Girish Kasaravalli Film Festival 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 July 2015 Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Bengaluru Presents • Gulabi Talkies • Naayi Neralu • Kraurya • Thayi Saheba • Ghatashraddha • Tabarana Kathe • Dweepa • Kanasembo Kudureyaneri • Haseena • Koormavatara All are cordially Invited Venue : Khincha Auditorium, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Race Course Road, Bengaluru - 560 001 Photo Exhibition on Girish Kasaravalli organised by Sri. K.S. Rajaram, Noted Photographer

Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha

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Page 1: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha

Girish Kasaravalli Film Festival

25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 July 2015

Bharatiya Vidya BhavanBharatiya Vidya BhavanBharatiya Vidya BhavanBengaluru





All are cordially Invited



Page 2: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha

GirishKasaravalliGirish Kasaravalli (December 3, 1950) is a �ilm director of theKannada cinema, and a pioneer of the parallel cinemamovement.Knowninternationally,hehaswontheNationalFilmAwardforBestFeature Film four times - Ghatashraddha (1977), Tabarana Kathe(1986),ThaayiSaheba(1997)andDweepa(2002). In2011,hewasawardedPadmaShri,thefourthhighestcivilianawardbyGovernmentofIndia.

AgoldmedalistfromtheFilmandTelevisionInstituteofIndia,Pune,Kasaravalli started his career in �ilmswithGhatashraddha (1977).Overthenext30yearshedirected11�ilmsandateleserial.The�ilmhemadetoful�illhisdiploma,Avashesh,wasawardedtheBestStudentFilmandtheNationalFilmAwardforBestShortFictionFilmforthatyear.HehasreceivedthirteenNationalFilmAwards.


Page 3: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha



10.30a.m. Inauguration: Smt.Umashri Hon’bleMinisterforKannadaandCulture, WomenandChildDevelopment,Govt.ofKarnataka

ChiefGuests: Dr.L.Hanumanthaiah,ExMLC, Chairman,KannadaDevelopmentAuthority




11.30a.m. Screeningof‘GulabiTalkies’

1.30p.m. Discussionon‘GulabiTalkies’

Participants: Sri.ManuM.Baligar ChiefExe.Of�icer,RoerichandDevikaRaniRoerichEstate

Sri.GirishKasaravalli, NationalAwardWinningDirector

2.30p.m. Introductionto‘NaayiNeralu’ bySri.Shadakshari.S. FounderChairman,RamanashreeGroup

3.00p.m. Screeningof‘NaayiNeralu’

5.30p.m. Introductionto‘Kraurya’ bySri.Jogi,SeniorJournalist

6.00p.m. Screeningof‘Kraurya’


Page 4: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha

Gulabi Talkies is a 2008 Indian Kannada language�ilmbyacclaimedIndiandirectorGirishKasaravalli.It is based on a short story by the same name byKannadawriterVaidehi.





membersofafamilydealingwithaverybizarresituation.Buttheinnerthemeis much more complex and can be analyzed in many dimensions. It is aculminationofmanyaspectsof life:humanrelationships,manandsociety,multipleperspectivesonasituation,andsoon.Eachoftheprotagonistslookatthesituationthewaytheywantto.


The title inKannada literallymeans "cruelty".ThecastincludesRenukammaMurgodintheleadroleasRangajji, with supporting roles portrayed by


GulabiTalkiesJuly 25, 11.30am

NaayiNeraluJuly 25, 2.30pm

KrauryaJuly 25, 6.00pm

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Page 5: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha


10.30a.m. ‘Masterclass’withclippsofKasaravalli�ilms

Participants: Sri.B.Suresha NationalAwardWinningDirector


1.30p.m. Screeningof‘ThayiSaheba’

3.30p.m. Discussionon‘ThayiSaheba’

Participants: Prof.N.ManuChakravarthy, NationalAwardWinningFilmCritic

Dr.M.S.AshaDevi, AssociateProfessorandCritic


5.30p.m. Introductionto‘Ghatashraddha’ bySri.G.S.Bhaskar, AwardWinningCinematographer

6.00p.m. Screeningof‘Ghatashraddha’


ThayiSahebaJuly 26, 1.30pm

ThayiSaheba,releasedin1997isdirectedbyGirishKasaravalli. The �ilm is based on the story of aBrahmin family during the pre independence andpostindependenceperiodsofIndia.Theplotsubjectwashighlycomplexandhandlingsuchan intricatethemeandadaptingittocelluloidwasadif�iculttask.Jayamala's performance as Thaayi Saheba waswidely appreciated. The climax was yet another


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Page 6: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha

3.30p.m. Screeningof‘TabaranaKathe’ 5.00p.m. Discussionon‘TabaranaKathe’

Participants: Dr.H.S.RaghavendraRao, RenownedLiteraryCritic

Prof.M.H.Krishnaiah, RenownedScholar

Sri.GirishKasaravalli5.30p.m. Introductionto‘Dweepa’

Sri.Avinash, CineArtist

Sri.PuttaswamyK., NationalAwardWinningFilmCritic

6.00p.m. Screeningof‘Dweepa’


GhatashraddhaJuly 26, 6.00pm

It is Girish Kasaravalli's �irst feature �ilm in 1977,starring Meena Kuttappa, Naraya Bhat and AjithKumar in lead roles. It is based on a novella byeminentKannadawriterU.R.Ananthamurthy.The�ilm won three awards at the 25th National FilmAwards.ItwontheawardforBestFeatureFilm,BestMusic Direction and Best Child Artist. A young


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Page 7: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha

Tabarana Kathe (1987) was based on a short

story of the same name by Poornachandra

Tejaswi. It won Karnataka State Film Awards


Feature Film & Best Actor - Charuhasan.


government servant in the rank of a watchman. Tabara Shetty serves the

government till his retirement.Butproblemsemergeafterhis retirement.






DweepaJuly 27, 6.00pm


name by Na D'Souza, and starring Soundarya


raging issue of building dams and the

displacement of natives. Located in the

backwatersofadam,SitaParvata isan island





compensationgivenby thegovernment.Theyhavebuta smallhut,which

earns them a compensation of ₹25,000. In Ganapa's own words, the








TabaranaKatheJuly 27, 3.30pm

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Page 8: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha

3.30p.m. Screeningof‘KanasemboKudureyaneri’

5.00p.m. Discussionon ‘KanasemboKudureyaneri’

Participants: SriSheshadri NationalAward-winningDirector


5.30p.m. Introductionto‘Haseena’ bySri.I.M.VittalaMurthy,IAS Retd.PrincipalSecretary,Govt.ofKarnataka

Sri.Haneef Editor,SudhaMagazine

6.00p.m. Screeningof‘Haseena’


KanasemboKudureyaneriJuly 28, 3.30pm

KanasemboKudureyaneriisa2010�ilm;basedon an anthology of short stories written byAmaresh Nudgoni titled Savari, starringVaijanath Biradar, Umashree and SadashivBrahmavar in lead roles. The �ilm received

positive reviews from �ilm critics. It won several national andinternationalawards.ItwontheNationalFilmAwardforBestScreenplayandtheNationalFilmAwardforBestFeatureFilminKannadaof2010.The �irsthalf of the �ilmmayhaveyou raiseyourbrowsat Irya's andRudri'sdreamsandfaith,thesecondhalfsetsouttosuggestthatwhatmaylooksuperstitioustoonemaybeawayoflifetotheother.Italsoshowshowsometimeswhatlooksrealmaybeunrealandviceversa,andthatwithfaithinourbeliefs,wecanachieveanything.

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Page 9: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha

HaseenaJuly 28, 6.00pm

Haseena(2004),basedonthestoryKariNagaragalubyKannadawriterBanuMushtaq, looks atHasina(Taara)whomarriesautodriverYakub(ChandrahasUllal)againsthismother'swishes.ThecouplehavethreedaughtersthevisuallyimpairedMunni,Shubbyand Habeeb. Pregnant with their fourth child, thecouplebreaksocialcodesanddoapregnancyscanto

ascertain thebaby's gender.WhenYakub realises it is yet anothergirl, hebecomesatturnsabusiveandneglectful,eventuallyleavingHasinatofendforherself.Taara,wonthedistinguishedNationalFilmAwardforBestActressforher role. The �ilm has won National Film Awards for Best Actress, BestCostumeDesignandBestFilmonFamilyWelfare

3.30p.m. Screeningof‘Koormavatara’

5.00p.m. Discussionon‘Koormavatara’

Participants: Dr.C.N.Ramachandran RenownedLiteraryCritic


5.45p.m. ValedictoryProgramme

ChiefGuests: Prof.G.K.GovindaRao Writer&RenownedActor

Sri.GirishKasaravalli, NationalAwardWinningDirector

6.15p.m. ScreeningofDocumentary�ilm:Images/Re�lections-AjourneyintotheimageryofAdoorGopalakrishnan


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Page 10: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha


AJourneyintoAdoor’sImagery”.July 29, 6.00pm

Kasaravalli’s 90-minute documentary on




scriptwriter, and producer. Adoor Gopalakrishnan had a major role in

revolutionizing Malayalam cinema and is regarded as one of the �inest







seventeen times and has won several international awards. He won the

prestigious British Film Institute award for Elippathayam (1981). Adoor

received the Padma Shri in 1984 and the PadmaVibhushan in 2006. The

nationhonouredAdoorforhisvaluablecontributionsto Indiancinemaby



KoormavataraJuly 29, 3.30pm

Koormavatara (2011) is a �ilm, based on a


with the same name. The cast includes Dr.

Shikaripura Krishnamurthy, Jayanthi, HG

SomasekharaRaoandGoaDatthu andreceived

positive reviews from the �ilm critics. It won


BestFeatureFilminKannadafortheyear2012. Rao,whoisattheedgeof


Gandhi in a television serial. Unknowingly the qualities of Gandhiji gets


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Page 11: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha

Dear Patron,

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, founded in 1938 by the illustrious philosopher-statesman, thinker, writer and Father of the Indian Cultural Renaissance, Dr. K.M. Munshi, with the blessings of Mahatma Gandhi, has emerged as the largest National Institution with an international outlook totally apolitical and by virtue of its contributions in its chosen area of service, come to be recognized by the Government of India as “An Institution of National Eminence” It was awarded the Gandhi Peace Prize for 2002.

The continued and enthusiastic support, assistance and active participation of good friends of your stature, has helped the Bhavan to grow, against all vicissitudes, and establish 120 Kendras, 7 Overseas Centres and 395 constituent Institutions. In the education field itself it has come to be recognized and preferred as a premier educational institution of the country with over 2,20,000 students benefiting annually nationwide. Its publications numbering 2000 as of now, authored by thinkers, philosophers, saints, scientists and historians are finding their place in houses and libraries throughout the world.

It brings out Bhavan’s Journal, the English fortnightly, Navneet, a Hindi monthly, Navneet Samarpan, a Gujarati monthly, Samvid, a Sanskrit quarterly and Bharatiya Vidya, a research journal and Dimdima, a children’s magazine.

In Dr. Munshi’s words, “The Bhavan is growing because it is ceaselessly striving to satisfy to some extent the hunger created by our renaissance in sensitive minds to recapture the fundamental values of our culture in a from suited to modern conditions, cutting across political, religious and socio-economic barriers.”

Bhavan upholds our ancient concepts :

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - “The world is one family”

Sarva Dharma Samabhav - Equal respect for all religions and Aa no bhadraah Kratavoyantu vishwatah - “Let noble thoughts come to us from every side”.

The above connotations vindicate unequivocally the catholicity of mind, the democratic fibre and the secularistic character enshrined in our culture from time immemorial.

We therefore invite you to join us in continuing this pious and holy campaign and thus strengthen Bhavan’s hands in its relentless efforts.

We welcome you affectionately into the Bhavan’s family.

With warm regards.

Page 12: Book let clr - Bhavan Karnataka · 5.30 p.m. Introduction to ‘Haseena’ by Sri. I.M. Vittala Murthy, IAS Retd. Principal Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. Haneef Editor, Sudha

1. Mridanga2. Tabla3. Veena4. Violin5. Flute6. Carnatic vocal7. Hindustani vocal

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan # 43, Race Course Road, Bangalore-560001. Phone nos- 080-22267303 / 080-22267421, Email id: [email protected]: www.bhavankarnataka.com

8. Sugama Sangeetha9. Bharatanatya10. Kathak11. Drawing & Painting12. Keyboard13. Yoga & Meditation14. Bhagavadgita

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