets call ___________ .2- Is that your book? No, thats not __________.3- Which sweater is _____________? Mine is the blue one.4- There is homework for next class. Do _________, please!5- Im feeling sick. Please, talk to the doctor. Call _________.6- My parents are here. Please, open the door for _______________.7- Is this his laptop? No, thats _____________ (Mary).8- John and I are busy right now. Im talking to _______ about our business.

    II- Complete with ONE when necessary:

    EX: This car is expensive but that ONE is cheap. (to avoid repetition of the word car)

    1- That pillow is beautiful but this _________________ is ugly.

    2- My car is American but my bike _______________ is Chinese.

    3- Those couches are comfortable and this ______________ is, too.

    4- His living room is big and his kitchen _______________ is, too.5- Their flowers are pink and mine _______________ are, too.

    6- Those houses are old but this ___________________ is new.

    7- Our grapes are sweet but theirs__________________ arent.

    8- Is this your motorcycle? No, mine is that __________.

    III- Mark the correct answer:

    1- His jacket is blue, but ________________ is red.

    A) my

    B) mine

    C) our

    D) her

    2- _________________________ 2 girls in the classroom.

    A) There are a

    B) There are

    C) There is

    D) There is a

    3- John and Mary are married. _________________________ house is big!

    A) John and Marys

    B) Johns and Marys

    C) The John and the MaryD) John and Mary

  • 8/13/2019 Book 1 - General Review Exercises


    4- My house is clean. It isnt ____________________.




    D) dirty

    5- January is _________________ month of the year.

    A) the frist

    B) first

    C) the first

    D) the one first

    6- Where is your father?

    A) Right now.

    B) At home.

    C)The tall man.

    D) In the morning.

    7- The sky is beautiful today. ______________ is my favorite color.

    A) Yellow

    B) Blue

    C) Green

    D) Black

    8- ________________ singer is your favorite? Madonna or Cher?

    A) Where

    B) Which

    C) Who

    D) Whose

    9- ___________________ is it? US$10.00.

    A)How old

    B) How many

    C) How much

    D) What

    10- Its 12:47.

    A) Its forty-seven to twelve.

    B) Its thirteen to one.

    C) Its thirteen to twelve

    D)Its forty-seven past one.

  • 8/13/2019 Book 1 - General Review Exercises


    IV- Look at the picture:

    Now, respond the sentences about their possessions using their names (Angelina/Brad)

    Ex: Whose car is this? This is Angelina and Brads car.

    1- Whose daughter is she?


    2- Whose babies are these?


  • 8/13/2019 Book 1 - General Review Exercises


    3- Whose car is this?


    4- Whose car is that?


    6- Whose house is that?


  • 8/13/2019 Book 1 - General Review Exercises


    V-Ask questions about the underlined parts of the sentences:

    1- There are two people in my apartment now.

    1 2



    2- My mother is cooking lunch in the kitchen now.

    1 2



    3- The doctor and the nurse are operating on the patient now.

    1 2



    4- We arent at the office.1


    5- The blue jacket is US$300.00.

    1 2



    6- This car is Johns and Marys.



    7- This is a laptop.



    8- John and Mary are talking in the living room now.

    1 2 3




    VI- Transform the sentences to interrogative or negative-interrogative:

    1- The yellow sofa is a cheap sofa.

    2- There arent any people in my apartment now.

    3- My grandparents are going to the club now.

    4- Its raining now.

  • 8/13/2019 Book 1 - General Review Exercises


    5- We arent in our bathroom now.

    6- Its important to be on time.

    7- Its sunny today.

    8- Paul and Helens car is a rip-off.

    9- Their friends are hard-working.

    VII- Complete the dialogs with POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES (my,your, his, her, our, their, its) or

    POSSESSIVE PRONOUN (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its) or POSSESSIVE CASE (s / ):

    A- Hi! Whats your name?

    B- _______ name is Bob Oakwood. What about _______________?

    A- ____________ is Joshua Mendez. Is that beautiful car ________________?

    B- No, that car isnt _______________. Its ___________________ (my friend).

    A- Oh, ok! Good for him!

    A- Whats ______________________________ (your girlfriend) profession?

    B- She is a dentist and en English student at BRASAS.

    A- Is ___________ office big?

    B- Yes, _____________________________ (my girlfriend) office is big and quiet. She is very

    competent. What about ________________ girlfriend? Whats __________ profession?

    A- ________________ is a school teacher. She is very patient and hard-working.

    VIII- Fill in the blanks with opposites:

    Ugly x ___________________

    Competent x ____________________

    Dirty x ____________________

    Sloppy x ____________________

    Lazy x ____________________

    Hot x ____________________

    Tall x ____________________

    New x ____________________

    Responsible x ____________________

    Polite x ____________________

    Honest x ____________________

    IX- Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word (Attention to vocabulary):

    1- ______________________ is the pen? US$2.00.

    2- Its __________today! Lets go to the club!

    3- Please _____________ the window. Its cold!

    4- Dont __________________ the air conditioner. Its hot!

    5- What ____________ is it? Its 3pm.

    6- My fathers son is my ___________________.

  • 8/13/2019 Book 1 - General Review Exercises


    7- His fathers father is his ______________________.

    8- Today is Johns birthday. _________________ call him!

    9- What are you reading? A ____________________________.

    10- This apartment is small but that one is _________________.

    11- Those children are young but their grandparents are ________________.

    12- Sorry! Thats __________.13- Thank you for the present. ___________________________________________.

    14- Is he happyat work? __________!