Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur

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  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


    The Revelation of Jesus Christ


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    Unlike most books ofthe Bible, Revelation contains its own title: The Revelation of Jesus Christ

    (1:1). Revelation (Gr., apokalupsis) means an uncovering, an unveiling, or a disclosure. In

    the NT, this word describes the unveiling of spiritual truth (Rom. 16:25;Gal. 1:12;Eph. 1:17;3:3),

    the revealing of the sons of God (Rom. 8:19), Christs incarnation (Luke 2:32), and His glorious

    appearing at His second coming (2 Thess. 1:7;1 Pet. 1:7). In all its uses, revelation refers to

    something or someone, once hidden, becoming visible. What this book reveals or unveils is Jesus

    Christ in glory. Truths about Him and His final victory, that the rest of Scripture merely allude to,

    become clearly visible through revelation about Jesus Christ (see Historical and Theological

    Themes). This revelation was given to Him by God the Father, and it was communicated to the

    Apostle John by an angel (1:1).

    Author and Date

    Four times the author identifies himself as John (1:1,4,9; 22:8). Early tradition unanimously identified

    him as John the apostle, author of the fourth gospel and three epistles. For example, important second

    century witnesses to the Apostle Johns authorship include Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement of

    Alexandria, and Tertullian. Many of the books original readers were still alive during the lifetimes of

    Justin Martyr and Irenaeusboth of whom held to apostolic authorship.

    There are differences in style between Revelation and Johns other writings, but they are insignificant

    and do not preclude one man from writing both. In fact, there are some striking parallels betweenRevelation and Johns other works. Only Johns gospel and Revelation refer to Jesus Christ as the

    Word (19:13;John 1:1). Revelation (1:7) and Johns gospel (19:37) translateZech. 12:10differently

    from the Septuagint, but in agreement with each other. Only Revelation and the Gospel of John

    describe Jesus as the Lamb (5:6,8;John 1:29); both describe Jesus as a witness (cf. 1:5;John


    Revelation was written in the last decade of the first century (ca. A.D. 9496), near the end of

    Emperor Domitians reign (A.D. 8196). Although some date it during Neros reign (A.D. 5468),

    their arguments are unconvincing and conflict with the view of the early church. Writing in the

    second century, Irenaeus declared that Revelation had been written toward the end of Domitians

    reign. Later writers, such as Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Victorinus (who wrote one of the earliestcommentaries on Revelation), Eusebius, and Jerome affirm the Domitian date.
  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


    The spiritual decline of the 7 churches (chaps. 2,3) also argues for the later date. Those churches were

    strong and spiritually healthy in the mid-60s, when Paul last ministered in Asia Minor. The brief time

    between Pauls ministry there and the end of Neros reign was too short for such a decline to have

    occurred. The longer time gap also explains the rise of the heretical sect known as the Nicolaitans

    (2:6,15), who are not mentioned in Pauls letters, not even to one or more of these same churches

    (Ephesians). Finally, dating Revelation during Neros reign does not allow time for Johns ministry inAsia Minor to reach the point at which the authorities would have felt the need to exile him.

    Background and Setting

    Revelation begins with John, the last surviving apostle and an old man, in exile on the small, barren

    island of Patmos, located in the Aegean Sea southwest of Ephesus. The Roman authorities had

    banished him there because of his faithful preaching of the gospel (1:9). While on Patmos, John

    received a series of visions that laid out the future history of the world.

    When he was arrested, John was in Ephesus, ministering to the church there and in the surrounding

    cities. Seeking to strengthen those congregations, he could no longer minister to them in person and,following the divine command (1:11), John addressed Revelation to them (1:4). The churches had

    begun to feel the effects of persecution; at least one manprobably a pastorhad already been

    martyred (2:13), and John himself had been exiled. But the storm of persecution was about to break in

    full fury upon the 7 churches so dear to the apostles heart (2:10). To those churches, Revelation

    provided a message of hope: God is in sovereign control of all the events of human history, and

    though evil often seems pervasive and wicked men all powerful, their ultimate doom is certain. Christ

    will come in glory to judge and rule.

    Historical and Theological Themes

    Since it is primarily prophetic, Revelation contains little historical material, other than that in chaps.

    13. The 7 churches to whom the letter was addressed were existing churches in Asia Minor (modern

    Turkey). Apparently, they were singled out because John had ministered in them.

    Revelation is first and foremost a revelation about Jesus Christ (1:1). The book depicts Him as the

    risen, glorified Son of God ministering among the churches (1:10ff.), as the faithful witness, the

    firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth (1:5), as the Alpha and the Omega,

    the Beginning and the End (1:8), as the one who is and who was and who is to come, the

    Almighty (1:8), as the First and the Last (1:11), as the Son of Man (1:13), as the one who was dead,

    but now is alive forevermore (1:18), as the Son of God (2:18), as the one who is holy and true (3:7),

    as the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God (3:14), as theLion of the tribe of Judah (5:5), as the Lamb in heaven, with authority to open the title deed to the

    earth (6:1ff.), as the Lamb on the throne (7:17), as the Messiah who will reign forever (11:15), as the

    Word of God (19:13), as the majestic King of kings and Lord of lords, returning in glorious splendor

    to conquer His foes (19:11ff.), and as the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning

    Star (22:16).

    Many other rich theological themes find expression in Revelation. The church is warned about sin

    and exhorted to holiness. Johns vivid pictures of worship in heaven both exhort and instruct

    believers. In few other books of the Bible is the ministry of angels so prominent. Revelations

    primary theological contribution is to eschatology, i.e., the doctrine of last things. In it we learn

    about: the final political setup of the world; the last battle of human history; the career and ultimatedefeat of Antichrist; Christs 1,000 year earthly kingdom; the glories of heaven and the eternal state;

  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


    and the final state of the wicked and the righteous. Finally, only Daniel rivals this book in declaring

    that God providentially rules over the kingdoms of men and will accomplish His sovereign purposes

    regardless of human or demonic opposition.

    Interpretive Challenges

    No other NT book poses more serious and difficult interpretive challenges than Revelation. The

    books vivid imagery and striking symbolism have produced 4 main interpretive approaches:

    Thepreteristapproach interprets Revelation as a description of first century events in the Roman

    Empire (see Author and Date). This view conflicts with the books own often repeated claim to be

    prophecy (1:3; 22:7,10,18,19). It is impossible to see all the events in Revelation as

    already fulfilled. The second coming of Christ, for example, obviously did not take place in the first


    The historicistapproach views Revelation as a panoramic view of church history from apostolic

    times to the presentseeing in the symbolism such events as the barbarian invasions of Rome, therise of the Roman Catholic Church (as well as various individual popes), the emergence of Islam, and

    the French Revolution. This interpretive method robs Revelation of any meaning for those to whom it

    was written. It also ignores the time limitations the book itself places on the unfolding events (cf.

    11:2; 12:6,14; 13:5). Historicism has produced many differentand often conflicting

    interpretations of the actual historical events contained in Revelation.

    The idealistapproach interprets Revelation as a timeless depiction of the cosmic struggle between the

    forces of good and evil. In this view, the book contains neither historical allusions nor predictive

    prophecy. This view also ignores Revelations prophetic character and, if carried to its logical

    conclusion, severs the book from any connection with actual historical events. Revelation then

    becomes merely a collection of stories designed to teach spiritual truth.

    Thefuturistapproach insists that the events of chaps. 622 are yet future, and that those chapters

    literally and symbolically depict actual people and events yet to appear on the world scene. It

    describes the events surrounding the second coming of Jesus Christ (chaps. 619), the Millennium

    and final judgment (chap. 20), and the eternal state (chaps. 21,22). Only this view does justice to

    Revelations claim to be prophecy and interprets the book by the same grammatical-historical method

    as chaps. 13 and the rest of Scripture.


    I. The Things which You Have Seen (1:120)

    A. The Prologue (1:18)

    B. The Vision of the Glorified Christ (1:918)

    C. The Apostles Commission to Write (1:19, 20)

    II. The Things which Are (2:13:22)

    A. The Letter to the Church at Ephesus (2:17)

  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


    B. The Letter to the Church at Smyrna (2:811)

    C. The Letter to the Church at Pergamos (2:1217)

    D. The Letter to the Church at Thyatira (2:1829)

    E. The Letter to the Church at Sardis (3:16)

    F. The Letter to the Church at Philadelphia (3:713)

    G. The Letter to the Church at Laodicea (3:1422)

    III. The Things which Will Take Place after This (4:122:21)

    A. Worship in Heaven (4:15:14)

    B. The Great Tribulation (6:118:24)

    C. The Return of the King (19:121)

    D. The Millennium (20:110)

    E. The Great White Throne Judgment (20:1115)

    F. The Eternal State (21:122:21)

    Related Resources (free):

    Revelation, Vol. 01 (bible-book-studies) Revelation, Vol. 02 (bible-book-studies) Revelation, Vol. 03 (bible-book-studies) Revelation, Vol. 04 (bible-book-studies) Revelation, Vol. 05 (bible-book-studies) Revelation, Vol. 06 (bible-book-studies) Revelation, Vol. 07 (bible-book-studies) Revelation, Vol. 08 (bible-book-studies)

    Related Products (to purchase):

    NAS MacArthur Study Bible (Hardcover) (bibles) Revelation 1-11 Commentary (Hardcover) (commentaries) Revelation 12-22 Commentary (Hardcover) (commentaries) Revelation Study Book (Softcover) (bible-study-books) The Future of Israel (audio-series) Where in the World Is History Headed? (audio-series)
  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


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    * Actual product may appear different than the image.

    Full of shrouded prophecy and eschatological mysteries, the book of Revelation is often considered

    an enigma by scholars and lay-readers alike. Now respected preacher and Bible teacher John

    MacArthur pulls back the veil and reveals more of what Gods Word has to say to us in Revelation.

    Purchase eBook:

    Related Products (to purchase):

    Back to the Future: A Jet Tour Through Revelation (audio-series) Because the Time Is Near (Softcover) (books) Is the Doom of the World Near? (audio-lessons) MacArthur LifeWorks Library 2.0 (CD-ROM) (digital) Revelation 12-22 Commentary (Hardcover) (commentaries) Revelation Study Book (Softcover) (bible-study-books) Revelation, Vol. 01 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 02 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 03 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 04 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 05 (audio-bible-study)
  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


    Revelation, Vol. 06 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 07 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 08 (audio-bible-study) The Future of Israel (audio-series) The Rapture and the Day of the Lord (audio-series) The Second Coming (books) The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Vol. 1 (audio-series) The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Vol. 2 (audio-series) When Jesus Comes (audio-series) Where in the World Is History Headed? (audio-series)

    Related Resources (free):

    What happens to children during and after the rapture? (questions) The Revelation of Jesus Christ (bible-introductions) Fear God with All Your Heart? (bible-qna) I Stand at the Door and Knock (bible-qna) The Church List in Revelation (bible-qna) Who Are the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11? (bible-qna) Blotted Out of the Book of Life (bible-qna)


    Revelation 12-22 Commentary (Hardcover)



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    * Actual product may appear different than the image.

    Full of shrouded prophecy and eschatological mysteries, the book of Revelation is often considered

    an enigma by scholars and lay-readers alike. Now respected preacher and Bible teacher John

    MacArthur pulls backthe veil and reveals more of what Gods Word has to say to us in Revelation.

    Purchase eBook:
  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


    Related Products (to purchase):

    Back to the Future: A Jet Tour Through Revelation (audio-series) Because the Time Is Near (Softcover) (books) Is the Doom of the World Near? (audio-lessons) MacArthur LifeWorks Library 2.0 (CD-ROM) (digital) Revelation 1-11 Commentary (Hardcover) (commentaries) Revelation Study Book (Softcover) (bible-study-books) Revelation, Vol. 01 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 02 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 03 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 04 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 05 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 06 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 07 (audio-bible-study) Revelation, Vol. 08 (audio-bible-study) The Character of Scripture, Part 2 (audio-lessons) The Future of Israel (audio-series) The Rapture and the Day of the Lord (audio-series) The Second Coming (books) The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Vol. 1 (audio-series) The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Vol. 2 (audio-series) When Jesus Comes (audio-series) Where in the World Is History Headed? (audio-series)

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  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


    Revelation 1-11 Questions and Answers :-

    Related Resources (free):

    What happens to children during and after the rapture? (questions) The Revelation of Jesus Christ (bible-introductions) Fear God with All Your Heart? (bible-qna) I Stand at the Door and Knock (bible-qna) The Church List in Revelation (bible-qna) Who Are the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11? (bible-qna) Blotted Out of the Book of Life (bible-qna)

    What happens to children during and after the rapture?

    Selected ScripturesJuly 23, 2009 QA206

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    People say, "All those little kids!" Theyre beautiful and I mean, not only my three up here, but

    everybodys, they're just super little, little guys. I can appreciate the rest of the kids more than mine,

    because I dont see the other kids when theyre not like they ought to be. You know, I see them up

    here and they look, you know, all hearts and flowers and everything else. They are beautiful kids, andwe love these children, and they mean so much to us. And we say, "Well, what happens in the

    rapture?" If theyre all here singing a concert, do we all leave andtheyre just sort of standing here?

    What happens to children? Its a fair question.

    The answer to that question is that there is no Scripture that says anything in particular about children

    in the rapture. But there are some Scriptures that say something about children. There are many in the

    gospels. Jesus said regarding little children, "Of such is the..." what? "Kingdom of Heaven." Jesus

    said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not." Jesus said, "These little ones

    are mine."
  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


    Now its my personal conviction, my personal belief that in the rapture every child that is too young to

    have made a conscience, willful, rebellious, sinful rejection of Jesus Christ will be taken to be with

    the Lord. I believe that it would be just the same if a little child died before he reached that age; he

    would instantly go to be with the Lord. Davids little boy died (2 Samuel), he says, "He cannot come

    to me but I shall go to him." He knew where he was; he knew he was in the presence of God. I

    believe when the rapture happens all the little kids that are under the age where they made aconscience, willful, sinful, rebellion against God, where they willfully turned their back on him, I

    believe the Lord will just take them right with us. You say do you believe that about the children of

    the unsaved parents? Yes, thats just my personal opinion cause the Bible doesnt say. But, if Jesus

    said, "If anybody offends one of these little ones, it would be better for him..." what? "That a

    millstone were hanged around his neck and he would drown in the sea. He said if anyone offends one

    of theseMYlittle ones." I think he possesses them. I think they belong to him, and I think they will go

    in the rapture.

    Now those who have grown past the age where, or to the age where they have made a decision, I

    think if that decision has been against Christ, or if they have never come to know Christ, theyll be

    left in the rapture, and perhaps in the grace of God, be a part of the great revival that occurs after therapture, in coming to the Lord Jesus Christ. But thats the best we can do with that question. Any

    unregenerate children, who are old enough to have made that decision, and I dont know where thatage level is, but God does, will be left as any one else would who refused Christ, hopefully to open

    their heart to Christ in the great revival that occurs during the tribulation recorded in Revelation 7 and

    chapter 14 as well.

    Fear God with All Your Heart?Revelation 14July 21, 2010 BQ72110

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    And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who

    live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people; and he said with a loud

    voice, Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship

    Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters. (Revelation 14:67)

    The angels message to sinners is Fear God, and give Him glory. He will call the people of the

    world to change their allegiance from the beast to the Lamb. He will urge them to no longer fear,

    reverence, and worship Satan and Antichrist, but instead to fear, reverence, and honor God by turning
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    to His Son. As the sovereign ruler of the universe, God aloneFather, Son, and Holy Spirithas the

    right to be worshiped (19:10; 22:9;Isa. 42:8;48:11;Matt. 4:10).

    The Bible repeatedly calls people to fear God. InPsalm 111:10the psalmist declared that the fear of

    the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (cf.Prov. 1:7;9:10), whileProverbs 23:17commands, Live in

    the fear of the Lord always. A wise father counsels his son to fear the Lord and the king (Prov.24:21), while Peter exhorted his readers to Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor

    the king (1 Pet. 2:17). InMatthew 10:28Jesus warned, Do not fear those who kill the body but are

    unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. To fear

    God is to live in the reality of His holiness, His sovereignty, and His judgment of sin. It is to love

    God, respect Him, reverence Him, adore Him, hold Him in awe, and worship Him. And that can only

    be done by loving His Son the Savior(John 5:23).

    In addition to fearing God, men are to give Him glory. This requirement goes to the very essence of

    the problem of unregenerate people, who even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as

    God or give thanks (Rom. 1:21). Refusing to give God glory is at the core of mans prideful


    Unbelievers will be called to fear and glorify God immediately because the hour of His judgment

    has come. Opportunity is fading fast; the bowl judgments are about to be poured out, to be followed

    shortly by the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to judge the unbelieving world (Matt. 25:3146).

    The angel gives one final reason for sinners to turn from Antichrist to God, proclaiming that people

    should worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters. The

    created universe both offers proof of Gods existence and provides grounds for worshiping Him.

    Because God reveals Himself in His creation, men are without excuse for not acknowledging Him:

    The angels stern warning is that the Creator is also the Judge; He is the one people should fear and

    worship, rather than Satan and Antichrist. As the world teeters on the brink of final disaster, God

    graciously offers people another chance to repent. He will snatch those who heed the warning from

    the fire of judgment (cf.Jude 23), and transfer them from Satans kingdom of darkness into the soon

    to be manifest kingdom of His Son (Col. 1:13).

    I Stand at the Door and Knock

    Revelation 3December 24, 2010 BQ122410

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    The apostate Laodicean church could only have expected Christ to come in judgment. But thestartling reality, introduced by the arresting word behold, was that Christ stood at the door of the

    Laodicean church and knocked; if anyone in the church would hear His voice and open the door,

    He would come in to him and dine with him, and he with Christ.

    Though this verse has been used in countless tracts and evangelistic messages to depict Christsknocking on the door of the sinners heart, it is broader than that. The door on which Christ is

    knocking is not the door to a single human heart, but to the Laodicean church. Christ was outside this

    apostate church and wanted to come insomething that could only happen if the people repented.

    The invitation is, first of all, a personal one, since salvation is individual. But He is knocking on the

    door of the church, calling the many to saving faith, so that He may enter the church. If one person

    (anyone) opened the door by repentance and faith, Christ would enter that church through that

    individual. The picture of Christ outside the Laodicean church seeking entrance strongly implies that,

    unlike Sardis, there were no believers there at all.

    Christs offer to dine with the repentant church speaks of fellowship, communion, and intimacy.Sharing a meal in ancient times symbolized the union of people in loving fellowship. Believers will

    dine with Christ at the marriage supper of the Lamb (19:9), and in the millennial kingdom (Luke

    22:16,2930). Dine is from deipneo, which refers to the evening meal, the last meal of the day (cf.

    Luke 17:8;22:20;1 Cor. 11:25, where the underlying Greek is rendered sup, supper, and

    supped, respectively). The Lord Jesus Christ urged them to repent and have fellowship with Him

    before the night of judgment fell and it was too late forever.

    The Church List in Revelation

    Revelation 2January 19, 2011 BQ11911

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    Therefore write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things

    which will take place after these things . . . To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: The

    One who holds the seven stars in His right hand, the One who walks among the seven golden

    lampstands, says this: (Revelation 1:19;2:1)

    The astounding vision John saw inspired in him a healthy tension between fear and assurance. But to

    that was added a reminder of his duty. Christs earlier command to write is now expanded, as John istold to record three features. First, the things which you have seen, the vision John had just seen and
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    recorded in verses 1016. Next, the things which are, a reference to the letters to the seven churches

    in chapters 2 and 3, which describe the present state of the church. Finally, John was to write the

    things which will take place after these things, the prophetic revelations of future events unfolded

    in chapters 422. This threefold command provides an outline for the book of Revelation,

    encompassing (from Johns perspective) the past, present, and future.

    Like John, all Christians have a duty to pass on the truths they learn from the visions recorded in this

    book. Those visions may at first be startling, disturbing, or fascinating. But they, like all Scripture,

    are inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, fortraining in

    righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Tim.

    3:1617). As believers study the glory of Christ reflected in the book of Revelation, we all, with

    unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, [will be] transformed into the same

    image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:18).

    To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: The One who holds the seven stars in His right

    hand, the One who walks among the seven golden lampstands, says this: The seven churches

    addressed in chapters 2 and 3 were actual existing churches when John wrote. But while not preciselyduplicated, they also represent the types of churches that are generally present throughout the entire

    church age. Five of the seven churches (Smyrna and Philadelphia being the exceptions) were rebuked

    for tolerating sin in their midst, not an uncommon occurrence in churches since. The problems in

    those five churches ranged in severity from waning love at Ephesus to total apostasy at Laodicea.

    Further, any church in any age could have a mixture of the sins that plagued these five churches.

    Though Christ may have addressed the Ephesian church first because it was first on the postal route,

    it was also the most prominent church of the seven. It was the mother church out of whose ministry

    the other six were founded (cf.Acts 19:10) and gave its name to the inspired letter of Ephesians

    penned four decades earlier by the apostle Paul. The contents of this first letter form the pattern for

    the other six.

    Who Are the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11?

    Revelation 11 April 26, 2011 BQ42611

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    And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and

    sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that standbefore the Lord of the earth. (Revelation 11:3-4)
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    The connection between this vision of the two preachers and the previous passage (vv. 12) should be

    clear. They are among Gods unique witnesses who will proclaim His message of judgment during

    the final stages of the Gentile trampling on Jerusalemand will preach the gospel so that the Jewish

    remnant can believe and enjoy Gods protection.

    Witnesses is the plural form ofmartus, from which the English word martyrderives, since so manywitnesses of Jesus Christ in the early church paid with their lives. Since it is always used in the New

    Testament to refer to persons, the two witnesses must be actual people, not movements, as some

    commentators have held. There are two witnessesbecause the Bible requires the testimony of two

    people to confirm a fact or verify truth (Deut. 17:6;19:15;Matt. 18:16;John 8:17;2 Cor. 13:1;1

    Tim. 5:19;Heb. 10:28).

    It will be their responsibility to prophesy. Prophecy in the New Testament does not necessarily refer

    to predicting the future. Its primary meaning is to speak forth, to proclaim, or to preach. The

    two witnesses will proclaim to the world that the disasters occurring during the last half of the

    Tribulation are the judgments of God. They will warn that Gods final outpouring of judgment and

    eternal hell will follow. At the same time, they will preach the gospel, calling people to repentanceand faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The period of their ministry is twelve hundred and sixty days, the

    last three and one-half years of the Tribulation, when Antichrists forces oppress the city of Jerusalem

    (v. 2), and many Jews are sheltered in the wilderness (12:6). The fact that they are actual preachers

    and not symbols of institutions or movements is indicated by the description of their clothing and

    behavior which follows.

    clothed in sackcloth.? (11:3b)

    Sackcloth was rough, heavy, coarse cloth worn in ancient times as a symbol of mourning, distress,

    grief, and humility. Jacob put on sackcloth when he thought Joseph had been killed (Gen. 37:34).

    David ordered the people to wear sackcloth after the murder of Abner(2 Sam. 3:31) and wore it

    himself during the plague God sent in response to his sin of numbering the people (1 Chron. 21:16).

    King Jehoram wore sackcloth during the siege of Samaria (2 Kings 6:30), as did King Hezekiah when

    Jerusalem was attacked (2 Kings 19:1). Job (Job 16:15), Isaiah (Isa. 20:2), and Daniel (Dan. 9:3) also

    wore sackcloth.

    The two witnesses will put on sackcloth as an object lesson to express their great sorrow for the

    wretched and unbelieving world, racked by Gods judgments, overrun by demon hordes, and

    populated by wicked, sinful people who refuse to repent. They will also mourn because of the

    desecration of the temple, the oppression of Jerusalem, and the ascendancy of Antichrist.

    These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth.


    The question of who the two witnesses will be has intrigued Bible scholars over the years, and

    numerous possibilities have been suggested. John identifies them merely as the two olive trees and

    the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. That enigmatic description is drawn

    fromZechariah 4:114.

    Zechariahs prophecy looks forward to the restoration of Israel in the Millennium (cf.Zech. 3:810).

    The olive trees and lampstands symbolize the light of revival, since olive oil was commonly used in

    lamps. The connecting of the lamps to the trees is intended to depict a constant, spontaneous,automatic supply of oil flowing from the olive trees into the lamps. That symbolizes the truth that
  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


    God will not bring salvation blessing from human power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit (cf.

    Zech. 4:6). Like Joshua and Zerubbabel, the two witnesses will lead a spiritual revival of Israel

    culminating in the building of a temple. Their preaching willbe instrumental in Israels national

    conversion (Rev. 11:13; cf.Rom. 11:45,26), and the temple associated with that conversion will be

    the millennial temple.

    While it is impossible to be dogmatic about the specific identity of these two preachers, there are a

    number of reasons that suggest that they may be Moses and Elijah.

    First, the miracles they will perform (destroying their enemies with fire, withholding rain, turning

    water into blood, and striking the earth with plagues) are similar to the judgments inflicted in the Old

    Testament by Moses and Elijah for the purpose of stimulating repentance. Elijah called down fire

    from heaven (2 Kings 1:10,12) and pronounced a three-and-one-half-year drought on the land (1

    Kings 17:1;James 5:17)the same length as the drought brought by the two witnesses (Rev. 11:6).

    Moses turned the waters of the Nile into blood (Ex. 7:1721) and announced the other plagues on

    Egypt recorded in Exodus chapters 712.

    Second, both the Old Testament and Jewish tradition expected Moses and Elijah to return in the

    future.Malachi 4:5predicted the return of Elijah, and the Jews believed that Gods promise to raise

    up a prophet like Moses (Deut. 18:15,18) necessitated his return (cf.John 1:21;6:14;7:40). Jesus

    statement inMatthew 11:14that if you are willing to accept it, John [the Baptist] himself is Elijah

    who was to come does not necessarily preclude Elijahs future return. Since the Jews did not accept

    Jesus, John did not fulfill that prophecy. He came in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts

    of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make

    ready a people prepared for the Lord (Luke 1:17).

    Third, both Moses and Elijah (perhaps representing the Law and the Prophets) appeared with Christ

    at the Transfiguration, the preview of the Second Coming (Matt. 17:3?).

    Fourth, both left the earth in unusual ways. Elijah never died, but was transported to heaven in a fiery

    chariot (2 Kings 2:1112), and God supernaturally buried Moses body in a secret location (Deut.

    34:56;Jude 9). The statement ofHebrews 9:27that it is appointed for men to die once and after

    this comes judgment does not rule out Moses return, since there are other rare exceptions to that

    general statement (such as Lazarus;John 11:14,3844).

    Since the text does not specifically identify these two preachers, the view defended above, like all

    other views regarding their identity, must remain speculation.

    Blotted Out of the Book of Life

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    He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from

    the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. He whohas an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. (Revelation 3:56)

    Christ promises every true Christian that He will not erase his name from the book of life, but will

    confess his name before the Father and before His angels. Incredibly, although the text says just

    the opposite, some people assume that this verse teaches that a Christians name can be erased from

    the book of life. They thus foolishly turn a promise into a threat.Exodus 32:33, it is argued by some,

    supports the idea that God may remove someones name from the Book of Life. In that passage the

    Lord tells Moses that whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book. There is nocontradiction, however, between that passage and Christs promise inRevelation 3:5. The book

    referred to inExodus 32:33is not the Book of Life described here, inPhilippians 4:3, and later in

    Revelation (13:8; 17:8; 20:12, 15; 21:27). Instead, it refers to the book of the living, the record of

    those who are alive (cf.Ps. 69:28). The threat, then, is not eternal damnation, but physical death.

    In Johns day, rulers kept a register of the citizens of a city. If someone died, or committed a serious

    crime, their name was erased from that register. Christ, the King of heaven, promises never to erase a

    true Christians name from the roll of those whose names were written from the foundation of the

    world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain (13:8).

    On the contrary, Christ will confess every believers name before God the Father and before Hisangels. He will affirm that they belong to Him. Here Christ reaffirmed the promise He made during

    His earthly ministry: Everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My

    Father who is in heaven (Matt. 10:32). The comforting truth that true Christians salvation is

    eternally secure is the unmistakable teaching of Scripture. Nowhere is that truth more strongly stated

    than inRomans 8:2839:

    And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those

    who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to

    become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;

    and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and

    these whom He justified, He also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us,

    who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He

    not also with Him freely give us all things? Who will bring a charge against Gods elect? God is the

    one who justifies; who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was

    raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. Who will separate us from the love

    of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

    Just as it is written, For Your sake we are being put to death all day long; we were considered as

    sheep to be slaughtered. But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved

    us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present,

    nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to

    separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


    Revelation 12-22 Questions and Answers :-

    Related Resources (free):

    Will there be any sin or sorrow in heaven? (questions) What happens to children during and after the rapture? (questions) The Revelation of Jesus Christ (bible-introductions) Streets of Gold (bible-qna) A Walled City in Heaven? (bible-qna) The Mark of the Beast (bible-qna) The Accuser (bible-qna) The Fate of the Filthy (bible-qna) Hands Off the Word of God (bible-qna) Will Earthly Memories Exist in Heaven? (bible-qna) The Lamb's Book of Life and Praying for the Lost (bible-qna) What Will Heaven Be Like? (bible-qna) Will Believers Remember Pain in Heaven? (bible-qna) Do Believers Ever Doubt Their Salvation? (bible-qna)

    Will there be any sin or sorrow in heaven?Isaiah 53:3-4;Revelation 21:1-7September 01, 2009 QA107

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    No!Heaven will be so dramatically different from the present world that to describe it requires theuse of negatives, as well as positives. To describe what is totally beyond human understanding also

    requires pointing out how it differs from present experience.

    The first change from their earthly life believers in heaven will experience is that God will wipe away

    every tear from their eyes (cf.Rev. 7:17,Isa. 25:8). That does not mean that people who arrive in

    heaven will be crying and God will comfort them. They will not, as some imagine, be weeping as

    they face the record of their sins. There is no such record, because "there is therefore now nocondemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:1), since Christ "bore our sins in His own
  • 7/28/2019 Book of Revelation Introduction + Ques_ans by John MacArthur


    body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness--by whose stripes you

    were healed" (1 Pet. 2:24).

    What it declares is the absence of anything to be sorry about--no sadness, no disappointment, no pain.

    There will be no tears of misfortune, tears over lost love, tears of remorse, tears of regret, tears over

    the death of loved ones, or tears for any other reason.

    Another dramatic difference from the present world will be that in heaven there will no longer be any

    death (cf.Isa. 25:8). The greatest curse of human existence will be no more. "Death," as Paul

    promised, "is swallowed up in victory" (1 Cor. 15:54).